
March 7, 2017 | Author: Jesiemel | Category: N/A
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FS 6 Learning Episode 5 THE GLOBAL TEACHER OF THE 21ST CENTURY My FS Learning Task Overview Teaching is a respectable profession the world over. The status of teachers has been comparable in all parts of the globe, hence each year, a celebration of the WORLD TEACHER’S DAY! This alone would tell us, the recognition and honor given to the best profession of all: TEACHING. A teacher is an extraordinary person in whose hands lie the future of the world. A teacher regardless of what country he/she comes from should be a GLOBAL TEACHER or the TEACHER of the WORLD. Thus, you should have qualities, skills, knowledge, views, with wider breadth and deeper sense because you too will be a global teacher. This Learning Episode focuses on the global teacher of the 21st century.

My Desired Learning Outcomes   

Identity competencies of the global Filipino teacher Increase knowledge of the countries teachers’ competencies Compare the global Filipino teacher with the other teachers of the world

My Learning Essentials Let us begin with ourselves, the Filipino teachers. Why are Filipino teachers doing very well in classrooms and schools outside our country? Are Filipino teachers doing well in our country as well? Many of them are awarded as exemplar teachers, best teachers and model teachers. They are honoured by the school, parents and community as well. Would you like to be a global teacher of the 21st century? As global teachers, you should br the excellent ones. Read some teaching skills and qualities needed of global teachers in the 21st century. A GLOBAL TEACHER  thinks and acts both locally and globally.  has classroom management skills.  makes content relevant and updated.  has skills in critical thinking.  uses technology in education.  has deep understanding of multiculturalism and globalization.  has skills to collaborate with teams.  brings the world into the classroom, school and community.

continuously grow professionally. A Filipino teacher should have these qualities and skills, too. These competencies are enshrined in the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) of the Philippines.

My Learning Map Here are the steps that you should take in order to reach your desired learning outcome. 1. Request for a short interview of any public school teacher about the teacher’s competencies in the NCBTS. (Elementary or High School) 2. Request the teacher to answer a short questionnaire on the NCBTS teacher’s competencies. 3. Analyse the data. 1. In which of the seven domains did the teacher rate herself/himself HIGH? 2. Which competencies are practiced by the teacher all the time? Often? Sometimes? Never? 4. Go to the web, interview, chat, skype or use the other means to obtain the information about other teachers in at least two other countries aside from the Philippines.

My Learning Activities Activity 1 NCBTS and the Global Filipino Teacher Name of the Teacher _________________________________________________________ School ____________________________________________________________________ Grade Level/Year Level ______________________________________________________


If HIGH, check

Give brief explanation why you are rated HIGH

Domain 1 – Social Regard for Learning Domain 2 – Learning Environment Domain 3 – Diversity of Learners Domain 4 – Curriculum Domain 5 – Planning Assessing and Reporting Domain 6 – Community Linkages Domain 7 – Personal Growth & Professional Development Instruction: Below is a checklist for the teacher you requested to answer. I am a global Filipino Teacher. Do I practice/ possess these qualities or competencies? No or Yes Frequency: Never _________ 0

Sometime ______ 1 Often __________2 All the time _____3 No/Yes Frequency + 0 1 2 3

Competencies Do I … 1. demonstrate values for lifelong learning? 2. teach considering the learning is of different kinds? 3. create an environment that is safe and conducive for learning? 4. communicate higher learning expectations to each learner? 5. accept learners’ diverse knowledge and experiences? 6. demonstrate mastery of the subject matter? 7. make use of allotted instructional time? 8. recognize that each learner is unique? 9. demonstrate skills in the use of technology? 10. develop and use appropriate instructional plan? 11. develop and use a variety of instructional support materials? 12. develop and use a 76 variety of appropriate assessment strategies? 13. communicate promptly and clearly to learners, parents, and superiors about the learners’ progress? 14. take pride in the nobility of the profession? 15. enhance myself through continuing professional development? How many competencies are rates as: A. All the time B. Often C. Sometimes D. Never

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Activity 2 Global Teachers The World Over Activity 1 describes the competencies that a global Filipino Teacher should possess. Now, we need to know, what competencies are required of other teachers from other countries of the world. Since we cannot travel physically to other countries, we can reach these places through the use of modern technology like surfing, skype, chat, emails through the world wide web, interviews and use of other sources of information. Choose at least two countries other than the Philippines. Search for the personal and professional competencies required of the teachers in that particular country. You may also interview a Filipino teacher who has taught in these countries. Be guided by the matrix given below.

