Free Will of Order

May 11, 2017 | Author: dheewa | Category: N/A
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sulap, mentalism, chair test...


Free Will of Order By Jimmy Fingers © 2006 Jimmy Fingers

Free Will of Order is a completely impromptu, new version of Deddy Corbuzier's Free Will. Deddy has been gracious and supportive enough to bless my release of this effect to the magic world, and I commend him on his continued positivity and artistic vision. He is an extremely giving and creative individual. In Free Will of Order, I've added a time/order dimension that really turns the weakest of the potential choice scenarios into the strongest. I can think of nothing in my repertoire that gets so much mileage out the use of ordinary, carried objects. It's impromptu, except for having a business card filled out beforehand with the revelation. This saves time and energy. When I'm doing a presentation for an agent or potential client, this one is ALWAYS a highlight of the presentation. Even if you repeat this one at another time, their memories of what happened before are usually not vivid

or detailed enough to compromise the method. Not 'immediately' repeatable, but eventually, yes, you should be safe. I also ask the audience, during a stage show, if there is anyone here who just feels that all of this is bunk or tricks, and then I proceed to convince the toughest skeptic that I was able to predict all of his actions. This one is a pure miracle, regardless of where you perform it. Stage, close-up, or parlor, this is bulletproof! Effect: First, the performer shows the audience that there is a prediction written on the back of a business card. The performer can even have a third, uninvolved spectator silently read it to verify that it is extremely specific and descriptive, and he says "Yes." However, a quick flash of the written words on the back of the business card should give onlookers enough of a visual verification of the prewritten words to really convince them of your pure intentions. The performer selects an audience member to stand and face him while helping with the effect. The performer warns the helper that he will have a strong urge to run, to get away and hide... although he is not being 'chased' or scrutinized. They will laugh at this point, almost as if they've been forewarned of an assault or threat. The performer reminds them that the card already has the EXACT predicted description of the event, written in ink and unchangeable. The performer

asks if the spectator believes that everything in life has been predetermined, or if he believes that he has the power to change things in his life. In the U.S., and most places, the helper will usually say that they believe that they have a choice in life, or, as it will be revealed, 'Free Will.' If they say that everything is predetermined, then you reply with "Well, then this wouldn't be very impressive, would it?" The performer also asks if the helper is a good reader, and capable of reading off of the card, because he will be asked to verify the miraculous prediction in a moment. The performer brings out a watch, a coin, and a pen. These may be his, borrowed, or any combination. The performer displays all three of these objects, behind his back, on top of outstretched palms, asking the spectator to reach out with both hands and lift 2 items upwards, one in each of his own hands, and leaving the performer with only one object. The revelation is read, and not only has the helper's behavior been predicted, but clearly and exactly, as well. The revelation: "Free will has been taken... I will hold the coin, you will hold the watch, and, finally, the pen will be hidden!" Method: This is a hybrid version of the magician's choice, tweaked and polished in a way to make the weaker of the 3 possible outcomes the strongest. The performer places the card, prediction side face

down, on a table, in plain view, so that no one feels that there is a switch or similar deception of any kind. You ask the helper if he believes in predestination or free will? In the U.S. and most places, people are usually conditioned to believe that they are in control of everything that they do, so they will say free will. This is actually a small, instant part of the revelation that begins a trend of hitting on several aspects of the predictions. If they say no, you move on to another individual who believes in free will, or you simply ask the current helper to imagine that they have free will for the sake of this test. At that point, the "Free Will has been taken" part of the revelation is not considered a prediction, so much as a reminder of what is taking place. You will also ask him if he is a good reader, because he will have to verify your written statement (pointing to the prediction card) in a moment. You will place the three objects spread across your upwardly facing hands, palms up, and behind your back. You face away from the spectator, and ask them to pick up one object in each of their hands, straight up, only high enough to get the objects off of your hands, leaving you only with one object. No matter which objects they pick up, you will leave the remaining object behind your back in one hand, and turn around to face the spectator immediately, before he gets a chance to try to hide them from you. If he does attempt to hide them behind HIS back prematurely, you remind them of your verbal prediction of him 'running' and trying to hide his

choices, even though he is not being chased. Remind the onlookers that you already have the prediction written down, unchangeable and firm. You will have to ask him to return the objects to a position in front of him, and just place ONE of those objects behind his back. There are reasons for using the objects that are being used. The coin and watch can be almost any two objects, but the most important one is the pen. It is large enough to not be able to be hidden within the fist, and still compact enough to be placed in a pants pocket. The power of using the larger 'pen' object is that it gives you a constant reading on where the pen is at all times, since it's larger than the fist, and can't be fully hidden inside of the fist while you are 'steering' the events. But, what if they try to hide the pen from your view, by positioning their fist face down, with the pen hidden under the wrist? At this point, you can just have him show his items to everyone so that the audience can verify all of the choices during the effect, and that there are no switches going on, so that they can account for the accuracy of the revelation, throughout the process. Here are the scenarios for steering the objects. First of all, here is the revelation, as hand printed, clearly and legibly on the card: Free Will has been taken! I will hold the coin, you will hold the watch, and, finally, the pen will be hidden!

Scenario 1: You are left with the pen. This one is one of the cleanest, and does NOT call attention to order for cleaning the outcome. The ambiguous use of the word 'finally' is simply referring to the order written on the card, not the order of the actions. You have him hand you either of the coin or watch. If he hands you the coin, you read the prediction card out loud, asking him to read along as you verbalize the revelation. If he hands you the watch, you have HIM read the revelation out loud, showing the outcome to be clear and precise. Scenario 2: You are left with the coin or watch. This one will require you to call attention to the absolutely LAST, FINAL thing that he is going to do. You leave the remaining, unchosen item behind you, almost like you did before in the first scenario above, but hold the item in a position that is next to the thigh, on the same side as your arm that holds the object. This object is held in no man's land, and you will be able to bring it forward or move it further behind, depending on their next action. At this point, you must realize which of his hands has the pen. You ask him to put one of his objects behind HIS back. Scenario 2A: (continuing) If he puts the pen behind his back, you must detect this almost immediately, and, with calmness and naturalness, move your object from being held near your thigh to hanging by your side or even a little bit forward of the thigh. Now, you ask him again, "What was absolutely the final, last thing that you did?" He should say "I put the pen behind my back." You

reaffirm his action by stating that he has hidden the pen behind his back, and that was the absolutely last thing that he did, chronologically. If you are left holding the coin, you will read the revelation, with him looking on to verify that what you are reading is as written. If you are left holding the watch, you will have HIM read the revelation out loud, by himself. Scenario 2B: (continuing from Scenario 2, above Scenario 2A) If he puts the object that is NOT THE PEN behind his back, you will bring the object that you are holding back further behind you again, and ask him to hide the pen in his pocket. If it's a lady, she can hide the pen in her purse. You ask him "What was the very FINAL, LAST thing that you did?" and he will confirm that hiding the pen was the last thing that he did. Have both yourself and him bring your fists forward, and then: Have him read the card if you have the watch or You read the card if you have the coin All of the revolutions should be self evident. Practice and smoothness will make this equivoque even more effective and genuine. Avoid using women who are wearing dresses that might not have pockets to hide the pen in. This creates a problem. Other than that, you may think of other impromptu items to use instead of the ones listed here.

Just rehearse them through all situations to make sure that you don't run into snags, especially the ones that concern the object in the pen's place being completely hidden in the fist or unable to fit in a pocket.

© 2006 Jimmy Fingers

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