Forgiveness - Why and How

December 15, 2016 | Author: Gowith Theflow | Category: N/A
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Forgiveness – Why and How (Why do we need to forgive How to forgive)

Compiled by R. Mohan & S.S. Ravi

BACH FLOWER STUDY CENTRE New No. 28, Sivaji Street T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017 Phone : 98843 01634 / 98404 24042 Website :

Bio-Data Title of the Book

: Forgiveness - Why and How


: Naran


: English

First Edition

: 2010

Paper Used

: 21.3 K.G. J.K. Maplitho

No. of Pages

: 88+ XVI


: Rs. 100/-


: RST Printers M.K. Amman Koil Street Mylapore Chennai - 600 004

Acknowledgment Naran thanks R. Mohan, S.S. Ravi, Shobana, Sagari Raghavan and all his students and clients.


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[+[ Forgiveness - Why and How [+[

Table of Contents Why do we need to forgive? Introduction What happens if we don’t forgive The Story of Drona

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When to forgive?


What stops us from forgiving?


Life after life- why the same story the same endings Various Healing Techniques to Forgive

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Forgiveness Using Mudras *



Story of Acceptance



Why do we need to accept?


Story of a man named “Forgiveness”


Forgiveness using Animal Spirit Guides


A case history to illustrate what happens when you forgive!


Forgiveness using *Gem Therapy


Forgiveness using Switch Words


Forgiveness using Bach Flower Remedies *


Give Love! Receive Good Karma!


Not being able to forgive her parents


Forgiveness made easier by Reiki*


Forgiveness using I.E.I.T*


Forgive by re-programming your brain (NLP)


Forgiveness using Mind-Body Intelligence


Forgiveness using Mantras


Not forgiving affects our health What happens when you forgive?

What is Forgiveness?


Forgiveness statement


Forgiveness in marriage and relationships


“I am not happy with my husband”


Hatred towards Father-in-law


How to Forgive?


Different ways to Forgive


Holding on to the current job


Relieved of pain in the ears


Healing others by breaking our connection to them


Tips to Forgive


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In A Nutshell




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ANNAI YOGA CENTER New No. 28, Sivaji Street T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017

In Annai Yoga Center Shobana teaches Therapeutic yoga. One is taught to be aware of the Mindbody relationship and given stress busters to lead a stress-free life. Meditation and Pranayama are also taught as part of Yoga to get emotional freedom. Shobana’s Annai Yoga Center focuses on health and not on disease whereby one will learn the techniques to regain health and not to fight the disease. Contact : 98843 01634.

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Why do we need to forgive? Introduction We are constantly evolving in every birth. How did the human form come into existence? Initially, a single celled organism came into existence, leading to more complex forms of life and then finally to the human form. Of all the creatures on earth, human beings are the most evolved. Why we need to evolve further Of the following types of human beings, who would be considered more evolved – a selfish person or a selfless / altruistic one, an angry person or a person of love, and a lethargic person or a persevering person? Though, we know that a truly evolved being is one who is filled with love, compassion and forgiveness, we fail to take steps to evolve. This can be accomplished by learning to forgive and by accepting what is happening in our lives. [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[


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Learn to accept and forgive The desire to control or change others is external. When two individuals for example a husband or wife, compete for power, conflict will never be resolved. Since the desire to control stems from insecurity, we have to move towards forgiveness, to feel secure. and be closer to the Divine within. As a more evolved being, we get the power of love •

That understands life in totality.

Reveals the divine plan behind every event

That does not judge.

That overcomes all bitterness.

Which gives ultimate happiness

That brings us out from the victim state.

The act of forgiveness is the means (tool) which makes us evolved beings

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What happens if we don’t forgive The Story of Drona Anger breeds anger - let us understand this with the help of the story of Drona – the greatest teacher of Archery, who lived in ancient India. Drona and Prince Droupada studied together in the same gurukulam (school) and learnt from the same guru. While Drona was poor, Droupada was the son of a king. Yet they were very good friends. After their gurukulam days, Droupada went on to rule his kingdom. Drona got married and had a son called Ashvatama. Drona was so poor, that he didn’t have enough money to buy milk for his son. Drona’s wife would put flour in water and give it to Ashvatama instead. One day Drona’s wife asked him to approach king Droupada for help. Drona approached the king, who insulted him saying, “You are a poor Brahmin. Those days are gone. I am now the king of the entire Panchala Desam (country). Don’t expect any favours from me”. Drona became so angry that he wanted to take revenge. He got a job to teach archery to the Pandavas. After the training was over, when it was time for guru dakshina (offerings made by the disciple to the guru), he asked Arjuna to bring Droupada, tied to the wheel of a chariot.

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Arjuna Defeats Droupada

Ashvatama takes revenge but punished in the end

Arjuna defeated the King Droupada and brought him to Drona. He told Droupada, “You insulted me. See what happened to you now”.

Ashvatama heard about his father’s death, and decided to take revenge against the Pandavas. While the Pandavas slept at night he killed all the children of the Pandavas.

Was the incident over after this? Droupada issued a challenge that he would beget a son, through whom he would kill Drona. He did a penance and got a son named Drishtithyumna.

Arjuna made a vow that he would kill Ashvatama. Eventually Ashvatama was defeated in battle and brought before Krishna. Krishna said, “Don’t kill Ashvatama, but forgive him instead. His head was shaved by Arjuna and he was pardoned as Krishna requested.

Many years passed and just before the great Kurushetra began, Dharmar – the head of the Pandavas and the eldest brother of Arjuna prostrated before Drona, and sought his blessings. Drona informed him, “Had you not come now, you would have lost the battle. I will tell you the secret of killing me. If I get any sad news, I will give up then ask somebody to kill me.” Dharmar informed Krishna about the conversation he had with Drona. During the battle, the elephant Ashvatama was killed. Krishna spread the news saying that Ashvatama was killed in the battle. When Drona heard this, he asked Dharmar – who always spoke the truth. Krishna blew the conch at that time, making sure Drona did not hear anything except “Ashvatama is dead”. Immediately Drona, threw down his weapons, and sat down on the ground. Drishtithyumna (son of Droupada) then cut off his head.

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Ashvatama got angry and charged the Pandavas with Brhmastram. Krishna got angry with Ashvatama and cursed him saying, “You have so much revenge in your mind that you should live in this world without company, with no body to talk to, and no food or water, for three thousand years.” Lessons Learnt The acts of revenge mentioned above are nothing but the acts of the mind. Are they not? It is the nature of the mind to get angry and take revenge. The nature of Soul is to forgive, love and be in divine nature. The divine act of forgiveness at any stage by any one of the characters would have changed the course of the whole story. Instead, anger bread more anger and led to the destruction of entire clans.

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Your past will haunt you if you do not forgive, beware!

Not forgiving affects our health

Rajan (45 years) lost his job suddenly and had to look for a new one. He applied for a job in a Group company in which he had served earlier for 10 years from the age of 21. After an interview, he was shortlisted and informed that he would receive the appointment order soon. During the (candidate) verification process, it was found that he had resigned after a disagreement with his ex-supervisor. Since he was not given a clean chit by his ex-superior (who was still in that company), he could not get the new job.

If we don’t forgive, then our body will constantly remind us through ailments.

Rajan told Naran that if he had known about the forgiveness exercise earlier he would used it to obtain the new job. Naran asked him to do the forgiveness exercise 101 times a day for the next one month. Rajan chanted the following affirmation-”I Rajan forgive you Raghu. Please forgive me and release me”. After doing this for more than 10 days, Rajan got a call from another division of his old company, where his exboss had given him a favourable feedback. Rajan secured the job successfully.

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We may feel that we cannot forgive a person who has wronged us. When we are not able to forgive somebody, it affects our body. Anger is the cause of many physical ailments. •

If a child is in the midst of parents who are constantly quarrelling, he will suffer from Adenoid problems.

The pain in the finger joints is the result of anger. In addition, there will always be a desire to punish.

Boils come from feelings such as, “It is not fair. God is unfair. Why me?” More and more arguments, shouting and confrontations will lead to boils.

Criticising and finding fault at anything we see will result in Conjunctivitis.

