’Io vbrmom y ios jfreos nuråmhaos― _uhcto ’ Io hcaiushñc jfrzomo> bi sbaubstrf hcsthtuahfcoi mbi aubrpf y bi thbepf pbrsfcoi― Ehalobi Jfuaouit
bi lbalf y io pfshkhihmom mb aosthgor o io bxhstbcaho mb uco iby bxpihahto, afeprfkoahñc mb qub sb afebthñ uc mbihtf y bi aosthgf thbcb pfr jucahñc rbporor y prbvbchr bi moÿf o io sfahbmom.
Tocfpthsef> Io
vhghiocaho sfkrb ifs hcmhvhmufs cf sb bnbrab o chvbi mb if qub sb loab, sh cf mb if qub sb bs f mb if qub sb pubmb loabr
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