Fragged Empire - Adventure - The Ghost Ship Carthage

March 28, 2017 | Author: dotrh | Category: N/A
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The Ghost Ship Carthage Written by Wade Dyer, Ryan Schoon, and Nicolas Logue.

At 03:13 hours standard Haven time, on Octo 14th 1005 AX, the Archon medical frigate Carthage issued a general distress call. At 5:05 hours on Octo 16th, Legion VESPER force Epsilon boarded the vessel. An hour later, the ship went silent, charted a course for deep space, and was never heard from again. – Vital Emergency Stellar Protocol Expedited Recovery (VESPER) Force After - Action Report on the Carthage Incident.

Adventure Background As the crucible of the Great War consumed the Archon Empire with impunity, its searing heat gradually melted the Archons’ ironclad ethics to slag. The Carthage began as a medical ship on a mission of mercy to the Kaltorans of Haven, but as the Archons’ cause grew every more desperate, she received a dread new purpose: harvest Kaltoran refugees, and Nephilim prisoners of war to develop new bio-weaponry for immediate deployment on the front.

The ensuing experiments yielded a deadly nano-virus, Kormoria, which sowed death and madness among crew and captive alike. Shortly after VESPER force Gamma breached the Carthage, the vessel’s Archon master, Solaria, either in the grips of madness, or in a vain gambit to save the rest of Haven from Kormoria, charted a course into a vast uncharted region of space… Now, 108 years after its lonely sojourn, a homing beacon on the Carthage pilots her back to the Haven system. The derelict ship floats between trade routes, emitting a weak distress beacon, and remains unresponsive to all hails.

The Player Characters The Players take on the role of down-on-their luck salvagers in a ship that barely flies – they need a big payday. When the call goes out to investigate the ghost ship, most put sense before greed and stay away from the job. But the Players don’t have the luxury of turning down a job as lucrative as this one.


PC Handouts

Give each PC a Character Sheet. DONT give them this maps yet (they will find it during the adventure).

Level 1 2

Level 2 3



Repair Change Out


Quick Fix; Heal any 2


Change 1 Attribute, Wpn, Trait or new Spacecraft. Requires: Workshop. Req: Workshop, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. Lucas Varenz May only be rolled once per available Workshop.

+ +

Maintenance; Heal 1


and a Minor Condition (eg: Virus). Requires: Toolbox.

Rebuild; Heal one 8

and a Major Condition (eg: Lost Wing). Requires: Workshop.

2x 14t


First Aid; Stops Bleeding



Paramedics; Heal any 3


May be performed during Combat. Requires: Toolkit.

You don’t talk about Varsphere. No one even knows you grew up there. As far as the crew knows, you were born in a Corporation Spacecraft Environment enclave on Alabaster 2, not in ruins of your peoples former home world. But you came fromAttribute smallDamage beginnings, worse From 1 Engine (no Armour) at thethan end ofsmall. each Turn. Atmosphere: Damage that (no Armour) at the of eachchannels 3rd Turn. on nothing. You had 2aAttribute vid screen picked upendthree -2 Hit and Range. satellite downlink. All of them showed Corporate commercials Those Take Damage equal to your Velocity. Dust Cloud: were your people -Hit out - not yourDust mom -2 ifthere you Attack through Cloud.and your drunk father inGravity the ruins of a world was. Gain +2that Velocity when you enter a Gravity Field. Field: Must be performed directly after a Combat.

May make a free Rotate of 45o towards the source of the Gravity Field.

Repair Effects on Nebula: When you finallyRemove madeanyitLocked out On ofOnEffects there, youyou.started in a mailroom. Remove all Locked you have applied to your Opponents. 14t + 12t + Change Out Maintenance; You found the angles pretty quickly. Worked yourHeal way1 up the ladder. May have additional GM defined effects. Change 1 Attribute, Wpn, Trait or new Spacecraft.

and a Minor Condition (eg: Virus).

Requires: Workshop.may have played a role. Requires: Toolbox. Blackmail executive by (no theArmour). time you Reduce Vel by 2, if not 1Junior or 2; take 1 Attribute Dmg Object:

an Object. Quick Fix; Heal anyHit2 -2 if you 12Attack Rebuild; Heal one 8 2x 14t + + through Req: Workshop, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. and a Major Condition (eg: Lost Wing). Spacecraft: Other Spacecraft immediatly into an adjacent space. May only be rolled once per available Workshop. Requires:move Workshop.

Spacecraft Effects


start of your Opponent’s Turn they make 1Medicine 1 At Engine Attribute Damage Armour) at may the end Turn. -2thePhysical -2(no Mechanics -2of each Attack 2Boarding AttributeParty Damage (noagainst Armour)you. at the end of each 3rd Turn. Resolve Electronics On-2 a failed Attack Roll,+2 remove 1 Boarded Effect. -2 Psychology -2 Hit and Range.

+1 Damage Awareness +2On Programming -2 Astronomy Enemies gain equal Hit: +Lock vs you. Take to your Velocity. Hit -2 ifSurvival youDmg Attack Dust Cloud. -2 -2 Bio Tech -2 Planetoids 1 Attribute (no through Armour) at the start of your Turn. Gain +2 Velocity when you enter a Gravity Field. May make a free Rotate of 45o towards the source of the Gravity Field.

Reduce Vel by 2, if not 1 or 2; take 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour). Object: 4 Combat Hit -2 if3 you Attack through an Object. Personal Actions 17 Spacecraft: Other Spacecraft immediatly move into an adjacent space.



Surgery; Heal one 8

2x 14t


and a Major or Minor Condition. Requires: Workshop. May Retro any Trait for a Implant Trait.

Personal Combat Environment A fight with a senior escalated and you broke his jaw and Movingexecutive one space costs 2 Movement. Zero Gravity:

Hit -2 left him burned. That was it for you and the Corporation. That was it No Overburden Penalty. for you trying to escape your Varsphere past, you ran.

Cover X: Difficult Terrain: Then you found Open/Close Door: Ransom from him Healing

Defence +X

Moving one space costs 2 Movement.

a man down on his luck and bought a ship; The Cost 2 Movement to Change. for less than a month’s rent. Stupid bastard. Well, that’s what happens when you’re bad at economics. You freelance 10 + Personal Combat Effects First Aid; still Stopspretend Bleeding Extended Care; 1 2x 12tFor+ a now but you were oneand ofa Minor theCondition. most Heal eliteallCorps. May be performed during Combat. Requires: Toolkit. Requires: Toolbox. Bleeding: 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour) at the start of your Turn. while, you really were. Where you go from here, No one knows. As with but may remove as a Free Grabbing Target: 12 + EffectSurgery; Heal one 8 Action.2x 14t + Paramedics; Heal any 3 Grabbed and a Major or Minor Condition. Req: Toolbox, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. Grabbed: 1 Action per Turn. Requires: Workshop. Healing may be applied to multiple Characters. Targets gain Cover versus you:

Locked On: Enemies gain Hit: +Lock On vs you. space costs 2 Movement. Zero Gravity: Head Set (Short Moving Rangeone Comms (100km)). Hit -2 Step +1 Cover Prone: Flash Light (Small, Load 1, Reduce No Overburden Penalty. Low Light Cover penalties by Cost 2 Movement to Change.

2 Steps 3).space costs 2 Movement while Prone. Movingofone Defence +X Cover X: in any area Electricians Beltnotone (Electronic Toolbox). Stealthed: May be space Targeted while in Cover. Difficult Terrain:ToolMoving costs 2 Movement. Lost(Programming on Major Effect: Attack. Portable Computer Toolbox). Open/Close Door: Cost 2 Movement to Change. Lost next Turn if 1st Action is not a successful Stealth Action.

Maximum 1 Action this Turn. Suppressed: Personal Combat Effects 2 2 Bleeding: 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour) at the start of your Turn. Effect but may remove as a Free Action. Grabbing Target: As with Grabbed 1 Grabbed: 1 Action per Turn. Bonuses from the same Action do not Stack


May have 2 additional GM defined effects.


were 27, not bad. Still, you never really fit. The other guys in the designer suits could somehow smell Varsphere on you.

Limited Vision:

Attack Hit +RoF Remove any Locked On Draw Effects you.Set Up or Pull Down or *Damage Pick One: *Attack, Wpn, on Reload, Move make a Analyse, Escape Attack Roll. to your Opponents. Remove all Locked On Stealth Effectsor you have applied

Nebula: Drone Action

2x 12t

Personal Combat Environment Light Cover (Low Light) or Heavy Cover (Blind, Pitch Black) vs You. Equipment:

Spacecraft Skils: Environment Primary May have up to 5 Boarded Effects applied to you. Boarded:

Gravity Field:


Extended Care; Heal all 1

and a Minor Condition. Requires: Toolbox.

Move with Target ifMayyou have Retro any higher Trait for aStr. Implant Trait. Must be performed directly after a May Combat. Maximum of 1 Paramedics Roll per Gain 3 Characters. 1 Additional Action if you remove this Effect.

Must be performed directly after a Combat.

Atmosphere: +2 Wealth +1 Conversation -2 Leadership Locked On: Dust Cloud: +1OnCulture Fire:

Req: Toolbox, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. Healing may be applied to multiple Characters. Must be performed directly after a Combat. Maximum of 1 Paramedics Roll per 3 Characters.


Pick any 2 Actions Per Turn

20 2

6 May Move with Target if you have higher Str. Gain 1 Additional Action if you remove this Effect. Melee Actions 1 3 13 Spacecraft Effects Limited Vision: Targets gain Cover versus you: Attack Light Cover (Low Light) or Attack Heavy Cover (Blind, Pitch vs You. Hit +Ref +Extra RoF Black) Dice May haveMove up to you. Shot Move +2 5 Boarded Effects applied toSnap Boarded: Damage Damage Full Move Strike Move -2 Move At the start of your Turn they LockedLoad On: Hit: +Lock OnMove vs you. Weapons HitOpponent’s End Dmg Critmay make Rng1 Clips Ammo RoF Enemies Wgtgain Type & Variation Cost Boarding Party Attack against you. Attack Attack Prone: Move +2 (Straight Line) +1 Cover Step Hit6+Per +Extra RoF RailTake Pistol 3 1 Boarded4 Effect. 6 6 2 Dice 1 +1 CoverCharge 1 Step Gun, Rail Damage 4 Move On a failed Attack+2Roll, remove Damage Cover Spray Fire Damage +1 (per 4 Movement) Armour vs Slow +1 (go Prone) Move -2 Cost 2 Movement to Change. Move Move Modification: Locked On: Enemies gainSmall, Hit: +Lock On vs you.Advanced Ammunition, Extended Clip, Personalised, Spare Clip.Moving one space costs 2 Movement while Prone. 16

Tactical Actions

Range Actions

Pick One: Draw Wpn, Reload, Recover Set Up, Pull Down,at the 1 AttributeUn-Jam, Dmg (no Armour) Use Stim or Skill Roll (Medical).

