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July 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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IT Certfcaton Guaraneed, The Easy Way!






ServiceNow Certfed Sysem Adminisraor









NO.1 Which would NOT appear in he Hisory secton o he Applicaton Navigaor? A. Records B. UI Pages C. Liss D. Forms  Answer: B

NO.2 Wha module in he Service Caalog applicaton does an Adminisraor access o begin creatng a new iem? A. Mainain Caegories B. Mainain Iems C. Conen Iems D. Iems  Answer: B

NO.3 Which erm reers o applicaton menus and modules which you may wan o access quickly and oen? A. Breadcrumb B. Favorie C. Tag D. Bookmark  Answer: B

NO.4 Which erm bes describes somehing ha is creaed, has worked perormed upon i, and is evenually moved o a sae o closed? A. repor B. workow C. even D. ask  Answer: D

NO.5 Which o he ollowing are a ype o clien scrips suppored in ServiceNow? (Choose our.)

A. onSubmi

B. onUpdae C. onCellEdi D. onLoad E. onEdi F. onChange G. onSave  Answer: A C


NO.6 Wha is a ormaer? Selec one o he ollowing. A. A ormaer allows you o confgure applicatons on your insance


B. A ormaer is a orm elemen used o display inormaton ha is no a feld in he record C. A ormaer allows you o populae felds auomatcally D. A ormaer is a se o conditons applied o a able o help fnd and work wih daa  Answer: B

NO.7 Which one o he ollowing saemens describes he conens o he Confguraton Managemen Daabase (CMDB)? A. The CMDB conains daa abou angible and inangible business asses B. The CMDB conains he Business Rules ha direc he inangible, confgurable asses used by a

company C. The CMDB archives all Service Managemen PaaS equipmen meadaa and usage satstcs D. The CMDB conains ITIL process daa peraining o confguraton iems  Answer: A

NO.8 Which one o he ollowing saemens describes he purpose o a Service Caalog workow? A. A Service Caalog workow generaes hree basic componens: iem variable ypes, asks, and approvals B. Alhough a Service Caalog workow canno send notfcatons, he workow drives complex ulfllmen processes C. A Service Caalog workow is used o drive complex ulfllmen processes and sends notfcaton notfcatonss o defned users or groups D. A Service Caalog workow generaes hree basic componens: iem variable ypes, asks, and notfcatons  Answer: C

NO.9 Which o he ollowing saemen describes he purpose o an Order Guide? A. Order Guides resric he number o iems in an order o only one iem i em per reques B. Order Guide provide a lis o guidelines or Adminisraors on how o se up iem variables C. Order Guide provide he abiliy o order multple, relaed iems as one reques D. Order Guides ake he user direcly o he checkou wihou promptng or inormaton  Answer: C

NO.10 Which ype o inerace enables you o display multple perormance analytcs, reportng and oher widges on a single screen? A. Form B. Lis C. Dashboard D. Timeline  Answer: C

NO.11 Wha is a Dictonary Override? A. A Dictonary Override is an incoming cusomer updae in an Updae Se which applies o he same same objecs as a newer local cusomer updae


B. A Dictonary Override is he additon, modifcaton, or removal o anyhing ha could have an

eec on IT services C. A Dictonary Override is a ask wihin a workow ha requess an acton beore he workow can contnue D. A Dictonary Override ses feld propertes in exended ables  Answer: D

NO.12 Record numbers have o be manually incremened A. True B. False  Answer: B

NO.13 ServiceNow is a single-insance, multple enan archiecure? A. True B. False  Answer: B

NO.14 Which o he ollowing conceps are associaed wih he ServiceNow CMDB? (Choose our.) A. Service Processes B. User Permissions C. Tables and Fields D. A Daabase E. The Dependency View  Answer: A C


NO.15 UI Policy can make felds read-only, mandaory, or hidden. A. True B. False  Answer: A

NO.16 Wha are he wo aspecs o LDAP Inegraton? A. Daa Populaton B. Daa ormang C. Auhorizaton D. Auhentcaton  Answer: A


NO.17 Buons, orm links, and conex menu iems are all examples o wha ype o unctonaliy? A. Business Rule B. UI Acton C. Clien Scrip D. UI Policy  Answer: B


NO.18 Which one o he ollowing saemens is a recommendaton rom ServiceNow abou Updae Ses? A. Avoid using he Deaul Updae se as an Updae Se or moving cusomizatons rom insance o insance B. Beore moving cusomizatons rom insance o insance wih Updae Ses, ensure ha bo boh h insances are dieren versions C. Use he Baseline Updae Se o sore he conens o iems aer hey are changed he frs tme D. Once an Updae Se is closed as "Complee", change i back o "In Progress" untl i is applied o

anoher insance  Answer: A

NO.19 Wha are he our knowledge workows available in he ServiceNow base insance? A. Approval publish: Reques approval rom a manager o he knowledge base beore moving he artcle i he publish sae B. Insan Publish: Immediaely publishes a dra artcle wihou requiring an approval C. Insan Retre: Immediaely retres a published artcle wihou requiring an approval D. Retre Knowledge: Moves a knowledge artcle o he retred sae.  Answer: A

NO.20 Which hree Variable Types can be added o a Service Caalog Iem? A. True/False, Multple Choice, and Ordered B. True/False, Checkbox, and Number Lis C. Number Lis, Single Line Tex, and Reerence D. Multple Choice, Selec Box, and Checkbox  Answer: D

NO.21 How is he Even Log dieren rom he Even Regisry? A. Even Log conains generaed Evens, he Even Regisry is a able o Even defnitons B. Even Log is ormaed in he Log syle, he Even Regisry displays dieren felds C. Even Log liss Evens ha were riggered by inegratons, he Even Regisry liss he Evens ha ha were riggered during he day (24-hour period)

D. Even Log is he same as he Even Regisry  Answer: A

NO.22 Wha are he hree componens o a fler conditon? A. Table B. Value C. Field D. Operaor  Answer: B


NO.23 There are

common ypes o Ineraces (Numeric Value)


6: There are six common ypes o ineraces A. Homepage: Consiss o navigatonal elemens, unctonal conrols, and plaorm inormaton. B. Lis: Display records rom a daa able, as well as allow you o edi he record inormaton using he Lis Edior unctonally. C. Form: Daa is enered ino ServiceNow hrough orms D. Dashboard: Enable you o display multple perormance analytcs, reportng and oher widges on a single screen. E. Maps: Display ServiceNow daa graphically on a Google map F. Timelines: Used o rack asks or projecs  Answer: C

NO.24 Wha is he purpose o a Relaed Lis? A. To creae a one-o-many relatonship B. To do-walk o a core able C. To presen relaed felds D. To presen relaed records  Answer: D

NO.25 For Adminisraors creatng new Service Caalog iems, wha is a characeristc hey should know abou Service Caalog variables? A. Service Caalog variables can only be used in Record Producers B. Service Caalog variables can only be used in Order Guides C. Service Caalog variables canno aec he order price D. Service Caalog variables are global by deaul  Answer: D

NO.26 Which are valid Service Now User Auhentcaton Mehods? (Choose hree.) A. XML eed B. Local daabase C. LDAP D. SSO E. FTP auhentcaton

 Answer: B


NO.27 Which ool is used o have conversatons wih logged-in users in real-tme? A. Connec Cha B. Now Messenger C. User Presence D. Commens  Answer: A

NO.28 Which o he ollowing allows a user o edi feld values in a lis wihou opening he orm? A. Daa Edior


B. Edi Menu C. Lis Edior D. Form Designer  Answer: C

NO.29 In wha order should fler elemens be specifed? A. Field, Operaor, hen Value B. Field, Operaor, hen Conditon C. Operaor, Conditon, hen Value D. Value, Operaor, hen Field  Answer: A

NO.30 Wha is a Record Producer? A. A Record Producer is a ype o Caalog Iem ha is used or Requess, no Services B. A Record Producer creaes user records C. A Record Producer is a ype o Caalog Iem ha provides easy ordering by bundling requess D. A Record Producer is a ype o a Caalog Iem ha allows users o creae ask-based records rom he Service Caalog  Answer: D

NO.31 Which one o he ollowing saemens is rue abou Column Conex Menus? A. I displays actons such as creatng quick repors, confguring he lis, and exportng daa B. I displays actons relaed o flering optons, assigning ags, and search C. I displays actons relaed o viewing and flering he entre lis D. I displays actons such as view orm, view relaed ask, and add relatonship  Answer: A

NO.32 Which o he ollowing is rue o Service Caalog Iems in relaton o he Service Caalog? A. They run behind he scenes. B. They are he building blocks. C. They are optonal. D. They provide optons.

 Answer: B

NO.33 Wha are he main UI componen(s) o he ServiceNow Plaorm? A. Banner Navigaor B. Banner Frame C. Applicaton Frame D. Applicaton Navigaor E. Conen Menu F. Conen Frame  Answer: B



NO.34 The baseline Service Caalog homepage conains links o which o he ollowing componens? A. Record Producers, Order Guides, and Caalog Iems B. Order Guides, Iem Variables, and Workows C. Order Guides, Caalog Iems, and Workows D. Record Producers, Order Guides, and Iem Variables  Answer: A

NO.35 Access Conrol rules may be defned wih which o he ollowing permission requiremens? (Choose hree.) A. Roles B. Conditonal Expressions C. Assignmen Rules D. Scrips E. User Crieria F. Groups  Answer: A


NO.36 Which are saes ha you can make a feld on a orm using UI Policy? A. read-only B. wrie-only C. Necessary D. Mandaory E. Empy F. Hidden  Answer: A


NO.37 Which o he ollowing can be cusomized hrough he Basic Confguraton UI 16 module? (Choose hree.) A. Banner Image B. Record Number Forma C. Browser Tab Tile D. Sysem Dae Forma E. Form Header Size  Answer: A


NO.38 daabase live a he Daa Cener. A. True B. False  Answer: A

NO.39 is a compuer program running as a service; a physical compuer dedicaed o running one or more services, or a sysem running a daabase.  Answer: Server


NO.40 Which one o he ollowing saemens applies o a se o felds when hey are coalesced during an impor? A. I a mach is ound using he coalesce felds, he existng record is updaed wih he inormaton being impored B. I a mach is no ound using he coalesce felds, he sysem does no creae a Transorm Map C. I a mach is ound using he coalesce felds, he sysem creaes a new record D. I a mach is no ound using he coalesce felds, he existng record is updaed wih he

inormaton being impored  Answer: A

NO.41 Wha inormaton does he Sysem Dictonary conain? A. The human-readable labels and language sengs B. The defniton or each able and column C. The inormaton on how ables relae o each oher D. The language dictonary used or spell checking  Answer: B

NO.42 Wha is he Impor Se Table? A. A able where daa will be placed, pos-ransormaton pos-ransormaton B. A able ha deermines relatonships C. A saging area or impored records D. A reposiory or Updae Se inormaton  Answer: C

NO.43 Wha is he name o he conversatonal bo plaorm ha provides assisance o help users obain inormaton, make decisions, and perorm common asks? A. Answer Agen B. live Feed C. Virual Agen D. Connec Cha  Answer: C

NO.44 Repors can be creaed rom which dieren places in he plaorm? (Choose wo.) A. Lis column heading B. Merics module C. Satstcs module D. View / Run module  Answer: A


NO.45 Which one o he ollowing saemens bes describes he purpose o an Updae Se? A. An Updae Se allows adminisraors o group a series o changes ino a named se and hen move his se as a uni o oher sysems


B. By deaul, an Updae Se includes cusomizatons, Business Rules, and homepages C. An Updae Se is a group o cusomizatons ha is moved rom Producton o Developmen D. By deaul, he changes included in an Updae Se are visible only in he insance o which hey are

applied  Answer: A

NO.46 When using he Load Daa and Transorm Map process, wha is he Mapping Assis used or? A. Mapping felds using he Impor Log B. Mapping felds using Transorm Hisory C. Mapping felds using an SLA D. Mapping felds using a Field Map  Answer: D

NO.47 The display sequence is conrolled in a Service Caalog Iem using which o he ollowing? A. The Deaul Value feld in he Caalog Iem orm B. The Sequence feld in he Caalog Iem orm C. The Order feld in he Variable orm D. The Choice feld in he Variable orm  Answer: C

NO.48 A group is sored in which able? A. Group[user group] B. Group[sys_user] C. Group[sys_user_group] D. Group[sys_user_group_profle]  Answer: C

NO.49 When working on a orm, wha is he dierence beween Inser and Updae operatons? A. Inser creaes a new record and Updae saves changes, boh remain on he orm B. Inser creaes a new record and Updae saves changes, boh exi he orm C. Inser saves changes and exis he orm, Updae saves changes and remains on he orm D. Inser saves changes and remains on he orm, Updae saves changes and exis he orm

 Answer: D

NO.50 Wha is he purpose o agging an artcle in a knowledge base? A. To mark an artcle o read laer. B. Allow a user o submi eedback abou an artcle C. Reportng an error  Answer: B

NO.51 Wha is he maser able ha conains a record or each able in he daabase? A. [sys_maser_db] B. [sys_db_objec]


C. [sys_maser_objec] D. [sys_objec_db]  Answer: B

NO.52 Which echnique is used o ge inormaton rom a series o reerenced felds rom dieren ables? A. Table-Walking B. Sys_ID Pulling C. Do-Walking D. Record-Hopping  Answer: C

NO.53 Which one o hese applicatons is available o all users? A. Change B. Inciden C. Facilites D. Sel-Service  Answer: D

NO.54 Tables are made up o which o he ollowing? A. records B. liss C. orms. D. felds  Answer: A


NO.55 A knowledge artcle mus be which o he ollowing saes o display o a user? A. Published B. Draed C. Retred D. Reviewed  Answer: A

NO.56 Wha are he 6 mehods available or user auhentcaton? A. Local Daabase: The user name and password in heir user record in he insance daabase. B. Multacor: The user name and password in he daabase and passcode sen o he user's mobile mobile device ha has Google Auhentcaor insalled C. LDAP: The user name and password are accessed via LDAP in he corporae direcory, which has a maching user accoun in he daabase. D. SAML 2.0: The user name and password confgured in a SAML identy provider accoun, which has a maching user accoun in he daabase. E. OAuh 2.0: The user name and password o OAuh identy provider, which has a maching user accoun in he daabase.


