Fran Zimmerman - English for Science - Student Book

March 20, 2017 | Author: Vasia Savulyak | Category: N/A
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u nayna o6pa3oBauuemo MunucmepcmBomo kamanp€nopt.roamosuy,re6uuk3a J rouuqume cbcaacul€Eowyqa8auena aHa_ om auMnaSuume u npupqro-MaMameMamu\ecku auicku eguk,c npo+u . meMamuqecku ycycnerusomo Vqe6uukomule nognoMozn€ B o6,racmmana BorBaHeHa mgpMuuo,{o?urma Hayku, Dpupogo-MameMamu\eckume

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allrigh$ rc*rved. No parLotthit bookm.y b( reproduad,in any formor bYanYDe.$, wlrhoutp.nnlsslonIn wrlting fromrh. Publhhcr.

rsBN 0-13-PAel?t-L

ilYffiy-4 yantrn, [*l]St{\ F;:5 |fi-.:l*Kyt!fll4 $ "JLl

EnSlishfo! Sclence bv FrdE:ZlnmerD.n Inc, by Pr€nticr-Hall, dddnal An€ricrDEditionPublish€d EnJewood citts, New JelseY,U s A" Copydsht (c) 1989by Pr€ndceHall, Inc.

for saleonly in Bul8..i! Ihis;tdon is authorlzed This edition is publishedjn Bulgrda by Tb€ OFn Society FuDd' Sona, 1992.


Prcnde-Hall hremalional (UK) Llmned, rdtdo, Prenli.e-Hallof Australia PlV Limired lrdtE Prenrlce:HallCaqadiiil6c.; torb,r, Pende:rlall Hispanoam€ricam s.A., Mett@ prentic.-Hall of hdia Privale Limiled, Ne Del'i Prtnlic-Hall of Japan, rn., Tolro simon 6 schusGr Asia Ple. Ltd, stug4pore Editora Prenri(e-Hall do Brasil, Lrda.' RioAe Jdteirc

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Contenls DISCUSSIONPOINTS I7 WRITING SKILLS 17 Topic Sentences 17 wrhitV a Patallnphaf C|ltsifi.ation ii]


The Elements


TNTRODUCTION I9 Shorl Reading The wonderMetals 20 USINC ENGLISH TO COMPARE 2I SenrcncePatterns 22 utiq d Tdbk 2) Uttlcttkltlihgcrhlparkahs22 cru.ltitv Convaita,lt 24 CradtintS'ftch.?s 24 Like aod As 25 UsiilgLlke afld Ar 2, READINC SKILLS 26 Vocabulary liuilding 26 vacdbulary itl Co text 26

skimming27 Cases28 Readingr TheLlfe-Supporting Uhdentandifl! tl1!Rcdditllt1a ' LISTENING SKILLS 30 vacdbuldry in Conkxl ll) Note-Taking 3l Uhdenladinqtlt Lceturu J2 DISCUSSIONPOINTS 32 WRITING SKILLS 33 Comparing 33 Transilion words l4 Writing a Paragraphof Comparison 34

o*o u FFEc'r,color,Light,atrdsound J5

3 "our"

INTRODUCTION 35 Short Reading TheNatureof Color 36 USINGENGLISHTO SHOW CAUSEAND EFFECT ]7 Senlen(ePallerns l8 IdentifringCautedt1.lEJIe.l )8 Unlc\n\tltli,llJ Ptndlhr,Iltt t')






