FS6- On Becoming a Teacher

February 25, 2018 | Author: Raiset Herman | Category: Teachers, Curriculum, Competence (Human Resources), Philosophy Of Education, Learning
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On Becoming A Teacher FIELD STUDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Episode THE TEACHER AS A PERSON Introduction “Teachers are born” an old saying goes. What attributes or qualities should you possess to indicate that you would be an effective teacher in the future? If you are born a teacher, you will find some of your qualities that are befitting of a teacher. Let us find out in this episode. My Target  

Deeper understanding of a Teacher as a Person. Knowledge of myself as a Person who will become a teacher.

1. Who am I as a person? Do I have personal qualities that would make me better teacher someday? 2. With the use of the checklist find out your personal characteristics which would help you make become a good teacher. The qualities listed are few of the many attributes needed but the list given you would suffice. Look into yourself very well and answer each item very honestly. All your answer is correct, so you do need to worry.

AM I THIS PERSON? Bilbao, 2010

Below are indicators of personal qualities which may describe you. Place a √ mark on the blank before each item if the indicator fits you most of the time or an X mark if the description does not fit you most of the time.

___/___ 1. I am mentally alert.

____/___ 17. I appreciate other people.

___/___ 2. I make correct decisions.

____X___ 18. I am tolerant of other persons.

____/__ 3. I give attention to details ____/___ 19. I am kind and sympathetic. ____/___4. I analyze every situation. ____X___ 20. I help voluntarily. ___/___ 5. I am quick to make solutions. ___X___ 6. I maintain poise.

____/___ 21. I adjust to different situations.

___/___ 7. I remain undisturbed under pressure.

____/___ 22. I look at the brighter side of life.

____/___ 8. I hold my anger.

____/___ 23. I enjoy the company of others.

__/___ 9. I am calm in the midst of chaos. ___/_ 10. I maintain dignity in all circumstances. ____/___ 11. I am very imaginative. ____/___ 12. I create new things.

____X___ 24. I laugh at my own mistakes. ____X___ 25. I can adjust to any group as a member. ____/__ 26. I think that my suggestions are not always correct.

____/___ 13. I like to try out new things. ____/___ 27. I do not consider self as ____/___ 14. I accept responsibility and do better than others. it well. ____/___ 28. I treat everybody fairly. ____/___ 15. I utilize to the maximum ____/___ 29. I see other’s opinion as every material. different from mine. ___X___ 16. I have happy disposition.

___/____ 30. I give equal chance for everybody to be heard.

___/____ 31. I work beyond the objectives set.

____/___ 47. I behave appropriately in occasions.

____/___ 32. I do things without being told.

____/___ 48. I select social functions to attend.

___/____ 33. I do not easily give up easily ___/____ 49. I use appropriate language. on the task. ___X___ 50. I adjust comfortably in a ___/____ 34. I set high goals for one. crowd. ___/____ 35. I work with a sense of urgency.

____/___ 51. I have deep concern for others.

____/___ 36. I feel sure of what I do.

____/___ 52. I am willing to share.

____/___ 37. I work for others.

____/___ 53. I volunteer to do task for others.

____X___ 38. I initiate to the job for all. ___/___ 54. I give up personal time for the group.

____X___ 39. I assume responsibility with confidence.

____/___ 55. I work for the group even without assurance in return.

____/___ 40. I work to succeed. ____X___ 41. I am pleasant in action, words and appearance. ___/____ 42. I am clean and neat as a person. ___/____ 43. I address up appropriately. ___/____ 44. I am simple, beautiful/handsome. ____X___ 45. I am appealing to others.

___/____ 56. I am fair in giving judgment. ____/___ 57. I am consistent in words and actions. ____X___ 58. I am punctual in attendance. ___/____ 59. I am sincere in giving suggestions. ___/____ 60. I extend help to many others.