F. Diges Token: An encryped diges o he user name and password in he user record.  Answer: A B


NO.57 Knowledge artcles wihin a knowledge base are grouped by caegory. A. True B. False  Answer: A

NO.58 A REQ number in he Service Caalog represens... A. he order number. B. he sage. C. he ask o complee. D. he individual iem in he order.  Answer: A

NO.59 As i relaes o ServiceNow reportng, which o he ollowing saemens describes wha a meric can do? A. A meric is a repor gauge used on homepages o display real-tme daa B. A meric is a tme measuremen used o repor he eectveness o workows and SLAs C. A meric is used o measure and evaluae he eectveness o IT service managemen processes D. A meric is a comparatve measuremen used o repor he eectveness o workows and SLAs.  Answer: C

NO.60 Knowledge Base Search resuls can be sored by which o he ollowing? (Choose hree.) A. Mos recen updae B. Populariy C. Relevancy D. Manager assignmen E. Number o views  Answer: A


NO.61 Which o he ollowing saemens is rue when a new able is creaed by exending anoher able? A. The new able archives he paren able and assumed is roles in he daabase B. The new able inheris all o he Business Rules, Clien Scrips, and UI Policies o he paren able, able, bu none o he existng felds C. The new able inheris all o he felds o he paren able and can also conain new felds unique o isel  D. The new able inheris all o he felds, bu does no inheri Access Conrol rules, Clien Scrips, and UI Policies o he paren able  Answer: C

NO.62 Wha is he pah an Adminisraor could ake o view he ulfllmen sage ask lis or an


order placed by a user? A. RITM (Number)>REQ (Number)>PROCUREMENT (Number)>PROCUREMENT (Number) B. REQ (Number)>RITM (Number)>PROCUREMENT (Number) C. REQ (Number)>RITM (Number)>TASK (Number) D. FULFILLMENT (Number)>RITM (Number)>TASK (Number)  Answer: C

NO.63 Wha reers o an applicaton or sysem ha accesses a remoe service or anoher compuer sysem, known as a server? A. Server B. Clien C. Scrip D. Policies  Answer: B

NO.64 Which one saemen correcly describes Access Conrol rule evaluaton? A. Rules are evaluaed using roles. The role wih he mos permissions evaluaes he rules frs B. I more han one rule applies o a row, he older rule is evaluaed frs C. I a row level rule and a feld level rule exis, boh rules mus be rue beore an operaton is allowed

D. Rules are evaluaed rom he general o he specifc, so a able rule mus be actve o contnue  Answer: C

NO.65 When searching using he App Navigaor search feld, wha can be reurned? (Choose our.) A. Names o Applicatons and Modules B. Names o Modules C. Names o Applicatons D. Favories E. Hisory Records F. Tiles o Dashboard Gauges  Answer: A B


NO.66 How are Workows moved beween insances? A. Workows are moved using Updae Ses B. Workows are moved using Transorm Maps C. Workows are moved using Applicaton Ses D. Workows canno be moved beween insances  Answer: A

NO.67 A Service Caalog may include which o he ollowing componens? A. Order Guides, Exchange Raes, Calendars B. Order Guides, Caalog Iems, and Inercepors C. Caalog Iems, Asse Conracs, Task Surveys


D. Record Producers, Order Guides, and Caalog Iems  Answer: D

NO.68 Which applicaton is used o change he number orma per able? A. Number Mainenance B. Sysem Mainenance C. Table Mainenance D. Record Mainenance  Answer: A

NO.69 Wha is a way ha you can mark a knowledge artcle or review? A. Flag artcle B. Review C. Bookmark D. On Hold  Answer: A

NO.70 Wha are he 5 provided Roles by ServiceNow? A. Sysem Adminisraor: The admin role provides access o all plaorm eaures, applicatons, unctons and daa. B. Specialized Adminisraor: Specialized adminisraor adminisraor roles manage specifc unctons or

applicatons, such as Assignmen Rules, Knowledge base, repors, or web services C. Fulfller: Users wih he ITIL role may ulfll ITIL actvites associaed associaed wih he ITIL workow, including Inciden and Change managemen. D. Approver: Users wih he Approver user role can perorm all requeser actons and may view or modiy approval records direced o he approver E. Requeser: Also known as Employee Sel Service (ESS) users, hese users have no roles bu can submi and manage heir own requess, access public pages, ec.  Answer: A B


NO.71 UI Acton can promp ha an Inciden has been successully submied. A. True B. False  Answer: A

NO.72 Wha defnes conditons ha are evaluaed e valuaed agains users o deermine which users can creae, read, wrie, and retre knowledge artcles. A. User conditons B. User ino C. User Crieria D. User permissions  Answer: C


NO.73 Wha is a schema map? A. A schema map enables adminisraors o defne records rom specifc ables as rouble sources or Confguraton Iems B. A schema map graphically organizes he visual ask boards or he CMDB C. A schema map graphically displays he Confguraton Iems ha suppor a business service D. A schema map displays he deails o ables and heir relatonships in a visual manner, allowing adminisraors o view and easily access dieren pars o he daabase schema  Answer: D

NO.74 Wha is he uncton o user impersonaton? A. Testng and visibiliy B. Actvae verbose logging C. View cusom perspectves D. Unlock Applicaton maser lis  Answer: A

NO.75 Wha is he plaorm name or he User able? A. u_users B. sys_users C. x_users D. sys_user  Answer: D

NO.76 A User is sored in which able? A. User [sys_user] B. User [ sys_user_group] C. User [ sys_user_profle] sys_user_profle] D. User [user_profle]  Answer: A

NO.77 Wha is he dierence beween UI Policy and UI Acton? A. UI Acton can make felds read-only, mandaory, or hidden. while UI Policy can make a save buon buon

visible or appropriae users. B. UI Policy can make felds read-only, mandaory, or hidden. while UI Acton can make a save buon buon visible or appropriae users.

 Answer: B

NO.78 Where can Admins check which release is running on an ServiceNow insance? A. Memory Sas module B. Sas module C. Sysem.upgraded able D. Transactons log  Answer: B


NO.79 Which group o permissions is used o conrol Applicaton and Module access? A. Access Conrol Rules B. UI Policies C. Roles D. Assignmen Rules  Answer: C

NO.80 Wha is generaed rom he Service Caalog once a user places an order or an iem or service? A. A change reques B. An Order Guide C. A reques D. An SLA  Answer: C

NO.81 Which ype o ables may be exended by oher ables, bu do no exend anoher able? A. Base Tables B. Core Tables C. Exended Tables D. Cusom Tables  Answer: A

NO.82 ServiceNow uses wha erm o describe all he daa saved wihin a partcular orm? A. Fields B. Form C. Record D. Liss  Answer: C

NO.83 Where would you go in ServiceNow o order services and producs oered by various deparmens? A. Service Caalog B. Sel Service C. Service Deparmen D. Cusomer Service  Answer: A

NO.84 Table Access Conrol rules are processed in he ollowing order: A. any able name (wildcard), paren able name, able name B. able name, paren able name, any able name (wildcard) C. paren able name, able name, any able name (wildcard) D. any able name (wildcard), able name, paren able name


 Answer: B

NO.85 Confguraton will no aec wha ohers see on heir orms. A. True B. False  Answer: B

NO.86 Daa Policy can enorce mandaory daa on impor. A. True B. False  Answer: A

NO.87 Wha displays a se o records rom a able? A. View B. Dashboard C. Panel D. Lis  Answer: D

NO.88 A role is recorded in which able? A. Role[sys_user] B. Role[sys_user_profle] C. Role[sys_user_record] D. Role[sys_user_role]  Answer: D

NO.89 Which o he ollowing is used o initae a ow? A. A Trigger B. Core Acton C. A spoke D. An Even  Answer: A

NO.90 Wha are he wo pahways o view eedback le on a published artcle? A. Knowledge > artcles > My Flagged B. Knowledge base > my knowledge > agged artcles C. Knowledge > My artcles > Flagged D. Knowledge > artcles > published  Answer: A


NO.91 Creae Inciden, Password Rese, and Repor ouage: wha do hese services in he Service Caalog have in common? A. They direc he user o a record producer


B. They direc he user o a caalog propery C. They direc he user o a caalog UI policy D. They direc he user o a caalog clien scrip  Answer: A

NO.92 From he User menu, which actons can a user selec? (Choose hree.) A. Send Notfcatons B. Log Ou ServiceNow C. Elevae Roles D. Impersonae Users E. Order rom Service Caalog F. Approve Records  Answer: B


NO.93 Business Rules are used o enorce mandaory daa on a orm. A. True B. False  Answer: B

NO.94 Wha is a characeristc characeristc o importng daa ino i no ServiceNow? A. An existng Transorm Map can be used one tme on he same impor se B. Coalesce felds are used only aer running Transorm C. Any user can manage and se up impor ses D. An existng Transorm Map can be used multple tmes on he same impor se  Answer: D

NO.95 Each knowledge bases can have unique liecycle workows, user crieria, caegory srucures, and managemen assignmens. A. True B. False  Answer: A

NO.96 Which saemen is rue abou business rules? A. A business rule mus run beore a daabase acton occurs B. A business rule can be a piece o Javascrip C. A business rule mus no run beore a daabase acton occurs D. A business rule moniors felds on a orm  Answer: B


Certfed Sysem Adminisraor Dumps 1. SLA, OLA and and UC are conf confgur gured ed in in whic which h modu module? le?   Service Level Managemen (SLM) objec is upd updaed aed in in boh boh ses wha will will happe happen? n? 2. I he same objec The mos recen change is moved o he merged updae se. The oher updae remains in is original updae se o provide a record o he changes ha were no moved. You may wan o validae validae ha he correc corr ec changes chan ges were moved o he new se se  by viewing viewing he updae updae se. 3. Dierence Dierence beween beween Even Even Log Log and and Even Even Regi Regis sry? ry? Even Log: Conains even actviy Even Regisry: Conains even descripton Wher ere e is is da daa a s sor ored ed? ? 4. Wh Tables 5. Wha an an cond condit iton on co con nain ains? s?   Field, Operaor and Value 6. How o app apply ly an UI Pol Polic icy y o o All All View? View? Make i as Global 7. Bu Buon, on, Relaed Lin Links ks and Con Conex ex Menu hese are? are?   UI Actons Wha is is bu busi sine ness ss rule rule? ? 8. Wha A business rule is a server-side scrip ha runs when a record is displayed, insered, updaed, or deleed, or when a able is queried. 9. Wh Wha a is SS SSO? I is a mehod o access conrol ha enables a user o log in once and gain access o he resources o multple soware sysems wihou being promped o log in again. 10. Wha is di beween SAVE and Inser buons? buons? Save buon saves he changes and remains in same page Inser buon insers new record and redirecs o lis 11. Giv Give e example example o a one one o many relatonships? relatonships?   Users o groups SaaS? 12. Wha do you mean by SaaS? Soware as a Service 13. Wha is Sys_ Sys_id? id? A 32 characer long unique ID


14. UI Policy Policy runs on? on? Clien Side 15. Which o he ollowin ollowing g can be peror per ormed med by Inbound Email Acton? Acton?   Creae or updae ask records

16. Wha is access conrol conrol defned defned? ? Specifc role or user 17. Wher Where e is daa sored? Table sored?  Table column mn in in able? 18. Wha is colu A cell which hold able daa 19. How o load load spreadshe spreadshee e in service now now insance? Load Daa > Creae ransorm map > Run ransorm map 20. 3 ype o numbe numbers rs rom orders? Reques Number (REQ), RITM, caalog Task number groups availabl available? e? 21. In Live eed which are deaul groups 1) Unlised 2) Public 3) Sysem Sysem Admi Admini nis sra rao orr 22. Wha is is Conexua Conexuall Securiy? Secure a record based on is conens 23. Wha is Hierarchical Hierarchical Securi Securiy? y? Can apply securiy rules o any level in our objec hierarchy 24. Wha does Order guide guide reer o in Service Service Caalog? Bundled Reques (An order guide gives cusomers an easy way o order multple relaed iems as a single reques) 25. Where BSM maps are are sored? On which abl able? e? bsm_graph able feld should be here in able ha identfes identfes ha i should should be capured capure d in Updae Ses?  Ses?   26. Which feld updae_synch aribue 27. I workow is is no published, only chec checked ked ou will i i be capured capur ed in updae ses?  ses?   No, only published workows are capured in updae ses. 28. Wha does worko workow w tmel tmelines ines represen? represe n? Shows tmesamps in graphical orm or actvites o workow. 29. When Business rules rules can be used in Know Knowledge ledge base? Scenario based: To inser Knowledge Artcle or Knowledge Submission hrough Inciden, problem or change as record is closed in hese mgm. Inciden needs o be changed, which able able should should I reer?  reer?  30. I prefx o Inciden Number Mainenance able [sys_number]. 31. Glo Global bal Search opto opton n can be ound in which which par o UI?  UI?   On Banner p ar o UI U I will you fnd fnd help (link (link o wiki) opt opton? on?   32. In which par Banner Frame > Gear Icon >


33. Wha is is securi securiy_admin y_admin role? I is a High Securiy plugin acs as an elevaed privilege which gives access o all he applicaton hrough ou ha session. 34. I a user us er is no given fler_global fler_global or fler_admin fler_admin role, wha will be he impac? He can save he cusom fler or himsel only, neiher or his group nor globally. 35. Scen Scenario ario when an Inercepor Inercepor can be used? In change managemen case o provide dieren opton or user in case o separae view and emplae

36. Wha changes are no capured in upd updae ae ses? 1) New New user user 2) New grou group p 3) New reco records rds 4) Modif Modifed ed CI’s 5) Schedul Scheduled ed Jobs Jobs 6) Sc Sched hedul ules es 37. Where Whe re will you fnd opt opton on o edi a lis? lis? 1) Lis Lis Gear Gear icon icon 2) Double clicking clicking on he feld (0n Cell Edi) 38. When he SLA SLA scheduled scheduled jobs? jobs?   SLA breached. 39. ACL which rule will will win win o resric resr ic acces a ccesss o  o shor descripton descripton feld feld o inciden? inciden?   Inciden. Shor Descripton ound in in which which UI version? version? 40. Book mark eaure can be ound UI 11 41. How many major major releases does Service Service Now have in in a year?  year?  One 42. cmdb_ci_server inheri inheris s which which class?  class?  cmdb_ci_compuer 43. Wha are he UI compone componens ns o a homepage? homepage? Banner, Conen pane and Applicaton Navigao Navigaor. r. should be enabled enabled o make a KB artcle artcle accessible accessible o everyone? everyone ?  44. Wha should I should be made public 45. How will will you defne defne a Service caalog workow workow? ? Defne Workow propertes, Defne Workow actvites, Publish i. 46. Wha is SSO SSO inegra inegrato ton? n? SSO inegraton bypasses he ServiceNow login auhentcaton by allowing a user o your corporae poral o auomatcally login o he sysem wih cenrally managed roles and auhorizaton. An LDAP inegraton is he mos common SSO inegraton. Impersona sonae e Icon 47. Where does Imper presen? Banner presen?  Banner Frame


48. Coalesce in in imp impor or se? Reduce chances o Daa Redundancy during impor 49. Wha is SLA-Re SLA-Reroac roactve tve sar? Reroactve Sar deermines he SLA's behavior i i is aached o he ask a a poin laer han he ask's creaton. I Reroactve Sar is rue, he hen n he SLA will tme rom he ask's Creaed On dae and tme. I Reroactve Sar is alse, hen he SLA will tme rom he dae and tme ha i was aached o he SLA. 50. Wha is is Delega Delegae e User? Reques on behal o anoher user. 51. Pause condit conditon on in in SLA? SLA?   Awaitng Conen en o service caalog? caalog? 52. Con

1) Caal alo og IIe ems ms 2) Reco Record rd Pro Produ duce cers rs 3) Orde Orderr Gu Guides 53. RITM sa sands nds or? Requesed Iem organize ized? d? 54. How KB are organ By Topics and Caegories 55. App Applica licato tons ns and modu modules les are loaded based on?  on?  Roles 56. Conen Conen o o banner banner in in service now? now? 1) Welcom Welcome e Message 2) Impers Imperson ona ae e Key 3) Elevaed Privileg Privilege e 4) Gear Gear Icon Icon 5) Globa Globall ex Search 56. ES 56. ESS S can access? access? 1) My Iems 2) My req reques uess, s, 3) KB appli plies es on? 57. ACL ap Fields and ables 58. How o change change Homepage Homepage Color Color? ?  Sysem Propertes > CSS 59. Daa Dictonary Dictonary is used or?  or?  Defning he Daabase Srucure 60. Worko Workow w edior edior and Service caalog diers in approval mehodolog mehodology? y?  




