Short Description
FPGA Implementation Of Binary Search Y. Nesika1, T.Asha, P. !asmine " # $th year St%&ents, St%&ents,
'epartment of ()(, *ar (phraem )olle+e of (n+ineerin+
(mail i& nesika-iflin+mail.com nesika-ifli n+mail.com 1 , ashasteffy/+mail.com ashasteffy/+mail.com , pas%mathi-asmine+mail.com pas%mathi-asmine+mail.com". 0n&er the +%i&ance of *rs. ). !asmine, *. Tech, Ph .'2,
Abstract- This paper reports an FPGA implementation of binary search. Searching is an important function in memory architectures. Normally, binary search using software implementation is a slow process. Eisting har!ware implementation, "A# uses parallel search which results in high spee! but there are !isa!$antages li%e high power consumption an! area. The propose! har!ware architecture achie$es the balance between power consumption an! har!ware compleity.
This is 3ase& on &esi+nin+ the 3inary search in har&4are 3ase& on FPGA. This is aime& to re&% re&%ce ce the the po4e po4err cons cons%m %mpt ptio ion n an& an& har& har&4a 4are re comple5ity an& to increase the spee&. In the e5istin+ )A* )ontent A&&ressa3le *emory2 3ase& 3inary search, the po4er cons%mption is 6ery hi+h. In or&er to re&%ce the po4er cons%mption 4e are +oin+ to &esi+n the 3inary search in har&4are. Binary search is a key task in net4ork application s%ch as net4ork sec%ri sec%rity ty.. Si+na Si+nat%r t%ree matchi matchin+ n+ in I'S I'S Intr Intr%si %sion on &etection system2 re7%ires searchin+, in 4hich 3inary search search can 3e appli applie&. e&. In this this paper paper,, 4e presen presentt FPGA 3ase& architect%re of 3inary search tar+etin+ &ecrea &ecrease se po4er po4er cons%m cons%mpti ption on 4ith 4ith less less har&4a har&4are re components. The e5istin+ har&4are implementation )A* )A* re7% re7%ir ires es hi+h hi+h po4e po4err 4ith 4ith hi+h hi+h har& har&4a 4are re comple5ity.
E+&ST&NG SSTE# 0nlike stan&ar& comp%ter memory ran&om access memory or 8A*2 in 4hich the %ser s%pplies a memory a&&ress an& the 8A* ret%rns the &ata 4or& store& at that a&&ress, a )A* is &esi+ne& s%ch that the %ser s%pplies a &ata 4or& an& the )A* searches its entire memory to see if that &ata 4or& is store& any4here in it. If the &ata 4or& is fo%n&, the )A* ret%rns a list of one or more stora+e a&&resses 4here the 4or& 4as fo%n& an& in some architect%re, it also ret%rns ret%rns the &ata 4or&, 4or&, or other associate& pieces of &ata2. Th%s, a )A* is the har&4are em3o&iment of 4hat in soft4are terms 4o%l& 3e calle& an associati6e array.. Beca%se a )A* is &esi+ne& to search its entire array memory in a sin+le operation, it is m%ch faster than 8A* in 6irt%ally all search applications. There are cost &isa&6anta+es to )A* ho4e6er. 0nlike a 8A* chip, 4hich has simple stora+e cells, each in&i6i&%al
memory 3it in a f%lly parallel )A* m%st ha6e its o4n associate comparison circ%it to &etect a match 3et4een the store& 3it an& the inp%t 3it. A&&itionally, A&&itionally, match o%tp%ts from each cell in the &ata 4or& 4or& m%st m%st 3e com3in com3ine& e& to yiel& yiel& a comple complete te &ata &ata 4or& match si+nal. The a&&itional circ%itry increases the physical si9e of the )A* chip 4hich increases man%fact%rin+ cost. The e5tra circ%itry also increases po4er &issipation since e6ery comparison circ%it is acti6e on e6ery clock cycle. So po4er cons%mption is hi+h in )A*.
A 3inary search locates an item in a sorte& array 3y repeate&ly &i6i&in+ the search inter6al in half. The initial inter6al incl%&es the entire array. If the 6al%e of the search key is less than the item in the mi&&le of the inter6al, then the ne5t inter6al 4ill 3e the lo4er half of the c%rrent inter6al. If the 6al%e of the search key is +reater than the mi&&le item, then the ne5t inter6al 4ill 3e the %pper half. The search process repeats %ntil the item is fo%n& or the search inte inter6 r6al al is empty empty.. Bina Binary ry Sear Search ch is an O (l (log og n) al+orithm, al+orithm, 4hich is more efficient efficient than a linear linear search for lar+e arrays. It is an efficient al+orithm for fin&in+ a sorte& array. S%ppose a search is 3e+%n 3y comparin+ the key 4ith the 6al%e in the mi&&le location of a sorte& array. If the mi&&le 6al%e is too lar+e then all 6al%es in the last half are too lar+e: hence, the search can 3e limite& to the first half. Similarly if the mi&&le 6al%e is too small, then the search can 3e limite& to the
secon& half. This approach can 3e contin%e&, each time narro4in+ the search to an inter6al half the si9e of pre6io%s inter6al.
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