free energy motor

April 20, 2017 | Author: HeelPatel | Category: N/A
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A Project Report on

FREE ENERGY MAGNETIC MOTOR Is submitted to The Gujarat Technological University In Partial Fulfillment for award of Degree of

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Submitted By: Patel Heel (126660319050) Patel Smit (126660319015) Daki Akash (126660319043) Prajapati Mitesh (126660319061)

K. J. Campus Opp. ITI, Javla-Savli, Savli Dist: Vadodara. Guided By: Lecturer, Mr. Sudhir Yadav Affiliated to


Year: 2014-15




S.B.polytechnic Opp. ITI, javla-savli AT & PO.- SAVLI Dist-Vadodara 391770 Mechanical 5TH



YEAR 2014


S.B.polytechnic Opp. ITI, javla-savli P.O.savli, Dist-Vadodara


YEAR 2014





S.B.polytechnic Opp. ITI, javla-savli P.O.savli, Dist-Vadodara


YEAR 2014



S.B.polytechnic Opp. ITI, javla-savli P.O.savli, Dist-Vadodara


YEAR 2014



This is certify that Mr. Patel Heel (126660319050), Patel Smit (126660319015), Daki Akash (126660319043), Prajapati Mitesh (126660319061) have completed project work having title “FREE ENERGY MAGNETIC MOTOR”. They have undergone the process of sodhyatra, literature survey and problem defination. They are supposed to carry out the residue UDP work on same problem during semester-v for the final fulfillment of the UDP work which is prerequisite to complete Diploma Engineering.


Head Of Dept. :







It is not possible to prepare a project report without the assistant and encouragement of other people. On the very out set of this report, we would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt obligations towards all the personage who helped us in this endeavor without their active guidance, help, co-operation and encouragement, we would not have made headway in the project. We are extremely thankful and pay ma gratitude to my guide Mr. SUDHIR YADAV for his valuable guidance and support on completion of this project in its presently. We extend our gratitude to S.B.POLYTECHNIC, KJIT SAVLI for giving us this opportunity. We also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, our gratitude towards our parents and members of our family, who always supported us morally as well economically. Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of gratitude.

Thanking You,



This project report has been written to understand working principal of a free electrical energy. It confirms that the all parts & equipment are covered in this report. Be sure that any machine can’t be 100% efficient. This project report’s aim is to increase efficiency of Energy at possible stage. But with that we have also consider financials and environment factors because our energy sources are rapidly decrease and with that its prices also increase. The Use of conventional energy produces pollution in environment. That’s why we need to make efficient vehicle for domestic as well as industrial uses. In India that is very high population so, use of energy is increase day by day so, we make the solution of this problem by this project. In one of such new technologies, is the development of a free energy called as “Free Energy Magnet Motor”. Which does not require any of the electricity. Magnetic energy works by utilizing the repulsion force of magnets. The magnets produce a magnetic field. A small amount of electricity is used to keep the magnetic energy. This replaces all types of to date known electricity and also permanently solves the problem of global warming and its cost. However some of the modifications are very unique which makes it a very unique. Extensive research is in progress to eliminate all the problems of design. Since this fan runs only of fix RPM.



SR.NO Chapter:1

Chapter :2

Chapter :3 Chapter :4 Chapter : 5

Chapter : 6

DISCRIPTION Introduction 1.1 Introduction of Magnet Motor 1.2 The History Of Free Energy Magnet Motor 1.3 What is Free Energy? 1.4 Technology of permanent Magnet Motor 1.5 What Is Magnetic Field? Permanent Magnet 2.1 What is Permanent? 2.2 Parts use in Magnet Motor Concept Of Magnet Motor How Does Magnet Motor Work? Advantages &Disadvantage 5.1 Advantage 5.2 Disadvantage Future development

PAGENO. 9 9 10 11 12 13 15 15 17 19 21 25 25 25 26



Figure No.


Page No.

Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4

Introduction of Magnetic Motor History of free energy magnet motor Free energy concept Permanent magnet technology

9 10 11 12

Figure 1.5

Magnetic Field


Figure 1.6

Magnetic Area


Figure 2.1

Simple Figure of Permanent


Figure 2.2

Use of Permanent Magnet


Figure 2.3

Simple Figure of Frame


Figure 2.4

Multiple blade of Fiber Plate


Figure 2.5



Figure 2.6

Permanent Magnet


Figure 3.1

Block diagram (A)


Figure 3.2

Block diagram (B)


Figure 4.1

Concept of permanent magnet


Figure 4.2

Parts of Magnetic motor (A)


Figure 4.2.1

Parts of Magnetic motor (B)


Figure 4.2.2

Parts of Magnetic motor (C)


Figure 4.2.3

working position magnet motor (A)


Figure 4.2.4

working position magnet motor (B)


Figure 4.2.5

working position magnet motor (C)



CHAPTER 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION OF MAGNET MOTOR This motor attracts the flowing magnetic energy from the Transmute (coming from the coaxial cable) into its rotor and sets up a response from wing to wing which completes a circuit between two stationary Copper rings. In turn this completed circuit becomes the driving force to turn the structure. It is an important fact worth noting that the principle here is to show the relationship between magnetic energy as opposed to electrical current, when captivated in a particular structure. This energy form will produce the same driving force as electrical current when applied to the proper structure. This opens unlimited possibilities for the manner in which this structure can be used. This unit does not have the problems typically associated with electrical current, such as overheating, motor weight due to the use of iron, the cost of electricity, the danger of motor fires, etc. To capitalize on this untapped power source - a motor design is herein used that departs from standard electric motor designs. A free magnet motor works on a principle of the powerful permanent the ordinary motor, the magnetic fill is generated by the electric coil.

The magnet motor has no power losses and can be used even as a free energy generator. It is using the permanent magnetic field of the magnets to generate the force moving the rotor. The biggest advantage is no feed for external source off electric power and thus very cheap operation. Free Energy Generator Plans Magnet motor free energy generator The Magnet motor (or magnet engine) free energy generator is a decent, powerful and well-looking topology of a free energy generator. It works on a principle of the powerful neodymium permanent magnets.

Figure 1.1 Introduction of Magnetic Motor When the magnetic force reaches the necessary level to overcome the friction, the motor RPM ramps up and reaches the equilibrium value. In the ordinary motor, the magnetic field is generated by the electric coils, usually made of copper (Cu) or sometimes an aluminum (Al). Because both copper and aluminum are not superconductors (their resistance is not zero), the ordinary electric motor continuously needs the electric power to maintain the magnetic field. I repeat: The ordinary motor needs not only the initial energy, but the continuous supply of


energy! The coils are wasting the power, turning it into a heat, because of their resistance. The electric energy has to continuously flow into the system, compensating the energy losses.

1.2The history of Free Energy Magnet Motor:The Magnet motor has no coils and thus no power losses and can be used even as a free energy generator. It is using the permanent magnetic field of the magnets to generate the force moving the rotor. For a long time, the magnet motor was only a theoretical concept, because the old ferrite magnets were too weak to generate enough magnetic force to form a practical engine, operable in real world. In last years, much more powerful magnets - the neodymium magnets came and enabled the practical construction of the old theoretical concept.

Figure 1.2 History of free energy magnet motor This is how the Magnet motor free energy generator came into the world. The disadvantage of the magnet motor is that it cannot be controlled electrical way. You cannot shut it down the "solid state" way, e.g. by switching a transistor, trial or solid state relay off. The RPM control is also problematic in this kind of motor. On the other hand, there are much more advantages than disadvantages. The biggest advantage is no need for external source of electric power and thus a very cheap operation. This predetermines this motor for construction of the free energy generator units. The motor market is flushed with permanent magnet (PM) motors these days. Growth rates of PM brushless motors in excess of 100 percent are the norm instead of just a stroke of luck. But the attractive growth rates of PM motors today were a long time coming. Call it a circuitous route or a historical journey, the practical application of PM motors did not occur until many decades after the first electric motors were invented.



