(For Customer) GBSS14.0 Network Impact Report 04 (PDF) - en

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Network Impact Report








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Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Huawe Huaweii Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd



GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

About This Document Document

About This Document Purpose This document describes the impact of new and enhanced GBSS14.0 features on GBSS13.0. This document also provides the required information for engineers to prepare for upgrades from GBSS13.0 to GBSS14.0. This document is for reference only and is subject to change during the development of GBSS14.0. Certain features may be provided at General Av Availability ailability (GA).

Intended Audience This document is intended for:  

 Network planning planning engineers


System engineers


 Network operators operators

 

Change History Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document doc ument issue contains all the t he changes that were made in earlier issues.

04 (2012-12-31) This is the third commercial release. Compared with issue 03 (2012-11-07), ( 2012-11-07), 04 (2012-12-31) incorporate incorporatess the following cchanges: hanges:  

Updated the Description the Description in 3.38 in 3.38 GBFD-119508 PS Uplink DTX  (New/Optional). (New/Optional).  


Added descriptions in 3.54 in 3.54 "GBFD-113521 A5/1 A5/1 Encryption Flow Optimization (Enhanced/Optional)".. (Enhanced/Optional)"

 

03 (2012-11-07) This is the third commercial release. Compared with issue 02 (2012-08-30), ( 2012-08-30), 03 (2012-11-07) incorporate incorporatess the following cchanges: hanges:  

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Updated the description about Network about Network Performance Performance in in 3.16  3.16 GBFD-511603 IM Service Service Efficiency Efficien cy Improvement (New/Optional).

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd



GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

About This Document Document


Updated the description about Network about  Network Performance Performance in in 3.40  3.40 GBFD-118614 GSM GSM PS Service Map (New/Basic).


Updated the Description the Description in 3.12 in 3.12 GBFD-115602 Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) (Enhanced/Optional).


Updated the Description the Description in 3.38 in 3.38 GBFD-119508 PS Uplink DTX  (New/Optional). (New/Optional).  

02 (2012-08-30) This is the second s econd commercial release. Compared with issue 01 (2012-04-28), ( 2012-04-28), 02 (2012-08-30) incorporates the following changes:  

Added the description about System about System Capacity and updated the description about  Network Performance Performance and 3.4.5 and 3.4.5 Operation in in 3.4  3.4 GBFD-119407 Active Active TBF Allocation (New/Optional).


Added descriptions in 3.53 in 3.53 "GBFD-119506 GPRS/EGPRS GPRS/EGPRS Time slot multiplexing  priority (Enhanced/Optional)" (Enhanced/Optional)"..


Added the GBFD-119506 GPRS/EGPRS Time Time slot multi multiplexing plexing priority feature in section 2 section  2 "Summary of Feature Impacts" Impacts"..

01 (2012-04-28) This is the first commercial release.

Draft A (2012-02-15) This is the initial draft.

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


Contents Aboutt This Doc Abou Document ument ......................... ........................................... .................................. ................................. .................................. ................................... .................. ii  1 Over Overview view ............... ................................. ................................... .................................. .................................. ................................... .................................. ............................. ............. 1  1.1 Capacity Capacity and Perform Performance ance ......................................................................................................................... 1  1.1.1 BSC.................................................................................................................................................. BSC.................................................................................................................................................. 1  1.1.2 BTS.................................................................................................................................................. 2  1.1.3 OSS.................................................................................................................................................. 2  1.2 Hardwa Hardware................................................................................................................................................... re................................................................................................................................................... 2  1.2.1 BSC.................................................................................................................................................. BSC.................................................................................................................................................. 2  1.2.2 BTS.................................................................................................................................................. 3  1.2.3 OSS.................................................................................................................................................. 4  1.3 Upgrade Upgrade Proce Process ss ........................................................................................................................................ 5  1.4 License License...................................................................................................................................................... 5  1.5 Interfac Interfaces..................................................................................................................................................20 es..................................................................................................................................................20  1.6 Operatio Operation n .................................................................................................................................................21  1.6.1 BSC.................................................................................................................................................21 BSC.................................................................................................................................................21  1.6.2 BTS.................................................................................................................................................22  1.6.3 OSS.................................................................................................................................................23 

2 Summary of Feature Impacts ................................................................................................ 25  3 Impact of GBSS14.0 Features on GBSS13.0 ........................................................................ 28  3.1 GBFD-510 GBFD-510105 105 PS AFC (Ne (New/O w/Optiona ptional)....................................................................................................28 l)....................................................................................................28  3.1.1 Descript Description ion ......................................................................................................................................28  3.1.2 Capacity Capacity and Perfo Performance rmance ...............................................................................................................28   3.1.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .........................................................................................................................................28  3.1.4 Interfac Interfaces es .........................................................................................................................................29  3.1.5 Operatio Operation.........................................................................................................................................29 n.........................................................................................................................................29  3.1.6 Ot Other her NEs........................................................................................................................................29 NEs........................................................................................................................................29  3.1.7 Ot Other her Features Features .................................................................................................................................29  3.2 GBFD-118607 IP Performance Monitor (Enhanced/Basic) ........................................................................30  3.2.1 Descript Description ion ......................................................................................................................................30  3.2.2 Capacity Capacity and Perfo Performance rmance ...............................................................................................................30   3.2.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .........................................................................................................................................30  3.2.4 Interfac Interfaces es .........................................................................................................................................30  Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.2.5 Operatio Operation.........................................................................................................................................31 n.........................................................................................................................................31  3.2.6 Ot Other her NEs........................................................................................................................................32 NEs........................................................................................................................................32  3.2.7 Ot Other her Features Features .................................................................................................................................32  3.3 GBFD-113526 BTS Supporting PKI (New/Optional) ................................................................................32  3.3.1 Descript Description ion ......................................................................................................................................32  3.3.2 Capacity Capacity and Perfo Performance rmance ...............................................................................................................32   3.3.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .........................................................................................................................................33  3.3.4 Interfac Interfaces es .........................................................................................................................................33 

3.3.5 Operatio Operation.........................................................................................................................................33 n.........................................................................................................................................33  3.3.6 Ot Other her NEs........................................................................................................................................33 NEs........................................................................................................................................33  3.3.7 Ot Other her Features Features .................................................................................................................................34  3.4 GBFD-119407 Active TBF Allocation (New/Optional) ..............................................................................34  3.4.1 Descript Description ion ......................................................................................................................................34  3.4.2 Capacity Capacity and Perfo Performance rmance ...............................................................................................................34   3.4.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .........................................................................................................................................34  3.4.4 Interfac Interfaces es .........................................................................................................................................35  3.4.5 Operatio Operation.........................................................................................................................................35 n.........................................................................................................................................35  3.4.6 Ot Other her NEs........................................................................................................................................35 NEs........................................................................................................................................35  3.4.7 Ot Other her Features Features .................................................................................................................................35  3.5 GBFD-118601 Abis over IP (Enhanced/Optional) .....................................................................................36  3.5.1 Descript Description ion ......................................................................................................................................36  3.5.2 Capacity Capacity and Perfo Performance rmance ...............................................................................................................36   3.5.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .........................................................................................................................................36  3.5.4 Interfac Interfaces es .........................................................................................................................................36  3.5.5 Operatio Operation.........................................................................................................................................37 n.........................................................................................................................................37  3.5.6 Ot Other her NEs........................................................................................................................................37 NEs........................................................................................................................................37  3.5.7 Ot Other her Features Features .................................................................................................................................37  3.6 GBFD-113524 GBFD-113524 BTS Integrated IPsec (New/Optional)............ ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ .........37 ...37   3.6.1 Descript Description ion ......................................................................................................................................37  3.6.2 Capacity Capacity and Perfo Performance rmance ...............................................................................................................38   3.6.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .........................................................................................................................................38  3.6.4 Interfac Interfaces es .........................................................................................................................................38  3.6.5 Operatio Operation.........................................................................................................................................39 n.........................................................................................................................................39  3.6.6 Ot Other her NEs........................................................................................................................................39 NEs........................................................................................................................................39  3.6.7 Ot Other her Features Features .................................................................................................................................39  3.7 GBFD-511503 Dynamic Multiple CCCH (New/Optional) .........................................................................40   3.7.1 Descript Description ion ......................................................................................................................................40  3.7.2 Capacity Capacity and Perfo Performance rmance ...............................................................................................................41   3.7.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .........................................................................................................................................41  3.7.4 Interfac Interfaces es .........................................................................................................................................41  3.7.5 Operatio Operation.........................................................................................................................................42 n.........................................................................................................................................42  3.7.6 Ot Other her NEs........................................................................................................................................42 NEs........................................................................................................................................42  Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.7.7 Ot Other her Features Features .................................................................................................................................42  3.8 GBFD-113402 Dynamic Adjustment Between FR and HR (Enhanced/Optional)........................................42  3.8.1 Descript Description ion ......................................................................................................................................42  3.8.2 Capacity Capacity and Perfo Performance rmance ...............................................................................................................43   3.8.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .........................................................................................................................................43  3.8.4 Interfac Interfaces es .........................................................................................................................................43  3.8.5 Operatio Operation.........................................................................................................................................44 n.........................................................................................................................................44 

3.8.6 Ot Other her NEs........................................................................................................................................44 NEs........................................................................................................................................44  3.8.7 Ot Other her Features Features .................................................................................................................................44  3.9 GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover (Enhanced/Basic) ............................................................................44  3.9.1 Descript Description ion ......................................................................................................................................44  3.9.2 Capacity Capacity and Perfo Performance rmance ...............................................................................................................44   3.9.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .........................................................................................................................................45  3.9.4 Interfac Interfaces es .........................................................................................................................................45  3.9.5 Operatio Operation.........................................................................................................................................45 n.........................................................................................................................................45  3.9.6 Ot Other her NEs........................................................................................................................................46 NEs........................................................................................................................................46  3.9.7 Ot Other her Features Features .................................................................................................................................46  3.10 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover (Enhanced/Optional) ....................................................................46   3.10.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................46   3.10.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................47  3.10.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................47  3.10.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................47  3.10.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................48  3.10.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................48  3.10.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................48  3.11 GBFD-111705 GSM Flow Control (Enhanced/Basic) ..............................................................................48  3.11.1 3.11 .1 Descriptio Description n ....................................................................................................................................48  3.11.2 3.11 .2 Capacity Capacity and Perf Performa ormance nce ..............................................................................................................49  3.11.3 3.11 .3 Ha Hardware rdware .......................................................................................................................................49  3.11.4 3.11 .4 Interfac Interfaces es .......................................................................................................................................49   3.11.5 Operation 3.11.5 Operation.......................................................................................................................................50  3.11.6 3.11 .6 Other Other NEs......................................................................................................................................50  3.11.7 3.11 .7 Other Other Features Features................................................................................................................................50 ................................................................................................................................50  3.12 GBFD-115602 Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) (Enhanced/Optional) .................................................50   3.12.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................50   3.12.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................50  3.12.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................51  3.12.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................51  3.12.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................51  3.12.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................51  3.12.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................51  3.13 GBFD-115601 Automatic Level Control (ALC) (Enhanced/Optional) .....................................................52   Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.13.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................52   3.13.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................52  3.13.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................52  3.13.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................52  3.13.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................53  3.13.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................53  3.13.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................53 

3.14 GBFD-115603 GBFD-115603 Automat Automatic ic Noise Restraint Restraint (ANR) (Enhanced/Optional) (Enhanced/Optional)...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ..........54 ....54   3.14.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................54   3.14.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................54  3.14.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................54  3.14.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................54  3.14.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................55  3.14.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................55  3.14.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................55  3.15 GBFD-115703 Automatic Noise Compensation (ANC) (Enhanced/Optional)...........................................55  3.15.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................55   3.15.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................56  3.15.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................56  3.15.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................56  3.15.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................57  3.15.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................57  3.15.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................57  3.16 GBFD-511603 IM Service Efficiency Improvement (New/Optional) .......................................................57  3.16.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................57   3.16.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................58  3.16.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................59  3.16.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................59  3.16.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................60  3.16.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................60  3.16.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................60  3.17 GBFD-511604 GBFD-511604 Web Web Browsing Browsing Service Efficiency Efficiency Improvement (New/Optional) (New/Optional) ....... ............. ........... ........... ............ ............ .......60 .60  3.17.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................60   3.17.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................61  3.17.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................61  3.17.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................61  3.17.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................62  3.17.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................62  3.17.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................62  3.18 GBFD-511605 Email Service Efficiency Improvement (New/Optional) ...................................................63  3.18.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................63   3.18.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................63  Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.18.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................63  3.18.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................64  3.18.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................64  3.18.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................64  3.18.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................65  3.19 GBFD-511606 Streaming Media Service Resource Balancing (New/Optional) ........................................65  3.19.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................65  

3.19.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................66  3.19.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................66  3.19.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................66  3.19.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................67  3.19.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................67  3.19.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................67  3.20 GBFD-511607 P2P Resource Balancing (New/Optional) .........................................................................67  3.20.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................67   3.20.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................68  3.20.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................68  3.20.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................68  3.20.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................69  3.20.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................69  3.20.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................69  3.21 GBFD-511110 BSC supporting Blind Search (New/Optional) .................................................................70   3.21.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................70   3.21.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................70  3.21.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................70  3.21.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................70  3.21.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................71  3.21.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................71  3.21.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................71  3.22 GBFD-115830 VAMOS (Enhanced/Optional) .........................................................................................72   3.22.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................72   3.22.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................72  3.22.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................72  3.22.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................72  3.22.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................74  3.22.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................74  3.22.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................74  3.23 GBFD-115831 Mute SAIC MS Identification (Enhanced/Optional) .........................................................74   3.23.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................74   3.23.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................74  3.23.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................75  3.23.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................75  Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.23.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................75  3.23.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................75  3.23.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................75  3.24 GBFD-115832 VAMOS Call Drop Solution (Enhanced/Optional) ...........................................................76   3.24.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................76   3.24.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................76  3.24.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................76  3.24.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................76 

3.24.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................76  3.24.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................77  3.24.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................77  3.25 GBFD-118631 A Interface Transmission Pool (New/Optional) ................................................................77   3.25.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................77   3.25.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................78  3.25.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................78  3.25.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................78  3.25.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................79  3.25.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................80  3.25.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................80  3.26 GBFD-510710 GBFD-510710 IIntelligent ntelligent Battery Battery Management (New/Optional) (New/Optional) ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ .........80 ...80   3.26.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................80   3.26.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................80  3.26.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................80  3.26.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................80  3.26.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................81  3.26.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................81  3.26.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................81  3.27 GBFD-111202 O&M of BTS (Enhanced/Basic) ......................................................................................81  3.27.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................81   3.27.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................81  3.27.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................82  3.27.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................82  3.27.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................82  3.27.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................82  3.27.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................82  3.28 GBF GBFD-1 D-115701 15701 TFO (Enhanced (Enhanced/Opt /Optional) ional) ...............................................................................................82   3.28.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................82   3.28.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................82  3.28.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................83  3.28.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................83  3.28.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................83  3.28.6 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................84  Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.28.7 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................84  3.29 GBFD-119504 PS Power Control (Enhanced/Optional) ...........................................................................84   3.29.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................84   3.29.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................84  3.29.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................85  3.29.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................85  3.29.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................87 

3.29.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................87  3.29.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................87 

3.30 GBF GBFD-51 D-510104 0104 Multi-site Multi-site Cell (Enhanced/O (Enhanced/Optio ptional) nal) ................................................................................87  3.30.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................87   3.30.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................87  3.30.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................87  3.30.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................88  3.30.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................89  3.30.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................89  3.30.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................89  3.31 MRF MRFD-210 D-210304 304 Faul Faultt Ma Manageme nagement nt (Enhance (Enhanced/Bas d/Basic) ic) ..............................................................................90  3.31.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................90   3.31.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................90  3.31.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................90  3.31.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................90  3.31.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................91  3.31.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................91  3.31.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................91  3.32 GBF GBFD-1 D-113706 13706 Mega BSC (New/O (New/Optiona ptional) l) .............................................................................................91  3.32.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................91   3.32.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................92  3.32.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................92  3.32.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................93  3.32.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................93  3.32.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................93  3.32.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................93  3.33 GBFD-119406 High Speed Circuit Switched Data (New/Optional) ..........................................................93   3.33.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................93   3.33.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................95  3.33.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................95  3.33.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................95  3.33.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................96  3.33.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................96  3.33.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................96  3.34 GBFD-117705 PS Dummy Frame Compression(New/Optional) ..............................................................96  Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.34.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................96   3.34.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................97  3.34.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................97  3.34.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................97  3.34.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................97  3.34.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................97  3.34.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................98 

3.35 GBFD-118620 Clock over IP support 1588v2 (Enhanced/Optional) .........................................................98   3.35.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................98   3.35.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance..............................................................................................................98  3.35.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re .......................................................................................................................................98  3.35.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es .......................................................................................................................................99  3.35.5 Ope Operatio ration n.......................................................................................................................................99  3.35.6 Ot Other her NEs......................................................................................................................................99  3.35.7 Other Features Features ...............................................................................................................................99  3.36 GBFD-115404 Lb Interface (Enhanced/Optional) ....................................................................................99  3.36.1 Des Descript cription ion ....................................................................................................................................99   3.36.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 100  3.36.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 101  3.36.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 101  3.36.5 Ope Operatio ration n ..................................................................................................................................... 101  3.36.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 101  3.36.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 101  3.37 GBFD-119507 PS Downlink DTX (New/Optional) ............................................................................... 102  3.37.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 102  3.37.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 102  3.37.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 102  3.37.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 103  3.37.5 Ope Operatio ration n ..................................................................................................................................... 103  3.37.6 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 103  3.37.7 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 103  3.38 GBFD-119508 PS Uplink DTX (New/Optional) .................................................................................... 104   3.38.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 104  3.38.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 104  3.38.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 104  3.38.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 105  3.38.5 Ope Operatio ration n ..................................................................................................................................... 105  3.38.6 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 105  3.38.7 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 106  3.39 GBFD-511405 NC2 between GSM and TD-SCDMA (New/Optional) ................................................... 106  3.39.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 106  3.39.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 106  Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.39.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 107  3.39.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 107  3.39.5 Ope Operatio ration n ..................................................................................................................................... 107  3.39.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 107  3.39.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 108  3.40 GBFD-1 GBFD-118614 18614 GS GSM M PS PS Service Service Map (N (New/B ew/Basic) asic) ............ ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........ .. 108  3.40.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 108 

3.40.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 109  3.40.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 109  3.40.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 110  3.40.5 Ope Operatio ration n..................................................................................................................................... 110  3.40.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 110 

3.40.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 110  3.41 GBFD-511608 WLAN Hot Spot Notification (New/Optional) ............................................................... 111   3.41.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ..................... 11 111 1  3.41.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 11 111 1  3.41.3 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 112  3.41.4 Ope Operatio ration n..................................................................................................................................... 113  3.41.5 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 113  3.41.6 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 113  3.42 MRFD-210402 BTS/NodeB Software Management (Enhanced/Basic) .................................................. 113  3.42.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ..................... 113  3.42.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 114  3.42.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 114  3.42.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 114  3.42.5 Ope Operatio ration n..................................................................................................................................... 114  3.42.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 114  3.42.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 114  3.43 GBFD-117803 Abis Transmission Backup (E/O) ................................................................................... 115   3.43.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ..................... 115  3.43.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 115  3.43.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 116  3.43.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 116  3.43.5 Ope Operatio ration n..................................................................................................................................... 117  3.43.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 117  3.43.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 117  3.44 GBFD-116301 GBFD-116301 Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) (Enhanced/Optional) (Enhanced/Optional) ...... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ..... 117  3.44.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ..................... 117  3.44.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 118  3.44.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 118  3.44.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 118  3.44.5 Ope Operatio ration n..................................................................................................................................... 118  Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.44.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 119  3.44.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 119  3.45 GBFD-119509 GPRS Packet Fast Transmission(Enhanced/Optional) .................................................... 119   3.45.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ..................... 119  3.45.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 119  3.45.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 119  3.45.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 119 

3.45.5 Ope Operatio ration n ..................................................................................................................................... 120  3.45.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 120  3.45.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 120  3.46 GBFD-119203 Extended Uplink TBF (Enhanced/Optional) ................................................................... 120  3.46.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 120  3.46.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 121  3.46.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 121  3.46.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 121  3.46.5 Ope Operatio ration n ..................................................................................................................................... 121  3.46.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 121  3.46.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 122  3.47 GBFD-511505 RACH Storm Filtration(New/Optional) ......................................................................... 122  3.47.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 122  3.47.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 122  3.47.3 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 122  3.47.4 Ope Operatio ration n ..................................................................................................................................... 123  3.47.5 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 123  3.47.6 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 123  3.48 MRFD-211804 GSM Power Control on Interference Frequency for GU Small Frequency gap (New/Optio (New /Optional) nal) ............................................................................................................................................ 123  3.48.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 123  3.48.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 125  3.48.3 Impact on NEs NEs ............................................................................................................................. 12 126 6  3.48.4 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 126  3.48.5 Inte Inter-N r-NE E Interfac Interfacee ........................................................................................................................ 126  3.48.6 Ope Operatio ration n and Maintena Maintenance nce .......................................................................................................... 127 127  3.48.7 Impact on Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................. 129 129  3.49 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA for for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (New/Optional) ........... ...... ........... ............ ............ ......... ... 130  3.49.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 130  3.49.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 130  3.49.3 Impact on NEs NEs ............................................................................................................................. 13 131 1  3.49.4 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 131  3.49.5 Inte Inter-N r-NE E Interfac Interfacee ........................................................................................................................ 131  3.49.6 Ope Operatio ration n and Maintena Maintenance nce .......................................................................................................... 131 131  3.49.7 Impact on Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................. 132 132  Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.50 MRFD-211501 IP-Based IP-Based Multi-mode Co-Transmissio Co-Transmission n on BS side (Enhanced/Optional)......... (Enhanced/Optional)............... ............ ........ .. 133  3.50.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 133  3.50.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 134  3.50.3 Impact on NEs NEs ............................................................................................................................. 13 134 4  3.50.4 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 134  3.50.5 Inte Inter-N r-NE E Interfac Interfacee ........................................................................................................................ 134  3.50.6 Ope Operatio ration n and Maintena Maintenance nce .......................................................................................................... 134 134 

3.50.7 Impact on Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................. 136 136 

3.51 MRFD-211602 Multi-mode BS Common IPSec (New/Optional) ........................................................... 136  3.51.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 136  3.51.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 137  3.51.3 Impact on NEs NEs ............................................................................................................................. 13 137 7  3.51.4 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 137  3.51.5 Inte Inter-N r-NE E Interfac Interfacee ........................................................................................................................ 137  3.51.6 Ope Operatio ration n and Maintena Maintenance nce .......................................................................................................... 138 138  3.51.7 Impact on Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................. 138 138  3.52 GBF GBFD-1 D-115821 15821 EICC (Enh (Enhanced anced/Opti /Optional) onal) ............................................................................................ 138  3.52.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 138  3.52.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 139  3.52.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 139  3.52.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 139  3.52.5 Ope Operatio ration n and Maintena Maintenance nce .......................................................................................................... 140 140  3.52.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 140  3.52.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 140  3.53 GBFD-119506 GBFD-119506 GPRS/EGPRS Ti Time me slot multiplexing priority (Enhanced/Optional) ........... ...... ........... ............ ............ ........ 140  3.53.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 140  3.53.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 141  3.53.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 141  3.53.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 141  3.53.5 Ope Operatio ration n ..................................................................................................................................... 142  3.53.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 142  3.53.7 Ot Other her Features Features ............................................................................................................................. 142  3.54 GBFD-113521 A5/1 Encryption Flow Optimization (Enhanced/Optional).............................................. 142   3.54.1 Des Descript cription ion .................................................................................................................................. 142  3.54.2 Capac Capacity ity and Pe Perfo rformance rmance............................................................................................................ 143  3.54.3 Ha Hardwa rdware re ..................................................................................................................................... 143  3.54.4 Inte Interfac rfaces es ..................................................................................................................................... 143  3.54.5 Ope Operatio ration n ..................................................................................................................................... 143  3.54.6 Ot Other her NEs.................................................................................................................................... 144  3.54.7 Rela Related ted Features Features .......................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................... 14 144 4  3.55 Othe Otherr Sy System stem Enha Enhanceme ncements nts ................................................................................................................. 144 

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3.55.1 Optimization of Incoming-BSC Handover Failure Measurement and Counters Related to Call Drops  ..............................................................................................................................................................  ................................................................ .............................................................................................. 144  3.55.2 Handover Optimization with Enhanced Neighboring WCDMA WCDMA Cell Repo Reporting rting ....... ............ ........... ............ ........... ..... 144  3.55.3 Abis IPHC IPHC ................................................................................................................................... 145  3.55.4 SI 2Quater 2Quater Opti Optimiza mization tion .............................................................................................................. 145  3.55.5 Active Power Control Optimization Algorithm ............................................................................. 145  3.55.6 0.2 dB Power Control Optimization in Huawei Huawei III Power Control Algorithm........ Algorithm............. ........... ............ ............ ........ .. 146  3.55.7 Optimization for Handling ALM-26529 ALM-26529 RF Unit VSWR Thres Threshold hold Crossed ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ......... ... 147  3.55.8 BEP Opt Optimiza imization tion ........................................................................................................................ 147  3.55.9 Optimization Optimization of Power Power Control and Baseband Baseband Freque Frequency ncy Ho Hopping pping ...... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ...... 148  3.55.10 Pico Automatic Automatic Co Configu nfiguration ration and Planning Planning ............................................................................... 148  3.55.11 Dummy PS Frame Compression in Abis over IP ......................................................................... 149   3.55.12 FER Optimiza Optimization tion ...................................................................................................................... 149  3.55.13 Takeover of Paging Message Classification by the BTS .............................................................. 149  3.55.14 Optimization of DTM-related Counter Measurement .................................................................. 150  3.55.15 Optimization of Measurement of Call Drops Due to Abis-Interface Terrestrial Terrestrial Link Faults .......... ..... ..... 150  3.55.16 LDR Optimizatio Optimization n in Flex Abis Mode ........................................................................................ 151  3.55.17 Maintenanc Maintenancee Mode Alarms......................................................................................................... 152  3.55.18 Optimized Mechanism for Handling Major VSWR Alarms ......................................................... 153  

3.55.19 Standby/Active Switchover Time Configured Based on BFD ...................................................... 153   3.55.20 Flex Abis with with DXX .................................................................................................................. 154 154  3.55.21 OML Backup Optimizati Optimization on ........................................................................................................ 154  3.55.22 TA Optimiza Optimization tion ........................................................................................................................ 154  3.55.23 VQI Optimization Optimization ...................................................................................................................... 155  3.55.24 RSSI Calculation and Compensation Optimization ..................................................................... 155  3.55.25 PDCH PDCH Manage Managemen mentt Optimiza Optimization tion .............................................................................................. 155  3.55.26 Optimization of the Mechanism for Forbidding Consecutive Intra-Cell Handovers ...... ............ ............ .......... .... 156  3.55.27 Optimization of Interference Handovers in a Concentric Cell ...................................................... 157  3.55.28 Optimization of Failed Frequency Offset Offset Compensation for MSs in Overlaid Subcells During Concentric Cell Handovers Specified by HUAWEI I Handover ............................................................... 157  3.55.29 Optimizatio Optimization n of Cell Load Calculation Calculation ....................................................................................... ................................................................ ....................... 1 157 57  3.55.30 Optimization Optimization of HUAWEI HUAWEI II Handover Handover Filtering ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........ 157  3.55.31 Adjustment of HUAWEI II Handover Priority ............................................................................ 158  3.55.32 Optimization Optimization of Interference Band and and Continuity Priority....... Priority............. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ......... ... 158  3.55.33 Optimization of Intra-Cell Handovers (Intra-Cell Load Control) ................................................. 159 

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview



This chapter provides an overview of the update.

1.1 Capacity and Performance This section describes how the t he update affects capacity and performance. performance.

1.1.1 BSC Compared with the specifications of BSC6900 B SC6900 V900R013, those of BSC6900 V900R014 change when the Abis, A, A, and Gb interfaces interfaces use IP over FE/GE/STM-1 transmission. Table transmission. Table 1-1 lists the changes. Table 1-1 Changes in BSC specifications




Busy hour call attempts (BHCAs)



Traffic Traf fic volume (Erlangs)



Packet switched (PS) traffic throughput (Gbit/s)



 Number of TRXs TRXs



 Number of packet packet data channels (PDCHs) that can be activated



The load sharing start threshold is decoupled from the flow control threshold in GBSS14.0. After decoupling, load sharing optimization is triggered if the CPU load on the XPU excee exceeds ds 20%. Therefore, after the BSC is upgraded from GBSS13.0 to GBSS14.0, the CPU load on the XPU  becomes balanced balanced (the load on the heavy-load CPU decreases, and the load on the light-load light-load CPU increases). This maximizes the overall overall processing capability in the control plane. In addition, the total CPU load on the th e XPU of the BSC may increase because load sharing optimization increases the messages transferred between CPUs.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

1.1.2 BTS Compared with BTS3000 V100R013C00, BTS3000 V100R014C00 incorporates the following changes in configuration specifications:  

In time division multiplexing (TDM) networking mode, each BTS supports a maximum of 126 TRXs. This requires a transmission extension board UTRPb4 with eight E1/T1  paths. The following BTS models are involved: BTS3900 GSM, BTS3900A GSM, BTS3900L GSM, BTS3900AL GSM, and DBS3900 GSM.


In DBS3900 GSM, 21 levels of RRU3926 or 6 levels of other RRUs can be cascaded; RRU3926s and other RRUs can still be cascaded together for 6 levels. The configuration restrictions restrictions on cascading 21 levels of RRU3926 are as follows:  

A maximum of eight RRUs can be installed together to form for m an RRU group, and a maximum of 16 objects can be monitored by the t he RS485 bus per BTS.


The configuration of 21-level RRU3926 cascading is not supported if cascading is implemented by using the common public radio interface (CPRI) panel.


If both GTMUb and UBRI are used, all 21-level cascaded RRUs must be configured on the GTMUb.

A BTS3000 BTS3000 V100R014C00 configured in 21-level RRU3926 cascading mode supports a maximum of 126 TRXs.

1.1.3 OSS The system management, application processing, and counter storage capabilities of M2000 V200R012C00 (excluding the network management components) as well as the maximum number of clients that can access a ccess M2000 V200R012C00 simultaneously remain unchanged.

1.2 Hardware This section describes how the t he update affects hardware. hardware.

1.2.1 BSC Compared with BSC6900 V900R013, BSC6900 V900R014 has the following new boards:    NIUa The NIUa board provides the BSC service awareness function. This board is used with service boards to implement priority-based service scheduling, which provides differentiated differen tiated service quality to t o different services.  

SAUc The SAUa or SAUc board is required when Huawei Nastar is used. This board is configured in an idle slot except slots 6, 7, 12, and 13 in tthe he Main Processing Subrack (MPS). You You are advised to install it in a rear slot of the t he MPS.


FG2d/GOUd As an upgrade of the FG2a/GOUa board, the FG2d/GOUd board can be used to replace the FG2a/GOUa board when the Abis, A, and Gb interfaces use IP over FE/GE transmission. An FG2d/GOUd board has the following specifications:

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview  

Supports a maximum of 1536 TRXs over the Abis interface, with each GE port supporting a maximum of 384 TRXs.


