FMCH exam.

November 5, 2017 | Author: Jc Araojo | Category: Wellness, Health Sciences, Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Public Health
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DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE AND COMMUNITY HEALTH Our Lady of Fatima University Choose the BEST answer: _D_1. Variations in socio-cultural prescriptions are influenced by the following factors: A. Level of income D. All of the above B. Occupation E. A and C only C. Level of education _E_2. Role of hospitals in Primary Health Care: A. Provide curative services D. A and B only B. Training of health workers E. A, B and C C. Community people themselves _C_3. The best people to identify and prioritize community health problems: A. Community physicians D. Public health nurses and midwives B. Social workers E. Medical and nursing students on rotation C. Conduct researches _B_4. It is the science and art of preventing diseases, prolongation of life, promotion of health and efficiency: A. Public Health D. Family Medicine B. Preventive Medicine E. None of the above C. Community Medicine _A_5. It is the science and art of preventing diseases, prolongation of life, promotion of health and efficiency through organized community effort: A. Public Health D. Family Medicine B. Preventive Medicine E. None of the above C. Community Medicine _D_6. A continuing and comprehensive health care of the patient and his family delivered in a personalized manner: A. Public health D. Family Medicine B. Preventive medicine E. None of the above C. Community medicine _B_7. A population growth rate of 1% means the doubling time is about: A. 60 years D. 90 years B. 70 years E. 100 years C. 80 years _C_8. If the Philippine population growth rate is 2.3, the doubling time is about: A. 20 years D. 35 years B. 25 years E. None of the above C. 30 years _C_9. Mainstay in the management of diarrhea: A. Attapulgite D. Antibiotics B. Kaolin pectin E. C and D only C. Oral rehydration solution _E_10. Factor/s to consider in problem prioritization: A. number of people affected D. A and B only B. killing power of the disease problem E. A, B and C C. area coverage of the problem _B_11. This is the study of how society and people choose to employ scarce resources to produce health care: A. international health D. cost-benefit analysis B. health economics E. health policy development C. bioethics _C_12. Ozone depletion due to urbanization and industry is most likely to lead to an increase in cases of: A. coronary artery disease D. tuberculosis B. diabetes mellitus E. none of the above C. melanoma of the eyes _E_13. Effective communicable disease control means: A. marked reduction in indigenous transmission B. disease incidence is no longer a public health problem C. certain control measures can be modified or dropped D. A an B only E. A, B and C _D_14. Medicinal plant product/s listed with the BFAD: A. Lagundi D. A and B only B. Yerba buena E. A, B and C C. Ulasimang bato _E_15. Presyong Tama, Gamot Pampamilya Program: A. Parallel Drug Importation Project of the DOH and DTI B. Tailored and targeted procurement of drugs by the government C. These drugs are only available in seven DOH-retained hospitals D. A and B only E. A, B and C