____/___ 46. I treat everybody with courtesy. Number of checks in each cluster (Min-1 to Max-5)

Personal Attributes

Cluster of Items

Number of Check Marks


1. Intelligence



Very High

2. Emotional Stability




3. Resourcefulness 4. Compassion

11-15 16-20

5 3

Very High Average

5. Buoyancy 6. Objectiveness

21-25 26-30

3 5

Average Very High

7. Self-motivation 8. Self-confidence 9. Pleasantness 10. Refinement

31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50

5 3 3 4

Very High Average Average High

11. Cooperativeness



Very High

12. Reliability




Legend for Interpretation: 5- Very High; 4- High; 3- Average; 2- Low; 1- Very Low

My Observations

Your concrete experience, enabled you to describe, what you are as a person. The qualities reflect who you are. Make a similar observation of ten active teachers in school. Your observation will be done through a survey and will produce empirical evidences. This observation method will enhance your skills to collect data, like when you doing research. You will be provided with a Survey Checklist for you to reproduce 10 copies for your 10 respondent teachers. (They are on the last page of this Workbook). Make proper request from these teachers who will become your respondents. Personal

Scores of Checklist for each cluster







T6 T7 T8

T9 T10

1. Intelligence


























High Average

3. Resourcefulness













4. Compassion













5. Buoyancy













6. Objectiveness













7. Self-motivation













8. Self-confidence 9. Pleasantness

5 4

3 4

5 5

4 3

5 5

3 4

4 5

4 5

4 5

5 4

4.2 4.4

High Very

2. Emotional Stability

10. Refinement 11.Cooperativeness

5 5

3 5

4 4

4 5

4 5

12.Reliability 5 3 5 4 5 Tabulate the results in the matrix found below:

4 4

5 5

4 5

5 4

5 3

4.3 4.5

High High Very







High High

The Observed Information Procedure: 1. To get the average, add the scores of the ten teachers and divide by 10. 2. Look at the legend in your own checklist, and determine the description of the average. 3. Study the results. Questions: 1. Which of the twelve attributes in the highest among the teachers? Answer: The highest attributes are intelligence, pleasantness and cooperativeness. 2. Which of the twelve attributes in the lowest among the teachers?

Answer: The lowest attributes are resourcefulness, buoyancy and selfmotivation. 3. How many teachers are low in emotional stability? Answer: There are 3 teachers who are low in emotional stability. 4. How many teachers are high in compassion? Answer: All of them are high in compassion. 5. What six attributes are found to be strong among the teachers? Answer: The six attributes that are strong among the teachers are intelligence, pleasantness, cooperativeness, reliability, compassion and self-confidence. 6. What six attributes are found to be weak among the teachers? Answer: Emotional stability and objectiveness are their only weakness. 7. What interesting observations can you spot from the other data not asked? Answer: Every teacher is unique in their own ways of dealing their pupils and co-teachers. Use the information from your personal results and those of the ten teachers in making your reflections that follow.

My Reflections After studying the results of your teacher survey, write down your reflections on the following situations reported to have happened in the school setting. 1. Why are some teachers reported to have bumped a learner’s head on the wall or made a child swallow scratch paper or pencil filings? What attribute do you think is low for this teacher? Some teachers who are like that are doing it for punishing the pupils. Teachers who are not emotionally stable tend to harm and be violent to pupils instead of understanding them and be calm. As educators, teachers should be calm and good in handling pupils’ misbehavior. 2. Why do you think some teachers are better loved by students than others? Some teachers are better loved by students is because of their happy disposition. Teachers who are friendly and compassionate tend to attract pupils because teachers are considered as the second parents of the pupils. Marcellin Champagnat said that, “in order to teach children, you must love them.” 3. If you were to choose, which personal attributes should all teachers possess? Why? For me, the attributes that all teachers should possess are emotional stability, compassion, intelligence and cooperativeness because in teaching you are not only dealing with your pupils everyday but also with

your colleagues. In order to have a conducive environment, one must be sensitive with people. People by your side are the hardest to earn.

My Affirmed Concepts After reflecting on this episode and recalling my previous subjects, I have realized that there are several concepts in the teaching profession about personal attributes I learned that has been affirmed and confirmed, examples of which are given below: THE 21ST CENTURY SKILLS OF AN EDUCATOR

My Future Application When I became a teacher, I should love and accept my pupils whoever they are for them to belong in the class and actively participate in my discussions. When a pupil feels that he/she belongs to a group, the pupil will love it and do everything to satisfy and have fun with everyone. I should listen to them and understand them, to put myself in their shoes. In addition, I should also be resourceful in making my lessons interesting and I should possess good listening skills, I should also be flexible and be professional with my co-teachers. Importantly, I should love my profession.

