Flames of Perdition

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Flames Lore



of the



Travis Legge



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Author: Travis Legge Art: Storytellers Vault Art Packs

Pick up my other Storytellers Vault works at: https://www.storytellersvault.com/browse.php?author=Travis%20Legge

Matt, Eddy, and Rich for letting me run around Scarn, kicking up trouble. Pick up the Scarred Lands Spell Cards for 5e at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273275/ Scarred-Lands-Spell-Cards-5e

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Fires of Perdition

Flames Lore



of the


Table of Contents Chapter One: An Alternate Take Chapter Two: Lore of the Namaru


6 7

Chapter One: An Alternate Take “I am the worst influence. If you can’t handle your vices, then I am the Devil.” — Tori Amos, Spin Magazine Interview

Lore Revisited

Flames of Perdition: Lore of the Devils revises and alters the basic system for Lore use and is intended to present a streamlined option for Demon: the Fallen 20th Anniversary Edition. The purpose behind these revisions is twofold. First, these new systems make an effort to clean up references to Abilities to bring Demon: The Fallen in line with the Ability spread seen in the 20th Anniversary Edition line of products. Where necessary, Ability references have been modified to reflect the core Abilities presented in those official sources published via Onyx Path. Secondly, an effort is made to re-imagine a demon’s Lore as a fundamental portion of their being that connects them directly to the universe as a whole. As such, the basic system by which each Lore functions is replaced with the following new system.

Using Lores

Each time the character invokes one of the powers of a Lore, the demon’s player must spend a point of Faith, unless otherwise noted in the power’s description. The player must then make a Willpower roll against a difficulty equal to the power’s level +3. The number of successes detail the degree of effectiveness, as detailed in the power’s description. Failure on this roll indicates that the Lore fails. A botch causes some kind of loss or catastrophic backfire, such as losing a Willpower point, spontaneous combustion, or accidentally letting a horde of zombies run rampant. The fundamental power of the universe is not to be toyed with or used haphazardly.

Primary Lore

When using a power from their primary Lore, a demon may spend a Willpower point to activate the power instead of a Faith point.

Chapter Two: Lore of the Namaru “The fiend in his own shape is less hideous than when he rages in the breast of man.” — Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown”

Lores of Light and Fury

In the beginning, the Heralds were sent out into the darkness to spread God’s light and make way for the Host. It fell to the Heralds to coordinate the Celestials in the implementation of the Grand Design. Through the Lore of the Celestials, the Heralds were able to harness Heaven’s will to support and locate other angels The Lore of Flame granted the Heralds mastery over fire itself, the most primal and destructive force in creation. During the Age of Wrath, this force was turned into a powerful weapon in the Devil’s arsenal. That troubled era also saw the development of the Lore of Radiance, which permits Devils to inspire and command their mortal allies and thralls.

Lore of the Celestials • Lamp of Faith

This evocation allows a Devil to detect the presence of mortals or other demons in her vicinity by causing their store of Faith to flare like a beacon that only she can see. Individuals glow with a pale blue light, varying in intensity depending on the strength of their Faith, while non-living objects lose color, fading into dark silhouettes. System: This evocation does not require the expenditure of Faith to activate. All living beings within a radius in yards equal to the character’s Faith score are affected. Demons targeted by this evocation who are aware of its use can resist its effects with a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 8). Extra successes when activating this power permit the character to detect beacons of Faith through intervening obstacles, allowing the demon to detect hidden individuals. Seeing through an interior wall or door requires one

Fires of Perdition

extra success. Seeing through a brick wall requires two extra successes. Seeing past thick metal bulkheads or a vault door might require three or more extra successes. This special sight persists for a turn. Torment: Monstrous Devils receive the opposite effect of this evocation; their eyes see only those individuals whose souls have become so hollowed out by their evil acts that they are literal voids of spiritual energy. These soulless individuals, including other demons with a Torment of 9 or more, appear to the demon as patches of blackness against the dark background of the physical world.