61. SLA, OLA and UC are confgured confgured in which which modul module? e?   Service Level Managemen homepage? 62. How can you view repors on homepage? Add o Homepage 63. KB artcles artcles are reerred reerre d in which modu modules les below? Inciden 64. Wha hings hings are racked in cusomiza cusomizato tons? ns? 1)


2) Form sec sectons 3) Liss 4) Rela Relae ed d lliiss 5) Cho hoiice liss 6) Conen en pag pages es 7) Daa Daaba base se chan change gess 8) Sysem Sysem dic dict ton onar ary y en enrie riess 9) Field ield la lab bels els 65. Wha do you you mean by Elevaed Privilege Privileges? s? A role ha has special permissions or he duraton o he log in session 66. How do you mod modiy iy he feld feld behav behavior? ior? 1) UI P Po olicy 2) Daa Daa Dic ict ton ona ary

Shorcu o approv approve e a Service Reques? 67. Shorcu Righ Click Reques -> Approve you enhance Homepage Homepage perormance in case o 68. How do you gauges?  Delee Gauges gauges? Delee 69. Wha inu inuenc ence e sysem perormance? More perormance?  More gauges on homepage 70. ACL evalua evaluaes es on? on? conditon/scrip conditon/scr ip and roles 71. I workow workow checked ou, can i be modife modifed d by any user?  user?   Yes 72. I a spli spli is added in a orm, how many many column columnss ge creaed? creae d?   Two relatonsh onship ip in able? 73. One o many relat Incidens may be associaed wih only one problem, bu problems may be associaed wih many incidens Impor or Ses characeristcs? characeristcs? 74. Imp Impor Ses is a powerul ool used o impor impor daa rom various various daa sources, and hen map ha daa ino ServiceNow ServiceNow ables. The Impor Impor Ses able acs as a sag saging ing area or


records impored rom a daa source.


75. Service caalog vari variable able ypes???? 1) Break 2) Check Box 3) Con Conai aine nerr Sar, Sar, Con Cona ain iner er End End 4) Dae 5) Dae/Time 6) HTML 7) Label 8) Lis is Col Colle leccor or 9) Looku Lookup p Mult Multpl ple e Choice Choice 10) Looku Lookup p Selec Box 11) Macro Macro 12) Macro Macro wih wih Label 13) Mult Mult Line Line Tex 14) Mult Multple Choice 15) Numeric Numeric Scale Scale 16) Reere Reerence nce 17) Selec Selec Box Box 18) 18) Si Sing ngle le Line Line Tex 19) UI Pag Page e 20) Wide Wide Single Single Line Line Tex inconsisency correcton correcton is done done rom auomaed? 76. Daa inconsisency Plugin workow, w, when i wi willll execue? 77. SC worko Only or ask running agains sc_ca_iem 78. Service caalog workow workowss can be aached o partcular partcular requess in one one o he ollow ollowing ing ways? 1) Ma Manu nuall ally, y, on he Ca Caalog alog Iem orm 2) Au Auo omat matca cally lly based on condi condit ton onss 3) Au Auo omat matca cally lly i i here are no oher work workows ows aached aached 79. Wha is represen represened ed by order in in Service Service caalog? caalog?

How he caalog variable will will be displayed. High h Securiy plug plugin in is actvaed? actvaed?   80. When Hig By giving giving he securiy_admin role 81. How ACL is is ap appli plied ed? ? Tables and felds 82. Wha is a Colum Column n and row in a able? able?   Column Colu mn is a feld and row is a record. record . cusom omize izess he Homepage, Homepage, wha 83. I User cus happens? A prefx My is added o he happens? A homepage. 84. Wha is is here here sored in in CMDB?


Tangible and inangible business asses.


display value value or any feld? feld?   85. How o se display Righ Click Click > Confgure Dictonary 86. Sandard recommendat recommendaton on or Updae se? se ? Do no use deaul updae se or cusomizaton Acton on and UI Polic Policy? y? 87. Dierence beween UI Act UI Acton: I runs on server side used o made changes in orm view and lis lis view. UI Policy: I runs on clien side used o make a feld read only, mandaory, visible. 88. Service Caalog Caalog worko workow w actv actvites.. ites..? ? 1) Work Work ow pro prope pert rtes es 2) Work Worko ow w act actvit vites 3) Publish 89. Which cusom cusomizat izatons ons would would ge sored in updae updae se? 1) Any Any cha chang nges es o scri script ptng ng,, 2) new feld’s eld’s cus cusom omiz izat aton on,, 3) Workows 4) Form sec ect tons 5) Liss 6) Rela Relae ed d lliiss 7) Choice oice liss 8) Conen Conen pages pages (in (in Conen Conen Managemen Managemen) ) 9) Daa Daaba base se chan change gess 10) Sysem dictona dictonary ry enries enries 11) UI acton actonss 12) UI polic policies ies 13) busine business ss rules rules 14) clien clien scrip scrip 90. How o change change background background color color? ? Sysem Propertes > CSS 91. In case c ase o Clien Clien Scrip Scrip which feld feld shou should ld be rue o apply clien scrip scrip on all views? Global View 92. Wha is he rue i we delee he he sysem able? Auomatcally Auomatca lly recreaed deleed Sysem able in Nex Upgrade 93. How o make an UI Policy glo globa bal? l?   Chec k he Global Check Global feld 94. How ServiceNow sysem is confgur confgured ed o send an a n email notfc notfcat aton on aer sysem Upgrade? Defne in Notfcaton Module 95. Wha is he he rue abou abou Slush Slush Bucke? Fields appearing in Seleced secton will be presen in orm

96. Which mod module ule is used or creae a new Caalog iem? iem?  Mainain iems


ar range he Applica Applicato tons ns in le navig navigat aton on o user? user ?  97. How o arrange By assigning role o user 98. Whi Which ch is is rue rue o creae a caalog asks? Workow or Sc_req_iem asks? Workow 99. Which mod module ule is used o see col column umn srucure in a able? able? Tables & Columns 100. 100.

How Ho w o de defn fne e fel eld d ari aribu bue ess

Righ click on feld lable>Personalize Dictonary 101. 1. 10

Whic Wh ich h par par o Hom HomePa ePage ge con cona ain inss KB? KB?  


News When Su Subm bmi i bu bu on Appe Appears ars in h he e orm? orm?

When changes made o orm 103. 103.

Wha is li Wha lisstng in in HomeP HomePag age e icon? icon?   Lis o home pages


How o chang change e he he Deve Develop lopmen men and Pro Produc ducton ton ins insan ance ce colo color? r?

105.. 105

Sysem Propertes >Basic Confguraton How o see he he curren curren versi version on o ins insa anc nce e as an Adm Admin in? ?

Sysem Diagnostc applicaton >> Sas Module >> Build 106. 6. Wh Wha a ar are e a able less ca can n be be 10 deleed? Table deleed?  Table sars wih u_ 107. 107.

Whic Wh ich h is is r rue ue ab abou ou INC INC a abl ble? e?   Inciden able exends ask

108 108..

able When Whe n UI UI Act Acton onss appe appears ars on h he e or orm? m?

When conditons ges satsfed 109.

Can we we vali valida dae e wo work rko ow w beore beore pub publi lish sh? ?  True


Arrange he he No. No. o users in in any new insan insance ce o servic service e now. now. 1= mos, mos, 2= Moderae, Moderae, 3=

Less, 4= very less.?? ESS> ITIL> Delegae> ADMIN 114. In 114. Incid ciden en, , prob proble lem m able abless inhe inheri ri which which ab able. le.   Task able. cusomiz omize e a homepag homepage, e, SNC makes a copy o i and __ ____ ____ __ 115. When you cus ? Adds he prefx prefx "My" o he homepage name. name . you edi/ creae a workow? workow? 116. How do you Using Graphical Workow Edior 117. Wha is he purpose purpose o a service caalog workow? workow?   To auomae he sequence seq uence o actvites. actvites. 118. Wha is he he impora imporan n acor o remember when a user is creatng caalog variable? Caalog variable?  Caalog Variables are global by deaul. 119. Wha is he he purpose purpose o o an updae se? To move he cusomizatons cusomizatons rom one insance o anoher



change he number prefx prefx rom "INC" o "IN" or inciden inciden able?  able?  120. How can you change Number mainenance able 121. Which seng allows he user o  o view knowledge artcles artcles wihou loggi logging ng in? in?  Public sengs ollowing wing is rue regarding roles? 122. Which o he ollo Roles can conain oher roles. When user is assigned o a role, he will inheri he conained roles as well. 123. ACL is par o which which securiy? securiy?   Conexual Securiy is rue regardin regarding g Knowledge Knowledge Base? 124. Which is In a Knowledge base, artcles are grouped according o caegories. 125. How can you view view he dicto dictonary nary or a feld? feld? Righ clicks on he feld and click Personalize Dictonary. 126. Which among among he ollowi ollowing ng is rue regarding regarding ACLs? I here are row and feld ACLs, user has o satsy boh o have access o he feld. 127. Wha is Daa Dictonar Dictonary? y? I conains inormaton abou a feld's daa ype, characer limi, deaul value, dependency, and oher aribues. know which which release version o Service Service Now you are working working on? on?   128. How do you know Go o Sysem Diagnostcs->Sas Diagnostcs->Sas and check he Build Build name. 129. Wha does home home icon do ? I akes you o he homepage 130. When user creae c reaess a able "abc", "abc", how does does service now now name i? u_abc i?  u_abc sy sem adminisra adminisraor or wans o modi modiy y he homepage, which o he ollow ollowing ing link linkss on 131. I he sysem he page indicaes ha his can be done by ? Add conen he "coalesce" "coalesce" feld feld do do? ? 132. Wha does he Coalescing on a feld (or se o felds) means he feld will be used as a unique key deails does a knowled knowledge ge artcle artcle hol hold? d? 133. Wha deails 1) Known Known errors 2) Useul in inor orma mato ton n 3) Troublesh Troubleshoot ootng ng tps 134. Wha does does a ransorm map map do do? ? A ransorm map is a se o feld maps ha deermine he relatonships beween felds in an impor se and felds in an existng Service Now able (such as Incidens or Users). 135. Dieren Dierence ce beween clien scrip scrip and business business rule rule Clien scrip: I runs a clien side onLoad, onchange, oncelledi and onSubmi o he orm Business rule: I runs a server side beore/aer record in insered, i nsered, updaed or deleed. 136. onCh onChange ange clien clien scrip scrip runs on ? Change in he value o a partcular feld 137. Links, buons, conex menu acton belongs belongs o? o?   UI acton


138. UI policy policy accomp accomplishes? lishes? 1) Making Making a feld feld read-only 2) Making Making feld feld read-only 3) Making Making a feld feld o be hidden hidden 139. How do you you confrm confrm an insance insance upgrade? Sysem Logs -> evens -> sysem.upgraded, use his even o rigger he Sysem Upgraded notfcaton 140. Wha all modules modules can an ESS user see se e under in Service Caalo Caalog? g?   Sel Service purpose se o an Order Guide? Guide? 141. Wha is he purpo An order guide gives cusomers an easy way o order multple relaed iems i ems as a single reques. 142. Choose he order o evalua evaluaton ton o o ACLs An ACL rule only only grans a user access acce ss o an objec objec i he user mees all o he permissions permissions required by he maching ACL rules. -The conditon mus evaluae o rue. -The scrip mus evaluae o rue or reurn an answer variable wih he value o rue. -The user mus have one o he roles in he required roles lis. -The oher maching ACL rules or he objec ype mus evaluae o rue. 143. Wha is one hing hing in workows workows peculiar or caalog? You can defne visibiliy o variables on ask orm hrough workow when i is creaed 144. Wha is is BSM MAP? MAP? Business Service Managemen BSM map ha graphically displays he relatonship o  confguraton confgurat on iems ha suppor a business service. 145. Wha is Coalesce used or in imp impor or ses? se s? I compares he uniqueness o daa i no ound, creaes new record, So i reduces daa redundancy 146. Which one one on homepage homepage will will access acce ss know knowledge? ledge?   News 147.. Kno Knowle wledge dge process consis consiss? s? 147 1) Docum Documen en creaton creaton 2) Approva Approvall and review rom SMEs 3) Publish Publishing ing 148. Gauge 148. Gauge can be be added o? o ? Homepage variables bles cab be arranged on a caalog 149. How he caalog varia iem By iem  By seng he appropriae value o feld 'Order'. adminisraors ors can do diagnose diagnose problem problemss and improve improve he homepage homepage perormanc perormance? e? 150. Wha do adminisra 1) Turn on homepage debugging 2) Troubleshoo slow repors 3) Parallel homepage rendering 4) Homepage caching


151. How can you view repors on homepage? Repors  view/run  open a repor  add o homepage

152. Daa inconsisency inconsisency correcton correcton is done done rom auomaed? Plugins o reerence? reerence? 153. Icon o Icon ( ) 154.. App 154 Applica licato ton n Navigat Navigaton on Search his hisory ory is sored somewhere some where or no?  no?  No 155. Daa Dictonar Dictonary y is used or?  or?   Daabase Srucure 156. Creae inciden, inciden, repor ouage, password rese rese  – wha is common common in in his? 1) User is direced o varia variable ble se se  2) User is direced direced o record produc producer er 157. Applica licato ton n navigao navigaorr doesn’ appear on screen sc reen why? why?   157. App Toggle Navigaor ar e no displayed in mob mobile ile view? view?   158. Shorcus and avories are False 159. Records in able able are displayed displayed in lis lis view?  view?  True Workows ows are moved beween 160. Work insances? They can be moved by insances? They updae ses 161. UI actons actons execues on? on? Server side. policy? y? 162. Purpose o daa polic Daa policies enable you o enorce daa consisency across he applicaton. 163. When is work workow ow comple complee? e?   Only when published  rom mobile mobile (rue 164. Favories and shorcus can be managed rom /alse) True. /alse)  True. populae e he he cmdb cmdb? ? 165. Ways o popula 1) Discov Discovery ery 2) Im Impo por r ses ses 3) Inegr Inegrae ae 4) Web servi services ces 5) Help he help help desk desk 6) Manu Manual al 166. Tab Tables les can be relaed relaed o each oher by? 1) One One - Many Many 2) Many Many - Many Many 3) Exens Exension ionss 4) Daabase Daabase view viewss


167. Wha are Task oo ools? ls? 1) SLA 2) Assign Assignmen men rules rules 3) Appro Approval valss rules 168. ACME knowledg knowledge e base conains? conains? 1) Cusomer suppor suppor artcles artcles 2) HR blo blog g 169. MEGACORP knowl knowledge edge base conains? conains?

