
May 11, 2018 | Author: Jenni Alia | Category: Rubric (Academic), Educational Assessment, Learning, Test (Assessment), Evaluation
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field study 5...




Credit : 1 unit Duration : 18 hours


Course Field Study 5 is an outcomes-based course designed to provide FS students with opportunities to learn assessment strategies as they are applied in the teaching-learning process. t is basically an observation course intended to help FS students observe the application o! principles o! assessment in actual classroom teaching. "he FS student observes how the #esource "eacher assesses learning in the cognitive$ psychomotor and a%ective domains in various levels using revised &loom's ta(onomy$ )endall's and *ar+ano's new ta(onomy and the )nowledge$ ,rocess$ nderstanding$ ,roduct and ,er!ormance ),,/ o! the Department o! 0ducation. Field Study is anchored on the !ollowing ,ro!essional 0ducation subects: •

2ssessment o! "eaching 1 and 3.

Course 2t the end o! the course$ the FS student must be able to: 1. 0valuate assessment practices against principles o! assessment 3. Distinguish among the di%erent methods and !orms o! assessment 4. se di%erent assessment methods$ tools and tass to measure learning in the cognitive$ psychomotor and a%ective domains o! learning and in the di%erent levels based on revised &loom's ta(onomy$ )endall's and *ar+ano's new ta(onomy and Dep0d's ),, 6. ,ractice 7utcomes-&ased 0ducation by !ormulating assessment tass and items that have content validity with the help o! a "able o! Specications 5. Compute grades using Dep0d's ),, !ramewor 9. describe the meaning o! computed grades in terms o! prociency . describe how to report student's per!ormance meaning!ull

My Learning Activities I will observe two classess , record my observations with the use of an observation Sheet.


Indicators of assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning Resource Teacher !"ASI#T! $. TRI%&'()A Teacher*s Signature+++++++++School##!S-I/&TA0 1A/&S 2rade3"ear Level 4 A#$ 56

Sub7ect Area (nglish

$ate #ovember 8, 965:

Assessment FOR Learning ;rite observed teacher activities that manifest assessment FOR learning. .

Assessment As Learning ;rite observed teacher and student activities that manifest assessment AS learning. .

2ctivities that mani!est assessment !or learning that  have observed are written assignment in which the teacher assigns students to mae sure that$ everything taught is on a given topic that is essentially loced in the brains o! students. 2lso progress monitoring$ the teacher assess the progress o! students and evaluating the e%ectiveness o! the instructions. 2nother is learning logs$ !ocused ;uestions$ ournals$ pretest$ nongraded ;ui++es$ minute paper$ learning probes and item analysis o! summative assessments.

"he teacher and the students were





discussion o! learning points$ sel! assessment lie in a group activity$ there is given rubrics !or their per!ormance and rate it !rom the list o! criteria. "his can be also use !or peer and sel!assessment that students can assess themselves.



teacher uses checlist in which students




progress. 7ther activities are learning log that students will write their notes and monitor own learning.

Assessment OF Learning ;rite observed teacher activities that manifest assessment OF learning. . 2s  observed$ activities that mani!est assessment o! learning are using anecdotal notes in which teacher record specic observation o! individual student behaviors. 7ther activities that were conducted by the class were ;ui++es which were very common as it was used every day at the end o! the day's instructions. n groupings and role playing$ teacher uses rubrics in rating the per!ormances o! every group presenter. *ainly the most common activity that !or assessment o! learning is summative assessment lie maor e(ams$ unit test$ departmental test$ chapter test and mastery test.

My Refections

;rite your reflections on the following 5. As a student, did you li?e assessment@ $o students li?e assessment@ ;hy or why not@ 2s a student$  lie assessment because it motivates me and help me structure my learning. 2ssessment acts lie a map$ i! you !ollow those paths$ you will reach the goal. Students lie assessment as well$ because it will help them improved their learning. t will also provide !eedbac on how they are going. Feedbac is intended to help them identi!y weanesses and build strength to improve the ;uality o! their ne(t piece o! assessment.

9. ;hat can you do to eli minate student*s fear of assessment@ 1an freuent formative assessment reduce if not eliminate fear of assessment@ ?ery @oodAB ->,er!ect wor or e(cellent worB ->7ay$ ne(time please review your lesson because only !ew got the highest scoreB ->e(cellent worB.

"he teacher ass the student to mae their own poem. "he activity is an individual wor in which they will thin o! their own theme.

G. (m=hasiHe on the assessment of higher-order thin?ing.

!ow was this done@ "his is done by the teacher and students' discussion using on the test which the teacher used and give at least 9 test items as eam=les. "ou may as? for sam=les of =ast tests that your Resource Teacher use in the =ast to com=lete your matri.

