Five Ways to Change Your Money Situation Now

August 27, 2017 | Author: stephanie_bonner_2 | Category: Debt, Consciousness, Money, Psychiatry, Credit Card
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Five Ways to Change Your Money Situation Now! by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on MARCH 5, 2012

Is money the limitation you haven‘t been able to get out of? Access Consciousness™, a 25 year old self-improvement technique developed by best-selling author Gary Douglas, has some unconventional but practical tips you can use to turn your money situation around within 6-12 months. Tool # 1: Put away 10% of all money that comes in and never spend it. This is the way for anyone to develop a situation where they actually have money in their life. If you‘re wondering what the value is of having money without spending it, this tool is for you! If the only value of having money is to spend it, you will never have money—only credit card bills. Everyone has a specific amount of money that once they acquire it, will enable them to never worry about money again. That ―set point‖ is different for everyone, and you‘ll only know what it is once you reach it. If you don‘t start, you‘ll never reach it. Tool #2: Carry in your wallet at all times the amount of money a rich person would carry. How much would a rich person carry? Like the set point above, this amount is different for everyone. Whatever your amount is, carry it in your wallet—preferably in front of your spending money so you see it every time you open you wallet. When you see those hundreds in your wallet, you will literally be telling yourself, ―I have money.‖

If you‘re totally broke and starting from scratch to accumulate your 10%, you are allowed to use some of your 10% to accumulate this ―honor money‖ in your wallet. It‘s called honor money because it‘s honoring you. The universe responds to what we honor by sending us more. If you‘re the honorable person who always pays your bills first, the universe will honor you by sending you what you honor—more bills. Is that really what you wish to create? Tools #3: Find out exactly how much it costs you to live each month. The value of this exercise is that it keeps you current on how much to ask for. If you think your expenses are $2000 a month and you ask for that, when they‘re really $4000, you will always be falling short. Falling short each month is not ―just getting by.‖ You‘re borrowing that money from somewhere, so what you‘re really doing is going further into debt. For some reason, most of us tend to be wildly optimistic about what our true expenses really are. This can result in our asking the universe for what we believe we require instead of what we truly require. Tool #4: Retire that credit card debt forever. Credit card debt is a modern form of slavery. Some people actually believe that their credit rating or available credit is a measure of how much money they have. No, it‘s a measure of how much debt you can create. How much money and other forms of wealth (that others find valuable and would pay for) is the measure of how much money you have. Period.

Divide the amount of credit card debt you have by 12. That‘s the amount of additional money you must create each month to retire that debt. What would it take you to generate that much more money? How many hours of overtime, how many more clients, how many more private sessions? What would it take to generate that? If the amount is more than you can imagine, you can divide it by 24 and get yourself free in 2 years. What would it take to retire it more quickly than that? What if it were fun to find out all the creative ways you could reduce your debt? Tool #5: With everything you buy, ask, “If I buy you, will you make me money?” This allows everything you buy to energetically support you. The universe is here to support you. But you have to let things know their job if you expect them to do it! Making money is not a linear concept. It doesn‘t only apply to selling things for more money than you paid for them. At the same time, recognize what things you buy, and whether they will increase or decrease in value. If you buy clothing or modern furniture, its value drops about 90% or more as soon as you leave the store. That doesn‘t mean you can never buy clothing. A particular outfit may make you feel like a million dollars, and that alone will bring more money to your personal financial party. Also be very aware of things that eat—whether they are children, horses, or property with mortgages. They can contribute to your wealth—but brutal honesty with yourself to hear the answer they‘re giving is necessary to avoid delusion.

What Would It Be Like to Live in 10-Second Increments with Your Body? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on DECEMBER 24, 2012

Access Consciousness™ is often described as a set of tools and processes that can change anything in your life that isn‘t working. In a previous series of articles, some ways that the Access Consciousness™ ―Ten Commandments‖ can be used to change your money situation were discussed. Now some of the ways that the Ten Commandments can affect your body are being discussed. In case you‘ve forgotten, here‘s the full list of all Ten Commandments. This article is the third in a series that will explain more fully how every single one of them can apply to your body. This article focuses on the third commandment: live in 10-second increments. 1. Would an infinite being really choose this? 2. Everything is just an interesting point of view. 3. Live in 10-second increments. 4. Live as the question, not as the answer. 5. No form, no structure, no significance. 6. No judgment, no discrimination, no discernment 7. No drugs of any kind 8. No competition. 9. Do not listen to, tell, or buy the story 10. No exclusion What would it look like to live in 10-second increments with your body? One of the benefits of living in 10-second increments is it opens up the possibility to change everything and anything. Nothing is taken as a fact or a ―done deal‖ because everything is subject to change in the next 10 seconds.

Do you have anything you would like to change in your body? What if doing so were as easy as making another choice when the next 10 seconds rolls around? Does that sound impossible? That very impossibility that seems inescapable illustrates how locked in we are to the inability to change that creation we call our bodies. What would it take for that to be different? Certainly, this runs counter to most everything we believe about bodies. But as usual, Access Consciousness™ has a different way of looking at many things, especially bodies.

Medical doctors, for example, tend to believe that their diagnoses are true, right, permanent, and unchangeable. If someone who was diagnosed with the bipolar psychiatric disorder, for example, clearly no longer exhibits those symptoms after being exposed to the tools of Access Consciousness™, then the psychiatrist‘s natural assumption is that they must have been misdiagnosed in the first place because it‘s common medical knowledge (read: Truth) that bipolar disorder is incurable and not something one can recover from. Doctors and most everyone else assume that if you require a certain medication, you require the same amount every day,

in the same dose and the same frequency. Using the Access Consciousness™ tool of asking your body has demonstrated this not to be the case, however, demonstrating that our bodies can indeed change and more quickly than we tend to assume possible. One woman attending a 3-day Access Consciousness™ Body Class asked her body every day whether it required her long-acting or short-acting insulin she was prescribed for her diabetes. After one day of class in which her partner focused on body processes that could change her physiology, her body told her she did not require either insulin medication that day. Her blood sugar was normal that day. The next day, her body required one of the two prescribed medications. The rapidity of change in her body relative to the disease doctors consider incurable showed how fast the body can change when it‘s honored. Perhaps it could even change in 10-second increments like everything else in the world! Merely considering what could be different in our bodies if they could change in 10-second increments can illustrate just how many fixed points of view we do have about our bodies. When we assume that anything about our bodies is not changeable, we ignore the 10-second commandment and seriously dishonor our bodies. Bernie Siegel, M.D., a cancer surgeon and author of the book, Love, Medicine, and Miracles, has stated that there is no such thing as an incurable disease, only an incurable patient. In other words, this cancer surgeon is acknowledging how it is possible to change what is going on in our bodies—even when it‘s a lifethreatening illness.

Likewise, if we were to live in 10-second increments relative to our bodies, would any of the changes that occur with aging that are seen as inescapable from the point of view of this reality be permanent? Or could we look at it as, ―Body, you‘re acting a little stiff today. What would it take to change that?‖ If we chose in 10-second increments, would any change in the body be permanent, or would it be an interesting, temporary point of view? Looking at it from that perspective, doesn‘t it seem a lot more possible to bring about the changes in our body that we‘d really like to make? Including the ones that we‘d decided were impossible because they concerned permanent changes?

If we were to live in 10second increments with our bodies, would it make it easier for us stupid deaf beings to actually hear what our bodies were trying so desperately to tell us? If we didn‘t have to come from a fixed point of view of what was good or not good for our bodies, would we be more willing to hear our body‘s requirements as its energy changed? Would we be willing to hear if our body wanted strenuous jogging one day with gentle yoga the next? Or a vegetarian menu on Monday and a steak lover‘s extravaganza on Tuesday?

Would any request from our body that we considered wacky be so wacky if it were only for 10 seconds? Would anything that we had decided had to be true about our bodies have to be true any longer if we could change it in 10-second increments? Would it matter to us if what our body was asking for ―made sense‖ if we considered it a request that was only good for 10 seconds? There‘s only one place where living in 10-second increments might not be in your body‘s best interest, and that‘s the area of sex. For sex, you might want to choose in intervals of a number of 10-second increments—or not, if it doesn‘t please you or your body in this 10-second increment. What if living in 10-second increments turned being in your body into an on-going adventure? How much fun could you have then? (Whatever you do, do not apply that to the above paragraph about sex…..) If you‘d like to explore the wonders of the Access Consciousness™ Ten Commandments, there is a teleclass series with a 90 minute segment on each one of the 10 available from the Access shop. Gary has called these ten principles ―the keys to the kingdom‖ of creating the life you‘d like to have. What If Everything About Your Body Was Just an Interesting Point of View? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on NOVEMBER 21, 2012

What an interesting relationship most of us have with our bodies! They accompany us everywhere and make everything we do on earth possible, yet we ignore and denigrate them at every turn and pay no attention to the messages they try in vain to send to us.

Then when they do manage to create a pain or symptom that gets our attention, we conclude something is horribly wrong with our body and the symptom must be gotten rid of right away. We go from completely ignoring our bodies to being almost possessed by the wrongness of what‘s occurring in our body‘s desperate attempts to get our attention. How smart is that? Not very! What could change if we were to apply the second of the Access Consciousness™ 10 Commandments, formulated by Access Consciousness™ founder and best-selling authorGary Douglas, to our lives with our bodies?

What if everything that occurred with our bodies were just an interesting point of view? Would that create a different reality with our bodies, perhaps a more rewarding relationship with our bodies? Certainly, it would make it easier to change the things we do not like about what‘s occurring with our bodies. Why is that? Our bodies have awareness, consciousness, and intelligence just like we the beings do—they just don‘t have minds that constantly overcome their knowing. Just as with animals, we assume we are more conscious than our bodies because they don‘t speak and think, and we do. Is that

assumption really correct? Or are our bodies like the elephants during the tsunami in Thailand who pulled up the stakes in the ground that had held them in place for 30 years because their awareness of the upcoming tsunami that would otherwise drown them was so much greater than the humans who went to the beach to pick up the free fish? When we‘re judging—and judging is the opposite of interesting point of view—whatever we‘re judging cannot change. Don‘t believe it? When someone demands you change something, anything, because they don‘t like it, how willing are you to change it? Or do you have to dig in your heels like a teenager or two year old and resist unless and until they come to interesting point of view, at which point you then have the freedom to choose? This tendency of human nature, to resist changing anything that‘s judged, has long been observed by those in the helping professions—Gestalt psychologist Fritz Perls called it the ―paradoxical theory of change.‖ Guess what, it applies to your body as well! Who knew? In order to change anything, however undesirable, about your body, you have to first come out of judgment of it to a point where you can be merely interesting point of view about what your body has created at your request. How has your body created these undesirables at your request? Do you think your body wishes to be anything but lithe, healthy, flexible, and functioning well? It does not! Want to check this out? Ask your body how long it would like to live! More or less than 100 years? More or less than 200 years? 300? 400? If it keeps getting lighter when you say more, keep raising the number. So if that‘s what our body would like, why do our bodies degenerate, break down, and die? It‘s because of the

limitations that we the beings impose upon them. Not our smartest move, but rather pervasive, to say the least!

Having your Access Bars™ run, by the way, releases gazillions of these limitations you the being have imposed on your body with every session you gift and receive. It‘s because of the considerations you the being have and impose on your body that anything goes wrong with your body. It‘s the letting go of those considerations that make the body miracles occur in just one session of Access Bars™. Some of these miracles, for those of you not familiar with them, include a man suffering from scoliosis who was an inch and a half taller (4 cm for those of you in the metric world) when he got off the table; many people who no longer have headaches after just one Access Bars™ session, and all kinds of other pains and disabilities that just vanish after a single Access Bars™ session. And that‘s saying nothing of the way that people who start doing Access Consciousness™ seem to stop aging in their tracks, as long as they continue to use the tools and get their Access Bars™ run. So what would it look like if we approached our bodies from interesting point of view? It might be easier to change them! One woman who lost 2 dress sizes between her first and second Levels 2 & 3 (an interval of 3 days) approached her

body with questions. ―What would it take to change this flabbiness in my arms, body?‖ was one question she asked, for example. If we were to approach everything that occurs with our bodies as just an interesting point of view, could the opinions of experts and medical doctors (also known as Medical Deities) have the heavy hold over us that they do now? What if any diagnosis, instead of being a statement of irrevocable fact, were just an interesting point of view our body was taking to get our attention? We could ask a question, ―Body, what are you trying to tell me with this (fill in the symptom of your body‘s choice)?‖ The same question could be applied to pain. As soon as we decide pain is real, we have to continue making it real to prove ourselves right. What if we were to ask a question instead? One question Douglas suggests is, ―Body, what are you trying to tell me with this intensity?‖ Identifying what we previously labeled as pain as the intensity it is shifts it from being serious and real and significant into being yes, just another interesting point of view. ―Interesting point of view that I have that point of view‖ is our ticket out of judgment. How would that apply to our bodies? How many judgments do we have of our bodies? It is these judgments that determine what we see in the mirror, not the image of what we really look like. What could you change about your body if every single one of those opinions you have about any part of it were just an interesting point of view? What if the change you‘ve been longing for in your body were as easy to create as a change in your point of view? Truth, would you be willing to have that? What would it take?

Are You Addicted to Being Wrong? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on NOVEMBER 12, 2012

Are you addicted to the wrongness of you? Whatever happens, it is you that‘s wrong? Do ―bad things happen‖ because you did or were something wrong? Welcome to being a humanoid on planet earth! (And perhaps other planets as well. Who knows? This pattern is certainly engrained enough to have been going on for a very very long time—say 4 trillion years or more!) The addiction to the wrongness of us, as well as the addiction to judgment, are the primary addictions, according to addictions expert and licensed Access Consciousness™facilitator Marilyn Bradford of Right Recovery for You. Drugs? Sex? Rock ‗n Roll? Those are all secondary addictions. If we weren‘t addicted to judgment, could we judge ourselves to be wrong? Could right or wrong, even applied to such ―wrongnesses‖ as us exist without judgment? An interesting question. The inescapable thought, the inalienable belief, that no matter what happens we are wrong is an addictive, compulsive, and obsessive point of view. This qualifies it three times to be a Distractor Implant. (Each one of these— addictive points of view, compulsive points of view, and obsessive points of view—is a distractor implant in its own right.)

Distractor Implants are like dogs chasing their tails. Chasing its tail keeps the dog very busy but it never gets anywhere. The purpose of distractor implants is to keep us from seeing us, and they do that very well. The deeper we sink into the mire of a Distractor Implant, the more difficult it is to see that we have any choice whatsoever. Distractor Implants are like quicksand. The harder you fight it, the deeper you sink into it. Even if you speak to someone saner than you at the moment who reminds you you‘re in a Distractor Implant, like the person stuck in quicksand, you will be unable to see the plank that could get you out if only you‘d reach for it.

Distractor Implants are the subject of a phenomenal call series by Access Consciousness™ founder Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer. This series is available by mp3 download or by purchasing the hard copies of CDs. While it‘s required listening for Access Consciousness™ Certified Facilitators and facilitators-to-be, it‘s life-changing and highly recommended listening for anyone desiring to get free of the emotions that keep more people trapped 24/7. Once you recognize you‘re in a Distractor Implant, you can just step out of it.

As Douglas says, ―You could just say, ‗I‘m in a Distractor Implant, never mind!‘‖ It may take some practice to do this! Distractor Implants are SHICUUUU (Secret, Hidden, Invisible, Covert, Unseen, Unsaid, Undisclosed, and Unacknowledged) Implants, held in place by mobius strips and quantum particulates. When you find yourself feeling wrong, you could ask to destroy and uncreate all the SHICUUUU Implants, mobius strips, and quantum particulate holding that in place, followed by the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement (Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds). Or you could just ―POC and POD all the deep dark secret stuff holding that in place.‖ A mobius strip, in case you‘re wondering, is like the infinity sign, a sideways figure 8 that keeps you going round and round the race track without ever being able to stop, exit, or run out of gas. Whenever people have to prove something about themselves, what‘s true is that they most often believe the exact opposite. Those people who have to be right believe that they‘re really wrong! Have you noticed how many people long to be right at any cost? Most people would rather be dead than wrong! It‘s what‘s behind religions and wars. Many people are dying to be right. What are you dying to be right about?