Stubbornly holding on to the hurts of the past and being resentful is one of the causes of Corns.

If there is Dysentery we have to release anger.

If there is Eczema, we have to find out if we are antagonistic to someone and mend that relationship. [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[

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“Why should I forgive? He only has to realize. I don’t want to see him at all.” “He hurt me so much – I can neither forget nor forgive”. “Let him not see me”. All these thoughts and expressions may cause Glaucoma. Fat and bulky hips indicate anger against parents. Forgive and thank parents. When there is Fever, we need to forgive whoever comes to our mind. The stored (suppressed) anger will come out as fever! If we have a tendency to condemn somebody or something and feel bitter about life – Gallstones will result.

Unwillingness to solve conflicts with others is one of the causes of high B.P.

Liver is the seat of anger and rage.

If there is Hernia, the relationship is ruptured, mentally separated from the partner.

“I am always doing for others. Even though, I know people always use me, I still work for them.” Such thoughts may cause physical injuries.

In jaw problems, release the desire for revenge.

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If anger is not processed properly or if anger is not replaced by forgiveness – it could lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Unreleased resentment could cause Piles. It could also lead to arthritic joints.

If ego and pride prevent us from forgiving, or if we are unbending and unable to forgive, it may result in knee problem and they may buckle.

If there is not enough bile secretion and we are unable to digest proteins, our liver has to be healed. It also means we are justifying our anger.

If we think we are victims and cannot overcome our bitterness and resentment towards life we may suffer rheumatic pains.

Any urinary infection or urethretis may result from blaming others and thoughts like “He is the cause of my problem”.

All the above ailments, convey a message from the body which clearly says, “Release anger and forgive”

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Reasons behind getting Cancer The mental cause of cancer is nothing but anger and being unable to forgive. If there is too much of anger or angry outbursts then the cells in the body will close and may be unable to receive enough oxygen. If cells do not receive oxygen for 36 hrs, then they will turn cancerous. We should let go of anger by developing a forgiving attitude. This will allow more oxygen to reach the cells and this will improve our health.

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What happens when you forgive? Story of a man named “Forgiveness” Or story of Prahaladha After Lord Vishnu killed Prahaladha’s father, God asked Prahaladha, what he wanted as a boon. Prahlada felt very sad because his entire life he had chanted the Narayan Nama 24 hrs. a day. He wondered how God could think that he wanted anything other than Lord Narayan. Prahaladha asked the Lord to give him whatever the Lord wanted. The Lord gave Prahaladha the world to rule for many years and to enjoy its comforts Prahaladha practised Satvigam (ahimsa) and forgave all his enemies. In this world, he was the first person to forgive all his enemies, and the first to practice non-violence even when his enemies were violent to him. Prahlada was re-born as Ragavendra Swamy as he had accumulated a lot of Punniyam (good karma). This occurred due to his acts of forgiveness.

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A case history

Chandru’s Wife- “No! “

(When both Chandru and his wife met Naran, it was Chandru’s wife, who spoke to Mr. Naran)

(During this conversation, Chandru was quiet and only his wife was talking. When Naran asked him to talk about his problem, he said that he would meet Naran later.)

Chandru’ Wife- “For the last 15 days, my husband is on medical leave.” Naran- “Why?” Chandru’s Wife- “Suddenly he has developed wheezing. Whenever he leaves for office around 9 a.m. he panics and starts wheezing.”

Chandru : I want to know whether you can give me anything for my wheezing. I am averse to everything in this world. My wheezing is a nuisance.

Chandru’s Wife- “For the last 3 months.”

(As he did not disclose his problem, Naran gave him Agrimony (Bach flower remedy) for his nature of hiding his problem and Willow (wheezing is a nuisance) for his resentful expression and asked him to come after one month. Naran was therefore surprised when Chandru returned after two days.)

Naran- “Is he on medication?”

Naran- “What is the matter?”

Chandru’s Wife- “Yes.”

Chandru- “I want to discuss my office problem with you. I have not discussed this even with my wife. Please don’t tell her.”

Naran- “How long has this been happening?”

Naran- “Is there any family history of wheezing?” Chandru’s Wife- “No! His father, uncles, and mother – everybody is healthy. Chandru was also very active and healthy till last year.” Naran- “Does he have any allergy?”

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Naran- “O.K.” Chandru- “A person called Raghavan is my manager now. Both of us are not on talking terms. “ (Saying this, he started weeping.)

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“That arrogant manager was trained by me. Without having any gratitude, he bullies me. The whole office knows about my honesty. But he says he will not believe anybody and that it is my duty to report to him and that I should not pass a single voucher without his permission. He encroaches into my area of operation and reprimands me in the office everyday. My colleagues laugh at me and there is no way out. I just want to escape somewhere. If you can help me come out of this emotional turmoil I will be thankful to you.”

Chandru- “How can I forgive him? I cannot do it. Forgiving is the nature of Mahatmas and I am an ordinary human being.”


Naran gave Chandru an affirmation, and asked him to chant it 200 times daily like a Mantra for one month and assured him that he would be healed. The affirmation was, “I Chandru forgive you Raghavan. You please forgive me and release me.” (When Naran gave him the above affirmation, Chandru flatly refused to do it.) Chandru said, “I cannot do this. I can never forgive him. My blood boils when I think about him. You give me Reiki instead.”

Naran- “For receiving Reiki, this is a pre-requisite. Now your heart is muddy with anger and resentment and I honestly feel that you should take responsibility for clearing this.”

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Naran- “Who wants peace – you or Raghavan?” Chandru- “I alone want it. He has happily gone to Kodaikanal.” Naran- “Don’t go by the dictionary meaning of forgiveness. The metaphysical meaning of forgiveness is different. It means, “I let go of the hatred I harbour”. “You please help me release my hatred”. Please do it. I can’t say more than this. Do this chanting 200 times daily in addition to taking the remedies. Meet me after one month.” After two months, Chandru came to see Naran with an E-mail message from Mr. Raghavan from Canada, which read, “Dear Mr. Chandru please forgive me for what happened. Please reply, I am restless. I behaved authoritatively so that others will not mistake me. You taught me the principles of truth and honesty. I acted in that manner as I was apprehensive that others would accuse me of being lenient towards you”.

Naran- “What happened?”

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Chandru- “After I started reciting the forgiveness affirmation Mr. Raghavan slowly changed his behaviour towards me. Suddenly he was offered a job in Canada and he left and I was promoted in his place.”

What is forgiveness?


His wheezing stopped 15 days after his recitation of the forgiving affirmation.


Forgiveness statement Meaning of the statement, “I Chandru forgive you Raghavan, you please forgive me and release me.” •

I forgive you means, I stop feeling angry or resentful.

‘You forgive me and release me’ means that you also stop feeling angry towards me.

It also means, ‘I think no more of you’ and ‘you think no more of me’.

I am willing to make peace with you and similarly you make peace with me.

What happens then? •

The statement of forgiveness is very powerful. It is similar to showing a white flag in the battlefield. It means a ceasefire and sowing a seed for peace, both inside and outside.

By repeating the statement, you are creating peace within yourself first, replacing the anger and resentment inside you.

This statement comes from the higher part of your mind to the higher part of his / her (the person you are in conflict with) mind. Even if the lower part of your mind

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is not interested and prevents you from forgiving, ignore it. Repeat the statement without involving yourself. You will benefit from the act of forgiving. Purpose behind forgiving By forgiving, we are healing ourselves. When we want to take revenge, it’s happening from the mind and not from the soul*, which is beyond all these unwanted emotions. The conscious mind which is the tool of ego always makes us think that there is a need for revenge and anger. We think we need to react with anger, while our true naturesoul nature - is to love and forgive. Therefore, we need to convince ourselves to do the forgiveness exercise.

