Function 3 Yayaya

August 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1.  What type of tanker are you working on? Draw a general layout of the tanks on your ship and compare it with tankers described in this module. Is your tanker a SOT? If so what is the ballast capacity. If your tanker is not an SOT what is the capacity of ballast on board and how is it distributed. Answer No.1 My vessel is Oil Tanker Vessel. General layout of the tank

Water Ballast Tank capacity :


FPT : 1.786,300 M3


: 1.818,100 M3


: 1.818,100 M3


: 3.639,600 M3


: 3.639,600 M3


906,500 M3


2.  What first aid would you administer in event of : a.  Crude oil entering the eyes.  b.  Accidental swallowing of crude oil. c.  Being overcome by hydrocarbon vapours. Answer No.2 a. Crude Oil entering the eyes, for water 15 minutes cleaner/clean and seek medical and since it may be an irntant irntant to the eyes eyes  b. Accidental Swallowing of Crude Oil


Make the victim claim


If the accident recent is hoppen, hit the back with the purpose to make the

victim throw up


Give this victim addomen medicine and give rest

c. MFA being overcome by hydro carbon vapours


Put the victim in safe area


Give oxygen resuscitator until fell better


And them give rest



3. What does the ISGOTT guide say about measuring and sampling of inerted tanks? Answer No.3 -  I will try to answer this question according ISGOTT guide book (International Chamber of Shipping). Third edition 2002, about measuring and sampling of inerted tanks, that is tank washing may be carried out in one of the following atmosphere   INERT INERT –   –   an an atmosphere made incapable of burning by the introduction of inert gas, 

and thereby reducing the over all oxygen content non exceed 8% for the purpose of this guide

   NON INERT –  INERT –  an  an atmosphere which is undefined

SOURCE of INERT GAS -  Nitrogen supplied by the ship it self can exther be produced on board as needed from  pressure swing adsorption or membrane separation generator or can came from liquid nitrogen or compressed nitrogen stored on board. If the nitrogen supply system is located in a class a machinery space.

4. What precautions are recomended by the ISGOTT guide when loading loading static accumulator oil? Answer No.4 -  The overall loading rate should be selected so as to ensure a maximum product velocity of 1 m/s into any tanks, assuming even distribution of cargo between tanks -  Possible different flow distributions in to different tanks should be considered and the  best efforts should be made to esure equal flow distribution between cargo tanks

-  Not more then 6 cargo tank should be loaded at only 1 time  


-  Tank inlet valve be used to control cargo flow in the initial loading phase their use will reduce the crossectional area of the inlet resulting the increased tanks inlet velocity and greater turbulence and mist formation. If it necessary to throttle valves in order to control flow rate, this should be done upstream of the tank valves

5. List all items coded “R” in the ISGOTT ship/shore safety check list.  list.  Answer No.5 Items in coded thrown overboard within 3 miles or o r nearest land and oil in land waters you cant throw anything overboard.

  Within 3-12 miles of shore, garbage if not ground in 1 inches. Paper,rays,metal,glass


  Within 12-25 miles of shore, some with 3-12 miles of shore.

  Within 25 miles outside from of shore.   There is safe access between ship and shore

  Ship is securly moored

  Ship fire hosses and fire fighting equipment are past. p ast.

  Scupper plug so oil on board in ship will no go out through the ship.

  Temporay removed scupper plugs will be constan managed.

  There are sufficient sufficient personal on board and shore to deal with on emergency.



6. At a load port, assist the duty officer in completing a ship/shore safety check list along with the terminal representative. Answer No.6 At terminal the officer on duty must be completally without any something happen for all terminal representative such : -  Ship name -  Berth -  Rate of arrival -  Port -  Time of arrival

  Part’A’ Liquid General Physical check  

  Part’B’ Liquid general verbal verification

  Another on additional checklist if ship reduced with IGS (Inert Gas System)


Is your tanker a Segregat Segregated ed Ballast Tanker or a Clean Ballast Tanker? Which tanks are used for

dirty ballast and clean ballast. If it is a segregated balla ballast st tanker, which tanks do you use for heavy weather ballast?

Answer No.7 -  Yes, My Vessel have independen ballast tank. We use cargo tank for cargo or ballast tank for ballast.

8. With specific reference to your ship explain the Load on Top procedure that you follow on  board. Answer No.8 The procedure that will be follow are :  


  Following the loading squeen instruction list.

