FS2 Compilation.doc

September 14, 2017 | Author: Jessa Mae Gonzales Jaco | Category: Learning, Teachers, Lesson Plan, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognition
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field study in second semester...


Episode 1: Principles of Learning


PORTFOLIO IN FIELD STUDY 2 IN LAGAO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Submitted to: Dr. Maria Theresa P. Pelones In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Field Study 2 Submitted by: 1 | Fi e l d S t u d y Process

Jessa Mae G. Jaco 2 : BSEDFilipino E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g March 13, 2015

Episode 1: Principles of Learning TABLE OF CONTENTS









EPISODES: Episode 1: Principles of Learning Episode 2: Lesson Objectives as my Guiding Star Episode 3: Organizing Content for Meaningful Learning Episode 4: Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Teaching Strategies Episode 5: On Teaching Approaches and Methods Episode 6: On Lesson Development Episode 7: Effective Questioning and Reacting Techniques


2 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning


The author of this portfolio would like to acknowledge the following: First of all, I would like to thank God for giving me knowledge, strength, guidance and all the things he has given and provide. To my parents, for their love and support especially when it comes to my financial needs. To our adviser from FS1 up until now, Dr. Maria Theresa P. Pelones, for providing this portfolio which will serve as a very useful tool and guide for us in the future. To my cooperating teacher and resource teachers, Ma’am Evelyn O. Castillo, Sir Jorge A. Guntalidad and Ma’am Marlyn M. Kellawan, for helping me making this portfolio possible and also for allowing me as well as my companions to observe in your classes. To my cooperating school, Lagao National High School, for the cooperation and helping me in my journey as a teacher. And last, to the other people who exert an effort on helping me with this portfolo. I am greatly thankful and appreciate you all.

3 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning


The purpose of this portfolio is to serve as a partial fulfillment for the requirements in one of our subject, FS2. Its purpose is not only bound for that but also it was serve as a useful tool for us, future teachers, in our teaching profession. This portfolio will help us remember all the things that we should need to do when we become a teacher and it will give guidance for us to do, act and perform rightly in terms of our students inside the 4 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

classroom as well as on how us, teachers, able them to improve and develop. Episode 1:

PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________ Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________ Resource Teacher 1______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 2______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 3______________________Signature______________ Date______________ Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________

My Target While I observe three different classes, I will be able to identify applications of the principles of learning in the teaching – learning process.

My Performance (How I will be rated) Field Study 2, Episode 1- Principles of Learning Focused on: Application of the principles of learning in the teaching – learning process Unsatisfact Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Tasks ory 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks All or nearly Nearly all Fewer than Documentati were done all tasks tasks were half of tasks 5 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning on:

with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations

were done with high quality

done with acceptable quality

were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality

4 3 My Analysis

Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories -Exemplary grammar and spelling. 4


Analysis questions were answered completely

Analysis questions were not answered completely

Clear connection with theories

Vaguely related to the theories

Grammar and spelling are superior.

Grammar and spelling acceptable

My reflection

My portfolio

Exemplary 4

Superior 3

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are clear but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.



Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting

Grammar and spelling unsatisfactor y

3 2


1 Analysis questions were not answered.

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting

Satisfactory 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode.

1 Unsatisfact ory 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode.

2 Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

6 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning documentati on are located in sections clearly designated.


4 Before deadline.

documentati on are available and/or logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline.

2 1 A day after the deadline.

Two days or more after the deadline.

2 4



Subtotals Rating based on transmutation:

Overall Score

______________________________ _________________ Signature of FS Teacher above printed name Date Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings Score






20 18-19 17 16 15 14

1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25

99 96 93 90 87 84

12-13 11 10 8-9 7- below

2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

81 78 75 72 and below

My Map I will observe at least 3 different classes. Pay close attention to what the Resource Teacher does to teach and what the learners do to learn. To hit my Target, I will work my way through these steps:

7 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

My Tools As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation. OBSERVATION SHEET

Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Teacher Evelyn O. Castillo, Jorge A. Guntalidad, Marlyn M. Kellawan School Address: Purok Malakas, Lagao, General Santos City January 28, 2015 Grade/ Year Level: 3rd year and 4th year Area: Filipino Principles of Learning

Date: Subject

Teaching Behavior of the Teacher/Learning Behavior of the

8 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Learner as Proof of the Application of the Principle of Learning Sample:

1. Learning is an experience which 1. Teacher lets the learners do the occurs inside the learner and is learning activity. e.g. – pupil write activated by the learner. letter A instead of Teacher writing or them. Letting the learners learn by doing an activity on their own. Making them discover things through experience.

2. Learning is the discovery of the 2. The discussion was integrated by a personal meaning and relevance of relevant and need-based curriculum ideas. through the way that arouses the interest and attention of the students.

3. Learning is a consequence of 3. The teacher assimilates experience. different activities made discussion experiential.

the the

4. Learning is a cooperative and 4. Teacher conduct group activities collaborative process. where students can share their thoughts and ideas with another and work as one. 5. Learning process.



evolutionary 5. This required a long time process since we cannot change an individual or impart all the knowledge and learning the learners need in just one day. Teachers are expected to be more patient and diligence.

6. Learning is sometimes a painful 6. In learning, you cannot acquire process. knowledge or learn and improve 9 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning without undergoing the means sacrificing, hard work and patience. Sometimes also learning means learning from your mistakes.

7. One of the richest resources of the 7. The discussion was centered with learning is the learner himself. the learner’s ideas and experiences. Through the use of questioning, the teachers would be able to make students share their learning towards others. 8. The process of learning is an 8. Emotional stability of the learners emotional as well as intellectual. was first observed by the teachers. We need to find ways on how to catch and motivate our student’s interest on learning. 9. The process of problem solving 9. Students have characteristics and and the learning are highly unique abilities derived from their multiple and individual. intelligences. All of them have uniqueness and differences that we, teachers, must need to consider. We need to use appropriate and variety of methods/strategies in imparting knowledge to our students.

