Fun and Games

December 18, 2016 | Author: Kay Crowder | Category: N/A
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list of direct sales party games aimed at pure romance...


FUN AND GAMES As a Consultant, the money is all in the number of parties you book and hold. People will want to book parties when they have fun and learn the benefit of the Pure Romance product line. You want your Hostess and her guests to have as much fun as possible, but at the same time, you need to educate them on and interest them in Pure Romance products. You should also plant the idea of becoming a Pure Romance Consultant. Party games can accomplish all of this while providing entertainment to the guests. Here are some “games with a purpose” you can play. Give them a try and watch your business grow! Ice Breaker and Introduction Games:

LEFT/RIGHT GAME Put a prize in a gift bag or Sugar Sak. Each time you say the words LEFT or RIGHT, they must pass the item in that direction. The guest left holding the bag gets the prize inside. (If it is a large party, you may want to have two bags). “I LEFT the house RIGHT on time to get to _______________’s house. I had everything I needed to set up my display the RIGHT way, and place all of our wonderful products RIGHT before your eyes. I would like to thank “________” RIGHT now for hosting this party. I hope you LEFT the kids and your man at home, because this is a “Women’s only party.” And you are all over “18,” RIGHT? But don’t worry if you LEFT your cash or checkbook at home, because I also take Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Pure Romance has all the RIGHT stuff to help you put the “O” RIGHT back in romance. So sit RIGHT back and prepare to have a good time. When I begin passing around products, I suggest you use your RIGHT hand for sniffin’ and your LEFT hand for lickin’. That way you don’t do lickin’ on stuff you should be sniffin’. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have RIGHT away. Or, if you have any questions LEFT at the end of the party, you can ask me in the private ordering room—especially if they are more private in nature. The ordering room is private, so that way no one knows what you LEFT with unless you come RIGHT out of the ordering room and dump your items RIGHT out of your bag. Oh wait a minute! I almost forgot so let me inform you RIGHT away of the 1time shipping/handling fee of $6.00, along with the 6% sales tax on all purchases? You also will get to take your entire product order home with you RIGHT away tonight. If I run out of a product, I will mail it to you RIGHT away. You should receive it in 7 to 10 business days or less, and the package will just have my name and return address on the LEFT corner of the package. Now, let’s congratulate the winner. She is patiently waiting to the

LEFT of whoever is holding the prize. I know you are all envious, because you wanted to win the prize, RIGHT? RIGHT! But, sorry, she is the one who LEFT with it!” THE CELEBRITY GAME MATERIALS NEEDED: • Paper • Pen DIRECTIONS: This fun and easy game will get your audience laughing and ready for a fun night! Ice breaker games are best played at the beginning of your party, to well…break the ice! You can do this game before or after your Opening Speech. Make sure everyone has a piece of paper and a pen. If they already have their order forms and catalogs, you can have them turn them over and write on the back. Tell them to number their page from 1 to 6. Number 1: Write down your name Number 2: Write down how you know the Hostess (fact or fiction!) Number 3: Write down the name of the first celebrity that pops into your head. Number 4: Write down a body part Number 5: Write down another body part Number 6: Write down your favorite saying Now, use this script as a guide to get your guests to tell a story. Go around the room and do this little story for everyone. “Ladies, I just won a great trip to the Bahamas and I want to take you and a guest with me! So now, I‘m going to go around the room and get your name…let’s start with you! So, your name is ____#1________ and how do you know the hostess? ______#2________ So, who are you going to take as your guest for the Bahamas getaway? ______#3__________. When you put your _____#4_______ on his/her ______#5________ and he/she says ____________#6_____________!” PERSONALITY GAME First have every lady write her name on top of the paper (pass out sheets from the novelty doodle pads or use the back of order form). Then ask these three simple questions: 1. Write a word that describes your favorite animal. 2. Write a word that describes your favorite color. 3. Write a word that describes what the ocean is like to you.

