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Colleen J. Rutherford, RN, MS, CNOR Formerly, Program Coordinator and Educator Concord Hospital Concord, New Hampshire Currently, Supervisor The Villages Regional Hospital The Villages, Florida

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F. A. Davis Company 1915 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 www.fadavis.com Copyright © 2012 by F. A. Davis Company Copyright © 2012 by F. A. Davis Company. All rights reserved. This product is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Printed in Mexico Last digit indicates print number: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Senior Acquisitions Editor: Christa Fratantoro Manager of Content Development: George W. Lang Developmental Editor: Stephanie A. Rukowicz Design and Illustration Manager: Carolyn O’Brien Reviewers: Rita Ballenger, CST; Kathy Patnaude, CST; Dorann Lynne Brown, CST, BA; Michelle Hurst Gay, CST As new scientific information becomes available through basic and clinical research, recommended treatments and drug therapies

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Introduction Did you ever wish there was an easy, portable way to study surgical instruments? Now there is! Welcome to Flashcards for Differentiating Surgical Instruments. These cards are intended as an adjunct to my two textbooks, Differentiating Surgical Instruments (2nd edition, F.A. Davis, 2012) and Differentiating Surgical Equipment and Supplies (F.A. Davis, 2010), making it easier to study “on the go.” This set of flashcards includes 219 of the most common instruments, supplies, and equipment from the specialties of general (including staplers), laparoscopic, OBGYN and robotic surgery. As a bonus, I have included 30 additional cards covering some basic orthopedic instruments.

Several features make this set easy to use and unique. You may have noticed a gray piece of folded Tyvek® included in the set. This piece of Tyvek represents a Mayo stand top, allowing you to place cards on it representing the instruments that you would place there for various surgical procedures. The activity cards included in this set are intended to provide ideas for different ways to use the flashcards to study. Whether studying by yourself, in a group, or as a class, these ideas can be used to learn while having fun. Scoring ideas are included with some of the activities but they can be played without keeping score. The goal is to have fun while learning!

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The cards have a colored strip along the top border. The color of the strip denotes the surgical specialty the instrument, supply, or equipment falls into: magenta = general surgery/staplers, purple = laparoscopic surgery, teal = OB-GYN surgery, green = robotic surgery and tan = basic orthopedics. Two other features are clear pictures of the instrument and tip on the front of the

card, making it easier to see the defining characteristics, and large print on the back of the cards, making them easier to read. An additional set of interactive flashcards is available at: http://davisplus.fadavis.com, keyword: Rutherford. I am delighted you have chosen these cards to help in your studies. Best wishes! —Colleen Rutherford

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Activities ■ Category Grouping Category grouping is played by dealing out all or part of the deck of flashcards (depending on how many you want to use) with the instrument pictures facing up. The names of the instrument categories are written on pieces of folded paper. The person (or each person if more than one is playing) draws the name of a category and has to pick out all of his/her cards that fit into that category. Scoring idea: Score one point for each correct instrument and lose one point for any incorrect ones. ■ Mayo Stand Setup Write down on individual pieces of paper the names of several surgical procedures

that use general/laparoscopic/robotic/ OB-GYN (one procedure per piece of paper). Fold the papers with the names of the procedures and then draw one. Pull the flashcards out that represent the instruments you would need to put on your mayo stand for that procedure. ■ Timed Mayo Stand Setup Race The timed Mayo stand setup race activity requires that each person have a set of flashcards. The activity is played the same as the Mayo stand setup, but the same procedure is given to each person (e.g., each person is told to pull the cards for an open appendectomy). The participants are told “go” and are timed to see how fast they pull all the correct cards. If they pull

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vi incorrect cards or do not pull all the cards needed for the procedure, the clock keeps going and they have to correct the error. The clock stops when they have pulled all the correct cards. ■ Which Is Incorrect? The which is incorrect? game is played by pulling six cards, five of which have something in common and one that does not (e.g., five grasping instruments and one cutting instrument or five instruments used for a lap chole setup and one that is not). The person is then asked a question such as “Which of these instruments is not a grasping instrument?” or “Which of these instruments would you not find on a

Activities setup for a lap chole?” The person being asked the questions must pick out the card that doesn’t fit in with the rest. This activity could be played with more than six cards at a time (e.g., pull 20 cards and ask the person to identify which three would not be used for an open appendectomy). ■ Matching For matching lay out five rows of six cards each, picture side up. Choose two cards that you think are in the same category (e.g., cutting, clamping, grasping). If the two cards are in the same category, you remove them and continue, selecting two more cards that you think are in the same category. This continues until you have

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Activities removed all possible matches. This game can be played by yourself or with others. ■ Procedure Yes or No? Write the names of several procedures on separate pieces of paper. Place the papers in a basket, bowl, or hat. Each person is dealt 15 cards from a shuffled deck of flashcards. Pick the name of a procedure out of the bowl. Each person must decide from his/her 15 cards which ones are used in that procedure (“yes”) or not used in that procedure (“no”). If you are playing by yourself, deal as many cards as you like and then decide “yes” or “no” for each one. ■ Category Yes or No? Write the names of instrument categories (e.g., clamping, cutting, grasping) on

separate pieces of paper. Place the papers in a basket, bowl, or hat. Each person is dealt 15 cards from a shuffled deck of flashcards. Pick the name of a category out of the bowl. Each person must decide from his/her 15 cards which ones are included in that category (“yes”) or not included in that category (“no”). If you are playing by yourself, deal as many cards as you like and then decide “yes” or “no” for each one. ■ Is It in This Set? Gather copies of several “pick sheets” of the instrument sets in your institution. Study the pick sheet for 2–3 minutes. Put the pick sheet away and then pull out the flashcards of the instruments included in

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viii that particular tray. When you are finished pulling all the cards you want, look at the pick sheet and give yourself a point for every correct card. Several people could play this, each having his/her own set of flashcards. ■ Who Am I? Who am I is played by two or more players. One person draws a flashcard out of the deck, being careful not to let the other players see it. The person holding the card gives the others a hint to the identity of the instrument on the card. The hint is a single piece of information from the back of the card (e.g., alias, use, additional information, or category). The other players

Activities try to guess the identity of the instrument. The turn ends when either someone guesses correctly or three hints are given and no one has guessed correctly. The next player draws a card from the deck, and the game continues. Scoring suggestion: If a player guesses with one hint, he/she gets 3 points, two hints scores 2 points, and three hints scores 1 point. If no one guesses correctly, the person giving the hints scores 3 points. ■ Three in a Row: Three in a row is played by two people. On a large piece of paper draw a 3 × 3 tic-tactoe grid. Each person takes nine flashcards. The first player lays down one

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Activities flashcard, picture side up, in one of the grid squares. The second player must name the instrument. If the second player names the instrument correctly, the turn passes to him/her and he/she lays down a flashcard in another square. If the second player incorrectly names the instrument or does not know the name, the first

player gets to lay down another card in a different square and the second player tries to name that instrument. Each time an instrument is named correctly, the turn passes to the player who named it. The game continues until one player gets three of his/her flashcards in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

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x General Instruments Backhaus towel clamp, 1 Edna towel clamp, 2 Peers towel clamp, 3 Foerster sponge forceps, 4 Frazier suction, 5 Pool(e) suction, 6 Yankauer suction, 7 clip applying forceps, 8 Crile-Wood needle holder, 9 Mayo-Hegar needle holder, 10 Baumgartner needle holder, 11 Ryder needle holder, 12 DeBakey cardiovascular needle holder, 13 Webster needle holder, 14 probe and grooved director, 15 electrosurgical pencil, 16 handheld cautery, 17

Contents Gerald bipolar forceps, 18 bipolar cautery cord, 19 argon beam coagulator, 20 harmonic scalpel, 21 Mayo common duct scoop, 22 Bakes common duct dilators, 23 anoscope with obturator, 24 Adson dressing forceps, 25 Adson tissue forceps, 26 Brown-Adson forceps, 27 dressing (smooth) forceps, 28 tissue (toothed) forceps, 29 Iris forceps, 30 DeBakey tissue forceps, 31 Singley tissue forceps, 32 Bonney tissue forceps, 33 Ferris-Smith tissue forceps, 34 Russian forceps, 35