On a smaller, more personal scale, the addiction to being right (to avoid being wrong) is the source of all arguments. Is there such a thing as an argument other than one in which both people are trying to prove they‘re right and the other person wrong? People who are competitive are trying to prove they‘re right. This often shows up as having to have the last word in any situation. It shows they‘re right. All of these desperate attempts to prove we‘re right are evidence, to people who are aware of it, of the deep-seated belief that we‘re really wrong. No matter how forcefully we prove we‘re right, this proof somehow never convinces us that we‘re not wrong and therefore bad, worthless, not good enough etc. And the belief that we‘re wrong costs us a lot. It locks us into permanent judgment of ourselves to determine whether we‘re right or wrong. (Think about it: could there be a right and wrong without judging that it‘s so?) The conviction that we‘re wrong, which we have to overcome by proving that we‘re right, creates absolutely no freedom for us. As Douglas says, ―There is only freedom in being wrong.‖

This belief that we‘re wrong can take an incredibly perverse turn. We‘re so desperate not to be wrong, while believing that we‘re irrevocably wrong, that we sometimes go even further to prove that we‘re wrong, just so we can at least be right about one thing—that we‘re really wrong. If you followed this sentence, there‘s a good chance it applies to you! There‘s an incredibly useful tool from Access Consciousness™ that can lubricate more social interactions than you can ever imagine—if you have the courage to use it. It‘s a short sentence: ―You‘re right, I‘m wrong.‖ You could try it out—say it 10 times and see if you feel lighter. If something feels lighter, it‘s true, and if it feels heavier, it‘s a lie. You do not actually even have to believe you are wrong to use this. In saying it, what you are doing is acknowledging the other person‘s point of view that you are wrong and they are right. Once you acknowledge this, they can often come off their fixed point of view and counter with something like, ―You‘re not wrong, dear, you‘re just mistaken!‖ Which would you rather have—being right to overcome the wrong you believe you truly are, or the freedom be either right or wrong with no point of view? The choice is yours! The Distractor Implant series is available from the shop Also available is another great series, the Ten Commandments of Access Consciousness™, is also available there. We have to be breaking the 10 commandments by judging, not doing interesting point of view, doing form structure and significance, for example, in order to make ourselves wrong.

Creating Greater Possibilities With Money Facilitated by Access Consciousness founder, Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer What if money wasn’t the mysterious mythical beast we make it out to be? What if we could generate money with ease? What if we could create ever greater possibilities for our beautiful planet by generating an abundance of everything required? What if it’s not only money that is required?? We have so many ingrained assumptions about money and how much we must have before we can change anything… What if our joy, our choices and possibilities can show up with or without money? What if greater possibilities actually show up when we show up? Or would that be more abundance than you are willing to have?? When we peel away the layers of conditioning about how money drives everything we can start to have awareness of ALL of the possibilities and choices we have… Have you ever looked at what you could create in the world if you had more money than you can spend and yet still never enough? What if your choices were never based on money… what if…?? Are you willing to stop being at the effect of the economy, the government, the banks, your boss and yourcustomers spending habits? Are you willing to make the demand of you to never use ‘no money’ as an excuse ever again? This 6-part telecall series is facilitated by Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer. If you are willing to receive money from a space ofperceiving, knowing and being aware of your choices and possibilities, yourmoney flows can be totally different! Have you been asking for a totally different space with money and possibilities for your entire life? Now is the time to choose new adventures that can create greater possibilities with money… Changing our planet requires YOU to be different! What are you choosing?

Your Body: The Key to Unlocking Your Money Dilemmas by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on DECEMBER 17, 2010

Have you been resolving to take better care of your body, as

soon as you can afford it? Have you cut back on nurturing your body and yourself for financial reasons? Does caring for your body seem to be a luxury you cannot afford in these challenging financial times? What if such body neglect were being penny wise and pound foolish? What if nurturing your body could actually increase your income and your profits? How might making the connection between money and your body enable you to have it all – more money and more nurturing goodies for your body? Your body and your money are actually more closely connected than you might suspect, observe Access Consciousness founder Gary M. Douglas. For one thing, almost everything you require money for involves nurturing and caring for your body. Food, clothing, shelter, travel; almost everything in our lives requires money or something of value to acquire what our body requires. Ghosts do not require spending money, but your body does! Neglecting your body can actually decrease your money flows. It goes beyond what is required just to live and can be addressed in a surprisingly easy manner. Receiving money – a necessary component of having it – actually requires using your body. You have to have your hand open enough to receive it! The more pleasurable it is to be in your body, the more likely you are to be present to

actually receive money and to take advantage of the opportunities to receive it that are right in front of you if only you‘d notice. One hands-on method of Access Consciousness, called The Bars, actually removes huge amounts of blockages to your willingness and ability to both receive and have the money you desire, with a simple touch. Up to 10,000 years of considerations are removed in one deeply relaxing hourlong session. Considerations include the source of your negative thoughts and undesirable outcomes with money you have not been able to get clear of – decisions, beliefs, emotions, that are electrically stored in your body for lifetime after lifetime, can be effortlessly erased with Bars sessions. The Bars consist of 32 points on the head, each of which connects to different areas of our lives. These include body, sexuality, manifestation, aging, and money, just to name a few. There actually is a money Bar, and touching those points on the head actually erases those problems or limitations you have about money. You can learn these points in a Bars class from licensed Bars facilitators around the world. Using these points daily can create huge shifts in your financial situation. It‘s relaxing to receive, easy to learn and can begin transforming not only your financial reality but every area of your life for the better. Receiving the Bars induces deep relaxation, from which more creative ideas to handle your money challenges can arise. Biofeedback experts report that receiving the Bars induces alpha and even theta brain waves. These are the brain waves of relaxation that are the brain state from which creativity can spring, much more easily than the ―normal‖ waking and worrying brain wave state called beta.

Noted rebirther and author Sondra Ray notes this as well when recommending massage to her clients. ―Do you know how many great money making ideas I have had while lying on a massage table?‖ she asks her students. It‘s not just creativity you get from a Bars session. Removal of the mysterious stumbling blocks that create difficulty with money can disappear without even having a cognitive awareness of what is creating the problem – they are just gone. All kinds of physical problems – the kind requiring all kinds of other treatments costing money – have been relieved by people receiving Bars. Some of these complaints include scoliosis, headaches, anxiety, depression, excessive use of alcohol, learning disabilities in children, arthritis, food allergies, asthma, insomnia, and all kinds of body aches and pains. Go to the official Access Bars website at Are Other People‘s Judgments Getting Your Body Down? These Body Processes May Be Just What You Require! by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on OCTOBER 17, 2012

How do other people‘s judgments affect your body? Is it possible that they can affect it so violently that they could lock your muscles up so tightly that they couldn‘t move? This is exactly what occurred for Dr. Dain Heer after one advanced 7-day course in Costa Rica. What‘s right about this is that as a result, a couple of phenomenal Access Consciousness™ body processes were developed. Access Consciousness™ Founder and best selling author Gary Douglas developed the processes Anaphylactic

Shock and Quadrate of Laxation in a successful attempt to assist his friend, co-author, and co-developer of Access Consciousness™. The name of the first process, Anaphylactic Shock, matches the energy that Douglas sensed in Heer‘s body following the experience of having others‘ judgments impelled at him. One of Douglas‘s many gifts and capacities is to identify a previously unknown energy, find the name that most clearly matches it, and thus allow others to access that same energy through the energetic pathway he blazes with the words he puts to the energy. In the case of bodywork, the name of the process allows others to call up the same energy. As Douglas describes this process, he mentally searches for the word that most matches the energy he senses. He pictures it as being like a slot machine. When the correct word comes along, he seizes it like an apple or a cherry and a new process is born. This process applies to new clearing statements as well as to hands-on processes. In medical terms, anaphylactic shock refers to the same state of shock as people go into who seriously allergic to bee stings or peanuts. This shock is often fatal. A lovely side effect of this name being connected to this process is that it is something that could also be tried for anyone suffering from anaphylactic shock. (Of course, immediate medical attention should also be sought for someone suffering from this life-threatening condition, but if you used the process on a first aid basis and no further attention would be required, wouldn‘t that be cool?) Using this Anaphylactic Shock process on muscles locked up anywhere in the body—even if it wasn‘t necessarily others‘ judgments that locked them up—can have dramatic results in getting the body out of its shocked state.

Following that, the Quadrate of Laxation process invites the muscles to return to their relaxed state. When these processes were first discovered, it was most often necessary to do them sequentially—starting with Anaphylactic Shock and then doing Quadrate of Laxation. As so often happens with Access Consciousness™, things have sped up and it‘s now most often possible to do the two of them together. As always with the body processes, the correct way to do them follows only one rule: ask the body! With extreme cases or where the results sought are not being achieved, you might ask if it‘s necessary to run them one at a time. When Douglas and Heer first identify a process, they practice on each other and others to determine what the process is and what it might be used for. When they have a sense of what it might be able to do through their own experience, then they share it with us. They are the developers of the 3-Day Access Consciousness™ Body Class, which invites participants to learn some 50 different body processes, useful for all kinds of injuries, ailments and complaints. New uses for these processes are being discovered every day. The 3-Day Body Class is taught world-wide by 6 facilitators. Some 300 Body Process Facilitators world-wide teach evening or one day classes in which Anaphylactic Shock and Quadrate of Laxation, as well as the 50 others, can be taught. You can find classes near you on the site, If you are interested in receiving the body processes, you can contact one of these facilitators as well. Most graduates of the 3-Day Body Class would be happy to provide you with a session of these unique energetic healing methods as well.

Always the pioneers when it comes to creating as much consciousness in bodies as possible, Douglas and Heer have also developed some advanced body processes. Attendance at two of the 3-Day Body Classes and lots of practice with the basic (though phenomenal) body processes are the prerequisites for these Advanced Body Classes. These prerequisites have been set because they are necessary in order for participants to get the most out of the Advanced Body Class, and Douglas isn‘t willing for them to have anything less. Is Doing ―Access Bars™ at a Distance‖ Really Possible? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JULY 19, 2012

Would you ask a fish to ride a

bicycle? A dolphin to wear a backpack? A parrot to use roller skates? You may doing something just as fruitless if you have been doing Access Bars™ sessions at a distance, says Access Consciousness™ founder Gary Douglas. ―This is not Access Consciousness™. Please do not create the impression in any way that this is Access Consciousness™,‖ says Douglas. How can this be, when there are stories of people getting dramatic ―results‖ after ―distance Access Bars™‖ sessions?

There are several issues with these distant ―Access Bars™ sessions.‖ As the tag line of Access Consciousness™ states, Access Consciousness™ is about empowering people to know that they know. In distant ―Access Bars™ sessions‖ people experience it as if something has been ―done to them,‖ which is the opposite of empowering them to know that they know. ―When you do these distant sessions you are creating an energetic point of view that you can eliminate all your problems by someone doing something remotely to you, which is not the same as being empowered to recognize what you personally can change,‖ Douglas continues. The second difficulty with doing the Access Bars™ remotely is that it creates a false impression of what receiving is. It actually ―limits what people are willing to receive‖ by creating the false belief that receiving is solely about the energy. By doing so, it creates more disconnection from bodies rather than more connection. Access Bars™ are about beginning the process of receiving, including receiving in your body. Touch of the body is required for this to occur. Inclusion of the body in the process of consciousness is another key contribution of Access Consciousness™. While most spiritual approaches to enlightenment have the point of view that you can achieve enlightenment through your spirit and then pick up your body on the way out of life, Douglas considers bringing consciousness to the body a key aspect of enlightenment. As he and his business partner and co-author Dr. Dain Heer observe, ―You as an infinite being choose to come back

in bodies again and again. There has to be a greatness to embodiment or we wouldn‘t choose it as infinite beings.‖ Access Bars™ and the 50 or more other body processes included in Access Consciousness™ are about inviting you to experience that greatness in your body. If that seems like an oxymoron to you, you might wish to check out a hands on Access Bars™ session, Access Bars™ class, or body process class (now offered by more than 200 body process class a facilitators around the world). What else could be possible for your body? Could Your Body Be the Key to Getting Out of Your Relationship Rut? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATO R on AUGUST 15, 2012

Do you feel like you date – or marry – the same man or woman again and again, only in a different body? Access Consciousness™ has some tools you may not have considered to get you out of this relationship rut. The key to this tool is your own sweet body. Access Consciousness™ founder and best-selling author Gary Douglas has discovered some hands-on body processes that anyone interested can learn, and have the potential to change ingrained patterns that you haven‘t been able to change otherwise.

Like all Access Consciousness™ body processes, these processes involve light touch without pressure on specific locations while inviting the energy of the particular processes to run. One process, the Magnetic Attraction to the Repulsion of All Sexual Energies and the Restoration of All Generative Sexual Energies Embodied, was discovered when Douglas was working on his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer. When Douglas and Heer get time in their demanding schedules to run a body process, it can run for quite some time and they are in the habit of watching TV while doing so. This habit made a unique contribution in this case. While Douglas was working on Heer, a sexy blonde appeared on television. She embodied everything that is ―sexy‖ in this reality—which is to say she demonstrated all the judgments we call sexuality—without having any of the nurturing, caring, healing sexual energy that actually nurtures our bodies and our beings. Sexuality, as the word is used in Access Consciousness™, refers to the judgments of this reality about who we will and will not receive the flow of sexual energy from. As infinite beings, we should be able to receive the caring, nurturing, expansive, healing energy of sexualness from anyone without the necessity to copulate with any of them. Very often those who appear to be sexy from the point of view of this reality are radiating sexuality without any sexualness available in their universe. Douglas watched in amazement, as Heer‘s body seemed to jump energetically towards the screen where Miss Sexuality-without-Any-Sexualness was appearing. ―Wow, is there something in our bodies that actually attracts us to someone who actually has nothing of what we‘re really looking for to offer?‖ Douglas wondered. The answer he got from the universe was a resounding yes, and this process was born.

When Douglas or Heer recognize an energy that has the potential for others to use it in bringing more consciousness to bodies, they use it for a while to get familiar with it, and then they ask for its name so it can be taught to others. This particular process is actually two processes in one.

The first half describes what Heer‘s body did when it wanted to jump off the table towards the blonde demon from hell. His body was actually attracted to the energy that repulsed generative sexual energies. So the first half of the process was named after that energy that it will be releasing—that magnetic attraction to the repulsion of those generative sexual energies we should be looking for. The second energy included in the process, the Restoration of All Generative Sexual Energies Embodied, describes what the process returns to the body. Of course, we should embody all generative sexual energies, and we would if we were functioning as the infinite beings we really are. But sometimes we buy into a limitation or two when it comes to our bodies and we function as a bit more finite than we could be. Have you noticed? The processes are run concurrently. Douglas has noticed that many people enter into relationships that are destined to become disasters, and he has long been puzzled by his clients‘ inability to see the

future disaster which was so clear to him. He was hoping that undoing this programming might also have the effect of unlocking our refusal to see the future. While this did not necessarily occur in all cases, it may occur for some people who are willing to have it. A second relationships-related body process has just been added to the book of the 3 Day Access Consciousness™ Body Class (open to all who have completed through Level 1 of the core classes). It‘s called the Auto-responder Systems for Sex and Relationship. It‘s another ―real cooker,‖ meaning the light touch required to activate this energy can have a surprisingly intense and deep effect on your body and your being. Both of the hands-on processes described here are taught in full in the 3-Day Access Consciousness™ Body class, facilitated by 5 facilitators world-wide. In addition, they are also offered by Body Process Class Facilitators in half- or full-day classes in which one or two processes are presented. There are 200 of these Body Process Facilitators worldwide. More information about these classes can be found In addition, Douglas‘s latest book, Right Body for You, is a compilation of many techniques and clearing processes designed to connect you further with your body, including being able to hear what its wisdom is on matters concerning it. These include not only eating and exercise but also money and many other topics. Right Body for You is available from as well as from What‘s your attitude towards your body? What‘s that got to do with anything? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 29, 2012

Your point of view creates your reality, not the other way around, points out Dr. Dain Heer, author of Being You: Changing the World and Embodiment: The Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born. Would you consider that your points of view about your body might contribute to what‘s happening within it?

So how‘s your body doing? Is it fluid, graceful, fun to be in and an ease to move around? Or not so much? The greatness of embodiment is one of the key concepts of Access Consciousness™, an approach to consciousness developed by best selling author Gary Douglas some 25 years ago. Douglas and his business partner and co-author, Dr. Dain Heer, noticed that most spiritual approaches ignore the body in favor of what they consider valuable, the spirit. Douglas and Heer questioned this. ―If being in a body were not a greatness,‖ they wondered, ―why would we as infinite beings come back again and again? There must be a greatness in embodiment,‖ they reasoned. Their definition of embodiment includes everything about being in a body here on planet earth. Yet how many people over the age of 10 do you see walking down the street with a sense of joy of being in their bodies? Have you noticed any today? This week? This year?