Supports a maximum of 23,040 circuit identification codes (CICs) over the A interface,, with each GE port supporting a maximum of 6144 CICs. interface


Supports data transmission at a maximum of 512 Mbit/s over the Gb interface, with each GE port supporting data transmission at a maximum of 128 Mbit/s.

It is recommended to configure FE ports on the FG2d/GOUd board the same as FE ports on the FG2a/GOUa board because the specifications of each FE port are restricted by 100 MHz physical transmission bandwidth. Compared with the FG2a/GOUa board, the FG2d/GOUd board has the following improvementss in its processing capability: improvement  

On the Abis interface, the processing capability is 4 times the original capability.


On the A interface, interface, the processing capability is 3.75 times the original capability. capability.


On the Gb interface, the processing capability is 4 times the original capability. capability.


TNUa If all interfaces use IP transmission, the TNUa board is not required and a service board is configured in the slot for installing i nstalling the TNUa board.

1.2.2 BTS Compared with V900R013, V900R013C01 has a new BTS model: BTS3900AL.   BTS3900AL BTS3900AL is a new type of Huawei enhanced radio technology (HERT)-based outdoor  base station. Delivered Delivered with a power power cabinet TP48600A TP48600A and a battery cabinet cabinet IBBS700D/T/A, the base station controller (BSC) cabinet has the following specifications:  

Provides a heat dissipation capability of 2200 W. W.


Supports up to two 650 W BBUs.


Supports up to 18 V3 RF modules, that is, nine 2 x 80 W RFUs and nine 2 x 60 W RRUs. Each cabinet provides nine RFU slots.


Allows each switch on a power distribution box to route a maximum power output of 750 W to RFUs and 650 W to a BBU.


Provides a maximum power consumption of 650 W and a maximum heat


consumption of 210 W for transmission equipment in the cabinet. Provides a 92 Ah storage battery battery in the t he cabinet to produce a short period of backup  power supply. supply.

Compared with BTS3000 V100R013C00, BTS3000 V100R014C00 has the following new  boards:  

DGLUb The DGLUb board provides lightning protection for the outdoor BTS3012AE.





Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Provides clock signals for indoor and outdoor base stations in co-site co-sit e scenarios. Implements inter-BBU data exchange and clock synchronization by using the UCIU  board.


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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

The UTRPc board in BBU3900 BB U3900 enhances the IP transmission processing capability for BTSs. A UTRPc board has the following specifications:  

Provides two FE/GE optical ports and four FE/GE electrical ports.


Supports Internet Protocol Security (IPsec).

− −


RRU3926 As an MRRU RF module with one transmit (TX) channel and two receive (RX) channels, an RRU3926 has the following specifications:  

Works on the following frequency bands: 900 MHz: P-GSM 25 MHz, CMCC 25 MHz, and E-GSM 35 MHz 1800 MHz: low 60 MHz and full 75 MHz


Supports one TX channel and two RX channels.


Supports a maximum power of 80 W.


Supports the following modes: GSM only (GO), UMTS only (UO), and GSM/UMTS (GU).


Supports eight carriers in GO mode.


Supports CPRI-based ring cascading.


Supports easy installation, with a volume of 12 liters. lit ers.


RRU3942 As an MRRU RF module with two t wo TXs and four RXs, an RRU3942 has tthe he following specifications:  

Works on the following frequency bands: 1900 MHz (bandwidth: 60 MHz) 850 MHz (bandwidth: 25 MHz)

  Supports two logical TX channels channels and four logical RX channels. channels. Two Two physical channels (channel A and channel B) support both b oth the TX and RX functions, and two  physical channels channels (channel C and channel channel D) support only the TX function.


Supports the following power specifications: (Recommended) The power of either channel A or channel B is 60 W. The power of channel A is 40 W and the power of channel B is 80 W.


Supports the following modes: GO, UO, LTE Only (LO), GU, and GSM/LTE (GL).


Supports eight carriers in GO mode.


Supports CPRI-based ring cascading.


Supports a volume of 24 liters.

One RRU3942 works only on one frequency band. Two RRU3942s can work on different frequency bands.  

Channels A, B, C, and D map to the four TX/RX ports (ANT_TX/RXA, ANT_TX/RXB, ANT_ RXC, and ANT_ RXD) at the bottom of the RRU3942, respectively.

1.2.3 OSS  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

1.3 Upgrade Process GBSS9.0 must first be upgraded to GBSS12.0 before being upgraded to GBSS14.0. GBSS12.0 and GBSS13.0 can be directly upgraded to GBSS14.0. To upgrade a GBSS, first upgrade the BSC, check that the key performance indicators (KPIs) on the live network are normal, then upgrade the BTS. When upgrading the BSC, use the RemoteClient tool and follow the instructions in the BSC upgrade guide. When upgrading the BTS, use the M2000 and follow the instructions i nstructions in the BTS upgrade guide.

1.4 License The following features provided in earlier versions are combined, deleted, or changed to basic featuress in GBSS14.0. Therefore, licenses of these features are deleted. Table feature deleted. Table 1-2 describes the licenses deleted from GBSS14.0. Table 1-2 Licenses deleted from GBSS14.0

Change Type

Feature ID

Feature Name

Change Description



IP Performance Performance Monitor

This feature is changed to a  basic feature. feature.



2G/3G Co-Transmission Co-Transmission  by TDM Switching Switching

This feature is deleted.



Load Sharing

This feature is changed to a  basic feature. feature.



NSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA)

This feature is integrated into BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA).



Simple Mode LCS (Cell

This feature is integrated into

ID + TA)

BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA).



PDCH Adjustment




Dynamically Adjusting This feature is changed to a the RRBP Frequency  basic feature. feature.



Adaptive Adjustment of This feature is changed to a feature. Uplink and Downlink  basic feature. Channels







This feature is changed to a  basic feature. feature. Adjusting

the Uplink MCS Coding

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

This feature is changed to a  basic feature. feature.

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This feature is changed to a  basic feature. feature.



GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

Change Type

Feature ID

Feature Name

Change Description



HUAWEI III Power This feature is changed to a Control Algorithm  basic feature. feature.



Packet Assignment Taken This feature is changed to a Over by the BTS  basic feature. feature.

Besides an existing license item for controlling a feature feature,, a license resource resource item is added to to the following features in GBSS14.0. This does not affect the following features listed iin n Table 1-3 after an upgrade. Table 1-3 Features for which a license resource item is added (with no impact after an upgrade)  

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 




If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIEICC TRX) LGMIEICCRES resourcess ((per resource per TRX)



TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown


If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0.

DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIDSTRXPA TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown (per TRX) LGMIDSTRXPARES Resources for TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown (per TRX)

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1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown on Timeslot Level

If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIDSTSPA TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown on Timeslot Level (per TRX) LGMIDSTSPARES Resources for TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown on Timeslot Level (per TRX)



Multi-Carrier Intelligent Intelligent Voltage Regulation

If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIMCIV Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Regulation (per TRX) LGMIMCIVRES Resources for Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Regulation (per TRX)

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1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 




China If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIDTM

DTM (per TRX)

LGMIDTMRES resourcess (per TRX) resource


Countries outside China The control unit for the existing license of this feature does not change in countries outside China. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIDTM kbit/s)

DTM (per 64

LGMIDTMRES resourcess (per TRX) resource  New


GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability


If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMISYSHO GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability (per TRX) LGMISYSHORES Resources GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability (per TRX)

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1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



Enhanced BCCH Power Consumption Optimization

If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIMBEOPC Enhanced BCCH Power Consumption Optimization (per TRX) LGMIMBEOPCRES Resources for Enhanced BCCH Power Consumption Optimization (per TRX)



Network Support Support SAIC

If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMISAIC Network Support SAIC (per TRX) LGMISAICRES Resources for Network Support SAIC (per TRX)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



PS Power Power Control

China If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIPSPC Control (per TRX)

PS Power

LGMIPSPCRES Resources for PS Power Control (per TRX) Countries outside China The control unit for the existing license of this feature does not change in countries outside China. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIPSPC PS Power Control (per 64 kbit/s) LGMIPSPCRES Resources for PS Power Control (per TRX)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



Extended Dynamic Allocation (EDA)

China If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIEDA Extended Dynamic Allocation (EDA) (per TRX) LGMIEDARES Resources for Extended Dynamic Allocation (EDA) (per TRX) Countries outside China The control unit for the existing license of this feature does not change in countries outside China. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIEDA Extended Dynamic Allocation (EDA) (per 64 kbit/s) LGMIEDARES Resources for Extended Dynamic Allocation (EDA) (per TRX)



Dynamic Cell Off


If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIDCPO Dynamic Cell Power Off (per TRX) LGMIDCPORES Resources for Dynamic Cell Power Off (per TRX)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



PSU Smart Smart Control

If you have applied for a license in an earlier version, two licenses are available for this feature after you apply for a new license in GBSS14.0. DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIDSPSU Control (per TRX)

PSU Smart

LGMIDSPSURES Resources for PSU Smart Control (per TRX)

 New licenses licenses are added for the following following features features while the existing controlling license items remain after an upgrade. This affect the following features listed in in Table  Table 1-4 after an upgrade. Therefore, you must check feature configurations before an upgrade. If a feature is enabled  but the existing license license has not been applied, applied, apply for a new license. license. After After the BSC is upgraded to GBSS14.0 or later, if the required license is not available, configuration will be restricted 60 days after the upgrade. When this happens, disable the feature or apply for a new license. Table 1-4 Features for which a license resource item is added (with impacts after an upgrade)

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



TFO Support 

1. Without a license for this feature   The TFO Switch parameter cannot be set to ENABLE(Enable) . To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example):   SET GCELLBASICPARA: GCELLBASICPARA: IDTYPE=BYID, IDTYPE=BYI D, CELLID=0,  NBAMRTFOSWITCH=ENABLE;  NBAMRTF OSWITCH=ENABLE; 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command:   DSP LICUSAGE:

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)


TFO (per TRX)


TFO resources

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



BSS Paging Coordination 

1. Without a license for this feature The BSS Paging Co-ordination Co- ordination   parameter cannot be set to YES(YES) .  parameter To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLPSBASE: IDTYPE=BYID, IDTYPE=BYI D, CELLID=0, BSSPAGINGCOORDINATION=YES; 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command: DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIBSSPAGE BSS Paging Coordination (per TRX) LGMIBSSPAGERES Resources for BSS Paging Coordination (per TRX) 


GBFD-113301 GBFD-1 13301

Enhanced Full Rate 

1. Without a license for this feature   The Speech Version parameter cannot  be set to FULL_RATE_VER2(Full-rate VER 2). To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example):   SET GCELLCCACCESS: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, VOICEVER=FULL_RATE_VER2-1

2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command:   DSP LICUSAGE:  LGMIEFR (per TRX)

Enhanced Full Rate

LGMIEFRRES Resources for Enhanced Full Rate (per TRX)  

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



TRX Working Voltage Adjustment 

1. Without a license for this feature   The Adjust Voltage parameter cannot  be set to YES(Yes). To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLBASICPARA: GCELLBASICPARA: BTSadjust=YES; 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command: DSP LICUSAGE: LGMI2TWVA TRX Working Voltage Adjustment (per TRX) LGMI2TWVARES Resources for TRX Working Voltage Adjustment (per TRX)

Modifie d 


Multiple CCCHs  1. Without a license for this feature   The Channel Type parameter cannot  be set to BCH(BCH) . To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GTRXCHAN: IDTYPE=BYID, TRXID=1, CHNO=2, CHTYPE=BCH;




1. Without a license for this feature The AMR HR function cannot be used. 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command: DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIAMRHR TRX) LGMIAMRHRRES LGMIAMR HRRES resources (per TRX)  

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1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 




1. Without a license for this feature  The Interference Cancel Mode Selection parameter cannot be set to ICC(ICC). To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLSOFT: ICTYP=ICC; 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command: DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIICC LGMIICCRES (per TRX)



AMR Power Control 

ICC (per TRX) ICC resources

1. Without a license for this feature   The Allow III Power Control For AMR  parameter  parameter cannot be set to ON(Allowed) . To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLPWR3: AMRCALLPCALLOWED=ON; 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command: DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIAMRPC Control (per TRX)

AMR Power

LGMIAMRPCRES Resources for LGMIAMRPCRES AMR Power Control in Huawei III Power Control (per TRX)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment 

1. Without a license for this feature   The AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed or AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed  parameter cannot be set to YES(Yes) .

To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLCCAMR: AMRUADTHAW=YES, AMRDADTHAW=YES; 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command: DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIAMRCRTAA AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment (per TRX) LGMIAMRCRTAARES Resources for AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment (per TRX)  

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



Active Power Control 

1. Without a license for this feature   The Power Forecast Allowed   parameter cannot be set to YES(Yes).  parameter To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLPWRBASIC: PWRBCDALLOWD=YES;

2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command:   DSP LICUSAGE: 


Active Power

LGMIAPCRES Resources for Active LGMIAPCRES Power Control (per TRX)  New 


Enhanced Dual-Band  Network  

1. Without a license for this feature   The Cell IUO Type  parameter cannot  be set to EDB_cell(Enhanced Double Frequency Cell). To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): ADD GCELL: IUOTP=EDB_cell; 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command: DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIEDBN Enhanced Dual-Band Network (per TRX) LGMIEDBNRES Resources for Enhanced Dual-Band Network (per TRX)

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1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



Automatic Frequency Correction (AFC) 

1. Without a license for this feature   The UL Frequency Adjust Switch and DL Frequency Adjust Switch   parameters  paramete rs cannot be set to YES(Yes). To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLOTHEXT: FREQADJ=YES, DLFREQADJ=YES; DLFREQADJ=YES; 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command: DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIEDBN Automatic Frequency Correction (AFC) (per TRX) LGMIEDBNRES Resources for Automatic Frequency Correction C orrection (AFC) (per TRX)



Fast Move Handover  

1. Without a license for this feature   The Quick Handover Enable    parameterr cannot be set to YES(Yes).  paramete To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLHOBASIC: QUICKHOEN=YES; 2. With a license for this feature If the customer has obtained a license for a historical GBSS software version and applies for a new license for the new GBSS version, two license control items will be displayed when you run the following command: DSP LICUSAGE: LGMIPBGTS Fast Move Handover (per TRX) LGMIPBGTSRES LGMIPBGTS RES Resources for Fast Move Handover (per TRX)

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

Change Type 

Feature ID 

Feature Name 

Change Description 



RACH Storm Filtration 

1. Without a license for this feature Bit 0 in the reserved parameter 13 cannot be set to 0. To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLREV: ITEMINDEX=13, ITEMVALUE=0;


GBFD-119509 GBFD-1 19509

GPRS Packet Fast Transmission 

1. Without a license for this feature   The Downlink GPRS TBF Window Expansion Optimization parameter must be set to 0. To enable this feature after you obtain a license, run the following command (which is used as an example): SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA: GCELLPSOTHERPARA: DlGprsTbfExpandOp=127;

The following features features listed iin n Table 1-5 are added to GBSS14.0 and license-controlled. There is no impact on upgrades. Table 1-5 License for new features

Change Type

Feature ID

Feature Name

Change Description


GBFD-113706 GBFD-113706

Mega BSC

A resource ccontrol ontrol item is added.


GBFD-119407 GBFD-119407

Active TBF Allocation Allocation

A resource ccontrol ontrol item is added.


GBFD-511603 GBFD-511603

IM Service Efficiency Efficiency

A resource control item is added.

Improvement  New

GBFD-511604 GBFD-511604

Web Browsing Browsing Service Efficiency Efficie ncy Improvement

A resource control item is added.


GBFD-511605 GBFD-511605

Email Service Service Efficiency Improvement

A resource control item is added.


GBFD-511606 GBFD-511606

Streaming Media Service Service Resource Balancing

A resource control item is added.


GBFD-511607 GBFD-511607

P2P Resource Balancing

A resource ccontrol ontrol item is added.


GBFD-511503 GBFD-511503

Dynamic Multiple CCCH

A resource control item is added.


GBFD-510710 GBFD-510710

Intelligent Battery

A resource control item is added.


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1 Overview

Change Type

Feature ID

Feature Name

Change Description


GBFD-510105 GBFD-510105


A resource ccontrol ontrol item is added.


GBFD-113524 GBFD-113524

BTS Integrated IPsec IPsec

A resource ccontrol ontrol item is added.


GBFD-113526 GBFD-113526

BTS Supporting PKI PKI

A resource ccontrol ontrol item is added.


GBFD-511110 GBFD-511110

BSC supporting Blind Search

A resource control item is added.


GBFD-511608 GBFD-511608

WLAN Hot Spot  Notification

A resource control item is added.


GBFD-117705 GBFD-117705

PS Dummy Frame Compression

A resource control item is added.


GBFD-119507 GBFD-119507

PS Downlink Downlink DTX

A resource ccontrol ontrol item is added.


GBFD-119508 GBFD-119508

PS Uplink DTX

A resource ccontrol ontrol item is added.


GBFD-119406 GBFD-119406

High Speed Circuit

A resource control item is added.

Switched Data  New

GBFD-511405 GBFD-511405

NC2 between between GSM and TD-SCDMA

A resource control item is added.



Dynamic MA for for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM)

A resource control item is added.



GSM Power Power Control on Interference Frequency for GU Small Frequency gap(GSM)

A resource control item is added.



Co-IPSec Between Between GSM,UMTS and LTE(GSM)

A resource control item is added.


Hardware feature

BBU Carrier Capacity  per TRX

A resource control item has been added.

1.5 Interfaces Compared with earlier versions, GBSS14.0 does not incorporate any changes on tthe he Um, A, or Gb interface. Certificate Management Management Protocol version 2 (CMPv2) is required between a B BTS TS and the Certificate Authority Authority (CA) server to aapply pply for, revoke, and update a certificate. certificate.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

1.6 Operation 1.6.1 BSC Optimized Signaling Tracing  

Supporting NS-layer signaling tracing over the Gb interface  Network service-layer service-layer (NS-layer) (NS-layer) signaling tracing over over the Gb interface interface helps to identify a BSC or Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) fault in i n the interconnection  between the BSC and SGSN. The LMT provides provides an entry for this function function on the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and displays tracing results. With this function, you can trace signaling at the NS layer, which can help you locate and resolve problems more efficiently.


Optimizing the method of naming single-user tracing files To quickly distinguish files containing information about each traced CS or PS subscriber, each file name ends with the last four digits of the traced number. The following numbers can be traced: temporary mobile subscriber identity (TMSI), international internation al mobile subscriber s ubscriber identity (IMSI), mobile station international ISDN number (MSISDN), international mobile equipment identity i dentity (IMEI), and temporary logical link identity (TLLI).


Supporting the display of entered numbers The LMT displays the latest five numbers entered by users to start functions such as CS user signaling tracing, PS user signaling tracing, and external interface loopback. NOTE

  With the User Signaling Tracing feature, operators can monitor the signaling transmitted over interfaces for specific MSs, facilitating network optimization and fault rectification. This feature requires the information about MSs, such as IMSI, MSISDN, and IMEI. In addition, this feature provides functions for anonymizing the information. You are obligated to take considerable measures, in compliance with the laws of the countries concerned and the user privacy policies of your company, to ensure that the  personal data data of users is fu fully lly protected. For eexample, xample, en enabling abling the anonymization anonymization function and delet deleting ing the folders saving user tracing records after anonymization.

Enhanced Operation and Maintenance  

Supporting PDCH loopbacks PDCH loopbacks are initiated on the BSC side. The loopback nodes can be the t he DPU, TNU, TMU, or TRX board. In the Monitor Channel Status window, the loopback status is indicated by the color of an indicator in the t he lower right corner. If the color is orange, a loopback test is being performed on the current PDCH. A loopbac loopback k test can be initiated  by right-clicking the the corresponding PDCH PDCH in the window or running running an MML command. A loopback helps to locate faults in a PDCH node by node and quickly isolate the node where the PDCH is faulty.


Supporting OPC change in effective mode You can change an originating point code (OPC) in effective mode without affecting the ongoing services in either of the following conditions: The OPC is not mapped to a GSM G SM cell. The OPC is mapped to an activated GSM cell. In A over IP mode, if an originating signaling point (OSP) is configured with only one M3LE entity, entity, its OPC can be changed without deleting relevant data.


Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Supporting a unified latitude and longitude format for cells/BTSs in GUL mode

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1 Overview

For interconnection between northbound interfaces and NEs in GSM/UMTS/LTE GSM/UMTS/LTE (GUL) mode, both latitude and longitude are input in a format f ormat of degrees plus minutes plus seconds, as demonstrated by the following: Latitude:  – 90:00:00.000~90:00:00.000 90:00:00.000~90:00:00.000 Longitude:  – 180:00:00.000~180:00:00.000 180:00:00.000~180:00:00.000  

Optimized engineering alarms  New commands commands are added to set the engineering engineering status for the BSC and BTS, respectively. The period of validity for engineering status can be set manually by running a command based on your individual needs. The scenarios where the engineering status of the BTS is preset in earlier versions are deleted. The engineering engineering status is set to t o TESTING (valid in 30 min) when a BTS or  NodeB is added. added. In addition, certain alarms alarms including smoke alarms, water water damage alarms, anti-theft alarms, high subrack temperature alarms, and sensor failure alarms alar ms can  be reported under under the engineering engineering status. The setting setting of engineering status has been been simplified and optimized based on the procedure for engineering management on the live li ve network.


Enhancing the integrated auditing of operation logs The BSC operation logs record information about equipment operations that are  performed by using the M2000 client, Configuration Configuration Management Management Express (CME), and third-party interfaces interfaces and ttools ools (for example, northbound interface (NBI), NE information collector (NIC), and Nastar). The records include the user name used for logging in to the client or tools, detailed operations, the time when the operations were  performed, and IP addresses. In GBSS14.0, the  performed, the BSC operation logs on the entire entire network can be centrally managed.

Enhanced Security  

Complex password After logging in to the BSC operation and maintenance unit (OMU) for the first time, you must change your password. This ensures that the password complexity ccomplies omplies with the requirements indicated by the password policy. You are also reminded to reset your password to ensure the complexity and security of the password.


Secured BSC FTP function  

The file transfer protocol (FTP) ports can be manually configured on the BSC. FTP ports 20 and 21 are notable ports. Therefore, they are vulnerable to network attacks. Inare GBSS14.0, thethe FTP ports world, can be decreasing adjusted, port  provides invisible to invisible outside dec reasingand thethe probability proservices bability each of external attacks.


Only the directory where BSC software is installed is visible to FTP users.


The FTP resources can only be accessed by authorized users.


FTP operations are logged.

− −


Safer File Manager on the LMT Only authorized users are allowed to use File Manager on the LMT, and user operations are logged, making the operations controllable and traceable.

1.6.2 BTS  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

1.6.3 OSS Enhanced CME Functions  

Supporting configuration fallback in a GSM network With configuration configuration fallback, you can create the fallback configuration mode and back up the current configuration in advance. When the configuration that has been adjusted in the Planned area takes effect, configuration fallback allows the network to t o quickly revert to the previous state if the network performance fails to meet the customer's requirements. requiremen ts. It is recommended that configuration fallback be performed in i n a way that t hat has the least impact on services. In GBSS13.0, configuration fallback can only be performed for the configuration of radio layer parameters in some scenarios. For example, importing parameters related to radio network planning (RNP), adjusting parameters in batches, and adjusting neighboring cell configuration. In GBSS14.0, it can be performed for tthe he configuration of equipment, transport, and radio layer parameters in all scenarios.


Supporting the upgrade of CME configuration template After the BSC6900 upgrade, users can upgrade the template data on the CME, allowing the template data to be used even after the BSC6900 upgrade. The CME configuration template applies parameter settings that t hat are fixed after network  planning and optimization optimization to the entire network. network. This improves operation efficiency and leaves the parameter configuration free of errors. The CME configuration template includes the BSC, BTS, cell, and neighboring cell.


Optimizing the indexes for configuring a GSM network The parameters parameters related to BTS index, cell index, i ndex, external cell index, and TRX index have changed from mandatory to optional. The key parameters during routine configuration are reduced to minimize data conflicts. Onsite data planning become simpler, which helps to enhance onsite data preparation efficiency effic iency and reduce onsite operation and maintenance costs. When adding a BTS, cell, external cell, or TRX or performing capacity expansion by using the NBI, CME GUI, CME auxiliary tools (Summary), CME import and export functions, and MML commands, you do not need to configure the parameters related to the BTS index, cell index, external cell index, or TRX index. This improves i mproves the data  preparation efficiency efficiency..

Enhanced M2000 Functions  

Querying CPRI ports on the M2000 panel On the M2000 client, select a particular optical/electrical port of the BBU, right-click Query Optical Module Information or Query Electrical Module Information from the shortcut menu to query q uery the information about optical/electrical modules and CPRI C PRI  ports. On the M2000 client, select an RRU, right-click Query Optical Module Information or Query Electrical Module Information from the shortcut s hortcut menu to query information about optical and electrical modules and CPRI ports.


Viewing alarm status of optical and electrical modules on the M2000 panel The alarm severity of each CPRI port is displayed by the color of an alarm indicator. If the CPRI link becomes faulty because of a fault in i n an optical module, the alarm severity of the optical module is indicated by the color of an alarm indicator on the

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

1 Overview

M2000 panel, which helps to locate the fault. Different alarm severities are indicated by different colors of the alarm indicator.  

Starting and stopping a test for bit errors at the physical layer la yer in effective mode On the M2000 client, the results for the t he CPRI bit error rate (BER) tests can be displayed in a curve. In the CPRI Topology Management dialog box, right-click a CPRI link and choose BER Test from the shortcut menu to start a BER test. The test has no iimpact mpact on services. After starting a BER test, the M2000 parses BER test reports in real ti time me and displays the BER in a curve. In addition, the M2000 can save the test results as a file on the M2000 client and allows users to browse the results in ineffec i neffective tive mode. Bit errors can be easily detected in RRU cascading scenarios.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

2 Summary of of Feature Impacts


Summary of Feature Impacts

This chapter describes the new and enhanced features in GBSS14.0 and the dependencies of these features on other features and NEs. NEs must be configured to meet these dependencies  before feature feature activation. activation. For detailed information about the impact of each feature on the network, see chapter 3 "Impact of GBSS14.0 Features on GBSS13.0." GBSS13.0. " Table 2-1 lists the new and a nd enhanced features in GBSS14.0. Table 2-1 New  New and enh enhanc anced ed featu features res in GBSS GBSS14.0 14.0

Feature ID

Feature Name

Impact on the System

New/Enhanced/Basic/O ptional






IP Performance Monitor




BTS Supporting PKI




Active TBF Allocation




Abis over IP


Enhanced/Optional Enhanced/Optional

GBFD-113524 GBFD-511503

BTS Integrated IPsec Dynamic Multiple CCCH

Minor Minor

New/Optional New/Optional


Dynamic Adjustment Between FR and HR




HUAWEI I Handover




HUAWEI II Handover


Enhanced/Optional Enhanced/Optional


GSM Flow Control




Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC)




Automatic Level Control (ALC)



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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

2 Summary of of Feature Impacts

Feature ID

Feature Name

Impact on the System

New/Enhanced/Basic/O ptional


Automatic Noise Restraint (ANR)




Automatic Noise Compensation (ANC)




IM Service Efficiency Improvement




Web Browsing Service Efficiency Improvement




Email Service Efficiency Improvement




Streaming Media Service Resource Balancing




P2P Resource Balancing




BSC supporting Blind



Search GBFD-115830



Enhanced/Optional Enhanced/Optional

GBFD-115831 GBFD-1 15831

Mute SAIC MS Identification




VAMOS Call Drop Solution




A Interface Transmission Pool




Intelligent Power Management




O&M of BTS








PS Power Control




Multi-site Cell




Fault Management




Mega BSC


New/Optional New/Optional


High Speed Circuit Switched Data




PS Dummy Frame Compression




Clock over IP support




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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

2 Summary of of Feature Impacts

Feature ID

Feature Name

Impact on the System

New/Enhanced/Basic/O ptional


Lb Interface


Enhanced/Optional Enhanced/Optional


PS Downlink DTX




PS Uplink DTX




NC2 between GSM and TD-SCDMA




GSM PS Service Map




WLAN Hot Spot  Notification




BTS/NodeB Software Management




Abis Transmission Backup


Enhanced/Op Enhanced/Optional tional


Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC)




GPRS Packet Fast Transmission




Extended Uplink TBF


Enhanced/Optional Enhanced/Optional


RACH Storm Filtration




GSM Power Control on Interference Frequency for GU Small Frequency gap




Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM)




IP-Based Multi-mode



Co-Transmission on BS side(GBTS) MRFD-211602

Multi-mode BS Common IPSec(GSM)






Enhanced/Optional Enhanced/Optional


GPRS/EGPRS Time slot multiplexing priority





Optional features are controlled by licenses and basic features are not.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report


3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Impact of GBSS14.0 Features on GBSS13.0 This chapter describes the impact of the new and enhanced features in GBSS14.0 on GBSS13.0.

3.1 GBFD-510105 PS AFC (New/Optional) 3.1.1 Description

The PS AFC feature corrects frequency offset for PS services performed by fast-moving MSs. This reduces the Doppler frequency shift caused by high-speed movement and increases the PS data throughput. This feature significantly improves the demodulation performance performance of uplink high-order PS services for MSs moving at a speed above 200 km/hour (GSM900) or 100 km/hour (DCS1800). However, However, this feature deteriorates the demodulation performance for MSs moving at a low speed.

3.1.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity This feature improves the throughput of uplink Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) services for MSs moving at a speed of above 200 km/hour (GSM900) or 100 km/hour (DCS1800). higher speed at which an MS moves leads to a higher throughput of uplink EDGE services. services.A higher

Network Performance The EDGE data block retransmission rate is decreased while the demodulation performance of uplink high-order PS services is improved for MSs moving at a high speed.

3.1.3 Hardware   3012 series base stations, BTS3900B, and BTS3900E do not support this feature.

  The DRRU and DRFU do not support this feature feature..

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.1.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.



The PSULFREQADJ  parameter is added to determine whether to enable this feature.  

Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.1.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it. This feature is disabled by default after the BSC is upgraded from an earlier version to GBSS14.0. To enable this feature, set PSULFREQADJ to YES(Yes) .

3.1.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.1.7 Other Features  

Dependency The feature GBFD-114101 GPRS or GBFD-114201 EGPRS has been activated before this feature is activated.


Exclusiveness This feature cannot be used together t ogether with the feature GBFD-115821 GBFD- 115821 EICC, GBFD-115830 VAMOS, or GBFD-115832 VAMOS Call Drop Solution.


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.2 GBFD-118607 IP Performance Monitor (Enhanced/Basic) 3.2.1 Description The IP Performance Monitor feature (IP PM for short) checks the performance of transmission between the BSC and a BTS in an IP network. network. By effectively effectively monitoring the changes in parameters related to quality of service (QoS), IP PM quickly checks the service quality of an IP bearer network over the Abis interface online. The check results serve as a  basis for flow control control and admission control. control. This feature has implemented basic functions in i n versions earlier than GBSS14.0. In GBSS14.0, this feature incorporates the following enhancements: IP PM can be enabled when IP over E1/T1 is used on the base transceiver station (BTS) side, E1/T1 is terminated on the intermediate router, and IP over FE/GE is used on the BSC side.