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contents DISCUSSIONPOINTS 65 WRITING SKILLS 65 Writing Conclusions 65 Writing a Paragraphwith a Conclusion 65


o""rr.,r*n,Enetw 67 INTRODUCTION 67 shon Reading TheMan! Forns oJEneryy 68' USING ENCLISH TO DEFINE 69 SentencePatterns 70 Ahalyzin!DeJinhionr71 CorrctthqDetrhitio,r.i71 Relative Clauses 72 Fotltulatinll Dqitliti'tlt 72 lJtikg ReldtivcClautas 72 CreatingDelinitiotls 7) . READING SKILLS 7] Vocabulary Bullding 73 cDdo',rnicro',rDacft)' z Adirsj ectdexo_, Vocabultlr!in Contcxt 75 Scannlng 75 ReadinS:E = mcr 76 tl1! Rcd.litv 78 Und?ntdl1.lit\1 LISTENINGSKILLS 7E vo1buldryfu contaxt 78 Nore-Taking 79 Uldc$tandilv tllt Ltcntre 79

DlscussloNPoINTS 80 WRITINGSKILLS 8I ExtendedDefinitions El Writing ad E,(tendedDefinitlon 8l EXEMPLIFYING: Ha4, 82 INTRODUCTION 82 of TatuperutureE3 Short Reading TheEfreets IJSING ENGLISH TO EXEMPLIFY 8] SentencePattems 85 Ra ltniznlll Erdntllls it6 Anallziq ExetnplitrMtia Ss





6At ) nrrtl t4t litlPtuu.|putl 80I SurIPI_ctoN g1t )xt o) Ll iir,l,tqtuoA SI.II)S SNTNEISI"I


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Jooq qSnoqllv oqt lo tsorrr oSrlo ues ul ,lnl0sul a8en8uB,I uPrr.riuv aql ls sruopnlsJospcaurql Jo,{pnrse ruorJpo^lo^r Drlord lql puitEur DLTJIIS tsn pu9 pui)qajdllloJol s1u)pnlscrgdlld ol puDqsrlSug)!unp li^Cl-AtsrlloJ -urPol qsllSug)lseqLuo{ dpi)lcllt,tplllrrpJot-SulIpcds puD,suructsrl ,AuujM 'iiujppc.r- slllls aSDnBu el )lsBqr noJrqls !rBrtLrlU,JBenBuelpuolrs eserFIrfluAJo slutpnls p.)rrP^pDpue ;lBIptuugNl loJ ptuSlsJpsr lxct JqJ ,saslno)o)ualJsrlsBq ,i8cllo),{lIrn(u rrl iledJ)lued ot stlrtpnts rrpdtrd ot srllot3o.Id Lrollplnpa Jo llnpp "!!Io) 'Ifi)LIJSfuepuo)asL osrljoJ lxct e8en8upltlstl?ug,Jej azuatrs )a! 4sn6ug


scienceconceptsthal are coveredbut not know how to cxprcssLhcm in English. Thc locus of the book, however, is always on languagcfalher than scicucc,and thcrc is no altempl to cover any scientifictopic thoroughly. No prcviousscicncc knowledgeis neededby the teacheror student.



Thcrc arc lwclvc chaplcrs in thc book. Each chapter has six mair scclions: Introduction, usingEnglishto... (ctassify, conpare,and so on), RcadingSkills, ListenilgSkills,Discussion PoinN,and writing Skills.

Itltroduction Each chapter beginsby intrcducing rhe rhetoricalfunclion, rclating it o thc scientificmethod, aDd preseDtingit ir a short readiDg.

Usi g English to,., This sectionbeginswilh aDcxplanalionoflhc rhctoricalIunction,usitUcxamdcs from the shor! reading.In most chapicrsthc cxplanalionis folbwed by a cha11of scntcncepalternsthal show how the function may be cxprcsscd,This chafl is not meantto list all possiblcpatterns,and in somcchaptcNlbc chart is omitled because fie topics do not lcnd thcmsclvcs10 any parricularsynlaclicstructure.Thc Dcxl item in thc sectionis a group of praclicccxcraiscs,sequcnced1()cnablc studcnls Io progressfrcm idcntifying the funclion to usir)git, Grammalicalslrllclureslhat occur frequenllyin sciencelexls arc also includcd in this seclkD whcn they scrve a communicativcpurposcrclatcd to lhc rhclorical lilnction.

