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Descri)tion o* my eating habits+ inc,ude- inds o* *ood I eat+ time I eat+ my *avorite *ood.
Descri)ci4n de mis h5bitos a,imenticios+ inc,uyenc,ases de comida 6ue como+ e, tiem)o 6ue como+ mi comida *avorita.
I going to ta, about things that I ,ie *or brea*ast+ ,unch+ and dinner. 'rea*ast is the most im)ortant mea, o* the day because it is the /rst and the body uses and )rocesses *ood *or its )ro)er *unctioning. I have brea*ast everyday at t0enty to si1+ I mae brea*ast in my home. I usua,,y eat scramb,e eggs 0ith bread and choco,ate or cerea,s 0ith mi, or *ruits sa,ad. I ,ie *ruits and I eat a)),es or )ears Sometimes I 2ust 0ant to eat *ruit *or brea*ast and other days I ,ie to eat cerea, 0ith mi,. &t one o3c,oc %.M. most days I have ,unch. I buy ,unch at a restaurant near 0or. In ,unch I usua,,y eat a )ortion o* meat+ some rice or )otatoes+ some )asta+ some ,enti, and a ,ot o* sa,ad+ the sa,ad has onions and tomatoes is s,iced. I ,ie a,, ind o* )asta. &,though sometimes at ,unch I change the )ortion o* meat by a )ortion o* chicen or a )ortion o* )or or a )ortion o* *ried /sh. hen I have thirst I drin much 2uice or ,emonade. I don3t ,ie hot *ood. &,so+ I tae a ,itt,e na) a*ter o* ,unch every day. &t si1 o3c,oc+ a*ter I have /nished 0or+ I go home to coo dinner. In my house I usua,,y mae dinner. &t dinner my mom and my sister eats very ,itt,e+ they on,y too some bread 0ith choco,ate or tae a ,arge g,ass o* mi, and cooies+ but I
7oy a hab,ar de ,as cosas 6ue me gustan )ara e, desayuno+ a,muer8o y cena. E, desayuno es ,a comida m5s im)ortante de, d9a+ ya 6ue es e, )rimero y e, cuer)o uti,i8a y )rocesa ,os a,imentos )ara su correcto *uncionamiento. *uncionamiento. Tengo Tengo desayuno todos todos ,os d9as a ,as veinte veinte )ara seis+ hago e, desayuno en mi casa. %or ,o genera, como ,os huevos revue,tos con )an y choco,ate o cerea,es con ,eche o ensa,ada de *rutas. Me gustan ,as *rutas y como man8anas o )eras. & veces s4,o 6uiero comer ,a *ruta )ara e, desayuno y otros d9as me gusta comer cerea, con ,eche. & ,a :-;; en )unto ,a mayor9a de ,os d9as a,muer8o. $om)ro e, a,muer8o en un restaurante cerca de, traba2o. En e, a,muer8o %or ,o genera, como una )orci4n de carne+ un )oco de arro8 o )atatas+ un )oco de )asta+ un )oco de ,ente2a y mucho de ensa,ada+ ,a ensa,ada tiene cebo,,as y tomates en roda2as. Me gusta todo ti)o de )asta. &un6ue a veces en e, a,muer8o cambio ,a )orci4n de carne )or una )orci4n de )o,,o o una )orci4n de carne de cerdo o una )orci4n de )escado *rito. $uando tengo sed yo tomo mucho 2ugo o ,imonada. No me gusta ,a comida ca,iente. &dem5s+ tomo una )e6uebon a))etit and you en2oy it>.
En ,a cena mi madre y mi hermana comen muy )oco+ s4,o tomaban un )oco de )an con choco,ate o toman un gran vaso de ,eche y ga,,etas+ )ero yo como mucho y )re)aro comida de,iciosa+ bueno eso es ,o 6ue )ienso. & veces mi madre ve ,o 6ue )re)aro y me dice 6ue ,e haga ,a cena )ara e,,a. La *ami,ia cenamos 2untos a ,as siete y media. En ,a cena hago una so)a de )atata con huevo+ y tambi=n hago are)a *rita re,,ena de )o,,o o are)a *rita re,,ena de 6ueso.