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Contents Allis, 36 Babcock, 37 Kocher, 38 Lahey goiter forceps, 39 Pennington forceps, 40 Magill catheter forceps, 41 Randall forceps, 42 Fletcher-Van Doren sponge holding forceps, 43 Rochester-Pean, 44 Kelly hemostatic clamp, 45 Pean, 46 Crile hemostatic clamp, 47 Halstead mosquito clamp, 48 Pratt-Smith hemostatic forceps, 49 Rochester mixter, 50 Mixter, 51 Schnidt, 52

Doyen intestinal forceps, 53 Allen intestinal forceps, 54 Bainbridge artery and intestinal forceps, 55 straight Mayo scissors, 56 curved Mayo scissors, 57 Metzenbaum scissors, 58 operating room scissors, 59 Lister scissors, 60 iris scissors, 61 bandage and utility scissors, 62 universal wire-cutting scissors, 63 wire-cutting scissors, 64 #3 scalpel handle, 65 #4 scalpel handle, 66 #7 scalpel handle, 67 #10 blade, 68 #11 blade, 69

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xii #15 blade, 70 #21 blade, 71 #23 blade, 72 blade knife handle, 73 Balfour retractor, 74 Bookwalter system, 75 omni retractor, 76 Weitlaner retractor, 77 cerebellar retractor, 78 Beckmann retractor, 79 Gelpi perineal retractor, 80 Joseph skin hook, 81 Guthrie double skin hook, 82 Kelly retractor, 83 Richardson retractor, 84 Richardson-Eastman retractor, 85 Parker retractor, 86 Goelet retractor, 87

Contents U.S. Army retractor, 88 Senn retractor, 89 Hasson retractor, 90 Cushing vein retractor, 91 Green retractor, 92 Dandy nerve hook, 93 Volkmann retractor, 94 Murphy retractor, 95 Ollier retractor, 96 Deaver retractor, 97 Harrington retractor, 98 malleable retractor, 99 Sawyer rectal retractor, 100 Pratt rectal speculum, 101

Staplers purse string, 102 EEA stapler, 103

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Contents skin stapler, 104 ligaclip stapler, 105 linear stapler, 106 GIA stapler, 107 contour curved cutter/stapler, 108

General Supplies and Equipment RayTec, 109 Laparotomy sponge, 110 laparotomy tape, 111 peanuts, 112 high-pressure syringe, 113 asepto syringe, 114 bulb syringe, 115 Toomey syringe, 116 Tegaderm, 117 Kerlix and Kling, 118 self-adherent wrap, 119

Montgomery straps, 120 suture boots, 121 vessel loops, 122 umbilical tape, 123 Glassman viscera retainer, 124 retention suture bolster, 125 magnetic drape, 126 isolation bag, 127 decanting cannula, 128

Laparoscopic Instruments endoscopic camera, 129 0-degree endoscope, 130 30-degree endoscope, 131 Veress needle, 132 disposable trocars and ports, 133 suture passer, 134 suture hook, 135

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xiv Allis forceps, 136 Babcock, 137 biopsy forceps, 138 curved grasper, 139 bowel clamp, 140 Kocher, 141 Maryland dissector, 142 alligator forceps, 143 mixter, 144 needle holder, 145 hook Scissors, 146 micro Scissors, 147 Metzenbaum scissors, 148 L hook, 149 endoscopic kittner, 150 endoscopic catcher, 151 endoscopic ligaclip applier, 152 endoscopic gia stapler, 153

Contents Laparoscopic Supplies and Equipment defogger kit, 154 carbon dioxide, 155 Dermabond, 156 video towers, 157 light source, 158 insufflator box, 159 insufflator tubing, 160 reducer cap, 161 irrigation device, 162

OB-GYN Instruments Auvard weighted vaginal speculum, 163 DeLee bladder retractor, 164 O’Sullivan-O’Connor retractor, 165 Simpson delivery forceps, 166 Goodell uterine dilator, 167 Sims retractor, 168

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Contents Heaney retractor, 169 Graves vaginal speculum, 170 Pederson vaginal speculum, 171 side-opening vaginal speculum, 172 Hank dilators, 173 Hegar dilators, 174 Allis-Adair clamp, 175 Bozeman dressing forceps, 176 Heaney hysterectomy forceps, 177 Heaney-Ballantine hysterectomy forceps, 178 Thomas-Gaylor biopsy punch, 179 Braun tenaculum, 180 Sims uterine sound, 181 Thomas curette, 182 Sims curette, 183 Kevorkian-Younge endocervical biopsy curette, 184

Heaney needle holder, 185 Overstreet endometrial polyp forceps, 186 Jorgenson scissors, 187 Mayo-Noble scissors, 188 umbilical cord scissors (American pattern), 189 Rubin catheter, 190 Gyrus cautery, 191 Kleppinger bipolar forceps, 192

OB-GYN Supplies and Equipment umbilical cord clamp, 193 Lone star retractor, 194 candy cane stirrups, 195 boot stirrups, 196 carbon dioxide laser, 197 vacuum curettage machine, 198 smoke evacuation system, 199

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xvi cesarean section drape, 200 leggings, 201

Robotic Instruments parts of a robotic instrument, 202 cannula, 203 robotic endoscope, 204 Potts scissors, 205 mega needle holder, 206 large needle holder, 207 small clip appliers, 208 round tip scissors, 209 dissecting forceps, 210 Cobra grasper, 211 tenaculum forceps, 212 harmonic shears, 213 cautery hook, 214 grasper, 215

Contents Robotic Supplies and Equipment surgeon console, 216 robotic arm, 217 robotic instrument, 218 monitor cart, 219

Basic Ortho Instruments Putti rasp, 220 Strully scissors, 221 Cushing Little Joker periosteal elevator, 222 Penfield #4, 223 Key periosteal elevator, 224 Leksell ronguer, 225 depth gauge, 226 Hibbs osteotome, 227 Cobb bone curette, 228 bone tamp, 229

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Contents Townley caliper, 230 Lewin bone clamp, 231 cement system, 232 cement gun, 233 Heiss skin retractor, 234 Ragnell retractor, 235 Hohmann retractor, 236 Israel retractor, 237 Aufranc retractor, 238 Bennett retractor, 239

Basic Ortho Supplies and Equipment fracture table, 240 PACS, 241

cassette holder, 242 pneumatic tourniquet, 243 OrthoPat, 244 bone wax, 245 casting material, 246 stockinette, 247 mini C-arm, 248 banded bag, 249

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GENERAL BACKHAUS TOWEL CLAMP Alias: perforating towel clamp Category: accessory Use: grasping tissue that will be removed; securing towels or drapes; holding or reducing small bone fractures Additional Information: perforating tips

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GENERAL EDNA TOWEL CLAMP Alias: Lorna Category: accessory Use: securing drapes; securing suction, ESU, or camera cords to the drape Additional Information: nonperforating jaws

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GENERAL PEERS TOWEL CLAMP Alias: none Category: accessory Use: securing drapes; securing suction, ESU, camera cords to the drape Additional Information: nonperforating jaws

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GENERAL FOERSTER SPONGE FORCEPS Alias: sponge stick; sponge-holding forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue; holding Raytec sponges Additional Information: smooth or serrated jaws; straight or curved shank

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GENERAL FRAZIER SUCTION Alias: nasal suction; ENT suction; neuro suction Category: suctioning Use: suctioning small quantities of fluid; suctioning in small areas Additional Information: short or long tips; 6 Fr to 16 Fr diameter (most common sizes are 7 Fr, 9 Fr, and 11 Fr); metal or disposable; angled; thumb hole to control suction on/off

