From Antiquity to the Middle Ages 31bc - Ad 900

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FROM ANTIQUITY TO THE MIDDLE AGES 31BC - AD 900 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Professor P D A Garnsey and Professor Rosamond McKitterick revised by Dr P A V Sarris and Dr E Screen Faculty of History, University of Cambridge

Michaelmas Term 2009


The course opens with the fall of the Roman Republic and the establishment of a new system of rule under the first emperor, Augustus. The nature of that rule - provincial government, the imperial cult, the presentation of imperial power - is central to any understanding of the first two centuries AD. Why were some emperors (Caligula, Nero, Commodus) viewed as "bad", while others (Augustus, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius) were praised for their virtues? The course also examines the economic and social history of the Empire, looking in particular at the absorption of Greek culture by the Roman elite, at slavery, and at early Christianity. It then moves on to consider the extent to which this 'old world' of the early Empire survived the upheavals of the so-called Third Century Crisis and the impact of the reforms of both Diocletian and the Christian emperor Constantine. The theme of change is central for a consideration of the rise of Christianity in the fourth and fifth centuries and for understanding the shift in government to a more highly centralised and ceremonial monarchy. This is an often unsettling journey through a lateAntique world of distant god-like emperors, wild ascetic holy men, great saints, excitable virgins, charismatic heretics, oppressive bureaucrats and violent barbarians. The last named are significant. In looking at the so-called "decline and fall" of the Roman Empire, it is important to ask why the empire "fell" in the West but survived largely intact in the East. The middle part of the course concentrates on the period from the fifth to the eighth centuries. The fading away of the structures of the Roman state in the West in the fifth century led to the emergence of various 'barbarian' successor kingdoms, each influenced to a greater or lesser extent by Roman institutions, but also by the social traditions and martial culture of the 'barbarian' newcomers. The different kingdoms are examined, as too is the position of the popes in Rome. At the same time, consideration is given to the history of the surviving eastern Empire with its capital at Constantinople. Justinian's attempts to restore the fortunes of the empire through internal reform and wars of reconquest are studied, as too is the social and economic history of the Mediterranean world at this time, which witnessed the first great outbreak of bubonic plague. The difficulties faced by the emperors of Constantinople in the late sixth century, the impact of warfare first with Persia, and then with an expansionist Islamic foe, and the response of the eastern, or 'Byzantine', empire to this phenomenon in the form of 'iconoclasm' are addressed. Consideration is given to the emergence of a vibrant and distinctive Islamic culture in the lands conquered by the Arabs. The latter part of the paper covers part of the period of Frankish and Carolingian dominance in western Europe in the eighth and ninth centuries, a time of remarkable political and cultural coherence, combined with crucial, very diverse and formative developments in every sphere of life. A principal focus is the expansion of Frankish rule eastwards and southwards into Germany, Italy and Spain, and the rise of the Carolingians under Pippin III, Charlemagne, Louis the Pious and Charles the Bald, an unbroken line of succession in the male line. Their interaction within the realms with the aristocracy, the church and the female members of their elite groups, as well as with external rivals and enemies such as the Vikings, the Slavs and Byzantium, is examined. Social adjustments, economic change and the establishment of a distinctive intellectual and cultural tradition in western Europe that drew strongly on the Roman past throughout the period from the fourth century onwards, are explored in relation to the wealth and variety of primary sources surviving from this period. Among the written sources - narrative, legislative, legal, epistolary and poetic - there is much now available in English translation. There are also many other categories of historical evidence exploited, such as archaeology, artefacts, architecture, art and coinage.


CONTENTS 31 BC - c.AD 250 Augustus The Emperor in the Roman World Provincial Administration The Imperial Cult Roman religion and other religions Frontiers of the Roman Empire Gender and Sexuality Slavery The Economy Literacy 6 Historiography (espec.Tacitus) Rome and the East

The Early Medieval World contd Lombards Byzantine Italy and the Papacy to 751 Ostrogoths and Lombards

4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6

The Franks to 751 The Frankish Church Saints The Emergence of the Carolingians Carolingian Italy The Carolingian Empire The Papacy and the Franks (c. 700-900) The Carolingian Church The Carolingian Empire - Ideal, Ideology and Reality The Frankish Aristocracy The Treaty of Verdun and its consequences Vikings in Francia Ninth Century Political Thought Carolingian Inauguration Rituals 58


c.250 - c. 430 (for those beginning the paper in 31 BC) General 8 From Principate to Dominate 8 Emperor, court and the imperial ideology 8 Late Roman administration 8 The Christianization of the Empire 9 Heresy and Schism 9 Monasticism 9 The Countryside 10

33 34 35 36 39 40 41 44 46 47 48 49 51 52 54 56

Law 59 Charters and Legal Practice 60 Women 62 Economic and Social issues 64 Culture and Intellectual Developments 66 The Carolingian Renaissance 67 Einhard and Carolingian Historiography 69 Music 71 Latin Canon Law 500-900 72 Carolingian Thought 73 Grammar 75 Book Production and the development of Script 76 Early Medieval Art 78

Late antiquity (4th - 6th centuries - for those beginning the paper here) Sources 11 Imperial Government 11 Christianity and Paganism 12 Provincial Economy and Society 13 Literary Culture 13 Visual Arts 14 The Early Medieval World c.450-900 General works 15 Sources 15 The Byzantine Empire (Sixth and Seventh centuries) 18 The Byzantine Empire (Eighth and Ninth centuries) 20 The World of Early Islam 21 Slavs and Central and Eastern Europe 22 Barbarian Settlement 24 Ostrogothic Italy 26 Visigoths 27 Muslim and Northern Spain in the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Centuries 29 Burgundians 30 Alemans 31 Vandals 32


A. THE ROMAN EMPIRE, 31 BC-AD 250 NOTE: For most of the following items, relevant recent treatments will be found in Cambridge Ancient History, vol.X, 2nd ed.(31BC-AD69) and vol. XI 2nd ed. AUGUSTUS P.A. Brunt & J.A. Moore, Res. Gestae Divi Augusti: The Achievements of the Divine Augustus corr.ed., 1970 ------------, 'The role of the Senate in the Augustan regime', Classical Q 34 (1984) 423-44. J. Elsner, 'Cult and Sculpture: Sacrifice in the Ara Pacis Augustae', J. of Roman Studies 81 (1991) 50-61 W. Eck The Age of Augustus (2003) F. Millar, 'Triumvirate and Principate' J. of Roman Studies 63 (1973) 50-67 ---------- and E. Segal ed., Caesar Augustus: Seven Aspects corr. ed., Oxford, 1990 A. Powell ed., Roman Poetry and Propaganda in the Age of Augustus Bristol Classical Press, 1992 K.A. Raaflaub and M. Toher ed., Between Republic and Empire: Interpretations of Augustus and his Principate 1990 D. Shotter, Augustus Caesar London, 1991 R. Syme, The Roman Revolution 1939 A. Wallace-Hadrill, Augustan Rome 1993 P. Zanker, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus trans. A. Shapiro, 1988 D. Favro The urban image of Augustan Rome Cambridge 1996 K. Galinsky Augustan culture: an interpretive introduction Princeton, 1996 Cambridge Ancient History 2nd ed. Vol X The Augustan Empire, 43 BC- AD 69 (ed. A.K. Bowman, E. Champlin, A. Lintott) 1996 ch. 2-3. K. Galinsky ed., The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus, 2005 THE EMPEROR IN THE ROMAN WORLD J. Elsner & J. Masters, Reflections of Nero: Culture, History and Representation London, 1994 P. Garnsey & R. Saller, The Early Principate: Augustus to Trajan Greece & Rome New Surveys in the Classics 15, Oxford, 1982 --------------------------, The Roman Empire: Economy, Society and Culture London, 1978 F. Millar, The Emperor in the Roman World: 31 B.C. - A.D. 337 2nd ed., London, 1992 with K. Hopkins, 'Rules of Evidence', J. of Roman Studies 68 (1978) 178-86 P. Veyne, Bread and Circuses: Historical Sociology and Political Pluralism trans. B. Pierce, ed. O. Murray, Penguin Books, 1992 A. Wallace-Hadrill, Suetonius: The Scholar and his Caesars London, 1983 ----------------------- ed., Patronage in Ancient Society London, 1989 -----------------------, 'The Emperor and his Virtues', Historia 30 (1981) 298-319 PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION D.Braund, ed., Administration of the Roman Empire (241 BC-AD 193).(1988) P.A.Brunt, "Charges of Provincial Maladministration...", Historia 10 (1961), 189-227 (= Roman Imperial Themes (1990), ch.4) G.P.Burton, "Proconsuls, Assizes and the Administration of Justice under the Empire", Jl.Rom.Stud. 65 (1975), 92-106 P.Garnsey and R.Saller, The Roman Empire: Economy, Society and Culture (1989), Pt.1 P.Garnsey and C.R.Whittaker, ed., Imperialism in the Ancient World (1978), chs. by Garnsey ,"The North African Empire" and Nutton,"The Beneficial Ideology" B.Levick, The Government of the Roman Empire: A Sourcebook. (1985) A.Lintott, Imperium Romanum: Politics and Administration (1993) R.MacMullen, Enemies of the Roman Order:Treason, Unrest and Alienation in the Empire (1966 repr.1992) F.Millar, 'The Emperor, the Senate and the Provinces", Jl.Rom.Stud. 56 (1966), 156-66 F.Millar, The Roman Empire and its Neighbours (2nd ed. 1981) F.Millar, "Empire and City, Augustus to Julian: Obligations, Excuses and Status", Jl.Rom.Stud. 73 (1983), 76-96 R.E.Sherk, The Roman Empire: Augustus to Hadrian. Translated Docs. of Greece and Rome 6 (1988) THE IMPERIAL CULT


J.R.Fears, Princeps a diis electus: The Divine Election of the Emperor as a Political Concept at Rome (1977) D.Fishwick, The Imperial Cult in the Latin West.. Etudes Préliminaires aux religions orientales...108, vols. I.1-2, II.1-2 (1987-92) I. Gradel Emperor Worship and Roman Religion (2004) K. Hopkins Conquerors and Slaves (1978) ch.5. S.Price, "Between man and God: Sacrifice in the Roman imperial cult", Jl.Rom.Stud. 70(1980), 28-43 S.Price, Rituals and Power: The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor (1984) S.Price, "From noble funerals to divine cult: the consecration of Roman emperors", in D.Cannadine and S.Price, edd., Rituals of Royalty: Power and Ceremonial in Traditional Societies (1987), at 56-105 R.R.R.Smith, "The Imperial reliefs from the Sebasteion at Aphrodisias", Jl.Rom.Stud. 77 (1987), 88138 ROMAN RELIGION AND OTHER RELIGIONS T.Barnes, "Legislation against the Christians", Jl.RomSt.58 (1968), 32-50 M.Beard, J.North and S.Price, Religions of Rome (1998). 2 vols: history and sourcebook H.Chadwick, The Early Church (1973) P.Garnsey, "Religious Toleration in classical antiquity", in W.J.Sheils, ed., Persecution and Toleration: Studies in Church History, vol.21 (1984), 1-28 K. Hopkins A World Full of Gods (1999) Lane-Fox, R. Pagans and Christians (1986) J.H.W.G.Liebeschuetz, Continuity and Change in Roman Religion (1979) R.MacMullen, Paganism in the Roman Empire (1981) R.MacMullen, Christianizing the Roman Empire, AD 100-400 (1984) J.North, "Religion and Politics: from Republic to Principate", Jl.Rom.Stud.76 (1986), 251-8 J.B. Rives Religion in the Roman Empire (2007) T.Rajak, Josephus: the historian and his society (1983) E.M.Smallwood, The Jews under Roman Rule (1976) G.E.M. de Ste Croix, "Why were the early Christians persecuted?", in M.I.Finley, ed., Studies in Ancient Society (1974),210-49,256-62 G.Vermes, Jesus the Jew (1973) FRONTIERS OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE P.A.Brunt, "Laus Imperii", in Garnsey and Whittaker, ed, Imperialism in the ancient world (1978), 159-92 B.Isaac, The Limits of Empire. The Roman Army in the East (1990. Rev.ed.1995) A.D.Lee, Information and Frontiers: Roman foreign relations in late antiquity (1993) E.N.Luttwak, The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire (1976)(Reviewed by Mann, Jl Rom.St 69 (1979), 175-83 J.C.Mann, "The frontiers of the Principate", in Temporini, ed., Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römische Welt, II.1 508-531 M.Todd, The Northern Barbarians 100 BC- AD300. Rev. ed. (1987) C.R.Whittaker, Frontiers of the Roman Empire (1994) and Rome and Its Frontiers: The Dynamic of Empire(2004) W. Pohl, I. Wood and H. Reimitz (eds), The Transformation of Frontiers from late Antiquity to the Carolingians (Leiden, 2001) F. Curta (ed.), Borders, barriers and ethnogenesis: Frontiers in late Antiquity and the early middle ages (Turnhout, 2006) Whittaker’s work in particular, however, needs to be revised in the light of G. Greatrex ‘Roman Frontiers and Foreign Policy in the East’ in R. Alston and S. Lieu (ed.) Aspects of the Roman East: Papers in Honour of Professor Fergus Millar published as Studia Antiqua Australiensia 3 (2007) GENDER AND SEXUALITY M.Beard, "The Sexual Status of Vestal Virgins", Jl.Rom.Stud. 70 (1980), 12-27 S. de Beauvoir, The Second Sex ( 1949; Penguin 1972) P.Brown, The Body and Society (1988) G.Clark, Women in the Late Roman World (1993) C.N.Degler, "Is there a history of women?" Oxford Inaugural Lect. 1974


S.Dixon, The Roman Mother (1988) C. Edwards The Politics of Immorality in Ancient Rome (1993) R. FlemmingMedicine amd the Making of Roman Women (2000) M.Foucault, History of Sexuality, vols. I-III (Penguin) J.Gardner, Women in Roman law and society (1986) M.Lefkowitz and M.Fant, Women's Life in Greece and Rome (1982). Sourcebook. S.Pomeroy, Goddesses, whores, wives and slaves: women in classical antiquity (1975) A.Rousselle, Porneia: on desire and thebody in antiquity (1988) J.W.Scott, "Gender: a useful category of historical analysis", Am.Hist.Rev. 95.5 ( Dec. 1986), 1053-76 M. B. Skinner Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture (2005) SLAVERY K.R.Bradley, Slavery and Society at Rome (1994) K.R.Bradley, Slaves and Masters in the Roman Empire (1984) M.I.Finley, Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology(1980) L.Foxhall, "The dependent tenant", Jl.Rom.Stud. 80 (1990), 97-114 P.Garnsey, Cities, Peasants and Food (1998), chs.2 & 8 P.Garnsey, Ideas of Slavery from Aristotle to Augustine (1996) W.V.Harris, "Towards a study of the Roman slave trade ", in J.H.d'Arms and E.C.Kopff, edd., The Seaborne Commerce of Ancient Rome (1980), 117 ff. K.Hopkins, Conquerors and Slaves (1978), ch.1 K.Hopkins, "Novel Evidence for Roman Slavery", Past and Present 138 (1993), 3-27 D.Rathbone, "The Slave mode of production in Italy", Jl.Rom.Stud.73 (1983), 160-8 W.Scheidel, "Quantifying the sources of slaves in the early Roman empire", JRS 87 (1997), 156-69 T.Wiedemann, Slavery. Greece and Rome New Surveys...19 (1987) T.Wiedemann, Greek and Roman Slavery (1981). Sourcebook Much of the above needs to be revised in the light of K. Harper ‘The Greek Census Inscriptions of Late Antiquity’, Journal of Roman Studies 98 (2008) pp. 83-119. GLADIATORS Roland Auguet Cruelty and Civilization – The Roman Games (paris, 1970, English translation 1994) Thomas Weidemann Emperors and Gladiators (1992) THE ECONOMY W. Scheidel, Ian Morris and Richard Saller (ed.) The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World (Cambridge, 2008) contains useful essays on many topics. Ian Morris and J.G. Manning The Ancient Economy – Evidence and Models (Stanford, 2005) – important. R.P.Duncan-Jones, Structure and Scale in the Roman Economy (1990) R.P.Duncan-Jones, Money and Government in the Roman Empire (1994) M.I.Finley, The Ancient Economy. 2nd ed. 1985 P.Garnsey, Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World: Responses to Risk and Crisis (1988) P.Garnsey and R. Saller, The Roman Empire: Economy, Society and Culture (1989),Part II P.Garnsey ( ed. W.Scheidel), Cities, Peasants and Food (1998) K.Greene, The Archaeology of the Roman Economy (1986) K.Hopkins, "Taxes and Trade in the Roman Empire (200 BC-AD 400), Jl.Rom.Stud. 70 (1980), 10125. Hopkins, "Introduction", in P.Garnsey, K.Hopkins and C.R.Whittaker, ed., Trade in the Ancient Economy (1983) K.Hopkins, 'Models, ships and staples", in P.Garnsey and C.R.Whittaker, ed. Trade and Famine, 84-109 (1983) K.Hopkins, "Rome, taxes, rents and trade", Kodai 6/7 (1995/96), 41-75 C.Howgego, "The supply and use of money in the Roman world", Jl. Rom.Stud.82 (1992) W. Jongman Economy and Society of Pompei (1988) F.Meijer and O.van Nijf, Trade, Transport and Society in the Ancient World. A Sourcebook.(1992) C.R.Whittaker, " Trade and Aristocracy in the Roman Empire", Opus 4 (1985), 1-27 C.R.Whittaker, ed., Pastoral Economies in Classical Antiquity. (1988) J. Bananji Agrarian Change in Late Antiquity (Oxford, 2001)


LITERACY M.Beard, "Writing and Ritual: A Study in Diversity and Expansion in the Arval Acta", Pap. Brit.Sch.Rome 53 (1985), 114-162 M.Beard et al. Literacy in the Roman World. Jl.Rom.Arch. Suppl.Ser.No.3 (1991) E.E.Best, "Literacy and Roman Voting", Historia 23 (1974), 428-38 A.D.Booth, "Elementary and secondary education in the Roman empire", Florilegium 1 (1979), 1-14 A.K.Bowman and G.D.Woolf, ed., Literacy and Power in the Ancient World (1994) J.Goody and I.Watt, "The consequences of literacy", in J.Goody, ed., Literacy in Traditional Societies (1989) W.V.Harris, Ancient Literacy (1989) E. Meyer, Legitimacy and law in the Roman world: tabulae in Roman belief and practice (Cambridge, 2005) HISTORIOGRAPHY, ESPEC.TACITUS C.-J.Classen, "Tacitus - Historian between Republic and Principate", Mnemosyne 41 (1988), 93-116 F.R.D.Goodyear, Tacitus. Greece and Rome New Surveys in the Classics (1970) J.Henderson, "Tacitus/the World in Pieces", Ramus 18 (1989), 69-210 E.Keitel, "Principate and Civil War in the Annals of Tacitus", Am.Jl.Phil. 105 (1984), 306-25 T.J.Luce, "Tacitus' Conception of Historical Change: the Problem of Discovering the Historian's Opinions", in I.S.Moxon, J.D.Smart and A.J.Woodman, ed., Past Perspectives: Studies in Greek and Roman Historical Writing (1986), 143-57 R.Martin, Tacitus (1981) R.Mellor, Tacitus (1993) P.Plass, Wit and the Writing of History: the Rhetoric of Historiography in Imperial Rome (1988) A.Wallace-Hadrill, Suetonius: The scholar and his Caesars (1983) B.Williams, "Reading Tacitus' Tiberian annals", Ramus 18 (1989), 140-66 A.J.Woodman, Rhetoric in Classical Historiography: Four Studies (1988) and Tacitus Reviewed (1988) A.J. Woodman and C. Kraus Greece and Rome Surveys: Latin Historians (1988) ROME AND THE EAST Alcock, S. E. (ed.). The Early Roman Empire in the East (Oxford, 1997) Ando, C. Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2000) Beard, M., North, J., Price, S. Religions of Rome (Cambridge, 1998) Bowman, A.K. et al. Representations of Empire: Rome and the Mediterranean World (London, 2002) Butcher, K. Roman Syria and the Near East (London, 2003) Eliav, Y. Z. ‘Jews and Judaism 70-429CE’, in A Companion to the Roman Empire. Ed. D. S. Potter (Oxford, 2006) Garnsey, P.D.A & Whittaker, C.R. Imperialism in the Ancient World (Cambridge, 1978) Goldhill, S. (ed.). Being Greek under Rome: The Second Sophistic, Cultural Conflict and the Development of the Roman Empire (Cambridge, 2001) Gradel, I. Emperor Worship and Roman Religion (Oxford, 2002) Harris, W. V. (ed.). The Spread of Christianity in the first four centuries: Essays in Interpretation (Leiden, 2005) Impact of Empire series: The Transformation of Economic Life under the Roman Empire (2002), The Representation and Perception of Roman Imperial Power (2003), Roman Rule and Civic Life (2004), The Impact of Imperial Rome on Religions, Ritual and Religious Life in the Roman Empire (2006) Isaac, B. The Limits of Empire: The Roman Army in the East. Revised Edn (Oxford 1993) Matten, S.P. Rome and the Enemy: Imperial Strategy in the Principate (Berkeley, 1999) Millar, F. The Roman Near East 39BC-AD337 (Cambridge, Mass., 1993) Millar, F. Rome, the Greek World, and the East (Chapel Hill and London, 2002-06) Price, S. Rituals and Power: The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor (Cambridge, 1984) Price, S. Religions of the Ancient Greeks (Cambridge 1999) Salomies, O. The Greek East in the Roman Context (Helsinki, 1999) Sartre, M. The Middle East under Rome (Cambridge, Mass., 2005)


Sherk, R. K. Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus (Cambridge, 1984) Sherk, R. K. The Roman Empire: Augustus to Hadrian (Cambridge, 1988) Sidebottom, H. Ancient Warfare: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2005) Swain, S. Hellenism and Empire: Language, Classicism, and Power in the Greek World AD 50-250 (Oxford, 1996) Swain, S., Edwards, M. (eds). Approaching Late Antiquity: The Transformation from Early to Late Empire (Oxford, 2004) Whitmarsh, T. The Second Sophistic. Greece & Rome New Surveys in the Classics no. 35 (Oxford, 2005) Whittaker, C. R. Frontiers of the Roman Empire: A Social and Economic Study (Baltimore and London, 1994)

B THE LATE ROMAN EMPIRE c.250-430 GENERAL AND INTRODUCTORY A.H.M.Jones, Later Roman Empire (1964) P.Brown, The Making of Late Antiquity (1978) Averil Cameron, The Later Roman Empire, AD 284-430 (1993) Averil Cameron, The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, AD 395-600 (1993) Alan Bowman, Averil Cameron and Peter Garnsey (eds), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XII – The Crisis of Empire, AD 193-337. Second edition (Cambridge, 2005) Averil Cameron and Peter Garnsey (ed.), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XIII - The Late Empire, A.D. 337-425 (Cambridge, 1998) Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward-Perkins and Michael Whitby (ed.), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XIV - Late Antiquity: Empires and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000) G. Bowersock, P. Brown and O. Grabar, Late Antiquity - A guide to the post-classical world (Cambridge, Mass. 1999) Cyril Mango (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium (Oxford 2002) P. Garnsey and C. Humphress, The Evolution of the Late Antique World (Cambridge, 2001) P. Heather The Fall of Rome (2005) S. Swain and M. Edwards (ed.) Approaching Late Antiquity: The Transformation from Early to Late Empire (Oxford, 2004) B. Ward-Perkins The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization (2005) FROM PRINCIPATE TO DOMINATE G.Alföldy, "The Crisis of the third century as seen by contemporaries", Gk, Rom & Byz. Stud. 15 (1974), 89-112 R.MacMullen, Roman Government's Response to Crisis AD 235-337(1976) D.S.Potter, Prophecy and History in the Crisis of the Roman Empire, ch.1 (1990) T.Lewit, Agricultural Production in the Roman Economy, Brit.Arch.Rep.,Intern. Ser. 568 (1991), 1-36 T.D.Barnes, The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine (1982) T. D. Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius (1981) R.MacMullen, Constantine (1969) D.S. Potter The Roman Empire at Bay (2004) J.L.Teall, "The Age of Constantine", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 21 (1967), 11ff. S.Williams, Diocletian and the Roman Recovery (1985) R. Rees Diocletian and the Tetrarchy (Edinburgh, 2004) N. Lenski (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine (2006) EMPEROR, COURT AND IMPERIAL IDEOLOGY G.Downey, "Themistius' First Oration", Gk, Rn. and Byz. Stud 1 (1958), 49-69 H.A.Drake, In Praise of Constantine: A Historical Study and New Translation of Eusebius' Triennial Orations (1975) S.Lieu, ed., The Emperor Julian, Panegyric and Polemic (1986), 14-35 S.G.MacCormack, "Latin Prose Panegyrics", in T.A.Dorey, ed., Empire and Aftermath: Silver Latin II (1975), 143-205 C.E.V. Nixon and B.Saylor, In Praise of late Roman Emperors: the Panegyrici Latini: introd., transl. and hist. comm. (1994)


W.T.Avery, "The Adoratio purpurae", Mem.Amer.Acad.Rome 17 (1940), 66ff P.Brown, Power and Persuasion, ch.1 and 134-6, 154-8 S.G.MacCormack, Art and Ceremony in Late Antiquity (1981) S.G.MacCormack, "Change and continuity in late antiquity: the ceremony of Adventus", Historia 21 (1972), 721-52 J.F.Matthews, The Roman Empire of Ammianus Marcellinus (1989), ch.11 A.D.Nock, "The emperor's divine comes" , Jl. Rom.Stud.37 (1947), 101-116 Ch. Rouché, "Acclamation in the Late Roman Empire", Jl.Rom.Stud 74 (1984), 181-99 R. Rees, Layers of Loyalty: Latin Panegyric AD 289-307 (Oxford, 2002) C.Walden, "The Tetrarchic Image", Oxf.Jl.Arch.9 (1990), 221-36 LATE ROMAN ADMINISTRATION Codex Theodosianus (Transl. C. Pharr), espec. chs. 6-8 Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vols 1-2 (ed. Jones etc; Martindale) C.Kelly, in CAH XIII C. Kelly, Ruling the Later Roman Empire (2004) W.Liebeschuetz, "Government and administration in the later Empire" in J.Wacher, ed., The Roman World (1987) R.MacMullen, Changes in the Roman Empire (1990) R.MacMullen, Corruption and Decline of Rome (1988) J.F.Matthews, Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court (1975) J.F.Matthews, The Roman Empire of Ammianus Marcellinus, ch.12 F.S.Pedersen, Late Roman Public Professionalism (1976) CHRISTIANIZATION OF THE EMPIRE P.Athanassiadi, Julian: An Intellectual Biography (1992) G.Bowersock, Hellenism in late Antiquity (1990) P.Brown, Power and Persuasion in late antiquity (1992), ch.4 P.Brown, in CAH XIII A.Cameron, Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire (1991) H.Chadwick, "Conversion in Constantine the Great", in D.Baker, ed., Religious Motivation... (1978) P.Chuvin, A Chronicle of the Last Pagans ( 1990) B.Croke and J.Harries, ed., Religious conflict in fourth century Rome (1982) (documents) G.Fowden, The Egyptian Hermes, esp. 126-134 R.MacMullen, Christianizing the Roman Empire, AD 100-400 (1984) R.Markus, The End of Ancient Christianity (1990) F.R.Trombley, "Paganism in the Greek World at the end of Antiquity: the Case of Rural Anatolia and Greece", Harv. Theol. Rev. 78 ( 1985), 327-52 F.R.Trombley, Hellenic Religion and Christianisation, c. 370-529 vol.1 (1993) HERESY AND SCHISM P.Brown, Religion and Society in the age of Augustine (1972) (Manichees,Pelagians, Donatists) H.Chadwick, Priscillian of Avila (1976) E.A.Clarke,The Origenist Controversy: the cultural construction of an early Christian debate (1993) W.Frend, The Donatist Church (1952) J.N.D.Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines (1958)(for reference) S.Lieu, Manichaeism in the Late Roman Empire and in Medieval China (2nd ed. 1991) J-L.Maier, le dossier de Donatisme (1989) B.R.Rees, Pelagius: A Reluctant Heretic (1988) R.van Dam, Leadership and Community in Late Antique Gaul (1985), 78-114 R.D.Williams, Arius, Heresy and Tradition (1987) R. Price and M. Whitby (ed.) Chalcedon in Context – Church Councils 400-700 (Liverpool, 2009)


MONASTICISM Athanasius, Life of Antony (transl. in R.Gregg, Athanasius (1980)) E.A.Clark, The Life of Melania the Younger (1984) E.Davies and W.H.Baynes, Three Byzantine Saints (1948) Palladius, The Lausiac History, ed. C.Butler Theodoret, History of the Monks of Syria (transl.R.Price(1985)) B.Ward, Harlots of the Desert (1987) P.Brown, "The Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity", Jl.Rom.Stud.61 (1971), 80-101 (repr. in Society and the Holy in late antiquity (1982) P.Brown, Body and Society in late antiquity (1988) P.Brown, The cult of the saints (1981) P.Brown, Power and Persuasion (1992), ch.3 D. Caner, Wandering, Begging Monks: Spiritual Authority and the Promotion of Monasticism in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, 2002) D.J.Chitty, The Desert, a City (1966) E.A.Clarke, Ascetic Piety and Women's Faith (1986) M. Dunn, The Emergence of Monasticism: From the Desert Fathers to the Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 2000) G.Lawless, St. Augustine and the Monastic Rule (1987) Ph.Rousseau, Pachomius:the making of a community in fourth century Egypt (1985) Ph.Rousseau, Basil of Caesarea (1994) G.Fowden, "The Pagan Holy Man in late antique society", Jl. Hell. Stud. 102 (1982), 33-59 C. Rapp Holy Bishops in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, 2005)

THE COUNTRYSIDE C.R.Whittaker and P.Garnsey, in CAH XIII(1998) J. Banaji, Agrarian Change in Late Antiquity - Gold, Labour and Aristocractic Dominance (Oxford, 2001) (2nd edition 2007) W. Bowden, L. Lavan abd C. Machado (ed) Recent Research on the Late Antique Countryside (Leiden, 2004) N. Christie (ed.) Landscapes in Transition (2005) P.Garnsey, in Cities, Peasants and Food, ch. 9 (1998) M.I.Finley, Review of A.E.R.Boak, Manpower Shortage and the Decline of the Roman Empire in the West (1955), Jl.Rom.Stud.48 (1958). M.I.Finley, in Finley, ed. Studies in Roman Society (1974) A.H.M.Jones, "The Roman colonate", in The Roman Economy (1974) M.I.Finley, Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology (1980), ch.4 T.Lewit, Agricultural Production in the Roman Economy, Brit.Arch.Rep. Intern.Ser.568 R.MacMullen, "Late Roman Slavery", in Changes in the Roman Empire, ch.23 D.Rathbone, Economic Rationalism and Rural Society in Third Century Egypt (1991) C.R.Whittaker, Land, City and Trade in the Roman Empire (1993), ch.3 N. Christie (ed.) Landscspes in Transition (2004) W. Bowden, L. Lavan and C. Machado (ed.), Recent Reseaerch on the Late Antique Countryside (Leiden, 2004) T. Lewit, “Vanishing Villas: What Happened to Elite Rural Habitations in the West in the 5th and 6th Centuries AD” Journal of Roman Archaeology 16 (2003) P. Sarris, “The Origins of the Manorial Economy: New Insights from Late Antiquity” English Historical Review CXIX 481 (2004) P. Sarris Economy and Society in the Age of Justinian (2006) C. Grey ‘Contextualising Colonatus: the Origo of the Late Roman Empire’, JRS 97 (2007) – needs to be read in the light of the criticisms contained in: B. Sirks ‘The Colonate in Justinian’s Reign’, JRS 98 (2008) M. Decker Tilling the Hateful Earth: Agriculture in the Late Antique East (Oxford, 2009) P. Sarris ‘Aristocrats, Peasants, and the State, 300-900’, Journal of Agrarian Change 9.1 (2009).


