Catalogue Vishy anand: my career Vol. 1 + 2 The World Champion describes the highlights of his career! vlastimil hort Facing the World Champions A very personal stroll through the history of chess. Daniel king powerplay Tactical tips and strategic plans for impressive attacking play.
Learning from the masters makes for masterly learning!
Chess training with the ChessMedia system CHBS_800_PP_003 fritztrainer Prospekt ENG_RZ.indd 1
17.12.2008 9:37:55 Uhr
The ChessMedia system Innovative and unique technique!
You’d like to train with Garry Kasparov, Vishy Anand or Vladimir Kramnik? The ChessMedia system brings stars, top grandmasters and lea ding trainers, into your home. That is more than just a lot of fun; it is also much more effective than dry-as-dust studying from books or even playing through games on your computer, all alone. And here is how it works: the trainer explains his ideas to you in a video which is played in a window which occupies part of the screen. Totally synchro nized with the video, the moves and variations are executed on the board. This symbiosis in which games are demonstrated along with expert analy sis in both image and sound is the ideal medium to enable every chess player to assimilate even the most complicated concepts. The series of Fritz trainer DVDs covers the whole range of important themes in chess, from the basics of opening play, to strategy and tactics in the middlegame all the way through to the mysteries of the endgame.
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17.12.2008 9:37:56 Uhr
follow the World Champion from india on the most important stages of his career, from the very beginning to the gaining of the title of grandmaster, from his first great tournament successes till his victory in the match for the world title.
vishy anand
the worLd ChaMPion desCriBes the highLights oF his Career NEW! Vishy Anand My Career Vol. 1
NEW! Vishy Anand My Career Vol. 2
The first volume contains his early successes, including his victory in the World Youth Cham pionship in 1987 and his struggles for the right to challenge for the world championship, both the FIDE and also the PCA versions.
The second volume takes up the story in 2000, the year in which Anand won the title of FIDE World Champion in Delhi/Teheran. Anand comments on the decisive games on his long journey to the chess throne and talks about the feelings he expe rienced at the moment of his greatest triumph un til then. The DVD goes on to offer many brilliant games from the years which followed and ends with Anand’s victory in the WCh tournament in Mexico in 2007. A must for all chess lovers and a wonder ful source for all those who would like to see what lies behind the secret of the World Champion!
With a total running time of 3 h 48 min it takes us through to 1999. Anand reminisces about how he took up chess and how from one week to the next he suddenly managed to win all his games. Anand’s video presentation of his games contains not only numerous valuable comments and analy ses, but also lots of details about his tournaments and matches. One of the highlights of this first phase of his career was his winning of the World Youth Championship in 1987 and not long after that came the first great tournament triumphs with victories over Kasparov, Karpov, Korchnoi and many more.
32,90 ISBN 9783866810990
32,90 ISBN 9783866810983
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17.12.2008 9:38:05 Uhr
let garry kasparov himself explain to you personally the correct way to play the Queen’s gambit or the najdorf. follow the great magician through the history of these classic openings, from their very birth to the very latest grandmaster praxis.
garry KasParov how to PLay … Garry Kasparov How to Play the Najdorf Vol. 1
Garry Kasparov How to Play the Najdorf Vol. 3
The Najdorf Variation owes a good deal of its pop ularity to the commitment to it of Garry Kasparov, who employed it for many years as one of his main weapons. The DVD concentrates on the famous poisoned pawn variation (after 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Qb6), which has recently been un dergoing a revival thanks to the efforts of top grand masters such as Anand and Shirov. Kasparov explains the sharp lines in this varia tion comprehensively and in great depth.
The subject of the third DVD is the simultaneously dynamic and yet solid “English Attack” (6.Be3) and the lines which develop from there (6...e5, 6...e6 and 6...Ng4). Kasparov’s selec tion of games includes world class encounters from recent years. The total running time is more than 5 hours!