The alarm mechanism is improved, and a n appropriate alarm threshold is aadded, dded,  providing detailed detailed causes for IP PM activation and measurement measurement failures. failures.


The parameters related to real-time performance monitoring and traffic measurement are optimized, improving user experience.

3.2.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity Due to the introduction of control packets, IP PM occupies extra bandwidth and increases the overhead on the IP path. The overhead is used for periodically transmitting Forward Monitoring (FM) and Backward Reporting (BR) frames and is less than 6 kbit/s. A packet packet is transmitted only once when IP PM is being activated or deactivated, and therefore tthe he  bandwidth increase increase can be ignored. ignored.

Network Performance  No impact.

3.2.3 Hardware  


A GOUa/FG2a/GOUc/FG2c/ GOUa/FG2a/GOUc/FG2c/GOUd/FG2d GOUd/FG2d interface board is configured on the BSC side.  


A GTMU/GTMUb board is configured on the BTS side.  side.  A GTMUb board is configured when IP over E1/T1 is used on the BTS side, E1/T1 is terminated on the intermediate router, and IP over FE/GE is used over the BSC side.

3.2.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands

 No impact.  


The following values are added to the LOSTPKTALARMTHD parameter: O5E2_R1E2, O1E2_R5E3, and O5E3_R1E3.   Counters

The following counters are added to monitor the receiving and sending rates using IP PM: VS.IPPM.Bits.MeansTx VS.IPPM.Pkts.MeansTx VS.IPPM.Peak.Bits.RateTx VS.IPPM.Peak.Pkts.RateTx VS.IPPM.Peer.Bits.MeansRx VS.IPPM.Peer.Pkts.MeansRx VS.IPPM.Peer.Peak.Bits.RateRx VS.IPPM.Peer.Peak.Pkts.RateRx The following counters are added to monitor the packet loss rate using IP PM: VS.IPPM.Forward.Means.DropRates VS.IPPM.Forward.Peak.DropRates The following counters are added to monitor the delay variation using IP PM: VS.IPPM.Forward.JitterStandardDeviation VS.IPPM.Back.JitterStandardDeviation The following counters are added to monitor the delay using IP PM: VS.IPPM.Rtt.Means VS.IPPM.MaxRttDelay VS.IPPM.MinRttDelay  


The alarm ALM-28052 IP PM Excessive Packet Loss Rate is added on the BTS side, and the alarm severity is minor.  


 No impact.

3.2.5 Operation To deploy this feature in GBSS13.0, a license is required. However, to deploy this feature in GBSS14.0, no license is required.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

If this feature is activated in a version earlier than GBSS14.0, it is activated by default after an upgrade to GBSS14.0. If this feature is inactivated in a version earlier than GBSS14.0, it is inactivated by default after an upgrade to GBSS14.0. When this occurs, you must run the corresponding correspond ing commands to enable this feature. In GBSS14.0, you can set the LOSTPKTALARMTHD parameter to specify the lost-packet alarm threshold.

3.2.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.2.7 Other Features  


This feature depends on the GBFD-118601 Abis over IP feature.  


 No impact.  


 No impact.  


 No impact.

3.3 GBFD-113526 BTS Supporting PKI (New/Optional) 3.3.1 Description The BTS Supporting PKI feature is introduced in GBSS14.0 to enable an NE to automatically obtain a digital certificate authorized by the t he operator's Certificate Authority (CA). An NE with a digital certificate can be successfully authenticated by the IPsec, IEEE 802.1X-2004 standard, or Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. Based on Certificate Management Protocol version 2 (CMPv2), ( CMPv2), this feature provides a suite of functions that apply to t o certificate management between NEs. CMPv2 provides functions such as certificate register request, key update, key restore, certificate revocation, cross-certification, cross-ce rtification, CA key update notification, certificate authorization notification, and certificate revocation notification.

3.3.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.3.3 Hardware  

A UTRPc board must be added to support this feature.


DBS3900, BTS3900, BTS3900A, BTS3900L, and BTS3900AL support this feature.

3.3.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface CMPv2 must be applied between the t he BTS and the CA server for certificate request, revocation, and update.

Man-Machine Interface Many MML commands and parameters are added for this feature. This document only  provides a brief introduction. For details, details, see the SingleRAN7.0 Security Parameter Interface Configuration.. Configuration  

MML commands MML commands commands are added to t o provide the following functions:  

Setting and querying a device certificate


Adding, querying, and removing a device certificate Modifying, querying, and testing the device certificate of an application


Querying the certificate application application types that an NE supports


Adding, removing, and querying a CA certificate or certificate chain


Adding, removing, and querying a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) file


Adding, removing, and querying a CRL update task


Setting and querying periodic check tasks for a certificate


Uploading and downloading a digital certificate file, and querying and removing files in the certificate uploading/downloading area


Parameters Parameters Parame ters related to the t he preceding MML commands are added.


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.3.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and act activate ivate it. This feature automatically takes effect after the license is activated.

3.3.6 Other NEs A CA server supporting CMPv2 must be available.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.3.7 Other Features  

Dependency  No impact.


Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.



It is recommended that you use this feature together toget her with the GBFD-113524 BTS Integrated IPsec feature to improve network security.

3.4 GBFD-119407 Active TBF Allocation (New/Optional) 3.4.1 Description The Active Active TBF Allocation feature enables the BSC to measure data transmission on TBFs in real time and instructs the BSC to allocate all ocate PDCHs carrying TBF TBFss to MSs to t o balance the loads  between channels. channels.

3.4.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity Enabling this feature decreases the number of activated PDCHs and increases network access capacity,, while maintaining the cell throughput and downlink user rate. capacity

Network Performance This feature applies to the scenarios where PS traffic volume is high, the proportion of low-traffic services is high, and the efficiency in which PDCHs carry TBFs is low. Enabling this feature provides the following benefits:  

Increases the downlink LLC throughput for GPRS and EGPRS MSs when the number of activated PDCHs remains unchanged or decreases.  


Decreases the number of activated PDCHs and improves the t he efficiency in which PDCHs carry TBFs, while maintaining the cell throughput and downlink user rate.  


Increases CPU usage on the control plane and user plane because enabling this feature causes periodic measurements of downlink TBF transmission.  

  Increases Increases the uplink PDCH multiplexing rate and decreases the uplink LLC throughput for GPRS and EGPRS MSs if the number of PDCHs decreases. This is because this feature enables the BSC to allocate PDCHs based on only the downlink TBF transmission.

3.4.3 Hardware  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.4.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The ACTIVETBFSWITCH  paramete  parameterr is added to determine whether whether to enable this feature for a cell.




Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.4.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it. This feature is disabled by default after the BSC is upgraded from an earlier version to GBSS14.0. To enable this feature, set ACTIVETBFSWITCH  to YES(Yes).

3.4.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.4.7 Other Features  

Dependency GBFD-114101 GPRS.


Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.5 GBFD-118601 Abis over IP (Enhanced/Optional) 3.5.1 Description The BTS built-in firewall function is introduced to the Abis over IP feature in GBSS14.0. The BTS built-in firewall automatically takes effect after this feature is enabled. The BTS built-in firewall filters out malicious data and prevents network attacks. This helps to avoid a system  breakdown when when network attacks attacks consume a large large number of system resources. The built-in firewall function consists of Access Access Control List (ACL)-based packet filtering and attack packet filtering. ACL-based packet filtering includes basic ACL and enhanced ACL.  

Basic ACL The ACL module sets ACL policies to filter out malicious data. The ACL policy supports sextuple filtering. Sextuple refers to source IP address, source port, destination IP address, destination port, protocol, and DSCP. You can also choose to configure only some of these filters. This feature supports both whitelist-based and blacklist-based filtering.


Enhanced ACL In an Ethernet network, the VLAN technology can isolate various services, such as user  plane, control plane, plane, OM, and clock services. This ensures ensures transmission security. security. BTSs support configuring VLAN based on the next hop IP address and DSCP value. However, the BTS does not identify VLAN IDs for received ETH packets. In this scenario, malicious attackers can construct packets with various VLAN IDs to perform false attack, wasting CPU resources. To resolve this problem, the ACL L2 is designed to ensure that BTSs can identify VLAN IDs and receive only valid ETH packets.


Attack packet filtering This filtering provides basic network protection. You can configure it to prevent various types of attacks, such as ARP spoofing, flooding attack, and malformed packet attack.

3.5.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  No impact.

3.5.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.5.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Man-Machine Interface Many MML commands and parameters are added for this feature. This document only  provides a brief introduction. For details, details, see the SingleRAN7.0 Security Parameter Interface Configuration.. Configuration  

MML commands MML commands commands are added to t o provide the following functions:  

Adding, querying, modifying, and removing an ACL


Adding, querying, modifying, and removing an ACL rule


Adding, querying, modifying, and removing a policy for preventing flooding attacks, and generating corresponding alarms


Parameters Parameters Parame ters related to the t he preceding MML commands are added.


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.5.5 Operation The BTS built-in firewall automatically takes effect after the GBFD-118601 Abis over IP feature is enabled. Users need to configure the ACL-based packet filtering policy as follows:  

Flooding attack prevention prevention is disabled by default. Users can enable or disable this function and can set the corresponding filtering threshold.


ARP spoofing prevention is disabled by default. Users can enable or disable tthis his function.


Malformed packet attack prevention is enabled by default. Users are not allowed to disable this function and do not need to configure c onfigure any parameters. parameters.

3.5.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.5.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.6 GBFD-113524 BTS Integrated IPsec (New/Optional) 3.6.1 Description The BTS Integrated IPsec feature is introduced in GBSS14.0 to encrypt data transmitted  between a BTS BTS and a BSC that are connected over over an external gateway. gateway. This This ensures data confidentiality, integrity, and non-repeated sending and provides operators a secure end-to-end network.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

IPsec is a protocol suite s uite for securing IP communications. IPsec uses the Authentication Header (AH) and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) protocols to provide the following functions:  

Data confidentiality: Data is transmitted in ciphertext.


Data integrity: Received data is checked to ensure that it is not modified.


Data source verification: The credibility of the data source is checked.

Repeated data rejection: Old or repeated packets are rejected to avoid attacks from malicious users who repeatedly send intercepted data.

 


To simplify the use and management of IPsec, Internet Key Exchange (IKE) is defined and  provides the following following functions to enhance enhance bearer network network security:  

Performss automatic key negotiation. Perform


Sets up and maintains security associations.

 

IKE uses pre-shared keys and digital certificates certificates to support peer-end identification. This feature is configured and maintained on the BSC. To enable this feature, the BSC must  be connected connected to a BTS over an external gateway. gateway.

3.6.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance This feature improves transmission security but reduces transmission efficiency because IP  packets are encapsulated encapsulated and encrypted. encrypted. ESP-based encapsulation is used as an example here. It is assumed that the payload of an IP  packet is 500 bytes bytes and the size of the packet packet (including the IP IP address address and the MAC address address header) before IPsec encapsulation encapsulation is 540 bytes. After the IPsec encapsulation (the 3DES encryption algorithm and the MD5 integrity algorithm are used as an example), the packet size is calculated as follows: 20 bytes (MAC address header) + 20 bytes (IP add address ress added for IPsec) + 8 bytes (ESP heade header) r) + 20 bytes (original IP address) + 8 bytes (IV) + 500 bytes (payload) + 2 bytes (padding bytes) + 2 bytes (ESP trailer) + 16 bytes of ICV (MD5) = 596 bytes In this example, the transmission efficiency decreases decreases from 92.59% to 83.89%.

3.6.3 Hardware A UTRPc UTRPc board must be installed i nstalled to support this feature.

3.6.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Man-Machine Interface Many MML commands and parameters are added for this feature. This document only  provides a brief introduction. For details, details, see the SingleRAN7.0 Security Parameter Interface Configuration.. Configuration  

MML commands MML commands commands are added to t o provide the following functions:  

Querying basic IKE state and configuration


Setting basic IKE configuration


Adding, modifying, and removing an IKE security proposal


Querying the state and configuration of an IKE security proposal


Adding, modifying, and removing an IKE peer


Querying the state and configuration of an IKE peer


Adding, modifying, and removing an IPsec proposal


Querying the state and configuration of an IPsec proposal


Adding, modifying, and removing an IPsec policy


Querying the state and configuration of an IPsec policy


Adding and removing mapping between IPsec policy groups and ports

− −

− − −



Parameters Parame ters related to the t he preceding MML commands are added.


The parameter CLIENTIP is added. a dded. This parame parameter ter is used to set s et the communication IP address between the BTS and the clock server when the BTS uses an IP clock, Clock Topology Mode is set to PTPOVERUDP, and the clock server is in a non-security area (packets of the clock server are not encrypted).


Querying and ports the IKE SA state, IPsec SA state, and mapping between IPsec policy groups

Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.6.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it. In addition, you must deploy a security gateway at the BSC to set up an IPsec connection to the BTS.

3.6.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.6.7 Other Features  

Dependency  No impact.


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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

This feature cannot be used together t ogether with the GBFD-117702 BTS Local Switch feature.  

Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation It is recommended that this feature be used together with tthe he GBFD-113526 BTS Supporting PKI feature.

3.7 GBFD-511503 Dynamic Multip Multiple le CCCH (New/Optional) 3.7.1 Description The Dynamic Multiple CCCH feature applies when there is a high paging load and a large number of immediate assignments on the t he Um interface. With this feature, you can configure common control channels (CCCHs) in timeslots 0, 2, 4, and 6 of the broadcast control channel (BCCH) TRX. This improves the Um interface processing capability capability.. Figure 3-1 shows the working principles of this feature. Figure 3-1 Working principles of Dynamic Multiple CCCH

CCCH   configuration


 traffic decreases CCCH traffic CCCH

CCCH traffic CCCH  traffic increases CCCH



  The working principles of Dynamic Multiple CCCH are as follows:  

After this feature is enabled, the BTS calculates the CCCH load and determines whether to increase or decrease the number of CCCHs based on a specified threshold. Then the BTS requests the BSC to increase or decrease one CCCH at a time.


After the increase or decrease, the BSC delivers a System Information Type 3 message containing related configuration data to an MS.


The number of CCCHs decreases or increases by one each time.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.7.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity Flexible CCCH configuration minimizes paging failures due to CCCH congestion. This maximizes the network capacity usage.

Network Performance This feature provides the following positive gains when there is a high paging load:  

Increases the paging success rate and solves an avalanche of pagings when traffic b Increases bursts ursts occur. For example, the BSC sends weather forecast messages to a large number of MSs in severe weather conditions.


Improves operation and maintenance (O&M) efficiency and simplifies CCCH configuration.

This feature has the following negative impacts when there is a high paging load: l oad:  

The following negative impacts occur on the channels involved in ba baseband seband frequency hopping, on the channels configured as SDCCHs or static PDCHs, and on the channels reserved for VIP users in the cell: 1. 

If MaxDynCCCHNum is set to 1, the channels cannot be configured in timeslot 2. Otherwise, this feature cannot be enabled.


If MaxDynCCCHNum  is set to 2, the channels cannot be configured in timeslot 2 or 4. Otherwise, this feature cannot be enabled.


If MaxDynCCCHNum  is set to 3, the channels cannot be configured in timeslot 2, 4, or 6. Otherwise, this feature cannot be enabled.


The MOS for a CS call reduces slightly when an intra-cell i ntra-cell handover is initiated.


Call drops due to channel preemption may occur when PDCHs are converted to CCCHs for PS services.

 

3.7.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.7.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The DynCCCHSwitch parameter is added to determine whether to enable this feature. The following parameters are added to configure related data: da ta: DynCCCHLoadIncrThr DynCCCHLoadRedcThr

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

DynCCCHLoadDuration DynCCCHReduceInterval MaxDynCCCHNum  

Counters The counter CELL.CH.AVAIL.NUM.CCCH.AVR is added to monitor the change in the average number of available CCCHs.



Alarms  No impact. Others  No impact.

3.7.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it. This feature is disabled by default after the BSC is upgraded from an earlier version to GBSS14.0. To use this feature, set the DynCCCHSwitch parameter to ON(ON).

3.7.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.7.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.8 GBFD-113402 Dynamic Adjus Adjustment tment Between FR and HR (Enhanced/Option (Enhanced/Optional) al) 3.8.1 Description The Dynamic Adjustment Adjustment Between FR and a nd HR feature dynamically adjusts the proportion of TCHHs and TCHFs in a cell. This allows the system to a void the situation in which one type t ype of TCH is congested and the other type of TCH is idle. In GBSS14.0, this feature is optimized as follows: If the policy where TCHHs are preferentially allocated to MSs is used, the BSC still allocates a llocates TCHFs to MSs with low receive level when the channel usage exceeds the preset traffic busy threshold. That is, if the policy where TCHHs are preferentially allocated to MSs is used, the BSC determines whether the receive level is higher than the preset threshold during a handover or a channel assignment. If the receive level is higher than the threshold, the BSC allocates TCHHs to the MS. If the receive level is lower than the threshold, the BSC  preferentially  preferen tially allocates TCHFs TCHFs to the MS. This helps helps improve the voice quality. quality.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.8.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity If the traffic is heavy, allocating TCHFs to MSs with low receive level may lead to reduced system capacity and instant channel congestion.

Network Performance The enhancement enhancement of this feature has the following impact:  

In suburb areas and in urban areas with weak coverage but heavy traffic, the proportion of TCHHs decreases by about 7%, improving user experience.


In cells with poor radio coverage but heavy traffic, the congestion rate increases and the maximum traffic volume decreases because the enhancement improves network quality  by reducing network network capacity. capacity.

This feature is developed on the basis that the signal level on the SDCCH is similar si milar to that on the TCH. If there is a significant difference in signal level between the SDCCH and the TCH, this feature brings small gains because it may inaccurately estimate the signal levels.

3.8.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.8.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The JudgeRxLevWhenAssignHr  paramete  parameterr is added to determine whether whether the BSC considers the receive level when allocating TCHHs. The MinRxLevWhenAssignHr  paramete  parameterr is added to set the minimum receive level threshold for allocating TCHHs.


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

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3.8.5 Operation The enhancement enhancement of this feature in GBSS14.0 is still controlled by the original license. This feature is disabled by default after the BSC is upgraded from an earlier version to GBSS14.0. To use this feature, set the TCHAJFLAG  parameter NO(No).

3.8.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.8.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.9 GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover (Enhanced/Basic) 3.9.1 Description The HUAWEI HUAWEI I Handover Ha ndover feature optimizes the TCHF-TCHH handover handover algorithm. In GBSS14.0, the optimized TCHF-TCHH handover algorithm brings the following benefits:  

Provides detailed threshold granularities for the uplink and downlink receive quality decision. This supports more detailed handover decision thresholds t hresholds and improves the handover decision accuracy.


Optimizes the value range for the AdapTive Cell Border (ATCB) decision. This allows MSs at the high-quality cell border to reside on TCHHs, and therefore t herefore improves improves the cell capacity.


Supports load hysteresis for load-based TCHF-TCHH handovers to prevent frequent TCHF-TCHH handovers.

3.9.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity The optimized TCHF-TCHH handover algorithm controls cell capacity and the proportion of TCHHs in a cell.

Network Performance The optimized TCHF-TCHH handover algorithm mainly applies to t o the following scenarios:  

Heavy traffic.


The busy-hour traffic per channel is greater than 0.7 Erlangs and TCHHs account for more than 50% of all TCHs.

 

Compared with the original TCHF-TCHH handover algorithm in the HUAWEI I Handover feature,, the optimized algorithm has the following impact in the preceding scenarios: feature  

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Reduces the proportion of TCHHs by more than 10% during off-peak hours without increasing the congestion rate.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0


Increases the Increases t he number of intra-cell TCHF-to-TCHH or TCHH-to-TCHF handovers by about 5%.


Accurately Accurate ly controls TCHF-TCHH handovers.


Increasess the High Quality Indicator (HQI) for non-AMR HR calls by about 0.03%. Increase

3.9.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.9.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The F2HHOLOADSTFSWITCH parameter is added to determine whether to trigger or terminate a TCHF-to-TCHH or TCHH-to-TCHF handover based on the cell load. The following parameters are added to optimize network optimization parameters for TCHF-TCHH handovers: FullToHalfHoLoadStf NOAMRH2FHOQUALFINE AMRF2HHOQUALTHFINE




Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.9.5 Operation The enhancement enhancement of this feature in GBSS14.0 is not controlled by a license. By default, the optimized TCHF-TCHH handover handover algorithm is disabled after the BSC is upgraded from an earlier version to GBSS14.0. To enable the algorithm, sset et TCHF-TCHH HO Load Band Optimization Allowed to ON(On) . The original TCHF-TCHH handover

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

algorithm in the HUAWEI I Handover feature is still available in GBSS14.0. Users can select a TCHF-TCHH handover algorithm to fit their individual needs.

3.9.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.9.7 Other  No Features impact.

3.10 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover (Enhanced/Optional) 3.10.1 Description The HUAWEI HUAWEI II Handover feature optimizes the following foll owing handover mechanisms:  

Load-based handover penalty mechanism A load-based handover penalty inheritance mechanism is added. The load-based handover penalty mechanism mechanism is as follows: After an MS is handed over from cell B to cell A based on the load, the MS performs a handover penalty on cell B from cell A. The penalty duration is specified by a penalty timer. The load-based handover penalty inheritance mechanism is as follows: If the MS is then handed over from cell A to cell C within the penalty duration, cell C inherits the penalty. penalty. The MS performs a handover penalty on cell B from cell C. C. Figure  Figure 3-2 shows the load-based handover penalty inheritance mechanism.

Figure 3-2 Load-based handover penalty inheritance mechanism Handover  penalty



Handover penalty inheritance


Handover penalty


TCHF-TCHH handover processing mechanism TCHF and TCHH are short for full- and half-rate traffic channels, respectively.

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The TCHF-TCHH handover processing processing mechanism is optimized as follows:  

Increases granularities granularities for the thresholds of handover decisions based on uplink and downlink receive quality, which improves handover decision accuracy.


Optimizes the value range for the threshold of ATCB handover decisions, which enables MSs at the cell border where the signal quality is satisfactory to reside on TCHHs and improves cell capacity.


Adds load hysteresis to load-based l oad-based TCHF-TCHH handovers, which avoids frequent TCHF-TCHH handovers.

3.10.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  

Optimized load-based handover penalty mechanism This mechanism helps avoid ping-pong handovers when the load-based handover algorithm is enabled. In addition, the number of handovers to heavy-load cells decreases decreases  by about 3% and the number of congestion congestion times for handovers to heavy-load heavy-load cells decreases by about 5%. However, some calls may drop due to handover delay.


Optimized TCHF-TCHH handover processing mechanism The optimized mechanism mainly applies to the following scenarios:  

Heavy traffic.


The busy-hour traffic per channel is greater than 0.7 Erlangs and TCHHs account for more than 50% of all TCHs.

The optimized mechanism can accurately control TCHF-TCHH handovers, prevent the deterioration of TCH congestion rate, and reduce re duce the number of iintra-cell ntra-cell TCHH-to-TCHF handovers handovers by about ab out 5%.

3.10.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.10.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.



Parameter Parame ter for load-based handover penalty optimization The LoadHoPunishInheritSw LoadHoPunishInheritSwitch itch parameter is added to determine whether to enable load-based handover penalty inheritance.


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Parameters Parame ters for TCHF-TCHH handover optimization

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The F2HHOLOADSTFSWITCH paramete  parameterr is added to determine whether to trigger or terminate a TCHF-to-TCHH or TCHH-to-TCHF handover based on the cell load. The following parameters are added to optimize opti mize network optimization parameters for TCHF-TCHH handovers: FullToHalfHoLoadStf NOAMRH2FHOQUALFINE AMRF2HHOQUALTHFINE


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.10.5 Operation The enhancement enhancement of this feature in GBSS14.0 is still controlled by the original license. Load-based handover penalty inheritance and TCHF-TCHH handover optimization are disabled by default after the BSC is upgraded from an earlier version to GBSS14.0. To enable load-based handover penalty inheritance, set Load HO Penalty Optimization to ON(On). To enable TCHF-TCHH handover optimization, set TCHF-TCHH HO Load Band Optimization Allowed to ON(On) .

3.10.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.10.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.11 GBFD-111705 GSM Flow F low Control (Enhanced/Basic) (Enhanced/Basic) 3.11.1 Description In GBSS14.0, the GSM Flow Control feature is optimized in the following aspects:  

A-interfacee signaling flow control: checks the number of signaling A-interfac s ignaling messages returned from the CN and automatically adapts to the service processing capability of the CN.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

This saves A-interface A-interface signaling links and a nd CN and BSS resources, improving resource usage. The reason is as follows: If a large number of service requests are sent to the CN without flow control, the CN may discard some of them t hem because of lack of service  processing capability capability..  

Emergency call assurance: preferentially processes the signaling for emergency calls and allows emergency calls to preempt the channel resources on the user plane. This ensures that emergency calls can be successfully connected without causing the BSS to be out-of-service.

3.11.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance If the number of service s ervice requests exceeds the service processing capability of the CN, enabling A-interface A-interface signaling flow control can increase the call completion rate. If network resources are congested, enabling emergency call assurance can increase the emergency call completion rate. However, ordinary calls may drop because their channels will  be preempted by emergency calls. The numbers numbers of handovers and call drops may increase. increase.

3.11.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.11.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  


MML commands  No impact. Parameters The following parameters are added to determine when to t o start or stop A-interface signaling flow control. AIntfCtrlStartThreshold AIntfCtrlStopThreshold


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

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3.11.5 Operation This feature is not controlled by a license. It automatically a utomatically takes eff effect ect after the BSC is upgraded from an earlier version to GBSS14.0.

3.11.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.11.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.12 GBFD-115602 Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) (Enhanced/Optional) 3.12.1 Description Acoustic echo arises when the sound from the earpiece of an MS is picked up by the microphone of the same MS. In mobile telecommunications systems, this problem is severe s evere  because the earpiece is close close to the microphone and sound wave attenuation attenuation is insufficient. Acoustic echo reduces voice quality on a call. During a call, remote voice signals si gnals from the MSC retain re tain their main characteristics when  passing through the AEC module module of the transcoding (TC) subrack. subrack. After the remote remote voice signals from the MSC are compared with the local voice signals s ignals from the MS, if the t he codes with similar characteristics characteristics exist, tthe he local voice signals are the echo of the remote voice signals. Then, the echo is processed in a non-linear way and replaced with comfort noise. In this manner, acoustic echo is canceled and user experience is improved. In GBSS14.0, this feature is optimized in the following aspects:  

The accuracy of echo identification and cancellation is increased by 10%, which is calculated by algorithm simulation.


During echo cancellation, the false detection rate is reduced to 85% of its original value, and the absolute false detection rate is less than 1%. The false detection rate refers to the

 proportion of number number of times non-echo is mistakenly detected as echo echo to the total number of detection times.  

A counter is provided to measure the number of echo occurrences.

3.12.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance This feature reduces acoustic echo and improves user experience.

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When AEC performance performance measurement is enabled on a BSC in BM/TC separated mode, the measurementt occupies certain radio signaling measuremen si gnaling link (RSL) bandwidth over the Ater interface. The occupied RSL bandwidth bandwidth (unit: bit/s) is calculated as follows: Occupied RSL bandwidth = (Busy-hour BSC traffic volume/Average traffic volume per MS)/3600 x 0.09 x 8

3.12.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.12.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The following parameters are added:

TCSTATISTICTYPE: determines whether to perform AEC performance measurement. AECMODE: specifies the AEC mode.  

Counters The counter CELL.TRAU.AEC.ACOUSTIC.ECHOES is added to measure the gains that AEC brings to echo cancellation.


Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.12.5 Operation The enhancement enhancement of this feature in GBSS14.0 is still controlled by the original license. The enhancement enhancem ent automatically takes effect after the BSC is upgraded from an earlier version to GBSS14.0.

3.12.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.12.7 Other Features  No impact.

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3.13 GBFD-115601 Automatic Level Control (ALC) (Enhanced/Optional) 3.13.1 Description The ALC feature estimates the level of input signals and performs gain control on them. It also adjusts output signals to a target ta rget level and maintains stability for output signal level. This makes voice volume comfortable for the listener and improves user experience. ALC has the following modes:  

Fixed level mode Input signals are automatically adjusted to a fixed level.


Adaptive level mode Input signals are adaptively adjusted to a level within a specified range.


Fixed gain mode The level of input signals is increased i ncreased or decreased decreased by a fixed proportion.

In GBSS14.0, this feature is optimized in the following aspects:  


The speech tracing and adaptive capability is optimized so that the ALC algorithm  becomes more more responsive to situations where where the volume changes changes rapidly. A counter counter is provided to measure the signal level and the number of clipping occurrences.

3.13.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance This feature optimizes the effect of controlling the signal level, which improves voice quality. When ALC ALC and anti-clip (ACLP) performance measuremen measurementt is enabled on a BSC in BM/TC separated mode, the measurement occupies certain RSL bandwidth over the Ater interface. The occupied RSL bandwidth bandwidth (unit: bit/s) is calculated as follows: Occupied RSL bandwidth = (Busy-hour BSC traffic volume/Average traffic volume per MS)/3600 x 0.09 x 8

3.13.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.13.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

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Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The TCSTATISTICTYPE  parameter is added to determine whether to perform ALC and ACLP performance measurement.




Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.13.5 Operation The enhancement enhancement of this feature in GBSS14.0 is still controlled by the original license. The enhancement automatically takes effec enhancement effectt after an upgrade.

3.13.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.13.7 Other Features  No impact.

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3.14 GBFD-115603 Automatic Noise Restraint (ANR) (Enhanced/Optional) 3.14.1 Description The ANR feature feature distinguishes voice signal si gnal from background noise based on ttheir heir different characteristics in time characteristics ti me and frequency domains. ANR then attenuates and restrains background noise. This increases the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) without compromising voice signal, improving user experience. In GBSS14.0, this feature is optimized in the following aspects:  

The efficiency for suppressing noise of the same type t ype for a second time and suppressing unstable noise is improved.


The capability to distinguish voice signals and music is significantly improved.


A counter counter is provided to measure the number of times noise occurs at different levels.

 

3.14.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance This feature optimizes the effect of noise suppression and improves user experience. When ANR performance measurement is enabled on a BSC in BM/TC separated mode, the measurement occupies certain RSL bandwidth over the Ater interface. The occupied RSL  bandwidth (unit: (unit: bit/s) is calculated as follows: follows: Occupied RSL bandwidth = (Busy-hour BSC traffic volume/Average traffic volume per MS)/3600 x 0.09 x 8

3.14.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.14.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The TCSTATISTICTYPE parameter is added to determine whether to perform ANR-related traffic measurement.


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Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.14.5 Operation The enhancement enhancement of this feature in GBSS14.0 is still controlled by the original license. The enhancement enhancem ent automatically takes effec effectt after an upgrade.