  All of tank in debalasting procedure must be empty (Pump Out)

  One hour before complete cargo, officer duty have to confirm with loading

master in order to be knows about ths situation an as soon as possible call to shore that the cargo should be stopped immediately

  After complete loading (load on top procedure)we have to monitor ballast

  Monitor if any damage, and the lost action followed instruction from Chief



Write short notes on inerting and gas freeing procedures on board your ship. Answer No.9 A.  Inertine Gas To make oxygen content on our tank or each tank No more than 8 % as Required oxygen content of our tank less than 5 % . As per ISGOTT   Use of inert gas on my vessel are, a. Boiler distributed steam to the Scrubber.  b. From the Scrubber it makes to Deck Water Seal. c. And then from Deck Water Seal, It going to Every Each Tank.

In the replacement of hydrocarbon vapours in a cargo tank with fresh air. A tank or compartment is said to be gas free when sufficient fresh air has h as been introduced to lower the level of flammable..  

Methods or gas freeince a.  By introducing fresh air water through the inert gas g as line after the tanks atmosphere has been brought down to below the oritical dilution line in the flamibility diagram  b.  By means of portable blowers which are either steam or water driven hydraucally or preumatically operated c.  On old tankers-wind sails ware used to gas free the tanks.



10. Make sketch to show point of entry of inert gas, arrangement of purge pipes and other openings for venting the tanks on your ship. Answer No.10 In the displacement method the gas exchang will be accomplished in one to and half volume change of the compartment. Normally one volume change shoud be enough but to the preccense of several obstruction for another haran should be enough but die to the  prescerce of several abstruction such as from webs at the bottom of the tank, inertingshoud be continued for another half an hair or so after the oxygen level at the  purge pipe shows a low level


List the items which you need to record in the cargo log book when performing the

following operations : a. Loading and discharging of cargo.  b. Tanks washing. c. Ballasting and deballasting.  


Answer No.11 a.  Loading and discharging of cargo : - Time start loading or discharging and time we w e hose connect to shore b before efore start. - Transfer the loading or discharging of cargo. - write if any damage to the cargo, record the time. - Time finish or complete loading or discharging.  b. Tanks washing : - tide all tank cleaning hose. - Start tank cleaning - Stripping water in tank by using the cargo pump. -Gas freeing - Injector and dry the tank c. Ballasting and deballasting : - Time start ballasting or deballasting. - Sounding record when start and finish ballasting or deballasting. - Using which pump. - Time finished ballasting or deballasting.


What types types of portable pumps do you you have on board? Refer to the manual(s) anti explain

what maintenance and overhul would you carry out on the Wilden pump to ensure smooth operation. Answer No.12 The portable pumps we have on board are wilden pump. The operation is using deck air  pressure. The pump will be connected conn ected to this air hose and hose for suction and ore hose for discharge.

13. Describe and explain methods of : a. Blocking cargo  b. Lashing various cargo  


c. shoring cargo d. Chocking cargo e. Tombing

14. Describe and Explain methods of stowing and securing heavy loads and heavy lifts cargo, containers, portable tanks, vehicle and trailers.

15. Explain the procedure for fixing gland packing on a valve gland. Answer No.15 The procedures for fixing gland packing on a valve gland are : 

  We have to fitted the quite gate with a threadeal spindle that connect to the valve system.

  We have to move the valve from close to fully open. It will take 18 to 30 turns of the

hand to switch the valve from close to open.

  Make sure there isn’t any resistance to the flow of the oil when the valve in the open


  Make sure the system of the valve gland is greased to avoid any corrosion when it

was used


. 16. What are the uses of thermometers, hydrometers and a nd sounding rods on board? Write short notes of each along with diagrams. Answer:   Thermometers : it is used to measure the air temperature so we know the outside condition. 



Hydrometers : it is used to measure water density. Usually it is used when berthing for draft survey.


  Sounding rods : it is used for sounding in the tanks. With this we can kknow now how much

of water inside the tanks.

17 –  18 –  19 –

  20 –  21 –  22 –  23 –  24 – 



25 –  26 – 

27. What are the different different type of pumps used on board your ship? Describe each briefly briefly with a diagram. Answer: a.  CARGO PUMP 3   Cargo Oil Pump 1 : 1200 m /hr, Kv.350 Centrifugal 3   Cargo Oil Pump 2 : 1200 m /hr, Kv.350 Centrifugal 3   Cargo Oil Pump 3 : 1200 m /hr, Kv.350 Centrifugal  b.  BALLAST PUMP 3   Ballast pump 1 : 600 m /hr, cvd 350 3   Ballast pump 2 : 600 m /hr, cvd 350R c.  STRIPPING PUMP : 170 m3/hr, v7t.2z d.  CLEANING PUMP : 150 m 3/hr, cvp150.2 e.  EMERGENCY FIRE PUMP : 60m3/hr, svb125ns

