Frozen food marketing plan

July 30, 2018 | Author: Ahad Uddin | Category: Food & Wine, Food And Drink, Food Industry, Industries, Economies
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Business Plan for Frozen Beef Products

 Premium FROZEN BEEF PRODUCTS  ...Sausages, Salami, Meatballs & Kebabs


Premium Frozen Beef Products BASED ON A 2010 SUD!

P"EPA"ED FO"  Mr. Saif Rahman (Sfr) Course Instructor  MGT368.6

P"EPA"ED B! #"OUP1 M Ashad Uz aman !I"# $%&'6$'$3$ M. *amru+ ,asan (I"# $%'6'$3$) Muhi-u+ ,assan Adi+ !I"# $%'68'3$ S/ed Isteaz onaide !I"# $%'8$'$3$ Tam0eed Rahman !I"# $63'%8'$3$ Tu-a *han !I"# $%'11'3$

 Date of Submission: 5th April, 2010 School of Business  North South University


Premium Frozen Beef Products BASED ON A 2010 SUD!

P"EPA"ED FO"  Mr. Saif Rahman (Sfr) Course Instructor  MGT368.6

P"EPA"ED B! #"OUP1 M Ashad Uz aman !I"# $%&'6$'$3$ M. *amru+ ,asan (I"# $%'6'$3$) Muhi-u+ ,assan Adi+ !I"# $%'68'3$ S/ed Isteaz onaide !I"# $%'8$'$3$ Tam0eed Rahman !I"# $63'%8'$3$ Tu-a *han !I"# $%'11'3$

 Date of Submission: 5th April, 2010 School of Business  North South University

TABLE OF CONTENTS E$ecuti%e Summar&


'e O((ortunit&


'e Product


)ar*et Anal&sis



Maret Size


Maret 4+a/ers


Maret 4otentia+ 5 4enetration


Industr& Anal&sis


4ST Ana+/sis


+om(etition Anal&sis


"irect Com7etitors


Indirect Com7etitors


)ar*etin, )i$



4roduct 5 4ricin2


4r 4romotion


)ana,ement eam


)anufacturin, - Deli%er& Process


Financial Pro.ections Pro.ections


Ris Ana+/sis


E$(ansion Plan





3$ 33

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The A2ro'9ased Industr/ in 9an2+adesh es7ecia++/ the frozen food sector is curren current+/ t+/ en0o/ en0o/in2 in2 a +ucrat +ucrati:e i:e and e;7one e;7onenti ntia+ a+ 2ro 4remiu 4remium m ?rozen ?rozen 9eef 9eef 4roduc 4roducts ts face face +itt+e +itt+e com7etiti com7etition on in the +oca+ scenario scenario.. @oca+ @oca+ direct direct com7etitor com7etitorss inc+ude inc+ude on+/ Rich (86= maret share) /oun2 7eo7+e and those in their midd+e'a2es and has ta22ed -eef as ta-oo. hat the/ need to no< is H9eef in our diet he+7s to nourish and fue+ our -od/ and is the  um-er Ene source of 4rotein. Considered a natura+ mu+ti:itamin  -ecause of its e;ce++ent source of 7rotein and :itamin 9& it ee7s us ener2ized and su77orts man/ of our -od/Fs dai+/ functions -/ he+7in2  7roduce hormones and enz/mes. 4remium ?rozen 9eef 4roducts understands it consumersF hea+th reuirements and ser:es a ran2e of halal, tasty, healthy an safe  frozen  -eef 7roducts that inc+udes sausa2e> sa+ami> meat-a++s> and a :ariet/ of e-a-s at a :a+ue'added 7rice. It a+so taes into account the need for eas/ &D4a2e

to 7re7are> hass+e'free uic mea+s in our fast'7aced and time'constraint +ife. A+so the demand for -rands +ie Rich and Afta- sho fast food sho7s and restaurants ha:e a hi2h demand for these frozen -eef 7roducts to cater the ne:er endin2 demand of their customers for :arious -eef menu items +ie nood+es> hotdo2s> sou7> sand e-a-s etc. Ether factors +ie im7ro:ed catt+e -reedin2> 2ro e;tensi:e trainin2 7ro2rams for meat 7rocessin2 stricter 2o:ernment contro+ acts (&$$8) 4remium ?rozen 9eef 4roducts Sa+ami and 4remium ?rozen *e-a- (Shish> *athi and Shami). Product Portfolio

"escri7tion SPI+! S)O8ED SAUSA#E


 utrition 5 ,ea+th

4aca2in2 Internationa+ standard  7aca2in2# Re2u+ar size '3$2 (& 7ieces 7er  7ac) and -reafast size'&$2 (8 7cJ7ac).