LATE ANTIQUITY - FOURTH TO SIXTH CENTURIES Fourth to Sixth Centuries Please note: many of these references are relevant for both the late Roman Empire c.250-c.450 and the early medieval period.

Sources (General) M. Maas Readings in Late Antiquity – A Sourcebook (London, 2000) – an invaluable digest for late Roman and Byzantine studies. Ammianus Marcellinus History tr. J.C. Rolfe (Cambridge Mass, 1935) – also available in Penguin Classics translated by Andrew Wallace-Hadrill Aurelius Victor De Caesaribus tr. H.W. Bird (Liverpool, 1994) Eutropius Breviarium tr. H.W. Bird (Liverpool, 1993) E.A. Thompson (ed.) and B. Flower (tr.) A Roman Reformer and Innovator (1952)

Secondary (General) A.H.M. Jones The Later Roman Empire (3 Vols., Oxford, 1964) – a work of monumental scholarship E. Stein Histoire du Bas Empire (2 Vols, Paris, 1949) – undoubtedly the best narrative guide to this period. Otherwise, there remains much of value in J.B. Bury History of the Later Roman Empire (2 Vols, Cambridge, 1926) P.R.L. Brown The World of Late Antiquity (London, 1971) – a seductive read Averil Cameron The Later Roman Empire (London, 1993) and The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity (London,1993) Roger Collins Early Medieval Europe 300-1000 (London, 1991) – especially good for the early period Much excellent material is to be found in Averil Cameron and Peter Garnsey (eds) The Cambridge Ancient History Vol. XIII – The Late Empire A.D. 337-425 (Cambridge 1998) Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward-Perkins and Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume XIV Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000) See also Alan Bowman, Averil Cameron and Peter Garnsey (eds), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XII – The Crisis of Empire, AD 193-337. Second edition (Cambridge, 2005) G. W. Bowersock, P.R.L. Brown, and O Graber (eds.) Late Antiquity: A Guide to the PostClassical World (Princeton, 1999) is of uneven quality. C. Mango (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium (Oxford, 2002) - see chapter one by P. Sarris. P. Garnsey and C. Humphress, The Evolution of the Late Antique World (Cambridge, 2001)

Imperial Government (sources) C. Pharr (tr.) The Theodosian Code (New York,1952) – our major collection of evidence R.A.B. Mynors, C.E.V. Nixon, B.S. Rogers (tr) In Praise of Later Roman Emperors (London, 1994) – panegyrical compositions C.E.V. Nixon (tr.) Pacatus, Panegyric to the Emperor Theodosius (Liverpool, 1987) S. Corcoran, The Empire of the Tetrarchs (Oxford, 1996) N.E. Lenski, Failure of Empire: Valens and the Roman State in the Fourth Century A.D. (Berkeley, 2002)

Secondary In addition to works listed above, see: M. Rostovtzeff Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire (2 Vols, 2nd edn revised by P.M. Fraser, Oxford 1957) F. Millar The Emperor in the Roman World(London, 1977) and The Roman Empire and its Neighbours (London, 1971) A.M. Honoré Law and the Crisis of Empire 379-455 A.D. (Oxford, 1998) – crucial insights into the Theodosian Code and its context J.F. Matthews Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court (Oxford, 1976) and The Roman Empire of Ammianus Marcellinus (1989) S. MacCormack Art and Ceremony in the Later Roman Empire (1981)


M. McCormick Eternal Victory: Triumphal Rulership in Late Antiquity, Byzantium and the Early Medieval West (Cambridge, 1986) P.R.L. Brown Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity (Madison, 1992) and ‘The World of Late Antiquity Revisited Symbolae Osloenses 72 (1997) – a useful collection Alan Cameron Claudian (Oxford, 1970) W.H.G. Liebeschutz Barbarians and Bishops: Army, Church and State in the Age of Arcadius and Chrysostom (Oxford, 1990) J. Harris and I.N. Wood (eds.), The Theodosian Code (1993) C.R. Whittaker Frontiers of the Roman Empire (1994) C. Kelly, Ruling the Later Roman Empire (2004)

Christianity and Paganism (sources) In addition to Ammianus (above), see: Kirsopp Lake (tr.) Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History (Cambridge Mass, 1974) Averil Cameron (ed and tr.) Eusebius – The Life of Constantine (Oxford, 1999) Both of the above can also be found translated by A.C. McGivert and E.C. Richardson in the Select Library of the post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd Series I – in which you will also find Constantine’s Oration to the Assembly of the Saints J.L. Creed (ed and tr.) De Mortibus Persecutorum (Liverpool, 1984) A.D. Lee, Pagans and Christians in Late Antiquity: A Sourcebook (London, 2000) S. Lieu and D. Montserrat From Constantine to Julian – Pagan and Byzantine Views (London, 1996) and Constantine – History, Historiography and Legend (London, 1998) S. Lieu (tr.) The Emperor Julian , Panegyric and Polemic(Liverpool, 1984) W.C. Wright (ed and tr.) The Works of the Emperor Julian (3 Vols. Loeb, 1913-23) R.T. Ridley (tr.) Zosimus, New History (1982) R. S. Pine-Coffin (tr.) The Confessions of Saint Augustine (Penguin, 1961) Augustine’s City of God – many translations available. The Loeb is best. In the same series, sample Augustine’s letters. R. Defarri (tr.) Orosius, History Against the Pagans (Fathers of the Church Series 50, 1964) C. T. Hartanft (tr.) Socrates, Sozomen, Ecclesiastical Histories (Select Library of the postNicene Fathers, 2nd series II) G. Clark (tr.) Iamblichus, On the Pythagorian Life (Liverpool, 1989) H. De Romestin (tr.) Saint Ambrose, Works and Select Letters (Select Library of the postNicene Fathers, 2nd Series, X) J.W. and M.W. Duff Rutilius Namatianus, On His Return (Loeb, Minor Latin Poets, 1935) R. Davis (tr.) The Book of Pontiffs (Liverpool, 1989) R.J. Deffari (ed.) ‘Life of St. Anthony by Athanasius’ in Early Christian Biographies (Fathers of the Church 15, 1952) A.Veilleux (tr.) Pachomia Koinonia. The Lives, Rules and Other Writings of Saint Pachomius and His Disciples (3 Vols, Cistercian Studies 45-7, 1980-2 ) B. Ward (tr.) The Desert Christian : Sayings of the Desert Fathers (Cistercian Studies 34, 1980) E.C.S. Gibson (tr) The Works of Cassian (Select Library of the post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series XI, 1964). See in the same volume the works of Sulpicius Severus, translated by A.C. Roberts. N. Tanner (tr.) The Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils (2 Vols, London, 1990) R. Price and M. Gaddis The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon (3 vols, Liverpool, 2005) Fr. O’Sullivan Salvian, On the Governance of God (Fathers of the Church, 3)

Secondary: H. Chadwick The Early Church (London, 1967) and Priscillian of Avila (1976) P.R.L. Brown The Rise of Western Christendom (London, 1996; 2nd ed 2003), Augustine of Hippo (1967), Religion and Society in the Age of St. Augustine (1972), Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity (1982), The Making of Late Antiquity (1978), The Cult of the Saints 1981), The Body and Society (1988). See section on Saints at start of bibliography. J.H.G.W. Liebeschutz Continuity and Change in Roman Religion (1979) R. Lane-Fox Pagans and Christians (1986) E. R. Dodds Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety (1965) A. Momigliano (ed.) The Conflict Between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century (1959) P. Athanassiadi-Fowden and M. Frede (eds.) Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity (Oxford, 1999)


N.H. Baynes ‘Constantine the Great and the Christian Church’ Proceedings of the British Academy XV (1929) A.H.M. Jones Constantine and the Conversion of Europe (1948) T. Barnes Constantine and Eusebius (1981) R. Krautheimer Three Christian Capitals (1983) G. W. Bowersock Julian the Apostate (1978) M.R. Barnes and D.H. Williams (eds.) Arianism after Arius (1993) N. McGlynn Ambrose of Milan (1994) G. Fowden From Empire to Commonwealth – Consequences of Monotheism in Late Antiquity (Princeton, 1993) B. Ward-Perkins From Classical Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Urban and Public Buildings in Northern and Central Italy (Oxford, 1984) J.N.D. Kelly The Oxford Dictionary of Popes (Oxford, 1986), Jerome (London, 1975) and Golden-Mouth – The Story of John Chrysostom (London, 1995) D.J. Chitty The Desert a City (London, 1966) – the best introduction to monasticism. O Chadwick John Cassian (1968) R.A. Markus The End of Ancient Christianity ( Cambridge, 1990) A. Stanliffe St. Martin and His Hagiographer (1983) P. Rousseau Ascetics, Authority and the Church in the Age of Jerome and Cassian (1978) M. Dunn The Emergence of Monasticism from the Desert Fathers to the Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 2000) N. Lenski (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine (Cambridge, 2006), Section II.

Provincial Economy and Society (sources) In addition to the Theodosian Code, see: H.G. Evelyn White (ed and tr.) Ausonius, Works (2 Vols., Loeb 1919). See the Eucharisticon of Paulinus of Pella at the end of the second volume. W.B. Anderson (ed and tr.) Letters and Poems of Sidonius Apollinaris (2 Vols., Loeb, 1936-65) A.F. Norman Libanius, Selected Works (2 Vols, Loeb, 1969 and 1977) Salvian On the Governance of God – see religion above.

Secondary: S. Dill Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire (1896) B.H. Warmington The North African Provinces from Diocletian to the Vandal Conquest (1954) J.H.G.W. Liebeschutz Antioch, City and Imperial Administration in the Later Roman Empire (1972) S. Mitchell Anatolia, Land, Men and Gods (2 Vols, Oxford, 1992-3) R. Bagnall Egypt in Late Antiquity (Princeton, 1993) H. Sivan Ausonius of Bordeaux (1993) J. Drinkwater and H. Elton (eds.) Fifth-Century Gaul – A Crisis of Identity? (1992) J. Harries Sidonius Apollinaris and the Fall of Rome (1994) – still not as good as C.E. Stevens Sidonius Apollinaris (1933) K. Greene The Archaeology of the Roman Economy (1986) M. Bentley Companion to Historiography (London, 1997) – see the piece by J. Banaji on agrarian history. J. Banaji, Agrarian Change in Late Antiquity - Gold, Labour and Aristocratic Dominance (Oxford, 2001) P. Sarris Economy and Society in the Age of Justinian (Cambridge, 2006) M. Decker Tilling the Hateful Earth: Agriculture in the Late Antique East (Oxford, 2009) C.Rapp and M.R. Salzman (ed.), Elites in Late Antiquity (Baltimore, 2000) R. Mathisen and D. Sanzer (ed.), Society and Culture in Late Antique Gaul: Revisiting the Sources (Aldershot, 2001).


Literary Culture H. Chadwick Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition (1966) H.I. Marrou Saint Augustin et la Fin de la Culture Antique (Paris, 1949) – vital reading. A. Kaster Guardians of Language. The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, 1988) J.W. Binns (ed.) Latin Literature of the Fourth Century (1974) C.Auerbach (tr. R. Manheim) Literary Language and its Public in Late Latin Antiquity and the Middle Ages (1965)

Visual Arts R. Milburn Early Christian Art and Architecture (1988) R. Krautheimer Early Christian Art and Architecture (1965) A. Grabar The Beginnings of Christian Art (London, 1970) B. Kitzinger Byzantine Art in the Making (1971) W. Doringo Late Roman Painting K.M.D. Dunbabin The Mosaics of Roman North Africa (1978) K. Weitzmann Illustration in Roll and Codex (1970) and Late Antique and Early Christian Book Illumination (1977) C. Mango Byzantine Architecture (London, 1986) J. Elsner Art and the Roman Viewer – The Transformation of Art from the Pagan World to Christianity (Cambridge, 1995) J.Lowden Early Christian and Byzantine Art (1997) – a beautiful visual compendium


The Early Medieval World c.450-c.900 A: General Secondary Works For an excellent thematic over-view, see R. McKitterick (ed.), The Early Middle Ages, (Oxford, 2001) J. M. H. Smith, Europe After Rome. A New Cultural History 500-1000 (Oxford, 2005) R. Collins, Early Medieval Europe 300-1000 (rev. ed. 1999): for a political over-view. P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I: c. 500-c. 700 (Cambridge, 2005) R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume II: c. 700-c. 900 (Cambridge, 1995) M. Innes Introduction to Early Medieval Western Europe, 300-900 – The Sword, The Plough And the Book (2007)

B: Guides to Sources R.C. van Caenegem, Guide to the Sources of Medieval History (Oxford 1978) L. Genicot ed., Typologie des Sources du Moyen Age Occidentale (Turnhout, 1972-) In Reading Room in U.L., published in fascicles with separate authors, e.g. McCormick on Annals, Giles Constable on Letter Collections etc. (Weimar, W. Wattenbach, W. Levison and H Lowe, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mitterlalter 1953) P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I: c. 500-c. 700 (Cambridge, 2005) and R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700-c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) contain comprehensive source and secondary bibliographies. For good discussion of the sources see also chapter 3 by Halsall in NCMH I and chapter 1 by McKitterick in NCMH II). G Ostrogorsky, History of the Byzantine State (Oxford, 1968), each chapter opens with a useful survey of the sources L. Brubaker and J. Haldon, Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (c.a. 680-850): The Sources (Aldershot, 2001) E, Jeffreys and J. Haldon (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Byzantium (Oxford, 2008)

C: History of Scholarship R. McKitterick, 'The study of Frankish history in France and Germany in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries', Francia 8 (1981) 556-72. David Knowles, Great historical enterprises (London, 1962) Donald R. Kelly, Foundations of Modern Historical Scholarship (New York and London, 1970) Francois Hotman, Francogallia (1573-86) ed. R. Giesey and trans. J. Salmon, (Cambridge, 1972) B. Warmington, ' Edward Gibbon' in J. Cannon ed. The Historian at Work (London, 1980) pp. 19-35 H. Loyn, 'Marc Bloch', in ibid., pp. 121-34 E. Fueter, Histoire de l'historiographie moderne (Paris, 1914) ('moderne' = Petrarch onwards!) J. Cannon et al (eds.) Blackwells' dictionary of Historians (Oxford, 1988) is worth consulting. G Ostrogorsky, History of the Byzantine State (Oxford, 1968), Introduction M Bentley (ed.) Companion to Historiography (London, 1997) – see especially the paper by P Heather R Cormack and E Jeffreys Through the Looking Glass: Byzantium Through British Eyes (Aldershot, 2000) R McKitterick and R Quinault (eds), Edward Gibbon and Empire (Cambridge, 1996) The thematic volumes in the Transformation of the Roman World series (14 vols, Leiden, 1997-) generally discuss the state of the subject in the introduction and conclusion to each volume.

D: Sources archaeology Edward James, The Franks (Oxford, Blackwell, 1988) see also his 'Cemeteries and the problem of Frankish settlement in Gaul' in Peter Sawyer ed., Names, Words and Graves: Early mediaeval settlement (Leeds, 1979); Merovingian cemetery studies' in P. Rahtz (ed.) Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries 1979, B.A.R. Brit. Series 82 (Oxford, 1980) 35-55; 'Archaeology and the Merovingian monastery' in H. Clarke and M. Brennan ed., Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism, B.A.R., Int. Series 113 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 33-55; The origins of France: from Clovis to the Capetians 500-1000 (London, 1982). See also his references to other authors and excavation reports. Klaus Randsborg, The First Millennium A.D. in Europe and the Mediterranean. An Archaeological Essay (1991) available in paperback, Helena Hamerow, Review article: 'The archaeology of rural settlement in early medieval Europe' Early Medieval Europe 3 (1994) 167-79 W H C Frend The Archaeology of Early Christianity, A History (London, 1997)


manuscripts R. McKitterick, 'The scriptoria of Merovingian Gaul: a survey of the evidence' in Clarke and Brennan, Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism pp. 173-207. See also: R Bagnall Reading Papyri, Writing Ancient History (London, 1995) E.A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores: A palaeographical guide to Latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century I-XI + Supplement (Oxford, 1935-1971) R. McKitterick, 'Script and book production' in Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation, ed. R. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1994) (Aldershot, ------------------, Books, scribes and learning in the Frankish kingdoms, sixth to ninth centuries 1994) Bernhard Bischoff, Latin Palaeography (Cambridge, 1986) G Cavallo, Greek Bookhands of the early Byzantine Period AD 300-800 (London, 1987)

architecture, sculpture, painting, ivory carving and metalwork Jean Hubert, Jean Porcher and W. Volbach, Europe in the Dark Ages (London, 1969) and Carolingian Art (London, 1970) M. Parisse et al., Le paysage monumentale de la France autour l'an mil (Paris, 1994) contains all extant early medieval buildings in France. C Mango Art of the Byzantine Empire (Toronto, 1986) C Mango Byzantine Architecture (London, 1986) L Nees (ed) Approaches to Early Medieval Art (Cambridge, Mass, 1998)

legal sources (laws, charters, wills etc.) Full details will be provided with the relevant lectures on these, but in the meantime L. Boyle, 'Diplomatic' in James M. Powell, Mediaeval Studies. An Introduction 2nd edition (Syracuse, 1993) is a useful introduction (as are all the other essays in the book) and you can see facsimiles in A. Bruckner and R. Marichal ed., Chartae Latinae Antiquiores facsimile edition of the Latin charters prior to the ninth century I-XXIV (Olten Lausanne, 1954-) still in progress. See also W. Goffart and D. Ganz on Merovingian charters in Speculum (1991) and R.McKitterick, The Carolingians and the written word (Cambridge, 1989) chs. 2 and 3

coins On using the coin evidence, see P. Grierson, ‘Numismatics’, in J. M. Powell (ed.), Medieval Studies: An Introduction 2nd ed. (Syracuse, 1993) M. Blackburn, chapters on ‘Money and Coinage’ in New Cambridge Medieval History I and II. The best detailed guide is Philip Grierson and Mark Blackburn, Mediaeval European Coinage I The Early Middle Ages (5th - 10th centuries) (Cambridge, 1986) P Grierson, Byzantine Coins (1982)

narrative sources Apart from the general guides in section A, material on the primary narrative sources is usually devoted to the discussion of a single source or author. Some of the most useful are as follows (but other more detailed references concerning the narrative sources for each of the Germanic kingdoms will be provided in the relevant lectures): A. Momigliano, 'Pagan and Christian historiography in the fourth century', in The conflict between paganism and Christianity in the fourth century ed. A. Momigliano (Oxford, 1963) pp. 79-99. A. and A. Cameron, 'Christianity and tradition in the historiography of the late Empire', Classical Quarterly 14 (1964) 316-28. Christopher Holdsworth and T.P. Wiseman eds., The inheritance of Historiography 350-900 (Exeter, 1986) Averil Cameron, Procopius (London, 1985) F.L. Ganshof, 'L'Historiographie dans la monarchie franque sous les Merovingiens', Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'alto medioevo 17 (Spoleto, 1969) pp. 631-685 (in U.L. P532. c.32)


Walter Goffart, The Narrators of barbarian history. Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede and Paul the Deacon (Princeton, 1988) Matthew Innes and Rosamond McKitterick, 'The writing of history', in Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation ed. R. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1994) A Scharer and G. Scheibelreiter (eds.), Historiographie im frühen Mittelalter (Vienna 1994) contains many essays in English. Y Hen and M Innes (ed), The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge, 2000) – see especially the piece by McKitterick R McKitterick, History and Memory in the Carolingian World (Cambridge, 2004) R McKitterick, Perceptions of the past in the early middle ages (Notre Dame, 2006) saints' lives The most useful introductions are H. Delehaye, The Legends of the Saints (quite old, and translated from the French edition of 1955) P. Fouracre and R. Gerberding, Later Merovingian France (Manchester, 1996): see the introduction for an excellent discussion of hagiography and the study of saints’ lives. Ian Wood, 'The Vita Columbani and Merovingian hagiography', Peritia 1 (1982) 63-80 C.E. Stancliffe, Saint Martin and his Hagiographer (Oxford, 1983) Peter Brown, The Cult of the Saint (London, 1981) Pierre Riché ed., Hagiographie (Paris, 1981) P. Fouracre, 'Merovingian history and Merovingian hagiography', Past and Present (1990) Julia Smith, review article, Early Medieval Europe 1992 on narrative sources for the Germanic kingdoms (up to s.VIII) see separate list on Historiography J D Howard-Johnston and P A Hayward (ed.), The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Oxford, 1999) – much of interest is also to be found in the Fall fascicle of the Journal of Early Christian Studies, Volume 6, 1998 G Cavallo (ed), The Byzantines (London, 1997) – excellent article by C Mango on the Byzantine Saint. L L Coon, Sacred Fictions, Holy Women and Hagiography in Late Antiquity (Philadelphia, 1997) T Head (ed.), Medieval Hagiography. An Anthology (New York, 2000)

maps T Cornell and J Matthews, Atlas of the Roman World (London, 1987) M. Parisse and J. Leuridan, Atlas de la France de l'an Mil: état de nos connaissances (Paris 1994) C. Mohrmann and F. van der Meer, Atlas of the early Christian world (London, 1958) J. Engle (ed.), Grosser Historischer Weltatlas. Zweiter Teil. Mittelalter. (Bayerischen Schulbuchverlag 1970) The Times Atlas of European History (London, 1998 second edition) N. Hooper and M. Bennett, The Cambridge Atlas of Medieval Warfare (Cambridge, 1995) C. McEvedy, The New Penguin Atlas of Medieval Europe (Harmonsworth, 1993) J. Haywood, The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings (1995) (London, M. Grant, The Routledge Atlas of Classical Hisory from 1700 B.C. to A.D. 565 5th edition 1994) A. MacKay with D. Ditchburn, Atlas of Medieval Europe (1997) R. McKitterick (ed.), The Times Medieval World (2003)


THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE (Sixth and Seventh Centuries) Sources M. Maas, Readings in Late Antiquity – A Sourcebook (London, 2000) H.B. Dewing (ed and tr.), Procopius, Wars, Secret History (Anecdota), Buildings (Loeb, Vols I-V 1914-28, VI 1933, VII 1940). G. A. Williamson and Peter Sarris Procopius – The Secret History. Note Sarris’ introductory essay on Procopius’ works as a whole. A.C. Bandy (ed and tr.), Ioannes Lydus on Powers or the Magistracies of the Roman State (Philadelphia, 1983) E.Jeffreys, M. Jeffreys and R. Scott (eds.), The Chronicle of John Malalas (Melbourne, 1986) – see also E. Jeffreys, B. Croke and R Scott (eds.), Studies in John Malalas (Sydney, 1990) B. Croke (tr.), The Chronicle of Marcellinus (Sydney, 1995) W. Witakowski (tr.), Pseudo-Dionysius of Tel-Mahre – Part III (Liverpool, 1996) R. H. Charles (tr.), The Chronicle of John, Bishop of Nikiu (1916) M. Whitby (tr.), The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus (2000) Averil Cameron (ed and tr.), Corippus, In Laudem Iustini Augusti Minoris (London, 1976) P. Birks and G. McLeod (tr.), Justinian’s Institutes (London, 1987) A. Watson (ed.), Justinian’s Digest (Philadelphia 1985) S. P. Scott, The Civil Code (Philadelphia, 1932) M. and M. Whitby (tr.), Chronicon Paschale (Liverpool, 1989) and The History of Theophylact Simocatta (1986) R.C. Blockley (tr.), History of Menander the Guardsman (Liverpool, 1985) J.D.C. Frendo (tr.), Agathias (1975) G.T. Dennis (ed and tr.), The Strategicon of the Emperor Maurice (1984) R.W. Thomson (tr.) and J.D. Howard-Johnston, The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos (2 Vols., Liverpool, 2000) C.Mango and R. Scott (tr.), The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor (Oxford, 1997) G. Greatrex and S. Lieu, The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars. A Narrative History Part II A.D. 363-630 (London, 2002) R.Price The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553 (Liverpool , 2009) P.N. Bell Three Political Voices From the Age of Justinian (Liverpool, 209)

Historiography A. Cameron, Procopius and the Sixth Century (London 1985) A. Kaldellis, Procopius of Caesarea: Tyranny, History, and Philiosophy at the End of Antiquity (Pennsylvania, 2004) M. Maas, John Lydus and the Roman Past (London, 1992) Michael Whitby, The Emperor Maurice and His Historian (Oxford, 1988). See also Whitby’s piece in Averil Cameron and L.I. Conrad (eds.), The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East I , Problems in the Literary Source Material (Princeton, 1992) J.M. Carrié and N. Duval (eds.), De Aedificiis: le texte de Procope et les réalités (Brepols, 2001) W. Treadgold The Early Byzantine Historians (Eastbourne, 2007)

Secondary C. Mango (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium (Oxford, 2002) - see chapter one by P. Sarris. More detailed bibliography will be distributed by Dr Sarris in his lectures. But the following are fundamental: Further to Stein, Jones and Brown (see Late Roman general works); C.Mango, Byzantium – The Empire of New Rome (London, 1983) Averil Cameron, The Mediterranean World (London, 1993) Alan Cameron, Circus Factions (Oxford, 1976) Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward Perkins and Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XIV - Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000) G.Dagron, Empereur et Prêtre (Paris, 1996); translated as Emperor and Priest: The Imperial Office in Byzantium (Cambridge, 2003) F. Dvornik, Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy (2 Vols, Washington D.C., 1996) M. Maas (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian (Cambridge, 2005)


J.A.S. Evans, The Age of Justinian – The Circumstances of Imperial Power (London, 1996) J.A.S. Evans, The Empress Theodora - Partner of Justinian (Uni. of Texas, 2002) J. Moorhead, Justinian (London, 1994) – not terribly good A.M. Honoré, Tribonian (London, 1978) Averil Cameron, ‘Images of Authority: Elites and Icons in Late Sixth-Century Byzantium’ in M. Mullett and R. Scott (ed.), Byzantium and the Classical Tradition (Birmingham, 1981) G.Greatrex, Rome and Persia at War (Leeds, 1998) and ‘The Nika Riot: A Reappraisal’ Journal of Hellenic Studies CXVII (1997) P. Allen, ‘The Justinianic Plague’ Byzantion 49 (1979) P. Sarris, 'The Justinianic Plague: Origins and Effects', Continuity and Change 17.2 (2002) P. Sarris Economy and Society in the Age of Justinian (2006) L.K. Little Plague and the End of Antiquity (2006) DO NOT READ W. Rosen Justinian’s Flea (2006) – it isdreadful! L. Conrad, ‘Epidemic Diseases in Central Syria in the Late 6th Century’ Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 18 (1994) C.Foss, ‘The Persians in Asia Minor and the End of Antiquity’ English Historical Review XC (1975) J.F. Haldon, Byzantium in the Seventh Century: The Transformation of a Culture (Cambridge, 1990) and Warfare, State and Society in the Byzantine World 565-1204 (1999) M. Hendy, Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy (Cambridge, 1985) J.D. Howard-Johnston, ‘The Two Great Powers in Late Antiquity: A Comparison’ in Averil Cameron (ed.), The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East III – States, Resources and Armies (Princeton, 1995), ‘Heraclius’ Persian Campaigns and the Revival of the East Roman Empire’ War and History 6.1 (1999) and ‘Thema’ in A. Moffat (ed.) Maistor: Classical, Byzantine and Renaissance Studies For Robert Browning (1984) M. Kaplan, Les Hommes et La Terre (Paris, 1992) M. Maas, ‘Roman History and Christian Ideology in Justinian’s Reform Legislation’ Dumbarton Oaks Papers (1986) J.Meyendorff, ‘Justinian, the Empire and the Church’ Dumbarton Oaks Papers 22 (1968) B.Stolte, ‘Justinianus Bifrons’ in P. Magdalino (ed.) New Constantines (Aldershot, 1994) J.Teall, ‘The Barbarians in Justinian’s Armies’ Speculum XL (1965) W. Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State and Society (Stanford, 1997) M.Whittow, The Making of Orthodox Byzantium (London, 1996) E. Yarsheter (ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran , III (2 Vols., Cambridge, 1983) R. Frye, The Heritage of Persia (London, 1962) D.Obolensky, The Byzantine Commonwealth (1971) M. Boyce, The Zoroastrians (1979) C. Hermann, The Iranian Revival (1977) J. Wieschoefer, Ancient Persia (1996) E. Dabrowa (ed.), The Roman and Byzantine Army in the East (Proceedings of Colloquium at Krakow, 1992) (1994) – many excellent pieces on Byzantine/Persian warfare. S. Ashbrook Harvey, Asceticism and Society in Crisis (1990) D.Sinor (ed.), The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia (Cambridge, 1990) – see essay on Avars. W. Kaegi, Heraclius: Emperor of Byzantium (Cambridge, 2002) G. Regan, First Crusader: Byzantium's Holy Wars (London 2001) See also the section on the Slavs and Central and Eastern Europe below.


THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE (Eighth and Ninth centuries) Sources C.Mango and R. Scott (tr.), The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor (Oxford, 1997) C.Mango (ed and tr.), Nikephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople, Letters (Washington D.C. 1985) and Art of the Byzantine Empire (Toronto, 1986), which covers the iconoclast period. See also Mango’s The Homilies of Photius (Washington D.C., 1958) M.P. Vinson (ed and tr.), The Correspondence of Leo, Metropolitan of Synada and Syncellus (Washington D.C., 1985) R.H.J. Jenkins and L.G. Westerink (ed. and tr.), Nicholas I, Patriarch of Constantinople, Letters (Washington D.C., 1973) M.B. Cunningam (tr.), The Life of Michael the Synkellos (1991) Averil Cameron and Judith Herrin (eds and tr.), Constantinople in the Eighth Century: the Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai (Leiden, 1984) D. Sahas, Icon and Logos – Sources in Eighth-Century Iconoclasm (Toronto, 1986) L. Brubaker and J. Haldon, Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (c.a. 680-850): The Sources (Aldershot, 2001) A.M.Talbot (ed.), Byzantine Defenders of Images: Eight Saints' Lives in English Translation (Washington D.C., 1998).

Secondary Further to Treadgold, Whittow, Obolensky, and Mango’s ‘New Rome’, see: J. Shepard (ed.) The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire (Cambridge, 2008) – contains much useful material, especially Whittow on the economy and Aupezy on Iconoclasm A.Bryer and J. Herrin (eds.), Iconoclasm (Birmingham, 1977) C. Mango (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium (Oxford, 2002) - chapters by Treadgold and Karlin-Hayter. M. Angold, Byzantium - The Bridge From Antiquity to the Middle Ages (London, 2001) - excellent on Iconoclasm and the Photian schism. H. Chadwick, East and West – The History of A Schism in the Church (Oxford, 2003) G. Dagron, Emperor and Priest: The Imperial Office in Byzantium (tr. J. Birrell) (Cambridge, 2003) P.R.L. Brown, ‘A Dark Age Crisis. Aspects of the Iconoclastic Controversy ‘ in Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity (London, 1982) W. Treadgold, The Byzantine Recovery 780-842 (Cambridge, 1988) S.Tougher, The Reign of Leo VI (1996) G.Dagron, Empereur et Prêtre (Paris, 1996) R. Morris, Monks and Laymen in Byzantium (1995) R. Cormack, Writing in Gold (1985) P. Alexander, The Byzantine Apocalyptic Tradition (Berkeley, 1985) J.D. Howard-Johnston (ed.), Byzantium and the West (Amsterdam, 1988) J.Shepard and S. Franklin (eds.), Byzantine Diplomacy (Aldershot, 1992) J.F. Haldon, Warfare, State and Society in the Byzantine World 565-1204 (1999) T.S. Brown, Gentlemen and Officers (Rome, 1984) J.M. Hussey, The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire (1986) P. Magdalino (ed.), New Constantines (Aldershot, 1994) C.Mango, Constantinople and Its Hinterland (Aldershot, 1995) C.Mango, Byzantine Architecture (London, 1986) L. Brubacker (ed.), Byzantium in the Ninth Century – Dead or Alive? (Aldershot, 1998) M. Mullett, ‘Writing in early medieval Byzantium’ in R. McKitterick (ed.) The Uses of Literacy in Early Medieval Europe (Cambridge, 1990) P. Pattenden, ‘The Byzantine Early Warning System’ Byzantion 53 (1983) Chapters by M. McCormick and J. Shepard in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II (Cambridge, 1995) Robert Browning, ‘Literacy in the Byzantine World’ Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 4 (1978) P. Grierson, Byzantine Coins (London, 1982) M. Hendy, Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy (Cambridge, 1985)


M. Angold (ed.), The Byzantine Aristocracy (Oxford, 1984), especially the piece by Patlagean M. Kaplan, Les Hommes et La Terre (Paris, 1992) A. Laiou and C, Morison The Byzantine Economy (2007)


THE WORLD OF EARLY ISLAM Sources N.J. Dawood (tr.), The Koran (Penguin Classics, 1956) A. Guillaume (tr.), Sirat-al-Nabi (Life of Mohammad) of Ibn Ishaq (1955) P.K. Hitti and F.C. Murgotten (tr.), Al Baladhuri, Origins of the Islamic State (1916, 1924) E. Yarshata et al (tr.), The History of al-Tabari, an Annotated Translation (1987-) E.A. Salem (tr.), Hilal al-Sabi, Rusum dar khilafa (1977) – court ceremonial R.W. Thomson (tr.) and J.D. Howard-Johnston, The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos (2 vols, Liverpool, 2000) A. Palmer, The Seventh Century in the West Syrian Chronicles (Liverpool, 1993) R. H. Charles (tr.), The Chronicle of John, Bishop of Nikiu (1916)

Historiography (of vital significance) M. Cook, Muhammed (1983) M. Cook and P. Crone, Hagarism: the making of the Islamic World (1977) P. Crone, Slaves on Horeseback: the Evolution of the Islamic Polity (1980) and Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam (1987) R.S. Humphreys, Islamic History: a Framework of Enquiry (1991) Averil Cameron and L.I. Conrad (eds.), The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East I, Problems in the Literary Source Material (Princeton, 1992) – a useful collection A.A. Duri, The Rise of Historical Writing Among the Arabs (1983) R.G. Hoyland, Seeing Islam as Others Saw It (1997) R.S. Humphreys, Islamic History – A Framework for Inquiry (1991) D. Robinson, Islamic Historiography (Cambridge, 2003) F. Donner, Narratives of Islamic Origins. The beginnings of Islamic historical writing (Princeton, 1998) A. Noth, The Early Arabic Historical Tradition: A Source Critical Study (Princeton, 1994)

Secondary C. Mango (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium (Oxford, 2002) - chapter by R. Hoyland. R. Hoyland, Arabia and the Arabs from the Bronze Age to the coming of Islam (London, 2001) H. Kennedy The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates (1986; second ed. 2004) and The Early Abbasid Caliphate: a Political History (1981) H. Kennedy, The Court of the Caliphs: The Rise and Fall of Islam’s Greatest Dynasty (2004) M. Rodinson (tr. A. Carter), Mohammad (1971) G.R.D. King and A. Cameron (eds.), The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East II Land Use and Settlement Patterns (1994) F.M. Donner, The Early Islamic Conquests (1981) A.A. Dixon, The Ummayad Caliphate (1971) G.R. Hawting, The First Dynasty of Islam (1986) P. Crone and M. Hinds, God’s Caliph (1986) O. Grabar, The Formation of Islamic Art (1974) M. Sharon, Black Banners from the East (1983) M.G. Morony, Iraq After the Muslim Conquests (1984) E.L. Daniel, The Political and Social History of Khurasan under Abbasid Rule (1979) H. Kennedy, The Armies of the Caliphs - Military and Society in the Early Islamic State (London, 2001) C. Robinson, Empires and Elites after the Muslim Conquest - The Transformation of Northern Mesopotamia (Cambridge, 2000). R. Hillenbrand, Islamic Art and Architecture (London, 1999) H. Kennedy The Great Arab Conquests (London, 2007) R. Hoyland ‘New Documentary Texts and the Early Islamic State’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 2006 – very important . C. Robinson ‘The Ideological Uses of Early Islam’, Past and Present 203 (2009) - likewise


THE SLAVS AND CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Sources References to the Slavs and other peoples of Central and Eastern Europe are scattered throughout the Byzantine and Frankish primary sources. M. Maas, Readings in Late Antiquity – A Sourcebook (London, 2000), chapter 12. M. Mullett, Theophylact of Ochrid. Reading the letters of a Byzantine archbishop (Aldershot, 1997) C.Mango and R. Scott (tr.), The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor (Oxford, 1997) Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De administrando imperii (ed.) G Moravcsik and trans. R.J.H. Jenkins (Budapest, 1949) with commentary by R.H.J. Jenkins (London, 1962): this discusses a later period but may illuminate earlier Byzantine relations with their neighbours. Annals of Fulda (839-911), trans. Timothy Reuter (Manchester 1992)

Secondary F. Curta, The Making of the Slavs - History and Archaeology of the Lower Danube Region c.500-700 (Cambridge, 2001) F. Curta, Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1250 (Cambridge 2006) W. Pohl, Die Awaren (Munich, 1988); English translation The Avars (2006) H.Reimitz, 'Conversion and control; the establishment of liturgical frontiers in Carolingian Pannonia', in W. Pohl, I. Wood and H. Reimitz (eds), The Transformation of frontiers from late antiquity to the Carolingians, The Transformation of the Roman World 10 (Leiden, 2001), pp.189-208 M. Hardt, 'Hesse, Elbe, Saale and the frontiers of the Carolingian empire', in Pohl, Wood and Reimitz (eds.), Transformation of frontiers, pp. 219-232. F. Dvornik, Byzantine missions among the Slavs (New Brunswick, 1970) J. Shepard, 'Slavs and Bulgars', in R. McKitterick (ed.), New Cambridge Medieval History vol 2 (1995), pp. 228-249. I Wood, The missionary life. Saints and the evangelisation of Europe 400-1050 (London, 2001). For the earlier background see W. Levison, England and the Continent in the eighth century (Oxford, 1946), M. McCormick, 'Diplomacy and the Carolingian encounter with Byzantium down to the accession of Charles the Bald', in B. McGinn and W. Otten (eds), Eriugena: East and West. Papers of the Eighth International colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies (Notre Dame, 1994), pp. 15-48 M.McCormick, Origins of the European economy. Communications and commerce AD 300-900 (Cambridge, 2001), pp. 175-181. M. Borgolte, Der Gesandtenaustausch der Karolinger mit den Abbasiden und mit den Patriarchen von Jerusalem, Münchener Beiträge zur Mediävistik und Renaissance-Forschung 25 (Munich, 1976) J. Shepard and S. Franklin (eds), Byzantine diplomacy (Aldershot, 1992) especially A. Kazhdan, 'The notion of Byzantine diplomacy, pp. 3-23; J.Shepard, Byzantine diplomacy A.D. 800-1204: means and ends', pp. 41-72 T.C. Lounghis, Les ambassades byzantins en occident depuis la fondation des états barbares jusqu'aux Croisades (Athens, 1980) A. Gillett, Envoys and political communication in the late antique west, 411-533 (Cambridge, 2003). A. Davids, 'Marriage negotiations between Byzantium and the west and the name of Theophano in Byzantium (eighth-to tenth centuries), in A. Davids (ed.), The Empress Theophano. Byzantium and the west at the turn of the first millennium (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 99-120 J. Shepard, 'A marriage too far? Maria Lekapena and Peter of Bulgaria', in Davids (ed.), The Empress Theophano, pp. 121-149. J. Shepard, 'Information, disinformation and delay in Byzantine diplomacy', Byzantinische Forschungen 10 (1985). F. Curta (ed.), Borders, barriers and ethnogenesis. Frontiers in late antiquity and the middle ages (Turnhout, 2005) F. Curta (ed.), East central and Eastern Europe in the early middle ages (Ann Arbor, 2005) P. Stephenson, The legend of Basil the Bulgar Slayer (Cambridge, 2004) F. Curta, 'The Slavic lingua franca (Linguistic notes of an archaeologist turned historian)’, East central


Europe/L'Europe du Centre Est 31 (2004) M. Innes, ‘Review article. Franks and Slavs c. 700-c. 1000: The problem of European expansion before the millennium’, Early Medieval Europe 6.2 (1997), pp. 201-16 Charles R. Bowlus, Franks, Moravians and Magyars. The struggle for the middle Danube 788-907 (Philadelphia, 1995) H.M.A. Evans, The early medieval archaeology of Croatia AD 600-900. British Archaeological Reports (Oxford, 1989) J.V.A.Fine, The early medieval Balkans (Ann Arbor, 1983) C.A. Frazee. 'The Balkans between Rome and Constantinople in the early middle ages 600-900 ', Balkan Studies 2 (1993) pp. 213-228 P.B. Golden, 'The peoples of the south Russian Steppes', in The Cambridge History of early inner Asia ed. D. Sinor (Cambridge, 1990), pp. 256-284. I. Supicic (ed.), Croatia in the early middle ages. A cultural survey (Zagreb and London, 1999)


BARBARIAN SETTLEMENT Sources Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters and poems ed. and transl. W.B. Anderson Ammianus Marcellinus, Res Gesta ed. and transl. J. Rolfe (Loeb) and A. Wallace-Hadrill (Penguin) Eugippius, Life of St. Severinus transl. L. Bieler Orosius, Seven books of history against the pagans. transl. I. Raymond Salvian, On the governance of God transl. E.M. Sandford (Philadelphia, J.N. Hillgarth (ed.), Christianity and paganism 350-750: the conversion of western Europe 1986) E. Peters (ed.), Monks, bishops and pagans (Philadelphia, 1975) P. Courcelle, Histoire litteraire des grands invasions germaniques (Paris, 1964) P. Heather and J. Matthews, The Goths in the Fourth Century (1991) C.D. Gordon, The Age of Attila (1960) – chapter 2 contains sources relating to the Visigoths in the early fifth century. See also chapter 3 for the Huns. R C Blockley (ed and tr), The Fragmentary Classicizing Historians of the Later Roman Empire (2 Volumes, 1983) – excellent for information on the Huns J Moorhead, Victor of Vita, History of the Vandal Persecution (Liverpool, 1992) A. C. Murray, From Rome to Merovingian Gaul: A Reader (Peterborough, Ontario, 2000) D. Shanzer and I. Wood (trans), Avitus of Vienne. Letters and Selected Prose (Liverpool, 2002)

Secondary P. Heather The Fall of The Roman Empire (2005) B. Ward-Perkins The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization (2005) W. Goffart Barbarian Tides – The Migration Age and the Later Roman Empire (Pennsylvania, 2006) G. Halsall Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West 376-568 (Cambridge, 2007) M. Innes Introduction to Early Medieval Western Europe (2007) M. Innes ‘Land, Freedom, and the Making of the Medieval West Transactions of the Royal Historical Society XVI (2006) Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward Perkins and Michael Whitby (ed.), The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume XIV: Late Antiquity - Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000) - chapter 18 by Wood. P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I: c. 500-c. 700 (Cambridge, 2005) chapter 2 by Halsall. introduction L. Musset, The Germanic Invasions (London, 1975 trans from Fr.ed. of 1965, still the best and has an excellent bibliography for the period up to 1974) Edith Wrightman, Gallia Belgica (London, 1985) esp. pp. 202-313. She also has a full bibliography M. Barley, European Towns. Their archaeology and early history (London, 1977) esp. pp.185-202. Edward James, The Franks, (Oxford, 1988) E.A. Thompson, Romans and barbarians: the decline of western Europe (Madison, 1982) J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Barbarian West (London, 1967) W. Goffart, Barbarians and Romans: the techniques of accommodation 418-584 (Princeton, 1980) Medieval H. Wolfram, 'Origo et religio. Ethnic traditions and literature in early medieval texts', Early Europe 3 (1994) 19-38. J. Durliat, 'Le salaire de la paix sociale dans les royaumes barbares (Ve-VIe siécles', in Anerkennung und Integration ed. H. Wolfram and Andreas Schwarz (Vienna, 1988) = Denkschrift der Österreische Akademie der Wissenschaften phil. hist. K1.193. See also the English summary and discussion of Durliat by Goffart in the same volume. K. Baus et al History of the Church vol. 2 (New York, 1980) Philip Dixon, Barbarian Europe (Oxford, 1976) = Noddy book H.- J. Diesner, The Great Migration (Leipzig and London, 1978) D. Talbot Rice (ed.), The Dark Ages (London, 1965) See also the articles by Edward James listed in the Introductory bibliography and follow up his references. Two older books still of value are: Ferdinand Lot, La fin du monde antique et le debut du moyen âge (Paris, 1968) available in English translation Louis Halphen, Les Barbares (1940)


M. Todd, The Early Germans 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1992) Patrick Geary, Before France and Germany (Oxford, 1988) Roger Collins, Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000 (1991) K. Randsborg, The First Millennium A.D. in Europe in the Mediterranean. An Archaeological Essay (1991) J. Harries, Sidonius Apollinaris and the Fall of Rome (London, 1995) P. Heather, Goths and Romans (Oxford, 1992) ------------, 'The Huns and the end of the Roman Empire in Western Europe', English Historical Review 110 (1995) 4-41 ------------, The Goths (Oxford, 1996) E. Demougeot, La formation de l'Europe et les invasions barbares 3 vols. (1969) L K Little and B H Rosenwein (ed), Debating the Middle Ages: Issues and Readings (Oxford, 1998) – see excellent critique of Goffart by Chris Wickham (‘The Fall of Rome Will Not Take Place’) and the useful piece on ethnicity by W Pohl. See also the 14 important volumes in the Transformation of the Roman World series (Leiden, 1997-). As well as the individual essays, each volume includes an introduction and conclusion analysing the particular theme. On barbarian settlement, see especially: W Pohl (ed), Kingdoms of the Empire in Late Antiquity. Transformation of the Roman World, 3 (Leiden, 1997) W Pohl and H Reimitz (ed) Strategies of Distinction: The Construction of Ethnic Identities 300800. Transformation of the Roman World, 2 (Leiden, 1998) G Ausenda (ed), After Empire, Towards an Ethnology of Europe’s Barbarians (Woodbridge, 1995) – an uneven but interesting collection of essays. J C Russell, The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity (Oxford, 1994) - unreliable. C P Wormald, ‘The Decline of the Roman Empire and the Survival of its Aristocracy ‘in the Journal of Roman Studies (LXVI (1976) pp 217-226 – important See also the insightful articles by Barnish listed in the bibliography to his Cassiodorus: Variae (see Ostrogothic Italy below). P. Heather, The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History (2005) B.Ward-Perkins, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization (2005) G. Halsall, Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West (September 2006) T. F. X. Noble (ed.), From Roman Provinces to Medieval Kingdoms (2006): useful collection of articles on ethnicity, identity, accommodation, and Gaul W. Goffart, Barbarian Tides. The Migration Age and the Later Roman Empire (2006)


OSTROGOTHIC ITALY Sources Jordanes, History of the Goths trans. C.C. Mierow Cassiodorus, Variae trans. S.J.B. Barnish (Liverpool, 1992) --------------, trans L.W. Jones, Cassiodorus Senator. An Introduction to Divine and Human readings (New York, 1946) Rather more documents than translated by Barnish are to be found in T Hodgkin The Letters of Cassiodorus (1986). Barnish’s Cassiodorus contains a very useful bibliography. Look in particular for the author’s piece on the settlement of barbarians in Italy. Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy trans. V.E. Watts (Penguin Classic, 1969) The Goths in the Fourth Century, trans. Peter Heather and John Matthews (Liverpool, 1991) Cassiodorus, trans. J W Halporn, Institutes of divine and secular learning (Liverpool, 2004)

Secondary C. La Rocca (ed.), Italy in the Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 2002) P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I: c. 500-c. 700 (Cambridge, 2005), chapter 6 by Moorhead. G. Halsall Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West (Cambridge, 2006) Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward Perkins and Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History vol. XIV - Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000), ch. 19 Thomas Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders, eight volumes (London, 1892-1899) The Ostrogothic Invasion. Despite its age still useful and very readable. Chris Wickham, Early Medieval Italy (London, 1981) Jeffrey Richards, The Popes and the Papacy, 476-754 (London, 1979) Henry Chadwick, Boethius (Oxford, 1981) James J. O'Donnell, Cassiodorus (Berkeley, 1979) Thomas Burns, A History of the Ostrogoths (Bloomington, 1984) Herwig Wolfram, A History of the Goths (Princeton, 1989) A. Momigliano, 'Cassiodorus and the Italian culture of his time', Proceedings of the British Academy 41 (1955) pp. 207-45, reprinted in his Studies in Historiography (London,1966), pp. 181-210 Wilhelm Ensslin, Theoderich der Grosse (Munich, 1959) Walter Goffart, The Narrators of Barbarian History. Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede and Paul the Deacon (Princeton, 1988) esp. pp. 20-111. Brian Croke, 'A.D. 476: The manufacturing of a turning point', Chiron 13 (1983) pp. 81-119 --------------(ed.), History and Historians in Late Antiquity (Sydney, 1983) A. van der Vyver, 'Cassiodore et son oeuvre', Speculum 6 (1931), pp.244-92 H. Wolfram, 'Gothic history and historical ethnography', Journal of Mediaeval History 7 (1981),309-19 S. Barnish, 'The Anonymous Valesianus II as a source of the last years of Theodoric', Latomus 42 (1983) 572-96 ------------, 'The genesis and completion of Cassiodorus 'Gothic history' Latomus 43 (1984), pp. 336-61 W. Goffart, Barbarians and Romans; the techniques of accommodation (Princeton, 1980) P. Grierson and M. Blackburn, Mediaeval European Coinage I (Cambridge, 1986), pp. 24-39 H. Wolfram, History of the Goths (Berkeley, 1987 from German ed. 1979) Evangelos Chrysos, 'Legal concepts and patterns of behaviour for the barbarians' settlement of Roman soil' in Das Reich und die Barbaren, ed. E. Chrysos and A. Schwarcz (Cologne and Vienna, 1989), pp. 13-24. Walter Goffart, 'The theme of the Barbarian invasions in Late antique and modern Historiography', in Chrysos and Schwarcz, pp. 87-108. Peter Heather, Goths and Romans (Oxford, 1992) John Moorhead, Theodoric in Italy (Oxford, 1993). See the important review of this book by Bryan Ward-Perkins in Early Medieval Europe 4( 1995) P Amory, People and Identity in Ostrogothic Italy (Cambridge, 1997) A H M Jones, ‘The Constitutional Position of Odoacer and Theoderic’, Journal of Roman Studies LII (1962) J M H Smith (ed.), Early Medieval Rome and the Christian West (2000): essay collection C Wickham, Framing the Early Middle Ages. Europe and the Mediterranean, 400-800 (2005): economic case studies, including Italy.


VISIGOTHS Sources Ammianus Marcellinus, Res Gestae trans. in Loeb edition by J.C. Rolfe and in Penguin classic (1985) by Walter Hamilton and Andre Wallace - Hadrill. Isidore, History of the Goths, Sueves and Vandals, trans. B. Morini and G. Ford Vita S. Fructuosi, trans. F.C. Nock, (1945) Jordanes, History of the Goths, trans. C.C. Mierow Isidore, Etymologiae, ed. and trans. S. A. Barney, W. J. Lewis and J. A. Beach, The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville (2006) Conquerors and Chroniclers of early medieval Spain, trans. Kenneth B. Wolf (Liverpool, 1990) S P Scott (tr), The Visigothic Code (1912) J N Garvin (ed and tr), The Vitae Patrum Emeretensium (1946) C W Barlow (tr), Martin of Braga (Fathers of the Church, 62, 1969) and Works of Fructuosus of Braga (Fathers of the Church 63, 1969). In the former volume see also Leander of Seville’s celebration of the Third Council of Toledo (589)

Secondary P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I: c. 500-c. 700 (Cambridge, 2005), chapters 7 and 13. E.A. Thompson, The Visigoths in the time of Ulfila (Oxford 1966) -------------------, The Goths in Spain (Oxford, 1969) -------------------, Romans and Barbarians (Madison, 1982) esp. chs. 2,3,8,9,10,11. Roger Collins, Early Medieval Spain (London, 1983, revised 2nd edn. 1995) J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Barbarian West (1967) ch.6 P.D. King, Law and society in the Visigothic Kingdom (Cambridge, 1972) S. Teillet, Des Goths à la nation gothique (1984) A. Cajtro, The Spaniards (nothing on Visigoths) (1971) R. Collins, The Basques (Oxford, 1986) A. Sanchez-Albornoz, Spain: an historical enigma (1975 - responding to Cajtro) H. Lapeyre, ' Deux interpretations de l'histoire d'Espagne Annales E.S.C. (1965) on the Spanish editions of Cajtro and Sanchez-Albornoz. Roger Collins, 'Merida and Toledo: 550-585' in Visigothic Spain: New Approaches ed. Edward James, (Oxford, 1980) 189-222. See also the essays by Fontaine, King, Hillgarth. ----------------, 'Visigothic law and regional custom in disputes in early mediaeval Spain' in The Settlement of disputes in early mediaeval Europe ed. W. Davies and Paul Fouracre (Cambridge, 1986) pp. 85-104) ----------------, 'Julian of Toledo and the royal succession in late seventh-century Spain' in Early Mediaeval Kingship ed. P.H. Sawyer and I.N. Wood (Leeds, 1977) R. D'Abadal, 'A propos du legs visigothique en Espagne' Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano i Studi sull'alto Medioevo (1958) E. Delaruelle, 'La vie religieuse populaire en Septimanie pendant l'époque wisigothique', Anales Toledanos (1971) J. Fontaine, 'Culture et conversion chez les Wisigoths d'Espagne'. Settimane di studio del Centro Italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo (Spoleto, 1967) reprinted in his collected papers (1986) Culture et spiritualité en espagne du IV au VII siècles J. Hillgarth, 'Coins and Chronicles: propaganda in Visigothic Spain' Historia 1966 and see his contributions to James ed. Visigothic Spain (1980) and the Settimane...Spoleto for 1967 P.D. King, 'The alleged Territoriality of visigothic law', in B. Tierney and P. Linehan, eds, Authority and Power (Cambridge, 1980) reprinted P.A. Linehan, 'Religion, nationalism and national identity', Studies in Church History (1982) in his collected papers (London, 1983) F.X. Murphy, 'Julian of Toledo and the fall of the Visigothic Kingdom of Spain' Speculum 1952 B. Bachrach, 'A reassessment of Visigothic Jewish Policy 589-711' American Historical Review 78 (1973) B.S. Albert, 'Un nouvel examen de la politique anti-juive wisigothique. A Propos d'un article recent', Revue des études juives 135 (1976) (response to Bachrach) 1976 by P. Riché, Education and Culture in the Barbarian West, fifth to eighth centuries (Eng. trans. J.J. Contreni (Columbia) of 1962. French ed. but with updated bibliography) Herwig Wolfram, History of the Goths (1979) Eng. transl. and rev. ed. 1988. P Heather (ed), The Visigoths From the Migration Period to the Seventh Century – An Ethnographic Perspective (1999)


S. Castellano, ‘The Political Nature of Taxation in Visigothic Spain’ Early Medieval Europe 12.3 (2003) pp. 201-228. R. Collins, Visigothic Spain 409-711 (Oxford, 2004) C Wickham, Framing the Early Middle Ages. Europe and the Mediterranean, 400-800 (2005): economic case studies, including Visigothic Spain.