OnPrep Fire:

start of Sighted your Turn. Shot

Attack Damage

Hit +Per +Foc


Hit +Per Range +Foc

May notBlock be Targeted whileImpair in Cover. On Hit: Debuff Targets next Attack; Strong Hit -1 Lost on Major Effect: Attack. Requirements Benefits Lost next Turn if 1st Action is not a Hit successful Attack Damage +Ref +Str Stealth Action. Attack On Hit: Boost next Attack; +Ref Damage Impair On Hit: Pick One Debuff vs Primary or Vehicle Skill, Does not Req Success a singleHit die from this Skill Roll. Attack Hit Impair ThrowYou may re-roll Recover Crit+RoF Attribute Location +/-2 Range +Str Maximum 1 Action this Turn. Suppressed: Move Move Target; Prone, Grab or Move 1 *Damage Pick One: *Attack, Draw Wpn, Reload, Set Up or Pull Down or

Strong Hits Effort Analyse Drone Action Critical Hit Critical Boost Stealth Covering Fire

Attack, Hit, 1 use RoF Attack Roll. Deal your Weapons Critical Damage (-Targets Armour) to a random (roll a d6) Attribute. make a Analyse, Stealthper or Escape Hit +Ref +Str Hit +Per Damage Attack* Vs Highest Defence On Hit: Debuff Target; Loose *May Attack in a 180 Arc in Impair Attack, DoesBenot Req Hit +1 Critical Damage Endurnace. Overwatch On Hit: Cannot Targeted Damage for this Attack vs all Targets with 0 Escape Grabbing Target. response to any Action. Move Attack, Does not Require Hit, RoF 2+ 1 Ally gains Heavy Cover (+4) or +1 Cover Step until your next Turn.



Personal Combat Actions

Spacecraft Combat System Rolls

Pick any 2 Actions Per Turn

ActionsFirst Highest Velocity (orTactical Size if Equal) Full Move Full Burn Take Cover


Move Skill Roll 8

Bonuses from the same Action do not Stack

Range Actions Make 1 System Roll per Turn (Successful System Rolls may not be rolled again), Engineering Snap Shot

Move +2

Skill Roll

Rotate 45o+1 Cover Step Damage Move Alter Velocity = Eng. Control Armour vs Slow +1 (go Prone)


Attack Damage Move

Remove 1 On FireAttack Effect. 12-Crew Spray Regen Fire Shields. Damage Armour vs Boarding +1 Move


Skill Roll

Hit Calibrate +Per +Extra RoF Dice 12-CPU Move -2

Melee(orActions Highest CPU Sensors if Equal) First Attack Damage Move Attack

Gunnery Hit +Ref +Extra RoF Dice Move -2 Skill Roll

Add or remove 1 Charge Locked On Effect.

Preparation Damage

Reload orLine) Un Jam a Weapon. Move +2 (Straight 8-Crew Once per Weapon. Damage +1May (perRoll 4 Movement)


Manoeuvre Prep

One: Draw Wpn, Reload, o Divert Rotate 90Pick Size x4Recover Un-Jam, Power Alter Velocity = EngSet -2.Up, Pull Down, Use Stim or Skill Roll (Medical).

A System Roll gains Str Hit +1. Hit +Per Attack 14-Pow Dumb Fire Sighted TakeShot 5 Shield Damage. Range +Foc Damage

vs Def

Launch and Attack with a Warhead. Block at Destroy this Warhead the end of the Turn.

Volley Impair

Attack with a Battery. Hit +Per +Foc vsOnDef ShieldTargets Dmg +1next Hit: Debuff May Roll Attack; Strong Hit -1Once per Weapon.

Direct Analyse Crew

Rotate 45o Armour vsOnBoarding +1 next Attack;Combat Hit: Boost 14-CrewAttack Make System Roll at -2Location +/-2 Jump Recover Crit Attribute or Launch a Fighter.

*4 Success, +2 Success Attackrequired +Ref Combat Area. Hit Seeker 14-CPU* Throwif Spacecraft leavesDamage Range +Str Move


Launch a Warhead. This WarheadsImpair gains: Lock On +6.

Damage Lead the Impair Target

Attack with a Battery. Hit +Ref +Str Range vsOnDef Hit: Pick One +1Debuff vs May Roll per 1Weapon. Target; Prone, GrabOnce or Move

Strafe Stealth Size 1 or 2

Rotate 45o VsArc Highest vs Def Stealth Attack Front with aDefence Battery. Patch Range -1 On Hit: Cannot Be Targeted

Repair 1 AttributeAttack* Dmg that was Hit +Per 14-Crew 14 Arc -CPUin Scan *May Attack in a 180 Overwatch dealt after your last Turn. Damage response to any Action.

Boost next Attack; Crit Attribute Location Escape+/-1 vs a Locked On Target.

Damage Bombard

Hit +Ref +Str Attack with 2 Batteries. vsOnDef Hit: Debuff Hit -2Target; Loose Grabbing Target.

Spacecraft CombatAttack System Rolls Roll Formula: Highest Velocity (or Size if Equal) First Command Skill Roll


3d6 +Hit -2 per Rng Increment beyond 1st Attack costs 1 Ammunition per RoF used (minimum 1)

Targets Defence

Skill Roll

Operations Skill Roll

Size Impair 4+ Move

Free Critical Hit vs Target with 0 Endurance

Make 1 System Roll per Turn (Successful System Rolls may not be rolled again), Engineering


Highest CPU (or Sensors if Equal) First Gunnery Skill Roll



Change Out


Quick Fix; Heal any 2


Change 1 Attribute, Wpn, Trait or new Spacecraft. Requires: Workshop. Req: Workshop, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. May only be rolled once per available Workshop. Must be performed directly after a Combat.

+ +

Maintenance; Heal 1


and a Minor Condition (eg: Virus). Requires: Toolbox.

Rebuild; Heal one 8

and a Major Condition (eg: Lost Wing). Requires: Workshop.

2x 14t


First Aid; Stops Bleeding



Paramedics; Heal any 3


May be performed during Combat. Requires: Toolkit.

Req: Toolbox, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. Healing may be applied to multiple Characters. Must be performed directly after a Combat. Maximum of 1 Paramedics Roll per 3 Characters.

Adam Blaze Spacecraft Environment You were always good with machines. It was in your DNA. You grew upAtmosphere: in the underground PitAttribute Cities under oceansatoftheyour world, 1 Engine Damage the (no Armour) end ofhome each Turn. 2 Attribute Damage (noyou Armour) at the end of each 3rd Turn. Kadash. A diver and a gearhead, fixed things others couldn’t -2 Hit and Range. puzzle out, but you never got over the… not exactly claustrophobia… Take Damage equal to your Velocity. Dust Cloud: but limits of that place. knew through every Dust bulkhead’s graffiti, every rust Hit -2 ifYou you Attack Cloud. stain dripping bolt.when It was… boring. +2 Velocity you enter a Gravity Field. Gravity Field: downGainevery May make a free Rotate of 45o towards the source of the Gravity Field.

Repair Remove any On Effects you. Nebula: You saved up money forLocked a trip to theon surface and a ticket off Remove all Locked On Effects you have applied to your Opponents. 14t + 12t + Change Out Maintenance; Healracial 1 world. You’re a Kaltoran, which GM means you have memories. May have additional defined Change 1 Attribute, Wpn, Trait or new Spacecraft. and a Minor effects. Condition (eg: Virus). Requires: Workshop. Requires: Toolbox. Reduce Vel by 2, if not 1 or 2; take 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour). Object: an Object. Quick Fix; Heal anyHit2 -2 if you 12Attack Rebuild; Heal one 8 2x 14t + + through Req: Workshop, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. and a Major Condition (eg: Lost Wing). Spacecraft: Other Spacecraft immediatly into an adjacent space. May only be rolled once per available Workshop. Requires:move Workshop. Must be performed directly after a Combat.

Primary SpacecraftSkils: Effects

Spacecraft -3 Wealth Environment +1 have Physical +2 Effects Mechanics May up to 5 Boarded applied to you.-1 Medicine Boarded: start of your Opponent’s Turn they make 1 Attribute Damage Armour) at may the end each Turn. Atmosphere: -1 Conversation 1 AtEngine -1theResolve +1 (no Electronics -1of Psychology Attack 2Boarding AttributeParty Damage (noagainst Armour)you. at the end of each 3rd Turn. -1 Leadership Awareness Programming On+2 a failed Attack Roll,+0 remove 1 Boarded Effect. -1 Astronomy -2 Hit and Range. +2 Culture +1 Damage Survival -1OnBio Tech -1 Planetoids Locked On: Enemies gain equal Hit: +Lock vs you. Take to your Velocity. Dust Cloud: Hit -2 if youDmg Attack Cloud. 1 Attribute (no through Armour)Dust at the start of your Turn. Gain +2 Velocity when you enter a Gravity Field. o May make 13 Field. 2 a free Rotate of 45 towards the source of the Gravity

On Fire: Gravity Field: 3 4


2x 12t


Surgery; Heal one 8

2x 14t


and a Major or Minor Condition. Requires: Workshop. May Retro any Trait for a Implant Trait.

No Overburden Penalty.

Defence +X Cover X: You can see it in most of the eyes of the other Kaltorans you meet Difficult Terrain: Moving one space costs 2 Movement. out here-you’re all running from something. Running from memories Open/Close Door: Cost 2 Movement to Change. that aren’t really even yours. It’s a weird feeling, but not half as weird Healing

as the things you’ve seen out here. Maybe that’s what the void offers, Personal Effects + are. Extended Care; Heal all 1 2x 12t + First Aid; Combat Stops something odderBleeding than who 10you and a Minor Condition. May be performed during Combat. Requires:at Toolbox. Bleeding: 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour) the start of your Turn. As with Grabbed Effect but may as a Free Grabbing Target: 12 + Surgery;remove Heal one 8 Action.2x 14t + Paramedics; Heal any 3 and a Major or Minor Condition. Req: Toolbox, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. Grabbed: 1 Action per Turn. Requires: Workshop. Healing may be applied to multiple Characters. Requires: Toolkit.