Yet many of the things that bring us joy in life are activities that our body engages in. We without bodies would not require food or money or movement or nice clothes or sex. ―Your body eats, you don‘t; your body has sex, you don‘t; your body moves, you don‘t,‖ says Heer. Douglas and Heer go beyond recommending that you be grateful to your body for allowing you to do all these things. They recommend you consult it about the activities you engage in that concern it. One simple way to do this is with muscle testing. Unable to master the o-ring finger muscle testing used by some, Douglas devised an even simpler way. Stand with your feet together and put the substance you‘re testing (if it‘s a food for example) in front of you, holding it near your solar plexus. Ask your body a question, like, ―Body, would you like to eat this now?‖ You are in effect using your body as your own personal pendulum. If your body leans forward, that‘s a yes. If it leans backwards, that‘s a no. If your body sways from side to side, then it‘s asking for a more precise or different question.‖ This could be something like, ―Would you like to eat this sometime this week?‖ or ―Would you like to have this near you?‖ Sometimes holding a substance in your pocket can be enough for your body to be nourished by its vibration. One of Douglas‘s clients used this method to save his own life. He asked his body if it wished to have a heart medication that his M.D. had recommended. His recalls his body leaned backwards so forcefully ―it practically threw me against the wall behind me!‖ Douglas suggested he get a second opinion from another M.D. The second doctor told

him that if he‘d taken the prescription recommended by the first doctor, it would have killed him. Another way to know what your body would like is to pick the first thing that pops out at you when you open the menu at a restaurant—no matter whether you think you like it or not. It‘s your body eating, not you, remember, and its point of view can be different than yours.

One of the things that can limit the joy that‘s possible to have in our bodies is our fixed points of view. If you‘ve ever walked around a resort where there is a large concentration of retired people, you may have noticed the rigidity and fixedness in their bodies. That is the result of the fixed points of view they have accumulated in their lifetime. If living as a calcium deposit on legs is not your idea of what you‘d like to look and feel like as you get older, you could take steps to prevent that right now. What if none of your points of view were fixed or real or significant? What if they were not good, bad, right, wrong, positive or negative? What if they were just an interesting point of view you were trying out for this 10 seconds?

You can change any point of view by reminding yourself it‘s just an interesting point of view you have that point of view. In their own explorations of the greatness of embodiment, Douglas and Heer have developed some 50 energetic handson body processes. Many of these are aimed at relieving the effects of fixed points of view on our bodies by working on various complaints like arthritis, muscle injuries, and more serious degenerative diseases such as cancer. Others are aimed at removing obstacles to our having the joy of embodiment that Douglas and Heer know is possible. These classes are taught in three-day modules world-wide by 5 licensed facilitators, and in evening and one day classes by some 100+ ―body process class facilitators.‖ You can find information about where these classes may be offered near you by checking the body section of the Access Consciousness™ website: Information about Douglas and Heer‘s books, and live and telephone seminars on bodies and other aspects of consciousness is also available at Additional Immune Systems Discovered by Access Consciousness™ Founder Gary Douglas by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 6, 2012

―Why don‘t animals get old like we do?‖ Access Consciousness™ founder and best-selling author Gary Douglas wondered one day. ―Do they have some kind of anti-aging immune system?‖ As often happens when Douglas asks his wild, weird and wacky questions of the universe, he got a wild, weird and wacky answer: ―Yes.‖

Douglas got to work asking more questions about these immune systems and how they might be activated. As usual, when he has explored issues regarding the body and healing it, his cohort in these discoveries was bodywork extraordinaire, Dr. Dain Heer. Experimenting by working on each other‘s bodies and using the gentle Access Consciousness™ hands on body work, Douglas and Heer discovered not one but three additional immune systems. They are the anti-aging immune system, the anti-sexuality immune system, and the anti-MEST immune system. The anti-aging immune system is self-explanatory. It includes everything you‘ve done to make every birthday significant. It defines where you are in the scheme of things in this reality, but also in the scheme of what is actually workable and possible with your body. Everything you‘ve bought about what has to happen as you get older, suppresses the anti-aging immune system. The anti-sexuality immune system is the immune system that makes us immune to the judgments of this reality, which age us. Locking the judgments of this reality into your body ages your body and causes it to break down. What‘s the connection between sexuality and judging, you might ask? Sexuality as Douglas and Heer use it is always a judgment. It‘s defining who you will and will not receive flows of sexual energy from. When you consider that sexual energy is the caring, nurturing, expansive, generative energy of life itself, you can see that it might not be in your best interest to refuse it! Yet we do this all the time, usually based on the erroneous belief that if we receive sexual energy from someone, we have to copulate or have sex with them.

MEST is an acronym for the Matter, Energy, Space and Time reality—the limited contextual reality we have been buying of the illusion we have to function within. It‘s all about the rightness of this reality: what you‘re supposed to get that you‘re not getting, how wrong you are for not getting what everybody else gets, how to get it right so you can finally get this reality to work. The Anti-MEST immune system unlocks you from everything you‘ve made right about this reality, and wrong about you for not fitting into it. Cool, three new immune systems! Sign me up, you may say! The amount of verbal processing and Access Consciousness™ bodywork that‘s required to enable you to receive the benefits of activating these amazing systems is just one illustration of how thoroughly we‘ve been programmed over 4 trillion years NOT to be able to access the amazing healing potencies of our bodies. Much as Douglas and Heer would like to unlock and turn on these immune systems for everyone who desires them, they have found it is not possible. Extensive experience receiving the bodywork included in the Access Consciousness™ Foundation and Level 1classes, as well as the 3-Day Access Consciousness™ Body Classes, is required before your body can begin to receive the gift that is possible from activating these immune systems. These processes, including how and where to run them, and the verbal processing that‘s required to proceed them, are only covered in the Advanced Body Class facilitated by Gary Douglas. The next one of these is in Mooloolaba, QLD, Australia, starting June 14. The next classes in North America and Europe have not yet been scheduled. The pre-requisites to attend these classes include doing the ―core‖ classes—Access Bars™ through Levels 2 & 3–as well as three-day Body Classes currently facilitated by 5

facilitators world-wide. Taking the 3-day Body Class twice is required. These classes are required so that you are capable of receiving the profound change that can occur in your body with the activation of these systems. Have these extra immune systems been validated by science? Not yet, so don‘t go looking for any double-blind studies just yet. Just because science hasn‘t noticed them yet doesn‘t mean they don‘t exist. The changes experienced by participants in the Advanced Body Class who received them were profound. And remember, the frequent order of events is that consciousness discovers these weird things, and then science later catches up. Do YOU want to wait for the scientific version? Or would you rather have the potency of your body to ―youthenize‖ right now? Advanced Body Classes Allow Your Body To Discover What Else is Possible with Embodiment by ACCESS ADMI NI STRAT OR on MARCH 19, 2012

―When are the people who are interested in creating more going to show up?‖ is what Gary and Dain used to ask themselves when time in classes, that could have exploring what else is possible, got consumed by processing the problems of this reality—sometimes again and again. The good news is they are showing up! Access Consciousness is always accelerating. Gary pushed this to warp speed starting with the 7 Day Advanced in Costa Rica last October, followed by his new creation of Foundation and Level 1 in November. Now this difference between solving the problems of this reality and asking ―what else is possible‖ is reflected in the different Access Consciousness™ Body Classes also.

The ―basic‖ body classes—both the half and one-day classes, as well as the three day classes offered by Marg Braunack, Dr. Kacie Crisp, Jason Pettipiece, and Glenna Rice—present you with some 50 unique, life-changing energetic body processes that can handle just about anything that ―goes wrong‖ in your body. Among the physical issues for which practitioners have used these successfully are arthritis, pain and injuries of any kind, as well as many kinds of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases considered ―incurable‖ in this reality. Less tangible issues can also be resolved by these physical processes, including a tendency to be attracted to unsatisfying partners, the sense of disease at inhabiting a body here on planet earth, stopping and reversing aging, and emotional and physical trauma from which people haven‘t been able to recover. The basic 3-day body classes are like a smorgasbord of these body techniques, with each participant asking for what they‘d like to change with their body, and asking their body which processes it would most like to facilitate this. The Advanced Body Class takes the Access Consciousness™ body work to a new dimension. Instead of handling specific problems or complaints in the body, its purpose is to invite the body to a new possibility of embodiment. Gary and Dain are constantly working to see how much further they can take us, and our bodies, with these phenomenal processes. At the last body class in Turin, the three body processes that have comprised the Advanced Body Class (currently taught only by Gary or Dain) morphed a bit so their application could be speeded up in a hundredth monkey syndrome. In addition, Gary was able to introduce two new processes,

which have the possibility to remove some of the programming which keeps the inevitability of death locked into our bodies and to make indefinite life—life with no defined end point—a possibility. How exciting is that? The next Advanced Body classes are offered May 26-28 in Corte Madera, CA (San Francisco area) and in Noosa, QLD, Australia June 15-17. Pre-requisites for this class are necessary to make sure your body is prepared and able to receive the transformation that is possible from these classes. Participation in two 3-day body classes is required prior to the Advanced Body class. It is possible to substitute gifting and receiving each of the 44 body processes from the 3-day class twice for the second body class. At least 20 sessions of MTVSS are also recommended. Deal and Deliver Reprise by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on DECEMBER 17, 2012

• Would you be interested in a way to have more clarity in all your business dealings? • Would you like to end the disappointments you suffer when arrangements you thought would be great somehow end up going south? • Would you like to increase your chances of getting exactly what you would like?

There is an ―Access Consciousness™ app‖ for this. Its deceptively simple name is ―Deal and Deliver.‖ Access Consciousness™ Founder and best selling author Gary Douglas takes his usual yet fresh look at how the best laid plans of mice and men go awry, and even better, provides concrete tools you can use to change it. Difficulties in business interactions of all kinds arise because ―most people have no idea what they would like,‖ says Douglas. ―They just believe if they‘re kind and nice, people will deliver kind and nice things to them.‖ This bit of fantasy does not work because ―you‘re not willing to see what someone wants to deliver, what they‘re going to deliver, and what the deal is for them. The bad news is that you have a godzillion fantasies, which means that you‘re not looking at what‘s actually going to occur.‖ What‘s the way out of this fantasy that creates such dysfunction and dissatisfaction in our lives? Douglas has a number of tips: Get clear on exactly what you need and desire.

―What I see people doing is trying desperately to get people to deliver when they haven‘t even explained what they want delivered. You have to get clear yourself before you can be clear what you expect somebody else to deliver and to know what someone else requires, too.‖ Be exact. ―Once the person is committed to an exact figure, they can‘t come back to me later and say, ‗We didn‘t talk about the extra stuff that would need to be done.‘ ―I always say, ‗Exactly what is this going to cost me? Exactly what are you going to do? Exactly when will you deliver and what do I have to deliver to you in order to make this work?‘ ―Always ask, ‗Exactly what does this mean to you?‘ It‘s looking to find out what‘s in their head and what they are going to do, instead of assuming they will do it in any way that was like you would do it or assume anyone would do it.‖ For example, if you‘re a dog walker and you‘re hiring someone to walk dogs for you, you might ask questions like, ‗Where will you be walking my dog? What will that look like and how many days a week will you do that?‘ That‘s being exact. Look at the person you‘re dealing with. Ask questions like, ―Will they deliver what I want? Can they deliver what I want? Am I asking something of them that they cannot deliver? ―I always look at, ‗This is the deal I would like, can this person deliver it?‘ If you don‘t function from, ‗Can this

person deliver?‘ then you‘re always functioning from, ‗this will work out because you‘ve decided you want it to which is the fantasy that you will always get what you want if you say it right, do it right, or confront the person right.‘‖

It‘s also helpful to ask if the person you‘re dealing with is intelligent enough to hear what you‘re saying. Ask the person what your deal looks like to him. Stating your requirements is not enough. ―When you state what you want, all you are doing is assuming the other person is hearing you, which is a mistake. ―Instead of stating what you want, always ask, ‗How do you see this working out?‘ Otherwise all they‘re going to do is tell you what they think you want to hear.‖ Ask for others‘ assistance when there‘s a difficulty. Rather than using confrontation, take the position of needing help. ―I‘m confused. I don‘t understand what‘s happening. Can you help me with this?‖ invites the other person to fill in the blanks and contribute. You can only get what their point of view is by asking them to contribute; confrontation cannot get you there. What will work best for you is getting them to the place where they can contribute. Be especially aware of confusion around money.

Could a Party Bring You the Prosperity You‘ve Been Looking For? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 4, 2011

―If you want to have ease with money,‖ says Access Consciousness™ founder and bestselling author, Gary Douglas, ―you have to invite money to your party.‖ A sense of ease with money, rather than any particular amount of it, is what those seeking abundance are really looking for, Douglas and his business partner and co-author Dr. Dain Heer recently found. Oddly, those with ten dollars and those with ten million dollars can have the same money problems and the same problematic points of view that cause it, the duo has found. They are authors of the books Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are and Right Riches for You. ―If you had a party with no food, no drinks, no music, and no dancing, would you wonder why nobody came?‖ This is exactly what many people do with money, Douglas points out. The very struggle people have around money keeps the world from being a joyful place. When people have the attitude they have to struggle around money, the sense of struggle doesn‘t change no matter how much money they have. In contrast, doing what‘s fun for you and having a joyful life invites money to your party. ―If you were willing to have a joyful life and living, then you would end up with money,‖ he adds. ―Money follows joy—the joy of living. Money likes things that are happy. If you start to live your life with an abundance of joy, money comes to you.‖ There‘s another party animal trick that also applies to money—you have to invite it into your life. When you‘re living in conflict with money, you‘re constantly worried about whether you‘ve spent too much, what you are going to do to get more, etc. Inviting money to your party can be as easy as saying, ―Money come, money come, money come!‖ Another way to increase attendance at your money party is to ask your money to increase. You can do this by asking, ―How does it get even better than this?‖ every time you receive any money, no matter how small the amount.

One of Douglas‘s clients started doing this every time he found some money. The amount he picked up from the ground increased from five dollar bills to hundred dollar bills as he continued to ask that question, ―How does it get even better than this?‖ A one-night stand is not the kind of party to have with money, if continued ease with it is your target. When you focus on getting the money together for a particular target (usually a crisis like rent) without also building your financial future, your money flows tend to end as quickly as a one-night stand. As soon as you collect the required amount, you stop doing what‘s required to continue to create money. This is equivalent to turning off the music and pulling the covers over your head. This does not build the future with money that‘s required if you‘re to have money and ease with money on an on-going basis. ―Disaster relief‖ describes the kind of parties many people have with their money. These folks let their financial affairs cruise along on auto-pilot until they drift into a disaster which prompts them to tap into their creative powers and generate the money they could actually have all the time if they‘d get out of crisis mode. Waiting until the eleventh hour to actually produce and accomplish what could have been done long before is a tendency of the most creative types of people, who use this as a way to demonstrate their formidable creative powers through their almost magical ability to pull their fat out of the fire at the very last minute. If ease with money would create more of the kind of party you‘d like in your life, you have to be able and willing to have money as well as to spend it. If your point of view is there‘s no point to having money if you can‘t spend it, then you‘ll never actually have money. Having money is a state of mind far beyond the total in your bank account at the moment, Douglas and Heer point out. One way to create a sense of having money is to save 10 per cent of every single dollar/euro/pound that comes into your life and never spend it. (If ―never spend it!”is your lament on hearing this, chances are good you are one of those who is looking for money only to spend it. In this case, you‘ll never actually have the money you‘d like to spend.) A further way to dance your way into the party of those who actually have money is to carry in your wallet or pocket at all times the amount of money you think a rich person would carry. This can come from your newly accumulated 10 per cent, and it also carries with it the admonition never to spend it. If you keep your rich man‘s stash where you can see it every time you open your wallet, you will constantly be reminding yourself that you have money. Now isn‘t that a reason to turn your life into a party? How about now?

