Force and Motion

August 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Edyrah Riayn R. Ramos Submited o:

Dianne O. De Villa









What Wh at is a Force? Force?

 A force is a push or pull acting on an object that changes the motion of the object. PUSH



Forces and Motion


Types of Forces 

Contact Force – Forces that act through objects direct contact beteen to  Applied Forces! Forces! Friction

Long "ange Forces – Forces that can act o#er distances 

$ra#it%! &lectromagnetic Force '&MF(


Types of Forces



is the *ind of force that stops or slos

things don. us from slipping or falling {It prevents down}

)t is caused hen to objects rub together.


FRICTION Friction

beteen the tires

of a car + the road. Friction

beteen the bottom of %our snea*ers + the ground.



is the force that pull

objects earth. don toards the  As the mass of the object becomes larger! the force of gra#it% becomes stronger.




force that is applied to an object b% a person or another object. )f a person is pushing a des* across

the room! then there is an applied force acting upon the object.


Motion 

What is motion? 

A change in the position of an object over time.

How do you know something is in motion or has moved? 

 You use a reference point! A stationary not moving object 

such as a tree" street sign" or a #ine on the road.


Motion 

What is motion? 

A change in the position of an object over time.

How do you know something is in motion or has moved? 

 You use a reference point! A stationary not moving object 

such as a tree" street sign" or a #ine on the road.

$id the beaver move?


What causes an object to move?

A FORCE!  ALL motion is due to forces acting on objects! 

What is a force? 

A push or a pull   )%*+,



&he tota# combination of the forces opposites 2 and same direction 3 acting on an object is ca##ed (,& )%*+, )%*+,..

+an more than one force act on an object at the same time?  -0

 Y,1! Example: Grait is pulling ou do"n to Earth# the ground is supporting ou# and  our legs moing moing ou for"ard as ou run during $hsical  -/ Education%


Position, Direction, and Speed 

Force and Motion


How do objects move?


Up and down moton Ex. See saw

Round and Sraigh line

round moton



Ex. Merry go



Back and forh moton Ex. Swing


Position 

The position of an object is its location relative to another object

(the reference point).  Example “above”, “below”, “beside”, “behind”, “ahead of” 

e plus the distance from the other The distanc (length) object. from the reference point


,  La - bjects at rest st

)f an unbalanced force acts on an object at rest the object ill mo#e in the direction of the force.  A stronger fforce orce 'push or pull( ill ma*e it mo#e faster.


Point of Reference

 A stationar% lo location cation in hich the motion is measured. Point of reference is something that is considered fi/ed and used as a comparison. Motion #er% dependent on point of reference


Direction 

of motion is the course or path that an object Direction

is mo#ing and can be determined b% reading a compass using the terms 0north1! 0south1! 0east1! or 0est.1  2irection can also be described using the terms 0right1! or 0left!1 0forard!1 or 0toard1 relati#e to another object! or 0up1! or 0don1 relati#e to &arth.


The direction of the force:

Singing the golf club to the 3ic*ing the ball to the front right .

Pulling the draer out.


4ossing a coin upard


The direction of the force:

Pushing the cart heel to the  3ic*ing the ball to the front left. .

Pulling Pulli ng the draer out.


4ossing a coin upard


Speed  A measure of ho fast an object is mo#ing.

bjects mo#e at different speeds.

Speed is ho fast something mo#es.

5oth of theses objects are mo#ing

6hich one is mo#ing faster7  

Things a! o"e in different #a!s$ 

 An object ma% ma% mo#e in a straight path. 8

)t ma% mo#e in a cur#ed path.

)t ma% go in a circle

 )t ma% e#en mo#e in a 9ig9ag.

The direction of the force: 

Pushing the table to the right.

Pulling the draer out.

Pushing the stroller to the left.


Balanced and Unbalanced forces  

Mrs. &

 April :;  Forces and Motion


Unbalanced forces change the rate and direction of the motion of objects. 

everal forces can act on an object at the same time. ometimes forces are balanced which means that the! are e"ual in strength but opposite in direction. #alanced forces do not change the motion of objects onl! unbalanced forces cause changes in motion.


$n unbalanced force is one that does not have another force of e"ual magnitude and opposite direction o%& setting it. Rate of motion is the speed of the object or how fast or slow the object is moving. 'nbalanced forces can change the rate or direction of motion of an object in di%erent wa!s


Newton’s Second aw of !otion 

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