Sources Ibn 'Abd al-Hakem, History of the Conquest of Spain trans. J.H. Jones (Gottingen, 1858) Al-Makkakari, Histories extracts (substantial) translated in P. de Gayangos, The History of the Mohammedan dynasties in Spain 2 vols. (London, 1840-3) S.P. Scott, The Visigothic Code (Boston, 1910) Other material is discussed by Roger Collins in his Early Mediaeval Spain (2nd edn. London, 1995) J.P. Gilson (ed.), The Mozarabic Psalter (London, 1905) Vita Fructuosi trans. F.C. Nock (1946) Conquerors and Chroniclers of early medieval Spain trans. K.B. Wolf (Liverpool 1990)

Secondary Roger Collins, Early Mediaeval Spain (London, 1983, 2nd edn. London 1995) I. Olague, Les Arabes n'ont jamais envahi l'Espagne (1969) C. Sanchez Albornoz, Espagne préislamique et Espagne musulmane', Revue Historique 237 (1967) P. Guichard, Structures sociales, 'orientales' et 'occidentales' dans l'Espagne musulmane (1977) and see the review in English by Peter Linehan, Social History 3 (1978) pp. 377-9. Y. Bonnaz, 'Divers aspects de la continuité wisigothique dans la monarchie asturienne', Mélanges de la Casa de velasquez 12 (1976) G. Martin, 'La chute du royaume wisigothique Espagne dans l'historiographie chrétienne des VIIIe et IXe siècles', Cahiers de Linguistique Hispanique Médiévale 9 (1984) T.F. Glick, Islamic and Christian Spain in the early Middle Ages (1979) and see the review by Peter Linehan in English Historical Review 97 (1982) 116-9. R. Bulliet, Conversion to Islam in the Mediaeval Period (1979) R.W. Southern, Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages (1978) esp. ch.1. M. Diaz y Diaz, 'La circulation des manuscrits dans le Peninsule Iberique du VIIIe au Xie siècle', Cahiers de civilisation medievale 12 (1969) J. van Herwaarden, 'Origins of the cult of St James of Compostela', Journal of Mediaeval History 6 (1980) R.A. Fletcher, St James's Catapult (1984) chs. 1,3. J. Vicens Vives, Economic History of Spain (trans. 1974) R. Collins, 'Law and charters in 9th and 10th century Leon and Catalonia', English Historical Review 100 (1985) ------------, 'Visigothic law and regional custom in disputes in early mediaeval Spain' in The Settlement of Disputes in Early Mediaeval Europe ed. Wendy Davies and Paul Fouracre (Cambridge, 1986) pp. 85104. ------------, 'The Basques in Aquitaine and Navarre' in J.C. Holt ed. War, Government and Society in the Middle Ages (Ipswich, 1984) -------------, 'Charles the Bald and Wifrid the Hairy' in M. Gibson and J. Nelson (eds.), Charles the Bald, Court and Kingdom (Oxford, 1981) pp. 169-89 -------------, 'Literacy and the laity in early mediaeval Spain' in The Uses of Literacy in Early Mediaeval Europe ed. R. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1990) pp. 109-133. W. Montgomery Watt, A History of Islamic Spain (Edinburgh, 1965) Hugh Kennedy, The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates (London, 1986) P.K. Hitti, History of the Arabs (London, 1971 10th ed.), chaps. 24-28 H. Livermore, The Origins of Spain and Portugal (London, 1971) Kenneth Baxter Wolf, Christian Martyrs in Muslim Spain (Cambridge, 1988) P. Freeman, The Origins of Peasant Servitude in medieval Catalonia (1991) R. Collins, The Basques (Oxford, 1986) -----------, The Arab Conquest of Spain 710-797 (Oxford, 1989) -----------, 'Spain, the northern kingdoms and the Basques, 711-910' in R. McKitterick (ed.) The New Cambridge Medieval History II c.700-c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 272-90, ----------- and H. Kennedy, 'The Muslims in Europe' ibid pp. 249-271. R. Collins, Law, Culture and Regionalism in early Medieval Spain (Aldershot 1992) J.C. Cavadini, The Last Christology of the West. Adoptionism in Spain and Gaul 785-820 (Philadelphia, 1993) R. Walker, Views of transition. Liturgy and illumination in Medieval Spain (London and Toronto, 1998)


BURGUNDIANS Sources The Burgundian Code trans. Katherine Fischer Drew (Philadelphia, 1972)

Secondary L. Musset, The Germanic Invasions, (London, 1977), 54-66. M. Chaume, Les origines du duché de Bourgogne (Dijon, 1925) G. Kohler, Die Bekehrung der Burgunden zum Christentum', Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 58 (1938)227-43. O. Perrin, Les Borgondes (Neuchatel, 1968) Louis Blondel, 'Le prieure Saint-Victor, les débuts du christianisme et la royauté burgonde de Génève, Bulletin de la société d'Histoire et d'archéologique de Génève 11 (1958), 211-58. 11 (1958) Marcel Beck, 'Bemerkungen zur Geschichte des ersten Burgundeenreiches', Schweizersche Zeitscrift für Geschichte 13 (1963), 433-534. Ian Wood, 'Ethnicity and the ethnogenesis of the Burgundians', in Typen der Ethnogenese unter besonderer Berücksicchtigung der Bayern I, ed. Herwig Wolfram and Walter Pohl, Denkschriften der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenshaften, Phil-Hist. K1.201 (Vienna, 1990), 53-70. J. Durliat, 'Le salaire de la paix sociale dans les royaumes barbares (V-VI siècles)', inAnerkennung und Intergration ed. Herwig Wolfram and Andreas Schwarz, , Denkschriften der Österreichsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil. Hist. K1. 193 (Vienna, 1988) pp. 21-72. **** Durliat's arguments are conveniently summarized by Walter Goffart in English in his contribution to this same volume:, pp. 73-85. D. Boyson, 'Romano-Burgundian society in the age of Gundobad', Nottingham Medieval Studies 32 (1988), pp. 91-118 Ian Wood, 'Clermont and Burgundy: 511-534', Nottingham Medieval Studies (1988) pp.119-25 Patrick Amory, 'The meaning and purpose of ethnic terminology in the Burgundian laws', Early Medieval Europe 1 (1993) 1-28 Frederick S. Paxton, 'Power and the power to heal. The cult of St Sigismund of Burgundy', Early Medieval Europe 2 (1993) 95-110 M. Innes ‘Land, Freedom, and the Making of the Medieval West’ Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (2006)


ALEMANS Source Laws of the Alemans and Bavarians trans. T. Rivers (Philadelphia, 1977) Ammianus Marcellinus trans. J.C. Rolfe and abridged version in Penguin Classic, trans. A.Wallace-Hadrill

Secondary R. McKitterick, The Carolingians and the Written Word (Cambridge, 1989) 65-9, 77-89. L. Musset, The Germanic Invasions, 80-3. Die historische Landschaft zwischen Lech und Vogesen. Forschungen und Fragen zur (Augsburg, 1988) gesamtalemannishen Geschichte, ed. Pankraz Fried and Wolf-Dieter Sick a collection of useful essays on aspects of early mediaeval Alemannia, in Germany. M. Todd, The Early Germans (2nd edn. Oxford 1992) Ian Wood (ed), Franks and Alamanni in the Merovingian Period: An Ethnographic Perspective (1996)


VANDALS Sources C.D. Gordon, The Age of Attila (1960) C. Courtois et al, ed., Tablettes Albertini (1952) Procopius, Bellum Vandalicum (Text with English translation in Loeb ed. Jordanes, Gothic History, trans. C.C. Mierow Victor of Vita, History of the Vandal Persecution trans. John Moorhead (Liverpool, 1992)

Secondary A.H. Merrills (ed.), Vandals, Romans and Berbers. New Perspectives on Late Antique North Africa (2004): important essay collection. J. Moorhead, The Roman Empire Divided 400-700 (2001), 49-60 Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward-Perkins and Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume XIV Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000), chapter 20. The Cambridge History of Africa II ed. J.D. Fage, (Cambrige, 1978) pp. 410-89, 556-63. J.H.W.G. Liebeschuetz, ‘Gens into regnum: the Vandals’, in H.-W. Goetz, J. Jarnut and W. Pohl (eds), Regna and Gentes. The Relationship between Late Antique and Early Medieval Peoples and Kingdoms (2003), pp. 55-83 Morris Rosenblum, Luxorius, a Latin poet among the Vandals (1961) C. Courtois, Victor de Vita et son oeuvre (1954) -------------, Les Vandales et l'Afrique (Paris, 1955) Ludwig Schmidt, Histoire des Vandales (1953) W.H.C. Frend, 'The Vandals and Africa', Journal of Roman Studies 46 (1956) Lucien Musset, The Germanic Invasions (1976) H. -J. Diesner, Das Vandalesenreich (Stuttgart, 1966) Frank M. Clover, 'The symbiosis of Romans and Vandals in Africa', in Das Reich und die Barbaren,ed. Evangelos Chrysos and Andreas Schwarcz (Cologne and Vienna, 1989) pp.57-74. ------------------, Carthage, Romans and Vandals, (Aldershot 1994)


LOMBARDS Sources Paul the Deacon, History of the Lombards trans. W. Dudley Foulke (Philadelphia, 1974 repr. of 1904 ed.) Liber Pontificalis ed. L. Duschesne, trans. into English to A.D. 715 as The Book of the Pontiffs into English by Raymond Davis (Liverpool, 1989) and The Eighth Century Popes (Liverpool 1992) and The Ninth Century Popes (Liverpool 1995) The Lombard Laws trans. Katherine Fischer Drew (Philadelphia, 1973) Monks, bishops and pagans, trans. Edward Peters (Philadelphia, 1975) which includes Jonas of Bobbio's Life of Columbanus and Paul the Deacon's Poems in honour of St.Benedict, as well as extracts from the Life of St. Barbatus.

Secondary See also the works listed under Carolingian Italy following this bibliography. C. La Rocca (ed.), Italy in the Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 2002) Chris Wickham, Early Medieval Italy (London, 1982) ------------------, The Mountains and the City. The Tuscan Appenines in the early middle ages (Oxford, 1988) Thomas Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders vols. V and VI (Oxford, 1916) Peter Llewellyn, Rome in the Dark Ages (London, 1972; reprint 1995) Thomas F.X. Noble, The Republic of St Peter, the birth of the papal state 680-825 (Philadelphia, 1984) Walter Goffart, The narrators of Barbarian History (Princeton, 1988) C.R. Bruhl, 'Zentral-und Finanzverwaltung im Franken und im Langobardenreich', Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di studi sull-Alto Medioevo, 20 (1972), 61-94. Jorg Jarnut, Prosopografische und sozial geschichtliche Studien zum Langbobardenreich in Italien(Bonn, 1972) G. Fasoli, I Longobardi in Italia (Bologna, 1965) O. Bertolini, Scritti scelti, (Livorno, 1968) D.A. Bullough, 'The Ostrogothic and Lombard kingdoms', D. Talbot Rice ed., The Dark Ages (London, 1965) 167-74, is succinct and valuable. I. Kiszely, The Anthropology of the Lombards (London, 1979) D. Bullough, 'The writing office of the dukes of Spoleto in the eighth century', in D. Bullough ed., The Study of Mediaeval Records (Oxford, 1971) pp. 1-21. Chris Wickham, 'Land disputes and their social framework in Lombard-Carolingian Italy 700-900', in The Settlement of Disputes in Early Mediaeval Europe ed. Wendy Davies and Paul Fouracre (Cambridge, 1986) Ross Balzaretti, 'The monastery of Saint Ambrogio and dispute settlement in early medieval Milan', Early Medieval Europe 3 (1994) 1-18. Chris Wickham, Land and Power. Studies in Italian and European Social History, 400-1200 (Rome and London, 1994) Richard Hodges (ed.), San Vincenzo al Volturno 1 (Rome 1993) II (Rome, 1995) P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I: c. 500-c. 700 (Cambridge, 2005), chapter 6 by Moorhead P. Delogu, 'Lombard and Carolingian Italy', in R. McKitterick (ed.) The New Cambridge Medieval History II c.700-c.900 Cambridge 1995) pp. 290-319 and Tom Brown, 'Byzantine Italy, c. 680c.876' in ibid, pp. 320-348 Neil Christie, The Lombards (Oxford, 1995) N.Everett, Literacy in Lombard Italy c. 568-774 (Cambridge, 2003) T.S. Brown, Early Medieval Italy 600-1216 (2004) See also the chapter on Paul the Deacon in R. McKitterick History and Memory in the Caroingian World (2007)


BYZANTINE ITALY AND THE PAPACY TO 751 Sources Ravenna Papyri ed. J.O. Tjäder, Die nichtliterarischen Papyri Italiens aus der Zeit 445-700, 3 vols. (Lund und Stockholm, 1955-82) Liber Pontificalis ed. L. Duchesne (Paris, 1886), trans. R. Davis as The Book of the Pontiffs (Liverpool 1989, rev ed 2000), The Lives of the Eighth-Century Popes (Liverpool, 1992) and The Lives of the Ninth-Century Popes (Liverpool, 1995) D.M. Deliyannis (trans.), Agnellus of Ravenna. The Book of Pontiffs of the Church of Ravenna (Washington D.C., 2004) See also the list in T.S. Brown's Gentlemen and Officers (Rome, 1984), pp. 228-31. Liutprand of Cremona, Works (Legatio, Gesta Ottonis, Antapodosis) trans. F.A. Wright (London, 1930) – reprinted by Everyman with an introduction by John Julius, Norwich J.B. Bury (ed.), The imperial administration in the ninth century, British Academy Supplemental Papers 1 (1911) Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De administrando imperii (ed.) G Moravcsik and trans. R.J.H. Jenkins (Budapest, 1949) with commentary by R.H.J. Jenkins (London, 1962) C Mango and R Scott (tr), The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor (Oxford, 1997)

Secondary General and relations with Byzantium C. La Rocca (ed.), Italy in the Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 2002) Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward Perkins and Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XIV - Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000), chapters 19 (Italy) and 27 (The definition and enforcement of orthodoxy). T.S. Brown, 'Byzantine Italy, c.680-c.876' in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge 1995), pp. 320-348 Peter Classen, Karl der Grosse, das Papsttum und Byzanz, (Sigmaringen, 1985 reprint from 1965) T.S. Brown, Gentlemen and Officers: imperial administration and aristocratic power in Byzantine Italy A.D. 554-800 (Rome, 1984) --------------, 'The interplay between Rome and Byzantine traditions and local sentiment in the exarchate of Ravenna', in Settimane di Studio del centro Italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo 34 (1988) T.S. Brown Early Medieval Italy 600-1216 (2004) J. Howard-Johnson (ed.), Byzantium and the west ca. 850-ca.1200 (Amsterdam, 1988) (contains a number of useful essays particularly by Brown, Buckton and Leyser) A. Guillou, Regionalisme et Independence dans L'empire byzantin au VII siècle de l'Exarchat et de la Pentapole d'Italie (Rome, 1969) G. Cavallo et al., I. Byzantini in Italia (Milan, 1982) Chris Wickham, Early Mediaeval Italy (1981) Thomas F.X. Noble, The Republic of St. Peter (1984) Otto Mazal, Byzanz und das Abendland (Graz, 1981) W. Ohnsorge, Abendland und Byzanz (1958) P.E. Schramm and F. Mütherich, Denkmale der deutschen Könige und Kaiser (Stuttgart, 1962) K. Weitzmann, 'Various aspects of Byzantine influence on the Latin Countries from the sixth to the twelfth century', Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966) O. Demus, 'The role of Byzantine art in Europe', in Byzantine Art - An European Art (ed. Demus) Robert Folz, The Concept of Empire in western Europe from the fifth to the fourteenth centuries trans. S.A. Ogilvie (1969) Judith Herrin, The Formation of Christendom (1988) Michael McCormick, 'Byzantium and the West, 700-900' in R. McKitterick (ed.) The New Cambridge Medieval History II, c.700-c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 349-82 C Wickham ‘Ninth-Century Byzantium through Western Eyes’ in L Brubacker (ed) Byzantium in the Ninth Century – Dead or Alive? (Aldershot, 1998)

Pope Gregory the Great R A Markus Gregory the Great and His World (Cambridge, 1996) – an excellent account of a central figure P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I: c. 500-c. 700 (Cambridge, 2005), chapter 25 on the church and papacy. M. Dal Santo ‘Gregory the Great and Eustratius of Constantinople’, Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.3 (2009) pp. 421-57 – incredibly important.


OSTROGOTHS AND LOMBARDS Studies of Continuity and Discontinuity with Rome (a) On Lombards and Papal Rome: see T.F.X. Noble, The Republic of St. Peter (1984) and on Rome itself, R. Krautheimer, Rome, Profile of a City 312-1308 (1980); reissued 2000. (b) The Cities D.A. Bullough, 'Social and economic structure and topography of the early mediaeval city' in Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull-alto medioevo (1973) 351-99. P.A. Fevrier, 'Towns in the Western Mediterranean' in M.W. Barley, European Towns: their archaeology and early history (1977) 315-42 (This volume has many useful articles on the survival and/or destruction of Roman cities). See also pp. 475-84 on towns in northern Italy. D.A. Bullough, 'Urban change in early medieval Italy: the example of Pavia'. Papers of the British School at Rome 34 (1966) 82-131. B. Ward-Perkins, 'Luni: the decline and abandonment of a Roman town' in H.M. Blake et. al., Papers in Italian Archaeology I (London, 1978). See also B. Ward-Perkins, From Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages (1985). A. Guillou, 'Production and profits in the Byzantine of Italy', Dumbarton Oaks Papers 28 (1974) 89-109. D. Harrison, The early state and the towns: forms of integration in Lombard Italy AD 568-774 (Lund, 1993) N Christie and S T Loseby (eds) Towns in Transition, Urban Evolution in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Aldershot, 1996) – useful material on the question of urban continuity J.M. Smith (ed.), Early Medieval Rome and the Christian West (Leiden, 2000): includes essays on the archaeology of Rome. (c) Society and Law E. Levy, Western Roman Vulgar: the law of Property (1951) D. Herlihy, Land, family and women in Continental Europe 701-1200. Traditio 18 (1962) 89-120. C.E. Boyd, Tithes and Parishes in Mediaeval Italy (1952) J. Matthews, 'Continuity in a Roman Family: the Rufii Festii of Volsinii',Historia 16(1967)484-509 B.L. Twyman, 'Aetius and the aristocracy', Historia 19 (1970) 480-503 F.M. Clover 'The family and early career of Anicius Olybrius', Historia 27 (1978) M. McCormick, 'Odoacer, the Emperor Zeno and the Rugian victory legation', Byzantion47 (1977) 212-22. (d) Government and administration W.G. Sinnigen, 'Comites consistoriani in Ostrogothic Italy' Classica et Mediaevali 24 (1963)158-65 and (1965) 456-67. idem., 'Administrative shifts of competence under Theodoric', Traditio 21 D.A. Bullough, 'The writing office of the Lombard dukes of Spoleto in the eighth century', in D.A. Bullough ed., The Study of Mediaeval Records (1971) 1-21. C. Wickham, 'Land disputes and their social framework in Lombard and Carolingian Italy', in W. Davies and P. Fouracre ed., The Settlement of Disputes in early Mediaeval Europe (Cambridge, 1986), 105-24. E.A. Thompson chaps. 3,4,5 on Italy in Romans and Barbarians (1982) T.S. Brown Gentlemen and Officers. Imperial administration and aristocractic power in Byzantine Italy (British School at Rome 1984) and his article in the English Historical Review 94 (1979) 1-28


THE FRANKS TO 751 Sources A.C. Murray, From Rome to Merovingian Gaul: A Reader (Peterborough, Ontario, 2000) Gregory of Tours, Decem Libri Historiarum (trs. as History of the Franks by Lewis Thorpe in Penguin --------------------, Historiae trans. L.Thorpe --------------------, Lives of the Fathers trans. Edward James (Liverpool, 1985) --------------------, Glory of the Confessors, trans. R.van Dam (Liverpool, 1988) --------------------, Glory of the Martyrs, trans. R.van Dam (Liverpool, 1988) J.N. Hillgarth, Christianity and Paganism 350-750. The conversion of western Europe 350750 (1986) J. McNamara (trans.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (1992) P. Fouracre and R. Gerberding, Later Merovingian France (Manchester, 1996) T.F.X. Noble and Thomas Head, Soldiers of Christ. Saint and Saints' Lives from late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages (Philadelphia, 1995) E. Peters ed. Monks, bishops, pagans: Christian Culture in Gaul and Italy 500-700 (1975) C. de Clerq, Concilia Galliae 511-695 or (with Fr. trans.) Les canons des conciles merovingiens (VIVIIe siècles) ed. J. Gaudemet and B. Basdevant, Sources Chrètiennes 353,354. Fredegar, The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar and its Continuations ed. and trans. J.M. Wallace Hadrill (1968) Anon, Liber Historiae Francorum trans. B. Bachrach; also R. Gerberding, The Rise of the Carolingians (1987) G. Krusch and W. Levison (eds.), Many Merovingian saints lives in MGH SS rerum Merovingicarum J. McNamara trans. Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham and London U.S., 1992) P. Lauer & C. Samaran, Les diplomes merovingiens facsimile ed. of the royal charters. See also A. Bruckner (ed.) Chartae Latinae Antiquiores vols. XVII following. Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters and poems trans. W.B. Anderson. Salvian, On the Governance of God trans. E.M.Sandford (1930) F.R. Hoare trans. The Western Fathers (Live of St. Martin, Honoratus of Arles and Germanus of Auxuerre) J.N. Hillgarth, The Conversion of Western Europe 350-750 (new ed. 1985) W. Klingshsirn, Caesarius of Arles. Life, Testament and Letters (Liverpool 1994) P. Fouracre and R. Gerberding, Later Merovingian France (Manchester, 1996) D. Shanzer and I. Wood (trans), Avitus of Vienne. Letters and Selected Prose (Liverpool, 2002)

Political History P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I: c. 500-c. 700 (Cambridge, 2005), chapters 8 and 14 C.E. Stevens, Sidonius Apollinaris and his age (1933) L. Musset, The Germanic Invastions (1975) J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Long Haired kings and other studies in Frankish History (1962) Fifth Century Gaul: A Crisis of Identity? ed. John Drinkwater and Hugh Elton (Cam., 1992) Samuel Dill, Roman Society in Gaul in the Merovingian Age (1926) I.N. Wood, 'Kings, kingdom and consent' in P. Sawyer and I.N. Wood. (ed.), Early Mediaeval Kingship (1977) J.R. Nelson, 'Queens as Jezebels: the careers of Brunhild and Balthild in Merovingian history' in D. Baker (ed.), Medieval Women (1978) H. Fischer, 'The belief in the continuity of the Roman Empire among the Franks of the fifth and sixth centuries', Catholic Historical Review 4 (1924) 536-555. M. Silber, The Gallic royalty of the Merovingian Franks in its relationship to the Orbis terrarum Romanus (1971) W. Goffart, 'Byzantine policy in the west under Tiberius II and Maurice: the pretenders Hermenigild and Gundovald 579-585, in Speculum 51 (1976) pp. 381-410. R. Collins, 'Theodebert I Rex magnus Francorum' in C. P. Wormald (ed.), Ideal and reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society (1983) I.N. Wood, 'The ecclesiastical politics in Merovingian Clermont' in Ibid. see also the Frankish Church Bibliography -------------, The Merovingian North Sea (Alingsas, 1985) -------------, The Merovingian kingdoms 450-751 (London 1993) ------------- and J. Harries(eds.), The Theodosian Code (London, 1994)


J. Harries, Sidonius Appollinaris and the fall of Rome (London, 1995) A.C. Murray, 'Immunity, nobility and the edict of Paris', Speculum 69 (1994) pp. 18-39 W. Daly, 'Clovis: how barbaric, how pagan?' Speculum 69 (1994) pp. 619-664 P. Geary, Before France and Germany (Oxford, 1988) Mark Spencer, 'Dating the baptism of Clovis, 1886-1993', Early Medieval Europe 3 (1994) 97-117 Judith W. George, Venantius Fortunatus. A Poet in Merovingian Gaul (1992) T. F. X. Noble (ed.), From Roman Provinces to Medieval Kingdoms (2006): Part III on Merovingian Gaul. P. Fouracre The Age of Charles Martel (London, 2000)

Merovingian Government and administration H. Ebling, Prosopographie der Amtsträger des Merowingerreiches (Munich, 1974) B. Bachrach, Merovingian Military Organization 481-751 (1972) A.R. Lewis, 'The dukes in the Regnum francorum 550-751' in Speculum 51 (1976) K. Fischer Drew, 'The barbarian kings as law givers and judges' in R.S. Hoyt ed. Life and thought in the early middle ages (1967) C. P. Wormald, Lex scripta and verbum regis in Sawyer and Wood (eds.), Early Medieval kingship (1977) F.D. Gillard, 'The senators of sixth century Gaul' Speculum 54 (1979) I.N. Wood, 'Disputes in late fifth and sixth century Gaul: some problems' and P. Fouracre 'Plactia and the settlement of disputes in late Merovingian Francia' both articles in W. Davies and P.Fouracre (ed.), The settlement of disputes in early medieval Europe (1986) Roger Collins, Early Medieval Europe 300-1000 (London, 1991)

Gregory of Tours and the Merovingian Church Walter Goffart, The Narrators of Barbarian History (Princeton, 1988) Giselle de Nie, Views from a many windowed tower (Amsterdam, 1986) P. Brown, Relics and Social Status in the Age of Gregory of Tours Stenton Lecture, Reading in 1976 repr. in P. Brown, Society and the Holy in late Antiquity (1982) -----------, The Cult of the Saints (1981) J.A. Corbett, 'The saint as patron in Gregory of Tours in Journal of Medieval History 7 (1981) G. de Nie, 'Roses in January: a neglected dimension of Gregory of Tours 'Journal of Medieval History 5 (1979) 258-89 Edward James 'Beati pacifici; Bishops and the law in sixth century Gaul' in J. A. Bossy (ed.), Disputes and settlements: law and human relations in the west (1983) 25-46. C. Stancliffe, St. Martin and his Hagiographer (Oxford, 1983) M. Viellard Troekouroff, Les monuments religieux de la Gaule d'apres les oeuvres de Gregoire de Tours (1976) J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Frankish Church (Oxford, 1983) I.N. Wood, 'Early medieval devotion' in Studies in Church History (1979) H. Clarke and M. Brennan (eds.), Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism (Oxford, 1981) an important collection of essays. H.J.G. Beck, The pastoral care of souls in S.E. France during the sixth century (1950) W. Klingshirn, Caesarius of Arles (Cambridge, 1993) Y. Hen, Religion and Culture in Merovingian Gaul (Leiden, 1995) R. van Dam, Saints and their miracles in late antique Gaul (Princeton,1993) --------------, Leadership and community in late antique Gaul (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1985) R. Le Jan, ‘Convents, violence, and competition for power in seventh-century Francia’, in M. de Jong and F. Theuw (eds), Topographies of Power in the Early Middle Ages (2001), 243-69 K. Mitchell and I. Wood (eds), The World of Gregory of Tours (2002)

The regions of Gaul M.Rouche, L'Aquitaine des Wisigoths aux Arabes 418-781 (1979) P. Geary, Aristocracy in Provence (1985) E. James, The Merovingian Archaeology of Southwest Gaul (1977) A. Joris, 'On the edge of two worlds in the heart of the new Empire: the romance regions of Northern Gaul during the Merovingian period', Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 3 (1966) E. James, 'Septimania and its frontier' in: E.James (ed.), Visigothic Spain: New approaches (Oxford, 1982) H. Wolfram, 'The shaping of the early medieval principality as a type of non-royal rulership', in Viator 2


(1971) 33-51 many authors: Caratteri del secolo VII in occidente Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo 5 (Spoleto, 1958) articles - French, German, Italian and English many leading scholars and comparre vol 19 devoted to studies on the eighth century.

Economy and society E. James, The origins of France (1982) has some very useful chapters and follow up his references. W. Goffart, 'Old and new in Merovingian taxation' in Past and Present 96 (1982) 3-21. F. Gasnault, 'Documents compatables du VIIe siecle provenant de Saint-Martin de Tours', in Francia 2 (1974), pp. 1-18. G Halsall (ed), Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West (New York, 1998) M Innes, State and Society in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1999) C. Wickham, Framing the Early Middle Ages. Europe and the Mediterranean, 400-800 (Oxford, 2005): Merovingian Francia is included among the case studies discussed.

Settlement and towns E. James, 'Cemeteries and the problem of Frankish settlement in Gaul' in P. Sawyer (ed.), Names, Word and Graves:Early Medieval Settlement (Leeds, 1979) C. Verlinden 'Frankish Colonization: a new approach', TRHS 5th ser. 4 (1954) M. Barley (ed.), European Towns: their archaeology and early history (1977) E. Ewig, 'Residence et capitale dans l'occident barbare du haut moyen age' in Ewig, Gesammelte Schriften. This article has been partially translated in S. Thrupp (ed.), Early Medieval Society (1969) E. James, The Franks (Oxford, 1988) G. Halsall, Settlement and social organisation: the Merovingian Region of Metz (Cambridge,1995) W. Davies and P. Fouracre (eds.) Power and Property in early medieval Europe (Cambridge, 1995) Ian Wood, Franks and Alamanni in the Merovingian Period: An Ethnographic Perspective (1998) N Christie and S T Loseby (eds.), Towns in Transition, Urban Evolution in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 1999) G. Brogiolo, N. Gauthier and N. Christie, Towns and their Territories between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Transformation of the Roman World, 9 (Leiden, 2000)

Culture J. Hubert, Europe in the Dark Ages (1969) R. McKitterick, 'The scriptoria of merovingian Gaul: a survey of the evidence' in H. Clarke and M. Brennan, Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism P. Riché, Education and Culture in the Barbarian West, ss. V-VIII, trans. J.J. Contreni (Columbia S. Carolina, 1976) Y Hen, Culture and Religion in Merovingian Gaul A D 481-751 (Leiden, 1995)



The church in late antiquity (see also reading lists from Dr. Kelly's lectures)

P.R.L. Brown, The world of Late Antiquity (1971); Augustine of Hippo (1962); Religion and Society in the age of Saint Augustine (1972); Society and the holy in late Antiquity (1982); The Cult of the Saints (1981) J.N.D. Kelly, Jerome (1975) D.J. Chitty, The Desert in a City (1966) H. Chadwick, The early church (1962) John Matthews, Western Aristocracies and imperial court 364-425 (Oxford, 1975) Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward Perkins and Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XIV - Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000): chapters 24-27, covering the organisation of the church, monasticism, holy men and the definition of orthodoxy.

