Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology (Weebly)

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Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology Forensic chemistry chemistry - is the application of chemistry to criminal investigation. Focuses Focuses on the chemical analysis of substances connected to a crime. Forensic Science Science - is the use of science and technology to enforce civil and criminal laws. Blood - a specialized body fluid that circulates in the arteries and veins of vertebra vertebrate te animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues. Semen - the in male reproductive fluid containing spermatozoa suspension. Moulage Moulage  - is the art of applying mock injuries for the purpose of training emergency response teams and other medical and military personnel. Methods of Identifying Unknown Substance   1. as !hromatogra !hromatograph-"ass ph-"ass #pectrometer #pectrometer - useful method for the simultaneous separation, identification and $uantization $uantization of one or more individual components of an unknown substance or   mixture.   %. #pectroscopy - is the st study udy of the intera interaction ction between matter and radiated energy. Spectrophotometer  - instrument used to aide in the identification of compound. as Chromatograph Chromatograph - a chemical analyzer and instrument for separating chemicals in a complex sample. Mass Spectrometry Spectrometry - is the analytical techni$ue that measures the mass to charge ratio of charged particles. &t is used for determining masses of particles. !mino !cid !cid - the building blocks of protein coded by triplets of bases of '() blue print. !mmonia !mmonia  - a colorless gaseous alkaline compound that is very soluble in water, has characteristics of pungent odor, is lighter than air and is formed as a result of the decomposition of most nitrogenous organic material such as tissue from dead bodies. !nemia !nemia  - any in hemoglobin which the number red blood cells, thecondition amount of and theofvolume of packed red blood cells per 1** ml of blood are less than normal. &t may result from increased destruction of  red cells, excessive blood loss or decreased production of red cells. !plasia - failure of an organ or tissue to develop !plasia normally. !utolysis - the destruction of cells after death due to !utolysis lack of ability to metabolize oxygen neede needed d by enzymes for cell activity activity.. "air - any of the fine threadlike strands growing from the skin of humans, mammals, and some other animals. #hat are the $ stages of hair growth% 1. !nagen phase phase  - the growth &t he begins in at the papilla and can last up to phase. + years. span which the hair remains in this stage is determined by   genetics. he longer the hair stays in the anagen phase, the faster and longer it will grow. )bout + of the hair on one/s head are in this stage at any

given time. he hair has a follicular tag. he root bulb is flamed shaped. %. Catagen %. Catagen &hase &hase - also known as the transitional phase, allows the follicle to renew itself. 'uring this   time which last about % w week, eek, the hair follicle follicle shrin shrinks ks   due to disintegratio disintegration n and the papilla detaches and rests, cutting the hair strand off from its nourishing   blood supply while hair is n not ot growing growing during this phase. he length of the terminal fibers increase when the follicle pushes them upward. he root is elongated. 0. Telogen 0. Telogen phase phase - or resting phase, the hair and follicle remain dormant anywhere from 1 to    months,1* to 1 1 of the hairs in in one one/s /s h head ead are in these phase in any given time. he anagen phase begins again when this phase is complete. he root is club shaped. Shedding - the process of normal hair loss. !lopecia - a hair loss disease that causes the hair to spontaneously fall out. &t is mainly characterized by bald patches on the scalp or other parts of the body and can ultimately cause baldness across the entire body. Medulla Medulla  - inner most layer of the hair shaft. From which part of the body are most often used for hair comparison% 2ither comparison% 2ither head or pubic. "ow to determine the likely race of the person from which a hair originated% 1. !aucasian - evenly distributed, fine pigmentation 3avy with round cross section. %. "ongoloid - !ontinuous medullatio medullation. n. 0. (egroid - dense, uneven pigmentation. 'ate of speed of hair growth growth - 1.% cm or .* inches per month or about 4 inches or 1 cm. per year. #hat aspect of the hair is the criminalist interested in matching% 1. matching color %. 5ength 0. 'iameter . presence or absence of medulla . distribution, shape, and color intensity of the pigment granules in the cortex. #hat types of e(idence found at the crime scene are most likely to pro(ide e(iden e(idence% ce% Forcible  Forcible removed hair is most likely to provide useful '() evidence because they often bear follicular tags that are sources of nuclear '(). 6air from different parts of the body vary significantly in its physical characteri characteristics. stics. Forensic Toxicology - deals with the medical and legal aspects of the harmful effects of chemicals on human beings. Forensic - comes from the 5atin word 7forensis7 meaning forum. Toxicology - from the reek word toxicos - 7poisonous7 Toxicology and 7logos7.  mechanisms and - it is the study of the symptoms, treatments and detection of poisoning. &oison - a substance that when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism causes death or injury.