3.14.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.14.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.15 GBFD-115703 Automatic Noise Compensation Compensation (ANC) (Enhanced/Optional) 3.15.1 Description The ANC feature traces and compares local background noise level with peer signal level. If local background noise level is high, ANC adaptively increase increasess peer signal level. Therefore, Therefore, the ratio of peer signal level to local background noise level increases, and the listener can clearly hear the speaker. For details about the ANC algorithm, see ITU-T G.169.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.15.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance When ANC performance measurement is enabled on a BSC in BM/TC separated mode, the measurement occupies certain RSL bandwidth over the Ater interface. The occupied RSL  bandwidth (unit: (unit: bit/s) is calculated as follows: follows: Occupied RSL bandwidth = (Busy-hour BSC traffic volume/Average traffic volume per MS)/3600 x 0.09 x 8

3.15.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.15.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The TCSTATISTICTYPE  parameter is added to determine whether to perform ANC-related traffic measurement. The AncEnFlag parameter determines determines whether whether to enable ANC. The default default value is OFF(Off). The AncSnrGateRS parameter specifies the target ratio of peer signal si gnal level to llocal ocal  background noise noise level. The AncMaxGain parameter specifies specifies the maximum gain for for noise compensation. compensation. You can set the three parameters based on your individual needs.


Counters The following counters are added to measure the gains that ANC brings to SNR  processing: CELL.TRAU.ANC.HIGHSNR.INPUT CELL.TRAU.ANC.HIGHSNR.OUTPUT CELL.TRAU.ANC.MEDIUMSNR.INPUT CELL.TRAU.ANC.MEDIUMSNR.OUTPUT CELL.TRAU.ANC.LOWSNR.INPUT CELL.TRAU.ANC.LOWSNR.OUTPUT In GBSS14.0, counters are added to measure the number of times SNR occurs at differentt levels. differen le vels.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.15.5 Operation The enhancement enhancement of this feature in GBSS14.0 is still controlled by the original license. The enhancement enhancem ent automatically takes effec effectt after an upgrade.

3.15.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.15.7 Other Features  

Dependency  No impact.


Exclusiveness GBFD-115701 TFO GBFD-115702 TrFO


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

3.16 GBFD-511603 IM Service Efficiency Improvement (New/Optional) 3.16.1 Description Traditional packet data channel (PDCH) management management is based on the t he MS multislot capability and the average number of MSs using the services carried on a PDCH. To ensure that user experience is not affected, the BSC allocates as many as PDCHs as needed to an MS based on the MS multislot capability ca pability.. This is done because the BSC cannot predict the PS service throughput. If the average number of MSs using the services carried on a PDCH exceeds a specified threshold, the BSC triggers excessive dynamic PDCH conversions. conversions. Currently,, instant messaging (IM) services account for a large portion of GSM services but Currently the transmission duration for TBFs is short because of low throughput. As As a result, procedures in which no data block is transmitted, such as TBF establishment, delayed downlink T TBF BF release, and TBF release, account for a large part of a TBF life cycle. This wastes channel resources. With this feature, an NIU board is added to provide the BSC service awareness function. This function can identify IM services, such as mobile QQ, Fetion, PIN, and Whats APP. With this feature, IM services occupy fewer Um interface resources. This is achieved by the following:

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Allocating fewer PDCHs to IM services. s ervices.


Multiplexing more IM services onto one PDCH.


Shortening the delay in releasing downlink TBFs for IM services.


Reducing the priority for scheduling IM services.

 

3.16.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity The impact of the IM Service Efficiency Improvement Improvement feature on system capacity is as follows:  

The number of activated PDCHs is reduced by about 15%.


The efficiency of PDCHs to carry TBFs (data rate per PDCH at the RLC layer) is expected to increase by about 20%.

Network Performance In hot spots for PS services, the throughput on a single PDCH is about 3 tto o 5 kbit/s, IM services account for more than 40% of all PS services, and the data flow for IM services accounts for about 10% of the data flow for all PS services. During busy hours, the proportion of CS services is high, and the CS services s ervices using TCHHs accounts for about 30%. In addition, the TCH congestion rate is about 1%. In such hot spots, the IM Service Efficiency Improvement feature brings the following gains:  

Reduces the number of activated PDCHs by about 15%.


Increases the efficiency for PDCHs to Increases t o carry TBFs (data rate per PDCH at the RLC layer)  by about 20%.


Decreases the proportion of the CS services s ervices using TCHHs by 15% and increases the HQI for CS services by 0.3%, which improves the MOS.


The values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME and UP.EGPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME counters change, which accordingly changes the values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW and UP.EGPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW counters.


Reduces the multislot capability satisfaction rate when the number of channels occpued


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3.16.3 Hardware  

The PS service processing board and the Gb interface board are configured.


An NIUa board is required. A single NIUa board supports a throughput of 3.2 Gbit/s on the user plane. It can identify more than 800 protocols, and therefore is capable of identifying all PS services processed by a BSC. To ensure system reliability however, two NIUa boards are recommended.

 

3.16.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands The following MML commands commands are added to map protocol types to IM service classes: ADD TRAFFICMAP RMV TRAFFICMAP MOD TRAFFICMAP LST TRAFFICMAP The following MML commands are added to allow all ow users to independently configure  parameters  paramete rs for optimizing IM services: services: SET GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE LST GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE


Parameters The GUI value range and actual value range of the SPTDPI parameter are modified to control whether the BSC service awareness awareness function is ssupported. upported.

  The GUI value range is changed from UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) to UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) , BSCSUPPORT(BSC Support). 

  The actual value range is changed from UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT to UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT, BSCSUPPORT. 


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

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3.16.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it. This feature automatically takes effect after the license is activated.

3.16.6 Other NEs This feature is ineffective when the logical link li nk control (LLC) layer is encrypted, or the subnetwork dependent convergence convergence protocol (SNDCP) layer is compressed because tthe he services cannot be identified. i dentified.

3.16.7 Other Features 


GBFD-114101 GPRS


The ARP1 scheduling weight, ARP2 scheduling weight, and ARP3 scheduling weight functions of this feature depend on the GBFD-119902 QoS ARP&THP or GBFD-119907 PS Service in Priority feature.



Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation IMPDCHMULTIPLEXWEIGHT becomes ineffective when this feature and GBFD-119407 Active Active TBF Allocation are enabled simultaneously. simultaneously.

3.17 GBFD-511604 Web Browsing Service Efficiency Improvement (New/Optional) 3.17.1 Description Traditional PDCH management is based on the MS multislot capability and the average number of MSs using the services carried on a PDCH. To ensure that user experience is not affected, affec ted, the BSC allocates as many as PDCHs as needed to an MS based on tthe he MS multislot capability.. This is done because the BSC cannot predict the PS service capability ser vice throughput. If the average number of MSs using the t he services carried on a PDCH exceeds a specified threshold, the BSC triggers excessive dynamic PDCH conversions. Currently, web browsing services account for a large portion of GSM services. Such services have medium throughput and a high requirement for delay. With this feature, an NIU board is added to provide the BSC service awareness function. This function can identify web browsing services. With this feature, web browsing services occupy fewer Um interface i nterface resources. resources. This is achieved by the following:  

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Allocating fewer PDCHs to web browsing services. s ervices.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0


Multiplexing more web browsing services onto one PDCH.


Shortening the delay in releasing downlink TBFs for web browsing services.


Reducing the priority for scheduling web browsing services.

3.17.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity This feature improves the efficiency for PDCHs to carry TBFs for web browsing services.

Network Performance  

The user experience with web browsing services services is improved.


The values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME and UP.EGPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME counters change, which accordingly changes the values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW and UP.EGPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW counters.

 

3.17.3 Hardware  

The PS service processing board and the Gb interface board are configured.


An boardItiscan required. A more singlethan NIUa board supports throughput 3.2 Gbit/s the NIUa user plane. identify 800 protocols, anda therefore is of capable of on identifying all PS services processed by a BSC. To ensure system reliability however, two NIUa boards are recommended.

3.17.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands The following MML commands are added to map protocol types to web browsing service classes: ADD TRAFFICMAP RMV TRAFFICMAP MOD TRAFFICMAP LST TRAFFICMAP The following MML commands are added to allow all ow users to iindependently ndependently configure configure  parameters  paramete rs for optimizing web browsing browsing services: SET GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE LST GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE


Parameters The GUI value range and actual value range of the SPTDPI parameter are modified to control whether the BSC service awareness awareness function is ssupported. upported.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

  The GUI value range is changed from UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) to UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) , BSCSUPPORT(BSC Support). 

  The actual value range is changed from UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT to UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT, BSCSUPPORT. 


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.17.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it. This feature automatically takes effect after the license is activated.

3.17.6 Other NEs This feature is ineffective when the logical link li nk control (LLC) layer is encrypted, or the subnetwork dependent convergence convergence protocol (SNDCP) layer is compressed because tthe he services cannot be identified. i dentified.

3.17.7 Other Features 


GBFD-114101 GPRS


The ARP1 scheduling weight, ARP2 scheduling weight, and ARP3 scheduling weight functions of this feature depend on the GBFD-119902 QoS ARP&THP or GBFD-119907 PS Service in Priority feature.



Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation ineffective when this feature and WEBPDCHMULTIPLEXWEIGHT becomes ineffective GBFD-119407 Active Active TBF Allocation are enabled simultaneously. simultaneously.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.18 GBFD-511605 Email Service Efficiency Improvement (New/Optional) 3.18.1 Description Traditional PDCH management is based on the M MS S multislot capability and the average number of MSs using the services carried on a PDCH. To ensure that user experience is not affected, affec ted, the BSC allocates as many as PDCHs as needed to an MS based on tthe he MS multislot capability.. This is done because the BSC cannot predict the PS service capability ser vice throughput. If the average number of MSs using the t he services carried on a PDCH exceeds exceeds a specified threshold, the BSC triggers excessive dynamic PDCH conversions. Currently, email services account for a certain portion of GSM services. Such services have high throughput and a low requirement for delay. With this feature, an NIU board is added to provide the BSC service awareness function. This function can identify email services. With this feature, email services occupy fewer Um interface resources. This is achieved by the following:  

Allocating fewer PDCHs to email services.


Multiplexing more email services onto one PDCH.


Shortening the delay in releasing downlink TBFs for email services.


Reducing the priority for scheduling s cheduling email services.

  

3.18.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity This feature improves the efficiency for PDCHs to carry TBFs for email services.

Network Performance  

The user experience with email services is improved and the efficiency of PDCHs to carry TBFs for email services is increased.


The values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME and UP.EGPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME counters change, which accordingly changes the values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW and UP.EGPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW counters.

3.18.3 Hardware  

The PS service processing board and the Gb interface board are configured.


An NIUa board is required. A single NIUa board supports a throughput of 3.2 Gbit/s on the user plane. It can identify more than 800 protocols, and therefore is capable of identifying all PS services processed by a BSC. To ensure system reliability however, two NIUa boards are recommended.

 

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.18.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands The following MML commands are added to map protocol types to email service classes: ADD TRAFFICMAP RMV TRAFFICMAP MOD TRAFFICMAP LST TRAFFICMAP The following MML commands are added to allow all ow users to independently configure  parameters  paramete rs for optimizing email email services: SET GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE LST GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE


Parameters The GUI value range and actual value range of the SPTDPI parameter are modified to control whether the BSC service awareness awareness function is ssupported. upported.

  The GUI value range is changed from UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) to UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) , BSCSUPPORT(BSC Support). 

  The actual value range is changed from UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT to UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT, BSCSUPPORT. 


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.18.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it. This feature automatically takes effect after the license is activated.

3.18.6 Other NEs This feature is ineffective when the logical link li nk control (LLC) layer is encrypted, or the subnetwork dependent convergence convergence protocol (SNDCP) layer is compressed because b ecause the services cannot be identified. i dentified.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.18.7 Other Features 


GBFD-114101 GPRS


The ARP1ofscheduling weight, ARP2 scheduling weight, andARP&THP ARP3 scheduling weight functions this feature depend on the GBFD-119902 QoS or GBFD-119907 PS Service in Priority feature.



Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation EMAILPDCHMULTIPLEXWEIGHT becomes ineffective when this feature and GBFD-119407 Active Active TBF Allocation are enabled simultaneously. simultaneously.

3.19 GBFD-511606 Streaming Media Service Resource Balancing (New/Optional) 3.19.1 Description Traditional PDCH management is based on the MS multislot capability and the average number of MSs using the services carried on a PDCH. To ensure that user experience is not affected, affec ted, the BSC allocates as many as PDCHs as needed to an MS based on tthe he MS multislot capability.. This is done because the BSC cannot predict the PS service capability ser vice throughput. If the average number of MSs using the t he services carried on a PDCH exceeds exceeds a specified threshold, the BSC triggers excessive dynamic PDCH conversions. Currently, streaming media services account for a small portion of GSM services. Such services have a large throughput and a high requirement for delay delay,, but the spectral efficiency of GSM networks is limited. li mited. Therefore, Therefore, the streaming media services are not recommended for GSM networks. With this feature, an NIU board is added to provide the BSC service awareness function. This function can identify streaming media services. With this feature, streaming media services occupy fewer Um interface resources. This is achieved by:  

Allocating fewer PDCHs to streaming media services.


Multiplexing more streaming media services services onto one PDCH.


Shortening the delay in releasing downlink TBFs for streaming media services.


Reducing the priority for scheduling streaming media services.

  

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.19.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity This feature improves the efficiency for PDCHs to carry TBFs for streaming media services.

Network Performance  

Some channels occupied by streaming media services are released. Therefore, the user experience with other PS services is improved.


The values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME and UP.EGPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME counters change, which accordingly changes the values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW and UP.EGPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW counters.

3.19.3 Hardware  

The PS service processing board and the Gb interface board are configured.


An NIUa board is required. A single NIUa board supports a throughput of 3.2 Gbit/s on the user plane. It can identify more than 800 protocols, and therefore is capable of identifying all PS services processed by a BSC. To ensure system reliability however, two NIUa boards are recommended.

 

3.19.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands The following MML commands are added to map protocol types to streaming media service classes: ADD TRAFFICMAP RMV TRAFFICMAP MOD TRAFFICMAP LST TRAFFICMAP The following MML commands are added to allow all ow users to independently configure  parameters  paramete rs for optimizing streaming media media services: services: SET GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE LST GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE


Parameters The GUI value range and actual value range of the SPTDPI parameter are modified to control whether the BSC service awareness awareness function is ssupported. upported.

  The GUI value range is changed from UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) to UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) , BSCSUPPORT(BSC Support). 

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

  The actual value range is changed from UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT to UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT, BSCSUPPORT. 


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.19.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it. This feature automatically takes effect after the license is activated.

3.19.6 Other NEs This feature is ineffective when the logical link control (LLC) layer is encrypted, or the subnetwork dependent convergence convergence protocol (SNDCP) layer is compressed because tthe he services cannot be identified. i dentified.

3.19.7 Other  Features Dependency 

GBFD-114101 GPRS


The ARP1 scheduling weight, ARP2 scheduling weight, and ARP3 scheduling s cheduling weight functions of this feature depend on the GBFD-119902 QoS ARP&THP or GBFD-119907 PS Service in Priority feature.


Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation STREAMPDCHMULTIPLEXWEIGHT becomes ineffective when this feature and GBFD-119407 Active Active TBF Allocation are enabled simultaneously. simultaneously.

3.20 GBFD-511607 P2P Resource Balancing (New/Optional) 3.20.1 Description Traditional PDCH management is based on the MS multislot capability and the average number of MSs using the services carried on a PDCH. To ensure that user experience is not affected, affec ted, the BSC allocates as many as PDCHs as needed to an MS based on tthe he MS multislot capability.. This is done because the BSC cannot predict the PS service capability ser vice throughput. If the

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

average number of MSs using the t he services carried on a PDCH exceeds exceeds a specified threshold, the BSC triggers excessive dynamic PDCH conversions. Currently, point to Currently, t o point (P2P) services account for a small portion of GSM services. Such services have a large throughput, but the t he spectral efficiency of GSM networks is li limited. mited. Therefore, Therefo re, the P2P services are not recommended for GSM networks. With this feature, an NIU board is added to provide the BSC service awareness function. This function can identify P2P services. With this feature, P2P services occupy fewer Um interface resources. This is achieved by the following:  

Allocating fewer PDCHs to P2P services


Multiplexing more P2P services onto one PDCH


Shortening the delay in releasing downlink TBFs for P2P services


Reducing the priority for scheduling P2P services

 

3.20.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity This feature improves the efficiency for PDCHs to carry TBFs for P2P services.

Network Performance  

Some channels occupied by P2P services are released. Therefore, the user experience with other PS services is improved.


The values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME and UP.EGPRS.TBF.AVG.TIME counters change, which accordingly changes the values of the UP.GPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW and UP.EGPRS.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW counters.

3.20.3 Hardware  

The PS service processing board and the Gb interface board are configured.


An NIUa board is required. A single NIUa board supports a throughput of 3.2 Gbit/s on the user plane. It can identify more than 800 protocols, and therefore is capable of

 

identifying all PS services processed by a BSC. To ensure system reliability however, two NIUa boards are recommended.

3.20.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands The following MML commands commands are added to map protocol types to P2P service classes: ADD TRAFFICMAP RMV TRAFFICMAP

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

MOD TRAFFICMAP LST TRAFFICMAP The following MML commands are added to allow all ow users to independently configure  parameters for optimizing P2P services:  parameters SET GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE LST GCELLPSDIFFSERVICE 


Parameters The GUI value range and actual value range of the SPTDPI parameter are modified to control whether the BSC service awareness awareness function is ssupported. upported.

  The GUI value range is changed from UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) to UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(GGSN Support) , BSCSUPPORT(BSC Support). 

  The actual value range is changed from UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT to UNSUPPORT, SUPPORT, BSCSUPPORT. 


Counters  No impact.



Alarms  No impact. Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.20.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it. This feature automatically takes effect after the license is activated.

3.20.6 Other NEs This feature is ineffective when the logical link li nk control (LLC) layer is encrypted, or the subnetwork dependent convergence convergence protocol (SNDCP) layer is compressed because b ecause the services cannot be identified. i dentified.

3.20.7 Other Features 


GBFD-114101 GPRS


The ARP1 scheduling weight, ARP2 scheduling weight, and ARP3 scheduling weight functions of this feature depend on the GBFD-119902 QoS ARP&THP or GBFD-119907 PS Service in Priority feature.



Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report  

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Cooperation P2PPDCHMULTIPLEXWEIGHT becomes ineffective when this feature and GBFD-119407 Active Active TBF Allocation are enabled simultaneously. simultaneously.

3.21 GBFD-511110 BSC supportin supporting g Blind Search (New/Optional) 3.21.1 Description Without the Without t he BSC supporting Blind Search feature, WCDMA/TD-SCDMA neighboring cells must be configured with absolute abs olute radio frequency channel numbers (ARFCNs) and scrambling codes before an MS in a GSM cell reselects a WCDMA/TD-SCDMA cell. cell. Based on the configured ARFCNs and scrambling codes, the MS searches for neighboring cells to camp on. With the BSC supporting s upporting Blind Search feature, WCDMA/TD-SCDMA neighboring cells only need to be configured with ARFCNs before cell reselection. Based Bas ed on the configured ARFCNs, the MS searches for neighboring cells to camp on. This feature enables the BSC to support the Blind Search function.

3.21.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance Cell reselection performed when the Blind Search function function is enabled is slower sl ower than when  both ARFCNs and scrambling scrambling codes are configured. configured.

3.21.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.21.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface The 2Quater messages the BSC sends to the BTS carry only the ARFCNs of WCDMA/TD-SCDMA neighboring cells. For detailed information about the 2Quater messages, see 3GPP 44.018.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands The MML command SET G3GARFCN is added to configure ARFCNs for WCDMA/TD-SCDMA neighboring cells at the BSC level. The MML command LST G3GARFCN is added to query the ARFCNs configured for WCDMA/TD-SCDMA neighboring cells at the BSC level.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

The MML command SET GCELL3GARFCN is added to configure ARFCNs for WCDMA/TD-SCDMA neighboring cells at the cell level. The MML command LST GCELL3GARFCN is added to query q uery the ARFCNs ARFCNs configured for WCDMA/TD-SCDMA neighboring neighboring cells at the cell level.  

Parameters  No impact.


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.21.5 Operation Before deploying this feature, apply for and activate a license. This feature automatically takes effect after the license is activated. In versions earlier than GBSS14.0, WCDMA/TD-SCDMA neighboring neighboring cells must be configured with ARFCNs ARFCNs and scrambling scra mbling codes before an MS in a GSM cell reselects r eselects a WCDMA/TD-SCDMA cell. In GBSS14.0, WCDMA/TD-SCDMA neighboring cells only need to be configured with ARFCNs before cell reselection.

When cell reselection from a GSM network to a WCDMA/TD-SCDMA network is enabled, WCDMA/TD-SCDMA cells and their neighboring relationships do not need to be configured. If WCDMA/TD-SCDMA cells are configured as the neighboring cells of GSM cells, the Blind Search function is unavailable.

3.21.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.21.7 Other Features  



 No impact. Exclusiveness

 No impact.  

Substitution  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.22 GBFD-115830 VAMOS (Enhanced/Optional) 3.22.1 Description Voice services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One Slot (VAMOS) multiplexes two users onto one voice channel, increasing GSM network capacities. Compared with full-rate channels, half-rate channels support larger network capacities when the VAMOS feature is implemented. The capacity gain brought by VAMOS depends on factors such as the  proportion of VAMOS-capable MSs on the network and the frequency frequency reuse mode. mode. V VAMOS AMOS introduces a new modulation mode for all VAMOS-capable MSs and a new training sequence for only onl y VAMOS-1 VAMOS-1 and VAMOS-2 VAMOS-2 MSs. M Ss. In GBSS14.0:  

The VAMOS feature is compatible with the optional features GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell and GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell.


The VAMOS feature is compatible with the optional feature GBFD-117002 IBCA. This increases the gain that VAMOS brings in the case of high frequency reuse.


The VAMOS demultiplexing algorithm is optimized.


The VAMOS feature supports special processing policies during channel preemption or timeslot combination, reducing intra-cell handovers.

 

3.22.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity After IBCA and VAMOS are both enabled for a cell, the system capacity is further improved in cases of tight ti ght frequency reuse.

Network Performance Compared to the GBSS 13.0, GBSS14.0 has the following changes:  



Optimizes the handover algorithm for VAMOS demultiplexing, reducing the negative impacts of VAMOS on call drop and handover success rates. Improves system capacity in cases of tight frequency reuse when VAMOS and IBCA are  both enabled for for a cell, but adversely adversely affects the the HQI, call drop and handover handover success rates. Supports special processing policies during channel preemption or timeslot ti meslot combination, reducing intra-cell handovers.

3.22.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.22.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The VamosQualUndoPntSwitch param  parameter eter is added to determine determine whether to optimize optimize VAMOS demultiplexing caused by poor voice quality. If the optimization is performed, the MS with good voice quality is handed over to another channel and no handover is  performed for for the MS with poor voice voice quality during a specified specified period of time. time. This  period is set in the VamosQualUndoPntTimer   parameter. parameter. The VamosIuoInnerRxlevOffest  parameter is added to specify s pecify the receive level offset  between a call in in the overlaid subcell subcell and a call in the underlaid underlaid subcell when decisions decisions on candidate VAMOS calls are made during VAMOS multiplexing in the overlaid subcell. The VamosIuoInnerRxqualOffset  parameter is added to specify the receive signal quality offset between a call in the overlaid subcell and a call in the t he underlaid subcell when decisions on candidate VAMOS calls are made during VAMOS multiplexing in the overlaid subcell. The VamosDepairIuoInnerRxqualOffset  parameter is added to specify the receive signal quality offset between a call in the overlaid subcell and a call in the underlaid subcell during VAMOS demultiplexing due to poor voice quality.




Alarms  No impact.


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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

 No impact.

3.22.5 Operation  No impact.

3.22.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.22.7 Other Features  

Dependency  No impact.


Exclusiveness In the GBSS14.0, VAMOS can be used together with any of the following features: GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell GBFD-117002 IBCA




 No impact. Substitution

 No impact.

3.23 GBFD-115831 Mute SAIC MS Identification (Enhanced/Optional) 3.23.1 Description Mute SAIC MSs support SAIC, but they do not report their t heir SAIC capabilities to the BSS. Therefore, the BSS considers that these MSs do not support Therefore, s upport SAIC. As As a result, the number of MSs that use VAMOS decreases, reducing the network capacity gains brought by VAMOS. This feature helps distinguish SAIC-capable MSs from SAIC-incapable MSs by collecting and discriminating the information about all types of MSs. Consequently, Consequently, SAIC-capable MSs can use VAMOS. In GBSS14.0:  

Multiple BSCs can share information about whether an SAIC MS supports VAMOS.

3.23.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Network Performance  No impact.

3.23.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.23.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  No impact.

3.23.5 Operation In the GBSS13.0, once the BSC determines that the Single Antenna Antenna Interference Cancellation (SAIC) MS supports the VAMOS, it stores data in the SAIC MS capability database. If other BSCs on to thean network need to usescript the data database, thetodata must be manually exported MML command and in be this made available those BSCs by running the t he script. In the GBSS14.0, Huawei M2000 allows automatic data exporting, making it possible for all BSCs to share data in the t he SAIC MS capability database.

3.23.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.23.7 Other Features  

Dependency  No impact.


Exclusiveness In the GBSS14.0, Mute SAIC MS Identification can be used together with any of the t he following features: GBFD-115701 TFO GBFD-117702 BTS Local Switch GBFD-117701 BSC Local Switch In the GBSS14.0, Mute SAIC MS Identification can not be used together with any a ny of the following feature: GBFD-115702 TrFO


Substitution  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.24 GBFD-115832 VAMOS Call Drop Solution (Enhanced/Optional) 3.24.1 Description Mainstream multi-mode MSs report their SAIC capabilities to the BSS. Call drops, however, however, occur when such MSs are enabled with VAMOS. The reason is that the mechanism of automatic frequency control (AFC) inside multi-mode MSs becomes defective after multi-mode MSs use VAMOS. This feature prevents such call drops by enabling the BSS to:  

Distinguish defective SAIC-capable MSs (those that experience call drops) from normal ones (those that do not experience call drops).


Perform special processing for defective SAIC-capable MSs so that they do not experience call drops after VAMOS multiplexing.

In conclusion, this feature prevents call drops of defective SAIC-capable MSs; therefore, system capacity and voice quality are not affected. affected. In GBSS14.0:  

Multiple BSCs can share information about whether an SAIC MS supports VAMOS.

3.24.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  No impact.

3.24.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.24.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  No impact.

3.24.5 Operation In the GBSS13.0, once the BSC determines that the Single Antenna Antenna Interference Cancellation (SAIC) MS supports the VAMOS, it stores data in the SAIC MS capability database. If other BSCs on the network need to use the data in this database, the data must be manually exported to an MML command script and be made available to those BSCs by running the t he

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

script. In the GBSS14.0, Huawei M2000 allows automatic data exporting, making it possible for all BSCs to share data in the t he SAIC MS capability database.

3.24.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.24.7 Other  Features Dependency 

 No impact.  

Exclusiveness In the GBSS14.0, VAMOS Call Drop Solution can be used together with any of the following features: GBFD-115701 TFO GBFD-117702 BTS Local Switch GBFD-117701 BSC Local Switch In the GBSS14.0, VAMOS Call Drop Solution can not be used together with any of the following feature: GBFD-115702 TrFO


Substitution  No impact.



 No impact.

3.25 GBFD-118631 A Interface Transmission Pool (New/Optional) 3.25.1 Description In Ethernet layer 3 networking mode, the BSC uses several IP-based A interface boards to form a pool in which all the t he IP addresses addresses configured for the boards become available for use. The MSC can connect to any of the boards in the IP address pool. When the BSC needs to handle traffic, it selects an IP address from the IP address pool following the load sharing  principle. The A Interface Transmission Transmission Pool feature brings the following advantages:  

Improved IP network reliability A peer NE can simultaneously connect to several A interface boards on the BSC. Even if one board is faulty, services will not be interrupted.


Increased transmission resource usage The BSC distributes traffic data streams among its A interfac interfacee boards and transmission  ports in load sharing sharing mode. Therefore, Therefore, resources are utilized in an efficient efficient way. way.


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Improved serviceability

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

There is no need to configure IP paths between the MSC and the BSC. Therefore,  problems related to IP path path configurations, such as inconsistency inconsistency and mismatched mismatched path  priorities no longer exist. exist. In addition, when the peer NE has its capacity expanded on the user plane, the BSC does not need to modify its configurations.  

Improved maintainability More A interface boards can be installed on the BSC tto o improve the transmission capability of the BSC. These boards can be added to the IP address pool by simply running the related configuration c onfiguration command.

3.25.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity With this feature, fewer interface boards are required when the system s ystem capacity remains unchanged. Therefore, more boards for the user plane and control plane can be used to improve the BSC's capability.

Network Performance Without this feature, some of those interface boards may be congested while others may not. Board congestion reduces throughput of users. With this feature, load l oad sharing makes loads evenly distributed among interface boards boards and board congestion is no longer l onger a problem. The total user throughput may also increase.

3.25.3 Hardware The BSC interface boards must be GOUc, GOUd, FG2c, and FG2d.

3.25.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands The following MML commands are added: ADD IPPOOL/MOD IPPOOL/RMV IPPOOL//LST IPPOOL: Adds/Modifies/Removes/Lists the IP addre Adds/Modifies/Removes/Lists address ss pool. DSP IPPOOL: Displays the status and load of IP addresses in the IP address pool. ADD IPPOOLIP/RMV IPPOOLIP: Adds IP addresses to/Removes IP addresses from the IP address pool. LST IPPOOLIP: Lists all IP addresses in the IP address pool. DSP IPPOOLIP: Displays the binding the IP addresses in the IP address pool. BLK IPPOOLIP/UBL IPPOOLIP: Blocks/Unblocks IP addresses in the IP address  pool. DSP ADJNODEDIP: Displays the IP address information of an adjacent node.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

DSP ADJNODEPING: Displays the ping detection result for an adjacent node. SET TNLOADBALANCEPARA/LST TNLOADBALANCEPARA : Sets/Lists the threshold of load balancing for the IP address pool. ADD SRCIPRT/MOD SRCIPRT/RMV SRCIPRT/DSP SRCIPRT: Adds/Modifies/Removes Adds/Modifies/Rem oves a policy-based route for the source IP address. LST SRCIPRT: Queries the configuration of the policy-based route for the source IP address.  

Parameters The following parameters are added to the ADD ADJNODE and MOD ADJNODE commands: ISIPPOOL: Indicates whether a network is configured with the IP address pool function. IPPOOLINDEX : Indicates the index of the IP address pool. CNMNGMODE : Indicates whether the IP address pool is shared by several telecom operators. CNOPINDEX: Indicates the index of a telecom operator that exclusively uses the IP address pool. PINGSWITCH : Indicates whether ping check is enabled. PERIOD: Indicates the ping check period. CHECKCOUNT : Indicates the number of times ping check times out. ICMPPKGLEN : Indicates the ping packet length.

The following parameters are added to the DSP IPCHN command: ISIPPOOL: Indicates whether a network is an IP address pool network. IPADDR : Indicates the IP address to be added to the IP address pool.

The DSP INTERWK   command command is enabled to query the interworking information for  pool ping detection. detection.  

