Power Plant Technology Fuel Fu el and Combustion (Lecture 2)
by Mohamad Firdaus Basrawi, Dr (!ng) Mechanical !ngineering !ngineeri ng Faculty Faculty m"irdausb#um$edumy
COMBUSTION REACTION Combuston: hea release wih high emperaure oxidaton of fuel. Combustble elemens in fuel: C, H and S. Basic chemical equaton for complee combuston:
C + O 2 � CO2 2 H 2 + O 2 � 2 H 2O S + O 2 � SO2 The formaton of CO happened when oxygen is insucien and C will be burned incompleely.
2C + O2 2CO
Four asic con!iton con!itonss "MA "MATT# TT# $or com%le&e comuston'
Mi(&ure: To have enough &urulence for hrough mi(in) of fuel+air.
• • •
Air: Adeuae supply of air for complee combuston. Tem%era&ure : !ucien &em%era&ure inside chamber o ignie he incoming fuel air mixure. Time: "rovide sucien tme for complee combuston.
S&oichiome&r S&oichiome&ric ic air "O* ase!#
The ultmae analysis of he fuel # C + H + O + N + S + M + A -. O* nee!e! $or &he o(i!aton can be calculaed as follows: C
& C
%$'% (g
** (g
' (g
%., (g
)., (g
C /)
/) *.01 C /)
2.01 C /)
% H%
* (g
)% (g
) (g
' (g
/ (g
H /)
/) 3 H /)
)% (g
4 H /)
%$)% (g
* (g
' (g
' (g
% (g
S /)
/) S /)
* S /)
$% needed for complee combuston of ' (g fuel is:
5 *.01 C + 3 H + S 6 O O*
$: oxygen in he fuel
Air conens %).%0 oxygen by mass. Thus# &heoretcall7 air "s&oichiome&ric 8 air# needed for complee combuston of ' (g fuel is
heoretcal or s&oichiome&r s&oichiome&ric ic air is insucien for complee combuston
E;CESS AIR "s&oichiome&ric 8 air 8 e(cess air# is needed for complee combuston.
The %ercen&a)e o$ e(cess air supplied is:
%excessair =
W A - W T
1A : acual amoun of air supplied.
The !iluton coeue gas analysis is measured is on dry basis which is: C$% + C$ + $% + 8% & ';;0
Ey Folume
Assume ha he ?@ analysis of a gas sampling is: '%0 C$ %# )0 C$# 0 $% and ;0 8% by volume. Therefore ' mole of ?@ conains ;.'% mole C$ %# ;.;) mole C$# ;.; mole $ % and ;. mole 8%. The Gass of he ?@ hen becomes eual o : ** 6;.'%7 + % 6;.;)7 + )% 6;.;7 + % 6;.7 & );.'% (g(g mole fuel.
2n general he Gass of dry >ue gas 6dfg7 is given by: Gdfg & **C$% + %C$ + )%$% + %8%
Therefore# he percenage of each combuston produc is given by 44CO2
%CO by mass 2
O2 by mass %N2 by mass %CO by mass
28CO 32O2 32O 32 O2
28N 2
28CO 32O2 28N 2
28N 2
28CO 32O2
28N 2
28CO 28CO 32O2
28N 2
100 100 100
Gass of Carbon per (g ?@ is deermined as below:
'% (g
@or ** (g of C$% gas# i has '% (g
$% H C$% )% (g
** (g
%C +
$% H %C$
%* (g
)% (g
'% (g
' (g
% (g
@or % (g of C$ gas# i has '% (g Carbon
1 2 C O2
asss !" Ca as Carb! rb!# # $e $err & '()
44C O2
28 C O
3 2 O2
28 N 2
Je Cab be he mass fracton of carbon C in he fuel which has beed oxidiKed eiher o C$% o C$. Then 6C4Cab7 is he mass fracton of unburn carbon in he refurse. @or '(g fuel burn# here should be Cab (g of carbon in he dfg. Therefore# Gass of dfg produced per (g fuel. Cab 44CO2 28CO 32O2 12 CO2
28 N2
@rom ue
The excess air is han adNused by conrolling he amoun air supply o show he optmum value of C$% and $%. The optmum value of excess air for he bes combuston eciency is as below 6Lg. 7.
@ig. . $ptmum excess air for maximum combuston eciency
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