On Becoming A Teacher FIELD STUDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Episode THE TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Introduction What do you firmly believe about schools and education? This episode will clarify your belief or philosophy about teaching and education. Perhaps you have already decided that you would become a teacher. Your belief of philosophy of teaching will explain your actions as s future teacher. The foundations of all that you do in school and in teaching are usually based on a strong belief called philosophy of education.

My Target  

Clear understanding of my philosophy of teaching and education. Identify teacher’s leanings on the different educational philosophies My Concrete Experience This activity will enable you to ask yourself about the different future

practices or actions that you will do in teaching. You may not have done it yet, but if you become a teacher what do would be your response to each item? Your answers will identify what your philosophy of education is all about. Answer each item in the Survey Questionnaire very honestly. There is neither right nor wrong answer for each item. After you have answered each item, record your answers and look at the interpretation at the back of this work text. After you have answered the questionnaire yourself, you are to ask two teachers to do same activity. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION? (Based on Sadker&Sadker, 1998 Teachers, Schools and Society, 2nd Ed)

Each of us has a philosophy of education or a set of fundamental beliefs regarding how we think schools should be run. What is your philosophy of education? To find out, read each of the following statements about the nature of education. Decide whether you agree or disagree with each statement. Use the following numbers to express your response. 4 – Agree strongly

2 – Disagree

3 – Agree

1 – Disagree strongly

___4___1.The student learning should be centered on basic subjects such as reading, writing, history, math and science. ___3___ 2. The schools subjects should focus on the great thinkers of the past. ___4___ 3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities rather than reading. ___2___ 4. The students should be permitted to determine their own curriculum. ___4___5.. Subject matter is taught effectively when it is broken down in small parts. ____4__ 6. The school subjects should be determined by information that is essential for all students to know. ___3___ 7. Schools, above all, should develop students’ abilities to think deeply, analytically, and creatively; than develop their social skills or provide them with a useful body of knowledge about the ever-changing world. ___4___ 8. Teaching should prepare students for analyzing and solving the types of problems they will face outside the classroom. ___4___ 9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions. There is no objective and universal reality. ___3___ 10. People are shaped much more by their environment than by their genetic disposition or the exercise of their free will. ___4___ 11. Students should not be promoted from one grade to the next until they have read and mastered certain key material. ____1__ 12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs of the students or society. ___4___ 13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal experiences and needs of the students. ___1___ 14. Students who do not want to study much should not be required to do so. ___2___ 15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching information. ___3___ 16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education. ___3___ 17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same curriculum. ___4___ 18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and creativity.

___2___ 19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal. ___2___ 20. Students learn best through reinforcement. ___2___ 21. Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework. ___3___ 22. Education should focus on the discussion of timeless questions such as “What is beauty?” or What is truth?” ___4___ 23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction, schools should plan for substantial social interaction in their curricula. ___4___ 24. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and find the meaning of their existence. ___4__ 25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what students know. ___3___ 26. Countries must become more competitive economically with other countries hence schools must bolster their academic requirements to facilitate such competition. ___3___ 27. Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for its own sake, because it will help them in their careers. ___3___ 28. Schools must place more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of minorities and women. ___4___ 29. Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit. __3___ 30. Reward students well for learning and they will remember and be able to apply what they learned, even if do not understand why the information is worth knowing. ___4__ 31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill traditional Filipino values in students. ___2___ 32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method of teaching students. __4___ 33. Students should be active participants in the learning process. ___4___ 34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an individual decides it to be. ___3__ 35. We can place a lot faith in our schools and teachers to determine which students behaviors are acceptable an which are not. ___4___ 36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts regarding the books, people, and events that have shaped the Filipino heritage. ___1__ 37. Philosophy is ultimately at least as practical a subject to study as is computer science. ___2___ 38. Teachers must stress for students the relevance of what they are learning for their lives outside, as well as inside, the classroom. ___3___ 39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive self-concept than to learn specific concept. ___3___ 40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent tests to determine, what they have learned.