_B_16. Generic names shall be written: A. Enclosed in the parenthesis D. A and B only B. Above the brand name E. A and C only C. Below the brand name _B_17. Type of drug dependence wherein body cells are already adapted to biochemical changes: A. Chemical dependence D. Drug dependence B. Physical dependence E. None of the above C. Psychological dependence _B_18. The component of public health administration which is concerned with the direction of the personnel and other techniques related to operation: A. Organization D. Coordination B. Management E. Planning C. Control _A_19. “Process” as part of the systems model of a health care delivery system refers to: A. Health activities D. Health indicators B. Health resources E. All of the above C. Health products _B_20. The study of how society and people choose to employ scarce resources to produce care: A. Cost-benefit analysis D. International health B. Health economics E. Health planning C. Health systems development _B_21. Based on WHO guidelines, Vitamin A supplementation should be given to: A. severe IDA D. leprosy cases B. severe PEM E. TB cases C. IDD _B_22. Ferrous sulfate is better absorbed when it is taken: A. with meals D. with coffee or tea B. on an empty stomach E. with vitamin A C. with milk _B_23. Daily vitamin A intake of pregnant women should not exceed: A. 5,000 IU/day D. 200,000 IU/day B. 10, 000 IU/day E. None of the above C. 100,000 IU/day _A_24. The DOH Seal of Acceptance may be used by food manufacturers whose products contain: A. essential nutrients, at least 1/3 of the RDA B. vitamin A C. iodine D. iron E. none of the above _C_25. Which of the following is NOT considered as an excreta-transmitted disease: A. Cholera D. Bacillary dysentery B. Typhoid fever E. Paratyphoid fever C. Hepatitis B _D_26. Potential effects of UV light is/are: A. early cataract formation B. melanoma of the eyes C. development of dysplastic nevi D. A and B only E. A, B and C _D_27. Primary level of prevention: A. Health education D. A and B only B. Immunization E. A, B and C C. CBC, urinalysis, stool exam _C_28.Demography is: A. the geographical distribution, age and sex composition of a population B. the state of an area with respect to the number of its inhabitants C. an empirical, mathematical composition and statistical study of the size, composition and spatial distribution of human populations and changes over time _D_29. Variable/s that determine/s the population of any defined area: A. fertility B. mortality C. migration D. A, B and C E. A and B only _B_30. Major factor/s in the recent increase in world population: A. migration B. decline in death rates C. fertility control D. A, B and C E. A and B only _D_31. Demographic characteristic/s of the population: A. Dependency ratio B. Sex ratio C. Population distribution by age and sex








_D_39. _C_40.






D. A, B and C E. A and C only Population pyramid is a graphical representation of: A. age and sex composition B. rural and urban population C. migration and emigration status D. A, B and C E. A and C only A leading cause of morbidity in the Philippines which is not a leading cause of mortality: A. diseases of the heart B. Tuberculosis C. Malaria D. Accidents E. Pneumonia True of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines: A. Lifestyle diseases have overtaken infectious diseases as leading causes of mortality B. Medical treatment of infectious diseases have improved C. Diagnosis and management of lifestyle diseases are adequate D. Preventive services are generally adequate Some leading causes of morbidity in the Philippines are not significant causes of mortality. What could this mean? A. Preventive services are adequate B. Curative medical services are improving C. Disease prognosis is not changing D. Diagnosis is becoming accurate True of the leading causes of infant mortality in the Philippines: A. Prenatal and obstetrical factors do not play a role in infant mortality B. Environmental conditions still a major factor to infant mortality C. Most causes of infant mortality are not preventable D. Nutritional deficiencies do not cause mortality Not a cause of maternal mortality in the Philippines: A. Hemorrhage B. Abortion C. Hypertension in pregnancy D. Gestational diabetes E. Complications of labor and delivery The normal distribution curve is determined by these parameters: A. Mean B. Standard deviation C. Median D. A and B only E. A, B and C The total area under the normal distribution curve is: A. 68% C. 99% B. 95% D. 100% If the area bounded by 2 perpendicular lines and the x-axis were drawn 3X standard deviations away from the mean ___% of the area is covered: A. 68% C. 99% B. 95% D. 100% If we say that the confidence coefficient is 90% we mean: A. We are sure that 90% of the data is correct B. The data has 90% chance of occurring C. 90% of the population will show the characteristics being observed D. none of the above Advantage/s of Crude Rates: A. Readily calculable for international comparisons B. Useful in epidemiologic and public health services C. Opposing rends in subgroups masked D. A and B only Disadvantage/s of specific rates: A. Difficult to interpret B. Cumbersome to compare many subgroups of 2 or more population C. Fictional rates D. Absolute magnitudes dependent on standard population chosen Used for comparison of death occurrence: A. Age-specific death rate B. Sex-specific death rate C. Age-sex specific death rate D. Cause-specific death rate Proportionate Mortality indicator: A. Age-sex specific death rate B. Swaroop’s index C. Infant Mortality Rate D. Neonatal Mortality Rate

