For Many the Way is Dark (AMORC Pamphlet 1942)

December 2, 2017 | Author: sauron385 | Category: Religion And Belief, Philosophical Science, Science
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Amorc Pamphlet from 1942....

Description 'Ijoun jd h flit Shine. rf-onth IL L IO N S o f men and women are fully conscious that life tomorrow m ay never be the same. They tremulously wait for events to shape themselves. The present darkness o f confusion and uncertainty stifles their self-confidence and grips their reason. T h e world is rapidly approaching a tremendous transition in its religious, social, and political order. T o most persons, living— its customs and conventions— is som ething in which they just participate. T h ey resign themselves to the course it has taken— in that attitude lies disaster. They must be m ade to realize that the salvation o f to­ morrow lies not in the victory or absolute defeat o f na­ tions— but in man s n ay of thinking. They must be shown the folly o f m ortgaging their individualism and idealism for a tem porary freedom from responsibility. T hey must not gam ble a dependable future of their own making for transient years o f pleasure. A ll but the things of nature are the product o f man— what he can do, he can undo. But m any have forgotten, or do not know, how this lies within their power. It is our bounden duty as Rosicrucians to enlighten our fellows. T o what extent, no m atter how great or sm all, we have gleaned truths from the teachings which have given us peace of mind and power of accom plishm ent , to that degree must we help others. W hatever the morsel you have found in the Rosicrucian principles that has been soul-satisfying, guide others to enjoy that much as well.

It is my pleat therefore, that each frater and soror of A M O R C make an unusual, not casual, effort at this time to bring one or more men or women into the folds o f the Rosicrucian O rder. In divers ways, you and others have been led to the threshold. Y ours is now the obli­ gation, not alone for A M O R C , but for the future of mankind, to bring others into the light. T here is no apology for this plea. It is a call to a crusade for in­ creased membership and the consequent dissemination of Rosicrucian doctrines throughout the world. Let your light shine forth. A ttract candidates to our cause by spoken word, by deed, by effort and enterprise. C on­ scientiously put into effect the following suggestions o f the G ran d Lodge for obtaining new fellow members.

Im perator.


Rem oving Confusion and Fears Answer a p erp lexin g question for another. G ive som eone a solution to a troublesom e problem and you will have won his respect and adm iration . Y o u m ay talk by the hour about Rosicrucianism without avail, but once you successfully apply the principles or teach in gs to anoth er’s needs, you have his sincere interest. T o d a y m any intelligent people are wonder* ing how in ou r age such a devastating hum an enterprise as war can exist. T h ey feel reluctant to plan for the future, to raise fam ilies, with such im pending risks. G ive them a copy o f the D ecem ber, 1940, issue of the Rosicrucian D igest. H a v e them read the article in it. entitled “ W hy W ar.” It will do much to explain circum stances and how to prepare fo r a new era. T h ose who have just lost a loved one, and who are deeply grieved, and who have not found com plete solace in their religion should be directed to read the article, “ I F ear N o D eath ,” ap p earin g in the O ctober, 1939, Rosicrucian D igest. It has often been said that we must be ready in consciousness to receive the higher truths o f the C osm ic law. W hen persons are brought face to face with the realities o f existence, they are then ready. G ive them ap p rop riate articles to read. Follow up their interests with personal ch ats and other litera­ ture. I f you do not have these copies, they m ay be h ad at cost, or ten cents each. A Iso write fo r the list of other D igest articles, to give to people to read in tim e of sorrow , in p er­ sonal trouble, in health or financial difficulties. U se these articles now to help arouse the needed interest!


Inform al G atherings Y ou cannot talk to people about the serious things o f life while on the run. Y o u an d they must be fully at ease. Y o u r m inds must be free from the details that ordinarily en gage or distract them . If you know two or three people who seem desirou s of givin g thought to self and to m etaphysical topics, invite them for an evening at your home— even if they do not know each other. Start the conversation with a R o si­ crucian or m ystical principle, upon which you are inform ed. Be prep ared to quote, not from a m o n ograph but from a copy of the Rosicrucian D igest or the Forum , to substantiate your point o f view. A llow the others to exp ress them selves freely. A dd to the conversation from your store o f R osicru­ cian know ledge— quote from the Rosicrucian M an ual. M ake the evening conversation al— but do not m ake yourself a lecturer. Be prepared to give literature— a “ Secret H erita g e” or even a m em bership application , to those p articularly in­ terested. Stress that Rosicrucianism is alw ays concerned with such useful, fascin ating knowledge. A rran ge for a future m eeting at your, or their, home- object, m em bership. Begin this week.