Counters The following performance counters are added: IPPOOL.SIP.IPLAYER IPPOOL.ADJNODE IPPOOL.SIP



The following alarms are added: ALM-21392 Adjacent Node IP Address Ping Failure  (alarm severity: major) ALM-21393 Adjacent Node IP Path Ping Failure  (alarm severity: major) ALM-21394 Transmission Resource Pool Ping Packet Loss  (alarm severity: major) ALM-21602 IP In IP Address Pool Blocked  (alarm severity: warning)    

Miscellaneous On the BSC LMT, the IPPOOL LOCAL IP parameter is added to Monitor Item in Monitor > Common Monitoring > Link Performance Monitoring.

3.25.5 Operation  No impact.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.25.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.25.7 Other Features This feature depends on GBFD-118602 A over IP. This feature is mutually exclusive with GBFD-118610 UDP MUX for A T Transmission. ransmission.

3.26 GBFD-510710 Intelligent Battery Management (New/Optional) 3.26.1 Description With this feature,  

The battery management mode automatically changes in different power supply environments, which prolongs battery lifespan.


Battery self-protection is provided under high temperatures, which prevents overuse of


 battery and consequent consequent damages. damages. The runtime of the battery is displayed after the mains supply s upply is cut off. Users can take measures in advance to prevent service interruption i nterruption..

3.26.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  No impact.

3.26.3 Hardware

 No impact.

3.26.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0  

The BATIMS parameter is added to the SET BTSOTHPARA command to determine whether to enable intelligent battery management.


The following battery status information is added to the output of the t he DSP BTSPWR   command:


Battery Intelligent Management Capability


Battery Intelligent Management Switch


Battery Accumulated Charge Time


Battery Accumulated Sleeping Time


Battery Leftover Time is added to the output of the DSP BTSBATCAP command.


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.26.5 Operation  No impact.

3.26.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.26.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.27 GBFD-111202 O&M of BTS (Enhanced/Basic) 3.27.1 Description The O&M of BTS B TS feature has the following enhancements in Topology on the M2000:   Information about optical/electrical modules and static and dynamic information about CPRI ports can be obtained.  

The alarm status about optical/electric o ptical/electrical al modules can b bee displayed. The alarm severity for each CPRI port is indicated by the color of an alarm indicator.


Online physical layer bit error rate (BER) tests can be conducted or terminated, and the test results can be displayed in a graph.

3.27.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Network Performance This feature facilitates fault rectification and network O&M reliability. reliability.

3.27.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.27.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  No impact.

3.27.5 Operation This feature facilitates required operations because all the required information can be obtained directly from the Topology window on the M2000.

3.27.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.27.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.28 GBFD-115701 TFO (Enhanced/Optional) 3.28.1 Description With the TFO feature, tandem free operation frames transparently and codecs are avoided using bit stealing between(TFO) two TCs. Thisare prevents double transmitted transcoding. Performance Perform ance measurement counters are added to this feature in GBSS14.0.

3.28.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance This feature enhances voice quality and improves i mproves user experience experience..

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

When AEC performance performance measurement is enabled on a BSC in BM/TC separated mode, the measurement occupies certain RSL bandwidth over the Ater interface. The occupied RSL  bandwidth (unit: (unit: bit/s) is calculated as follows: follows: Occupied RSL bandwidth = (Busy-hour BSC traffic volume/Average traffic volume per MS)/3600 x 0.09 x 8

3.28.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.28.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The TCSTATISTICTYPE parameter is added to determine whether to perform TFO-related traffic measurement.




Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.28.5 Operation The enhancement enhancement of this feature in GBSS14.0 is still controlled by the original license. The enhancement enhancem ent automatically takes effect after the BSC is upgraded from aan n earlier version to GBSS14.0.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.28.6 Other Features  No impact.

3.28.7 Other NEs  No impact.

3.29 GBFD-119504 PS Power Control (Enhanced/Optional) 3.29.1 Description The PS Power Control feature consists of PS uplink power control and PS downlink power control enhancement.  

Based on the MS's receive signal level measured by the BTS, PS uplink power control allows the BSC to dynamically adjust the uplink transmit power of an MS without deteriorating basic transmission performance. This minimizes network interference. interference. PS uplink power control is classified into PS uplink open-loop and a nd PS uplink closed-loop  power control. control. PS uplink open-loop power power control is a protocol-compliant protocol-compliant feature. PS uplink closed-loop power control is a new feature including EGPRS uplink closed-loop  power control. control.


Based on the measurement reports sent by an MS over the Um interface, PS downlink  power control control enhancement allows allows the BSC to more precisely control control the BTS transmit  power.. This reduces  power reduces BTS power consumption, consumption, minimizes network interference, interference, and improves service quality. quality. PS downlink power control is classified into GPRS downlink closed-loop power control and EGPRS downlink closed-loop power control. EGPRS downlink closed-loop power control was introduced in GBSS12.0. GPRS downlink closed-loop power control is a new feature. To handle performance deterioration due to tight EGPRS downlink closed-loop power control in GBSS12.0 and the adverse impact of power control on downlink adaptation, EGPRS downlink closed-loop power control in GBSS14.0 is optimized using the t he following methods:  


Measurement reports experience power compensation when they are being Measurement  preprocessed  preproce ssed and the measurement measurement report results results after compensation are filtered. filtered. The impact of power control on downlink adaptation is considered to prevent an excessive decrease in coding schemes.

3.29.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Compared with PS uplink open-loop power control, GPRS uplink open-loop power control and EGPRS uplink closed-loop power control bring gains in the following scenarios based on similar power control levels:

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0  

In medium- or heavy-traffic areas where 1x3 or 1x1 frequency reuse pattern is used, if the packet transfer duration is longer than about 10 seconds, PS throughput increasess 2% tto increase o 5%. If the packet transfer duration is shorter than 10 seconds, sec onds, PS throughput remains unchanged. The proportion of downlink HQIs 0 to 5 for CS services remains unchanged. This enhancement is closely related to the traffic model and network interference.


In low-traffic areas where 4x3 or a lower frequency reuse pattern is used, if the  packet transfer transfer duration is longer than about 10 seconds, PS throughput throughput increases 1% to 3%. If the packet transfer duration is shorter than 10 seconds, PS throughput remains unchanged. The proportion proportion of downlink HQIs 0 tto o 5 for CS services remains unchanged.. The proportion of downlink HQIs 0 to 5 for CS services remains unchanged unchanged.. This enhancement unchanged enhancement is closely c losely related to the traffic model a nd network interference.


The GPRS downlink closed-loop power control brings gains in the following scenarios:  

In medium- or heavy-traffic areas where a 1x3 or 1x1 frequency reuse pattern is used, PS downlink throughput remains unchanged or decreases by less than 5%, and the  proportion of downlink downlink HQIs 0 to 3 for CS services services increases by 0.1% to 0.2%.


In low-traffic areas where 4x3 or a lower frequency reuse pattern is used, PS downlink throughput remains unchanged or decreases decreases by lless ess than 3%, and the  proportion of downlink downlink HQIs 0 to 3 for CS services services increases by 0.05% to 0.1%.


Compared with EGPRS downlink closed-loop power control, the EGPRS downlink closed-loop power control enhancement brings gains in the t he following scenarios:  

In medium- or heavy-traffic areas where a 1x3 or 1x1 frequency reuse pattern is used, PS downlink throughput remains unchanged or decreases by less than 5%, and the  proportion of downlink downlink HQIs 0 to 3 for CS services services increases by 0.05% to 0.1%.


In low-traffic areas where 4x3 or a lower frequency reuse pattern is used, PS downlink throughput remains unchanged or decreases decreases by lless ess than 3%, and the  proportion of downlink downlink HQIs 0 to 3 for CS services services increases slightly. slightly.


In areas where low-traffic services (such as QQ) account for a high proportion of all traffic, the PS Power Control feature may bring fewer gains than when DTX is used.

3.29.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.29.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The PSPCPOLICY  parameter is added to determine the GPRS or EGPRS power control policy: throughput preferred or power control preferred. The following parameters parameters are added to enable GPRS or EGPRS downlink power control: SUPGPRSDLPC

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

GPRSDLMRFLTGENE GPRSDLPCSTARTTHR GPRSDLPCRELTHR GPRSDLPCRELADJGENE SUPEGPRSDLPCMROPT EGPRSDLMRFLTGENE The SUPEGPRSULPC  and EGPRSULPCTARGETTHR  parameters  parameters are added to enable EGPRS uplink closed-loop power control. The name of the MAXPCSTEP parameter is changed from Max Power Control Fall Step to Max. Downlink Power Decrease Granularity. The name of the PSPCPRES  parameter is changed from Power Control Precision to Downlink Power Control Precision. The name of the MCSSTATTHR  parameter  parameter is changed from Code Scheme Statistics Threshold to DL Power Control Coding Scheme Stat. Thres. The name of the MCSSTABTHR  parameter  parameter is changed from Code Scheme Stable Threshold to DL Power Control Coding Scheme Stable Thres . The name of the SUPPSDLPC  parameter is changed from Support PS Downlink Power Control to DL EGPRS Closed-Loop Power Control Support . The name of the DLPCSTARTTHR  parameter is changed from Downlink Power Control Thres. Start Threshold to DL EGPRS Power Control Enable Coding Scheme

The name of the TGTCIRPOS parameter is changed from Target CIR Position to DL EGPRS Power Power Control Co ntrol Target CIR Position. The name of the TGTCIROFFSET parameter is changed from Target CIR Offset to DL EGPRS Power Control Target CIR Offset . The relationship between the following parameters and SUPPSDLPC  has been changed: DLPCINITPR MAXPCSTEP PSPCPRES,, DummyPRGran PSPCPRES USFDummyPCFactor MCSSTATTHR MCSSTABTHR Before the change, these parameters are valid only if SUPPSDLPC  is set to YES(Yes). After the change, these parameters are always valid.  



Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.29.5 Operation This feature is under license control.

3.29.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.29.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.30 GBFD-510104 Multi-site Cell (Enhanced/Optional) (Enhanced/Optional) 3.30.1 Description The Multi-site Cell feature enables multiple subsites to be configured as one logical cell, also known as a cascaded cell. A subsite is defined as an area physically covered by multiple RRUs connected to a BBU. In scenarios where network coverage is likely to be poor such as high-speed railways, tunnels, or indoor spaces, this t his feature decreases handovers, increases coverage efficiency, and improves user experience. In GBSS14.0, the algorithm for calculating the assignment among modules of multi-site cells is optimized to improve system specifications.

3.30.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance After multi-site cell specifications are improved, the capacity of one cell will equal to that t hat of two or more cells. This helps save frequencies and decrease handovers. The number of SDCCHs increases, helping solve cell congestion in scenarios such as high-speed railways.

3.30.3 Hardware Table 3-1 shows the dependencies on hardware added in GBSS14.0. Table 3-1 Dependencies on hardware

TRX/Subsite x Subsite GTMU Type RF Module

CPRI Rate (Gbit/s)


Equal to or greater than 2.5



RRU3926 RRU3928 RRU3929 RRU3942

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

TRX/Subsite x Subsite GTMU Type RF Module

CPRI Rate (Gbit/s)


Equal to or greater than 2.5


RRU3008 V2


RRU3908 V2


RRU3926 RRU3928 RRU3929 RRU3942

3.30.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands The DSP BTSLOCGRPMAINTRX command is added to query information about the main TRX in a BTS-level subsite. The SWP BTSLOCGRPMAINTRX command is added to switch the main TRX from one subsite to another during maintenance. This helps minimize the impact of subsite adjustment on multi-site cells. Modify the MML command SWP BTSLOCGRP. This command is applicable to BTS versions earlier than GBTS14.0.


Parameters  No impact.


Counters The new PS performance counters are as follows:  


























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Alarms  No impact.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.30.5 Operation  No impact.

3.30.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.30.7 Other Features  No impact.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.31 MRFD-210304 Fault Management (Enhanced/Basic) 3.31.1 Description The OML identification function is incorporated into the Fault Management feature in GBSS14.0. The OML identification function enables BSCoftothe identify over the interface  based on the timeslot of the timeslot port where whe re thethe OML BTS isa BTS configured. configured . If Abis transmission connections to two BTSs with the same sa me configurations configurations (including site type, t ype, boards, cells, and TRXs) are reversed, reversed, then the t he data configurations configurations that tthe he BSC sends to the t he two BTSs are also reversed.. However, no alarm is reported because these two BTSs and their cells are working reversed  properly.. In this case, maintenance  properly maintenance personnel cannot cannot quickly identify the incorrect transmission connections. In practice, the reversed radio parameters parameters for cells under these BTSs cause a decrease in network KPIs and problems such as co-channel interference, adjacent-channel adjacent-ch annel interference, and handover failures. The OML identification identification function allows the BSC to check the electronic label of a BTS after the OML to the BTS is set up. If the BSC detects that the electronic label is inconsistent with the configured label, the BSC blocks the BTS from working and sounds s ounds an alarm so that maintenance personnel personnel can quickly identify i dentify the incorrect transmission connections.

3.31.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  No impact.

3.31.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.31.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands The SET BTSOMLDETECT command is added to set the OML identification function. The command takes effect when the TDM mode is used.


Parameters The enumerated value CONCHK  is  is added for OMLDETECTSWITCH . This new value option is used to enable or disable the t he OML Identification func function. tion.


Counters  No impact.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Alarms The ALM-21821 Site Signaling Link Connection C onnection Mismatch alarm is added. After After tthe he OML identification function is enabled, this alarm is generated when the BSC detects that the OML or RSL transmission connections are different from data configurations.


Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.31.5 Operation To enable the OML identification function, perform the following operation:  

Obtain the BBU bar code. Record the BBU bar code while deploying the BTS at the local end.


Configure the OML identification function. Run the SET BTSOMLDETECT command with OMLDETECTSWITCH  set to CONCHK (Signaling (Signaling llink ink check)  and BTSBARCODE  set to the recorded BBU bar code.

3.31.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.31.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.32 GBFD-113706 Mega BSC (New/Optional) (New/Optional) 3.32.1 Description When the IP over FE/GE/STM-1 mode is used over the A, Abis, and Gb interfaces, the Mega BSC feature enables the BSC to t o support the following specifications:  

TRX: 8192


Traffic volume: 45,000 erlangs


Comprehensive busy hour call attempts (BHCAs): 11,000,000


Subscriber: 2,200,000


A-interfacee CIC: 61,440 A-interfac

    



 Number of PDCHs PDCHs to be activated: activated: 32,768 PS traffic: 3072 Mbit/s NOTE


Comprehensive BHCA is measured based on Huawei's traffic model. In this model, all subscriber  behaviors can can be co converted nverted into ccalls. alls. Subscribe Subscriberr behavio behaviors rs include the fo following: llowing: loca location tion updates an and d handovers in the CS domain; TBF establishment, release, and paging in the PS domain. Comprehensive BHCA shows the impact of a change in the traffic model on system capability.

When the TDM mode is used over the A, Abis, and Gb interfaces, the B BSC SC specifications remain unchanged. unchanged. The BSC supports a maximum of 4096 TRXs.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

When the TDM, IP over FE/GE/STM-1, or IP over E1/T1 is used over the A, Abis, and Gb interfaces, interface s, a BSC supports s upports a maximum of 4096 TRXs of all TDM-based BTSs, and a maximum of 8192 TRXs. This feature provides the following advantages advantages while maintaining voice quality:  

A BSC supports more subscribers.


Equipment integration is improved, decreasing the number of BSCs and space required


in the equipment room. The power consumption of each TRX is reduced.


The O&M efficiency is improved.

 

 


The number of inter-BSC handovers and cell reselections decrease, improving network  performance.  performance.

3.32.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity The BSC specifications are as follows:  

TRX: 8192


Traffic volume: 45,000 erlangs


Comprehensive BHCA: 11,000,000


Subscriber: 2,200,000


A-interfacee CIC: 61,440 A-interfac


Activated PDCH channel: 32,768


PS volume: 3072 Mbit/s

      

Network Performance The number of inter-BSC handovers and cell reselections decrease, improving network  performance.  perform ance.

3.32.3 Hardware The BSC6900 hardware version is V900R013 or later. The The following boards support this feature: DPUf, DPUg, XPUb, SCUb, GCUa, GCGa, OMUc, FG2c, FG2d, GOUc, GO Uc, GOUd, and POUc. To enable a single BSC cabinet to support s upport 8192 TRXs, you must configure a service board instead of a TNU board in the corresponding slot. In addition, you must enable the DPUg specifications improvement improvement function so that a DPUg board can support a maximum of 1536 PDCHs. To enable this function, you need to apply for and activate the license item Packet Service Hardware Capacity (per PDCH). You are advised to interconnect 10GE ports numbered from 8 to 11 on SCUb boards. When the SCUb boards are connected in star mode, the BSC supports a maximum of 8192 TRXs in three subracks.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.32.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  No impact.

3.32.5 Operation  

To enable this feature, apply for and activate the license items Maximum TRX number allowed Resource (per TRX) and Mega BSC (per TRX).


When the IP mode is used over the Abis and Gb interfaces, the TNU board is not required.

3.32.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.32.7 Other  Features Dependency 

This feature depends on the following features:  

GBFD-118601 Abis Abis over IP


GBFD-118602 GBFD-11860 2 A over IP


GBFD-118622 A IP over E1/T1


GBFD-118603 Gb over IP

− −


Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

3.33 GBFD-119406 High Speed Circu Circuit it Switched Data (New/Optional) 3.33.1 Description The Huawei GBSS supports multislot binding technology, technology, which binds bi nds a maximum of four TCHs to form a channel group to carry high speed s peed circuit switched data (HSCSD) service services. s. This increases data transmission rates from 14.4 kbit/s using a single TCH to 57.6 kbit/s using four TCHs, therefore improving user experience.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features on GB GBSS13.0 SS13.0

The following tables list the HSCSD service rates supported by the Huawei GBSS using differentt channel coding modes. differen  

HSCSD service rates using 9.6 kbit/s transparent channel coding mode

Table 3-2 9.6 kbit/s transparent channel coding mode


Timeslot Binding Mode

9.6 kbit/s

1 x 9.6 kbit/s

19.2 kbit/s

2 x 9.6 kbit/s

28.8 kbit/s

3 x 9.6 kbit/s

38.4 kbit/s

4 x 9.6 kbit/s


HSCSD service rates using 14.4 kbit/s transparent channel coding mode.

Table 3-3 14.4 kbit/s transparent channel coding mode


Timeslot Binding Mode

14.4 kbit/s 28.8 kbit/s

1 x 14.4 kbit/s 2 x 14.4 kbit/s

43.2 kbit/s

3 x 14.4 kbit/s

57.6 kbit/s

4 x 14.4 kbit/s


HSCSD service rates using 12 kbit/s non-transparent channel coding mode.

Table 3-4 12 kbit/s non-transparent channel coding mode


Timeslot Binding Mode

12 kbit/s

1 x 12 kbit/s

24 kbit/s

2 x 12 kbit/s

36 kbit/s

3 x 12 kbit/s

48 kbit/s

4 x 12 kbit/s


HSCSD service rates using 14.5 kbit/s non-transparent non-transparent channel coding mode

Table 3-5 14.5 kbit/s non-transparent channel coding mode


Timeslot Binding Mode

14.5 kbit/s

1 x 14.5 kbit/s

29.0 kbit/s

2 x 14.5 kbit/s

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Timeslot Binding Mode

43.5 kbit/s

3 x 14.5 kbit/s

58 kbit/s

4 x 14.5 kbit/s

T ransparent HSCSD callstomust satisfy satisf y rate requirements. If contiguous idle insufficient insuffici ent in a cell c ell due congestion, these calls cannot be processed in theTCHs cell. are Rates for non-transparent HSCSD calls may change. If contiguous idle TCHs are insufficient insufficient in a cell due to congestion, actual data transmission rates may be lower than the requested rates. When the cell is idle, additional TCHs are allocated to non-transparent non-transparent HSCSD calls to satisfy the requested data rates. MSs under the Huawei GBSS can initiate the addition or subtraction s ubtraction of TCHs during the non-transparent non-transpare nt HSCSD service process. Dual-timeslot extension cells do not support HSCSD services. Transpare Transparent nt HSCSD services cannot be handed over to a dual-timeslot cell. If non-transparent non-transparent HSCSD services are handed over to such a cell, they have to use a single timeslot.

3.33.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity The multislot binding technology enables an HSCSD call to occupy one to four TCHs for circuit switched data transmission. Therefore Therefore,, TRX capacity expansion is recommended  because the number number of available TCHs for other types types of services decreases decreases in HSCSD hot spots. Compared with common CSD services, HSCSD services occupy additional a dditional transcoder  transcoder and rate adapter unit (TRAU) ( TRAU) channel for multislot aggregation. For exa example, mple, if an HSCSD call occupies N TCHs, it requires N+1 TRAU channels. If there are many HSCSD services under the BSC, you are advised to expand the DPUc or DPUf board to provide sufficient TRAU channels.

Network Performance This feature does not support the IBCA or dynamic power dynamic power boost technology ((PBT) PBT) algorithm.  

3.33.3 Hardware BTS3900E supports this feature. The BTSs that use the following TRX modules also support this feature: GRFU V2, MRFU V2, GRFU V2a, MRFU V2a, MRFUd, MRFUe, MRFU V3, RRU3008 V2, RRU3908 V2, RRU3928, RRU3929, RRU3942, and RRU3926.

3.33.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface This feature supports the HSCSD service assignment procedure and handover procedure over the A interface.

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Man-Machine Interface Parameters for specifying the maximum number of HSCSD channels, dynamic channel Parameters adjustment period, and channel busy threshold are added. HSCSD-related traffic traffic measurem measurement ent counters c ounters are aadded. dded.

3.33.5 Operation This feature is under license control, and is disabled by default. This feature cannot be used in BM/TC separated mode.

3.33.6 Other NEs   MS

MSs must support this feature.


The CN must support this feature.



3.33.7 Other Features Dependency


 No impact.


This feature is mutually exclusive with wit h the GBFD-117002 IBCA and GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO.  

Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

3.34 GBFD-117705 PS Dummy Frame Compression(New/Optional) 3.34.1 Description The PS Dummy Frame Compression feature is introduced to resolve the iinsuffi nsufficient cient  bandwidth problem problem in Abis Abis over IP mode. mode. After this feature is enabled, the BSC processes dummy frames as follows:

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For dummy frames without the uplink state flag (USF), the BSC does not send them to BTSs. This saves Abis transmission resources. When this happens, the BTSs construct dummy frames and send them to MSs over the t he Um interface.


For dummy frames with the USF, the BSC compresses them and sends them containing only USF information. Based on the t he USF information, the BTSs construct dummy frames and send them to MSs.

3.34.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity The PS Dummy Frame Compression feature is a bandwidth saving technology technology.. With this feature, the BSC compresses dummy frames in PS data packets transmitted over the Abis interface to improve transmission efficiency and save transmission bandwidth.

Network Performance  N/A

3.34.3 Hardware  N/A

3.34.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  N/A

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  N/A


Parameters The ABISIPDUMMYOPTSUP  parameter is added to determine whether to enable this feature for a cell in Abis over IP mode.


Counters  N/A




Others  N/A

3.34.5 Operation This feature is under license control.

3.34.6 Other NEs  N/A

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3.34.7 Other Features  

Dependency GBFD-114101 GPRS or GBFD-114201 EGPRS GBFD-118601 Abis over IP or GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1



Exclusiveness  N/A Substitution  N/A


Cooperation  N/A

3.35 GBFD-118620 Clock over IP support 1588v2 (Enhanced/Optional) 3.35.1 Description The IEEE1588 standards were initially applied to industrial automation for originally accurate time synchronization synchronization. . In the telecommunication t elecommunications s industry, these standards were used in distributed networks for clock synchronization. Now, Now, these standards have been applied to wide area networks (WANs). The IEEE1588v2 standards, which were released in 2008,  proposed the concept concept of "profile". "profile". "profile" allows vendors vendors to select features features to apply to other fields instead of only the industrial automation field. Now, the IEEE1588 standards allow vendors to select an IEEE1588 feature subset ("profile") to implement clock synchronization. As an extension of the concept of "profile", the ITU proposes G.8265.1, which defines interconnection standards for different vendors. Currently, G.8265.1 defines the profile for frequency synchronization synchronization in layer la yer 3 unicast mode and allows the interconnection between devices supporting IEEE1588 from different vendors. In this manner, manner, a BTS supporting G.8265.1 can be connected to a clock server supporting G.8265.1 from another vendor.

3.35.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  N/A

Network Performance  N/A

3.35.3 Hardware An IP clock server must be configured to support this feature. BTS3006C and BTS3002E do not support the IEEE1588v2 standards. The BTS3900, BTS3900A, BTS3900L, and DBS3900 support IEEE1588 v2 over MAC. This feature is supported only when the GTMUb is used in IP over FE mode.

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BTS3900, BTS3900A, BTS3900L, BTS3900AL, and DBS3900 support G.8265.1.

3.35.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  N/A

Man-Machine Interface The G.8265.1 clock proposal parameter PRFTYPE is added.

3.35.5 Operation In IEEE1588 v2 over   User User Datagram Protocol ((UDP) UDP) clock mode configured for the BTSs on the live network, the clock server must support G.8265.1 and the profile type must be changed to G.8265.1. After the change, the parameter settings in Domain for the BTSs and the clock server must be changed based on the actual situation.

3.35.6 Other NEs  





Others A clock server complying with the IEEE1588 v2 standards and G.8265.1 must be configured.

3.35.7 Other Features  

Dependency GBFD-118601 Abis over IP


Exclusiveness  N/A


Substitution  N/A


Cooperation  N/A

3.36 GBFD-115404 Lb Interface (Enhanced/Optional) 3.36.1 Description The GBFD-115404 Lb Interface feature is enhanced in i n GBSS14.0. The enhanced feature supports Lb-interface-based Lb-interface-based location services (LCS) in uplink time difference of arrival (U-TDOA) mode. The U-TDOA positioning mode is supported only by the location

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measurement unit (LMU) (Type B). The LMU mentioned in this document refers to the LMU (Type B). The U-TDOA mode provides a higher positioning precision than the CELLID+TA mode and does not depend on the MS capability. The U-TDOA mode can be used in the following scenarios:  

Time division multiplexing (TDM) transmission over the Abis and Lb interfaces

Figure 3-3 TDM transmission 


IP transmission transmission over the t he Abis and Lb interfaces

Figure 3-4 IP transmission 

The Serving Mobile Location Center (SMLC) instead of the BSC manages and directly communicates with the LMU. The BSC performs only transparent transmission. The LMU and SMLC must be provided by the same vendor.

3.36.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity The U-TDOA mode requires the configuration of the LMU and SMLC, which can be connected using either of the following transmission modes:  

Independentt transmission Independen


BTS co-transmission

 

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In independent transmission mode, terrestrial transmission transmission links must be set up between the LMU and the SMLC. In BTS co-transmission mode shown in Figure in Figure 3-3, the 3-3, the LMU and SMLC communicate with each other through transmission links using monitoring timeslots and semi- permanent permanent connections. The BTS co-transmission mode can be used only when the transmission  bandwidth over the Abis interface is sufficient because because semi-permanent semi-permanent connections occupy some transmission bandwidth. In BTS co-transmission mode, the system capacity does not change.

Network Performance The U-TDOA mode provides a higher positioning precision than the CELLID+TA mode and does not depend on the MS capability.

3.36.3 Hardware  N/A

3.36.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface The U-TDOA positioning procedure is added to the GBFD-115404 Lb Interface feature. This  procedure and the interface interface definition involved comply comply with 3GPP specifications.

Man-Machine Interface The original positioning function provided by the external SMLC ssupports upports the U-TDOA mode. Therefore, only the UTDOADelta parameter is added to the MML commands ADDGEXTSMLC  and MOD GEXTSMLC.

3.36.5 Operation This feature is under license control, and it is disabled by b y default. The GBFD-115404 Lb Interface feature supports the U-TDOA mode. Therefore, no additional maintenance command is required.

3.36.6 Other NEs  

MS The Network Assisted Global Positioning System (A-GPS) positioning service requires support from the MS.


CN The CN must support LCS.


Others  N/A

3.36.7 Other Features  

Dependency  N/A

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Exclusiveness GBFD-115401 NSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) GBFD-115402 BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) GBFD-115403 Simple Mode LCS (Cell ID + TA)


Substitution  N/A


Cooperation  N/A

3.37 GBFD-119507 PS Downlink DTX (New/Optional)  3.37.1 Description  With the PS Downlink DTX feature, the base station controller (BSC) decreases the number of dummy control blocks sent on PDCHs and the number of data blocks unnecessarily retransmitted over the Um interface. This reduces the power consumption of the base transceiverr station transceive stati on (BTS) and network interference, interference, improving the t he service quality. With this feature, the BSC performs the following:

  The BTS does not send dummy control blocks to mobile stations (MS) over the Um interface when PDCHs are in the idle i dle state.

  The BTS does not send downlink dummy control blocks to MSs over the Um interface when temporary block flows (TBFs) are used on PDCHs but no valid data needs to be sent.

  The BSC decreases the number of times downlink data blocks that have been sent but not responded to are transmitted by configuring data when TBFs are used on PDCHs.

3.37.2 Capacity and Performance  System Capacity   No impact.

Network Performance  PS Downlink DTX brings the following impacts:

  Reduces downlink network interference, interference, improves network quality, quality, and improves CS and PS service performance.

  Reduces the BTS power consumption, achieving energy saving and emission reduction.

3.37.3 Hardware   No impact.

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3.37.4 Interfaces  Inter-NE Interface   No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

  MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The PSDTX parameter is added to t o control whether to enable this feature. This parameter can be set to OFF(OFF) , DTX(ON when no MS is accessed), or ENHANCEDDTX(ON when no valid data needs to be sent) . The DlPACKSENDPERIOD  parameter is added to specify the period during which PACK blocks are retransmitted on the network side. The PsDtxPrdDummy  paramete  parameterr is added to control whether whether to send dummy blocks at an interval of 240 ms when some MSs access the network.



Counters  No impact. Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.37.5 Operation  This feature is controlled by a license. Enabling this feature interrupts cell services for less than 5 minutes. minutes.

3.37.6 Other Features   

Dependency  No impact.  

Exclusiveness GBFD-119202 Packet Assignment Taken Over by the BTS


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

3.37.7 Other NEs   No impact.

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3.38 GBFD-119508 PS Uplink DTX (New/Optional)  3.38.1 Description  With the PS Uplink DTX feature, the BSC decreases the frequency of scheduling extended uplink temporary block flows (TBFs) in inactive periods (requiring no support from the MS) or sends system information instructing mobile stations (MSs) not to t o send dummy control  blocks for extended extended uplink TBFs in inactive inactive periods (requiring support support from the MS). This This reduces the MS power consumption and network interferen i nterference, ce, improving the service quality. quality. With this feature, the BSC performs the following actions:

  Instructs MSs not to send dummy control blocks when extended uplink TBFs are in inactive periods.

The BSC sets the value of the EXT_UTBF_NODATA information element (IE) to 1 in system information 13 (SI 13), instructing MSs not to send dummy control blocks when extended t hat support PS uplink TBFs are in inactive periods.  periods.  This function applies only to the MSs that Uplink DTX, that is, the MSs that do not send dummy control blocks when extended uplink TBFs are in inactive periods.

  Decreases the frequency of scheduling extended uplink TBFs in inactive periods.

