FS 5 - Activity 6 On Scoring Rubrics

April 6, 2017 | Author: Glydel Rodriguez | Category: N/A
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FS Field 5 Learnin Study


Glydel P. Rodriguez g Course: BSE – MAPE Year and Block : 4F Episode Resource Teacher: Jeric Manlangit Signature:__________ Date: _______ Name of FS Student:

Grade/Year Level: _________________________ Subject Area: Cooperating School:


Calatagan High School

MY LEARNING ACTIVITIES Interview a Resource Teacher regarding the use of Scoring Rubrics. Use the guide questions blow.

INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Where do you use the scoring rubrics? (student outputs or products and student activities) Answer: Student Outputs 2. What help have scoring rubrics given you? When there were no scoring rubrics yet, what did you use? Answer: It makes scoring easier. It conserves energy, time and effort The Achievement and Progress Chart if there’s no scoring rubrics. 3. What difficulties have you met in the use of scoring rubrics? Answer: Sometimes the students do not comply with the requirements. 4. Do you make use of holistic and analytic rubrics? How do they differ? Answer: Yes. Holistic is generalized while Analytic is specified. 5. Which is easier to use - analytic or holistic? Answer: Analytic Rubric 6. Were you involved in the making of the scoring rubrics? How do you make one? Which is easier to construct - analytic or holistic? Answer: No. (he did not answer, I assumed that his answer is no)

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

Examples of Holistic and Analytic Rubrics

Research Paper (Holistic Rubric)



4 (80100%)

Research paper demonstrates complete understanding and execution of the assigned objectives. Thesis statement/argument is clearly stated, complex and original, and the writing does not spend excessive time on any one point of development at the expense of developing other points in the body of the paper. Writing is also error-free, without ambiguity, and reads smoothly, creatively, and with a purpose.

3 (7079%)

Research paper demonstrates considerable understanding and execution of the assigned objectives. Thesis statement/argument is stated, verges on the complex and original, and the writing shows accuracy and balance in developing body points, but may exhibit occasional weaknesses and lapses in correctness. Writing also has some errors and ambiguities, yet does read clearly and coherently.

2 (6069%)

Research paper demonstrates some understanding and execution of the assigned objectives. Thesis statement/argument is faintly stated and/or expected and not confident, and the writing is inconsistent in terms of balance in developing body points, and exhibits weaknesses and lapses in correctness. Writing also has many errors and ambiguities, and may read confusingly and incoherently.

1 (5059%)

Research paper demonstrates limited understanding and execution of the assigned objectives. Thesis statement/argument is simplistic, unoriginal, and/or not present at all, and the writing is unbalanced in developing body points, weak, and incomplete. Writing also has numerous errors and ambiguities, and reads confusingly and incoherently.

Adapted from John Bean, Engaging Ideas, Exhibit 15.4: Holistic Scale for Grading Article Summaries (262)

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

Research Paper (Analytic Rubric) Standards


Adequate (50-59%)

Competent (60-69%)

Good (70-79%)

Excellent (80-100%)

Knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies relative to the importance of sources to subject

Demonstrates limited knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies relative to importance of sources to subject

Demonstrates some knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies relative to importance of sources to subject

Demonstrates considerable knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies relative to importance of sources to subject

Demonstrates thorough and insightful knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies relative to importance of sources to subject

Critical and creative thinking skills

Uses critical and creative thinking skills with limited effectiveness

Uses critical and creative thinking skills with moderate effectiveness

Uses critical and creative thinking skills with considerable effectiveness

Uses critical and creative thinking skills with a high degree of effectiveness

Communication of information and idea

Communicates information and idea with limited clarity

Communicates information and ideas with some clarity

Communicates information and ideas with considerable clarity

Communicates information and ideas with a high degree of clarity and with confidence

Quality of argument and writing

Argument is simple and unoriginal, and the writing is weak and inconsistent

Argument takes on a fair and expected position, and the writing is moderately clear and coherent

Argument bridges on the complex and original, and the writing is clear and coherent

Argument is complex and original, and the writing is strong, fluid, and creatively coherent

Spelling and grammar

Several errors in A few errors in spelling and grammar spelling and grammar

Some errors in No errors in spelling spelling and grammar and grammar

Adapted from Centre for Teaching Excellence, Appendix B: Sample Analytic Rubric (“Rubrics: Useful Assessment Tools.