28. Describe the procedure of stripping tanks on board your tanker. Answer: -  Have good stern trim in order to encourage the flow of liquid towards the suction strum druting striping -  When stripping wing tanks, it is usual to have a shight list sither to port or starboard depend on location of suction to assist flow of liquids towards them this maybe achieved  by adjusting the ballast of cargo during discharge -  If stripping tanks to a holding tank like a stop tank it’s very important to monitor the ullage of the holding tanks in order avoid any overflows

29. Draw up a cargo loading plan for your next loading. This should be complete with all relevant information as well as guidance notes for all concerned personnel handling the cargo. Answer: General precautions taken and procedures followed during loading


a. As soon assafety the ship comes priorby to both commencement of any operation the ship/shore should bealongside completedand jointly bo th ship and shore representatives  


 b.  The loading plan should be discussed and agreed upon between the ship and the terminal. Preferably get the terminal representative of having, received the plant c.  Signals fro commencement, stoppage, emergency shutdown, fire. Pollution emergency or any emergencies should be agreed upon d.  On tankers where there is a need to de ballast prior to commencement of loading this should be start on receiving permission from the shore otorities on other tankers where loading and deballasting can take place simultaneously.

30. In your journal, carry out the cargo calculations for a loading and discharging operations that was conducted on your ship. List the cargo document that the chief officer and master received from the terminal upon completion of loading. Answer: -  Notice of Readeneess - Tank Inspection/Dry Certificate -  Slop Certificate Before Loading -  Slop Certificate After Loading -  Agreement Loading Plan Certificate -  Stowage Plan -  Ship/Shore Safety Check List -  Bunker Report -  Loading and Ballast Plan -  Compartment Log Sheet After Loading -  Time Sheet Report -  Statement of Facts -  Letter of Protest(if any) -  Notice of Discrepancy -  MSDS certificate -  Cargo manifest -  Bill of loading -  Origin Certificate -  Quality certificate 31. What is the type of fixed ullaging system is fitted on board your ship? Refer to the manual and explain what maintenance should you carry out on the system. Answer: The type of fixed ullaging system on board the maintenance which should be applied air:   After we complete loading cargo we always use UTI to make sure the ullage from the tank 



  After completation of loading we have to release the level of gauge up until the

heighted level to avoid the ball inside the gauge home up when ship sailing   After completation of discharging we have to up the level of gauge until the heighted level by using slinger this also must be done to could the measure ball inside the gauge hanging up when sailing of ship   To avoid corrosioin the ullaging system level gauge must be lubricated by oil every month

32. On completion of loading operation, obtain all the data required and calculate the cargo quantity on board. Compare this with what has been calculated by the chief officer. Tabulate your results. Answer: -  Density observation -  Temperature Inner (used with MMC[UTI]) -  Temperature Outer (used with temperature calculation) -  Ullaging observation with loading master and officer on duty for sounding manually with MMC (ulage temperature interface) -  FO (Fuel Oil) and DO (Diesel Oil) Tank Condition after loading (Bunker Report) -  Fresh Water -  Trim and List Corection -  From density observation and temperature. Observation we can found table with certified tank calibration tables -  Table 54B (Volume Reduction Factor) -  Table 56 (Weight Conversion Factor) -  Table 52 (Volume Conversion Factor) we can found. This table with use ASTM (Associated Standard for Oil Tanker and Material) as density cargo - Bill of Loading (Calculate cargo from shore) -  After we get calculate from shore, we can found differentiate between the total capacity cargo from ship and shore figure

33. formula.

Tabulate all data required on board your ship for each tank for use with wedge




34. Describe in detail how you would set your gas venting lines on board for the following operations : (pay particular attention to every small detail). a. Loading of cargo into tanks which are inerted.  b. Tank washing using fixed tank cleaning machines. c. Deballasting water in conjunction with loading in a port where it is porhibited to discharge hydrocarbon vapours to the atmosphere. Answer: a.   Normaly during cargo operation all tank inerted for make tank non flammable  b.  In my ship, not having fixed tank cleaning machines but my ship has a portable tank cleaning machines (butter wood), we use when ship change of cargo c.  During i’m working on ship, my vessel never release vapour to the atmosphere when  berth in port.

35. –   


36. Do you have a PN valve or a high velocity vent valve on board? If so look at the manual and describe in detail their operation, their pressure setting and how they are arranged on board your ship. Supplement your answer with sufficient diagrams. Answer: Yes , I have Details operation : The pressure vacuum relief valve is maintains a tight seal until system  pressure or vacuum exceeds the set pressure of the valve. When overpressure ov erpressure occurs the weighted pallet lifts, breaking the seal between the seat and pallet, allowing vapours to  pass through the orifice and relieving the pressure or vacuum buildup. The valve v alve reseats upon relief and remains sealed.

