Formal Report - Group 2

April 18, 2018 | Author: Ayshee Capuchino | Category: Ester, Acetic Acid, Alcohol, Flavor, Acid
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Organic Chemistry Chemistry Laboratory – CH 200L (2014 - 201 5) Experiment  2

Preparation of Isoamyl Alcohol through Fischer reaction and Extraction of Isoamyl Acetate Producing Synthetic Banana Flavor

Raymond Baladad, Kenny Bautista*, Alyssa Capuchino, Cham Chan  Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science University of Santo Tomas, España Street, Manila 108

Date Submitted: August 19, 21! Key Words:

"ste#s $ a#e usually de#i%ed &#om an ino#ganic acid o# acid o# o#ganic acid in acid in 'hich at least one $() hyd#o+yl g#oup is #eplaced by an $($al-yl $($al-yl   al-o+y al-o+y g#oup. Commonly este#s a#e de#i%ed &#om ca#bo+ylic acids and alcohol alcohol.. /ische# Reaction $ special type o& este#i&ication este#i&ication by  by #e&lu+ing #e&lu+ing a  a ca#bo+ylic acid and acid and an alcohol alcohol in  in the  p#esence o& an acid catalyst catalyst.. 0soamyl Acetate  also -no'n as isopentyl acetate, is an o#ganic compound that compound that is the este#  &o#med  &o#med &#om isoamyl alcohol and acetic acid. acid. 0t is a colo#less liuid that is only slightly soluble in 'ate#, but %e#y soluble in most o#ganic sol%ents. A!stract

"ste#s a#e g#oups o& compound that gene#ally possess distincti%e odo# li-e &#ag#ances and &#uit &la%o#s. 0n this e+pe#iment, 'e 'ill use isoamyl alcohol to p#oduce an este# that p#oduce smell o& &#uit &la%o#s. 0t 'ill in%ol%e #e&lu+ing o& isaomyl alcohol 'ith acetic anhyd#ide and acid catalyst and e+t#action o&  isoamyl acetate. he isoamyl acetate is the &inished p#oduct that p#oduces the smell o& banana &la%o#. I" Introduction

 The word favor is used to describe describe the overall sensory eects eects o a substance taken into the mouth. Flavor may involve tactile, temperature, and pain sensations, as well well as smel smelll and tast taste. e. Many Many rui ruits ts,, fowe fowers rs,, and and sp spic ices es cont contai ain n este esters rs that that contribute to their characteristics favors – an ester is an unctional group produced rom rom the condensation condensation o an alcohol with a carboyli carboylic c acid, and are named named based on these components. They are characteri!ed by a carbon bound to three other atoms" a single bond bond to  to a carbon, a double bond to bond to an oygen oygen,, and a single bond to oyge oygen. n. Most Most volati volatile le esters esters have strong strong,, pleasan pleasantt odors odors that that can best best be described as #ruity.$ %ome esters with favors characteristic o real and #antasy$

are propyl acetate – pears, octyl acetate – oranges. The ester that we will prepare in this eperiment, isopentyl acetate, has a strong banana odor when undiluted and an odor reminiscent o pears in dilute solution. &t is used as an ingredient in arti'cial coee, butterscotch, and honey favourings, as well as in pear and banana favorings. (sters are oten prepared by the Fischer esteri'cation method, which involves heating a carboylic acid with an alcohol in the presence o an acid catalyst. The acid catalyst is used to increase the rate o reaction, which would otherwise re)uire a much longer reaction time. The scope or this eperiment comprises only o the materials, reactants, products and techni)ues used at the eperiment and nothing more. The ob*ectives or this eperiment are +. to synthesi!e isoamyl alchohol to produce isoamyl acetate -. to calculate its  yield /. to learn how to use refu techni)ue and 0. to learn the techni)ue or etraction, washing , drying. &&. Methodology First thing 'rst, we set up or refu and got the materials needed or it. The materials are reaction fask, boiling chips, condenser, rubber tubing, water pump, buret clamp, water bath 1234 5elsius – 674 5elsius, tripod, wire gau!e, iron stand, thermometer. Then we got acetic anhydride 50897/ 13.- m: mied with concentrated suluric acid 8-%0 13 drops, it will serve as an acid catalyst, in a test tube and got isoamyl alchol 538+-; 13.7 m: in a separate test tube. Then we mied the two together and put it inside a beaker 1-37ml with ull o crushed ice or cooling and constant temperature. unsen burner at a constant 234 5elsius – 674 5elsius or /7 minutes. The reason or it was to keep the reaction at a refu temperature or eample, the boiling point o the solvent, and at the same time preventing it rom evaporating.? ased on the results obtained rom the eperiment, we were able to get the percent yield o isoamyl acetate. >'''>chemist#y>te+tboo-s>boundless$chemist#y$te+tboo->o#ganic$chemist#y$ 2?>&unctional$g#oup$names$p#ope#ties$and$#eactions$188>este#s$8!2$7@17>


isoamyl alcohol  acetic anhyd#ide isoamyl acetate  acetic acid 1. balanced the euation C@)12(  C!)8(?  C7)1!(2  C2)!(2 2. moles o& isoamyl alcohol  acetic anhyd#ide !.8!g C@)12( + 1mol C@)12(>.2g C@)12(  .!@ moles C@)12( @.8g C!)8(? + 1mol C!)8(?>12.1g C!)8(?  .@! moles C!)8(?

?. Stoichiomet#ic #atio 1mol C@)12(: 1mol C!)8(?: 1mol C7)1!(2

!. imiting #eagent  isoamyl alcohol or &'($)*

+"+,'- moles &'($)* x $mol &.($,*)/$mol &'($)* x $0+")g &.($,*)/$ mol 1 '"23g

.@! moles C!)8(? + 1mol C7)1!(2>1mol C!)8(? + 1?.2g C7)1!(2>1 mole  7.1?g

@. Eoles o& isoamyl acetate @.98g C7)1!(2 + 1mol>1?.2g C7)1!(2  .!@7 moles C7)1!(2 8. 6#ams o& isoamyl acetate @.98g C7)1!(2 7. Folume o& isoamyl acetate .87 g>ml G @.98 g>mol  8.?8 ml C7)1!(2 . H Iield o& isoamyl acetate  2?.98!9g  21.7@7?g  2.278g>@.98g + 1  ?7.!H %ial 'ith isoamyl acetate p#e$'eighed %ial

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