Now have every lady pass her paper to the lady on her left. Explain to everyone that the answers to the questions reveal secrets about them, which is why they passed their papers to the person next to them. That person is going to read the responses so there is no cheating and changing answers to cover up your deepest, darkest secrets. 1. The answer to the first question reveals how you see yourself. 2. The answer to the second question reveals how you think other people see you. 3. The answer to the third questions reveals how you view sex. Have them read the answers, one at a time. (Everyone should take a turn answering the first question.) I tell them they have to say the following: “(Name of person on top of paper) sees herself as (the answer to question #1) Then do the same thing with questions #2 and #3. You can give a prize for the funniest one, or just do this as an icebreaker game.” HOUSEHOLD CHORE GAME Have the ladies open the catalog to the middle of the catalog, the pink page, and write: I HATE ________________ BECAUSE ________________.   The first blank is the household chore they hate the most, and the second is the reason they hate it so much. You will then tell them to cross through the chore (the first blank) and write the word “sex” above it. Now they will go around the room, introduce themselves and read their new sentence!

ABC’S WITH A TWIST Create alphabet cards—mix them up—hold up a letter. Each lady has to name a body part, article of clothing, or sexually explicit word that starts with that letter. Whoever answers first gets that card, and whoever has most cards at the end wins. (This is a good game for a larger crowd)

SEXY NAME GAME When you are handing out the catalogs, have each guest give you their sexy name and how they know the hostess. Their sexy name will be a sexy/sensual adjective that starts with the same letter as their first name. Give them an example with

your name, “I am Kinky Kim and I met the hostess at Jen’s party”

FANTASY PENIS Have the ladies take out their order forms or a piece of paper, flip them over, and put the papers on top of their folders/lapboards. Have them put the whole thing on top of their heads and attempt to draw their fantasy penis. It must have a head, two testicles, and a long shaft. If they want to get creative, they can pierce it and make it fun. Have the hostess pick the best and the worst drawings. A great giveaway prize: Peter Lipsticks or pens with the penis toppers on them. WHAT IF? GAME Materials: Index Cards “Write WHAT IF at the top of your index card. Write me a question about sex – What if the kids like to watch, what if the dog walks in, what if his penis turns purple and falls off? You only have 30 second to write your question! So think of something quick!” Collect them and then pass them back out randomly. Everyone then writes their answer to the question they have now. It can be funny, serious, sarcastic, whatever. Start with your hostess – She reads the question on her index card. Then the person to her right reads the answer written on her index card. Continue around the circle until all the cards have been read. SEX TRIVIA Have the guests bring out a piece of paper or open to the middle of their catalog and number 1-10. They will be answering True/False sex trivia questions and the guest with the most correct answers wins a prize for being a “Sexpert”! 1. 54% of men think about sex several times a day, everyday. TRUE 2. 30% of women think about sex everyday or several times a day. FALSE (Only 19%! Come on ladies!) 3. 36% of married couples reported having sex 1 to 2 times per week. TRUE 4. 30% of women can have an orgasm during intercourse with just vaginal penetration. FALSE (only 15% of women!) 5. An average erect penis length is between 5 to 6 inches. TRUE 6. The average size of a woman’s clitoris is 1 to 2 inches long. FALSE (The clitoris is shaped like a wishbone and extends internally 5 to 6 inches long) 7. The vibrator was invented in 1920. FALSE (The vibrator was invented in 1869 when women were diagnosed with “hysteria” and needed to be cured of there

“sickness.” 8. Money is the number one cause of divorce. Sex is the second cause. FALSE (This was true not long ago, but recent studies have found that “incompatibility” in noted as #1. Incompatibility = Lack of Communication, right?! 9. Sex Toys are illegal in some states. TRUE (Alabama is one of them!) 10. You burn an average of 300 calories per hour while having intercourse.  TRUE! **Most of these questions came from The Kinsey Institute unless otherwise noted.

Marketing Games: LUCKY LADY What you will need: • PURE ROMANCE BUSINESS CARDS • PRIZE FOR THE LUCKY LADY Have enough Business Cards for each guest attending the party. On the back of one card, write the letters “LL” for Lucky Lady. During your party, give each guest a Business Card. Explain to the guests that whoever has the card with “LL” is the Lucky Lady – however, she cannot tell anyone until all the cards are handed out. Next, have the guests take out their wallets. Ask who is holding the winning card and make a big deal out of it. When she jumps up – announce she wins a free Silver Bullet (or other prize of your choice). Now have everyone put your card in their wallets so if they have questions, want to place a reorder, book a party, or purchase a gift, or know of someone else who is looking to host a party, they now have your information. The key is to get guests to place the card in their wallets right away. They will be more apt to keep the card. In another attempt to get them to keep the card in their wallet, mention that whoever brings her card to a future Pure Romance party (booked with you by her referral) will also receive a special prize.