Note: Photocopy two copies of this instrument. Request two teachers to answer the remaining questionnaire. Tabulate all the answers in the Matrix provided. Now that you have responded to all 40 items, write the number of the response to each statement in the matrix below. Add the numbers in each column to determine your attitude and those of the two teachers toward key educational philosophies. My Philosophy of Education Essentialism

























m 1




m 2




m 3




m 4




m 5
















































Legend: S - Self;


T1- Teacher 1;

T2- Teacher 2

Among the three of you, who is more inclined to be an essentialist, perennialist, progressivist, essentialist or behaviorist? The results show that most of us are

My Observations Visit a teacher in a school and observe what school/classroom activities reflect his/her philosophy of education while she is teaching. Identify and describe teacher’s action or behavior and match each with the identified educational philosophy. 1. Observed actions of a teacher who is progressivist: Teacher Shiela Mediavilla is a progressivist teacher. She is a multigrade teacher. During the class, she serves as the guide of the students in their learning. The lessons are not solely from her but from her pupils. She is competent in every lessons and is using technology appropriately for the lessons. 2. Observed actions of a teacher who is a behaviourist: Teacher Girlie Utrera is a behaviourist teacher. She gives rewards and praises the students for their correct answers. Teacher Utrera has a more compassionate heart when it comes to the pupils. She appreciates and gives feedback to the pupils for them to participate in class.

My Reflections

Based on your concrete experience and the actions of the teacher you have observed, how important is your philosophy of education to your future career as a teacher? How would your experiences and observations contribute to your becoming a teacher? My philosophy of education is very important in my career as a teacher for it serves as guide in providing a quality teaching and learning process with my pupils. Teachers need to consider their pupils’ individual differences and intelligences and instill that there is no best method in teaching them. Moreover, my philosophy, experiences and observations will help me carry out my mission to teach the pupils to be helpful to the society.

My Affirmed Concepts Identify at least three concepts learned in your previous subject like The Teaching Profession which are related to the Experiential Learning Episode 3 (Teaching Belief/Philosophy) that are confirmed or affirmed in this activity? Enumerate. 1. Affirmed Concept 1 Teachers have different teaching philosophies. Every one of us unique. Having their own philosophies determine the kind of teaching they act in the classroom that the student learn best. 2. Affirmed Concept 2 Teachers have different teaching strategies depending on their philosophies and subjects they teach. Teachers use the reward system, gives feedback and makes the class discussions more fun and engaging by the use of technology. 3. Affirmed Concept 3 Every teacher has their own opinion and views on the subject matter. Each of us have different styles in teaching and these styles came from our own views in life that makes us unique and whole. Teachers should teach learning to live together in spite these differences. My Future Application

Using the first hand experiences in this activity, how will I use when I become a teacher in the future? a. Teachers should consider the needs of the learners depending on the subject matter. The way of teaching pupils can affect their understanding in life and can cause disarray in their lives. It is important to know your pupils to know what the best strategy to apply in teaching them. b. Teachers should accept the learners wholeheartedly. Learners are diverse, the teacher needs to adapt and choose the appropriate philosophy and strategy in teaching them. Since pupils are diverse, their intelligences are also different, it will be best if applying what are the suitable activities in teaching and learning process. c. Teachers should be the agents of making the environment conducive. If the environment is conducive for learning, the pupils will learn best inside or outside of the classroom. Teachers should be creative and resourceful in making the lessons fun.

On Becoming A Teacher FIELD STUDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Episode THE TEACHER IN A SCHOOL SETTING Introduction A teacher as a professional will always be found in a school setting. There will be no school without the teacher because a teacher’s official working place is

a school. A school is an institution where learning occurs under the guidance of a professional called the teacher. You will also find yourself in one of these schools when you become a fullfledged teacher. How does a teacher operate or function in a school setting? How will a teacher manage the physical as well as the psychological environment in the school?

My Target  

Description of a typical school day of a teacher. Enduring understanding of the teacher’s role in creating a conducive learning environment in the school.

My Concrete Experience This experiential learning episode will take you to the actual school setting. Here, you will spend more time making observations and talking to your Resource Teacher. The steps that will guide you in your journey in this episode are as follows: 1. Visit a particular teacher as your resource in a school. 2. Secure the teacher’s program. Study the time schedule and the activities. 3. Make a class observation at certain period of the day’s activities. Based on the daily program, find out what the teacher is supposed to do during the time of your visit. Observe what the teacher is doing. Take note of the different activities. Copy the Class Program of the Teacher here: Name of the Teacher: Girlie O. Utrera Name of the School: General Santos City SPED Integrated School District of: Dadiangas Division of: General Santos City CLASS PROGRAM Grade: 5 and Non Graded Period Morning: (1st Session) 7:30 – 8:00


