Frog's Muscular System

December 10, 2016 | Author: Ron Olegario | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Frog's muscles with its origin, insertion and action......


Submentalis Geniohyoid Hyoglossus




Depressor Mandibulae

Cutaneous Pectoralis



Anterior Pectoralis Middle Pectoralis Posterior Pectoralis

Rectus Abdominis External Oblique


Dorsalis Scapulae

Latissimus Dorsi Longissimus Dorsi Ilio-lumbaris Coccygeoiliacus

Coccygeosacralis Gluteus

Muscles of the Floor of the Mouth & Tongue Mylohyoid Submentalis Geniohyoid Hyoglossus Depressor Mandibulae Temporalis Masseter Pterygoideus

Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle, Shoulders, & Arms AnteriorPectoralis (PectoralisEpicoracoidea)

Middle Pectoralis (PectoralisSternalis) Posterior Pectoralis (PectoralisAbdominis) Deltoid Sterno-radialis

Origin inner side of the lower jaw anterior end of the mandible dorsally on coracoids and clavicle hyoid Posterior edge of the tympanic ring via dorsal fascia side of the skull between eye and tympanic ring tympanic ring and adjacent bones pterygoid region of the skull

Origin coracoid and epicoracoid bones xiphisternum anterior half of the rectus abdominis clavicle, scapula, and omosternum episternum

Abdominal Wall Muscles


Insertion tendon in median line tendon in mid-line

Action raises the floor of the mouth for breathing pushes sublingual tubercle on lower jaw

Ventral side of the hyoid

bulges hyoid ventrally


retracts/withdraws tongue forward

posterior-most end of the lower jaw

opens the mouth

near posterior end of the closes the mouth lower jaw lower jaw, behind closes the mouth temporal medial side of the condyle assists in jaw movement of the mandible

Insertion anterior end of the humerus anterior end of the humerus anterior end of the humerus deltoid crest of the humerus proximal part of the radius by tendon


External Oblique

dorsal fascia

linea alba dorsal to the previous muscle

Rectus Abdominis


dorsally on sternum & coracoid


transverse process of the 4th to 9th vertebrae & the iliac bone

coracoid &xiphisternum

Action draws arms towards the chest/adduction of arms draws arms towards the chest draws arms towards the chest draws arms forward flexes forearm and the humerus

Action compressor of the abdomen and respiratory muscle supports the abdomen, holds the sternum compressor of the abdomen and respiratory muscle

Back & Pelvic Girdle Muscles


Dorsalis Scapulae



dorsal fascia




anterior end of the ilium


periphery of the urostyle


periphery of the urostyle middle of the lateral surface of the ilium

Gluteus Pyriformis

anterior surface of lateral sacrum

Thigh Muscles Triceps Femoris

Origin pelvic girdle

Biceps Femoris

crest of the ilium above the acetabulum


dorsal side of the ischium

Gracilis Muscles

edge of the ischium


ischium by two heads

Adductor Muscles

ischium and pubis


lower end of ilium

Shank Muscles Gastrocnemius

Origin distal end of the femur by a flat tendon, & edge of knee tendon

Insertion tendon joining the latissimusdorsi on deltoid crest vertebrae & the back of the skull transverse process of the sacral vertebra transverse process of the 9th sacral vertebra anterior part of the ilium anterior side of head of femur greater trochanter of femur, along its medial surface

Action raises arms towards body raises arm dorsally straightens the back and raises the head extensor of the back singly turns the back and raises it holds urostyle in place draws thigh forward & upward laterally rotates thigh at hip, also abducts thigh if hip is flexed

Insertion front of the tibia distal part of the femur and posterior border of the tibio-fibula posterior end of the tibiofibula inner side of the tibiofibula below the head with the gracilis minor on the proximal end of the tibio-fibula distal end of the femur proximal end of the tibiofibula

Action extensor of the shank Adducts the thigh against the trunk, also extend to the shank



tendon of Achilles


knee tendon

tibio-fibula, distally by ankle

TibialisAnticus TibialisPosticus

femur femur

calcaneal bone calcaneal bone

flexes of the shank flexes shank adducts thigh & flexes the shank adducts thigh and leg flexor of the thigh

extends the foot and flexes the shank draws shank against the thigh and extends or twist the foot extensor of the foot extensor of the foot

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