Ask the guests to bring out their phones. Have them bring up their contacts because they are going to enter your virtual business card. Have them put your first name and then last name as Pure Romance. After they save your number, tell them the first one to call you wins a prize! Hand the winner her prize and tell them that they’ll now have an instant romance connection! REMEMBER MY NAME GAME Before the party, take a Sugar Sak and place a prize inside. At the beginning of the party, let the ladies know that whenever you use a key word such as SEX, CLITORIS, PENIS (or whatever you choose), they have to yell out “Pure Romance by _________.” Whoever you hear first gets to steal the prize away. The lady who has the Sugar Sak at the end of the party gets the prize inside! Prize ideas: Blindfold, Coupon Book for Lovers, Peter Lipstick, a mini bottle from a Mini Nights of Passion or a coupon to use in the ordering room. Booking Games:

CANDY BAR GAME All you need to do is take some old catalogs and cut the pages out, write your incentive using a black permanent marker on the page, wrap them around Hershey candy bars (so the incentive is hidden), and tape them up.  Call them Pure Romance by ________'s candy bars.  You can introduce this booking game one of two ways.  At the end of the party you can bring out the candy bars and tease them by explaining some of the incentives inside and tell them that if they would like to book a party, earn free products, get what's on the wrapper the night of their show, AND get some chocolate TONIGHT they can take a candy bar.  You could also leave them out on the coffee table, or somewhere for them to see and tell them that if anytime during the show their sweet tooth for chocolate OR free product takes over to grab a candy bar and open it UP!  Tell them that if they do not want to have a party, hopefully they are sitting next to someone that will SHARE with a friend! LEI GAME Give the hostess 2-4 Hawaiian Leis (depending on the number of guests). Tell everyone that during the party if they would like to receive free product by booking a party that they can yell out “I want to get leid!” That means that they will book a party with you that night. Then tell the hostess that if she gives away all the leis she will receive $X in free product tonight to add to her shopping

spree! (Usually around $10 a lei, and if she only has one lei left, tell her that she can be the last lei by booking another party!) POP MY CHERRY! You will need: 3-6 red balloons (depending on number of guests) 3-6 pieces of paper with sales, discounts, or free product (ex. Add $100 to your party total, A FREE Hot Heart, $20 Gift Certificate, etc) Game Introduction: “I know you ladies can’t wait to see some of these products tonight, but first I wanted to explain all these red balloons. These are your cherries ladies! And inside each of these cherries is a surprise! Coupons for everything from a FREE ____________ to a $20 gift certificate!! Anytime during the party, just yell out “I wanna Pop My Cherry!” to get your surprise at the party you book tonight.”  

PASS OR PLAY HOW TO PLAY MATERIALS NEEDED: • 10-12 small Pure Romance gifts (one for each guest) • 10-12 raffle tickets (one for each guest) DIRECTIONS: At the beginning of the party give each guest a GIFT and a TICKET and tell them to hold on to both of them for now. Later in the party, we will be playing a game, PASS OR PLAY! Give each guest half of the ticket and then put the other half in a bag or box for the drawing. The Hostess receives a gift, but no ticket. Hold off on giving the Hostess her gift until later in your demonstration. As you pass out the gifts and tickets, you can remind everyone that they are at a SEX PARTY so they can “feel up” the gift but don’t open it! When the gals are having the MOST fun during your party demonstration, its time to play! Bring the Hostess up in front with you and present her with her gift. Say to her… “Thank you so much for having a Pure Romance Party with me! I love to spoil my Hostesses, so this gift is just for you! Now, [Hostess Name] are you ready to GET SPOILED? And, ladies, is everyone ready to win some free product? (Get the gals REVED UP!!) Have hostess draw three tickets, one at a time. When the first number is picked, ask the winner if she would like to PASS or PLAY! If she chooses to PASS, she will return the gift and keep a party in mind for another time.