Reading skitls This secdonlirsr prcscnrssraLcgicslor srudenlsto use in expandinglhcir vocabularicson an ongoingbasis.word roots and affixesinlroduccdarc thosccommonly occurringin scientificterminology (for examplc,hjdro , dyna ). Next, rhe sectionpreviewsthe vocabularyfrom thc long rcading.Thc obiectis 1()developa basicvocabularylhat wolrld be assumeda! the college'eniry1cvcl.Accordingly, termsthat would bc known to a nativewords sclecredforstudy are scien.e-related spcakjng,firs!-yearcollegestudent (for example, fammable,dehydrate , transparent , combstion,dilute, ir?e/lia).No specializedor rare words arc used in any of the rcadingsor lectures.

'sJsrr.rrxr )LItot srr^ snc pLrL' sJlnt)rl iqr rot \t(lrirs \urDtuor)iooq rql siru!druo]:)rtuqt lDuLrPrlJ s,lotrnltsulaql 'MNVI^l


'rrloll) u^to rrrqt Jo srrclorPrlEIJrclolr^rp ol poMolle.q pl )rlssrurpnls s:)rtrIqlssod .qt lle rlertpUtol prpurlrrtl(nrrrp srrftn prlsriJFnsrqt 'stsoritulJo dl.Up^ p sspdnrcrurot LIiJnourpr?orqqBnoqtlV ssel)u! prssrl)stp,(pErrlpJsoqt ,{ltuinbrrJ Jrs s)rdol Jtlj. Lrcrsnl)uo)r?rtu,1 pup rslsspd riiluol L' dolr^ip sllrrpnts sronleqr ^^iJ p ut letriteru uoddns puu tlrt(X{utBlu e t|]lM Llder8Pred u ilurdoli^ip uo sl snroJrrlt li^rl rrlrrllrrs rLF pLro/irquort)urI JLI]J^pq stlrJpnts'lllsnrc lPJIrOlJqr,LIl 'o isn ui]llrM Jqt plrJtxrot JTLTBLI)

s !45 6u!tt.t/+r 'uossrl tulllrM iql ul pisn)q iu!u tclltsuipliiuldoli^rp'i)ltrud uopesl',lur)) roJspruoqiilrlJds sp i^ris s)ldotiL0 srJldeq)ioi]ru ul )iro^{ uerl pirnt)nilsunip^0ul;)r e u! 'lllcrl) Lrol]:)orll ipl^o.I(l srul(xl Lrolssn)slp iLIlJolsotl luruol lr iLIlIIdduot.{ll(lnuoddo slulo.l ,olstrrtslq

'lL)nsltsnlt(nr pue lpql lo.rosr LrorsuJrlirdruo) .rrrsLr.ot fuE p ucrl r^uq,{rql tpLI,1))n)ulir ot'silou.rlrlll tp ill {ool1|roq]lM LrleSe..rrrlrrl )ql rcrq plnoqsslurpntsllp')slrrix, uorsurq duo).ql tul,l olloJ 'rrtro LIPL0 rrolll rrnl))l )Lll reiq ot Prro AErustrrrPnts rrcs'qsrt8rr3 ur srrntrrl pl| lr.r(l(llorotitrIqErrqtur,{lrpr^{Irp^p^rtilrtpc..rsrqltes)urpnts'tSgirlrtS 'slooqlxrt uo srrntrrl r)qt rsnq op srot)lrllslrl,{LrPrLr lou . rsnP)iq llrls lerrlur e sr lr tr,( :,{pus trrlrrrpPrE tsoul iql sP /rInE Jo trEcllllr.)rJJll) . srrletds r^rleu-uoupuDr^oeu,{q'prUn )pr ,{llr)nb)4 sr Srrlpt-rloN rsrrr)xr uorslr)LIrr(ltlror e plre'srtdr SurIptprrprrntr)l E ot Suru)tsrr 3ur^lo^rrr rsrrrrxr DIlrErd D 'tlrrtl Sulwl-.nou e'^{Jr^rrd,.belnql'ro^e srsldnrcr ()nrrs srql