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Forgiveness in marriage and relationships Marriage and involvement in any committed relationship involves repeated sacrifices as a result of love. If we believe marriage is sacred, it becomes a lifetime commitment and we have to compromise. We have to practise humility, as we have a tendency to point out our partner’s weaknesses. For this, forgiveness is an essential tool and when used, sadness will not lead to despair. Anger will not turn to bitterness. We will never feel discouraged and will operate on trust and faith despite ups and downs. From Anger to forgiveness There are only three ways to deal with the mental state of anger. To deny the anger When we deny our anger and don’t express it, the intention is to avoid any confrontation. We are directing our energy of anger towards ourselves or our bodies. It may erupt at a later stage, unexpectedly in the form of an ailment. To express the anger passively or actively If we express our anger, we will discover over time that instead of diminishing, it is growing- leading to further deterioration in the relationship.

*see appendix [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[

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To forgive Common thoughts in this phase will be “I don’t want this anger but I cannot forgive him”, “I don’t feel like forgiving him”, “My heart only wants revenge,” or “I need not think about it and forget it but it does not help me”. Thus anger will never help us move forward or get us what we want. Anger makes us feel insecure and fearful because we feel that we may be betrayed in the future. How can we resolve this situation? At any stage, we must first step outside the emotion and think “What should we do?” “How can we solve this problem”, “How can this relationship be put on a better platform”, or “What resources can we use to make the other person understand our feelings better and how can we understand the other person better”.

[+[ Forgiveness - Why and How [+[

in ourselves. We have to direct the mind towards ourselves and then only towards others. This is the basis of all healing modalities. Nature always expects us to move towards perfection. In this process, we understand not only the Divine order and but also realize that we have to rise above the mind and its tantrums and become spiritual. All healing methods help us understand our potential to love. Write all your complaints about your husband and do the following exercises: •

Rewrite the complaints i.e. insert the word ‘I’ wherever you have put ‘he’. For example, “he never takes the treatment properly and he escapes”, rewrite as “I never take the treatment properly. I escape”.

Now state the words, “I never take the treatment properly. I escape. In spite of this, I accept myself totally”. *see appendix

Do three rounds of tapping for each sentence.

“I am not happy with my husband” (Extract from Mail: The husband of one of Naran’s client was a psychiatric patient. After taking flower remedies, there was a great deal of improvement, however the client complained about her husband and below is the reply given by Naran) This is Drama of Life and if we understand, we will come to know, and realize that we have to bring in change only

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After the above exercise, take the following actions: •

Create peace in your life by forgiving him

Only the person who is the cause of problem, irritates or angers you can give you a solution and peace of [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[


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mind. You cannot change your husband. You want him for your status and security. Then you have to heal yourself. Forgive. •

Only you have to make your life peaceful. To be at peace with such a person, you have to shed your ego and heal yourself.

Stop trying to change him and thus control him

Heal your anger and controlling tendency. Generally you will always like people who comply or who just listen to you or obey you implicitly. That is why you want everyone to do this and agree with whatever you say.

When there is slight disagreement, or dissent or difference of opinion, you may not like the person. When you dislike the persons who disagree with you and only like the persons who agree with you, it creates conflicts in life. Both are born from your controlling tendency – desire to control or change.

[+[ Forgiveness - Why and How [+[


God has sent him to you, because you know Reiki. God has sent to you, because you know the forgiveness exercise and you know how to release your karma. God has sent him to you because you know how to change yourself through flower remedies. One drop of love will change him. One iota of kindness can change.

Heal him from the heart. Sympathize with him. If he is the cause of your mental agony, try to understand that he is suffering mentally too. Just help him like a man who needs help. Pray for him.

He should not be a burden to you. He has not become your husband because of your bad karma. He has come to you for healing. He is a blessing for you. Through him your spiritual journey starts. I hope you will start the Journey.

Hatred towards Father-in-law

You are a reservoir of love. Send love to him.

If you hate somebody or if you are contemptuous of a person or curse somebody, then you may have some problem with your right shoulder.

What your husband needs is attention, love and tolerance. Show him tolerance and understanding. When you ignore, chide, or send your husband away, who will take care of him?

There was a lady whose daughter’s marriage was fixed. Invitations were printed and distributed. She was busy with preparations for the wedding. Then she got a pain in the right arm pit. She couldn’t do any work. Arm means

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willingness to work and the right shoulder represents duty and responsibility. When we don’t do something willingly then we will have a problem in the right arm. She was totally against her father-in-law attending the wedding. She remarked to Naran that her father-in-law was a rogue that she wouldn’t invite him to the marriage. Her body was saying “invite him”, whether he is a rogue or not. It is your duty to invite him. When Naran asked her to do so, she flatly refused – a total unforgiving attitude. She wanted to tell him something about her father-in-law. Naran told her that whatever reasons she might give to him, her body was telling her to invite her father-in-law. Then he asked her to do the forgiveness exercise*.

that he left her house. Immediately she sympathized with him and as they were talking, her pain disappeared.


Her father-in-law lived in his daughter’s house because he had misbehaved with this lady. She exposed him and threw him out of the house. She also felt proud about doing it. Naran told her that she had to give him the invitation whether she was willing or not. Naran said “Your body says so. I don’t know why it says so. You may not know what is happening inside him. You are seeing your father-in-law from your angle. Your body has a different reason though.


She remarked that she would have done a great injustice if she had not invited him for the wedding. She said, “Who am I to prevent him from attending his grand daughter’s wedding”. They patched things up again. Is the marriage to beget a child only? - Case history A couple had been married for 25 yrs. The lady now has a herniated disk and back pain. On their first night, the lady told her husband that she was not interested in sex (she probably thought that physical intimacy was not needed). She felt they would have sex only to have a child and then they would abstain from it. The husband felt that if she had told him about her views before marriage he may not have married her. But, God has a reason behind every action. It is god’s will.

She finally decided to invite him for the wedding. As soon as she entered the house, her father-in-law approached her voluntarily and gave her a letter. He pleaded with her to forgive him. He had written the letter on the same day

Their physical relationship ended after the birth of their son. She had imposed her will on her husband and was separated from him emotionally. Now after 25 years, around the age of 55, she developed back pain. For the last five years, she had consulted many doctors, but had no relief from the pain. She had undergone different kinds of treatments and had gone through various types of scans too.

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How to Forgive?

Let us analyze her case Hernia means separation. Back disks are separated as she has separated (alienated) herself from her husband and the body is now telling her that what she had done 25 years ago was incorrect. Unfortunately at this stage the mistake can’t be rectified and she can only forgive. She did the forgiveness exercise as follows: Wrote her husband’s name and her name on a piece of paper, and put it on her left palm. Then closed it with her right palm and affirmed “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love! Thanks! Divine!” Then she visualized sending them both to God’s source, to be healed by it. In addition, she intended “In the next life, let me be with my husband mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Now she visualized bringing them back from God’s source and affirmed “Love! Thanks! Divine!” When Naran suggested the above, he didn’t have any hope. However after one month, the lady was almost normal. She had learnt yoga and though initially she couldn’t sit on the floor, after doing Yoga and Pranayama, she could sit on a chair. Her movements are not restricted and she is able to walk without pain. Once you have realized what you had done and are ready to rectify your mistakes, then the body also adjusts and rectifies the pain. [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[


Different ways to Forgive •

“I, Raman forgive you Raji. Please forgive me and release me”

“I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love Thanks Divine” or “Sorry forgive me Love Thanks Divine”

Examples of forgiveness •

If you are angry with your neighbour Sudha, you can forgive her by chanting, “I Radha forgive you Sudha. You please forgive me and release me.”

If you are angry with many persons, then you can forgive them by saying, “I Vishnu forgive you all Radha, Rama and Sudha. You please forgive me and release me.”

If you are not happy about a situation – say your workplace, then think or visualize it and affirm, “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love thanks divine”.

If you have a stomach ache, look at the stomach and affirm, “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love thanks and divine.”

