Formats for living.pdf

February 28, 2018 | Author: Daarjo | Category: Business
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Formats for Living

Contemporary living in Amsterdam exhibits an unusual and fascmatlllg dynamIc. The collective life�tyle is changing as a result of thc economIc prosperity, the shortage of urban space, the general necd for mobility, the firmly entrenched ind!vidualism and phenomena such as working from homc anti flexlhle working. Against this turhulent background, Formats (or·mg presems a concise picture of comemporary living ln Amsterdam,


with a provocatJve selection of almosr one hundred floor plans designed m the final decade of the t\ventieth century. The unIform method of drawing has resulted in a lucid collection of plans, which for all their apparenr sunplicity contain an encrypted cultural code - a format for lIving.

Contemporary floor plans in Amsterdam

Amsterdam Centre for A n.:h Itl'(.:ru rl'

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. .

Formats for Living Contemporary {1oorplans in Amsterdam

Cover: :iocial rented hOll,in", Vrolibtraar

Edired by Maarten Klaos and Oave Wcndt

[nl!i!1k�r, Van di:TT(lrr�, ' 9921

. I

ARCAM/Architecrura & Natura Press




.\·Iflurten Kloos. DJvC" Wcndr !'rodllc:/ivl!


1-/oor piali drau'ings RuuJj()n!;din).;

\'(/;I/; theilHistancc o(

Kent'� Bongt'r, evdinc Keiza

J i:u1T1ah 1.'ld",i);, n;rg;t1� J� Ma",

.\-\anijnrjc van Sdl()()tcn,l)eni,(' Vroliik Trllnslat�r1 by Jane Zuyl-MO1 IiI I f.; l n mcs and iglu el1erration. There is often a t lllfl, .t,tll lier;,;1fc ical relations lp elween a large room,:1 small, o pcn ki t chen and relatively small Ih.hlij 1 " l i f t lllll". rV l o reover, man)' dwdlings arc developed 4 .\

/'\ .t lr'

M 't' '7

:\! r: W !) I H I. C T I O N S

venica lly over twO, t hree or even fou r or fi Vl' storeys, in r to ma ke possible rt direct connection with (he


or d

round level and rt front door for each dw elling b comin s atially and funetiona more ami more specific, whic l ill ma nv cases is demon+ strably at [he expense of multiple use. In staeked COI1+ struction in pa rticula r, the generic and all-purpose [Own house is in danger of disapPl·aring. This could in the long run he to the detriment of th e quality of the housing stock: in add i tion to t h ere is Dwe llin ii �lre




yeUing will become an important programma!ic







for dw('llill ' in thc [wem -first century: a spacjous ane neutral carcass with extr:l width, depth and height and rt flexi ble Iayout �!!!. also Wich a ceream hyh0..d .,l character for use as a work, pla\.:c, stu dio or office apart­ � l n the desig.n, em phasi� will be on new incerprera­ tura t' )()­ tions of ftlll1iliar urban isti\.: and a I OB eS, partlctI ar y III t lC context of the existin city. In ad ition , or speCla , peripheral and noise-ridden loca­ tions, new ensembles will be developed, with a clear formal expression, deri ved from the programme of a mix of fun ctions acccssibiliry and mobilitv, rang mg from noise ba rriers and parkin facilities ro currmn walls, billboar< � an an marks. The image of urhan Tving can then becorn norC":1; r O en, expres­ sive an( specific, while the dwelling itself will become increasillg1y neu tra l, generic and cycle-proof cc t


l\'I A I( l N U � O O S T [ N B R I N K






large, housing in Amsterdam is, in my view,

11HI�h of a muchncss. I havc sclc�tcd a number of fluor I'hlll� from 1 992, but I dldn't find a n y really new r 'po­ [:Jn ar [ rec-room we ings pre­ se�tors. This cannot hur result in a very

IU1\ *' ,: ' in t lat Yl:nr. all

JuWj nnrc in

IlIp' I ded housing stock with virrually only three- and [tIlIr room dwellings and fluor l an s 'ou ciln't alrer .H

,dl. If

this met thc

ausing need it wouldn't really

11I.IIII :r, although you a lways



i nto problems bter

II ),011 can'r :lIfer dwellings. Th ere are plenty of very


ttH:ic livepro ects, bUI

lS a


rule everythingin lhe floor

11[.111' has been fi x ed and therc is a lack of neutralir and 1 11'1( 1 II il y. Some of (hc floor plan I have chosen rhere­


ItiH' heca use rhc architects and dients have, by



tried (o do something different. l have also in-

ld I Il I d �


couplc of floor plans as eX:lmples of

houhl nOI bc donc. I hl' floor

how it

pbn of fhe dwellings by Paul Wintermans

titi "' N ' M-eibnd

is inspired hy Lc Curbusier's Unite



ft II

t/'l labitatioll in �.,,1arsei1lc. Access is by means of a long cemral corridor through the building. The dwellings :HC situated p arr l y below and pani}' above this COT­ fidor. Yuu see that quite ofren i n housing i n

Amsterdam, hut berc it has been cbborared within thc housing norm. Thc living room i s empty from thc front (o [he back; the view through the space has been kept open bvp cing.thc k itchen against thc waiL The orientation is good, with the terrace on the sunny side :md the living room facing north. De Arch irccrcn



Cic. has developed a similar type of floor plan in a lucid way for a building on Oosrelijke HandcIskade. Herc, thc spatial possibilities of an apartment on twO levels

h�nor becn exploited ro the Corbusier's prorotype.