29,99 ISBN 9783937549255
Garry Kasparov How to Play the Najdorf Vol. 2 Kasparov’s comprehensive opening knowledge and his uncommonly well targeted preparation were always feared. The second DVD in the se ries on the Najdorf is given over to the other major lines which can arise after 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 (7…Be7, Nbd7, Qc7 or b5). Two and a half hours of private training at the high est possible level.
39,99 ISBN 9783866810365
Garry Kasparov How to Play the Queen’s Gambit In his day, Kasparov had the best teacher for the Queen’s Gambit whom one could imagine: Anatoly Karpov. In their first world championship match, the opening was played no less than 19 times. He speaks eloquently about the variations and ideas behind the Classical Queen’s Gambit and explains the basic con cepts. More than three hours of private training of abso lutely superlative class!
ISBN 9783937549781
ISBN 9783937549064
CHBS_800_PP_003 fritztrainer Prospekt ENG_RZ.indd 4
17.12.2008 9:38:11 Uhr
get to know at the personal level the player who was world champion from 2000 till 2007 and WCh challenger in 2008.
vLadiMir KraMniK My Path to the toP … Vladimir Kramnik My Path to the Top On this DVD, Vladimir Kramnik describes in video format his chess career, starting from his childhood and the first book which influenced his style and going all the way to the FIDEWorld Championship match against Topalov in 2006. He recounts how he made it from the provincial town of Tuapse on the shores of the Black Sea to the Botvinnik Kasparov chess school in Moscow and looks back over his first great successes on the nati onal and the international stage. At the age of 16, he was selected for the Rus sian Olympiad team at the insistence of Kasparov and in Manila 1992 he scored a sensational 8.5 points out of 9 games, which was the best result achieved in that Olympiad.
Topalov (2006), in which Karmnik was on each occasion successful in his defence of his WCh. When one gets down to it, perhaps the duel with Topalov is the more important one for the histo ry of chess. In Elista 2006 the union of the world championship titles was agreed under the aegis of FIDE. If you follow Vladimir Kramnik along the path of his chess career up till now, you will have done more than just see a lot of chess and gain a better understanding of it. The DVD offers at the same time an outstanding opportunity to get to know the world champion as a person. That is the case because Kramnik talks about his successes, his emotions and his work in chess in a quite relaxed, open, humorous and charming manner. The DVD contains more than six hours of video with exciting reports and game analysis.
39,99 ISBN 9783866810433
And in the same year he had his baptism of fire in an elite tournament: Linares 1992. In one of the strongest tournaments in the history of chess (with Kasparov, Karpov and almost all of the top players of the day) 17 year old Kramnik finished on +2, a superb result, and in doing so established himself as one of the real elite. Further outstan ding tournament results would follow and in 2000 the legendary World Championship match against Garry Kasparov, into which goes in great detail on the DVD. The two other highlights of the DVD are his exci ting matches against Leko (2004) and against
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17.12.2008 9:38:17 Uhr
The young usbek grandmaster rustam kasimdhzanov surprised the chess world in 2004 with his victory in the fide WCh. The 10 training dvds and his contributions on video for Chessbase magazine enjoy great popularity on account of his entertaining and instructive style of presentation.
rustaM KasiMdhzanov a worLd ChaMPion’s guide … Rustam Kasimdzhanov Albin’s Countergambit In 2004 Albin’s Countergambit (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5) celebrated its rediscovery when world class player Alexander Morozevich successfully employed the sharp 2…e5 on several occasions. Enthused by the latter’s games and by the many possibilities of fered by this opening, Rustam Kasimdzhanov was also soon trying out the gambit – equally success fully! On his latest 3.5 hour long DVD the former FIDE World Champion introduces you to the de velopments which have been taking place in this romantic opening in the last few years and brings you up to speed on the numerous plans avail able and on the very latest state of theory.
29,99 ISBN 9783866810792
Rustam Kasimdzhanov Endgame for Experts If you want to be successful in chess, you have to lay a lot of emphasis on your endgame play. Without good technique, you will not win advantageous endgame positions. On this DVD Rustam Kasimdzhanov analyses very practical endgames, the sort you will recognise from your own tournament games. With remarkable clari ty, he discusses positional factors such as an advan tage in space, piece play, pawn weaknesses and strong
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and weak squares etc. and tells you what you have to know in order to make the correct positional decisions. Kasimdzhanov’s extraordinary and easily understood presenta tion will help all chess players to increase considerably their own endgame performance.