10 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Analysis 1. What is the impact of the Resource Teacher’s observance of these principles on the teaching – learning process and on the learners? A teacher who have knowledge and aware about the principles are of greater impact in the teaching-learning process of both teachers and students. Principles of learning guided us, teachers, in teaching and using/applying teaching strategies. It creates a way to build good interaction between teachers and students inside the classroom and give or develop greater improvements in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills of the students. Collaboration and cooperation of both parties makes a good result more possible. 2. Which learning principle was applied most? Learning principles like learning is a cooperative and collaborative process, learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner, learning is a consequence of experience, one of the richest resources for learning is the learner himself and learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of ideas were applied most. 3. Which learning principle was applied least or not at all applied? The learning principles that were least applied are learning is sometimes a painful process, the process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual, learning is an evolutionary process, and the process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and individual. 4. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are not always correct? Yes, because I can see that these principles just like the other kind of principles are of big help in the development and improvement of every students. It is fit to serve as a guidance in the teachinglearning process of an individual.

My Reflections 1. My reflections on my observations of my Resource Teacher’s observance of these principles. Did my Resource Teachers adhere to these principles? When observing my Resource Teachers, most of the principles are truly applied in their teaching process. Though it is not expose directly to 11 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning the students, still, the essence of it are experience and acquired. Unexpectedly, we began to realize that what the teachers do inside the classroom are based and guided by these principles and it is really makes, leads and enables us to be a competent and skilled teachers. 2. Lessons I have learned from my observations on the classroom application of the principles of learning. Applying principles of learning is important. Learning begins with knowledge acquisition. What we learn are tend to be mastered and is use to help develop ourselves. It just happened that principles of teaching are made based on the things that need to consider as a teacher, in the learner and in the environment to impose effective teaching. Thinking how we learn and progress is only a part of the result that a teacher with knowledge of teaching principles can give.

My Portfolio Principles of Learning in My Own Words 1. Learning can be done with the learner himself. 2. Learning thus considering the needs and relating experiences of the learners. 3. Learning undergo changes in relating to experiences. 4. Learning is better when cooperating and collaborating with the others. 5. Learning takes time. 6. Learning sometimes means sacrifice for improvements.

12 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning 7. Learning comes from the learner. 8. Learning can be emotional and intellectual. 9. Learning has its unique and different way on imposing to learners.

Episode 2: LESSON OBJECTIVES AS MY GUIDING STAR Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________ Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________ Resource Teacher 1______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 2______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 3______________________Signature______________ Date______________ Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________

My Target In this Episode, I must be able to:  Deduce the lesson objective/s after observing my Resource Teachers teach  See how the guiding principles in the formation of lesson objectives are applied  Realize the importance of a clearly defined lesson objective

13 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Performance (How I will be Rated) Field Study 2, Episode 2- Lesson Objective as My Guiding Star Focused on: Application of the guiding principles on the development of lesson objectives Unsatisfact Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Tasks ory 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks All or nearly Nearly all tasks Fewer than Documentati were done all tasks were were done with half of tasks on: with done with acceptable were done; outstanding high quality quality or most quality; work objectives exceeds met but with expectations poor quality 4 My Analysis

Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories

3 Analysis questions were answered completely Clear connection with theories

-Exemplary Grammar grammar and and spelling spelling. are superior. 4 3 Tasks My reflection

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely

1 Analysis questions were not answered.

Vaguely related Grammar to the theories and spelling unsatisfacto ry Grammar and spelling acceptable 2

Exemplary 4

Superior 3

Satisfactory 2

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are clear but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode.

1 Unsatisfact ory 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences

14 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

My portfolio




Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentati on are located in sections clearly designated.

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentati on are available and/or logical and clearly marked locations.

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking.


On the deadline.

1 A day after the deadline. 2


1 Portfolio has many lacking components ; is unorganized and unclear.


3 4 Before deadline.

from the episode.

Two days or more after the deadline.

3 1

Subtotals Overall Score

Rating based on transmutation:

______________________________ _________________ Signature of FS Teacher above printed name Date

Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings

15 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Score






20 18-19 17 16 15 14

1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25

99 96 93 90 87 84

12-13 11 10 8-9 7- below

2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

81 78 75 72 and below

My Map 16 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning I will observe two different classes and observe the Resource Teacher teach. I will reflect on the guide questions given below. To hit my Target, I will follow these steps:

17 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Tools As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation.

OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Ma’am Evelyn O. Castillo, Sir Jorge A. Guntalidad, Ma’am Marlyn M. Kellawan School Address: Purok Malakas, Lagao, General Santos City Grade/ Year Level: 3rd year and 4th year Filipino

Date: Subject Area:

Guiding Principles in Determining Teaching Behavior/s which and Formulating Learning Prove/s Observance of the Objectives Guiding Principle Sample: 1. Begin with the end of mind.

2. Share students.



1. The Resource Teacher began her lesson by starting her objective.

with 2. Letting students know what’s the lesson objective then making them discover more in their own.

3. Lesson objectives must be in the 2 or 3 domains – cognitive, skill and affective or cognitive and affective or skill and affective.

3. The Resource Teacher give his/her students individual or group activity connected to the lesson tackled in class. The teacher also, before starting her discussion, ask some questions to recap the previous lesson as well as giving quizzes in the end of the lesson.

18 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning 4. Work on significant and relevant 4. The resource teacher tackled lesson objectives. his/her lesson in relation to every individual experiences in life, specifically his/her students. The teacher ask some questions or give an examples which students can relate, understand, and interact with the lesson provided. 5. Lesson objectives must lead to the 5. By the lesson objectives given, development of critical and creative the students able to think and/or thinking. analyze the lesson well. Furthermore, creating it more interesting and lively where everyone can brainstorming or discussing along with questioning where they can share their thoughts and ideas to one another. 2. After observing your Resource Teacher teaches, write down what you think was/were her lesson objective. As I observe during the class of one of my resource teacher, Teacher Evelyn Castillo, I guess her lesson objective is to be able the students to write about the summary or important details/events from chapter 1-10 of the novel El Filibusterismo written by Jose Rizal.

3. Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for you to copy her lesson objective for the day’s lesson. Copy it here then compare it with your answer in # 2. Are they same? Different? The original lesson objective of Ma’am Castillo was ‘’Pagsulat ng mahahalagang impormasyon sa bawat kabanata (1-10) ng El Filibusterismo’’. From what I observe, I think my answer in question number 2 is quite the same in the real lesson objective of my resource teacher.