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Holding on to the current job Sri a software engineer was in danger of losing his job. His manager told him to somehow get into a project. He chanted the ‘I am sorry’ mantra 20 times twice a day. Within a week the company selected him for a business trip to Europe. Sri was however worried as he had an important function to attend on August 24th and wanted to leave only after August 28th. Again he resorted to the ‘I am sorry’ mantra and he flew to Europe, exactly on August 28th. He is now convinced that he can handle any problem with the ‘I am sorry mantra’. Relieved of pain in the ears (How the forgiveness exercise helped S.S. Ravi to overcome pain from an incident that occurred to him is narrated hereunder in his words) On March 21st 2002, I was in Mumbai at Bandra Station around 11 P.M waiting for my sister to buy our local train tickets to Matunga. A person with a very good physique was sweeping the footpath and then he came near me and wanted to know whether any medical shop was nearby as he was bleeding in his right palm. As I was new to Bandra,

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I politely told him that I was not aware of it. On hearing this, he gave me a terrific blow with his right hand, on my left cheek and ear. I lost my balance and felt some vibrations and severe pain in my ears. For a moment I did not know how to react and I just closed my eyes and started observing what was going on inside. A few moments later my sister came out of the counter with the ticket and I told her of the incident and she insisted that I lodge a complaint with the police and go straight to the doctor for a check up. Though the pain was severe and my hearing was impaired, I refused to go to the doctor and also to the police. From the station till I reached home I continuously forgave the person for whatever has happened and thanked him for helping me to balance one of my past karma. By the time I reached home the pain was completely gone though I had a hearing problem. I continued this exercise for the next couple of days and on the third day I was absolutely normal. Healing others by breaking our connection with them A girl had an arranged marriage after which, she went through a lot of suffering in her husband’s house. Her husband wasn’t on talking terms with her. Her mother used to consult Naran and chant the names of the Bach Flower Remedies for her daughter’s welfare. Every day she used to call Naran without fail. When the phone rang, Naran wondered as to why [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[


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healing hadn’t happened. So he affirmed, “I am sorry, please forgive me, Love thanks divine”. Within one day the problem got resolved as the karmic connection had been severed. Break the Karmic Connection with your patients •

[+[ Forgiveness - Why and How [+[

There are two steps in forgiving. First we need to let go our anger by not resisting. Accept the anger and just say “let go”. Letting go of anger or any emotion gives us the choice to communicate and to handle the present better. Thereafter we can do the forgiveness exercise as mentioned above.

When somebody comes to us for healing, it shows we are karmically connected to them. When the connection breaks, the problem is resolved immediately. Healing is thus very simple. While chanting ‘I am sorry mantra’, we can draw the Reiki symbols too.

Tips to Forgive •

Should forgiveness be done with a full heart? It can be done mechanically. Forgiving is a technique to get what we want.

What if we can’t forgive? We need to let go of anything that prevents us from forgiving.

Does forgiving means controlling our anger? No. Forgiving is not to get rid of anger. Rather like anger, it is another technique used by us to get what we want.

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When to forgive?

What stops us from forgiving?

When we can’t express our anger

When anger does not get us what we want

When the other person always keeps us on the defensive

When we want to resolve a conflict and move ahead

When our anger increases the communication gap between us and the other person

When we are misunderstood and not on talking terms with others

When the other person is always angry with us

When we want to have harmony in our family/work place


Just as walls divide space, there are sheaths which separate us from others and divinity. These sheaths prevent us from expressing the language of the soul – Love. We all have the Atman within us. We are separated from this Atman because of our identification with our bodies. The Pranic sheath carries our desires, which are very different from those of others. We derived these desires through earlier (Samskaras) lives and our memories of the past prevent us from speaking the language of the Atman. The Mind is the next sheath between the Atman and us. It is the sheath of thoughts – thinking part .With the help of this thinking part, we learn from parents and society, as well as forming opinions, beliefs, values, and principles. This thinking part, the analytical part, prevents us from speaking the language of the Divine. The Emotional sheath is the sheath of emotions and contains all the emotions, both high and low. The lower emotions are called reactive emotions which prevent us from expressing the divine language of love and compassion. We must stop repeating the same mistake of going through the same emotions again and again.

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If you do what you have always done, you will always get what you always have got.

What should we do to ensure that the past is not repeated?

Therefore, it is better to change or break the pattern of our thinking. We can ask ourselves ‘what can be done instead of holding on to anger and resentment?’

We can interrupt the pattern of •

Getting angry

How do we get out of this anger? We break our pattern (of anger) with the help of the forgiveness exercise, which makes the other person think differently about us and corrects our thinking pattern also.

Feelings of being cheated

Blaming others

Not wanting to face the same people again or being in similar life situations again


Life after life - why the same story the same endings We learnt how to react with the emotions from our parents. We live the life of our parents – who in turn learnt their emotional behaviour patterns from their parents. We are living with the same garbage. During the last Janma (birth), we had similar relationships, behaviour and thinking patterns.

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Coming out of these emotions and being in the present is one way of nullifying our karma. When some event happens, we may experience the following types of emotions: •

The situation may kindle fear in us.

If fear is persistent it becomes worry.

If the problem is not solved then we feel sad.

When nothing happens after so much of effort, then we get angry.

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Our mind knows only these four emotions. If we come out of these emotions by releasing them as and when they arise, the present is handled beautifully. Something happens and we react. If we react in the same way we did in the past, we behave like robots and there will be no difference in the results. If we change the reaction – for example, being calm instead of getting angry, then our future will also change.

Various Healing Techniques to Forgive



God provides solutions through nature. We can use them to heal the present. Mudras and Bach Flower Remedies are ways to help us come out of the cycle of emotions that rule us. Forgiveness Using Mudras* Mudras for Letting Go Vata humor is formed by activating Air and Space elements (touch the thumb with index and middle finger on both the hands). Vata means movement. Its primary seat is Colon. Inhalation, exhalation, circulation, communication, nervous system, excretion, co-ordination of senses – all of them require Vata humor. When we fight with somebody, we don’t want to ask for forgiveness, because we are adamant. Earth element is more here (ring finger). Air and Space elements have to be activated. The letting go of anger and resentment will be easier with this Mudra. Then do the Acceptance Mudra and then the forgiveness exercise. Forgiveness is the door way to happiness in our lives. *see appendix

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Letting go of Anger! Letting in Harmony!

My husband keeps fighting with me, says a lady. Our normal reaction is to express our anger, which we think is natural and the right thing to do. Anger will produce only anger. How to break this cycle?

When there is a conflict and we wants to remain peaceful, we can do this Mudra and chant “I am sorry, please forgive me, Love Thanks Divine”.

When we want to stop criticizing others or when we want to have tolerance, we can be in the Acceptance Mudra and chant - “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love Thanks Divine”.

When we want to shed our ego and pride, we can be in the Acceptance Mudra and go on affirming within, “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love! Thanks! Divine!”

Do Safe and Secure Mudra (on both hands, touch little and ring fingers with thumb), also called as Pran Mudra. Our anger will come down along with the other person’s anger. With this Mudra, chant the names of the Bach flowers Beech, Walnut, Willow, Agrimony, Chicory, and Cherry Plum. Harmony will prevail. Alternatively, along with this Mudra, chant the Switch Words, “Bow Concede Together Divine”. When you want to avoid conflict, or when you want to do the forgiveness exercise, visualize the colour green. Think about the colour green and visualize any greenery before going to the place where you expect conflict. Acceptance Mudra How to do this Mudra? The right hand thumb touches index and middle finger, while the left hand thumb touches middle finger and ring finger. This is also called Pushan Mudra. [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[

Story of Acceptance Acceptance of our life situations as they are helps us live a tranquil life. There are two rules in the world : you don’t get what you desire and you will get what you don’t desire. When we were young, we fought over a broken pencil and became emotional. After some time it became unimportant. Every time something happens, we make it either a big problem or a small problem by categorizing it. Every problem is same – neither big nor small. Rama was asked to go and live in the forest If any disappointment strikes us, we should think about Rama and his deportation to forest for fourteen long years, and do the Acceptance Mudra. Then we will understand the meaning behind every incident that is happening in our lives. [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[


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Kaikeyi – the third wife of King Dasaratha (father of Rama), told Rama, “Your father wants Bharatha to be crowned King instead of you. He wants you to spend fourteen years in the Dandaka Vana (forest), dressed like a rishi (sage)”. Immediately, Rama touched Kaikeyi’s feet and told her that he would abide by what his father had asked him to do. There was no sorrow or no disappointment on his face and he remained unaffected by Kaikeyi’s harsh announcement. However Lakshmana who had accompanied Rama became very angry. He shouted, “I will not allow this. A king should think of what is good for the kingdom and not what suits his favourite wife. I will kill him and Kaikeyi.”