Move with Target ifMayyou have Retro any higher Trait for aStr. Implant Trait. Must be performed directly after a May Combat. Maximum of 1 Paramedics Roll per Gain 3 Characters. 1 Additional Action if you remove this Effect.

Equipment: Limited Vision:

Targets gain Cover versus you:

Personal Combat Light CoverComms (Low Light)(100km)). or Heavy Cover (Blind, Pitch Black) vs You. Head Set (ShortEnvironment Range Locked On: Enemies gain Hit: +Lock On vs you. Moving one space costs 2 Movement. Zero Gravity: Mechanics Tool Box (Mechanics Toolbox). Hit -2 Step +1 Cover Prone: History Book (Culture Toolbox). No Penalty. CostOverburden 2 Movement to Change.

Moving one Defence +X space costs 2 Movement while Prone. Cover X: Stealthed: May notone be space Targeted while in Cover. Difficult Terrain: Moving costs 2 Movement. Lost on Major Effect: Attack. Open/Close Door: Cost 2 Movement to Change. Lost next Turn if 1st Action is not a successful Stealth Action.


Maximum 1 Action this Turn. Suppressed: Personal Combat Effects Bleeding: 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour) at the start of your Turn. Grabbing Target: As with Grabbed Effect but may remove as a Free Action. Grabbed: 1 Action per Turn. Bonuses from the same Action do not Stack


May have additional GM defined effects.


Extended Care; Heal all 1

and a Minor Condition. Requires: Toolbox.

Everyone in the system knows this. What they don’t know, what most Personal Combat Environment Kaltoran’s don’t talk about, is that of the stronger memories, Moving one space costsa2 lot Movement. Zero Gravity: Hit -2 down the DNA ladder, are bad. Really bad. the ones that get passed


Attack Hit +RoF Remove any Locked On Draw Effects you.Set Up or Pull Down or *Damage Pick One: *Attack, Wpn, on Reload, Move make a Analyse, Escape Attack Roll. to your Opponents. Remove all Locked On Stealth Effectsor you have applied

Nebula: Drone Action


Reduce2Vel by 2, if not 1 or 2; take 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour). Object:4 15 -2 if you Attack through an Object. Personal Combat HitActions Spacecraft: Other Spacecraft immediatly move into an adjacent space. 3 2 14 Pick any 2 Actions Per Turn

25 2 2 3

May Move with Target if you have higher Str. Gain 1 Additional Action if you remove this Effect. Tactical Actions Range Actions Melee Actions Spacecraft Effects Weapons Hit End Dmg Crit Rng Clips Ammo Type versus & Variation LimitedLoad Vision: RoF TargetsWgt gain Cover you: Attack or Attack Heavy Cover (Blind, Pitch vs 3You. Hit +Ref +Extra RoF Black) Dice Dual SMGs 6 applied 3 toSnap 4 4 12 2 4 (+3d6)Light Cover 2 (Low Gun,Light) Self-Propelled, Ion May haveMove up to Boarded Effects you. Shot Move +2 5 +1 Boarded: Damage Damage Full Move Strike Move -2 Move Move At the start ofLow your Opponent’s Turn they may make 1 Locked On: Enemies gain Hit: +Lock On vs you. Tech, Works in Liquid, Energy, Modification: Dual Wield (Optional). Boarding Party Attack against you. Attack Attack Prone: Move +2 (Straight Line) +1 Cover Step Hit-+Per +Extra RoF Knife 3 1 Boarded3 Effect. 1 Dice 1 +1 CoverCharge 1 Step Melee 0 Move On a failed Attack+1Roll, remove Damage Damage Take Cover Spray Fire Damage +1 (per 4 Movement) Armour vs Slow +1 (go Prone) Move -2 Cost 2 Movement to Change.

Locked On: OnPrep Fire:


Enemies gainLow Hit: Tech. +Lock On vs you.

Pick One: Draw Wpn, Reload, Recover Set Up, Pull Down,at the 1 AttributeUn-Jam, Dmg (no Armour) Use Stim or Skill Roll (Medical).

start of Sighted your Turn. Shot


Moving one space costs 2 Movement while Prone.

Attack Damage

Hit +Per +Foc


Hit +Per Range +Foc

May notBlock be Targeted whileImpair in Cover. On Hit: Debuff Targets next Attack; Strong Hit -1 Lost on Major Effect: Attack. Requirements Benefits Lost next Turn if 1st Action is not a Hit successful Attack Damage +Ref +Str Stealth Action. Attack On Hit: Boost next Attack; +Ref Damage Impair On Hit: Pick One Debuff vs Primary or Vehicle Skill, Does not Req Success You may re-roll a singleHit die from this Skill Roll. Attack Hit Impair Throw Recover Crit+RoF Attribute Location +/-2 Range +Str Maximum 1 Action this Turn. Suppressed: Move Move Target; Prone, Grab or Move 1 *Damage Pick One: *Attack, Draw Wpn, Reload, Set Up or Pull Down or

Strong Hits Effort Analyse Drone Action Critical Hit Critical Boost Stealth Tweak

Attack, Hit, 1 use per RoF Attack Roll. Deal your Weapons Critical Damage (-Targets Armour) to a random (roll a d6) Attribute. make a Analyse, Stealth or Escape Hit +Ref +Str Hit +Per Damage Attack* Vs Highest Defence On Hit: Debuff Target; Loose *May Attack in a 180 Arc in Impair Attack, DoesBenot Req Hit +1 Critical Damage Escape Overwatch On Hit: Cannot Targeted Damage for this Attack vs all Targets with 0 Endurnace. Grabbing Target. response to any Action. Move Attack, Hit, Non Infinite Clips or Ammo Gain +2 Endurance Damage on this Weapon for the remainder of the Combat (Stacks).



Personal Combat Actions

Spacecraft Combat System Rolls

Pick any 2 Actions Per Turn

ActionsFirst Highest Velocity (orTactical Size if Equal) Full Move Full Burn Take Cover


Move Skill Roll 8

Bonuses from the same Action do not Stack

Range Actions Make 1 System Roll per Turn (Successful System Rolls may not be rolled again), Engineering Snap Shot

Move +2

Skill Roll

Rotate 45o+1 Cover Step Damage Move Alter Velocity = Eng. Control Armour vs Slow +1 (go Prone)


Attack Damage Move

Remove 1 On FireAttack Effect. 12-Crew Spray Regen Fire Shields. Damage Armour vs Boarding +1 Move


Skill Roll

Hit Calibrate +Per +Extra RoF Dice 12-CPU Move -2

Melee(orActions Highest CPU Sensors if Equal) First Attack Damage Move Attack

Gunnery Hit +Ref +Extra RoF Dice Move -2 Skill Roll

Add or remove 1 Charge Locked On Effect.

Preparation Damage

Reload orLine) Un Jam a Weapon. Move +2 (Straight 8-Crew Once per Weapon. Damage +1May (perRoll 4 Movement)


Manoeuvre Prep

One: Draw Wpn, Reload, o Divert Rotate 90Pick Size x4Recover Un-Jam, Power Alter Velocity = EngSet -2.Up, Pull Down, Use Stim or Skill Roll (Medical).

A System Roll gains Str Hit +1. Hit +Per Attack 14-Pow Dumb Fire Sighted TakeShot 5 Shield Damage. Range +Foc Damage

vs Def

Launch and Attack with a Warhead. Block at Destroy this Warhead the end of the Turn.

Volley Impair

Attack with a Battery. Hit +Per +Foc vsOnDef ShieldTargets Dmg +1next Hit: Debuff May Roll Attack; Strong Hit -1Once per Weapon.

Direct Analyse Crew

Rotate 45o Armour vsOnBoarding +1 next Attack;Combat Hit: Boost 14-CrewAttack Make System Roll at -2Location +/-2 Jump Recover Crit Attribute or Launch a Fighter.

*4 Success, +2 Success Attackrequired +Ref Combat Area. Hit Seeker 14-CPU* Throwif Spacecraft leavesDamage Range +Str Move


Launch a Warhead. This WarheadsImpair gains: Lock On +6.

Damage Lead the Impair Target

Attack with a Battery. Hit +Ref +Str Range vsOnDef Hit: Pick One +1Debuff vs May Roll per 1Weapon. Target; Prone, GrabOnce or Move

Strafe Stealth Size 1 or 2

Rotate 45o VsArc Highest vs Def Stealth Attack Front with aDefence Battery. Patch Range -1 On Hit: Cannot Be Targeted

Repair 1 AttributeAttack* Dmg that was Hit +Per 14-Crew 14 Arc -CPUin Scan *May Attack in a 180 Overwatch dealt after your last Turn. Damage response to any Action.

Boost next Attack; Crit Attribute Location Escape+/-1 vs a Locked On Target.

Damage Bombard

Hit +Ref +Str Attack with 2 Batteries. vsOnDef Hit: Debuff Hit -2Target; Loose Grabbing Target.

Spacecraft CombatAttack System Rolls Roll Formula: Highest Velocity (or Size if Equal) First


3d6 +Hit -2 per Rng Increment beyond 1st Attack costs 1 Ammunition per RoF used (minimum 1)


Skill Roll 8

Damage Control


Highest CPU (or Sensors if Equal) First


Skill Roll Rotate 45o Alter Velocity = Eng.

Size Impair 4+ Move

Free Critical Hit vs Target with 0 Endurance

Make 1 System Roll per Turn (Successful System Rolls may not be rolled again),


Full Burn

Targets Defence



Skill Roll Remove 1 On Fire Effect. Regen Shields. Armour vs Boarding +1




Skill Roll Add or remove 1 Locked On Effect.



Reload or Un Jam a Weapon. May Roll Once per Weapon.


Change 1 Attribute, Wpn, Trait or new Spacecraft. Requires: Workshop.

Quick Fix; Heal any 2

Req: Workshop, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. May only be rolled once per available Workshop. Must be performed directly after a Combat.



Rebuild; Heal one 8

and a Major Condition (eg: Lost Wing). Requires: Workshop.

