Fundamentacin Units 1, 2[1]

October 9, 2017 | Author: Pablo Romero | Category: Résumé, Dvd, Laptop, Linguistics, Cognitive Science
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Guía de Estudio

Inglés 2

Material de Estudio para uso exclusivo de Estudiantes de la UNET 2011

Elaborada por Profesores:

2da Edición: Marzo 2006

Luz Angela Cañas

Rebeca Duque

Gerzón Cárdenas

Gerzon Cárdenas

Rebeca Duque Jersus Colmenares

Luz Angela Cañas

3ra Edición: Septiembre 2006

4ta Edición: Marzo 2007.

Luz Ángela Cañas

Yoleyda Gámez

Teresa Ortega

Rebeca Duque Gerzon Cárdenas Rebeca Duque Teresa Ortega

Teresa Ortega Christopher Rodríguez

5ta Edición: Septiembre 2007

6ta Edición: Abril 2008

Luz Angela Cañas V.

Luz Angela Cañas V.

Yoleyda Gámez

Yoleyda Gámez

Christopher Rodríguez.

Christopher Rodríguez.

7ma Edición: Julio 2009

8va Edición: Septiembre 2010

Belkys Moncada

Enlinar Alviarez Parra Adriana Guerrero Eber A. Bayona (Diseño y Diagramación)






Ingles 2






Cs Sociales


Ingles 1















ELABORADO POR: Lic. Luz Angela Cañas, Lic. Jersus Colmenares, Lic. Blanca Urdaneta COLABORADOR: Lic. Gerzon Cárdenas


El estudiante universitario recibe hoy día la influencia científica, tecnológica, cultural y social de los países de habla inglesa a través de diversos medios e instrumentos de información; por lo tanto, se considera que debe estar capacitado para usar con provecho la numerosa información difundida que llega en esta idioma para el estudio y refuerzo de las demás áreas del conocimiento. En consecuencia, se considera de suma importancia que el estudiante y profesional venezolano posea el dominio suficiente de este idioma en forma integral, lo cual le permitirá el acceso inmediato a toda la información actualizada a través de diferentes medios, entendiendo además, que el conocimiento de este idioma se está incorporando día a día como requisito indispensable en el campo de trabajo nacional e internacional. Es por estas razones que el objetivo primordial de Inglés 2, en secuencia al Programa previo de Estudio de Inglés 1, es ofrecerle al estudiante de las diferentes carreras de la UNET estrategias y técnicas que le permitan desarrollar sus capacidades para la comunicación

Guía de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET


en las cuatro habilidades elementales: Leer, Escribir, Hablar y Entender lo escuchado para logra tal fin. OBJETIVO GENERAL Desarrollar competencias lingüísticas y comunicativas en las habilidades para la comprensión y expresión oral, así como de comprensión y expresión escrita del idioma inglés, equivalentes al nivel de principiante-intermedio que mejore su desempeño estudiantil y profesional. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS

1. Expresar de manera oral sentimientos y actitudes en tiempos pretéritos y futuros, descripciones, órdenes, y sugerencias, así como la comunicación para la socialización. 2. Expresar de manera escrita textos contentivos de sentimientos y actitudes en tiempos pretéritos y futuros, descripciones de objetos, clasificaciones, órdenes, predicciones, sugerencias, así como de elementos de socialización, entretenimiento y trabajo. 3. Comprender e interpretar de manera oral información sobre eventos en tiempos pretéritos y futuros, personas y objetos, descripciones, órdenes, disculpas y sugerencias, ofrecimientos, entretenimiento y socialización, tales como invitaciones y predicciones.

4. Comprender escritos de manera efectiva a través de estrategias de comprensión lectora, acerca de personas y cosas, órdenes, descripciones, tiempos pretéritos y futuros, entretenimiento y de socialización.