sllDlsguluatslI 'nrorsnlruorSurMerppuE'srtrurr{ur 'rroru o (Uorjr)etSorqsrniu{srp 'Sururre)s sp qrns'sflrIsBurpprrInJrsnJo iJurlEnr rlr udolr^rp rlll puc 13cssedSurperrSuol e or pJro^:)psl Lrollr)srqlJo lsJr rql

,rxii Preface ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My lhanks to Dr. Ann Johns of San Diego Slale U vers;ly for thc inspiralior to \t;i1e lhe book and to my daughterRaquelfor her imaginalivcilhstraliols And a specialtharks to Harry for his conslantsllppon aDdcncouragcmerl'and for alwayshaving mote faith in me than I had in mysclf

ql!^\ parsrl Jq plnoJ rPql slreJ uo prspq stu.urSpnf JIPLLTol pup serp! ^{ru ot spulLur!rqt urdo ol p)urprl rldord uJtl^ iluo p'up^pp rrurtrs urcpow 'rte rql q8norql lEoll uer pue urJs rq ot llpurs oor rrE lpql s8ulql 8u!^!l iq prsner rre srsprstplpql prrsrSSnsrq urq^ lE prq8nptseM rnrlspd s!nollsttsolotqq)ucrJ,s008Jaqlserrelspur^a.rsro^!unrnoJorrtu.rrqlse,M quPr rqr uPql rrqler uns rql tpqt lu.rurlpts srq )ireq rlpr ol prsnjrDq urqM qlErp LII!,{,\prurrprrql sp^ orMpS snlur3 uEnql lecjB .qt .rsrr^run rqt Jo slJrrss rqt rJ^o)un ol 3ul,{tt roJ suosud otul u^,\orqtuJAJato^\ slsllurlJs .seop! .Mruol pJsoddorr)^ aldord.srSV.lpp!W rql SulrnpssrrSordrlllrl,irr^ cpplu r)u;)l)s'pPilsul .rJruprroJ JlnJ e pcrr^oJslpro splro,r rJqto Llll^ pelp)runruulo) r^eq tq8ltu r^ '^lou ig .,{lrnbrtuerruts,{pporsu.rq pell rJurrrs Jo ss Sold aql JI rq tqBrlu J,!\ prJue^pp rrou r{)nt(l I\oLI lrpuo^,\ ot SullsalJlul sl tl 'iJrl Io srurolrrlduls urorJprdulr^rp peq s8ulrq uelunqlpqt prsodordrcpueurtxpuypue /uns rLIl punorepr^oLU!trer tql lcqt pitsrSSnssnqJrplslrv/uJolerqt Jo erpl aql pstPul3lrosntlrrouilc 'prl)lp;)rd plno) cq Dnlpu ur sluJAJ tpql puegsrr^!unrql ur Irpro se^|rrrLIllvql p)^rlli)qoq^{'sl)rrD lu5!rup)qt ql!^{ upSrqr)ur!)s urrtssM.sts!tuel)s iq prsn poqltLuJlseqrqlJo ss til!r\p up sejlnbrr lEtrrlplu)lJlturljs Sulpuptstrpun

poqraw )IJIluaIrs eql ol. uolDnpo4.uJ


Inrroduclionlo LheScienlilirMethod experiments. A procedure known as the scientific method was developed for gathering and testing information. Eachchapt€r in (his book is basedon some aspectof this method and how it is expressedin English.