Tagged as: abundance, Access, Access Consciousness, Access Consciousness Body, addictions,bank, bank account, choice, classes, Consciousness, Dain Heer, Debt, Dr. Dain Heer, Ease,financial, financial abundance, financial freedom, Financial tools, Gary Douglas, Gary M. Douglas, loans, Money, peace with money, savings

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one } Jan Guscott September 10, 2011 at 5:55 pm Have any of you ever had to live on ‘social security‘ for a long period of time?? At the moment, I am putting away 10%, and have been for the past 3 months. Prior to this, my budget worked reasonably well. Now, having put away 10%, my credit card debt is barely staying stable, not gradually reducing as it was before. AND I have only about $65 for spending on food for a FORTNIGHT. If I spend more on food than this, my credit card debt suffers more. And what if I need a haircut? Or the washing machine breaks down? Or the fridge? I feel like I am caught in a ‗catch-22′ situation. I am 61 years old, and not likely to ever get another job.

admin May 30, 2012 at 9:34 am Hi Jan, Thank you for your question. One of the main Access Consciousness tools we suggest is asking questions. If you are interested in changing your situation there are some questions you can use to create and generate more money in your life. Here are a couple that may contribute ―What can I be or do today to generate money now and in the future?‖ or ―What have I been unwilling to be or do that I truely can be or do that would open up income streams now and in the future?‖ Another suggestion is to get hold of and do the exercises repeatedly in ―How to Become Money‖ Workbook. (available on the web shop). Keep asking asking ―What else is possible here?‖ In gratitude

Are You Sure ‗Manifesting‘ Is Really What You‘d Like to Do? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JULY 1, 2011

Have you been diligently working at manifesting your desires? How‘s that working for you? If it hasn‘t been going as well as you would like, could it be due to the use of the word ―manifest‖? ―If what‘s showing up in your life is not what you would like, you might take a close look at the words you are saying and thinking,‖ says Gary Douglas, Founder of Access Consciousness. Those very choices of words are creating what‘s showing up for you, whether you like it or not, he adds. ―Your point of view creates your reality,‖ adds his business partner and frequent co-author, Dr. Dain Heer. ―It‘s not the other way around!‖ Changing the way you look at things can drastically alter the way things show up, say the duo. The way the word manifest is used in spiritual, metaphysical, and ―new age‖ circles is most often incorrect. ―Manifest actually means ‗how something shows up,‘‖ says Douglas. ―It doesn‘t mean that it shows up.‖ When we say we manifest something, what we‘re saying is, ―we how it shows up something‖ says Douglas. ―That doesn‘t make any sense.‖ According to Douglas, creating and generating is something we do. Manifesting something is what the universe does. In other words, the way things actually get created in the world is that we ask for something, and then the universe responds to our request by arranging for what we‘ve asked for to show up

Take the example of a new car. We make the request, and it is the universe that determines exactly what form the response to that request will take. The form the car takes is the manifesting part. The request is our creation and generation. What‘s the difference between generation and creation? Generation is the spark of inspiration of what you would like. Creation is the doing that‘s required for what you ask for to come about. You start with knowing that what you‘re driving is no longer working for you, or that something easier, more fun, or better is possible. That‘s the generation. Creation is the research, car-shopping, and handling the financing. Generation requires creation for the idea to become real, and creation without generation can be rather uninspired. However you look at it, making your request in the form of a question will likely yield you better results than if you make your request in the form of a conclusion. ―What would it take for a BMW to show up in my driveway?‖ is not really a question, even though it ends with a question mark. It is not a question because the judgment and decision that the only car worth having is a BMW wipes out the creative power of the question you‘re trying to ask. ―What would it take for a great car that‘s fun to drive and fits in my budget?‖ to show up is a more open-ended question. It gives the universe something to work with. It also works better if you don‘t give the universe deadlines, as in ―by Friday.‖ The universe will give you what you ask for, say Douglas and Heer. But it does sometimes take the universe a little

time to arrange everyone and everything so that what you‘re asking for can occur. One woman Douglas and Heer worked with decided she wanted that BMW. The car she got stretched her budget to the max, and that was before it turned out to be a lemon that required more time in the shop than on the road. The universe manifested what she created with her decision and judgment that the only car to have was a BMW. Finally, she asked a question, such as, ―What would it take for this to turn out better than I can even imagine?‖ She found a car that met her requirements for a fun, zippy convertible at a more reasonable price, and the BMW dealer recognized what a lemon her car was and refunded her money. How does it get even better than that? Another trap people fall into when attempting to ―manifest money‖ is thinking too small. One woman wanted to know if she should ask, ―What would it take to manifest all the money I need to pay my bills for July?‖ The facilitator she spoke to asked her if she was interested in paying her bills in August as well. A much better target is to ask for more money than you can spend, as well as never enough money. This request gets you out of your thinking mind, which functions only to define your limitations. By asking for never enough, you also stop yourself from falling into the comfort zone of ―I have enough money now,‖ which stops the creative process right in its tracks. ―How does it get even better than that?‖ is a great question to invite the universe to manifest what you‘re asking for. If something bad happens, it‘s easy to see how you‘d like something better. If something good happens this question

also applies! Do you wish the good fortune to keep rolling in, or would you like it to stop? Concluding ―this is as good as it gets!‖ or ―it doesn‘t get any better than this!‖ are great ways to stop the manifesting! So what would you like to generate and create? The universe is just waiting to manifest it for you! Five Questions to Ask to Get More Money in Your Life by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 3, 2011

Warning: This is NOT your usual investment OR positive thinking article. Read it at the peril of your poverty! What if everything you‘d been taught or learned about money and wealth was out-of-date or incorrect? That has certainly been the experience of many people, even those who thought they were ―financially secure,‖ during these times of great financial change. How can you go about changing your money situation, today? Gary Douglas, bestselling author and founder of Access Consciousness, and his business partner and co-author Dr. Dain Heer, have come up with many tools that anyone can use to create a different reality. Douglas and Heer are authors of Money Isn‘t the Problem, You Are, and Right Riches for You, which was recently featured on ―The Balancing Act‖ on Lifetime TV in the USA. Both men started from nothing to create flourishing businesses and significant wealth, this occurred four times in Douglas‘s case. Yet their advice is different than anything else you‘ll read. This difference comes from the way they combine what they‘ve learned using consciousness to apply it to money and finances. One of the things they‘ve learned in their study in consciousness is that questions empower, while answers disempower. Do you wish to empower yourself with money? Then ask questions! When you make a statement, conclusion, or judgment, anything that ends with a period (full stop) you are basically telling the universe that you have got the answer. When you settle on that answer, nothing that disagrees with or doesn‘t match that answer can come into your universe.

How often do you make statements about money? ―I don‘t have any.‖ ―I can‘t afford it!‖ ―I have too much month left at the end of my paycheck.‖ ―That‘s all the money I have.‖ ―I‘ve spent all my money.‖ Do any of these statements feel light to you at all? That‘s because they‘re conclusions, decisions and judgments. When the universe hands out money, it might just skip the bank accounts of the people saying these things. Why? Well for the simple reason that they‘ve already announced their situation and what the Universe hears is that they are not interested in or open to the universe‘s infinite possibilities. Hint: it‘s a universal law that what is true feels light, while anything that feels heavy is not true for you. How do the above statements feel to you? If they feel heavy at all then it is because they‘re judgments, conclusions, decisions and lies! The way out of ―heavy‖ is to ask a question. A good question to ask is whether the thought that‘s making you heavy is actually yours in the first place. If feels light when you ask the question, a sense of lightening up anyplace in your universe indicates it wasn‘t your thought it the first place! Questions: 1. What can I add to my life today that will generate lots of money, now and in the future? This may seem counter-intuitive if you‘ve been religiously cutting back to accommodate a limited or reduced budget. How well has that strategy worked for you? The choice to cut back immediately introduces limitation and contraction into your universe, which is the opposite of what invites money into your life! It enforces a point of view that scarcity is real, which will be reflected in your bank account. The contraction that cutting back creates also invalidates your own greatest asset: the infinite creativity that you as an infinite being ARE. The more creative you are, the more you will use this creative capacity to create crap and disasters if you are not using your creative capacity to create something you‘d like to have, like money. Think about a time in your life when you didn‘t have enough going on in your life to keep you entertained and creating. Did you end up creating disasters you could solve just to keep yourself from being bored? Does that apply to your money situation now?

This question and those that follow are about creating awareness. Walk around with the question and see what the universe shows you. You do not have to know an answer immediately. A question is about creating possibility and awareness, not answer. 2. How does it get even better than this? Try saying this every time you receive even a dime, and any other time it feels good. One woman attending one of Douglas‘s seminars in New York found a dime when she walked out of the seminar room. She said, ―How does it get even better than this?‖ She took the elevator downstairs, stepped off the curb, looked down, and saw a $10 bill lying there. She said, ―How does it get even better than this?‖ She waved the ten-dollar bill in the air and hailed a taxi instead of taking the subway home. The taxi dropped her off at the front door of the apartment building, instead of the back where she would have entered if she‘d gone home by subway. As she got out of the taxi, she spotted something glittering in the gutter. She picked it up and it was a diamond bracelet. If she‘d said, ―How does it get even better than this?‖ this woman might have continued receiveing. No such luck! She said, ―It doesn‘t get any better than that!‖ and her ―luck‖ stopped right there. You never know what can happen and what the universe may have in store for you until you ask the question. 3. If I buy you, will you make me money? Every time you consider purchasing anything, ask it if it will make you money. This may seem strange if you‘re not used to recognizing the consciousness in all things, but consciousness does exist in all things and the tool does work. One way to teach yourself to use this is to imagine two little clouds in your head. One is ―yes‖ and the other is ―no.‖ Whichever is bigger and lighter when you ask the question is what‘s true for that item you‘re speaking to. Making you money is not a linear concept. Part of creating wealth is recognizing what has intrinsic value and what does not. Clothing and modern furniture and household goods, for example, rarely increase in value. Antiques, jewelry, some art, and other items with quality workmanship do. That dress you absolutely have to have will be worth about 10% of what you paid for it as soon as you bring it home. Shouldn‘t you be aware of that BEFORE you buy it?

It is possible for clothing to make you money, however just be aware that it isn‘t linear. If that shirt or dress makes you feel like a million dollars, that sense of intrinsic wealth could easily create the impression in others that you have money. That in itself creates more willingness in other people to give you money. 4. Do you want to own me? This question should be asked of everything around you. Did you realize your stuff owns you? Does it go to work to pay for you, or do you go to work to pay for it? Who owns who? This question can be asked of your possessions. If they don‘t wish to be owned by you anymore, they‘re creating dead space in your environment that could be filled with more profitable possessions and activities. If your item doesn‘t wish to own you any more, ask it to bring the person it wishes to own to you with money in his/her hand. If they don‘t appear, give it away. Craigslist has a ―free section‖ which allows people to find what they‘re looking for, and they‘ll even come to you to pick it up. Of course you can also do a yard sale if investing the time is worth it to you, or give it to Goodwill or other charity and save the receipt for a tax deduction. Consignment shops are springing up in many places. If your furniture interests them, all you have to do is drop it off and wait for a check. If you require furniture to fill the empty spaces left by the stuff that moves out of your life, these can be a great place to find some very nice contemporary and antique furniture at prices far below retail. 5. What else can I create from here? According to Douglas, the greatest adventure in life is starting from nothing and creating something. He should know, he‘s done it four times! Many people are at ―nothing‖-in terms of real assets and quality of life right now, he observes, but they are pretending to themselves that they actually have something. Douglas recommends starting with what you‘ve got and asking, ―What else can I create from here?‖ as a way of creating the adventure of having the possibility of millions. Most people settle for a mundane life, he observes, rather than going on that adventure, because they are unwilling to risk the possibility of having nothing.

Even if the possibility of nothing comes to pass, this question still applies and the adventure is still available. Being without money just means you get to start the adventure of having more, says Douglas. What if you were to adopt that point of view, along with these 5 questions? How fast do you suppose your financial reality could change?

Tagged as: Access, Access Consciousness, Access Consciousness Body, allowance, Australasia,Australia, Canada, change, choice, classes, Dain Heer, Dr. Dain Heer, Ease, Europe, financial,financial freedom, Financial tools, Gary M. Douglas, Law of attraction, limits, Magic, Money,Sweden, Tools, UK, United States, World Wide, Worldwide ~ Global


kristine m March 10, 2012 at 10:53 pm I was reading this post and came across something that didnt quite sit well. Question number 4 ―Did you realize your stuff owns you? Does it go to work to pay for you, or do you go to work to pay for it? Who owns who?‖ What if the energy of the stuff I actualize actually is working for me before i buy it ? When I have intent to buy a new lounge for instance, it is within my desire and visualisation/consciousness before i physically choose it. What if that lounge supports my creation of the funds consciously and energetically before i secure it ? What if neither the lounge or I own each other but we choose to co exist or co habitate ? The concept of who ―owns‖ who actually feels limiting to me. That is my interesting point of view for the day

Elizabeth Zoetekouw March 11, 2012 at 8:14 am How did we get so lucky to have you Dr. Kaise in are life? what else is possible? how can this get any better? Thank you Dr. Dain, Gary, & Dr. Kaise for being and asking questions, get us to ask questions! how can it get any better?

alastair March 12, 2012 at 5:18 am HI, This is definately thw wierdist and wackiest site I have been to. I am buying Riht Riches for you.

Alexandra Barrett March 12, 2012 at 4:52 pm I have a number of great tools that I use with clients and they do not include these wonderful tips and processes. The more I allow this in, the more I am growing to love Access Consciousness. I am very thankful that I can learn to live in the questions and open the universe to pour unlimited blessings on my life. Please receive my gratitude.

LDP November 19, 2012 at 5:46 am Great questions. Thanks.

Could You Be Confusing the Universe with Your Attempts to Manifest? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 4, 2011

Have you been doing ―everything right‖ in your attempts to manifest what you‘d like to have in your life, without seeing the results you think you‘re asking for show up? Is it actually possible that you have been confusing the universe in your attempts to manifest what you‘ve been asking for? How is this possible? Have all your treasure map posters and religiously recited affirmations been in vain?

―What you say is what you get,‖ says Douglas. If what you‘d really like is not what‘s showing up in your life, is it possible you‘ve been asking incorrectly, or asking using words that cannot get you what you‘re really asking for, because you have been using them incorrectly? A common example of such misuse of words in the metaphysical community is that darling word, manifest. How many people have you heard say, ―I want to manifest more money, or my soulmate, or the job of my dreams‖? The difficulty with this, Douglas points out, is that the correct meaning of the word manifest is ―how it shows up.‖ So when you say, ―I want to manifest more money,‖ you are actually saying, ―I want to how it shows up more money.‖ Is it surprising that the universe doesn‘t honor a request,a which is so nonsensically phrased? A further complication is that the energetic meaning of the word want, which was listed in dictionaries until 1946, is ―to lack.‖ So when you say, ―I want to manifest more money,‖ what you‘re actually saying is, ―I lack of how it shows up more money.‖ How well can that possibly work? Most people don‘t really value words, Heer points out. For most people, ―You sort of throw things together when you‘re talking.‖ Somehow words have acquired a reputation for being of interest only to PhD candidates and teachers, without relevance to the rest of us. If we‘d really like to have what we‘re asking for in life, it might be worth considering changing our point of view on the relevance and value of words. ―Words have a vibration which will create things,‖ says Douglas. ―When you say, ‗I want to manifest more money,‘ you‘ll never get more money! ‗I‘m going to have more money is more correct,‘ cause that‘s what you‘d really like to have show up in your life.‖ When you do not know what the words you are using really mean, you have to be functioning from a fantasy of what they mean, say Douglas and Heer. Unfortunately, that means what you‘re asking for will continue to live in the fantasy world instead of the real one, as well. Not knowing the exact and real energetic definitions of the words you are using can create confusion, in those you are speaking to as well as the universe which will grant you what you‘ve asked if it could possibly get your meaning.