Selected-res=onse ty=e 5.Alternate-res=onse

/anuto Isulat ang  ?ung ang =ahayag ay tama at O naman ?ung ang =ayahag ay mali.Isulat sa =atlang ang sagot bago ang numero. +++5.ala?i ang naitulong ng mga li?as na yaman sa =agsulong ng e?onomiya. ++++9. The commoners are called ali=ing saguiguilid.

9.atching ty=e A


5. India 9. ;allow

a.magtam=isaw b. tawag ng es=anyol sa mga /ili=ino c. gayuma

B.multi=le choice 5. Ang ating li=unan ay binubuo ng iba*t-ibang institusyon o sector.Alin sa mga institusyon sa li=unan ang itinuturing na =ina?amaliit at =angunahing yunit ng li=unan@ a.=aaralan b. =amilya

c. =amahalaan d. barangay

9.Alin sa mga sumusunod ang una at =ina?a=angunahing =amantayan sa =aghubog ng isang maayos na =amilya@ a. b. c. d.

/inagsama ng ?asal ang magulang /ag?a?aroon ng mga ana? /agtatanggal ng =amilya sa ?anilang ?ara=atan ga =ata?aran sa =amilya


My Analysis 5.In what sub7ects was traditional assessment method used most@

"raditional assessment method used most in 2raling ,anlipunan.

9.;hich among sub7ect was authentic assessment method used most often@ "he traditional assessment toolsHtest were used most o!ten were the multiple-choice test$ true or !alse test$ completion type test and essay ;uestion test.

B.In what sub7ects was authentic assessment method used most@ 2uthentic assessment method is usedmost in subect lie 0nglish$ Filipino$ Science and *ath.

G.;hich =roducts or =erformance were assessed@ 2ive eam=les. "he products or per!ormance o! students that were assessed are their sills in research$revising$oral sills$debating and other critical thining sills.2lso their creativity and other talent.

.;hat assessment tools and tas?s were used to assess learning in the cognitive domain, and declarative ?nowledge@ For the cognitive domain the assessment tools and tass to be used were the multiplechoice test$ completion types test and essay ;uestions restricted and non-restrcited/.

:.;hat assessment tools and tas?s were used to assess the learning of =sychomotor s?ills3=rocedure ?nowledge@ "o assess the learning tass o! psychomotor sills procedural nowledge$ consider the students di%erent learning areas lie$ drawing$models$playing musical instruments$singing a song$dancing$ putting a pu++le together$ dramati+ation or role playing$writing$reading a poem$ and presenting a speech.

8.;as there assessment of learning in the effective domain@(=lain your answer. Ies$ there was assessment o! learning in the a%ective domain because its imphasi+es the !eelings o! the learner in the teaching-learning process."he students will not only engage in developing their cognitive and psychomotor domain but also the a%ective domain.2%ective domain plays an undeniable role in education.

P.To which multi=le intelligence did the assessment tools and tas?s res=ond@1ome u= with a Table of the intelligences which were given attention and corres=onding assessment tas? used.

MI 1.Jinguistic

Assessment L2s students to write in a ournal regularly. L@ive oral e(ams andHor essay tests.

3.JogicalHmathematical L2ssign science labs and e(periments. L;ualityB. hen students use rubrics regularly to udge their wor and made it easier !or teachers to e(plain to students why they got the grade they did and what they can do to improve. sing rubrics in assessing students whether sel! or peer assessment. #ubrics use as sel!-evaluation to monitor themselves$ correct and use !eedbac !rom peers to guide their learning process. t help them to become sel!-directed or independent learners because understanding the process o! getting to the standard $ students show where they will be. "hey can e(plain to their teacher their level o! per!ormance which they belong. 2 student who sel!assesses enables them to reali+e ways in which to improve themselves. ! there were no rubrics in assessment then it would be diEcult to assess the per!ormance o! students especially in group activities or any activities that re;uire rubrics. @iving grades to students will be not accurate and in result to bias grading. Students will not understand why they got the grade. "here will be no descriptions o! their grades. "hey will never now the learning target o! the activity. there a possibility that the activity will become !ailure on the part o! students as well as to teachers.

My Learning Activities Activity #$ @rade Computation Show sam=le com=utations of grade in a sub7ect of your choice either from 2rades 5 to 56 or 2rade 55 and 59. Show the =ercentage contributions of written wor?, =erformance tas?s and uarterly assessment. Then give the descri=tor. . Subect: 0nglish

@rade: 8

Steps 1. @et the total score !or each component. Jearner's #aw score ritten or 1 5

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