Speaking to G roups Everyone h as som e affiliations. B esides being m em bers o f A M O R C , each o f us is associated with either a business­ m an ’s service club, a m usic, dram a, art, science, or study society. M any are church m em bers, or affiliated with such esteem ed o rders as the O ddfellow s, Elks, E agles, M asons, and G ran ge. Frequently you are called u pon to lead a dis­ cussion o r to give a little talk. M ake that address center a rou n d Rosicrucianism . It can be m ade interesting to your listeners. Y o u can read or otherwise give a discussion on some prin ciple o f living, or som e topic o f know ledge taught by the O rder, and m ention the R osicrucians in connection with it. Y o u r listeners will eventually ask you for m ore de­ tails, then direct their interest to A M O R C . I f you do not feel cap ab le o f giv in g such a talk, p erh aps you have a friend (even if not a m em ber) who could. W e will send a list o f available free discourses— if you state that arran gem en ts will be m ade to deliver one. T ry this practical plan of ad d in g worthy m inds to ou r fold.

9 tt A p M A eciatU m A s one o f the fratres o f the G ran d Lodge staff very effectively said, “ By tradition an d loyalty, we are bound not alone to advance ourselves in Rosicrucian knowledge, but the O rder itself, from which we receive many bene­ fits.” T o show our appreciation o f the special effort you will put forth at this time in having new members cross the threshold, we will, as a meritorious aw ard , confer upon you the follow ing privileges: A.

T h e frater or soror who obtains the greatest number o f new m em bers (o v er five) between M arch 1, 1941, an d Jun e 1, 1941, will receive a free tuition at the R ose * C roix U niversity, for the three-weeks’ sum m er term of this year o r o f next year. T h e m em ber will, o f course, have to take the brief m atriculation course in advance, but for this, likewise, there will be no cost.


E ach frater an d so ror— no m atter how m any there are— who brings eight new m em bers into the O rd er, between M arch 1, 1941, and Jun e 1, 1941, will receive the choice o f any ten books o f the Rosicrucian L ibrary — those published by A M O R C — without cost and with p ostage paid.


Sp ecial H elps M ost o f you business men— and some sorores— have the opportunity o f enclosing a little leaflet with statem ents or b ills m ailed m onthly— which w ould not a d d to the postage. W hy not enclose an A M O R C folder— whatever one you wish? A quantity o f these will be sent to you free, upon re­ quest. W e have a little folder concerning the adv an tages of D em ocracy and the A m erican way o f livin g— also men­ tioning A M O R C — which w ould be excellent m aterial to circulate in your com m unity. W hy not put a supply in the reception room , o r em ployees’ gath erin g place, in any new defense project p lan ts o r factories in you r com m unity? If your concern, or p lace o f business, issues a little house jou rn al ( a m agazin e for em ployees) see if you can con­ tribute som e sm all article to it, quoting from som e “ Rosicrucian D ig est” article, an d m entioning the O rd er. If you have ways and m eans o f b ringin g the O rd er to the atten­ tion of people, not suggested by the G ran d Lodge, tell us about them so that we m ay p ass them on to other members. B egin today — in a dignified way— to m ake people around you R osicrucian conscious.

" A s the branches o f a tree return their sap to the root , from a hence it rose; as a river poureth its stream s to the sea, whence its spring was su pplied; so the heart o f a gratefu l man delighteth in returning a benefit received ." — U nto T h ee I G rant.

So that there may be no m isunderstanding, the follow­ ing rules must be observed. Even if you obtain just one new worthy member, that in itself is most beneficial. Think, if each one will do likewise, what it will mean. 1.

N ew mem bers obtained before M arch 1, 1941, cannot be credited to this crusade.


Y O U R N A M E M U S T A P P E A R beneath the word “ source,” on the back o f each m em bership application subm itted, in order for you receive credit.


S en d each application , with full fee, to the G ran d Lodge, as soon a s received.


A C om pan ion M em bership app lication counted as a separate new m em ber.




KINDLY MAKE YOUR REQUESTS BELOW T o participate in this crusade, you will need general literature, copies o f “ T he Secret H eritage,” application blanks, and Dem ocracy folders. Indicate on the coupon below what you desire. Fill in your nam e , address and key letters as requested.







L I T E R A T U R E and F O R M S

Check the square opposite the title o f the “ Rosicrucian D ig est” article or articles which you desire. In the paren ­ theses ( ) , insert the num ber of the copies you wish. E n ­ close ten cents (n ot in sta m p s) for each copy ordered.

Check the square below, opposite the size p ackage you wish to receive. Indicate in the parentheses ( ) , the num ber of special pieces desired. O n the dotted line write your special requests.

1. “ I F ear N o D eath 1 2. “ W hy W ar?” 3. “ I f M y Business M ethods A re W’rong, W hat S h all I D o ? ”

□ □ □

4. “ Back T o G o d and H ealth ” ..


5. “ T h e M ystical S id e o f Living”

YOUR NAME Y our Key N um ber

Sm all p ackage o f general literatu re........................... (



M edium p ackage o f general literature................



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M em bership A pp lication F o r m s ............................




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