On 0eeends 0e go out to eat *ast *ood+ I ,ie &dem5s de ,a cena un choco,ate ca,iente 6ue sirvo to buy and eat *ast *ood+ sometimes I buy )i88a en ta8as. or hamburger or a hot dog. Tambi=n )uedo decir >buen )rovecho y 6ue ,o dis*rute>. My eating habits are not very hea,thy+ but sometimes I get used to eat and to )re)are the Los /nes de semana vamos a comer comida same mea,. r5)ida+ me gusta com)rar y comer comida r5)ida+ & veces com)ro )i88a o hamburguesa o un )erro ca,iente. Mis h5bitos a,imenticios no son muy sa,udab,es+ )ero a veces se acostumbran a comer y )re)arar ,a misma comida.
DOS PREGUNTAS A MIS COMPAÑEROS. 2. What's your a!or"t# ast oo$% ?$u5, es su comida r5)ida *avorita@ Do you #at a&y #r#a(s% ?Asted come a,go de cerea,es@
B Goodnight c,assmates+
DESCRIPCION DE MIS HABITOS ALIMENTICIOS EN INGLES Descri)tion o* my eating habits+ inc,ude- inds o* *ood I eat+ time I eat+ my *avorite *ood. I going to ta, about things that I ,ie *or brea*ast+ ,unch+ and dinner. 'rea*ast is the most im)ortant mea, o* the day because it is the /rst and the body uses and )rocesses *ood *or its )ro)er *unctioning. I have brea*ast everyday at t0enty to si1+ I mae brea*ast in my home. I usua,,y eat scramb,e eggs 0ith bread and choco,ate or cerea,s 0ith mi, or *ruits sa,ad. I ,ie *ruits and I eat a)),es or )ears Sometimes I 2ust 0ant to eat *ruit *or brea*ast and other days I ,ie to eat cerea, 0ith mi,. &t one o3c,oc %.M. most days I have ,unch. I buy ,unch at a restaurant near 0or. In ,unch I usua,,y eat a )ortion o* meat+ some rice or )otatoes+ some )asta+ some ,enti, and a ,ot o* sa,ad+ the sa,ad has onions and tomatoes is s,iced. I ,ie a,, ind o* )asta. &,though sometimes at ,unch I change the )ortion o* meat by a )ortion o* chicen or a )ortion o* )or or a )ortion o* *ried /sh. hen I have thirst I drin much 2uice or ,emonade. I don3t ,ie hot *ood. &,so+ I tae a ,itt,e na) a*ter o* ,unch every day. &t si1 o3c,oc+ a*ter I have /nished 0or+ I go home to coo dinner. In my house I usua,,y mae dinner. &t dinner my mom and my sister eats very ,itt,e+ they on,y too some bread 0ith choco,ate or tae a ,arge g,ass o* mi, and cooies+ but I eat very much and )re)are de,icious *ood+ 0e,, that3s 0hat I thin. Sometimes my mother sees 0hat I )re)are and te,,s me to mae dinner *or her. The *ami,y eat dinner together at seven thirty. &t dinner I mae a )otato sou) 0ith egg+ and a,so do *ried are)a /,,ed 0ith chicen o *ried cornmea, cae /,,ed 0ith cheese. In addition to dinner a hot choco,ate that I serve in cu)s. &,so I say >bon a))etit and you en2oy it>. On 0eeends 0e go out to eat *ast *ood+ I ,ie to buy and eat *ast *ood+ sometimes I buy )i88a or hamburger or a hot dog.
My eating habits are not very hea,thy+ but sometimes I get used to eat and to )re)are the same mea,. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBB 'uenas noches com)a
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