1) Know Know error artcl artcles es 2) de devW vWik ikii 170. How o a deaul fler? fler? Sysem Sys emmake defnit defniton on > Applicato Applic aton n Menu Me nu > Modules Noe: Under Un der he modules modules speciy he fler 171. Creae incide inciden n,, repor oua ouage, ge, password rese ? User is direced o record producer conrol ru rule le evaluaes? 172. Access conrol when feld rule and record rule is specifed , and boh crieria should be ulflled 173. Applicato ton n navigao navigaorr doesn’ appear on screen sc reen why? why?   173. Applica Toggle Navigaor 174. Shorcus and avories are ar e no displayed in mob mobile ile view? view?   False able are displayed displayed in lis lis view? view?   175. Records in able True in service now? 176. Wha are core ables in Task Table and Cmdb_CI 178. Work Workows ows are moved beween insances? They insances?  They can be moved by updae upda e ses se s 179. Which is is rue regarding regarding Ui actons? actons? Conditons can be specifed o deermine when a ui acton appears daa po poli licy cy? ? 180. Purpose o daa I sandardizes daa across applicaton. 181. Records in able able are displayed displayed in lis lis view view ( True / False )  )  True 182. In updae ses workow workow will will be capure or no? Yes, can capure 183. Can daa polic policy y be used o enorce daa consisency across applicatons? True applicatons?  True you make fler fler visib visible le o everyone? every one?   184. How will you Save, Assign a name, name , se se  visib visible le , save is an even? even? 185. Wha is Indicaton o he service now processes ha somehing has occurred


you enable or disable disable applicat applicaton? on? 186. How will you Sysem Defniton > Applicaton Menus > Selec he Applicaton Noe: Can Check and Uncheck he Actve CheckBox 187. Wha is sysem dictonar dictonary? y? 1) The Daa Dictonary Table, Dictonary Dictonary Enry [sys_dictonary] conains a addito dditonal nal inormaton inorma ton ha defnes daabase daab ase elemens. eleme ns. 2) You can explore he sysem sys em dictonary dictonary or additonal additonal inormaton inormaton abou able srucures. srucu res. 188. When Applicatons Applicatons will will no no display? display? 1) User migh migh no have have he appropriae appropriae role. 2) May change he view o o he applic applicat aton on navigaor navigaor user. purpose o using using ype fler fler ex? 189. The purpose

To quickly access applicaton menus and modules 190. Record bas baseline eline satst satstcs cs or clien ransactons ransactons tme? tme? Average Clien response tme: Average Clien nework tme: Average Browser tme 191. Wheher a user can delee delee a pos pos? ? Users can remove heir own poss poss by righ-‐clicking 192. When he work ow ow ges compleed? compleed? When he Workow Workow runs ou o actvites. actvites.

hen selecng delee.

193. Wha does an workow workow edio ediorr means? Inerace Iner ace or creatng creatng and mod modi iyi ying ng Wo Work rko ows ws by ar arra rang nging ing and conn connec ectn tng g

actv ctv

ites ites o processes. proce sses. 194. Wha is rue abou abou checkou in in workow? workow? The workow is available o run only or he users who has i checked ou. 195. Wha is rue abo abou u KPI? KPI Repors are especially especially useul, useul, because hey are examples o ITIL bes practce repors. Advanag nage e o CSV orma? orma? 196. Adva CSV orma can handle more rows o daa han Excel. 197. Defne Dae overridde overridden? n? Dictonary overrides provide he abiliy o defne a feld on an exended able dierenly rom he feld on he paren able You can add dictonary overrides only on ables ha are in he same scope as he dictonary override 198. How many many SLA SLA a record record can have? A record can have multple sla’s 199. Tags can be creaed in whic which h secton? Form secton?  Form 200. Defne Sysem Dictonary Dictonary? ? The sysem dictonary is a able, called Dictonary Enry [sys_dictonary], ha conains deails or each able and he defniton defniton or every eve ry column on ea each ch able in an insance Each row in he sysem dictonary represens eiher a able or a column in one o he ables. ables .


201. Defne varia variable ble disp display lay sequence?


Variables are displayed using order feld which i displays in ascending order workow? w? 202. When you can’ use worko 1) When a workow workow is checked ou 2) Using graphical graphical edior edior we can’ can’  use workow workow when i is is published published 203. In which sage, workow workow versions versions ha is no longer longer availab available le or new conex? conex?   Compleed. 204. Wha is a rereshable rereshab le widge viewabl viewable e as a homepage secton? secton? Repors


Certfed Sysem

Adminisraor Dumps 205.. 205

Which Wh ich o o he he ollo ollowi wing ng can be perormed by in inbo boun und d email email act acton? on?  

A. Creae or updae ask record. • Se Send nd an ema email il w whe hen n a ask ask reco record rd chan changes ges.. • Crea eae e a new new able. • Send Send sc sche hedu dule led d repor repors s.. Wha ha is Sev Sevic ice eNow? E. I is a Cloud based ITSM ool buil on web 2.0, SAAS, ITIl v3, PaaS and IT 3.0. F. I is a cloud based on-demand on-demand ITSM buil buil on PaaS, SaaS and ITIL. G. I is a cloud Based on-demand ool used or building web applicatons. H. I is a Social IT based helpdesk sysem using JDBC plaorm. H. Which o he ollowing are conained in he banner rame ha runs across he op o every Service now webpage? E. Welcome message. F. Impersonae key. G. Homepage. H. All o he above I. In wha way does he Swich perspectve eaure in applicaton navigaor assis you in organizing orga nizing applicat applicatons ons in servi se rvice ce now? E. I allows you o view applicatons rom he perspectve o individual roles as ITIL, Asse Managemen or Admin. allows ws o view applica applicato tons ns rom he perspectve o CMDB, CMD B, ITIL, IT IL, Repors, F. I allo

06.. 206


Asse Managemen, Admi Admin n or ALL G. I allows you o view hrough CMDB, Admin, ITIL, ESS or ALL H. I allows you o selec applicatons hrough only Admin, ITIL,ESS users. Wha is he main area in all Service now web pages? E. Conen Pane F. Banner. G. Applicaton Navigaor. H. Global Tex Search Area. he house icon icon acce access? ss? K. Wha lis does he J.


Lis o mos visied web pages.

F. Lis o homepages. G. Lis o company locatons.

gauges used on homepages H. Lis o gauges


A _______ is a user in he sysem ha receives anoher users messages like approval requess, media inviatons and oher business messages? E. ESS users F. ITIL users G. Knowledge user

D. Delegae L. Which one o he ollowing saemen describes he conens o he confguraton

managemen daabase (CMDB)? A. The CMDB conains ITIL process proc ess daa da a peraining o confgurato confguraton n iems B. The CMDB conains daa da a abou angible angible and inang inangible ible business business asses asse s C. The CMDB achieves all service managemen PaaS equipmen meadaa and usage

satstcs D. The CMDB conains business rule ha direc he inangible, confgurable asses

used by he company M. Which one o he saemen below describes he relatonship beween he inciden

able and ask able? C. The ask able exends he inciden able D. The ask able is he child o he inciden able E. The inciden able is he paren o he ask able

D. The inciden able exends he ask able N. Which one o he oll ollowi owing ng saemen is correc when reerring reerri ng o UI actons? actons? F.

UI Acton on he ask able are no available available o is is exended exe nded ables

G. UI Actons are only execued on he server

H. UI Actons canno use scrips or be scriped

Conditons can be specifed o be deermined when a UI Acton appears



O. My company wans have he inciden number prefx as ‘IN’ insead o he deaul ‘INC’.

As an ADMIN, wha do I need o do? C. Go o he number mainenance applicaton and change he prefx o ‘IN’ or he

inciden D. Creae a business rule ha modifed he prefx beore he inser operaton E. Subm Submi i he change change reques reque s o ServiceNow echnical suppor suppor F.

The prefx o an inciden canno be changed because i is a buil in eaure

P. Which one o he ollowing saemen is rue or sysem adminisraors who are deletng

ables? E. Deletng he able doesn’ delee oher associaed elemens like views and gauges.

The elemens mus be deleed separaely F.

Only ables beginning wih ‘u_’ can be permanenly deleed

G. Deletng an ou o box sysem able permanenly delees i rom use by all

insance a a cusomer side H. An ESS user use r ccan an delee any confgura confguraton ton iem iem ha is reerenced by he problem problem

able, saving you tme Q. Which one o he ollowing is rue characeristcs or workows in service caalog? E. The sar & end actvites in workows can be changed F.

Workows can have a multple rounds o approval actons

G. Workows can have a maximum o fve rounds o approval actons

D. Only one rollback actvites is allowed in a workow R. When adding a variable variable o a caalog iem, wha does an order feld deermine? E. The order feld ses he availabiliy o he variable variable iem by graying he iem i i is

no available o be ordered F.

The order feld displays he ulfllmen prioriy value by calculatng and presentng present ng an expeced delivery delivery dae

G. The order feld value is used o display he variable by price. The order is more

expensive o less expensive H. The order feld esablishes he display order o he variables. Variables are lised

by ascending ascending order order values.


S. Which one o he ollowing saemen is rue when using he slush bucke o design a

orm or lis? E. The available available column column is is he lis lis o all o he felds felds ha are ar e currenly displayed on

he existng orm F.

I he feld name appears appear s in he bold on aler being moved o he seleced sele ced column, he feld is he reerence feld

G. When he feld is moved rom he seleced column o he available column, he

feld is removed rom he lis H. To exacly positon felds on he orm, use he le and righ buons T. When running ransorm on an impor se, how does he servicenow insance handle he

daa being impored? E. Records are ignored when he daa in he insance insance maches he daa

being impored F.

Records are overwrien when he daa in he insance maches he daa being impored

G. The impor se acs as a saging area or records impored rom a daa source H. The impor se able allows you o defne destnatons or impored daa on

servicenow ables sengs ha can c an be made in he conexual conexual securiy manager? U. Wha are wo o he sengs E. Abili Abiliy y o change release daes and manage group personnel. F.

Abili Abiliy y o change release rele ase daes dae s and resric resr ic auomatc notfcatons. notfcatons.

G. Abili Abiliy y o se he maximum maximum aachmen aachm en size and speciy he aachmen aachm en fle ypes. ype s. H. Abili Abiliy y o disable applicatons and o  o se he  he maximum notfcaton notfcaton siz size. e. V. Which one o he ollowing modules can be used o view feld sengs or a able?

A. Columns and Fields. B. Tables and Fields. E. Tables and Columns. F. Access Conrol.


W. Wha is he organizing srucure used in he Knowledge base o organize artcles? G. Wihin he Knowledge Base, artcles are organized by he inciden ha hey are

aached o. H. Wihin he Knowledge Base Applicaton, me artcles module organizes artcle by auhor. I. Wihin a Knowledge Base onic, artcles are organized ino caegories. Wihin a Knowledge base onic, artcles are organized alphabetcally or every week o he monh. X. Because a homepage is dynamically generaed, which one o he ollowing is a way o inuenc in uence e perormanc perormance? e? rer esh o o or o longer longer tme tme incremen. E. Se reresh F. Rearrange he homepage homepage o replace all gauges a he op o he page. G. Add more gauges o he homepage so ha he daa is reused beween he gauges. H. Rearrange he homepag homepage e o replace all gauges gauges a he boom boom o he page. Y. Which one o he ollowing includes a quick way o an approval manager approves a service caalog reques? E. In he reques requ es lis, righ righ click he he REQ number number and selec sel ec approve reques. reque s. F. In he caalog ask lis, righ click he ask number and selec approve. J.

G. In he caalog ask orm, selec Approve rom he sae feld feld drop down down lis. H. On he requesed reque sed iem orm, selec approve approve rom he reques feld feld drop down down lis. Z. Which one one o he ollowin ollowing g saemens saemen s describes descr ibes he purpose purpose o a Service Caalog

workow? F. The Service Caalog workow is used o drive complex ulfllmen processes and sends notfcatons o defned users or groups. G. The Service Caalog workow generaes hree basic componens: iem variable ypes, asks, and approvals. H. The Service Caalog workow generaes hree basic componens: iem variable ypes, asks, and notfcatons. I. Alhough a Service Caalog workow canno send notfcatons, he workow drives complex ulfllmen processes. Wihin a orm, which o hese mehods can be used o view he Dictonary sengs or a feld? E. Double-click on he feld label. F. Righ Righ-cli -click ck on he he orm header head er and selec s elec Personalize->Form Layou. Layou. G. Righ Righ-cli -click ck on he Reerence Reeren ce icon and selec Personalize->Dictonary. Personalize->Dictonary. D. Righ-click on he Field label and selec Personalize->Dictonary.



