FS 5

March 13, 2017 | Author: Rhianne Laurente | Category: N/A
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FS 5

Field Study Learning Assessment strategies This course provides the student with hands-on exoerience in selecting, constructing and evaluating conventional and authentic assessment tools and launching them in different learning environment of the classroom based on the principles of teaching. Sherwin Kim Castaño 1/30/2012

Field Study Learning Assessment Strategies

Prepared by: Sherwin Kim Castaño

Submitted to: Dr. Maria Sheila Simon

Field Study

Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 1 “MY ASSESSMENT LIST” Name of FS Student: Sherwin Kim Castaño Course: BS Education Resource Teacher: Mr. Leopoldo Morcoso Signature:___________________ School: C.R.A.A. High School

Year and Section: 3B

Your Tools As you visit schools and observe assessment practices in at least three classes, document your observations using the activity forms provided for you in this book. For your pen-and-paper test items, customize a table of specification, and prepare the test items, customize a table of specification, and prepare the test material based on the prescriptions of the school where you do class observation.

Your Analysis Was there a variety of assessment methods used by the teacher? How relevant was/were the assessment method/s used?

Do you think the expected students’ learning behaviors indicated in the objectives were properly and appropriately assessed through those assessment methods?

Peace Concept on Focus: Appropriateness Appropriateness is the use of any method of assessment is not just something that teachers wish to consider, but rather an indispensable principle of fair assessment practices. If taken for granted, our evaluation of students’ learning is erroneous, misleading, and unfair.

Your Reflections

Write your personal reflection of thoughts and feelings about the importance in the use of appropriate assessment methods in the classroom, including what students and teachers can gain from appropriate assessment tools. Share your reflection with your FS teacher and classmates.

Field Study

Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 2 “MY ATM Card” (Available Tests & Measures) Name of FS Student: Sherwin Kim Castaño Course: BS Education Resource Teacher: Mr. Leopoldo Morcoso Signature:___________________ School: C.R.A.A. High School

Year and Section: 3B

Your Tools As you visit schools, study the teachers’ objectives, formulate test items, and interpret results, make a clear documentation of your tasks using the activity forms provided for you in this book. For your pen-and-paper test items, customize a table of specification, and prepare the test items, customize a table of specification, and prepare the test material based on the prescriptions of the school where you do class observation.

DESIGNING PEN-AND-PAPER TEST To help you prepare your pen-and-paper test which you will soon administer in the class you have observed, please remember to: 1. Make a two-way Table of Specification. Make sure that you focus on the current subject matter of the class you observed, and that you target the higher levels of learning behaviors. Please adopt the TOS format prescribed by the school where you do your class observation. If the school has TOS templates ask permission to use it. 2. Show your TOS to your FS teacher, then to the classroom teacher. Get their comments and suggestions to improve your TOS. 3. With approved TOS, formulate your test items. Write each test item in an index card, indicating the subject matter and the desired level of learning behavior to be addressed, among others,. (Please use pencil in writing your test items to economize on the use of index cards.) 4. Make an Item Bank by organizing the index cards containing your test items. Show it to your classmates for their comments and suggestions, then to your FS teacher for checking, and finally, to the classroom teacher. 5. Prepare a test paper of the finalized items. 6. Get the classroom teacher’s permission to administer the test. 7. Administer the test to the class for which the test is designed. Then check the papers and record students’ scores. 8. Do an item analysis and make inferences out of the result. 9. Indicate the item analysis results of each item on the index card where you wrote the item.

Your Analysis Do you think the teacher’s learning objective was appropriately assessed by your test items? Why? /Why not?

Why did you have to study the teacher’s learning objectives prior to developing an assessment tool?

Your Reflections Write you personal reflection of thoughts and feelings regarding the Peace Concept on Focus. Share your reflection with your FS teacher and classmates.

Peace Concept on Focus: Fairness In assessment, fairness is not only a matter of teachers’ attitude towards students. It also involves the use of assessment tools that are appropriate, valid, and noble.

Field Study

Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 3 “MY ASSESSMENT LIST” Name of FS Student: Sherwin Kim Castaño Course: BS Education Resource Teacher: School: C.R.A.A. High School

Year and Section: 3B Signature:_____________________

Your Tools For this episode, please document your engagement in the tasks using the Activity Sheets provided for you. For your reading of selected articles on the new trends of classroom assessment, please use the sheet below.

Before interviewing a teacher on his/her experiences in using authentic assessment, please go over your Review Notes. Based on these, please draft possible questions you will ask the teacher and confer with your FS teacher. When the questions are finalized write them down on the sheet below. Spare some space between questions where you will write down the teacher’s response to each question.

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