2x 14t

Paramedics; Heal any 3


Armour) the end of eachwas 3rd Turn. it, raised for it and2 Attribute trainedDamage for it.(noYour firstat campaign destined -2 Hit and Range. to be your last. Some nerve agent the Neph’s used on that swamp Take Damage equal to your Velocity. Dust Cloud: world made most Hitof-2your go Dust buggy. if youcompany Attack through Cloud.They mustered all of you out. Field: Couldn’t trust youwhenwouldn’t dayField.go mad like your Gain +2 that Velocity you enter aone Gravity Gravity May make a free Rotate of 45o towards the source of the Gravity Field. brothers in arms had.

Repair Remove any Locked On Effects on you. Nebula: Remove all Locked On Effects you have applied to your Opponents. 14t + Change Out 1 agent’s12t still + You aren’t sure May you won’t go mad either. ThatHeal nerve have additional GMMaintenance; defined Change 1 Attribute, Wpn, Trait or new Spacecraft. and a Minor effects. Condition (eg: Virus). Requires: Workshop. Requires: Toolbox. Reduce Vel by 2, if not 1 or 2; take 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour). Object: an Object. Quick Fix; Heal anyHit2 -2 if you 12Attack Rebuild; Heal one 8 2x 14t + + through Req: Workshop, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. and a Major Condition (eg: Lost Wing). Spacecraft: Other Spacecraft immediatly into an adjacent space. May only be rolled once per available Workshop. Requires:move Workshop. Must be performed directly after a Combat.

Primary SpacecraftSkils: Effects

Spacecraft -2 Wealth Environment +1 have Physical +2 Effects Mechanics May up to 5 Boarded applied to you.-2 Medicine Boarded: start of your Opponent’s Turn they make 1 Attribute Damage Armour) at may the end each Turn. Atmosphere: -2 Conversation 1 AtEngine +2theResolve -2(no Electronics +1of Psychology Attack 2Boarding AttributeParty Damage (noagainst Armour)you. at the end of each 3rd Turn. +1 Leadership Programming On+1Hit a Awareness failed Attack Roll,-2 remove 1 Boarded Effect. -2 Astronomy -2 and Range. -2 Culture -2Damage Survival -2 Bio Tech -2 Planetoids Locked On: Enemies gain equal Hit: +Lock On Velocity. vs you. Take to your Dust Cloud: Hit -2 if youDmg Attack Cloud. 1 Attribute (no through Armour)Dust at the start of your Turn. Gain +2 Velocity when you enter a Gravity Field. o May make 13 Field. 2 a free Rotate of 45 towards the source of the Gravity




May have additional GM defined effects.


2x 14t

and a Major or Minor Condition. Requires: Workshop. May Retro any Trait for a Implant Trait.


Pick any 2 Actions Per Turn

Tactical Actions

Personal Effects 10 + First Aid; Combat Stops Bleeding Extended Care; Heal all 1 2x 12t + and a Minor Condition. May be performed during Combat. Requires: Toolkit. Requires:at Toolbox. Bleeding: 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour) the start of your Turn. As with Grabbed Effect but may as a Free Grabbing Target: 12 + Surgery;remove Heal one 8 Action.2x 14t + Paramedics; Heal any 3 and a Major or Minor Condition. Req: Toolbox, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. Grabbed: 1 Action per Turn. Requires: Workshop. Healing may be applied to multiple Characters. Move with Target ifMayyou have Retro any higher Trait for aStr. Implant Trait. Must be performed directly after a May Combat. Maximum of 1 Paramedics Roll per Gain 3 Characters. 1 Additional Action if you remove this Effect.

Equipment: Limited Vision:

No Penalty. CostOverburden 2 Movement to Change.

Mechanics Tool Box Toolbox). Moving(Mechanics one 2 Movement while Prone. Defence +X space costs Cover X: Stealthed: May notone be space Targeted while in Cover. Difficult Terrain: Moving costs 2 Movement. Lost on Major Effect: Attack. Open/Close Door: Cost 2 Movement to Change. Lost next Turn if 1st Action is not a successful Stealth Action.

start of Sighted your Turn. Shot



35 2 1 2

May Move with Target if you have higher Str. Gain 1 Additional Action if you remove this Effect. Range Actions Melee Actions Clips Ammo Type versus & Variation Cost LimitedLoad Vision: RoF TargetsWgt gain Cover you: Attack Attack Heavy Cover (Blind, Pitch vs 3You. Hit +Ref +Extra RoF Black) Dice 5 8 2 2 (+1d6)Light Cover 2 (Low Gun,Light) Ion. orDamage Damage Strike Move -2 Move Locked On: Enemies gain Hit: +Lock OnMove vs you.

Spacecraft Effects Weapons Hit End Dmg Crit Rng Gauss 4 applied 4 toSnap 4 May haveMove up to Boarded Effects you. Shot +2 5+4 Boarded: FullAssault Move Rifle Move At the start ofEnergy, your Opponent’s TurnPersonalised. they may make 1 Modification: Boarding Party Attack against you. Attack Prone: +1 Cover Step Hit-+Per +Extra RoF OldTake Sword 6 1 Boarded4 Effect. 1 Dice Move On a failed Attack-1Roll, remove Damage Cover Spray Fire Armour vs Slow +1 (go Prone) Move -2 Move ever On requires Locked On: Enemies gain*Only Hit: +Lock vs you.1 Hand, Modification: Low Quality, Personalised. Pick One: Draw Wpn, Reload, Recover Set Up, Pull Down,at the 1 AttributeUn-Jam, Dmg (no Armour) Use Stim or Skill Roll (Medical).

Targets gain Cover versus you:

Personal Combat Light CoverComms (Low Light)(100km)). or Heavy Cover (Blind, Pitch Black) vs You. Head Set (ShortEnvironment Range Locked On: Enemies gain Hit: +Lock vs you. Moving one space costs 2Low Movement. Zero Gravity: Flash Light (Small, Load 1, Reduce On Light Cover penalties by Hit -2 Step +1 Cover Prone: 2 Steps in any area of 3).

Maximum 1 Action this Turn. Suppressed: Personal Combat Effects 1 Bleeding: 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour) at the start of your Turn. Grabbing Target: As with Grabbed Effect but may remove as a Free Action. Grabbed: 1 Action per 1 Turn. Bonuses from the same Action do not Stack

Reduce2Vel by 2, if not 1 or 2; take 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour). Object:3 15 -2 if you Attack through an Object. Personal Combat HitActions Spacecraft: Other Spacecraft immediatly move into an adjacent space. 2 13

OnPrep Fire:

Surgery; Heal one 8

working its way through your according to scans. Maybe Moving one spacesynapses costs 2 Movement. Zero Gravity: -2 You bounced around from job to job for a you will lose it oneHit day. No Overburden Penalty. long time before Lucas brought you aboard The Ransom. He seems Defence +X Cover X: like a good enough Corp, but he has an edge. Everyone on board Difficult Terrain: Moving one space costs 2 Movement. does. They don’t know about the nerve agent. They don’t know about Open/Close Door: Cost 2 Movement to Change. the ticking time bomb in your head. Between now and when it goes Healing off, you’re going to fight, carouse and have the greatest life you can.


Attack Hit +RoF Remove any Locked On Draw Effects you.Set Up or Pull Down or *Damage Pick One: *Attack, Wpn, on Reload, Move make a Analyse, Escape Attack Roll. to your Opponents. Remove all Locked On Stealth Effectsor you have applied



Personal Combat Environment

You would have1 been a soldier your(noentire Youendwere Engine Attribute Damage Armour)life. at the of eachbred Turn. for Atmosphere:

Nebula: Drone Action


Req: Toolbox, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. Healing may be applied to multiple Characters. Must be performed directly after a Combat. Maximum of 1 Paramedics Roll per 3 Characters.

SpacecraftMarch Environment Athena

On Fire: Gravity Field:

and a Minor Condition. Requires: Toolbox.

May be performed during Combat. Requires: Toolkit.

and a Minor Condition (eg: Virus). Requires: Toolbox.

Attack Damage

Attack Step 1 +1 Cover3* Damage ChargeMelee, Composite

Move +2 (Straight Line)

Damage +1 (per 4 Movement) Cost 2 Movement to Change. Move Moving one space costs 2 Movement while Prone.


Hit +Per +Foc


Hit +Per Range +Foc

May notBlock be Targeted whileImpair in Cover. On Hit: Debuff Targets next Attack; Strong Hit -1 Lost on Major Effect: Attack. Requirements Benefits Lost next Turn if 1st Action is not a Hit successful Attack Damage +Ref +Str Stealth Action. Attack On Hit: Boost next Attack; +Ref Damage Impair On Hit: Pick One Debuff vs Primary or Vehicle Skill, Does not Req Success You may re-roll a singleHit die from this Skill Roll. Attack Hit Impair Throw Recover Crit+RoF Attribute Location +/-2 Range +Str Maximum 1 Action this Turn. Suppressed: Move Move Target; Prone, Grab or Move 1 *Damage Pick One: *Attack, Draw Wpn, Reload, Set Up or Pull Down or

Strong Hits Effort Analyse Drone Action Critical Hit Critical Boost Stealth Coordinated Strike



Attack, Hit, 1 use per RoF Attack Roll. Deal your Weapons Critical Damage (-Targets Armour) to a random (roll a d6) Attribute. make a Analyse, Stealth or Escape Hit +Ref +Str Hit +Per Damage Attack* Vs Highest Defence On Hit: Debuff Target; Loose *May Attack in a 180 Arc in Impair Attack, DoesBenot Req Hit +1 Critical Damage Escape Overwatch On Hit: Cannot Targeted Damage for this Attack vs all Targets with 0 Endurnace. Grabbing Target. response to any Action. Move Attack, Hit An Ally gains Strong Hit +1 vs your Target with their next Attack (must be taken within 1 Turn) (does not Stack).

Personal Combat Actions

Spacecraft Combat System Rolls

Pick any 2 Actions Per Turn

ActionsFirst Highest Velocity (orTactical Size if Equal) Full Move Full Burn Take Cover


Move Skill Roll 8

Bonuses from the same Action do not Stack

Range Actions Make 1 System Roll per Turn (Successful System Rolls may not be rolled again), Engineering Snap Shot

Move +2

Skill Roll

Rotate 45o+1 Cover Step Damage Move Alter Velocity = Eng. Control Armour vs Slow +1 (go Prone)


Attack Damage Move

Remove 1 On FireAttack Effect. 12-Crew Spray Regen Fire Shields. Damage Armour vs Boarding +1 Move


Skill Roll

Hit Calibrate +Per +Extra RoF Dice 12-CPU Move -2

Melee(orActions Highest CPU Sensors if Equal) First Attack Damage Move Attack

Gunnery Hit +Ref +Extra RoF Dice Move -2 Skill Roll

Add or remove 1 Charge Locked On Effect.