BB. Making he background color o he Developmen insance dieren rom he Producton

insance makes i easily recognizable. Which one one o he ollowing ollowing is a correc corre c lis o seps o cusomize he background color o he header bar? E. Banne Bannerr and Lis capton capton background color > drag new ne w color ino banner > save. sav e. F. Righmos porton o he page header and browser tle > ype on color code > save. G. Righmos porton o he page header and browser tle > ype on color code > reresh page. H. Righmos porton o he banner > Gear icon > Theme. CC. Why he Business Service Managemen (BSM) map is display or a confguraton iem,

where is he confguraton iem locaed in he maps? E. The confguraton iem is a he boom o a ow char srucure, and all he confguraton iems, ha eed daa o he confguraton iem are shown above. F. The confguraton iem is a he op o a ow char srucure, and all he confguraton iems, ha eed daa o he confguraton iem are shown below. G. The confguraton iem is in he cener o he map, wih upsream confguraton iems and downsream downsr eam confguraton confguraton iems displayed. H. The confguraton iem is a he op o a ypical srucure, showing all he confguraton iems aeced by i. DD.

Which one o he ollowing is an example o a one-o-many relatonship?

E. User able[sys_ user]reerences he Task able[ask]assigned o feld.

F. The Task able[ask]assigned o feld reerences he user able[sys_ user]. G. Incid Inciden en able[inciden]o able[inciden]opened pened feld feld reerences reerence s he calendar calen dar able[sys_ calendar].

inciden[inciden]a iden]able ble reerences reerence s a ables wih open open asks. H. The inciden[inc EE. Which one o he ollowing saemens correcly describes he dierences beween

a clien scrip and a business rule? E. A clien scrip scrip runs beore a record recor d is locaed and a business rule rule runs aer a record is loaded F. A clien clien scrip runs on he server and a business rule runs on he clien C. A clien scrip runs on he clien side on load, on change o a feld, or on submission o a save on he record. A business rule on he server beore or aer a record is loaded, insered, deleed, or updaed D. A clien scrip runs on he clien-only clien-only on load o a record. rec ord. A business rule runs on he server serv er only aer a record is loaded, loaded, insered, insered, deleed or updaed major seps o creae a Service Caalog reques work workow ow and make FF. Wha are he major i available o ohers? cr eae workow workow actvites, and publish publish he workow E. Defne workow propertes, creae F. Creae workow actvites, creae approval acton actvites ,and publish he workow. G. Defne workow propertes, creae workow actvites, and creae deploymen sage asks. H. Defne work workow ow propertes, propertes, creae mark iem approval approval asks, asks , and creae


deployme depl oymen n sage asks.


Which one o he ollowing saemens describes he conens o he confguraton managemen daabase (CMDB)?


A. The CMDB conains ITIL process proc ess daa da a peraining o confgurato confguraton n iems B. The CMDB conains daa da a abou angible angible and inang inangible ible business business asses asse s

G. The CMDB archives o Service Managemen PaaS equipmen equipmen mehods mehods and usage


satstcs H. The CMDB conains he business rules ha direc he angible and inangible confguraton asses used by a company Wha does Cusom Chartng Plug-in allow you o do? E. I combines daa rom inside he Service Now plaorm wih inernal daa only o

produce a single char. combines repors ha Service Now creaes cre aes ino ino a single single char. F. I combines G. Cusom chartng allows you o creae chars when you have a requiremen ha canno be satsfed wih he Repor Applicaton. H. I merges daa rom single able in he plaorm o creae a meaningul repor. II. Wha does a ServiceNow Homepage provide? G. A dashboard o requenly used conen which usually usually includes includes repors. repo rs. A personal space ha is confgured o be he frs page seen aer login, Access o multple personal homepages, Access o oher global homepages he user has he righs o view. H. The Service Caalog ordering page is essentally also a homepage confgured. I shar es he same shares sam e unctonaliy unctonaliy and he inormaton inormaton below applies o i as well. When a user use r logs logs o ServiceNow, Service Now, hey’ll be aken immedia immediaely ely o heir homepage. homepage. I he user has a personalized homepage ha’s wha hey’ll see. A user sees he homepage wih he lowes Order value. J. ServiceNow documenaton ha did no provide an answer, copy and pase he URL ino he ex box o help us improve our produc documenaton. JJ. Wha is a Service Level agreemen? G. A record in he SLA SLA able which defnes a se amoun amoun o tme tme or a ask o  o reach re ach cerain conditon, he ables o access and wha ype o SLA is being evaluaed. H. A service-level agreemen is negotaed agreemen beween wo or more partes, where one is he cusomers and ohers are service providers. providers. re aches and condit conditons ons wihin wihin a cerain I. SLAs are used o ensure ha a ask reaches I.

amoun o tme, such as ensuring ha an inciden is closed or resolved immediaely when assigned. J. A Service-level agreemen agreeme n is a par o Service conrac where a service is ormal ormally ly defned. In practce, he erm SLA is sometmes used o reer o he conraced delivery tme.


KK. Wha is he greaes benef o utlizing SLAS? F. This propery will be used only wih he audied ables. Tables which are no

audied ignore ignore he pause tme beore be ore he creaton crea ton o he record in he SLA. G. The ask SLA engine provided by he plugin can also be used o defne OLAs or Underpi Und erpinnin nning g conracs in exacly same way as SLAs. SLAs . H. SLA’s allow an IT Service Desk o rack i here represenatves are providing a specifc level o service, and run repors on he success raes o he SLA actons. I. The propery Compue prior SLA pause tme or new, reroactve SLAs (2011

SLA engine only) will available. defniton, wha are ar e he conditons conditons ha will rigger an SLA? LL. In SLA defniton, C. Sar Sar  Conditon, Conditon, Sop Conditon, Conditon, Pause Pa use conditon, conditon, Reverse Rev erse condito conditon. n. D. Sar conditon, sop conditon.

Sar r conditon, conditon, Sop conditon, conditon, Paus P ause e conditon. conditon. E. Sa F. Sa Sar r conditon, conditon, Pause Pau se conditon, conditon, Sop conditon. MM.


Wha are he 4 aspecs o Service Level Agreemen? E. SLA Defniton, Task SLA, creatng an SLA, Deletng an SLA rom a work order. F. SLA Defniton, Task SLA, SLA auomaton, SLA workow G. Creatng an SLA, Deletng an SLA, Deletng an SLA rom a work order. H. Delet Deletng ng an SLA rom  rom a work order, ord er, creatng cre atng an a n SLA, SLA Defnit Defniton. on. Wha are he ypes o SLAS in ServiceNow? Underpinning conrac. co nrac. E. SLA agreemen, Operatonal level agreemen, Underpinning F. SLA workow, SLA Defniton, Operatonal level agreemen. G. Task SLA, SLA agreemen. Underpinn Underpinning ing conrac. H. SLA Auomaton, Auomaton, SLA conditons conditons and scrip include.

Wha are he 3 ypes o numbe numbers rs rom orders? E. Requesed Iem, Procuremen, Fulfllmen. F. Ful Fulfl fllmen lmen, , Procuremen, Caalog em, Requesed Iem. G. Reques Number (REQ), Requesed Iem (RITM), Caalog Task Number. H. Reques Number, Caalog Iem. PP. Wha role allows user o defne caalog iems? E. Caalog_admin Role. F. Service Role. G. Knowledge Admin Role. H. Admin Role. OO.


Which o he ollowing ollowing are you allowed o make cusomizaton cusomizatonss o?

E. A able. F. A orm. G. A feld.

H. All o he above.


RR. By deaul in in ServiceNow, wha wh a cusomiz cusomizat atons ons are added o Updae Ses? E. Changes made made o daa. d aa. F. Changes made o a orm. G. Changes made o a schedule. H. Changes made o a homepage. SS. Which o he ollowing are workow actvites? E. Approvals. F. Notfcaton. G. Timers. H. All o he above TT. Wha is Single Sign-On (SSO)? E. A ype o inegrat inegraton on ha enables a user u ser o log in in once and pain access acces s o  o he

resources o multple soware sysems wihou being promped o log in again.

F. A process ha gris access o hird-pary soware ha allows Service Now o


wrie o ouside ouside daabases. da abases. G. A Service Now applicaton ha mainains, sores, and validaes passwords or access o Service Now applicatons. H. A ype o Service Now release rele ase ha updaes exist existng ng Service Now insances. insances . Wha are wo o he seng ha can be made in in he conexual conexual Securiy Manager? E. Abiliy o change release daes and manage group personnel. F. Abi Abiliy liy o change release rele ase daes da es and resri res ric c auomatc notfcato notfcatons. ns. G. Abiliy o se he maximum aachmen size and speciy he aachmen fle ypes. D. Abiliy o disable applicaton and o  o se se  he maximum notfcaton notfcaton size.

VV.Which secton o he Service Now GUI conains he global search eaure? E. Lis pane. F. Lower Navigaton bar.

C. Banner. D. Applicaton Navigaor. Which one o he ollow ollowing ing modules modules can be used u sed o  o view feld seng seng or a able? WW. A. Columns and Fields. B. Tables and Fields. D. Tables and Columns. E. Access conrol. main componens componens o he he Service Now graphical graphical user inerace in erace (GUI)? XX. Wha are he main E. Applicaton Navigaor, News Conen Frame, Lis pane and Inormaton Srucure. F. Applicaton Navigaor, Banner, Power Edge and Conen Frame. G. Nav Navigat igaton on Bar, Repor Re por Gauge rame, Power Bar and News Ne ws Conen Block. H. App Applica licato ton n Lis, Repor Gauge Gauge rame, ram e, Power Po wer Bar and Deails pane.


YY. In a ypical Service Now insance, wha ypes o users are in he sysem? Choose one lis

ha orders rom 1=mos seas o 4=leas in amoun amoun o seas. Adminisra raor or 2) ITIL User 3) Delegae Adminis Adminisrao raorr 4) ESS user. E. 1) Sysem Adminis F. 1) ESS user 2) Delegae Adminis Adminisrao raorr 3) ITIL User 4) Sysem Adminisra Adminisraor. or. G. 1) Sysem Adminis Adminisrao raorr 2) Delegae Dele gae Adminisraor Adminisraor 3) ITIL User 4) ESS user. D. 1) ESS user 2) ITIL User U ser 3) Delegae Adminis Adminisrao raorr 4) Sysem Syse m Adminisrao Adminisraor. r. ZZ. Wha is he organizing srucure used in he knowledge Base o organize artcle? E. Wihin he Knowledge Base, artcles are organized by he inciden ha hey are aached o. F. Wihin he Knowledge Base applicaton, artcle module organizes artcles by auhor. G. Wihin he Knowledge Base onic, artcles are organized ino Caegories. H. Wihin he Knowledge Base opic, artcles are organized alphabetcally or every

week o he monh. Because a homepage is dynamically generaed, which one o he ollowing is a AAA. way o inuence perormance? E. Se Reresh Rer esh o o or o longer longer tme tme incremen. incremen.

homepage o place all gauges a he op o he F. Rearrange he homepage


page. C. Reduce he number number o gauges in he homepages. homepages. D. Rearrange he homepage o place all gauges a he boom o he page. Wha is he primary purpose o he Impersonae ea eaure? ure? E. To check wha role is given o a specifc user. user . F. To check password srengh o anoher user. G. To check i a UI Policy applies o a Business Rule. D. To ac as a dieren user or estng purposes.

Which one o he ollowing includes a quick way an approval manager can approve appro ve a Service Caalog reques? reques ? R eques lis lis, , righ-cli righ-click ck he REQ Number and selec Approve Approve Reques. Reque s. G. In he Reques H. In he Caalog Tasks lis, righ-click he TASK Number and selec Approve. I. In he Caalog Tasks orm, selec Approve Approve rom he sae feld feld drop-down lis. lis. Reque sed Iem I em orm, selec sel ec Approve rom he Reques Reque s feld drop-do drop-down wn J. On he Requesed lis. DDD. Which one o he ollowing saemen describe he purpose o a Service Caalog workow? C. The Service Caalog workow is used o drive complex ulfllmen processes and CCC.

sends notfcatons o defned users or groups.

D. The Service Caalog workow generaes hree basics componens: iem variable

ypes, asks, and approvals. E. The Service Caalog workow generaes hree basics componens: iem variable ypes, asks, and notfcatons. F. Alhough a Service Caalog workow canno send notfcatons, he workow


drives complex ulfllmen processes.



Which one o he ollowing is a lis o wha he Service Caalog conains? E. Order Guides, Guides, Caalog Iems and Inercepors. Inercep ors. F. Ca Caalog alog Iems, Asse Conracs, Task Surveys. Guides, Exchange Exchange Raes, Calendars. C alendars. G. Order Guides, H. Record Producer, Order Guides, and Caalog Iems.

Wihin a orm which o hese mehods can be used o view he dictonary sengs or a feld? E. Double-click on he feld label F. Righ Righ click on he orm header heade r and selec Personalize Personalize > Form layou layou G. Rig Righ h click on he reerence reere nce icon and selec Personalize Personalize > Dictonar Dictonary y D. Righ click on he feld label and selec Personalize > Dictonary



In an inciden orm, which one o he ollowing is an example o UI policy? F. Expor feld daa rom lis G. Add a module o an applicaton

C. Make he prioriy feld read-only D. Expor feld daa rom a orm New records, new groups and modifed confguraton iems wha do hey have in common? E. They are included in an updae se F. They are cusomizatons G. They do no have anyhing in common D. They are no capured in an updae se.


III. In an applica applicaton ton navigaor, navigaor, how is he lis o applicatons applicatons deermined?

E. Lis o applicatons is deermined by he Service level agreemens applicato tons ns and uses flerin flering g o End and access acce ss F. Every user has all he applica

applicatons G. The lis o applicatons seen according o he roles ha have been assigned o user H. The deparmen manager assigns applicatons o each user in he deparmen. JJJ. Why he business service managemen map (BSM) map is displayed or a confguraton

iem, where is he confguraton iem locaed in he maps? E. The confguraton iem is a he boom o a ow char srucure, and all he confguraton iem are shown above. F. The confguraton iem is a he op o a ow char srucure, and all he confguraton iems ha eed daa o he confguraton iem are shown G. Confguraton iem is in he cener o he map, wih upsream confguraton iems and downsream confguraton iems displayed. H. The confguraton iem is a he op o a pyramid srucure, showing all he confguraton iem aeced by i.



Wha process does he knowl knowledge edge base manage? E. Ordering and billing cycle initaed when iems are purchased using he service caalog. F. Weekly and monhly monhly operat operatons ons repors done on archived and curren curre n daa. d aa. G. Documen review cycle, which includes submission, eedback rom subjec maer expers (SMEs), ( SMEs), and publis publishin hing. g. accomplished hed as he real-tme real-tme racking racking o hardware hardwar e H. Sysem asse reassignmen accomplis and soware asses.