?resh> su7erior ua+it/ 5 ha+a+ meat de;trose> smoed f+a:or>  7ermitted food conditioner> sodium nitrate> monosodium 2+utamane (GSM).

It doesnFt contain /e'catchin2> air'ti2ht additiona+ 5 h/2ienic 7aca2es.  -readcrum-s> fi++ers or e;cess fat and on+/ trace amount of sodium sa+t


8= +ean 2round -eef (hea+th/)

?at . 2m> cho+estero+ $.$6 2m> sodium $.3 2m> car-oh/drate 66.6 2m> dietar/ fi-er . 2m

Contains no e22s or dair/



 atura++/ smoed 4re7aration time# & minutes 9eef> modified  7otato starch> 7otassium +actate> sa+t> s7ices> sodium 7hos7hate> su2ar> sodium nitrite> 2ar+ic> de;trose> sodium ascor-ate> smoe f+a:or   atura++/ smoed  8= +ean 2round -eef (hea+th/) 4re7aration time# & minutes 9eef> sa+t> :e2eta-+e  7rotein> s7ices ?resh and su7erior ua+it/ meat sa+t> e-a- s7ices> sodium nitrite> 2ar+ic> de;trose> sodium ascor-ate ?resh and su7erior ua+it/ meat sa+t> e-a- s7ices> sodium nitrite> 2ar+ic> de;trose> sodium ascor-ate 9eef cut into Kinch thic ro++s

;7ir/ 7eriodJShe+f +ife# 8months a77ro;imate+/

4rocessed in h/2ienic and strict+/ su7er:ised en:ironment

Cho+estero+ $.$6 2m> sodium $.3 2m> car-oh/drate 66.6 2m> dietar/ fi-er . 2m

Internationa+ standard  7aca2in2# 9reafast size# &6 7c J&$$2m and Re2u+ar size# &7c J $$2m

Trimmed to $K ?at

;7ir/ 4eriodJShe+f +ife# 8 months a77ro;imate+/

@o< cho+estero+

a+nut size meat -a++s Internationa+ standard  7aca2in2# Re2u+ar size# $ 7cJ3$$2m She+f @ife#8 months a77ro;imate+/

Cho+estero+ $.$6  Internationa+ standard 2m> sodium 8$m2>  7aca2in2# 9reafast car-oh/drate 66.6 size# 7cJ3$$2m 5 2m> dietar/ fi-er & Re2u+ar# 87cJ$2m 2m> 4rotein &2 She+f @ife#8 months a77ro;imate+/ Cho+estero+ $.$6 2m> sodium 8$m2> Internationa+ standard car-oh/drate 66.6  7aca2in2# 9reafast 2m> dietar/ fi-er & size# 7cJ3$$2m 5 2m> Iron => Re2u+ar# 87cJ$2m 4rotein &2 She+f @ife#8 months a77ro;imate+/


?resh and su7erior ua+it/ meat free'f+o Uttara and "hanmondi re2ion> $$$ month+/ (A77endi;). ?urthermore> amon2 those -e+on2in2 to the U77er U77er c+ass> $= s7ends T. $$$ to 3$$$ month+/ on -eef -eef and fish and forei2n -rands inc+ude A+ *a-eer' the +eadin2 com7etitor in -eef 7roducts> "ou;> A/amas and Sran2osun therefore 7ro:idin2 it a hu2e o77ortunit/ to ca7ture the unta77ed maret se2ment. ItFs on+/ ma0or com7etitor is A+'*a-eer> :er/ e;7ensi:e and is not a+ it en0o/s an unfa+terin2 demand.

The de:e+o7ment of customerFs taste> hea+th a their  7aca2in2 and 7ricin2. The ta-+e -e+o< sho a 7ioneer in te;ti+e and a2ro industr/ in 9an2+adesh. NRichN is the maret +eader in 9an2+adesh for further 7rocessed meat 7roducts 9eef> ?ish> Mutton 5 Tu-e ice. The/ are cate2orized into Co+d meatsJcuts> Smoed 5 Gourmet S7ecia+ties> Sausa2es> 9ur2ers and 9readin2 +ine u22ets> and *ie:s. Their 7roduct ran2e cate2ories are -een distri-uted to a++  Star hote+s> Internationa+ restaurants> Chain Stores to the Corner sho7s in their o seafood> :e2etarian 7roducts> and read/'to'eat

 D 4 a 2 e

 7roducts. A+ *a-eer has -een in the -usiness for Mutton> Chicen and 9eef for o:er three decades no a++ of them com-ined too u7 on+/ 6= of the -rand 7reference. ,o des7ite -ein2 forei2n> their  7ricin2 are 7rett/ com7etiti:e and simi+ar to +oca+ 7roducers +ie Rich. This cou+d -e the on+/ 7otentia+ threat to us.