37. Neatly sketch the gas venting system on board your ship. Pay particular attention to the type of cakes and blanks used in the system and write brief notes. Answer: We don’t have gas venting because b ecause my vessel is Oil Tanker.

38. What all preparations will you carry out before arriving at a port where COW is to  be carried out? Answer: Our vessel is Oil Tanker so we don’t use COW for tank cleaning  cleaning 

39. Write a short note on why it is essential to keep the tank bottom dry during a  bottom COW cycle. Answer: Our vessel is Oil Tanker Tanker so we don’t use COW for tank cleaning  cleaning 



40. . Refer to your your ship’s COW operation & equipment manual and list down the information available in the manual. Answer: Our vessel is Oil tanker so we don’t use COW for tank cleaning  cleaning 

41. Draw a cargo discharging plan for your next discharge. (This should include a bar chart) this should be complete with all relevant information as well as guidance notes for all concerned personnel handling the cargo. Answer: Cargo discharge plan should be completed with all relevant information before discharging be how commanced, we have prepare data offor ships condition immediatelyoperations in order towill know much quantity of to draft is required getting good stability of ship, according data of ships condition, data of ships condition are as follow:   Data from compartment log sheet after loading and before discharge   Bunker Report   Slop Report   Bill of Loading   Manifest   Origin 

. 42. Describe in brief the stripping stripping plan that is being followed on your ship. State if you you are using Vac-Strip or eductors or stripping pump. State also the ullages at which you start your stripping system and when you start throttling your valves and reducing reducin g your pump speed. Answer: -  For example : using vas sstrim and level of ullages 5.30 mm -  They also sometimes referned to as positive displacement pump -  Unused the centrifugal pump, they need not be feet by gravity and can pump a tank the  bottom until dry -  The pump has a piston, which moves up and down inside a cylinder -  A tube mad of brorze (know (kn ow as the lines) is fitted highly inside the ccylinder ylinder -  The gas between the ppiston (on the plunger) and tube is made air thight -  When the pisto move upwards, the air below the piston expand and pressur drops



43. Draw up a contigency plan to deal with an IG IG failure during cargo operation at the maximum rated capacity of the ship. Answer: If IG failure during cargo operation automatic cargo pump will be stop because in my ship interlock system


Draw the deck seal present present on your ship. Indicate Indicate which type and describe its function. function. Answer: -  The deck water seal and mechanical non return valve together provide the means of automatically preventing flow of the cargo bases from isthe cargo tanks to be machinery spaces, or otherthe safeback area in which inert gas plant located -  On board my ship we have dry type of deck water seal in this type, the water is dryned,when the inert gas plant is in operations (gas flowing to the tanks), and filled with water when the inert gas plants is either shut down or the tank pressure filling and drainage are performed by automically operated valves controlled by the levels of the water seal and drop the tanks and by the operations of the blowers:   The advantage of this type   Prevent water of this type   The draw would be the risk of failure of the automically controlled valves, that may under the water seal uneffective 

45. Draw and label the IG IG system system provided on your ship. The diagram should indicate the various parameters for each of the alarms and pressure p ressure and temperature settings. Answer: The drawing and table have been displayed



46. Describe in brief the tank washing system system present on your ship. Give details of what type type of machines are being used and their pressure requirements. Support your answer with a sketch of the tank washing line. Answer: Describe about the tank washing system : -  first we must tide all hose tank cleaning by using hose tank cleaning -  start power peak for do a tank cleaning -  start tank cleaning pump -  stripping all water in tank -  injector and dry all tank my vessel use butter wood machines for do tank cleaning in my ship.

47. How do you ensure that the tanks you are washing are kept dry during operations on your ship? Answer: In my vessel always do check the tank before loading , the surveyor from shore will go to tank for check the tank for make a sure that the tank is kept dry , but my ve vessel ssel before



 berthing in port chief officer will tell tell the boatswain to check again that tank is kept dry, We have to ensure all of tank was dry with manual check by UTI/MMC

48. Prepare a checklist for man entry into a cargo oil tank in accordance with your Company Safety Manual and safety procedure. Answer: -  Has permission from chief officer for entry the cargo oil tank. -  Enclose space entry permit check list -  Check the gas from the tank with use gas detector. -  Free entry atmosphere test loading -  Has the spaces be thoughly ventilated -  Has the space been tested and found safe for entry -  Has the spaces segeregated clean necessesary