Learning Activities


Psychosocial Skills

8:00 – 8:30


Psychomotor Skills

8:30 – 9:00


Daily Living Skills

9:00 – 9:30


Self – Help Skills

9:30 – 10:00


Psychosocial Skills

10:00 – 10:30


Psychomotor Skills

10:30 – 11:00


Daily Living Skills

11:00 – 11:30


Self – Help Skills

Morning: (2nd Session)


Afternoon: (3 Session) 1:00 – 1:30


Psychosocial Skills

1:30 – 2:00


Psychomotor Skills

2:00 – 2:30


Daily Living Skills

2:30 – 3:00


Self – Help Skills

3:00 – 4:00



My Observation At the time you are in school, what significant observation have you made? Areas of Focus for Observation

My Observations

in the School Setting Physical Setting 1. Classroom Arrangement

The chairs are arranged well according in the pupils they cater. The cabinets are also arranged well, even the teachers’ tables, television, learning centers. The room is also clean. The room is pleasing to the eyes. The classroom is conducive

2. Bulletin Board Display

for learning, it can cater enough learners. The displays on the bulletin board are arranged well depending on its kinds. The displays are noticeable. It is also updated. The bulletin board is also place in the right

3. School Playground

place. The school does not have a school playground. Children are opted to stay inside the classroom until their “sundo” will fetch them. They can only play inside the classroom to avoid disturbances on the

4. Learning Resource Center

other classes. They have a computer room. They use it if they have computer classes. Reading

corners and learning centers are also present in every classroom. Socio-Psychological Setting 1. Class routines

Their class routines are based on their class program. Children are usually told to do the cleaning to practice themselves in

2. Teacher Activities

their lives. They give activities that the pupils need. The activities are fun and engaging. Some of the activities are based on a self-help

3. Learners Activities

skills. The activities are different depending on the pupil’s moods and needs. The class have diverse learners that needs special

4. Co-curricular Activities 5. Extra-curricular Activities

care and attention. They do not have co-curricular activities. They do not have extra-curricular activities.

My Reflections Based on the teacher’s program, your observations and your interviews, would you now see teaching to be full time job? Why? Why not? I can see myself working as a teacher. It needs to have passion, compassion and enthusiasm in teaching the learners especially those who have special needs. The teacher needs to be flexible in their learners to teach them well. The learners should not be the one adjusting on the activities given by the teacher but the teacher herself should be the one to adjust because their learners are unique and have different kinds of intelligences.

How do you feel about the teacher’s workplace? Are the conditions, healthy for the welfare of both the learners and teachers? The teachers workplace is conducive for learning, the classroom are well ventilated and lighted. They also have facilities that can help the learners and the teachers like the school canteen that sells healthy foods for everyone. However, the school should be big enough for the children to play outside. Learning does not only surround in the corners of the classroom.

Do you find the relationships of the teachers and the learners pleasant? Explain your answer. I find the teachers and the learners pleasant. During the class, it is visible that the teachers love their learners. The learners casually hug their teachers, when they arrive, the learners are well mannered. The teachers understand the conditions of the learners and are very calm every time. There is a warm aura surrounding the classroom.

My Affirmed Concepts What previous learning or concepts that you have gained in your professional education courses are affirmed by this learning episode? Give at least three, by completing the sentences below My previous learning in the content courses that were confirmed by this learning episode is the following: 1. That . . .

2. That . ..

3. That . . ..

My Future Application

How can I improve the school setting that I have observed when I become a teacher? 1. Classroom Arrangement

2. Bulletin Board display

3. School Playground

4. Classroom routines

5. Teacher activities

6. Co-curricular activities

7. Extra-curricular activities

On Becoming A Teacher FIELD STUDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Episode THE TEACHER IN THE COMMUNITY Introduction In the Philippines, the government has built schools in almost all strategic barangays, town or city. This is done to provide access and equal opportunity for every school child to achieve quality education. At present, there are more than half a million public school teachers deployed in all these schools throughout the country. The school and the teacher in every school have very crucial responsibilities in contributing to the change and development in every community.

My Target  

Community data from Rapid Appraisal Survey List of identified community resources available for use by the teachers in the school.

ACTIVITY 1 – RAPID COMMUNITY SURVEY This activity shall be done preferably during the weekend, when the community people are at their homes. Permission to conduct the community survey should be secured from your teacher. The same permission shall be asked from the Barangay Officials.

