Frank Kern's Mar 06 Newsletter

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March 2006


“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson By Frank Kern

I want to tell you about a guy. His name is Tucker. Tucker Max. Here’s a guy who has somehow managed to get fame and fortune by being notoriously drunk and insane. I’m serious. All this guys does is gets liquored up, makes an ass of himself, and then writes about it. And he gets to sleep with a bunch of women in the process. You can read all about him on his infamous website, I found out about him at the local Barnes and Noble. I was in the psychology section looking for books that had helpful information on how to convince people


to do what I want, when I stumbled over his book, “I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell.” Your guess is as good as mine as to why they had his book in the Psychology section. Anyway, I immediately snatched it up. (How could anyone resist that title?) This is a book of short stories, all allegedly true. All based on wild nights of drunken stupidity with Tucker being the main character in each one. A typical story goes like this: 1. I went out and somehow ended up incoherently drunk. 2. I jabbered at a series of women and was rudely rejected by all of them. 3. Eventually, I uttered some magical combination of words which caused one of the women to want to take me home with her. 4. I complied with her request to accompany her to her home, and when we arrived there we got naked. 5. We had sex; and afterwards, I did something really crazy but I don’t remember doing it. (Like peeing in her closet, showing my privates to her roommate, vomiting behind her night table while she freshens up in the bathroom, etc.) 6. As a result of my actions, I was asked to leave. 7. Between her house and mine, I had many strange encounters such as passing out in someone’s shrubbery, belligerently arguing with police, almost making out with a transvestite, and so forth.) 8. Upon finally returning home, going to bed, and then waking up, I realize I don’t feel too well. 9. I therefore begin drinking in order to alleviate my discomfort. 10. Steps 1-9 are repeated. O.K. - that’s the whole book in a nutshell. But it’s a damn good read and it’s something you should read immediately.


Yes, you may be VERY offended by the stories in this book. It has swear words in it. Like “shit, fuck, damn, and ass”. It even glorifies drunkenness and degrades women. (I’m not cool with the whole degrading women thing, but I’m still glad I read the book.) If you’re easily offended, put your morals on hold for a minute and read it anyway. Why? Because the book is one of those disguised marketing lessons that so few people pick up on. And it teaches this lesson by example. Here’s the lesson:

Being Controversial, Outspoken, And Even Offensive Flat Out WORKS. Especially if you inject your writing with PERSONALITY. In Tucker’s book, his personality comes out at you like a rocket propelled grenade. There’s no getting around it. In your face, balls-out madness. It’s 110% “I’m Tucker Max so you can just kiss my ass.” And guess what?

His Market Eats It Up! Hell, they want to BE Tucker Max. He’s writing to 18-25 year old college kids. Mostly men.


And they swear allegiance to him like he’s a Demigod Of Debauchery. Don’t believe me? Go get his book and look at the back cover. There’s a reader testimonial that basically says, “Tucker, you rule. If you slept with my girlfriend it would make me love her MORE.” This guy is so popular, he’s booked most of the year touring colleges and doing book signings. His herd of backwards baseball hat wearing frat boys flock to see him. And while this is great for Tucker Max, you might be wondering,

What The Hell Does This Have To Do With ME?!? As usual, the answer is EVERYTHING. Let me tell you how I think his book came to be. Young Tucker has a website. And on that website, he has a Blog. And on that website and in that blog, he posts stories. Many are the same stories that are in his book. Stay with me here. Anyway, from what I can tell, this is what happened: 1. Tucker made a website. 2. Tucker did a bunch of crazy shit and wrote about it on his website and in his blog. 3. His website and blog became very popular, probably because Frat-Boy A told Frat-Boy B about it, and it spread through word of mouth.