If she chooses to PLAY, she can OPEN the gift right away! Tell her to bring the gift with her in the Ordering Room to set up her party date. Or, you can pass her an open date card for her to fill out during the party and then bring it to the Ordering Room to set up her party date. HOSTESS INCENTIVES: The 1st lady to book a party will earn the Hostess an item at 35% off! The 2nd lady will earn the Hostess another item at 35% off! The 3rd lady will earn the Hostess another item at 35% off! Any additional bookings = more 35% off items! *You can use your own buying discount if you’re above 35%. Draw tickets until you get three bookings or all tickets are gone. If you get three bookings and you have more tickets left I recommend just asking each girl who still has their gift if they would like to PASS OR PLAY.

BOOK TO LOOK Materials Needed for the Game: ~Approximately 25 colored envelopes. ~25 “Gift” Notes to Include in Each Colored Envelope. Use index cards to create “Gift” notes. On each Gift Note write the special prize the customer will receive. Some envelopes should say, “Book a Party and Get a Free Gift.” The other envelopes can include other notes, like, “Get a Free Gift,” or, “Receive A Free Coochy Sample,” or “Receive 10% off your order.” You can be as creative as you want with your gift notes. 1 out of every 4 envelopes should say, “Book a Party and Get a Free Gift.” ~ 6 Hostess Packets. In each Hostess Packet include an index card that says, “Redeemable for a free gift at your party.” ~ Open Date Card. Prepare your Open Date Card before the party by writing down the days and times you want to book parties. ~ Mystery Gift Bag or Gift Box. Create a Mystery Gift Bag or Box to display on your demo table. The gift needs to look desirable so everyone will want one. You will display this gift when you’re playing the game and will award the gift to anyone who agrees to upgrade their envelope and book a party right away. The gift should be awarded when the booked party takes place. How to Play the Game After the guests are seated, pass out the materials you would normally give to each guest (i.e., a Catalog, pen, penis topper, Hostess Incentive Flyer, etc.). After

they have these items say, “I have some very special envelopes. I’m going to come around and give each of you one. Please do not open them but place the envelope in a safe place so you don’t lose them. I will share with you the little secret that is in each envelope a little later.” Most women love learning about secrets and will want to know what is in the envelope. About mid-way through your demonstration say to the ladies, “If you’re looking at your catalog and notice that you have a ton of products circled . . . you may be wondering how you’re going to get them all tonight? Ladies, I have good news … you won’t have to worry how you’re going to pay for them all because you can get many of your favorite items absolutely free by booking your own Pure Romance Party.” After your demonstration is complete and you have packed away your demos, pull out your 6 Hostess Packets, the Open Date Card and the Mystery Gift or Gift Box. Place the Gift Box on your demo table for everyone to see. Now say to the guests, “Ok, Ladies! Everyone grab your special envelopes, but doooon’t open them yet!” Completely over dramatize this entire dialogue to build their anticipation. “Now, in each envelope there is a special gift. A note inside may entitle you to a free gift, or your note may be to receive a free gift when you book a party, some may even include a discount that you can use this evening. You have three options: 1. You can open your envelope and get what is inside. 2. You can pass the envelope back to me. 3. Or, if you’ve had a blast this evening and are ready to book your own party right now, you can upgrade your envelope. When you upgrade and book a party … you will receive this Mystery Gift at you’re party. Remember, if you decide to open the envelope you have in your hand you must agree to do what’s inside. Book a party to get a gift or get the automatic gift that is inside. So, I’m going to come around to each of you to make your choice.” Go over to the first person and say, “Would you like to keep your envelope and get what’s inside, pass it back to me or upgrade?” If she passes the envelope back to you simply say, “OK,” like it’s no big deal. If she upgrades her envelope, take the small envelope from her and give her a Hostess Packet and the Open Date Card so she can pick her date. Remind her in front of everyone that she will get the Mystery Gift when her party takes place. If the guest decides to gamble by opening the envelope and her note says she will get a free gift or discount, explain that she will get her free gift in the Ordering Room. If the guest decides to gamble and her note says she will, “Book a Party to Get a

Free Gift,” give her a Hostess Packet and the Open Date Card so she can pick her Party date. Most guests will have a blast and you will have many extra bookings at the end of the Party!