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t 'rJPdsdn sc:lcl pLrPsseluro rqtrrn sPrllEr{ttLrrql{uesr rrlEw 'Irup oi IrtP^{rLIlpue 'rqlerrq non rrp I0 'lpoq rno,.{'}ooq srqr irJnpltl Jo slsrsuorsn punorP BurqurJ^3 tafiow lo atqrN a4I 'prgrssPl) iq i€tu rrlleu Moq t o purl pue rSesspd turr\otlolrql peru

qulptaa uoqs 'rrorssJrdx.puE rqSnoqtrutlurlJs or Jrspqtu:^ snql sl uotr€rlJlssPl:) s)llsurlrerpqJ str d ueJ lsrSolorq p ,srlrrds ro ,dnorS r)rp rPlnrrtredpJorrqrrrlu e spIEmrupue 8ur,{JrssElr Iq,.rr^JMoH ruo qreo,{pntsol elqrssodrulipPrlr sr tr ,qupe uo slEruruepup sruEldlo spurl uonlrttl Iprr^rs crp rrrlll rJuIs'^pelurtS prtJlprrd .q upr sitlrrdord str ,rurLuorqpuEauuoltlr se dnoiS rlrrEscql ot SurBuolaq se prrJrruiprs! rurporJr ?snql .sanrrdordprlplrj LIlr,MsdnoiSotul slurlucloIII llp 3u!3uerB,{q suollezllprrurSriELUupr lnq 'rurulrl: irt^r ipnts louueJ/.)ldtuexrrol ,sls!ulrql .Iprre ue otu! uortpulrolu! petPIJrdno.r8stslluJlJs.uoutu.loJu! )uJllrrlr lueuodutl Juo r^pq llp lpql s8u!qtJo dnolS e Sutue:)Lu-ssr/rpro.n iql uro.rJsrltlo or/rllilr"/r^4e\I slrouic sdlqsuollplir pulJ ot pue sDeJJql IJrss'', Ouo.runrrn nt ,Or"u tr'tllll'l rqf qBnou) tou sl st)eJSunlillo) ,{l.t.rrlu1r^c/\^oH.rrott0luro,ur BuljrqteB pue sw)llB^rrsqo3u11eur;,r1o,ru!qriprsJ )lJllurlrs .lo soSels,{lle, rql NOTI)N(IOUINI

"tailvw lo uotltsodwo) aql

3u$;1sseI) 1 raldeqr



6A6 as cilhef solid,liqtli(],or gas Soli(l\are llrnr .rl(l Al1 nlatlcrmay be classificd havea dcnnitcfornl.Rubbcr,wood,glass,jrorr,conorl,nnd sarr(iarc.ll tl.ssilic(l ol lorccwould be nccdcdlo changclhc shiPcor voLL'ntc as sdids.A considerablc .rc dcnsclv Lhcat(nnsor nlnccrlcs ot n soli(l an iron bar,for crample.Lr€cansc packcdand havevrry lilllc Irccdomof movcarcrrl. .nnn ltloLrs.R()cks crynallinc,rrxl nraybc furLhcrdividcdinlolwo classcs: Soli(is $lid\ nrc nli(lc trl) of solids Cryslnllinc wood, fapcr, and collonare crystallirrc hcate(l' th( ch.rrgc1o Whcn thcscvtkls arc al(rmsarrangedin a dcllnilcpatler'n. inclu(lc sLLLrsLantcs a 1(uid, knowD as mellirrg,is sharpan(l clc.r. Ann)rfhoLrs y is not o|1lc ol lhc alonls lhc lilL1cl1l aDdsulfir. In lhcscsubs(anccs, rubbcr,glass, .nd whcn hcalcd,thcy lraduallysoftcn. Liquids,on lhc othcr lTand,arc not rigid.ll walcr,lrrilk,or oil is pourc(lon a ol liqrri(lsalll.lcl rablc,it will llow all ovcf 1hcsurfacc.Thc nt(tlls or r)rolcculcs slftlcltrrc(i l(x)scly idstoUow.Bul thcscaL(tns.1rc ca(llothcrandthercbyc|rablcliq ol conlaillcr thc shaPc any a liquidwill lakc aDddo nol kccp!bcir$apc. Thcrefore qtran ol nrilk vohrnrc; n in which ii is DotreLl.Howcvcr, a dcfirrite cannolfit in a Pir)tcoulaittcr, suchas air,oxylcn, and carbondioxidc'havcllo lixcdshal)cor volunrf Gascs, of thcir owr. Thcy dilluscor slrcadoul () lill any cont.rrrcflf watcris prrl inl() a tirc,it will nrn to tln)bo(tonlrif air is pu( ir)to unrseuSPru :aruPpunqe s1la ltsduqotl lt qlha\lv !u'a tql ul ptltpunqtssal