4. Someone said, “Hey, you should take those stories on your site and make a book out of them.” 5. He said, “O.K.” 6. He made the book and sold a bunch of copies. 7. He is now famous and is presumably making money from the book sales. My psychic powers tell me you’re still wondering what this has to do with you. Let me ask you a question:

Is There THAT Big Of A Difference Between His Blog Posts And Say ... An Autoresponder Sequence? Not really. He just posted stuff on a website instead of sending stuff by email. The mechanics are different but the process is similar, if not the same. He: A: Cultivated a herd by standing out and offering something they wanted. (In this case, stories which let them live vicariously through someone they wish they were like. AKA - Escape from daily boredom.) B: Built a relationship with that herd by delivering fun and entertaining messages. (In the form of blog posts instead of email, but the end result was the same.) C: Positioned himself as the Leader by basically saying, “I’m Tucker Max and I’m the leader. By the way, kiss my ass.” D: Now uses his relationship with that herd to make money. (In this case, sell his book.) Wanna know what made it work? PERSONALITY.


You gotta have it. If you don’t stand out, you’re dead in the water. Someone else is going to come along and take YOUR MONEY from your prospect’s wallet ...and transfer it to their own account instead of yours. Are we going to put up with this? HELL NO! Now listen, I’m about to give you some more Autoresponder fodder and continue on with last month’s Us Vs. Them theme. But before I do, I want to give you a warning. YOU CANNOT FAKE PERSONALITY. If you try, it’s as transparent as Saran Wrap. Seen it happen too many times. There’s one guy in our industry. A guy who I respect and admire. This guy knows his stuff COLD and has a lot to offer. He publishes a newsletter about marketing. It’s a good newsletter. It’s also a BLATANT ATTEMPT TO BE JOHN CARLTON. This guy’s writing is the exact opposite from his real personality. And it shows. You read his newsletter and can’t help but think, “Man ...If I wanted to read John Carlton, I’d read John Carlton.” (By the way, it is a good idea to read John Carlton.) And this reaction makes the writer lose credibility instantly. You can tell that he’s faking it. So when I tell you about Tucker Max, I don’t want you to go out and copy his style or anything ..unless you’re really like him.


I’m just giving you an example of how someone can capitalize on personality alone. You need to find your own groove, and then merge with your market’s groove ...and that’s what I’m here to help you do. I’m going to give you more of the Us Vs. Them templates to model after. But when you do, keep your market in mind. Choose your language carefully. Just because you and I respond to sentences like, “This software will put search engines in a kung-fu death grip and make your web site skyrocket to #1 overnight!” doesn’t necessarily mean your market will respond to the same overall vibe. Can you imagine writing the Scrap booking market with something like that? “This font collection will make your scrap books look so good, the other girls in your scrap booking club will beg for mercy, red-faced and humiliated.” Ain’t gonna fly, is it? That’s not how the market thinks or talks. They don’t want to humiliate anyone in their scrap booking club. They do want their scrap books to look good, however. And they do want them to look better than anyone else’s, and get compliments, right? Of course. So how could you convey that with personality ...while staying in tune with the market? Maybe like this: “When my wife came home from her scrap booking club, I couldn’t help but notice the three home made coffee cakes and the cherry pie she was carrying. She blushingly told me they were bribes the other ladies had given her ...because they all wanted to know how she was making her scrap books look so good!” Or this: “You’ll love this exciting new scrap booking system, but let me give you a warning. Prepare to be the envy of your scrap booking club! And don’t be surprised if


the other girls flatter you more and more at every meeting ... hoping you’ll tell them your secret.” Or this: “You probably know the woman I’m talking about. She’s a surgeon’s wife and she shows up for our scrap book club meetings in her Mercedes convertible looking like she just stepped out of a magazine. Every scrap book club has one of these women and I’m sure yours does too.” “She doesn’t have to work so she spends hours on her scrap books ...and boy does it show! They’re always the talk of our group.” “If you’re like me, you can’t help but be a little envious of these women. But now you and I have an unfair advantage. At least when it comes to scrap booking.” “The very first time I showed off my scrap book after using the Scrap Book Secrets system, it was like she was invisible! Every eye in our scrap book club was on my scrap book ...including hers!” All three of these examples imply the same thing: “You will be better than others and they will be impressed by you.” ...But they say it in a language more fitting to the market. So remember, when I explain autoresponder techniques to you and give you templates, you need to use them as GUIDES for your own stuff. ALWAYS keep your market in mind. Know who you’re writing to and be sure you speak their language. With that said, let me give you two of ...

