CONTEMPORARY PLEASUREART FOR Art can provide escape from everyday concerns and satisfy te yearnin! for p"eas#ra$"e e%periences
CON CONTEM TEMPORAR PORARY Y AR ART T AS PROFESSION Artists earn a "ivin! tro#! teir art
CONTEMPORARY ART AS COMMENTARY Art as $een #sed to ans&er o#r need for information
CONTEMPORARY ART IN SPIRITUALITY Artists may create artforce to e%press spirit#a" $e"iefs a$o#t te destiny of "ife contro""ed $y te ofa i!er po&er' po&er '
CONTEMPORARY ART FOR PERSUASON Art tat is sp#r po"itica" can!e or modify $eavior and tin)in! of #sed "ar!eto !ro#ps of peop"e ave po"itica"te and pers#asive f#nctions'
ART AS SELF* E+PRESSION Art f#",""s an e%pressive f#nction &en an artist conveys information a$o#t is or er persona"ity- fee"in!s- or & &or"dvie& or"dvie&''
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