_E_46. From a Health Officer’s point of view, a low IMR will mean: A. Adequate immunization program B. Good environmental sanitation C. Good disease control program D. All of the above E. A and C only _D_47. From a social worker’s point of view, a low IMR will mean: A. Illegitimates are not neglected B. Female babies are not unwelcome C. High standard of living D. All of the above E. A and B only _D_48. Which of the following will make a country a priority for international aid? A. IMR of 5/1000 livebirths B. IMR of 15/1000 livebirths C. IMR of 20/1000 livebirths D. IMR of 50/1000 livebirths _C_49. In Primary Health Care, the first contact of the community to the Health Care System is/ are: A. Rural health physician B. Community midwives C. Barangay health volunteers D. B and C only E. A, B and C CASE: An organization of philantrophists decide to find a study of out-of-school youths in the National Capital Region. A 6-month time frame is given to finish the study. _B_50. The organization considers this a large-scale study in an extremely large population. The best method to use should be: A. Cluster sampling D. Simple random sampling B. Multi-stage sampling E. None of the above C. Stratified sampling _A_51. The sample to be obtained should be representative of the population. This is guaranteed by: A. Probability sampling C. Both B. Non-probability sampling D. Neither _C_52. The organization decided that males ages 16-18 years of age is the group to be studied. This becomes the: A. Sampling unit D. Sampling frame B. Target population E. None of the above C. Sampling population _A_53. Since this covers a large population, they decided to cut down the sample to males 16years of age. This is called: A. sampling unit D. Sampling frame B. Target population E. None of the above C. Sampling unit CASE: A study seeks to determine the effect of food and iron supplementation on the Hb levels of pregnant women in a rural community. _B_54. Which is the dependent variable? A. food supplementation C. Iron supplementation B. Hb levels D. Length of pregnancy _A_55. How can we classify Hb levels as a variable? A. quantitative continuous C. qualitative nominal B. quantitative discrete D. qualitative ordinal _C_56. If one of the variables were to be defined as with or without iron supplementation, what type of variable would it be? A. quantitative continuous C. qualitative nominal B. quantitative discrete D. qualitative ordinal _C_57. What would be the best method of data collection for this study? A. use of documented sources C. observation and measurement B. interview of subjects D. sending out questionnaires _A_58. Which of the following is a descriptive statistic? A. frequencies of the most common causes of mortality in the catchment area B. correlation of smoking and lung cancer C. comparison of the effects of two drugs D. establishment of the cause and effect relationship between two factors

CASE: A physician observed that in patients admitted at the medical center where he goes on duty there seems to be a relationship between cirrhosis of the liver and hepatic encephalopathy. He would like to determine if there really is a relationship and he wants to see immediate results. _D_59. What study design will be most practical for his purpose? A. case report D. case control B. case series E. cohort study C. cross-sectional studies _C_60. The above design will be the best choice in this situation for the following reason/s: A. The physician is studying a rare disease B. The disease develops over a long time C. The physician is investigating a preliminary hypothesis D. None of the above _B_61. The most convenient source of data for this study: A. interview with patients D. examination of cases B. review of case records E. all of the above C. interview with co-workers _A_62. The criteria for “cases” to be included in the study: A. presenting signs, symptoms, laboratory must fit the definition of a “case” B. must have the exposure being investigated C. must be dead or on disability leave D. A and B E. A, B and C _D_63. The control group may be: A. Patients with encephalopathy but with no cirrhosis B. Patients with encephalopathy and has cirrhosis C. Patients with no encephalopathy but with cirrhosis D. Patients with no encephalopathy Data from preliminary investigation strongly suggests a relationship between encephalopathy and cirrhosis. The physician now decided to make another study where he will start with subjects who have cirrhosis of the liver and will follow them up to see the outcome. _B_64. This study design is: A. Case Control D. Case Series B. Cohort E. Cross-sectional C. Experimental _D_65. The advantage of the above choice over other analytic studies: A. It provides a strong evidence for possible cause and effect because it follows the subjects forward in time B. The temporal sequence between exposure and outcome can be more clearly Established C. It can be examine multiple risk factors of a single disease D. A and B only E. A, B and C CASE: A physician was called to a seaside town to treat several college students for crampy abdominal pain and watery diarrhea. The town officials were alarmed because they haven’t had any cases like this before. The physician was informed that there are 30 Biology students camped on the beach to gather marine specimens. The night before, they had a picnic where they had broiled shrimps, crabs and raw oysters. Only 16 of the students were ill. On history taking, all 30 students ate shrimps and crabs but only 21 ate the raw oysters. After the 16 sick students were treated only 4 more cases were seen in the next 24 hours. All of those who were sick ate raw oysters. _B_66. If this were an outbreak/epidemic the main objective of the investigation is: A. Check records and seasonal incidences B. Identify ways of preventing further transmission of the disease causing agent C. To set up a hypothesis D. To establish a definite diagnosis _C_67. In taking the history of these students, the most important aspect to ask is: A. Travel D. Exposure to vectors B. contracts with known cases E. all of the above C. source of food and water _C_68. The most probable source of the outbreak/epidemic is/are: A. shrimp C. raw oysters B. crabs D. A, B and C CASE: The total Philippine population as of the year 2002 is 80M. Approximately 15M females belong to the reproductive age group with an average of 2.3M women getting pregnant annually. Common causes of infant morbidity and mortality are pneumonia and diarrhea. With this in the scenario, answer the following: _D_69. Considered as high risk pregnancy: A. First pregnancy at age 17 D. A and B B. Pregnancy with less than 2 years interval E. A, B and C C. Third pregnancy