―If you don‘t use the words that match the energy, you‘re always confusing people and they always discount you,‖ says Heer. ―It‘s the same thing when you‘re asking for things from the universe. If you don‘t use the words that match the energy, you‘re confusing it, and it can‘t give you what you want.‖ Having this awareness and looking up these words in a dictionary prior to 1946 is a way of getting clarity on what you desire and what‘s going on now and how you can move from what‘s going on now to what you‘d actually like to have. If you‘re clear on both, you know where you‘re starting. ―Say you‘d like to go to Rome. If you think you‘re in Greenland, but you‘re really in Tahiti, it‘s a totally different trip. If you‘re in the wrong place to start from, you don‘t ever get to where you‘re going,‖ says Heer. Douglas used these very methods on another word commonly used in the metaphysical community, passion. ―Every time I heard it, something didn‘t feel right,‖ he recalls. He looked it up and discovered the accurate energetic meaning of the word passion was ―to be attached to the cross as was Christ.‖ He‘s now much more willing to follow his bliss than his passion. If you‘re feeling a little disheartened by the scope of the miscommunication you‘ve been involved in, take heart. It‘s a common problem. You are not alone. ―Most of the problems in the world are based on miscommunication. If we didn‘t have that one concept, no movie that had any drama or comedy would exist, because they‘re all based on somebody not saying something when they could have, or somebody communicating inappropriately,‖ Heer observes. Douglas and Heer consult their dictionaries all the time when consulting with clients. Sometimes they find the client is using the word entirely correctly, but with a meaning different than the one they are familiar with. Other times, the client is using the word incorrectly, creating the confusion about which they are consulting the Access Consciousness leaders. Heer attributes their success in working with clients on their ability to hone in on the actual problem people are consulting them about, which is based on the energy and the true energetic meaning of the words, not the assumed contemporary ―meaning‖ of words. Often they find their clients live in that constant state of confusion because they won‘t take the time to look up words. ―Part of the dynamic nature of the result we get is that we‘ll hone in on what is the actual nature of the problem based on the energy.‖ Making things even worse, some of the miscommunication occurs through deliberate confusion, Douglas observes. ―How many times have you had a conversation with people and at the end of it

you go, ‗What does that mean?‘ ‗What did they say?‖ People use words to create confusion so you won‘t know what‘s going on in their universe, which is why they misuse words intentionally.‖ Living in such a sea of confusion, is it any wonder that your messages are not getting through to the universe, which is just waiting to grant your wishes? What if you could cut through the fog of confusion language has been creating around you? Might the universe give you faster service at delivering what you‘ve asked for?

Tagged as: manifestation, Money, rich, riches

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one } Rhiannon September 8, 2011 at 2:21 pm You have completely confused me with this one. I‘m just thinking that the ever expanding, all knowing universe might be able to keep up with our ever expanding and changing use and meanings of words. Did the universe quit in 1946? And if that is so, then how can the universe gift us anything? The other thing I would like to point out is that most ―masters‖ that talk about ―manifesting‖ all tell you that you should state your desires as if you already have them and that you need to be specific. More is not specific, it is very ambiguous. So stating ―I‘m going to have more money‖ might mean that you find a penny on the ground on your way into the store. After all, that is more


Katherine September 11, 2011 at 10:12 pm This really interested me…the difference in meaning of words in the dictionary now and prior to 1946. I have my father‘s Websters Students Dictionary from 1938. This is the definition of ‗manifest‘: Seized by the hand, hence palpable] Evident to the senses; clear; plain; understandable. v.t. To show plainly; to display; reveal; evidence. It makes me curious about the definition in the above… Any Feedback? What else is possible??? Love Katherine

Sonali September 13, 2011 at 10:29 pm So how can I say it right? If I want to say, What would it take for pregnancy and a positive pregnancy test to show up? is it correct or should I say, Truth, What realities or agendas have I created around fertility which if I change pregnancy will show up? How does it get any better than this? It is amazing, Dr. Dain and Gary, you both are fantastic and I love access consciousness. How does it get any better than this? All of Pregnancy comes to me with ease, joy and glory!

Renate Bornemann October 31, 2011 at 12:49 pm Hi! There‘s one thing bothering me about this. If you on the one hand say that it‘s the energy that matters and I don‘t even have to say the right words concerning the clearing statement, why would it be nessesary to get the word ―manifesting‖ right. The universe would know what I mean by the energy I‘d feed into the question. Puzzled!

admin November 13, 2011 at 8:44 pm Hi Renate, Thanks for your question. It‘s actually more about having the awareness of the energy of the language that you use. If you find that you‘re using the word ‗manifest‘ a lot and your life isn‘t showing up quite how you‘d like it to, then it might be worth looking at it and seeing if there is another word/languaging that will contribute to the generation of something different. And if it‘s working for you to use the word ‗manifest‘ then wonderful, that‘s great! How does it get any better than that?

Steve April 19, 2012 at 5:43 am Should we say I Want to Actualize?

admin May 27, 2012 at 8:14 am Absolutely! Actualize is a great thing to ask for…and remember that originally the definition of the word ‗want‘ meant to lack. You might choose to say/ask: I woud like to actualize/ what will it take to actualize…? And above all, do what works for you!!!

RBornemann July 2, 2012 at 3:07 pm

Thank you Rhaiannon! So I‘m not the only one puzzled on this one.

RBornemann July 2, 2012 at 3:23 pm Just looked up at ―dictionary com‖. An example for the use of the word. ‖ He manifested his approval with a hearty laugh.‖

Winning the Lottery by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 7, 2011

Would you be willing to wake up tomorrow morning and not know who you were? No? Well, this may seem far fetched, but what if that unwillingness were stopping you from being able to win the lottery, and keeping you from having everything else you‘ve asked for in life as well? How can this be so? The willingness to wake up and not know who you are forces you to live in the question, say Gary Douglas, best-selling author and founder of Access Consciousness, and his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer. This state was dramatized in the comedy with Drew Barrymore, ―Fifty First Dates,‖ which Douglas recommends to his clients. If you were willing to wake up in the morning with no idea that there was a yesterday, you would have to be ―true generative energy.‖ This is the energy that people are refusing to be, observe Douglas and Heer. This generative state they are refusing to be is exactly the energy that creates money. Yet most of us resist this apparently ―brainless‖ state of complete creativity Douglas and Heer call generation because we are afraid it means we‘re getting Alzheimer‘s disease. That very resistance to being willing to live in the question blocks our ability to actually have everything we‘re asking for— including great wealth. Actually having what we‘ve been asking for would require us to give up the limitations that we‘ve identified as who we really are. It would require us to change who we think we are so much that most of the time we‘re simply not willing to do it. If we were willing to give up these limitations that we believe define and identify us, we would be forced to live in the question. Living in the question creates the very generative state from which money is created, they say. Even those who actually win the large lottery jackpots often suffer from this unwillingness to have as much change as is required to have the wealth they were asking for and even won, as the majority of them tend to return to a state of financial struggle 2-5 years after winning the jackpot. Because money is a parameter that is measurable, it is an especially dramatic demonstration of

how much your life changes when your finances change. This is the change that lottery winners can‘t handle, and it‘s also the amount of change that many others of us refuse as well. ―They believe they‘re losing their whole being if they change their financial situation,‖ observes Heer. For this reason, we hold onto who we are at night when we go to bed, instead of waking up to a whole new perspective every day. If you would now consider being somebody totally different tomorrow, you might be able to take advantage of some of the other wisdom Douglas and Heer have regarding business and finance. They identify three different required stages in the creation of anything, from a single project to great wealth. Those stages are generation, creation, and institution. Generation is the most apparently creative stage. It‘s the original idea that‘s the spark or inspiration for the project. Creation is the action steps required to bring your brilliant idea into existence. Institution is what‘s required on a daily basis to maintain and continue your creation in existence. Even that state of generation that creative types most love can become an obstacle to creating the wealth you‘re looking for. If what you love most is the generative, creative state, you can keep yourself back at the beginning of projects where that creative state is required. You can become addicted to starting projects, because that‘s where the generative state you love so much is prevalent. Your love of generation can keep you from following through with creation and institution, thus robbing you of the success, which your inspired ideas could truly bring you. Institution is the step that creative types often balk at. But ignore it at your peril, says Douglas. That very daily activity that you resist is what creates the platform on which your next generation, creation and institution are built. Without it, your brilliant ideas will not find fruition, or at least not the fruition that could be possible if you paid attention to those devilish details. All of these things would actually be more creative if you were willing to forget everything you thought you knew about what you were already doing. Then you‘d have to find out what your life is every single morning. You would start creating because you had no idea what you had to create, and to institute because you‘d have no idea what you were instituting yesterday. Would you be willing to make your life that much of an adventure? How about now?

Tagged as: Access, Access Consciousness, allowance, alzheimers, Business, Canada, change,creating, Dain Heer, Debt, Dr. Dain Heer, financial, financial freedom, Financial tools,gambling, Gary Douglas, Gary M. Douglas, generating, Happiness, instituting, Joy, Law of attraction, Lottery, maintaining, Money, money patterns, thought patterns, Tools, winning

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one } Rose September 12, 2011 at 3:40 am ―Would you be willing to wake up tomorrow morning and not know who you were?‖ This feels scary to me. In my work, I need a lot of technical skill and knowledge at my fingertips. Waking up as a new person every day makes me worried that I would lose that expertise.

Phil October 14, 2011 at 4:14 pm How does it get any better? What else is possible? All life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!

Maureen October 16, 2011 at 11:22 am Wow! How much have I always wanted to stay in the generation phase? What contribution has that been to me, my life & living? Everything that is~ POD & POC it! What contribution has not recognizing the creation that has actually already occurred & therefore not being able to acknowledge the existence of that creation which would allow me to institute! Everything that is~ POD & POC it! What would it take for me to move through all 3 stages of creation with total joy & ease?

Lisa January 22, 2012 at 7:09 pm @ Rose what if waking up as new person doesn‘t mean you have to forget your previous knowledge? What if you could wake up every morning and be, What if you ask this question every morning, what grand and glorious adventures can I have today? or What could I create today? and What can I institute today to generate money now and in the future? Hope that helps

How Often Does Setting Your Intention Really Get You What You Want? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 27, 2011

Have you been religiously setting your intention as a way to get what you would like to have in life? If so, how well is it working?

Access Consciousness™ has a different way of creating: it‘s called asking the universe. ―Ask and you shall receive‖ is one of the truths in the Bible, observes Access Consciousness founder and best-selling author Gary Douglas. Is it just semantics? The words you speak and think do create the reality that shows up for you, Douglas points out. ―What you see is what you get.‖ What‘s the difference between asking and setting your intention? Actually the difference is substantial. First of all, asking is a question, while setting your intention is usually a statement. A statement is a kind of answer. It assumes everything is known and nothing outside of what is known is of any value. A question, on the other hand, is an invitation to the universe to show us what else, that we haven‘t yet considered, could be possible. Or, as Douglas has been saying for years, ―Questions empower, answers most often disempower.‖ Most statements are expressions of decisions or judgments that you have decided are true. When you have decided they are true, is it even possible for you to perceive anything that is outside of that box of pre-conceptions you have built for yourself? Some of the questions that could create greater possibilities include:

―What if this could turn out even better than I could ever imagine?‖

―What are the infinite possibilities?‖

―How does it get even better than this?‖

―Who am I and what grand and glorious adventures await me today?‖

One client of Douglas‘s, when asked why she was not participating in an activity she loved, replied, ―I ran out of money.‖ A facilitator trained by Douglas asked her, ―Is that a question?‖ Her reply: ―Really, I used up my savings!‖ Could the most diligent universal fairy of financial miracles find her even if she wanted to? No, the fairy of financial miracles would have to pass by the woman‘s bank account because she had stated her judgment and decision: her savings were gone, she was out of money. Even if you don‘t believe in the fairy of financial miracles, surely you do know that the universe is a big place. It has possibilities available to it that you may not have considered. What if asking a question enables the universe to arrange things so that you receive what you‘re asking for?

―You have imagined that the universe doesn‘t like you,‖ observes Douglas. ―Has it ever occurred to you that the universe may like you more than you like you? It hasn‘t dropped a crane on your head yet, has it?‖ Sometimes it does take time for the universe to orchestrate what‘s required to send you what you‘re asking for, so patience is recommended. What‘s NOT recommended is coming to a conclusion like, ―I asked for it and it didn‘t work!‖ Is there any question in ―It didn‘t work!‖? That conclusion alone can turn off the universe‘s efforts to flow whatever you‘re asking for towards you—and who knows, what if it might have been the very next drop to come out of the tap if you had only not come to the conclusion that stopped it instantly? Consider the wording of ―set an intention.‖ Doesn‘t the word ―set‖ remind you of something that is literally ‗set‘? Such as concrete for example? You can only set an intention that‘s as great as what you can imagine. What if the universe had far greater possibilities available? When setting your intention, how often are you vested in the outcome of it? Do you ever feel like there are only a certain number of choices available? And in that how easy is it to come to conclusion about how you would like only outcome A to occur, not outcome B, C, or D? If you have a preference as to how it shows up, and have decided that A is the best outcome, then have you created a situation in which you will consider yourself a success only if option A turns up? Is that really your best choice? Douglas has noticed that when using consciousness to manifest, being vested in the outcome is often a way to guarantee that things will not turn out as you would like them to. To be vested in an outcome means you have judgments and decisions as answers to the situation you‘re working on, and that very process of deciding on the answer is often what creates the limitations. Would you consider un-setting all those intentions now? It might make the ground under you feel a lot less solid, but it could be a lot more fun. What if the universe could truly send you outcomes that were greater than you could imagine? What a terrible world that would be!

Tagged as: answers, best choice, choice, conclusion, fairy, hope, intention, manifestation,miracle, outcome, preference, Questions, set, setti ng intention, stone, success, universe,visualization

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Maire-Ros O'Rahilly January 10, 2012 at 1:52 am I just wanted to share that I have only ―come across‖ Access in the last two months. How does it get any better than that? I found a CF facilitator in Dublin and have had three sessions. I will be doing the bars class before the end of the month. I just feel my energy is racing. It is only when I am talking to other people I am starting to see how much I am changing. I am completely hooked. I want to make a difference in the world and I see that Access will allow me be the change I want to make. Thank you so much. Brightest blessings and warm hugs xx

Are You Addicted to Being Wrong? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on NOVEMBER 12, 2012

Are you addicted to the wrongness of you? Whatever happens, it is you that‘s wrong? Do ―bad things happen‖ because you did or were something wrong? Welcome to being a humanoid on planet earth! (And perhaps other planets as well. Who knows? This pattern is certainly engrained enough to have been going on for a very very long time—say 4 trillion years or more!) The addiction to the wrongness of us, as well as the addiction to judgment, are the primary addictions, according to addictions expert and licensed Access Consciousness™facilitator Marilyn Bradford of Right Recovery for You. Drugs? Sex? Rock ‗n Roll? Those are all secondary addictions. If we weren‘t addicted to judgment, could we judge ourselves to be wrong? Could right or wrong, even applied to such ―wrongnesses‖ as us exist without judgment? An interesting question. The inescapable thought, the inalienable belief, that no matter what happens we are wrong is an addictive, compulsive, and obsessive point of view. This qualifies it three times to be a Distractor Implant. (Each one of these—addictive points of view, compulsive points of view, and obsessive points of view—is a distractor implant in its own right.)

Distractor Implants are like dogs chasing their tails. Chasing its tail keeps the dog very busy but it never gets anywhere. The purpose of distractor implants is to keep us from seeing us, and they do that very well. The deeper we sink into the mire of a Distractor Implant, the more difficult it is to see that we have any choice whatsoever. Distractor Implants are like quicksand. The harder you fight it, the deeper you sink into it. Even if you speak to someone saner than you at the moment who reminds you you‘re in a Distractor Implant, like the person stuck in quicksand, you will be unable to see the plank that could get you out if only you‘d reach for it.

Distractor Implants are the subject of a phenomenal call series by Access Consciousness™ founder Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer. This series is available by mp3 download or by purchasing the hard copies of CDs. While it‘s required listening for Access Consciousness™ Certified Facilitators and facilitators-to-be, it‘s life-changing and highly recommended listening for anyone desiring to get free of the emotions that keep more people trapped 24/7. Once you recognize you‘re in a Distractor Implant, you can just step out of it. As Douglas says, ―You could just say, ‗I‘m in a Distractor Implant, never mind!‘‖ It may take some practice to do this! Distractor Implants are SHICUUUU (Secret, Hidden, Invisible, Covert, Unseen, Unsaid, Undisclosed, and Unacknowledged) Implants, held in place by mobius strips and quantum particulates. When you find yourself feeling wrong, you could ask to destroy and uncreate all the SHICUUUU Implants, mobius strips, and quantum particulate holding that in place, followed by the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement (Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds). Or you could just ―POC and POD all the deep dark secret stuff holding that in place.‖

A mobius strip, in case you‘re wondering, is like the infinity sign, a sideways figure 8 that keeps you going round and round the race track without ever being able to stop, exit, or run out of gas. Whenever people have to prove something about themselves, what‘s true is that they most often believe the exact opposite. Those people who have to be right believe that they‘re really wrong! Have you noticed how many people long to be right at any cost? Most people would rather be dead than wrong! It‘s what‘s behind religions and wars. Many people are dying to be right. What are you dying to be right about?