Preparation Damage

Reload orLine) Un Jam a Weapon. Move +2 (Straight 8-Crew Once per Weapon. Damage +1May (perRoll 4 Movement)


Manoeuvre Prep

One: Draw Wpn, Reload, o Divert Rotate 90Pick Size x4Recover Un-Jam, Power Alter Velocity = EngSet -2.Up, Pull Down, Use Stim or Skill Roll (Medical).

A System Roll gains Str Hit +1. Hit +Per Attack 14-Pow Dumb Fire Sighted TakeShot 5 Shield Damage. Range +Foc Damage

vs Def

Launch and Attack with a Warhead. Block at Destroy this Warhead the end of the Turn.

Volley Impair

Attack with a Battery. Hit +Per +Foc vsOnDef ShieldTargets Dmg +1next Hit: Debuff May Roll Attack; Strong Hit -1Once per Weapon.

Direct Analyse Crew

Rotate 45o Armour vsOnBoarding +1 next Attack;Combat Hit: Boost 14-CrewAttack Make System Roll at -2Location +/-2 Jump Recover Crit Attribute or Launch a Fighter.

*4 Success, +2 Success Attackrequired +Ref Combat Area. Hit Seeker 14-CPU* Throwif Spacecraft leavesDamage Range +Str Move


Launch a Warhead. This WarheadsImpair gains: Lock On +6.

Damage Lead the Impair Target

Attack with a Battery. Hit +Ref +Str Range vsOnDef Hit: Pick One +1Debuff vs May Roll per 1Weapon. Target; Prone, GrabOnce or Move

Strafe Stealth Size 1 or 2

Rotate 45o VsArc Highest vs Def Stealth Attack Front with aDefence Battery. Patch Range -1 On Hit: Cannot Be Targeted

Repair 1 AttributeAttack* Dmg that was Hit +Per 14-Crew 14 Arc -CPUin Scan *May Attack in a 180 Overwatch dealt after your last Turn. Damage response to any Action.

Boost next Attack; Crit Attribute Location Escape+/-1 vs a Locked On Target.

Damage Bombard

Hit +Ref +Str Attack with 2 Batteries. vsOnDef Hit: Debuff Hit -2Target; Loose Grabbing Target.

Spacecraft CombatAttack System Rolls Roll Formula:


3d6 +Hit -2 per Rng Increment beyond 1st Attack costs 1 Ammunition per RoF used (minimum 1)

Highest Velocity (or Size if Equal) First


Skill Roll 8


Size x4

Damage Control

Rotate 90o Alter Velocity = Eng -2.

Divert Power

Highest CPU (or Sensors if Equal) First


Skill Roll Rotate 45o Alter Velocity = Eng.

Size Impair 4+ Move

Free Critical Hit vs Target with 0 Endurance

Make 1 System Roll per Turn (Successful System Rolls may not be rolled again),


Full Burn

Targets Defence



Skill Roll


Remove 1 On Fire Effect. Regen Shields. Armour vs Boarding +1



A System Roll gains Str Hit +1. Take 5 Shield Damage.

Dumb Fire

Skill Roll


Add or remove 1 Locked On Effect.



vs Def

Launch and Attack with a Warhead. Destroy this Warhead at


vs Def

Reload or Un Jam a Weapon. May Roll Once per Weapon. Attack with a Battery. Shield Dmg +1



Change Out


Quick Fix; Heal any 2


Change 1 Attribute, Wpn, Trait or new Spacecraft. Requires: Workshop. Req: Workshop, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. May only be rolled once per available Workshop. Must be performed directly after a Combat.

+ +

Maintenance; Heal 1


and a Minor Condition (eg: Virus). Requires: Toolbox.

Rebuild; Heal one 8

and a Major Condition (eg: Lost Wing). Requires: Workshop.

2x 14t


First Aid; Stops Bleeding



Paramedics; Heal any 3


May be performed during Combat. Requires: Toolkit.

Req: Toolbox, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. Healing may be applied to multiple Characters. Must be performed directly after a Combat. Maximum of 1 Paramedics Roll per 3 Characters.

Beytah Spacecraft All of yourEnvironment memories were made in a lab. Every Emissary knows this theoretically, 1but fewAttribute reallyDamage KNOW(no itArmour) like you woke Engine at thedo. end You of each Turn. up Atmosphere: 2 Attribute Damage (no Armour) at the end of each 3rd Turn. still during an implantation. While those memories they implanted -2 Hit and Range. feel “real”, they don’t feel like yours. Dust Cloud:

Take Damage equal to your Velocity. Hit -2 if you Attack through Dust Cloud.

That’s Field: probablyGainwhy you when dropped of Field. the ambassadorial +2 Velocity you enterout a Gravity Gravity o towards the source of the Gravity Field. May make free Rotate program in your first year.a You had ofa 45head full of thirty years’ worth Repair Locked On really Effects on you. two. That glitch made ofNebula: memory, but youRemove knewanyyou were only Remove all Locked On Effects you have applied to your Opponents. 14t + 12t + Change Out Maintenance; Heal 1 you-like you different. BeingMay around other GMEmissaries unsettled you have additional defined Change 1 Attribute, Wpn, Trait or new Spacecraft. and a Minor effects. Condition (eg: Virus). Requires: Workshop. Requires: Toolbox. were watching a magician on2,stage, you1 Attribute were the one who Reduce Vel by if not 1 orand 2; take Dmg only (no Armour). Object: an Object. Quick Fix; Heal anyHit2 -2 if you 12Attack Rebuild; Heal one 8 2x 14t + + through Req: Workshop, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. and a Major Condition (eg: Lost Wing). Spacecraft: Other Spacecraft immediatly into an adjacent space. May only be rolled once per available Workshop. Requires:move Workshop.

Spacecraft Effects

2 4

start of your Opponent’s Turn they make 1Medicine 1 At Engine Attribute Damage Armour) at may the end Turn. +1thePhysical -2(no Mechanics +3of each Attack 2Boarding AttributeParty Damage (noagainst Armour)you. at the end of each 3rd Turn. Electronics On+1Hit a Resolve failed Attack Roll,-2 remove 1 Boarded Effect. +1 Psychology -2 and Range.

+1 Damage Awareness -2 Programming -2 Astronomy Enemies gain equal Hit: +Lock On Velocity. vs you. Take to your Hit -2 ifSurvival youDmg Attack Dust Cloud. -2 +4 Bio Tech -2 Planetoids 1 Attribute (no through Armour) at the start of your Turn. Gain +2 Velocity when you enter a Gravity Field. o May make 14 Field. 4 a free Rotate of 45 towards the source of the Gravity 2

Surgery; Heal one 8

2x 14t


and a Major or Minor Condition. Requires: Workshop. May Retro any Trait for a Implant Trait.

Hit -2 No Overburden Penalty.

Science was something you could trust. There were answers. Defence +X Cover X: Where there weren’t answers, there was doubt. Science doesn’t Difficult Terrain: Moving one space costs 2 Movement. accept things blindly. You did well in that program and worked for Open/Close Door: Cost 2 Movement to Change. the Corporation for a year. That’s where you met Lucas, both of you Healing not quite fitting in. When he got booted from the Corporation, you 10 + 12t + Personal Effects later. First Aid; aCombat Stops Extended Care;both Heal belong all 1 2x aboard resigned few Bleeding months Now, and maybe, you a Minor Condition. May be performed during Combat. Requires: Toolkit. Requires: Toolbox. Bleeding: 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour) at the start of your Turn. The Ransom-at least a little bit. As with but may remove as a Free Grabbing Target: 12 + EffectSurgery; Heal one 8 Action.2x 14t + Paramedics; Heal any 3 Grabbed and a Major or Minor Condition. Req: Toolbox, Only Heals Dmg dealt this Combat. Grabbed: 1 Action per Turn. Requires: Workshop. Healing may be applied to multiple Characters. Targets gain Cover versus you:

Locked On: Enemies gain Hit: +Lock On vs you. space costs 2 Movement. Zero Gravity: Head Set (Short Moving Rangeone Comms (100km)). Hit -2 Step +1 Cover Prone: Chemistry Kit (Bio Tech Toolbox). No Penalty. CostOverburden 2 Movement to Change.

FirstX:Aid Kit (Medicine Toolbox). Moving one Defence +X space costs 2 Movement while Prone. Cover Stealthed: May notone be space Targeted while in Cover. Difficult Terrain: Moving costs 2 Movement. Lost on Major Effect: Attack. Open/Close Door: Cost 2 Movement to Change. Lost next Turn if 1st Action is not a successful Stealth Action. 2


Maximum 1 Action this Turn. Suppressed: Personal Combat Effects 1 Bleeding: 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour) at the start of your Turn. Grabbing Target: As with Grabbed Effect but may remove as a Free Action. Grabbed: 1 Action per Turn. Bonuses from the same Action do not Stack


May have additional GM defined effects.


saw through the illusion. You were a chef for a while, a fixer of thingsPersonal Combat Environment eventually, recruiter tookcosts you 2onMovement. as scientific apprentice. one space Zero Gravity:a Corp Moving

Limited Vision:

Attack Hit +RoF Remove any Locked On Draw Effects you.Set Up or Pull Down or *Damage Pick One: *Attack, Wpn, on Reload, Move make a Analyse, Escape Attack Roll. to your Opponents. Remove all Locked On Stealth Effectsor you have applied

Nebula: Drone Action

2x 12t

Personal Combat Environment Light Cover (Low Light) or Heavy Cover (Blind, Pitch Black) vs You. Equipment:

Spacecraft Skils: Environment Primary May have up to 5 Boarded Effects applied to you. Boarded:

Gravity Field:


Extended Care; Heal all 1

and a Minor Condition. Requires: Toolbox.

Move with Target ifMayyou have Retro any higher Trait for aStr. Implant Trait. Must be performed directly after a May Combat. Maximum of 1 Paramedics Roll per Gain 3 Characters. 1 Additional Action if you remove this Effect.

Must be performed directly after a Combat.