Free Energy is a thermodynamic quantity given by the subtraction between the internal energy of a system and the product of its absolute temperature and entropy. In Chemistry terms, it is also known as the difference between the enthalpy and the multiplication of the absolute temperature and entropy of a system, Gibbs free energy. Free Energy refers to a very broad topic of energy. As a part of science we have Thermodynamic Free Energy, which is energy found in a physical system that can be made into work. We have Helmholtz Free Energy, which is energy that can be turned into work at a constant temperature and volume. And we have Gibbs Free-Energy, the measure of total entropy changes along with the surroundings with constant pressure. Free energy determines whether a chemical reaction is spontaneous or not spontaneous, in the Chemistry 2C course, the main focus is Gibbs free energy.

Figure: 1.3Free energy concept

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that even though the total energy is unchanged, after every energy transformation, the amount of free energy decreases. Entropy tends to increase. The energy is usually lost by an energy form such as heat.


1.4Technology Permanent Magnet Motor Motors are their simple construction, simple maintenance, no commentator or slip rings, low price and moderate reliability. The disadvantages are their small air gap, the possibility of cracking the rotor bars due to hot spots at plugging and reversal, and lower efficiency and power factor than synchronous motors. The use of PM brushless motors has become a more attractive option than induction motors. Rare earth PMs can not only improve the motor’s steady state performance but also the power density (output power-to-mass ratio), Dynamic performance and quality. The prices of rare earth magnets are also dropping, which is making these motors more popular. The improvements made in the field of semiconductor drives have meant that the control of brushless motors has become easier and cost effective, with the possibility of operating the motor over a large range of speeds while still maintaining good efficiency.

Figure 1.4 Permanent magnet technology



Figure 1.5Magnetic Field The magnetic field can be defined in several equivalent ways based on the effects it has on its environment. Magnetic energy causes different kinds of metals to attract or repel each other .Energy is such an interesting subject to gain knowledge. A magnetic field is a mathematical description of the magnetic influence of electric currents and magnetic materials. The magnetic field at any given point is specified by both a direction and a magnitude (or strength); as such it is a vector field.[nb 1] The term is used for two distinct but closely related fields denoted by the symbols B and H. Briefers to magnetic flux density, and H to magnetic field strength. Magnetic flux density is most commonly defined in terms of the Lorentz force it exerts on moving electric charges. Magnetic fields are produced by moving electric charges and the intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles associated with a fundamental quantum property, their spin. In special relativity, electric and magnetic fields are two interrelated aspects of a single object, called the electromagnetic tensor; the split of this tensor into electric and magnetic fields depends on the relative velocity of the observer and charge. In quantum physics, the electromagnetic field is quantized and electromagnetic interactions result from the exchange of photons.


In everyday life, magnetic fields are most often encountered as an invisible force created by permanent magnets which pull on iron objects and attract or repel other magnets. Magnetic fields are very widely used throughout modern technology, particularly in electrical and electro mechanics. The Earth produces its own magnetic field, which is important in navigation. Rotating magnetic fields are used in both electric motors and generators. Magnetic forces give information about the charge carriers in a material through the Hall Effect. The interaction of magnetic fields in electric devices such as transformers is studied in the discipline of magnetic circuits.

Figure 1.6Magnetic Area


Chapter 2:- Permanent Magnet 2.1 What is Permanent Magnet?

Figure 2.1 Simple Figure of Permanent A permanent magnet is a magnet that is permanent, in contrast to an electromagnet, which only behaves like a magnet when an electric current is flowing through it. Permanent magnets are made out of substances like magnetite (Fe 3O4), the most magnetic naturally occurring mineral, or neodymium, a powerfully magnetic synthetic substance. The Earth itself is a huge permanent magnet, though its magnetic field is quite weak relative to its size. Humans have used the magnetic field of the Earth for navigation since the compass was invented in ancient China. Even the most powerful permanent magnet is not as strong as the stronger electromagnets, so their applications are limited, but they still have many uses. The most mundane would be used as refrigerator magnets, but magnets can be found everywhere, including your hard disk, ATM and credit cards, speakers and microphones, electric motors, and toys. Electric motors work through an interaction between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet. Every permanent magnet generates a magnetic field, just like any other magnet, which circulates around the magnet is a distinct pattern. The size of the magnetic field is related to the size of the magnet and its strength. The easiest way to view a magnetic field generated by a


permanent magnet is to scatter iron filings around a bar magnet, which quickly orient themselves along the field lines.

