Full Thrust in the Universe of Renegade Legion
July 21, 2016 | Author: Robert Sendler | Category: N/A
Short Description
Space combat rules....
Full Thrust in the Universe of Renegade Legion's Leviathan The following are rules to play in the Renegade Legion Universe using variations of FT rules.
Turn Sequence The turn sequence is as FT:FB, with the provision that all damage is considered simultaneous i.e. doesn't take effect until the end of the turn.
Movement Leviathans use EFSB vector movement. A small modification: If a ship has a thrust of 2, it can spend 2 points main thrust, and 2 points to rotate or push, in contrast to EFSB, which has half available. (Thus, Leviathans have the equivalent of the Centauri 'Gravitmetric Drive') It costs 1 point to 'roll ship.'
FTL Leviathans, in order to go FTL, must travel in a straight line for at least 5 turns, with a minimum speed of 30" a turn, at the moment of translation. Violating these parameters creates a misjump, as per Leviathan rules.
Energy Allocation Leviathans have three blocks of 'energy' to allocate. A block of energy will run one of shields, thrust, starboard broadside, port broadside, or the spinal mount. Leviathan ship displays will have three 'icons' to represent the power generation and distribution system. As these 'icons' are hit, a block of power is lost. Whenever a power system fails a threshold check, roll another 2d6. On a twelve, the power reactor detonates, taking the ship with it. See 'Overdamage', below. Thrust can be overcharged, up to using all three blocks of power. The each block gives the unit its base thrust e.g. a unit with a base thrust of two gets thrust 2 to spend with one block, thrust 4 to spend with two blocks, and thrust 6 to spend with three blocks. This is the only system that can be overcharged.
Directional Armour
Leviathan ships, unlike FT ships, have armour 'facings.' Each facing is considered independent for armour purposes, and armour must be purchased separately for each facing. There are six facings, equal to the six arcs.
Combat Systems Leviathan weapon systems all have independent fire controls i.e. they don't use the global firecon. Their targets are assigned through the use of a Combat Information Centre. If the CIC is destroyed, the bay weapons can continue to fire at any target, but the target is treating as having screens one level higher then present. If a ship already level two screens, then treat as if the ship has level three screens, as per Full Thrust. (Hit only on a 6) All Leviathan bay weapons can be used against fighters. Treat them just like class 1 batteries being used in anti-fighter/missile mode. Batteries re-roll on a 6. The re-roll die is treated as if the screens applied to that die as well.
Fighters Leviathan fighters don't have combat endurance. (Well, they do, but it's measured on the order of days.) Fighter Squadrons move as if they are burning combat endurance for movement, first moving 12", letting ships move, then moving another 12". Fighters have an attack range of 3". Fast fighters have move 18" and 12". Fighters are fought as per EFSB, for rules such as screens, and the launching/landing mechanism. On the turn that a ship is performing fighter operations, it may not burn any thrust.
Small Craft Small Craft are treated as fighters, with a movement of 6" and 6". They require two hits to kill, attack enemy ships like attack fighters, and for enemy fighters they score hits only on a 6, with no re-roll.
Launch and Landing Ships can launch half their entire fighter complement in one turn, and land one quarter. Special rules may apply.