It is suggested that this activity will be made by groups of five, to facilitate the collection of the data. As a group, you will enhance your understanding of the community situation which you will survey. In a way, this will be your community immersion activity. Here are the steps: 1. Report to the Barangay Captain or Punong Barangay upon arrival in the community. 2. Peruse a community map to find out the area you are going to cover. 3. Secure the available information from the records of the Barangay secretary. 4. Provide the opportunity to go around the barangay for visual observation. 5. Interview some folks from whom you can secure or verify the data.

ACTIVITY 1 – RAPID COMMUNITY APPRAISAL Name of the School in the Barangay: Name of the Barangay:

Type: _RuralUrban

Name of the Town/Municipality: Name of the Province/City: I. II.




Barangay Location 1. Distance from the City (in Km): 2. Distance from the College/University where enrolled: Demography 1. Population: 2. Number of households: 3. Number of schools-going children:

Physical Features (Please check) 1. LowlandUpland 2. Mountainous 3. Coastal Facilities (Please check) 1. School 2. Community center 3. Plaza 4. Health center 5. Market 6. Road network 7. Cooperative store 8. Church/chapel 9. Electricity 10. Drinking water supply 11. Reading center 12. Others (Specify): covered court Agricultural resources (Please check)






1. Rice fields 2. Cornfields 3. Sugarcane fields 4. Coconut palms 5. Fruit tress (mango, jackfruits, etc.) 6. Forest tress (mahogany, narra, etc.) 7. Bananas 8. Root crops 9. Livestocks (carabao, cattle) 10. Fisheries (ponds, deepsea) Commercial Resources (Please check) 1. Sari-sari stores 2. Trading center 3. Rural banks 4. Cooperative stores 5. Carinderia/Restaurant 6. Factory 7. Machine shops 8. Beauty parlor 9. Bookstore 10. Others (specify) Common Means of Transportation (Please check) 1. Jeepney 2. Bus 3. Tricycle 4. Trisikad 5. Bicycle 6. Horseback 7. Animal driven transpo 8. Others (Specify) Development Programs in the Barangay 1. BrigadaEskwela 2. Clean and Green 3. Gulayanng Bayan 4. Peace and Order 5. Others (please list) Annual Community Activities (please check) 1. Barangay Fiesta 2. Community Festival 3. Sports Festival 4. Search for Miss Barangay 5. Christmas Celebration 6. Others (please list) Other significant Information about the Community 1. Presence of resorts (beach and in-land)

My Observations

I observe that the barangayofficials and the community members are …

Activity 2 – Interview of the School Teacher Your second concrete experience will be to visit the school in the Community which you surveyed. Interview a Resource Teacher. In your interview, you may ask your Resource Teacher the following questions: 1. What school activities do you conduct that allow the participation of the people in the barangay?

2. Are there community activities that you, as teachers join? Please name. Do you students/pupils also join these activities?

3. What learning do you pupils/students gain for the participation?

4. What does the community benefit from joining in your school activities?

5. As per your observation, are the lessons that you taught in the school transferred to the homes or the community?

6. What community resources have you used in your teaching?

Record the answer and make a narrative report in your observations.

My Reflections 1. Describe the data that you have gathered from your community survey.Make a short narrative below describing the data which you gained.Present 1-2 pictures of the community or barangay in your photo essay.

The School’s Community

This is the time that we conduct a survey in . . . 2. Make a narrative report on the interview that you have done with the teacher.

School-Community Collaboration View of a Teacher

After making a survey of the barangay and interviewing the teacher, answer the following questions and reflect on each. 1. Which resources that you have identified are present in the community? Can these be utilized in your teaching? How?

My Affirmed Concepts What concepts learned from your previous courses is affirmed by this Experiential Learning Episode? Place a check mark on the concepts which are confirmed and place an ex mark on those which are not confirmed. CONCEPT 1. A teacher can utilize resources

REMARKS (Check & Ex)

available in the community. 2. A teacher should teach with a view in mind that the learners transfer their learning in home and community. 3. Teachers are agents of change of the community. 4. Barangay officials, health workers and other human resources can be invited as resources speakers in school. 5. The teacher should always be willing to support the community in various activities. 6. Teachers and schools should be unmindful of the community activities. 7. Communities should provide support for the learning of their children in school. 8. The sole responsibility of the teacher is to teach in the school. 9. All schools are part and parcel of the community where they are situated. 10. Community officials should take over the responsibilities of the teachers.