In service caalog, when a user orders several iems (or example, a deskop compuer, compu er, keyboard and mouse), he ypes o numbers generaed o rack he order are ar e REQ, RITM and? G. Procuremen grown number. H. BSM map number. I. Fulfllmen ask number. J. Caalog ask number. MMM. Which one o he ollowing saemens is rue or sysem adminisraors who are deletng ables? E. Deletng a able does no delee oher associaed elemens like views and gauges. These elemens mus be deleed separaely. F. Only ables beginning wih a “u” can be permanenly deleed. G. Deletng a ou o box sysem sys em able permanenly delees i rom use by all insances a all insances a a cusomer sie. H. An ESS user use r ccan an delee any confgurat confguraton on iem ha is reerenced reer enced by he problem problem sae, saving you tme. When adding a variable o a caalog iem, wha does he order feld deermine? NNN. E. The order feld ses he availabiliy availabiliy o he variables iem by graying graying he iem i i is no available o be ordered. F. The order feld displays a ulfllmen ulfllmen prioriy value by calculatng and presentng prese ntng LLL.

an expeced delivery sae. G. The order feld value is used o display he variable by price. The order is more expensive o less expensive. H. The order feld esablishes he display order o he variables. Variables are lised by ascending order values. Wha is an access defned and applied o? OOO. A. Specifc Specifc able user. user . B. Specifc role or user. E. Specifc group o users. F. Specifc user on a confguraton iem.



Which module module conains SLAs, OLAs, O LAs, and an d underpinning underpinning con conrac racs? s? E. Asse conrac. F. Service level managemen. G. Conen managemen. H. Service caalog.

Which one o he ollowing ollowing saemen saeme n is rue when using he slushbucke (also known as he lis collecor) o design a orm or lis?


F. The available column is a lis o all o he felds ha are currenly displayed on he

existng orm. G. I he feld name appears is a bold on aler being moved o he seleced column, he feld is a reerence feld. selec ed column o he available available column, column, he feld feld H. When a feld is moved rom he seleced is removed removed rom he orm. I. To exacly positon felds on he orm, use he le and righ buons. The company requess workow is a workow running agains he reques iem (sc_req_iem) able. Wha are he ways he workow can be aached o specifc spec ifc requess? reques s? C. Workow can only be aached o specifc reques auomatcally based on conditons. D. Manually on he caalog iem orm, auomatcally based on conditons or auomatcally i here are no oher workows aached. E. Manually on he caalog iem, only manually based on conditons or only manually manua lly i here her e are no oher workows aache a ached. d. F. Workows can only be aached o speciy requess manually on he caalog iem orm. SSS. Which on saemen correcly describes Access Conrol rule evaluaton? RRR.

E. I a row level rule and a feld level rule exis, boh rules mus be rue beore an


operaton is allowed. F. Rules are evaluaed using roles. The role wih he mos permissions evaluaes he rules frs. G. Rules are evaluaed rom he general o he specifc, so a able rule mus be actve o contnue. H. I more han one rule applies o a row, he older rule is evaluaed frs. Where is daa

sored? A. sored? A. Tables. E. Liss. F. Workows. G. Forms.


Which one o he ollowing saemens describes he purpose o an updae se? E. By deaul, an updae s includes cusomizatons, Business Rules and homepages. F. By deaul, he changes chang es included in an updae se se  are visible visible only in he insance o which hey are applied. G. An updae se is a group o cusomizatons ha is moved rom developmen o producton. H. An updae se allows allows adminisra adminisraors ors o group a series seri es changes change s ino a named se and hen move his se as a uni o oher sysems. When running running Transorm Transor m on an imp impor or se, how does he ServiceNow sysem VVV. handles he daa being impored? insance maches he da daa a E. Records are ignored when he daa in he insance being impored. F. Records are overwrien when he daa in he insance maches he daa being impored. G. The Transorm map acs as a saging area or records impored rom a daa source. H. The impor se able allows you o defne destnatons or impored daa on ServiceNow ables. WWW. Which one o he ollowing is an accurae lis o changes ha are capured in an updae upda e se? se ? A. Changes made o : ables, orms, Business Rules, and daa records. B. Changes made o : ables, orms, views, and felds. E. Changes made o : ables, orms, schedules and clien scrips F. Changes made o : ables, orms, groups and confguraton iems(CI’s). XXX. When does he submi buon appear on a orm? A. orm?  A. When Changing a new record C. When changing he reerence feld in an existng record D. When saving an old record UUU.

E. When updatng an Existng Record.

Wha is a workow workow prima primarily rily used or or? ? E. To send email notfcatons. F. To auomae a sequence o actvites. G. To order caalog iems. H. To schedule repors. When a user cusomize cusomize a homepage, he he sysem makes a copy o he homepage homepage and ZZZ.  ________? A. Renames me homepage wih he name o user. B. Adds a “My” prefx o he homepage name. anyhing. ing. E. Does no change anyh YYY.

F. Mainains he homepage homepage name. name .


Which one o he ollowing is an example o a one o many relatonships? E. User able[sys_user] reerenced he Task able[able]Assigned o feld F. The ask able[ask] Assigned o feld reerences he user able[sys_user]. G. Incid Inciden en able[inc able[incicen] icen] Opened feld reerences he calendar cal endar able[sys_calendar able[sy s_calendar]. ]. H. The inciden [inciden] able reerences all ables wih open asks. When creatng a new able named “abc”, wha is he sysem able BBBB. name ha is auomatcally assigned by he sysem? A. abc B. u_abc E. snc_abc F. new_abc. CCCC. Wha is an updae se used or? E. To reconfgure sysem resources. c hecked and verifed verifed in anoher anoher insance. F. To apply changes ha have been checked G. To apply updaes o hardware resources H. To deermine relatonships beween Impor Se Tables and Existng ServiceNow ables. is he quick quick way an approval manager can c an appro approve ve a service caalog DDDD. Which is reques? A. reques?  A. In he reques lis, righ click he REQ Number and selec Approve Reques. E. In he caalog Tasks lis, righ click he Task Number and selec Approve. Approve rom he Sae S ae feld drop-down drop-down lis. F. In he caalog Tasks orm, selec Approve G. On he Requesed iem orm , selec Approve rom he Reques feld dropdown lis. Which saemen o he ollowin ollowing g is correc when reerri reerring ng o UI actons? EEEE. E. UI Actons on he ask able are no available o is exended ables. F. UI actons are only execued on he server. G. UI Actons canno use scrips or be scriped. Conditons ons can be specifed o deermine when a UI Acton appears. appea rs. H.   Condit AAAA.

My company wans o have he inciden number prefx as ‘IN’ insead o he deaul “INC”. As an admin, Wha do I need o do? C. Go o he number mainenance applicaton and change he prefx o “IN” or inciden. D. Creae a business rule ha modifes he prefx beore he inser operaton. E. Subm Submi i a Change Reques Reque s o ServiceNow Technical suppor suppor F. The prefx o an inciden canno be changed because i is a buil-in eaure. Wha are he dieren ypes o sysem impor ses? GGGG. C. Load daa, Creae Tranorm map, Run Transorm. D. Daa Sources, Load daa, Impor Impor Sources. E. Load daa, Mapping, Run ransorm. F. Impor Sources, Transorming Mappping, Impor Destnatons. FFFF.


When using Transorm Mapping, how we can dynamically map felds? E. By updatng he felds using updae ses, we can add/delee/modiy he felds using usi ng rules and server scrips. F. We canno map dynamically map source and destnaton felds by using Service now scriptng scriptng objecs and unctonaliy. unctonaliy. G. We can dynamically map source and destnaton fleds by using ServiceNow scriptng script ng objecs and unctonaliy. unctonaliy. H. We canno Schedule daa impor imporss or mapping mapping he source sourc e and destnaton destnaton felds. IIII. I we canno fnd an iem in he applicaton navigaor, Wha will be he issue? E. Conac he ITIL user o actvae i, i necessary. F. You may have applied a fler or swiched perspectves. The applicaton ha conains he module may be collapsed. G. The applicaton may be collapsed in your company’s service now implemenaton. H. You have all access righs. The applicatons and modules available o you may depend on your role. JJJJ. Wha are ar e he mehods o searching? E. Record Field Search F. Tex Search G. Knowledge Artcle Search D. Global Tex Search. KKKK. Wha applicaton is available o all users? A. users?  A. Sel Service E. Service Caalog F. Knowledge Base G. Service Desk LLLL. Wha is a orm? E. Forms are used o selec dierene dierene  kinds kinds o user inpu. inpu. F. Liss display inormaton rom a daa able. Users can search , sor ,fler, and edi daa in liss. HHHH.

G. A orm displays inormaton rom one record in a daa able. Validae ae daa in HTML orms beore sending sending o he conen o a server. serve r. H. Valid MMMM. Which o he ollowing are orm eaure feld saus indicaors?

–R equired fl fled ed ha requires a value. G. Red –Required H. Green- modifed fled conen.

Ligh Red- Required feld ha has a saved value. J. Orange- Read only daa ha is no ediable E. All.



Wha are he lis inerace Elemens? C. Til Tile e bar, ba r, Breadcru Brea dcrumbs, mbs, Column Column headings, Respo R esponse nse Time Indicaor. Tile e bar, b ar, Breadcrumbs Breadcru mbs ,Column ,Column headings ,felds, Respon Re sponse se tme Indicaor. D. Til Tile le bar, Breadcrumbs, Breadcrumb s, Response R esponse Time Time Indicaor, Indicaor, felds. felds. E. Ti D. Tile bar, Breadcrumbs , Column Headings , Fields. OOOO. Which feld ype in a lis is no sorable? A. Daa ype B. Time Fields NNNN.

E. Dae/Time F. Severiy.

Wha eaures o ITIL are utlized by he service now plaorm? C. Planning , Design , Confguraton, Confguraton, Testng. D. Sraegy , Design, Transiton, Confguratons. C. Sraegy, Design, Transiton , Operatons. D. Planning , Sraegy, Design , Transiton. QQQQ. Inciden, problem and change ables exend which able? E. User [sys_user] F. Process seps [access_seps] C. Task [ask] D. Map [map] PPPP.

Wha is he indusry erm used o describe he computng plaorm and soluton sack ha suppors he delivery o web applicatons? 57. Open Daabase Connectviy[O Connectviy[ODBC] DBC] 58. Single Sign On[SSO] 59. Plaorm as a service[PaaS] 60. Simple Objec Access Proocol[SOAP] SSSS. Wha is a reroactve sar feld wihin an SLA defniton record used or? 111. Allows new SLAs o be associa ass ociaed ed wih existng existng tckes. Prevens users rom creatng tckes wih a dae in he pas. 112. Allows he SLA o se is sar tme o a specifc day/tme feld rom an 113. earlier even 114. There is no reroactve sar feld. RRRR.


in? in ?

Wha seng allows users o view a knowledge base artcle even i hey are no logged

177. The Allow AI role 178. The View AI seng C. The Public seng D. The ESS role UUUU. How do you make a able feld he display feld or reerence lookups agains ha able? 207. Creae a clien scrip on he able wih he synax “seDisplay(‘feldname’)”


Righ click on he feld label you wan o make he display value and click 208. se as Display. Display. Personalize he dictonary enry or he feld and check he display checkbox. 209. 210. Change a business rule by adding a fler ha reads “curren.display=rue”



How is coalesce used use d in impor impor ses? ses ? A. Coalesce is a mehod mehod o merge mult multple Transom maps beore he load daa sep in he impor process. B. Using coalesce, he impor impor se applicato applicaton n does mach source values o curren currenly ly exist exi stng ng arge values, a new re record cord is insered. C. Using coalesce, impor ses may updae exist existng ng records in a destnat destnaton on Producton able. D. I mult multpl ple e felds felds are se se  o coalesce, coale sce, hen on only ly he frs coalesce value value is used o

mach an a n existng existng record. WWWW. On a homepage, which one o he ollowing page elemens accesses knowledge base Artcles? A. Sysem inormaton B. News C. My re req ques uess D. Se Serv rvic ice e caa caalo log g Which saemen saem en is rue or a user who belongs o more han one group? XXXX. A. When user is a member member o o mult multpl ple e groups, groups, each group grans permis permission sionss o he user. B. When user use r is a member o mult multpl ple e grou groups, ps, he group group wih mos permiss permissions ions has precedence over all oher groups. C. When designa designaed ed as a delegae, a user mus mus belo belong ng o he he same deparm deparmen en as he user who is no available. D. Al Alll o o he he abov above. e. Which o he ollowing saemens correcly describes he dierence beween a clien scrip and a business rule? A. A clien clien scrip scrip runs runs beore a record is loaded loaded and a business business rule rule runs aer a record is loaded. B. A clien clien scrip runs on on he server and a business rule rule runs on he clien clien.. C. A clien clien scrip runs on on he clien clien when on load, load, on change change o a feld feld or on submiss sub mission ion o a record. A business rule rule runs runs on server beore or aer a record rec ord is loaded, loade d, insered, deleed or updaed. D. A clien clien scrip runs on on he clien clien only only on load o a record. A business rule runs on on he server only only aer a record rec ord is loaded, insered, deleed or updaed. updaed.



Which o he ollowing describes he purpose o an order guide? A. Order guides guides resric he number number o iems iems in an order o only only one one iem iem per reques. B. Order guides guides prov provide ide a lis lis o guidel guideline iness or adminisra adminisraors ors on how o se up iem variables. C. Order guides guides provi provide de me me abili abiliy y o order mult multpl ple e relaed iems as one reques. reques . D. Order guides ake he user direcly direcly o he checkou wiho wihou u promp prompt tng or inormaton.


Which one o he ollowing phrases complees he saemen: ”The purpose o a ransorm map is o?” A. Creae a se o new ables ables beore any daa is impor impored ed duri during ng he he load load daa process. B. I adds a dummy dummy record o align align felds felds in a able beore an adminisra adminisraor or runs runs ransorm. C. Deermine Deermine he relat relatonsh onship ip beween felds disp displayi laying ng in in an impor impor se able o he felds in an existng servicenow ables. D. Encryp Encryp daa wih wihin in he he insanc insance e or highe higherr securiy. Wha are he hree major seps o creae a service caalog reques workow BBBBB. and make i visible o all ohers? AAAAA.

A. Defne worko workow w propertes, propertes, creae cre ae workow workow act actvit vites es and pu publi blish sh he workow. workow. B. Creae workow workow actvit actvites, es, creae approval acton act actvit vites es and publis publish h he



C. Defne work workow ow propertes, propertes, creae workow workow act actvit vites es and creae deploymen deploymen sage asks. D. Defne Defne work workow ow proper propertes tes,, creae mark iem iem approved approved asks and creae deployme depl oymen n sage asks. Where is he impersonae eaure locaed? A. I is locaed locaed on on he he compan company y expan expand d collap collapse se banner banner area. are a. B. I is locaed locaed on on he he appli applica cato ton n navig navigao aorr corner. C. I’s a picure picure o o a key and is is in he banne bannerr rame nex o welco welcome me message. D. I is shown shown in he UI polic policy y applic applicat aton on module module..