•• Send Vision

In their former role as the Creator’s divine Heralds, the Namaru were often called upon to convey God’s messages across the length and breadth of the cosmos, delivering Heaven’s commands as potent visions that filled a Celestial’s mind with images of majesty and wonder. After the Fall, the Devils still made extensive use of this lore, communicating detailed orders to their subordinates in the rebel host or smiting their foes with frightening visions of infernal wrath. System: Devils may use this evocation to send complex instructions to fellow demons at the speed of thought. Unlike an invocation, this vision fills the recipient’s mind like an illusion or a waking dream, playing out whatever scene the sender wishes to convey in the blink of an eye. The amount of information the sender can convey depends on the number of successes generated by your activation roll. Each success allows the sender to describe one turn’s worth of action. For example, if a Devil wishes to instruct one of her fellow demons to go outside, get in a car and start the engine, the player would need three successes to fully convey her instructions. These instructions can be shared simultaneously to a number of individuals equal to your character’s Faith. These visions can be sent only to recipients within the sender’s line of sight. This power may be used on mortals and demons alike. Torment: Monstrous demons use this evocation to shock or frighten their foes in battle. The sender can affect a number of targets equal to her Faith, as long as they are within her line of sight. Each success generated on the activation roll inflicts a level of bashing damage against the targets as they are struck with terrifying visions of the Devil’s wrath. Unlike normal bashing damage, this mental assault cannot be soaked. If the evocation inflicts more levels of bashing damage than a target’s Wits, the target must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) or suffer a temporary derangement.

••• Pillar of Faith

Throughout the birth of the cosmos and the early days of Paradise, the Heralds were at the forefront of


every major effort mandated by Heaven, bolstering the energies of other Celestials wherever necessary. System: This evocation allows the Devil to add her Faith to the efforts of another, as long as the Devil knows the demon’s Celestial or True Name and can draw a line of sight to the target. Each success adds a bonus die to the target’s next evocation roll. The Devil cannot provide more bonus dice than her permanent Faith score, and if the recipient’s roll botches the botch carries negative effects as normal. The user of Pillar of Faith does not lose any Faith when “lending” it, other than the normal cost of activating this evocation. Repeated use of this evocation on a single target does not cause bonus dice to accumulate. Torment: Monstrous demons may use this evocation only to block or negate the efforts of another. This phenomenon works like any other resisted dice roll, with the Devil’s successes negating any successes generated by her opponent. Again, the Devil must know the target’s Celestial or True Name to perform this evocation.

•••• The Fire of Heaven

This evocation allows the Devil to channel her Faith as a withering blast of pure white fire, smiting her target with the wrath of a fallen angel. System: The demon may choose any individual or object within a range in yards equal to her Faith score. Every success generated by the activation roll inflicts one level of aggravated damage. Torment: Monstrous demons are unable to focus the fiery power of their Faith in a concentrated bolt. It erupts from them in all directions as a storm of raging energy instead. When a high-Torment demon uses this evocation, the infernal fire strikes everything within a number of yards equal to the character’s permanent Faith score. The blast inflicts one level of aggravated damage per success to everything in this radius.

••••• Hand of Faith

The mandate of the first Celestial House was to act as the voice of the Creator and to ensure that His Grand Design was fulfilled within the bounds of angelic free will. If one of the Celestials deviated too far from the Creator’s design in the process of Creation, the Heralds were able to manipulate the evocation as it happened, modifying the outcome to within acceptable limits. Although this mandate was only rarely enforced, this evocation more than any other spawned the tendency of the other Houses to jealously guard their prerogatives and regard the Heralds with no small amount of resentment. System: Hand of Faith allows a Devil to usurp another Celestial’s evocation, directing its effects as she desires. You must generate more successes on your

Lore of the Celestials

Faith roll than the player of the demon performing the evocation does with his, and your character must know the initiator’s Celestial or True Name. If successful, the Devil can alter the evocation’s target and its effects as if she were the one using the power. If the Devil does not roll enough successes to seize control of the evocation, the attempt fails and the evocation proceeds as originally intended. When used in combat, the Devil must have a higher initiative than the demon performing the evocation — Hand of Faith cannot be performed as a reflexive action. Torment: Monstrous Devils are not able to manipulate other demons’ evocations, but they can cause evocations targeted at them to rebound and affect their initiators. Again, you must generate more successes on your roll than the demon performing the evocation in order to succeed. If successful, apply the effects of the evocation against the initiator (if the evocation has an area effect, center it on the initiator). The Devil must know the initiator’s Celestial or True Name to perform this evocation. When used by a monstrous Devil in this way, this evocation can be used as a reflexive action.

