Fuels and Combustion4 PDF

July 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Combustion and Fuels Luke Cowell Solar Turbines Incorporated


General Questions to All Manufacturers

Overview • Gas Turbine Combustion Systems & Emissions • Dry Low Emissions (DLE) Combustion • Gas Turbine Fuels • Future Combustion Technologies


General Questions to All Manufacturers

Overview • Gas Turbine Combustion Systems & Emissions • Dry Low Emissions (DLE) Combustion • Gas Turbine Fuels • Future Combustion Technologies


General Questions to All Manufacturers

Typical Gas Turbine Combustion System Fuel Supply Manifold

Fuel Injector 

Annular  Combustor 

Torch Igniter 


General Questions to All Manufacturers

Combustion System Design Criteria • Reliable Ignition • Good Combustion Stability


• High Combustion Efficiency • Low Smoke

Environmental Regulations

• Satisfactory Emissions Levels • Minimum Pressure Loss


• Satisfactory Combustor Exit • Temperature Distribution • Life



General Questions to All Manufacturers

Industrial Gas Turbine Combustion Systems • Conventional Combustion   

Diffusion Combustion


Historical Design

• Dr Dry y Lo Low w Emis Emissi sion ons s (DLE (DLE or or DLN) DLN) - “SoL “SoLoN oNOx Ox” ”   

Lean Premixed Combustion


Superior Emissions Performance Offered Since 1992



General Questions to All Manufacturers

Diffusion Flames

Premixed Flames

Fuel and Air Mix and Burn At the Same Time

Fuel and Air Mix and Then Burn


General Questions to All Manufacturers

Effect of Stoichiometry on Flame Temperature and NOx Emissions CONVENTIONAL (Diffusion Flame)

  e   r   u   s    t LEAN   a   n   o   r    i   e   s PREMIXED   p    i   s LEAN   m   m EXTINCTION   e    T    E   e    O   x   m   a    N    l    F


Fuel/Air Ratio



General Questions to All Manufacturers

Emissions Characteristics CO

Desired Operating Range NOx

  s   n   o    i   s   s    i   m    E



Fuel/Air Ratio


General Questions to All Manufacturers

Combustion System NOx Emission Capabilities 250 Natural Gas 200

                 v                  m                  p                        p                                    S,     150                        N                                     IO 100                        S                                     IS                         EM                  x                        O                        N


50 25 0


Target for Ultra Low Emissions


General Questions to All Manufacturers

Overview • Gas Turbine Combustion Systems & Emissions • Dry Low Emissions (DLE) Combustion • Gas Turbine Fuels • Future Combustion Technologies


General Questions to All Manufacturers

DLE is Pollution Prevention Reduction of Combustion- Generated Generated Exhaust Emissions through Understanding Understanding and Control of Combustion Process More Cost-Effective Than Exhaust Clean Up


DLE Gas Turbines

General Questions to All Manufacturers

• Lean Premixed Combustion Reduces NOx, CO and

UHC Emissions • NOx are Reduced   

Lowering Flame Temperature ♦ Lean Combustion ♦

Premixing to Eliminate “Hot Spots”

• CO and UHC are Reduced   

Increasing Combustion Residence Time (Volume)


Combustor Design to Prevent Local Quenching


General Questions to All Manufacturers




4100°F Same Turbine Inlet Temp

FUEL FUEL Main Pilot


2900°F 60%




General Questions to All Manufacturers

SoLoNOx Engine and Package Changes from Conventional Conventional Combustion Systems

• Combustor Liner  SoLoNOx

• Fuel Injectors • Engine Casings

18.0 in.

Split Engine Cross Section

• Fuel System • Control System

14.5 in. Conventional


Dual Fuel DLE

General Questions to All Manufacturers

• Lean Premixed Combustion • Diesel No. 2 and Kerosene •

Main and Pilot Fuel Circuits on Both Fuels • Same Combustor Liner as Gas Only


DLE Time Line

General Questions to All Manufacturers

First Unit Commissioned 1992 fo for 42 42 ppm on Ga Gas

First Dual Fuel DLE Unit Commissioned in 1994

Units Capable of 25 ppm Ship in 1995

Units Unit s Off Offer ered ed at 15 ppm ppm or Less (with restrictions) in 2000

• Estimate >1400 DLE Units* Units*

Worldwide • Nearly 1000 SoLoNOx Units

Sold** Sold **

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