Fracture mechanics

December 15, 2016 | Author: sakolkong | Category: N/A
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Fracture mechanics...


O Fracture mechanics R Gettu and S P Shah

6.1 Introduction Fracture mechanics is the study of crack propagation and the consequent structural response. Tremendous research interest in the 1980s led to fracture models that have been tailored to represent the quasi-brittle behavior of concrete. The validation of these approaches has opened two important avenues of application - materials engineering and structural analysis. The mechanical behavior of concrete that is designed to have high strength is different in many aspects from that of normal concrete. These differences have yielded some characteristics that are not beneficial, such as brittleness. Fracture models can be used to understand the microstructural mechanics that control brittleness and crack resistance (toughness), and to provide reliable means of quantifying them. New high-performance concretes can then be engineered to possess higher toughness and lower brittleness. Increased resistance to cracking may also lead to better durability, long-term reliability and seismic resistance. The application of fracture mechanics to structural analysis and design is motivated by the fact that the failure of concrete structures is primarily due to cracking, and several types of failures could occur catastrophically, especially in high-strength concrete structures. Certain aspects of such failures cannot be predicted satisfactorily by empirical relations obtained from tests, but can be explained rationally through fracture mechanics. In general, structural analysis based on fracture principles can lead to better estimates of crack widths and deformations under service loads, the safety factors under ultimate loads, and post-failure response during collapse. The present chapter reviews the classical theory of fracture, its extensions for the modeling of concrete behavior, and the microstructural features that necessitate such models. Material characterization based on

fracture mechanics and its implications are also discussed. Some examples of the applications are presented to demonstrate the scope of the fracture approach. More pertinent details can be found in recent publications such as the two RILEM reports,1'2 the ACI report,3 two detailed bibliographies4'5 and several conference and workshop proceedings.^13


Linear elastic fracture mechanics

Consider a panel (Fig. 6.Ia) made of an ideal-elastic material. When it is uniformly stressed in tension, the stress-flow lines (imaginary lines showing the transfer of load from one loading-point to another are straight and parallel to the direction of loading. If the panel is cut as in Fig. 6.1b, the stress-flow lines are now forced to bend around the notch producing a stress-concentration (i.e., a large local stress) at the tip. The magnitude of the local stress depends mainly on the shape of the notch, and is larger when the notch is narrower. Also, since the stress-flow lines change direction a biaxial stress field is created at the notch-tip. a




Stress-flow lines

y (c) ay



Fig. 6.1 Stress-flow lines for a panel in tension: (a) without crack; (b) with crack; and (c) stress concentration ahead of the crack


Mode Il


Fig. 6.2 Basic fracture modes

For a sharp notch or a crack, the stress (CT^) in the loading direction and along the crack plane (y = O) is of the form: jr vy= r^— + C1 + C2VjC + C 3 JC+. . . (6.1) VZTTJC

where C1, C 2 , C3, . . . depend on geometry and loading. Note that the near-tip (jt^O) stresses depend only on the first term, and at the tip (x = O) this term and the theoretical stress become infinite (see Fig. 6.Ic). The parameter K1 in Equation (6.1) characterizes the 'intensity' of the stressfield in the vicinity of the crack, and is called the stress intensity factor. It depends linearly on the applied stress (or load), and is a function of the geometry of the structure (or specimen) and the crack length: K1 = (jFVm*


where a = applied (nominal) stress as in Fig. 6.1b, a = crack length, and F= function of geometry and crack length. The subscript of K represents the mode of crack-tip deformation; the three basic modes (see Fig. 6.2) are Mode I - tensile or opening, Mode II - in-plane shear or sliding, and Mode III - anti-plane shear or tearing. When two or all three modes occur simultaneously, the cracking is known as mixed-mode fracture. Only tensile cracks are discussed in this chapter (unless mentioned otherwise) since crack propagation in concrete is dominated by Model fracture. Moreover, analytical treatments of the three modes are quite similar. A more useful relation for K1, in terms of the load and structural dimensions, can be obtained by writing Equation (6.2) as:

