Form 5 Poem Questions

May 10, 2017 | Author: Miya Zahra | Category: N/A
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What has happened to Lulu?...


REVISION - What has happened to Lulu? (Form 5 Poem) 1. What is the poem about? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What does the open window signify, literally? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Based on the line “You don’t know what to do” in stanza 6, sum up mother’s feelings. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. “You say it was a gust of rain”. What has been compared to a gust of rain? Do you think the persona accepted the explanation given by mother? Give a reason for your answer. i) Comparison:__________________________________________________________ ii) Reason:______________________________________________________________ 5. From stanza 2, who do you think wrote the note and to whom was it addressed? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Explain a theme portrayed in the poem. __________________________________________________________________________ 7. What are found on the bed and what does this tell you about Lulu’s running away? __________________________________________________________________________ 8. “What has happened to Lu?” How would you describe the tone of voice of the persona? Give two evidence based on the poem for your answer. i. Tone of voice:______________________________________________________ ii. Evidences: _________________________________________________________ 9. What does the ‘curtain flapping free’ symbolise? _________________________________________________________________________ 10.In Stanza 3, what has puzzled the persona? _________________________________________________________________________ 11.“I heard somebody cry”. Why would there be a cry in the middle of the night? Do you think it was raining that night? Give an evidence to support your answer. i. Reason: ______________________________________________________________ ii. Opinion: _____________________________________________________________ 12.From the mother’s reaction to the persona’s questions, what can you conclude about the persona’s age and relationship with Lulu? ___________________________________________________________________________ 13.Based on the poem, Lulu has run away from home. What would you say to a friend or any young person who talks about running away from home? Give two suggestions. i. Advice 1: _____________________________________________________________ ii. Advice 2: _____________________________________________________________ 14. What do the words “a circle on the dusty shelf” indicate? __________________________________________________________________________ Answers for What Has Happened to Lulu 1. The poem is about a sibling running away. 2. It signifies that Lulu escaped through the window. 3. Mother is at a loss about what is happening and cannot think straight. 4. i. The voice crying out in pain or anger is compared to a gust of rain. ii.No, I don’t think so because he sounds exasperated when he says “but now I ask you why”. 5. I think Lulu wrote the note and it is addressed to mother. 6. One of the themes in the poem is the grief of a sibling and a parent when someone they love is missing. 7. They found a shoe and an old rag doll. This tells me that she left in a hurry, probably to make sure she can get away without being caught. 8. i. tone: sad and grieving ii. He keeps asking what has happened to Lulu and he questions why mother refuses to tell him the truth. 9. It symbolises the freedom that Lulu is looking for.

10.He is puzzled about the mother’s actions of crying and crumpling up a note and throwing it into the fire. 11.i. reason: It could be the mother crying out as she sees Lulu running away. ii. No, I think it was not raining. Mother just said it was a gust of rain because she did not want the persona know who was crying and why. 12.The persona is a younger brother of Lulu and they have a close relationship. 13.i. If they have done anything wrong, it is best to talk and discuss with parents. Parents will forgive them. ii. Running away from home will not solve the problem. 14.The money that has was there all the while has been removed.

Answers for What Has Happened to Lulu 15.The poem is about a sibling running away. 16.It signifies that Lulu escaped through the window. 17.Mother is at a loss about what is happening and cannot think straight. 18.i. The voice crying out in pain or anger is compared to a gust of rain. ii.No, I don’t think so because he sounds exasperated when he says “but now I ask you why”. 19.I think Lulu wrote the note and it is addressed to mother. 20.One of the themes in the poem is the grief of a sibling and a parent when someone they love is missing. 21.They found a shoe and an old rag doll. This tells me that she left in a hurry, probably to make sure she can get away without being caught. 22.i. tone: sad and grieving ii. He keeps asking what has happened to Lulu and he questions why mother refuses to tell him the truth. 23.It symbolises the freedom that Lulu is looking for. 24.He is puzzled about the mother’s actions of crying and crumpling up a note and throwing it into the fire. 25.i. reason: It could be the mother crying out as she sees Lulu running away. ii. No, I think it was not raining. Mother just said it was a gust of rain because she did not want the persona know who was crying and why. 26.The persona is a younger brother of Lulu and they have a close relationship. 27.i. If they have done anything wrong, it is best to talk and discuss with parents. Parents will forgive them. ii. Running away from home will not solve the problem. 28.The money that has was there all the while has been removed.