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GENERAL POOL(E) SUCTION Alias: abdominal suction Category: suctioning Use: suctioning large quantities of fluid/blood Additional Information: sheath may be removed and suction cannula used alone to suction smaller areas; both pieces must be accounted for in instrument count

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GENERAL YANKAUER SUCTION Alias: tonsil suction Category: suctioning Use: suctioning fluid or blood; may be used to suction smoke Additional Information: most commonly used suction; metal or plastic (single-patient use) versions; if using two-piece metal suction with removable tip, both pieces must be accounted for in instrument count

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GENERAL CLIP APPLYING FORCEPS Alias: hemoclip appliers Category: accessory Use: holding and applying hemoclips Additional Information: small, medium, and large; straight or angled jaws; finger rings may be color-coded to match clip cartridges

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GENERAL CRILE-WOOD NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: Crile-Wood needle driver Category: suturing Use: holding small or medium-sized suture needles Additional Information: Used in delicate suturing; some brands have tungsten carbide jaw inserts

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GENERAL MAYO-HEGAR NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: Mayo-Hegar needle driver Category: suturing Use: holding heavy (large) suture needles Additional Information: widely used in general surgery; some brands have tungsten carbide jaw inserts; MRI version available

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GENERAL BAUMGARTNER NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: none Category: suturing Use: holding suture needles Additional Information: jaws shorter than Crile-Wood or Mayo-Hegar

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GENERAL RYDER NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: French eye needle holder; neurosurgical needle holder Category: suturing Use: holding small suture needles; used mostly in vascular, intestinal, plastic, or neurosurgery Additional Information: narrow jaws; smooth or tungsten carbide jaws

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GENERAL DEBAKEY CARDIOVASCULAR NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: none Category: suturing Use: holding fine suture needles for vascular or cardiac procedures Additional Information: fine, straight jaws

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GENERAL WEBSTER NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: none Category: suturing Use: holding fine suture needles; used mostly in plastic or ENT surgery Additional Information: smooth or serrated jaws

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GENERAL PROBE AND GROOVED DIRECTOR Alias: Larry probe and grooved director; fistula probe Category: probing Use: probing fistulas, ducts, etc. Additional Information: “ear”-shaped end of the director referred to as a tongue tie

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GENERAL ELECTROSURGICAL PENCIL Alias: active electrode; Bovie pencil Category: cutting Use: cauterizing blood vessels and/or cutting tissue Additional Information: a variety of tips to use with the pencil; tip types include blades (spatulas), points, extensions, and balls

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GENERAL HANDHELD CAUTERY Alias: none Category: accessory Use: cauterizing fine vessels or tissue (e.g., hand surgery); evacuating subungual hematoma Additional Information: single-patient use; shelf life approximately 4 years

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GENERAL GERALD BIPOLAR FORCEPS Alias: none Category: accessory Use: cauterizing small blood vessels Additional Information: delicate, narrow tips; straight or bayonet-shaped handle

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GENERAL BIPOLAR CAUTERY CORD Alias: none Category: accessory Use: attaching bipolar cautery forceps to electrosurgical power unit Additional Information: use with bipolar cautery forceps only

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GENERAL ARGON BEAM COAGULATOR Alias: none Category: accessory Use: hemostasis (cauterization of blood vessels) Additional Information: Uses argon gas and electrocautery to cauterize blood vessels

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GENERAL HARMONIC SCALPEL Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting and cauterization of tissue Additional Information: Uses ultrasonic wave technology to cut and cauterize tissue at lower temperatures (50 degrees to 100 degrees Celsius)

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GENERAL MAYO COMMON DUCT SCOOP Alias: none Category: accessory Use: removing stones from the common duct Additional Information: small, medium, or large

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GENERAL BAKES COMMON DUCT DILATORS Alias: none Category: dilating Use: dilating the common bile duct Additional Information: 3-mm to 11-mm tips

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GENERAL ANOSCOPE WITH OBTURATOR Alias: none Category: viewing Use: retracting/viewing anal canal Additional Information: rounded obturator used for insertion and then removed

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GENERAL ADSON DRESSING FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue; applying dressings Additional Information: serrated tips

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GENERAL ADSON TISSUE FORCEPS Alias: rat-tooth forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping skin layer during wound closure Additional Information: 1 ⫻ 2 teeth

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GENERAL BROWN-ADSON FORCEPS Alias: Adson-Brown Category: grasping Use: grasping delicate tissue Additional Information: 7 ⫻ 7 teeth

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GENERAL DRESSING (SMOOTH) FORCEPS Alias: smooth forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue or applying dressings Additional Information: tips vary from heavy to fine; atraumatic

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GENERAL TISSUE (TOOTHED) FORCEPS Alias: toothed forceps; rat-tooth; pickups Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue; wound closure Additional Information: most common tip has 1 ⫻ 2 teeth

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GENERAL IRIS FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping delicate tissue Additional Information: delicate 1 ⫻ 2 teeth; slightly or fully curved tip

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GENERAL DEBAKEY TISSUE FORCEPS Alias: DeBakey atraumatic vascular forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping fine tissue; commonly used in all types of surgery Additional Information: atraumatic; jaw has 1 ⫻ 2 rows of serrations; tips 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm wide; straight or angled tips

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GENERAL SINGLEY TISSUE FORCEPS Alias: Singley Tuttle forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping intestinal tissue, sponges Additional Information: serrated, fenestrated jaws

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GENERAL BONNEY TISSUE FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping heavy tissue or bone Additional Information: 1 ⫻ 2 or 2 ⫻ 3 teeth

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GENERAL FERRIS-SMITH TISSUE FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping heavy tissue or bone Additional Information: 1 ⫻ 2 or 2 ⫻ 3 teeth

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GENERAL RUSSIAN FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue, aortic aneurysm plaque Additional Information: round, serrated tip

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GENERAL ALLIS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping organs or tissue during removal Additional Information: 2 ⫻ 3, 3 ⫻ 4, 4 ⫻ 5, 5 ⫻ 6 teeth; straight or angled tips

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GENERAL BABCOCK Alias: Babcock intestinal forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping delicate tissue (e.g., fallopian tube, bowel, vas deferens) Additional Information: no teeth—atraumatic; fenestrated tip

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GENERAL KOCHER Alias: Ochsner; Rochester-Ochsner Category: grasping Use: grasping heavy tissue (e.g., fascia) Additional Information: 1 ⫻ 2 teeth

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GENERAL LAHEY GOITER FORCEPS Alias: Lahey thyroid tenaculum Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue during removal Additional Information: 3 ⫻ 3 teeth

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GENERAL PENNINGTON FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue, especially during intestinal or rectal surgeries, cesarean section Additional Information: 11-mm triangular jaws

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GENERAL MAGILL CATHETER FORCEPS Alias: intubating forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping endotracheal tube during intubation; grasping and removing foreign bodies from the airway Additional Information: can be used to grasp other types of catheters during insertion

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GENERAL RANDALL FORCEPS Alias: kidney stone forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping stones or polyps Additional Information: jaws available with 1/4 curve, 1/2 curve, 3/4 curve, or full curve (about 120 degrees)

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GENERAL FLETCHER-VAN DOREN SPONGE-HOLDING FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping uterine polyps; holding Kittner sponges for blunt dissection Additional Information: straight or curved serrated tips

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GENERAL ROCHESTER-PEAN Alias: none Category: clamping Use: clamping heavy tissue Additional Information: fully serrated jaws; straight or curved tips; larger and heavier than a standard Pean

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GENERAL KELLY HEMOSTATIC CLAMP Alias: none Category: clamping Use: clamping large blood vessels or tissue Additional Information: heavy blades; not for delicate vessels or tissue; straight or curved; looks like the Pean clamp but jaws are serrated only part of the way

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GENERAL PEAN Alias: none Category: clamping Use: clamping tissue or vessels Additional Information: fully serrated jaws; straight or curved jaws

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GENERAL CRILE HEMOSTATIC CLAMP Alias: hemostat Category: clamping Use: clamping blood vessels or tissue Additional Information: most commonly used size of hemostatic clamp; straight or curved