THE $1 HOSTESS GAME “Book a party with me tonight for a little extra bang for your buck!” Give them a dollar with a note (below) attached to it. Tell them when the party takes place, the dollar becomes a $10 credit toward her purchases. If the party cancels, she can keep the dollar as a token of your appreciation for trying. Only mention it during the booking. This way if they truly are unsure about the date they booked, they will double and triple check their calendar to be sure it’s a good date for them. Sample Note: TURN THIS $1 INTO $10 This dollar is a token of my gratitude for agreeing to host a Pure Romance party with me and booking a solid date. Hold on to this dollar and turn it in to me, and I will give you a $10 credit toward your purchase that evening in addition to the other benefits of being a hostess. If you do not hold your party or the date changes, well at least we tried and you can keep this $1 as a token of my appreciation. It’s that easy! *Party must be held on original date booked. No exceptions. Non-transferable. Consultant NAME: _______________________________ DATE: _______________TIME: __________

SPLIT SECOND GUEST LIST GAME Materials Needed: • A pen/pencil for each guest • A piece of paper (or guests can use the back of their Order Form) • A small gift for the winner

Ask your guests to write down the names of: • 2 friends • 2 relatives • 2 neighbors • 2 club members • 2 co-workers • 2 people with children • 2 people who are single The first person to complete the list receives the prize. After you award the prize to the winner, tell everyone that they can book a party because their Guest List is already done!

DICE BOOKING GAME Materials Needed: 3 to 5 Dice Ask guests, “What is the one item that they want the most that they are just not able to purchase tonight!” (Most times it is a Jelly Tool Belt or a higher priced item. Hardly ever will a guest say T.O.M, because the ladies that want this item typically purchase it!) Then offer them the opportunity to play the Dice Booking Game to receive the item at a tremendous discount when they book a party! Have each guest who wants to play pick a date for their party. When a guest selects a date that falls on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday: Roll 3 dice. Whatever the dice total, is the price she will pay for the item when her party takes place. When a guest selects a date that falls on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday: Roll 5 dice. The total on the dice is the price she will pay for the item when her party takes place. Explain that in order to receive the discount on the product of her choice, the party must hold on the date that she selected. You will bring the product to her party and give her the discounted price that night. (Be sure to make a note of the discount and the item she wanted when you write her booking information in your Planner.) Using this approach helps increase bookings and provides an incentive for the new Hostess to hold her party on the original booking date. (If you wish, you can give 1 week from the original booking date to alter the party date if necessary.)

Recruiting Games:

STEALING HEARTS What you will need • Cards from the Date Night Game (2 sets of cards each numbered 1-12) • 3-4 small gifts (Put them in a gift bag or the Sugar Sak) Put the numbered cards in two separate piles. To begin playing the game, explain that for every question they ask about your business, they will receive a card. They can keep asking questions until all 12 cards are given away. The more questions they ask, the more chances they have of winning a prize that you select for them. You may want to get them started by saying, “You can even ask me how much money I make!” Examples of questions they might ask: • How did you get started? • How long have you been with Pure Romance? • How many parties do you have to do? • How do you book parties? • Do you attend meetings or trainings to help with your business? Shuffle the other set of numbered cards and pick out a card. Flip over the first card, and the guest who has the matching number card you have just drawn gets to choose a gift. The guest who has the card that matches the card you draw next gets to either choose a gift from the ones remaining, or “steal” the gift from the guest who took the first gift. With each card drawn, the stealing continues until the last card is drawn. Whoever has the gifts at the end gets to keep the gifts. This means that the prizes will be stolen between any women at the party and you won’t know the winners until the last card is drawn! ROSIE ROMANCE What you will need: 20 - $100 bills (all fake of course) 2 volunteers from party After giving your story (should only take a minute or so), ask if anything you just said sounded interesting to anyone. Ask two of the ladies with their hands up to join you up front, one on each side of you. (If no one raises their hand, ask the hostess to come up and then ask if anyone likes extra money, then choose someone). Turn to one and say, “This is Molly Mall and she just started working at the mall part time for some extra money.”  Next, turn to the other and say “This is Rosie Romance and she just started selling Pure Romance working part time to earn extra money as well. They both work about 10 hours a week.  Rosie’s pay is for the average party which is $200, 2 times a week, also equal to about 10 hours.  At