The Best Us Vs. Them Templates Of All Time! For the first one, I’m going to exploit a concept I learned from the Great Grumpy Dan Kennedy.


If you listen to his copywriting seminar tapes (which you should do at once), you’ll hear him talk about how important it is for your prospects to know that ... it’s not their fault! Like this: “Are you 700 pounds overweight? It’s not your fault! You’re a victim of the diet industry that’s taking advantage of you by keeping the real weight loss secrets to themselves you’ll have to give them your money forever.” Or this: “So your kid smokes crack every morning, skips school, and mugs old ladies. It’s not your fault! (And it’s not your kid’s fault either!)” “The blame lies on the television networks. They’re the ones filling our children’s heads with poison. But now you can take a stand against them and turn your kid into a well behaved Cub Scout overnight thanks to our new in-home electro-shock therapy kit...” You get the picture. So, here’s a template for an email broadcast that for me, is like an ATM machine. Every time I send this out, I have a huge spike in sales. Subject: It’s NOT your fault! Hi , It’s NOT your fault that your sausages aren’t turning out like you want ...yet. The truth is ...we’ve been misled by the so-called experts! You see, 99% of the ‘professional” sausage making techniques are DEAD WRONG! In fact, many of them will make your sausage come out worse! For example, most pro sausage makers will tell you to use fennel seeds for that italian flavor.


What the don’t tell you is that when fennel seeds are cooked at a temperature over 200 degrees, they release an ACID which makes the sausage taste BITTER! But everybody knows that you HAVE to cook sausage at 350 degrees, right? The real trick is to cook the sausage at the normal 350 degrees like we always do, and then when it’s almost done, take it out, let it cool ...and THEN press the whole fennel seeds through the skin. When you’re done, finish it up by cooking it for 10 minutes at 175. WARNING: If you serve this, be prepared to have your friends STALKING you for the recipe. But let me ask you a question, ... If they’re not telling you this, what else are they hiding from you? Plenty. They don’t want you to know the right way to make sausage because if you did, you’d never have to buy another product from them again! That little tip I just gave you was only a tiny fraction of what’s being exposed here: And that’s why I’m taking so much heat from the Sausage Making industry right now ...for revealing secrets like the one I just shared with you. But that was nothing! When they find out how I really blow the whistle in Sausage Making Secrets, I’ll probably get all kinds of pressure to stop selling it. And that’s why this controversial Sausage making system could be taken off the market at any minute, See for yourself what all the fuss is about here: Talk soon, Christopher Wallace P.S. NOTICE: There’s talk of lawsuits being filed against me for letting this information out.


As it stands now, I will NOT back down. However, if they have their way, I’ll have to take the site down. I urge you to get your copy of this highly confidential and controversial sausage making system immediately ... before it’s too late! Here’s the site:

Powerful stuff. In this example, I give a hint of what’s being kept from them ...and leave them wanting more. Plus, the ever present implied scarcity of not being able to access the “secrets” in the event THEY win. OK - next one. By the way, I like to send this one out the day after I send out the “It’s Not Your Fault” message. - Why are they so ANGRY?? Hi , Professional sausage makers are furious with me because I’m making them look bad with my outrageous guarantee. It’s true. If you try my controversial (and possibly soon-to-be-BANNED) Sausage Secrets system and you’re not the talk of every kitchen in town, I’ll give you a refund and let you keep the entire system for FREE. No questions asked, no forms to fill out, no tricks. It’s all in black and white right here: NOBODY in the Sausage industry is willing to put their money where their mouth is like this.