Weapon Modifications: Arcs
The FP/AP and FS/AS arcs are combined into a P(ort) arc and S(tarboard) arc, covering 120 degrees. Bay Mounted Lasers The common and main weapon of the Leviathan is the bay mounted laser weapon. This can be simulated using the standard battery rules. However, there are some changes. Batteries now have two ratings. The first rating represents the number of dice to be thrown, and the second rating represents the range of the weapon (in range bands.) A range band is 5" across. Thus, a typical Class-C (or Class-1 battery from Fleet Book) would be rated approximately 1/2.4. A Class A (or Class-3 battery from Fleet Book) would be rated 3/7.2, etc. This also means you can get odd weapons like 5/1, or 1/10, or things like that. After each weapon is a small display that tells you how many dice to roll in each range band. (5/4/3/1) means roll five dice 0-5", four dice 5-10", three dice 10-15", etc. Damage is determined just like battery weapons in FT, with rerolls. Missiles Missiles in Leviathan are represented by the Salvo Missile Launcher. Same basic operation as per Fleet Book, but with some changes. First, the launch point is nominated AFTER movement. Second, roll the indicated die to determine how many missiles hit, and then roll a damage die for each missile, which may be different from a d6. SMLs have an attack range of 3" diameter. EVERY target in that attack range, friend or foe, is attacked by the missiles, including fighter groups. For fighters, roll the number of missiles, roll the damage, and divide by two; that is the number of fighters killed. Finally, screens do have some effect on the missiles, subtracting their level from each damage die. All other rules as per standard. 360 degree radius of fire. Spinal Mounts Leviathans have an enormous railgun mounted on the centreline of the ship, called a spinal mount. This rail gun forms the main structural frame of the ship, and is one of its more potent weapons. Spinal Mounts are represented by enhanced pulse torpedoes. Roll a d6 to hit. However, damage may be determined by different size dice, and each torpedo will have a different set of range bands. This information will be on each sheet. Note that we're using the EPT
damage model as presented in Fleet book; so half the damage of a Spinal Mount will be taken on armour, half on internal hull. Spinal Mounts may only fire forward, in the forward arc. PDAFs PDAFs have a range of 3", and can engage any missile/fighter target in that range, even if they aren't attacking that target. Otherwise, they function normally.
Core Systems Leviathans have two bridges, a main and auxilary. Both bridges have to be taken off line before a bridge hit takes effect, as per FB. Power Systems are described above in 'power allocation.' There is also the 'Life Support' Icon, as per FT/FB, though it takes two failed checks before Life Support fails.
Overdamage and Detonation When a Leviathan is reduced to zero hull points, it has been turned into a hulk, and there is a chance of a catastrophic detonation. Roll a d10, and add the number of points of damage scored since the hull was reduced to zero. If this roll is greater then 10, then the ship detonates. You can make this roll every time somebody puts fire onto even a dead ship (which means you can fire on ships that would normally be considered destroyed under vanilla FT rules.) If the die roll is a 1 or a 2, that means the ship will never detonate, though you can pound it into little itty-bitty pieces. A ship that detonates does damage to every ship within 6". Every arc exposed to the exploding ship takes damage. This is considered straight damage, -1 for every inch away from the exploding ship, to every die. Destroyers roll 2d6 Frigates roll 3d6 Cruisers roll 4d6 Battleships roll 5d8