METODOLOGÍA Y RECURSOS: La asignatura de INGLÉS 2 en las diferentes carreras de ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira, se desarrollará en seis unidades de instrucción que representan en orden creciente de dificultad el material básico que se utilizará para las actividades de clase, laboratorio y evaluaciones a efectuarse durante el semestre. Los aprendizajes de caracteres significativos, comunicativos y basados en los contenidos, constituyen el enfoque propuesto en esta asignatura, en donde el estudiante es estimulado a percibir los nuevos conocimientos como elementos con significados inherentes a él y a su contexto, los cuales vienen a ser provechosos y utilizables para la comunicación efectiva. Este enfoque enfatiza el uso del segundo idioma a través de la utilización de elementos comunicativos y con significado para desenvolverse en ambientes profesionales y de negocios, al estar centrados en tópicos específicos y donde incorpora la práctica en las cuatro habilidades de la comunicación en un idioma.

Guía de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET


A través de trabajo de clase, tanto en grupo como individual, así como en trabajo complementario y de refuerzo y el de laboratorio a realizarse dentro y fuera del aula de clase, se pretende que el estudiante adquiera, y/o aprenda estructuras de comunicación tanto en lenguaje hablado como escrito, teniendo como orientador y facilitador al profesor. De esta manera avanzará progresivamente hacia el reconocimiento, comprensión, análisis de la estructura, función e interrelación de las proposiciones que escuche o lea, y que le habilite para producir comunicación al hablar y escribir en los mismos y otros términos de estructura, función e interrelación de ideas o proposiciones. El profesor, a través de sus explicaciones, ejercitación con el material didáctico, uso de los recursos y estrategias, asignación de trabajos y su respectiva revisión y tutorías guiará al alumno en la obtención de las estrategias de aprendizaje que le permitan recordar, analizar, adquirir y aplicar las mismas a situaciones académicas y laborales semireales y reales, de modo que así pueda establecer la relación del estudio de este idioma con nuestro entorno y detección de los valores implícitos en las situaciones presentadas. El estudiante, por su parte, aplicará las estrategias de aprendizaje para dar respuesta a preguntas y ejercicios de comprensión con el objeto de iniciarse en la comunicación efectiva a nivel socio-técnico-científico en ingles y en la internalización de los valores inducidos por los contextos. El material de estudio seleccionado para la asignatura consiste en la Guía de Estudio del curso y el Workbook de revisión y consolidación de las unidades, en las que los estudiantes, con la ayuda del profesor, podrán afianzar los conocimientos adquiridos durante el desarrollo de los contenidos previos estudiados en la clase. ENFOQUES EN LA ENSEÑANZA Y APRENDIZAJE DEL IDIOMA INGLÉS

El proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en los cursos de inglés está dirigido a desarrollar habilidades comunicativas del estudiante en esta lengua, basando por lo tanto el proceso educativo en el Enfoque Comunicativo, el cual enfatiza la habilidad del aprendiz para usar el idioma en forma apropiada en situaciones especificas. El enfoque comunicativo presta considerable importancia a las funciones del idioma y a ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar competencias comunicativas en el mismo. De esta forma, el enfoque comunicativo tiene como objetivo principal interrelacionar las funciones del idioma con el uso correcto de las estructuras, es decir, combinar la fluidez comunicativa con el uso correcto de las formas. Se pretende de esta forma que el estudiante practique y produzca los conocimientos adquiridos en la clase por medio de actividades o “tareas” (tasks) comunicativas propuestas que involucren una participación activa de los estudiantes entre sí, como por ejemplo, role-plays, information-gap, problem-solving, social exchanges, decision-making, etc. Las actividades propuestas en el salón de clase pretenden a su vez impulsar el enfoque pedagógico del aprendizaje cooperativo (Kagan, 1992, 1994, 2000) (Cooperative Learning), donde el docente aplica conocimientos, técnicas y estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje con el fin de ampliar su campo de acción dentro el salón de clase para elevar la motivación y la participación de los alumnos. De este modo, los estudiantes aprenden a ser “cooperativos” para promover su propio aprendizaje y el de sus compañeros. El enfoque cooperativo está basado en la creación, análisis y la aplicación sistemática de