Do you know why? Because they’re giving you BAD information! And you know what’s really got ‘em steamed? I’m not even a professional sausage maker! I’m just a regular guy from Alabama who loves sausage ...just like you. The only difference is, I’ve dedicated YEARS to sausage making ...and I’ve finally “cracked the code” to the real way to make amazing sausage every time ...eve n if you’re a beginner! But don’t take my word for it, see what your fellow sausage lovers have to say about it here:

Talk soon, Christopher Wallace P.S. Remember that guarantee? That’s the real deal. You can see it in plain english here: The fact is, if you’re not the talk of every kitchen in your neighborhood after you put Sausage Secrets to work for you, then I refuse to accept your money. In fact, I’d rather you keep my entire system for free ...just as my way of saying “thanks for trying it out.” Who knows, maybe you’ll have a friend who’d like to try it. Either way, don’t you wish *everything* came with a guarantee like this? Test drive this today. You’ll be glad you did:

There’s something you need to recognize about both of these templates.


Notice how many times I inserted the LINK in the message. It’s very important that you put the link to your site in each message as many times as you can get away with. I like a MINIMUM of three in mine. The reason I do this is because I know the TRUE purpose of a follow up sequence. Can you guess it? The REAL purpose of your autoresponders is to ...

Get Them To Click The Damn Link! That’s all. It is NOT to sell your product. It is NOT to discredit your competition. It’s ONLY to get them to go to your sales letter. Now ...let me clarify. You still need to make sure you’re sending out EESMs instead of boring junk. But the reason your autoresponders need to be empathetic and entertaining is just so your prospects will actually READ them. That’s the driver behind this whole thing. We can’t sell shit if they don’t go to the site. ...And it’s the SALES LETTER’S JOB to sell the product. NOT the autoresponder’s job. However, you can (and should) pre-frame the prospect and put him in a buying mood before he clicks the link.


In the second template, I pre framed the prospect by hammering the guarantee. I didn’t talk about how great the guarantee was as much as I simply stated that it: A: Existed B: Was pissing THEM off. C: You can see it at this link here... Here’s the exact lingo that makes this pre-frame happen: “ If you try my controversial (and possibly soon-to-be-BANNED) Sausage Secrets system and you’re not the talk of every kitchen in town, I’ll give you a refund and let you keep the entire system for FREE. No questions asked, no forms to fill out, no tricks. It’s all in black and white right here:” And ... “ P.S. Remember that guarantee? That’s the real deal. You can see it in plain english here:” Notice how I’m not overtly selling here. I’m just sneaking in a little pre-frame and sliding in a link to where my prospect can see what the fuss is about for himself. And your wording is important when you do this. You don’t want to say “Click here”. You want to fly under the radar and say things like this: “See what others had to say here.” “Here’s the site.” “When they get wind of this they’re going to flip out. You can see why here.”


All of those sentences are geared to get them to click on the link. So if you were to outline the function of your autoresponder components it would look like this: Subject line: 1. Get attention. 2. Get message opened. Body copy: 1. Get link clicked. 2. Pre frame buyer. 3. Create bond with prospect. 4. Create anticipation for next message. P.S.: 1. Get link clicked Remember. It’s crucial that you let each component do it’s job ...and no more than it’s job alone. In our Ultra world, everything has a clear and defined purpose. Act with that purpose in mind. Know your outcome. And speaking of your outcome, my psychic powers are telling me you’re a part of this Ultra community for one primary reason: TO MAKE A BUNCH OF MONEY. So here’s a very underutilized tip for doing just that:

STEAL No. Do not steal from others. STEAL FROM YOURSELF.


