General Motors was the world’s largest largest automaker in year 2001. Unit Sold by GM in 2001 : 8.5 million ehi!les. 15.1" o# world market share. Generated earnings : $%.% billion on sales o# $18%.& billion. 'orth (meri!a : )*+hibit 2, Ma-ority o# sales to end !ustomers. argest /on!entration o# net roerty lant and euiment.
GM’s Corporate Hedgig po!i"#
GM’s global oerations gie rise to !urren!y risks.
3isks managed by treasurer’s 4##i!e.
ey 4b-e!ties o# GM’s 67 risk management oli!y were as:
3edu!e !ash #low and earnings olatility. Minimie the management time and !osts dedi!ated to 67.
(lignment o# 67 management with GM business oeration units.
GM #ollow assie hedging strategy with limited management time sent on 67 management.
6eldstein monitored 67 e+osures and also #o!us on those risks r isks whi!h was not !oered by hedging oli!y and ossibly not dire!t or indire!t e##e!t on GM’s business.
Istr$%et $sed &or 'edgig a"ti(it# )# GM are :
GM adoted 9assie edging 9oli!y whi!h generally hedge hedge to 50". o# risk due to 67 e+osure.
2. 4tions)hedging aanese yen was as result o# !ometing against !omanies with di##erent homes !urren!ies.
Ma-or >aanese automakers automakers !ost stru!ture denominated in ?*'.
owered !ost stru!ture adantage to !ometitors. ! ometitors.
3isk due to lowered !ost stru!ture eroded market share and market alue.
>aanese automakers deried 5&" and %@" o# their reenue #rom US market in 1AAA and 2000 rese!tiely.
Meas$rig Co%petiti(e E*pos$res
*+osure as a !ometitie rather than a #inan!ial one as er 6eldstein.
Bottom ine Cma!t)net ro#it, arise #rom #lu!tuations in
e+!hange rates. a!k o# an e+li!it transa!tion 6eldstein was away #rom hedging oli!y.. oli!y 6eldstein #orm a story #or -usti#ying the magnitude o# e+osure and how it !ould be e##e!tiely hedged.
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