29,99 ISBN 9783866810808
More training with KasiMdzhanov Anti-Moscow Gambit for Experts ISBN 9783866810785
Beating the French 1: (3. Nc3 Bb4) ISBN 9783866810563
Beating the French 2: (3. Nc3 Nf6) ISBN 9783866810570
Beating the French 3: (3. Nc3 dxe4) ISBN 9783866810587
Strategy – Step by Step ISBN 9783866810792
The Path to Tactical Strength ISBN 9783866810075
A World Champion’s Guide to the King’s Indian ISBN 9783866810082
A World Champion’s Guide to the Petroff ISBN 9783866810099
17.12.2008 9:38:21 Uhr
alexei shirov is often compared to his compatriot mikhail Tal on account of his uncompromising attacking style. Can you believe how in his 13 dvds he demonstrates his brilliant games and in doing so explains the development of important modern opening variations? Chess training of the very highest level!
aLeXei shirov My Best gaMes … NEW! Alexei Shirov Endgame Fireworks Creative players can carry on fighting for the whole point right till the last minute, even in endgames. Alexei Shirov proves this on his new DVD. Even objec tively level positions frequently offer enough potential to get the struggle going again by sharpening up the position. In more than 4 hours, Shirov illustrates by means of his own games the numerous wrinkles with which to force your oppo nent to his knees even in the final phase of the game.
32,90 ISBN 9783866811072
NEW! Alexei Shirov Spanish Vol. 3 The venerable Spanish Opening (or Ruy Lopez) is at present going through a radical restructuring and re evaluation in many variations. Both young and experienced top players have been successfully testing new ideas in wellknown variations. In his third DVD on the Ruy Lopez, Alexei Shirov demonstrates by means of his own games how one of the oldest of openings has really been trans formed once more. He introduces and explains the ideas behind the
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rediscovered Jaenisch Gambit (3...f5, also known as the Schliemann Defence), the Breyer and Zaitsev Variations, the Open Ruy Lopez, the Marshall Gambit, but also the antiMarshall and the Berlin Defence. A total running time of almost 6 hours!
32,90 ISBN 9783866810860
More training with aLeXei shirov My Best Games in the Petroff ISBN 9783866810174
My Best Games in the Spanish ISBN 9783937549835
My Best Games in the Sicilian ISBN 9783937549842
NEW! My Best Games with Black ISBN 9783866810815
My Best Games in the Sveshnikov ISBN 9783866810655
My Best Games in the Grünfeld ISBN 9783866810600
My Best Games in the Spanish Vol. 2 ISBN 9783866810594
My Best Games in the Caro-Kann ISBN 9783866810389
My Best Games in Nimzo-Indian ISBN 9783866810242
My Best Games in the Slav and Semi-Slav ISBN 9783866810235
17.12.2008 9:38:24 Uhr
early in his career loek van Wely was recognised as one of the greatest chess talents of the netherlands. in 2001 he burst for the first time into the group of the world’s top ten players. The congenial dutch player has a unique record in national championships. he gained the title of champion of the netherlands six times in succession from 2000 to 2005.
van weLy Master oPenings Loek van Wely The Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian
Loek van Wely The Botvinnik and Moscow Variation
The Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian Defence (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5) belongs to the modern classics of opening theory. Originally, it was often scorned as being too po sitionally compromising, but the Sveshnikov has found its place in the repertoire of superstars such as Kramnik, Topalov, Radjabov, Carlsen, Shirov and Ivanchuk. Six times champion of the Netherlands, Loek van Wely offers on his Sveshnikov DVD more than just the many valuable suggestions and ideas for connoisseurs of this system. His presentation of the games from the world’s top players is also beautifully designed to help those who are start ing out with this fascinating opening. In some 4 hours running time, Van Wely discusses the latest state of theory.