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Rama’s Words of Wisdom Rama put his arm around Lakshmana shoulders and consoled him. “Lakshmana, you know about Vairagya (detachment) which we learnt at our Guru’s feet. We should implement what we have learnt in our lives. Violence is never Dharma (Divine Order) and you have to help me by letting me go in peace. Anger and grief make us stuck in life. Divine order is the one which makes our destiny. It is not that Mother Kaikeyi is evil or that she hates me. The Divine order alone uses her even against her own nature. Do you know she is the most wounded of all? Calm yourself. When disappointment strikes, you should think with your intellect and not with your burning emotional part.” “We should accept everything that comes to us. When we accept, we will have innumerable ways in which to do things. When we resist, all the doors of life closes. Acceptance is nothing but surrendering. So we must surrender! Surrendering alone can allow Divinity to work. When Divinity takes care of our lives, we are the most fortunate.”

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“Whether we agree or disagree, we must observe what happens. Whatever is happening right now is what we need at this moment, because every scene in the drama of life is preparation for the next scene.”

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Simply Accept!

Allow divine intelligence to work through you

When we are angry we don’t want to forgive. That’s ok. When the anger remains with us for a while, we should be in the Acceptance Mudra and later we can do the forgiveness exercise.

Acceptance means allowing divine intelligence to work through our mind. Then ego will become the first casualty. No analysis can be done by using our ego. We have to separate ourselves from the ego. Then we can analyse dispassionately and accept the divine role in our lives.

Why do we need to accept? Acceptance is not about doing rational analysis of what is right and wrong . It is all about understanding and appreciating the role of divinity in every event of our lives. Once we understand that everything happens according to divine will or a divine plan, then the conscious mind – the rational thinking self, will become quiet. Keeping the rational thinking mind quiet is essential for the practice of acceptance. Observe life to read messages from divinity Through the thinking self alone, we can live our lives as well as subsequently come out of it. If we listen dispassionately to a conversation, there will be a divine message waiting for us. Though we have to do a bit of analysis and dig deep to understand the message. Instead of resisting any event, we should ask ourselves if there is a divine message in it for us to unravel.

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Acceptance of our family As long as we are living in a family, we are bound by family dharma. Adhering to family dharma is also acceptance, because our family, our parents, our children and the society we live in, are chosen by us. They are created for us to go through life – with its entire pluses and minuses. So we must accept them as divine grace. Acceptance in all forms Self acceptance at every level is the first step towards acceptance of others as well as acceptance of life. So, we should accept ourselves first. Then we must accept our spouses and children as they are. It will then be easier for us to allow them to lead their lives as they wish. And finally we should accept others and society as they are.

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Beyond likes and dislikes Mere acceptance of everything will make us free from desire for security; it will make us free from desire to control or change anybody and release our desire for approval as well. When there is no desire, there is no question of likes or dislikes. When we are above likes and dislikes, the ego will be shed automatically. When there is no ego, there will be divinity alone in the heart. Going by divine plan Divine messages are to be understood carefully. We are bound by a divine plan and everything around us is unfolding by divine order. When living itself is spiritual, then relationships are spiritual, our work is spiritual and our family is spiritual. Each and everything – each and every object animate or inanimate becomes spiritual. We must not try to change anything. We should mentally accept whatever happens. Without acceptance our lives cannot progress. If we accept ourselves totally, then things (life) happen effortlessly.

[+[ Forgiveness - Why and How [+[

Forgiveness using Animal Spirit Guides* Crocodile To end a conflict – especially when we are reluctant to ask the person for forgiveness, we can call upon the Crocodile to resolve the issue. The concerned person will initiate the conversation and harmony will be established. Where Eagles Dare! (From an email to Naran) “I’m a regular follower of your newsletters and have used some of the techniques that you have written about in some of your newsletters. This incident happened to me today. I generally meditate on a regular basis in the mornings. Today while I was meditating I saw bird and from the look of it I understood it to be an eagle. The eagle came directly towards me and entered my heart and stayed there. As it was entering my heart I saw a couple of horses there. I request you to explain to me the meaning of this.” (David Francis) From the mail, I understand that you had the visualisation of eagle and horses. Eagle always means spiritual progress. Horse means opportunity. There is an opportunity for you to grow spiritually. You have to discern a spiritual meaning to the event happening now. There is some anger and *see appendix

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resentment you are harbouring now. You have to release the anger and forgive a person. Your past resentment is blocking your spiritual progress. Best of luck and continue the meditation. (Naran)

FORGIVE the people from the past and RELEASE the past, it tends to get repeated in the future in some form or other. We can chant the switch words, “Together Forgive Divine” to accomplish the same. This helps us forgive everybody and everything from the past as well as to forgive ourselves as well.


Thank you very much for your response. I feel much relieved after reading your mail. It is indeed inspirational. As suggested I will continue my meditation and will also work in finding out about the resentment that I’m holding and also find out the person or event that I’m angry about and forgive. Once again I would like to thank you for your time and counsel. (David Francis) Forgiveness using *Gem Therapy Sodalite It fosters forgiveness and love. To resolve any conflict, there has to be forgiveness. We cannot go on fighting. If we forgive then the other person will automatically become calm. Forgiveness using Switch Words The Switch Words “Together Divine” eliminates remorse and end desire for revenge. The more we forgive the more light our heart will feel. We carry less baggage from the past. This gives us more energy to work – here and now, and it takes care of our future as well. When we don’t

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Forgiveness using Bach Flower Remedies *

“Even God is not listening to my problems”

Pleasing tendency

“Somebody has done black magic to me.”

People who do not want to hurt anybody and who find it difficult to say “NO” often deny their own needs and start feeling used and exploited. If these people are disappointed at not getting due love or appreciation they will start resenting the very persons whom they love so much. They will react, and find it difficult to control their anger. After getting angry they will feel guilty.

“I can never forget how much pain he inflicted on me”

He might point fingers at somebody and say, “He alone prevented my promotion”.

“I can’t forgive”. These people always project the blame on to someone.

He is not able to forget and forgive. If he is getting old or he can’t purchase a house or car, he didn’t get his promotion, or if he couldn’t do his PhD. he says fate is unfair.

They always feel they are not treated fairly – “life is unfair” – and fill their mind with bitterness, resentment. They are full of self-pity and they always question “Why Me”?

In these situations of anger born out of people’s pleasing tendency – “People pleasers”, Bach Flower remedies Centaury, Willow and Pine are helpful. Centaury : to assert oneself positively, Willow : to stop blaming and getting angry, and Pine : to come out of guilt feelings. Beech, Willow, Walnut and are the best remedies for forgiving and reconciliation. Willow · People who always see themselves as victims and who have experienced bad luck in their lives find somebody to blame- neighbour, parents, boss, friend or even God *see appendix [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[

The Bach Flower Remedy Willow can help these people so that they can easily forget and forgive others. Willow is the essence for reconciliation and forgiveness. To forget and forgive, pray to Willow. Walnut To move through life easily, without getting stuck by any unwanted emotion Walnut is the flower remedy than can [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[

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help. It facilitates the forgiving process. We can see options open up for us. It is of tremendous value at any time of transition from anger to forgiveness. Beech •

If you are in the company of a person who is a fault finder

Who looks everywhere for mistakes

Who always points his finger at you

Who criticises you for anything

Who makes sarcastic comments

Who frowns to express his displeasure or vehemently points out the small mistakes of others.

Then Beech can help you and him too. The flower remedy Beech bridges the gap between the two. Beech promotes tolerance and refines communication. From the state of judgement, one goes to the state of understanding. Holly

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Give Love! Receive Good Karma! An old couple living in Chennai had to look after their grand-daughter. Their daughter – the mother of the child had gone to USA on an assignment. The grand-mother, soon after developed a severe swelling in her left hand. Naran prescribed Willow - for feelings of resentment, “Why should I take care of the child instead of her mother,”- Walnut (to adjust and reconcile) and White Chestnut as the pain was continuous. After taking the remedies for about a week, the pain reduced but only a little. Naran asked her when she developed the swelling. She remarked, “One week after my daughter left for U.S. “She had left happily, while I have to take care of her child here.” What is the body is trying to convey to her now? (Left hand is the receiving hand) It is saying, “This is an opportunity for you to receive. For the same reason you have to say thanks to your daughter. Understand her priorities. Do not blame her actions. Forgive her. Affirm I understand and appreciate her priorities.” She did the affirmation and the pain decreased by about 50%.