S�lme extent as in Lc


l h:lvC chosen the 'trornmclwoningen' (drum dwell­ ings) by l.icsbeth van der Pol because rhey are a (;0[1) ­ plcr�ly new typs.; \jove;; em rh rough the dwellin� from one noor toanorher ,is spariaU}'superb.However, arise because rhere arc other a prIvaC 1ro dwellings :l bove and below, which you


ave in a

sran(brd si ngle-family dwelling. However, in this case,

the experimental, the innovativc is, l thi nk, what is most im portant. The 'hofwoningcn' {court dwellings} the S;ltnC an:hirectural office arc intcreJ>.!.i!lg because single- bmilx dwellings alternate with combineg



,und- and II er-floor dwell in 's. Differentiation has thus )een ingeniously inrro( l c ed a row of dwellings. Another inrerestin ' feature of the scheme is that this floor p an las five rooms" )rmat one se om sees in Amsterdam, alas. Ihe floor pb. ns by Gert-Jan I-iCli'(lilksof De An:hitectengroep for Schelvishoofd fir








unusual t'pological scheme of urban villas

o apartmems. Auc"\ of the upsrairs weJlings as een Jn 'eniolls\v ljulynl.J also like the way the bedrooms opcn di rectly ..... OI l t I ) [ hc rerrace. 1'01' Bda;lnjachtpleill, Bosch Haslcrt designed a t e of floor plan - a dwdlill); wi th a rather 'I I IXt" dweIling, whi(:h is vcrydeep and narrow, .!!.. !2P � l l lIlIld floor, an extremel), long structural wall h;1S !Jn'.!.! kept completely f( � , "

'l\\)·S,lde:. Vunl�.d,·, ."" ArchLl.lhrlcrl-"' 10f (lWIICT-""up.ed,

'[)". �t"d,hlJi,e,,', Ko.,..-"I01CnVJMt. V,Ill ,,·,J rc",�J, Cb",& Ka.",

v 94


and how this is done. The

floor plan ' itself is pcrhaps not really unusual, but


I didn't think that Wo been given ro The project Baravia

orientation. In order ro chll"idare this, I have chosen two floor plans from the project. The corridor dwel li ng i s reinterpreted in this project. IVer::l YanovshtchinskY I The corner dwelling ill thc Rotonde pro ject by archi­ rect Franz Demblin is more or less a combination of the Tropenpum and the Water"l.uiveringsrrommel. You live in these floor plans, as in a doniQ !l ... �· u:.o.r. ding to the mono ' m y home is 111 ca ' Pcople quite often live accor mg to this motto in dct:Iched IlOlIses. You can do so herc tOO, because happily something unusual has been permi tted at the corner of a bloc:k. IFer FcldcrJ l n the renovation project for Lederambadltstraat by Van Sch::lgcn Architecren, dwellings have been joined together in an exempbry m::lnner. Given rhe situation in the block in Osdorp, r his is an optimu m result which has produced a very comfort::lble large dwelling. IGAJ ln the project for Dc Aker hy Wing: 84 m'.comJor; cum ",i,,;olle.! by: Dl' Prln{'ipa,,1 with Kerbo...·h & V,,,, N"nKn; '!"si!;n, I ��X; "",/up,}

hy: D"m no"w ;\1",Il'rd,,,,, I", '-000

.\·lhl,·IlI",,,,k . \l"tke,-"""


' '''CLJpl�d I"'LJ'i"�, ()e,'errad, 1'. 90 rino' ari''', I o� !ll'. corridor: com­ """ 5 i " Jm",cJ: � 1 "l', 1 �,,�h '''�"''; " ,,,,,,,iss;(mcd ,,),: DLml !Ilgll; 1'1':13: '''.Jhudi»'; ,,',Im� lk",,,,' hl-o ,\m,,y: HouSJng �nrp"""II)" I le, Oo,t.node,;!;", '996: ,,,,,/ized by, Vin k no"w lw, ,��"

.\\lJ] archi,rctuUf 'Dc Vrol i h' E,k'

Ilo(�,iorl !i, "" ,h" -"""tur

owner-occlJr'e.j hou>i"�, Derd,' Oo'terparhtrJatJEikenw��, p, ,60

Flo", arra: , to m', »orch "e�e,,:

Archj{&:,enl""",'LJ R"U1dcr Nm,

I le,Ix'rh "on d", ]l" I · 'Trom","­

l\-'larkeH&:'or "",ncr-''''c''picd,

woning""" ""i.d re",ed hommg.

Willemssrraa{ , - , l, p. ' 4 ,

/-Ioor �red: S o 11>', po,ch �",,,,,:

Dt·"!:',, 1��6; to be "",I;ud

-Slo[()', marke'-"'!:, llgte Kadll� 108-, 'o, I' , H

"'"tnl housin!:, Of\'erpad, p. 9 l

Fi,,,,,arc�: 18 m'. !:,llery: com-

ml" i!n�d h': woon'tleh!i,,!: De Ke,-: , dC;I� . '" ' �94'n'�"u"by: Verwdlll'

1'1,,,,,"r,,�; S� m', porch a,�.,,:

ct>mm,.,umnl by, T"rlin!:�n

!\d"i"\)\"�,P l>\", dest�"" 1992:

h" A"'uw:

de;ig": " )94' ,,,aim,d I))" Smit",

Ik>uwbedrijfh,. &'·cfwi;l. '9 9 �

RuJ)' Ly,enhaJk A rch" "",,,,,hur',i(","d lJ}" "har,,.,ns Il.ou",­

Curti",,,,,,,,,, p. H7

I",driifb" Maars�n;d"5iKn, '��'!'

1'I"",a,,,�: �� m'. porch ,,'ce,s: cum·

"'"liud lJ)':.\laar",'n, 1\011'" hdriif

ml,"inned hy: Lk P"n('ipa:11 with

Iw, .\l�ar"en, '�9�

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