Global Teacher from Other Countries Name of Country

Personal Qualities of Teachers

Professional Qualities of Teachers

Requirements to become Professional Teachers

United States of America New Zealand Thailand Indonesia Australia My Reflections / Insights 1. If the NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed be able to meet the challenges of global education? Why? Why not? 2. Are there similarities or differences among teachers in other countries in terms of the standard requirements for a professional teacher? Explain your answer. 3. Are Filipino teachers comparable to their fellow teachers in other countries? Explain your answer. 4. How would you prepare to become a global teacher of the 21 st century? How do you see yourself?

Integrating Theory and Practice Choose the correct option. 1. The most challenging components of teaching in another country is __________. A. mastery of the subject matter B. making instructional materials C. adjusting to cultural differences D. constructing assessment tool 2. Teaching is a universal vocation. Wherever the teacher is assigned, his or her primary concern is to __________. A. earn a good salary B. make the students learn

C. be the most important person D. do self-sacrifice

3. In the 21st century, the fastest development or change that the teacher should catch up with as a teacher is in the ___________. I. use of technology II. knowledge of globalization


practice of collaboration A. I B. I and II

C. II and III D. I, II and III

4. “If you are an excellent teacher here in the Philippines, you can a very well teach in any ASEAN country.” This statement _____________. A. Is false B. Is true C. An overstatement D. Cannot be determined E. 5. For a Filipino teacher to succeed in teaching in the country and elsewhere in the world, he or she should ____________. I. mater and practice the competencies of the NCBTS II. be multilingual and multicultural III. think and act both locally and globally A. I only B. II only

C. I and II D. I, II and III

F. G. My Learning Portfolio H. Entries to portfolio may include: (Choose only one) 1. Story or narrative (experiences) of a Filipino Teacher abroad. 2. Story or narrative of an outstanding teacher in your community. (School, District, division) 3. Story or narrative of non-Filipino teacher in other countries. I. My Learning Rubric J. Field Study 6, Episode 5 - The Global Teacher of the 21st Century K. Focused on   

Identifying competencies of the global Filipino teacher Increasing of knowledge of other counties teachers’ competencies Comparing the global Filipino teacher with the other teachers of the world L. Name of FS Student _____________________________________ Date Submitted: ___________ M. Year and Section: _________________________ _______________________________

Course: U.



Learn ing Episo des

O. E x e m p l a r y P. 4

Q. S u p e ri o r R. 3 T.

W. Learn ing Activi ties


A ll e p is o d e s w e

AA. A ll o r n e a rl y a ll

S a ti s f a c t o r y 2

AE. N e a rl y a ll e p is o

N e e d s I m p r o v e m e n t V. 1 AI. F e w e r t h a n h al

r e d o n e w it h o u t s t a n d i n g q u a lit y ; w o r k e x c e e d s e x p e c t a ti o n s Y. Z.

AK. Analy

e p is o d e s w e r e d o n e w it h h i g h q u a lit y. AB. AC. AD. 3

d e s w e r e d o n e w it h a c c e p t a b l e q u a lit y. AF. AG. AH. 2





f o f e pi s o d e s w e r e d o n e ; o r m o st o bj e ct iv e s w e r e m e t b u t n e e d i m p r o v e m e n t AJ. 1 AZ. A

sis of the AL. Learn ing Episo de

ll q u e s ti o n s / e p is o d e s w e r e a n s w e r e d c o m p l e t e ly ; i n d e p t h a n s w e r s ; t h o r

n a ly si s q u e s ti o n s w e r e a n s w e r e d c o m p l e t e ly . AQ. C l e a r c o n n e c ti o n w it h t h e o ri e

n a ly si s q u e s ti o n s w e r e n o t a n s w e r e d c o m p l e t e ly . AW. V a g u e ly r e l a t e d t o t h e t h

n al y si s q u e st io n s w e r e n o t a n s w e r e d . BA. G r a m m a r a n d s p el li n g u n s a ti sf a ct o r y BB. BC. BD.