Van Wely’s reputation as an uncompromising player who is always looking to win makes him a welcome guest in tournaments all over the world. Amongst others, Van Wely’s games in the Botvin nik and the Moscow Variation of the Slav Defence have also contributed to this reputation. These are two extraordinary systems which are extremely sharp and complex. Van Wely has had extensive experience in these lines and so he has selected for his presentation mainly games of his own. His DVD gives a whole host of fascinating insights into the tactical and dynamic sort of game that is prevalent in top chess nowadays. Even chess lov ers who are not intending to include these lines in their repertoire will improve their understanding of chess thanks to Van We ly’s lectures and they will be able to extend their chess ho rizons. Total running time: more than 5 hours!
29,99 ISBN 9783866810129
29,99 ISBN 9783866810136
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17.12.2008 9:38:26 Uhr
adrian mikhalchishin, a grandmaster since 1978, is currently among the top 5 world trainers and fide Trainers Committee vice-Chairman. he trained the team of ussr in the 1980s and was the trainer of anatoly karpov (1980-1986); he has trained Zsuzsa polgar, alexander beliavsky, maja Chiburdanidze, arkadij naiditch and vasily ivanchuk.
adrian MiKhaLChishin
the seCrets oF the russian Chess sChooL Adrian Mikhalchishin Decision making in chess The theory of the critical moment in the chess game was explained once by GM Iosif Dorfman, who suggested that every game has 5 or 6 “forks” at which the impor tant decisions are made. Accordingly, all major errone ous decisions are made at these moments when there are multiple possible choices. Mikhalchishin describes different critical moments in detail and explains how to react correctly. Understanding the play at such a criti cal moment is the key to improving one’s results and general understanding of chess. Critical moments are characterized by the presence of between 2 and 4 differ ent possibilities – the exchange of pieces, the calculation of a long variation, a positional solu tion or transposition into an endgame. Mikhalchishin shows how to perform correctly in the above situations.
26,99 ISBN 9783866810440
Adrian Mikhalchishin The secret weapons of the champions Modern middlegame theory does not exist in written form. That is why players and trainers have to go back to the old recommendation by Nimzowitsch – to study typical positional methods. But which players are bet ter placed to teach us about their own powerful weapons than the great champions of the past? So the key to under standing the middlegame lies in understanding how to execute certain positional manoeuvres. In this DVD Mikhalchishin explains, for example, Botvin nik’s famous “flank against cen tre” strategy, which is one of the cornerstones of positional play. Also Petrosian’s white square strategy is an extremely important form of the control of squares and space. Tal was a great master of changing the material balance in every position – for example, rook and pawn against two pieces. Total playing time: more than 4 hours.
26,99 ISBN 9783866810396
CHBS_800_PP_003 fritztrainer Prospekt ENG_RZ.indd 9
17.12.2008 9:38:28 Uhr
The most effective learning takes place when you learn directly from the grandmasters of chess. so let grandmaster daniel king show you what you have to take into account for a successful attack on the king, how to set about attacking right from the opening or how to improve the coordination of your pieces.
danieL King PowerPLay Daniel King Powerplay 1 – Mating patterns
Daniel King Powerplay 2 – Attacking the king
The reason for most mates being missed is that we do not recognise the possibility early enough. And in turn, the reason for that lies in a lack of know ledge of mating patterns. “Recognising when danger approaches is a decisive ability”, reasons the popular English grandmaster and chess pre senter Daniel King at the start of this DVD. That is equally true, of course, no less for the defend ing side than for the attacking one, because for a defender it is vital to be able to put up as much resistance as possible. So the study of mating mo tifs is a rewarding one for both sides. If you follow King on this DVD, it will not only be good for your tactical vision, but time and again you will find enjoy ment in the aesthetic charm of the most varied collection of mating themes.
The most beautiful sight in chess is a vigorously execut ed attack on the king. But in praxis attacks on the king usually do not run smoothly. That is because setting up such an attack is a deman ding business. What are the preconditions which allow us to go straight for the oppo sing king? Which pieces are important and when? And which pawns should I throw forward against the opposing castled po sition? All these questions are answered by King by means of selected model games on his second Powerplay DVD.