Guía de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET


estructuras o formas de contenido libre para organizar la interacción social en el salón de clase. Las estructuras usualmente involucran una serie de pasos, los cuales implican un comportamiento preestablecido en cada uno de ellos. Las estructuras de definen como los recursos que permiten al docente adaptar cualquier experiencia curricular cooperativamente en el salón de clase, siendo adaptables a los contenidos de los programas educativos permitiendo el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas, afectivas y sociales para el logro de los objetivos propuestos. Las actividades de clase, se construyen por lo tanto, ubicando el contenido programático en un tipo o tipos de estructura. Las estructuras pueden ser, por ejemplo, las diversas técnicas que el docente usará para involucrar a los estudiantes en un aprendizaje cooperativo: brainstorming, flashcard game, simultaneous interaction, team discussion, team projects, timed-pair share, etc. Estas estructuras están enmarcadas en propósitos diferentes como la creación de la construcción de equipos (teambuilding), la construcción de socialización entre el grupo de estudiantes (classbuilding), el dominio de los contenidos (mastery), el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento (thinking skills), el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas (communication skills) y el intercambio de información (information sharing) entre los estudiantes. El enfoque cooperativo enfatiza la interacción de los estudiantes en clase en forma simultánea. El aprendizaje cooperativo implementa el principio de simultaneidad lo cual ayuda a aumentar la producción de lenguaje en el estudiante. La enseñanza cooperativa, se basa por lo tanto, en cuatro principios esenciales: interdependencia positiva (positive interdependence), reconocimiento individual (individual accountability), igual participación (equal participation) e interacción simultánea (simultaneous interaction). Estos principios se integraran simultáneamente por medio de las estructuras presentadas para que el enfoque cooperativo realmente cumpla su cometido, permitir resultados de aprendizaje exitosos a los aprendices de una segunda lengua.

Desarrollo de Habilidades: En el curso de Inglés 2 se pretende que el estudiante desarrolle en forma integral las siguientes habilidades: Mastery: •

information, information.

Speaking: The communicative tasks will provide students’ experiences to apply and produce the vocabulary, grammar, fixedpatterns and expressions in the context of personally meaningful communication to give way to freer discussions. Listening: Plenty of practice will be given in improving extensive and intensive listening skills: for gist, to get specific and general



Writing: To provide models of common business situations and to make learners aware of the role of register. Writing tasks will be used as an extension or consolidation of the other skills.

Reading: The tasks for reading will practice the main ways of reading: skimming, scanning, intensive/extensive reading through strategies for reading comprehension: guessing word

Guía de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET


meanings from the context, predicting, recognizing cognates, finding main and supporting ideas, analyzing cohesion and coherence elements. •

Social skills: •

Vocabulary: To give learners the opportunity to build and master business and technical terminology.

Classbuilding skills: •

Thinking skills: •

To develop students’ skills for praising, coaching, supporting, checking, turn-taking, speaking time, modeling and leadership.

To develop students’ abilities to generate, question, combine, categorize, evaluate, apply information, analyze, infer, predict and describe.

To develop and provide networking among all students in a class as it creates a positive context within which groups or teams can learn. Classbuilding develops students’ abilities to generate simultaneously teambuilding, communication exchanges, information sharing, to solve class problems, to improve class environment, to plan events and to boost mutual support.

MODALIDAD EVALUATIVA Los contenidos de la asignatura de INGLÉS 2 se dividen en 6 Unidades instruccionales. El Semestre de estudio está dividido en tres Parciales. En el Parcial I se evaluaran las Unidades 1, 2. En el Parcial II se evaluarán las Unidades 3, 4 y en el Parcial III se evaluarán las Unidades 5, 6. Cada Parcial tiene una duración de 5 semanas. La siguiente tabla muestra los porcentajes acumulativos, instrumento de evaluación y aplicación cada uno de los Parciales. PARCIAL









Tests escritos individuales/grupales


3, 4,5

9 y 12






Tests orales: (Conversaciones grupales cortas, presentaciones individuales o en grupo,…)

Los tests medirán las cuatro habilidades.

Guía de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET


CONTENIDO PROGRAMÁTICO (Basado en los materiales Getting Ahead: CUP, 2000)





Describe career and experience Book accommodation Describe products

Describe and compare goods and products  Make suggestions and compare choices • Describe trends. • Talk about cause and effect.