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GENERAL HALSTEAD MOSQUITO CLAMP Alias: mosquito Category: clamping Use: clamping delicate blood vessels or tissue Additional Information: for delicate use only; straight or curved

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GENERAL PRATT-SMITH HEMOSTATIC FORCEPS Alias: Pratt “T” forceps Category: clamping Use: clamping delicate tissue Additional Information: T-shaped, concave jaws; delicately serrated jaws

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GENERAL ROCHESTER MIXTER Alias: Mixter thoracic forceps Category: clamping Use: clamping bowel; also used in thoracic surgery Additional Information: right-angled curved jaws; longitudinal serrations; longer and heavier than a standard mixter

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GENERAL MIXTER Alias: right angle; Gemini (delicate jawed) Category: clamp Use: clamping tissue or grasping ligature around a curve (e.g., a pedicle or blood vessel) Additional Information: jaws vary from fine to heavy

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GENERAL SCHNIDT Alias: tonsil snap; Schnidt-Sawtell; Adson tonsil Category: clamp Use: clamping tissue; holding tonsil sponge Additional Information: serrated only about halfway up the jaw

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GENERAL DOYEN INTESTINAL FORCEPS Alias: Mayo-Robson Category: clamping Use: clamping bowel tissue Additional Information: straight or curved jaws; longitudinal serrations; cover jaws with clamp covers (linen shods)

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GENERAL ALLEN INTESTINAL FORCEPS Alias: none Category: clamping Use: clamping bowel Additional Information: 1 ⫻ 2 teeth; vertical serrations

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GENERAL BAINBRIDGE ARTERY AND INTESTINAL FORCEPS Alias: Bainbridge forceps Category: clamping Use: clamping bowel Additional Information: longitudinal serrations; straight or curved jaws

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GENERAL STRAIGHT MAYO SCISSORS Alias: suture scissors Category: cutting Use: cutting suture, dressings, drains Additional Information: heavy blades

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GENERAL CURVED MAYO SCISSORS Alias: dissecting scissors Category: cutting Use: cutting heavy tissue or muscle; dissecting heavy tissue Additional Information: heavy curved blades

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GENERAL METZENBAUM SCISSORS Alias: Metz Category: cutting Use: cutting or dissecting delicate tissue Additional Information: delicate blades; DO NOT use for cutting suture, drains, heavy tissue

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GENERAL OPERATING ROOM SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting tissue, dressings, drains, or sutures Additional Information: two sharp tips, or one sharp and one blunt tip; tips can be delicate to heavy

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GENERAL LISTER SCISSORS Alias: bandage scissors Category: cutting Use: cutting dressings and bandages Additional Information: guarded blade

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GENERAL IRIS SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting and dissecting fine tissue; cutting fine sutures Additional Information: straight or curved blades; sharp points

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GENERAL BANDAGE AND UTILITY SCISSORS Alias: trauma scissors; trauma shears Category: cutting Use: heavy-duty cutting (clothes, bandages); DO NOT use on tissue Additional Information: serrated blades

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GENERAL UNIVERSAL WIRE-CUTTING SCISSORS Alias: wire cutter Category: cutting Use: cutting wire sutures, wire, or wire mesh Additional Information: one serrated blade to keep the wire from slipping

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GENERAL WIRE-CUTTING SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting wire sutures, wire, or wire mesh Additional Information: straight or curved blades

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GENERAL #3 SCALPEL HANDLE Alias: knife handle Category: cutting Use: holding a scalpel blade Additional Information: use with #10, #11, #12, or #15 blade

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GENERAL #4 SCALPEL HANDLE Alias: knife handle Category: cutting Use: holding large-sized scalpel blade for cutting heavy tissue or bone Additional Information: use with #20, #21, #22, #23 blades

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GENERAL #7 SCALPEL HANDLE Alias: knife handle Category: cutting Use: holding a scalpel blade; thinner handle fits in smaller areas Additional Information: use with #10, #11, #12, or #15 blade

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GENERAL #10 BLADE Alias: none Category: cutting Use: generally used to make skin incision Additional Information: use with #3 or #7 knife handle

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GENERAL #11 BLADE Alias: none Category: cutting Use: making small “puncture” incisions Additional Information: use with #3 or #7 knife handle

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GENERAL #15 BLADE Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting in small areas; incising delicate tissue Additional Information: use with #3 or #7 knife handle

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GENERAL #21 BLADE Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting heavy tissue or bone Additional Information: use with #4 knife handle

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GENERAL #23 BLADE Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting heavy tissue or bone Additional Information: use with #4 knife handle

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GENERAL BLADE KNIFE HANDLE Alias: Beaver blade handle Category: cutting Use: holding knife blades Additional Information: use with series 50, 60, or 70 Beaver blades

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GENERAL BALFOUR RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: deep abdominal retraction Additional Information: have moistened lap pads (used as padding between retractor blades and tissue) ready to hand to the surgeon; available with interchangeable side and center blades for deep retraction

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GENERAL BOOKWALTER SYSTEM Alias: universal ring retractor system Category: retracting Use: deep retraction in the abdomen and pelvis Additional Information: have moistened lap pads (used as padding between retractor blades and tissue) ready to hand to the surgeon; oval and round rings; various sizes/types of retractor blades; available in bariatric size

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GENERAL OMNI RETRACTOR Alias: omni-tract system Category: retracting Use: exposing underlying structures during vascular procedures Additional Information: includes long and short posts to adjust to incision or patient size

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GENERAL WEITLANER RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: exposing superficial wound Additional Information: self-retaining; sharp or dull; 2 ⫻ 3 prongs (4"), 3 ⫻ 4 prongs (all other sizes)

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GENERAL CEREBELLAR RETRACTOR Alias: Adson cerebellar Category: retracting Use: exposing wound Additional Information: self-retaining; 4 ⫻ 4 prongs; angled shanks

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GENERAL BECKMANN RETRACTOR Alias: Weitlaner Beckmann Category: retracting Use: exposing wound Additional Information: self-retaining; 3 ⫻ 4 prongs; sharp or blunt prongs; hinged arms

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GENERAL GELPI PERINEAL RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: superficial wound exposure Additional Information: self-retaining; single, sharp tines

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GENERAL JOSEPH SKIN HOOK Alias: none Category: retracting Use: retracting skin Additional Information: single or double hook

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GENERAL GUTHRIE DOUBLE SKIN HOOK Alias: Guthrie retractor Category: retracting Use: retracting skin Additional Information: sharp, double prongs

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GENERAL KELLY RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: exposing wound Additional Information: handheld; blade size 40 mm ⫻ 50 mm to 75 mm ⫻ 90 mm; looks like a Richardson retractor, but blade is larger

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GENERAL RICHARDSON RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: exposing wound Additional Information: handheld; blade size 20 mm ⫻ 25 mm to 20 mm ⫻ 50 mm

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GENERAL RICHARDSON-EASTMAN RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: exposing wound Additional Information: handheld; double-ended; small and large sizes

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GENERAL PARKER RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: exposing superficial wound Additional Information: handheld; double-ended; usually used in pairs

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GENERAL GOELET RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: exposing superficial wound Additional Information: handheld; double-ended; usually used in pairs

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GENERAL U.S. ARMY RETRACTOR Alias: Army-Navy Category: retracting Use: exposing superficial wound Additional Information: handheld; double-ended; usually used in pairs

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GENERAL SENN RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: exposing superficial wound Additional Information: handheld; double-ended; sharp or dull prongs; usually used in pairs

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GENERAL HASSON RETRACTOR Alias: “S” retractor Category: retracting Use: exposing wound in laparoscopic incisions Additional Information: handheld

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GENERAL CUSHING VEIN RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: retracting blood vessels Additional Information: handheld; blade 8 mm to 18 mm wide

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GENERAL GREEN RETRACTOR Alias: goiter retractor; loop retractor Category: retracting Use: retracting soft tissue Additional Information: handheld; fenestrated blade