This enables MSs to send fewer dummy control blocks when extended uplink TBFs are in inactive periods. When EXTUTBFNODATA is set to NOTSEND(NOTSEND), this function applies only to the MSs that do not support PS Uplink DTX, that is, the MSs that still send dummy control blocks when extended uplink TBFs are in inactive periods.

3.38.2 Capacity and Performance  System Capacity   No impact.

Network Performance  PS Uplink DTX brings the following impacts:

  Reduces uplink network interference, and improves network quality.

  Reduces the MS power consumption.

  Decreases the frequency of scheduling extended uplink TBFs in inactive periods. However, if data needs to be sent for uplink TBFs, a delay is caused. When this occurs, the uplink rate decreases by 10% to 20%.

  Causes a change in the uplink MCS because the BSC fails to obtain the measurement result from the BTS when the MS does not send dummy blocks.

3.38.3 Hardware   No impact.

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3.38.4 Interfaces  Inter-NE Interface   No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

  MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The EXTUTBFNODATA parameter is added to notify an MS whether to send dummy control blocks when extended uplink TBFs are in inactive periods. The INACTSCHPERIOD  parameter is added to specify the period during which extended uplink TBFs are scheduled in inactive i nactive periods. An MS can be scheduled again only if the interval between the current time and the last scheduling s cheduling time is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter. The PsDtxLaOptiSwitch parameter is added to control c ontrol whether to enable an algorithm that makes PS uplink DTX be compatible with uplink link adaptation (LA). UPDTXACKPERIOD The  parameter  parame ter iswhen added specify specify the period oftransmission sending sending Packet Uplink Ack/Nack messages by Ack/Nack the BSC PStouplink discontinuous (DTX) is enabled and uplink temporary block bloc k flows (TBFs) aare re in an extended inactive  period. If this parameter parameter is set to 0, the the BSC does not send Packet Packet Uplink Ack/Nack messages periodically.


Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.38.5 Operation 

This feature is controlled by a license.

3.38.6 Other Features   

Dependency GBFD-119203 Extended Uplink TBF


Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

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3.38.7 Other NEs   No impact.

3.39 GBFD-511405 NC2 between GSM and TD-SCDMA (New/Optional) 3.39.1 Description On a GSM and TD-SCDMA hybrid network, MSs in packet transfer mode using NC2  periodically send measurement measurement reports reports (MRs) to the BSC. Upon receiving receiving the MRs, the BSC initiates a cell reselection from GSM to TD-SCDMA for the MSs in NC2 mode based on the receive level, level, cell load, and receive quality of the serving cell, as well as the receive level, cell load, and service duration of neighboring TD-SCDMA cells. The BSC can obtain the loads of neighboring TD-SCDMA cells over the Iur-g interface from the TD-SCDMA RNC during the t he cell common measurement procedure.

3.39.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity The NC2 between GSM and TD-SCDMA feature allows MSs performing PS services to quickly reselect TD-SCDMA cells in areas covered by both GSM and TD-SCDMA networks. This balances the load between the t he GSM and TD-SCDMA network networkss and increases the overall capacities of the GSM and TD-SCDMA networks.

Network Performance This feature balances the load between the GSM and TD-SCDMA networks and carries PS services on the TD-SCDMA network. This increases PS data rates and improves user experience.  

In NC2 mode, decreases the uplink throughput rate due to the sending of packet measurementt reports. The uplink measuremen upli nk throughput rate is decreased by not more than 4%, which is scalculated thesending formulapacket 20 ms/(2^n x 480 ms). The formula x 480 ms0 to 7. calculate calculates the periodinfor measurement measuremen t reports, where n 2^n ranges from Most PS services are processed on the t he downlink. Therefore, user experience is slightly affected.


The BSC must process packet MRs and messages transmitted over the Iur-g interface during common measurement procedures, and make NC2 decisions. This increases the CPU usage by less than 1%, because the BSC must process packet measuremen measurementt reports, messages transferred over the Iur-g interface during common measurement procedures, and NC2 decisions.


The NC2 reselection procedure interrupts ongoing services for about 6 seconds. This has a substantial adverse effect on low-throughput services. In addition, CS paging messages cannot be received by MSs. This decreases decreases the CS paging success rate.


This feature accelerates the decision for cell reselection to the TD-SCDMA network. network. This ensures that MSs in i n packet transfer mode can quickly reselect to TD TD-SCDMA -SCDMA ce cells, lls, improving user experience.  

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3.39.3 Hardware  NA

3.39.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface This feature requires support from the MS and BSS and requires that the MS and BSS support 3GPP Release 99 and later releases. This feature has an impact on the following interfaces: Um interface


The Packet Measurement Order message transferred over the Um interface must contain the NC2 mode, neighboring TD-SCDMA cell list with UARFCNs and scrambling codes, and inter-RAT measurement control parameters. The contents in this message can be differentt from those in differen i n the system information i nformation SI2Quater. SI2Quater. Iur-g Interface


A GSM BSC obtains TD-SCDMA cell load information through the Iur-g interface  between the GSM BSC and the TD-SCDMA TD-SCDMA RNC.

Man-Machine Interface MML commands


The following MML commands are added to set UTRAN TDD reselection parameters for a 2G cell: SET GCELLRESELECTUTRANTDD 



The PsBestTddCellNum, PsTddCellRptOff , PsTddCellRptThd , TddNCellLoadThd  and TddReselTimeThd  parameters are added to support the NC2 between GSM and TD-SCDMA function. The GSMTOTDALLOWED paramete  parameters rs is modified to support the NC2 between between GSM and TD-SCDMA function. Counters


 No impact. Alarms


 No impact. Miscellaneous


 No impact.

3.39.5 Operation Before you deploy this feature, apply for a license and activate it.

3.39.6 Other NEs   MS

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The MS must support all of the following: GSM and TD-SCDMA, bidirectional cell reselection between GSM and TD-SCDMA, NC2 between GSM and TD-SCDMA, and the processing of neighboring TD-SCDMA cell information contained in the Packet Measurementt Order message. Measuremen


 No impact.


The TD-RNC must support the Iur-g interface.

3.39.7 Other Features Dependency


The following features have been configured before this feature is activated: GBFD-114101 GPRS, GBFD-114302 GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability, and GBFD-511401 Iur-g Interface Between GSM and TD-SCDMA (dependent on this feature if the neighboring TD-SCDMA cell load is a prerequisite to cell reselection).


This feature is mutually exclusive to t o the feature: GBFD-118702 MOCN Shared Cell aand nd GBFD-114151 DTM The TD-SCDMA neighboring neighboring cell load acquisition function in the NC2 between GSM and TD-SCDMA feature is mutually exclusive with the GSM/TD-SCDMA cell reselection optimization for MSs in packet transfer tra nsfer mode in the GBFD-114302 GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability feature..  

Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

3.40 GBFD-118614 GSM PS Service Map (New/Basic) 3.40.1 Description This feature supports the geographic presentation of GSM PS services based on information such as the PS service type, terminal type, and measurement measurement reports. This feature provides the following functions:   

Displaying PS traffic volume by service type The BSC identifies and records the types of ongoing services. Based on the service types, the Nastar calculates total traffic volume on a per grid basis and displays the traffic volume by service type. If the total traffic volume in certain grids is too large, the grid’s capacity may need to be expanded.


Displaying PS traffic volume by terminal type The BSC identifies and records the types of terminals performing services. Based on the terminal types, the Nastar calculates calculates total tra traffic ffic volume on a per grid basis and displays the traffic volume by terminal type. If the traffic volume of dual-mode MSs or data cards

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is too large in certain grids, interoperability parameters can be modified to balance the system load. This helps improve i mprove quality of service (QoS) and increases network resource usage. Providing accurate WLAN deployment


The BSC identifies and records the types of terminals performing services. Based on the terminal types, the Nastar calculates calculates total tra traffic ffic volume on a per grid basis and displays the traffic volume by terminal type. If the total traffic volume of Wi-Fi-capable MSs is too large in certain grids, wireless local area networks (WLANs) can be deployed in these hot spots.

3.40.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance 1.  When PS CHR-related functions are enabled, the following factors impact network  performance:  perform ance:

  Digital signal processor (DSP) CPU usage of the DPUd board increases by a maximum

of 2%.   CPU subsystem (CPUS) CPU usage increases by a maximum of 1%.

  CPU usage of the Operation and Maintenance Unit (OMU) increases by a maximum of 1%.

2.  When PSCHRIMEI  is set to ON(Output) , the delay in attach a ttach and routing area update (RAU) increases by a maximum of 1s. This is because the network initiates an Identity Request procedure to obtain the IMEI of the terminal when the terminal ter minal accesses accesses the network. 3.  When NCO is set to NC1(NC1) or  NC2(NC2), service data transmission of a terminal is affected affec ted because the terminal periodically sends PS MRs to the BSC, which occupies network resources. However, user experience is not affected, because the period at which the terminal sends PS MRs is long lon g and only one temporary block flow (TBF) is occupied. 4.  When NCO is set to NC1(NC1), the single-block assignment failure rate increases increases when the terminal sends PS MRs in packet idle mode. The increased failure rate cau causes ses a decrease of 0% to 15% in the BSCUPLINK.ASS.SUCC.RATE counter. The decrease range is associated with the penetration rate of terminals that do not support s upport NC1. However, user experience is not affected, because the network does not process uplink MRs reported by terminals.

3.40.3 Hardware  NA

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3.40.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface MML commands


 No impact. Parameters


The PSCHRServiceType  parameter is added to support s upport to extract service type t ype information from PS call history record logs and PSCHRIMEI  parameter is added to support to extract IMEI information from PS call history record logs. Counters


 No impact. Alarms


 No impact. Miscellaneous


 No impact.

3.40.5 Operation It is not controlled by the t he license. To display traffic volume by service type, change PSCHRServiceType  from its default value OFF(Not Output) to ON(Output) . To display traffic volume by terminal type and provide accurate WLAN deployment, change PSCHRIMEI  from its default value OFF(Not Output) to ON(Output) .

3.40.6 Other NEs   MS

The MS must support NC1 or NC2.


The CN must support this feature.


The Nastar must support this feature.

3.40.7 Other Features Dependency


 No impact.


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 No impact.  

Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

3.41 GBFD-511608 WLAN Hot Spot Notification (New/Optional) 3.41.1 Description The WLAN Hot Spot Notification feature identifies Wi-Fi hot spots (assisted by the GSM network) and implements intelligent Wi-Fi load distribution (controlled by the GSM network). This feature provides the following benefits: Increasess the t he WLAN usage.   Increase

  Enables operators to control Wi-Fi load distribution.

  Maximizes the existing cellular network usage.

  Improves user experience with regard to WLAN services.

3.41.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity This feature decreases traffic load in GSM cells and increases system capacity.

Network Performance The PDCH usage decreases if the following conditions are met: 

large number of MSs running customized application clients are performing service services. s.   A large WLAN load distribution is enabled in WLAN hot spots under the GSM network   coverage.

  Cell load reaches the threshold t hreshold specified by LoadThrToWlan.

MSs that have successfully registered WLAN hot spot sp ot notification discard downlink logical link control (LLC) data from the SGSN and are disconnected from the network. This occurs  because the downlink downlink LLC data is inconsecutive inconsecutive and in incorrect incorrect sequence after after the BSC sends WLAN hot spot notification messages to the MSs. In addition, the digital signal processor (DSP) load increases because the BSC needs to identify the packets for registering WLAN hot spot notification.

Hardware  NA

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.41.3 Interfaces  Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface   

MML commands  

The MML command SET GCELLWLAN is added to set WLAN load distribution control parameters for GSM cells.


The MML command LST GCELLWLAN is added to query the values of WLAN load distribution control parameters for GSM cells.


The MML command ADD GWLANINFO is added to add the WLAN information about an operator.


The MML command LST GWLANINFO is added to query q uery the WLAN information about an operator.


The MML command RMV GWLANINFO is added to remove the WLAN information about an operator.



The WlanCtrl parameter is added to control whether to enable the t he WLAN load distribution function.


The LoadThrToWlan parameter is added to specify the cell load l oad threshold for enabling WLAN load distribution.


The LoadThrStpWlan parameter is added to specify the cell load threshold t hreshold for disabling WLAN load distribution.


The WifiTmr parameter is added to t o specify the Wi-Fi detection duration. If an MS fails to detect Wi-Fi signals within duration specified s pecified by this parameter, the MS automatically disables its Wi-Fi function.


The StpWifiTmr parameter is added to specify the duration in which an MS disables its Wi-Fi function automatically if there is no data traffic. If there is no data traffic for the MS enabled with the Wi-Fi function within the duration, the MS disables its Wi-Fi function automatically.


The OPINDEX parameter is added to identify an operator.


The SSID parameter is added to specify the service set iidentifier dentifier (SSID) of an operator in the WLAN.



The WLAN.DISTRIBUTION.REQUEST counter is added to provide the number of WLAN load distribution requests initiated by the BSC in a measurement measurement period.


The WLAN.DISTRIBUTION.SEARCH.FAILURE counter is added to provide the number of WLAN load distribution failures due to no Wi-Fi signals detected by MSs in a measurement measurement period.


The WLAN.DISTRIBUTION.LOW.RSSI.FAILURE counter is added to provide the number of WLAN load distribution failures due to a low received r eceived signal strength indicator (RSSI) in a measurement measurement period.


The WLAN.DISTRIBUTION.CONNECTION.FAILURE counter is added to provide the number of WLAN load distribution failures due to Wi-Fi connection failures in a measurementt period. measuremen

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The WLAN.DISTRIBUTION.EXPIRATION counter is added to provide the number of WLAN load distribution expirations in a measurement period.



The WLAN.DISTRIBUTION.SUCCESS.RATE counter is added to provide the success rate of WLAN load distribution initiated by the BSC in a measurement measurement  period.


The WLAN.DISTRIBUTION.USER.FAILURE counter is added to provide the number of WLAN load distribution failures due to timeout of Wi-Fi connection

acknowledgement acknowledgem ent in a measurem measurement ent period. Alarms


 No impact. Others


 No impact.

3.41.4 Operation  No impact.

3.41.5 Other NEs Customized application clients must be installed on MSs.

3.41.6 Other Features Dependency


GBFD-114101 GPRS or GBFD-114201 EGPRS


 No impact.  

Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

3.42 MRFD-210402 BTS/NodeB Software Management (Enhanced/Basic) 3.42.1 Description The GBSS integrity check function is incorporated i ncorporated into the BTS/NodeB Software Managementt feature iin Managemen n GBSS13.0. When the software and configuration files files are transmitted between the M2000 an and d a BSC, the files may be incomplete i ncomplete because of instable transmission or attacks. The GBSS iintegrity ntegrity check function checks the correctness and integrity of the t he software and configuration files. BTS3900E and BTS3900B of GBSS14.0 support the GBSS integrity check function.

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3.42.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  No impact.

3.42.3 Hardware  NA

3.42.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  No impact.

3.42.5 Operation The software management expert system provides a wizard-based graphical user interface (GUI). Using the GUI, the system provides guidelines for users tto o perform upgrade  preparation,, pre-upgrade checks,  preparation checks, upgrade execution, execution, and post-upgrade checks. checks.

3.42.6 Other NEs   MS

 No impact.


 No impact.


The M2000 must support this feature.

3.42.7 Other Features Dependency


 No impact.


 No impact.  

Substitution  No impact.

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Cooperation  No impact.

3.43 GBFD-117803 Abis Transmission Backup (E/O)  3.43.1 Description  Abis transmission backup enhancement (E1 backup) is an enchantment enchantment of the Abis Transmission Backup feature. Specifically, two E2E transmission links are configured over the Abis interface: an IP over FE/GE link and an IP over E1 link. The two links work in  primary/backup mode. mode. This improves improves reliability of transmission over over the Abis interface and reduces service interruption due to transmission faults over the Abis interface, improving the GSM network reliability. Figure 3-5 shows the network topology for Abis transmission backup enhancement. enhancement. Figure 3-5  Network Network topo topology logy for Abis transmi transmission ssion backup backup enhan enhancem cement ent

The primary and backup links can be set to the working w orking or non-working state based on their operating status. The BSC and BTS check whether the link in the working w orking state is functioning properly based on the link the link access procedure on the D channel (LAPD) link status. To check whether the link in the non-working state is functioning properly, the BTS sends a UDP ping detection packet to the BSC, and the BSC loops l oops the packet back to the BTS. Under normal circumstances, the  primary link is the working link and carries all services services on the Abis interface. interface. If the BTS detects that the primary link is faulty, faulty, the BTS automatically switches over services on the primary link to t o the backup li link. nk. During the switchover, the ongoing services on the Abis interface are interrupted for less than 1 minute. After After the switchover, new services are processed processed by the backup link, and a nd the backup link is switched s witched over to the working state. If the primary link recovers, the BTS automatically switches over services services on the backup link  back to the primary primary link. During the switchover, the ongoing ongoing services on the Abis interface interface are interrupted. After After the switchover s witchover,, new services are processed by the primary link. li nk.

3.43.2 Capacity and Performance  System Capacity  Abis transmission backup enhancement has no impact on system capacity when tthe he primary link functions properly. If services carried on the primary link are switched over to the backup link with lower bandwidth, the capacity of the Abis transmission link decreases to the same as that of the backup link.

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Network Performance  During a switchover, all ongoing services on the t he Abis Abis interface are interrupted for less than 1 minute. If services carried on the primary link are switched over to the backup link with lower  bandwidth, the KPIs such as the access access success rate and throughput decrease, and and the call drop rate increases. After After the primary link recovers, the KPIs return to normal if the services s ervices are automatically automatic ally switched back to the primary link.

3.43.3 Hardware  Both IP over E1 and IP over FE/GE interface boards must be configured for the BSC. The GTMUb board must be configured for the following 3900 series base stations: BTS3900, BTS3900A, BTS3900L, BTS3900AL, and DBS3900.

3.43.4 Interfaces  Inter-NE Interface   No impact.

Man-Machine Interface    MML commands

The MML command ADD BTS is optimized. The value IP_OVER_FE/GE_AND_E1  is added to the IPPHYTRANSTYPE  parameter in this t his command. The MML command ADD BTSIPBA B TSIPBAK  K  is  is added to set the IP address for the backup link when Abis transmission backup enhancement is enabled. The MML command ADD IPPATH is optimized. The parameters AbisLnkBKFLAG  and PATHFLAG  are added to this command. The MML command SET BTSLNKBKATTR  is  is added to set the attributes a ttributes for the  backup link when Abis transmission backup backup enhancement enhancement is enabled.


The AbisLnkBKFLAG parameter is added to specify whether to enable Abis transmission backup enhancement. enhancement. The PATHFLAG parameter is added to identify whether a link is the primary or backup link. The WTBS parameter is added to specify the amount of time ti me the BTS waits for a switchover. The DETECTTXINT  parameter is added to t o specify the interval between sending detection packets. The DETECTCOUNT  parameter is added to specify the number of detection packet retransmissions due to timeout.


 No impact.

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The following alarms are added: - 

EVT-28050 Maintenance Link Switchover

ALM-28051 Transmission Transmission Link Fault Fa ult


 No impact.

3.43.5 Operation  In GBSS14.0, Abis transmission backup enhancement enhancement is controlled by the license of the Abis Transmission Backup feature. Therefore, a new license is not required.

3.43.6 Other NEs   No impact.

3.43.7 Other Features    Dependency

The Abis Abis transmission backup enhancement enhancement depends on the following features: - 

GBFD-118601 Abis Abis over IP

GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1


 No impact.


 No impact.


 No impact.

3.44 GBFD-116301 Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) (Enhanced/Optional) 3.44.1 Description The Network Assisted Assisted Cell Change (NACC) feature enables an MS to t o rapidly access a new cell to continue with data transmission without receiving complete system information after a cell reselection. This feature does not control the cell reselection of an MS. Instead, it notifies the BSC to  broadcast system system information to the neighboring cells cells when the MS decides decides to reselect a cell. By enabling the BSC to broadcast system information in advance, this feature speeds up cell reselections, reselection s, shortens the interruption time during data transmission due to cell reselections. This feature is enhanced in GBSS14.0.

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As defined in the t he 3GPP specifications, specifications, when an MS in the t he transfer state performs an inter-routing-area inter-rou ting-area cell reselection, all data packets for the MS in the original cell are discarded in versions earlier than GBSS14.0. With this enhancement in GBSS14.0, data packets can be migrated from the original cell to the target cell when an MS in the t he transfer state performs intra-BSC inter-routing-area cell reselection. reselection. As a result, da data ta transmission is quickly restored when the MS camps on the new routing area.

3.44.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity Cell reselections are speeded up. The SGSN detect whether an MS reselects a new cell more rapidly. Resources in the original cell can be released for other MSs more rapidly. As a result, the system capacity is enhanced.

Network Performance This feature speeds up cell reselections, shortens s hortens the interruption time during data transmission due to cell reselections, and therefore improves mobile user experience.

3.44.3 Hardware  No impact.

3.44.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface   MML commands

 No impact.


 No impact.   Counters  No impact.


 No impact.


 No impact.

3.44.5 Operation  No impact.

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3.44.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.44.7 Other Features  No impact.

3.45 GBFD-119509 GPRS Packet Fast Transmission(Enhanced/Optional) 3.45.1 Description With the GPRS Packet Fast Transmission feature, a parameter is used to specify the RLC window size. After sending an RLC data block message, the BSC continues to send s end new RLC data blocks until the specified RLC window size is reached even if the RLC transmission window reaches 64. When receiving a PACKET DOWNLINK ACK message from an MS, if the BSC confirms that the MS has not received the first RLC R LC data block, the receiving window for the MS has not slid. As specified in the t he 3GPP specifications, specifications, RLC R LC data blocks sent exceeding the receiving window size (64) of an MS are invalid. In this case, the BSC performs a transmission window rollback. If the BSC confirms that the MS has received the first RLC data block, the receiving window for the MS has slid. RLC data blocks sent exceeding the receiving window size (64) of the MS are valid. In this case, the transmission window continues to slide. With the improvement of the MS multislot capability, more channels can be allocated, and more than 64 data blocks can be sent during a loopback delay. This feature prevents window stop-and-wait and increases downloading rate when packets are lost.

3.45.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance This feature increases GPRS service downloading rates by about 15%.

3.45.3 Hardware A built-in PCU, a packet processing board, and a Gb interface board are required.

3.45.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

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Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The DlGprsTbfExpandOp  paramete The   parameterr is added to specify the RLC transmission window size.



Counters  No impact. Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.45.5 Operation  No impact.

3.45.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.45.7 Other Features  

Dependency GBFD-114101 GPRS


Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.


Cooperation  No impact.

3.46 GBFD-119203 Extended Uplink TBF (Enhanced/Optional) 3.46.1 Description With this feature, feature, a TBF is not released immediately at the intervals when no data is transmitted on it, and therefore the TBF does not need to be reestablished if new data is sent from an MS. Therefore, Therefore, frequent TBF establishments and releases are avoided. This feature supports the adjustment for the sending frequency of PACKET UPLINK ACK messages when an extended uplink TBF enters its inactive period. This reduces tthe he bandwidth occupied by downlink signaling and increases downlink throughput of downloading services. During downloading services, TCP ACK messages (which are short) are frequently transmitted on the uplink. With this feature enabled, the BSC does not send a PACKET

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UPLINK ACK/NACK message to an MS immediately after the MS receives a TCP ACK message. Instead, the BSC sends the PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK message to the MS after the MS receives a certain number of TCP ACK messages. This decreases the overheads of downlink signaling on extended uplink TBFs and iincreases ncreases the downloading speed. The frequency for sending PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK messages can be adjusted by one of network optimization parameters.

3.46.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity This feature decreases decreases the maximum number of MSs allowed tto o access the network.

Network Performance This feature increases the probability of establishing downlink TBFs on PACCHs and shortens the duration for establishing downlink TBFs. An MS that does not support this feature can send data only on a newly established uplink TBF after the current uplink TBF is released.. This affects the overall transmission released tr ansmission performance.

3.46.3 Hardware 


A built-in PCU, a packet processing board, and a Gb interface board are required.

3.46.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The  UPTBFRELDELAY  parameter The parameter is added added to set the delay for releasing uplink uplink TBFs.


The ULExternACKOpt  parame  parameter ter is added to optimize this feature. Counters  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.46.5 Operation  No impact.

3.46.6 Other NEs  No impact. Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

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3.46.7 Other Features  

Dependency  No impact.


Exclusiveness  No impact.


Substitution  No impact.



 No impact.

3.47 GBFD-511505 RACH Storm Filtration(New/Optional) 3.47.1 Description When the time interval, timing advance (TA) interval, and access frequency meet specified conditions, random access requests with the sa me access reference value are filtered to restrain Random access channel (RACH) storm. RACH storm occurs because of a large number of abrupt random access requests due to MS exceptions, malicious manual operations, or a large number of abrupt random location updates. Therefore, the RACH Storm Filtration feature needs to be enabled to enhance system reliability and increase the immediate assignment success s uccess rate.

3.47.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity If the RACHFLTTMINTVAL exceeds 3s, the traffic volume may decrease. The larger the value of bits 0 to 11 is, the more notably the traffic volume may decrease.

Network Performance Appropriately configuring filter parameters can restrain an RACH storm, increasing the immediate assignment success rate.

Hardware  No impact.

3.47.3 Interfaces  Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface   

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MML commands

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 No impact.  



The RACHFLTSWITCH parameter is added to specify whether to enable the RACH Storm Filtration feature.


The RACHFLTTYPE  parameter is added to specify whether to filter f ilter out the random access request messages whose channel setup cause is emergency call.


The RACHFLTTMINTVAL parameter is added to specify the time ti me filter condition, which is the minimum interval between two consecutive random access request messages with the same random access reference reference value. If the actual interval is less than or equal to the value of this parameter, parameter, the time filter condition is met.  


The RACHFLTFREQ parameter is added to specify the frequency filter condition, which is the maximum number of consecutive random access request messages with tthe he same random access reference value. If the number of random access request messages with the same random access reference value is greater than the value of this parameter, the frequency filter condition is met.


The RACHFLTTATHD parameter is added to specify s pecify the TA filter condition, which is the minimum TA difference between two consecutive random access request messages with the same random access reference value. If the actual TA difference is less than or equal to the value of this parameter, the TA filter condition is met.



 

 No impact.  

Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.47.4 Operation  No impact.

3.47.5 Other NEs  No impact.

3.47.6 Other NoFeatures impact.

3.48 MRFD-211804 GSM Power Control on Interference Frequency for GU Small Frequency gap (New/Optional) (New/Optional) 3.48.1 Description This multi-mode feature is new in SRAN7.0. It includes the t he followings on the GBSS14.0 and RAN14.0:  

MRFD-211804 GSM Power Control on Interference Frequency for GU Small Frequency gap(GSM)

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MRFD-221804 GSM Power Control on Interference Frequency for GU Small Frequency gap(UMTS)

In small GSM/UMTS frequency spacing scenarios (such as GU refarming 3.8 MHz and GU refarming 4.2 MHz), this feature reduces the interference of GSM to UMTS in the downlink  by decreasing decreasing the transmit power of the GSM frequency that is 2.0 MHz or 2.2 MHz away away from the UMTS center frequency, thereby increasing HSDPA throughput. Figure throughput. Figure 3-6 shows the GU refarming 3.8 MHz and GU refarming 4.2 MHz scenarios. Figure 3-6 GU refarming 3.8 MHz and GU refarming 4.2 MHz

GSM data is sent in bursts on each TCH by using frequency hopping (FH). When the GSM data is transmitted on a frequency that is 2.0 MHz or 2.2 MHz away from the UMTS center frequency, GSM actively performs power compression on this frequency to reduce the interference to UMTS in the downlink. To compensate for power loss caused by power compression, GSM performs power compensation on non-interfering frequencies that also  participate in FH. FH. Power compression compression further decreases decreases the power after after power control control whereas power compensation further increases the power after power control. Figure control. Figure 3-7 illustrates the principles of power compression and power compensation.

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Figure 3-7 Principles of power compression and power compensation

In addition, GSM compensates for the t he decreased signal level to prevent cell-edge MSs from unnecessary handovers.

3.48.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity In GU refarming 3.8 MHz and GU refarming 4.2 MHz scenarios, scenarios, this feature improves HSDPA performance of the UMTS network operating at 900 MHz by reducing the transmit  power of the GSM frequency that is 2.0 MHz or or 2.2 MHz away away from the UMTS UMTS center frequency. The HSDPA performance is improved in the following aspects:  

Reduced HSDPA interference


Enhanced HSDPA link quality

  


Increased HSDPA cell throughput Increased average number of HSDPA UEs

Network Performance To guarantee the GSM or UMTS network quality means to decrease the GSM receive quality. However, to guarantee the UMTS network quality will greatly affect GSM key performance indicators (KPIs). The affected affected GSM KPIs include the t he call drop rate, handover success rate, channel assignment success rate, congestion rate, and mean opinion score (MOS). In addition,  power compensation compensation for non-interfering non-interfering frequencies frequencies increases the average downlink downlink transmit  power..  power The following two policies are alternative:  

Preferentially Prefe rentially guaranteeing the GSM network quality The GUDegratePwrPri  parame  parameter ter is set to GSM(GSM) .

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During power decrease:  

If the power of non-interfering frequencies frequencies is ssufficiently ufficiently compensated, the transmit  power of the interfering frequency frequency decreases to the desired desired value, which is equal to the maximum TRX transmit power minus the value of the GU2000KHzMaxVal  parameter.  paramete r.


If the power of non-interfering frequencies frequencies is insufficiently compensated, compensated, the transmit  power of the interfering frequency frequency decreases to the the allowed value, which is


determined based on the power compensation c ompensation amplitude. Preferentially guaranteeing the UMTS network quality Preferentially The GUDegratePwrPri parameter is set to UMTS(UMTS). During power decrease, the transmit power of the interfering frequency decreases decreases to the t he desired value regardless of whether the power of non-interfering frequencies is sufficiently compensated or not. When the transmit power of GSM frequencies is reduced, the interference of GSM to UMTS decreases. This improves the UMTS KPIs and affects the GSM KPIs. The improved UMTS KPIs include i nclude HSDPA HSDPA throughput and downlink quality-related counters, such as call drop rate and RAB setup success rate.

Table 3-6 lists the affected GSM and UMTS KPIs. Table 3-6 Affected GSM and UMTS KPIs






High quality indicator (HQI)


Call drop rate

Slight increase

Channel assignment success rate

Slight decrease

Handover success rate

Slight decrease


Slight decrease

Average downlink transmit power


Congestion rate

Slight increase

HSDPA throughput


Call drop rate


RAB setup success rate


3.48.3 Impact on NEs This feature is implemented on the GSM BSC, GSM BTS, and NodeB.

3.48.4 Hardware  No impact.

3.48.5 Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

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3.48.6 Operation and Maintenance License  

A site-level site-level license for this feature is added on the GSM BSC side.


A site-level site-level license for this feature is added on the NodeB side.

 

Configuration Management This feature introduces the following parameters on the GSM BSC side. This feature has no impact on the UMTS side.

Change Type

Parameter ID

MML Command


Added  parameterr  paramete

GUDegrateP wrCtrl

SET Whether to enable frequency-based control GCELLNonStandar   power control dBW

Added  parameter  parameter


SET GCELLNonStandar  dBW

Added  parameter  parameter

GUDegrateP wrPri

SET Frequency-based power control GCELLNonStandar   policy. dBW If this parameter is set to GSM(GSM), this feature guarantees the GSM network quality while minimizing interference to the UMTS network. If the non-interfering frequencies frequenc ies do not obtain sufficient  power compensation, compensation, the transmit  power of the interfering frequency frequency cannot be minimized.