Past tense Simple Past Regular and irregular verbs Countable and uncountable nouns:

Some and any

 Education: Work experience and career  Trade fairs  Product description  Ordering goods


Comparative and superlative adjectives

Adjectives and adverbs.

Sequencing language.

• Give reasons for changes in performance. 4


Show visitors around a company or factory  Warn visitors of dangers while in factories  Describe recent events in a company • Practice terms to express quantity. • Describe changes in time. 

Learn imports exports.

about and


Conditions of sale Office equipment and facilities

Describing a graph, discussing product sales and giving reasons for decrease/incre ase, giving a short presentation. 

Past tense Simple Past tense and Present Perfect tense.

Describing company Performance.

Expressions to talk about mass quantity.

Describe past and present perfect.


Talk about different countries and the products they import/exp ort.


Business world

Product descriptions


Office equipment Product information

• Information – gap activities. • Discussions. Class work: Individual. Pair work. Small group work

Working hours.

Class survey.

• Information – gap activities. • Discussions. Class work: Individual. Pair work.  Small groups work.

Reading: skimming, scanning, main and

Guía de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET




Express prediction of future trends Express degrees of certainty

Future tense: Will Future for forecasts and predictions Degrees of certainty

supporting ideas. Vocabulary of general business and economic concepts Work


Predictions Class survey

environment in the future

Guía de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET



Describe career and experience Write a simple Curriculum Vitae


Past Time: Past Simple

Guessing meaning from the Context

Regular and Irregular Verbs Countable and Uncountable

Predicting meaning by the context.

Nouns some and any.




Talking about: “ Your Career” Writing about: opinions”.



My first job was as…

Interactive Production: Role-Plays. Plays.

Now I work as…

Communicative unicative Production:


Speaking: Talking about your work experience.

Listening about: “Regular and Irregular verbs”.

Writing: Making your own CV.

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


HOW TO PREPARE A CV A CV is a Curriculum Vitae. This Latin expression means “information about your skills and qualifications, that is, everything you have studied and achieved”. Americans use a similar document: they call it a “résumé”. What do these documents include? In a CV you must write relevant information about you as a person. That is: age, marital status, address, telephone telephone number. Apart from this, you must also include details about you as a professional, stating your degree, experience, courses for professional improvement, and general qualifications, such as other languages of which you have good knowledge and whet whether her you can use a computer. The way you organize all this information is very important, because your prospective employers will get an idea of you through this document, in many cases before meeting you in person.

(Track 01)

According to the text above above answer in SPANISH the following questions 1. What information included?







_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________ _________________________________________________________ __________ 2. What do Americans present for a job application instead of a CV? _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________________________ __________ 3. Why is it important to present a well-organized well organized CV? ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


Complete these sentences using the words from the box master - improve - qualify - relevant - prospective 1. If you want to ______________________ a foreign language, you must study a lot! 2.

This is _______________________ information about the project.

They are buying technology from _______________________ the quality of their services.




Study this CV: Check if all the information requ required ired in the text has ha been given in this CV and how ho it has been done.

Personal Information Name and Surname: Anne Wolf Date of Birth: 9th February 1980 Nationality: Irish

Education / Qualifications Secondary studies: High School Graduate Languages: Native speaker of English Fluent in Spanish and Portuguese Now write down the missing information.

_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


Write rite down four questions you would ask Anne Wolf. 1. 2. 3. 4.

______________________________________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

THE RIGHT HT PERSON These words are often used in job advertisements. Companies look for people who are: •

Self-starters, starters, proactive, self-motivated, self or self-driven: driven: good at

working on their own. •

Methodical, systematic and organized: can work in a planned,

orderly way. •

literate: good with computers. Computer-literate:

Numerate: good with numbers.

Motivated: very keen to do well in their job.

Talented: naturally very good at what they do.

Team players: people who work well with other people.