Figure 2.2 Use of Permanent Magnet A good permanent magnet should produce a high magnetic field with a low mass, and should be stable against the influences which would demagnetize it. The desirable properties of such magnets are typically stated in terms of the eminence and coercively of the magnet materials.


2.2 PARTS OF USE IN MAGNET MOTOR 1. Frame 2. Fiber Plate 3. Coil 4. Permanent Magnet

1. Frame

Figure 2.3 Simple Figure of Frame This is support of when the fiber plate is moving in the rotary motion and hold them. Frame hold the magnet which use for the induce the electricity.

2. Fiber Plate

Figure 2.4 multiple blade of Fiber Plate This is use to increase speed of RPM. So that why induce the voltage as well as current. This plate’s wait is very low.


3. Coil

Figure 2.5 Coil A field coil is an electromagnet used to generate a magnetic field in an electro-magnetic machine, typically a rotating electrical machine such as a motor or generator. It consists of a coil of wire through which a current flows.

4. Permanent Magnet

Figure 2.6 Permanent Magnet A good permanent magnet should produce a high magnetic field with a low mass, and should be stable against the influences which would demagnetize it. The desirable properties of such magnets are typically stated in terms of the eminence and coercively of the magnet materials.



Figure 3.1 Block diagram (A) Magnet motor is a brand new alternative energy generator that available now. Basically, the magnet motor utilizes the powerful magnet to generate cheap electricity. The special property of polarity of magnet exerts huge force that can turn heavy blades of a turbine to powerful electricity. Sometimes, people will feel confuse between permanent magnet motor magnet motor. The mechanism between these two types of magnet motors is still the same. The permanent magnet motor is more specific if compare to magnet motor. It is powered safely via the permanent magnet. The magnet motor is broader class which power-assisted motors associated with a magnetic nature. Therefore, it involves the external power source. The Magnet motor has no coils and thus no power losses and can be used even as a free energy generator. It is using the permanent magnetic field of the magnets to generate the force moving the rotor. For a long time, the magnet motor was only a theoretical concept, because the


old ferrite magnets were too weak to generate enough magnetic force to form a practical engine, operable in real world. In last years, much more powerful magnets - the neodymium magnets came and enabled the practical construction of the old theoretical concept. This is how the Magnet motor free energy generator came into the world. The disadvantage of the magnet motor is that it cannot be controlled electrical way. You cannot shut it down the "solid state" way, e.g. by switching a transistor, trial or solid state relay off. The RPM control is also problematic in this kind of motor. On the other hand, there are much more advantages than disadvantages. The biggest advantage is no need for external source of electric power and thus a very cheap operation. This predetermines this motor for construction of the free energy generator units. The practical model of this generator is relatively easy to build. All you need is a suitable set of neodymium magnets. Today, the ND magnets can be easily bought. Small magnets can be salvaged from an old hard drive. Very small neodymium magnets can be found even in the CD or DVD drive focusing system. To build the Magnet motor free energy generator, the parts of an ordinary electric motor can be used.

Figure 3.2 Block diagram (B) To generate useful electricity, you have two options: First option is using the coils of the electrical motor used as a basis of the Magnet motor. This is the easier case, but your motor has to have enough space for both the magnet set and the coil windings. Second option is to connect the Magnet motor mechanically with an ordinary generator. You can directly bond the shafts or use a belt gear. The second version of the Magnet motor free energy generator is capable of generating more power, but also more complicated to build. The advantage of the second version is that you can remove the coils from the original motor, thus getting much more space for the magnets. This allows much more torque to be generated. Before doing anything, read the Disclaimer first.



1: Fundamentally there is no difference between magnetic energy an electric energy. Any form of energy can be transformed to another but the amount of energy is static. In therapy magnetic. 2: Magnetic energy works by utilizing the repulsion force of magnets. The magnets produce a magnetic field. A small amount of electricity is used to keep the magnetic energy.