Useful Collections of sources James Stevenson, The New Eusebius (1965, rev. ed. 1987) --------------------, Creeds, Councils and Controversies 337-461 (1966, rev. ed. 1989) F. H. Hoare, The western Fathers (1954) R. van Dam, Saints and their miracles in late antique Gaul (Princeton, 1993) --------------, Leadership and community in late antique Gaul (Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1985)

2. The Merovingian Church J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Frankish Church (1983) but see the reviews by Markus (EHR) 1984 R. McKitterick (JTS 1985) and Nelson (J. Ecc. Hist. 1986) Ian Wood, 'The ecclesiastical politics of Merovingian Clermont' in C.P. Wormald (ed.), Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society (1983) pp. 34-57 H.G.J. Beck, The Pastoral Care of Souls in South east Gaul in sixth century (Rome, 1950) Ralph Mathisen, Ecclesiastical Controversy in Gaul in ss. V and VI (1989) William Klingshirn, Caesarius of Arles (1993) Edward James, The Origins of France (useful section on bishops (London, 1982)) Disputes -----------------, 'Beati Pacifici: Bishops and the law in sixth-century Gaul' in J. Bossy (ed.), and Settlements: Law and human relations in the west (1983) H.G. Beck, History of the Church II The Imperial Church from Constantine to the early middle ages (1980) W. Ullmann, 'Public welfare and social legislation in the early medieval councils', Studies in Church history 7 (1971) P. Fouracre, 'Audoenus of Rouen and Eligius of Noyon and the extension of episcopal influcence from town to countryside in seventh century Neustria' Studies in Church History 16 (and see also the articles by Wood and Stancliffe in the same volume. H. Clarke and M. Brennan (eds.), Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism (1981) an important collection of essays by various authors.

SEE ALSO the bibliographies below on the Carolingian Church, and the Papacy and the Franks.



Sources as above. R Davis (tr), The Lives of the Ninth-Century Popes (Liverpool, 1995) P. Fouracre and R. Gerberding, Later Merovingian France (Manchester,1996) J. McNamara (trans.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (1992) T.F.X. Noble and T. Head (trans.), Soldiers of Christ. Saints and Saints' Lives from late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages (Philadelphia, 1995) T. Head (ed.), Medieval Hagiography. An Anthology (New York, 2000)

Secondary Peter R.L. Brown, The Cult of the Saints (Chicago 1981) ---------------------, 'The rise and function of the holy man in late antiquity', Journal of Roman Studies 61 (1971) pp. 80-101, reprinted in Peter R.L. Brown, Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity (London, 1982) Brown’s work needs to be revised in the light of: J D Howard-Johnston and P A Hayward (ed), The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Oxford, 1999) and M. Dal Santo ‘Gregory the Great and Eustratius of Constantinople: The Dialogues on the Miracles of the Italian Fathers as an Apology for the Cult of the Saints’, Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.3 (2009) pp. 421-457. P. Fouracre, 'Merovingian History and Merovingian Hagiography', Past and Present 1990 P. Fouracre and R. A. Gerberding, Late Merovingian France: History and Hagiography 640-720 (Manchester, 1996): introduction includes an excellent discussion of hagiography. I. Wood, 'The Vita Columbani and Merovingian hagiography', Peritia 1 (1982) (plus other articles) Review article on recent work on saints and hagiography: Julia M.H. Smith, in Early Medieval Europe 1 (1992) P.Riché ed., L'Hagiographie (Paris, 1982) T. Head, Hagiography and the Cult of Saint. The diocese of Orleans 800-1200 (Cambridge, 1990) M. Heinzelmann (ed.), Manuscrits Hagiographiques et travail des Hagiographes, Beihefte der Francia 24 (1992) David Rollason, Saints and relics in Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford, 1989) John Kitchen, Saints' lives and the Rhetoric of Gender (New York & Oxford, 1998) S. Sticca (ed.), Saints. Studies in Hagiography (Binghampton, 1996) J. Crook, The Architectural Setting of the Cult of Saints in the Early Christian West, c. 300-c. 1200 (Oxford, 2000) J. M. H. Smith (ed), Rome and the Early Medieval West (Leiden, 2000)

C. Rapp Holy Bishops in Late Antiquity (Berekeley, 2005)


THE EMERGENCE OF THE CAROLINGIANS Sources Alcuin, Vita Willibrordi, trans. C. Talbot, The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (London 1954) Fredgar, Continuations (ed. and trans. J.M. Wallace-Hadrill) Liber Historiae Francorum trans. B. Bachrach or R. Gerberding, in The Rise of the Carolingian (Oxford, 1987) Royal Frankish Annals, trans. B. Scholz in Carolingian Chronicles Einhard, Life of Charlemagne, trans. Lewis Thorpe in Penguin and P. Dutton, Charlemagne's Courtier (Peterborough, Ont., 1999) Clausula de unctione Pippini trans. (Fr.) Riché, Textes et documents Ve-Xe siècle (1974) trans. (English) in B. Pullan (ed.), Sources for the History of Medieval Europe (1966) See also his translation of the relevant extracts from the Annales mettenses priores Donation of Constantine trans. English B.Pullan op.cit. P. Fouracre and R. A. Gerberding, Late Merovingian France: History and Hagiography 640-720 (Manchester, 1996), including extracts from LHF, life of Geretrud, and the Annales mettenses priores. Charters of Pippin in MGH Diplomata I (no translation) L. Duchesne Liber Pontificalis see now the translations of Raymond Davis (see under The Popes below) P. Dutton, Carolingian Civilization (Peterborough, Ont., 1994, 2nd ed. 2004) P.D. King, Charlemagne. Translated Sources (Kendall, 1987)

Charles Martel and Pippin III R. McKitterick, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians (London, 1983) chs. 2 and 3. W. Levison, England and the Continent in the Eighth century (Oxford, 1946) E. Freeman, Western Europe in the Eighth century (Oxford, 1904) T. Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders (Oxford, 1898) P. Geary, Before France and Germany (Oxford, 1989) R. Gerberding, The Rise of the Carolingians (Oxford, 1987) ** articles in French and German in Francia 3 (1975) and 4 (1976) on Pippin III. Ian Wood, The Merovingian kingdoms 450-751 (London, 1993) Marios Costambeys, 'An aristocratic community on the northern Frankish frontier 690-726', Early Medieval Europe 3 (1994) 39-62. P. Fouracre, 'Frankish Gaul to 814' in R. McKitterick (ed.) The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 85-109 R. McKitterick, 'England and the Continent', in ibid., pp. 64-83 R McKitterick ‘The Illusion of Royal Power in the Carolingian Annals’ in English Historical Review CXV (2000) pp 1-20 R. McKitterick, ‘Constructing the past in the early middle ages: the case of the Royal Frankish Annals’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 7 (1997), 101-29 P. Fouracre, The Age of Charles Martel (London, 2000) --------------, ‘The long shadow of the Merovingians’, in J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005), 5-21 R. McKitterick, History and Memory in the Carolingian World (Cambridge, 2004), chapters 1, 4 and 5.

Ecclesiastical Policy A. Dierkens, Abbayes et Chapitres entre Sambre et Meuse VIIe-XIe siécles (1985) pp. 320-8 R. McKitterick, as above, Frankish Kingdoms ch. 3 Levison as above W. Levison, Aus Rheinsicher und Fränkischer Frühzeit (1948) J. Semmler, 'Pippin III und die fränkischen Kloster Francia 3 (1975) 88-146 T. Reuter (ed.), The Greatest Englishman (Exeter, 1980) esp. Reuter's own essay.

Administration and economy J. Lafaurie, 'Numismatique: des merovingiens aux Carolingiens', Francia 2 (1974) pp. 26-48 P. Geary, Aristocracy in Provence (1985) P. Fouracre, 'Placita and the settlement of dispute in later Merovingian Francia', in W. Davies ed., The Settlement of disputes in early medieval Europe (1986) L. Levillain, 'Les Nibelungen historiques et leurs alliances de famille', Annales du Midi 49 (1937) 337-407


G. Tessier, La Diplomatique Royale Francaise (1962)

Conquest B.S. Bachrach, Early Carolingian Warfare-Prelude to Empire (Philadelphia, 2001) Jacques Boussard, 'L'Ouest du royaume franc aux VIIe et VIIe siècle', Journal des Savants (1973) pp. 3-27 Gabriel Fournier, 'Les campagnes de Pepin le Bref en Auvergne et la question des fortifications rurales au VIIe siècle', Francia 2 (1974) pp. 123-135. Richard Gerberding, The Rise of the Carolingians and the Liber Historiae Francorum (Oxford, 1987) S. Airlie, "Narratives of triumph and rituals of submission: Charlemagne's mastering of Baveria", Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 9 (1999), 93-120 K.L. Roper Pearson, Conflicting Loyalties in Early Medieval Bavaria: A View of Socio-Political Interaction 680-900, (Aldershot, 1999)

Language R. McKitterick, The Frankish Church and the Carolingian Reforms 789-895 (1977) pp. 184-285. F. Lot, 'A quelle Epoque a-t-on cesse de parler Latin?', Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi VI Bulletin du Cange (19??) 97-159 H.F. Muller, 'When did Latin cease to be a spoken language in France?', The Romanic Review 12 (1921) 31824. Einar Lofstedt, Late Latin (1959) Roger Wright, Late Latin and early Romance in Spain and Carolingian France (1982) ---------------- (ed.), Latin and the Romance languages in the early middle ages (London, 1991) R. McKitterick, The Carolingians and the Written Word (Cambridge, 1989) M. Banniard, 'Language and communication in Carolingian Europe', in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c. 700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 695-708

Use of writing in government F.L. Ganshof, 'The use of the written word in Charlemagne's administration' in F.L. Ganshof, The Carolingians and the Frankish monarchy (1971) A. Dumas, 'La parole et l'ecriture dans les Capitulaires carolingians' in Melanges d'histoire du Moyen age ...à Louis Halphen (Parish 111951) 209-17 (look up in U.L. under Halphen) P. Wormald, 'The uses of literacy in A-S England and neighbours' TRHS 27 (1977) R. McKitterick, The Carolingians and the Written Word (Cambridge, 1989) J.L. Nelson, 'Literacy in Carolingian government', in The Uses of Literacy in early mediaeval Europe, ed. McKitterick (Cambridge 1990) for comparison see the essays by Collins, Wood, Kelly, Keynes.

Carolingian legislation R. McKitterick, The Frankish Church and the Carolingian Reforms pp. 1-45 -----------------, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians pp. 77-106 -----------------, The Carolingians and the Written Word (Cambridge, 1989) ch.2. H. Lyon and J. Perceval, The Reign of Charlemagne (selected documents) B. Pullan, Sources for the history of Medieval Europe (ditto) R. McKitterick, 'Some Carolingian law books and their function' in B. Tierney and P. Linehan (eds.), Authority and Power. Essays presented to Walter Ullman on his 70th birthday (1981) Janet Nelson, 'Legislation and consensus in the reign of Charles the Bald' in P. Wormald (ed.), Idea and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society (Oxford, 1983) W. Davies and P. Fouracre (ed.), The Settlement of Disputes in early medieval Europe (Cambridge, 1986) esp. the essays by Ian Wood, Paul Fouracre and Janet Nelson. All the others are also of relevance. P. Riché, 'Les bibliothèques de trois aristocrates laiques' reissued in his collected papers by Variorium. Look up under Riché. F. L. Ganshof, Les Capitulaires (1954) and Frankish Institutions (1968) C P Wormald ‘Lex Scripta and Verbum Regis: Legislation and Germanic Kingship’ in P H Sawyer and I N Wood (eds) Early Medieval Kingship (Leeds, 1977)

Other uses of writing H. Lyon and J. Perceval, The Reigh of Charlemagne has a good selection of different documents e.g. notitiae, estate surveys, letters etc. as does


P.D. King, Charlemagne. Translated Sources (1987) J. Percival, 'The precursors of Domesday: Roman and Carolingian Land Registers' in P. Sawyer (ed.), Domesday Book. A Reassessment (1985) pp. 5-28. W. Goffart, Caput and Colonate: towards a history of late Roman taxation (1974) (not regarded with favour by Roman historians) G.W. Coopland, The Abbey of St. Bertin and its neighbourhood (1914) C.H. Taylor, 'Note on the Origin of the Polyptychs' Mélanges d'Histoire offerts à Henri Pirenne (1926) 47581. W. Goffart, 'Merovingian polyptychs: reflections on two recent publications', Francia 9 (1982) pp. 3-21. Brevium Exemplum trans. in Loyn and Percival, pp. 98-105 is a report, or rather, three separate reports of three types of property. Essential reading.

For comparison and discussion of many different themes D. Bullough, 'Leo ... et le gouvernement in regnum Italiae à l'époque Carolingienne', in Le Moyen Age 67 (1961) pp. 221-45. R. Collins, 'Sicut lex Gothorum continet: law and charters in ninth and tenth century Leon and Catalonia' Eng. Hist. Rev. (1985)


CAROLINGIAN ITALY Sources All the major Carolingian narrative sources, such as the Royal Frankish annals, the Annals of St. Bertin and the Annals of Fulda, include Italian events where they deem it appropriate. Similarly, all the major capitulary, conciliar and charter collections contain the material emanating from the royal chancery relating to Italy and Italian places, and some legal records relating to Italy. Some of these for the reign of Charlemagne are translated in P.D. King, Charlemagne Translated Sources (Kendal, 1987) and H. Loyn and J. Perceval The Reign of Charlemagne (London, 1974). For local Italian material there is virtually nothing available in translation for the ninth century, although there are some documents relating to economic matters in R.S. Lopez and I.W. Raymond, Medieval Trade in the Mediterranean World (London, 1955). Liutprand of Cremona's Antapodosis, trans. F.A.Wright, though written in the tenth century has much on the ninth, even if one cannot believe a lot of it. U. Westerbergh, Chronicon Salernitanum (Lund, 1956) is translated into English with a commentary, see also her Beneventan ninth-century poetry (Stockholm, 1957) with useful comments on ninth century history. D.M. Deliyannis (trans.), Agnellus of Ravenna. The Book of Pontiffs of the Church of Ravenna (Washington D.C., 2004)

Secondary C. La Rocca (ed.), Italy in the Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 2002) Chris Wickham, Early Medieval Italy. Central power and local society 400-1000 (London, 1981) E. Hlawitschka, Franken, Alemannen, Bayern und Burgunder in Oberitalien 774-962 (Freiburg, 1960) J. Fischer, Königtum, Adel and Kirche im Königreich Italien 774-875 (Bonn, 1965) P. Delogu, 'Structure politiche e ideologia nel regno di Ludovico II', Bolletino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il medio evo 80 (1968) pp. 137-89. C.J. Wickham, The Mountains and the City. The Tuscan Appenines in the early middle ages (Oxford, 1988) E.G. Ranallo, 'The bishops of Lucca from Gherard I to Gherard II (868-1003): a biographic sketch' in Atti del 5 congresso, pp. 719-35. Bryan Ward-Perkins, From Classical Antiquity to the middle Ages: urban public building in northern and central Italy A.D. 300-850 (Oxford, 1984) Peter Llewellyn, Rome in the Dark Ages (London, 1962) Donald Bullough, 'Baiuli in the Carolingian regnum Langobardorum and the career of Abbot Waldo (d. 813)', English Historical Review 77 (1962) pp. 625-37. --------------------, 'The counties of the regnum Italiae in the Carolingian period 774-888, a topographical study 1 Papers of the British School at Rome (1955) pp. 148-68 --------------------, 'Leo quid apud Hlotharium magni loci habebatur et le gouvernement du Regnum Italiae à l'époque carolingienne', Le Moyen Age 67 (1961) pp. 221-45. K.F. Drew, 'The Carolingian military frontier in Italy', Traditio 20 (1964) pp. 437-47. -------------, 'The immunity in Carolingian Italy', Speculum 37 (1962) pp. 182-97. T.F.X. Noble, 'The revolt of King Bernard of Italy', Studi Medievale 15 (1974) pp. 315-26. C.E. Odegaard, 'The Express Engelberg', Speculum 26 (1951) oo. 77-103. F.E. Engreen, 'Pope John VIII and the Arabs', Speculum 20 (1945) pp. 318-30. R. Schumann, Authority and the Commmune, Parma 833-1133 ( Parma 1973) C.E. Boyd, Tithes and Parishes in medieval Italy (Ithaca, 1952) T.F.X. Noble, The Republic of St. Peter 640-825 (Princeton, 1984) Donald Bullough, 'Urban change in early mediaeval Italy: the exaample of Pavia', Papers of the British School in Rome 34 (1966) pp. 82-131. A.Ahmad, A History of Islamic Sicily (Edinburgh, 1975) Richard Hodges and J. Mitchell, The Archaeology, Art and Territory of an early medieval monastery, B.A.R. International Series 252 (1985) with many useful studies, particularly that by Chris Wickham. Chris Wickham, 'Land disputes and their social framework in Lombard-Carolingian Italy 700-900' in The Settlement of Disputes in early mediaeval Europe, ed. Wendy Davies and Paul Fouracre (Cambridge, 1986) John Mitchell, 'Literacy displayed: the use of inscriptions at the monastery of San Vincenzo al Volturno in


the early ninth century', in The Uses of Literacy in early mediaeval Europe, (ed.) R. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1990) pp. 186-225. J.H. Hallenbeck, 'Pope Stephen III. Why was he elected?', Archivum Historiae Pontificae 12 (1974) -------------------, 'King Desiderius as surrogate "patricius romanorum": The politics of equilibrium 757-768', Studi Medievali 30 (1990), pp. 49-64. D.H. Miller, 'The Roman Revolution of the eighth century: a study of the ideological background of the papal separation from Byzantium and the alliance with the Franks', Mediaeval Studies XXXVI (1974) --------------, 'Papal Lombard relations during the pontificate of Pope Paul I: the attainment of an equilibrium of power in Italy, 756-767', Catholic Historical Review L.V. 3 (1969) David F Sefton, 'Pope Hadrian I and the fall of the kingdom of the Lombards', Catholic Historical Review LXV (1979) J.T. Hallenbeck, Pavia and Rome: the Lombard monarchy and the papacy in the eighth century (Philadelphia, 1982) Richard Hodges (ed.), San Vincenzo al Volturno I (Rome, 1993) II (Rome, 1995) Chris Wickham, Land and Power. Studies in Italian and European Social history 400-1200 (Rome and London, 1994) Ross Balzaretti, 'The monastery of Sant'Ambrogio and dispute settlement in early medieval Milan', Early medieval Europe 3 (1994) 1-18 Paolo Squatriti, 'Water, nature and culture in early medieval Lucca', Early Medieval Europe 4 (1995) Patricia Skinner, 'Women, wills and wealth in medieval southern Italy', Early Medieval Europe 2 (1993) pp. 133-152 ------------------, Family power in southern Italy (Cambridge, 1995) R. McKitterick, 'Paul the Deacon and the Franks', Early Medieval Europe 8 (1999), pp.319-340 J.M. Smith (ed.), Early Medieval Rome and the Christian West (Leiden, 2000) G.V.B. West, 'Charlemagne's involvement in Central and Southern Italy: Power and the Limits of Authority', early Medieval Europe 9, (1999), pp. 341-61. N. Christie, ‘Charlemagne and the renewal of Rome’, in J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005), 167-82

SEE ALSO the Papacy and the Franks bibliography, below


THE CAROLINGIAN EMPIRE Sources Einhard, Life of Charlemagne, trans. Lewis Thorpe ( Penguin Classic 1969) and P. Dutton, Charlemagne's Courtier (Peterborough, Ont., 1999) Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard's History of the Sons of Louis the Pious trans. B. Scholz, Carolingian Chronicles (1970) Lorsch annals - extracts trans. in P.D. King, Charlemagne. Translated Sources, (Kendal, 1986): a collection of translations of all kinds of documents; capitularies, annals, letters etc. dating from the reign of Charlemagne. A smaller set of extracts is available in H. Loyn and J. Percival, The Reign of Charlemagne (1972) See also P. Dutton, Carolingian Civilization (1993, 2nd rev ed 2004) Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa (Paderborn Epic) trans. P. Godman in Poetry of the Carolingian Renaissance (1983). See also Modoin's Ecloga also trans. P Godman, ibid. pp. 190-7 where Modoin talks of Aachen as the new Rome) Liber Pontificalis. Extracts trans. P.D. King in Charlemagne. Translated Sources, Eighth century sections in Raymond Davis. Ninth Century section also trans. by Raymond Davis (see Popes below). Divisio regnorum (806), trans. P.D. King or H. Lyon and J. Percival Ordinatio Imperii (817) trans. Brian Pullan, Sources for the History of Mediaeval Europe (1969) and in P. Dutton, Carolingian Civilization (1993, 2nd rev ed 2004) Paschasius Radbert, Vita Walae and Vita Adalhardi, lives of two of Charlemagne's cousins, important for imperial ideology, such as it was, trans.A.Cabaniss, Charlemagne's Cousins (Syracuse. 1967) Sedulius Scotus, On Christian Rulers, trans. E.G.Doyle, (Binghampton 1983) Astronomer, Life of Louis the Pious, trans. A. Cabaniss, Son of Charlemagne (Syracuse, 1965) Hincmar of Rheims, De Ordine Palatii, trans. D. Herlihy, A History of Feudalism (1970) 208-228 Annals of St. Bertin (839-882) trans. Janet Nelson (Manchester 1991) Annals of Fulda (839-911), trans. Timothy Reuter (Manchester 1992) For other sources and the availability of translations please see the Bibliography of Sources at the back of R.McKitterick, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians 751-987 (London, 1983) and R. McKitterick, The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c. 700 - c. 900 (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 86785, and the web-based source, the Internet Medieval Sourcebook (

Secondary Every book about the Carolingians includes a discussion of the coronation of Charlemagne. You may find the following useful as a sample of different approaches: R. McKitterick, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians (London, 1983) D. Bullough, The Age of Charlemagne (London, 1974) R. Folz, The Coronation of Charlemagne (1974) H. Fichtenau, The Carolingian Empire (1957) Judith Herrin, The Formation of Christendom (Princeton, 1987) p. 448 ff. J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Frankish Church (Oxford, 1983) P.E. Schramm, Kaiser, Rome und Renovatio (1951) D. Hagermann, Karl der Grosse (Munich, 2000) M. Becher, Charlemagne (New Haven, 2003): excellent short introduction J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005), 52-70: important essay collection The best collection of studies on Charlemagne remains W. Braunfels (ed.), Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben 4 vols. (Düsseldorf, 1965) which includes essays in German, French and English on all aspects of Charlemagne's reign. Note especially the essay, in German, by Peter Classen. This has now been revised and published separately as: Karl der Grosse, das Papsstum and Byzanz. Die Begrundung des karolingishen Kaisertums (Sigmaringen, 1985) The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 ed. R. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1995) includes chapters on the different regions of Western Europe as well as three thematic sections (pp. 381-848) on government and institutions, church and society, intellectual life and culture. Also on the papacy and the Franks you will find T.F.X. Noble, The Republic of St. Peter. The birth of the papal state, 680-825 (Philadelphia, 1984) very useful and replete with bibliographical references and summaries of debates by all scholars, including the German and French. For articles which summarise the coronation business the most helpful are F.L. Ganshof, The Imperial Coronation of Charlemagne. Theories and Facts (1959 and reprinted in his The Carolingians and The


Frankish monarchy (1972) and Peter Munz, The Coronation of Charlemagne in 800 (1960).


THE PAPACY AND THE FRANKS (c. 700-900) Sources The Book of Pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis) trans. Raymond Davis (Liverpool 1989, 2nd ed 2000) The Lives of the Eighth-Century Popes (Liber Pontificalis) trans. Raymond Davis (Liverpool 1992) The Lives of the Ninth-Century Popes trans. Raymond Davis (Liverpool 1995) Royal Frankish Annals trans. B. Scholz in Carolingian Chronicles (1970). Annales de St. Bertin Ed. F. Grat, trans. J. Nelson, The Annals of St Bertin (1991) Einhard, Life of Charlemagne, trans. Lewis Thorpe (Penguin Classic 1969) Codex Carolinus facs. ed. F. Unterkircher text ed. P.Jaffe, and see MGH Epp.; selections trans. P. King, Charlemagne. Translated Sources (1987), chapter 9, ‘The Caroline Code’. D.M. Deliyannis (trans.), Agnellus of Ravenna. The Book of Pontiffs of the Church of Ravenna (Washington D.C., 2004)

Secondary W. Ullmann, The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages (1960) T.F.X. Noble, The Republic of St. Peter (1984) a fine study of the growth of the papal states in the early middle ages and papal relations with the Franks to 824. P. Llewellyn, Rome in the Dark Ages (London, 1972) Jeffrey Richards, The Popes and the Papacy (London, 1979) E. Griff, 'Aux origines de l'état pontificale: Charlemagne et Hadrian 1 722-5', Bull. de littérature ecclesiastique 55 1954 and 59 1958. L. Saltel, 'La Lecture d'un texte et la critique contemporaine Bull. litt. eccles. 42 1941. Addison & Baker 'The oath of purgation of Leo III', Traditio 8 1952 R. Folz, The Coronation of Charlemagne F.L. Ganshof, The Imperial coronation of Charlemagne (1949) C.E. Odegaard, 'The Empress Engelberga' Speculum 26 (1951) F. Dvornik, Les Slavs, Byzans et Rome au ixe siècle (1926) P. Devos, 'La mysterieuse episode finale de la Vita Gregorii de Jean Diacre', Analecta Bollandiana 82 (1964) G. L'Apotre, Pape Jean VIII (1895) F.E. Engreen, 'Pope John VIII and the Arabs', Speculum 20 (1945) P. Partner, 'Notes on the lands of the Roman church in the early middle ages', Papers of the British School at Rome 21, (1966) T. Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders (1880) K. Morrison, The Two Kingdoms (Princeton, 1964) --------------, Tradition and Authority in the Western Church (Princeton, 1969) W. Ullmann, The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages (3rd ed, London, 1970) H.K. Mann, The Lives of the Popes in the early middle ages (vols 1-5, 1902-) F. Gregorovius, History of Rome (1894) N. Christie, ‘Charlemagne and the renewal of Rome’, in J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005), 167-82


THE CAROLINGIAN CHURCH Useful sources C. Talbot, The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (London, 1956) OR T. Head and T. Noble, Soldiers of Christ (1995) E.Emerton, The Letters of St. Boniface (1960; reprinted New York, 2000) M.W. Baldwin, Christianity through the thirteenth century (1970) H.Loyn and J. Percival, The Reign of Charlemagne (London, 1972) P.D. King, Charlemagne. Translated Sources (Kendal, 1987) P.E. Dutton, Carolingian Civilization (Peterborough, ON, 1993, 2nd rev ed 2004)

The Carolingian Church R. McKitterick, The Frankish Church and the Carolingian Reforms 789-895 (1977) -----------------, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians 751-987 esp. chaps 3,5,6,8,11. J.M.Wallace-Hadrill, The Frankish Church (Oxford, 1983) but see reviews as above. A. Cabaniss, Agobard of Lyons (1953) and compare his article of the same title in Speculum 26 (1951) 5076 P.R. McKeon, Hincmar of Laon and Carolingian Politics (1978) ----------------, 'Archbishop Ebbo of Rheims (816-35): a Study in the Carolingian Empire and Church Church History 43 (1974) ----------------, 'The Carolingian Councils of Savonnières (859) and Tusey and their background', Revue Benedictine 84 (1974) 75ff W. Goffart, The Le Mans Forgeries (1966) D. Herlihy, 'Church property on the European Continent 701-1208', Speculum 36 (1961) G. Constable, Monastic Tithes (1964) Chrodegang (Metz, 1966) Important articles in French on the eighth century church. M. A. Claussen, The Reform of the Frankish Church. Chrodegang of Metz and the Regula canonicorum in the eighth century (Cambridge, 2004) W. Levison, England and the Continent in the eighth century (Oxford, 1946) J. Devisse, Hincmar, archeveque de Reims 845-882 (Geneva, 1975-6) Chapters by Reynolds, Noble, de Jong and Smith in The New Cambridge Medieval History II (ed.) R.McKitterick (Cambridge, 1995) R McKitterick ‘The Illusion of Royal Power in the Carolingian Annals’ in English Historical Review CXV (2000) pp 1-20

Monographs L. Wallach, Alcuin and Charlemagne (1959) ------------, Diplomatic Studies from Latin and Greek documents from the Carolingian Age (1977) L. Levillain, L'avenement de la dynastie carolingienne et l'effondrement de l'etat franque' BEC 116, 1933, pp. 225-95 L.Halphen, Charles le Chauve (to 851 only) (Paris, 1951) ------------, Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire (1978 Eng.) F. Felten, Äbte und Laienäbte im Frankenreich (1980) Jean Chélini, L'aube du moyen age. Naissance de la chrétienté occidentale (Paris, 1991) Frederick Paxton, Christianizing Death. The creation of a ritual process in early medieval Europe (Princeton, 1990) Joseph H Lynch, Godparents and Kinship in early medieval Europe (1986) Thomas Head, Hagiography and the Cult of Saints. The diocese of Orléans 800-1200 (Cambridge, 1990) Valerie I.J. Flint, The Rise of Magic in early medieval Europe (Oxford, 1991) Religion, Culture and Society in the early middle ages. Studies in honor of Richard E. Sullivan (ed.) T.F.X. Noble and John J. Contreni (1987)


THE CAROLINGIAN EMPIRE - IDEAL, IDEOLOGY AND REALITY Sources Einhard, Life of Charles, trans. L. Thorpe (Penguin Classics) Royal Frankish Annals B. Scholz in Carolingian Chronicles (1970) Lorsch Annals (account of coronation) trans. H. Lyon and J. Percival, The reign of Charlemagne Divisio regnorum division of the kingdoms 806 trans. in ibid. pp. 91-6 Ordinatio imperii division of 817 trans. B. Pullan, Sources for the history of Medieval Europe (1966). This collection of translations also has all the relevant extracts from the sources concerning the coronation of Charlemagne in 800. Letters of Charlemagne and Lous II to the eastern Emperor trans. B. Pullan, pp. 15-17. Alcuin, Letters trans. S. Allott Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa trans. in P. Godman, Carolingian Poetry (1983) Paschasius Radbert, Life of Wala or Epitaphium Arsenii trans. A. Cabaniss, Charlemagne's Cousins Sedulius Scottus, On Christian Rulers trans. Edward Gerald Doyle (1983) Collections of sources in translation (1) ed. Paul Dutton and (2) ed. Patrick Geary.