My Analysis 5. If answer in # 3 above is different, what is your conclusion regarding written lesson objective and actual lesson development? Are lesson objectives in the lesson plan always followed? Do they really serve as guiding star? 19 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Though the answer in number 3 didn’t differ from the answer in number 2, yet, I believe that not all the lesson objectives in the lesson plan were always followed. As what I had learned from my report about the lesson plan, a lesson plan shouldn’t like a rules to be followed in accord to what rules that’s been state but instead, it should be use as an aid on teaching. It should serve as a guidance only for the teachers to know what will they going to teach for that day. 6. Why did you find it easy/difficult to write down the Resource Teacher’s lesson objective for the day? Did she mention it in the beginning of his/her lesson? I find it easy to write down the Resource Teacher’s lesson objective for that day because she did mention it in the beginning of her lesson/discussion. 7. Did you find the lesson objective SMART? Why or why not? Yes, I consider the lesson objective of my resource teacher as SMART one because, first of all, it can be done or attain in the time allotted for that lesson. Students can easily analyze or understand what would be their lesson. It helps also in the learning of the students in terms of developing either their cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain. 8. Was the lesson objective in the cognitive or psychomotor or affective domain? Or was it in the two or three domains? Support your answer. With that lesson objective, I see that it will fall under cognitive and psychomotor domain because as what you read in the lesson objective, it refers to the ability of the students to recall, think and analyze. It could develop also the writing skills of the students.

My Reflections Any lessons learned or insights gained from your observation focused on lesson objectives? Write them down here. Are lesson objectives truly the guiding star in the development of a lesson? Or are lesson objectives sometimes forgotten as the lesson develops?

20 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning It is said that before doing such things, you need to find out first what are your objectives. Objectives are part of the teacher’s discussion. Though it is only an objective, it plays a greater role in our teaching process. We shouldn’t underestimate its usefulness because as far as we know, lesson objectives serves as a guidance in our whole discussion. Through it, we are able to teach what we intend to teach without misleading. Yet, we should know that there are things we need to consider in making lesson objectives. That a lesson objectives must be definite, relative, developmental, and SMART. However, having a perfect or very good objective is enough. The goodness of the totality of result depends on how much you work out with your objectives.

My Portfolio

My researched quotations that state the significant of goals and objectives (don’t forget to mention your sources) “You can never give up and never quit because if you really think about it, 21 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning there are a multitude of other people who are relying on you to excel and succeed in achieving your goals and objectives.” – Unknown

(http://www.searchquotes.com/search/That_State_Significance_Of_Goals_ And_Objectives/)

Episode 3:

ORGANINZING CONTENT FOR MEANINGFUL LEARNING Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________ Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________ 22 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Resource Teacher 1______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 2______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 3______________________Signature______________ Date______________ Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________

My Target In this Episode, I must be able to:  Observe teaching of a dominantly cognitive or skill or affective lesson (cognitive lesson – Sibika; skill – Math ; affective – Values Education)  Trace the development of a cognitive , skill and affective lesson.

My Performance (How I will be Rated) Field Study 2, Episode 3- Organizing content for meaningful learning Focused on: The development of a cognitive or skill or affective lesson Unsatisfacto Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Tasks ry 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were Documentation done with : outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations 4

All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely

1 Analysis questions were not answered.

3 My Analysis

Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories -Exemplary grammar and spelling.

Analysis questions were answered completely Clear connection with theories Grammar and spelling are

Vaguely related to the theories

Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory

Grammar and

23 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning superior.

spelling acceptable

4 3

1 2

Tasks My reflection

My portfolio

Exemplary 4

Superior 3

Satisfactory 2

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are clear but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode.




Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated.

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentation are available and/or logical and clearly marked locations.

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

Unsatisfacto ry 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1


4 Before deadline.

3 On the deadline.



A day after the deadline.

Two days or more after the deadline.

2 1

Subtotals Overall Score

Rating based on transmutation:

______________________________ _________________ Signature of FS Teacher above printed name

24 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Date

Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings Score






20 18-19 17 16 15 14

1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25

99 96 93 90 87 84

12-13 11 10 8-9 7- below

2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

81 78 75 72 and below

My Map I will observe the three different lessons executed – cognitive, skill and affective lessons. (cognitive – Sibika; Skill – Math; Affective – Literature/Edukasyong Pagpapahalaga) To hit my Target, I will work my way through these steps:

25 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

26 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Tools OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Ma’am Evelyn O. Castillo, Sir Jorge A. Guntalidad, Ma’am Marlyn M. Kellawan School Address: Purok Malakas, Lagao, General Santos City Grade/ Year Level: 3rd year and 4th year Filipino

Date: Subject Area:

A. For the Cognitive Lesson 1. What is the lesson about? The lesson was about El Filibusterismo. 2. What are the examples of facts mentioned in the lesson? The teacher mentioned about the situation of the Filipinos during the time of Spanish colonization. How people differ in economic status. The politics and livelihood. 3. Did the lesson end with facts? Or did these facts lead to understanding of concepts? Prove your answers. Yes, the lesson ends with facts. Stating facts as examples sometimes helps in understanding the lesson. It clarify things in its own way, add knowledge and opens the mind of the learner on the things that surround him/her. 4. Write down instances of treating the topic in depth (giving examples, examining cause – effect relationships, relating ideas or concepts to one another) Instance like relating the topic on some situations or events that are happening in our society and community. 5. Cite an instance/s when students were encouraged to ask questions, to talk about and reflect on what they learned. Students, as what I observed, encouraged to ask or actively participate in the discussion in the time that they have relate to it or it caught their interest or attention. Of course, with a good classroom atmosphere and 27 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning students approach as well as having a sense of humor, discussion would surely enjoyable. B. For the Skill Lesson 1. What was the skill lesson about? Which skill/s was/were target? Manipulative skill or thinking skill? Skill targeted in this lesson was the thinking skill. 2. Write evidence of teacher’s encouragement of divergent thinking by the students. Giving students group activity or report. Asking (situational) questions then let the students provide an answer for it. 3. Which are proofs that the Resource Teacher promoted convergent thinking? Conducting a quiz or having an oral recitation. Asking question with specific answer can be done also. 4. If there was problem solving in the lesson, were the pupils taught to solve the problem using algorithm or heuristic strategy? The students use the algorithm strategy. 5. What are the proofs that the students were encouraged to do critical thinking? Asking student to explain the given problem. C. Value/ Affective Lesson 1. What was the value lesson about? The values that wants to imply by this lesson are to make the students enlighten about the reality, aware and widen their understanding on the things that is happening in their surroundings. To be more patriotic/nationalistic. 2. Was the value taught alone or was it integrated with a cognitive or skill lesson? The value taught along or integrated with a cognitive or skill lesson. 3. How was the value lesson developed? The value lesson eventually develop and acquired depend on how the students take it and how effective the teacher taught it.