Do you remember how we stress fight club rules and advise you to play your cards close to your vest so your sites won’t get knocked off ? Well even if you’re even more cautious and paranoid than John “Howard Huges” Reese himself, eventually you’ll have some competition. So why not go ahead and knock off your own site? It’s easy. Just get another domain, create a similar product to the one you’re already selling, and send traffic to it! Use a different character for the sales process, of course. And you’ll naturally want a different sales letter. You basically do the same thing a competitor would do. Not only does this make you more money, it also creates a false sense of competition for others who might want to move in to your niche. And you can cross promote the “competing” products to each list! So you’re basically doubling your exposure in the market. You can expect to almost double your traffic and sales from this strategy once you have your “competitor” site up and running optimally. I’m telling you. This is a no-brainer. I wouldn’t advise moving into any new niches until you’ve cloned yourself at least once in the niches you’re already in. And speaking of making more money, here’s a test I did that ...

Increased Profits By 300%! I have one market I play in where I’m still in the “send ‘em to an affiliate program” stage. I’ve been in this stage forever because I’m too damned lazy to make a product ...even though it’s OBVIOUS this market is ripe for the plundering.


Anyway - I wanted to see if I could squeeze out some more money so I decided to see what would happen if I put Adsense on the opt in pages. I put it right under the headline ...above the bullets. I spend about $150.00 a day in PPC traffic in this market. Ever since i started the test, I’ve brought in about $120 a day in adsense! This means I’ve reduced my expenses by about 75%! So now it costs me only $30 or so a day for 1,500+ unique visitors. The great thing is the adsense didn’t really kill my opt in conversion the way I thought it might. I dropped from 20% to about 15% opt in conversion. So while my list is growing at a slightly slower pace, my profits have shot up dramatically. My daily sales are the same as always. Around $200 or so on average. So where my daily profit used to average around $50 is now around $170! Pretty nice pay raise from a simple test :-) Sometimes, the answer is right under our noses. I took my over a year to test putting Adsense on the opt in pages because I “knew” it wouldn’t work. Obviously I was wrong. We don’t know ANYTHING until we test it. Period. Take a minute right now to think of any aspects of your business you might be making false assumptions about. For example, are you using audio on your sites because your competition does and you therefore assume it pulls better? Or have you tested to find out for yourself ?


Are you using a particular opt in layout because you’ve seen everyone else using it so you assume it works? ...Or have you tested it against something different entirely ...just to be sure? I know that YOU KNOW to test. But do you actually do it? You should. One test could give you a pay raise that will pay for this newsletter many times over. ----------------------- | -----------------------

11 March 2006 Woodgate National Park, QLD

The Biggest Weakness in Selling Your Site by Ed Dale

I don’t like the number “3”. Three people going into business together is bad news. It’s bad news in the kindergarten too. How many times is there an “odd” one out when three little girls or boys play. You can also get caught with “Piggy in the Middle” syndrome. A condition I am very familiar with. More bad news. So this is selling article number 3 and it is causing me grief. I had not intended writing on this topic so soon. but then I should have understood I’m dealing with Ultra’s (Ultra’s by name and Ultra’s by nature!) and some of you are already buying and selling sites! So I need to warn you: Selling websites has a massive Achilles Heel What’s an Achilles Heel? The phrase refers to this ancient Greek (actually he may have been something else - but you’re paying me to help you sell your site not


pass a history exam) guy called Achilles. This dude was the entire package, looks, he could kick major ass and play guitar like Clapton in the Cream years (like I said marketing not history). Anywho.... This guy was invincible (much like Frank) but there was a tinsy winsy problem. His only weakness was his heel (Frank’s is Thai Man... actually that would be telling). Tap old Achilles on the heel, and it’s GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER. Your profit producing selling site candidate is a lot like our mate Achilles - it’s perfect, but! I suppose you’re keen to know what it is by now.... OK, OK! Here it is - I call this weakness “4000 bucks - 4 months” What do I mean? I mean “that give me $4,000 and 4 months” and I can replicate (nice word for “ripping you off blind”) any money making site on the web. In the act of telling a potential buyer “hey check out my sausage making site that your interested in buying” Blammo! You just exposed your site to being ripped off. Think about it - you hand over your sites vitals (this will be explained next month) and you’re making 2.5K a month profit. You’re asking for upwards of 100K for the sale. Unfortunately your buyer is a cleverly disguised asshole and trots off to rent-a-coder to spend hi 4K (to the assholes way of thinking - a 96K saving) and your site has competition and your cash flow for the month barely leaves enough profit for a McHappy Meal (TM). Bummer. Fortunately, there is an answer and it’s a lot better than just saying no (to assholes). Let me tell you how it’s done:-


