ATTENTION: This guide contains over $200,000,0 $200,000,000 00 in scholarsh scholarships ips that are o! ered ered every year by 59 Governments to students like you to live and study in their countries.
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The most lucrative of those are foreign Government scholarships targeted to international students" C-4% 3)/$564 B).$/4*$41& !-41 1) -11/-(1 3)/$564 &1'2$41& 1) 1#$5/ ()'41/5$& -42 1#$% '&'-;;% )33$/ .$/% 6$4$/)'& &(#);-/2& -42 ()42515)4& 54 )/2$/ 1) -11/-(1 1#$ 7$&1 -42 1#$ 7/56#1$&1" D$/$ 5& 1#$ ;5&1 )3 -;; EF B).$/4*$41&G &(#);-/2& -.-5;-7;$ 1) 541$/4-15)4-; &1'2$41&" @1 1#$ $42 )3 1#5& $H7))I< %)' !5;; 3542 - 7)4'& (#-01$/ 1#-1 #$;0& %)' 1) &1-/1 0/$0-/546 %)'/ -00;5(-15)4 3/)* 1)2-%J B))2 ;'(I 54 6$11546 %)'/ ;53$H(#-46546 &(#);-/2 3)/ &1'25$& -7/)-2J
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Master studies
With this scholarship you can study anywhere in the world! Do you already have a perfect one year master program that you want to study? ,-. /& 0#10 23)431* 1-%!#$3$ /- 0#$ !)35.6 7$558 0#$- 9:;< &(#)513&#/2 /& &(#)513&#/2 /& 2$3=$(0 =)3 %)'> ;0 /& 1 &(#)513&#/2 )==$3$. ?% 9:;< 9:;#$ 73)830* aims to aid human resource development of their scholarship holders 014 /2 06&) scholarship holders to contribute to development of bilateral relations between their $?7$(2& the scholarship country of origin and Japan" >#$% #)7$ 2#02 703 2/(/7012& 2/(/7012& !/66 2#3)'8# 2#$/3 $4'(02/)1 014 6$031/18 *)3$ 09)'2 +0701 6$031 $?7$32 @1)!6$48$ 014 9'/64 ()11$(2/)1& 2#02 !/66 #$67 2#$* 2) '7)1 3$2'31 *0@$ 01 /*70(2 014 '&$ 2#$ @1)!6$48$ 0(A'/3$4 2) ()123/9'2$ 2) 2#$/3 )3801/B02/)1& 014 2#$/3 ()'123/$& 4$;$6)7*$12" C)' (01 3$04 *)3$ 09)'2 2#/& 23'6% '1/A'$ 73)830* #$3$ " C)' &#)'64 1)2$ &#)'64 1)2$ 2#02 2#/& 73)830* is aimed at people currently employed at certain parts of government in eligible countries" ,$7$14/18 )1 2#$ ()'123% )3 7032 )5 2#$ 8);$31*$12 %)' !)3@ /1D 4/55$3$12 73)830*& 03$ )55$3$4 9% 2#$ +,-" C)' (01 5/14 )'2 *)3$ 09)'2 4/55$3$12 ()'123/$& $6/8/96$ 014 E0&2$3 73)830*& )55$3$4 #$3$" #$3$ "
What the y o ! er? er? >#$% ();$3 full tuition fees, one round-trip air fare, arrival and accommodation allowance, monthly scholarship and di" erent erent subsidy allowances for books, shipping, travelling and seminars" C)' 03$ 06&) )55$3$4 overseas travel insurance" C)' !/66 06&) 3$($/;$ &'77)32 53)* 01 08$12 2) 5/14 0(()**)402/)1 014 8$2 8'/401($ /1 )2#$3 &/2'02/)1& 6/@$ &$226/18 /1 +0701D /5 2#$3$ /& 01 $*$38$1(% $2(" F& 0 +,- &(#)603&#/7 #)64$3 %)' !/66 3$($/;$ )3/$1202/)1 9$5)3$ 014 '7)1 %)'3 033/;06 2) +0701 014 %)' !/66 3$($/;$ &'77)32 2#3)'8#)'2 %)'3 &2'4/$&D &) %)' !/66 %)' !/66 80/1 *)3$ 2#01 G'&2 5/101(/06 &'77)32" #7& !-& ).$ )/ 0#$ best and most 5$!-537.: experiences in my life" >#-.2/'11%? 6!$37&# +.&070'0$ 7& )//$57.: -*-@7.: &(#)1-5N& 0#-0 &(#)1-5N& 0#-0 (-. #$18 %)' -& !$11 experience the Swedish educational system and at the same time learn more about the Swedish way of life" >5'&0 *$ this country will leave you in awe! +/ %)' !-.0 0) 1$-5. *)5$ -4)'0 !#-0 70 7& 172$ 0) 179$ -.3 &0'3% 0#$5$? 81$-&$ 3) 1))2 -0 0#7& Study
in Sweden blog where you will get to read about experiences of international students studying in all parts of Sweden" 6!$37&# +.&070'0$ 7& +.&070'0$ 7& - Swedish public agency that promotes Sweden around the world -.3 #$18& 5$-(# ()'.05% :)-1& ().($5.7.: /)5$7:. 8)17(%? $3'(-07).? 7.0$5.-07).-1 -73 -.3 3$9$1)8*$.0" >#$% -1&) )//$5 - 9$5% !$11 9$5% !$11 3$9$1)8$3 &(#)1-5N 85):5-* for Master, PhD and Postdoc studies" >#$ conditions will vary according to the type of scholarship you want to apply to? &) *-2$ &'5$ 0) (#$(2 0#$ /'11 17&0 )/ &(#)1-5N 85):5-*& #$5$" #$5$ " A.$ )/ 0#$75 47::$&0 85):5-*& 7 & 0#$ 6!$37&# +.&070'0$ 60'3% 6(#)1-5N& &(#$*$ 6(#)1-5N& &(#$*$ 0#-0 awards over 300 scholarships each year to ambitious students from developing countries BACDEFEGD 17&0H 0) 8'5&'$ /'11 07*$ ;-&0$5 &0'37$& 7. 6!$3$.I
What does does it o ! er? er? >#$ 6+ &(#)1-5N& )//$5 full funding, including tuition fees, monthly stipend that covers living costs, airfare ticket and health insurance" J)' -1&) 4$()*$ - 8-50 )/ 0#$75 Network for Future Global Leaders BKLMNH" O$7.: - 8-50 )/ 0#7& .$0!)52 *$-.& %)' #-9$ -(($&& 0) - .'*4$5 )/ $9$.0& 0#-0 !711 0$-(# %)' -4)'0 &'&0-7.-47170%? #'*-. 57:#0&? 7..)9-07). -.3 *-.% )0#$5 5$1$9-.0 0)87(& !#71$ -0 0#$ &-*$ 07*$ %)' :$0 0) .$0!)52 !70# )0#$5 0-1$.0$3 &(#)1-5N #)13$5& /5)* -11 )9$5 0#$ !)513" G0 0#$ $.3 )/ *% &(#)1-5N 8$57)3 we had a graduation ceremony that was held at the Stockholm City Hall where Nobel Prize banquet is held and it was a truly magical experience" P70# 0#7& &(#)1-5N %)' 3). += %)' .4$ !),/$40,3 .,/ !#.1 .2)'1 ',/$434./'.1$ &1'/0$&D E$;; 01 0& ,$?$4 1)) $.4;% 1) &1.41
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