Political Reality R. Mc Kitterick Charlemagne: The Formation of a European Identity (Cambridge, 2008) is now the fundamental study R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II : c.700 - c.900 (1995) esp. Part 1, pp. 1-343 R. McKitterick, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians 751-987 (1983) H. Fichtenau, The Carolingian Empire (1968) Louis Halphen, Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire (1947 and 1977) D. Bullough, The Age of Charlemagne (1972) Karl Leyser, Communications and Power in medieval Europe. The Carolingian and Ottonian centuries, ed. T. Reuter (1994) M. de Jong, 'Power and humility in Carolingian society: the public penance of Louis the Pious', Early Medieval Europe 1 (1992) 29-52. P. Godman and R. Collins (ed.), Charlemagne's Heir. New Perspectives on the reign of Louis the Pious (Oxford, 1990) Janet L. Nelson, Charles the Bald (London, 1993) Timothy Reuter, Germany in the early Middle Ages (London, 1992) C.R. Bowlus, Franks, Moravians and Magyars. The struggle for the Middle Danube 788-907 (Philadelphia, 1995) P. Depreux, Prosopographie de l’entourage de Louis le Pieux (781-840) (Sigmaringen, 1997): introduction on the palace followed by biographical entries for the members of Louis the Pious’s entourage. M. Innes, State and Society in the early middle ages. The Middle Rhine Valley 400-1000 (Cambridge, 2000) J. Story, Carolingian Connections: Anglo-Saxon England and Carolingian Francia c. 750-870 (2003) H. J. Hummer, Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe. Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600-1000 (Cambridge, 2005) J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005)

Political Ideology (SEE ALSO the Political Thought Bibliography) Karl Morrison, The Two Kingdoms Robert Folz, The Concept of Empire in western Europe from the fifth to the fourteenth century (1953/1969) --------------, The Coronation of Charlemagne --------------, Le souvenir et la legende de Charlemagne dans l'Empire germanique medieval (1950) W.Ullmann, The Carolingian Renaissance and the Idea of Kingship (1971) J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship in England and on the Continent (1971) J. Bak, 'Medieval Symbology of the State: P.E. Schramm's contribution', Viator 4 (1973) 33-63. T.F.X. Noble, 'The monastic ideal as a model for Empire: the case of Louis the Pious, Revue Bénédictine 86 (1976) 235-50. Janet L. Nelson, 'Kingship and empire', in Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation, ed. R.McKitterick (Cambridge, 1994) J. Burns (ed.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought (1988) C P Wormald ‘Lex Scripta and Verbum Regis: Legislation and Germanic Kingship’ in P H Sawyer and I N


Wood (eds) Early Medieval Kingship (Leeds, 1977) Y Hen and M Innes (ed) The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge, 2000) – See the piece by McKitterick

Palaces J. L. Nelson, ‘Aachen as a place of power’, in M. de Jong and F. Theuw (ed.), Topographies of Power in the Early Middle Ages (2001), pp. 217-42 R. Riché, Daily Life in the world of Charlemagne (1978) 41-7. R. Krautheimer, 'The Carolingian Revival of early Christian Architecture' Art Bulletin 24 (1942) R. Hinks, Carolingian Art (1935)

Royal portraits J.Hubert, Carolingian Art (1970) R. McKitterick 'Charles the Bald and the image of kingship in the early middle ages', History Today 38 (June 1988) p. 29-36. Donald Bullough, 'Images regum and their significance in the early medieval west', Studies in Memory of David Talbot Rice (ed.) G. Robertson and G. Henderson (1975), pp. 223-276 P. Schramm (ed.), Denkmale der deutsche Könige und Kaiser (1962) with a great many plates. P E Dutton and H L Kessler, The Poetry and Paintings of the First Bible of Charles the Bald (1997)

Coinage P. Grierson, 'Money and coinage under Charlemagne' in W.Braunfels (ed.), Karl der Grosse I Persönlichkeit und Geschichte (ed.) W. Braunfels (Düsseldorf, 1965) P. Grierson, 'The Gratia dei rex cointage of Charles the Bald', in J. Nelson and M. Gibson (eds.), Charles the Bald: Court and Kingdom (1981) Simon Coupland, 'Money and Coinage under Louis the Pious', Francia 17 (1990) 23-54 ---------------------, ‘Charlemagne’s coinage: ideology and economy’, in J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005), 211-29 ---------------------, ‘The coinage of Lothar I (840-855)’, Numismatic Chronicle 161 (2001), 157-198 ---------------------, ‘Between the devil and the deep blue sea: hoards in ninth-century Frisia’, in B. Cook and G. Williams (ed.), Coinage and History in the North Sea World c. 500-1250. Essays in Honour of Marion Archibald (Leiden, 2006), 241-266: the hoard evidence for Scandinavian presence in Frisia. I.H. Garizpanov, 'The Image of Authority in Carolingian Coinage', Early Medieval Europe 8 (1999), pp. 197-218 Charter styles, seals etc. G. Tessier, La diplomatique royale Française (1962) P.E. Schramm, Kaiser Rom und Renovatio (1953) Genevra Kornbluth, 'The seal of Lothar II: Model and copy', Francia 17 (1990) pp. 55-68. ------------------------, Engraved Gems of the Carolingian Empire (Philadelphia, 1995)


THE FRANKISH ARISTOCRACY Sources Nithard, History of the sons of Louis the Pious trans. B. Scholz in Carolingian Chronicles Annals of St. Bertin, trans. J. Nelson (1991). Latin ed. F. Graz or R. Rau Godman in his collection Carolingian Poetry. Full French translation with Latin ed. in E.Faral, Ermold le Noir (1964) Royal Frankish Annals, trans. B. Scholz in Carolingian Chronicles Annals of Fulda, trans. T. Reuter (1993) Dhuoda, Liber manualis, trans. M. Thiebaux as Handbook for her Warrior Son (1998) or by C. Neel as Handbook for William (1991) All the sources listed (with notes on the availability of English translations) at the back of R. McKitterick, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians, contain references to the nobility. The ones listed above are simply those narrative sources which provide the richest source of information. Your attention is brought, in particular, to the collections of both royal and private charters, where noble activity and patronage can be seen documented very clearly, e.g. the charters of St. Benigne de Dijon, of St. Gallen of Fleury, of Weissenburg etc. Examples of the names encountered in the witness lists of early mediaeval charters can be found in H. Wartmann, Urkundenbuch St. Gallen (1958)

Secondary commentary on the aristocracy K.F. Werner, 'Important noble families in the kingdom of Charlemagne' in T. Reuter (ed.) The Medieval Nobility (new York etc. 1978). A crucial essay but all the others in this volume, esp. that by Irsigler, are important and relevant. E. James, The Origins of France (1982) pp. 73-93 J. Dunbaban, The Making of France (1985) S. Reynolds, Kingdoms and Communities in western Europe 900-1300 (1985) --------------, Fiefs and Vassals (Oxford, 1994) R. Collins, 'Charles the Bald and Wifried the Hairy' in J. Nelson and M. Gibson, Charles the Bald: Court and Kingdom (1981) 169-89 P. Riché, 'Daily life in the world of Charlemagne' trans (badly) Jo Ann McNamara from orig. French. Read in original if possible (1978) pp. 59-133 Jane Martindale, 'The French aristocracy in the early middle ages: reappraisal' in Past and Present 75 (1977) 5-45. -------------------, 'The kingdom of Aquitaine and the Dissolution of the Carolingian fisc' in Francia 1984 vol. 11. F. L. Cheyette, Lordship and community in medieval Europe (1968) Patrick Geary, Aristocracy in Provence: The Rhone Basin in the dawn of the Carolingian Age (1985) J. Hannig, Consensus Fidelium. Frühfeudale Interpretationdn des Verhältnisses von Königtum und Adel am Beispiel des Frankenreiches (1982) L. Halphen, Le comte d'Anjou au Xie siecles Paris (1906) Alexander C. Murray, Germanic Kinship Structure. Studies in law and society in Antiquity and the early middle ages (1983) David Herlihy, Medieval Households (1986) Suzanne F. Wemple, Women in Frankish Society (1982) Janet Nelson, 'Legislation and consensus in the reign of Charles the Bald' in P. Wormald (ed.), Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society (Oxford, 1983) S. Airlie, 'Bonds of power and bonds of association in the court circle of Louis the Pious', in Charlemagne's Heir (ed.) P. Godman and R. Collins (1990) ---------, 'The aristocracy' in R. McKitterick (ed.) The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 431-450 ---------, ‘Semper fideles? Loyauté envers les carolingiens comme constituant de l’identité aristocratique’, in R. Le Jan (ed.), La royauté et les élites dans l’Europe carolingienne (début IXe siècle aux environs de 920) (1999), 129-43 M Innes, State and Society in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1999) J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005): chapters by Airlie and Innes. W. Brown, Unjust Seizure. Conflict, interest and authority in an early medieval society (Ithaca, 2001) H. Hummer, Politics and Power in Early Medieval Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600-1000 (Cambridge,




THE TREATY OF VERDUN AND ITS CONSEQUENCES (843-900) Sources These are the sources listed in the reading list for the Carolingian Empire, note particularly the Annals of St. Bertin and the Annals of Fulda. To them, however, can be added the following: Annals of St. Vaast and Annals of Xanten. English translation by S.C. Coupland available in the Seeley Library as part of the Vikings Special Subject Source Book. Both the St. Vaast and Xanten Annals are important for the late ninth century and the Viking attacks. Abbo of St. Germain des Prés, The Siege of Paris by the Northmen (886) trans. H.Waquet (Fr.) (Paris, 1964); extracts trans. P.E. Dutton, Carolingian Civilization (1993, 2nd rev ed 2004). Regino of Prum, Chronicon, trans (German) by R.Rau in the series Quellen zur Karolingischen Reichsgeschichte III (Darmstadt, 1975) Richer, History of France 888-995, trans. (Fr.) R. Latouche, (Paris 1964) Ermold the Black, Poem on Louis the Pious and Letters to King Pippin trans. (French) by Edmond Faral (Paris 1964) Notker’s Life of Charlemagne, trans. L. Thorpe, Two Lives of Charlemagne (Penguin, 1969)

Secondary General (including items on the aristocracy) R. McKitterick, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians (1983) chs. 5,7,9,10 and 12. Jean Dunbabin, France in the Making 843-1180 (1985, 2nd ed. 2000) and see her analytical bibliography. Edward James, The Origins of France (1982) Janet Nelson, Politics and Ritual in early mediaeval Europe (collected essays, 1986) Janet Nelson, The Frankish World, 750-900 (collected essays, 1996) Janet Nelson, Rulers and Ruling Families (collected essays, 1999) Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society (ed.) P. Wormald (1983) J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship in England and on the Continent (1971) --------------------------, The Frankish Church (1983) J.L. Nelson, 'The written word in Carolingian government', The Uses of Literacy in early mediaeval Europe, (ed.), R. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1990) --------------, 'The Frankish Kingdoms, 814-898: the West' in R. McKitterick (ed.) The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 110-141 J. Fried, 'The Frankish Kingdoms, 817-911: the East and Middle Kingdoms', ibid. pp. 142-168 J.M.H. Smith, 'Fines imperii: the marches', ibid. pp. 169-89 K.F. Werner, 'Important Noble families in the empire of Charlemagne' in Timothy Reuter (ed.), The Mediaeval Nobility (1978) very important collection of essays generally. Patrick Geary, Aristocracy in Provence (1986) Charlemagne's Heir. New perspectives on the reign of Louis the Pious, ed. Roger Collins and Peter Goodman (Oxford, 1990)

West Francia Charles the Bald: Court and Kingdom, (ed.) Janet Nelson and Margaret Gibson (2nd rev. ed. London, 1990) Janet Nelson, Charles the Bald (1992) J. M. Wallace-Hadrill, ‘A Carolingian Renaissance Prince’, Proceedings of the British Academy 64 (1978), 155-89 Jean Devisse, Hincmar, archévêque de Reims (1977) P. McKeon, Hincmar of Laon and Carolingian Politics (1976)

The Middle Kingdom M. de Jong, ‘The empire as ecclesia: Hrabanus Maurus and biblical historia for rulers’, in Y. Hen and M. Innes, The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages (2000) (on Lothar I) E. Screen, ‘The importance of the emperor: Lothar I and the Frankish Civil War’, Early Medieval Europe 12.1 (2003), 25-51 S. Airlie, ‘Private bodies and the body politic in the divorce case of Lothar II’, Past and Present 161 (1998), 338 H. Hummer, Politics and Power in Early Medieval Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600-1000 (Cambridge, 2005)


East Francia T. Reuter, Germany in the Early Middle Ages (1991) E. J. Goldberg, Struggle for Empire. Kingship and conflict under Louis the German, 817-876 (2006) E. Goldberg, ‘“More devoted to the equipment of battle than to splendor of banquets”: Frontier kingship, martial ritual, and early knighthood at the court of Louis the German’, Viator 30 (1999), 41-78 W. Hartmann, Ludwig der Deutsche (Darmstadt, 2002) W. Hartmann (ed.), Ludwig der Deutsche und seine Zeit (Darmstadt, 2004) S. MacLean, Kingship and Politics in the Late Ninth Century. Charles the Fat and the End of the Carolingian Empire (2003)

Francia after c. 880 S. Airlie, ‘The nearly men: Boso of Vienne and Arnulf of Bavaria’, in A. Duggan (ed.), Nobles and Nobility in Medieval Europe (2000), 25-41 S. MacLean, ‘The Carolingian response to the revolt of Boso, 879-87’, Early Medieval Europe 10 (2001), 2148 R.H. Bautier, 'Le regne d'Eudes (888-898) à la lumière des diplomes expédiées par sa chancellerie', Comptes rendues de l'Academie des inscriptions et belles lettres (1961)

Transformation or Decline? M. Innes, State and Society in the Early Middle Ages (1999), esp. chapter 6, 195-240, on changes to the Carolingian system after 843. T. Reuter, ‘Plunder and tribute in the Carolingian empire’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 35 (1985), 391-405 T. Reuter, ‘The end of Carolingian military expansion’ in P. Godman and R. Collins (eds), Charlemagne’s Heir (1990) J. L. Nelson, ‘Introduction’, in her The Frankish World 750-900 (1996) S. MacLean, ‘Charles the Fat and the Viking Great Army: the military explanation for the end of the Carolingian empire’, War Studies Journal 3 (1998), 74-95 J.W. Thompson, The dissolution of the Carolingian Fisc in the ninth century (1935) J. Dhondt, Etudes sur la naissance des principautés territoriales en France IX-X siècles (Bruges 1948)

The Carolingian Legacy and Aftermath S. Airlie, 'After Empire - recent work on the emergence of post Carolingian Kingdoms', Early Medieval Europe 2 (1993) 153-62 R. McKitterick (ed.), The Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 2001), Conclusion M. Bull (ed.), France in the Central Middle Ages (Oxford, 2002), Chapter 1.


VIKINGS IN FRANCIA Sources Annals of St. Bertin trans. Janet Nelson (1991) Annals of Fulda (839-911), trans. Timothy Reuter (Manchester 1992) Annals of St. Vaast and of Xanten trans. Simon Coupland (available in Typescript in Seeley Library) Abbo of St. Germain des Pres, The siege of Paris by the Vikings (886) (ed.) and trans. (Fr.) H.Waquet (Paris, 1964); extracts trans. in P.E. Dutton, Carolingian Civilization (1993, 2nd rev ed 2004). Richer, History of France 888-995 (ed.) and trans. (Fr.) R. Latouche (Paris, 1967) Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ed. and trans. Dorothy Whitelock Asser's Life of Alfred, trans. S. Keynes and M. Lapidge, Alfred the Great. Dudo of St. Quentin, De moribus et actis primorum Dormanniae Ducum auctore Dudoni Sancti Quinitini decano (ed.) J. Lair (Caen, 1865) Flodoard Annales (ed.) P. Lauer Ludwigslied trans. J. Knight Bostock, A handbook on Old High German Literature (2nd ed. London, 1976) William of Jumièges, et. al., Gesta normannorum ducum, ed. with Engl. trans., E.M.C. van Houts I (Oxford, 1992), II (Oxford, 1995) E. van Houts (ed. and trans.), The Normans in Europe (Manchester, 2000)

Secondary General and the settlement of Normandy R. McKitterick, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians 751-987 (1983) chr. 9. Eleanor Searle, Predatory Kinship and the Creation of Norman Power 840-1066 (Berkeley, 1988) David Bates, Normandy before 1066 (London, 1982) C.F. Keary, The Vikings in Western Christendom, 789-888 (London, 1891) F. Lot, Receuil des travaux historiques de Ferdinand Lot (Geneva 1968) most of the articles to do with Vikings are in volume II. Lucien Musset, Les peuples scandinaves au moyen age (Paris, 1941) Horst Zettel, Das Bild der Normannen (Munich, 1977) Albert d'Haenens, Les invasions: une catastrophe? (Paris, 1970) Settimane di Studio del centro Italiano di studi sull-alto medioevo vol. XVI (1968) is devoted to articles on the Northmen in the early middle ages. See especially those by d'Haenens and Riche (both in French). Janet Nelson and Simon Coupland, 'The Vikings in Francia', History Today, (December 1988) J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Vikings in Francia (Reading 1974) reprinted in his Early Mediaeval History (1976) N.P. Brooks, 'England in the ninth century: the crucible of defeat' Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 5th ser. 29 (1979) pp. 1-20. Most general books on the Vikings have very little on the Frankish kingdoms, though T.D. Kendrick, G. Jones, J. Bronsted, H. Loyn (for England) and J. Graham-Campbell's books are useful for preliminary orientation. See also the review article by G.F. Jensen, 'The Vikings in England', in Anglo-Saxon England 4 (1975) W. Vogel, Die Normannen und das fränkische Reich bis zur Grundung der Normandie 799-911 (Heidelberg, 1906) Marc Bloch, Feudal Society (1939/59) part i. P. Sawyer, The Age of the Vikings (1962/71) and Kings and Vikings (1982) G. Duby, The early growth of the European economy (1973/76) D. Hill, Atlas of Anglo-Saxon England (1981) for maps and tables S. Coupland, 'The Vikings in Francia and Anglo-Saxon England to 911', in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 190 - 201. P. Sawyer (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings (1997) A. Forte, R. Oram and F. Pedersen, Viking Empires (Cambridge, 2005) S. Coupland, ‘From poachers to gamekeepers: Scandinavian warlords and Carolingian kings’, Early Medieval Europe 7 (1998), pp. 85-114

Scandinavian background A.P. Smyth, Scandinavian kings in the British Isles (1977)


E. Roesdahl, Viking Age Denmark (1982) K. Helle (ed.), The Cambridge History of Scandinavia: volume I. Prehistory to 1520 (2003) J. Adams and K. Holman (ed.), Scandinavia and Europe 800-1350. Contact, Conflict, and Coexistence (2004) J. Graham-Campbell, Cultural Atlas of the Viking World (1994) B. and P. Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia. From Conversion to Reformation c. 800-1500 (1993) H.B. Clarke, M. Ní Mhaonaigh and R. Ó. Floinn, Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age (1998): three useful essays on Norway. S. Franklin and J. Shepard, The Emergence of Rus 750-1200 (1996), chapter 1: Scandinavians in the East.

Area studies M. Garaud, 'Les incursions des Normandes en Poitou', Revue Historique 180 (1937) pp. 241ff A. D'Haenens, Les invasions normandes en Belgique (1967)

Military aspects J. Lair, 'Les Normands dans l'Ile d'Oscelle, 855-861', Memoires de la société Historique et Archéologique de l'arrondissement de Pontois et du Vexin 20 (1898) p. 9-39. F. Vercauteren, 'Comment s'est-on défendu , au IXe siècle, dans l'empire franc contre les invasions normandes?' in Annales du XXXe congres de la fédération archéologique et historique de Belgique 1935 (1936) pp. 117-132. S. Coupland, ‘The Carolingian army and the struggle against the Vikings’, Viator 35 (2004), pp. 49-70.

Tribute payments and economy Simon Coupland, 'The defence of the West Frankish kingdom against the Vikings', unpublished PhD thesis, Cambridge, 1987. (Also very useful on military matters and in providing an up-to-date and very revised schedule of events). E. Joranson, The Danegeld in France (1923). P. Grierson, 'The gratia dei rex coinage of Charles the Bald' in M.Gibson and J. Nelson (ed.), Charles the Bald: Court and Kingdom (1981) pp. 39-51. D.M. Metcalf, 'A sketch of the currency in the time of Charles the Bald', ibid., pp. 53-84. G. Despy, 'Les pays mosan aux IXe et Xe siècle', Revue du Nord 50 (1968) pp. 154-62. L. Musset, 'La renaissance urbaine des Xe et Xie siècles dans l'ouest de la France: problèmes et hypothèses de travail', Melanges E.R. Lebande (1975), pp. 563-75. S. Coupland and J. Nelson, 'The Vikings in Francia', History Today (1990) S. Coupland, ‘The Frankish tribute payments to the Vikings and their consequences’, Francia 26 (1999), 57-75 J. M. Wallace-Hadrill, Early Mediaeval History (1976), ‘The Vikings in Francia’.

Archaeology H.M. Hassall and D. Hill, 'Pont de l'Arche: Frankish influence on the west Saxon burh?', Archaeological Journal 197 (1970) pp. 188-95. R. Hodges, 'Trade and market origins in the ninth century: an archaeological perspective of AngloCarolingian relations' in Gibson and Nelson, Charles the Bald, (1981) pp. 213-233. H. Clarke and B. Ambrosiani (eds.), Towns in the Viking Age (1991, repr. 1995) S. Coupland, ‘Trading places: Quentovic and Dorestad reassessed’, Early Medieval Europe 11 (2002), 209-232 Maritime Celts. Frisians and Saxons, ed. S. McGrail, CBA Research Report 71 (London,1990)

Effects on religious culture and institutions S. Coupland, 'The Carolingian theology of the Viking invasions', Journal of Ecclesiastical History 42 (1991), pp. 535 - 554. G. de Poerck, ' Les reliques des SS. Maixent et Leger au IXe et Xe siècles, Revue Bénédictine 72 (1962) pp. 61-95. P. Gasnault, 'Le tombeau de S. Martin et les invasions normandes dans l'histoire et dans la legende', Revue d'histoire de l'église de France 47 (1961) pp 51-66. Riché in Settimane 16 (see in general section) pp. 705-21 L. Musset, 'Les destins de la proprété monastique durant les invasions normandes (IxeXIe siècles):l'exemple de Jumièges' in Jumiéges. Congrés scientifique de XII centenaire (1955) pp 50 ff.


H. Platalle, Le temporel de l'abbaye de saint Amand des origines à 1340 (1962)


NINTH CENTURY POLITICAL THOUGHT Hincmar of Rheims, De ordine palatii, ed T. Goss and R. Schieffer, Hinkmar von Reims. De ordine palatii, MGH Fontes iuris germanici antiqui in usum scholarum separatim editi III, Hannover 1980; English translation David Herlihy, The History of Feudalism (London, 1970), pp. 208-27 and in P.E. Dutton, Carolingian Civilization (1993, 2nd rev ed 2004). Jonas of Orleans, De institutione regia, ed. J. Reviron, Les idées politico-religieuses d'un évêque du Ixe siècle: Jonas d'Orleans et son 'de institutione regia' (Paris, 1930). English translation R.W. Dyson, A NinthCentury political tract, the 'De institutione regia of Jonas of Oreleans', Smithtown, New York, 1983. Paschasius Radbertus, Epitaphium Arsenii & Life of Wala trans. A. Cabaniss, Charlemagne's Cousins (Syracuse, 1967) Sedulius Scottus, De rectoribus christianis, ed. S. Hellmann, Sedulius Scottus (Munich 1906); English translation, Edward Gerard Doyle, Sedulius Scottus on Christian Rulers and The Poems, Binghampton, New York, 1983. See also the narrative sources, especially: Royal Frankish Annals trans. B. Scholz in Carolingian Chronicles (1970) Annals of St. Bertin trans. Janet Nelson (1991) Secondary Reading A. Angenendt, 'Taufe und Politik im frühen Mittelalter', Frühmittelalterliche Studien 7 (1973), 43-68. H.H.Anton, Fürstenspiegel und Herrscherethos in der Karolingerzeit (Bonn, 1968) (the standard mongraph) H.X. Arquillière, L'augustinisme politique (Paris, 1934) J.M. Bak, 'Medieval symbology of the state: Percy E. Schramm's contribution', Viator 4 (1973), 33-63. (As most of P.E. Schramm's fundamental work is in German this article has at least the merit of giving some idea in English of what his arguments have been). R. Benson and G. Constable (eds.), Renaissance and Renewal in the twelfth century (Cambridge, Mass., 1982) C. A. Bouman, Sacring and crowning. The development of Latin ritual for the anointing of kings and the coronation of an Emperor before the eleventh century (Groningen, 1957). D. Bullough, 'Imagines regum and their significance in the early mediaeval west', Studies in Memory of David Talbot Rice, ed. Giles Robertson and George Henderson (Edinburgh, 1975), pp. 223-274. J.H. Burns (ed.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought, c. 350-c.1450 (Cambridge, 1988) esp. sections III and IV, pp. 83-251. E. Delaruelle, Jonas d'Orleans et le moralisme carolingien', Bulletin de la litérature ecclésiastique 55 (1955) J. Devisse, Hincmar, archévêque de Reims, 845-882 (Geneva, 1975). O. Eberhardt, Via Regia. Der Fürstenspieegel Smaragds von St. Mihiel und seine literarische Gattung (Münster, 1977) E. Ewig, 'Zum christlichen Königsgendanken im Frühmittelalter, in: Das Königtum. Vorträge und Forschungen 3 (Sigmaringen, 1956) R. Folz, The concept of Empire in western Europe from the fifth to the fourteenth century (London, 1969) S. L. Guterman, From personal to territorial law. Aspects of the history and structure of the western legal constitutional tradition (Scarecrow Press, Nebraska 1972) E.H. Kantorowicz, Laudes regiae (Berkeley, Calif. 1958) J. L. Nelson, 'Kingship, law and liturgy in the political thought of Hincmar of Rheims, English Historial Review 92 (1977), 241-79, reprinted in her collected essays, Politics and Ritual in early mediaeval Europe (London, 1986) pp. 133-72 ---------------, 'Legislation and consensus in the reign of Charles the Bald', in Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society, ed. P. Wormald (Oxford 1983) pp 202-27 (also reprinted in Politics and Ritual pp. 91-116). Michael McCormick, Eternal Victory. Triumphal Rulership in late antiquity, Byzantium and the early medieval west (Cambridge, 1986). R. McKitterick, The Frankish Church and the Carolingian Reforms, 789-895 (London, 1977) E. Magnou-Nortier, Foi et fidelité (Paris, 1976) K.F. Morrison, The Two Kingdoms. Ecclesiology in Carolingian Political Thought (Princeton, 1964) C.E. Odegard, 'The concept of royal power in Carolingian oaths of fidelity', Speculum 20 (1941) 279-89. S. Reynolds, Kingdoms and Communities in western Europe 900-1300 (Oxford, 1984)


P. Sawyer and I.N. Wood (eds.), early Medieval Kingship (Leeds, 1977) B. Smalley (ed.), Trends in medieval political thought (Oxford, 1965), esp. the essay by J.M. WallaceHadrill. W. Ullmann, The Carolingian Renaissance and the Idea of Kingship (London, 1971) J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Frankish Church (Oxford 1983) J. Nelson, 'Kingship and Empire', in R. McKitterick (ed.), Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation (Cambridge 1993) -----------, 'Kingship and royal government' in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New CambridgeMedieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 383-430 P.E. Dutton, The Politics of Dreaming in the Carolingian Empire (University of Nebraska, 1994) See also the special issue of Early Medieval Europe 7.3 (1998) on Politics and the Bible, ed. by M. de Jong Y. Hen and M. Innes, The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages (2000)


CAROLINGIAN INAUGURATION RITUALS Primary Sources Richard A. Jackson (ed.), Ordines coronationis Franciae: Texts and Ordines for the coronation of Frankish and French Kings and Queens in the Middle Ages. I (Philadelphia, 1995)

Secondary Works A. Angenendt, Kaiserherrschaft und Königsstaufe (1984) H.H. Anton, Fürstenspiegel und Herrscherethos in der Karolingerzeit (1968) H.X. Arquillière, L'Augustinisme Politique (1934) 2nd end. C.R. Bruhl, 'Fränkischer Kronungsbrauch und das Problem der Festkronungen' Historische Zeitschrift (1962) C. A. Bouman, Sacring and Crowning (Jakarta, 1957) is written by a liturgist and may therefore seem impenetrably technical. J. Devise, Hincmar et la Loi (1962) J. Dhondt, 'Election et Heredité sous les Carolingiens et les premiers Capetiens', Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire (1939) M.J. Enright, Iona, Tara and Siossions: the Origin of the Royal Anointing Ritual (1985) constructs a very dodgy argument for the Irish origins of royal anointing; it includes useful summaries of the work of German scholars (e.g. Angenendt) C. Erdmann, Forschungen zur politischen Ideenwelt des Frühmittelalters (1951) E.H. Kantorowicz, Laudes Regiae: a Study of Liturgical Acclamations and Medieval Ruler Worship, is packed with vital material. P.D. King, Law and Society in the Visigothic Kingdom (1972) best study of these matters in Visgothic Spain. E. Magnou-Nortier, Foi et Fidelité (Toulouse 1976), is very useful for the ties between lord and vassal, which are just as important an element in carolingian governmental thought as the clerically devised inauguration ceremonies. M. MacCormick, Eternal Victory: Triumphal Rulership in late antiquity. Byzantium and the early mediaeval west (1986) J.L. Nelson, 'On the limits of the Carolingian Renaissance' and 'Legislation and consensus in the reign of Charles the Bald', both essays reprinted in J.L. Nelson, Politics and Ritual in early Mediaeval Europe (1986) --------------, The Frankish World, 750-900 (1996) and Rulers and Ruling Families in Early Medieval Europe (1999) also include important essays on inauguration rituals and rulers and ruling more generally. Ann J. Duggan (ed.), Kings and Kingship in Medieval Europe (London, 1993) ------------------------, Queens and Queenship in Medieval Europe (London, 1996)


LAW Sources Leges Visigothorum ed. K. Zeumer (MGH LL sect. 1); Eng. trans. S.P.Scott, The Visigothic Code (Boston, 1910) Lex Burgundionum (ed.) Bluhme, MGH LL sect. 3 (1863) Eng. trans. K. Fischer Drew (Philadelphia 1949 and 1972) Lex Alamannorum, (ed.) K. Echmardt in MGH; Eng. trans. Theodore J. Rivers (1977) Lex Baiuuaoriorum, (ed.) MGH; Eng. trans. Theodore J. Rivers (1977) Lex Salica (ed.) K.A. Eckhardt, MGH; Eng. trans. (1) Theodore J. Rivers (1987) with the laws of the Ripuarian Franks (2) K. Fischer Drew, The Laws of the Salian Franks (Philadelphis 1991) Lex Ribvaria, (ed.) MGH, Eng. trans. Theodore J. Rivers (1987) Leges Langobardorum, (ed.) Bluhme, MGH; Eng. trans. K. Fischer Drew (1973)

Secondary P.D. King, Law and Society in the Visgothic Kingdom (Cambridge 1972) ------------, 'King Chindaswind and the first territorial law code of the Visgothic kingdom', Visgothis Spain, New Approaches (ed.) E. James (Oxford, 1980) D. Claude, 'Freedmen in the Visigothic kingdom', ibid. F.S. Lear, 'The public law of the Visgothic code', Speculum 26 (1951) S.L. Gutermann, From Personal to territorial law. Aspects of the history and structure of the western legal constitutional tradition (New York 1972) P. Vinogradoff, Roman Law in Medieval Europe (1926) J. Gaudemet, 'Le Breviaire d'Alaric et les Epitomes', Ius Romanum Medii Aevi pars 1.2.baa (Milan 1965) K. Fisher Drew, 'The Germanic family of the Leges Burgundionum', Medievalia et Humanistica 15 (1963) J. McNamara, 'Marriage and divorce in the Frankish kingdom', in Women in Medieval Society (ed.) S.M. Stuard (1974) W.W. Buckland, A Manual of Roman Private Law (Cambridge, 1957) Alexander C. Murray, Germanic Kinship Structures (Toronto 1983) R. McKitterick, The Carolingians and the Written Word (Cambridge, 1989) ch. 2. ------------------, 'Some Carolingian law books and their function', in Authority and Power, (ed.) P.Linehan (Cambridge, 1986) P. Stein, 'Roman Law', The Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought c. 350-c.1450 (ed.) J.H. Brown (Cambridge, 1988) *** SEE ALSO the Bibliography at the back of K. Fischer-Drew's translation of The Laws of the Salian Franks P. Amory, 'The meaning and purpose of ethnic terminology in the Burgundian laws', Early Medieval Europe, 2 (1993) C P Wormald ‘Les Scripta and Verbum Regis: Legislation and Germanic Kingship’ in P H Sawyer and I N Woods (eds) Early Medieval Kingship (Leeds, 1977) Barbara H Rosenwein, Negotiating Space. Power, restraint and privileges of immunity in early medieval Europe (Ithaca, 1999) W. Davies and P. Fouracre (eds.), The settlement of disputes in early medieval Europe (Cambridge, 1986) -----------------------------------------, Property and Power in the early middle ages (Cambridge, 1995) M. Innes, State and Society in the early middle ages (Cambridge, 2000) P. Wormald, ‘The Leges barbarorum: Law and ethnicity in the post-Roman West’, in H.-W. Goetz, J. Jarnut and W. Pohl (eds), Regna and Gentes. The Relationship between Late Antique and Early Medieval Peoples and Kingdoms. Transformation of the Roman World 13 (2003) P. Wormald, The Making of English Law (Oxford, 1999): chapter 1 discusses the continental background to English law Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward Perkins and Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XIV - Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000), chapter 10.