Bel, The Visage of the Celestials

The apocalyptic form of the Lore of the Celestials reveals the fallen as a luminous, lordly angel, radiating divine grandeur and authority. Her skin literally glows, wreathing her in an aura of golden light that shifts in intensity depending on her mood. Her eyes blaze with the cold light of the stars. Despite her actual physical appearance, the fallen seems to tower over everyone around her. The Visage of the Celestials confers the following special capabilities. • Wings: A pair of eagle’s wings extends from the character’s shoulders. At full extension, each wing is a third again as long as the character is tall. The character can glide up to three times her running speed per turn. • Lordly Mien: The character’s aura of divine authority lowers the difficulty of her Charisma and Manipulation rolls by two. • Enhanced Senses: The character’s five senses are heightened to superhuman levels, lowering the difficulty of her Perception rolls by two. • Increased Awareness: The fallen is especially attuned to the fabric of reality, lowering the difficulty of all Awareness rolls by two. Torment: As the character loses herself to her dark nature, her authority remains as strong as ever, but the glow that suffused her dims to a sullen red. Her wings turn leathery, and her eyes become as black as the void. Where she was once a vision of nobility, she now carries herself as a haughty tyrant.


Fires of Perdition

The Visage of the Celestials confers the following high-Torment special capabilities. • Claws and Teeth: The character manifests claws and fangs that inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage. • Scales: The character’s skin is covered with dark, lustrous scales that provide four dice of armor protection against physical attacks. • Increased Size: The character’s body grows to a third again its normal height, adding the following bonus Traits: +1 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +1 Stamina. • Dread Gaze: Individuals (mortal or demon) who meet the demon’s gaze and who fail a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) must forfeit their actions for the turn.

Lore of Flame • Fuel

The Devil’s command of flames allows her to fuel existing fires with the power of her Faith, turning a simple source of heat into a raging inferno with a thought. System: This evocation does not require the expenditure of Faith to activate. If there is a source of fire or heat within a number of yards equal to her Faith score, the Devil can increase its size by one square foot per success on the activation roll. Torment: Monstrous Devils fuel the strength of an existing blaze rather than its dimensions. Each success increases the fire’s Health Levels of damage per turn by one. For more details on fire and its effects, see the Systems chapter of Demon: the Fallen.

•• Ignite

A Devil’s mastery of fire as a fundamental force of Creation allows him to inspire its existence at will. System: This evocation does not require an expenditure of Faith to activate. Using this ability, the Devil can cause flammable objects to burst into flame. The character may attempt to ignite any object within a number of yards equal to her Faith score, and you must obtain a number of successes on an activation roll in excess of the target’s resistance to combustion, according to the table below. Material


Explosive material (gasoline, gunpowder).


Dry, flammable object (wood, paper).


Inert metal. 5 Water and strictly nonflammable materials cannot be ignited with this power. Fires ignited in this fashion


are no more intense than natural flames, and they inflict damage accordingly. Torment: Monstrous Devils are too fueled by hatred to perform this evocation with precision. All flammable objects within a radius in yards equal to the character’s Faith score are affected. A single evocation roll is made with some materials igniting and others remaining unaffected, based on successes rolled.

••• Command the Flame

The Devil’s mastery of flame allows her to direct a fire by the force of her will — the blaze swells, shrinks, moves and consumes all that she commands. System: The successes on your activation roll form a flame pool that you use in subsequent turns to control the progress of the fire. Rolls to control the fire are made using the flame pool against a difficulty of 8, although that may increase depending on circumstances such as active sprinklers and fire-retardant materials, at the Storyteller’s discretion. Successes generated by the flame pool roll allow your character to cause the fire to grow by one square foot per success, shrink by the same amount or spread in a specific direction up to one yard per success. The player may add to the flame pool by using an action to make another activation roll on successive turns, if desired. Rolls made to increase the flame pool do not require an additional Faith expenditure. The flame pool can never exceed the character’s permanent Faith rating. If at any time you fail to roll any successes on the flame pool or on an attempt to increase the flame pool, the fire burns out of control for that turn. If one of these rolls botches, control is lost completely. Torment: High-Torment Devils have less facility in controlling fire’s movements, but their rage increases the flames’ intensity. A monstrous demon’s flame pool is halved (rounded up) for all actions, with the remaining dice added as Health Levels of damage per turn that the fire is capable of inflicting.