On a smaller, more personal scale, the addiction to being right (to avoid being wrong) is the source of all arguments. Is there such a thing as an argument other than one in which both people are trying to prove they‘re right and the other person wrong? People who are competitive are trying to prove they‘re right. This often shows up as having to have the last word in any situation. It shows they‘re right. All of these desperate attempts to prove we‘re right are evidence, to people who are aware of it, of the deep-seated belief that we‘re really wrong. No matter how forcefully we prove we‘re right, this proof somehow never convinces us that we‘re not wrong and therefore bad, worthless, not good enough etc. And the belief that we‘re wrong costs us a lot. It locks us into permanent judgment of ourselves to determine whether we‘re right or wrong. (Think about it: could there be a right and wrong without judging that it‘s so?)

The conviction that we‘re wrong, which we have to overcome by proving that we‘re right, creates absolutely no freedom for us. As Douglas says, ―There is only freedom in being wrong.‖ This belief that we‘re wrong can take an incredibly perverse turn. We‘re so desperate not to be wrong, while believing that we‘re irrevocably wrong, that we sometimes go even further to prove that we‘re wrong, just so we can at least be right about one thing—that we‘re really wrong. If you followed this sentence, there‘s a good chance it applies to you! There‘s an incredibly useful tool from Access Consciousness™ that can lubricate more social interactions than you can ever imagine—if you have the courage to use it. It‘s a short sentence: ―You‘re right, I‘m wrong.‖ You could try it out—say it 10 times and see if you feel lighter. If something feels lighter, it‘s true, and if it feels heavier, it‘s a lie. You do not actually even have to believe you are wrong to use this. In saying it, what you are doing is acknowledging the other person‘s point of view that you are wrong and they are right. Once you acknowledge this, they can often come off their fixed point of view and counter with something like, ―You‘re not wrong, dear, you‘re just mistaken!‖ Which would you rather have—being right to overcome the wrong you believe you truly are, or the freedom be either right or wrong with no point of view? The choice is yours! The Distractor Implant series is available from the shop Also available is another great series, the Ten Commandments of Access Consciousness™, is also available there. We have to be breaking the 10 commandments by judging, not doing interesting point of view, doing form structure and significance, for example, in order to make ourselves wrong. Tagged as: addiction, belief, competition, Distractor Implants, Dr. Dain Heer, freedom, Gary Douglas, judgement, last word, right, Right Recovery for You, wrong, wrongness

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one } Phoebe E Gibbs November 18, 2012 at 2:18 pm These MP3‘s are a big game changer – more powerful tool than I could have imagined!

Sally November 19, 2012 at 11:53 pm I cannot find a bar facilitator in my area…can you give me some help?

admin November 27, 2012 at 5:37 am Hi Sally, Have you looked on the facilitator list on if so and there is no one in your area then contact someone close‘ish and see if they are willing to travel or would you be willing to travel?

Jaden November 30, 2012 at 5:39 am What area are you in Sally?

Annie December 16, 2012 at 9:24 am Hi Sally. Did you find a bars facilitator near you or who will come to you?

Is life working out like you‘ve been told it should? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JULY 2, 2012

Have you defined what you want your life to look like, and are you setting your intention to meet your goals? Is it working out like you‘ve been told it should?

Or somewhere deep down do you suspect that there‘s something wrong with you, because you just can‘t get it to work out like you‘ve been told it should? If this describes your point of view on your life, then the tools of Access Consciousness™ could be just what you‘re looking for. What if your inability to make life work the way you‘ve been told it should be is not a wrongness on your part, but an indication that you‘re becoming aware of ways you have been lied to, and bought the lies? The way of looking at life and living as described above fits what Access Consciousness™ calls a distractor implant. Put simply, a distractor implant is a way of looking at things that keeps you from ever having you. Distractor implants have been compared to a dog chasing its tail. It looks like a lot is going on, but the motion goes nowhere and the dog never gets what he‘s seeking. Believing distractor implants and living within them keep you small, unhappy, and always feeling like you‘re less than you could and should be. The sense of being less than you could and should be is the only part of it that‘s at all true. To get to that greatness that you really are, you have to be able to step out of the mire of thinking that a distractor implant represents. There are 24 qualities that Access Consciousness™ identifies as distractor implants. The points of view described at the top of this article can be described as the distractor implants ―life, living, and reality.‖ But aren‘t those real? They very well could be everything you were told was real—but therein lies the rub. When you believe in these concepts as represented in this reality, you‘ve bought yourself a one-way ticket to nowhere. They are idealized concepts, definitions of what you are told

should be but did anything anyone told you about how to make them work for you really work? The very way you have defined them, or had them defined for you so that you bought that definition as real, is the very limitation you haven‘t been able to overcome to make your life, your living, and your reality work for you. Haven‘t you been bending, folding, mutilating and stapling yourself into what you hope will fit into this reality so you can have the life, living, and reality you‘ve always been told is valuable? What Gary Douglas, best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness™ has discovered, is that definition by definition alone is a limitation. Once you define what you want as your life, your living, and your reality, it becomes impossible for you to have it. When you work from a definition of what life, living and reality are, you have no choice but to try to fit yourself into this externally determined definition. No wonder you can feel like the dog chasing its tail! Fortunately, there‘s another way of creating your life. It requires living from a sense of question in which constant change and transformation is possible. The elements of creating your life from this place are question, choice, possibility, and contribution. The strength of questions is that they always empower you, whereas conclusion and answer disempower you. A question always creates more possibilities, which creates more choices, which creates more possibilities to be and receive contribution. You could try functioning from these questions:

• What question can I ask here? • What choices do I have here? • What else is possible here? • What contribution can I be and receive? Functioning from these questions creates a life that‘s more fluid than one that‘s already defined as in the distractor implants. With that fluidity comes an ability to deal with change and follow the energy of the moment as it presents itself. In times which are changing as rapidly as the one we‘re living in, might that ability to change with what‘s occurring be in your best interest? If you‘d like to try some other Access Consciousness™ tools you could also consider making some changes in your wording and point of view. It‘s your point of view that creates your reality, not the other way around. There are a couple of other limitations in the description that began this article. If you‘re setting your intentions on something, according to Douglas, it means you believe there will be obstacles you have to overcome in achieving it. What‘s the alternative? How about just asking? ―Ask and you shall receive is one of the truths in the Bible,‖ Douglas says. ―We live in an abundant universe that gives us what we ask for.‖ Unfortunately for the intention-setters, setting your intention tells the universe you‘re expecting obstacles to receiving what you‘ve asked for. Is that really what you wish to create? You could try simply asking instead of setting those intentions that actually function to set obstacles to receiving what you‘ve asked for in place. Another point of view that could make a change in your getting what you‘ve been asking for is that word goals. Wellmeaning airport business books aside, setting goals is a trap. It‘s no coincidence that its spelling is still very close to

the word for jail in countries like Britain and Australia, where jail is spelled gaol. When you set a goal, you do put yourself in jail. That jail can last over lifetimes, as well. Did you ever experience getting to a goal you‘d set, only to have it slip through your hands so you had to try again and again? The reason for this is that the goal you set holds you captive forever until you change it. If you don‘t acknowledge that you‘ve met a goal, you will have to lose what you‘ve gained, only to achieve it again and again. Even worse, this applies to goals you‘ve set in other lifetimes, which also still keep you in jail. It‘s the goal-as-jail phenomena that explains why some people can make their goal of, for example, having a million dollars, only to lose it and then make another million yet again. One way out of this is to destroy all your commitments to all your goals set in any lifetime. If you‘d like to have something to aim for in the future, you could try a target. A target is easily moved, and you can aim at it again and again. It has a lot more flexibility than a goal, and it won‘t keep you trapped. If this information flies in the face of everything you‘ve been told and believed about life, living, and reality—then you‘re beginning to get the idea. What if you could use these tools to create the life you‘d really like to have, instead of the one you defined as valuable based on other people‘s expectations? It could fit you a lot better, and it just might be a lot more fun. These tools and many more are offered in the Access Consciousness™ core classes, as well as in books, teleclasses, and recorded classes. Information about all of

these can be found on the Access Consciousness™ website, Two Recorded Teleclasses that Just Could Change Your Life —Again and Again by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 30, 2012

Every single interaction, let alone ongoing telecall, with Access Consciousness™Founder Gary Douglas and his business partner and co-author Dr. Dain Heer could change your life. And there are some that bear mentioning and listening to again and again. Two of those calls are the recently completed Distractor Implants call and last year‘s call on the Ten Commandments.

Both of these calls take what can look like a one line mention from the Access Consciousness™core class manuals and expand on that concept for 90 minutes. The results can be profoundly life changing. The recently created Distractor Implants call deals with the distractor implants—which are basically the sticky negative emotions that most of us spend most of our time stuck in, longing to get out of, and firmly convinced we cannot escape.

The distractor implants, by the way, are: anger, rage, fury, hate; blame, shame, regret, and guilt; obsessive, compulsive, addictive, perverted points of view; love, sex, jealousy, and peace; life, living, death, and relationships, business, fear, and doubt. If any of those sound like something that‘s familiar to you, you might wish to listen to these calls—or listen to them again if you already have! One experienced facilitator said, ―I‘ve been faithfully presenting this information in my classes for 10 years. When I heard Gary and Dain talk about each of these concepts I realized I‘d only been reaching the tip of the iceberg. There‘s so much more to each of these concepts that I never realized until these calls, and it‘s changed my own life!‖ The Ten Commandments call refers to the 10 concepts that Gary calls ―the keys to the kingdom.‖ He has said again and again that if you will use these 10 principles, you will find it difficult to have any difficulties in your life ever again! Each of these calls is 90 minutes long, and it goes into much more depth and detail on how these apply to situations in your life you might not even imagine. Since the 10 Commandments are just one part of the Foundation class, even the best facilitator cannot explain them as thoroughly as Gary and Dain have in these calls. Like most Access Consciousness™ tools, they include a bit of magic. Even if you think you‘ve listened to them already and know the material, you might be surprised at how a relistening will reveal information you‘re sure was not included a year ago. This difference in the recordings when listened to again and again has inspired a joke in Access Consciousness™. Gary

has been accused of flying around at night in a pink tutu, magically changing the recordings. How else could we explain how much they change from one listening to another? These calls are so basic to living the Access Consciousness™ tools that they are now required listening for everyone attending facilitators‘ trainings. What do they know that would change your life if you knew it too? Can you afford not to find out? Both of these recordings are available through the Access Consciousnes™s online store, at How Often Does Setting Your Intention Really Get You What You Want? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 27, 2011

Have you been religiously setting your intention as a way to get what you would like to have in life? If so, how well is it working? Access Consciousness™ has a different way of creating: it‘s called asking the universe. ―Ask and you shall receive‖ is one of the truths in the Bible, observes Access Consciousness founder and best-selling author Gary Douglas. Is it just semantics? The words you speak and think do create the reality that shows up for you, Douglas points out. ―What you see is what you get.‖ What‘s the difference between asking and setting your intention? Actually the difference is substantial. First of all, asking is a question, while setting your intention is usually a statement. A statement is a kind of answer. It assumes everything is known and nothing outside of what is known is of any value. A question, on the other hand, is an invitation to the universe to show us what else, that we haven‘t yet considered, could be possible.

Or, as Douglas has been saying for years, ―Questions empower, answers most often disempower.‖ Most statements are expressions of decisions or judgments that you have decided are true. When you have decided they are true, is it even possible for you to perceive anything that is outside of that box of pre-conceptions you have built for yourself? Some of the questions that could create greater possibilities include:

―What if this could turn out even better than I could ever imagine?‖

―What are the infinite possibilities?‖

―How does it get even better than this?‖

―Who am I and what grand and glorious adventures await me today?‖

One client of Douglas‘s, when asked why she was not participating in an activity she loved, replied, ―I ran out of money.‖ A facilitator trained by Douglas asked her, ―Is that a question?‖ Her reply: ―Really, I used up my savings!‖ Could the most diligent universal fairy of financial miracles find her even if she wanted to? No, the fairy of financial miracles would have to pass by the woman‘s bank account because she had stated her judgment and decision: her savings were gone, she was out of money. Even if you don‘t believe in the fairy of financial miracles, surely you do know that the universe is a big place. It has possibilities available to it that you may not have considered. What if asking a question enables the universe to arrange things so that you receive what you‘re asking for? ―You have imagined that the universe doesn‘t like you,‖ observes Douglas. ―Has it ever occurred to you that the universe may like you more than you like you? It hasn‘t dropped a crane on your head yet, has it?‖ Sometimes it does take time for the universe to orchestrate what‘s required to send you what you‘re asking for, so patience is recommended. What‘s NOT recommended is coming to a conclusion like, ―I asked for it and it didn‘t work!‖ Is there any question in ―It didn‘t work!‖? That conclusion alone can turn off the universe‘s efforts to flow whatever you‘re asking for towards you—and who knows, what if it might have been the very next drop to come out of the tap if you had only not come to the conclusion that stopped it instantly? Consider the wording of ―set an intention.‖ Doesn‘t the word ―set‖ remind you of something that is literally ‗set‘? Such as concrete for example? You can only set an intention that‘s as great as what you can imagine. What if the universe had far greater possibilities available?

When setting your intention, how often are you vested in the outcome of it? Do you ever feel like there are only a certain number of choices available? And in that how easy is it to come to conclusion about how you would like only outcome A to occur, not outcome B, C, or D? If you have a preference as to how it shows up, and have decided that A is the best outcome, then have you created a situation in which you will consider yourself a success only if option A turns up? Is that really your best choice? Douglas has noticed that when using consciousness to manifest, being vested in the outcome is often a way to guarantee that things will not turn out as you would like them to. To be vested in an outcome means you have judgments and decisions as answers to the situation you‘re working on, and that very process of deciding on the answer is often what creates the limitations. Would you consider un-setting all those intentions now? It might make the ground under you feel a lot less solid, but it could be a lot more fun. What if the universe could truly send you outcomes that were greater than you could imagine? What a terrible world that would be!

Tagged as: answers, best choice, choice, conclusion, fairy, hope, intention, manifestation,miracle, outcome, preference, Questions, set, setti ng intention, stone, success, universe,visualization

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one } Maire-Ros O'Rahilly January 10, 2012 at 1:52 am I just wanted to share that I have only ―come across‖ Access in the last two months. How does it get any better than that? I found a CF facilitator in Dublin and have had three sessions. I will be doing the bars class before the end of the month. I just feel my energy is racing. It is only when I am talking to other people I am starting to see how much I am changing. I am completely hooked. I want to make a difference in the world and I see that Access will allow me be the change I want to make. Thank you so much. Brightest blessings and warm hugs xx

Can Consciousness Change Your Cash Flow? Pt II by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on AUGUST 27, 2012

Access Consciousness™ is often described as a set of tools and processes that can change anything in your life that isn‘t working. In the previous article, we discussed some of

the ways that the Access Consciousness ―Ten Commandments‖ can be used to change your money situation. This is the second part in this series. In case you‘ve forgotten, here‘s the full list of all Ten Commandments of Access Consciousness™. This article is the second in a series that will explain more fully how every single one of them can apply to your financial life. This article focuses on the third and fourth commandments. 1. Would an infinite being really choose this? 2. Everything is just an interesting point of view. 3. Live in 10-second increments. 4. Live as the question, not as the answer. 5. No form, no structure, no significance. 6. No judgment, no discrimination, no discernment 7. No drugs of any kind 8. No competition. 9. Do not listen to, tell, or buy the

story 10.No exclusion How does ―Live in 10 second increments‖ apply to changing your cash flows? Have you noticed how fast things are changing on the planet and in all aspects of finance, business and investment? Access Consciousness™ founder and best selling author Gary Douglas has often said that

―everything I believed was true has turned out to be a lie or an implant‖—in other words, nothing that has any value, let alone lasting value as something upon which to base your financial life and decisions. Have you been relying on ancient truths or conventional time-tested wisdom to govern your financial decisions? When times are changing as rapidly as they are now, isn‘t it possible that the flexibility provided by making choices in 10-second increments could be more fruitful? More millionaires were created during the Great Depression in the 1930s than at any other time in history. Clearly those who created money in those difficult times saw possibilities, where others saw limitation. Who is more equipped to deal with new and different opportunities, someone who‘s already decided what they‘re going to do and set their course, or someone who‘s available to ask questions and change their course as ever changing conditions demand? Another benefit of living in 10-second increments is that it removes the burden of having to make the one ―right‖ choice of a lifetime. Douglas points out that in finances as in our lives, most of us try to make a ―Lord of the Rings choice— one choice to rule them all. Since we usually expect that decision to last forever, we feel a lot of pressure to make ―the right choice.‖ The difficulty in that is that we can only label something right (or wrong) by using a tremendous amount of judgment. One of the biggest limitations we have is our own judgment. The catch-22 is that the very judgment we‘re using to make the right choice limits our awareness of the very opportunities that could make the money we‘re looking for. The gift of living in 10 seconds is you can make one choice, watch for the awareness that‘s created by the choice, and

choose again for the next 10 seconds. Choices create awareness, and further awareness can yield you ever more possibilities, including those to make money. Beware the Lord of the Rings choice! If you choose something, if it starts to feel disturbing or not right in any way to you, that could be the awareness that‘s coming from the choice you‘ve just made. Now that you have more awareness, you might wish to exercise your 10-second option and make a new choice. You don‘t have to stick with it if you become aware it‘s not your best choice.

