
January 25, 2017 | Author: Anton Colasi Corullo | Category: N/A
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Learning Assessment Strategies



Learning Assessment Strategies


Episode 1


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My Target While I observe two different classes, I will be able to identify applications of principles of assessment. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 5, Episode 1 – Guiding Principles in the Assessment of Learning Focused on: Application of the Principles of Assessment Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All the tasks All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half Documentation: were done with tasks were done were done with of tasks were outstanding with high acceptable done; or most quality; work quality quality objectives met exceeds but with poor expectations quality 4 2 1 3 My Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis questions were questions were questions were questions were answered answered not answered not answered. completely; in completely completely. depth answers; thoroughly Clear Vaguely related Grammar and grounded on connection with to the theories. spelling theories theories unsatisfactory. Exemplary Grammar and grammar and Grammar and spelling spelling. spelling are acceptable [1]

Learning Assessment Strategies 4 My Reflection

My Portfolio


Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode. 4 Portfolio complete, clear, well-organized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated.

4 Before deadline


superior 3 Reflection statements clear, but supported experiences from episode.


are not by the

Reflection Reflection statements are statements are shallow; unclear and supported by shallow and are experiences not supported from the by experiences episode. from the episode. 2 1 Portfolio is Portfolio has incomplete; many lacking supporting components; is documentation unorganized is organized but and unclear. is lacking.

3 Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and most supporting documentation are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 2 1 On the deadline A day after the Two days or deadline more after the deadline 3 2 1

Subtotals Rating: (Based on Transmutation)

Over-all Score

Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14



Signature of FS Teacher Date Above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/ rating Grade Score Grade 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 and 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 2.25 - 84


Learning Assessment Strategies My Map I will observe at 2 different classes. Pay close attention to what the Resource Teacher does in relation to assessment. To hit my Target, I will work my way through these steps:

Step 1. I will review the principles of assessment of learning on pp. 114-122 of of and Teaching, 2007 byPrinciples Corpuz, B. G. Salandanan and Assessment of Learning 2, 2007 Santos, Rosita, pp. Step 2. I7-22. will observe 2 different classes and interview my Resource Teachers for principle # 8. Step 3. I will identify evidence of applications of the principles of assessment of learning. I may cite more than one evidence per principle of assessment. Step 4. Guided by a question/questions. I will reflect on my experience. Write down my reflection.

My Tools As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation. OBSERVATION SHEET Name of School: Linao National High School School Address: Linao North, Tuguegarao City Date of Visit: January 11, 2012 Grade/Year Level: II-1 & II - 2 Subject Area: Biology Principles of Learning Assessment

Teaching Behavior of the Teacher/Learning Behavior of the Learner as Proof of the Application of the Principle of Learning 1. Assessment is an integral part of the As I observed in the midst of discussion, teaching-learning process. the teacher asked question to the learners and occurrence of ideas or exchange of knowledge were being noticed. This is one way to evaluate the understanding of the learners to the topic introduced to them. 2. Assessment tool/activity should match As I observed in the classroom, the activity with performance objective. that was given by the teacher is consistent to the performance objective. The teacher also introduced and viewed to the students some examples of contraceptives in order for the teacher to reach her objectives and [3]

Learning Assessment Strategies

3. The results of assessment must be feedback to the learners.

4. Teachers must consider learners’ learning styles and multiple intelligences and so come up with a variety of ways of assessing learning.

5. Give some positive feedback with not so good ones.

6. Emphasize on self assessment.

7. Assessment of learning should never be used as punishment or as disciplinary measure. 8. Emphasize on real world application that favors realistic performances over out-of-context drills.

9. Results of learning assessment must be communicated regularly to parents.

for the learners to understand well the lesson. The learner has the right to see the fruits of his sacrifices and I noticed that the teacher has this principle in mind in a way that she returned the outputs of her students in a very usual way. I mean she gave it back without degrading to those who got low and boosting to those who got high. I observed that the teacher came up with different strategies and technique for the learners to be motivated and develop their skills. The teacher introduces a lot of activities for the students reveal their own interest. During the discussion, different opinions of students were raised; some opinions were well accepted and some were far beyond to the question thrown but then the teacher managed it. If the answer of the learner was not exactly the point was she accepted and tried to elaborate so that the learners understand it well. The teacher assesses herself before entering to the classroom because self assessment is very important especially for her because it is one way to evaluate if the strategies used is effective. Assessment of learning was not used to punished students instead it is used to measure the knowledge and understanding of the learners. I observed that the teacher favors realistic performance because she gives activities that the learners develop their skills such as drawing in relation with their lesson. The learners enjoyed their different activities. The teacher practice keeping accurate records and communicate them to parents in the best mean way possible. Records of the students’ progress were sent to the parents quarterly or every grading period.