Toxin - an antigenic poison or venom of plant or animal origin especially one produced by or derived from microorganisms and causing disease when present at low concentration in the body.   - poisonous substance produced during the metabolism and growth of certain microorganism and some higher plant and animal species. )enom - poisonous fluid secreted by animals and typically injected into prey by biting or stinging or other sharp body feature. !cute &oisoning - is exposure to poison on one occasion or during a short period of time. Chronic &oisoning - is long term repeated or continuous exposure to a poison where symptoms do not occur immediately or after each exposure. !ntidote - a medicine taken or given to counter act a particular poison.   - a substance which can counteract counteract poisoning. Mathieu *rfila *rfila - is considered to be the modern father of toxicology, having given the subject its first formal treatment in 1+10 in his 7traite des poisons7 also called toxicologie generali. +ioscorides - a reek physician in the court of 8oman +ioscorides emperor (ero, made the first attempt to classify plants according to their toxic and therapeutic effect. ,ean Stas Stas - a belgian analytical chemist who in 1+* gave the evidence that the 9elgian count 6ypolite :isart de 9ocarme killed his brother in law by poisoning with nicotine. Celsus - a roman physician from the first century, Celsus considered the father of toxicology. 6e is credited with the toxicology maxim 7all things are poison and nothing is without poison. his is often condensed to 7the dose makes the poison7 or in latin 7sola dosis facit venenum7. &aracelsus  - 7heophrastus &aracelsus 7heophrastus ;hillipus )ureleus 9ombastus von 6ohenheim - believe that his studies were above and beyond the work of celsus. -+./ - is the dose re$uired to kill half the members of -+./ a tested population after a specified test duration. +ose - a $uantity of medicine or drug taken or +ose recommended to be taken at a particular time. *(erdose  - the ingestion or application of a drug or *(erdose other substance in $uantities greater than are recommended. Carcinogen  - any substance capable of causing cancer Carcinogen in living tissue. Corrosi(e substance substance - is one that will destroy or irreversibly damage another surface or substance with which it comes into contact. Forensic Chemistry 'e(iewer 0 1. !onsidered the father of the crime laboratory.   ). )lbert ?sborne 9. 3alker "c !rone !. 6ans ross   '. 2dmond 5ocard.  

%. !onsidered the father of microscopic forensics. ). )lbert ?sborne 9. 3alker "c !rone !. 6ans ross   '. 2dmond 5ocard   0. !onsidered the father of forensic publications.   ). )lbert ?sborne 9. 3alker "c !rone !. 6ans ross   '. 2dmond 5ocard   . he Father of 'ocument 2xamination.   ). )lbert ?sborne 9. 3alker "c !rone !. 6ans ross   '. 2dmond 5ocard   . he Father of 9loodstain &dentification.   ). !alvin oddard 9. 5eone 5attes !. Francis alton   '. )lphonse 9ertillon  

4. he Father of )nthropometry.   ). !alvin oddard 9. 5eone 5attes !. Francis alton   '. )lphonse 9ertillon @. he Father of Fingerprinting.   ). !alvin oddard 9. 5eone 5attes !. Francis alton   '. )lphonse 9ertillon   . he father of oxicology.   ). "athiew ?rfila 9. #ir )rthur !onan 'oyle !. 6ans ross   '. 3alter "c !rone


=. ;opularized #cientific !rime 'etection methods through his fictional character #herlocke 6olmes.   ). "athiew ?rfila 9. #ir )rthur !onan 'oyle !. 6ans ross   '. #ir 3illiam 6erscel   1*.he )pplication of #cientific in collecting and analyzing physical evidenceechni$ues in criminal cases.   ). 9allistics 9. !riminalistics !. Forensics   '. !riminal &nvestiga &nvestigation tion   'emember The Following1 1. 2dmond 1. 2dmond -ocard -ocard - !onsidered the father of the crime laboratory. %. #alker Mc Crone Crone - !onsidered the fat father her of microscopic forensics. 0. "ans 0. "ans ross ross - !onsidered the fat father her of forensic forensic publications. . !lbert . !lbert *sborne  *sborne - he Father of 'ocument 2xamination. . -eone -attes  -attes - he Fa Father ther of 9loodstain 9loodstai n &dentification. 4. !lphonse Bertillon Bertillon - he Fa Father ther of )nthropometry. )nthropomet ry. @. Francis @. Francis alton  alton - he F Father ather of Fingerprinting. Fingerpr inting. +. Mathiew *rfila - he father of o oxicolog xicology. y. =. Sir !rthur Conan +oyle  +oyle  - ;opularized #cientific !rime 'etection methods through his fictional character


#herlocke 6olmes. 1*. 1*.Criminalistics Criminalistics  - he ) )pplication pplication of #cientific echni$ues in collecting and analyzing physical evidence in criminal cases. !nswers1 Forensic Chemistry 1. ' %. 9 0. ! . ) . 9 4. ' @. ! +. ) =. 9 1*. 9 Forensic Chemistry 'e(iewer 3 1. &s an organic fluid that may contain spermatozoa.   ). 9lood 9. Arine !. #emen   '. #aliva   %.he mature motile male sex cell of a male organism by which the ovum is fertilized, typically having a compact head and one or more long flagella for swimming.   ). #permatozoa 9. ;rotozoa !. ;lagella   '. #emen   0 . ) slender thread like structure especially a microscopic whiplike appendage that enables many protozoa, bacteria, spermatozoa to swim   ). #permatozoa 9. ;rotozoa !. ;lagella   '. #emen.    . ) phylum or group of phyla that comprises the single celled microscopic animals which includes amebas, flagellates, ciliates, spocozoans and many other forms.   ). #permatozoa 9. ;rotozoa !. ;lagella   '. #emen   . he haploid cell that is the male gamete.   ). #permatozoa 9. ;rotozoa !. #perm !ell   '. #emen 4. )n unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development.   ). Bygote 9. amete !. 2mbryo   '. #perm   @. ) single cell with a complete set of chromosomes that normally develops into an embryo.   ). Bygote


9. amete !. 2mbryo '. #perm +. he sex chromosome that is present in both sexes.