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

MY ANALYSIS 1. What benefits have scoring rubrics brought to the teaching - learning process? Rubric is a working guide for both teachers and students. It is descriptive in nature which are developed by teachers or other evaluators. With its use, teachers have become guided in grading the performance of the students, may it be process (Physical skill, Use of equipment, Oral communication or Work habits) or products (Constructed objects, Written essays, themes, reports, term papers or other academic products that demonstrate understanding of concepts). Rubrics clarify vague interpretations, constraints with students and teachers. It can also be used in communicating grades with students, and provide as evident how they were graded; students’ strengths and weaknesses of the students are also shown. It also brings objectivity in scoring the work of the students. And with scoring rubrics, scoring and recording are made easy. Students can be involved in making the scoring rubrics for a specific learning task. They are given opportunity to state what they believe to be important aspects to include in the scoring the task. By this, the teacher and the students have agreed upon what their work must contain. 2. How are scoring rubrics related to portfolio assessment? Rubric is an evaluation tool used to assess the compilation of written or printed outputs of the students, the portfolio. It contains a set of criteria that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria. As the teacher discusses the learning task to be done, he/she also discuss the criteria in checking their outputs. The General Criteria is usually discussed and presented to the class. Rubrics cover all that the portfolio is expected to have, down from the cover page, organization of the content and the contents itself. However, the student’s freedom must also be considered as long as the agreed contents are present on their portfolio. In checking the portfolio, the teacher must now use the Analytic Rubrics so that vagueness in checking will be eradicated. Objectivity in checking will be achieved and thus, doubts of the students will be prevented. After checking, the teacher must report the results to the class or integrate the Scoring Rubrics to the contents of the portfolio like what we are doing here in this subject, Field Study.

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

3. To get the most from scoring rubrics, what should be observed in the making and use of scoring rubrics? In making Scoring Rubrics, first the learning task that the teacher is going to assess must be considered. Then to identify what the teacher wishes to observe in the performance/products of the students. After this, the teacher decides whether a holistic or analytic rubric would be more appropriate. The criteria must be considered and the descriptions of each criterion will be made. The teacher should first construct the criteria for top level of performance and followed by the lowest level of students’ performance. By this the teacher will be guided in constructing the middle level performance criteria. In constructing a rubric, there must be at least 3 indicators to assess the students’ performance; high, middle and low. Moreover, we can also make more distinctions between performances, by this precision will be observe. But we must bear in mind that it is better to have a few meaningful score categories than to have great categories which are difficult to distinguish. Descriptions of the work should define each category rather than supplying or using value-judgment about the work, this is according to Brookhart, 1999. In using the rubrics, teacher must see to it that all the criteria are present. And to always observe objectivity in checking the outputs of the students. No further additional points must be given to any student the teacher is acquainted with.

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

MY REFLECTIONS Can rubrics help make students to become self - directed or independent learners? Do rubrics contribute to assessment AS learning (self - assessment)? What if there were no rubrics in assessment? By the advent of the K to 12 curriculum and the Objective-Based Education, productoriented performance-based assessment found its way in most subjects learning areas. It is now being widely used and observed to promote not just the cognitive domain of learning but also the psychomotor domains. Thus the teachers are challenged to design task-oriented instructions. And the best way to assess these tasks is through the Scoring Rubrics. With the established criteria for judging the outputs of the students, they are left with guides to be used throughout the completion of their task. By this, students will become self – directed, in a sense that they know what to and not to include in the content of their outputs. The students will now visualize what they will do first and plan the course of their work ahead. Most tasks that the teacher design now, calls for the students’ action to move to learn. One best way for this is by giving problems wherein students will find their way and data to solve and answer those problems at their own pace. After assessing the works of the students using rubrics, the teacher must see to it to give immediate feedback to the learners, thus presenting the assessment results is a must. If this is well-observed, the learners will be informed why they got their grades. They can now self- reflect about their performances and be enlighten in what competencies/criteria they are lacking and must work on more to improve themselves. If there are no rubrics in assessment, objectivity in giving grades will be at stake. There may also be unnecessary entries in the students’ outputs. And the teachers will be left in guessing what grade will he/she give to her students, thus grading will be unreliable.