the end of the 1st week Molly Mall made $100.00.  She makes $10/hour (very generous for the mall)”, hand her $100.  “Rosie Romance made $400.00 her first week”, so hand her $400 and say “awesome Rosie!!”  Do the same each week for 4 weeks, making a big deal over Rosie and not saying too much about Molly. Ask Molly to count her money she should have $400 for the month and say “nice job”.  Now ask Rosie to count her money and she should have $1600.00 for the month.  Ask her what she is going to do with her earnings.  Working 10 hours a week … Rosie earned $40.00 per hour. Thank them both and give them each a recruiting brochure (I also give them free shipping on their order for coming up to help me).  Then tell the guests that one of the reasons you joined Pure Romance is because of the great income opportunity.  You just handed out 2 REP Packs and got them thinking.   RECRUITING RAFFLE Materials Needed: ~Roll of drawing tickets (the type that the guest keeps one side and you keep the other) ~A prize To begin the game, explain that you will give drawing tickets for each question the guests ask about your business. You can say, “For the next 3 minutes we’re going to play ‘Ask Me About My Job’. The first person to come up with a question will get 3 drawing tickets, the 2nd person will get 2 tickets and every question after that earns you 1 ticket.” Answer each question with a positive answer. For example, “I mainly work evenings and weekend because I want to be home with my children”, and “I’ve been selling Pure Romance for 18 months and I’ve never had so much fun.” At the end of the Q & A session, you can draw a winner and award a small prize or you can wait until after your demonstration has been completed to award a winner. You may want to invite guests to ask more questions at the end of your demonstration, since they may have thought of more throughout the party. This approach is a lot of fun when the questions start coming in fast and furious and it allows you to tell guests about your business. Guests will often try to out-do each other and ask the most questions because they want to be the one with the most tickets. WATCHA GOT?!?! Have everyone take out their purse and get ready to dig.  The consultant will call out a letter and allow time for the guests to search for something in their purse that starts with that letter.  The first one to hold up their item and yell the name will get a ticket or a Date Night card.  The consultant should then explain what that letter stands for in the “Pure Romance world.”  Once all of the letters are

called whoever has the most tickets or cards wins!  If you choose to use the Date Night cards they should read their cards out loud to the group.  This will allow you to demo the Date Night Game as you play your recruiting game.   B ~ Be your own boss!  No one breathing down your neck, no clocking in/clocking out, no uncomfortable boring cubicle… S ~ Schedule – Set your own hours (an average consultant works 6-9 hrs. a week)  This leaves plenty of time to be with your family, have hobbies, go to school, enjoy life… E ~ Educate (Training and Support opportunities) We have online training, classes, monthly meeting, other consultants to network with, plus…MEJ T ~ Trips (Hawaii, Disney, Australia, Italy, Alaskan Cruise)   I ~ Insurance (Dental, Health, and Vision) family or individual at a discounted rate M ~ Money $600-$800 a month for doing 1 party a week/$800-$1,000 a month for 2 parties a week.  This money can go towards paying off credit cards, saving to buy a house or to go on vacation, or just to go shopping!  Sometimes mama just needs a new pair of shoes ;-) K ~ Kit Sale (Enter Current kit sale here) These are designed to meet everyone’s individual budget! F ~ Freedom!  Your get to finally write the rules to your own life!  Do what you want, go where you want… Bonus for a tie breaker! W ~ Write offs!  You can write off everything you use for your business!  

OPPORTUNITY LAP GAME You will introduce this game like, "Ladies, I'm going to read different statements and questions and the idea is to GET AROUND!"  "This is the only time in your life that 'gettin around is a GOOD thing!'' Ok, when I read something that applies to you, move one seat to the right.  If it does not apply to you, stay in your seat!  So, you will have girls on top of girls! The first one to reach their original seat gets to pick something out of my "feel good" bag.  (If more than one reaches their original seat they all get a prize.  So put in a few.  This will help to see who moves and has the most fun.  That means...GREAT RECRUIT LEAD!!!)

Some of the questions will need a little bit of explanation beforehand.  