#ingly in males and doubly in females.   ). Bygote 9. C chromosome !. amete   '. D chromosome   =. he sex chromosome that is carried by men.   ). Bygote 9. C chromosome !. amete   '. D chromosome   1 *. Father of micro biology and considered to be the first microbiologists.   ). )ntonie ;hilips :an 5eeuwenhoek 9. 9ridgett 9ardot !. )ndy 3arhol   '. 2mma #tone   'emember the Following1 1.Semen 1.Semen  - &s an organic fluid that may contain spermatozoa.   - the male reproductive fluid containing spermatozoa in suspension. %. Spermato4oa Spermato4oa  - he matu mature re motile male sex cell of a male organism by which the ovum is fertilized, typically having a compact head and one or more long flagella for swimming. 0. &lagella &lagella  - ) slender thread like structure especially a microscopic whip-like appendage that enables many protozoa, bacteria, spermatozoa to swim.   . &roto4oa . &roto4oa - ) phylum or group of phyla that comprises the single celled microscopic animals which includes amebas, flagellates, ciliates, spocozoans and many other forms.   . Sperm cell - he haploid cell that is the male gamete.   - the male reproductive cell. 4. 2mbryo 4. 2mbryo - )n unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of developmen development. t.   - )n unborn human baby especially in the first + weeks from conception, after implantation but before all organs are developed. @. 5ygote @. 5ygote  - ) single cell w with ith a complet complete e set of chromosomes that normally develops into an embryo.   +. 6 +. 6 chromosome - he sex chromosome tthat hat is present in both sexes. #ingly in males and doubly in females. 6uman females normally have two C chromosomes. =.7 =.7 chromosome chromosome - he sex chromosome that is carried by men. 6uman males normally have one C chromosome and one D chromosome.   1*.!ntonie 1*.!ntonie &hilips )an -eeuwenhoek - Father of micro biology and considered to be the first microbiologists. !nswers1 Forensic Chemistry


1. %. 0. . . 4. @. +. =. 1*.

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'. "ercury =. 6e was a ). oseph 5ister 9. ean 5ouis ;etit !. ;ierre ourni$uet '. ;eter (orton


1*.) 9ritish s ). oseph 5ister 9. ean 5ouis ;etit !. ;ierre ourni$uet '. ;eter (orton

    'emember the Following1 ) substance that when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism, causes death or ). etanus 1. &oison - ) substance tha thatt when introduced introduced into or absorbed by 9. :enom !. oxin %. Toxin Toxin  - )n antigenic poison or venom of plant or animal origin es '. ;oison %. )n antigenic poison or venom of plant or animal origin especially one produced by 0. )enom )enom  - ;oisonous fluid secreted by animals such as snakes and ). e etanus tanus 9. :enom . Tetanus Tetanus  - ) disease marked by rigidity and spasms of the volunt !. oxin   - he prolonged contraction of a muscle caused by rap '. ;oison   0. ;oisonous fluid secreted by animals such as snakes and scorpions and typically . Sting Sting  - ) small sharp-pointed organ at the end of the abdomen o ). etanus   9. :enom 4. Cyanide - ) chemical compoun compound d that contains the the cyano group, !. oxin '. ;oison @. Mercury Mercury  - ) chemical eleme element nt with the symbol 6g a and nd atomic n . ) disease marked by rigidity and spasms of the voluntary muscles caused by the   ). etanus +. Corrosi(e Corrosi(e  - ?ne that will destroy and damage other substances 9. :enom !. oxin =. ,ean -ouis &etit - 6e was a French surgeon and the inventor of '. ;oison . ) small sharp-poi sharp-pointed nted organ at the end of the abdomen of bees, ants 1*.,oseph 1*.,oseph -ister -ister - ) 9ritish surgeon and pioneer of antiseptic surg ). #ting   9. oxin 11.!ntidote 11.!ntidote  - is a substance which can counteract a form of poisoni !. :enom   - a medicine given or taken to counteract a particula '. ;oison. 4. ) chemical compound that contains the cyano group, -!E( which consists of !nswers1 Forensic Toxicology ). !yanide 9."ercury 1. ' !. )rsenic %. ! '. !orrosive 0. 9 @. ) chemical element . ) ). !yanide . ) 9. !orrosive 4. ) !. )rsenic @. '

Forensic Toxicology 'e(iewer 0 1.


'. "ercury ). !yanide 9. !orrosive !. )rsenic

+. 9 +.?ne that will destroy =. 9and damage other substances with which it comes contact 1*. )

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