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GENERAL DANDY NERVE HOOK Alias: none Category: retracting Use: retracting nerves Additional Information: blunt tip; tip can be pointed straight, left, or right

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GENERAL VOLKMANN RETRACTOR Alias: rake Category: retracting Use: exposing superficial wound Additional Information: handheld; sharp or blunt tips; can have two to six teeth

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GENERAL MURPHY RETRACTOR Alias: rake Category: retracting Use: exposing superficial wound Additional Information: handheld; similar to Volkmann retractor but has finger grips (prongs)

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GENERAL OLLIER RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: retracting heavy tissue Additional Information: handheld; 2.25" ⫻ 1.75" blades

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GENERAL DEAVER RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: deep wound retraction Additional Information: handheld; blade width varies from 1" to 4"

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GENERAL HARRINGTON RETRACTOR Alias: Harrington sweetheart Category: retracting Use: deep wound retraction Additional Information: handheld; blade width 1" to 2.5"

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GENERAL MALLEABLE RETRACTOR Alias: ribbon Category: retracting Use: deep wound retraction Additional Information: handheld; straight—may be bent to desired shape; width varies from 1" to 3" wide

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GENERAL SAWYER RECTAL RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: retracting anal and/or rectal wall Additional Information: handheld; available blade width 7/8" to 1.5"

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GENERAL PRATT RECTAL SPECULUM Alias: none Category: viewing Use: retracting and viewing anus and rectum Additional Information: large (2.5 cm) or small (1.7 cm) diameter

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GENERAL | STAPLER PURSE STRING Alias: none Category: suturing Use: applying circumferential strand of suture during esophageal, gastric, colorectal, or thoracic surgery Additional Information: suture held in place by stainless steel staples; single-patient use

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GENERAL | STAPLER EEA STAPLER Alias: intraluminal stapler Category: stapling Use: anastomosing bowel to the stomach or bowel to bowel Additional Information: single-patient use; comes in a variety of diameters; creates a circular anastomosis and resects excess tissue

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GENERAL | STAPLER SKIN STAPLER Alias: none Category: stapling Use: closing skin incisions Additional Information: single-patient use; regular or wide width

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GENERAL | STAPLER LIGACLIP STAPLER Alias: none Category: stapling Use: clipping off vessels or ducts during open procedures Additional Information: applies one clip at a time; single-patient use

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GENERAL | STAPLER LINEAR STAPLER Alias: TA stapler Category: stapling Use: stapling across a large tissue area (e.g., creating a gastric pouch, anastomosing bowel, or closing stomach/bowel incisions) Additional Information: single-patient use; 30-mm, 45-mm, 60-mm, or 90-mm staple lines

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GENERAL | STAPLER GIA STAPLER Alias: linear cutter Category: stapling/cutting Use: places two double rows of staples while simultaneously cutting the tissue between rows Additional Information: single-patient use; 60 mm, 80 mm, or 100 mm; hand the surgeon both halves of the stapler so he/she can place it around the desired area of tissue

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GENERAL | STAPLER CONTOUR CURVED CUTTER/STAPLER Alias: none Category: stapling Use: used during low anterior colon resection Additional Information: puts in four row rows of staples with a cut between the second and third row

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GENERAL RAYTEC Alias: sweep; sponge Category: sponges Use: absorbing small amounts of fluid or blood; blunt tissue dissection; cleaning debris from instruments Additional Information: radiopaque strip embedded in the sponge; used when the surgical incision is small; should NEVER be used as a dressing

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GENERAL LAPAROTOMY SPONGE Alias: laps; lap pads Category: sponges Use: absorbing large amounts of fluid or blood; wiping debris from instruments Additional Information: radiopaque strip sewn onto each one; 12 ⫻ 12 and 18 ⫻ 18 size

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GENERAL LAPAROTOMY TAPE Alias: none Category: sponges Use: absorbing fluid or blood from deep, narrow incisions Additional Information: radiopaque strip sewn onto each one; 4" ⫻ 18"

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GENERAL PEANUTS Alias: Kitners, pushers, dissectors Category: sponges Use: blunt tissue dissection; absorbing very small amounts of fluid or blood Additional Information: contain a radiopaque stripe; mounted on a clamp (e.g., Pean) for use

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GENERAL HIGH-PRESSURE SYRINGE Alias: control syringe; three-ring syringe Category: syringes and needles Use: wound irrigation; medication administration Additional Information: finger rings allow for better control of the rate of medication administration or force of irrigation

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GENERAL ASEPTO SYRINGE Alias: none Category: irrigating syringes Use: wound irrigation Additional Information: most common irrigating syringe; 120-mL capacity

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GENERAL BULB SYRINGE Alias: ear syringe Category: irrigating syringes Use: removal of fluid and mucus from infant’s mouth and nose; irrigation of small wounds or delicate structures Additional Information: single piece construction

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GENERAL TOOMEY SYRINGE Alias: none Category: irrigating syringes Use: irrigation or fluid instillation of tubes and catheters Additional Information: 60-mL capacity

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GENERAL TEGADERM Alias: occlusive dressing Category: dressings Use: wound dressing; dressing over IV site; adhere epidural tubing to skin Additional Information: waterproof; transparent, allowing for wound visualization; available in 2.75" ⫻ 2.75" to 8" ⫻ 12"

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GENERAL KERLIX AND KLING Alias: none Category: dressings Use: securing dressings or splints in place; apply pressure to a wound Additional Information: should be wrapped securely so it does not slip off but should NOT be wrapped so tightly that it impedes circulation; after application, check areas distal to the wrap for any sign of impaired circulation

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GENERAL SELF-ADHERENT WRAP Alias: Coban; Flex-wrap Category: dressing Use: secure dressings or splints in place Additional Information: self-adhering; 1" to 6" wide

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GENERAL MONTGOMERY STRAPS Alias: none Category: dressings Use: securing large abdominal dressings in place Additional Information: allows dressing material to be accessed and changed without having to change the adhesive

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GENERAL SUTURE BOOTS Alias: shods Category: accessory Use: protect delicate suture from damage caused by serrated instrument jaws Additional Information: come in packages of 10; may be included in the count

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GENERAL VESSEL LOOPS Alias: none Category: accessory Use: vessel retraction Additional Information: available in narrow or wide; may be included as part of the count

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GENERAL UMBILICAL TAPE Alias: cotton tape Category: accessory Use: tie off umbilical cord; vessel retraction Additional Information: should be moistened with saline prior to use; may be included as part of the count

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GENERAL GLASSMAN VISCERA RETAINER Alias: fish Category: accessory Use: protection of viscera during suturing of abdominal wounds Additional Information: the body portion is inserted between the viscera and the peritoneum; when the wound is almost closed, the retainer is removed by pulling on the tail portion

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GENERAL RETENTION SUTURE BOLSTER Alias: bolster Category: suture Use: sheaths the retention suture to avoid cutting into the patient’s skin Additional Information: 12 to a package

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GENERAL MAGNETIC DRAPE Alias: none Category: accessory Use: keeps metallic instruments from slipping off the draped patient onto the floor Additional Information: available in a variety of styles and sizes

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GENERAL ISOLATION BAG Alias: none Category: accessory Use: isolates a body part (e.g., leg or bowel) from the operative field Additional Information: when using the bag to isolate bowel, add sterile saline to the inside of the bag to keep the bowel moist

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GENERAL DECANTING CANNULA Alias: none Category: accessory Use: pouring fluid from a sterile IV bag to a container on the sterile field Additional Information: care must be taken not to contaminate the tip while pouring

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LAPAROSCOPIC ENDOSCOPIC CAMERA Alias: none Category: viewing Use: viewing inside the body during endoscopic procedures Additional Information: many different systems available; requires compatible light cord and light source

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LAPAROSCOPIC 0-DEGREE ENDOSCOPE Alias: rigid endoscope; straight endoscope Category: viewing Use: providing visualization inside the body cavity Additional Information: available in 5-mm or 10-mm diameters