There are fe< indirect com7etitors of our frozen -eef 7roducts. The/ are main+/ the +oca+ 7roducers Afta- and Saus+e/. Afta/ se++ on+/ frozen chicen 7roducts of more or +ess same cate2ories +ie sausa2e> meat-a++> and sa+ami. 9ut their -rand 7reference $$$ "iscount &$= >%&>8$$

?ront 4a2e P  9ottom 7art 6 ; 8

3da/s a Saturda/ and Tuesda/.

?ront 4a2e P   9ottom 7art 6 ;

&da/s a

8>6>$$$ "iscount &$= >%&>8$$ &8>8$$ "iscount % D 4 a 2 e

Tuesda/. 8

&$= >>&$$ 4303>00


3>$$>$$$ units )a,azines Sam(lin,


3 taa 7er +eaf+et 9ac Co:er At 7oint'of Sa+es> Schoo+s> Uni:ersities> ?airs Gu+shan 



13503000 353200 73703000

e/ Site


Source: eiai& -t+


The 7romotiona+ costin2 initia++/ therefore a++o +ess cost+/ (trans7ort) and easier de+i:er/ to the 7oint' of'sa+es and other customers.

heaper  -ut more s)ille labor  for further meat 7rocessin2 are

a:ai+a-+e due to the 7resence of Rich. (A77endi;). La&out

@eadin2 o7erations mana2ement ha:e 7ro:ed that e/ to an efficient> time and cost sa:in2 manufacturin2 7rocess +ies in the faci+it/ +a/out and the 7roduction 7rocess. ,ence> 4remium -e+ie:es in creatin2 a value chain  such as Sausa2e @inin2 machine (to automate the 7ortionin2 and han2in2 7rocess at hi2h s7eed)> 4ee+er machine> S+icer machine (hi2h s7eed)> Meat 9a++ maer> Sa+ami Cutter> Mi;er> 9atter> Grinder and acuum 4aca2in2 Machine im7orted from China. The costin2 of these eui7ments 7reser:ation> trans7ortation> etc. Understandin2 the fact> due attention to food 7rocurement> 7rocessin2> 7aca2in2> hand+in2 and  7reser:ation "ou; etc. This consistenc/ in the se+f de+i:er/ 7rocess a+so fai+in2 to ser:e their customer needs and t from ha:in2 to tae the hass+e themse+:es to  -rin2 the 7roduct from the 7roducerJdistri-utor to their she+f (as in the case of Afta- and other im7orted 7roducts ( Com7etitor inter:ie for the first  /ears $$$ in our ?i;ed asset at the -e2innin2 of the -usiness at a time. As &3>$$$ $3>% for a++  /ears. This ma/ -e due to :er/ hi2h 2ro$>6  &>1&%>$$






1%8&% 3

%338 &




Bear  &1&&

,ere a+so 6% for a++  /ears. This ma/ -e due to +ess 2roISE 1$$>ISE &&$$$>,ACC4>GM4 and other certifications ' WrW/an2an0 ' Ether Ser:ices ' iso certification -an2+adesh.K  "ree classifies in Nryan'an6, classifie as in Nryan'an6 . .7.> n.d. e-. 6 Mar. &$$.

htt7#JJnara/an2an0cit/.o+;.com.-dJcontact'for'iso'certification' iso'1$$'iso'&&$$$'hacc7'2m7'and'other'certifications'iid' 3%3&$&V. htt7#JJ "iscussion ?orum> and nc/c+o7edia Artic+e.K AbsoluteAstronomy+com. .7.> n.d. e-. 3 Mar. &$$. htt7#JJ n.d. e-. $ Mar. &$$.

3 D 4 a 2 e

 n.d. e-. $ Mar. &$$.  meat 7rocessin2 7+ant Manufacturers 5 Lua+it/> meat 7rocessin2 7+ant ?actories[ .K hina proucts *

36 D 4 a 2 e

hina proucts catalo's,finin' hina proucts online+ . .7.>

n.d. e-.  Mar. &$$. htt7#JJ Sohe+. K?rozen ?ood ;7orts to Russia Resume.K The "ai+/ Star !"haa  o:. &$$1> sec. 9usiness# n. 7a2. The "ai+/ Star. e-.  Mar. &$$.

3% D 4 a 2 e

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