Cell in which frequency-based power control is enabled

If this parameter is set to UMTS(UMTS), UMTS(UMTS ), this feature  preferentially  preferenti ally guarantees the UMTS network quality. Even if the non-interfering frequencies do not obtain sufficient power compensation, the transmit power of the interfering frequency can be minimized. Added  parameter  parameter

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

GU2000KHz MaxVal

SET Maximum decrease in the transmit GCELLNonStandar   power of the interfering frequency frequency dBW when there is a 2.0 MHz frequency frequency spacing between the GSM and UMTS networks. The desired transmit power of the interfering frequency that is 2.0 MHz away from the UMTS center frequency is equal to the maximum TRX transmit power minus the value of this parameter.

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Change Type

Parameter ID

MML Command

Added  parameter  parameter

GU2200KHz MaxVal 

SET Maximum decrease in the transmit GCELLNonStandar   power of the interfering frequency frequency dBW when there is a 2.2 MHz frequency frequency spacing between the GSM and UMTS networks. The desired transmit power of the interfering frequency that is 2.2 MHz away from the UMTS center frequency is equal to the maximum TRX transmit power minus the value of this parameter.

Added  parameterr  paramete

UMTSFreqN um1

SET GCELLNonStandar  dBW

Downlink absolute radio frequency channel number (ARFCN) for the first UMTS frequency that has a 2.0 MHz or 2.2 MHz spacing with the GSM frequency in GU refarming scenarios.

Added  parameter  parameter

UMTSFreqN um2

SET GCELLNonStandar  dBW

Downlink ARFCN for the second UMTS frequency that has a 2.0 MHz or 2.2 MHz spacing with the GSM frequency in GU refarming scenarios.

Added  parameterr  paramete

 NAHRComp Coeff


Proportion of power compensation for the non-interfering frequencies to  power decrease decrease each time the transmit power of the interfering frequency is decreased by 1 dB for enhanced full rate (EFR), full rate (FR), half rate (HR), and adaptive multirate (AMR) FR calls. When this  parameterr is set to 0, power  paramete compensation is not performed on the non-interfering non-interfe ring frequencies.

Added  parameterr  paramete

 NAHRComp OffVal

SET Power compensation offset for EFR, GCELLNonStandar  FR, HR, and AMR FR calls. This dBW  parameter is used to calculate the  parameter  power compensation compensation for the non-interfering non-interfe ring frequencies. frequencies.

Added  parameterr  paramete

AHRCompCo eff

SET Proportion of power compensation GCELLNonStandar  for the non-interfering frequencies to dBW  power decrease decrease each time the transmit power of the interfering frequency is decreased by 1 dB for AMR HR calls. When W hen this parameter is set to 0, power compensation is not  performed on the non-interfering frequencies.

Added  parameterr  paramete

AHRCompOf  SET fVal GCELLNonStandar  dBW

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)


Power compensation offset for AMR HR calls. This parameter is used to calculate the power compensation for

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Change Type

Parameter ID

MML Command

Description the non-interfering frequencies.

Performance Management

This feature adds the following counters on the GSM BSC side. This feature has no impact on the UMTS side.

Change Type


Measurement Unit


Added counter



Average Power Decrease on GSM 2.0 MHz Interfering Interfering Frequency

Added counter



Average Power Decrease on GSM 2.2 MHz Interfering Interfering Frequency


Average Power Increase on GSM  Non-Interfering  Non-Interfe ring Frequency



Added counter


Fault Management  No impact.

3.48.7 Impact on Other Features This feature must be used together with the feature WRFD-021001 Flexible frequenc frequency y  bandwidth of UMTS carrier or must be used used with both of the following features: features:  

MRFD-211703 2.0MHz Central Frequency point separation between GSM and UMTS mode (GSM)


MRFD-221703 2.0MHz Central Frequency point separation between GSM and UMTS mode (UMTS)

The UMTS network performance improves when this feature is used with any of the following features:  

WRFD-020136 Anti-Interference Scheduling for HSUPA


GBFD-117601 HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm


GBFD-117602 Active Active Power Control


GBFD-114801 Discontinuous Transmission Transmission (DTX) Downlink

GBFD-114803 Discontinuous Transmission Transmission (DTX) Uplink

  


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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.49 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (New/Optional) 3.49.1 Description This multi-mode feature is new in SRAN7.0. It includes the t he followings on the GBSS14.0 and RAN14.0:   MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM)  

MRFD-221803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic D ynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS)

This feature enables the BSC to change the mobile allocation (MA) of a timeslot ti meslot set. After After this feature is enabled, the BSC monitors the channel occupation condition of the cell and determines whether the spectrum sharing or spectrum reclaim conditions are met. When the conditions are met, the BSC selects the timeslot set that is suitable for MAchanging in a cell and starts a timer. When the timer expires, the BSC notifies the BTS to change the MA of the timeslot set without affecting GSM services.

3.49.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity This feature increases the network throughput and single-user single- user throughput by sharing GSM spectrum with UMTS because UMTS has higher spectral effic efficiency iency than GSM. In the GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing feature which was introduced in SRAN6.0, a GSM cell generally uses a single MA when spectrums are not shared. In addition, the BSC can share spectrums only when the traffic volume of the cell is lighter l ighter than what can  be carried on the BCCH TRX. This limits the opportunities for for spectrum sharing. With the Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing feature, the BSC shares spectrums without affecting GSM services by changing the MA of timeslots ti meslots when the traffic volume of the cell is lighter than what can be carried on two t wo or three TRXs. This increases the opportunities for spectrum sharing and therefore increases the PS service throughput. t hroughput.

Network Performance GSM network performance: This feature reduces the GSM bandwidth because the BSC shares GSM spectrum with UMTS. The impact on GSM KPIs is as follows:  

The number of handovers increases. During spectrum sharing, MSs are handed over from one TRX to another, and therefore the number of handovers in the cell increases.


The call drop rate increase i ncreases. s. During spectrum sharing, the number of ARFCNs in the MA for GSM decreases. Therefore, Therefo re, the FH gain decreases, the internal interference of GSM increases, and the call drop rate increases. 


The service quality during drive test t est deteriorates. During spectrum sharing, the FH gain decreases, the internal interference of GSM increases, increase s, and the service quality during drive test deteriorates.


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The congestion rate increases.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

During spectrum sharing, the number of TRXs for GSM decreases. Therefore, the congestion rate may increase. UMTS network performance: performance:  

The number of inter-frequency inter-frequency handovers increases. During spectrum sharing, many MSs in the UMTS cell are handed over to new frequencies through inter-frequency handovers. Similarly, when the UMTS reclaims spectrums to GSM, many MSs are handed over to the original frequencies frequencies through inter-frequency handovers. As a result, the number of inter-frequency handovers in the UMTS cell increases.


The inter-frequency handover success rate may decrease. When the UMTS reclaims spectrums to GSM, G SM, a time ti merr is started for inter-frequency handovers and calls drop when the t he timer expires. During a sudden spectrum reclaim,  blind handovers are performed. performed. Therefore, Therefore, the inter-frequency inter-frequency handover handover success rate may decrease.


The call drop rate may increase. When the UMTS reclaims spectrums to GSM, G SM, a timer is started for  inter-frequency   inter-frequency handovers and calls drop when the timer expires. During a sudden spectrum reclaim,  blind handovers are performed. performed. Therefore, Therefore, the call drop rate may may increase.

3.49.3 Impact on NEs This feature is implemented on the GSM BSC, GSM BTS, and NodeB.

3.49.4 Hardware  No impact.

3.49.5 Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

3.49.6 Operation and Maintenance License 


A site-level license for this feature is added on the NodeB side. A site-level site-level license for this feature is added on the GSM BSC side.

Configuration Management The Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing feature must be activated before this feature is enabled. This feature introduces the following parameters parameters on tthe he GSM BSC side. This feature has no impact on the UMTS side.

Change Type

Parameter ID

MML Command


Added  parameterr  paramete



FH index of channels after spectrum sharing

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Change Type

Parameter ID

MML Command


Added  parameter  parameter



MAIO of channels after spectrum sharing

Performance Management This feature introduces the following BSC-level counters.

Change Type


Measurement Unit


Added counter


Number of dynamic MA changing requests

Added counter



Number of successful dynamic MA changing




Number of failed dynamic MA




Fault Management  No impact.

3.49.7 Impact on Other Features Required Features This feature depends on the following features:  

MRFD-211802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (GSM)


MRFD-221802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (UMTS)


GBFD-113701 Frequency Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping)

 

Mutually Exclusive Feature  

GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO


MRFD-211703 2.0MHz Central Frequency point separation between GSM and UMTS mode (GSM) or MRFD-221703 2.0MHz Central Frequency Frequency point separation between GSM and UMTS mode (UMTS)

 

Affected Features Handover algorithm: During dynamic MA changing, changing, the BSC performs an intra-cell intra -cell handover on MSs in the GSM cell.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Admission algorithm: During dynamic dyna mic MA changing, the BSC preferentially allocates timeslots with new MA to new MSs.

3.50 MRFD-211501 IP-Based Multi-mode Co-Transmission on BS side (Enhanced/Optional) 3.50.1 Description This multi-mode feature is enhanced in SRAN7.0. It includes the followings on the t he GBSS14.0, RAN14.0, and eRAN3.0:  

MRFD-211501 IP-Based IP-Based Multi-mode Co-Transmission on BS side (GBTS)


MRFD-221501 IP-Based Multi-mode Co-Transmission Co-Transmission on BS side (NodeB)


MRFD-231501 IP-Based Multi-mode Co-Transmission Co-Transmission on BS side (eNodeB)

In SRAN7.0, this feature introduces a new function to enable the BTS to support s upport IP-based multi-mode co-transmission by using a UTRPc board. The UTRPc board enables multi- mode co-transmission through both board panel interconnec i nterconnection tion and backplane interconnection. Figure 3-8 shows co-transmission of a triple-mode base station using a UTRPc board. In this type of base station, the UTRPc board is controlled by one mode, and service data from the main control board of another mode in the master BBU can be transmitted to the UTRPc  board through backplane backplane tunnels. Then, Then, the UTRPc board board forwards the service data to the destination address. The main control control board in the t he slave BBU transmits service data to tthe he UTRPc board in the master BBU through backplane tunnels and iinter-subrack nter-subrack communication  paths. This feature is enhanced by enabling co-transmission through backplane tunnels and inter-subrack inter-subrac k communication paths. Figure 3-8 IP-based multi-mode co-transmission using a UTRPc board UTRPc






Master BBU







GE ports on panels

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Cable connection between panels

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.50.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  No impact.

3.50.3 Impact on NEs This feature is implemented on the GSM BTS, GSM BSC, and NodeB.

3.50.4 Hardware  

IP co-transmission on the GU MBTS side  GSM and UMTS base station should share the BBU to support this feature. The co-transmission on the GE port is achieved by adding the universal extension transmission processing unit (UTRP).


IP co-transmission on the UL MBTS side UMTS mode and LTE FDD mode boards must be co-located within the same BBU. The co-transmission on the GE port is achieved by adding the universal extension transmission processing unit (UTRP).


IP co-transmission on the GUL MBTS side A triple-mode triple-mode base station supports s upports BBU cascading by interconnec i nterconnecting ting the UCIU and UMPT boards in two BBUs. BBU cascading by UCIU+UMPT enables the different modes of the GSM, UMTS, and LTE LTE to share s hare the transmission resources.

3.50.5 Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

3.50.6 Operation and Maintenance License  

A site-level license for this feature exists on the GSM BSC side.


A site-level site-level license for this feature exists on the N NodeB odeB side.


A site-level license for this feature exists on the eNodeB side.

Configuration Management The following commands are added to GSM BTS, NodeB, and eNodeB.

Change Type

MML command

Description Description

Added command


Setting RAT of the UTRPc board

Added command


Adding a backplane tunnel for the UTRPc  board

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

Change Type

MML command

Description Description

Added command


Removing a backplane tunnel for the UTRPc board

Added command


Listing backplane tunnels for the UTRPc  board

The following parameters are modified on NodeB, eNodeB.

Change Type

Parameter ID

MML Command


Modified  parameterr  paramete



Port type. Added the port type of tunnel to configure transmission resource groups on tunnels.

Modified  parameterr  paramete



Port type. Added the port type of tunnel to configure the transmission tra nsmission resource group algorithm on tunnels.




Port type. Added the port type of tunnel

 parameter  parameter Modified  parameterr  paramete



to configure IP paths on tunnels. Port type. Added the port type of tunnel to configure HSUPA flow control on tunnels.




Port type. Added the port type of tunnel to configure HSDPA flow control on tunnels.



Port type. Added the port type of tunnel to configure HSDPA flow control on tunnels.



Port type. Added the port type of tunnel to configure data rate limitation on tunnels.

 parameterr  paramete

Modified   parameterr  paramete

Modified   parameterr  paramete

Performance Management Counters related to this feature are measured on transmission ports. Therefore, no new counter is added for this feature.

Fault Management  No impact.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.50.7 Impact on Other Features Required Features This feature depends on the following features:  

IP co-transmission on the GU MBTS side  



IP co-transmission on the UL MBTS side  


GBFD-118601 Abis over IP or GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1 WRFD-050402 IP Transmission Transmission Introduction on Iub Interface WRFD-050402 IP Transmission Transmission Introduction on Iub Interface

IP co-transmission on the GUL MBTS side  

GBFD-118601 Abis Abis over IP


WRFD-050402 Iub over IP

3.51 MRFD-211602 Multi-mod Multi-mode e BS Common IPSec (New/Optional) 3.51.1 Description This multi-mode feature is new in SRAN7.0. It includes i ncludes the followings on the GBSS14.0, RAN14.0 and eRAN3.0:  

MRFD-211602 Multi-mode BS Common IPSec (GSM)


MRFD-221602 Multi-mode BS Common IPSec (UMTS)


MRFD-231602 Multi-mode BS Common IPSec (LTE)

  

In IP networking, IPSec provides secure data transmission and encryption for base stations and ensures confidentiality, integrity, and availability for transmission. IPSec security services are offered at the IP layer, and therefore the following upper layers can use the security services: 

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)


User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)


Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)



 

IPSec is a protocol suite for IP communications security and provides high-quality, interoperable,, and cryptography-based security for IP packet transmission. Communication interoperable  parties ensure the following security characteristics of data data transmission on the network network by encrypting and authenticating IP packets:  

Confidentiality: User data is encrypted and transmitted in ciphertext.


Integrity: The received data is verified to determine whether the data has been tampered with.


Authentication: Data origin is verified to confirm the sender of the data.


Anti-replay: The main goal of anti-replay is to prevent malicious attackers from repeatedly repeated ly sending captured packets. The receiver discards old or repeated packets.

 

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

In dual-mode and multi-mode scenarios, IPSec tunnels are shared among GSM, UMTS, and LTE modes by using the UTRP board or by interconnecting the GTMU and the LTE UMPT through the backplane. This ensures secure data transmission and reduces re duces operator's deployment costs. Figure costs. Figure 3-9 illustrates the multi-mode networking. Figure 3-9 Multi-mode networking  GSM UMTS


P Backhaul


IPsec Tunnel




3.51.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity This feature has no impact on system capacity. However, a new IPSec header is prefixed to the IP packet after IPSec is enabled. Therefore, a higher transmission bandwidth is required for the same amount of network traffic. The increase in bandwidth varies depending on the site and traffic model.

Network Performance This feature improves transmission security for base stations. However, this feature involves encryption and decryption and therefore increases transmission delay. The increase in one-way delay is less than 0.1 ms and can be ignored.

3.51.3 Impact on NEs This feature requires that the MBTS in GSM/UMTS/LTE mode support IPSec.

3.51.4 Hardware This feature requires Huawei multi-mode base stations (MBTSs) (M BTSs) and depends on the following hardware:  

UTRPc In dual-mode and multi-mode scenarios, this feature depends on the new UTRPc board introduced in SRAN7.0.


GTMU and UMPT In GL dual-mode scenarios, this feature requires that the GTMU and the LTE UMPT be interconnected interconnec ted through the backplane.

3.51.5 Inter-NE Interface This feature affects only the private interface between the MBTS and the M2000.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.51.6 Operation and Maintenance License Site-level licenses for this feature are added on the GSM BSC, NodeB, and eNodeB.

Configuration Management When this feature is enabled, IPSec must be configured for the base station that controls the t he UTRPc board. No new parameter related to this feature is added.

Performance Management  No new counter counter related to this feature feature is added.

Fault Management  No new alarm or or event related to this feature is added.

3.51.7 Impact on Other Features  

Required Features MRFD-221501 IP-Based Multi-mode Co-Transmission Co-Transmission on BS side (NodeB) At least, one of these features (GBFD-113524 BTS Integrated Ipsec, WRFD-140209  NodeB Integrated Integrated IPSec, LOFD-003009 LOFD-003009 IPsec) is required. required.


Affected Features  

UMTS Automatic Address Address Configuration C onfiguration Protocol (AACP)   Multi-mode BS Common IPSec cannot be used together with the UMTS AACP function. In scenarios with IPSec enabled, the DHCP server must allocate an interface IP address to the base station before site deployment is performed. perfor med. The base station then uses the IP address to set up a temporary IPSec tunnel to the SeGW and communicates with the M2000. In UMTS AACP, the M2000 allocates the IP address through the SeGW. The SeGW, however, cannot transfer AACP packets to the base station, which leads to t o AACP failures. failures.


BTS Local Switch Multi-mode BS Common IPSec cannot be used together with the feature GBFD-117702 BTS Local Switch. The BTS supports BTS Local Switch. When IPSec is used, implementing BTS Local Switch requires the SeGW to transfer packets. However, BTS Local Switch is a Huawei proprietary feature, with which the BTS cannot interconnect with the SeGW and does not perform Interoperability Test (IOT) with the SeGW.

3.52 GBFD-115821 EICC (Enhanced/Optional) 3.52.1 Description EICC is used on a network experiencing experiencing interference. If the noise on the live network is limited, Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) brings greater gains in uplink performance performance than

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

EICC. The adaptive diversity combination function introduced in GBSS14.0 checks whether the existing call is in an interference i nterference-limited -limited or noise-limited scenario. If the call is in a n interference-limited interferen ce-limited scenario, the BTS uses EICC. If the call is in a noise-limited scenario, the BTS uses MRC.

3.52.2 Capacity and Performance Performance System Capacity The adaptive diversity combining (ADC) algorithm can adaptively a daptively select an appropriate combining algorithm based on interference scenarios on the live l ive network. Compared with the fixed combining algorithm, this algorithm further improves the network anti-interferen anti-interference ce capability and uplink receive quality. For CS services, after uplink power control is enabled for MSs, this algorithm decreases interferences interferences on the entire network and increases the traffic volume. For PS services, this algorithm increases the uplink throughput.

Network Performance This algorithm can adaptively select an a ppropriate combining algorithm based on interference scenarios on the live network. This improves the network anti-interference interference capability and the uplink receive quality.

3.52.3 Hardware  N/A

3.52.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  N/A

Man-Machine Interface   MML commands



The following parameters are added in this feature, which are used for enabling tthe he adaptive diversity combination algorithm and algorithm enhancement, respectively respectively..  







 N/A 


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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0


3.52.5 Operation and Maintenance The enhancement enhancement of this feature in GBSS14.0 is still controlled by the original license. This feature is disabled by default after the BSC is upgraded to GBSS14.0. To enable this feature, set ADAICFLAG  to ON(On).

3.52.6 Other NEs  N/A

3.52.7 Other Features  N/A

3.53 GBFD-119506 GPRS/EGPR GPRS/EGPRS S Time slot multiplexin multiplexing g priority (Enhanced/Optional) (Enhanced/Optional) 3.53.1 Description In versions earlier than GBSS14.0: When a GPRS user and an EGPRS user are multiplexed onto the same PDCH, the downlink rate of the EGPRS user can be increased by raising the scheduling priority of the EGPRS user. This improves the EGPRS user experience ex perience and increases system throughput. During the scheduling of radio blocks from the GPRS user, the radio block sent to the t he EGPRS user must use the GMSK modulation mode. This decreases the downlink rate of the EGPRS user. By setting scheduling weight parameters related to EGPRS and GPRS users in a cell, operators can adopt different uplink and downlink scheduling s cheduling strategies for EGPRS and GPRS users, improving EGPRS user experience. If the t he scheduling priority of the EGPRS user is higher than that of the GPRS user, radio blocks sent to or received from the EGPRS user are preferentially preferentially scheduled. This decreases the number of times the radio blocks sent to the t he EGPRS user use the GMSK modulation mode. As a result, the EGPRS downlink rate and system throughput increase. In GBSS14.0: When the GPRS and EGPRS services co-exist, the BSC multiplexes the two types of services onto different different PDCHs. This provides the following benefits: Increase the usage of transmission resources. Increase the probability of PDCHs successfully occupying Abis timeslots. Prevents the impact on EGPRS services when the t he downlink EGPRS services and uplink GPRS services services are multiplexed onto the sa me PDCH. Reduces the impact on the GPRS service rate when the BSC preferentially preferentially allocates PDCHs to EGPRS services. Increase the single-timeslot throughput and service rate.To enable the GPRS/EGPRS Time nPD AdminOp inOpt  t  and  Aut uto oG prsChPri  rsC hPri  parameters to slot multiplexing priority feature, set the E nPDAdm  and A ON(On) or run the SET GTRXCHAN command to adjust PDCHs allocated to EGPRS and GPRS services. This ensures that consecutive PDCHs are allocated to E GPRS or GPRS services.  NOTE

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0 If EGPRS and GPRS services must be multiplexed onto the same PDCH, the BSC uses the GPRS/EGPRS Time slot multiplexing priority feature to improve user experience in EGPRS services and increases system throughput.

Capacity and Performance

System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance When a GPRS user and an EGPRS user are multiplexed on the same PDCH, the downlink rate of the EGPRS user can be increased by raising the scheduling priority of the EGPRS user. This improves the EGPRS user experience and increases i ncreases system throughput. Additionally Additionally,, the BSC can multiplex GPRS and EGPRS services onto different PDCHs. This increases the usage of transmission resources and prevents the negative impact on the GPRS service rate when the BSC preferentially allocates allocates PDCHs to EGPRS services. This therefore increases the single-timeslot throughput and service rate.

3.53.3 Hardware A built-in PCU must be configured for the BSC. The PS service processing board and Gb interface board must be installed in the BSC.

3.53.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The EnPDAdminOpt  parameter is added to determine whether to optimize the PDCH channel management management algorithm. If this parameter is set to t o ON(On), the BSC attempts to multiplex EGPRS and GPRS services onto different different PDCHs. The following parameters are added to determine whether the BSC B SC automatically plans the preferred types of GPRS PDCHs and the priorities of EGPRS and GPRS PDCHs:  















Counters  No impact.


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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

 No impact.  

Miscellaneous  No impact.

3.53.5 Operation To deploy this feature in GBSS14.0, no license is required. This feature is disabled by default after an upgrade to GBSS14.0. To use this feature, you must run the corresponding commands to enable it.

3.53.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.53.7 Other Features 


GBFD-114101 GPRS


GBFD-119907 PS Service in Priority


Exclusiveness GBFD-119902 QoS ARP&THP




 No impact.  

Cooperation  No impact.

3.54 GBFD-113521 A5/1 Encryption Flow Optimization (Enhanced/Optional) 3.54.1 Description To addresses the relatively weak data security of the A5 ciphering algorithm, the Ciphering feature optimizes the ciphering procedure based on the characteristics of the Um interface transmission on a GSM network. network. The feature enhances transmission security and provides  better protection protection against eavesdropping. eavesdropping. The ciphering procedure is optimized in the following aspects:  

Quick SDCCH handover is adopted in the MS access process, thereby making it more difficult to track a call.


The TCH timing handover is introduced to make it more difficult to track a call.


The Hopping Sequence Number (HSN) in the Flex Training Sequence Code (TSC) and Flex Mobile Allocation Index Offset Offset (MAIO) differentiates TCHs in a cell, making it difficult for an intruder to track other TCHs according to the characteristics of a certain TCH.

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3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0


After the BTS sends the ciphering command, the BTS stops sending System Information 5, 5bis, and 5ter over the SACCH on the t he SDCCH


The dummy bits are randomized. randomized.

In GBSS14.0, the following enhancement is incorporated into this t his feature. The filling information of SI 6 is randomized ra ndomized.. If SI6RandomBit is set to YES(Yes) , the BTS fills a random bit in the t he idle spare bit following the valid information in SI 6 sent to the MS. The idle spare bit is contained in the SI6 rest octets IE. The bit stream of SI 6 on the channel that carries the ongoing call changes c hanges after the ciphering procedure starts. Therefore, Therefore, illegal intruders cannot compare the bit streams and decipher the A5/1 ciphering algorithm.

3.54.2 Capacity and Performance System Capacity  No impact.

Network Performance  No impact.

3.54.3 Hardware  No impact. 3.54.4 Interfaces Inter-NE Interface  No impact.

Man-Machine Interface  

MML commands  No impact.


Parameters The SI6RandomBit parameter is added to specify whether the filling information of SI 6 is randomized.


Traffic statistics  No impact.


Alarms  No impact.


Others  No impact.

3.54.5 Operation The enhancement enhancement to this t his feature in GBSS14.0 is controlled by the original feature license. You do not need to apply for a new license.

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.54.6 Other NEs  No impact.

3.54.7 Related Features  No impact. 

3.55 Other System Enhancements 3.55.1 Optimization of Incoming-BSC Handover Failure Measurement and Counters Related to Call Drops The incoming-BSC handover failure measurement and the counters related to call drops are optimized as follows: added. When this this parameter is set to ON(On), the   The InHOFailStatOpt  parameter is added. number of inter-BSC or inter-RAT incoming handover failures increases, which decreases the inter-BSC or inter-RAT incoming handover success rate.

  The EquipFailDropOpt  parameter is added. added. If this parameter parameter is set to ON(On) :

Call drops caused by Abis link faults due to BTS exceptions are counted as call drops caused by equipment failures. As a result, the t he number of TCH call drops increases. In addition, the cause value contained in the Clear Request message over the A interface is changed from "Radio interface failure" to "Equipment failure." Therefore, Therefore, the number of Clear Request messages with the t he cause value "Radio interface failure" decreases, decreases, whereas the number of Clear Request messages with the cause value "Equipment failure" increase i ncreases. s.

Call drops due to BSC check are counted as TCH call drops due to check. As a result, the numbers of TCH call drops and SDCCH call drops increase i ncreases. s.

3.55.2 Handover Optimization with Enhanced Neighboring  WCDMA Cell R Reporting eporting  Neighboring WCDMA cells cells are measured measured in the following situations: situations:

  An MS in idle or packet transfer mode performs a cell reselection between a GSM and a WCDMA network.

  An MS in dedicated mode performs a handover between a GSM and a WCDMA network.

When the FDDREP paramete  parameterr is set to RSCP (or Ec/No), an MS reports only the received signal code power (RSCP) (or Ec/No) of neighboring cells and reports neighboring cells whose RSCP (or Ec/No) is greater than the value for the information element (IE) FDD_REPORTING_THRESHOLD. This provides only one threshold for handovers and cell reselections. reselection s. After optimization, FDD_REPORTING_THRESHOL FDD_REPORTING_THRESHOLD_2 D_2 is delivered in the system information (SI) messages over the Um interface. An MS reports only neighboring cells whose RSCP (or Ec/No) is greater than the value for the IE FDD_REPORTING_THRESHOLD and Ec/No (or RSCP)  is greater than the value for the IE FDD_REPORTING_THRES FDD_REPOR TING_THRESHOLD_2. HOLD_2. This provides two thresholds for handovers and cell reselections.

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When the FDDREP paramete  parameterr is set to RSCP, the IE FDD_REPORTING_THRESHOLD_2 in the SI 2Quater, Measure Information, and Packet Measurement Order messages uses the value for FddRptThreshold2Ecno . When the FDDREP paramete  parameterr is set to Ec/No, the IE FDD_REPORTING_THRESHOLD_2 uses the value for FddRptThreshold2Rscp . These two thresholds increase the accuracy of neighboring cell measurement measurement results and reduce the number of GSM and WCDMA ping-pong handovers.

3.55.3 Abis IPHC IP Header Header Compression (IPHC), which complies with RFC2507 and RFC3544, is a standard compression technology in IP over E1 mode. IPHC effectively saves IP transmission resources by deleting redundant information from the headers of IP/UDP packets that have the same source and destination IP addresses and ports in the UDP data flow. In GBSS13.0, only 3012 series base stations support IPHC. In GBSS14.0, 3900 series base stations also support IPHC.

3.55.4 SI 2Quater Optimization SI 2Quater optimization improves the method for delivering information about neighboring frequency division duplex (FDD) cells. This function is controlled by the  parameter, eter, which which is set to ON(On)  by default. SI2QUATEROPTIMIZEDALLOWED  param In versions earlier than GBSS14.0, the method for delivering information about neighboring FDD cells is as follows: The first SI 2Quater message delivered by the BSC contains unnecessary IEs and no information about neighboring FDD cells. In subsequent SI 2Quater messages, each message contains only the information about the neighboring FDD cells with the same frequency. Information about the neighboring FDD cells with differen differentt frequencies is delivered in several SI 2Quater messages. This leads to a long interruption duration for PS services because it takes a long time for an MS to t o receive all SI 2Quater messages after a cell reselection. In GBSS14.0, the method for delivering information information about neighboring FDD cells is optimized as follows: Information about neighboring FDD cells with different frequencies can be delivered in one SI 2Quater message. With this optimization, an SI 2Quater message can carry more information about neighboring FDD cells when there is sufficient message space. This fully utilizes the space of SI 2Quater messages, reducing the number of SI 2Quater messages and shortening the interruption duration for PS services after a cell reselection.

3.55.5 Active Power Control Optimization Algorithm The active power control optimization algorithm involves active power control in the signaling and voice processing phases and that during assignments and handovers. This algorithm improves the usability for active power control. In GBSS14.0, the active power control optimization algorithm is controlled by the PwrBCDOptimizeSwitch  paramete  parameter, r, which is set to OFF(Off)  by default. This algorithm can be used only when the license for the GBFD-117602 Active Power Control feature is activated. The following table describes the gains in different scenarios after this algorithm is used:

Scenario Densely

Gain populated

urban areas (distance

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This algorithm enables users to set target level thresholds



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 between sites: about 400 m; frequency reuse  pattern: 4x3 or tighter) tighter)

separately. Therefore:


The assignment success rate increases by about 0.02%.


The handover success rate increases by about 0.05%.


The call drop rate decreases by about 2.5%.


The proportion of quality bands 6 and 7 remains unchanged.

The transmit power after the signaling interaction is complete is lower than that during the signaling interaction. Therefore, when KPI values do not deteriorate:


The BTS or MS decreases noticeably.


The average BTS or MS power level increasess by about 0.1 to 0.2. increase


The KPI values and the proportion of quality  bands 6 and 7 remain remain unchanged.


The gains in power consumption increase.