Now complete lete these extracts from job advertisements using words from the text about the right person. 1. You’ll need to be ________________________ , as you’ll be working on financial budgets. 2. As part of our sales team, you’ll be working independently, so you have to be self -________________________ ___________and self________________________. 3. We’re looking for someone who can work on ten projects at once. You must be ________________________, ________________________ and ____________________

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


4. We need ________________________ journalists who who are very good at their job and extremely ________________________ to find out as much as they can. 5. You’ll be researching developments on the Internet, so you have to be ________________________. You must be ________________________ able to work on yo your ur own initiative, and a ________________________. But as a part of a team of researchers, you need to be a good ________________________ too.

A JOB INTERVIEW What is s a job interview? Well, generally it is what follows after you have sent your CV to a prospective employer, and the people who are offering the job want to know more about you. The future employers now want to meet you in person and see what you look like, lik discuss your qualifications and son on. There are several things you have to be very careful about: for example, the way you dress for that first meeting. If you are a boy, it is better to wear formal clothes – a shirt is preferable to T-shirt T – and it may be appropriate to wear a jacket or blazer. Make sure your hair is tidy and your hands are very clean. If you are a girl, it is more appropriate not to wear mini-skirt mini skirt and not too much make-up! make Another important point is punctuality. Make sure you arrive on time. Never be late! They may think you are not very reliable. When you are in the actual interview, answer the questions clearly and directly, and, if there is something you do not understand, ask them to repeat the question instead of giving the wrong answer. Show that you are interested in the job, but do not be overanxious. Relax, do your best and… good luck!

(Track 02) Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


According to the text above answer in SPANISH the following questions 1.

How should you dress for a job interview If you are a boy? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ If you are a girl? ___________________________________

2. Is it good to arrive very early for the interview? ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3. When should you ask for the question question to be repeated? ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Complete the Application form: form Application form

Job: Assistant

THE AMERICAN CURIOSITY SHOP Name: _______________________________________________________________ Age: _______ Nationality: ________________ Address: ________________________ Telephone: ________________________ E E-mail: _________________________ ________________________

□ Married □ Single Education: □ High school hool □ University Others thers _________________ Completed □ Yes □ No Languages: □ English □ French □ Portuguese Others: ______ □ writes □ writes □ writes □ writes □ speaks □ speaks □ speaks □ speaks Previous experience in similar jobs: □ Yes □ No Times available: □ Morning orning □ Afternoon □ Evening Ready to work a) Overtime vertime □ Yes □ No b) Weekends □ Yes es □ No Marital Status:

Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


A. - These verbs are regular. Write them in the past simple, paying attention to the spelli spelling. Live__________


Stop__________ __________

Ask__________ __________


Help__________ __________

Past__________ __________

Represent________ Move_________ _________

Attend__________ __________


Need__________ __________


Want_________ _________ Visit_________ _________

B. - Complete this list of irregular verbs. Present

Past simple









Made Began Came


Past simple

Said See Take Thought

C. - Read this text. Then fill in the b blanks with the correct form of the past simple of the verbs below. continue / move / join / include / be / return / become / study Theresa Stewart _________________ born in Vancouver Canada in 1976 and _________________ with her family to Qu Quebec in 1978. She _________________ French literature at the University of Montreal from 1994 to 1998 and in 1998 / 99 she _________________ her studies at the So Sorbonne in Paris. When she _________________to to Quebec in 1999, she ________________________ AKL AKL Media as a secretary, and in 2000 she ________________________ a Marketing Assistant. Her clients ________________________ several software and computing companies. Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


You work rk for Atlantic Bikes in Halifax, Halifax, Canada. You have a stand at the Internatio International nal Cycle Show in Taipei. Listen to a colleague, Susan McLean, phoning the Ambassador Hotel in Taipei to arrange accommodation. Complete her notes from her conversation. (Track 03)

Cycle Show, Taipei We need _____________ ______ single rooms with _____________ _________ Dates: _____________ March to ______________ ___ April. Ambassador Hotel: ________ _____________ __ single rooms due to fair! They suggest we try ____________ Hotel. Hotel

Tel:_______ ______________

Study these examples.

Countable and and Uncountable Nouns

Some money I need

Three dollars

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía



Are these words countable (C) or uncountable (U)? Some of them can be both.

___ accommodation ___ work wo ___ room ___ information ___ job ___ details

___dollars ___money ___suitcase

___baggage ___ journey ___travel

Now look at these examples.