Figure 4.1 Concept of permanent magnet

To generate useful electricity, you have two options: First option is using the coils of the electrical motor used as a basis of the Magnet motor. This is the easier case, but your motor has to have enough space for both the magnet set and the coil windings. Second option is to connect the Magnet motor mechanically with an ordinary generator. You can directly bond the shafts or


use a belt gear. The second version of the Magnet motor free energy generator is capable of generating more power, but also more complicated to build. The advantage of the second version is that you can remove the coils from the original motor, thus getting much more space for the magnets. This allows much more torque to be generated. Before doing anything, read the Disclaimer first.

Figure 4.2 Parts of Magnetic motor (A)

Figure 4.2.1 Parts of Magnetic motor (B) A computer fan can be used to build a small prototype of the magnet motor. You can see the motor before disassembly (above) and after disassembly (below). The picture on the left is showing the motor coils originally used to generate the magnetic field. We can replace the coils using the neodymium magnets. The magnets have to be placed into the same directions, where the original coils were. This ensures that the magnetic field orientation, necessary for the motor operation, remains the same. In this motor, there are four coils, thus we need to use four magnets. On the right picture you can see the hard drive and the neodymium magnet you can salvage from it for free.


Figure 4.2.2 Parts of Magnetic motor (C) The magnets placed into the directions of the coils. The magnet motor running, needing no electric power. Note: The coils don't need the electric power any more. The can generate it! But remember, this is a very small unit, so only a little power can be generated. In case you need only the wind from the fan, you can cut the cable.

Figure 4.2.3 position motor (A)

prototype of motor, with attached sticky tape, portable unit.

Working magnet

Another the magnet the magnets using a forming a


Figure 4.2.3working position magnet motor (B)

Figure 4.2.4working position magnet motor (C)



1. It's non-reliance on external sources such as, wind or sun to function is one of the major advantages of magnetic motor as against solar panels and wind mills. 2. It can function irrespective of the weather condition. 3. They are also inexpensive to build than solar panels or wind turbines. 4. A person can build a magnetic generator at home at affordable prices as all the materials required to build it are available at local hardware stores. 5. Furthermore, a person can easily build the motor for a low price with the help of a magnetic motor you can generate electricity floras long as you want. 6. This way, it can provide permanent electrical energy for life. 7. Hence, you can generate energy for as long as 400 years, that is until the magnets lost their magnetism. 8. It generates substantial amount of energy, which be more than enough for you to power your entire household. 9. it can also bring down your electricity cost by as much as 80%. 10. In addition, the energy that produces by magnet motor is clean and environmental friendly.


1. The magnet motor is that it cannot be controlled electrical way you cannot shut it down the 'SOLID STAT' way. By switching a transistor, traitor solid stat relay off. 2. The R.P.M control is also problematic in this kind motor. 3. This is very small unit, so only a little power can be generated.



The proposition is that there are many new devices being developed using clean, cheap, and limitless forms of energy to power them and that these devices may have the capability to change all our lives for the better. They are a new breed of electro-magnetic and magnetic motors and other devices that run on very little current, but which can provide both mechanical work and electrical output in excess to the energy that is put into them. Many of these fascinating inventions have been around for over 20 years now; and there are literally hundreds of patents on devices having such claims. A few, in 2008, are finally coming into the initial marketing, operational, and manufacturing stages. These highly varied inventions have three characteristics in common. They are all outside of the scientific mainstream, are rarely reported on by the media, and are lighting-rods for controversy and skepticism. CEMF is the counter-current that is produced by the rotation of a motor in a magnetic field, and is what has up until now anyway, stopped motors from being truly efficient. The higher the rotation rate of the motor, the greater the CEMF opposing it: Creating a natural brake and barrier to true energy efficiency. What several inventors have done, is find clever ways to get around most or all of the CEMF; thereby greatly increasing the efficiency of the motor. As a bonus in some cases, excess electrical energy gained from the CEMF itself has been harnessed and taken out of the system as generated electrical power; besides the mechanical work being done by the turning motor shaft. For this reason, most of these devices would be more accurately termed “motor-generators”








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