CHARTERS AND LEGAL PRACTICE General guides Leonard Boyle, 'Diplomatic' in J. Powell (ed.) Medieval Studies (1976) R. McKitterick, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians 751-987 (1983) chapter 4 (royal charters) -----------------, The Carolingians and the Written Word (Cambridge, 1989), ch. 3 (private charters) Walter Goffart and David Ganz, 'Charters earlier than 800 from French collection', Speculum 65 (1990) (October), pp. 904-32.

Facsimilies Chartae Latinae Antiquiores. Catalogue with facsimilies and transcriptions of Latin charters prior to the ninth century ed. A. Bruckner and R. Marcichal and others (Lausanne 1954- ) P. Lauer and C. Samaran, Les diplômes originaux des Mérovingiens (1908) F. Lot and P. Lauer, Diplomata Karolinorum (1936-49) (from French collections) A. Bruckner, Diplomata Karolinorum (Basel 1974) (from Swiss collections)

Editions G. Tessier, P Lauer, A Giry et al., Recueil des Actes de Charles le Chauve (Paris 1943-55) de Louis IV) (1914), Charles le Simple (1940), Eudes (=Odo) (1947) Monumenta Germaniae Historica (ed.) Mühlbacher for charters of Pippin, Carloman and Charlemagne; see also for Louis the German and his sons, Lothar I and Lothar II, Louis II and the Ottonian rulers, as well as for the Merovingians. The charters of Louis the Pious are not available in a modern edition: see the discussion by Peter Johnanek in Charlemagne's Heir (ed.) Roger Collins and Peter Godman (Oxford 1990). Private charters are generally edited from a particular archive or institution, too many to list here. An example is the charters of St. Gallen (ed.) Wartmann, and notes concerning others are given in ch. 3 of McKitterick, Carolingians and the Written Word (1990) The editions usually give a brief description of the content of each document in French or German. Source collections often include a few charters in translation. A. Rio The Formularies of Angers and Marculf: Two Merovingian Legal Handbooks (Liveropool , 2008)

Handbooks H. Bresslau, Handbuch der Urkundenlehre für Deutschland und Italian (1912) M. de Bouard, Manuel de diplomatique fraancaise et pontificale (1925) A. Giry, Manuel de diplomatique (1894) G. Tessier, Diplomatique royale françaaise (1962)

Topics D.P. Blok, 'Les formules de droit romain dans les actes privés au haut moyen age', Miscellanea Medievalia in memoriam J.F. Niermeyer (Groningen, 1967) P. Classen, Kaiserreskript und Königsurkunde (Thessalonika, 1979) Most of the essays in The Uses of Literacy in Early Mediaeval Europe, (ed.) R. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1990) include discussions of problems concerning the charter evidence and legal practice, particularly those by Kelly, Keynes, Wood, Collins and Nelson. See also McKitterick, The Carolingians and the Written Word (Cambridge, 1989) ch.3 and Paul Fouracre, 'Placita and disputes' in The settlement of Disputes in early mediaeval Europe (ed.) W Davis and P. Fouracre (1986) Robert-Henri Bautier, 'La chancellerie et les actes royaux dans les royaume carolingiens', Bibliothèque de l' École des Chartes 142 (1984), pp. 5-80. David Ganz, 'Bureaucratic shorthand and merovingian learning', in Ideal and reality in Frankish and AngloSaxon Society: Studies presented to J.M. Wallace-Hadrill (Oxford, 1983), pp. 58-75. Donald Bullough, 'Aula renovata: the Carolingian court before the Aachen palace', Proceedings of the British Academy 71 (1985), pp. 267-301 reprinted in D. Bullough, Carolingian Renewal: Sources and heritage (Manchester 1991) 'The meaning and purpose of ethnic terminology in the Burgundian laws, Early Medieval Europe 2 (1993) pp. 1-28. 'Serfdom and the beginnings of a seigneurial system' in the Carolingian period: a survey of the evidence'. Early Medieval Europe 2 (1993) 29-52


A.Rio Legal Practice and the Written Word in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge, 2009) C. Wickham, 'Rural society in Carolingian Europe', in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 510-537 R. Balzaretti, 'The monastery of Sant' Ambrogio and dispute settlement in early medieval Milan', Early Medieval Europe 3 (1994) 1-18 R. Hodges (ed.), San Vincenzo al Voltumo (Rome 1993 and 1995). Excavation reports from 1981-86 with discussion of monastic landholding, especially by C. Wickham. Wendy Davies and Paul Fouracre (eds.), Property and Power in the early middle ages (Cambridge, 1995) -------------------------------------------------, The settlement of disputes in early medieval Europe (Cambridge, 1986)


WOMEN Sources References to women are to be found in all types of historical source. It is best to focus on those discussed in some detail in some of the main secondary works, notably those of Nelson and Dronke. The selections in M. Maas, Readings in Late Antiquity (2000) also provide a useful starting point; works written by women include Hugeburc’s Hodoeporicon of St Willibald (trans. in T. Head and T. Noble, Soldiers of Christ (1995)) and Dhuoda’s Liber Manualis (trans. by M. Thiébaux (1998) or C. Neel (1991)). You need to decide for yourself how valid it is to separate the study of women from a more general social and political context.

Secondary Similarly, many secondary works include discussion of women in the context of most issues. There are also specific studies though some are pretty dreadful. The secondary material on the period c.900 - c.1250 is richer (see the Paper 14 reading list). For the earlier period you may find the following useful: J M H Smith, Europe after Rome (2005), ‘Men and women’, pp. 115-47. L.M. Bitel, Women in Early Medieval Europe, 400-1000 (Cambridge, 2002) P. Skinner, 'Women, wills and wealth', Early Medieval Europe 3 (1994) Richard Saller, Patriarchy, Property and Death in the Roman Family (Cambridge, 1994) – useful Roman background Judith Evans Grubbs, Law and Family in Late Antiquity (Oxford, 1995) Gillian Clark, Women in Late Antiquity (Oxford, 1995) A Arjava, Women and Law in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 1996) G Nathan, The Family in Late Antiquity (London, 2000) Liz James (ed), Men, Women, and Eunuchs – Gender in Byzantium (London, 1997) Derek Baker (ed.), Medieval Women (Oxford, 1978). See in particular the excellent essay by Janet L. Nelson, 'Queens as Jezebels: Brunhild and Balthild in Merovingian History', pp. 31-78. W.J. Sheils and Diana Wood (ed.), Women in the Church (Oxford, 1990), essays in particular by Janet L. Nelson, Elizabeth Ward, Jane Martindale. Martin Klaussen and Rosamond McKitterick on the early middle ages. S. Mosher Stuard (ed.), Women in Medieval Society S. Wemple and J. Kirschner (ed.), Women in the Mediaeval World (1987) Marcelle Thiebaux, The writings of mediaeval women (New York, 1987) with translated texts. Jane Hyam, ‘Ermentrude and Richildis’, in Charles the Bald: Court and kingdom, ed. J. Nelson and M Gibson (revised ed. 1990), p. 154-68. Elizabeth Ward, 'Caesar’s Wife; the career of the empress Judith', in Charlemagne's Heir. New Perspectives on the reign of Louis the Pious (ed.) R. Collins and P. Godman (Oxford, 1990) John Carmi Parsons (ed.), Medieval Queenship (Stroud, 1994) A. Duggan (ed.), Queens and Queenship (1997) Peter Dronke, Women Writers of the Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1984) P. Stafford, Queens, concubines and dowagers (1983) Patrick Corbet, Les saints ottoniens. Saintété dynastique, saintété royale et saintété feminine autour de l'an mil (Sigmaringen, 1986) Karl Leyser, Rule and Conflict in early mediaeval Society (London, 1982) R. McKitterick, The Carolingians and the Written Word, ch. 6, (1989) Suzanne Wemple, Women in Frankish Society (1985) Jane Gardiner, Women in Roman Law andf Society (London, 1986) David Herlihy, The Mediaeval Household (1989) Frauen in spätaantike und frühmittelater, (ed.) Werner Affeldt (Sigmaringen, 1990) arts. in Eng. Fr. and German. Weibliche Lebensgestaltung im frühen Mittelalter, ed. H.W. Goetz (Cologne 1991). Articles by Goetz, Heidrich, Baltrush-Schneider, McKitterick and Kuchenbuch. The paper by McKitterick is published in English as R. McKitterick, 'Women and literacy in the early middle ages' in R.McKitterick, Books, scribes and learning in the Frankish kingdoms, sixth to ninth centuries (Aldershot 1994), ch. XIII, pp. 1-43 Michel Parisse (ed.), Veuves et Veuvage dans le haut moyen âge (Paris 1994) J.M.H. Smith, 'The problem of female sanctity in Carolingian Europe', Past and Present 146 (1995) pp.3-37 V. Flint, 'Susanna and the Lothar crystal: a liturgical perspective', Early Medieval Europe 4 (1995) 61-86 P. Stafford and A.B. Mulder-Bakker (eds.), Gendering the Middle Ages (Oxford, 2000) L. Brubaker and J M H Smith, Gender in the Early Medieval World: East and West, 300-900 (Cambridge, 2004) K. Holum, Theodosian Empresses. Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity (1982) L. James, Empresses and Power in Early Byzantium (2001)


L. Garland, Byzantine Empresses. Women and Power in Byzantium AD 527 to 1204 (1999) SEE ALSO the section 900-1250 in the Paper 14 Bibliography as some books contain articles ranging across the earlier middle ages.

OF RELATED INTEREST Jack Goody, The Development of the Family and Marriage in Europe (Cambridge, 1983) D M Hadley (ed), Masculinity in Medieval Europe (London, 1999) (Chicago, John Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality in the Early Middle Ages 1980) R. Le Jan, Famille et pouvoir dans le monde franc (vii-x siècle) (Paris, 1995) M. Parisse (ed.), Veuves et veuvage dans le haut moyen âge (Paris, 1993) S. Cavallo and L. Warner (eds.), Widowhood in medieval and early modern Europe (London, 1999), papers by Crick and Skinner. Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward Perkins and Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XIV - Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000), chapters 14-15 on the family.


ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ISSUES Raymond Chevallier, Roman Roads (London rev. ed. 1989) J.C. Besterman, J.M. Bos and H.A. Hiedinger, Mediaeval Archaeology in the Netherlands (Assen., 1990) R. Hodges and B. Hobley (ed.), The Rebirth of Towns in the West, A.D. 700-1050 CBA Research Report 68 (London, 1988) S.McGrail (ed.), Maritime Celts, Frisians and Saxons CBA Research Report 71 (London,1990) R. Hodges, Dark Age Economics (1982) ------------ and D.Whitehouse, Mohammed and Charlemagne and the Origins of Europe (London, 1983) An updated and much improved French version of this is available – Mahomet, Charlemagne et les origines de l’Europe (Paris, 1996) ------------, 'Trade and Market origins in the ninth century: relations between England and the Continent', in Charles the Bald; Court and Kingdom, ed. J.L. Nelson and M.T. Gibson, 2nd rev. ed. (1990) ------------, The Sixth Century – Production, Distribution, and Demand (Leiden, 1998) M. Rouche, 'Géographie rurale du royaume de Charles le Chauve' ibid., S. Lebecq, Marchands et navigateurs frisons du haut moyen age (Lille, 1986) H. Atsma (ed.), Le Neustrie, Beihefte der Francia 16 (1989) - various essays by Devrey, Verhulst, Goetz etc. G. Duby, Early Growth of the European Economy (1974) ----------, Rural economy and country life in the Mediaeval West (1968) Wendy Davies, Small Worlds. The Village Community in early mediaeval Brittany (London, 1988) M.W. Barley, European Towns: their origins and early history (1968) K. Randsborg, The first Millennium (Cambridge, 1991) A. Verhulst, 'The origins of towns in the law countries and the Pirenne Thesis', Past and Present 122 (1989) C. Wickham, 'European forests in the early middle ages: landscape and land clearance', Settimane di Studio del centro Italiano di studi sul'alto medioevo 37 (Spoleto 1990) and other essays of relevance. A Verhulst (ed.), Le grand domaine aux époques mérovingienne et carolingienne (Gent, 1985) F. Lot, Fidèles ou Vassaux? (Paris 1904) E. Magnou-Nortier, Foi et Fidelité (Toulouse, 1976) M. Bloch, Feudal Society (Eng. Trans. 1968) F.L. Ganshof, Feudalism (Eng. Trans. 1962) C.E. Odegaard, Vassi et fideles in the Carolingian Empire (Cambridge, Mass., 1948) J.P. Devroey, Le Polyptyque et les listes de cens de l'abbaye de Saint-Remi de Reims (IX-XIs) (Reims, 1984) T. Reuter (ed.), The Mediaeval Nobility (1979) S. Airlie, 'Bonds of power and bonds of association in the court circle of Louis the Pious', in P.Godman and R. Collins, Charlemagn's Heir: New perspectives on the rign of Louis the Pious (Oxford,1990) W. Kienast, Die Fränkische Vasallität (ed.), Peter Herde (Frankfurt, 1990) P. Bonnassie, From slavery to Feudalism in south-western Europe (Cambridge, 1991) J. Haywood, Dark Age Naval Power. A Reassessment of Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Seafaring Activity (London, 1991) Susan Reynolds, Fiefs and Vassals. The Medieval evidence reinterpreted (Oxford, 1994) Hans-Werner Goetz, 'Serfdom and the beginning of a 'seigneurial system in the Carolingian period: a survey of the evidence', Early Medieval Europe 2 (1993) 29-52. Chris Wickham, Land and Power: Studies in Italian and European Social history 400-1200 (Rome and London, 1994) ------------------, Framing the Early Middle Ages. Europe and the Mediterranean, 400-800 (Oxford, 2005) – usefully summarised by P. Sarris ‘Continuity and Discontinuity in the Post-Roman Economy;Journal of Agrarian Change (2005_ Cambridge ------------------, 'Rural Society in the Carolingian World' in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 510-37: see also chapters on the economy, social and military organization, money and coinage and the aristocracy by Verhulst, Goetz, Blackburn and Airlie respectively in the same volume. Megan McLaughlin, Consorting with saints, prayer for the dead in early medieval France (Ithaca, 94) Towns in the Viking Age, (ed.) H. Clarke and B Ambrosiani, revised edition (Leicester, 1995) N Christie and S T Loseby (eds), Towns in Transition, Urban Evolution in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Aldershot, 1996) A Verhulst, The Rise of Cities in Northwest Europe (Cambridge, 1999) M Innes, State and Society in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1999) M. McCormick, The Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce A.D. 300-900 (Cambridge, 1999) R. Hodges, Towns and Trade in the Age of Charlemagne (London, 2000)


O.R. Constable Housing the Stranger in the Carolingian World (Cambridge, 2004) M. Mc Cormick, The Origins of the European Economy (Cambridge, 2002) A. Verhulst, The Carolingian Economy (Cambridge, 2002) H. Hamerow, Early Medieval Settlements: The Archaelogy of Rural Communities in N-W Europe 400-900 (Oxford, 2003) P. Sarris, ‘The Origins of the Manorial Economy – New Insights from Late Antiquity’ English Historical Review CXIX 481 pp. 279-311 E. James et al., ‘The Origins of the European Economy – A Debate’ Early Medieval Europe 12.3 (2003) pp.259-325 (discussion of McCormick’s book) J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005): chapters by Loveluck on rural settlements and by Verhaeghe with Loveluck and Story on urban developments. T. Pestell and K. Ulmschneider (ed.), Markets in Early Medieval Europe. Trading and Productive Sites, 650850 (2003): chapters 1 and 14-19 for sites including Tissø (Denmark) and San Vincenzo al Volturno. P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History I: c.500 - c.700 (Cambridge, 2005): chapters by Loseby on ‘The Mediterranean Economy’ and Lebecq on ‘The Northern Seas (fifth to eighth centuries)’. A very important collection of essays by Sarris, Faith, Banaji, Costambeys, Innes, Sijpesteijn, and Whittow is to be found in the Journal of Agrarian Change 9.1. (2009) – a special issue edited by Sarris and Banaji in response to Wickham’s Framing the Early Middle Ages (Oxford, 2005)

Numismatics M. Blackburn, ‘Money and Coinage’ in P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History I: c.500 - c.700 (Cambridge, 2005) pp. 660-74 M. Blackburn, 'Money and Coinage' in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 538-60 Philip Grierson and Mark Blackburn, Mediaeval European Coinage with a catalogue of the coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum I The Early Middle Ages 5th - 10th centuries (Cambridge, 1986) Philip Grierson, Numismatics (1976) ------------------, 'Numismatics', Medieval Studies (ed.), J.M. Powell 2nd ed., (1994) ------------------, 'Commerce in the Dark Ages: a critique of the evidence', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 9 (1959), pp. 123-40 ------------------, 'La fonction sociale de la monnaie en angleterre aux VIIe et VIIIe siecles', Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano sull'alto medioevo (1961) ------------------, 'The Canterbury (St. Martin) hoard of Frankish and Anglo-Saxon coin ornaments', British Numismatic Journal 27 1952. ------------------, 'Charlemagne's coronation and the coinage of Leo III', Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 30 1952. ------------------, 'Money and coinage under Charlemagne', Karl der Grosse I (ed.) Wolfgang Braunfels (Düsseldorf, 1965) S. Coupland, ‘Charlemagne’s coinage: ideology and economy’, in J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005), 211-29 D. Metcalf, 'The prosperity of North West Europe in the eighth and ninth centuries', Economic History Review 20 1967) -------------, Coinage in the Balkans (1965) -------------, 'Studies in the composition of early medieval coins', Numismatic Chronicle 7 ser. VII 1967 pp. 67-81. C.M. Cipolla, Money, Prices and Civilisation in the Mediterranean World ss. V - XVII (Princeton, 1956) P.H. Sawyer, Age of the Vikings pp. 89-119 (on Viking hoards) J.N. Hillgarth, 'Coins and Chronicles: propaganda in sixth century Spain and the Byzantine background', Historia 16, 1966, pp. 483-508 G.C. Miles, The coinage of the Visgoths of Spain (1952) K.F. Morrison, Carolingian Coinage (1967) not reliable W.Wroth, Catalogue of the coins of Vandals, Ostragoths and Limbards in the British Museum (London, 1911) W.A. Oddy, 'Analyses of Lombardic Tremisses by the specific gravity method', Numismatic Chronicles 12, 1972. J.P.C. Kent, 'The coins', in R.S.L. Bruce-Mitford, The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial I (London, 1978)


CULTURE AND INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENTS The late antique and early medieval background Sources H. Isbell, The last poets of imperial Rome (Penguin, 1971) James Stevenson (ed.), The new Eusebius (1969, rev. ed. 1987) --------------------------, Creeds, Councils and Controversies (1966, rev. ed. 1989) Augustine, Confessions ------------, City of God etc. See also the primary source lists in the sections above.

Secondary Each of the key general works includes chapters on education, learning etc: Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward Perkins and Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XIV - Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge, 2000); P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I: c. 500-c. 700 (Cambridge, 2005); R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume II: c. 700-c. 900 (Cambridge, 1995). H.I. Marrou, Education in Antiquity (Eng. tran. 1956) R. Markus, 'Paganism, Christianity and the Latin classics in the fourth century' in J.W. Binns, The Latin Literature of the Fourth Century (1974) P. Riché, Education and Culture in the Barbarian West, ss. V-VIII (1976 - Eng. trans. by J.J. Contreni) M.L.W. Laistner, Thought and Letters in western Europe 500-900 (1959) A. Momigliano, The Conflict between paganism and Christianity in the fourth century (1963) R. Syme, Ammianus Marcellinus and the Historia Augusta (1969) Peter Brown, Augustine of Hippo (1962) ---------------, Religion and Society in the age of St. Augustine (1972) ---------------, The Rise of Western Christendom (2nd ed., 2003) A. Cameron, Poetry and Propaganda at the court of Honorius (Oxford, 1970) John F. Matthews, Western artistocracies and the imperial court (1975) E.K. Rand, Founders of the Middle Ages (1928) Cambridge History of the Bible vol. I (on Jerome) and II (the chapters on the early middle ages). H. Chadwick, Boethius (1984) M. Gibson (ed.), Boethius and his influence on mediaeval culture (1984) J. Fontaine, Isidore de Seville et la culture wisigothique (1965) J.J. O'Donnell, Cassiodorus (1979) W. Goffart, The narrators of barbarian history (1988) John Matthews, The Roman Empire of Ammianus (London, 1989)

Byzantium Cyril Mango, Byzantium (1980) Cyril Mango (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium (2002), esp. chapters 3 and 8. Cambridge Mediaeval History vol. IV, part II (1969) Nigel Wilson, Scholars of Byzantium (1983) Averil Cameron, Procopius and the sixth century (1985) P Lemerle, Byzantine Humanism (Canberra, 1986) G Horrocks, Greek – A History of the Language and its Speakers (London, 1997) (See also Byzantium section above) G. Bowerstock, P. Brown and O. Grabar, Late Antiquity. A Guide to the Post-Classical World (Cambridge, Mass., 1999)


THE CAROLINGIAN RENAISSANCE Primary Einhard, Life of Charlemagne trans. Lewis Thorpe, Pengin Classics Alcuin, Letters trans. S. Allot Lupus of Ferrières, Correspondence trans. G.W. Regenos Poetry of the Carolingian Renaissance trans. Peter Godman (1984) Paul Dutton (ed.), Carolingian Civilization (1994) Paschasius Radbertus Life of Wala and Epitaphium Arsenii trans. A Cabaniss P. Lehmann (ed.), Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz (1918) C. Becker, Catalogi bibliothecarum antiqui (Bonn, 1886) Jonas of Orleans, De institutio regia, in A ninth-century political tract, trans. R.W. Dyson (Smithtown, N.Y. 1983) Sedulius Scottus, On Christian Rulers and The Poems, Eng. trans. E.G. Doyle (Binghampton, N.Y. 1983) See also the separate section on historiography. For other translations see McKitterick, The Frankish kingdoms under the Carolingians, Bibliography of sources, pp. 341-6, and the sources provided in R. McKitterick (ed.) Carolingian Culture (see below), and R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995). See also the web-based source, the Internet Medieval Sourcebook (

Secondary R. McKitterick (ed.) Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation (Cambridge, 1993). This contains essays on The Carolingian renaissance, Carolingian political ideology, Carolingian thought, Latin Literature, German vernacular literature, grammar, The writing of history, Script and book production, art and architecture and Music. All essays are accompanied by Bibliographies as a guide to further reading, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians 751-987 (1983) chs. 6,8 and 11 and the references there given. R. McKitterick, ‘The Carolingian renaissance of culture and learning’, in J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005), 151-166 M.L.W. Laistner, Thought and Letters in Christian Europe 500-900 (1959) -------------------, The Intellectual heritage of the early middle ages (1963) Settimane de Studio del centro Italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo 19 (1972), contains a number of important articles. See also vol 39 (1992) on patronage of culture. R. McKitterick, The Frankish Church and the Carolingian reforms 789-895 (1977) ------------------, The Carolingians and the Written Word (1989) The Uses of Literacy in early mediaeval Europe, ed. R. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1990) (Aldershot, R. McKitterick, Books, scribes and learning in the Frankish kingdoms, 6th -10th centuries 1994) ------------------, Frankish kings and culture in the early middle ages (Aldershot, 1995) D. Bullough, The Age of Charlemagne (1972) --------------, 'Europae pater: Charlemagne and his achievement in light of recent scholarship', English Historical Review 85 (1970) pp. 59-105. W. Braunfels (ed.), Karl der Grosse. Lebenswerk und Nachleben vols. I-IV , especially vol. II (ed.) B. Bischoff, Das geistige Leben (Düsseldorf, 1965) J. Boussard, The Civilization of Charlemagne (1972) E. Patzelt, Das Karolingische Renaissance (1928) W. Edelstein, Eruditio et sapientia (1965) G. Gauche, Schullekture im Mittelalter (1970) L.D. Reynolds, Scribes and Scholars (Oxford, 1974) Y Hen and M Innes (ed), The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge, 2000) – see the piece by McKitterick R McKitterick, ‘The Illusion of Royal Power in the Carolingian Annals’ in English Historical Review CXV (2000) pp 1-20 M. Draak, 'Construe marks in Hiberno-Latin manuscripts' Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van wetenschappen 20 (1957) ------------, 'The higher teaching of Latin grammar in Ireland during the ninth century', ibid. 30 (1967) J.J. Contreni, The Cathedral School of Laon: its manuscripts and masters (1976)