Converting Leviathans to FT Stats The following are rules for converting Leviathan ship designs to Full Thrust designs. Bay Weapons: Examine the damage at ranges: 1 / 7-10 / 11-15 / 16-20. Divide this damage by 5 to get the number of dice rolled at that range. Round fractions up. Missiles: Examine the following table for conversions: TYPE A
1 1 3 3 2 3
D4 D6 D6 D6 D6 D4
D4 D6 D6 D8 D6 D4
10" 10" 15" 15" 10" 10"
Spinal Mounts: Examine the following table for conversions: TYPE A B C D E 15"/5+
HIT d6 d6 d6 d6 d6
DAMAGE d4+6 d6+6 d8+6 d10+6 d12+6
RANGE BANDS 0-3"/2+ 0-3"/2+ | 3-6"/3+ 0-3"/2+ | 3-6"/3+ | 6"-10" 4+ 0-3"/2+ | 3-6"/3+ | 6"-10" 4+ 0-3"/2+ | 3-6"/3+ | 6"-10"/4+ | 10"-
Screens: Battleships have Level 2 Screens, Cruisers and Frigates have Level 1 Screens, Destroyers have no Screens. Armour: Amount of armour divided by 10 Hull Size: All hulls are considered average. Battleship MASS:200, Cruiser MASS:120, Frigate MASS:90, Destroyer MASS:60 Thrust: Thrust is the same. Fighters: Six size fighter squadrons equal 36 fighters i.e. one die equals 6 fighters. You may group fighter squadrons in sizes other than six if you so desire. Small Craft:1 die for every 2 small craft. Turrets: According to the table: TYPE Battleship Cruiser Frigate Destroyer
Ships of the Terran Overlord Government - Battleships Shiva Class Battleship (TOG) Cost: 26,102 Level 2 Screens Armour: 20 (All Hexes) MASS: 200 (Average Hull) Hull Boxes: 15/15/15/15 DCP: 10 (6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6)
Thrust: 2 Systems: Type E Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d12+6 for damage, Range 15" Type E Missiles: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d8 damage, Range 15" 2 x 5/4 (5/3/3/2) (P/S) 2 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (P/S/F/A) 2 x 1/2 (1/1) (F/A) 5 PDAF 2 Fighter (6) Squadrons (1 Regular / 1 Heavy) 6 Small Craft Dice
Illustris Class Battleship (TOG) Cost: 60,098 Level 2 Screens Armour: 20 (All Hexes) MASS: 200 (Average Hull) Hull Boxes: 15/15/15/15 DCP: 10 (6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 2 Systems: Type E Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d12+6 for damage, range 15" Type E Missiles: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d8 damage, range 15" 1 x 6/4 (6/4/4/3) (P/S) 1 x 3/2 (3/2) (P/S) 1 x 2/2 (2/1) (P/S/F) 1 x 1/1 (1) (F/SA) 1 x 2/1 (A) 5 PDAF 4 Fighter (6) Squadrons (1 Regular / 3 Heavy) 9 dice Small Craft
Ultor Class Battleship (TOG) Cost: 17,926 Level 2 Screens Armour: 20 (All Hexes) MASS: 200 (Average Hull) Hull Boxes: 15/15/15/15 DCP: 10 (6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 2 Systems: Type D Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d4+6 damage, range 10" Type D Missile System: 3 Salvoes, d6 hit, d6 damage, range 15" 2 x 5/4 (5/3/3/2) (P/S) 2 x 1/4 (1/1/1/1) (P/S/A) 2 x 1/3 (1/1/1) (F) 5 PDAF 2 Fighter (4) Squadrons (2 Heavy) 6 dice Small Craft