My Analysis 28 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning A. For the Cognitive Lesson 9. How did my Resource Teacher teach the cognitive content meaningfully and interestingly? My Resource Teacher teach the cognitive content meaningfully and interestingly through giving an examples related to the topic and asking situational questions where students encourage to answer. Explaining the concepts have been done also. Sometimes the teacher relate concepts through life experiences or events where students could relate from it and for further understanding as well. B. For the Skill Lesson 1. How was the skill taught meaningfully and interestingly? In terms of skill, the teacher taught it through giving students topics to report. Asking them to explain the given problems or interpret it depending on how they understand it. Conducting group activity.

C. For the Affective Lesson 1. Is it possible to teach a value lesson without any cognitive basis at all? Explain your answer. No, because using the mind for understanding things is a way of learning. Cognitive targets the brain. What we teach came from the information our brain collects, understand and recall. Without cognitive basis, we cannot teach what we ought to teach and we cannot learn what we need to learn. One skill cannot be taught, learn and acquire without the help or use of the other skill. 10. A cognitive or skill lesson is a vehicle for value education. Do you agree? Yes. As I’ve said above, to learn things, it is either two or more skills will be use. Values have cognitive dimensions as well as affective and behavioral. When we teach values, we need to make our students understand what and how important it is and reflect with it. Teaching values also means connecting facts, skills and concepts to the life of students.

My Reflections 29 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning 1. Someone said: “There are dull teachers, dull textbooks, dull films, but no dull subjects”. Do you agree? Write you’re your reflections here. I agree to the phrase written above. When we say dull teachers, it means that teachers are just a human being who’s not perfect. They are teachers whom sometimes have lack of skills or abilities that needs an improvement. Teachers also sometimes make mistakes. Just like teachers, textbooks and films are the same. We can say that these educational tools and materials can be useful for the learning of the students but knowing that nothing in the world stays longer or forever, these things that we used today will slowly reduce its value as time passes by. Teacher teaches lessons and books and films are made of topics. Lessons and topics are subjects based on the ideas or thoughts what world can bring us. No dull subjects. It depend on us how we will broaden it or use it creatively to share with everyone and increase their knowledge.

2. How should you organize subject matter (be of cognitive skill or value lesson) so that teaching will always be fresh and interesting? In organizing subject matter,

My Portfolio Research on/or come up with a lesson plan (cognitive or skill) that integrates a value/s. Paste it here! You may want to refer to “Integrating Values and Subject Matter”, in the Principles of Teaching 2, 2006 by Copuz B., G. Salandanan and D. Rigor, pp. 91 – 92.) an outline of the lesson development will do. An Integrated Lesson Plan in English V I.Objective Arrange a set of given events in logical order to make a story. 30 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning I.

Subject Matter Arranging events in logical order to make a story.

References: RBEC 7.2 English for All Times V page 94 Science for Daily Use V page 146 Materials: Charts with written exercises, set of pictures that will make a story, picture of a turtle and forest Related Skill: Speaking: Use the simple present form of the verb. Values: Preserving the life of the sea animal. II.Procedure A. Preliminary Activity Game: Hidden Colors Directions: Find the name of a color hidden in each sentence. B. Developmental Activities 1. Pre-reading Activities a. Motivation (Presenting the picture of a forest.) b. Describing the reptile animals based on the given picture. c. Using the Simple Present Tense of the Verb d. Prediction Skills (Showing the picture of a turtle) d. 1. Group Activity 2. While-reading Activities a. Silent Reading of the selection about Turtles a. 1. Checking of the exercise 3. Post reading Activities a. Comprehension Questions: 1. Why are turtles classified as reptiles? 2. Describe the appearance of a turtle. 3. How many years did turtles exist? 4. Where can you find turtles? 5. Can a turtle survive without food? 6. Why did mother turtles doesn’t have to feed, teach or protect young turtles? b. Completing the KWL chart c. Discussion (Identifying the different events that happened in the story.) 31 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning c. 1. Parts of events in a story c. 2. Infusion of Values How will you preserve the life of the sea animals? d. Generalization How do you arrange a set of events in logical order? e. Application (Group Activity) III.Evaluation Arrange the following events in logical order to make a story by writing 1-5 before each letter. _____ a. Ever since he was a small boy, he enjoyed reading. _____ b. He has become a fast reader. He would read not onlyhis textbooksbut other books as well. _____ c. Arnie’s parents are very proud of him. He is anintelligent and diligent student. _____ d. He also writes poems and short stories in his freetime. _____ e. He dreams of becoming a famous writer in the future. IV.Assignment Arrange the following events in logical order. Number them 1-5. _____ a. Fernando Maria Guerero studied law at the Universityof Sto. Tomas. _____ b. He was sent to U.S. to help work for Phil.Independence. _____ c. He finished his college education at the Ateneo deMla. _____ d. He was made an officer by Gen. Antonio Luna. _____ e. He worked for La Independencia. [Demonstrator: Janice A. Perante]

Episode 4:


32 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________ Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________ Resource Teacher 1______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 2______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 3______________________Signature______________ Date______________ Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________

My Target In this Episode, I must be able to:  Write evidence of application of some guiding principles in the selection use of teaching strategies

My Performance (How I will be Rated) Field Study 2, Episode 4- Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Teaching Strategies Focused on: The application of some guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching strategies Unsatisfacto Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Tasks ry 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were Documentation done with : outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations

All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely

1 Analysis questions were not answered.

4 3 My Analysis

Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly

Analysis questions were answered completely Clear


Grammar and spelling

33 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning grounded on theories -Exemplary grammar and spelling. 4

connection with theories

related to the theories

Grammar and spelling are superior. 3

Grammar and spelling acceptable


1 2

Tasks My reflection

My portfolio

Exemplary 4

Superior 3

Satisfactory 2

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are clear but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode.




Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated.

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentation are available and/or logical and clearly marked locations.

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking.

Unsatisfacto ry 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1

4 Submission

Before deadline.

3 On the deadline.

A day after the deadline.

Two days or more after the deadline.

2 4



Subtotals Overall Score

Rating based on transmutation:

34 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

______________________________ _________________ Date

Signature of FS Teacher above printed name

Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings Score






20 18-19 17 16 15 14

1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25

99 96 93 90 87 84

12-13 11 10 8-9 7- below

2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

81 78 75 72 and below

My Map I will observe at least three Resource Teachers, analyze and reflect on my observations. To hit my Target, I will follow the following steps:

35 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

36 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Tool As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation.

OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Ma’am Evelyn O. Castillo, Sir Jorge A. Guntalidad, Ma’am Marlyn M. Kellawan School Address: Purok Malakas, Lagao, General Santos City Grade/ Year Level: 3rd year and 4th year Filipino

Date: Subject Area:

Guiding Principles in the Teaching Behavior/s of the Selection and Use of Strategies Resource Teacher that Applies the Principles 1. Learning is an active process.

1. Making the learners learn through learning by doing or hands-on way. Here, the teacher let his/her students actively participate in an activity or answer questions in their own.

2. The more senses are involve, the 2. Using instructional materials as a more and the better the learning. tool and part of the teacher’s discussion. These are usually done through the use of powerpoint with projector, visual aids, or even with the use of materials for student’s activity. 3. A non – threatening environment 3. Ensuring the harmless environment enhances learning. for students through guidance or assessment and imposing rules and regulations in the school and inside the classroom. Good interaction and relationship with one another can contribute to a good atmosphere. 4. Emotion has the power increase retention and learning.

to 4. The teacher usually uses some questions or even give an events as an example which students can relate

37 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning and eventually attention.



5. Good teaching goes beyond recall 5. The teacher ask some questions of information. related to the last topic they’d discuss or the lesson they just done discussing in that day to know if the students understand it or if they can recall from it. Giving a quiz or an activity is a great help also. 6. Learning is meaningful when it is 6. Relating students everyday life in connected to the students’ everyday the discussion as a means of life. imparting knowledge without being inconsiderate to what should be the right teaching would. Making them reflect themselves on the lesson along with learning. 7. An integrated teaching approach 7. Knowing the right strategies to use is far more effective than teaching for the students are important. It is isolated bits of information. really good to keep the class discussion a lively one, interesting, and have student-centered learning.

My Analysis 11. Are these principles in accordance with brain – based teaching and learning? Yes, because these principles follows the right way of how to impart learning to the students. That the teacher should not focus only on the lesson but also on the students. Students’ best learn through experience. As what quote says that, ‘’what I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.’’ This means that the more senses involved, the more and better the learning. These principles leads us to the right strategies we should use. It can help us to creatively make our students discover and learn things on their own. Of course, we, teachers, should do our best also to gain effective result in teaching.

My Reflections What is the best method of teaching? Is there such thing? 38 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning For me, all methods of teaching are best in their own way. They all have their own purposes and uses that can be shown and appreciated depending on how it will be use as a tool for learning. Up until now, the use of traditional method in teaching are still part of the teacher’s strategies. But unlike before, teaching strategies and methods have been upgraded due to changes the modern world brought. The use of visual aids were replaced by powerpoint presentations and educational videos. Technology, nowadays, plays a special role in the child’s learning. How students are into technology so as teachers. However, these tools are nothing if it doesn’t bring improvement on the students’ part. No matter how useful technology or how good strategy or method can be, still, we can’t vary only in terms of its usefulness but on the effectiveness it will give when it is applied. For me, a good method of teaching are those which responds to and take students’ abilities, skills, interests, and needs into consideration. A method that doesn’t pressure and force learners to improve but in way that they progress as well as they’re enjoying and encouraging.

My Portfolio Illustrate your reflection on the best method teaching creatively on this page.

Teaching Approach and strategies


Needs Interests Characteristics

Along with: Creative skills & productivity Sense of Humor Use of technology/

Good classroom Hypermedia atmosphere Collaboration between 39 | F i eteacher l d S t uand d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process students as well as good means of

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

Episode 5:

ON TEACHING APPROACHES AND METHODS Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________ Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________ Resource Teacher 1______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 2______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 3______________________Signature______________ Date______________ Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________

40 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Target In this Episode, I must be able to determine the teaching approach or method used by the Resource Teacher.

My Performance (How I will be Rated) Field Study 2, Episode 5- On Teaching Approaches and Methods Focused on: Determining the teaching approach or method used by the Resource Teacher Unsatisfacto Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Tasks ry 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were Documentation done with : outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations

All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality

4 3 My Analysis

Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories -Exemplary grammar and spelling. 4

Tasks My reflection


Analysis questions were answered completely

Analysis questions were not answered completely

Clear connection with theories

Vaguely related to the theories

Grammar and spelling are superior. 3

Exemplary 4

Superior 3

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are clear but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.

1 Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory

Grammar and spelling acceptable 2


Satisfactory 2

Unsatisfacto ry 1

Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode.

41 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

My portfolio




Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated.

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentation are available and/or logical and clearly marked locations.

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking.

1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1

4 Submission

Before deadline.

3 On the deadline.

A day after the deadline.

Two days or more after the deadline.

2 4



Subtotals Rating based on transmutation:

Overall Score

______________________________ _________________

Signature of FS Teacher above printed name


Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings Score






20 18-19 17 16 15 14

1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25

99 96 93 90 87 84

12-13 11 10 8-9 7- below

2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

81 78 75 72 and below

My Map 42 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning I will observe at least three Resource Teachers, analyze and reflect on my observations. To hit my Target, I will follow the following steps:

43 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Tool As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation.

OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Ma’am Evelyn O. Castillo, Sir Jorge A. Guntalidad, Ma’am Marlyn M. Kellawan School Address: Purok Malakas, Lagao, General Santos City Grade/ Year Level: 3rd year and 4th year Filipino Approach/ Method

Date: Subject Area:

Description of Teaching Behavior that Proves Use of Teaching Approach/Method (What did my Resource Teacher do as she used this approach/method? )

1. Deductive Method

1. The teacher will use a direct instruction. In his/her discussion/lesson, he/she begin by giving the objective goes to generalization, principle then giving an examples and concrete details.