Commandment number 4, Live as the Question, dovetails neatly with living in 10second increments. Asking the question gives you the most information to make informed and potentially profitable choices. Answers—which include decisions, judgments, and conclusions, anything that ends with a ―.‖—always stop the flow of awareness and information. Have you noticed that lots of approaches to business and financial success focus on formulas and answers? Have you noticed that those no longer work? How many people believed in formula and solutions as the way to riches and retirement, only to have everything they believed in

battered or totally destroyed as an investment with any value? When all the rules you‘ve been taught or believed in as the way to financial success no longer work, doesn‘t living in the question make more sense? Who makes the most money, those who do it ―like we‘ve always done it‖ or those who ―think outside of the box?‖ Isn‘t thinking outside of the box another way of describing questioning everything? Don‘t all great inventions and innovations come from asking questions, rather than merely accepting the status quo as ―just the way it is?‖ Some questions that could be useful in increasing your money flows and your net worth include: • ―What else is possible here?‖ • ―How could this challenge be turned into a revenue stream?‖ • ―Where‘s the opportunity here that I haven‘t yet acknowledged?‖ • ―How does it get even better than this? • ―What are the infinite possibilities of ….?‖ • ―What would it take for (the outcome you desire to occur)?‖ • ―What would it take for this to turn out better than I ever imagined possible?‖ For apparently detrimental situations, ―What‘s right about this I‘m not getting?‖ can change your point of view so that more possibilities and the gift and money-generating potential in every situation can occur to you. Every definition is an answer of sorts and a limitation. The less you define the outcome you‘re asking for, the more possibilities can show up. If you define your ideal outcome

as being the CEO of a multinational media company, what occurs if a possibility that would be more fun, more ―you,‖ AND more financially rewarding turned up? Would you even be able to see its potential, or would you have to turn it down because it wasn‘t exactly what you had asked for? Only the brave dare to use these tools. To others, they can appear to be like jumping off a cliff without a parachute. But who has more capacity to make money—the bold or the cautious who do not venture beyond what they know? Who are you really? Do you dare to use these tools? Can Consciousness Change Your Cash Flow? Pt III by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 5, 2012

Access Consciousness™ is often described as a set of tools and processes that can change anything in your life that isn‘t working. In the previous article, some ways that the Access Consciousness™ ―Ten Commandments‖ can be used to change your money situation were discussed. In case you‘ve forgotten, here‘s the full list of all Ten Commandments. This article is the third in a series that will explain more fully how every single one of them can apply to your financial life. This article focuses on the fifth commandment: no form, no structure, no significance. 1. Would an infinite being really choose this? 2. Everything is just an interesting point of view. 3. Live in 10-second increments. 4. Live as the question, not as the answer. 5. No form, no structure, no significance. 6. No judgment, no discrimination, no discernment 7. No drugs of any kind 8. No competition. 9. Do not listen to, tell, or buy the story 10.No exclusion How does the commandment ―no form, no structure, no significance‖ apply to money? When we refer to something being significant in Access Consciousness™ classes, we describe it as having the point of view that it is greater than we are. Money is what many people make more significant than anything. The official name of our political system is based on it—Capitalism.

In some ways, only if we have no point of view about money at all are we truly not making it significant. (These commandments do tend to weave together, like different facets of the same diamond, or many roads to heaven as new age spiritual types can be fond of saying.) The opposite of making anything significant is the acknowledgement, as Access Consciousness™ founder Gary Douglas says, that ―nothing is greater than you and the consciousness that you are. ―You created everything that‘s showing up in your life,‖ Douglas points out. The good news is that since you created it, you can uncreate it and create something different.‖ With that being true, then how can anything, even that elusive beast called money, be greater or more powerful or more creative or more anything than you are? But truly living out of form, structure, and significance goes much further than that. If you have the point of view that your only income comes from your job, your paycheck, or your business, you are creating a huge limitation by imposing a form, structure and significance from who, what, and where you are willing to receive money. Is that really in your best interest? It‘s such a common assumption that the only money we have or will ever receive comes from our job, from the inheritance when our parents die, or winning the lottery. Can you see what a limitation that creates? Money can come from all kinds of places we might never expect.

Some of the ways people involved in Access Consciousness™ have received money include receiving inheritance from housemates of 20 years ago, getting completely unsolicited property tax refunds from the county where they lived, getting meeting rooms at classier hotels than they would have dared to book paid for by a second hotel which wished to break its contract, as well as all kinds of comps and travel upgrades which tend to show up when they do, just for the asking and even without asking.

What if money were more like you than you ever thought? Do you like to be told what to do and what you must look like and where you must go? Or do you prefer to be more flowing and freeform and spontaneous, oozing into every possibility and opening until you can find the ones that are the most fun? If you removed the form and structure that you‘ve been forcing onto money by your points of view, could money have more fun coming into your life? What if instead of supposing money were anything you thought it was, you were to ask it questions about how it would like to show up in your life? What if you asked it questions like, ―How much fun can we have with you today?‖ or ―What other creative ways can you come up with to find me today and in the future?‖ Another great question that also works well, and works even better when you free money from the form and structure you force onto it is, ―What can I add to my life that would create lots of money today and in the future?‖ Form, structure, and significance is a function of our mind. The only function of our mind is to define the limitations of what we already know. How well have you been using your mind to define your limitations about money? A great way to fry your limiting mind on the subject of money is to set as your target to have both more money than you can spend and never enough money. That‘s a concept you cannot wrap your logical mind around, have you noticed? The advantage of frying your limiting mind is that it forces your mind to stop creating the form, structure and significance that‘s creating your current challenges with money. If you could solve your current money problems with your mind, wouldn‘t you have solved them long ago? It‘s easy to see why you might like to have more money than you can spend. But why aim for having never enough? It‘s simple—as soon as you decide you have enough money or more than enough money or more money than you can spend, you stop receiving and you stop creating the energy that‘s required to generate even more money. You actually impose a form on your money flows with the concept of having enough of it. How crazy is that? So how about it? Would you be willing to consider being out of form structure and significance with regard to money, right now? What would it take? If what you‘ve been trying with your logical mind hasn‘t worked, do you have anything to lose?

Tagged as: acknowledgement, Capitalism, Consciousness, Ease, financial, Financial tools, form structure significance, Gary Douglas, inheritance, limitations, logical mind, Money, money problems

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Lawrence Kirby September 27, 2012 at 10:32 am Thanks heaps and what would it take to receive so much money in the immediate now that doing the complete prerequiste for Access Consciousness Fascilitator comes to me with ease joy and Glory?

admin September 27, 2012 at 5:02 am What can you do or be today that will generate money and currency now and in the future?

Can Consciousness Change Your Cash Flow? – Pt VII by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 18, 2012

Access Consciousness™ is often described as a set of tools and processes that can change anything in your life that isn‘t working. In the previous article,some ways that the Access Consciousness™ ―Ten Commandments‖ can be used to change your money situation were discussed. This article is the seventh in a series that will explain more fully how every single one of them can apply to your financial life. This article focuses on the ninth commandment, Do not listen to, tell, or buy the story. In case you‘ve forgotten, here‘s the full list of all Ten Commandments. 1. Would an infinite being really choose this? 2. Everything is just an interesting point of view. 3. Live in 10-second increments. 4. Live as the question, not as the answer. 5. No form, no structure, no significance. 6. No judgment, no discrimination, no discernment. 7. No drugs of any kind. 8. No competition.

9. Do not listen to, tell, or buy the story. 10. No exclusion. The story is all the excuses you tell yourself for why you can‘t or don‘t have what you SAY you really want.

If you‘re a humanoid—if you‘re a creative and curious enough person to be reading this article—then the only reason you don‘t have more money than you can spend is that you‘ve been actively pushing it away with both hands, says Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness™. In other words, you have not chosen to have it. You have not made the demand of yourself and followed through with doing whatever it takes. Painful as it may be to hear this for the first time, there is no judgment in the above statements. Everything that shows up in our lives is what we have chosen to create. Once we recognize our potency in the disasters, financial and otherwise, that we have created, we can also recognize we have the potency to change them and create what we would really like to have. So how do you recognize a story? A story is the reason and justification we give to ourselves and others for not doing what we say we‘d like to do, for not having what we say we‘d like to have. Every time you say ―because,‖ a story follows. I

can‘t do that because…..I don‘t have time, I can‘t afford it, I didn‘t get around to it, I couldn‘t find good help…..all of these are stories. The most important story not to buy if you‘d like to change your life, financial or otherwise, is your own. If you don‘t buy it, you may find you no longer have to tell it either. How many stories do you tell yourself about your finances? Your lack of, or limitation to, your business success? What if you were to look at what you have so often told yourself and recognize it for the story it is—your own grand and glorious creation and not an immutable truth of the universe? Might that make a new point of view and new financial reality possible for you?

The ―do not listen to the story‖ component of this commandment is not suggesting total rudeness to those you are required to have in your life (relatives from whom you might inherit money, supervisors at work, important customers, for example). If you recognize their need to tell the story, you can listen without attachment. You can become like the china dogs in the back window of low-rider cars in Los Angeles ghettos. Let them talk while you just nod without saying anything. If you‘re on a cell phone it‘s a

great opportunity to multi-task. All you have to say is interject ―oh,‖ ―I see,‖ ―of course,‖ at the appropriate intervals. If you‘re dealing with someone with even a modicum of awareness, is it in their best interest for you to listen to their story? Are you not disempowering them by aligning and agreeing with them that they cannot afford what they say they‘d like? Would asking them a question (phrased so they can hear it) not be more empowering because it could possibly make them aware of other choices they may have been hiding from themselves by telling their stories? And you could, if you choose, treat yourself with equal empowerment as well. What if you asked yourself a question every time you told yourself a story about your finances? ―What else is possible?‖ would be a great way to start. How could it get even better than that? Can Consciousness Change Your Cash Flow? – Pt VIII by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 19, 2012

Access Consciousness™ is often described as a set of tools and processes that can change anything in your life that isn‘t working. In the previous article, some ways that the Access Consciousness™ ―Ten Commandments‖ can be used to change your money situation were discussed. This article is the eighth and last in a series that will explain more fully how every single one of them can apply to your financial life. This article focuses on the tenth commandment, No Exclusion. In case you‘ve forgotten, here‘s the full list of all Ten Commandments.

1. Would an infinite being really choose this? 2. Everything is just an interesting point of view. 3. Live in 10-second increments. 4. Live as the question, not as the answer. 5. No form, no structure, no significance. 6. No judgment, no discrimination, no discernment 7. No drugs of any kind 8. No competition. 9. Do not listen to, tell, or buy the story 10. No exclusion

What does exclusion have to do with your money flows? The word itself comes from a Latin word ―to shut out.‖ Can you shut anything out without judgment? Is it even possible to shut out anything without shutting out money along with it? How does that work? Suppose you really just do not like people with green curly hair and pink freckles. You are not interested in having them in your life, no matter what they have to offer. The difficulty is that as soon as you shut these green haired pink freckled folks out of your life, you also shut out any money you could have received from them, or anyone with a similar vibration (even if that person with the similar vibration is a dynamite blue eyed blonde!).

When you consider that creation and generation are far less linear than we can ever imagine, the consequences of excluding anyone or anything can be seen as far greater. If you constantly live in the question, asking ―Is this light?‖ or ―Does this expand my agenda?‖ for every choice, what you should be inviting into your life can become more clear. (Your agenda is what you came to earth to do; we all have them, whether we know what they are or not. Oddly, even if you don‘t know what yours is, you can still use it as a basis for choice simply by asking if what you‘re considering will expand your agenda.) It‘s actually quite silly of us to exclude anyone or anything, because as Access Consciousness™ Founder and bestselling author Gary Douglas says, ―There isn‘t anything we haven‘t been or done at one time or another.‖ Furthermore, we can‘t judge anything without having been it or done it. So we might as well get over ourselves and be willing to receive money from anyone or anything! Exclusion working against our money flows isn‘t limited to our excluding people. What sources of money have you excluded from coming to you because you‘ve decided it‘s not possible? Some people think that money can only come to them from their job, which is limited by the number of hours they can work per week and the amount they can make per hour. Sometimes they may also consider that winning the lottery is a possibility. How many other sources of income have they excluded with this point of view? Sometimes we exclude money coming to us by refusing to see it for the financial gift it is. Many people who have done Access Consciousness™ classes have had cars given to

them—because they asked and because they were not willing to exclude this improbable windfall as a possibility. In challenging economic times like these, it‘s often tempting to exclude expenses—and opportunities along with them. This exclusion, which often feels temptingly safe—actually causes contraction in your life and your money flows. ―Don‘t save money,‖ says Douglas. ―An infinite being would save money based on what?‖ He recommends increasing your income instead. A great way to do that and step out of the contraction created by the perceived need to save money is to ask this question: ―What can I add to my life today that will make me money right away?‖

Another way that exclusion can work against increasing your money flows is in this reality‘s point of view that you should ―finish one thing before you start another‖ and ―focus only one thing at a time.‖ The truth is that humanoids are incurable multitaskers. We‘re terrible at excluding any of the millions of things we can be aware of at once. We require 5-10 projects going all at one time, and to have less than that risks boredom and failure. When we‘re bored, we become what Douglas calls OCCC—Obsessive Compulsive Creators of Crap.