BG. Refle ction s/ BH. Insig hts

o u g h ly g r o u n d e d o n t h e o ri e s . AN. E x e m p l a r y g r a m m a r a n d s p e lli n g AO. 4 BI. R e fl e c ti o n s

s AR. G r a m m a r a n d s p e lli n g a r e s u p e ri o r AS. AT. AU. 3

e o ri e s AX. G r a m m a r a n d s p e lli n g a c c e p t a b l e AY. 2

BE. BF. 1

BK. R e fl e c ti o n s

BM. R e fl e c ti o n s

BP. R e fl e ct io n st a

t a t e m e n t s a r e p r o f o u n d a n d cl e a r; s u p p o rt e d b y e x p e ri e n c e s fr o m

t a t e m e n t s a r e cl e a r, b u t n o t cl e a rl y s u p p o rt e d b y e x p e ri e n c e s fr o m

t h e l e a r

t h e l e a r

t a t e m e n t s a r e s h a ll o w ; s u p p o rt e d b y e x p e ri e n c e s fr o m t h e l e a r n i n g e p is o

t e m e n ts a r e u n cl e a r a n d s h al lo w a n d a r e n o t s u p p o rt e d b y e x p e ri e n c e s fr o m t h

BR. Learn ing Portf olio

n i n g e p is o d e s BJ. 4

n i n g e p is o d e s BL. 3

BS. P o rt f o li o is c o m p l e t e , cl e a r, w e ll o r g a n iz e d a n d a ll s u p p o

BV. P o rt f o li o is c o m p l e t e , cl e a r, w e ll o r g a n iz e d m o s t s u p p o rt

d e s BN. BO. 2

BX. P o rt f o li o is i n c o m p l e t e ; s u p p o rt i n g d o c u m e n t a ti o n s a r

e le a r ni n g e pi s o d e s BQ. 1 CC. A n al y si s q u e st io n s w e r e n o t a n s w e r e d CD. G r a m m a r a n d s p el li n

rt i n g ; d o c u m e n t a ti o n s a r e l o c a t e d i n s e c ti o n s cl e a rl y d e si g n a t e d BT. BU. 4

i n g ; d o c u m e n t a ti o n s a r e a v a il a b l e a n d l o g ic a l a n d cl e a rl y m a r k e d l o c a ti o n

e o r g a n iz e d b u t l a c ki n g BY. BZ. CA. CB. 2

g u n s a ti sf a ct o r y CE. CF. CG. CH. 1

s BW. 3 CM. S u b m it t e d o n t h e d e a d li n e CN. 3

CK. S u b m it t e d b e f o r e t h e d e a d li n e CL. 4

CI. Sub missi on of CJ. Learn ing Episo de

CO. S u b m it t e d a d a y a ft e r t h e d e a d li n e CP. 2

CQ. S u b m itt e d t w o d a y s o r m o r e a ft e r t h e d e a dl in e CR. 1 CV. Rati ng: CW.(Bas ed on CX. trans muta tion) CY.

CS. COMMENT/S CT. Over-all Score CU.





















___________________________ __________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name




My FS Learning Task Overview



In the Philippines, only those with a professional license are authorized to teach.

FC. There are fundamental requirements to be a professional teacher. One has to graduate in college with a baccalaureate degree, pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), be a member of professional teacher organizations and abide by the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. In addition, teachers must grow in the profession by undertaking continuing professional development/education. FD.  

My Desired Learning Outcomes

Present clear definition of a professional teacher Describe a Filipino professional teacher

Identify fundamental laws that professionalized teaching in the country FE. FF.My Learning Essentials FG. Some of the basic questions on the professionalization of teaching are the following:

1. What are the legal bases of considering teaching as a Profession? 2. What are the requirements to become a Professional Teacher? 3. What is the career path of a Filipino Professional Teacher?





FH. Consider these as answers: FI. Fundamental Laws and Policies  1987 Philippine Constitution, Article XIV  PD 1006 – Professionalization of Teacher  RA 7836 – Regulation and Supervision of the Practice of Teaching and Prescribing the Licensure examination for Teachers or the Teacher Professionalization Act of 1994  Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Qualifications of a Filipino Professional Teacher  Holds a Professional Teacher’s License  Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education or any Bachelor’s degree with 18 units of professional education units  Member of a Professional Teacher Organization  Undertake continuing professional development  Abide by the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Requirements to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)  Earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education or any Bachelor’s Degree with 18 units of professional education units  Must be a Filipino citizen  Other requirements as presented by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Career Path of Professional Teachers  Beginning Professional Teacher – 1 to 3 years of teaching  Young Professional Teacher – 4 to 10 years of teaching  Mentor/Master Professional Teacher – 11 to 15 years of teaching  Expert/Sterling Professional Teacher – 15 years and above in teaching FJ. FK.