29,99 ISBN 9783866810150
ISBN 978866810112
CHBS_800_PP_003 fritztrainer Prospekt ENG_RZ.indd 10
17.12.2008 9:38:30 Uhr
When is a bishop stronger than a knight? What are the advantages of having an isolated central pawn… and what are the risks? When is a passed pawn strong in the middlegame and when is it weak? The most popular chess presenter from the british isles looks into these and all other important middlegame themes in his unique powerplay series.
Daniel King Powerplay 3 – Pawn storm Creativity is the beginning and end of all attack ing chess. Just like most things in chess, this ability can also be honed and refined. On his third DVD, Grandmaster Daniel King investigates fur ther diabolical methods of attacking the castled king – this time with the help of a pawn storm. But which pawn should one choose? And when is the correct moment to throw a pawn forward towards the opposing king?
the opening and thus lay the foundations for a strong attacking game. Amongst the openings selected as examples are the Trompovsky and 3.Bb5 against the Sicilian.
29,99 ISBN 9783866810280
At the end of the DVD you can put your attacking and defensive capacities to the test with a series of specially chosen test po sitions, which are also opti mally suited for trainers to use as readymade lessons and exercises.
29,99 ISBN 9783866810167
More PowerPLay with danieL King
Daniel King Powerplay 4 – Start right Many players have great problems with the ope ning. And that is despite the fact that the big da tabases make available to everyone an enormous amount of opening knowledge. But there are even examples of this problem at grandmaster level. In 12 chapters on this DVD Daniel King de monstrates how to seize the initiative right from
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Powerplay 5 – Pawns ISBN 9783866810501
Powerplay 6 – Pawns, Pieces & Plans ISBN 9783866810723
Powerplay 7 – Improve your pieces ISBN 9783866810891
NEW! Powerplay 8 – Knights and Bishops ISBN 9783866811089
17.12.2008 9:38:30 Uhr
vlastimil hort, born in prague in 1944, won the grandmaster title in 1965. among his great successes is his qualification for the WCh Candidates’ tournament of 1977 in which he reached the quarter finals in reykjavik, only just going down to ex world champion boris spassky. victor korchnoi, two-times contender for the world championship, is a piece of living chess history. a relentless fighter at the board, he expressed his never-ending love for the royal game in a very simple phrase – “Chess is my life”.
vLastiMiL hort viKtor KorChnoi the great Legends
NEW! Vlastimil Hort Facing the World Champions During his career, Vlastimil Hort, who himself belongs to the same generation as Bobby Fischer, met no less than eight world champions over the board. In the early 60s he crossed swords with Mihail Tal, and at the end of the eighties he was sitting over the board from Garry Kasparov. Between the two there were meetings with chess legends Botvinnik, Petrosian, Smyslov, Spassky, Fischer and Karpov. On this DVD the CzechGerman grandmaster looks back to these encounters and devotes a chapter to each of the world champions, Thus we have eyewitness accounts which form a personal gallery of chess world cham pions, during which we get not only a presentation of the games but also details and stories of things which hap pened off the board and in the wings, as it were.
29,99 ISBN 9783866811034
Viktor Kortchnoi My Life for Chess Vol. 1 Now aged 77, the world championship runnerup still impresses us not only with his successful and attractive chess, but also with the way he calls a spade a spade. You can find both aspects on his DVDs for ChessBase. In “My Life for Chess” he has produced an extremely vivid memorial to his career
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in chess. In the first volume, Korchnoi presents eight brilliant games (amongst others against Smyslov, Geller, Tal, Hübner and Karpov) from the years 1949–1979. There can be no doubt that one highlight is the game against Karpov from the 1978 match for the world championship. In total “My Life for Chess Vol. 1” offers more than 3 hours of top class chess training and in addition an ex tensive interview. A must for every chess fan!