•••• Holocaust

This evocation is the ultimate expression of the power of fire. It consumes in order to make way for new life by transforming divine energy into cleansing flames. System: The demon must physically touch her intended target to perform this evocation. Make an activation roll, although your dice pool for the roll cannot exceed the target’s Faith pool. Each success inflicts one level of aggravated damage to the target and consumes one point of the target’s temporary Faith. This form of attack can be used on inanimate objects as well. Most physical matter has no more than one point of Faith suffusing its physical being, though especially sacred objects may have considerably more. Physical objects burned this way are reduced to ashes when all

Lore of Flame

their inherent Faith is consumed (objects therefore burn much quicker than normal). Torment: Monstrous demons delight in feeding the cosmos to the flames. Roll your full dice pool, although damage levels inflicted in excess of the target’s available Faith cause your character’s Faith pool on a one-for-one basis, as the demon’s own faith is consumed by the flame. Additionally, if the evocation causes more damage than the target is capable of sustaining, the remaining aggravated levels of damage are suffered by your Devil as she loses her focus in the ecstasy of destruction.

••••• Ride the Flame

By performing this potent evocation, a Devil does not merely command the fire, she is the fire, transforming her physical body into flame and directing it by the power of her will. System: A Devil has two options when employing this power: She can either join her essence with an existing blaze or become a pillar of fire by converting her available Faith. In either case, the demon’s body literally transforms into flame, consuming her clothes and any possessions she carried. While becoming a pillar of fire means the flame occupies the same dimensions as the character’s physical body, the demon can increase this area by one square foot for each additional Faith point spent when activating the power. This transformation lasts for a number of turns equal to the demon’s Faith score plus the successes gained on the activation roll. Once transformed, the Devil is a formless mass that shifts size and shape according to her will. While in this state, you use the character’s Willpower pool rather than her normal Attributes and Abilities to perform physical actions, splitting this pool for multiple actions as normal. She may effectively travel anywhere air can go — under doors, through crevices. If she lashes out at an opponent in combat, roll dice equal to her Torment score to determine damage. The fire of your character’s body is unaffected by water or other fire-suppression technology, as it is fueled by Faith instead of a mere chemical reaction. The drawback to this condition is that the fire must be fed continually. When the power’s duration ends, the demon must spend one Faith point per turn to maintain their fiery form. Torment: Monstrous demons are unable to fully realize the transformation into flame. These fallen become fiery, skeletal figures, instead. Their blackened bones wreathed with flame, these unfortunate Devils howl their rage and pain with tongues of fire. HighTorment demons use their normal Attributes and Abilities to move, attack and otherwise act in a given turn. They cannot move with the speed or ease of true, mutable flame. Furthermore, their bodies are wracked


Fires of Perdition

with agony. If they do not inflict at least one level of damage or combust one square foot of material per turn by touching an object and making a successful Willpower roll at difficulty 6, they suffer one level of lethal damage as the fire feeds upon their physical bodies.

Nusku, The Visage of the Flames

These demons reveal themselves in a blaze of yellow-orange light. Their skin glows with the seething brilliance of the sun, and their image shimmers like a mirage. Their eyes take on the color of burnished gold, and when angered, the Nusku radiate palpable waves of heat. An angel’s hair becomes a deep red or reddish-gold and thickens into a leonine mane. Open flames flare brightly in his presence, seeming to bow toward their master as the tongues of flame are drawn to the divinity in their midst. The Visage of the Flames confers the following capabilities. • Shroud of Flames: The angel is surrounded in a nimbus of supernatural flame that distracts and confuses her foes. The difficulty of all ranged or melee attacks directed at the character increases by one. • Immunity to Fire: The character suffers no damage from heat or fire. • Enhanced Senses: Faith points can be spent to gain extra actions in a turn at the rate of one point per action. These actions occur in order of descending initiative, so if a Devil with an initiative of 7 gains an extra action, she take her normal action at 7 and her extra action at 6. The player must decide to purchase extra actions at the beginning of a turn before any other actions have been taken. • Improved Initiative: Add two to the character’s initiative score. Torment: As the fallen becomes consumed by her demonic nature, her skin turns black like smoke and seems to seethe with patterns of sullen red that pulse with the demon’s beating heart. Her eyes glow like coals, and her thick hair writhes in a spectral wind. The Visage of the Flames confers the following high-Torment special capabilities. • Claws and Teeth: The character manifests claws and fangs that inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage. • Lashing Tail: The character manifests a long, reptilian tail tipped with a curved, bony spike that inflicts Strength –1 aggravated damage. • Increased Size: The character’s body grows to a third again its normal height, adding the following bonus Traits: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Stamina. • Fiery Blood: The character’s blood burns like magma. Flammable objects hit with more than a few


drops burst into flame, and opponents in close combat suffer one level of lethal damage each time they successfully inflict damage on the character