“Enter The Dragon” The key to not being ripped off by assholes is to use a “Dragon” What’s a Dragon? A Dragon is a Negotiator - someone who will ferociously look out for your interests in a sale while trying to achieve an amazing deal for all parties (I did say all and I’ll explain why in the “creating the offer” month). For once in your life a middle man is vital. Here’s why. First up - safety. Next month - I’m going to teach you about “vitals”. Just like a doctor bursting into an ER room to get a snap shot of how the patient is doing - your website (or any business for that matter) has a series of statistics that allow an investor to instantly gauge a sites worth. Do you want to know a really cool thing? Not one of these vitals is your topic “sausage making” for example or sudoko or new age or guitar playing! The subject is “Mud” Let me walk you through this. When I started watching Gary Halbert consult with clients that paid him $15,000 for the privilege of spending a day with him. He would often cut the client off in mid-spiel about their business and say “it’s all mud” now tell me about this.... and he would get to something that was vital with a freakish ability. I thought this was a bit rude at first then I realised he was doing the client a favour - indeed, saving a huge amount of time. Your topic is “relatively” immaterial to the buyer. It is indeed mud. Thank goodness! It’s this fact that allows our middleman to protect our websites Achilles Heel.


When you open negotiations (when I say you I of course mean your middle man) You need to determine if the potential buyer has a problem investing in certain markets - for example porn, gambling or “Man-Women of Middle Georgia” You do this using a “Pre-Frame”. A Pre-Frame effectively means that you set an agenda for your talks - you effectively build a “frame” to mark the boundaries of your negotiation. Someone always does this in a negotiation. Please make sure it is you. Most people selling something gloss over any weak points, afraid that this will cause the sale to fall through.... Guess what, they’re right! After spending countless hours of negotiating the other party comes upon the “weakness” and pulls the pin. Or even worse, they don’t figure it out until AFTER they have bought and then they go thermo-legal on your ass! What (at best) a waste of time. Let’s try the Ed Dale “Walk through the valley of danger having no fear because I am the BADDEST ... you know the rest” method. To recap our biggest weakness is the $4,000 and 4 month rule - so in the Dale law of negotiating - let’s talk about that first... Of course - we don’t just blurt it out - that lacks class - we first Pre-Frame it. And the best way to Pre-Frame something is to tell a story. Now this story needs to have a moral (a lesson) and here are some of the lessons we want to teach the buyer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

This web business is great, It has one massive weakness ($4,000 - 4 months), Here is how we address that weakness, And make it work to our advantage, So the buyer completely understands why we won’t reveal the actual site.

As a side note, isn’t it damn cool that if you just think about all of this stuff ahead of time, how easy it is to counter. A theme I’ll come back to many times in the months ahead.