Before you ask what they would do with the extra money earned you can introduce it by saying, “A new consultant can average between $800-$1,000 a month doing one to two parties a week!”  Now…earning that extra cash would you……………. Before you mention the insurance question you can say, “Now, once you begin Pure Romance you can start up a health insurance plan for you and your family.”  “So, who here is staying at their day job to keep their insurance…or who NEEDS insurance?”  Move one seat to the right! Here are questions to ask: • Have you ever attended a Pure Romance Party? • Who brought a friend? • Has anyone been counting down the days for the party? • Is tonight an escape from being mommy? • Is tonight an escape from a Corporate America Job? • How many of you have a full time job? • How many of you LOVE your job? • How many of you feel dissatisfied with your job? • How many of you have too much credit card debt? • How many of you are able to name your salary? • How many of you are able to name your hours? • Do you get to spend as much time with your family as you would like? • Who can go on a vacation at the drop of a hat? • Does anyone have a nosey boss standing over your every move? • With an extra $800 a month who would pay off debt? • With an extra $800 a month who would go shopping?   • With an extra $800 a month who would plan for a vacation? • Do you have an extra 5-6 hours a week to earn an extra $800 a month? • Do you love it when you get health insurance at a discount through your job?  Because Pure Romance has that option too! • Would you LOVE to get paid to party? • Which ones of you would feel confident getting up and talking about products they know and love if they had all the training PR offers? • How many of you know at least 5 women that would love to have a party? • Anyone ready for a change? • Who would like to take home information about Pure Romance?   YAY!  Congratulations   ​ you won the prize!  But let me tell you, taking home some information and giving Pure Romance a try will lead to the ultimate prize...and that is FREEDOM!

Increase Retail:

BUST OR BOOTY You will need a roll of raffle tickets. Tell your guests that they may purchase one ticket for $1 or as many tickets as will wrap around their ‘bust’ or ‘booty’ for $5. Then you can draw a name and whoever’s name is drawn can win the total amount collected off their order. If everyone plays, tell them you will draw again and give away a prize. (Bottle of Coochy, Silver Bullet, etc)

NAUGHTY SWAP Apply current holiday or season as game name. Ie: Naughty Santa, Naughty Cupid, Naughty Leprechaun Offer option to hostess at least two weeks prior to party so she can offer it to guests. It costs $20 cash and guests need to commit to playing. Once you have a number of players, you wrap that amount of gifts and a couple extra. (Tissue paper in dollar store bags are perfect!) Use discounted items, bath/beauty items, and/or coupons good for that night only as the gifts.  Put numbers in a bag ranging from 1 to # of players for each to choose. They will go in the order of the number drawn, 1 going first. The next person can either steal a gift or draw a new one. Gifts can be stolen twice...going home with the third person that has it.  Try to talk about the item as they're opened in front of everyone to build excitement and then you won't have to talk about it again during demo.  If there is more excitement about a particular item, use it as a hostess gift option IF they book party that night. Use items you have and be excited about what each person opens to build the fun!

PURE ROMANCE SQUARES Materials Needed: *A 6X6 raffle board (36 squares) with the numbers 1-6 in any order across the top and down the side. Put the instructions: Please put your first and last name and

phone number in the square of your choice.    *Dice

How To Play:  • $2 a square!! Dice toss will occur after the party. • If the dice roll falls within the square you chose, win the $ amount collected in free product! • The hostess also wins this amount toward her party sales total! • Example (36 squares sold = $72 in Free product (of her choice) for winner and $72 toward party total). • Need not be present to win. Guys may purchase squares, too! (This can be given to hostess in her hostess packet or you can start it at the party. Either way, have the hostess tell the guests to bring $1 bills to join in the fun!)

TIC-TAC-TOE Have your guests draw a big Tic-Tac-Toe board on the back of the order form. Then have them write one item they like or an item they have any questions about in each square. At the end of your liquid demo, as you are putting your products away, shout out names of items. (Make sure to call off items you have in stock first!) Tell them to draw an O when you call out an item they have in a box. When someone has three in a row, have them stand up and shout Orgasm! The first guest to have an orgasm wins! This is prefect to use as a wishlist, so they are more prepared to order when they come into the shopping room. You can also have them fill out their boards throughout the whole party and play at the end after the toy demo.