Lore of Radiance • Voice of Heaven

This evocation allows a demon to speak with a voice like thunder or with the clear, perfect tones of a crystal bell. The clarity and power of the demon’s words command instant attention, forcing even the most frenzied mind to pause and consider what the ancient spirit has to say. System: This evocation does not require the expenditure of Faith to activate. A Devil may use this evocation to affect everyone up to a distance of 10 yards times her Faith, or focus on a single individual. The player may issue a single command to the target, who may then attempt to resist the command with a Willpower roll. If the Devil is using this power on a single target, the difficulty of the target’s Willpower roll to resist is an 8. Multiple targets may resist at difficulty 6. If the victim or victims score fewer successes than the Devil, they must obey the demon’s command. When the Devil speaks, her voice can be heard clearly regardless of the level of ambient noise. She could speak into a raging typhoon and still sound as though she were speaking directly into the recipient’s ear. This evocation has no effect on other demons or thralls with protection from mind-control effects. Torment: Monstrous demons use this evocation to mouth a furious stream of blasphemy and hatred that is so charged with power that it strikes the minds of mortals and thralls like a physical blow. Each success inflicts one level of bashing damage to targets, though they can attempt to resist this damage by making a Willpower roll with a difficulty equal to the demon’s Torment. Demons can be affected by this form of the evocation and can resist its effects using Willpower as well. If any damage is suffered, they must also make a Courage roll to avoid gaining a temporary point of Torment.

•• Exalt

The power of the demon’s commanding voice is enough to instill hope in the weakest of hearts, spurring mortals to put aside their fears and steal triumph from the jaws of defeat. System: Each success on the activation roll is a bonus die that the target may add to a single dice pool for that turn. The demon may affect a number of mortals (including thralls) up to her Faith rating. Each individual benefits from the full amount of bonus dice. Demons cannot be affected by this evocation.

Lore of Radiance

Torment: The sneering tone of a monstrous Devil has the opposite effect on mortals. Each success is subtracted from the mortals’ dice pools for actions taken in a single turn. If a target’s dice pool is reduced to zero or below, the mortal may not act in that turn.

••• Aura of Legend

This evocation awakens atavistic memories buried deep in the human subconscious, renewing the ancient bonds of fealty that once bound humanity and the fallen in the face of Heaven’s tyranny. The ties run so deep that when they arise, it can sometimes drive all other thoughts from a mortal’s mind, leaving only the urge to fulfill their ancient duty once more. System: The Devil can affect a number of mortals equal to her Faith, as long as they are within line of sight and able to hear her voice. If the number of successes rolled when activating the power exceeds a target’s Wits, she is immediately filled with a sense of devotion and loyalty toward the demon. The target instinctively defends the demon from attackers, and follows reasonable orders without question. If your successes are less than the target’s Wits, the target can resist the power’s effects with a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 8). Thralls of other demons targeted with this evocation use their demonic masters’ Willpower to resist its effects. Thralls with mind-control resistance can automatically resist the evocation’s effects by spending one Willpower point. Mortals remain loyal to the demon for the duration of the scene. A person can be a target of this power only once per scene. Torment: Monstrous demons do not inspire loyalty. They fill their victims with urges of hate and violence. Mortals affected in this way succumb to a murderous frenzy, attacking the nearest living beings within reach. A mortal so affected remains enraged until the end of the scene, attacking everyone in the vicinity (including the demon) unless they are killed or rendered unconscious.

•••• The Mark of the Celestials

During the War of Wrath, both angels and demons found ways to signify their friends and enemies, subtly altering auras to make subjects easier to find or as marks of anger and shame so that anyone who encountered subjects would know their crimes and treat them accordingly. System: The Devil must know her target’s name (in the case of a demon, the Celestial or True Name is necessary), and be able to touch him. She must then pronounce the nature of her mark so that the subject can hear it (e.g., “Let every man give him shelter no matter where he travels.”). The number of successes achieved on the demon’s activation roll determines

the potency and the effectiveness of the mark. One success allows the mark to last for a single day. Two successes give it a life span of a week. Three allow it to last for a month. Four or more successes cause it to remain for a year. Whenever another person encounters the marked individual, the total number of successes is compared to the person’s Wits. If the successes exceed the newcomer’s Wits, the person behaves as directed toward the subject without hesitation. If the successes are less than the person’s Wits, she may make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to resist the imperative. Demons with at least one Faith point and thralls with immunity to mind-control are able to make their own judgments on a subject. Torment: Monstrous demons can create only marks that promise violence and misfortune for the bearer, and a Willpower roll is made for mortals who try to resist the mark’s command (difficulty equals the Devil’s Torment).