My Learning Map


      

This episode, will bring you to a closer encounter with professional teachers. To achieve your desired learning outcomes, you will follow this learning map.

Step 1. Have a close encounter with a Young Professional Teacher. Step 2. Have a close encounter with a Beginning Professional Teacher. Step 3. Have a close encounter with a Mentor/Master Professional Teacher. Step 4. Have a close encounter with the Expert/Sterling Professional Teacher. Step 5. Have a close encounter with a Retired Professional Teacher. Step 6. Record all answers and prepare a written report. Step 7. Request to take picture of the teacher which will form a part of your report. FM. FN. FO.

My Learning Activities (Note: All the activities shall be conducted by two’s or dyad)

FP.Activity 1 Close Encounter with a Beginning Professional Teacher (1-3 Years Teaching Experience) 1. Conduct an interview with the beginning teacher by asking the following questions:  Where did you earn your degree  How did your University prepare you to become a good teacher?  When did you pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)? What was your passing rating?  When did you start teaching as a professional?  What makes you happy as a teacher?  What disappoints you as a teacher?  Are you a member of a professional organization? What is the name of the organization?  As a professional teacher, what code of conduct do you strictly follow? Can you name the specific behaviour that should be followed to the utmost?  What kind of professional teacher would you dream to become before you retire? 2. Record all answers and prepare a written report. 3. Request to take picture of the teacher, as part of your report. FQ. Narrative 1: Close encounter with the Beginning Professional Teacher FR. FS. (Picture of the Professional Teacher) FT. The narrative will be based on the answers in your interview. A narrative is written in paragraph form. FU. FV. FW.

FX.Submitted by: _________________________ FY. FS 6 Student FZ.

GA. Activity 2 Close Encounter with a Young Professional Teacher (4-10 Years Teaching Experience) 1. Conduct an interview with a Young Professional Teacher. 2. Ask the following questions:  Are you satisfied with your job as a professional teacher for the past few years? If yes, why? If no, why not?  What are the things that you do as a professional teacher that make you happy? Sad?  What was your most unforgettable experience as a teacher? Please tell.  What are your plans for the future as a professional teacher?  Do you think you will retire as a professional teacher or look for other jobs? Why? 3. Record all answers and prepare a written report. 4. Request for a picture taken as part of the report. GB. Narrative 1: Close encounter with the Young Professional Teacher GC. GD. (Picture of the Professional Teacher) GE.The narrative will be based on the answers in your interview. A narrative is written in paragraph form. GF. GG. GH. GI. Submitted by: _________________________ GJ. FS 6 Student GK. GL. GM. GN. Activity 3 Close Encounter with a Mentor/Master Professional Teacher (11-15 Years Teaching Experience) 1. Conduct an interview with a Mentor/Master Professional Teacher. 2. Ask the following questions:  Are you satisfied with your job as a professional teacher for the past few years? If yes, why? If no, why not?  What are the things that you do as a mentor professional teacher that make you happy? Sad?  How did you mentor younger professional teachers?

Looking back to your early years as a professional, how do you compare yourself with your mentees now?  What awards or citations have you received?  What are your plans for the future as a professional teacher?  Do you think you will retire as a professional teacher or be promoted to higher position? 3. Record all answers and prepare a written report. 4. Request for a picture taken as part of the report. GO. Narrative 1: Close encounter with the Mentor/Master Professional Teacher GP. GQ. (Picture of the Professional Teacher) GR. The narrative will be based on the answers in your interview. A narrative is written in paragraph form. GS. GT. GU. GV.Submitted by: _________________________ GW. FS 6 Student GX. GY. GZ. Activity 4 Close Encounter with an Expert/Sterling Professional Teacher (15 Years Teaching Experience) 1. Conduct an interview with an Expert/Sterling Professional Teacher. 2. Ask the following questions:  Are you satisfied with your job as a professional teacher for the past years? If yes, why? If no, why not?  What are the things that you do as an expert professional teacher that make you happy? Sad?  What was your most unforgettable experience as an expert professional teacher? Please tell.  What do you consider as your most significant contribution to the teaching profession? Please tell.  What are your plans for the future as an expert professional teacher?  Have you been promoted in your job? Why are you promoted? What benefits did you get from your promotion? 3. Record all answers and prepare a written report. 4. Request for a picture taken as part of the report.