*, = ^/(«)


where P = applied load, b = panel thickness, d = panel width (see Fig. 6.3a), /(a) = function of geometry, and a = aid = relative crack length. When panel length W= 2d, the geometry function is (Chapter 3, Broek14): /(a) = VTTa(1.12 - 0.23a + 10.56a2 - 21.74a3 + 30.42a4)



a W



d a B (b) Fig. 6.3 Fracture specimens: (a) single-edge-notched panel in tension; and (b) single-edgenotched three points bend specimen

The advantage in Equation (6.3) is that it can also be used for several other geometries, such as the beam in Fig. 6.3b with span/depth = s/d = 4. Function/, however, is different for this beam:15 ^fl.99-a(l-q)(2.15-3.93« + 2.7a 2 )] /(00 = 6V ^P (l + 2a)(l-a)1

(6 5)


From Equation (6.1) it is obvious that a stress-based criterion for crack propagation is meaningless since the stress at the crack-tip is always infinite, irrespective of the applied load. Griffith, 16 in his landmark paper, suggested a criterion based on energy: Crack propagation occurs only if the potential energy of the structure is thereby minimized. This thermodynamic criterion forms the basis of fracture mechanics theory. Denoting the potential energy per unit thickness as C/, the energy release rate is dU/da, which is usually designated as G (after Griffith). If energy (per unit length of crack-front) is consumed during fracture at the rate dW/da, denoted as R (for resistance of the material against fracture), the fracture criterion is: ^ = ^ or G - * da da


There is no fracture when GR. This criterion does not, however, imply that crack propagation is independent of the stress-field at the crack-tip. Irwin 17 showed that the energy release rate and the crack-tip fields are directly related by the equations suggested by Knott 18 : G = K12IE'


where E' = E for plane stress, E' = E/(l — v2) for plane strain, E = modulus of elasticity, and v = Poisson's ratio. Using Equation (6.7), the fracture criterion of Equation (6.6) can be written as: K1=K1R9 K1n = VE7R (6.8) In the classical theory of linear elastic fracture mechanisms (LEFM), R is a constant (i.e., independent of the structural geometry and crack length), usually denoted as G (for critical strain energy release rate). Then, G and the associated critical stress intensity factor KIc(=\/E'Gc\ also known as fracture toughness) are material properties. When LEFM governs, the behavior is termed as Griffith or ideal-brittle fracture. More details of LEFM are given in textbooks such as Knott18 and Broek.14 The LEFM parameter KIc (or Gc) can be determined from tests of specimens such as the single edge-notched tension specimen (Fig. 6.3a) and the three-point bend (3PB) specimen (Fig. 6.3b). Substitution of the experimentally determined maximum load (fracture load) for P in Equation (6.3) yields Kf=KIc. Geometry function/(a) can be determined using elastic analysis techniques including the finite element method.13'14 For several common geometries, f ( a ) can be found in fracture handbooks such as Tada et al.15 and Murakami.19 Note that in the above-mentioned specimens, failure occurs immediately, i.e., the crack length is the notch length (^0) and a = a0 (= relative notch length = aid), at failure. The main features of LEFM can be summarized as: 1 The fracture criterion involves only one material property, which is related to the energy in the structure and the near-tip stress field. 2 The stresses near the crack-tip are proportional to the inverse of the square root of distance from the tip and become infinite at the tip. 3 During fracture, the entire body is elastic and energy is dissipated only at the crack-tip; i.e., fracture occurs at a point. In reality, stresses do not become infinite, and some inelasticity always exists at the crack-tip. However, LEFM can still be applied as long as the inelastic region, called the fracture process zone, is of negligible size. Materials where such conditions exist include glass, layered silicate, diamond, and some high strength metals and ceramics (Chapter 4, Knott 18 ). For other materials, the applicability of LEFM depends on the size of the cracked body relative to the process zone. In general, LEFM solutions can be used when the structural dimensions and the crack length are much larger than the process zone size. The process zone in concrete

Crack front Fig. 6.4 Fracture process zone mechanisms: (a) microcracking; (b) crack bridging; (c) crack deflection; and (d) crack bowing

and the applicability of LEFM to concrete structures is discussed in the following sections.