Atmosphere: -2 Wealth -3 Conversation -2 Leadership Locked On: Dust Cloud: -4OnCulture Fire:


Reduce2Vel by 2, if not 1 or 2; take 1 Attribute Dmg (no Armour). Object:4 18 -2 if you Attack through an Object. Personal Combat HitActions Spacecraft: Other Spacecraft immediatly move into an adjacent space. 2 12 Pick any 2 Actions Per Turn

15 5 2 2

May Move with Target if you have higher Str. Gain 1 Additional Action if you remove this Effect. Tactical Actions Range Actions Melee Actions Spacecraft Effects Weapons Hit End Dmg Crit Rng Clips Ammo Type versus & Variation Cost LimitedLoad Vision: RoF TargetsWgtgain Cover you: Attack Light) or Attack Heavy Cover (Blind, Pitch vs3You. Hit +Ref +Extra RoF Black) Dice Acid, 6 applied 3 toSnap 4* 5 4 1 2 (+1d6)Light Cover 3 (Low Shell, Kinetic May haveMove up to Boarded Effects you. Shot Move +2 5+2 Boarded: Damage Damage FullShotgun Move Strike Move -2 Move At the start of Opponent’s they may make 1 within first Locked Modification: On: Enemies gain Hit: +Lock Extended OnMove vs you.Barrel, Extended Clip. Bioyour Tech, *Strong Turn Hit (5-6) vs Targets Range Increment, Advanced Ammunition, Boarding Party Attack against you. Attack Attack Prone: Move +2 (Straight Line) +1 Cover Step Hit-+Per +Extra RoF Baton 4* 1 Boarded1 Effect. 1 Dice 1 +1 CoverCharge 1 Step Melee, Hammer 0 Move On a failed Attack+4Roll, remove Damage Damage Take Cover Spray Fire Damage +1 (per 4 Movement) Armour vs Slow +1 (go Prone) Move -2 Cost 2 Movement to Change. Move

Locked On: OnPrep Fire:


**Deal Endurance Damage vs Targets with Armour 4 or greater. Enemies gainBlunt, Hit: +Lock On +2 vs you.

Pick One: Draw Wpn, Reload, Recover Set Up, Pull Down,at the 1 AttributeUn-Jam, Dmg (no Armour) Use Stim or Skill Roll (Medical).

start of Sighted your Turn. Shot

Attack Damage

Moving one space costs 2 Movement while Prone. Hit +Per +Foc


Hit +Per Range +Foc

May notBlock be Targeted whileImpair in Cover. On Hit: Debuff Targets next Attack; Strong Hit -1 Lost on Major Effect: Attack. Requirements Benefits Lost next Turn if 1st Action is not a Hit successful Attack Damage +Ref +Str Stealth Action. Attack On Hit: Boost next Attack; +Ref Damage Impair On Hit: Pick One Debuff vs Primary or Vehicle Skill, Does not Req Success You may re-roll a singleHit die from this Skill Roll. Attack Hit Impair Throw Recover Crit+RoF Attribute Location +/-2 Range +Str Maximum 1 Action this Turn. Suppressed: Move Move Target; Prone, Grab or Move 1 *Damage Pick One: *Attack, Draw Wpn, Reload, Set Up or Pull Down or

Strong Hits Effort Analyse Drone Action Critical Hit Critical Boost Stealth Spontaneous Growth



Attack, Hit, 1 use peror Escape RoF Attack Roll. Deal your Weapons Critical Damage (-Targets Armour) to a random (roll a d6) Attribute. make a Analyse, Stealth Hit +Ref +Str Hit +Per Damage Attack* Vs Highest Defence On Hit: Debuff Target; Loose *May Attack in a 180 Arc in Impair Attack, DoesBenot Req Hit +1 Critical Damage Escape Overwatch On Hit: Cannot Targeted Damage for this Attack vs all Targets with 0 Endurnace. Grabbing Target. response to any Action. Move Attack, Hit, Bio Tech This Attack does not use any Ammunition (must have the required Ammunition to make this Attack).

Personal Combat Actions

Spacecraft Combat System Rolls

Pick any 2 Actions Per Turn

ActionsFirst Highest Velocity (orTactical Size if Equal) Full Move Full Burn Take Cover


Move Skill Roll 8

Bonuses from the same Action do not Stack

Range Actions Make 1 System Roll per Turn (Successful System Rolls may not be rolled again), Engineering Snap Shot

Move +2

Skill Roll

Rotate 45o+1 Cover Step Damage Move Alter Velocity = Eng. Control Armour vs Slow +1 (go Prone)


Attack Damage Move

Remove 1 On FireAttack Effect. 12-Crew Spray Regen Fire Shields. Damage Armour vs Boarding +1 Move


Skill Roll

Hit Calibrate +Per +Extra RoF Dice 12-CPU Move -2

Melee(orActions Highest CPU Sensors if Equal) First Attack Damage Move Attack

Gunnery Hit +Ref +Extra RoF Dice Move -2 Skill Roll

Add or remove 1 Charge Locked On Effect.

Preparation Damage

Reload orLine) Un Jam a Weapon. Move +2 (Straight 8-Crew Once per Weapon. Damage +1May (perRoll 4 Movement)


Manoeuvre Prep

One: Draw Wpn, Reload, o Divert Rotate 90Pick Size x4Recover Un-Jam, Power Alter Velocity = EngSet -2.Up, Pull Down, Use Stim or Skill Roll (Medical).

A System Roll gains Str Hit +1. Hit +Per Attack 14-Pow Dumb Fire Sighted TakeShot 5 Shield Damage. Range +Foc Damage

vs Def

Launch and Attack with a Warhead. Block at Destroy this Warhead the end of the Turn.

Volley Impair

Attack with a Battery. Hit +Per +Foc vsOnDef ShieldTargets Dmg +1next Hit: Debuff May Roll Attack; Strong Hit -1Once per Weapon.

Direct Analyse Crew

Rotate 45o Armour vsOnBoarding +1 next Attack;Combat Hit: Boost 14-CrewAttack Make System Roll at -2Location +/-2 Jump Recover Crit Attribute or Launch a Fighter.

*4 Success, +2 Success Attackrequired +Ref Combat Area. Hit Seeker 14-CPU* Throwif Spacecraft leavesDamage Range +Str Move


Launch a Warhead. This WarheadsImpair gains: Lock On +6.

Damage Lead the Impair Target

Attack with a Battery. Hit +Ref +Str Range vsOnDef Hit: Pick One +1Debuff vs May Roll per 1Weapon. Target; Prone, GrabOnce or Move

Strafe Stealth Size 1 or 2

Rotate 45o VsArc Highest vs Def Stealth Attack Front with aDefence Battery. Patch Range -1 On Hit: Cannot Be Targeted

Repair 1 AttributeAttack* Dmg that was Hit +Per 14-Crew 14 Arc -CPUin Scan *May Attack in a 180 Overwatch dealt after your last Turn. Damage response to any Action.

Boost next Attack; Crit Attribute Location Escape+/-1 vs a Locked On Target.

Damage Bombard

Hit +Ref +Str Attack with 2 Batteries. vsOnDef Hit: Debuff Hit -2Target; Loose Grabbing Target.

Spacecraft CombatAttack System Rolls Roll Formula: Highest Velocity (or Size if Equal) First


3d6 +Hit -2 per Rng Increment beyond 1st Attack costs 1 Ammunition per RoF used (minimum 1)


Skill Roll 8

Damage Control


Highest CPU (or Sensors if Equal) First


Skill Roll Rotate 45o Alter Velocity = Eng.

Size Impair 4+ Move

Free Critical Hit vs Target with 0 Endurance

Make 1 System Roll per Turn (Successful System Rolls may not be rolled again),


Full Burn

Targets Defence



Skill Roll Remove 1 On Fire Effect. Regen Shields. Armour vs Boarding +1




Skill Roll Add or remove 1 Locked On Effect.



Reload or Un Jam a Weapon. May Roll Once per Weapon.

GM Eyes Only Beyond this Point GM Overview The Ghost Ship Carthage is a spooky adventure involving encounters with mutated monsters and an ancient, deadly Archon. Don’t be afraid to play up the horror angle! The Carthage is full of flickering lights, creepy noises, and lots of darkness – help them feel immersed in the environment. The crux of this mission revolves around the PCs interactions with Solaria, the ancient Archon captain of the Carthage.

Mysterious Benofactor: Mr Simmons. The contact for this mission is a Corp who goes only by the name Mr. Simmons. Mr. Simmons either contacts them over their ship’s video feed, or they may meet with Mr. Simmons in person in a shady bar on whatever planet the PCs happen to be on. Mr. Simmons is a mysterious, tight-lipped character. He provides the PCs with coordinates to the ship, and gives them instructions to investigate what happened to the Legion VESPER team and salvage all of the medical equipment this ship was carrying.

Keep Things Moving! This mission is meant to act as an introduction to Fragged Empire. Many of the mechanics may be new to the players, but don’t let the PCs get bogged down. The tense horror of the adventure works best when the PCs are pushed from location to location without breaking up the pacing for long rules discussions. The best way to do this is to make use of a “countdown” – an event that forces the PCs to complete the mission within a certain time frame. Anything that puts the PCs on a clock for this can work, but here are two suggestions that will be referenced in the adventure: 1) Contested Claim The PCs are informed by their Benefactor that other salvage teams may be inbound to the Carthage. At some point during the mission, when the pacing seems to be slowing down, the PCs get a sonar ping from their ship alerting them to the presence of incoming salvagers. The PCs must finish their mission and escape before the salvagers arrive. If they don’t make it out in time, the module may end with a combat. 2) Failing Reactor As the PCs explore the ship they will experience power surgers (due to systems turning on as the PCs move about the ship). When they discover the Engineering Room, a successful Mechanics or Electronics roll lets them know that the Reactor is beginning to melt down. If they wait too long, the ship will go critical. Towards the end of the mission, the alarms on the reactor sound, letting the PCs know it is time to escape.


Side Mission Hooks Besides Mr. Simmons’ paycheck, PCs may have different motivations for taking the job. Completion of a side mission hook give that player +1 Current Influence, and 2 Spare Time Points. Kaltoran PC Hook The Blaze family line, a clan with a storied history, was almost extinguished in the War, their genetic memories lost. Evidence suggests several Blaze numbered among the Kaltoran refugees sheltered onboard the Carthage. Recovering their genetic memories, or discovering their fate, would strengthen and galvanise the tribe. Legion PC Hook A Legion PC’s ancestor led the VESPER force charged with recovering the Carthage. Slanderous accusations of incompetence, betrayal, and cowardice have besmirched the PC’s family since the ship’s disappearance. Evidence on board the vessel may vindicate their ancestor and redeem their family honour. Corporate PC Hook A Corp rival of the party’s benefactor is interested in a particular piece of bio-tech, the ONIX (Occluding Neural Insurgence Xiphoid), and offers a Corp PC a handsome commission if they can secret it off the Carthage for them. Nephilim PC Hook The Kormoria virus was developed as a genocidal weapon against the Nephilim. If any samples remain, their destruction is of the utmost importance to any Nephilim PC.