Learning Assessment Strategies My Analysis What are the possible consequences on the teaching-learning process if each of the principles is not observed? Principle of Learning Assessment Possible Consequence if Principle is NOT Observed 1. Assessment is an integral part of the Students want to know exactly what they teaching-learning process. have to do to gain good marks/grades. Teachers can do a lot to assist them. If this integral part of teaching-learning process not observed, the consequences are: there’s a big gap between the learner and the teacher. And the students might not assess anymore how far they have learned. 2. Assessment tool/activity should match The prepared activity must coincide with with performance objective. the performance objectives to avoid consequences like confusion and can make students very anxious and lead to unproductive work. 3. The results of assessment must be Giving feedback to the learners is essential feedback to the learners. because feedback is the only way to know if they have succeeded or failed. If they need to recover from failure or deepen their understanding, they need to have explanations and suggestions for improvement. If this is not observed, how the students can address their problems, how can they improve their grades? 4. Teachers must consider learners’ If the teacher did not determine the learning styles and multiple multiple intelligences of the students, they intelligences and so come up with a might not be enhance and develop their variety of ways of assessing learning. skills because intelligence is acquired depending on their environment and experiences. 5. Give some positive feedback with not Positive feedback can boost self-esteem, if so good ones. this is not observed especially with not good ones; the consequence is their self confident will be degraded. And giving of positive feedback motivates students. 6. Emphasize on self assessment. Learning is personal process, then let the learners assess on their own with certain criteria. Let them be aware and reflect on their own progress because if this is not observed, the learners may compare themselves with other instead of testing their own improvement. 7. Assessment of learning should never be The consequence will be distorts of the true [5]

Learning Assessment Strategies used as punishment or as disciplinary measure. 8. Emphasize on real world application that favors realistic performances over out-of-context drills.

purpose of the assessment.

If this is not observed, the consequence is the assessment will not be fair because they will not develop higher thinking skills such as analyzing, evaluating and most of all creating. 9. Results of learning assessment must be The consequence will be no more communicated regularly to parents. transparency and accountability.


Learning Assessment Strategies My Reflection As a student, do I remember any incident when any of these principles was or were violated by my teacher? How did it affect my classmates and me?

One thing was on my mind whenever I read or heard the Principles of Assessment of Learning because of the scenario happened way back in my high school days. The principle no. 5 of assessment of learning which is the “Give some positive feedback along with not so good”, was violated by my teacher in chemistry. In the midst of our discussion, she called my name to answer the question thrown to the class. I tried to answer the right thing I know and best way I possibly do but then unfortunately I did not got exactly the point was. She then got mad and uttered improper words inside the class that spoiled our remaining time in that subject. A word like “idiot” was cursed in my face in that moment of time. That word affects me so much; it degraded my confidence. This scene always in my mind whenever my teacher asked a question most especially when they call my name until this moment of time. I don’t have the guts anymore to express my idea because I doubt and I always think that what is in my mind is not appropriate and it is wrong. I don’t want to be embarrassed inside the class again just like what had happened in my high school time.

By: Sheryl Mae D. Gamiao [7]

Learning Assessment Strategies

My Reflection As a student, do I remember any incident when any of these principles was or were violated by my teacher? How did it affect my classmates and me?

When I was in high school, I remember an incident that my teachers violated some of the principles of assessment. The principle of assessment that was violated is the giving of positive feedback along with not so good ones. Giving of positive feedbacks is not only for the good ones but also for the not good ones, so that they would be motivated to study well. This principle of assessment that was violated affects out performance inside the classroom. And instead of giving positive feedback, our teachers give negative feedback which affects our self confidence or self esteem. I feel that our teachers are favoring only those good ones in our classroom. And I also feel that there is discrimination inside the classroom which leads their students not to enter their class regularly. Whenever there is recitation, I’m afraid to raise my hand because I might not get the right answer and my teacher gives a negative feedback. Learning is ultimately the individuals’ responsibility. Learning will not succeed unless individual feels a strong sense of ownership and responsibility in the process itself.

By: Jingky A. Pacis


Learning Assessment Strategies My Reflection As a student, do I remember any incident when any of these principles was or were violated by my teacher? How did it affect my classmates and me?

Yes, I remember that when I was in elementary, the principle that was violated by my English teacher is “Give some positive feedback along with not so good ones”, instead she gives negative. Nobody is exempted even if you are bright or not so good, she calls you idiot or moron publicly especially if you didn’t answer her question or if she doesn’t like your answer/output. She gives also punishment maybe because she’s a brilliant teacher or a perfectionist. This affect our self confidence especially with me because I don’t have the guts to raise my hand even if I know the answer, just because I don’t want to put into shame before; but as I grew up and became matured enough to understand I take it positively. For me, it is wise to give some positive feedback as well as constructive criticisms. Praising the students on a job well done can boost morale to study and appreciate the value of success, furthermore, giving some constructive criticisms on the areas they need to improved. As a student the criticism that we received just take it positively, because the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement and improvement means success.

By: Rubie Grace M. Reynoso


Learning Assessment Strategies My Portfolio

Attainable objectives must be prepared Self assessment of teacher for the technique and Strategies must be appropriate so that Evident outputs were achieved. Sharing of knowledge inside the class is required Students understanding is tested Measurement is needed to have meaningful Evaluation regarding their performance. Note the parents of the child To inform them about their performance. Observed equality in the class no Favoritism among the students Learn to appreciate your students Encourage them to participate And motivate them the best way you possibly do Return to them their output but Never criticize nor judge because Intelligence of learners will Never be the same instead Give them a chance to develop their skills and apply to their daily living.


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