2. Inductive Method

2. The teacher will preferably give more examples about or related to the topic/lesson for that day to the students, intentionally making them notice and understand the lesson on their own.

3. demonstration Method

3. The teacher shows all the activities given in the lesson to the students as an action and explains the important points before them during demonstration. So here, during discussion, the teacher introduced

44 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning lesson by question and answer or lecturing. He/she then demonstrate each and every aspects of the lesson and develop it through activities followed by assimilation and after that, asking some evaluative question. 4. Problem Solving

4. This strategy employs scientific method in searching for information. Mostly, it is use on the subject of science and math. The teacher here do activities like experimentation or solving equations.

5. Discovery Method

5. Facts and concepts are explained in an objective manner. Can be done by investigative process. The teacher treat students as an independent one where the teacher let them formulate their own hypothesis and discover things by themselves.

6. Project Method

6. The teacher give students a project which they could finish in a period of several days or weeks.

7. Constructivist Approach

7. Giving each of the students’ topics which will serve as an individual and assigned report. Sometimes what teacher does is stating a problem, ask questions and facilitates free probe into a particular subject. Both the teacher and students engage in open discussions and dialogue, honest exchange of ideas and collaboratively draw conclusions.

8. Metacognitive Approach

8. Use of divergent questions and open-ended inquiries. Conducting an essay test/quiz then allowing them to

45 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning read their answer. 9. Integrative Approach

9. The teacher integrates the subdisciplines like listening, reading, writing, speaking, and viewing within a subject area. One example is storytelling.

My Analysis I will answer the following questions: 12. Which approaches/methods will be grouped together? Why? e.g. direct method and deductive method. Direct Approach  Expository method: directive method, deductive method, demonstrative method. Indirect Approach  Exploratory method: inductive method, exploratory method, reflective, constructivism, problem solving, laboratory, inquiry, and metacognitive. 13. Which approaches/methods are more interactive? Less interactive? The approaches/methods like collaborative, learner-centered, integrated and interactive approach are more interactive than teachercentered, subject-matter centered, constructivist, banking and direct approach. 14.

When should be the direct method be used? Direct method is used when teaching knowledge acquisition involving facts, rules, and action sequences.


When should be the indirect method be used? Indirect method is used when teaching concepts, abstraction or patterns; learning process is inquiry-based, the result is discovery and the learning context is a problem.


When approaches/methods promote “learning to live together”? Approaches/methods as a tool for learning to live together is when it used to promotes peace and shows awareness about

46 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning interdependence and risks and challenges the future brings. Teaching is use also to induce people to implement common projects and to manage the inevitable conflicts in an intelligent and peaceful way. Making students understand diversity and respect one another.

My Reflections If I decide on my teaching approach/method, I will consider, (Continue the sentence. Begin writing NOW!) If I am going to decide about my teaching approach/method, I would consider on try using and applying all of it as part of my teaching strategies as far as I can because I believe that there’s no single approach to teaching that works best. What we do in the classroom depends on our capabilities, the kind of students we are going to teach, what topic we are going to teach, etc. Considering also the facts that students learn in their own unique and different way along with their learning weaknesses, issues and problems makes it difficult to find the right strategy. Yet, looking and thinking of ways that could prompt students to think more deeply about course concepts and the learning process through prompts which make students analyze, reflect, relate and question are a big help for choosing the right approach or method to be use.

My Portfolio 1. By means of a graphic organizer show the characteristics of a constructivist and a metacognitive approach. Can construct knowledge and meaning on their own. share 47 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i Equal ng-Le a r n iof ng Culturally power Process and socially relevant in approach.

between learner and teacher


Episode 1: Principles of Learning

Construct ivist Approach

Apply learning through discovery.

Not pace driven.

Assess the task.

Reflect and adjust if needed.

Metacogni tive Approach

Evaluate strengths and weaknesses.

Apply strategies Do planning. Monitor performance. 2. Do serious research and complete this Table on Methods. The first is done for you. Method 1. Deductive


When to Use

Direct teaching so I can accomplish more within a given period of time.

Time is limited; subject matter is very difficult; learners don’t know much about the lesson; teacher is not yet skilled in the facilitating learning skills.

48 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning 2. Inductive Method

Indirect teaching; the learners develop more their high-order-thinking-skills (HOTS) where the use of teaching-learning process is done.

If you want to let students discover and really understand the lesson on their own; more time accommodated.

Episode 6:

ON LESSON DEVELOPMENT Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________ Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________ Resource Teacher 1______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 2______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ 49 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Resource Teacher 3______________________Signature______________ Date______________ Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________

My Target In this Episode, I must be able to trace how my Resource Teacher develops his/her lesson.

My Performance (How I will be Rated) Field Study 2, Episode 6- On Lesson Development Focused on: How many Resource Teacher develops his/her Lesson Unsatisfacto Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Tasks ry 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were Documentation done with : outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations

All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality



Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality


My Analysis

Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories -Exemplary grammar and spelling. 4

Tasks My reflection

Exemplary 4 Reflection

Analysis questions were answered completely

Analysis questions were not answered completely

Clear connection with theories

Vaguely related to the theories

Grammar and spelling are superior. 3

Superior 3 Reflection

1 Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory

Grammar and spelling acceptable 2


Satisfactory 2

Unsatisfacto ry 1



50 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

My portfolio

statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

statements are clear but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.

statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode.




Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated.

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentation are available and/or logical and clearly marked locations.

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking.

statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1


4 Before deadline.

3 On the deadline.

A day after the deadline.

Two days or more after the deadline.

2 4



Subtotals Overall Score

Rating based on transmutation:

______________________________ _________________ Signature of FS Teacher above printed name Date

Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings

51 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Score






20 18-19 17 16 15 14

1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25

99 96 93 90 87 84

12-13 11 10 8-9 7- below

2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

81 78 75 72 and below

My Map I will observe at least two Resource Teachers, analyze and reflect on my observations. To realize my Target, I will follow the following steps:

52 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Tool As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation.

OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Ma’am Evelyn O. Castillo, Sir Jorge A. Guntalidad, Ma’am Marlyn M. Kellawan School Address: Purok Malakas, Lagao, General Santos City _________________ Grade/ Year Level: 3rd year and 4th year Filipino

Date: Subject Area:

17. Describe how the teacher began his/her lesson. Why do you think he/she do that? Before the teacher began to discuss his/her new lesson, he/she’ll ask a few questions first about the last topic they’d tackled last meeting as a means of recap. Yet sometimes, the teacher began his/her lesson after the prayer, greetings and checking of attendance. I think that this routine may help the students enhance their values and respect towards other people as well as to improve their behavior. 18. What activity/activities did the Resource Teacher ask the learners to do after he/she introduced the lesson? Why do you think he/she did such? After the discussion, the teacher gave a quiz, moreover, an activity either group or individual to test and enhance the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills of the learners. 19. How did he/she end his/her lesson? Why do you think he/she did that? The teacher end his/her lesson by asking his/her students questions related to the topic that they want to be clear about. If they have some part of it that they don’t understand or if they really understand the lesson. 20. Did you notice an assessment of learning in the process of teaching? If yes, how was it done? 53 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Yes. It was done through oral recitation/questioning, classroom presentations/reports, quizzes, individual or group activities and giving an assignments. 21. Did you observe if Resource Teacher checked learning at the end of his/her lesson? Yes, through questioning, giving a quiz or an activity. 22. Checklist – Of the following which did you observe? Please check if you observed the item. Teaching Behavior

Check Here

1.Connecting lesson to past lesson

2. Introducing the lesson for the day

3. Sharing the lesson for the day

4. Motivating the students

5. Students doing learning activity

6. Teacher giving lecturette

7. Teacher checking for understanding  8. Teacher/students Summarizing

My Analysis I will answer the following questions: 1. How should the lesson begin and end? Before beginning the lesson, it’s still good to do the traditional routine like having a prayer, greetings and checking of attendance. Then after that, I will either recap the previous lesson, give a quiz about it or do some icebreaker which will help them to actively participate on the discussion. Followed by the discussion then ends with asking your 54 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning students some questions for clarifications. Having a quiz or giving an activity at the end of the lesson would be precise. 2. Did you observe any part of the lesson development to have been out of place? Explain your answer. No, because the way I see it, what the teacher taught was just exactly what lesson should he/she is going to teach though there are times that he/she uses some examples or situations during the discussions, yet it doesn’t affect to the lesson development the teacher’s trying to imply about.

My Reflections “Tell them what you want to tell them; tell them, tell them what you told them.” Relate this statement to lesson development. During the process of learning of the students, there are times that they need to depend to their teachers. That is why the role of being teacher is way too difficult as what we expected. As a teacher, we have to be more knowledgeable, resourceful, confident and prepared all the time. We should teach students what they have to learn, at the same time, we should develop them in the way that we are not the only one who’s encouraging but they are also for the needs of their improvements and development. Along the actions for students development and improvement are the task on lesson development. We tend to enhance our skills and strategies on teaching in order to satisfy the needs and interests of the learners. We should be aware also that every students have their unique way of learning which we matches or uses different kinds of techniques as well. Learning is a long process. Sometimes what we say or taught might be forgotten easily by the students especially to those who don’t take education seriously. Sometimes, they hardly or easily understand it. That is why also lesson development is so important because if you think you taught no good or unsatisfactorily before then 55 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning now might be time the time that you do greater than what you have done before.

My Portfolio 1. Reconstruct your Resource Teacher’s lesson plan. Your lesson plan must have the parts of a lesson plan. A lesson plan outline may do, provided all the parts of a lesson are covered. Banghay Aralin sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino IV Para sa Ika-apat na Taon I.

Layunin: Sa pamamagitan ng aralin, ang mga estudyante ay inaasahang: a. Nakapagbibigay reaksyon sa isang tiyak na modelo. b. Nakilala ang iba’t ibang uri ng liham pangangalakal.


Paksa: Liham Pangangalakal


Materyal na Gagamitin: tape, chart Aklat: Makabagong Filipino IV


Proseso ng Pagkatuto A. Panimulang Gawain: Pagganyak: Pagpaparinig ng mga nairecord na anunsyong may kinalaman sa paghahanap ng trabaho. Pagkakaroon ng dugtungang-talakayan sa paggawa ng liham. B. Pagbabasa sa mga tiyak na halimbawa. 1. Liham pag-aaplay 2. Liham pahintulot 3. Liham pagtatanong C. Pangkatang Gawain: Pag-uulat ng bawat pangkat Pangkat 1 at 2: Ano ang inaasahan ng unang liham? Ano-anong impormasyon ang nakapaloob dito?

56 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Pangkat 3 at 4: Tungkol saan ang ikalawang liham? Ano-ano ang mahahalagang anyo? Pangkat 5 at 6: Ano naman ang isinasaad sa ikatlong liham? Isaisahin ang mahahalagang impormasyong nakasaad ditto. D. Pagbabahaginan ng bawat pangkat E. Pagpapalalim ng kaalaman batay sa tiyak na impormasyon. 

Paisa-isang kilalanin ang mga katangian ng bawat liham.

F. Pasalitang Pagsusuri: Pagpapagawa ng reaksyon sa tatlong halimbawa ng liham pangangalakal. G. Pagpapalahad ng buod sa tulong ng cue card o susing salita. Tiyak na kahilingan Posibleng maging

Angking kakayahan at katangian Tiyak na impormasyon

H. Takdang Aralin: Gumupit ng isang anunsyo tungkol sa pangangailangan ng trabaho.

Episode 7: EFFECTIVE QUESTIONING AND REACTING TECHNIQUES Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________ Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________ Resource Teacher 1______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ 57 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning Resource Teacher 2______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 3______________________Signature______________ Date______________ Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________

My Target In this Episode, I expect myself to be able to determine my Resource Teacher’s questioning and reacting techniques and identify those that promote interaction.

My Performance (How I will be Rated) Field Study 2, Episode 7- Effective Questioning and Reacting Techniques Focused on: Questioning and Reacting Techniques Unsatisfact Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Tasks ory 4 3 2 1 Observation/ Documentatio n:

All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations

All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality



Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality


My Analysis

Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories

Analysis questions were answered completely


Grammar and

Clear connection with theories

Analysis questions were not answered completely Vaguely related to the theories

1 Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory

Grammar and spelling acceptable

58 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning grammar and spelling. 4

Tasks My reflection

Exemplary 4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode. 4

My portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated.

spelling are superior. 3

2 1

Superior 3

Satisfactory 2

Reflection statements are clear but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode.