S. Rabe, Faith, art and politics at St. Riquier. The symbolic vision of Angilbert (Philadelphia, 1995) J. Marenbon, From the circle of Alcuin to the School of Auxerre (1982) W. Treadgold (ed.), Renaissances and renascences in history (1985) esp. the article by John Contreni Uta-Renate Blumenthal (ed.), Carolingian Essays (1984) esp. the chapters by John Contreni and Donald Bullough M. Gibson and J. Nelson (eds.), Charles the Bald: court and kingdom (1981) A.F. West, Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools (1892) dated but still has much use in it. R. L. Poole, Illustrations of mediaeval thought and Learning (1922) ditto D. Schaller, 'Poetic rivalries at the court of Charlemagne', in R.B. Bolgar (ed.), Classical influences in European Culture 500-1500 (1971) Charlemagne (Exhibition catalogue 1965) Charlemagne's Heir: New perspectives on the reign of Louis the Pious, ed. Roger Collins and Peter Godman (Oxford, 1990), esp. the essays by Mütherich and Sears. David Ganz, Corbie in the Carolingian Renaissance (Sigmaringen, 1990) Marco Mostert, The Library of Fleury (Hilversum, 1989) La Neustrie. Les pays au nord de la Loire de 650 à 850, (ed.) H. Atsma, Beiheifte der Francia 16/I and 16/II (Sigmaringen, 1989), esp. the articles by Riché, Vezin, Mütherich, Dierkens and McKitterick. The Role of the Book in Medieval Culture, ed. P. Ganz (Turnhout, 1986) esp. the article by Vezin. Haut Moyen-Age. Culture, Éducation et Société. Études offerts à Pierre Riché, ed. Michael Sot (Paris, 1990) M.M.Hildebrandt, The External School in Carolingian Society (Leiden, 1992) B. Kaczynski, Greek in the Carolingian Age: The St Gall Manuscripts (Cambridge, Mass. 1988) W. Berschin, trans. J.C. Frakes, Greek Letters and Latin Middle Ages (1988) R. McKitterick, 'Eighth-century foundations; M. Banniard, 'Language and communication in Carolingian Europe'; John J. Contreni, 'The Carolingian renaissance: education and literary culture', David Ganz, 'Theology and the reorganization of thought; idem, 'Book production in the Carolingian empire and the spread of Caroline minuscule'; Lawrence Nees, 'Art and architecture': all in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp 681-844. B. Eastwood, 'The astronomy of Macrobius in Carolingian Europe: Dungal's letter of 811 to Charles the Great', Early Medieval Europe 3 (1994) 117-34. P.L. Butzer and D. Lohrmann, Science in western and eastern civilisation in Carolingian times (Basle, 1993) R. McKitterick History and Memory in the Carolingian World (Cambridge, 2004) Y. Hen, The Royal Patronage of Liturgy in Frankish Gaul to the Death of Charles the Bald (877) (2001) R. McKitterick, Perceptions of the Past in the Early Middle Ages (Notre Dame, 2006)


EINHARD AND CAROLINGIAN HISTORIOGRAPHY Texts Einhard, Vita Karoli Magni (ed.) R. Rau, Quellen zur Karolingischen Reichsgeschichte I (Damstadt, 1974) Eng. trans. L. Thorpe, Penguin Classics. Royal Frankish Annals (ed.) Rau (same volume as Einhard), Eng. trans. B. Scholz, Carolingian Chronicles (Ann Arbor, 1970) Astronomer, Life of Louis the Pious ed. R. Rau (same volume as Einhard) Eng.trans. A. Cabaniss, Son of Charlemagne (Syracuse, 1961) Nithard, Four Books of Histories (ed.) R.Rau (same volume as Einhard)Eng. trans. B. Scholz, Carolingian Chronicles (Ann Arbor, 1970) Annals of St. Bertin, ed. R. Rau Quellen zur Karolingischen Reichsgeschichte 2 (Darmstadt, 1972) Eng. trans. Janet L. Nelson, (Manchester, 1991) Fredegar, The Fourth book of the Chronicle of Fredegar and its Continuations (d.) with Eng. trans. J.M. Wallace-Hadrill (London 1960) Liber Historiae Francorum (ed.) B. Krusch, MGH Scriptores rerum merovingicarum II (Hanover,1888) pp. 215-328. trans. B. Bachrach, Liber Historiae Francorum Lawrence, Kansas (1973) or Richard Geberding as an Appendix, pp. 171-81, to his The Rise of the Carolingians and the Liber Historiae Francorum (Oxford, 1987) Annales Mettenses Priores (The Earlier Annals of Metz): first section trans. P. Fouracre and R A Gerberding, Late Merovingian France. History and Hagiography 640-720 (1996) Annals of Fulda Eng. trans. T. Reuter (Manchester 1992)

Secondary R. McKitterick, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians, 751-987 (1983) ------------------, The Carolingians and the Written Word (1989) esp. pp. 236-41 M. Innes and R. McKitterick, 'The Writing of history' in McKitterick (ed.) Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation (Cambridge, 1993) C. Holdsworth (ed.), The Inheritance of Historiography (Exeter, 1986) M.McCormick, Les Annales du Haut Moyen Age in L. Geniccot (ed.). Typologie des Sources du Moyen Age (Turnhout, 1975) G. Monod, Etudes critiques sur les sources de l'histoire carolingienne (Paris, 1878) W. Wattenbach, W. Levison and H. Lowe, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter (Weimar, 1953) R.C. van Caenegem, Guide to the Sources of Mediaeval History (Oxford, Amsterdam etc., 1978) H. Hoffman, Untersuchungen zur karolingischen Annalistik (Bonn, 1958) F. Unterkircher, Das Wienerfragment der Lorscher Annalen, Christus und die Samaritesin und Katechesa des Niceta von Remesiana (Graz, 1967) facsimiles of the Lorsch annals, filled in year by year by contemporary commentators. I. Haselbach, Aufstieg und Herrschaft der Karlinger und der Darstellung der sogenannten Annales Mettenses Priores (Lubeck, 1970) Janet L. Nelson, 'The Annals of St. Bertin', in Janet L. Nelson, Politics and Ritual in early mediaeval Europe (London, 1986) pp. 173-194. -------------------, 'Public Histories and private history in the work of Nithard', in Nelson, Politics and Ritual, pp. 195-238. Y. Hen and M Innes, The uses of the past in early medieval Europe (Cambridge, 2000) R. McKitterick History and Memory in the Carolingian World (Cambridge, 2004) S. MacLean, Kingship and Politics in the Late Ninth Century. Charles the Fat and the End of the Carolingian Empire (Cambridge, 2003) includes important discussions of the Annals of Fulda, Notker and other sources for the later ninth century. See also the articles by Labande and Gautier. F.L. Ganshof, 'L'historiographie dans la monarchie franque sous les Mérovingiens et les Carolingiens. Monarchie franque unitaire et Francie occidentale', Settimane di Studi del Centro Italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo 17 La Historiografia (Spoleto, 1970) 631-85. A. Scharer and G. Scheibelreiter, Historiographie in Frühmittelatter (Vienna, 1994) with chapters in English by Wood, Sawyer, Collins, Reuter, Nelson, De Nie and McKitterick.


Hans-Werner Goetz, Strukturen der spätkarolingischen Epoche im Spiegel der Vorstellungen eines Zeitgenossischen Mönchs. Eine Interpretation der "Gesta Karoli" Notkers von Sankt Gallen (Bonn, 1981) H. Lowe, 'Regino von Prum und das historische Weltbild der Karolingerzeit', Rheinische Vierteljahrsblatter 17 (1952), 151-79. -----------, 'Das Karlsbuch Notkers von St. Gallen und sein zeitgeschichtliche Hintergrund', Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte 20 (1970), 269-302.

Einhard F.L. Ganshof, 'Einhard, biographer of Charlemagne', trans. Janet Sondheimer in F.L. Ganshof, The Carolingians and the Frankish Monarchy (London, 1971). First published 1951. See his references to older commentary. A. Kleinclausz, Eginhard (Paris, 1942) Innes and McKitterick, The writing of history in McKitterick (ed.), Carolingian Culture, see above. R. McKitterick, 'The construction of the past in the early middle ages: the case of the royal Frankish annals', in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 7 (1997), 101-30. ------------------, 'Paul the Deacon and the Franks', in Early Medieval Europe 8 (1999) 319-40 ------------------, History and its Audiences (Cambridge, 2000) D. Ganz, ‘Einhard’s Charlemagne: the characterisation of greatness’, in J. Story (ed.), Charlemagne. Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005), 38-51 J. Nelson, ‘Tackling Einhard’s “Life of Charlemagne”’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 57.2 (2006)


MUSIC General Paléographie Musicale (facsimile series published by the Abbey of Solemes) The New Grove Dictionary (individual articles, e.g. Neums) B. Stäblein, Schriftbild der einstimmigen Musik (Leipzig, 1975) M. Huglo, Les Tonaires K. Levy, Gregorian Chant and the Carolingians (Princeton, 1998) and see the review article by R. McKitterick in Early Music History 19 (2000) pp. 279-91. S. Rankin, 'Carolingian Music', in R. McKitterick (ed.), Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation (Cambridge, 1994), pp. 274-316.

Gregorian and Old Roman Chant Helmut Hucke, 'Toward a new historical view of Gregorian chant', Journal of the American Musicological Society 33 (1980) Leo Treitler, 'Homer and Gregory: the transmission of epic poetry and plainchant', The Musical Quarterly 60 (1974) --------------, "Chant", Journal of the American Musicological Society 28 (1975) --------------, 'Reading and singing: on the genesis of occidental music-writing', Early Music History 4 (1984) Various articles in Musik und Lateinischer Ritus. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 2 (1982)

Notation Leo Treitler, 'Reading and singing: on the genesis of occidental music-writing', Early Music History 4 (1984) The New Grove, 'Neumatic notations' S. Corbin, Die Neumen B. Stäblein, Schriftbild der einstimmigen Musik (Leipzig, 1975) E. Jammers, Tafeln zur Neumenschrift

Sequences W. von den Steinen, Notker der Dichter R. Crocker, The Early Mediaeval Sequence B. Stäblein: various articles: see under Stäblein in The New Grove 'Sequences'

Tropes papers by Arlt and Treitler in Forum Musicologicum 3 (1982) papers in Liturgische Tropen, ed. G. Silagi (1985) The New Grove 'Tropes' G. Weriss, Intritus Tropen, Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi (1970)


LATIN CANON LAW 500-900 General: F. Maassen, Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des canonischen Rechts in Abenlande (1870) P. Fournier and G. La Bras, Histoire des collection canoniques en Occident depuis les Fausses Decretales (1931) H. Mordek, Kirchenrecht und Reform im Frankreich (1975) The New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) has a number of excellent articles, by leading authorities and in English. R. Reynolds, 'The organization, law and liturgy of the western church, 700-900', in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 587-621. J A Brundage, Medieval Canon Law (1995) concentrates on later periods, but is a helpful introduction. See also L. Kéry, Canonical Collections of the Early Middle Ages (ca. 400-1140). A Bibliographical Guide to the Manuscripts and Literature (Washington DC, 1999)

Penitentials: Medieval handbooks of penance ed. and trans. J.T.McNeill and H.M. Gamer (1938) C. Vogel, Les penitentiels (Typologie des sources du moyen age 227, 1978)

Hibernensis: R. Reynolds, Unity and diversity in Carolingian canon law collections, in Carolingian essays (ed.) U.R. Blumenthal (1983)

Pseudo-Isidore: E. Sekel in Realencyclopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche (3rd ed. 1906, vol 16)* H. Fuhrmann, Einfluss und Verbreitung des pseudoisidorischen Falschungen (1972-4)

Bishops' Capitularies: C. de Clerq, La legislation religieuse franque (1936) P. Brommer, Capitula episcoporum. Die bischoflichen Kapitularien (Typologie de sources 43, 1985) and see his MGH edition.

Local centres: R. Kottje, 'Einheit und Vielfalt des kirchlichen Lebens in der Karolingerzeit', in Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 76 (1965) R. Reynolds, 'Canon law collections in early ninth century Salzburg', in Monumenta iuris canonici (Ser. C, 1980) R. McKitterick, 'Knowledge of canon law in the Frankish kingdoms before 789: the manuscript evidence', Journal of Theological Studies 36 (1985) R. McKitterick, 'Unity and diversity in the Carolingian church', Studies in Church History 32 (1995) pp. 59-82. On introduction of the Dionysio-Hadriana to the Frankish Kingdoms see R. McKitterick, The frankish church and the Carolingian Reforms (1* esp. ch.1 and 2 (on episcopal statutes)). In U.L. Reading * The Seckel article on Pseudo-Isidore is translated into English in The New SchaffHerzog Encylcopedia of Religious Knowledge vol. IX (1911) (ed.) S.M. Jackson pp. 343-50. There is a discussion of the pseudo-Isidorean material in W. Ullmann, The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages (1955) On Hincmar Bishop of Laon and his quarrel with his uncle, Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims and the connection with pseudo-Isidore, see P.R. McKeon, Hincmar of Laaon and Carolingian politics (1978) Fournier-Le Bras, listed at the top, will give you the neatest description of the different collections of the early middle ages, the Hispana and the abridged version known as the Epitome Hispanae, the collection of Dionysius Exiguus, the Vetus Gallica and the later Frankish collections Dionysio-Hadriana, Dacherina, Herovalliana etc. The Collectio canon Hibernensis, compiled from biblical and patristic sources rather than exclusively referring back to earlier collections of the laws of the church (and originally apparently Irish) on matters both of doctrine and discipline, is discussed well by Reynolds. But note the distinction between the historically ordered collections, with the decrees of Church councils and papal decisions on church matters being preserved in chronological order of issue, and the systematic collections by subject compiled later in the barbarian Kingdoms.


CAROLINGIAN THOUGHT NOTE 'Thought' is used rather than 'philosophy' or 'theology' to avoid making any implicit judgement that the thinking of Carolingian scholars can be defined in a particular way with reference to a particular discipline. The references below should elucidate the difference between the historical approach which assumes Carolingian thought to be part of a general intellectual development with certain recognisable characteristics and attempt to place the writer also in his practical, as well as his intellectual, historical context, and the narrower intellectual approach which focusses on the work of other thinkers of the time.


Introductory and background reading on mediaeval thought

G. Leff, Medieval Thought from St. Augustine to Ockham (1958) John Marenbon, Early Medieval Philosophy 480-1150 (1983) A. Armstrong, The Cambridge History of Later Greek and early mediaeval Philosophy (1967) J. Pinborg (ed.), The Cambridge History of Later Mediaeval Philosophy (1982) H. Chadwick, Boethius (1982) A. S. McGrade (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy (2003)


Carolingian intellectual life- background and context

R. McKitterick, Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation (1993) esp. the essay by John Marenbon. ------------------, The Frankish kingdoms under the Carolingian 751-987 (1983) chs. 6,8 and 11. M.L.W. Laistner, Thought and Letters in Western Europe 500-900 (1959) -------------------, The intellectual heritage of the early middle ages (1966) R.L. Poole, Illustrations of Medieval Thought and Learning (1920) E. K. Rand, Founders of the Middle Ages (1926) J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Frankish Church (1983) ch.15. P. Godman and R. Collins (ed.), Charlemagne's Heir (1990) chs. 19-24.

C: (i)

Carolingian intellectual life - studies of individuals and issues Gottschalk and predestination

M. Gibson, 'The Continuity of learning 850-1050' in Viator 2 D. Ganz, 'The debate on predestination' in J.L. Nelson and M.T. Gibson (eds.) Charles the Bald: Court and Kingdom (2nd ed. 1991) ----------, Corbie in the Carolingian Renaissance (1991) ----------, 'Theology and the organisation of thought' in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp 758-785


John Scotus Eruigena

Periphyseon (ed.) with Eng. trans. I.P. Sheldon-Williams (1968-81) Homily on Prologue to St. John (ed.) with Fr. trans. E. Jeauneau (1969) Commentary on John (ed.) with Fr. trans. E. Jeauneau (1972) John Scotus Eriugena trans. Gregory of Nyssa, Maximus the Confessor and the Celestial Heriarchy of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, as well as writing his treatise on Predestination (ed. S. Madec) glosses in Martianus capella, On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury (ed.) E. Jeauneau or C. Lutz, and the other works cited above. For a clear description of Eriugena's thought see R.L. Poole in section B above. See also essays in J.J. O'Meara and L. Bieler, The Mind of Eriugena and the discussion. J.J. O'Meara, Eriugena (1988) The best guide to Eriugena is still M. Cappuyns, Jean Scot Erigène: sa vie son oeuvre sa pensée (1933), but see also John Marenbon, From the circle of Alcuin to the school of Auxerre (1981). S. Gersh, From Iamblichus to Eriugena (1978) exemplifies the 'Beierwalters approach' described by Dr. Marenbon, in tracing elements of Platonic philosophy in the work of Eriugena. See also J. Marenbon, 'Wulfad, Charles the Bald and John Scotus Eriugena' in Nelson and Gibson (eds.), Charles the Bald (2nd ed. Aldershot, 1991)



On the development of Logic

J. Marenbon, From the circle of Alcuin to the school of Auxerre (1981) NB. Boethius in the Middle Ages, ed. Margaret Gibson (Oxford, 1981) has many useful essays on thought, logic and philosophy in the early middle ages. D. Ganz, "Theology and the organisation of thought", in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II c.700-c.900 (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 758-85. J. Cavadini, The last Christology of the West (Philadelphia, 1993)


GRAMMAR The grammars written by the grammatici of the Roman Empire, most of them active in the fourth and fifth centuries, were the starting point for teachers of the early middle ages. The most widely read of the Grammatici were Donatus ca 350 Ars minor and Ars Major. Priscian (ca 500) Institutio de nomine, Partitionees and Institutions grammaticae Isidore of Seville, (ob. 636) Etymologiae Bk.1. The works of the Grammatici were edited by Heinrich Keil, Grammatici Latini (Leipzig 1855-80). Donatus is in vol. IV, pp. 355-410 and Priscian in vols. II and III. Donatus has also been re-edited recently by:Louis Holtz, Donat et la tradition de l'enseignement grammatical (Paris, 1981) (reviewed by V.Law in Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 108, 1986) pp. 101-9. On ancient education see H.I. Marrou, A History of Education in Antiquity (London, 1956) Also the best guides are: V. Law, The Insular Latin Grammarians (Woodbridge, 1982) ---------, 'Linguistics in the earlier Middle Ages: the insular and Carolingian grammarians', Transactions of the Philological Society (1985) pp. 171-93. ---------, 'The study of Grammar', in R. McKitterick (ed.), Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation (Cambridge, 1994) pp. 88-110. On the attempt to reconcile grammar with religious teaching see: D.C. Lambot, (ed.) Oeuvres théologiques et grammaticales de Godescalc d'Orbais (Louvai, 1945) J. Jolivet, 'L'enjeu de la grammaire par Godescalc' in Jean Scot Erigène et l'histoire de la philosophie (Paris, 1972) pp. 79-87. B. Löfstedt, L. Holtz, A. Kibre (ed.), Smaragdi Liber in partibus Donati, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis 68 (Turnhout 1986). This has a useful introduction in French. On the contribution of the Irish to the study of grammar in the Carolingian Empire see L. Holtz, 'Grammariens irlandais au temps de Jean Scot: quelques aspects de leur pédagogie', in Jean Scot Erigène et l'histoire de la philosophie pp. 69-78.


BOOK PRODUCTION AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCRIPT General introduction: See R.McKitterick, 'Script and book production' in McKitterick (ed.) Carolingian Culture: emulation and innocation (Cambridge, 1993) R. McKitterick, Books, scribes and learning in the Frankish kingdoms sixth to ninth centuries (Aldershot, 1994) D. Ganz, 'Book production in the Carolingian empire and the spread of Caroline minuscule', in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 - c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 786-808.


Materials and format

Parchment gradually superseded papyrus in the course of the fourth century. The codex form of the book also began to predominate in the fourth century and it was the Christian's preferred format for the book. T.S. Pattie and E.G. Turner, The Written Word on Papyrus (British Library, London, 1974) Naphtali Lewis, Papyrus in Classical Antiquity (Oxford, 1974) R. Reed, The nature and making of parchment (London, 1975) M.L. Ryder, 'Parchment: Its history, manufacture and composition', Journal of the society of Archivists 2 (1964) pp. 391-9. C.H. Roberts and T.C. Skeat, The Birth of the Codex (British Academy 1983) and see the review by R. McKitterick in The Library (1985) pp. 360-3.


Scribes and writing

Pens were made usually of goose quills or from reeds (phragmites communis). Ink made from gall apple, iron etc. mixed with wine or vinegar. Marc Drogin, Medieval Calligraphy (Montclair, New Jersey, 1980) Jacques Stiennon, Paleographie du moyen age (Paris, 1973) Bernhard Bischoff, Paleographie (1979) (- in German, also available in French by Jean Vezin and in English as Latin Palaeography (Cambridge, 1990) - paperback. [All three have sections on techniques and materials for writing, as do many of the introductory handbooks]




Roman script system: Capitals - Square capitals (Capitalis quadrata); Rustic Capitals (Capitalis rustica); early Roman cursive; uncial; half-uncial; late Roman cursive.

E. Maunde Thompson, An Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography (1912) James J. John, 'Latin Paleography' in Medieval Studies. An Introduction (ed.), J.M. Powell (Syracuse, 1976); 2nd ed. 1993) E.A. Lowe, Handwriting. Our Mediaeval Legacy (1969) B.L. Ullman, Ancient Writing and its influence (reprint 1969) A. Petrucci, 'L'onicale Romania', Studi Medievali 3 ser. 12 (1972, 75-114 at 108. See the collection of Petrucci's papers in English translation (New Haven and London, 1995)


The 'national' scripts

Visigothic minuscule: see M. Diaz y Diaz's monograph (1978) (in Spanish). Beneventan minuscule: see E.A. Lowe, The Beneventan Script (revised text by V. Brown (Rome, 1980)). Insular half uncial - see Julian Brown, introduction to the facsimiles of Insular miniscule -the Lindisfarne Gospels (1968) and now of Durham MS A.11.10 (1982). Also his Collected Papers. A Palaeographer's View (1993) (ed.) J. Bateley. English uncial: E.A. Lowe, English Uncial (1960), E.A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores. The British Isles (esp. the Introduction). Merovingian cursive. uncial and half uncial: R. McKitterick, 'Frankish uncial: a new context for the Echternach scriptorium' in Willibrod, zyn wereld en zyn werk (ed. P. Bange and W. Weiler (Nijmegen, 1990) [also in McKitterick, Books, scribes and learning] Merovingian royal diploma script, C. Saamaran and F.Lot (1951) Luxeuil minuscule: E.A. Lowe, 'The Script of Luxeuil' in E.A. Lowe, Palaeographical papers (1971)


'Laon a z' miniscule; Corbie minuscule - Leuchtar minuscule, Maurdramnus minuscule. Caroline miniscule - types according to different scriptoria: Tours, Rheims. Metz, Corbie, Rheims, St. Amand, Cologne etc. for all these in the early stages of development see the introduction to E.A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores, vol. VI.

Merovingians E.A. Lowe, Codices Lugdunenses Antiquiroes (1920) (Lyons) R. McKitterick, 'The Scriptoria of Merovingian Gaul: a survey of the evidence' in H. Clarke and M Brennan, Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism (1981) D. Ganz, 'The Merovingian Library of Corbie' in ibid. R. McKitterick, 'The diffusion of insular culture in Neustria between 650 and 850: the implications of the manuscript evidence' in La Neustrie ed. H. Atsma, Beihefte der Francia 16/II (1989)pp. 395-432 (also in McKitterick, Books, scribes and learning)

Carolingians E.K.Rand, The script of Tours (1929) L.W. Jones, The Script of Cologne (1932) F.L. Carey, 'The scriptorium of Rheims during the archbishopric of Hincmar in L.W. Jones (ed.) Classical and Medieval Studies in honor (sic) of Edward Kenneth Rand (New York, 1938) W.M. Lindsay, Palaeographica Latina (1916 onwards), vols. I-V contains many articles on early minuscules. B. Bischoff, Die Sudostdeutschen Schreibschulen vols I and II (1974 and 1980) -------------, Manuscripts and libraries in the Age of Charlemagne (Cambridge, 1994) John J. Contreni, The Cathedral School of Laon: its manuscripts and masters (1976) R. McKitterick, The Frankish kingdoms under the Carolingians (1983) pp. 200-227. ------------------, 'Carolingian book production: some problems' The Library 12, 1990 pp. 1-33. ------------------, 'Carolingian uncial: a context for the Lothar Psalter', The British Library Journal 16 (1990) pp. 1-15. (Both these in McKitterick, Books, scribes and learning. ----------------,Books, scribes and learning in the Frankish kingdoms, sixth to ninth centuries (Aldershot, 1994) R. Gameson (ed.) The early medieval Bible: production, decoration and use (Cambridge, 1994)

General Introductions and/or Books of lates of different script types Franz Steffens, Lateinische Palaeographie (1910 etc.) J. Mallon and R. Marichal, L'écriture Romaine C. de Hamel, A History of Illuminated Manuscripts (1986)

Bibliographical Guide (first rate) Leonard E. Boyle, Medieval Latin Palaeography. A Bibliographical Introdcution (Toronto, 1984; rev. ed. Rome, 1999)

Facsimiles of Carolingian manuscripts L.M. Tocci and B. Neunheuser (eds.) Sacramentum Galasianum 316 (1975) F. Unterkircher, Das Wiener Fragment der Lorscher Annalen (1967) Vienna lat. 515. ------------------, Alkuin Briefe (1969) Vienna lat. 795. ------------------, Antiphonar aus St. Peter (1969) Vienna lat., 2700. ------------------, Sancti Bonifatii Epistolae (1971) Vienna lat. 751 ------------------, Karolingisches Sakramentar Fragment (1971)Vienna lat. 958. F. Mutherich, Sakramentar von Metz fragment (1972) BN lat. 1141. H. Butzmann, Otfrid von Weissenburg Evangelien harmonie (1972) Vienna lat.26. K. Holter, Hraban Maur De laudibus sanctae crucis, Vienna lat. 652 (1972) O. Mazal, Wiener Hispana Handschrift (1974) Vienna lat. 411 (canon law) B. Bischoff (ed.), Stuttgart Psalter (1966) E. de Wald, Stuttgart Psalter (1921) -------------, Utrecht Psalter (1920s) B. Bishoff, Sammelhandscrift Diez B.66 (grammars and catalogue of Charlemagne's library) (1973) W. Neumuller, Codex Millenarius (Gospel Book) (1974) Cim. 1. R. Laufner, Trier Apocalypse (1975) Trier Standtbibliothek 31 W. Koehler, Drogo Sacramentary (1974) BN lat. 9428 K. Forstner, Das Verbruderungsbuch St Peters in Salzburg (1974) Salzburg MS A.


J.J. Contreni, Codex Laudunensis 468 (1984) Laon MS 468 (a school book)


EARLY MEDIAEVAL ART Charlemagne/Karl der Grosse. Catalogue of the Council of Europe Exhibition 1965 (ed.) W. Braunsfels (Düsseldorf, 1965) Karl der Grosse III. Karolingische Kunst (ed.) W. Braunfels (Düsseldorf, 1965) (Essays) P. Lasko, Ars Sacra 800-1200 (Harmondsworth, 1972) J. Hubert, J. Porcher and W.F. Volbach, Europe in the Dark Ages (1969) -----------, ----------- and -----------------, Carolingian Art (1970) F. Mütherich and J. Gaehde, Carolingian Painting (1976) W. Braunfels, The Lorsch Gospels (1967) E. Rosenbaum, 'Evangelist portraits of the Ada school and their models', The Art Bulletin 38 (1956) W. Koehler, Die Karolingische Miniaturen (Berlin 1935 - ) E.T. de Wald, The Illustrations of the Utrecht Psalter (1933) F.Wormald, 'The Utrecht Psalter' in Collected Writings I, (London 1984) S. Dufrenne, Les Illustrations du Psautier d'Utrecht (Paris, 1978) B. Bischoff et al., Der Stuttgarter Bilder Psalter (Stuttgart 1965-66) P. McGurk, 'Carolingian astrological manuscripts' in Charles the Bald. Court and Kingdom (ed. M. Gibson and J. Nelson, B.A.R. International Series 101 (Oxford, 1979). NB. This was not included in the second edition of Charles the Bald: Court and Kingdom published in 1990. L.W. Jones and C.R. Morley, The Miniatures or the Manuscript of Terence (Princeton 1931). L. Nees, A Tainted Mantle. Hercules and the Classical Tradition at the Carolingian Court (Philadelphia, 1991) ---------, The Gundohinus Gospels (Cambridge, Mass. 1987). J. Williams, The Beatus Manuscripts (London, 1994) vols I and II. -------------, 'Art and architecture', in R. McKitterick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History II: c.700 c.900 (Cambridge, 1995) pp. 809-844 and Bibliography pp. 1029-39 ------------, 'The originality of early medieval artists' in C. Chazelle (ed.), Literacy, politics and artistic innovation in the early medieval west (Lanham MD, 1992) pp. 77-109. H.L. Kessler, The Illustrated Bibles from Tours (Princeton, 1977) R. Deshman, 'The exalted servant: the ruler theology of the prayerbook of Charles the Bald', Viator 11 (1980) 385-417. J. Gaehde, 'Pictorial sources of the illustrations to the Book of Kings ... in the Carolingian Bible of San Paolo fuori le mura in Rome', Frühmittelalterliche Studien 9 (1975) p. 359-89. R. McKitterick, 'Text and image in the Carolingian World', in The Uses of Literacy in Medieval Europe, ed. R. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1990) - pbk. 1992) G. Henderson, 'Emulation and innovation in Carolingian art', in R. McKitterick, Carolingian Culture: emulation and innovation (Cambridge, 1994) J Elsner, Art and the Roman Viewer: The Transformation of Art from the Pagan World to Christianity (Cambridge, 1995) L Nees (ed), Approaches to Early Medieval Art (Cambridge, Mass, 1998) C Mango, Art of the Byzantine Empire (Toronto, 1986) C Mango, Byzantine Architecture (London, 1986) C Mango, Byzantium – The Empire of New Rome (London, 1983) L Rodley, Byzantine Art and Architecture: An Introduction (1994) J.R. Benton, Art of the Middle Ages (London 2000) C. Tadgell, Early Medieval Europe: The Informal Contained (London, 2001) P E Dutton and H L Kessler, The Poetry and Paintings of the First Bible of Charles the Bald (1997) C. Chazelle, The Crucified God in the Carolingian Era. Theology and Art of Christ’s Passion (Cambridge, 2001) C. Stiegemann and M. Weinhoff (eds), 799. Kunst und Kultur (Mainz, 1999)


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