SALES GOALS What you will need: A piece of paper with numbered lines 1-50 At the end of the party, tell guests, “To help tonight’s hostess boost sales and

increase her FREE PRODUCT and GIFT potential, here is a special challenge for you. For every $20.00 in purchases (before shipping and tax), you will get to write your name on any line below. At the end of the party, if all lines are filled, it means that the hostess has reached a total of $1000.00 in sales and she will receive $100.00 in FREE PRODUCT and an additional FREE GIFT! We will then draw a number, and the lucky lady whose name is on the line drawn will get a FREE GIFT also. It’s that easy!”


BACHELORETTE BALLOON GAME Start by giving everyone a balloon and telling them to blow it up and tie it off.  (I don’t tell them what size…I say “Size doesn’t matter ladies, but it is always a plus” ;-)  The bigger the balloons, the easier they are to pop…FYI for the consultant! Once they have finished, divide them in half and line everyone up into two single file lines facing you. The women in the back have to start the line by popping her balloon on the girl in front of them not using her hands.  So, she will basically be “humping” the girl in front of her until it pops.  She can hold onto the girl in front of her to keep her balance but can’t touch the balloon. Once that balloon pops then the next girl does the same to the girl in front of her.  They keep popping their balloons (one after another after another) like a domino effect until it ends at the first girl in line.  She should be the only one left holding a balloon in her line.  She will then run to the back of the line and pop her balloon on the girl that started it all!  Whichever team does this first is the winning team!   Both lines should be going as fast as they can because the winning team receives a prize. This prize can be 10% off any one item, half off shipping, or something that isn’t going to break the bank.   Explain how to play the balloon game after they have lined up and are ready to begin. Use someone’s camera and snap pictures the whole time and cheer! HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THE BRIDE & GROOM? TRIVIA Print out the (below) questions on a sheet of paper and hand them to the bachelorette to fill out before the party starts. During the break between liquid and toy or at the end of the party, have everyone number 1-10 on a paper, back of order form or in the middle page of their catalog. Tell them they will be

answering questions about the bride and groom. Whoever answers the most questions correctly wins prize. How Well Do You Know The Bride and Groom?

1. Where did you first meet Mr. Right?

2. Did you kiss on the first date?

3. What is the groom’s full name?

4. How long before he popped the question?

5. How many children do you each want?

6. What color lingerie does he like you in best?   A. Red      B. Black      C. White      D. Anything that is see-through 7. What does he wear underneath?   A. Boxers      B. Briefs      C. Thong      D. Commando! 8. What is your favorite time for whoopie?   A. Morning      B. Afternoon        C. Evening        D. While asleep 9. What’s your favorite Pure Romance product type?     A. Massage Oil        B. Arousal Creams            C. Toys! 10. Where are you going on your honeymoon? BANANA GAME Materials Needed: • A pen/pencil for each guest • A piece of paper (or guests can use the back of their Order Form) • A small gift for the winner (This is a great way to help boost attendance) Ask the Hostess to call each guest

before the party and request they bring a banana with them. Instruct the Hostess not to tell them why. (This will do two things: remind guests of the party date and time and have guests wondering why they need to bring a banana which will pique their interest in attending.) You can also tell the hostess to get sundae fixings to turn them into banana splits! At the party have guests write down their points to the following questions: 1. Is your banana… a. Long? 20 pts b. Short? 15 pts 2. Is your banana… a. Hard? 25 pts b. Soft? 5 pts 3. Is your banana… a. Bright yellow? 20 pts b. Brown? 5 pts 4. Does your banana have… a. Long stem? 20 pts b. Short stem? 15 pts 5. Does your banana… a. Have a scent? 20 pts b. Odorless? 15 pts 6. Look at your banana… a. Does it have a sticker? 20 pts b. No sticker? 15 pts 7. Do you eat bananas… a. All the time? 20 pts b. Rarely? 15 pts 8. After the party what do you plan to do with your banana… a. Eat it? 20 pts b. Give it to somebody else? 5 pts 9. Is your banana… a. Ripe and ready to eat? 20 pts b. Needs lots of time to ripen? 5 pts

10. When you were asked to bring a banana did you… a. Grab one that you had at home? 20 pts b. Purchase one especially for tonight? 15 pts c. Forget to bring one? 5 pts Award the gift to the person with the highest score.

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