Full Report Highway

March 31, 2019 | Author: Shahrel Bin Salleh | Category: Road, Road Surface, Road Infrastructure, Transportation Engineering, Road Transport
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A coun countr try y that that is adva advanc nced ed,, depe depend ndin ing g on the the rapi rapid d deve develo lopm pmen ent. t. With the the development, the need for road infrastructure as the road is a link between one place to another place. When the situation deteriorated pavement at a certain point, it must be repaired in order to maintain service levels. The type of maintenance required depends on the levels of  distress and damage caused by road pavement. To overcome these problems, various efforts undertaken such studies on bituminous materials with the aim of ensuring the quality of  construction of roads is guaranteed and can reduce maintenance costs.

Road pavement damage usually occurs due to traffic load, temperature, moisture content or the movement of the sub grade and it can be divided into six categories pavement crack, surface surface deform deformatio ation, n, surface surface defects defects,, edge edge defects defects,, pothol potholee and patch. patch. !n overcom overcomee the  problem of damage to the road r oad paving, several methods have been introduced to facilitate facili tate the implementation of the parties involved. "ore efficient maintenance measures will be chosen to ensure the comfort and safety to the user and to ensure a benefit in the management.

!n addition, the failure of the pavement can be classified according to survey any damage which occurs at the site are classified according to the damage that can be viewed. The failure are determine and can record in the condition survey data sheet. Research conducted to determine the #avement $ondition !ndex %#$!& on the road, whether it is in a nice rating or  not. 'umerical rating of the pavement condition that ranges from ( to )((, with ( being the worst possible condition and )(( being the best possible condition.


*ite selection for this pro+ect in alan #arit *empadan -aut along (( meters of where along the road has damages such as alligator cracking, bleeding, corrugation and others. The road pavement damage can be classified into two types, function damage and structural damage where the damage occurred due to the increasing traffic load through the area, the environment and road pavement layer thickness itself.

/urthermore, the function of pavement which like we knew are providing a flat surface for the movement of vehicles that are more comfortable and safe, receive and distribute the load of the vehicle below, other than that protect the sub grade from being exposed to the weather. *tudies conducted on the road to investigate the road pavement index is in good condition or not, and this damage can be done by minor or ma+or maintenance.


). /ind out the type of damage to the road pavement . !dentify the extent of damage through counting 0. /ind out method of repair on the pavement

4.0 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Mate!a"# A$% E&'!()e$ t

). 1and 2dometer Wheel . Traffic $one 0. "easuring Tape 3. *urvey data sheet

4.2 Met*+% Mea#'e)e$t

). $hoose a suitable site and have damage. . #ut traffic cone for easy surveying and minimi4e the traffic when work is in  progress. 0. 'ext, start the measurement using the hand wheel odometer (( meters long and marking every )(( meters. 3. Any types of damage is measured by length, width, depth, diameter and area and use hand odometer wheel and measuring tape while measure. 5. "ake bookkeeping and record the data each types of damage based on the degree of damage that is low, medium and high.

4.3 Met*+% O, C"a##!,!-at!+$ O, Fa!"'e

Road pavement damage is  ). Alligator cracking Alligator or fatigue cracking is a series of interconnecting cracks caused by fatigue failure of the asphalt concrete surface under repeated traffic loading such as wheel paths. Alligator cracking is measured in square meters % length x width &.

. 6leeding 6leeding is a film of bituminous material on the pavement surface that creates a shiny, glass like, reflecting surface that usually become quite sticky and its caused  by excessive asphaltic tars. 6leeding is measure in square meters of surface area % length x width &.

0. $orrugation $orrugation is regular transverse undulations, closely spaced alternate valleys and crests with wave lengths. This type of distress usually caused by traffic action combined with an unstable pavement surface

3. 7dge cracking 7dge defects occur along the interface of flexible pavement and the shoulder, and are most significant where the shoulder is unsealed.

5. #atching and 8tility $ut #atching A patch is an area of pavement that has been replaced with new material to repair  the existing pavement and the measurement in m9 of surface area.

:. #olished Aggregate This distress is caused by repeated traffic application when the aggregate in the surface become smooth, adhesion with vertical tires is considerable reduce. #olish aggregate is measure m of surface area.

;. #otholes #othole is a bowl
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