Wha are he 3 ways o bring users ino he he Service Now sysem? A. Through Through Sing Single le Sign Sign-on -on and LDAP, using using an impor impor ses (import (importng ng users), manual man ually ly ener users, us ers, manuall manually y creatng users. B. Through Through Sin Single gle Sign-on, Sign-on, Knowledge Knowledge Base, manually manually creaed crea ed by admin. admin. C. Through Through Sing Single le Sign Sign-on -on,, LDAP, Homepage Admin, Admin, manu manually ally enering users. D. Through Through Knowle Knowledge dge Base, Organizat Organizaton on Managemen process module, manuall manually y creatng users. EEEEE. Wha are he OOTB Service-now roles in ascending order? A. Sysem Admin Adminis isra raor, or, ITIL (or (or process), process), ESS. ESS. B. ITIL, ESS, ESS, Delegae Delegae Admi Admin, n, Admin Admin.. C. Admin, Delegae Admin, ITIL, ESS. D. Admin, ESS, ITIL. FFFFF. Wha is Access Conrol? A. Access conrol conrol is is an selectv selectve e resrict resricton on o o access o a place or oher oher resource and auhorizaton. B. The access conrol model model enables you o conrol conrol he he abil abiliy iy o a process o access acce ss securable objecs or or o perorm pe rorm various various sysem adminis adminisra rato ton n asks. C. Access conrol conrol is a securiy securiy ro role le defn defned ed ad se a he a Row-level and and a he DDDDD.


column level and is execued when aemptng o access any Service-now able. D. All.




Please pro provid vide e an exa example mple o when you use Access Acc ess Conro Conroll Record Recor d in Service Now? A. To make he updaed updaed fe feld ld on he he inciden inciden orm ediable ediable or admin admin bu bu read on only ly or ITIL users. B. To make he he updaed feld feld on he inciden inciden orm ediable ediable or admin admin bu read only only or ITIL & ESS users. C. To change change he securiy securiy Mechani Mechanicc sengs. sengs. D. To move he he admin admin o seleced column column wih wih high high securiy sengs. sengs. Wha is conexual securiy in service now? A. Proecs a record based on is conen conenss and able loc locat aton on,, daa is aced upon upon based on he positon o he inormaton in he able hierarchy. Defnes access conrol rules o any level. B. The conexual conexual securiy securiy manager provides provides incre incredib dible le exib exibili iliy y and power o perec inormaton by conrolling read/wrie auhorizaton.

C. I doesn’ appl apply y he securiy securiy rules rules o any level in in he obje objec c hierarch hierarchy. y. D. In plaorm securiy Sengs, Sengs, High High auomat auomatcally cally act actvit vites es he conexual securiy plugin i i is already actve. IIIII. Aer he High Securiy Plugin Plugin is actvaed, a securiy_admin priv privilege ilege is crea creaed. ed. Wha Wh a is an elevae privilege? A. When a user accoun has priv privile ilege gess greaer han is n norm ormal al user privil privilege eges, s, which are emporarily auhorizes by sysem sys em admin. B. The elevaed privileg privileges es appl applicat icaton on launcher launcher is designed o assis a airly airly narrow specrum o he applicaton compatbiliy issues.

C. An elevaed permissio permission n is a role role ha has special permissions permissions or he durin during g o he log in session. D. Elevaed Privileges(E Privileges(EP) P) allo allow w you you o perorm confgurat confguraton on changes or oher advanced unctons on your compuer ha ordinary users are no auhorized o perorm. JJJJJ. Wha he CMDB applicaton does rom he ollowing in Service now? A. Helps Helps loca locae e ailed ailed changes. B. Facilia Faciliae e quick quick impac impac analysis. C. Increase Increase cos savin saving g o business. D. All KKKKK. Wha are he wo major record ypes in he CMDB? A. CMDB? A. Core confguraton, CI Relatonship. B. BSM Map, Map, CI Conf Confgu gura rat ton on.. C. Co Conf nfgur gurat aton on Iem, Relat Relaton on Type. Type. D. CI Relato Relatonship nship builder builder,, F Fla la Layou. Layou.


LLLLL. Wha is Business service map (BSM)?

A. Business Service Service modeli modeling ng solut solutons ons a allow llowss you o map applicat applicaton on and inrasrucure perormance inrasrucure per ormance and availabi availabiliy liy proble problems ms o real r eal defned business busine ss service and end-user impac impac. . B. A business business service map graphical graphically ly displaces displaces he conf confgura gurato ton n iems iems ha compose a business service and indicaes he saus o hose confguraton iems. C. A business business service service managemen (BSM) map graphi graphicall cally y displa displays ys he service caalog caalog (SC) which shows he saus will will be rereshed. reresh ed. D. Business Business Service Service Managemen is an enabling enabling echn echnolog ology y a he inersecton inersecton o business and IT alignmen. The days o IT organizans operatons wih only an undersand undersanding ing o ha IT. ses?  1. Wha provides a guide or moving daa rom impor ses?  Transorm map

2. How do you change he sor sequence o felds or ask?  ask?  Modiy he order feld

where?   3. Tables and Fields can be viewed and manipulaed where?  Form Tables Tables and Columns Colu mns

4. Wha is he sequencing o publishing a Knowledge Artcle?  Artcle? 


Review Publish 5. Wha are he 3 basic componens o Workow? Workow?   Approvals

Notfcaton s Task 6. How do you modiy or creae workow?  workow?  Utlize he Graphical Workow Edior

colours?   7. Where do you go in ServiceNow o change he banner and colours?  Sysem Propertes, hen CSS Propertes

8. To access he conrol lis you have o have which access?  



9. Where do you go o delee ables?

Tables and Columns Choose "delee" and ype he word "delee"

row?  10. Wha is a row?  A record is a row


11. Wha is a column?  column?  A feld is a column

12. Wha do inciden, problem and change have in common?  common?  They save o he ask able

13. I importng daa, how do you keep rom importng duplicaes?  duplicaes?   Utlize he Coalesce feld o sae which feld is he unique key

14. Wha conrols wha daa users can access? access?   ACL-Access Conrol Lis

15. Where do you go o add/modiy a service caalog iem?  iem?  Service Caalog>Mainain Iem

16. Wha is sored in a able?  able?   Daa

groups?  17. How are users relaed o roles or groups? 

One o many relatonships

18. Wha are updae ses?

Groups o cusomizatons ha can be moved rom one insance o anoher

19. Wha is a CI?

A CI is angible and inangible

20. Wha is BSM?

Business Service Managemen BSM map graphically displays he confguraton iems, CI, ha suppor a business service

21. Wha is a ool ha will auo populae he CMDB abou your windows compuer?


Help he Helpdesk

22. Wha is a record producer?

A specifc ype o caalog iem ha allows end users o creae ask based records such as inciden rom he service caalog

23. Does ESS have a role?  role?   ESS does no have a role

24. When you open a service caalog and click he Order buon wha ges creaed?


25. Wha is a selec box, single line ex, reerence, check box, multple choice?  choice?  Variable

26. Wha is a variable se?

Uni o variables ha can be shared beween caalog iems

27. Wha are he six workow actvites?

Approvals, conditons, notfcatons, ask, tmers, utlites

happens?  Notfcaton 28. I a reques is rejeced wha happens? Notfcaton is sen and ses he saus o cancelled

29. Service caalog workow can be aached in 3 ways: 1. Manually on he caalog iem orm 2. Auomatcally based on conditons 3. Auomatcally i no oher workows aached

liecycle?  30. SLAs include actons ha can be riggered when during he liecycle?  Anytme


Conracs? Type 31. Wha is he dierence beween SLA, OLA, and Underpinning Conracs? Type Field

32. Which workow is designed o be used over and over again?  again?   Deaul SLA Workow

33. Reroactve sar when actvaed does wha?  wha?   Ses sar o equal when he tcke was creaed

34. Wha are he seps in a SLA?  SLA?   Sar sop pause

35. Wha wo hings are run on he clien side and wha wo hings are run on he server side?

UI Policy/Clien Scrip is Clien Side and Business Rule/Daa Policy is Server Side

only?  UI 36. How is a feld made o be read only? UI Policy

37. Wha conrols enable admins o se mandaory and read only saes or felds and can be used o enorce daa consisence across applicatons?

Daa policy

38. Wha is a business rule?

A piece o JavaScrip confgured o run when a record record is displayed, insered, updaed, deleed or when a able is queried. I can be se o run beore or aer he daabase acton has occurred.

39. How do you limi fle aachmens? aachmens?   ACL-Access Conrol Lis

40. Wha is a securiy rule a he row and column level ha is i s execued when aemptng o access a ServiceNow able?

ACL-Access Conrol Lis


41. Wha has conditons, scrips and roles and can limi securiy? securiy?   ACL-Access Conrol Lis

42. Wha is he duraton o he elevaed role?  role?  Curren Session

ou?   43. When is a notfcaton sen ou?  When an even has been fred

44. Wha hree hings can send a notfcaton? 1. Scrip 2. Business Rule 3. Workow

45. Can a user open an Inciden by email, i so wha is utlized? utlized?   Inbound Email Acton

actviy?   46. Where can you view inormaton abou sysem actviy? 

Sysem logs

47. I he sysem is going o be upgraded, wha will be exemp rom he upgrade?

Any record ha has been alered rom he base sae by he cusomer

48. Wha module racks all upgrades made o he sysem?  sysem?  Sysem Diagnostcs>Upgrade Hisory

49. Wha does SaaS sand or?  or?  Soware as a service like?   50. Where does he home icon ake you and wha does he icon look like?  Takes you o he Homepage and he icon looks like a lile home


slow?   51. Wha can you do i he Homepage is slow?  Remove Remo ve some gauges or change he reresh rae

52. My manager is going o  o be ou o own and needs o have he supervisor approve while he/she is ou o own, wha would he/she utlize in ServiceNow?

Delegae-Delegaton is he abiliy o designae oher users o receive and inerac wih approvals and ask assigned o you

53. Wha is a Transorm Map in ServiceNow?

A map o deermine relatonships beween felds displaying an Impor Se o felds in an existng able

users?   54. Wha applicaton is available o all users? Sel-Service

55. Where do you change he Smar Filer Conditon Builder?  Builder?   Click arrow nex o breadcrumb in lis

56. How do you display he slush bucke?  Click

Lis Mechanic gear above check boxes

orm? A 57. Wha do you call a saved version o a personalized orm? A view

58. How do you apply a saved fler?

Click on he able name a he op o a lis and selec fler

59. Wha displays felds rom one record and can be used o edi he record daa? A daa? A Form

60. Wha are he feld saus indicaors?

Ligh red - required bu has a saved value. Green - Modifed feld conen - need o save. Red - Required and needs value.


Orange - Read-only 61. Wha does a red-dashed line indicae?  indicae?   Invalid daa or misyped word

62. Wha do you click o save changes on a new orm and reurn o he previous viewed page?


63. Wha do you click o save changes on an existng record and reurn o previous orm?


orm?   64. Wha do you click on o save changes wihou leaving he orm?  Righ click orm header and click save

65. Wha do you do o save a new record o he db insead o updatng he curren iem?

Inser or Inser and say

66. Wha is a rule ha applies o a orm  orm o dynamically change orm inormaton on he orm isel?

UI Policy

feld?  67. Wha enables admins o se mandaory and read-only sae or feld?  Daa Policy (no used much)

68. Wha do you use o pu buons, links and conex menu iems on orms and liss?

UI Actons

permissions, sends notfcatons and riggers oher 69. Wha is a conrol ha applies permissions, processes when a record record is displayed, insered, updaed or deleed or when a able is queried?


A Business Rule

70. Clien scrip apply only when?  when?  When accessed hrough he orm

71. Business Rules apply when?  when?   Globally

72. When SHOULDN'T you use clien scrips?

When you can use UI policies or Access Conrol Rules

73. Clien scrips can be execued in our  our ways. Wha are hey? 1. 2. 3. 4.

onCellEdi onChange onLoad onSubmi

74. Can plug-ins be removed?  removed?  No, bu hey can be disabled

75. Name hree ineraces or viewing and manipulatng ables? 1. Record lis view 2. Schema map 3. Tables and Columns module

76. Wha sores srucure and relatonship defnitons? defnitons?  Daa Dictonary

inormaton? 77. Wha hree ables provide Daa Dictonary and relatonship inormaton? 1. Sys_dictonary 2. sys_documenaton 3. sys_db-objec

78. How do you esablish he sequence or displaying liss??  liss??  Order feld - Bes practce 3 digi numbers


79. Wha does CI sand or?  or?   Confguraton Confgurato n Iem

80. Wha is a series o ables ha conains all he  he asses and business services conrolled by a company?


81. Wha do you call a angible device or inangible dedicaed soware in he CMDB?

A Confguraton Iem (CI)

able?   82. Wha is he core CI able?  cmdb_ci

83. Wha is he CI relatonship able?  able?  Cmdb_rel_ci

84. Lis CI examples?

Compuers/Devices on he nework soware, conracs and licenses, Business services

SN?  85. Wha are he wo base ables o SN?  Task and CI

86. Wha is a BSM map?

Business Service Map graphically displays he CIs ha compose a biz service and indicaes saus

87. Wha is an elevaed privilege?

A role ha has special permissions or he duraton o he log in session 88. When is he securiy_admin privilege creaed?  creaed?  Aer he High Securiy plugin is actvaed


89. Where are group or user roles creaed?

Group or user roles are creaed a User Adminisraton 90. Where is he user record sored? In sored?  In he User [sys_user] able

91. Wha is a collecton o permission o gran access and assign securiy? securiy? A  A role

92. Wha does a role inheri?

All he permissions o any oher roles i includes

93. Wha are hree bes practce rules or users/groups/roles? 1. Assign users o groups, map roles o  o groups. 2. Don' map roles o users. 3. Apply general roles o large groups and specifc roles o smaller groups.