Some and Any There is some accommodation accommodation at the Conference Centre. There are some s rooms at the Imperial Hotel. Do you have any accommodation/single accommodation single rooms for tonight? single rooms for tonight. We don’t have any accommodation/single

B. Now practice this conversation with a partner. Then translate the dialogue into Spanish. A: I’d like some information about hotels. B: What exactly do you need to know? A: I’d like to book some accommodation. Have you got any single rooms for tonight? B: I’m sorry, but we haven’t got any single single rooms. A: Are there any good restaurants near the hotel? B: I’m afraid not. But there are some excellent restaurants near the Convention Centre. A: I haven’t got any money. B: Don’t worry. I’ve still got some dollars.

C. Look at these notes on an I International nternational Language Fair and make questions. International Language Fair. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Stands near entrance? Cheap accommodation near centre? Good restaurants near centre? Shops near centre? Parking near centre? Sporting events at weekend? Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


1. Are there any stands near the entrance?__________ __________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

D. Complete these sentences with some or any. Then match them to the questions in Exercise C. A.








___________ __________



B. No, there isn’t ____________ packing near the Center.

C. Yes, there are ___________ sporting events. There’s tennis tournament on Saturday Saturday and a swimming competition on Sunday.

D. Yes, there are ________ excellent restaurants nearby.

E. No, there aren’t aren’ ___________ shops near the Center.

F. Yes, there are e _____________ inexpensive hotels near the Centre. For example, the Park Hotel isn’t too expensive expensive.

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía




* Compare products and office Guessing meaning from equipment. the Context. * Use expressions to give your Predicting meaning by opinion. the context.

Comparative and superlative Forms. Adjectives. Numbers (prices)

Filling in blanks. Brainstorming Word associations. Discriminating information.



Listening for specific and general information.

Office equipment.

Information--gap activities.



Speaking: Talking about comparing products and discussing which is better. Make decisions in groups.


Class work : Individual, Pair work, Small groups.

Reading: Skimming, scanning, cognates, main and supporting ideas. Writing: to consolidate previous knowledge.

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


OFFICE EQUIPMENT Whenever you go nowadays in the business world, you will find a an n incredible variety of office equipment without which office activities would be very difficult and slow, and… time is money! But then, how much do we know about these quiet helpers? Let’s introduce them. To begin with, there is the master of them all: the computer, also known as the PC or the terminal. We don’t need to say any more. Then, there comes the telephone, the perfect match for the PC. From this “marriage” we’ve got a brilliant child: Internet, and the baby sibling, e-mail. mail. Needless to say, say, the telephone has got g another important relative:: the facsimile, better known as the fax, and, the voice mail, and in-company company answering device, similar to our home answering machine. The family is also composed of other members. The shredder is a very useful machine to destroy papers which are no longer necessary but which contain confidential information that shouldn’t be read accidentally, or not, by other people. The photocopier is an invaluable ally to save time, and an old friend of all students! Unfortunately, this helpful device is often misused as when people photocopy books thus harming the author’s rights among other things.

(Track 04)

Find words rds or expressions that qualify these objects. Internet: Brilliant rilliant child________________________________ child _______________________ Photocopier: _____________________________________________ ________________ _______________________ Telephone: _______________________________________________ ______________ _______________________ Voice mail: _______________________________________________ _________________ ________________________ Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


Find the English names of these objects in the crossword below. below

Comparing Products: Look at the ads again and read the sentences below. Can you guess the grammar rule?

+ A desktop is cheaper than a notebook. A notebook is more expensive than a desktop.

= A notebook is as useful as a desktop’s.

A desktop is not as practical as the a notebook.