HA. Narrative 1: Close encounter with an Expert Teacher HB. HC. (Picture of the Professional Teacher) HD. The narrative will be based on the answers in your interview. A narrative is written in paragraph form. HE. HF. HG. HH. Submitted by: _________________________ HI. FS 6 Student HJ. HK. HL. HM. Activity 5 Close Encounter with a Retired Teacher (Retired from Teachin) 1. Conduct an interview with a Retired Professional Teacher. 2. Ask the following questions:  What are your usual activities as a retired professional teacher? Please tell.  Did you find your past teaching experiences memorable? What were your most significant experiences?  How long have you taught as a professional teacher? Do you have any regrets of having been a professional teacher? Why?  What do you consider as your most significant contribution to the teaching profession? Please tell.  Have you been promoted in your job? Why were you promoted? What benefits did you get from your promotion?  Would you consider teaching as the greatest profession? Why? Why not?  What food for thought would you like to give us, and the young professional teachers? 3. Record all answers and prepare a written report. 4. Request for a picture taken as part of the report. HN. Narrative 1: Close encounter with the Retired Teacher HO. HP. (Picture of the Professional Teacher) HQ. The narrative will be based on the answers in your interview. A narrative is written in paragraph form. HR. HS. HT. HU. Submitted by: _________________________ HV.FS 6 Student HW.


My Reflections/Insights

HZ. Based on the answers given by the teachers you interviewed, do they reflect a true professional teacher? 1. Why do you think so? IA. ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ 2. Why don’t you think so? IB. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ IC. ID. Based on the interviews you conducted, is being a professional teacher a fulfilling job? Why? IE. ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ IF. ________________________________________________________________________ ___ IG. Considering that you will be a future professional teacher, what standards of behaviour should you uphold based on the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? IH. ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ II.

IJ. Integrating Theory and Practice 1. After the 1987 Constitution, the first legal basis to make teaching as a profession and consider teachers are professionals was ___________-. A. RA 7836 B. PD 1006 C. RA 7640 D. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers IK. 2. Who among these graduates is not qualifies to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)? A. Bachelor of Elementary Education B. Bachelor of Agricultural Education C. Associate in Arts D. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics IL. 3. All Filipino professional teachers must have ____________. A. a professional teacher’s license B. a recognized master’s degree C. teaching experience D. published research article IM. 4. Which of the following practices is NOT allowed in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? A. Teachers shall insure that teaching upholds the highest standards. B. Teachers shall accept tutorial fees for the slow learners in her class. C. Teachers shall live with dignity in all places at all times. D. Teachers shall establish maintain cordial relations with parents. IN. 5. What should be the best description of teaching as a profession? A. Teaching is the noblest profession. B. Teaching is a lucrative job in this country. C. Teaching requires less preparation. IO. IP. My Learning Portfolio IQ. IR. IS. IT.

Portfolio entries should include:

Narrative 1: Close Encounter with the Beginning Professional Teacher

(Picture of the Professional Teacher) IU. The narrative will be based on the answers in your interview. A narrative is written in paragraph form. IV.

IW. IX. IY. Submitted by: _________________________ IZ. FS 6 Student JA. JB. JC. JD.My Learning Rubric JE. Field Study 6, Episode 5 – The Teacher as a Professional JF. Focused on    

Identifying competencies of the global Filipino teacher Present clear definition of a professional teacher Describe a Filipino professional teacher Identify fundamental laws that professionalized teaching in the country JG. Name of FS Student _____________________________________ Date Submitted: ___________ JH. Year and Section: _________________________ _______________________________