24,99 ISBN 9783937549385
Viktor Kortchnoi My Life for Chess Vol. 2 The second volume offers 4 hours of Korchnoi live. In it the great chess legend characterises the second half of his momentous career. Along the way, we have games against, e.g., Kasparov (1986), Spassky (1989) and Short (1990). In addition to the riveting demonstration of his games, Korchnoi includes plenty biographical and autobiographi cal details. He also blends in remarks and obser vations about the openings (King’s Indian, Eng lish and French). In all his explanations, one can feel Korchnoi’s enormous love for chess. Without question, there is hardly any genius who has lived chess in such an intense manner as has Viktor Korchnoi.
24,99 ISBN 9783937549392
17.12.2008 9:38:32 Uhr
if you have ever found studying the endgame from chess manuals to be too dry and tedious, you will really get a lot of pleasure from these training dvds. let internationally renowned endgame expert and grandmaster dr. karsten müller introduce you to the fascinating world of the endgame in pictures and words.
endgaMes dr. Karsten MÜLLer Dr. Karsten Müller Endgames 1 – Basic knowledge for beginners The endgame is often what separates the wheat from the chaff. Many games often turn on the fact that one side is short of endgame know how. The only way to cure that problem is to acquire solid endgame technique. This first DVD, which goes into the fundamental types of endgame, lays the foundations for such technique.
Dr. Karsten Müller Endgames 2 – Rook endgames To many chess players the “Lucena Position”, “Karstedt’s Drawing Principle” and the “Vancura Position” is all Greek. But behind these names lie basic principles of rook endgames. In the second volume of his series on the ending, endgame expert Dr. Karsten Müller proves how learning about rook endings can be both exciting and riv eting.
29,99 ISBN 978386681903
ISBN 978386681774
More endgaMes with Karsten MÜLLer
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Endgames 3 – Major piece endgames ISBN 978386681910
Endgames 4 – Strategical Endgames ISBN 978386681927
17.12.2008 9:38:35 Uhr
dmaster since 1993 and is a former British Open . He has more than 30 years experience of playng used it extensively in his own games.
ocessor at 300 Mhz or higher, s Vista, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard
reFresh your rePertoire NEW! Nigel Davies The English Opening
nigel DAVies The english Opening
4 is one of the most subtle yet combative means h has found favour with many of the great players n the Queenside whilst keeping his options open is pieces. This gives White the kind of flexibility d4 openings and puts the onus on planning and of variations. everything you need to know to start playing the showing how White should react to Black’s diftive games. The main focus is on lines with 2.g3, et aboard this Rolls Royce of chess openings.
nigeL davies
h Opening
enjoy the subtle english way in which gm nigel davies introduces you to the most varied opening systems for White or black. many of these could constitute a full tournament repertoire and can be successfully combined one with the other. nigel davies has been a grandmaster since 1993 and is a former british u21 Champion.
The English Opening with 1.c4 is one of the most subtle yet combative means of starting a chess game which has found favour with many of the great players in history. White takes space on the queenside whilst keeping his options open about where he should place his pieces. This gives White the kind of flexibility that is missing from regular 1.d4 openings and puts the onus on planning and ideas rather than on a knowledge of variations. On this DVD Davies tells you everything you need to know to start playing the English in tournament games, showing how White should react to Black’s different setups using 40 illustrative games. The main focus is on lines with 2.g3, making it easier for White to get aboard this nigel DAVies Rolls Royce of chess ope The english Opening nings. Video running time: 8 hours!
29,99 ISBN 9783866810884 fritztrainer opening
Nigel Davies 1...d6 Universal 1...d6 can be used as a universal defence against every White opening, offering Black the kind of dynamic play that is absent from more traditional defences. If White eschews the chance to occupy the centre with e2e4 and d2d4 it is often Black
CHBS_800_PP_003 fritztrainer Prospekt ENG_RZ.indd 14
who gains space early on, and this can be used as the basis for a powerful attack on the kingside. On this DVD Davies presents everything you need to know to convert the Pirc Defence into a univer sal system of counterattack, offering winning chances against every White opening under the sun. Video run ning time: 5 hours.