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía



Disney’s Cell Phone2 DM--

Wireless phones, like this LG Disney L210 cell phone, focus on the “tween” set, those between 8 and 12 years old. (About $200)

Kid-Tough Tough Digital Camera A tough, rubberized shell protects the FisherFisher Price Kid-Tough Kid Tough Digital Camera against repeated drops, while dual hand grips and dual eye viewers should help even tipsy toddlers take a steady shot. The camera includes a 1.3 3-inch color LCD screen to view & delete shots. Resolution is a modest 649-by-480. 649 480. (About $70) www.fisher

ZoomBox Zombox uses a halogen bulb to project a 60-inch inch (max) video image on a wall, with the content coming from either ei its built-in in DVD/CD player pl or from a connected device like a video game system. It has built-in built stereo speakers, a headphone jack and an image resolution of 557 by 234 pixels. (About $250)

The Samsung DVD JR Samsung popped the DVD Jr. This batterybattery-powered, mobile entertainment companion for children plays 33-inch DVDs on a super-clear, clear, 2.5-inch 2.5 inch color screen. You can record DVD Jr. mini discs on your home DVD burner or camcorder. Pre-recorded Pre titles (that also play on any DVD deck) will be forthcoming from the likes of Warner Bros., Paramount, Universal and HBO. (About $150) Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative form of the adjectives in parenthesis. 1. Disney’s Cell Phone2 is ________________ ____ the ZoomBox. (light) 2. The ZoomBox is ______ ____________ the Disney’s Cell Phone2. (big) 3. The Samsung DVD Jr is ________________the ____ ZommBox. ( (small) 4. Kid-Tough Tough Digital Camera is ________________ ZoomBox (cheap) 5. The ZoomBox is ______ ____________ the Kid-Tough Camera. (expensive)) (expensive) 6. The ZoomBox is ______ ____________ the Samsung DVD Jr. (heavy) 7. The Disney’s Cell Phone2 is _______________ the Kid-Tough Digital Camera.(practical)

A. Look at the pictures Study y the examples.

HP $1,500



Toshiba $2,500



Sony $2,700

 HP’s ’s laptop is cheaper than Toshiba’s.  HP’s ’s laptop is the cheapest.  Sony’s ’s laptop is more expensive than Toshiba’s and HP’s. ’s laptop is the most expensive.  Sony’s


Be careful with these adjectives: ADJECTIVE




Better than

The best


Worse than

The worst

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


Complete the paragraph using the words from the box * More than one answer may be possible.

large – important – low – good – wide – modern - good OFFICE SUPPLY’S 15TH ANNIVERSARY SALE! Come to Office Supply Supply for the _________________ __________________ prices, the __________________ _ service and the __________________ _________________ equipment for the office. We have everything from computers to furniture. We have the __________________ __________________ range of fax machines in the city cit and the __________________ _ selection of office furniture. We’re open longer hours than other shops, so come to us. We’re the __________________! __________________! Don’t Don forget __________________ _ thing – if it’s office equipment you need, then you ou need OFFICE SUPPLY.

Read this advertisement for a notebook computer.

THE INSPIRON AND THE OTHERS Dell Inspiron notebooks are designed for small businesses which demand better performance and more advanced technology at lower prices. p The Inspiron is not as expensive as other notebooks, and it is smaller and lighter. The advanced design of the Inspiron makes it easy to upgrade. This same design makes it more reliable than other notebooks. Dell’s low price includes higher quality quality service and support. And we promise faster delivery of your new computer, usually within 6 to 10 days of receiving your order. For a better notebook, buy Dell.

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


A. According to the text are the statements about it true (T) or false (F)?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Inspiron ron is less reliable than other notebooks. It is not as advanced as other notebooks. It is more reliable than other notebooks. Service and support is included in the price. The Inspiron is more expensive than its competitors. The inspiron is bigger than other notebooks.

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

B. Now rewrite the advertisement using superlatives to fill in the blanks. blanks

THE INSPIRON AND THE OTHERS Dell Inspiron notebooks ebooks are designed for small businesses which demand _________________ performance and _________________ advanced technology at _________________ prices. The Inspiron is not as expensive as other notebooks, and it is smaller and lighter. The advanced design sign of the Inspiron makes it _________________ to upgrade. This same design makes it more reliable than other notebooks. Dell’s low price includes_________________ quality service and support. And we promise _________________ delivery of your new computer, er, usually within 6 to 10 days of receiving your order. For _________________ notebook, buy Dell.

Guí de Estudio Inglés 2. UNET Guía


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