Unsatisfact ory 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode.


Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or logical and clearly marked locations.

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking.

1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1

4 Submission

Before deadline.

3 On the deadline.

A day after the deadline.

Two days or more after the deadline.

2 4



Subtotals Overall Score

Rating based on transmutation:

______________________________ _________________ Signature of FS Teacher above printed name Date

59 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings Score






20 18-19 17 16 15 14

1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25

99 96 93 90 87 84

12-13 11 10 8-9 7- below

2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

81 78 75 72 and below

My Map I will observe three Resource Teachers’ questioning and reacting techniques based on my past lesson on “Effective Questioning and Reacting Techniques”. To realize my Target, I will do the following steps:

60 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

61 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Tools Score the Resource Teacher every time he/she demonstrates any of the following questioning behaviors. Sample is shown in item #1. Questioning Behavior

Tally of Use


1. Varying types of questions



2. Asking non – directive questions



3. Calling non – volunteers



4. Rephrasing



5.Sequencing logically



6.Requiring abstract thinking



7. Asking open – ended questions



8. Allowing sufficient wait time



9.Involving as many as possible



OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Ma’am Evelyn O. Castillo, Sir Jorge A. Guntalidad, Ma’am Marlyn M. Kellawan School Address: Purok Malakas, Lagao, General Santos City ________________ Grade/ Year Level: 3rd year and 4th year Filipino

Date: Subject Area:

Write samples of questions asked under each type. Type of Question

Sample Questions Asked

62 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning 1. Convergent Question

What is the full name of our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal?

Type of Question

Sample Questions Asked

2. Divergent Question

Why does the ozone layer becomes thinner and thinner?

3. Low – level Question

Enumerate the main characters in the novel ‘El Filibusterismo’.

4. High level Question

If the kinetic energy of gas is related to temperature only, what happens to kinetic energy of the molecules at a gas of 0 kelvin?

OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Ma’am Evelyn O. Castillo, Sir Jorge A. Guntalidad, Ma’am Marlyn M. Kellawan School Address: Purok Malakas, Lagao, General Santos City ________________ Grade/ Year Level: 3rd year and 4th year Filipino

Date: Subject Area:

Reacting Techniques

Score the Resource Teacher every time he/she makes use of any of the techniques. Reacting Behavior 1. Providing acceptance

Tally of Use




63 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning feedback 2. Providing corrective feedback



3. Giving appropriate praise



4. Repeating the answer



5. Explaining the answer



6. Rephrasing the question



7. Asking follow – up questions



8. Redirecting questions to other pupil



9. Soliciting student question



10. Encouraging through non – verbal behavior



11. Criticizing responding student for his/her answer



12. Scolding for misbehavior or not listening



13. Overusing expressions such as “Okay”, “Right”, etc.



My Analysis 1. Which questioning and reacting techniques encouraged teacher – student interaction? Which ones did not? If we, teachers, want to generate interaction among the students, having these questioning and reacting techniques are a big help for us. In questioning, we have to learn how to vary type of question. We can use divergent, convergent and evaluative questions for asking. Practice 64 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning also asking non-directed questions; calling on non-volunteers; rephrasing; sequencing questions logically; asking questions which requires abstract thinking; asking open-ended questions; directing question to all students to involve as many as possible; having sufficient wait time in getting a response; and assessing comprehension to know if the students are listening or not. In reacting techniques, we need to provide correct feedback to the rightness or wrongness of the response. Give an appropriate praise depending to level of the difficulty of the question answered or to the quality of the response given. Showing non-verbal encouragement is one way also. 2. What did Neil Postman mean when he said: “Children go to school as question marks and leave schools as periods”? Does this have something to do with teacher’s questioning and reacting techniques? What Neil Postman trying to imply is that children are learners who carry more questions in their mind. It’s in our human nature also to show curiosity towards other things that catches our interest. Children go to school in order to learn. Sometimes they tend to ask questions to resolve some part of their journey of seeking answers. But for me, yes, we learn and educate ourselves through school yet school was not only the place to acquire learning. If you explore the world outside, how much learning can you might get? Not all the time answers can be find inside the school. What we learn from school were only a few percent of what the reality in life awaits us.

My Reflections What do I resolve to do and NOT to do in my questioning and reacting techniques so as to encourage teacher – student interaction? There are many things to consider if we want to acquire teacherstudent interaction. As a teacher, you need to be careful and patient towards interacting in class because as what we know, we are facing different kinds of students. So during discussions, it is greater advantage if you have or know the questioning skills. If necessary, improve your questioning techniques if you observe no progress. Don’t depend on questioning by yourself also. Try to encourage your students to ask questions. Be productive. You can add humor sometimes to avoid heavy atmosphere and barricade between you and your students. It is importants also to have knowledge about right handling of pupil’s response. Depend on the teacher’s way of handling students responses 65 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning can either encourages or discourages them from actively participating in class interaction. Provide or give the correct feedback for students response. Avoid saying things that could embarass them even if it was not intentional. Remember, the difficulty and pressure we have felt to get involve, have good relationship and interaction to our students or to get the attention of our students is the same also for our students to get intouch with us, their teacher.

My Portfolio I promote higher – order – thinking skills (HOTS) and interaction for learning by the kind of questions that I ask. Here are learning objectives. Formulate at least two examples of questions that promote divergent thinking and HOTS. Elementary (For BEEd Student) 1. At the end of the lesson, the pupil is able to identify the functions of the organs of the digestive system. Secondary (For BSEd Student) 1. After having been presented the pros and cons of teaching reproductive health in schools, the student must be able to take a stand on the controversial issue and give reasons for such stand. Write your two divergent questions here! 1. Elementary 2. Secondary  Do sex education must be taught in grade schools?  What effect in the psychological aspects of the students they will acquire?

I promote class interaction by my favorable remarks. Here are 5 examples of expressions I must use (products of my research) to inspire my students to be involved in class interaction. 1. “You are on the right track!”

2. ‘’very good!’’ 66 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

Episode 1: Principles of Learning

3. ‘’Keep it up!’’

4. ‘’Nice answer!’’

5. ‘’Wonderful!’’

67 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 : E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g Process

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