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LAPAROSCOPIC 30-DEGREE ENDOSCOPE Alias: rigid endoscope Category: viewing Use: providing visualization inside the body cavity Additional Information: available in 5-mm or 10-mm diameters; 30 degrees refers to the angle of the distal (objective) lens; also available with 70-degree and 90-degree distal lenses

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LAPAROSCOPIC VERESS NEEDLE Alias: Veress insufflation cannula Category: accessory Use: puncturing the peritoneum and introducing carbon dioxide to create a pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic surgery Additional Information: single-patient use; attached to insufflator tubing; available in 80-mm to 200-mm lengths

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LAPAROSCOPIC DISPOSABLE TROCARS AND PORTS Alias: none Category: accessory Use: introducing instruments and camera inside body cavities during endoscopic surgery Additional Information: single-use only; 5-mm, 10-mm, 12-mm, or 15-mm diameter; available in 75-mm to 150-mm lengths

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LAPAROSCOPIC SUTURE PASSER Alias: none Category: suturing Use: transmural suturing of wound sites and fixation of prosthetic device during laparoscopic surgery Additional Information: single-patient use; the nondisposable metal suture passer is known as a Gore suture passer

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LAPAROSCOPIC SUTURE HOOK Alias: none Category: suturing Use: hooking sutures through tissue during laparoscopic surgery Additional Information: straight or angled distal end

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LAPAROSCOPIC ALLIS FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping or retracting tissue Additional Information: 5-mm jaws; also available with 5-mm atraumatic jaws

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LAPAROSCOPIC BABCOCK Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping/holding delicate tissue Additional Information: atraumatic jaws; 5-mm diameter

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LAPAROSCOPIC BIOPSY FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: obtaining small pieces of tissue for biopsy specimens Additional Information: available in several sizes

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LAPAROSCOPIC CURVED GRASPER Alias: dissecting forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue or organs Additional Information: serrated jaws

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LAPAROSCOPIC BOWEL CLAMP Alias: none Category: clamping Use: clamping or grasping bowel Additional Information: atraumatic jaws

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LAPAROSCOPIC KOCHER Alias: Ochsner Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue during removal Additional Information: 2 × 2 teeth

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LAPAROSCOPIC MARYLAND DISSECTOR Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping or dissecting fine tissue Additional Information: straight or curved tips; fully serrated blades

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LAPAROSCOPIC ALLIGATOR FORCEPS Alias: blunt grasper Category: grasping Use: tissue grasping Additional Information: square or rectangular tip; fully serrated tip

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LAPAROSCOPIC MIXTER Alias: right angle Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue around or under tissue and vessels Additional Information: angled jaws

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LAPAROSCOPIC NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: none Category: suturing Use: holding suture needles Additional Information: straight, right-curved, or left-curved jaws

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LAPAROSCOPIC HOOK SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting tissue Additional Information: single-action jaws

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LAPAROSCOPIC MICRO SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting delicate tissue Additional Information: straight tip; single-action jaws

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LAPAROSCOPIC METZENBAUM SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting or dissecting delicate tissue Additional Information: blunt tips

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LAPAROSCOPIC L HOOK Alias: none Category: accessory Use: monopolar cauterization of tissue Additional Information: insulated around the tip to direct current to desired tissue

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LAPAROSCOPIC ENDOSCOPIC KITTNER Alias: endoscopic dissector; endoscopic pusher Category: accessory Use: dissecting blunt tissue Additional Information: available with single or dual cotton tips

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LAPAROSCOPIC ENDOSCOPIC CATCHER Alias: endo bag Category: accessory Use: retrieving and containing specimens Additional Information: available in small (2.5" × 6" deep) or large (5" × 9" deep)

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LAPAROSCOPIC ENDOSCOPIC LIGACLIP APPLIER Alias: none Category: stapling Use: clipping off vessels or ducts during endoscopic procedures such as a laparoscopic cholecystectomy Additional Information: single-patient use; rotary handle allows rotation of instrument tip to needed position; applies one clip at a time

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LAPAROSCOPIC ENDOSCOPIC GIA STAPLER Alias: none Category: stapling Use: applying a whole row of staples to tissue while knife simultaneously cuts the tissue Additional Information: single-patient use; reloads available; 30-mm, 45-mm, or 60-mm staple lines

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LAPAROSCOPIC DEFOGGER KIT Alias: none Category: accessory Use: defogging camera and scope lenses Additional Information: single-patient use; follow manufacturer’s instructions for defogging lenses

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LAPAROSCOPIC CARBON DIOXIDE Alias: CO2 Category: medical gas Use: insufflates the abdomen, creating a pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic surgery Additional Information: has the potential to create hypercarbia, leading to metabolic acidosis

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LAPAROSCOPIC DERMABOND Alias: liquid skin adhesive Category: dressing Use: closure of small, superficial incisions or lacerations Additional Information: provides a film barrier for protection; contains formaldehyde—check patient allergies prior to application

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LAPAROSCOPIC VIDEO TOWERS Alias: monitor towers Category: viewing Use: viewing inside the body cavity during minimally invasive surgery Additional Information: may use one or two towers, depending on the procedure; camera is hooked into the video system that projects the image onto the screen

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LAPAROSCOPIC LIGHT SOURCE Alias: none Category: viewing Use: provides a light source for the endoscopic camera Additional Information: make sure the light source box is compatible with the camera you are using

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LAPAROSCOPIC INSUFFLATOR BOX Alias: none Category: accessory Use: regulates the carbon dioxide flow rate and pressure Additional Information: settings on the box vary, depending on the procedure and surgeon

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LAPAROSCOPIC INSUFFLATOR TUBING Alias: none Category: accessory Use: connects the insufflator box to the Veress needle Additional Information: tubing has a built-in filter; should be flushed (primed) with carbon dioxide, prior to hooking it to the Veress needle, to remove air

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LAPAROSCOPIC REDUCER CAP Alias: none Category: accessory Use: reducing the size of the trocar opening to fit the instrument you need to use Additional Information: fits snugly around the instrument to prevent carbon dioxide from escaping

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LAPAROSCOPIC IRRIGATION DEVICE Alias: irrigator Category: accessory Use: irrigation of body cavity during surgery Additional Information: many of the devices are combination irrigation and suction; if the device is nitrogen powered, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding pressure settings

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OB-GYN AUVARD WEIGHTED VAGINAL SPECULUM Alias: weighted speculum Category: retracting Use: retracting the vaginal floor Additional Information: 2 3/4" × 1.5" or 3" × 1.5" blades; 2.5 lb

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OB-GYN DELEE BLADDER RETRACTOR Alias: bladder blade Category: retracting Use: retracting the bladder during cesarean section Additional Information: manual retractor; also available with blade offset to left or right

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OB-GYN O’SULLIVAN-O’CONNOR RETRACTOR Alias: Irish; O’Connor-O’Sullivan Category: retracting Use: retracting the abdominal or pelvic wall Additional Information: self-retaining; interchangeable blades (45 mm × 80 mm and 70 mm × 105 mm); have moistened lap pads available to hand to the surgeon (to use as padding between the blades and tissue); all individual pieces of the retractor must be counted according to your institutional policy

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OB-GYN SIMPSON DELIVERY FORCEPS Alias: Simpson obstetrical forceps Category: grasping Use: forceps delivery of an infant Additional Information: forceps come in two parts; hand to surgeon as two separate pieces

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OB-GYN GOODELL UTERINE DILATOR Alias: none Category: dilating Use: dilating the cervix Additional Information: self-retaining; corrugated blades

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OB-GYN SIMS RETRACTOR Alias: Sims double-ended vaginal speculum Category: retracting Use: retracting vaginal wall Additional Information: double-ended; blade width and length may vary (available in size 1, 2, or 3)

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OB-GYN HEANEY RETRACTOR Alias: lateral retractor Category: retracting Use: retracting vaginal wall Additional Information: distal blade 25 mm × 45 mm, 28 mm × 65 mm, or 28 mm × 82 mm