••••• Revelation

Although mortals and demons alike use artifice to conceal their true natures, this evocation allows a Devil to strip away a mortal’s layers of deception and reveal them for who they really are. It’s a moment of truth that many do not have the heart to endure. System: When you activate this power, your target resists with a Willpower roll (Difficulty 8). If you win the roll, your character sees the target for who he really is — his Nature, attitudes and beliefs. If questioned, the individual cannot lie or be indirectly deceitful; his answers are direct and straightforward, sparing no detail. By the same token, the individual himself must face the harsh, unyielding truth about his strengths, weaknesses, virtues and faults. At the end of the scene, the target must make a second Willpower roll (difficulty 7). If successful, the target gains a permanent point of Willpower, having faced the worst aspects of their identity and accepted them. If the roll fails, the target loses one permanent Willpower. If the target botches the roll, the individual loses three permanent Willpower and acquires a temporary derangement. This power has no effect on other demons, but it does affect thralls. Torment: Monstrous Devils are not interested in revealing a mortal’s personal virtue. They wish to only crush egos to render victims more malleable, or to stoke the fires of dark impulses. When a high-Torment demon performs this evocation, the effect exaggerates a subject’s worst qualities, giving them greater emphasis than the rest of the individual’s personality. If the mortal’s player fails her initial Willpower roll to resist the evocation, the character’s impulses override her identity for the duration of the scene.


Fires of Perdition

Quingu, The Visage of Radiance

The apocalyptic form of the masters of Radiance is an incandescent figure wreathed in a corona of jewel-like color. Their physical features have more in common with the smooth perfection of marble than with human skin. Their voices are pure as crystal, and they cut through the petty din of the mortal world like a razor. The Visage of Radiance confers the following capabilities. • Wings: A pair of eagle’s wings extends from the character’s shoulders. At full extension, each wing is a third again as long as the character is tall. The character can glide up to three times her running speed per turn. • Inhuman Allure: The character’s voice and features are refined to inhuman perfection, adding the following bonus traits: +2 Charisma, +1 Manipulation, +1 Appearance. • Radiant Aura: The character’s body is wreathed in a corona of shifting, multicolored hues that distract and confuse her foes. The difficulties of all ranged attacks directed at the character increase by one. • Sense the Hidden: The character is supernaturally adept at sensing mortals or demons who attempt to hide from her. The difficulties of all Perception rolls to detect hidden individuals within the character’s line of sight decreases by two. Torment: As the angel gives in to her demonic nature, the colors of her aura become muted, flaring up in angry reds and blues when she grows angry. Her features retain their alabaster perfection, but where they once inspired wonder, they now radiate an air of cold menace and cruelty. The Visage of Radiance confers the following high-Torment special capabilities. • Voice of the Damned: The demon’s voice seethes with inhuman hate and malice. The difficulties of all Intimidation rolls decrease by two. • Casts No Reflection: The demon’s image does not appear in a mirror. Nor can it be captured in a photograph or by a video camera. • Corrosive Spit: The demon’s spit sears like acid. A bite inflicts an additional health level of aggravated damage, or the character can spit at a target up to 10 feet away with a successful Dexterity + Athletics roll. The spittle inflicts one die of aggravated damage, plus any extra successes rolled. • Horns: A pair of curved ram or bull’s horns protrude from the character’s forehead. If attacked in close combat, the character may make a free counterattack at his foe. Roll Dexterity + Brawl. If successful, the character inflicts aggravated damage equal to Strength -1.


Flames Lore

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Faith ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

tormeNt Permanent

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Perception Intelligence Wits

●❍❍❍❍ ●❍❍❍❍ ●❍❍❍❍

kNowleDges Academics Computer Finance Investigation Law Medicine Occult Politics Science Technology

Virtues Conscience Conviction Courage

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health Bruised Hurt Injured Wounded Mauled Crippled Incapacitated

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