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1. Liqu Liquid idat atio ion n Debtors
Inso Insolv lven entt
Juri Juridic dical al
t any ti time me dur during ing the pen penden dency cy of cou court' rt'sup superv ervise ised d rehabilitation rehabilita tion proceedings or pre'negotiat pre'negotiated ed rehabilita rehabilitation tion proce pr oceedi edings ngs,,
The liquidation of insolvent debtors, as opposed to individual debtor deb tors, s,
volun vo lunta tary ry
involu inv olunta ntary ry..
Volun Vo luntar tary y
liquidati liqui dation on proc proceedin eedings gs are init initiate iated d by the debt debtor or itse itself, lf, while whil e invo involunta luntary ry insol insolvency vency proceedings proceedings are init initiate iate by three or more creditors. [Back [ Back to the top] top ]
1.1 Voluntary Liquidation
debto deb torr
may ma y
also als o
initia ini tiate te
liquid liq uidat ation ion
proceedings by filing a motion in the same court where the rehab reh abili ilita tatio tion n
procee pro ceedin dings gs ar are e
pendi pen ding ng to con conver vertt the
rehabilitation proceedings into liquidation proceedings. The motion shall be verified, shall contain or set forth the same matters required in the preceding paragraph, paragraph, and state that the debtor is seeking immediate dissolution and termination of its corporate e(istence. )f the petition or the motion, as
n insol insolvent vent debtor may apply for liqu liquidat idation ion by filin filing g a
the case may be, is sufficient in form and substance, the
petition for liquidation with the court. The petition shall be
court shall issue a *iquidation +rder. [ Back to the top] top]
verified, veri fied, shall establish establish the insolvency insolvency of the debt debtor or and shall contain, whether as an attachment or as part of the body of the petition! "a# a schedule of the debtor$s debts and liabilities including a list of creditors with their addresses, amounts of claims and collaterals, or securities, if any%
1.2 Involuntary Liquidation Three " or more creditors the aggregate of whose claims is at least either +ne illion -esos "-h-,///,///,//# or at least twenty'five percent "012# of the subscribed capital stock or partner$s contributions of the debtor, whichever is higher hig her,, ma may y app apply ly for and seek the li liqui quidat dation ion of an
"b# an inventory of all its assets including receivables and
insolvent inso lvent debtor debtor by filing a peti petition tion for liqu liquidat idation ion of the
claims against third parties% and
debtor with the court. The petition shall show that!
"c# the names of at least three " nominees to the position
"a# there is no genuine issue of fact or law on the claim3s of
of liquidator.
the th e
peti pe titi tion oner er3s 3s,,
and an d
that th at
the th e
due du e
and an d
dema de mand ndab able le
payments paym ents thereon thereon have not been mad made e for at leas leastt one
hundred eighty "4/# days or that the debtor has failed
"0# directing the debtor and all creditors who are not the
generally to meet its liabilities as they fall due% and
petitioners to file their comment on the petition or motion within fifteen "1# days from the date of last publication.
"b# there is no substantial likelihood that the debtor may be rehabilitated.
determines that the petition or motion is meritorious, it shall t any time during the pendency of or after a court' supervised rehabilitation
rehabilitation proceedings, three " or more creditors whose
issue the *iquidation +rder. [Back to the top]
1.3 Conversion by the Court into Liquidation Proceedings
"-h-,///,///.//# or at least twenty'five percent "012# of the subscribed capital or partner$s contributions of the
5uring the pendency of court'supervised or pre'negotiated
debtor, whichever is higher, may also initiate liquidation
proceedings by filing a motion in the same court where the
rehabilitation proceedings are
proceedings pursuant to "a# 6ection 01"c# of this ct% or "b#
rehabilitation proceedings into liquidation proceedings. The
6ection 70 of this ct% or "c# 6ection 71 of this ct% or "d#
motion shall be verified, shall contain or set forth the same
6ection 8/ of this ct% or at any other time upon the
matters required in the preceding paragraph, and state that
recommendation of the rehabilitation receiver that the
the movants are seeking the immediate liquidation of the
rehabilitation of the debtor is not feasible. Thereupon, the
court shall issue the *iquidation +rder. [Back to the top]
)f the petition or motion is sufficient in form and substance,
1. Po!ers of the "#C
to convert
proceedings, rehabilitation
the court shall issue an +rder! The provisions regarding the liquidation of insolvent 9uridical "# directing the publication of the petition or motion in a
debtors shall not affect the regulatory powers of the
newspaper of general circulation once a week for two "0#
6ecurities and :(change ;ommission "6:;# under 6ection <
consecutive weeks% and
of -residential 5ecree =o. 8/0', as amended, with respect
to any dissolution and liquidation proceeding initiated and
)f the court finds the petition sufficient in form and
heard before it. [Back to the top]
substance, it shall, within five "1# working days from the
2. Insolvency of Individual Debtors
filing of the petition, issue an +rder! "a# calling a meeting of all the creditors named in the
)nsolvent individual debtors have the following options! "a#
schedule of debts and liabilities at such time not less than
6uspension of payments% "b# Voluntary liquidation% and "c#
fifteen "1# days nor more than forty "?/# days from the
)nvoluntary liquidation. [Back to the top]
date of such +rder and designating the date, time and place
2.2 "us$ension of Pay%ents
of the meeting%
0.0. -etition
"b# directing such creditors to prepare and present written evidence of their claims before the scheduled creditors$
n individual debtor who, possessing sufficient property to
cover all his debts but foreseeing the impossibility of meeting them when they respectively fall due, may file a verified petition that he be declared in the state of suspension of payments by the court of the province or city in which he has resides for si( "e shall attach to his petition, as a minimum! "a# a schedule of debts and liabilities% "b# an inventory of assets% and "c# a proposed agreement with his creditors. [Back to the top] 0.0.0 ction on the -etition
"c# directing the publication of the said order in a newspaper of general circulation published in the province or city in which the petition is filed once a week for two "0# consecutive weeks, with the first publication to be made within seven "7# days from the time of the issuance of the +rder% "d# directing the clerk of court to cause the sending of a copy of the +rder by registered mail, postage prepaid, to all creditors named in the schedule of debts and liabilities% "e#
transferring, encumbering or disposing in any manner of his property, e(cept those used in the ordinary operations of
commerce or of industry in which the petitioning individual
last illness and funeral of the wife or children of the debtor
debtor is engaged so long as the proceedings relative to the
incurred in the si(ty "
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