94. Wha are he 3 levels o Access? 1. Sysem (username/pw) 2. Applicatons and Modules (Roles)

3. Tables and Fields (Sysem Propertes/Access Conrol)

95. Where are row and column securiy se?  se?  Access Conrol C onrol in Tables Tables and Fields

96. Where is Table securiy se?  se?   Sysem Propery in Tables and Fields

97. Wha are he hree ways Access Conrol Rules are defned? 1. Conditonal Expressions 2. Scrips 3. Roles

98. Wha is he lis o all Access Conrols or a able?



99. Wha is an Access Conrol?

A securiy rule defned and se a he row and column level

100. Wha is he Access Conrol evaluaton?

Specifc o general i all conditons are rue (Conditons, Scrips and Roles)

101. In a SLA Defniton, which conditons will rigger an SLA?  SLA?  Sar conditon, Sop conditon and Pause conditons

102. Name 4 ways he Knowledge Base can be populaed? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Manually From he Service Caalog wih a Record Producer Auomatcally rom evens From existng Incidens Inciden s or Tasks

103. Wha is he Knowledge base hierarchy? hierarchy?   Topics, Caegories, Artcles

104. How do you proec KB artcles? artcles?   Roles

in?   105. How do you allow users o access KB wihou logging in?  Make i public and proec wih role

106. Wha do you call an indicaton o he SN processes ha somehing noable has occurred?


107. Wha wo processes can cause evens? 1. User actons 2. Scrips (Business Rules/Worko Rules/Workows) ws)


108. Wha conains a record o every generaed even?  even?   Even queue

109. Wha do evens rigger?  rigger?   Notfcatons

110. Wha does a Notfcaton conain?

A mix o satc and dynamically deermined conen

insance?  111. Why would you clone an insance?  To copy prod over a sub-prod insance

112. Wha are he hree release ypes? 1. Fuure 2. Pach 3. Hoix

113. Are user cusomizaton records upgraded? upgraded?  


114. Wha are bes practces response tmes?

Toall Response Time - nework browser and server 3 seconds, Server Response Toa tme below 800 ms

repors? A 115. Wha is a dashboard o requenly used conen wih repors? A homepage

116. Wha do you call a mapped graphic image on a homepage ha are packed repors?

A gauge

117. Wha is used o measure and evaluae he eectveness o IT service managemen process?



118. Wha is a measuremen o he se amoun o tme or a ask o reach a cerain conditon?


me?   119. Wha do you call i when SLA is no me? Breached

120. Wha are he hree major componens ha power SLA? 1. SLA Defniton/Task SLA, 2. SLA Workow, 3. SLA Auomaton (Business Rule and scheduled job)

121. Wha are he hree ypes o SLA? 1. SLA 2. Operatonal Level Agreemen (OLA) how deparmens work ogeher 3. Underpinni Underpinning ng Conrac (UC) ouside suppliers

122. Wha hree conditons defne an SLA?  SLA?  

Sar, Sop, Pause

Updaes?  123. Wha is anoher name or Cusomer Updaes?  Cusomizatons

124. Multple Choice, Single Line Tex and Selec Box are wha ype o elemens in ServiceNow?

Variable Types.

125. Wha is a robus ordering sysem or services, hardware and soware and he cenral reposiory o goods and services ha an IT service desk provides or users?

Service Caalog

126. Name he fve major componens o Service Caalog?


1. Record Producers 2. Iems 3. Variables 4. Order Guides 5. Workows

127. Wha are our iems ha orders rom Service Caalog generae? 1. 2. 3. 4.


REQ  RITM Caalog Task Task Assignmen Group

Wha are hree Service Caalog bes practces?

1. Defne an order guide 2. Group iems in order guide 3. Use questons o presen iem optons

129. The Workow Transiton deermines which actviy is perormed based on an evaluaton o which workow elemen?

Workow Conditon

130. Which ServiceNow applicaton auomaes simple or complex mult-sysem asks on remoe servers ha are normally done manually?


131. By deaul in ServiceNow, S erviceNow, wha cusomizatons are added o Updae Ses?  Ses?  Changes made o a orm

132. Wha do you use o impor daa rom various daa sources and map daa ino SN ables?

Impor Se

133. Wha deermines he relatonship beween he Impor Se Table and an existng ServiceNow able?

Transorm map

134. Wha are he hree seps or using Impor Ses and Transorm Maps?


1. Load Daa 2. Creae Transorm Transorm MAP 3. Run ransorm

135. Wha does coalescing do beore a ransorm? ransorm?   Makes a feld he unique key

se?  136. Wha able is used o rack changes in an updae se?  Cusomer Updae [sys_updae_xml] able

137. Wha our elemens canno be cusomized wih updae ses? 1. 2. 3. 4.

New Records New users and groups Modifed daa Schedules

138. Can homepages be added o updae ses? ses?   No, hey can only be changed manually.

139. Should you include ew or many changes in one Updae Se?  Se?  


merged?  140. Can wo updae ses be merged?  Ye Yes s

141. Wha is he our par sequence on he producton insance o run an Updae Se? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Rerieve Preview Commi Apply

142. Wha is a orm?

A orm displays a single record rom a able.


143. Where does one go o wrie he prod insance o he dev environmen?  environmen?  Sysem Clone> Adminisraton> Clone Targes

144. Wha is a lis?

A srucure ha displays inormaton rom a able

145. Wha are he our lis inerace elemens? a) Tile bar b) Breadcrumbs c) Column headings d) felds

146. Wha is a feld?

A feld is a cell in a able. Each feld holds an individual piece o daa.

sorable?   147. Wha feld ype in a lis is no sorable? Time felds

148. Wha is a Power edge oolbar?

I's he grey oolbar on he le side o he screen. i. ii. iii.

I allows you o show or hide he applicaton navigaor or banner rame Spli he screens - Resize screen Creae and manage bookmarks.

149. Wha our eaures o ITIL are utlized by he ServiceNow plaorm? 1. Sraegy 2. Design 3. Transiton 4. Operatons

150. True or alse - An applicaton is a group o modules?

True True - Applicatons are a grouping o modules or an organizatonal elemen in service now.


151. True or alse - The applicaton navigaor provides links o all applicatons and modules hey comprise.


152. True or alse - Type fler ex is a valuable way o searching applicatons in ServiceNow

True True - Applicatons are a grouping o modules or an organizatonal elemen in service now.

153. In wha way does he Swich perspectve eaure in applicaton navigaor assis you in organizing applicatons in ServiceNow?

I allows you o view applicatons rom he perspectve o individual roles such as ITIL, Asse Managemen, or Admin ec.

154. Wha is he main area in all ServiceNow web pages?  pages?   Conen pane

breadcrumb? ? 155. Wha is a breadcrumb

A horizonal display o fler conditons showing he hierarchy o he co conditons nditons used o display he orm or lis resuls.

156. Where is he impersonat impersonaton on eaure locaed?

I's a picure o a key in he banner rame nex o welcome message

157. Wha are he 3 ways o bring users ino he ServiceNow sysem? a. Through Single Sign on and LDAP b. Using an impor se (importng users) c.

Manually ener users, manually creatng users

158. Wha are our benefs o using groups? a. b. c. d.

Permissions and Access - Simplifed abiliy o assign permissions Identfes a subse o users or o r role and skill assignmen Provide a reerence or alers and notfcatons Email notfcatons


159. Wha are our aspecs o a role? a. A role is an organizatonal elemen. Roles are graned access o applicatons. b. Roles are collectons o permissions c. A role is a record in he Role able; d. A role is a persona ha is assigned o a group or single user. user. An example is he admin role.

160. Wha are he hree OOTB ServiceNow roles? a. Sysem Adminisraor b. ITIL (or process) roles ulfl ITIL actvites c. ESS - users and end users.

161. Wha is Access Conrol?

Access conrol is a securiy role defned and se a he row level (access o he record) and a he column level (access o he feld), and is execued when aemptng o access any ServiceNow able.

162. Wha are ACLS in ServiceNow? How defned? Conrol wha? Specifes wha? a. ACLs are a lis o all access conrols or a able. b. Access conrols are defned by roles, conditonal expressions and scrips.

b. ACL rules are used o conrol wha daa users can access and how hey

can access i. c.

Each ACL rule specifes he objec being secured and he permission required o access he objec d. ACLS are defned by he securiy admin e. ACLS are defned in Sysem Securiy | Access Conrol

163. Provide an example o when you use Access Conrol Record in ServiceNow and fve seps o accomplish i.

You would creae an access conrol rule o make he updaed by feld on he You inciden orm ediable or admins bu read only or ITIL users i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Login as admin Righ click on "updaed by" feld Click Personalize Securiy In he Securiy Mechanic, change he value o Wrie Move admin o seleced column.


164. Where is he high securiy plugin accessed in ServiceNow? Wha does i creae? How is i assigned? Wha does i inheri? How long does i las? a. Accessed rom Sysem Securiy > High Securiy Sengs: b. High securiy creaes a securiy_admin elevaed privilege role c. The elevaed privilege role is manually assigned and no inheried rom any role d. Elevaed privilege only exiss during curren session

165. Conexual securiy in ServiceNow proecs wha? How is daa aced upon? Wha wo hings happens beore conex securiy is actvaed? a. Proecs a record based on is conens and able locaton b. Daa is aced upon based on he positon o he inormaton in he able hierarchy c.

Defnes access conrol rules o privilege any level l evel Aer he High Securiy Plugin is actvaed, a securiy_admin is creaed.

166. Wha is an elevaed privilege?

A role ha has special permissions or he duraton o he log in session.

167. The CMDB applicaton in ServiceNow does wha our hings? a. Helps locae ailed changes b. Faciliaes quick impac analysis c. Increase cos saving o he business

d. Conains asses and heir relatonships relatonships

168. Wha are he wo major record ypes in he CMDB? a. Core Confguraton b. CI relatonship

169. Wha is a business service map (BSM)?

A map ha graphically displays he confguraton iems ha compose a business service and indicaes he saus o hose confguraton iems.

170. Multple Choice, Single Line Tex, and Selec Box are wha ype o elemens in ServiceNow?

Variable ype

171. Where are Merics viewed?


In SN by going o Merics | Defnitons

172. Wha are wo ypes o merics? a. Fiel Field d value duraton - measures a tme inerval rom when a value in a feld is achieved untl i is changed. b. Scrip calculaton- creaes a meric insance using scrip.

The scrip does calculatons and insers daa ino he meric able [meric_insance]

173. Wha does Cusom Chartng plugin allow you o do?

Allows you o creae chars when you have a requiremen ha canno be satsfed wih he Repor Repor applicaton

174. Wha our hings does a ServiceNow homepage provide? a. b. c. d.

A dashboard o requenly used conen which usually includes repors A personal space ha is confgured o be he frs page seen aer login Access o multple personal homepages Access o oher global homepages he user has he righs o view

175. Wha is a gauge and who can creae hem?

a. Is a graphical, rereshable widge viewable as a homepage secton b. I Gauges are creaed by admins or users wih righs

176. Wha is a Service Level agreemen?

A record in he SLA [conrac_sla] able which defnes a se amoun o tme or a ask o reach a cerain conditon, he ables o access and wha ype o SLA is being evaluaed.

177. In SLA defniton, wha are he hree conditons ha will rigger an SLA? Sar SLA? Sar Conditon, Sop Conditon and Pause conditon

178. Wha are he 4 aspecs o Service Level Agreemen? a. SLA Defniton - The record record defning he conditons o rigger he SLA b. Ta Task sk SLA - Individual insances o he SLA associaed wih partcular asks c. SLA auomaton - The business rule and scheduled job ha auomaes he SLA d. SLA Workow Workow - The workow driving evens or actons based on he SLA


179. Wha are he hree ypes o SLAs in ServiceNow? a. SLA agreemen b. Operatonal level agreemen (OLA) - Defnes how deparmens work ogeher o mee he service level required c. Underpinnin Underpinning g conrac (UC) - Manages, moniors, and defnes agreemens

wih ouside suppliers. I's a ool or supplier managemen.

180. Wha are hree unctons o a ServiceNow knowledge base? a. A reposiory used or he sorage and publicaton o imporan inormaton ha requires disributon wihin an organizaton b. Somehing ha sores shared confguraton documenat documenaton, on, policy

documens, compliance documens c.

Securiy policy and procedure documens

181. Wha are fve ways o populatng he knowledge base? a. Manually - by creatng news artcles b. Auomatcally, rom evens or rom an inciden or ask - Yo You u can develop a business rule ha generaes a news iem c. Importng existng artcles d. From he Service Caalog using a record producer e. From an existng problem record - The problem applicaton plugin has a workarounds workaround s eaure

182. Wha is he wo ter hierarchy o he knowledge base? a. Topic is he highes level b. Caegory is he second level Example 1. Topic = Email 2. Caegories = Calendar permissions, Oulook sengs, Increase size o mailbox.

183. Wha is he Service Caalog in ServiceNow?

I is he cenral reposiory o goods and services ha an i service desk provides or users i. ii.

I’s an ordering sysem or goods and services Help and raining poral

184. Wha is a Record producer producer and how does i relae o he Service Caalog?

I provides a user-riendly alernatve o he regular orm inerace. I populae record recor d daa using variables and scrips


a. a.They They ask users a series o questons o assis users in he reques process b. This assiss hem in providing correc and relevan inormaton on c.


They provide a single poin o enry o creae an inciden or reques.

185. Wha is an order guide and wha does i do? a. I is a guide ha provides he abiliy o order multple, relaed iems as one reques b. I promps user inormaton and uses he rule base o generae optons -

Depending on wha felds are chosen on he orm, he sysem displays relevan caalog iems.

186. True or alse - an order generaes a reques?

True, a reques is generaed o keep rack o he specifc order.

187. Wha are he 3 ypes o numbers rom orders? a. Reques Number (REQ) - The reques is generaed and given a REQ number b. Reques Iem (RITM) - Each iem in he order is assigned a Requesed

Iem number c.

Caalog Task number - For each requesed iem, a se o caalog asks are creaed. Each ask is assigned a caalog ask number d. When a user orders an iem rom he caalog, a reques is generaed.

188. Wha our hings Service Caalog Variables provide? a. b. c. d.

Optons o ailor a caalog iem o he cusomers' needs Defnitons o available iem optons using questons choice choices s Variables o defne questons or users Queston selectons ha defne he available opton

189. True or False - The order feld esablishes he sequence or displaying he variables?

True, variables wih a lower hree digi ineger, appears frs in he lis

190. True or False - A variable Se is a modular uni o variables ha can be shared beween caalog iems?

True - you can defne he variable se once and hen use i in multple places

191. Wha role allows users o defne caalog iems?


Caalog_admin role

192. Wha are our aces o an updae se? a. A group o cusomizatons ha can be moved rom one insance o anoher. b. Allows adminisraors o group a series o changes ino a named se and

hen move his se as a uni o he oher insance. c. Updae ses are "poin in tme" xml snapshos o records. d. An updae se wries changes rom racked ables o he cusomer updae able sys_updae_xml sys_updae_xml

193. Tr True ue or alse, an updae se is a "poin in tme" XML snapsho o he record?

True True - An updae se works by writng changes rom racked ables o he cusomer updaes able [sys_updae_xml)

194. Which six elemens allow cusomizatons cusomizatons? ? a. b. c. d. e. .

A able A orm A feld A business rule A clien scrip A view

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