“It is very difficult for me to forgive myself or others. I am very jealous, when my husband goes to a seminar he had to call me every hour. I often envy other women who are prettier than I”.

How can this be an opportunity? It is a Divine Order to take care of the child. The child may pick up her health thanks to the new environment. We do not know what the divine plan is. However, her body had found the Divine Order.

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Attitude of Gratitude – ‘Love, Thanks, Divine’ Naran asked her to thank her daughter and chant “Love Thanks Divine”, explaining that it was a good opportunity for her to show love to the baby. By giving love to the child, she was sure to receive Divine Love and Divine Grace. He asked her to thank God who was behind all life’s events. He also told her that, God was the one who was holding the strings and to be happy and grateful to him. Within a few days, she became totally free from the pain. Explanation Why did she need to release her resentment towards her daughter? It would have been much easier for her to go to the hospital and heal her swelling isn’t it? But, she would have failed to learn the above mentioned spiritual lesson(s). She understood the Divine Will behind the incident, and felt blessed. Not being able to forgive her parents Leela, a 27 year old woman, had been almost bed ridden for a couple of years. She consulted Naran S. Balakumar. She had excruciating pain in both the knees. She had to literally crawl to get anywhere. In fact even to meet Naran, she had to crawl painfully up the stair case.

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She had tried various treatments for a year or so from Allopathy to Ayurveda with no relief. Believing that listening to spiritual discourses would take her mind off the pain, she had even joined a spiritual group to attend lectures on the Bhagavad-Gita. This did not help her either. Then she was referred to a Pranic healer who did few healing sessions, with no result either. The healer put Leela on to Naran. When Naran saw the woman’s condition, he questioned her about her relationship with her parents. The woman admitted that she had problems with both her parents. Her mother was the second wife of her father. The first wife had given birth to couple of sons before she passed away. Leela’s mother (the second wife) did not treat the sons born to the first wife well. She was constantly finding faults with them or belittling them. This angered Leela, who enjoyed a good relationship with her half brothers. Over time she began to hate her mother. In the case of her father, he remained a mute spectator and did nothing to defend his sons from his second wife’s onslaughts. Therefore she developed contempt for her weak and passive father too because he failed to assert himself, when it was called for.

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On learning these facts, Naran explained to the woman that it was her attitude towards her parents that was the root cause for her knee problems. We owe our existence on this earth to our parents. Therefore, it is our duty to forgive our parents whatever might be the provocation. The woman was in no frame of mind to forgive her parents. Naran prescribed Bach Flower Remedies Rock Water (stubbornness, adamant), Hornbeam (for immobility) and Rescue Remedy (unbearable pain). He asked her to reconsider his advice about forgiveness.

getting cleared, accelerated healing would definitely take place.


He advised the woman to continue the forgiveness exercise. A week later the woman called to say that she was able to walk freely. In fact, she came in person to thank Naran and demonstrated just how freely she could walk.

A couple of days later, the woman expressed her willingness to do the forgiveness exercise but on being informed that it had to be done one lakh times, had second thoughts about taking on such a daunting task. Naran reassured her that it was not as impossible a task as she had thought it might be. He asked her to start by doing the exercise a thousand times a day. After about 3 days the woman called Naran. She was ecstatic because she said that she felt as though she had shed a lot of old emotional baggage and felt much lighter than before. Naran realized that undertaking the forgiveness exercise had started clearing the mental blocks that she had. All the various medicines that she had taken over the previous year had failed to take effect because of these mental blocks. Now that the mental blocks were

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We are all looking for love outside ourselves when we should go within to find divine love within our hearts, which is really the only true eternal love. We can use the prayer to the flower chicory for this purpose. Prayer to Bach Flower Chicory “Blue Flowers of Chicory, you symbolize Mothers’ love. You represent unconditional love. Let me love selflessly. Let me have true concern for others. Whenever I am filled up with self-pity, Chicory please remind and guide me that I am loved and approved by all. Whenever I feel hurt or rejected, remind me that I am loved. Whenever I get angry at the ingratitude of others, remind me Chicory, to forget and forgive. Chicory, release my egocentric needs and free me. Chicory, release my possessive nature and my self-love. There is a thirst for love, which no human relationship can quench. It is only Divine love that can satisfy the thirst. Let this message of yours, Chicory be a guiding force in my life. “

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Forgiveness made easier by Reiki* Place your hands on the part of the body that is not well. Then draw all the four cleansing symbols (traditional Reiki symbol Sei he ki, and Karuna Reiki symbols Zonar, Rama, and Shanti) and affirm, “I am sorry! Please forgive me. Love, Thanks and Divine!” It’s like cleaning a place, before working there. Unwanted emotions and thoughts are released from the body part and divine energy fills that part. Draw the traditional Reiki symbol Cho ku Rei and affirm, “Love thanks divine”. A person can ask you for Reiki in two ways By a straightforward method – by asking you directly or when a person is angry with you – he is indirectly asking you. As a Reiki channel, your gate of love is open. You have the power of Reiki. He doesn’t have it. He can only fight. You can retaliate with a fight or rectify it with Reiki love. Conflict can be easily solved through Reiki Light and Love. Give Reiki to the person you want to forgive (from an email to Naran) My daughter went for her third round of audition yesterday and my husband (who accompanied her) informed me *see appendix

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that, her throat was sore at the time of singing, though she did a fair job.

people ask indirectly – in a negative way. Just send Reiki to him and send him to the God source. Forget the incident. (Naran)


There were four judges. First has not studied any form of music, the second a famous Carnatic musician, the third a Hindi speaking man, and the fourth, mainly a critic with basic knowledge of music. Yesterday was other languages round, for which my daughter had chosen a Hindi song. After she finished singing, the second and the third judges praised her good qualities (at the same time pointing out her mistakes too) and gave her 21/25 marks, while the fourth judge abused her terribly concluding she was not fit to sing! During the session, they had a very bitter fight with earlier judges. After all this happened, thank Reiki, my daughter did not cry. Why I am writing all this is because, I wonder how a person can abuse a child without any reason like this! Whom did he hate at that point I fail to understand! My heart really aches, though I know for sure she will succeed in every step of her music career. (Mrs. GS) There is no answer for WHY questions. If you think, what he did was not fair and out of context, do not bother about it. Ignore it. It is his problem. Instead of feeling hurt and rejected, understand this person needs some healing, some light and some love. Some people ask straight. Some [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[


(After two days…) I did send Reiki to the person who abused my daughter (together with flower remedies, which you had advised me earlier). Yesterday, when my daughter went for her fourth audition, the atmosphere was a very different one. Everyone appreciated her for her singing. She got 92/100, and we returned home elated. Without following your advice, this would not have been possible. Thanks a million to you and Reiki. (Mrs. GS) Forgiveness using I.E.I.T* Tapping Statements •

Even though what he did was terribly wrong, I choose to think of those times when he exhibited his true love and thank him.

Even though I cannot accept what happened, I choose to tolerate it because I know I have to learn something from it.

Even though I tolerate him, I choose to release any pain that may come in the future.

*see appendix [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[

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Even though I have forgiven him, I choose to overcome the painful feeling as many have successfully done it.

(Fill up the blanks after even though with the behaviour of your partner / friend that you do not like)

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To learn anything, the mind has certain ways of operating. The way of learning is based on formula(s) a = b and cause is equal to effect. A= B

Even though ….. I choose to think, speak and act in ways that bring out his love for me.

What is a= b? To easily understand the worldly affair, the mind uses this formula, called generalisation.

Even though ….. I choose to act in ways that bring out his faithfulness.

