Format of Rent Agreement

August 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 This Rental Agreement Agreement is made and agreed to be efective since 1st day of July, 2019 between ………………………………………………………………hereinater called as ………………………………………………………………hereinater the landlord. And ………………………………………………………………, he ………………………………………………………………, herrei eina nate terr ca call lled ed as Tenant Tenant / Lessee Lessees. s.

Wher Wh erea eas s th the e land landlo lorrd is th the e ab abso solu lute te ow owne nerr an and d in pe peac ace eul ul possession and enjoyment o the Property bearing “………………………………………...   Abo “………………………………………... bove ve men enttio ione ned d prope perrty herrein he eina ate terr re eer errred to as sc sche hedu dule led d pr prop oper erty ty.. Th The e tena tenant nt ha has s approached to take on rent o the said scheduled property or its Business to which the landlord has agreed. NOW THIS RENT AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS UNDER:1. Th That at the land landlo lorrd ag agrree ees s to let ou outt an and d the the tena tenant nt agr agree ee to take on rent the schedule Property on a monthly advance rent Rs.  10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) only) to o Rs.  to be payable th by th the e te tena nant nt to th the e land landlo lorrd be beo orre 11 o ev ever ery y mo mont nth h according to the English Calendar Month.


2. That th the e rent in rrespec espectt o the sched schedule ule pr proper operty ty shall be pai paid d by the tenant regularly and punctually without any delay o  deault. Months  rom the date o  3. Th That at th the e per perio iod d o te ten nan ancy cy is 36 Months  agreement o tenancy; however the tenancy period can be extended urther by both the parties with their mutual consent on the basis o prevailing rental value in the market. 4. That the tena tenant nt will pay electricity electricity char charges; ges; W Water ater Char Charge ge and Main Ma intten enan ance ce Ch Char arge ges s as per th the e bil illl to th the e co conc ncer erne ned d department every month without ail and provide the receipts o deposit to the Landlord regularly. 5. That th the e Less Lessee ee shall us use e the abov above e said pr premise emises s or Oci Ocial al Purpose only.

6. That the Tenant / Les Lessee see s shall hall abide by all th the e by bye e laws , rules and rregulation, egulation, o the lo local cal auth authorities orities in rrespect espect o th the e sc sche hedu dule led d pr prem emis ises es an and d sh shal alll no nott do an any y il ille lega gall activities in the said scheduled premises. 7. Th That at th the e te ten nan antt ca can n sho how w th the e sch ched edu ule pr prop oper erty ty as his Registered Oce till the termination o tenancy. 8. That this Agr Agreeme eement nt may be termin terminated ated beor beore e the expi expiry ry o this tenancy period by serving One month prior notice by either party or this intention. 9. That That the tenan tenants ts sha shall ll not subsub-let let or assi assign gn or part wit with h the posses pos sessio sion n or the sch schedu edule le Prope Property rty,, wit withou houtt the wr writt itten en consent o the landlord. 10.premises Thatin , good whereand as th the e tenant conditions hereby agrwithout eed to damages, keep the tenantable i any any da dama mage ges s ca caus used ed by th the e tena tenant nts, s, the the sa same me wi will ll be replaced by the tenants. 11. That tth he tte enant s sh hall al alllow tto o en entter la lan ndlord or h hiis agents into the schedule property at all reasonable hours and to inspect the same with advance notice. 12. That th the e Tenant/Lessee sh sha all no nott be en enttitled to m ma ake struct str uctur ure e in the re rente nted d pr premi emises ses ex excep ceptt the ins instal tallat lation ion o  tem tempor orar ary y dec eco orat atio ion, n, wood oden en pa parrtiti titio on/ cab abin in,, ai airr – conditioners etc. witho without ut the prior consent o the o owner wner..


13. That the T Tenant/Lessee enant/Lessee sh shall all keep the said premises in clean & hygienic condition and shall not do or causes to be done any act which may be a nuisance to other. 14. That the Lessee/Tenant shall not store/keep any ofen of ensi sive ve,, da dang nger erou ous, s, ex expl plos osiv ive e or high highly ly In Ina amm mmab able le articles in the said premise premises s and shall not use the same or any unlawul activities. 15. That th the e T Te enant s sh hall pa pay y th the e pa paiinting ch cha arges at tth he time o vacating the premises. 16. IN W WIITNESS W WH HEREOF tth he p pa arty iis s h he ere tto o h ha ave s siigned the Rental Agreement on the day, month and year rst above written in ront o the ollowing witness.








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