26,99 ISBN 9783866810488
Nigel Davies Torre Attack Torre Attack, with 1.d4 fol lowed by 2.Nf3 and 3.Bg5, is a solid and easy to learn opening system with hidden dynamic potential. An un derstanding of the plans and ideas is more important than a precise knowledge of varia tions which means that it can be played for a life time without the need to worry about shock moves or surprises. These are amongst the reasons that several great players have been attracted by the Torre, including those with such diverse styles as Tigran Petrosian and David Bronstein.
26,99 ISBN 9783866810846
17.12.2008 9:38:38 Uhr
international master andrew martin is 50 years old and is the current manager of coaching for the english Chess federation. he is renowned for his clear and easyto- understand didactic teaching style that can also be enjoyed on each of his 13 fritz-Trainer dvds.
andrew Martin Master Chess For everyone NEW! Andrew Martin The ABC of Evans Gambit Has the Evans Gambit been refuted in this year of 2008? Not according to Nigel Short and the many other strong Grandmasters whom you will see on this DVD. In fact, the Evans Gambit is ideal as a weapon for all players who wish to learn the art of attack or simply want to improve their results! At the cost of a pawn White often gets complete domi nation of the centre or an assault against Black’s King. Lines are quickly opened and a rapid defeat for Black is possible. Using games old and new, IM Andrew Martin assesses the state of play as it stands today. By learning and using the Evans Gambit you will be developing your attacking skills! Video running time: 4 hours 30 min.
26,99 ISBN 9783866811003
Andrew Martin The ABC of the Modern Benoni The Modern Benoni is one of the sharpest and most con troversial replies to 1 d4. In return for active pieces and a queenside pawn majority, Black voluntarily inherits a position with the clear defect of a weak, backward pawn on d6, a tradeoff which invariably leads to razorsharp play. On this Ch essBase DVD, International Master Andrew Mar tin will teach you all the nuts and bolts of this fas cinating opening, showing you when to duck and when to punch with Black and he tackles some of the most critical moveorders of the day. The ope ning is dissected, so that players of all levels will learn how the Black position ticks and the typical ideas that White may adopt to try to put the Be noni out of business. In the final analysis, this is an inspiring tour which will encourage you to try this opening yourself!
26,99 ISBN 9783866810822
CHBS_800_PP_003 fritztrainer Prospekt ENG_RZ.indd 15
17.12.2008 9:38:40 Uhr
fritztrainer Order hotline: ++ 49 40 63 90 60 10 Online Shop:
More Fritz-Trainer DVDs Andrew Martin: ABC of Alekhine ISBN 978-3-86681-040-2
26,99 €
Andrew Martin: ABC of Basics of Winning Chess ISBN 978-3-937549-37-8
24,99 €
Andrew Martin: ABC of the Benkö Gambit ISBN 978-3-937549-82-8 24,99 € Andrew Martin: ABC of the Caro Kann ISBN 978-3-86681-003-7
26,99 €
Andrew Martin: ABC of the Czech Benoni ISBN 978-3-86681-029-7 26,99 € Andrew Martin: ABC of the King’s Indian ISBN 978-3-937549-33-0 24,99 € Andrew Martin: ABC of Queen’s Pawn Opening ISBN 978-3-86681-045-7
26,99 €
Andrew Martin: ABC of the Ruy Lopez ISBN 978-3-937549-22-4
24,99 €
December 2008
Andrew Martin: ABC of the Modern Slav ISBN 978-3-86681-030-3 26,99 € Andrew Martin: The Scandinavian ISBN 978-3-937549-57-6
24,99 €
Andrew Martin: The Trompowsky ISBN 978-3-937549-58-3
24,99 €
Sergei Tiviakov: Sicilian Defense with 2. c3 – Alapin Variation ISBN 978-3-86681-047-1 26,99 € Sergei Tiviakov: The Maroczy System ISBN 978-3-86681-041-9
26,99 €
CHBS_800_PP_003 fritztrainer Prospekt ENG_RZ.indd 16
ChessBase GmbH Mexikoring 35 • D-22297 Hamburg
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17.12.2008 9:38:40 Uhr