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OB-GYN GRAVES VAGINAL SPECULUM Alias: duckbill speculum Category: retracting Use: retracting anterior and posterior vaginal walls Additional Information: blade sizes available in small (75 mm × 20 mm), medium (100 mm × 30 mm), or large (115 mm × 35 mm); also available with angled blade (45 degrees)

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OB-GYN PEDERSON VAGINAL SPECULUM Alias: none Category: retracting Use: retracting vaginal wall (narrow); often used for pediatric patients Additional Information: blades narrower than a Graves speculum; small (76 mm × 13 mm), medium (100 mm × 22 mm), and large (120 mm × 25 mm); also available in side opening style

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OB-GYN SIDE-OPENING VAGINAL SPECULUM Alias: lateral speculum Category: retracting Use: retracting vaginal wall Additional Information: blades 11/4" wide by 4" long

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OB-GYN HANK DILATORS Alias: none Category: dilating Use: dilating cervical os Additional Information: double-ended; solid; round “stop” on each end; numbered (9/10 Fr to 19/20 Fr); align on back table by diameter, from smallest to largest

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OB-GYN HEGAR DILATORS Alias: none Category: dilating Use: dilating cervical os Additional Information: double-ended; hollow; numbered (3/4 Fr to 17 /18 Fr); align on back table by diameter, from smallest to largest

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OB-GYN ALLIS-ADAIR CLAMP Alias: T Clamp Category: grasping Use: grasping tissue Additional Information: 9 × 10 teeth

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OB-GYN BOZEMAN DRESSING FORCEPS Alias: packing forceps Category: grasping Use: applying dressing or inserting vaginal packing Additional Information: straight or double-curved jaws

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OB-GYN HEANEY HYSTERECTOMY FORCEPS Alias: none Category: clamping Use: heavy tissue occlusion Additional Information: longitudinal serrations; single- or doubletoothed blade; straight or curved blades

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OB-GYN HEANEY-BALLANTINE HYSTERECTOMY FORCEPS Alias: none Category: clamping Use: occluding heavy tissue Additional Information: curved jaws; 1 × 2 teeth; vertical serrations

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OB-GYN THOMAS-GAYLOR BIOPSY PUNCH Alias: Gaylor biopsy punch Category: cutting Use: obtaining biopsy specimens from uterus Additional Information: angled, sharp jaws; 5-mm bite

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OB-GYN BRAUN TENACULUM Alias: tenaculum; Schoeder Category: grasping Use: grasping cervix; applying traction to uterus Additional Information: single- or double-toothed; straight or curved

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OB-GYN SIMS UTERINE SOUND Alias: none Category: probing and dilating Use: measuring depth of intrauterine cavity Additional Information: graduated in centimeters; malleable

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OB-GYN THOMAS CURETTE Alias: blunt curette Category: cutting Use: scraping endocervical and endometrial linings Additional Information: sizes 1 to 6; blunt, looped blades

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OB-GYN SIMS CURETTE Alias: sharp curette Category: cutting Use: scraping endocervical and endometrial linings Additional Information: sizes 1 to 6; sharp, looped blades

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OB-GYN KEVORKIAN-YOUNGE ENDOCERVICAL BIOPSY CURETTE Alias: endocervical curette Category: cutting Use: obtaining endometrial or cervical tissue samples Additional Information: available with or without a basket tip

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OB-GYN HEANEY NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: Heaney needle driver; curved needle holder Category: suturing Use: suturing around curved structures Additional Information: curved jaw

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OB-GYN OVERSTREET ENDOMETRIAL POLYP FORCEPS Alias: polyp forceps Category: grasping Use: grasping uterine polyps Additional Information: hollow, fenestrated jaw

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OB-GYN JORGENSON SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting heavy tissue Additional Information: curved blades

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OB-GYN MAYO-NOBLE SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: dissecting heavy tissue Additional Information: straight or curved blades; blunt tips

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OB-GYN UMBILICAL CORD SCISSORS (AMERICAN PATTERN) Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting umbilical cord after delivery of the baby Additional Information: curved blades

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OB-GYN RUBIN CATHETER Alias: female catheter Category: accessory Use: catheterizing female bladder Additional Information: available in 10 Fr to 18 Fr; can be resterilized

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OB-GYN GYRUS CAUTERY Alias: none Category: cutting; cauterizing Use: cauterization of tissue and vessels Additional Information: single-patient use; instruments attach to the Gyrus machine

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OB-GYN KLEPPINGER BIPOLAR FORCEPS Alias: none Category: accessory Use: bipolar cauterization of tissue and vessels Additional Information: scissor- or syringe-type handle

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OB-GYN UMBILICAL CORD CLAMP Alias: cord clamp Category: clamping Use: clamping off the umbilical cord after birth Additional Information: single-patient use; have it ready on the Mayo stand during a cesarean section

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OB-GYN LONE STAR RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: retracting soft tissue during vaginal or rectal surgery Additional Information: hooks are placed on the soft tissue and attached to the retractor frame; hooks and frames are packaged separately, so make sure you have both packages; available in several sizes and styles

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OB-GYN CANDY CANE STIRRUPS Alias: sling stirrups Category: stirrups Use: supporting the foot and heel of a patient in the lithotomy position Additional Information: Care must be taken to make sure the patient’s lower leg is not resting against the metal part of the stirrup; do not place the sling directly over the Achilles area because pressure could cause nerve damage

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OB-GYN BOOT STIRRUPS Alias: none Category: stirrup Use: supporting the foot and lower leg of a patient in the lithotomy position Additional Information: adjustable vertically and for abduction; make sure the leg is properly placed in the boot to prevent nerve damage

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OB-GYN CARBON DIOXIDE LASER Alias: CO2 laser Category: cutting Use: laser cutting and cauterization of soft tissue Additional Information: laser beam is strongly absorbed by water, making it suitable for a wide variety of surgeries; laser precautions and policies must be followed

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OB-GYN VACUUM CURETTAGE MACHINE Alias: D & E machine Category: suctioning Use: removal of endometrial tissue or products of conception during dilatation and evacuation (D & E) procedure Additional Information: a disposable curette is attached to the suction tubing; curettes come in a variety of sizes

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OB-GYN SMOKE EVACUATION SYSTEM Alias: none Category: suctioning Use: suctioning and filtering surgical plume Additional Information: nozzle tip must be within 2" of the surgical site in order to be effective; filters and tubing must be changed between patients; filters are considered biohazardous waste

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OB-GYN CESAREAN SECTION DRAPE Alias: C-section drape Category: draping Use: draping the abdomen during a cesarean section Additional Information: fenestrated incision area with large 360-degree fluid collection pouch

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OB-GYN LEGGINGS Alias: none Category: draping Use: draping the legs and feet of a patient who is in stirrups Additional Information: come as a pair; drapes are cuffed to protect the hands of the scrub from contamination during application; drapes are marked “left” and “right”

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ROBOTIC PARTS OF A ROBOTIC INSTRUMENT Flush Port # 1: used to flush out the instrument during cleaning process Flush Port # 2: used to flush out the instrument during cleaning process Cartridge (Instrument Housing): contains the inner workings of the robotic instruments; attaches to the robotic arm Shaft: connects cartridge to the instrument tip

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ROBOTIC CANNULA Alias: none Category: accessory Use: providing a port to pass instruments inside the body cavity Additional Information: 8 mm available in long or standard length, with blunt or bladeless obturators; 5 mm available in standard length, with sharp or blunt obturator

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ROBOTIC ROBOTIC ENDOSCOPE Alias: none Category: viewing Use: viewing inside body cavity Additional Information: used with system’s imaging processing equipment to give surgeon 3-D pictures of surgical field

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ROBOTIC POTTS SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting blood vessels or fine tissue Additional Information: straight or angled tips

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ROBOTIC MEGA NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: none Category: suturing Use: suturing heavy tissue or large blood vessels Additional Information: also available with a built-in suture cutter