The fracture process zone

Flaws, such as water-filled pores, air voids, lenses of bleed water under coarse aggregates and shrinkage cracks, exist in normal concrete even before loading. Due to the stress concentration ahead of a crack, microcracks could initiate at nearby flaws and propagate (Fig. 6.4a) forming a fracture process zone as suggested first by Glucklich.20 Discrete microcracking at the tip of a propagating crack in hardened cement paste (hep) has been observed by Struble et al.21 with a scanning electron microscope. Also, acoustic waves generated during microcracking have been monitored using nondestructive techniques,22'23'24 and used to determine the location, size and orientation of individual microcracks. Depending on the size and orientation of the microcracks, their interaction with the main crack could significantly decrease the K1 at its crack-tip.25'26 This beneficial effect is known as crack-shielding or toughening. However, an amplification of K1 is also possible, especially if the main crack can propagate by coalescing with the microcracks. When the matrix is more compact and the flaws are less in number, as in high-strength concrete, the extent of microcracking is reduced.27'28 The most effective shielding mechanism in cement-based materials is crack-bridging (see Fig. 4b). A propagating crack is arrested when it encounters a relatively strong particle, such as an unhydrated cement grain, sand grain, gravel piece or steel fiber. Upon increase of load, the crack may be forced around and ahead of the particle which then bridges the crack-faces.21'29 At this stage, crack-branching could also occur.30'31

Until the bridging particle is debonded (or broken), it ties the crack-faces together and thereby, decreases the K1 at the crack-tip.32'33 In addition, energy is dissipated through friction during the detachment of the bridges and the separation of the crack-faces, which increases the fracture resistance R. Microcracking, crack-bridging and frictional separation cause the process zone in concrete and other cementitious materials. Several investigations, using a wide range of techniques, have focused on whether and where these phenomena exist. However, results have been influenced significantly by methodology, and have been contradictory at times.34 The various techniques used to detect and study the process zone have been reviewed by Mindess.35 The most sensitive of the non-destructive methods are based on optical interferometry using laser light. Researchers using moire interferometry36'37 or holographic interferometry38'39 observed welldefined crack-tips surrounded by extensive process zones with large strains. They concluded that strains behind the crack-tip (i.e., in the wake) decrease gradually to zero, and that energy dissipation near the crack-faces is most significant. Castro-Moniero et al.39 defined the process zone as the region where the experimentally determined strain-field deviates considerably from LEFM. Their results are shown in Fig. 6.5 for three stages in the fracture of a center-notched mortar plate. The zones labeled A have strains less than the LEFM solution, and appear to be of constant size. The zones B (in the wake) have strains greater than LEFM, and seem to increase with crack length and load. It was concluded, therefore, that most toughening occurs in the wake zone. Note that the dimensions of the crack are not constant through the thickness of the specimen,40'41 and therefore the process zone has a complex three-dimensional character. Measurements of surface deformations should be interpreted with this feature in mind. In some analytical fracture models, such as the micromechanics

(a) Load = 1324 Ib. (b) Load - 1461 Ib. (c) Load - 1601 Ib. Fig. 6.5 Fracture process zone from holographic interferometry (1 Ib = 4.45 N)39