_A_70. Considered preventive measures for pneumonia: A. Breast-feeding D. A and B B. Vitamin C supplementation E. A and C C. Herbal Medicine _A_71. All pregnant women must receive: A. Tetanus toxoid D. A and B B. MMR vaccine E. A and C C. Varicella vaccine _E_72. Safe Motherhood Program endorses the following: A. Birth-spacing should be at least 2 years B. Tetanus toxoid must be given to all pregnant women C. Early and regular pre-natal care is essential for a safe pregnancy D. A and B E. A, B and C _A_73. To lessen mortality from pneumonia, the CARI program involves: A. Teaching simple but reliable diagnostic signs of pneumonia to mothers B. Routinely giving antibiotics to all patients with cough C. Vitamin C supplementation D. A and B E. A, B and C CASE: The Local Chief Executive in your community assigned you to head the planning unit of the Health Department. Your task is to give an orientation to the members of your unit, in preparation to the formulation of a five-year health development plan for your community. Answer the following questions based on your knowledge on health planning: _E_74. This is a characteristic of health planning that the planning unit should always take into consideration: A. Planning is time consuming D. A and B B. Planning is a continuous process E. A, B and C C. There is no single planning methodology _E_75. A well – formulated objective is described as: A. Specific D. B and C B. Measurable and appropriate E. A, B and C C. Realistic and time-bounded _A_76. Community Diagnosis is usually regarded to as: A. Situational analysis D. B and C B. Focused group discussion E. A, B and C C. Health survey CASE: A representative of the DENR visited a chemical factory in Laguna. Upon inspection he found out that there was a leakage of chemicals into the drainage system which empties directly into a nearby river. Said river is being utilized by barrio folks for bathing and washing clothes. A sample of the water taken from the river was analyzed in a laboratory. _B_77. Water sample was found to be cloudy and salty. Salty taste of water is due to presence of: A. Iron D. A and B B. Chloride E. B and C C. Calcium _C_78. Single most important test to find out if the water is potentially dangerous: A. Physical examination D. Radiological examination B. Biological examination E. Chemical examination C. Bacteriological examination _B_79. Water from the river consumes a lot of soap when used in washing clothes. This property of water is referred to as: A. Turbidity D. Alkalinity B. Hardness E. Salinity C. pH _A_80. An unpleasant odor was emitted by the water within the factory. This may be due to the presence of: A. Algae D. Amoeba B. Lead E. Chlorine C. Iron CASE: The DENR representative also found out that toxic fumes produced by combustion of chemicals from the same factory are emitted at night. Evidence is seen in the nearby trees wherein the leaves are crumpled and do not bear fruit. _E_81. Effect of acid rain on lakes and aquatic ecosystems: A. Forms mucus in fish gills B. Causes decreased calcium levels in water C. Causes sudden drastic change in pH of the lake

D. A and B E. A, B and C

_B_82. Fish can not reproduce at this pH level: A. 8 B.
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