Form 4 The Charge of the Light Brigade Worksheet

May 2, 2018 | Author: Teacherammanijeya | Category: Poetry
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Short Description

The worksheet compromise of introduction of poem and the charge of the Light Brigade...


Teacher Ammani Jeya


•A poem is a piece of creative writing that is arranged in patterns of lines and sounds to give a certain effect to the reader. •The lines are arranged in stanza or verse form. The verses may e in rhyme an d eautiful language arranged in a particular way. way. •!or e"ample the repetition of certain words gives a certain sound effect that is pleasant and ma#es the poem en$oyale to read. •A poem may descrie a scene% a person% an animal or an e"perience and e"press the poet&s mood or feeling.

Elements of a Poem Theme

•The theme of a poem is the central idea that it e"presses. •'t could also e an insight that the poet wishes to share with the reader.

Moral Values

Some poems have moral values that aim to provide the reader with advice on some issues.


•The persona is the person the poet creates to spea# in the poem. 't can e the poet as him( herself or it can e someone else. •)hen the persona is someone else% the poet distances her(himself from what is eing said in the poem.


•The setting is the place and time when the event in the poem ta#es place. •'t could e in the past% present moment or the future and anywhere anywh ere in the world. 1

Teacher Ammani Jeya

Tone and Mood

•The mood of a poem e"presses the feelings or emotions that a poem arouses. 't tells us whether the poet is sad% happy% calm% angry and so forth. •The tone is the way the poet e"presses himself(herself and shows us his(her attitude towards a character or su$ect. The tone can e understood from the words the poet uses to e"press his(her feelings and attitude.

anguage and St!le

•Poems appeal to our five senses* hearing% sight% smell% touch and taste with the use of symols and imagery. •'magery creates a picture in our minds with the use of creative language. •Symols are things that represent something or give us information a out the setting. !or  e"ample% a flag represents a country and paddy fields and uffaloes uffaloes tell us that the the setting is a village. •+reative language can include the following* ,a-meta"hors#  which compare two things without the use of the word li#e% for  e"ample layered with thinnest ice ,-"ersonifi$ation#  where the poet writes aout things as though they were persons% for  e"ample the wind howled ,c-onomato"oeia#  which is a word that imitates or suggests the source of the sound that it descries% for e"ample% meow% roar. ,d-alliteration % which is the repetition of the same consonant sound at the eginning of  several words close together. !or e"ample%Peter Piper pic#ed a pec# of pic#led peppers. ,e-assonan$e  is a type of alliteration where vowel sounds soun ds create internal rhyming within  phrases or sentences. !or e"ample% /o you use lue shoes0

The +harge of the 1ight 2ridge 2

Teacher Ammani Jeya

2y Alfred% 1ord Tennyson

%&out the "oet 3

Teacher Ammani Jeya

%lfred# ord Tenn!son  was orn on 3 August% 4567 in 1incolnshire% England. 8e is one of most well9loved well9loved poets in the :ictorian ictorian period. !ourth of twelve twelve children% children% Tennyson Tennyson showed an early talent for writing. 8e attended grammar school until he was eleven and then tutored at home y his father in classical and modern languages. At age 4;% he wrote a drama in lan# verse and a 36669line epic. 'n 45- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ to the right% left and front. As the soldiers ,;- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@into the valley they were attac#ed on all sides. +annon alls flew in all directions as they ,?- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@at and shot the 1ight 2rigade. Still the soldiers of the 1ight 2rigade rode on and attac#ed the soldiers they saw. On their retreat they were attac#ed $ust as violently on all sides. Many if not all of these soldiers died a violent death in the ,3- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@or the mouth of 8ell. 't was in the line of duty and no one ,=- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@when the order was given for them to ride into the valley of o f death. The soldiers #new someone had ,5 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ and they #new what they would have to face. Det Det they did not reason why as they were prepared to ,7- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.8ence% the valley was named ,46- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@F. Pra$ti$e *

)rite True or !alse 4 The 1ight 2rigade is going to attle.


< There are altogether five hundred soldiers.


> The soldiers Buestioned their commander.


; The 1ight 2rigade were shot at with missiles.


? The soldiers fought ravely in the attle.


3 The &valley of /eath& was the attle ground.


= The soldiers were prepared to die.


5 The The ene enemi mies es&& cann cannons ons were were onl only y to the the right right of the the sol soldi dier ers. s.

@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@  @ 

Pra$ti$e +

Match the following phrases to their meanings.


Teacher Ammani Jeya

Pra$ti$e ,


Teacher Ammani Jeya

2ased on the poem choose the correct answers. 4. )here were the soldiers going0 A 2ac# to their ase camp 2 2ac# to their country + 'nto attle / 'nto hell . )hich word est replaces the word &lundered&0 A Mista#e 2 Tripped + Stumled / Staggered ;. According to the poem% what is the role of the soldiers0 A To plan attles 2 To To as# Buestions + To To oey their commander  / To protect their commander  ?. )here were the cannons0 A. At the ac# of the soldiers 2. Only on the left of the soldiers +. Only at the front of the soldiers /. To To the left% right and front of the soldiers 3 )hat did the 1ight 2rigade do when they were attac#ed0 A. They ran away 2. They did not do anything. +. They charged at the enemy. /. They tal#ed to their enemy.


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