My Future Application Based on Experiential Learning Episode 4, I should do the following when I become a teacher. (Please list at least 3 things.)

On Becoming A Teacher

Episode 5 THE GLOBAL TEACHER Introduction Teaching is a respectable profession the world over. The status of teachers has been comparable in all parts of the globe hence each year there is a celebration of the WORLD TEACHER’S DAY! This alone would tell us, the recognition and honor given to the best profession of all: TEACHING. A teacher is an extra-ordinary person in whose

hands lies the future of the world hence any teacher regardless of the country of origin should be a GLOBAL TEACHER or a TEACHER of the WORLD. Thus you, too, should have qualities, skills, knowledge, views, with wider breadth and deeper sense because you, too, will be a global teacher. This Experiential Learning Episode focuses on the global teacher. My Target  

Identified competencies of the global Filipino teacher Knowledge of other countries teachers’ competencies and requirements as professional.

My Concrete Experience

Activity 1 – The Filipino Global Teacher Let us begin with ourselves, the Filipino teachers. Why are Filipino teachers doing very well in classrooms and schools outside our country? Many of them are awarded as exemplar teachers, best teachers and model teachers. They are honoured by the school, parents and community as well. Would you like to be a global teacher, too, someday? A Filipino teacher should be equipped with personal and professional qualities and competencies of the Effective Teacher. These competencies are enshrined in the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) of the Philippines. Let us see, what competencies our Filipino public school teachers possess in terms of the domains and strands of the NCBTS-TSNA. Here are the steps: 1. Request for an interview of any public school teacher (Elem or High School). 2. Ask her/him about her/his Individual Profile on the NCBTS-TSNA Tool of the DepEd. 3. Ask for information on the following: 1. In which of the seven domains do you find yourself HIGH? 2. In which of the seven domains do you find yourself LOW?

3. In which strand, are you an Expert? Experienced? Developing or Beginning? 4. Record the answers on the Matrix below:

Name of the Teacher: School: Grade level/Year Level: NCBTS DOMAINS NCBTS-TSNA DOMAINS Domain 1 – Social Regard for Learning Domain 2 – Learning Environment Domain 3 – Diversity of Learners Domain 4 – Curriculum Domain 5 – Planning Assessing and Reporting Domain 6 – Community Linkages


Domain 7 – Personal Growth & Professional Development

NCBTS STRANDS STRANDS 1. Teacher’s actions demonstrate value for learning. 2. Demonstrate that learning is of different kinds 3. Creates an environment that promotes learning 4. Makes the classroom environment safe and conducive for learning 5. Communicates higher learning expectations to each learner 6. Establishes and maintains consistent standards 7. Creates healthy psychological climate for learning 8. Determines, understands and accepts the learners diverse knowledge and experiences

DESCRIPTION, (Expert, Experienced, Developing, Beginning)

9. Demonstrates mastery of the subject 10. Communicates clear learning goals for the lessons 11. Makes good use of allotted instructional time 12. Recognizes general learning process and unique processes of individual learners 13. Promotes purposive study 14. Demonstrates skills in the use of ICT 15. Develops and utilizes creative and appropriate instructional plan 16. Develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning 17. Monitors regularly and provides feedback on learners 18. Communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents and superiors about progress of learners 19. Teacher establishes learning environment that responds to the aspirations of the community 20. Takes prides in the nobility of the profession 21. Builds professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching practice 22. Reflects on the extent of the attainment of professional developmental goals

Activity 2 – Global Teachers the World Over Activity 1 describes the competencies that a global Filipino Teacher should possess. Now, we need to also know the competencies required of other teachers from other countries of the world. Since we cannot travel physically to other countries, we can reach these places through the use of modern technology like surfing the World Wide Web, interviews and use of other sources of information.

Choose two countries other than the Philippines. Search for the personal and professional competencies required of the teachers in that particular country. You may also interview a Filipino teacher who has taught in these countries.

Be guided by the Matrix given below: Global Teacher from Other Countries Name of



Requirements to


Qualities of

Qualities of Teacher



Professional Teachers

United States of America New Zealand Thailand



My Observations 1. Based on your personal interview of the Filipino Teacher on the competencies of the national standards for teachers, has the teacher met the requirements? Explain.