Even though ….. I choose to show more love to him, separating him and his behaviour

Even though ….. I choose to forgive him realizing that he cannot make amends or compensate me for what he did to me

By tapping with these statements, you make the relationship reach a higher level. Anger and hurt may linger but they no longer sting you. Consciously, we know kindness and sympathy are better that intolerance, resentment and anger. We should act in ways that bring out the best in our partners. (*See Appendix) Forgive by re-programming your brain (NLP)

The child goes to a door. There is a knob, the child just turns it clockwise, and the door opens. The child is thrilled and whenever he sees the door, he turns the handle clockwise to open. In this manner, the child learns.

Turning the knob (a) = opening the door (b) or a = b. This generalisation is locked into the mind. As per this programme, we learn many things. This learning programme may make us stuck also. •

The student studies well and scores good marks in the class test but he does not get good marks in the examination. He concludes : Examination = No luck.

A child is bitten by a dog. It concludes, dog = danger. Throughout life the person fears dogs and tries to escape.

To handle the present, understand the ways by which our mind works in any situation.

The formula a = b which is to be used for learning is used for beliefs also.

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The rich are arrogant.

Thus, all our emotions are pre-programmed. Mind uses another technique – Deletion Deletion is another learning tool of the mind. We are able to read a book in railway station because our mind deletes any information not needed by us. This process of deletion, which is helpful, can be harmful also. If we believe we are being treated unjustly or if we believe we have been cheated by a friend, we see only a part of the reality because our minds have deleted the rest of the reality. Another technique used – “This is because of that” Another formula used by the mind is this is because of that. Why does the apple fall downward? Because of earth’s gravitational force it falls down. This programme is the only programme that rules our life. For example : •

Why me? Because God has no eyes!

Why this? Because of my karma!

I can’t do this because …

I dislike because ...

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Using the same formulas the mind prevents us from seeing the event in total perspective. A case history to explain how our minds give us a false perception For a scheduled sales meeting at Bombay, when Raghu was about to get into the airport, he found to his shock that there was no ticket in his purse. He panicked and called his wife. To his utter dismay he learnt that ticket was on the table and his wife had not reminded him to take it. He blamed his wife in anger, regretted his own forgetfulness, and returned home. Out of distress, he switched off his phone. When he reached his house, his wife told him that the event manager from Bombay had called. When Raghu returned the event manager’s call, he was told that the meeting had been postponed. •

There was an event. Raghu’s mind used the cause = effect formula and blamed his wife.

It also used the deletion process. He forgot to contact his event manager when things went beyond his control. Had he done that first, he need not have blamed his wife.

His mind used these formulas and he yelled and felt tense. Understand that every time something happens

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the mind tricks us into unwanted emotions by using these formulas. This programme prevents us from seeing the whole truth. Because of the Mind’s learning methods of generalisation and deletion, we are tricked in any situation and we do not see the reality. Reprogramming the programmed Mind Be aware of what is happening inside your mind, when something happens. Let us take the example, “I am getting angry with a person, who has cheated me”. Identification : I am aware, I feel angry. There is anger in me. Focusing: This is my mental state. I accept and welcome this anger. (Instead of succumbing to the emotion, you start observing) Expansion : Let me watch my thoughts, which increases my anger. Resolution : Can I change my mental state? Instead of getting angry, why not I do something differently? Why not I forgive? What will happen if I forgive? “I accept and let go of my anger”. “I ... forgive you ... You please forgive me and release me.”

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If there is any conflict or quarrel then practice forgiveness exercise. Any problem can be solved by this act. You may complain, ‘He is troubling me. He is hurting me’. Think that he does that because you had been given a chance to forgive and thus get Punniyam (good karma). Forgiveness will change your outlook about life. It will improve the quality of your life. Have an Attitude of Gratitude Always lead a life of gratitude. Affirm, “Sorry, Forgive me, Love, Thanks, Divine” to be in the attitude of gratitude. The intention is created by us to make things happen. But it is due to divinity that it is happening. Therefore, make the intention. But, at the back of the mind say, “It’s not happening because of me. Divine is around me, which I am not able to tap. Without my knowledge, it comes to help me and goes away. Therefore, I should live in the attitude of gratitude”. Forgiveness using Mantras Chant the mantras : Om Yum Namaha and Om Rum Namaha Plenty of oxygen will be available to the body.

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Rum : increases oxygen intake; will open the cells and increase oxygen intake of the cells by activating the Solar Plexus Chakra.

In A Nutshell


Yum : releases carbon dioxide and anger. It is easy to let go anger by chanting “Om Yum Namaha”. Lalitham Sridharam, Lalitham Baskaram, Lalitham Sudarshnam Our capacity to love others will increase. When the heart is bubbling with love by chanting Lalitham, we can also become as beautiful as Lalitham. This will burn away all the previous karmas. Whatever sins and mistakes you may have committed, Lalitham helps one to forget (release) and be forgiven. We say our obstacles are due to karma – which can be released thanks to Lalitham. Once they are removed, then the obstacles are removed too.


Learn to forgive by choice Emotional reaction is always instantaneous. The emotion and the resultant behaviour will lead you on to certain path. E.g., if you speak from forgiveness, you create the karma of forgiveness. For the same event, two paths are available and the choice is ours to make. Each choice has its own consequences. With each recurrence of anger, or fear, or worry we are given choices. One choice is to rise above the emotion and the other is to give in (succumb). The second choice is from the memory. The first choice offers further options. If you get angry your karmic path is different. If you forgive, your karmic path is different. Forgiveness is thus breaking the “past behavioural pattern” as well as our karmas. Thus, from the lower frequency of emotions, we have to evolve to the higher frequency of love and forgiveness. Finally Every time, we forgive someone, we talk the language of God and activate our own divine part. If there is no forgiveness, then there is no understanding.

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If there is no understanding, then there is no healing.



If there is no healing, then you will remain incomplete forever.


Appendix -1 Why should we talk the language of Spirit or soul?

Let us fill up our heart with divinity. Let us thank divinity in all aspects of life, which will enable us to merge with divinity.

A spirited person is full of energy, enthusiasm and determination. The man consumed by anger is spiritless.


A Soul is the spiritual element of a person, believed to be immortal. A soul expression is always inspiring , heartfelt and uplifting. Atma is a ray of light which exists as the “light of life”, representing the supreme principle. The Atman carries all the qualities of the Supreme self – which is all pervading and Universal Divine. Jivatma, the individual soul is the mirror reflection of the Atma, within the individual. It is a wave emerged from the ocean of existence, taking physical form from birth to birth. In each birth it learns lessons trying to understand the Atman.

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In this process, it does not identify itself with the Atman – the Divine essence. It identifies itself with its physical form and through that with its mind. Mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts and emotions.

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What is Atman? It is like space or light. Space can’t be cut, burnt or destroyed. Space always remains space. Just as walls can divide space, the five sheaths separate the individual soul from the Atman – the Supreme self.

MUDRAS : Appendix 2 - http : // mudras.php?cat_id=44


Why and how these sheaths cloud our thinking? It is because of our past memory. In every birth we do certain actions. We think in certain ways and all our actions are in these sheaths. On these 4 sheaths exist in astral level and carried on to the next birth. They are termed as gene beliefs. They are called Sanchita Karma – memory matrix of past lives. The entire karma can’t be experienced in one life. Therefore, a part of this sanchita karma comes into play. Some part of the previous karma appears as a particular problem in the current life. The aim of the Jivatman is to release itself from the limitations of the koshas. To unite with the Atman, one has to develop the qualities of the Atman.


The Language of fingers is based on the Five – Elements theory. The human body is composed of Five Elements, namely Space (Akash), Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Each has a specific function within the body and mind. The five basic Elements are the expansion of the three humors namely Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Mudra means lock. By using a mudra, you are directing the flow of the prana to a particular place in the body. Any mudra can work physically, mentally and emotionally. While practicing mudras, the pressure of the fingers should be very light with relaxed hands. Mudras can be done while sitting or lying down or even walking. Mudras can be held as long as even 45 minutes. The effect of a mudra may be perceived immediately or after a certain period of time. Regular practicing of mudras can change our life positively.