Iaals pup uotr < unurunlE

:uolsoJroJol etuelslsat

l5als pup uor! < unununle

tssaulqSll ' ' ' '/ktltl/,krJ

ot lu)Jtslsat rtoutpuDlLlqllltnAsl unlututkl)tFalsputrLto,ll o1ts unJ ur . slel3tu raqlo IIe < ulnulunle :eluppunqs ' ' ' 'IpDUt)Uttpuhqb lt1tLt,14tsl u ,ululnlv sleleu raqlo iueur < uorl :ssatilJos 'tos l,$u fua^lls tla[lLrlrJtt st uolt trnd "

slqetu reqlo IIP < uor! :asn '' ''|D!AUprsn'1:PP\/A lsauaqt I SAf,N!IUEIJICI CNIISYUINO3

runultunlE = UOJ! :SSauIos ' ' ' '[os st luulutunlvl ]t Ltofitlt'I plo8 - allrid uorr :roloc 'ploi ot toto) s .[o [tulrl ul$t4t la asnrraqpp6 s,loo!pdl]Drua{o alltlil Lto. . s gIIIUY'lthlls DNravdr\io) s.)Lrrr4Jtpuo srlerlLrrJtri)rilu!lsDrl -oo) strluPlrursLroitPlLl.JLoJ s,{eMletoLrsi({ lnq ieru iilupdruo:) .sJJrr iJIlp pue sarluelr(rs rlJqt Ja^o)srpol sLLrJlloJoruro o^^1Suru[rrpxr sr Suupdnrc:)



22 Comparing SentancePattefts


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sr)\. aruminum in mdny


fis unlike I fromI aluminum. Iron 1is dtfferent from ) Ldiff€rs unlikeiron,


In contrastLoiron, I alumrnum 's l'8nr' lo iron. cornpared I In comparison to iron,J fheavierrhan l thanI aluminum, Iron is llessabundant Lnotas sofl as ) ,,on ', u {relarivelv . }"urr.nerar. l(omparauveiyl

UfiderstafiilingCompansors. Rcadthc passagcbclow () dc(crminclhc oftlcr ol the sevei ilalicizedmetalliaccordirg to thcir mcllir)g pojnts. Lisl thc nrclal wilh lhe rrrjre,I mching noinl /1,..r. The mehing poiDl ofplnrirrrr is high comparcdto nnsl melalsbut not as high as that of chrotfiium.The mehing point of zir. is lcsslharr half the mclling loint of grld and approximatclythrlc timcs lhe mehing poi of rrdirrr. Mr,Irry has thc a|1(luold havc similar meltirS poinls, lowestmclling poinr ofall the metals-clopper poinr ofcoppcrisslighllyhighcrlhaDgoldard lowerthanDlalinunr. b thc mclling


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ilqprPdru'r) p IBrUmpl q 'arc )u!z pup LunllupoJJo seluado,r(JLII g


rl3lrl ^lo^llplar u B l$q:irll rLIl q 'it!^Br8 sell ploB 'rlqel slql uo slerrtu Dqro cqt C)lp pdruo) t


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or niuedu,)f (l 'IulodilrrllloqqBlqe suLIullluper'funJrau sPqBILIselou O

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