Ships of the Terran Overlord Government - Cruisers Seneca Class Cruiser (TOG) Cost: 8,985 Level 1 Screens Armour: 10 (All Hexes) MASS: 120 Hull Boxes: 9/9/9/9 DCP: 6 (6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 2 Systems: Type C Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d8+6 damage, Range 10" Type D Missile System: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d6 damage, Range 15" 1 x 2/4 (2/2/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 4/3 (4/2/2) (P/S) 1 x 3/1 (3) (F) 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (A) 4 PDAF 2 Fighter (6) Squadrons (2 Regular) 6 dice Small Craft
Syracuse Class Cruiser (TOG) Cost: 9,128 Level 1 Screens Armour: 10 (All Hexes) MASS: 120 Hull Boxes: 9/9/9/9 DCP: 6 (6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 2 Systems: Type B Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d6+6 for damage, Range 6" Type G Missiles: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d4 damage, Range 10" 1 x 6/4 (6/4/4/3) (P/S) 1 x 2/2 (2/1) (P/S) 4 PDAF 2 Fighter (6) Squadrons (2 Regular) 4 Small Craft Dice
Vulcan Class Cruiser (TOG) Cost: 7,955 Level 1 Screens Armour: 10 (All Hexes) MASS: 120 Hull Boxes: 9/9/9/9 DCP: 6 (6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 2 Systems:
Type C Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d8+6 for damage, Range 10" Type D Missile System: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d6 damage, Range 15" 1 x 3/3 (3/2/2) (P/S) 2 x 2/2 (2/1) (P/S) 1 x 2/1 (2) (A) 1 x 2/3 (2/1/1) (F) 4 PDAF 2 Fighter (6) Squadrons (2 Regular) 3 Small Craft Dice
Ships of the Terran Overlord Government - Frigates Bantha Class Frigate (TOG) Cost: 5,883 Level 1 Screens Armour: 8 (All Hexes) MASS: 90 Hull Boxes: 7/7/7/6 DCP: 5 (6/6/6/6/3) Thrust: 3 Systems: Type B Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d6+6 for damage, Range 6" 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (P/S/F/A) 2 x 2/1 (2) (P/S) 3 PDAF 2 Fighter (4) Squadron (2 Regular) 2 Small Craft dice
Hipper Class Frigate (TOG) Cost: 6,665 Level 1 Screens Armour: 8 (All Hexes) MASS: 90 Hull Boxes: 7/7/7/6 DCP: 5 (6/6/6/6/3) Thrust: 3 Anti-Gravity Systems: Type B Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d6+6 for damage, Range 6" 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 3/4 (3/2/2/1) (P/S) 1 x 3/3 (3/2/1) (F/A) 1 x 1/2 (1/1) (A) 3 PDAF
Xerxes Class Frigate Carrier (TOG)
Cost: 3,244 Armour: 8 (All Hexes) MASS: 90 Hull Boxes: 7/7/7/6 DCP: 5 (6/6/6/6/3) Thrust: 4 Systems: 1 x 2/3 (2/1/1) (F) 2 x 2/3 (2/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 1/3 (1/1/1) (A) 3 PDAF 10 Fighter (6) Squadron (2 Heavy, 5 Regular, 2 Attack, 1 Fast) 3 Small Craft Dice
Ships of the Terran Overlord Government - Destroyers Serpens Class Destroyer (TOG) Cost: 2,941 Armour: 5 (All Hexes) MASS: 60 Hull Boxes: 5/5/4/4 DCP: 3 (7/7/4) Thrust: 4 Anti-Grav/Streamlined Systems: Type A Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d4+6 for damage, range 6" Type G Missiles: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d4 damage, Range 10" 2 x 2/1 (2) (P/S) 1 x 2/1 (2) (A/F) 2 PDAF 1 Fighter (6) Squadron (Regular) 1 Small Craft Dice
Morkanium Class Destroyer (TOG) Cost: 2,580 Armour: 5 (All Hexes) MASS: 60 Hull Boxes: 5/5/4/4 DCP: 3 (7/7/4) Thrust: 5 Anti-Grav/Streamlined Systems: Type C Missiles: 1 Salvo, d6 missiles, d6 hit, Range 10" 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (F) 1 x 1/4 (1/1/1/1) (A) 2 PDAF 1 Fighter (4) Squadron (Regular)