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

MY LEARNING PORTFOLIO Go over the K to 12 Curriculum Guide and look for at least one competency that needs to be assessed by the use of rubrics. Make a scoring rubric - one analytic and the other holistic. Remember to focus on assessing the intended learning outcome.

OBJECTIVES 1. Analyze the elements of vocal music and instruments of the Mangyans of Mindoro . 2. Create and perform a simple Ambahan. 3. Participate and cooperate in class discussion Analytic Rubric CATEGORY

Materials used

Vocal Integration

Creativity and Originality

Excellent (5pts) Has brought and used all the materials as improvised instruments

Good (4pts) Has brought and used most of the materials as improvised instruments Integrated Integrated chanting chanting seriously all seriously the time in the most of the performance time in the as one of the performance unique as one of the characteristics unique of Noh and characteristic Kabuki s of Noh and Kabuki Pattern of Pattern of Japanese Japanese theater: Noh theater: Noh and Kabuki is and Kabuki is observable visible but not and clearly clearly defined defined TOTAL POINTS

Fair (3 pts) Has brought and used some of the materials as improvised instruments Integrated chanting in the performance as one of the unique characteristic s of Noh and Kabuki

Pattern of Japanese theater: Noh and Kabuki is somewhat visible but not continuous

Poor (2pts) Has not brought and used all the materials as improvised instruments Did not Integrate chanting seriously in the performance as one of the unique characteristic s of Noh and Kabuki There is no visible pattern of Japanese theater: Noh and Kabuki


FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

Holistic Rubric Score



Brought and used all materials as improvised instruments, integrated chanting seriously all the time in the performance, and the pattern of Japanese theater: Noh and Kabuki is observable and clearly defined

4 (7079%)

Brought and used most of the materials as improvised instruments, integrated chanting seriously most of the time in the performance, and pattern of Japanese theater: Noh and Kabuki is visible but not clearly defined

3 (6069%)

Brought and used some materials as improvised instruments, integrated chanting in the performance, and pattern of Japanese theater: Noh and Kabuki is somewhat visible but not continuous

2 (5059%)

Has not brought and used all the materials as improvised instruments, did not Integrate chanting seriously in the performance and there is no visible pattern of Japanese theater: Noh and Kabuki

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies


Mr. Jerick Manlangit

MY LEARNING RUBRIC FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

Field Study 5, Episode 6 – On Scoring Rubrics Focused on: Examining different types of rubrics used by my Resource Teacher and relating them to assessment of student learning

Name of FS Student: Glydel P. Rodriguez Year and Section:

Over-all Learning Episodes Score

Learning Activities


Date Submitted: ___________________

Rating Exemplary 4 All episodes were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations.

Superior 3 All or nearly all episodes were done with high quality.

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all episodes were done with acceptable quality.

3 Analysis questions were answered completely. Clear connection with theories. Grammar and spelling are superior. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the learning episodes. 3

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories. Grammar and spelling acceptable 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the learning episodes. 2 Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentations are organized but are lacking.

4 Submitted before the deadline

Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized; most supporting documentations are available and logical and clearly marked locations. 3 Submitted on the deadline




Analysis of the Learning Episode

Reflections/ Insights

Learning Portfolio

Submission of Learning Episode

All questions / episodes were answered completely; in-depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories. Exemplary grammar and spelling 4 Reflection statements are profound and clear; supported by experiences from the learning episodes. 4 Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and all supporting; documentations are located in sections clearly designated.

2 Submitted a day after the deadline. 2

Needs Improvement 1 Fewer than half of episodes were done; or most objectives were met but need improvement. 1 Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the learning episodes. 1 Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentations are not organized and are lacking. 1 Submitted two days or more after the deadline. 1

Comme nt/s: Score Grade

20 1.0

19-18 1.25

17 1.5




TRANSMUTATION OF SCORE TO GRADE/RATING 16 15 14 13-12 11 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 90

____________________ Signature of FS Teacher above printed name





10 3.00

9-8 3.5



7-below 5.00 71below

_______________ Date

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

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