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GEM REMEDIES — Appendix 4

How Animals Can Provide Us with Messages

Gems work for the wellbeing of the humanity. We are part of animals, flowers, minerals (gemstones) etc. Like calling upon flower resources, we could use mineral resources too.

Animals work from their right brain – so they are intuitive. Human beings work from their left brain – their decisions are based on their thinking. So when animals appear in our lives in the form of a dream, TV program, Book or appearance, they intend to give us a message or instruction. God gives us messages in the form of nature. Animals are a way for him to do so. By following these messages then we could heal ourselves or our lives in some way. What about animals that are among us all the time – for example, a crow or a squirrel. You might meet them in an unusual way – say a Squirrel jumps on you when you are clearing the attic. Animals are intuitive. So they give us the message – the call of the day. They can’t be ignored or not taken seriously. By following the messages and resolving the issues, we make sure the related situations don’t appear again in our lifetime(s). We can thus reduce our karmas instead of keep on doing the same (unwanted) thing again and again.

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The Animal Spirit remedies, Bach Flower remedies, Gem remedies – all these vibratory remedies are highly specific. You cannot try remedy ‘A’ for situations that require remedy ‘B’. A traditional South-Indian cook who knows how to prepare iddly and dosa cannot make Pizzas. He will not be able to. Like wise, every one of them serves a specific purpose. Instructions to Use Gem Stones •

Even chanting the names has an effect. if you can take the pills made out of gem essences instead. These are available at the Centre.

There are over more than 1000 gemstones available. Pictures of gems are available at the Centre. You look at the picture whenever you can and keep with you. When your eyes see the picture of the gem, the energy of the gem observed goes to your aura and then to the mind influencing it as well.

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Send the energy of gemstones through distance too. Write the names of the husband and wife who are in disharmony and paste the picture over it. Energy will go to them. Otherwise put the pills (prepared by the centre) made out of gemstones in a glass of water. On a paper draw a circle, place the glass in the circle, draw an arrow towards another circle and write their names of the couple in the circle.

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BACH FLOWER REMEDIES – Appendix 5 Dr. Edward Bach studied medicine at the University College Hospital, London, and was a House Surgeon there. Despite the success of his work with orthodox medicine he felt dissatisfied with the way doctors were expected to concentrate on diseases and ignore the people who were suffering them. Just as he had abandoned his old home, office and work, so now he abandoned the scientific methods he had used up until now. Instead he chose to rely on his natural gifts as a healer, and use his intuition to guide him. One by one, he found the remedies he wanted, each aimed at a particular mental state or emotion. His life followed a seasonal pattern; the spring and summer spent looking for and preparing the remedies, the winter spent giving help and advice to all who came looking for them. He found that when he treated the personalities and feelings of his patients their unhappiness and physical distress would be alleviated as the natural healing potential in their bodies was unblocked and allowed to work once more. Each of the 38 remedies discovered by Dr. Bach is directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state. As quoted by Dr. Edward Bach, “Let not the simplicity of this method deter you from its use, for you will find the further your researches advance the greater you will realize the

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simplicity of all creation. Final and complete healing will come from within; from the soul self, which by his beneficence radiates harmony through the personality. The action of flower remedies raises our vibrations and opens up our channels for the reception of the spiritual self; to flood our nature with the particular virtue we need, and wash out from us the fault that is causing the harm. They are able to, like beautiful music or any glorious uplifting thing, which gives us inspiration, to raise our nature and bring us nearer to our souls and by that very act to bring us peace and relieve our suffering. They cure, not by attacking the disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which disease melts away snow in the sunshine. There is not true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness. Bach flower works like peeling of an onion. One emotion after the other gets healed. When the adult ego gets disturbed by emotions Bach Flower heals the internal emotion along with the external disease.

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REIKI – Appendix 6 History of Reiki : During the mind 1800’s Japan was opening its closed frontiers to western influence and the industrious Japanese quickly adopted the technology and other aspects of the Western world. The Christian missionaries followed and in turn many Japanese took to Christianity. Dr.Mikao Usui – the original pioneer of this system was then the Dean of a seminary in Kyoto. He was one day challenged by his students that if Christ could heal through touch then he as a disciple of Christ ought to be able to do the same and in turn teach them. Not being able to do so, Dr.Usui resigned his post and went to U.S.A. to get the answer. He failed. Then he turned his attention to Buddhism, having heard of Buddha performing incredible healings. Not finding the answers in the Japanese Lotus Sutras of Buddhism, Dr.Usui studied Chinese in order to study indepth the Chinese Sutras. Once again he found very little so he began to study Sanskrit in order to study the Tibetan sutras. Studying these, he found the intellectual answer to how Christ healed. But the actual process of empowerment eluded him. He went back to Japan to a sacred mountain near Kyoto. Here he began a twentyone day fast-cum-meditation. At the end of the 21st day the full technique of this Reiki empowerment was revealed [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[

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to him. Usui began to run down the mountain. In his haste he tripped and stubbed his toe. As he reached down and grabbed it, he was amazed to see that the bleeding stopped and it healed completely. He went back to Kyoto and during the course of years formulated the healing methods of Reiki and began to teach them throughout Japan. Shortly before his death, at the turn of the century, Dr.Usui handed over the charge to Dr.Chijiro Hayashi. Dr.Hayashi had initiated a Japanese American lady from Hawai, Mrs.Takata. This simple but enterprising lady trained about twenty-one Reiki Masters before she passed away.



85 Emotional Intelligence Technique (I.E.I.T) or Tapping For Emotional Freedom (Known popularly as EFT) •

You can take your life in your hands.

You can change your mind.

Treat Depression.

You can change yourself and change others too.

You can heal your life.

It is a combination of two techniques, namely NLP and Acupressure. Combing the effectiveness of Acupressure with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) principle, this technique - popularly known as EFT, lets you discover the amazing way to heal yourself, your family, friends and others. Perhaps an easiest way to free oneself from emotional sufferings and pains. This totally heals you incredibly. Bear in mind, Naran has added points other than those used for EFT. He has found some more simple techniques, but very powerful ones. All these make IEIT a much more powerful tool and at the same time very simple to use. [+[ Naran’s Life Tools [+[

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It is so easy that even a child can learn it without any difficulty.

MANTRAS – Appendix 8 - http : //healbymeditation.

It works instantly. That’s why this Acupressure Tapping is called as Instant Emotional Intelligence Technique. It is unique. It is different. You can take charge of your life at any moment after you learn the concept.

If there are no sounds then there is no world. Sound alone can create structure or a form based on the principle of sympathetic resonance. If you tune one tuning fork or a crystal bowl, then the one next to it will also resonate in the same frequency. So sound is important to our lives. It has created the world — how so many things it has created!


This simple technique can solve the most difficult problems. Problems doesn’t exist outside. It exists only in the mind. The same problem which appears big to one person, appears small to another person. If there is a problem inside the mind, the solution for the problem is within the mind too. If you find some events makes you feel sad, then you can come out of the sadness as fast as you can change your shirt or pants. it can handle many physical ailments as there is a connection between the mind and the body. So when the mind - the thought pattern(s), is healed, the physical ailments associated with the thought pattern is healed too.


Our ancestors have found out that our Chakras – the energy centres or wheels of energy are responsive to specific sounds called as Bija mantras. Bija means seed. It can influence the DNA of the matter inside us. When all the chakras open up harmoniously, things will happen for us automatically – with least of our efforts. For mantras, all problems are one and the same. They don’t differentiate serious problems from smaller problems. A mantra that works for one problem will work for similar types of problems – whether they are big or small. Thus God’s ways are simple. There are many mantras available to us. Based on the situation we had to chant the appropriate mantra. Keep chanting them until the problem is solved. To heal others put their name in a piece of paper, keep it on the left hand and chant the mantras. Preferably chant during the beginning of the day and then later before going to sleep.

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NARAN regularly conducts workshops for general public in Reiki Level I and 2, Reiki Master / teacher level, AcuReiki, Solar Ki, Bach Flower Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Mudras, Gem Therapy, Living with Awareness, Mind-body Intelligence.

For Naran’s appointments : Contact : 98843 01634

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