3 Small Craft Dice
Moltke Class Destroyer (TOG) Cost: 7,726 Armour: 5 (All Hexes) MASS: 60 Hull Boxes: 5/5/4/4 DCP: 3 (7/7/4) Thrust: 4 Streamlined Systems: Type A Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d4+6 damage, Range 8" Type C Missiles: 1 Salvo, d6 missiles, d6 hit, Range 10" 1 x 2/2 (2/2) (P/S) 1 x 1/1 (1) (P/S) 1 x 1/4 (1/1/1/1) (F/A) 2 PDAF
Canis Class Destroyer Carrier (TOG) Cost: 1,918 Armour: 5 (All Hexes) MASS: 60 Hull Boxes: 5/5/4/4 DCP: 3 (7/7/4) Thrust: 5 Anti-Gravity, Streamlined Systems: Type B Missiles: 1 Salvo, d4 missiles, d4 hit, Range 10" 1 x 2/1 (2) (P/S) 1 x 1/1 (1) (F) 1 x 1/1 (1) (A) 2 PDAF 4 Fighter (6) Squadrons (2 Regular, 1 Heavy, 1 Fast) 9 Small Craft Dice
Ships of the Renegade Legion/Commonwealth Navy Battleships Venatrix Class Battleship (RL) Cost: 26, 303 Level 2 Screens Armour: 20 (All Hexes) MASS: 200 (Average Hull) Hull Boxes: 15/15/15/15 DCP: 10 (6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6)
Thrust: 2 Systems: Type E Missiles: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d8 damage, Range 15" 2 x 4/4 (4/2/2/1) (F/A) 1 x 5/4 (5/4/3/3) (P/S) 1 x 4/4 (4/3/3/2) (P/S) 2 x 4/4 (4/3/2/2) (P/S) 5 PDAF 4 Fighter (6) Squadrons (4 Heavy) 4 Small Craft Dice
Repulse Class Battleship (RL) Cost: 15,336 Level 2 Screens Armour: 20 (All Hexes) MASS: 200 (Average Hull) Hull Boxes: 15/15/15/15 DCP: 10 (6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 2 Systems: Type D Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d10+6 for damage, range 10" Type E Missiles: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d8 damage, range 15" 2 x 3/4 (3/2/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 3/4 (3/2/2/2) (F/A/P/S) 1 x 1/2 (1/1) (F/A) 5 PDAF 4 Fighter (6) Squadrons (1 Regular / 3 Heavy) 5 Small Craft Dice
Iron Duke Class Battleship (RL) Cost: 32,915 Level 2 Screens Armour: 20 (All Hexes) MASS: 200 (Average Hull) Hull Boxes: 15/15/15/15 DCP: 10 (6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 3 Systems: Type E Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d12+6 damage, range 15" Type D Missile System: 3 Salvoes, d6 hit, d6 damage, range 15" 1 x 5/4 (5/4/3/3) (P/S) 1 x 2/3 (2/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 3/4 (3/2/1/1) (F/A) 5 PDAF 2 Fighter (7) Squadrons (2 Heavy) 6 dice Small Craft
Ships of the Renegade Legion/Commonwealth Navy Cruisers Inflexible Class Cruiser (RL) Cost: 8,985 Level 1 Screens Armour: 10 (All Hexes) MASS: 120 Hull Boxes: 9/9/9/9 DCP: 6 (6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 2 Systems: Type C Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d8+6 damage, Range 10" Type D Missile System: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d6 damage, Range 15" 1 x 2/4 (2/2/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 4/3 (4/2/2) (P/S) 1 x 3/1 (3) (F) 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (A) 4 PDAF 2 Fighter (6) Squadrons (2 Regular) 6 dice Small Craft
Kondracke Class Cruiser (RL) Cost: 8,746 Level 1 Screens Armour: 10 (All Hexes) MASS: 120 Hull Boxes: 9/9/9/9 DCP: 6 (6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 2 Systems: Type B Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d6+6 for damage, Range 6" Type D Missiles: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d6 damage, Range 15" 1 x 3/1 (3) (P/S) 1 x 2/3 (2/2/1) (P/S) 1 x 2/1 (2) (P/S) 1 x 1/3 (1/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (F/A) 1 x 1/4 (1/1/1/1) (F/A) 4 PDAF 2 Fighter (6) Squadrons (2 Regular) 9 Small Craft Dice
