Flash Memory Inc

July 22, 2018 | Author: Abhinandan Singh | Category: Investing, Net Present Value, Beta (Finance), Equity (Finance), Corporations
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Short Description

Flash Memory is a small firm that operates in the computer and electronic device memory market. It specializes in the de...


Flash Memory Inc.

Abhinandan Singh (MP15003) FM ASSIGNMN!

Financial Managemen" #II

Executive Summary Flash Memory is a small $rm "ha" o%era"es in "he com%&"er and elec"ronic de'ice memory mare". I" s%ecialies in "he design and man&*ac"&re o* SS+s and memory mod&le and sold i" "o original e,&i%men" man&*ac"&rers (-Ms) dis"rib&"ors and re"ailers. Ind&s"ry s"a"is"ics ill&s"ra"ed "ha" "he SS+ mare" e/%anded *rom abo&" 00 million in 200 "o 1.1 billion in 2004 and i" as *&r"her *orecas"ed "o gro "o 2.6 billion in 2011 and 5.3 billion in 2013. Flash memory com%onen" has been "he ma7or so&rce o* re'en&e *or "he com%any "o "he "&ne o* 608. -"her 208 o*  i"s re'en&e came *rom o"her high %er*ormance elec"ronic com%onen"s sold "hro&gh "he same channels *or "he same end %rod&c"s. 9eing in an elec"ronics mare" here "echnologies changed ,&i"e o*"en "he %rod&c" li*e cycle as also 'ery less. Mos" o* "he re'en&e genera"ed by a %rod&c" as in "he $rs" 3 years and a*"er 5"h year "he %rod&c" became obsole"e.  As a com%any i" &sed "o in'es" hea'ily on research and de'elo%men" "o s"ay ahead o* "he com%e"i"ion. !he oring ca%i"al re,&iremen" as generally *&l$lled by No"es %ayable ob"ained *rom com%any:s commercial ban hich ere sec&red by acco&n"s recei'ables. ;oe'er recen" "imes had seen reaching "he 08 limi" "ha" ban had agreed &%on and "he
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