Function Pricing

July 20, 2018 | Author: Sudipta Saha | Category: Data Management, Computer Engineering, Areas Of Computer Science, Computing, Technology
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Function Pricing...



read customizing data build KOMT1 (pricing procedure, relevant condition types including their characteristics) characteris tics) build KOMT2 (relevant accesses) read pricing type (T!") "!# !$%T userexit_pricing_rule !$%T userexit_pricing_rule

%& something is incorrect in standard pricing types you have to chec' it here %nternal table T!" contains the attributes o& pricing types and shos at hat circumstances a condition is redetermined *ustomer speci+c pricing types are de+ned in the "ser !it

2. Form KONVEINLESEN (LV61AA11) (LV61AA11) - pricing or'table TKOM (pricing or'table that contains in&ormation o& all items) is +lled i& necessary

!. Form "KO#VA$F%A$ENA$SKO#T1 (LV61AA6&)


- chec's i& condition has to be redeterrnined per&orm  per&orm  xkomv_aufbauen_pruefen i& sy-subrc e. / 0 *ondition ill be redetermined


- condition ccess (read K3!T#) per&orm  per&orm  konditionen_lesen = database ill be red red


- read 4ata e g &or 5# per&orm  per&orm  xkomv_fuellen_ohne_konp 0 per&orm xkomv_kbet xkomv_kbetr_ermitteln r_ermitteln

'. Form "KO#VA$F%A$ENSTE$ERN (LV61AA&) (LV61AA&) - read ta pricing procedure and enter taes in $KOM

. Form "KO#VA$F%A$ENA$STKO#V (LV61AA) - read TKOM and decide i& condition ill be copied into $KOM

  per&orm xkomv_aufbauen_pruefen 0 chec's, depending on condition customizing o& TKOM, values and actual pricing type i& sy-subrc 0 6 0 copy TKOM to $KOM

6. Form "KO#V%E*ERTEN (LV61AA) 7ote 8///98 - 5ricing: 5rocessing steps &or ;O#M $KOMOO5 loop at xkomv.


- value o& the condition basis gets determined per&orm konditionsbasis_ermitteln calculate $KOM-K=#T - run condition basis &omiula if xkomv-kofra ne 0.

- if preisndungsart ne ‘E l& pricing type 0 ! nothing ill be done hile running 5#%*%7?, no calculation, but &ormulas ill be run (ithoutchanging $KOM) - ! execute condition basis formula not changing xkomv  This part o& the coding is only run i& pricing type 0 ! $KOM ill not be changed even i& the values ithin this&ormula have been changed xkomv = rettkomv. (rett'omv includes the values be&ore running the &ormula) - if xkomv-kofrs ne 0. #un scale base &ormula i& set in the customizing - condition value gets determined perform xkomv_kwert_ermitteln. calculate $KOM-K=!#T currency conversation %& 'omv-'o&rm 7! / 0 run calculation &ormula - ! execute condition value formula not changing xkomv  This part ill only be run i& pricing type 0 ! - ! calculated subtotals in "#$% - 7et price is calculated ! recalculate komp-netpr  KOM5@7!T5# is calculated

- ! inactivate lines prior to last active price Only the last price o& the pricing procedure ill be active 0 7ote 9AB26A - userexit_xkomv_bewerten_end

&. Form "KO#VA$SSC+L$SS (LV61AA6) - per&orm konditionsausschluss read customizing o& condition eclusion groups

. Form "KO#V$E%ERTRAGENNAC+TKO#V (LV61AA'2) - append lines o& $KOM to TKOM $KOM only includes one item, TKOM includes all iterns o& the document ubtotals (lines in $KOM ithout condition types) are not appended to TKOM

Function PRICINGCO#PLETE ll items ill be calculated again depending on pricing type *hec' preis+ndungsart
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