JI. Learn ing Episo des

JR. Learn ing Activi ties

JJ. E x e m p l a r y JK. 4

JL. S u p e ri o r JM. 3

JN. S a ti s f a c t o r y JO. 2

JS. A ll e p is o d e s w

JV. A ll o r n e a rl y a

JZ. N e a rl y a ll e p is

Course: JP. N e e d s I m p r o v e m e n t JQ. 1 KD. F e w e r t h a n h

e r e d o n e w it h o u t s t a n d i n g q u a lit y ; w o r k e x c e e d s e x p e c t a ti o n s JT. JU. 4

ll e p is o d e s w e r e d o n e w it h h i g h q u a lit y. JW. JX. JY. 3

o d e s w e r e d o n e w it h a c c e p t a b l e q u a lit y. KA. KB. KC. 2

al f o f e pi s o d e s w e r e d o n e ; o r m o st o bj e ct iv e s w e r e m e t b u t n e e d i m p r o v e m e n t KE. 1

KF. Analy sis of the KG. Learn ing Episo de

KH. A ll q u e s ti o n s / e p is o d e s w e r e a n s w e r e d c o m p l e t e ly ; i n d e p t h a n s w e r s ; t h o

KK. A n a ly si s q u e s ti o n s w e r e a n s w e r e d c o m p l e t e ly . KL. C l e a r c o n n e c ti o n w it h t h e o ri

KQ. A n a ly si s q u e s ti o n s w e r e n o t a n s w e r e d c o m p l e t e ly . KR. V a g u e ly r e l a t e d t o t h e t

KU. A n al y si s q u e st io n s w e r e n o t a n s w e r e d . KV. G r a m m a r a n d s p el li n g u n s a ti sf a ct o r y KW. KX.

LB. Refle ction s/ LC. Insig hts

r o u g h ly g r o u n d e d o n t h e o ri e s . KI. E x e m p l a r y g r a m m a r a n d s p e lli n g KJ. 4 LD. R e fl e c ti o n

e s KM. G r a m m a r a n d s p e lli n g a r e s u p e ri o r KN. KO. KP. 3

h e o ri e s KS. G r a m m a r a n d s p e lli n g a c c e p t a b l e KT. 2

KY. KZ. LA. 1

LF. R e fl e c ti o n

LH. R e fl e c ti o n

LK. R e fl e ct io n st

s t a t e m e n t s a r e p r o f o u n d a n d cl e a r; s u p p o rt e d b y e x p e ri e n c e s fr o m

s t a t e m e n t s a r e cl e a r, b u t n o t cl e a rl y s u p p o rt e d b y e x p e ri e n c e s fr o m

t h e l e a

t h e l e a

s t a t e m e n t s a r e s h a ll o w ; s u p p o rt e d b y e x p e ri e n c e s fr o m t h e l e a r n i n g e p is

a t e m e n ts a r e u n cl e a r a n d s h al lo w a n d a r e n o t s u p p o rt e d b y e x p e ri e n c e s fr o m t

LM. Learn ing Portf olio

r n i n g e p is o d e s LE. 4

r n i n g e p is o d e s LG. 3

LN. P o rt f o li o is c o m p l e t e , cl e a r, w e ll o r g a n iz e d a n d a ll s u p p

LQ. P o rt f o li o is c o m p l e t e , cl e a r, w e ll o r g a n iz e d m o s t s u p p o

o d e s LI. LJ. 2

LS. P o rt f o li o is i n c o m p l e t e ; s u p p o rt i n g d o c u m e n t a ti o n s a

h e le a r ni n g e pi s o d e s LL. 1 LX. A n al y si s q u e st io n s w e r e n o t a n s w e r e d LY. G r a m m a r a n d s p el li

o rt i n g ; d o c u m e n t a ti o n s a r e l o c a t e d i n s e c ti o n s cl e a rl y d e si g n a t e d LO. LP. 4

rt i n g ; d o c u m e n t a ti o n s a r e a v a il a b l e a n d l o g ic a l a n d cl e a rl y m a r k e d l o c a ti o

r e o r g a n iz e d b u t l a c ki n g LT. LU. LV. LW. 2

n g u n s a ti sf a ct o r y LZ. MA. MB. MC. 1

MF. S u b m it t e d b e f o r e t h e d e a d li n e MG. 4

MD. Sub missi on of ME. Learn ing Episo de


n s LR. 3 MH. S u b m it t e d o n t h e d e a d li n e MI. 3

MJ. S u b m it t e d a d a y a ft e r t h e d e a d li n e MK. 2

ML. S u b m itt e d t w o d a y s o r m o r e a ft e r t h e d e a dl in e MM.1 MQ. Rati ng: MR. (Bas ed on MS. trans muta tion) MT.

COMMENT/S MO. Over-all Score MP.























___________________________ __________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name

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