49. Sketch and describe the layout of the ventilation ventilation blower system for the cargo pumproom on your ship. Answer:



50. Sketch and describe the gas monitoring system fitted for checking the pumproom gas atmosphere on your ship. Answer: 1)  the ventilation blower system that fitted on board my m y pumproom. That is electrical  blower which is capable of being used both for letting in the air or for exhausting the existing air. These ventilation overcome the drawbooks of natural ventilations and hence are very efficient for through ventilation 2)  We use gas detector to detect any leakage. If theres a leak, it will be alarmed to CCR and officer on watch can take action afterward

Draw and explain the ODME system fitted on board your ship. Explain how you normally discharge oily/water mixture through it. 51.

Answer: a.  START UP CHECK LIST  

This paragraph gives a brief description of the normal starting up procedures for the cleantoil system, for detailed information about programming of operational  parameter

  Check the level in the cleaning solution tank and open valve pos 34 see

DRW-MAC-10-1 fro location. The cleaning solution can sumption is approx. 0.1/hour. The bottom 5cm liquid sould no be counted as usuable drain the control air supply water trap. Open the control air supply valves and check the pressure open the fresh water supply valves

  Open the analyzing unit inlet and outlet valves. Check the drain velves is

closed (bottom of analyzing unit and sample pump)

  Open the manual sample probe valves at the sample points to be used

  Check the follow master valve VF 1 and VF2 to be open VF3 should be


  Check and program operational parameters as described d escribed further on an

example of programing is given in chapter 2.21 in book of manually instruction.

Explain in detail how you use a portable blower on board your ship for gas freeing of a  particular centre tank. 52.

Answer: On my vessel, we often to use portable blower if we we want to load the different cargo, we have to cleaning all tank with tank cleaning machine or butter worth, after that we didn’t  


forget for freeing the gas of tank by portable blowers. Portable blowers powered. By air, steam and water of deck from engine room. We after to use tank cleaning pump for getting the salt water to be used by portable blowers. Portable blowers are usually use on ship when only one tank has to be as freed this is a chieved by isolating the tank from inert gas main.

Have you seen an oily water separator on board your ship. Look into its manual and explain the principle and its operating procedures. 53.

Answer: Yes, I have seen that system on board my vessel   The principle oily water separator clears the bilge water of oily content to bring it inside the acceptable range to discharge it over board an oil oily y water separator machinery for such important that is handled by b y only the 2 nd or chief enginer   Operating an oily water separator An oily water separator can only be separated operated when the ship is sailing and en route. According to marpol. The oily water separator can only be operated when the ship is 50nm away awa y from the shore and in enroute. In case of failure to follow any of the above mentioned rules. The ship will be fined and stopped and the above chief or 2nd engineer can even be imprisioned.

54. Have you seen a fixed oxygen analyser on board your ship? If so, be present when calibration of the intrument is in progree and explain ex plain in your journal how it is carried out. Answer: -  Yes we have -  In my vessel we have Draeger multi gas detector, the method is simple reliable and very accurate. It can be used for different gases. -  Uses of multi gas detector on board:   Measurement in the fresh hold limits valve range   To detect CO in valve or exhaust gas   To detect CO2 in waste gas 

Does your ship have chemical reagent tubes on board? For what gases do you carry the chemical tubes? Give all details of the tubes present on board. 55.

Answer: Chemical reagent tubes on board, for example   Dryer Tube  



    


Acetic Acid Benzene Carbon monoxide Alcohol 100 Ancyloribile

Gas Tes Tube   Acetic Acid   Xylene   Toluene   Carbon Monoxide   Hyclogen Sulfide 

   

1 –  100  100 ppm 5 –  625 5 –   625 ppm 5 –  625 5 –   625 ppm 1 –  50%  50% 1 240 ppm

List all gas detecting instruments on board giving detail of the make and manufacturer. Briefly describe the operating procedure of each, have referred to the manufacturer’s instructions. 56.

Answer: 1












GP 226




GP 226




















GX - 86A




GX - 2003














Look at your your IG maintenance manual. manual. Make a schedule for planned maintenance and

inspection that has to be carried out o ut on your inert gas system for the nex nextt two year.  


Answer: For maintenance :   Check for the proper operation of panel, function of all indicator replace if necessary   Check analyzer reading, function control panel, function terminal   Check the flow through oxygen cell, flow meter on panel approx. 35 % 


  

58. – 


Check dust appearslids by checking the exhaust gas of silencer Tighteniffor adsorber Clean the flow indicator Check 2 times a year the installation for leakage using soap, tighten the installation connection for piping connection.

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