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ROBOTIC LARGE NEEDLE HOLDER Alias: none Category: suturing Use: suturing tissue or blood vessels Additional Information: 8-mm or 5-mm diameter; finer tips than the mega needle holder but not as fine as the microforceps

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ROBOTIC SMALL CLIP APPLIERS Alias: none Category: accessory Use: applying hemoclips to blood vessels Additional Information: also available in a size for applying large clips

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ROBOTIC ROUND TIP SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: dissecting and cutting tissue Additional Information: rounded (blunt) tips; straight or curved tips; 5-mm and 8-mm diameter

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ROBOTIC DISSECTING FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping, retracting, or blunt dissection of tissue Additional Information: serrated tips

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ROBOTIC COBRA GRASPER Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping or retracting tissue during removal Additional Information: sharp (penetrating) 3 × 4 teeth

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ROBOTIC TENACULUM FORCEPS Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping and retracting tissue Additional Information: single-tooth jaws

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ROBOTIC HARMONIC SHEARS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting and cauterizing tissue using ultrasonic energy Additional Information: tip is separate insert that is placed on the instrument

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ROBOTIC CAUTERY HOOK Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cauterizing tissue Additional Information: also available with spatula tip; monopolar cautery requires patient to have a grounding pad

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ROBOTIC GRASPER Alias: none Category: grasping Use: grasping and retracting bowel or other soft tissue Additional Information: atraumatic, serrated jaws

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ROBOTIC SURGEON CONSOLE Alias: none Category: viewing Use: allows the surgeon to view the operative field and control the robotic instruments while seated away from the operating table Additional Information: contains hand controls and foot pedals that allow the surgeon to control the instruments; binocular lenses allow for 3-D visualization of the operative site

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ROBOTIC ROBOTIC ARM Alias: none Category: accessory Use: holds the robotic instrument; manipulated to perform the surgery Additional Information: make sure instruments are seated in the arm properly before use

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ROBOTIC ROBOTIC INSTRUMENT Alias: none Category: depends on the instrument Use: performing robotic surgery Additional Information: variety of instruments are available; use only the instruments approved for the robotic system being used

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ROBOTIC MONITOR CART Alias: TV cart Category: viewing Use: allows all personnel in the room to view the procedure Additional Information: system is equipped to record video or still pictures of the surgery

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BASIC ORTHO PUTTI RASP Alias: Putti-Platt Category: cutting Use: smoothing bone surface Additional Information: double-ended; one straight end and one curved end

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BASIC ORTHO STRULLY SCISSORS Alias: none Category: cutting Use: dissecting tissue Additional Information: curved tips with probe on the end

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BASIC ORTHO CUSHING LITTLE JOKER PERIOSTEAL ELEVATOR Alias: Little Joker Category: cutting Use: removing periosteum from bone Additional Information: solid or hollow handle

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BASIC ORTHO PENFIELD #4 Alias: #4 Category: dissecting Use: dissecting blunt tissue Additional Information: single-ended; slightly curved tip

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BASIC ORTHO KEY PERIOSTEAL ELEVATOR Alias: none Category: cutting Use: removing periosteum from bone Additional Information: available in blade widths 1/8" to 1"

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BASIC ORTHO LEKSELL RONGEUR Alias: Leksell duckbill rongeur Category: cutting Use: cutting off small bites of bone Additional Information: 3-mm, 5-mm, or 8-mm bite

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BASIC ORTHO DEPTH GAUGE Alias: none Category: accessory Use: measuring depth of drill holes Additional Information: calibrated in millimeters (mm)

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BASIC ORTHO HIBBS OSTEOTOME Alias: none Category: cutting Use: cutting bone Additional Information: straight or curved; blade width 0.25" to 1.5"; surgeon will need a mallet for striking the head of the osteotome

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BASIC ORTHO COBB BONE CURETTE Alias: Dawson-Yuhl curette Category: cutting Use: scraping away pieces of bone Additional Information: 2-mm to 8-mm cup

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BASIC ORTHO BONE TAMP Alias: none Category: accessory Use: tamping bone Additional Information: 2 mm to 10 mm

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BASIC ORTHO TOWNLEY CALIPER Alias: slide calipers Category: accessory Use: measuring Additional Information: marked in millimeters and inches for measuring

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BASIC ORTHO LEWIN BONE CLAMP Alias: Lewin spinal perforating forceps Category: clamping Use: temporary clamping of bone fragments Additional Information: jaws extend in a curve

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BASIC ORTHO CEMENT SYSTEM Alias: cement mixer Category: accessory Use: mixing bone cement powder and liquid Additional Information: closed system; make sure system is assembled correctly, according to manufacturer’s instructions

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BASIC ORTHO CEMENT GUN Alias: none Category: accessory Use: holding bone cement applicator; applying bone cement Additional Information: insert tube of bone cement into the gun for application during surgery

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BASIC ORTHO HEISS SKIN RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: retracting skin during hand surgery Additional Information: 4 ⫻ 4 prongs

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BASIC ORTHO RAGNELL RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: exposing superficial wound Additional Information: double-ended; blunt on both ends

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BASIC ORTHO HOHMANN RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: exposing wound during hip or knee surgery Additional Information: pointed blade; blade width varies

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BASIC ORTHO ISRAEL RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: retracting heavy tissue Additional Information: rake has four or five prongs; 1.75" ⫻ 1.75" blades

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BASIC ORTHO AUFRANC RETRACTOR Alias: Cobra Category: retracting Use: exposing wound during knee or hip surgery Additional Information: hollow handle; three tip styles

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BASIC ORTHO BENNETT RETRACTOR Alias: none Category: retracting Use: tibial retraction Additional Information: blade width 1.75" or 2.5"

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BASIC ORTHO FRACTURE TABLE Alias: none Category: OR table Use: allowing access to and providing traction to injured leg during orthopedic surgery Additional Information: follow manufacturer’s instructions for assembly and use

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BASIC ORTHO PACS Alias: Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) Category: viewing Use: archives radiologic studies allowing them to be retrieved and viewed during surgery Additional Information: archives and retrieves all types of radiologic studies: x-rays, MRI, ultrasound, PET scans, CT scans, and arteriography

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BASIC ORTHO CASSETTE HOLDER Alias: none Category: accessory Use: holding x-ray cassette in place while shooting lateral views Additional Information: height of the bars can be adjusted to accommodate different cassette sizes

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BASIC ORTHO PNEUMATIC TOURNIQUET Alias: none Category: hemostatic device Use: limits circulation to operative limb, creating a bloodless surgical site Additional Information: follow manufacturer’s and institution policy concerning setup and use

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BASIC ORTHO ORTHOPAT Alias: none Category: blood salvaging device Use: collecting and cleaning patient’s blood from the surgical site for reinfusion Additional Information: follow manufacturer’s instructions for setup and use

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BASIC ORTHO BONE WAX Alias: none Category: hemostatic Use: stopping bleeding on the surface of the bone Additional Information: store away from heat; can be applied by hand or using an instrument

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BASIC ORTHO CASTING MATERIAL Alias: none Category: dressing Use: casting and splinting of extremity fractures Additional Information: plaster and fiberglass are the two most common types; available in rolls or strips

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BASIC ORTHO STOCKINETTE Alias: none Category: dressing Use: draping of an extremity; padding under a cast; holding dressings in place Additional Information: available sterile or nonsterile; sterile draping stockinette is impervious; available in widths 1" to 12"

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BASIC ORTHO MINI C-ARM Alias: image intensifier Category: viewing Use: intraoperative fluoroscopy Additional Information: smaller and more easily maneuvered than traditional C-arm; exposes patient to less radiation

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BASIC ORTHO BANDED BAG Alias: bonnet drape Category: draping Use: covering the end of the C-arm or other equipment before it is brought into the sterile field Additional Information: nonlatex opening; clear plastic to allow for visualization; available with opening sizes ranging from 17" to 45"

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