Action The main action of this adventure involves approaching, boarding, and reconnoitering the labyrinthine corridors, trashed quarters, gutted medical bays, and burned-out laboratories of the Carthage. As the PCs explore the ship, they will discover the secret of the Carthage’s mission of genocide and the disastrous outbreak of the Kormoria virus. If they survive their encounter with the ancient Archon captain, they will have made off with valuable pieces of data and bio-technology.

Threats/Encounters Turret The first encounter initiates as soon as the PCs step foot through the airlock – an old VESPER Turret still remains active after all of these years. Originally, it was placed to protect the VESPER team as they moved through the ship, but it has been programmed to fire upon any intruder. This encounter makes for a solid introduction to Fragged Empire’s combat mechanics.

The Virus The Kormoria virus is still active aboard the Carthage. If the PCs let the virus out of containment, it will immediately awaken in search of fresh hosts. It will spread like wildfire among the PCs, focusing first on any Nephilim. If they do not receive the cure from the Archon, then they can inadvertently infect the entire Haven system. Monstrous Experiments The Archon’s experiments bred a handful of genetic horrors in the form of mutated Nephilim POWs. These mutants have survived throughout the decades by hiding within stasis tubes. When the PCs first breach the ship, Solaria unleashes her unwholesome creations to prowl the bulkheads and stalk any intruders. She hides them behind high-tech holographic projections to mask their appearances. The Mutant Archon The Kormoria virus didn’t kill Solaria, the Archon captain of the Carthage – but it did drive her into a deep madness that has hung over her for decades. In her madness, she seeks to destroy the PCs as they travel through the ship but when they reach her, she decides it may be more fun to experiment upon them instead.

Legion Automated Turret -4



















Weapon Twin Autocannons

Hit End Dmg Crit +0 8 4 Lock On +8, Slow, Natural.

Rng 4

Clips Inf




4 Ammo -

Load 2

RoF 6 (+5d6)

Wgt 4

Type & Variation Gun

Cost 3

Race /Var /Trait Requirements Benefits Turret NPC You are a Robot. You may not move. Critical Hit Strong Hit: Critical Hit (Damage, Hit, 1 use per RoF) Deal your Weapons Critical Damage (-Targets Armour) to a random (roll a d6) Attribute. Critical Boost Strong Hit: Critical Boost (Damage, Does not Req Hit) +1 Critical Damage for this Attack vs all Targets with 0 Endurnace. Suppression Fire Strong Hit: Suppression Fire (Damage, Does not Require Hit, RoF 3+, Crit Dmg 4+) Non-Nemesis Target character is Suppressed. Pulverise Str Hit: Pulverise (Damage, Does not Require Hit, Crit Dmg 5+) Permanently reduce 2 sections of physical Environmental Cover within 1 of Target by 1 Step.



Level One

When the PCs meet with Mr. Simmons, he is dressed to the nines and adopts a cool, confident personality. He claims to have no information as to what happened on the Carthage, and the players must decide whether they believe him or not. What Mr. Simmons does have is a map of the spaceship, salvaged from old Legion records. Mr. Simmons doesn’t believe anything sinister awaits the PCs on this mission, but he does believe all of the Archon’s medical tech would fetch a high price on the black market, and is willing to cut them in on the profits.

Level One does have power, but it is not steady. Lights turn on as the PCs enter each room, but they flicker and bulbs burst from rolling brownouts. Fuse boxes on the wall spark and some loose wires hang down from the ceiling, sparking as they touch metal. The setting is that of a horror film – dark and cold. When the lights flicker off, the PCs will have to rely on their flashlights and sensors.

If the PCs do not have a ship, Mr. Simmons will provide them with one, but any damage done to the vessel will be taken out of their final paycheck, Payment Mr. Simmons agrees to fund the PCs operations for the next few months if they can recover a large amount of medical tech (each Character gains 1 Current Influence, and Resource, OR 12 Trade Boxes). He also offers a bonus (6 Trade Boxes) if the PCs retrieve the ONIX (Occluding Neural Insurgence Xiphoid) which is rumored to have been on board the Carthage. The Race is On Mr. Simmons also informs them that he is not the only one interested in salvaging the Carthage. He has heard rumor of other Corp sending out their own salvaging teams. As far as he knows, he is the first to put a team into action, but the others might not be far behind. Scanning the Carthage When the PCs approach the Carthage it does not fire upon them, nor does it respond to any attempt at communication. It is emitting a faint SOS beacon, and a quick scan with a successful Mechanics or Electronics check will reveal that the ship does have limited power, and its atmosphere generators are functioning. There two airlocks that they can attach to, both lead the PCs to Level One.

The PCs Enter via the Air Lock The Carthage has enough power to respond to the airlock. After depressurization is complete, the party is free to enter into the main foyer of the Carthage.

Pillars, and Walls As a medical ship processing refugees, the foyer was surprisingly well decorated. It has the white, sterile feel of a hospital. Four large marble columns decorate the room. It would have once been a welcoming place. But now the pillars are crumbling and the walls are dotted with high caliber bullet holes. An Awareness check of 12 can reveal the bullets all came from the south – if this check is made the PCs can spot the turret before it fires upon them. Shortly after the PCs enter the Foyer, the encounter with the VESPER Automated Turret begins.

Piles of Dead Kaltorans Once the PCs have dealt with the turret and are free to explore the room, they will find piles of dead Kaltoran bodies. The bodies are lined up in heaps, like they were scrambling over each other to escape something. Most likely, when the Legion Drop Ship entered the hanger, they began to fire upon the Kaltorans in the foyer with extreme prejudice.

Hanger, and Drop Ship The hanger itself is full of boxes of Rejuvenator Vials (Bio Tech roll of 12) – a special serum that is, along with other medical and research properties, able to re-grow lost limbs. The fact that the hanger contains so many boxes of this serum indicates the suspicious nature of the Carthage’s research. Find Flesh Ruijuvinator Vial in Boxes (can regrow limbs). Legion Drop Ship The other notable landmark in the hanger is the Legion VESPER Drop Ship. The ship was small enough to dock inside of the hanger, probably under the guise of delivering supplies. As soon as they landed, the Drop Ship would have unloaded their Legion strike force directly into the foyer. The lack of bullet holes and dead Legion show they had little resistance. The players find a Map of the Carthage on the Drop Ship. Automated Turret The automated turret attached to the Drop Ship will attack the party right away if they enter the foyer or hanger. It was obviously set up in this way to cover the VESPER forces disembarkment.


Bathrooms / Laundry / Kitchen The several bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens that can be found across Level One are also packed with dead Kaltoran bodies. It seems that many tried to hide from the Legion assault, but they were discovered. Many of these rooms are torn apart by bullet holes, as they were shredded from outside. Some show signs of fragmentation and explosive damage, suggesting someone rolled grenades in to detonate in the middle of the helpless refugees. ***

Decontamination Corridor The only way to progress further into the ship is through the Decontamination Corridor. This long hallway was once used to process refugees who were boarding the ship. A non-function conveyer belt stretches down the hallway, once used to force the refugees down the line, where robotic arms would undress, delouse, vaccinate, and take samples of their blood. Then, they would receive secret injections of the Kormoria virus. The hallway is lined on both sides with hidden one-way mirrors, so the scientists could observe the refugees from behind the glass. These mirrors are bullet proof. Like all of the rooms, the Decontamination Corridor activates as the PCs move into it. The machines take time to warm up, and so they do not swing into action until the first PC is about three-quarters of the way through the hallway. That PC has a better chance to escape, but the others must make successful Physical check of 12 or find themselves prodded by needles and possibly injected with the Kormoria virus itself. If someone does become infected, symptoms won’t display for some time, but a Medicine check of 14 will reveal that they are infected with something terrible, and it is killing them.

Hologram of Solaris Past the decontamination corridor is a small foyer where a hologram of Solaris appears upon a pedestal. The hologram looks too fake – too friendly as it processes its greeting. The hologram is barely functioning now. It flickers on and off, pieces of Solaris disappear and glitch into different shapes, and its voice bounces between shrill to booming. The hologram mistakes them for refugees, and assures them that if they simply move into the next room, and find their beds, they will be rewarded with kindness.

Secret Door There are two other exits off of the hologram room. One is hidden behind a hologram of solid wall. A PC who passes a successful Awareness check of 16 might notice the wall flickering like the hologram of Solaris did. These doors lead to the Medical Diagnostic Rooms. Secret Elivator This elevator cannot be hacked, and has not control consol. It will take the PCs to the third floor when Captain Solaris is ready to see them (after she has observed them enough to understand their intentions and capabilities).

Secret Diagnostic Chamber Inside this room, the Archons were storing the Kormoria virus to secretly inject it into the refugees. If the PCs were stuck with the needles and didn’t already know they were infected, they will find out here. There is no cure here, and no way to make a cure with the time available to them. If the PCs don’t realize what they’re looking at and accidently open one of the canisters, the entire party becomes exposed to the Kormoria virus. If not treated, it will eventually kill them, and could possibly spread throughout the Haven system.

Medical Diagnostic Room This room is filled with diagnostic equipment that was used to scan the refugees as they passed through the corridor. Everything that was supposed to be done for the good of the refugees was actually to extract data for the ship’s research experiments. Not only was each refugee injected with the virus, they were also given a compound to make them weak and compliant. Dead scientist (a mixture of strange races, and some Kaltoran) litter the floor, killed by the Legion VESPER force. Part of the fate of the Blaze family can be found here in the computer files with a Programming check of 12t.

Security Office The security office is full of surveillance equipment and security computers that are all booted down to protect themselves from a surge. It takes a successful Electronics check of 12 to boot them back up (this takes some time). If the PCs are able to bring the screens back to life, the PCs catch a glimpse of the 2nd Floor lab, which looks like a fully functioning laboratory. It is all clean, and well-kept, and they can see scientists moving about the lab, working on their every-day experiments. A check on the time stamp shows that this is live footage – not old tape. It is a holographic projection, used to hide the truth. Also within the security office they can find a security badge that allows them to use the elevator leading to the 2nd Floor.