2. If the NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed meet the challenges of global education? Why? Why not?

3. Are there similarities or differences among teachers in other countries in terms of the standard requirements of a professional teacher? Explain your answer.

4. Would Filipino teachers be comparable to their fellow teachers in other countries? Explain your answer.

My Reflections Indeed, becoming a global teacher requires certain standards, as observed; there are more similar expectations of teachers, the world over. As a pre-service teacher education student, how do you see yourself, ten years from now vis a vis the other teachers from all over the world? Can you meet the challenges of being a global teacher?

My Affirmed Concepts

After undergoing this Experiential Learning Episode, what prior learning in the previous courses has been affirmed? Identify at least three concepts about the global teacher. The concepts I have learned before and are affirmed now include the following: Concept 1:

Concept 2:

Concept 3:

My Future Application How would you prepare yourself to become a global teacher?

On Becoming A Teacher

Episode 6

THE TEACHER AS A PROFESSIONAL Introduction There are fundamental requirements to meet to become a professional teacher. My Target  

Identified competencies of the global Filipino teacher Knowledge of other countries teachers’ competencies and requirements as professional.

My Concrete Experience Find a professional teacher in your neighbourhood or a school. Conduct an interview with the teacher by asking the following questions: 1. Where did you graduate your degree? When?

2. How did your University prepare you to become a good teacher?

3. When did you pass the Licensure Examination for teachers? What was your passing rating?

4. When did you start teaching in the public school? 5. What makes you happy as a teacher?

6. What disappoints you as a teacher?

7. What professional development activities/training have you participated in?

8. Are you a member of a professional organization? What is the name of the organization?

9. As a professional teacher, what Code of Conduct do you strictly follow? Can you name the specific behaviour that should be followed to the utmost?

10. What kind of teacher would you dream to become before you retire? Do you have a career path? Describe what kind of professional teacher you are along the timeline presented below: Describe the point as: Beginning Teacher/Inductee;





Teacher; Expert Teacher/Sterling. 1-3 years in service 4-10 years in service 11-15 years in service 15 years and above years in service

My Observations From the answers given by the teacher you interviewed, is the teacher professional teacher? 1. Why do you think so? 2. Why don’t you think so? Can you find other teachers who are professional teachers among the teachers whom you know?

What characteristics or qualities distinguish a professional teacher from a non-professional teacher?

My Reflections

Considering that you will be a future professional teacher, what standards of behaviour should you uphold based on the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?

My Affirmed Concepts Based on the learning I gained in my previous courses on the professional teacher, this experimental learning episode has affirmed by concepts that: 1. Professional teachers 2. Professional teachers 3. Professional teachers 4. Professional teachers 5. Professional teachers

My Future Application


I. II. III. IV. V. VI.

Rubrics for the Portfolio Self Evaluation Class List Documentation Survey Questionnaires Daily Time Record

FS4&6 RUBRIC Exploring the Curriculum & on becoming a teacher FIELD STUDY

Name of FS Student ____________________________________________________ Course ________________________________________ Year & Section ______ Resource Teacher ________________________ Signature ___________ Date __________ Cooperating School__________________________________________________________

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 4, Episode 1 – Look deeper into the concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum Focused on: The concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum and how these are translated into the school community SATISFACTO UNSATISFACT EXEMPLARY SUPERIOR TASKS RY ORY 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly Nearly all Fewer than half Documentation done with all tasks were tasks were of tasks were : outstanding done with high done with done; or most quality; work quality acceptable objectives met exceeds quality but with poor expectations quality 4 3 1 2 My Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis questions questions questions questions were

were answered completely; in depth answers thoroughly grounded on theories Exemplary grammar and spelling 4 My Reflection

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode

were answered completely

were not answered completely

Clear connection with theories

Vaguely related to the theories Grammar and spelling acceptable 2

Grammar and spelling are superior 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode

not answered

Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode 2

My Portfolio

4 Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated 4


Before deadline

3 Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On deadline 3

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking

1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode 1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear



A day after the deadline 2

Two days or more after the deadline 1

4 Rating: (Based on transmutation)

Over-all Score

____________________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name Transmutation of score to Score Grade 20 1.0 81 18-19 1.25 78 17 1.5 75 16 1.75 72 15 2.00 below 14 2.25 -

Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory


grade/rating 99

Score 12-13


Grade 2.50














7-below -



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