Kardeesh B'Arkahhr (Bone Crusher) Class Cruiser (RL) Cost: 9,332 Level 1 Screens Armour: 10 (All Hexes)
MASS: 120 Hull Boxes: 9/9/9/9 DCP: 6 (6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 2 Systems: Type C Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d8+6 for damage, Range 10" Type E Missile System: 3 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d8 damage, Range 15" 1 x 5/3 (5/3/3) (P/S) 1 x 2/2 (2/1) (P/S) 1 x 2/1 (2) (F) 1 x 3/1 (3) (A) 4 PDAF 2 Fighter (6) Squadrons (2 Regular) 6 Small Craft Dice
Carthage Class Cruiser (RL) Cost: 7,552 Level 1 Screens Armour: 10 (All Hexes) MASS: 120 Hull Boxes: 9/9/9/9 DCP: 6 (6/6/6/6/6/6) Thrust: 3 Systems: Type A Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d4+6 damage, 3" Range Type A Missile System: 2 Salvoes, d4 hit, d4 damage, 8" Range 1 x 5/4 (5/3/3/2) (P/S) 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (P/S/F/A) 1 x 1/4 (1/1/1/1( (F/A) 4 PDAF 2 Fighter (6) Squadrons (2 Regular) 5 Small Craft Dice
Ships of the Renegade Legion / Commonwealth Navy Frigates Valiant Class Frigate (RL) Cost: 2,758 Level 1 Screens Armour: 8 (All Hexes) MASS: 90 Hull Boxes: 7/7/7/6 DCP: 5 (6/6/6/6/3) Thrust: 3 Systems: Type G Missiles: 3 Savloes, d4 hit, d4 damage, 10" Range 1 x 3/2 (3/1) (P/S)
1 1 3 2 3
x 2/1 (2) (P/S/F/A) x 4/1 (4) (F/A) PDAF Fighter (4) Squadron (2 Regular) Small Craft dice
County Class Frigate Carrier (RL) Cost: 3,502 Level 1 Screens Armour: 8 (All Hexes) MASS: 90 Hull Boxes: 7/7/7/6 DCP: 5 (6/6/6/6/3) Thrust: 4 Systems: 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (P/S/F) 1 x 1/1 (1) (P/S/F) 2 x 1/1 (1) (A) 3 PDAF 10 Fighter (6) Squadrons (4 Regular, 2 Attack, 2 Heavy, 2 Fast)
Ships of the Renegade Legion / Commonwealth Navy Destroyers Exeter Class Destroyer (RL) Cost: 3,118 Armour: 5 (All Hexes) MASS: 60 Hull Boxes: 5/5/4/4 DCP: 3 (7/7/4) Thrust: 5 Anti-Grav/Streamlined Systems: Type A Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d4+6 for damage, range 6" Type C Missiles: 1 Salvoes, d6 missiles, d6 damage, Range 10" 2 x 2/2 (2/1) (P/S) 1 x 1/2 (1/1) 2 PDAF 1 Fighter (4) Squadron (Regular) 2 Small Craft Dice
Enmity Class Destroyer (TOG) Cost: 2,748 Armour: 5 (All Hexes)
MASS: 60 Hull Boxes: 5/5/4/4 DCP: 3 (7/7/4) Thrust: 4 Systems: Type A Missiles: 2 Salvo, d4 missiles, d4 hit, Range 8" 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (P/S/F/A) 2 PDAF 1 Fighter (3) Squadron (Regular) 3 Small Craft Dice
Warder Class Destroyer (TOG) Cost: 7,726 Armour: 5 (All Hexes) MASS: 60 Hull Boxes: 5/5/4/4 DCP: 3 (7/7/4) Thrust: 4 Streamlined Systems: Type A Spinal Mount: d6 to hit, d4+6 damage, Range 8" Type C Missiles: 1 Salvo, d6 missiles, d6 hit, Range 10" 1 x 1/3 (1/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 2/1 (2) (P/S/F) 1 x 1/1 (1) (A) 2 PDAF 1 Fighter (4) Squadron 3 Small Craft Dice
Lexington Class Destroyer Carrier (TOG) Cost: 1,918 Armour: 5 (All Hexes) MASS: 60 Hull Boxes: 5/5/4/4 DCP: 3 (7/7/4) Thrust: 5 Anti-Gravity, Streamlined Systems: 1 x 2/4 (2/1/1/1) (P/S) 1 x 1/4 (1/1/1/1) (F/A) 2 PDAF 4 Fighter (6) Squadrons (2 Heavy, 1 Regular, 1 Fast)
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