Elivator This elevator is locked behind incredibly difficult encryption and a DNA scanner. If the PCs don’t have access to the living DNA required to open the door at this point (from a dead scientist or guard using the Flesh Rejuvenation Fluid, or a security badge) they need to make a Programming check of 16. ***

Kaltoran Refugee Room The Kaltoran Refugee Room is a slaughterhouse. Many Kaltorans were killed right in their beds – the injections killed their will to even fight back. The walls are splayed with bullet holes and the entire room is trashed, the Legion were thorough. A dead Legion soldier lies on the floor of the kitchen, stripped of weapons. The Kaltorans were at least able to take down one.


Nephilim Monster 6





4 1

Weapon Massive Claws Poison Spit






17 14




40 1

7 1



Hit End Dmg Crit Rng Clips Ammo Load RoF Wgt Type & Variation Cost +1 10 5 1 1 5 Melee 3 Slow, Strong Hit: Massive Bash (Hit, Target has less Strength than you) Target is knocked Prone and Pushed 1, Natural. +6 5 2 3* 5 2 0 2 (+1d6) 3 Shell, Chemical 3 *Strong Hit (5-6) vs Targets within first Range Increment, Natural. Strong Hit: Synthetic Poison (Hit) Non Robot Target takes 3 Endurance Damage at the Start of their Turn until they receive Paramedics or Extended Care (Synthetic Poison Effect can Stack up to 4 times).

Race /Var /Trait Requirements Benefits Nephilim NPC Critical Hit Strong Hit: Critical Hit (Damage, Hit, 1 use per RoF) Deal your Weapons Critical Damage (-Targets Armour) to a random (roll a d6) Attribute. Vicious Nephilim Strong Hit: Vicious (Damage, Does not Require Hit) You gain +2 Hit against this Target character for the remainder of the Combat.



Level Two The elevator out into Level Two leads directly into the Lab, which is currently disguised by a hologram.

Disguises Lab There is a holographic projector atop the elevator, projecting a fake image out into the room. The image shows a fully functional, clean, working lab. Scientists scurry back and forth, working on their experiments and talking back and forth.

Nephilim POW Cages The starboard side of the ship is lined with cages that look to have held Nephilim POWs. They are mostly filled with dead Nephilim, who were killed by the experiments they ran. A few are still alive, and look like mutated versions of themselves, like the monster that they found in the room. One of the larger cages had been broken open – probably where the monster escaped from. ***

A Kaltoran scientist can be seen pacing back and forth down the middle of the laboratory. Something seems odd about this Kaltoran – she walks in a strange manner, and her voice appears to be off (a Psychology check of 12 reveals that his expressions dont fit her words). She seems to be talking in the direction of the PCs. She welcomes them to the lab and goes on to talk about all of the scientific advancements they have achieved here. If the party moves outside of the elevator, along the outside edge of the wall, they can get a glimpse of the room for what it really is. The room is dark, desolate, and looks like a crypt. Dead scientists take the place of the living ones. Acid-dissolved countertops and bullet-ridden lab tables fill the room. And the Kaltoran scientist is revealed to be a mutated Nephilim monster, hiding beneath the projection.

Monster If the PCs wait long enough in the elevator, the Kaltoran will slowly approach them as she paces. If she gets close enough, the hologram will falter and they will see the monster beneath the display. At this point, the monster is close enough to attack them with its massive claws. If the party leaves the elevator and approaches the monster, it will also attack them. If they sneak around the outside of the room, and try to avoid the Kaltoran’s gaze, then they will have inadvertently gained an advantage on the monster (gaining +2 Hit on all of their Attacks made during their first Turn of combat). Theatre of the Mind Combat, Difficulty: 14 If your Session is taking longer than expected, feel free to use the Theatre of the Mind Combat rules (pg: 96) rather than minis.

Lab Once the mutated Nephilim has been dealt with, the PCs are free to explore the lab. There are many dead scientists who would have the DNA required to open the secret elevator that leads to the third floor. This is also the best place to salvage medical equipment. Many of the research devices that were being used are still in good shape, despite the wear over the years. If the party is looking for the ONIX, they will not find it here, but they may find records confirming that it is on the ship. Part of the fate of the Blaze family can be found here in the computer files with a Programming check of 12t.

Kitchen This kitchen supported the crew while they were stationed on the Carthage. Nothing is unusual about this kitchen, but it does look like the crew of the ship were treated much, much better than the refugees.

Crew Quarters The crew quarters hosted the bunks that the crew lived in while they were stationed on the Carthage. Most of the beds have footlockers that contain equipment and valuables (4 Trade Boxes) that can be salvaged and taken back to the ship. One of the beds belongs to a scientist who has an especially tightly locked footlocker. It requires a fingerprint scanner to open – luckily the scientist who owned the bunk can be found dead in the lab. Opening this footlocker shows the scientist had hid the ONIX away when the fighting first broke out.

Bathroom Laundry The laundry room hasn’t seen use for a hundred years, and the clothes that were left behind have been disintegrated by mold over the years. The entire bathroom and laundry area seem to be covered in that same black mold. ***

Engineering The Engineering bay hosts all of the electronics, and mechanics needed to keep the ship running. There are several monitors all displaying the status of different pieces of the ship. Reactor is Failing. This is a good time to activate the Reactor is Failing countdown clock. When the PCs enter, they see a few flashing red lights and hear an alarm going off. A successful Mechanics or Electronics check of 12 tells the PCs that the reactor is melting down. ***

Where is the Bridge? At this point in the adventure the GM should inform the players that there should be a 3rd Level to the ship. As they have not seen the bridge, or the captains quarters. Have them look at the map handout to try to work out how to access it.


Secret Level Three If the PCs have given up searching for the third floor, or don’t realize that it exists, give them some clear hints. Have them roll skill rolls to realize the ship must be bigger than this, have them examine the hand-out maps in further detail. The Countdown Clocks (the reactor melting down, rival salvagers, infected with the virus, etc...) should all be putting the pressure on the PCs once they enter the third level of the ship.

‘Theatre of the Mind’ Combat Rules, Difficulty: 12 or 14 As this adventure is written for a single game session, and there are lots of possible outcomes to this encounter, there may not be time to have a tactical miniatures combat. Feel free to use the Theatre of the Mind Combat rules (pg: 96) rather than minis.

Large Hologram of the Captain When the PCs first approach the centre of the room, they see what appears to be another hologram of Solaris, but much larger than the one they saw earlier. He is seated in a chair, and looks decrepit and sorrowful. Not much like the hologram that they saw earlier, this was clearly recorded hundreds of years earlier. It regularly flickers, and changes hue. The captain inquires as to the intentions of the PCs. She asks them a few questions, trying to gauge whether they are good people or not. “What are your intentions here?” “What did you hope to find?” “What are your plans for the virus?” “Why do you travel with a Nephilim?” Solaris may also Control any Legion If Solaris is not satisfied with the PCs response, she will command the Legion to answer truthfully (Resolve check of 14 to resist). Solaris is Alive Solaris is secretly still alive. She is hiding inside her own hologram. She will only reveal herself once she is satisfied that she understands the PCs intentions. Solaris is sorrowful for her actions during the Great War, and has been trapped up here for the past 108 years. She hopes that the PCs are good people. If they are , she will hand them the cure to the Kormoria virus. If they are no, she unleash her creations on them as she quickly moves to the escape pod. Solaris is Dieing Solaris has been infected with the Kormoria virus, and too far gone to be saved. Her chair is supporting her life.


Aftermath Vats

Contested Claim

These large vats are all filled with bubbling green fluid (Flesh Rejuvenation Fluid), within living, still moving creatures inside. These creatures cannot be clearly seen.

During the conversation with Solaris, the PCs get the warning that another, larger, salvage crew is moving towards them. The PCs must race back to their ship to escape with whatever equipment they have so-far been able to salvage. If they take too long, the new crew will board the ship from the other open airlock, or start to fire directly at their attached craft. This is not a winnable fight.

Huge Green Vat with a Creature Inside This vat holds one of Solaris’ most vile creations – a mutation merged between an Archon and a Nephilim. This creature is a failed experiment from long ago, when Solaris attempted to clone herself so that she might have a source of replacement organs for her failing body. Large Green Vats with Creatures Inside Within these smaller vats lie the remains of the VESPER force that had attacked the Carthage. It looks like they were able to reach the 3rd floor, but they were unable to attack Solaris directly, as they were forced to obey her every word.

Unused Escape Pod Solaris will attempt to flee in the escape pod if the PCs put pressure on her. She will announce that she is going to jettison into the Haven system, and take the Kormoria virus with her. Reversely, the PCs may decide to escape via the Escape Pod.

If they manage to escape before the salvage crew arrives, then the crew will chase them down as they flee (thinking that the PCs have looted some valuable tech), and can segue into recurring villains for the rest of the campaign.

Failing Reactor As the PCs are speaking with Solaris, they get the warning that the reactor is about to fail, and cause the destruction of the entire ship. If they don’t hurry and escape, they will go down with the Carthage. They can jettison out through the Escape Pod (leaving their ship to burn) or they can attempt to escape just before the Carthage explodes into dust.

The Kormoria Virus

Large Purple Curtains

If the PCs get infected with the Kormoria virus and do not receive the cure from Solaris, then they have little time left. If they leave the Carthage and travel back to civilisation without proper safety measures, they can easily spread the infection throughout the Haven system. This can take the campaign into a different direction, where the PCs must now race to discover a cure.

Large, ornate beutiful curtains that help to visualy seperate the space.

The Fate of Solaris

The Escape pod will teleport any occupant to any nearby inhabitable location (eg: a planet). It is a one use system.

Captains Chair Only Solaris can make use of this chair to command the ship. Large Bed, Bathroom, and Laundry Looks very clean, and well kept.

If Solaris has decided that the PCs are worthy, and has given them the cure to the virus, she will simply find a solitary location to await her eventual death as the ship is breaking down. If the PCs anger her, then madness takes over and Solaris (fueld by the virus) and will either kill them or escape the ship via the Escape Pod, brining the Kormoria virus with her. If she gets away with the virus, then the PCs may continue into a campaign trying to capture Solaris. If news were to get out of a still living Archon, the PCs are sure to draw a LOT of unwanted, and dangerous attention to themselves.


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Copyright (C) 2015 by Design Ministries. ”Fragged Empire” trademarked by Wade Dyer. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Design Ministries. Names, characters, places, and incidents featured in this publication are fictious. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events, institutions, or locales is coincidental.


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