approach of Horii,42 each process zone mechanism is described individually. In general, however, the treatment of the process zone need not distinguish between the different mechanisms; i.e., the toughening effect of the bridging (wake) zone and the microcracked zone are equivalent.43 Therefore, all the shielding mechanisms can be lumped into a conceptual fracture process zone that lies ahead of the traction-free zone of the crack or in the wake of the 'actual' crack-front. This zone can also include the toughening effects of other inelastic mechanisms such as crack-deflection (tortuosity of the crack path; Fig. 6.4c) and crack-bowing (unevenness of the crack front; Fig. 6Ad). Cracks in concrete follow paths of least resistance, and subsequently, are considerably tortuous with rough crackfaces. In the hardened cement paste, the crack usually passes around unhydrated cement grains and along calcium hydroxide cleavage planes.21 The crack-face roughness appears to be less when the cement paste contains silica fume. 44 In mortar, the crack follows the interfaces between the sand grains and the hardened cement paste.30 Since the weakest phase in normal concrete is the aggregate-mortar interface, cracks tend to avoid the aggregates and propagate through the interfaces.45 In silica-fume concrete the interfaces and the mortor are much stronger, and therefore, cracks are less tortuous and sometimes pass through the gravel.27'29'46 Also, cracks propagate through coarse aggregates that are weaker than the mortar, as in lightweight concrete.46'47 The tortuosity of the crack gives rise to a higher R due to a larger surface area. Also, further shielding occurs since the non-planar crack experiences a lower K1 than the corresponding planar crack.47 Similarly, shielding exists when the crack front is trapped by bridging particles and bows between the bridges until they break or slip. This crack-bowing effect (Fig. 6.4d) can be an important toughening mechanism for very-high strength concrete with strong interfaces where cracks propagate through the aggregates. The bowed crackfront has a lesser K1 than a straight front.32'33 In conclusion, a sizable fracture process zone occurs ahead of a propagating crack in cementitious materials. Energy is dissipated throughout this zone causing crack-shielding or toughening. Its size and effectiveness depend on the microstructure and inherent material heterogeneity; therefore, toughening in mortar is greater than in hardened cement paste and less than in concrete. The stress distribution (Fig. 6.6) in the process V

LEFM stress Actual stress Crack-tip


x Fracture proces zone Fig. 6.6 Stress distribution in the process zone

zone differs considerably from the LEFM distribution (Fig. 6.Ic). Within the process zone, the stress and strain undergo 'softening' with a gradual decrease to zero instead of an abrupt (brittle) drop. Models of fracture in cementitious materials should account for these factors in order to predict their behavior satisfactorily.


Notch sensitivity and size effects

In the 1960s and 1970s, several researchers examined the use of LEFM for concrete with tests of notched panels and beams.4'48 They generally obtained KIc (and/or Gc) from LEFM relations by taking the initial notch length as the critical crack length at failure (i.e., at the observed maximum load). Early works20'49'50 concluded that the critical parameters thus determined varied with notch length, and specimen size and shape. From these and later investigations51"55 three significant trends can be identified: (1) the fracture behavior of materials with a finer microstructure is closer to LEFM (e.g., hep vs. concrete); (2) for a given specimen shape and size, KIc depends on notch length; and (3) for a given specimen shape and relative notch length (a0), KIc increases with specimen size. Also, the effects of specimen thickness and notch width on KIc are negligible within a certain range.54'56-58 One aspect of fracture is called notch-sensitivity, and is defined as the loss in net tensile strength due to the stress-concentration at a notch. Considering the 3PB specimen (Fig. 6.3b) with notch length 0 0 , the net tensile strength (crw) is calculated from bending theory using the failure load (P11) and net depth (d — 0 0 ), as aw = 1.5Pus/b(d — a0)2. The crM values corresponding to the 3PB (s/d = 6.25, d = 64 mm) tests of concrete by Nallathambi59 are plotted in Fig 6.7a, along with the scatter. For determining the LEFM behavior, the above equation for aw is substituted in Equation (6.3) and K1 at P = P11 is taken as KIc. The resulting curve is shown in Fig. 6.7a (for an assumed value of KIc — 15.8 MPaVmm). The observed response seems to be satisfactorily described by LEFM for a0 = 0.1 — 0.5. However, other tests do not yield such a correlation with LEFM. Data from tests of larger specimens (sld = 6) by Nallathambi59 are shown in Fig. 6.7b. It appears that for small notch lengths,
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