The Living Photograph PRACTICE 1 STANZA 1 1. Give three descriptions of the persona’s grandmother’s appearance. (a) tall (b) straight-back

(c) has a kind old smile (Also accept : neat / properly dressed) 2. Based on Stanza 1, describe the grandmother’s personality. (a) kind (b) warm (Also accept : loving / caring / other suitable adjectives) 3. What does line 7 tell you about the grandmother? Still strong / determined / courageous / brave STANZA 2 1. Describe the grandmother when she was old and sick. (a) small (b) round and hunched 2. Why did she forget to boil her soup? She was too ill / sick 3. What happened to the grandmother in the end? She died STANZA 3 1. How old was the persona when the photograph was taken? Three 2. Describe the persona’s feelings when she looks at the photograph. Sad / nostalgic / other suitable adjectives 3. Quote the phrase that describes the grandmother as being old. (the) crinkled smile

PRACTICE 2 (HOTS Questions) NOTE :The answers for HOTS questions can be varied & wide ranging but most importantly, they should be logical/reasonable and relevant to the question. Teachers are advised to use their own discretion. The answers given below are simply examples of acceptable ones. 1. In stanza 1, why does the grandmother look tall in the photograph? Because she is still well/healthy even though she is already old [2 marks] 2. Based on stanza 1, describe how the persona feels about her grandmother. She loves her grandmother very much and she is very close to her grandmother. [2 marks] 3. Why do you think the persona describes the afterlife as awful, unknown and unthinkable? Because she is still a child and to her, death is something that is very scary and mysterious.[2 marks] 4. Is it good to keep photographs of your loved ones? Give two reasons. (a) Yes, because we can always remember how they look like [1 mark] (b) Yes, because we can show the photographs to our children and grandchildren and tell them about their ancestors [1 mark] 5. Do you consider the grandmother as courageous? Give your evidence from the poem. Yes, she was very courageous based on the line ‘Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye’ [2 marks] 6. In your own words, describe the relationship between the persona and her grandmother. They were very close and they loved each other very much. [2 marks]


Word pleated



Meaning Folded sewn or pressed into the cloth Crouched




No. 4

Word unknown

Meaning Unfamiliar/mysterious





Cannot be considered/imagined Wrinkled

The Charge Of The Light Brigade PRACTICE 1 STANZA 1 1. What does the “Light Brigade” refer to? Soldiers 2. Who said “Forward, the Light Brigade!”? The commander/captain/leader of the brigade 3. What was the order? To attack the enemies/to move forward/to go into battle 4. “Into the valley of Death” What would happen to the men? They would die/they would not survive the battle STANZA 2 1. Based on this stanza, describe the personality of the soldiers. (a) loyal/obedient (b) brave/courageous (c) confident/determined 2. The word “Theirs” refers to the soldiers 3. What is the meaning of “blundered”? Made a mistake STANZA 3 1. Describe the scene of the battlefield. The soldiers were surrounded by the enemies / the soldiers were attacked with cannon and gunshots 2. What “Volleyed and thundered”? The cannon 3. What do you think happened at the end of the poem? Most of the soldiers died in the battle / the soldiers lost the war / other possible answers PRACTICE 2 (HOTS Questions) NOTE :The answers for HOTS questions can be varied & wide ranging but most importantly, they should be logical/reasonable and relevant to the question. Teachers are advised to use their own discretion. The answers given below are simply examples of acceptable ones. 1. In your own words, describe how the soldiers felt when they went into the battlefield. They felt very brave and determined to win the war even though they were a small a group of soldiers [2 marks]

2. In your opinion, was it the right thing to do for the soldiers to follow the captain’s command? Give a reason. Yes, because it was their duty to follow their leader OR No, because the captain’s command means that they would die in the battle [2 marks] 3. What do you think of the captain’s command? It was the right thing to do because all the soldiers were experienced OR It was a crazy thing to do because there were only 600 soldiers to fight against so many enemies. [2 marks] 4. Give two suggestions on how we should show our appreciations to those who defend our country. (a) We should have a special ‘Hero Day’ to honour them [1 mark] (b) We should give them a special award for their honorable deeds [1 mark] PRACTICE 3 (VOCABULARY) No. 1

Word league





Meaning Short distance / way to measure distance (in the old days) Low, flat land between hills/mountains / dale Shocked/terrified/sad



Made a serious mistake

No. 5

Word volleyed

Meaning Hit/fired/shot



Bullets from guns






Lower part of your face

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