Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education Course Syllabus

February 11, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education COURSE SYLLABUS PHILOSOPHY




We believe that…  every learner has talents and potentials to be developed, dignity and worth to be valued, rights to be respected and responsibilities to be assumed;  the school provides the environment for equipping individuals with learning skills, technology and life skills for a successful and purposeful life in the 21 st century;  an educational program which promotes global awareness, financial literacy, world-class entrepreneurship and functional knowledge in economics, business, civics, health and environment will support global and local development. We envision OLOPSC College as a premier caring educational institution that contributes to the development of a progressive and peaceful society by empowering its graduates to be of good moral character, academically excellent, highly competitive responsible stewards of God’s gifts, and globally prepared for the 21 st century. OLOPSC College is committed to providing quality, relevant and holistic education by:  creating an academic environment that stimulates love for learning and provides opportunities for the application of learning in real life ;  nurturing God-leaving individuals Marian virtues and spirituality;  instilling love of country, pride in our identity and cultural heritage;  fostering awareness, behavioral changes and engagement in practices towards sustainable development; and  equipping learners with 21st century skills. 1. The ideal OLOPSC graduate lives the Gospel values and helps build God’s kingdom on earth. He/she is proud and grateful to his/her alma mater, Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College:  as a person of good character;  as a person of academic excellence;  as a person who is highly competitive;  as a responsible steward of God’s creations; and  as a globally prepared individuals for the 21st century.

Graduate Attributes A graduate of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College is envisioned as a person of good character, of academic excellence, highly competitive and a responsible steward of God’s gifts.

Program Objectives Program Objectives: The program is designed to: 1. endow students with knowledge, training and education to be holistically and globally competent professional teachers for preschool who are of good moral character, academically excellent, highly competitive and responsible stewards of God’s gifts; 2. hone educators for preschool to become ambassadors of productive learning in the light of their concentration abreast with the contemporary pedagogical principles that would develop the full potentials of learners leading to the quest of lifelong learning; and 3. produce passionate and committed educators of preschool learners whose virtues and ideals would inspire learners internalize the values of humane aspirations.

Program Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes: At the end of the program, a student shall be able to: 1. represent the ideals of the institution; 2. set himself as an ambassador of academic excellence and global competitiveness in his field of concentration; 3. serve dedicatedly the community assigned in his field of specialization; 4. utilize proficient communication skills necessary for instruction as an educator 5. demonstrate pedagogical approaches to guiding learners toward self-direction and self-regulation; 6. practice proficient understanding of the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment utilizing hands-on knowledge of systematic observations, documentation, and other effective assessment strategies in a responsible way to positively influence learners’ development; 7. practice sound decisions that integrate knowledge to experiential lifelong learning; 8. practice ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice; 9. acquire understanding of young children’s development and learning in order to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for all children; 10. acquire proficient knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the importance and complex characteristics of children’s families and communities in order to create respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower involvement of families to their children’s development and learning;



Lecture: 3 units

Laboratory: None

Credit Units: 3 units

Course Code: EDUC

Course Description: Course Outcome:

This course shall deal with philosophies, theories and legal bases of special needs and inclusive education, typical and atypical development of children, learning characteristics of students with special educational needs (gifted and talented, learners with difficulty seeing, learners with difficulty hearing, learners with difficulty communicating, learners with difficulty walking/moving, learners with difficulty remembering and focusing, learners with difficulty with self-care) and strategies in teaching and managing these learners in the regular class. At the end of the course, a student will be able to: 1. Explain the importance of special education in early childhood education; 2. Construct and give unbiased and highly effective assessments; 3. Interact effectively with the parents and children with developmental delays and with their service providers; and 4. Design appropriate intervention plans, behavior management technique and effective transition plans and methods of children with developmental delays.

Course Prerequisite: None

Contact Hours/Week: 3 hours

COURSE OUTLINE AND TIME FRAME Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education Prelim Period

Content/Subject Matter

Week 1


Week 2

History of Early Childhood Special Education

Week 3

Midterm Period

Content/Subject Matter

Week 7

Communication Abilities

Week 8

Cognitive Abilities

Content/Subject Matter

Week 13

Health Impairments

Week 14

Adaptive Abilities

Week 15

The Importance of Play

Week 16

Behavior Management and Transitions: Preparing for the Next Step

Week 17

Interview Sheet and Transition Plan for Inclusive Education

Week 18


The Assessment Process Week 9

Motor Abilities

Week 4

Intervention Services

Week 10

Social-Emotional Abilities

Week 5

Parents and Professionals Working Together

Week 11

Sensory Abilities

Week 12


Week 6

Final Period


ACADEMIC HONESTY 1. Academic honesty, as expected of every student, is important to the process of education and to upholding high ethical standards. Acts of cheating, plagiarism, inappropriate use of technology, or any other kind of unethical behavior, may subject the student to necessary academic disciplinary measures and penalties including dismissal. 2. All work required for submission for purposes of evaluation in a course, including journals, tests, term papers, position papers, must represent only the work of the student unless certain indications like pertaining to group or dyadic activity is otherwise stipulated. 3. Materials cited and/or taken from the work of others, and used as reference and literary supplement must be acknowledged. Particular materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course without prior approval of the instructor(s). It is a thrust that students be encouraged to practice ingenuity in producing outputs. ATTENDANCE REGULATIONS 1. Students enrolled in the subject are expected to attend each and every scheduled meeting and to be present for the full class period. Absenteeism and tardiness, regardless of cause, are a threat to academic achievement. These cases will be addressed accordingly. 2. A student who is absent from a class is responsible, nevertheless, for all material covered during the class period. The student is also subject to appropriate consequences if a test, quiz, recitation, homework assignment, or any other activity falls on the day of absence unless the student is granted an excused absence. Excused absences may be granted to students who participate in extra-curricular activities, however, due process is observed. COURSE REQUIREMENTS All tasks and major exams and evidences of performance assessments are to be compiled by the students as part of their portfolio and must be submitted to the instructor before the end of the semester as part of the assessment. An interview sheet and transition plan for inclusive education is also a requirement of the course.



Quizzes/Seatwork 15% Recitation/Participation 15% Attendance 10% Output/Lab Work 20% (Assignments, Journals, Projects, Oral and Written Reports)

Major Examinations (Prelim, Midterm, Finals)

40% 100%

REFERENCES: 1. Dunlap, L. (2009). Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education. United States: Pearson Education, Inc. 2. Gordon, A. (2011). Beginnings and Beyond. United States: CENGAGE Learning. 3. King, P. (2017). Tools for Effective Therapy with Children and Families. New York: Routledge. 4. de Thierry. (2017). The Simple Guide to Child Trauma. United States: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. DIGITAL REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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