I would tell a story about how my best friend had an incredibly successful site making thousands of dollars a month. Unfortunately for him he had one programmer from Egypt who built the site for him. The programmer was not stupid (devoid of any ethics - but not stupid) and proceeded to copy the whole thing. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for us - it is so easy to keep track of everything that goes on in a niche and all of the relevant authorities are very eager to shut ripoff artists down that it didn’t affect the growth of the site at all. I would then segway to the following:“Look, before we go any further, you need to understand that this business has so many wonderful things going for it:” List all of the good stuff here.... “there is an Achilles Heel (paraphrase this newsletter article).” “Now, the good news for you Mr Buyer is the site you’re looking to invest in has been inoculated against this problem.” “Our best barrier to entry is the database of XX thousand names collected over XX months. As part of the sale price we will show you how to use this asset as an incredible cash-cow. (This little bit of pre-framing sets up a slam-dunk piece of theatre later in the sales process).” “And of course over the next 12 months if our team discovers any new techniques to make you more money or protect against rip-off artists we will do that too.” WHAT THE!!!! Like I said, this article is WAY out of order - but that last paragraph is worth a fortune if you just get it’s power and majesty. In fact, if your site is making $500 profit a month, that paragraph would be worth somewhere between 12 and 18 thousand dollars. In my case, that paragraph and the concepts behind it made me 1.7 million dollars when I sold my sites last year. But that is for another month - back to the Achilles Hell and the middle man.


I would continue on.... “One of the best points of buying an online business is the incredible level of detail you will receive.” “Unlike buying a real business where the paper work is barely adequate and you’re dealing with books that have been dressed up for sale.” “With the business you’re about to buy, you will see where every single penny has been spent and where every single penny has been received. I have bought and sold a lot of businesses and the level of transparency and disclosure is incredible.” “You will literally know everything there is to know about this business. The only thing the seller insists upon is that the actual niche topic itself remains undisclosed until you have evaluated every single element of this business and have determined that it’s worth getting serious about.” “Here is how the process works. After you sign a non-disclosure agreement we will hand over a comprehensive, independently audited, non-dressed up for sale (no pretty accounts trickery in this business) summary of accounts, the only thing not revealed will be the site name.” “The sellers will warrant to you with a penalty clause of $10,000 dollars payable within seven days of any breach that the site in question does not involve any areas that the buyer has outlined as areas that the buyers would not invest in.” “if you’re interested in proceeding further, you will pay $X to a third party escrow agent. This deposit is non-refundable unless the seller has mislead you in any way. At that point the site will be revealed to you.” “Prior to us revealing the site you will sign a binding contract of sale.” “Now please remember, you can walk away at any point in the initial discovery process.” Doing this protects you the buyer from wasting there time and protects the seller from scum-sucking rock dwellers. You get the idea!


There are a million variations to this process - but you want to stick to something like this to make sure you are protected. And NO - a handshake “My word is my bond” is not good enough here! Please note:- this is just ONE part of the negotiation and it’s not the first part I just don’t want to see you getting ripped off. Now there is a really good second reason to use middle man. And this second reason cuts to the heart of “The Art of Negotiation”. You know when you see George W negotiate some sort of trade deal with some other country - He ‘jets in”, hammers out the deal in a couple of hours then stides into the press room and reads a prepared speech and signs these dirty big 2000 page agreements. HUH! Of course, these agreements are the products of a thousand hours of negotiation. The prepared speech that DUBYA read out would have been the work of a dozen people alone. Why are things done this way? For starters, George is a very busy man (so are you) and most agreements (read sales) are full of hundreds of agreed points and two or three “deal breakers” which are points of major disagreement. The other reason is a skilled negotiator can back you in a corner you don’t want to go. A middle man acts as a circuit breaker. The broker can always say “I’ll need to check” or “That sounds reasonable but I’ll have to get back to you”. This is not about being rude - it’s about being smart. There is also another reason this is a good idea. Your web site is your baby and your WAY to emotionally attached to it. Here is the Ultimate Negotiating position as taught to me by Herb Cohen. “Care, but not TOO MUCH”


This is a very hard state for a web site owner to achieve. That’s where the broker can add major value! Here is another Dale golden rule of selling. “Any deal worth doing will come to within inches of falling over at least TWICE in a negotiation” At these times - this is where you need to roll the big guns (that’s you I’m talking about) and you have that up your sleeve if you’ve been using a “Dragon”, a negotiator that is on your team. Righto - next month back on track as we work on your sites “Vitals”. Speak soon, Ed


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