The average BTS or MS power level increasess by about 0.2. increase

Common urban areas with good uplink and downlink quality (distance between sites: about 600 m to 800 m;  proportion of quality  bands 6 and 7: about 1%)



3.55.6 0.2 dB Power Control Optimization in Huawei III Power Control Algorithm In GBSS14.0, the 0.2 dB power control algorithm is optimized to provide 0.2 dB power compensation. If the power control level calculated in the last power control period is the t he same as the current power control level calculated using the 2 dB power control step but is differentt from that calculated using the 0.2 dB power control step, the BSC delivers a power differen control command. In GBSS14.0, the 0.2 dB power control optimization algorithm is controlled by the PwrFineCtlOptimizeSwitch  paramete  parameter, r, which is set set to OFF(Off) by default. This algorithm can be used only when the license for the GBFD-117601 HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm feature is activated. Compared with 2 dB power control, the 0.2 dB power control optimization algorithm has the following impacts:

  The average BTS transmit power decreases decreases by 1 dB.

  The proportion of downlink high receive level (greater than  – 75 75 dB) decreases by about 10% to 15%.

  The proportion of quality bands 6 and 7 (or HQIs 0 through 5) changes slightly within 0.1% according to the traffic fluctuation.

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  The SDCCH and TCH call drop rates decrease by 0.1%.

  The number of handovers may increase by 5% or less.

  The handover success rate increases by 0.1%.

  The congestion rate does not change.

Using this algorithm brings gains in the t he following scenarios:

  Areas where the distance between sites is less than 300 m, strong interference exists, and a 1x3 or a tighter frequency reuse pattern is used: The average BTS transmit power decreases by about 1 dB, and the proportion of downlink high receive level decreases decreases by about 10% to 15%.

  Areas where the distance between sites is more than 300 m and a loose frequency freq uency reuse  pattern is used: The The BTS transmit power power decreases by about about 1 dB, and the proportion of of downlink high receive level decreases decreases by about 8% tto o 15%. The proportion of downlink high receive level in this scenario is smaller than that in the scenario using a tight frequency reuse pattern.

After 0.2 dB power control optimization is enabled, downlink power control precision is increased,, and the increased t he power is more tightly controlled. Therefore, the proportion of quality bands 6 and 7 (or HQIs 0 through 5) may change slightly when the settings of power control  parameters  paramete rs remain unchanged. unchanged. Based on different different settings of basic power control control parameters, parameters, the proportion of quality bands 6 and 7 may decrease by a maximum of 10% or increase by a maximum of 8%.

3.55.7 Optimization for Handling ALM-26529 RF Unit VSWR Threshold Crossed In versions earlier than BTS3000 V100R014C00, the BTS automatically shuts down its power amplifier on the RF module if the t he AL ALM-26529 M-26529 RF Unit VSWR Threshold Crossed alarm is generated.. In BTS3000 V100R014C00, the method for handling this alarm is optimized. generated In BTS3000 V100R014C00, users can specify the alarm handling method by setting the VSWRALMDISPOSE  parameter as follows:

  If this parameter is set to Reduce Power, the BTS shuts down some carriers of the RF module to decrease the power after the alarm ALM 26529 RF Unit VSWR Threshold Crossed is generated. This ensures that the alarm can be cleared automatically and that

only some services processed on the RF module are interrupted.   If this parameter is set to Turning Off PA, the BTS automatically shuts down its power amplifier on the RF module when the alarm ALM 26529 RF Unit VSWR Threshold Crossed is generated. This parameter is set to Turning Off PA by default. This function is supported by the following types of RF modules: RRU3908 V1, RRU3008 V1, MRFU V1, GRFU V1, RRU3908 V2, RRU3008 V2, MRFU V2, GRFU V2, RRU3928, RRU3929, RRU3926, RRU3942, and RRU3026.

3.55.8 BEP Optimization Bit Error Probability (BEP) estimation is implemented by analyzing the measure quality (MQ) obtained when the following technologies are used:

  Gaussian Minimum Shift Frequency Keying (GMSK ) 

  8 Phase Shift Keying (8PSK)  

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  Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)

  Co-channel interference (CCI)

  Adjacent channel interference (ACI) 

  Downlink advance receiver performance II test scenario ( DTS2)

  Single or double antenna

The MQ analysis shows that the actual BEP is lower than the estimated BEP at most times when GMSK and a single antenna are used and there is only one interference source. The actual BEP is slightly lower than the estimated BEP when the carrier-to-interference carrier-to-interference ratio (C/I) is  – 40 40 dB.  BEP optimization aims to provide accurate BEP estimation based on the t he MQ when the t he C/I is smaller than 0. After optimization, when GMSK and a single antenna are used and there is only one interference source, BEP estimation estimation is more accurate even if the C/I is less than 0. BEP estimation is less affected in other scenarios where the actual BEP is not lower than the estimated BEP. BEP. This optimization function f unction automatically takes effect after the BTS version is upgraded to V100R014C00. With this function, the PS throughput in the GMSK modulation scheme increases when a single antenna is used and the C/I is smaller than 0. This function is supported by the following types of BTSs: DBS3900, BTS3900, BTS3900A, BTS3900L, and BTS3900AL.

3.55.9 Optimization of Power Control and Baseband Frequency Hopping Power control and baseband frequency hopping (FH) for the BTS B TS are optimized to prevent KPI fluctuation when the BTS preprocesses MRs or the baseband FH is used. The following  parameters  paramete rs are added to implement implement the optimization:

  BBFHPoweCtrlSwitch : When this parameter is set to ON(On)  and the BCCH TRX  participates in the baseband FH, the internal internal network interference interference decreases, decreases, and the network capacity increases. This parameter is valid when the baseband FH is used. When used with 0.2 dB power control, active power control, VAMOS power control, and

BCCH TRX power decrease, the power control in i n baseband FH mode determines the final transmit power level on the BCCH TRX.

  PowerCtrlStepSwitch : When this parameter is set to ON(On) and the BTS preprocesses preprocesses MRs, the interference in the entire network decreases and the network capacity increases.

  MSPowerlevelSwitch: When this parameter is set to ON(On) and consecutive downlink MRs are missing, the power increases rapidly and call drops decrease.

  PwrCtlSAICOffsetSwitch : When this parameter is set to ON(On) and the HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Algorithm feature is enabled, the uplink level le vel increases, and network  performance  perform ance is improved.

3.55.10 Pico Automatic Configuration and Planning An operator can determine whether a pico or compact BTS in automatic configuration and  planning mode continues continues working after being being relocated.

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The POSITIONRESTRICTSWITCH  parameter is added. If this parameter is set to YES (Yes), the pico or compact BTS cannot connect to the network. The POSITIONCHANGE  parameter is added. It depends on the POSITIONRESTRICTSWITCH  parameter. If the POSITIONCHANGE  parameter is set to YES (Yes), a pico or compact BTS can properly connect to the network after being relocated.

3.55.11 Dummy PS Frame Compression in Abis over IP The dummy PS frame compression in Abis over IP is introduced to resolve the iinsuffici nsufficient ent  bandwidth problem problem in Abis Abis over IP mode. mode. This function is determined determined by the ABISIPDUMMYOPTSUP  parameter in the SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA GCEL LPSOTHERPARA command. In Abis over IP mode, if the ABISIPDUMMYOPTSUP  parameter is set to SUPPORT (Support) :  

The BSC only sends GSM PS dummy frames that carry the Uplink State Flag (USF) to BTSs. However, However, the BTS still sends dummy blocks to MSs MS s over the Um interface if the PS DTX function is not enabled.


The BSC compresses dummy frames that carry the USF. An RLC/MAC data block contains only one USF. The BTS codes the rest IEs and sends them to MSs over the Um interface.

The dummy PS frame compression in Abis over IP mode function improves the transmission efficiency in Abis over IP mode.

3.55.12 FER Optimization The FER optimization function ensures the correctness of FER statistics after the DTX function is enabled. A state machine is added to help the system decide the DTX correctly. When the DTX frame is identified correctly in the FER statistics collection process, the correctness of FER statistics is also ensured. This feature is supported only by the DBS3900, BTS3900, BTS3900A, and BTS3900L.

3.55.13 Takeover of Paging Message Classification by the BTS TheGBSS14.0. takeover ofThe paging message classification by the BTS function is first incorporated into the paging message classification function enables the B SC BSC to distinguish initial paging from re-paging over the Um interface, implementing integrated paging flow control. Initial paging and re-paging are processed based on the following priorities: First paging for CS services > Re-paging for CS services > (First paging for short message services, first paging for PS services, re-paging for short message services, or re-paging for PS services) The paging message classification function also enables the BSC to distinguish first paging from re-paging over the Um interface. i nterface. W With ith this function, paging scheduling efficiency is improved when re-paging is based on the IMSI. After the paging message classification function is enabled, the success rate of first paging for CS services increases while the success rate of re-paging for CS services decreases. You therefore need to view traffic statistics to evaluate the impact of this function on  paging-specific  paging-specif ic counters.

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3.55.14 Optimization of DTM-related Counter Measurement Optimization of DTM-related counter measurement improves the accuracy of counter measurementt when the DTM measuremen D TM feature is enabled. The detailed optimization is as follows:  

  The counter related to DTM uplink and downlink TBF establishment is added. To accurately reflect reflect KPIs for non-DTM services in a cell, subtract the DTM value from the counter related to uplink and downlink TBF establishment, and then calculate KPIs. The added counter related to DTM uplink and downlink TBF establishment is as follows:  







  The counter related to DTM abnormal release is added. To accurately reflect KPIs for non-DTM services services in a cell, subtract the DTM value from the counter c ounter related to abnormal release, and then calculate KPIs. The added counter related to DTM abnormal

release is as follows:   -  DTM.UP.TBF.ABNORM.REL.N3101.OVERFLOW





  The counter related to DTM downlink transmission interruption times is added. To accurately reflect reflect KPIs for non-DTM services in a cell, subtract the DTM value from the counter related to DTM downlink transmission interruption times, and then calculate KPIs. The added counter related to DTM downlink transmission interruption times is as follows: 


3.55.15 Optimization of Measurement of Call Drops Due to Abis-Interface Terrestrial Link Faults  Measurement of call drops due to Measurement t o Abis-interface Abis-interface terrestrial link faults is optimized by adding the AbisLinkFailCallDropOpt parameter  parameter.. This parameter parameter specifies whether whether the number of call drops due to Abis link faults is counted into the t he value for the counter CELL.TRAF.CH.CALL.DROPS.ABIS.LNK.FAIL after transmission links are set up. On a newly deployed BSC, this parameter is set to ON(ON) by default. On a GBSS14.0 that is upgraded from an earlier version, this parameter is set to OFF(OFF) by default. If this  parameterr is set to ON(ON), the value for the counter  paramete CELL.TRAF.CH.CALL.DROPS.ABIS.LNK.FAIL increases, and the value for the counter CELL.CALL.DROPS.BTS.ABIS.CIRCUIT.FAULT decreases when services are stable. Measurementt of call drops due to Measuremen t o Abis-interface Abis-interface terrestrial link faults depends on the setting of the AbisLinkFailCallDropOpt paramete  parameter. r.

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  If this parameter is set to ON(ON), the number of call drops due to Abis link faults is counted into the counter CELL.TRAF.CH.CALL.DROPS.ABIS.LNK.FAIL after transmission links are set up.

  If this parameter is set to OFF(OFF) , the number of call drops due to Abis link faults is counted into the counter CELL.CALL.DROPS.BTS.ABIS.CIRCUIT.FAULT after transmission links are set up.

3.55.16 LDR Optimization in Flex Abis Mode Load Reshuffling (LDR) enables the BSC to control the transmission bandwidth to prevent transmission congestion when the Abis transmission resource usage reaches the specified transmission congestion threshold. When the Abis transmission resource usage reaches the threshold, the BSC performs any of the following LDR actions to implement i mplement load control:

  PS service rate decrease

  Prefe Preferential rential admission of half-rate CS calls

  Admission of limited AMR rate for CS calls

  Full-rate and half-rate handover for CS calls

The sequence for performing these LDR actions can be set by running the SET LDR command. In Flex Abis mode, admission of limited AMR rate for CS calls cannot prevent transmission congestion but deteriorates the CS service quality q uality.. Therefore, you are not advised to configure this LDR action in Flex Abis mode.   After the LDR algorithm in Flex Abis mode is optimized, the RelFlexAbisForLdr paramete  parameterr in the SET BSCPSSOFTPARA command is used to determine whether the BSC releases secondary links when the LDR is triggered in Flex Abis mode. The default value is ON(On).  

For BSC6900V900R014C00   


If this parameter is set to ON(On), the BSC releases secondary links used by PS services when the LDR is triggered. After the secondary links are released, the transmission  bandwidth for PS PS services becomes becomes insufficient, insufficient, leading to a decrease decrease in the  proportion of high-rate coding coding schemes and throughput; the transmission bandwidth for CS services increases, leading to a decrease in the proportion of half-rate services. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off) , the BSC records the transmission congestion status without releasing any secondary links used by PS services. In addition, the BSC applies only for idle timeslots carrying secondary links under the congested BTSs. When this happens, the transmission bandwidth for PS services remains unchanged,, leading to an increase unchanged i ncrease in the proportion of high-rate coding schemes, throughput, and the proportion of half-rate CS services. In addition, the optimized LDR algorithm has an impact on the following foll owing counters: Counter






Abis congestion rate (= 1  –  CIC.APPLY.SUCC/CIC.APPLY.ATMPT) Increase CELL.KPI.TCHH.TRAF.ERL

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For BSC6900 V900R014C00 upgraded from BSC6900 V900R012C01SPC500, BSC6900V900R 13C01SPC200, or BSC6900 V900R013C00SPC500, the optimized LDR algorithm has an impact on the following counters: Counter






3.55.17 Maintenance Mode Alarms The maintenance mode is an NE configuration mode. The method for configuring the maintenance mode for an NE is the same as that for configuring cells to be blocked or unblocked. Compared with SRAN6.0, SRAN7.0 incorporates the following changes in maintenance mode alarms:  

In maintenance mode, only alarms that may cause severe damage to site equipment are displayed on the alarm console and reported to the network management management system (NMS) through the northbound interface. i nterface. These alarms include smoke alarms, over-temperature alarms, and water damage alarms. In this manner, maintenance personnel can handle these alarms in a timely manner. The maintenance mode can be configured in two ways: scheduled configuration and manual configuration.  

In scheduled configuration, users can set the start time and end time of the maintenance mode. The NE changes the maintenance mode as scheduled.


In other cases, users must manually change the maintenance mode.


The method for backing up and restoring maintenance mode data is the same as that for other configuration data.

Users can modify NE configuration data by using:  

M2000 GUI for configuring maintenance mode




MML commands commands on the M2000 and LMT

  

The precautions for using maintenance mode alarms are as follows:  

Set the maintenance mode to Testing mode during base station deployment or relocation. When preparing data by using the CME or other tools, set the maintenance mode to Testing mode for new base station to prevent a large number of unnecessary alarms. When mode-by-mode deployment is performed on an MBTS, set the maintenance mode to Testing mode to resolve collisions among different modes. After the deployment, set the maintenance mode to normal mode.


Check the maintenance mode of NodeBs and eNodeBs after replacing the main control  board. If the NodeB or eNodeB works as an independent NE, ensure that the maintenance mode is set as required after the main control board is replaced. In the case of an independent  NE, the M2000 sends sends configuration and maintenance maintenance data directly to the NodeB, NodeB, without going across the RNC.


Check that maintenance mode configurations are the same between the NodeB and the RNC.

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If the NodeB and RNC operate as independent NEs to each other, ensure that the maintenance mode configurations are the same between the NodeB N odeB and the RNC when using the CME or running MML commands. If there t here are any discrepancies, some alarms may have incorrect maintenance mode tags.  

Perform manual operations to exit the maintenance mode. Manual operations are required for exiting the maintenance mode. If the required manual operations are not performed, performed, alarms reported by NEs may not be reported to the NMS or be displayed on the M2000.

3.55.18 Optimized Mechanism for Handling Major VSWR Alarms  Alarms  This function has an impact on 3900 series base stations in GSM, UMTS, and L LTE TE modes. In SRAN6.0, the base station shuts down the power amplifier on a radio frequency (RF) module when a major ALM-26529 RF Unit VSWR Threshold Crossed is reported on the RF module. VSWR stands for voltage standing wave ratio. This causes the cell served by the RF module to be out of service and therefore network quality deteriorates and KPIs degrade. However,, the base station can still function by reducing the output power of the RF module in However this case and enable the cell to provide basic services. In SRAN7.0, the mechanism for handling major VSWR alarms is optimized for si single-mode ngle-mode and multi-mode base stations. When a major VSWR alarm is reported on an RF module, the  base station decides decides whether to shut down the power amplifier amplifier based on user configurations. configurations.  

If the user configurations specify that the power amplifier needs to be disabled upon the alarm generation, generation, the base station shuts down the power amplifier immediately and the cell is out of service.


If the user configurations specify that the power amplifier needs not to be disabled upon the alarm generation, generation, the base station re reduces duces the transmit power of RF modules by half to prevent cell services from being interrupted.

This function has no i mpact on inter-NE interfaces and system capacity. capacity. Enabling this function helps to enhance network performance, improve KPIs, and reduce the probability of  base stations being out out of service.

3.55.19 Standby/Active Switchover Time Configured Based on BFD   BFD This function has been added to the BTS, NodeB, and eNodeB. eN odeB. When two static routes for a base station work in active/standby mode, the base station stati on uses the active route by default. If a fault occurs on the active route, an active/standby route switchover is performed. After After the active route is restored, the base station automatically switches back to the active route. The switchover from the standby route to the active route (standby/active switchover for short) depends on Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD). The BFD checks whether the link status of the active route is normal on a per second basis. If the link status is normal, the standby/active switchover is performed. However, it may take 1 minute to 5 minutes to restore the active route, depending on the IP network deployed by different operators. Therefore, Therefo re, services may be interrupted for several minutes after the standby/active s tandby/active switchover switchover..  New parameters parameters have been added so that users can can configure the switchover time. This This ensures the consistency between the switchover delay and the convergence time of the router. The switchover delay must be greater than or equal to the convergence time of the router. Otherwise, services are interrupted  interrupted 

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3.55.20 Flex Abis with DXX Flex Abis supports the Digital Cross Connect (DXX) equipment. If the DXX equipment used in Flex Abis mode experiences timeslot switching problems, no audio may occur. Only 3900 series base stations except BTS3900B support Flex Abis with DXX.

3.55.21 OML Backup Optimization  

Before optimization, when the OML backup function is enabled in Flex Abis mode, operation and maintenance links (OMLs) must be carried by timeslot 31. After optimization, when the OML backup function is enabled e nabled in Flex Abis mode, timeslots carrying OMLs are configurable, configurable, but the ffollowing ollowing restrictions must be complied with:  

The active and standby OMLs configured on ports 0 and 1 of the BTS must use the same timeslot.


3012 and 3900 series base stations except BTS3900B and BTS3900E support this t his optimization only in TDM networking mode.


Allocation of timeslots for the t he OML backup function is opti optimized. mized. After optimization, if multiple E1 links are configured in a cell, the cell is not out of service when any E1 link li nk is faulty.

3.55.22 TA Optimization TA optimization improves the channel delay compensation and TA estimation algorithm, enabling the TA value to accurately reflect the distance between an MS and a BTS. In versions earlier than GBSS14.0, the TA value is 1 to 2 lower than the actual value because of inaccurate channel delay compensation for different RF modules. As a result, the TA value on an MS cannot reflect the actual distance between the MS and the BTS. This affects network performance performance in tthe he following scenarios:  


Coverage-limited scenario: scenario: For example, in i n the edge coverage, the overall coverage is greater than the theoretical coverage coverage if the BTS coverage is limited by tthe he TA value. Concentric cell scenario: If handovers in a concentric cell are performed based on the TA value, the traffic distributed in the overlaid and underlaid subcells may be unbalanced. If PDCH allocation in a concentric cell is determined by the TA value, PS traffic distributed in the underlaid subcell decreases. This reduces the interference, increase increasess the HQI, and decreases decreases the call drop rate when the underlaid subcell works in the GSM900  band.

In GBSS14.0, the channel delay compensation is accurately a ccurately adjusted and the TA estimation algorithm is optimized. This enables the TA value to accurately reflect the distance between an MS and the BTS. TA optimization in GBSS14.0 has the following impacts on network  performance:  perform ance:  

The values for TA-related counters increase because the TA value accurately reflects the distance between an MS and the BTS.


The anti-interference performance performance improves and the LQI decreases.


In coverage-limited scenarios without changing the TA threshold, t hreshold, the coverage area decreases. decrease s. Therefore, you must a djust the TA threshold to achieve the original limited coverage.


In a concentric cell without changing the TA threshold, the traffic or the PS traffic tra ffic increasess in the underlaid subcell. If the PS traffic increases in the underlaid subcell increase working in the GSM900 band, the t he interference increases. This decreases the HQI and increasess the call drop rate. Therefore, increase Therefore, you must adjust the TA threshold after an upgrade to ensure that the post-upgrade KPIs are the same as the pre-upgrade KPIs.

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd



GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

This optimization involves the following RF modules: RRU3908 V1, RRU3008 V1, MRFU V1, GRFU V1, RRU3908 V2, RRU3008 V2, MRFU V2, GRFU V2, RRU3928, R RU3928, RRU3929, RRU3926, and RRU3942.

3.55.23 VQI Optimization In GBSS14.0, GBFD-116801 Voice Quality Index (VQI) has the following enhancements: 


Common MRs support downlink VQI measurement. Handover is taken into account during VQI calculation.

Before optimization, the VQI algorithm cannot reflect the handover impact on voice quality. After optimization, VQI measurement is more accurate because the handover impact on voice quality is taken into account during VQI calculation. The expected VQI calculated using the VQI algorithm in GBSS14.0 is lower than that calculated using the VQI algorithm in in GBSS13.0 or earlier versions. This optimization is not supported by 3012 series base stations or BTS3900B/3900E.

3.55.24 RSSI Calculation and Compensation Optimization In GBSS14.0, the method for calculating and compensating the RSSI value is optimized to ensure that the obtained RSSI value is more accurate. Compared with RSSI calculation and compensation method in versions earlier than GBSS14.0, this optimization has the following impacts:   If the RSSI value increases after optimization, the interference band increases and the immediate assignment success rate decreases. decreases.  

If the RSSI value decreases after optimization, the interference band decreases and the immediate assignment success rate increases. increases.

This optimization is supported by the DBS3900, BTS3900, BTS3900A, BTS3900L, BTS3900L, and BTS3900AL. This optimization involves the following RF modules: RRU3908 V1, RRU3008 V1, MRFU V1, GRFU V1, RRU3908 V2, RRU3008 V2, MRFU V2, and GRFU V2.

3.55.25 PDCH Management Optimization In GBSS14.0, PDCH management is optimized. The optimization provides the following  benefits:  

Enhances PDCH continuity. continuity.


Increases the multislot capability satisfaction rate.


Reduces the number of TCHs converted to PDCHs and the number of occupied PDCHs.


Improves the efficiency in which PDCHs carry TBFs.

 

This enhancement involves the following aspects:  

PDCH allocation The BSC preferentially allocates PDCHs on a TRX with more consecutive PDCHs to MSs.


PDCH conversion The BSC preferentially converts TCHs TCHs that are on a TRX with PDCHs to PDCHs. This ensures that the existing PDCHs and the converted PDCHs are consecutive. Among the TRXs with PDCHs, the BSC selects a TRX that has the following characteristics characte ristics and converts its TCHs to PDCHs:

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GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

The TRX has most consecutive PDCHs.

The TRX has a minimum conflict with CS services.

The TRX whose capacity is most likely to expand. ex pand.

Among the TRXs without PDCHs, the BSC selects a TRX that has the following characteristics characte ristics and converts its TCHs to PDCHs:

The TRX has most idle TCHs.

-  - 

The TRX whose TCHs are most likely to be consecutive. The TRX whose capacity is most likely to expand. ex pand.

During a load-based channel conversion, the BSC converts TCHs to PDCHs according to actual requirements instead of converting more TCHs to improve PDCH continuity. During a multislot-capability-based channel conversion, the BSC converts as few as TCHs to PDCHs required by an MS based on the MS multislot capability capability.. Load-based and multislot-capability-based channel conversions use different different mechanisms and priority weights. It is recommended that CS channel allocation use PS-preferred allocation policy to separate PS services from CS services.  

EGPRS channels fixedly binding to Abis timeslots During PDCH activation, if the t he E nPDAdm nPD AdminOp inOpt  t  parameter  parameter is set to ON(On), the BSC  binds secondary links only to EGPRS channels based based on the value of the

PreconnectSlaveAbis parameter. When the time specified by Timer of Releasing Abis

Timeslot  expires, the BSC does not release the secondary sec ondary links prebound to EGPRS channels. However, However, if tthe he EGPRS channels become idle and are released, their secondary links are also released.


PDCH preemption  The following types of PDCHs are preferen preferentially tially preempted:

PDCHs on a TRX with poor PDCH continuity

GPRS dedicated PDCHs

PDCHs on a TRX with more GPRS dedicated PDCHs

PDCHs on a TRX with fewer PDCHs

3.55.26 Optimization of the Mechanism for Forbidding Consecutive Intra-Cell Handovers

The INTRACELLSINUSEREN  parameter is added to Huawei handover algorithms I and II to optimize the mechanism for forbidding consecutive intra-cell handovers. This parameter is set to NO(No) by default. If this parameter is set to YES(Yes), the statistical object and range for the BANTIME parameter changes changes from the cell level to the t he user level.

This function is recommended when only a few TRXs or timeslots experience interference,  because this function function can trigger intra-cell intra-cell handovers in a timely timely manner. manner. This function is not n ot recommended when most channels iin n a cell experience interference, interference,  because this function function increases intra-cell intra-cell handovers in the cell, cell, decreases the high high quality indicator (HQI), and may increase the call drop rate.

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd



GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

3.55.27 Optimization of Interference Handovers in a Concentric Cell The following parameters are added to optimize interference handovers in a concentric cell:

  INTERFEROFFSWITCHOL : This parameter is set to NO(No) by default. If this  parameterr is set to YES(Yes) , underlaid and overlaid subcells use their individual  paramete

interference handover offsets to reduce the transmit power of the network by adjusting power control para meters appropriately appropriately, , decreasing the entire network interference.

  QUALHOPRIALLOW : This parameter is set to OFF(Off)  by default. If this parameter parameter is set to ON(On), channels of different timeslots take precedence over those of different TRXs during quality-based handovers. This decreases network interference, increases the HQI and the success rate of quality-based handovers.

3.55.28 Optimization of Failed Frequency Offset Compensation for MSs in Overlaid Subcells During Concentric Cell Handovers Specified by HUAWEI I Handover The SIGAMPTDIFFOPTALLOW parameter is added to t o enhanced concentric cells. This  parameter is set to OFF(Off)  by default.  parameter The sum of TCH receive level in the overlaid subcell, power control compensation, and the value of the SIGAMPTDIFF parameter is used as the receive level for handover dec decision ision if the following conditions are met:

  This parameter is set to ON(On).

t he overlaid subcell.   An MS is in the

  The receive level for the BCCH in the underlaid subcell is lost.

Setting this parameter to ON(On) decreases the number of outgoing inter-cell handovers,  preventing ping-pong handovers. handovers.

3.55.29 Optimization of Cell Load Calculation The TCHLOADOPTSWITCH  parameter is added to optimize opti mize cell load calculation. calculation. This  parameter is set to OFF(Off)  by default. If this parameter is set to ON(On), the BSC  parameter calculatess cell load based on the calculate t he proportion of idle TCHFs to all TCHFs configured for the cell. This function and the intra-cell handover optimization function have the following impacts:

  Increase the possibilities of load-based handovers and TCHH allocations.

  Decrease the cell load.

  Increase the CPU usage of an XPU board by 1% or 2%.

3.55.30 Optimization of HUAWEI II Handover Filtering The INITUPFILEN  parameter is added to optimize HUAWEI II handover filtering. This  parameter is set to NO(No) by default. If this parameter is set to YES(Yes) in scenarios where  parameter consecutive downlink measurement measurement reports (MRs) are lost, the si signal gnal level of the serving cell or neighboring cells is cleared and is not used for handover queuing. If the downlink MRs

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd



GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

recover, the signal level of the serving cell or neighboring cells are penalized and then recovered to the actual value step by b y step. The following impacts are caused if consecutive downlink MRs are lost:

  Quality-based handovers are triggered more quickly.

  The number of handovers increases.

decreases. ases.   The TCH call drop rate (excluding handovers) decre The TCH call drop rate (including handovers) remains stable or increases slightly.   

i ntra-BSC handover requests remains stable or increase i ncreasess   The number of intra-cell and intra-BSC slightly.

3.55.31 Adjustment of HUAWEI II Handover Priority  The HOPRIOMODEN  paramete  parameterr is added to adjust the handover priority in Huawei handover algorithm II. This parameter is set to NO(No) by default. If this parameter is set to YES(Yes) :

  An edge handover using Huawei handover algorithm II is no longer an emergency handover.

  Cell level, priority, and load are considered in an emergency handover.

  A better cell handover takes precedence over an emergency handover.

Therefore, setting this Therefore, t his parameter to YES(Yes)  increases the number of better cell handovers,  but decreases decreases the number of bad quality (BQ) handovers. handovers. When the signal level of external neighboring cells is higher than that of internal neighboring cells, set the HOPRIOMODEN parameter to YES(Yes)  and the COBSCMSCADJEN   parameterr to NO(No).  paramete Performing Perform ing the preceding operation brings the following benefits: b enefits:

  A call is preferentially handed over to a cell with higher signal level.

  An inter-BSC better cell handover can still be performed when the signal level of external neighboring cells is far higher than that of iinternal nternal neighboring cells.

3.55.32 Optimization of Interference Band and Continuity Priority The CHALLOCATIONOPTSWITCH parameter is added to optimize the interference band and continuity priority. This parameter is set to NO(No) by default. If this parameter is set to YES(Yes) :

  PDCHs are allocated on consecutive timeslots.

i nherited, and becomes more   The interference level class during channel conversion is inherited, accurate.

Therefore, Therefo re, setting this t his parameter to YES(Yes) has the following impacts:

  Improves channel allocation.

Increasess the HQI and the success rate of quality-based handovers.   Increase

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd



GSM BSS  Network Impact Impact Report

3 Impact of GBSS14.0 GBSS14.0 Features o on n GBSS13.0

  Decreases the number of PDCH conversions and preemptions, the t he network interference, interference, and the number of quality-based q uality-based handovers.

3.55.33 Optimization of Intra-Cell Handovers (Intra-Cell Load Control) The intra-cell handovers include load-based handovers between the overlaid subcell and underlaid subcell in a concentric c oncentric cell, intra-cell TCHF/TCHH handovers, and TCHH integration. The parameters para meters UOLOADOPTSWITCH , INTRACELLFHOPTSWITCH , and HALFRATEREPACKINGSWITCH are added to optimize intra-cell handovers. These  parameters  paramete rs are all set to NO(No) by default. If these parameters are set to YES(Yes) , the number of MSs to be handed over is accurately determined based on the load range when load-based handovers are performed. This prevents too many MSs from performing handovers simultaneously during peak hours and increases the number of available a vailable TCHFs in the cell.

Issue 04 (2012-12-31)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd


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