Formal Report - Group 2
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Organic Chemistry Chemistry Laboratory – CH 200L (2014 - 201 5) Experiment 2
Preparation of Isoamyl Alcohol through Fischer reaction and Extraction of Isoamyl Acetate Producing Synthetic Banana Flavor
Raymond Baladad, Kenny Bautista*, Alyssa Capuchino, Cham Chan Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science University of Santo Tomas, España Street, Manila 108
Date Submitted: August 19, 21! Key Words:
"ste#s $ a#e usually de#i%ed om an ino#ganic acid o# acid o# o#ganic acid in acid in 'hich at least one $() hyd#o+yl g#oup is #eplaced by an $($al-yl $($al-yl al-o+y al-o+y g#oup. Commonly este#s a#e de#i%ed om ca#bo+ylic acids and alcohol alcohol.. /ische# Reaction $ special type o& este#i&ication este#i&ication by by #e&lu+ing #e&lu+ing a a ca#bo+ylic acid and acid and an alcohol alcohol in in the p#esence o& an acid catalyst catalyst.. 0soamyl Acetate also -no'n as isopentyl acetate, is an o#ganic compound that compound that is the este# &o#med &o#med om isoamyl alcohol and acetic acid. acid. 0t is a colo#less liuid that is only slightly soluble in 'ate#, but %e#y soluble in most o#ganic sol%ents. A!stract
"ste#s a#e g#oups o& compound that gene#ally possess distincti%e odo# li-e ag#ances and uit &la%o#s. 0n this e+pe#iment, 'e 'ill use isoamyl alcohol to p#oduce an este# that p#oduce smell o& uit &la%o#s. 0t 'ill in%ol%e #e&lu+ing o& isaomyl alcohol 'ith acetic anhyd#ide and acid catalyst and e+t#action o& isoamyl acetate. he isoamyl acetate is the &inished p#oduct that p#oduces the smell o& banana &la%o#. I" Introduction
The word favor is used to describe describe the overall sensory eects eects o a substance taken into the mouth. Flavor may involve tactile, temperature, and pain sensations, as well well as smel smelll and tast taste. e. Many Many rui ruits ts,, fowe fowers rs,, and and sp spic ices es cont contai ain n este esters rs that that contribute to their characteristics favors – an ester is an unctional group produced rom rom the condensation condensation o an alcohol with a carboyli carboylic c acid, and are named named based on these components. They are characteri!ed by a carbon bound to three other atoms" a single bond bond to to a carbon, a double bond to bond to an oygen oygen,, and a single bond to oyge oygen. n. Most Most volati volatile le esters esters have strong strong,, pleasan pleasantt odors odors that that can best best be described as #ruity.$ %ome esters with favors characteristic o real and #antasy$
are propyl acetate – pears, octyl acetate – oranges. The ester that we will prepare in this eperiment, isopentyl acetate, has a strong banana odor when undiluted and an odor reminiscent o pears in dilute solution. &t is used as an ingredient in arti'cial coee, butterscotch, and honey favourings, as well as in pear and banana favorings. (sters are oten prepared by the Fischer esteri'cation method, which involves heating a carboylic acid with an alcohol in the presence o an acid catalyst. The acid catalyst is used to increase the rate o reaction, which would otherwise re)uire a much longer reaction time. The scope or this eperiment comprises only o the materials, reactants, products and techni)ues used at the eperiment and nothing more. The ob*ectives or this eperiment are +. to synthesi!e isoamyl alchohol to produce isoamyl acetate -. to calculate its yield /. to learn how to use refu techni)ue and 0. to learn the techni)ue or etraction, washing , drying. &&. Methodology First thing 'rst, we set up or refu and got the materials needed or it. The materials are reaction fask, boiling chips, condenser, rubber tubing, water pump, buret clamp, water bath 1234 5elsius – 674 5elsius, tripod, wire gau!e, iron stand, thermometer. Then we got acetic anhydride 50897/ 13.- m: mied with concentrated suluric acid 8-%0 13 drops, it will serve as an acid catalyst, in a test tube and got isoamyl alchol 538+-; 13.7 m: in a separate test tube. Then we mied the two together and put it inside a beaker 1-37ml with ull o crushed ice or cooling and constant temperature. unsen burner at a constant 234 5elsius – 674 5elsius or /7 minutes. The reason or it was to keep the reaction at a refu temperature or eample, the boiling point o the solvent, and at the same time preventing it rom evaporating.? ased on the results obtained rom the eperiment, we were able to get the percent yield o isoamyl acetate. >'''>chemist#y>te+tboo-s>boundless$chemist#y$te+tboo->o#ganic$chemist#y$ 2?>&unctional$g#oup$names$p#ope#ties$and$#eactions$188>este#s$8!2$7@17>
isoamyl alcohol acetic anhyd#ide isoamyl acetate acetic acid 1. balanced the euation C@)12( C!)8(? C7)1!(2 C2)!(2 2. moles o& isoamyl alcohol acetic anhyd#ide !.8!g C@)12( + 1mol C@)12(>.2g C@)12( .!@ moles C@)12( @.8g C!)8(? + 1mol C!)8(?>12.1g C!)8(? .@! moles C!)8(?
?. Stoichiomet#ic #atio 1mol C@)12(: 1mol C!)8(?: 1mol C7)1!(2
!. imiting #eagent isoamyl alcohol or &'($)*
+"+,'- moles &'($)* x $mol &.($,*)/$mol &'($)* x $0+")g &.($,*)/$ mol 1 '"23g
.@! moles C!)8(? + 1mol C7)1!(2>1mol C!)8(? + 1?.2g C7)1!(2>1 mole 7.1?g
@. Eoles o& isoamyl acetate @.98g C7)1!(2 + 1mol>1?.2g C7)1!(2 .!@7 moles C7)1!(2 8. 6#ams o& isoamyl acetate @.98g C7)1!(2 7. Folume o& isoamyl acetate .87 g>ml G @.98 g>mol 8.?8 ml C7)1!(2 . H Iield o& isoamyl acetate 2?.98!9g 21.7@7?g 2.278g>@.98g + 1 ?7.!H %ial 'ith isoamyl acetate p#e$'eighed %ial
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