Formato Brief

June 8, 2018 | Author: Carolina Ruiz | Category: Advertising, Marketing Research, Target Audience, Fashion & Beauty, Fashion
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9 Elaborar el plan de acción de mercadeo El proceso de planeación debe abarcar todas las áreas de la empresa. El desarrollo d esarrollo de esta evidencia confirmará que han alcanzado el siguiente resultado de aprendizaje: conc retos como Comprender las ideas principales de textos complejos en inglés que tratan de temas tanto concretos abstractos incluso si son de carácter técnico siempre que estén dentro de su campo de d e especialización

Evidencia 3 Formato Brief 

¿Qué se debe entregar?

Formato Formato Brief diligenciado y presentación de la campaña publicitaria

¿Cuáles son los criterios de evaluación asociados a esta evidencia? !raduce del inglés documentos técnicos sencillos en tiempo presente " pasado. #ramatiza en inglés una historia breve utilizando verbos ve rbos regulares e irregulares.

¿ Cuál es el procedimiento? Estudie el material “Creative Brief”. De manera individual y teniendo en

cuenta su producto o servicio, complete el Forma

$rief. %ea comprensivamente el material &'o( to createanadvertisingcampaign) *+autas para crear una campa,a  publicitaria-. na vez diligenciado el formato seleccione un /tem " prepare una campa,a publicitaria en inglés en tiempo pasado a través de alguno de los medios sugeridos en el material: o


na campa,a radial on comercial de televisión na campa,a promocional

Env/e el formato al instructor " solicite las instrucciones para presentar la campa,a.

0 continuación encontrarán el espacio donde deben redactar las respuestas:

#iligencie cada una de las casillas de acuerdo con los criterios " el tiempo verbal que se solicitan.

1.Company information  1ame of the compan" !rade2sname Compan"2sactivit"

Present tense

 1ame of the Compan" and !rade2s name: !ribu $ags 3logan: &4hat 5 am) Compan"2s activit": 4e dedicated to the  production and mar6eting of leather handbags handmade.

Past tense 2.Companyhistory

'istor" of the compan" in detail 0dvertising has been traditionall" done7 4hat 6ind of advertising and (hat issues (ere addressed7 4hat (ere the objectives of previous campaigns7 4hat are the characteristics of "our product or service7 4hat is the current position of "our product in the mar6et7

!ribu bags (as born of the need to create a line of handbags (ith a unique design and to give identit" and personalit" (ho ta6e him (ith him. !he idea came from the needs of the manager  and o(ner of the compan" (ho started this  business idea developed their o(n products. 0fter the development of the first designs the mar6et began to expand and the compan"  began to have an identit" and recognition and from there began to develop advertising materials (ould give the compan" corporate image. Present tense

.!he product or service

#escription of the product or service (ith all its features: +h"sical *ifit hasChemical characterization *if it has+ac6aging *ifit has$enefits !rajector" *ho( long (as it released%ifec"cle %egislation

8ur products to offer into the mar6et are (omen9s handmade handbags. 4e (ill design leather accessories for (omen on handmade design among (hich are highlighted bags and (allets. 5ts elaboration (ill be based on the client specifications displa"ed at the moment of the  purchase as soon as design size and materials (ith reference to a catalog (here different models are done. !he product (ill be engraved in leather tag (ith the mar6 &!ribu)

Present tense ".#$%! matri& '#tren(ths) $ea*nesses) %pportunities and !hreats+ •

4ea6nesses *the" are internal to the compan"8pportunities *the" are external (hat the sale opportunities are3trengths *the" are internal!hreats *the" are external-

4ea6nesses: 4e do not have enough capital to have an optimal level of production. 3trengths: ariet" and exclusivit" of designs qualit" finishes and materials used guarantee on all our articles 8pportunities: 0ttendance at various craft fairs nationall" and internationall" and  business conferences that allo( contact (ith intermediaries. !hreats: lo(er sales period into the mar6et.

Present tense


5t2s the mone" assigned to the  project.

;achiner": ??.?? !ools: .??? 3ho(cases: .???

.Consumer/!ar(et 0udience #escribe the three t"pes of consumers: •

End consumer : !he person (ho consumes the product but doesn2t decide on the purchase. eal consumer or objective : !he  person (ho ma6es the purchase decision.

+otential Consumer: !he person (ho has a provisional contact (ith the  product or (ho (ill be the consumer in the future. #escribe the profiles #emographic profile Feographic profile

+s"chographic profile

Present tense

C813;E G !0FE! 0#5E1CE End consumer: 4omen and men lovers of good taste and exclusive designs. eal consumer or objective: +eople (ho bu" the product for   personal use or give it to someone else. +otential consumer 4omen bet(een @B and =B "ears old (ho bu" handmade handbags li6e prefer to design and originalit" (hen combining their casual clothes. C3!8;E +8H5%E3: #emographic profile: 4omen bet(een @B and =B "ears old. Feographic profile: 8ur objective public (ill be located in Cali cit" belonging to I and = stratum. +s"chographic +rofile: 8ur target mar6ets are (omen (ho bu" handmade handbags (ho li6e to design and combine them (ith "our casual clothes in all (eathers. Present tense


C8;+E!5!581 G +835!58151F: #irect competition: Fab" arenas 'int competition: 3alvarte %!#0. ;ain Competition: 'andicrafts Hrom Colombia.

#escribe the t"pe of competition "our product or service has: #irect 'int ;ain Competition

Present tense

.Pro3ect ob3ectives

#escribe the goal to be achieved in "our project.

+8JEC! 8$JEC!5E3  0chieve a return of I?K annuall" be measurable  5ncrease annual sales b" B?K $eing a brand that applicants ac6no(ledge for its variet" and qualit" of products  0chieve greater regional coverage.

Present tense

9.4ar*et research

Explain the mar6et research "ou have made in "our project: (hich are the latest changes of  consumers and the target  public7


;0LE! E3E0C'  4e (ill research processes about (omenMs fashion trends  4e generate ideas for ne( products that respond to fashion trends  8ur objective public (ill be "oung people (ho ever" da" sho( attracted more items (ith innovative and original designs this being a strong purchasing po(er for our   product. +%0CE #istribution is done directl" at the point of sale (hich can add value to the product b" the profits obtained b" distributing it in the same place of production and manufacturing as (ell as being a channel full" profitable. distribution to deliver" product on the same site processing. !o publicize our product (e (ill ma6e advertising through print media such as fl"ers and business cards delivered through different distribution channels *stores and universit" students- as (ell as the advertising image at the point of sale.


5nclude the distribution channels for the products of "our project: #irect 5ndirect

Present tense

3C'E#%E 0C!676!8

0pproach the idea esearch +roblem #evelopment of the conceptual frame(or6  Hormulation of the overall objective of the stud" Hormulation of the general objectives of the stud" Hormulation of the specific objectives of the stud" Hormulation of the h"pothesis of the stud"

$EE 1

$EE 2

#efinition of research variables

:istibution chanel; direct sellin( in the point of sale the final consumer for it demands the productd at lo< cost.

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