Douglas has commented that anyone with that much creativity, who doesn‘t have more money than they can spend, must be pushing it away with both hands. Is that not yet another form of exclusion? What if you gave up exclusion, period? How much more would be available for you to receive, in all kinds of currency flows? What would it take for you to take that step? As you may have noticed while reading this series, the applications for these 10 simple commandments are fairly infinite. You can hear Douglas and Heer speaking for 90 minutes about each one by purchasing the 10 Commandments telecall series (already recorded). It‘s available at the store. Tagged as: add to my life, Agenda, awareness, cash flow, Creativity, Dr. Dai

Revealed: The Best Kept Secret of Access Consciousness® That Can Keep You Up to Date by ACCESS ADMI N I STRATOR on JANUARY 20, 2013

Have you noticed that as Access Consciousness®has grown, it‘s become almost impossible to keep up with Gary and Dain‘s schedules around the world, let alone the earth-shaking changes in consciousness that they‘re continually uncovering? Did you know that there is a way to keep up with the latest developments, without taking up residence on airplanes, as they seem to? It‘s been called the best-kept secret of Access Consciousness®, and you‘re invited to join in. It‘s called the Gold Club. It doesn‘t offer frequent flyer points, but it offers information on consciousness available nowhere else, no matter where you fly. For many, the highlight of the Gold Club is the monthly call on the topic of the month. Originally a ―closed call‖ with only Gary and Dain speaking, it has now re-emerged as an open line where participants can ask questions live. You get a recorded MP3 copy of the call sent to you by email the same week, as well as a hard copy of that call AND a bonus surprise gift each month. If you can‘t join the call live, you can still participate by submitting your questions in advance by email and by listening to the MP3 recording of the class that you‘re sent each month. To submit your questions, email them at least

24 hours before the call to [email protected] with ―Gold Club Question‖ in the subject line. But that‘s not all. Also included are biweekly tutorial videos illustrating one of the tools of Access Consciousness® with Gary and Dain, and weekly written clearings as well as on MP3 loops. Participation in all of this is only $97 per month, conveniently billed to your credit card monthly. The original Gold Club in 2010 focused on many different perspectives to clear people‘s limitations about money. This set of 12 hour-long classes is still dynamite and it still works. As one participant said, ―I keep listening to it, and the money keeps piling in.‖ Gary and Dain opened availability to listen to the first two of these calls to everyone, and as a result, these calls have already been downloaded by thousands of people around the world. If you‘d like to be one of them, here are the links: asStoppingYourMoney.mp3 Money.mp3 The entire set of 12 is still available for purchase in the Access Consciousness® shop. If creating money yourself by sharing consciousness appeals to you, the Gold Club is one way you can do this. By becoming an affiliate to the Access Consciousness® shop, you can share the Gold Club (and other great Access Consciousness® products) with others and earn a commission for doing so. To sign up for the affiliate program, go to the website menu ―Shop‖ and click under the Affiliate Program. If you‘d like to make money from sales worldwide, you need to sign

up for both the US shop and Australian shop affiliate programs. Participation in the program is free to you, and you get your own unique link that you can share with everyone you speak to about Access Consciousness®. With each purchase of an eligible product, you receive a bonus. If you enroll others in the Gold Club, you get a bonus each month that they participate. If you‘re a facilitator and not participating in the Gold Club calls, you might find that subscribing saves you the embarrassment of your clients having more up to date information on the latest clearings and discoveries in consciousness that you‘ve been missing! It‘s one of the quickest, cheapest, easiest ways to stay abreast of the sometimes breath-taking changes that are occurring in Access Consciousness® every 10 seconds. What If You Could Know the Future? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JANUARY 17, 2013

Now that we no longer have the Mayan calendar or its expiration to worry about, how are you going to know what predictions to follow now? What if the best predictor of your future is actually YOU? ―Is it a truth or a lie that you cannot know the future?‖ asks Gary Douglas, best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness®. ―Far more of the future is available to us to know than we are willing to acknowledge,‖ Douglas says. Our judgments,

decisions, conclusions and points of view about what it would be like to live in that future, keep us from knowing it and from using that awareness to our own advantage. Perhaps as a young child you had a perception that someone was about to die—and you concluded you caused it just because you knew it. That conclusion could block your ability to perceive the future now. If we were willing to look at everything as just interesting point of view, even the future we could perceive but not ―like,‖ we could have more awareness than we now have. ―Many of us work hard in order not to know what the future is going to look like,‖ Douglas says. In doing so, we make ourselves powerless in relation to the future. There is another way, he points out. ―If you were willing to know and be in allowance of it, then you could go, ‗OK, that‘s interesting. I wonder what that‘s going to look like?‘ If you live as the question, then nothing throws you.‖ The decisions and judgments that keep us from knowing the future can come from past lives as well as this one. If you were a seer in a past life and told people the future and you were killed for being a witch, you could easily have made a decision that you never wanted to do that again. Or people could have used your ability to see the future to make them money, and if it didn‘t work like they wanted it to, they could have gotten you killed. Another common point of view is that knowing the future would make our lives boring. ―Not so,‖ says Douglas. Plenty of mystery remains if we‘re willing to know and take advantage of the future we know, because it will always happen in ways we cannot foresee.

No matter what you ask for, ―It never looks like you think it‘s going to look,‖ Douglas‘s business partner, Dr. Dain Heer, likes to remind his clients.

Another common misconception we have is that to know the future, we have to see it. If we don‘t get that picture, we think we‘re not seeing the future. We ascribe much too much power to those pictures. ―The biggest mistake we make is thinking that knowing the future is a picture,‖ says Douglas. As Heer points out, ―you cannot see energy,‖ yet the future is an energy. Douglas says, ―You can know the future, but it‘s not a picture. People think that they can have a vision of the future, which is a picture of it. The vision of the future is really an energy, it‘s not a picture of it. What if the picture is always a limitation anyway? The future is the one thing we have been told we have no access to. But that‘s a lie.‖ Knowing the future doesn‘t mean seeing the whole movie— it can come in small increments and be as slight as ―having a feeling‖ that you shouldn‘t take a particular route to do an errand, only to find out entire sections of the highway you would have been on were closed. The voice of your parents or teachers in your head might be telling you, ―You can‘t know that!‖ but in fact, you did know. In the experience of Douglas, who has been exploring consciousness since he was a child, our idea that time is

linear is a distortion and a limitation. Time is actually much more simultaneous than we allow ourselves to perceive. ―If there is a simultaneity of time, space, dimensions, and realities, can you truly not know the future? Or can you only pretend not to know the future?‖ he asks. There are some useful tools for every situation of every day that can also be applied here. These four questions, ―What is this energy? What do I do with it? Can I change it? If so, how can I change it?‖ work just as well for the future you perceive.

Douglas taps into our unrecognized ability to know the future with a tool he currently shares with clients and seminar participants who would like assistance in making a choice. For every choice, he suggests asking, ―If I choose this, what will my life be like in 5 years?‖ Five years from now is far enough away that our decisions and judgments about it are not fully formed enough to cloud our knowing. If you‘re willing to dare to see the future, there are some clearing statements you could run, if you chose. How many lifetimes have you been a seer of the future? How many times have you lost your fortune or been killed for the fact that you‘ didn‘t get it exactly right? All the DJCCs you have around all that, will you revoke, recant,

rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad, POD, POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds What are you refusing to know, that you truly do know, that if you would allow it would change all realities and allow you to see the future? Everything that is, will you revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad, POD, POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds As you run the process, the energy will get lighter because you‘ll be creating a willingness to perceive and receive the energy of the future. Douglas has several examples of how it could be quite useful to know the future. If you‘ll allow yourself, you can feel the energy of it and figure out whether you want to go to that future or change it. ―If you lived in San Francisco and there was going to be a seven-point earthquake sometime in the next six months, would you want to be in town for that? No. By being willing to recognize that you can know the future, in order to create that lightness, that knowing there is this lightness you can experience, when the earth started to feel heavier, you‘d go, ‗let‘s go on vacation,‘ and you would fly out of the city and the earthquake would occur. You would still be able to be in the light zone that you were in, because you were willing to see what the future was going to bring.‖ ―If you knew your friend was going to die, do you have control over whether they choose to die or not? No. But if you were willing to know that, would you choose to do something different now?‖

What if instead of wishing and hoping for a happy new year, you could actually know what the future held? Would you dare be that potent? Have You Ever Considered Why Not to Use the Word Why? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on OCTOBER 23, 2012

Asking questions is one of the most effective tools of Access Consciousness™. It‘s even one of the ―10 commandments.‖ But the question ―Why?‖ is not one we recommend. Have you ever considered why?

Asking the question ―why?‖ has been compared to having a conversation with a 4 year old. ―Why is the sky blue?‖ ―Why is the grass green?‖ ―Why?‖ ―Why?‖ ―Why?‖ Does it ever get you anywhere? Or it is like making a perpetual right turn—if you make it enough times you go in a circle and end up right where you started? A very common belief behind when using the word why is that we require the answer to that question before we can change. In other words, even if we know that a habit or practice of ours is totally dysfunctional, we cannot change it unless and until we know WHY we are doing it. Is this actually true? Applying another of the Access Consciousness™ 10 Commandments suggests it is not. If every choice we made were only good for 10 seconds, couldn‘t we change what we do as quickly as that? Would it really matter why we had done anything? We also ask the question ―Why?‖ in trying to understand why others make the choices they make. This is another futile exercise. When people make choices we would never make, we think that if we could figure out why they made them we would somehow understand.

―No,‖ says Access Consciousness™ founder and best selling author Gary Douglas. This is a great delusion that keeps us stuck. ―People choose what they choose because they can, period.‖ When anyone tells us they made a choice ―because,‖ they are merely telling us the reasons and justifications for their insane choice. It‘s a lie. There is no reason for most choices—people choose it cause they chose it cause they could. When we try to understand why they have chosen their insane choices, we suck ourselves into a trap. To understand anyone, we have to walk into their universe and duplicate it. If we are attempting to understand someone who is making insane choices, we can only duplicate their insanity! Is that really in our best interests? If creating your life from your own reality rather than from the insane world around you appeals to you, giving up the addiction to the word ―why?‖ would be a great step in that direction. In addition to all the reasons given above, believing there is a why for anything puts us back into this limited reality where everything works from linear cause and effect. Certainly we‘ve all been taught that and encouraged to look at it that way, but is it really true? In living your life have you not noticed that events were far more random than you were ever taught to expect? It makes a mockery of that question ―Why?‖ doesn‘t it? The information in this article is the tiniest sample of the life-changing tools available in Access Consciousness™ Foundation through Level 3. You can find classes and facilitators in 46 countries near you on the website, Tagged as: change, choice, contribution, Gary M. Douglas, insane choices, Justification,Reason, Ten commandments of Access Consciousness, Why

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one } Tom Volkar November 16, 2012 at 8:40 am Beautifully and expertly explained. I‘ve always made agreements with my coaching clients not to go on a fruitless search for why when something isn‘t working. I‘ve found that even when they find and answer to why that they do not believe themselves and continue to waste time searching.


More than a century after people started lying on Freud‘s couch, are people any happier? Are families any more functional? Nothing that follows is intended as psychological treatment, which of course should be sought by those requiring it.

But for the rest of us, what if there were practical tools for dealing with families that were simple, easy to apply, effective, and didn‘t require those hours on the couch? Gary Douglas, best-selling author and founder of Access Consciousness™, has proposed many such tools in one of his newest books, Divorceless Relationships. Douglas and Freud agree on acknowledging the effects of events that occur early in life. Unlike the Austrian doctor, Douglas actually has tools that can change this imprinting quickly, easily, and efficiently. One of Douglas‘s observations is that until the age of 2 when we learn the word ―no,‖ we don‘t recognize any difference between our parents and ourselves. Being much more psychic than we ever recognized, we take in everything our parents are and everything their relationship is—without

recognizing that it‘s not necessarily even our point of view on what we‘d like to create. ―The fact that they are dysfunctional never enters your mind,‖ observes Douglas. One of the tools that Douglas uses to change things, even including this early programming, is the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement™. In essence, what this energetic clearing statement does is ask the universe to change the origin of the ―stuckness‖ by going to its ―point of creation.‖ The point of creation or POC of something is like the seed of the tree; once the POC is gone, so are the problems arising from it, just as a tree could not exist without having been a seed first. Here‘s a way that you can use the clearing statement to get rid of some of that old stuff that Freud identified but didn‘t necessarily know how to change: How much of who, what, where, when, why, and how you are is actually your parents’ point of view that you never even realized was your point of view before the age of two? Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all please? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds. You don‘t have to understand the clearing statement for it to work, just as you don‘t need to know where the point of creation of the issue you‘re working on is. It works anyway. The more often you repeat it, the deeper it goes at clearing stuck energy you may not have been able to reach any other way. Acknowledging our own awareness, our own psychic-ness if you will, is key to getting free of the family conflicts we absorbed growing up. ―You are an infinite being who knows all kinds of things, but you have to cut off huge amounts of awareness in order not to know that you know that you know. It is imperative that you acknowledge this or you will never get free and have choice on your own.‖

One of the things Douglas has noticed that most people pick up as children is the widespread, but seldom voiced or acknowledged, point of view that marriage and children are a trap. As a child, we pick up those points of view even if they are never expressed, and we adopt them as our own without realizing they are not necessarily our own points of view. At the same time, we try not to acknowledge the point of view about marriage and family being a trap—which keeps you trapped in that very point of view.

Another tendency we have which has its roots in early childhood is our natural desire to make our parents happy. We tend to come to earth with that as our purpose, Douglas has noticed. We don‘t ask if our parents wish to be happy, nor do we know at that young age that they are actually choosing to be unhappy. When we do not succeed at making them happy, however, we are quick to brand ourselves a failure for not succeeding in making them happy. This reflects itself over and over again in our choice of partners who are unhappy in ways similar to our parents. We pick them again and again and attempt to make them happy so we will no longer have to consider ourselves the failures we decided we were when we couldn‘t make our parents happy. Sometimes pop psychology simplifies this area and assumes all men marry their mothers and all women marry their fathers. What‘s actually more likely is that we will pick

someone who has the same energy as the parent that loved us the least. We are drawn to that person in hopes we can receive from our partner the love we never felt we received from the less loving parent. In doing so, we assume that we are the problem—never that our parent simply did not have the ability or willingness to care and express their love for us as we would have liked to receive it. This issue is not necessarily limited to relationships with parents—it could be a stepparent, an aunt or uncle, or grandparent. You could ask yourself, ―How many people have I picked to have a relationship with that are just like that person?‖ There is a bit of wisdom in this choice. It is true that we need to heal this relationship before we can have what we desire. Choosing someone that‘s just like the relative that didn‘t love you, however, is an insane and self-defeating way to heal that old familial relationship. In picking someone like that unloving relative, we are actually ensuring that we never get the love we‘re looking for. If that person is just like the person that never loved us, how likely is it that they will give us the love we‘re looking for? Not unlike Freud, Douglas notices that one of the contributing factors to parents not allowing themselves to feel or express their love has to do with their attitudes towards sex. But he has quite a different take on how this should be handled.

Young children are incredibly sexy, he has noticed, as a father of four. Instead of acknowledging this and allowing themselves to enjoy the energy without acting on it, parents most often judge themselves for being wrong for having these feelings around their children. The parents usually truly wish to give their children a healthy attitude about sex. The parents‘ own feelings of sexualness towards their children can be terrifying to these parents, who are afraid they will end up abusing their own children. The parents‘ unwillingness to have these feelings of sexualness without acting on them creates in their children just the feeling the parents are trying to avoid—judgment and uptightness and a feeling that something is sexually wrong with them. Sexualness, according to Douglas, is ―the energy of living. It is what you feel in nature. It‘s the healing, caring, nurturing, creative, expansive, orgasmic, energy that is the natural quality of life. It is totally joyful.‖ Douglas notes that in cutting off the sexual energy, which is a major component of true caring, parents cut off their sexual energy towards their children and require their children to cut off their own sexual energy as well. ―As a parent, you have a choice between pretending that you don‘t see it and that it isn‘t exciting to you, or acknowledging that child‘s sexual energy without judgment. What if you were willing to never withdraw that

energy? Would that give your children a different view of their sexualness?‖ It‘s not surprising that the whole area is a morass to most people. ―This whole area of sexualness is so filled with misinformation that unless you have some of these tools, you won‘t know what to do with it. If you have been creating your own relationships based on the parent who loved you least, what can you do to change it? Douglas suggests you first acknowledge that this is what you have been doing. Then look at the person you are currently interested in and ask yourself, ―Is this person another one of those parent figures?‖ Then ask yourself, ―Truth, did I desire to have sex with that parent? Did they desire to have sex with me? Whichever feels lighter, yes or no, is the truth.‖ ―There is no need to judge the answer as right or wrong,‖ says Douglas. In fact, there is not need to do anything with the awareness except acknowledge it. ―Acknowledging it just as what was there at the time allows you to change the position you have taken about it and get some freedom with it.‖

Another trap we can fall into is picking a partner that‘s just like our parents. ―Maybe you hate your father but at the same time you know you‘re supposed to love him. So you love him while hating him and you pick somebody who‘s like him so you can love him while hating him, too.

―When you judge and define someone as ‗just like my parent,‘‖ Douglas continues, ―then anything that doesn‘t match that point of view is something you can‘t see. It seems unbelievable, but this is the way it works.‖ What‘s the way out? ―If you recognize that you are choosing the person you are in relationship with because you had a problem with a parent and you are trying to solve that, you can ask, ‗Who am I really with, that isn‘t my parent?‘ Ask the question and you will start to see the person as they really are.‖ Another realization that Douglas has had can significantly change our outlook towards our parents—and that is that children actually choose their parents. He knows this from his own experience. Both times his children were conceived, he woke up in the middle of the night just before ejaculating. ―Literally, we were in the act before I was awake. Both of us were asleep and the next thing you know we had a baby!‖ Based on this experience, Douglas believes that children choose their parents; slamming them together at the exact moment that would create the genetic material they are looking for. Based on his work with thousands of individuals and groups world-wide, Douglas summarizes, ―You, as a being, know what the first ten years of your life is going to be before you come in to your body. You know what‘s going to occur and you are prepared for that. You choose parents you can control in one way or another.‖ It kind of pops the balloon that your parents are responsible for anything you turn out to be!

Dr. Freud may be rolling over in his grave. But then again, perhaps he is happy that freedom from limiting family patterns may now be possible. These ideas of Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness are discussed in many seminars, recordings, and publications on the website, Many of these ideas came directly from one of Douglas’s newest books, Divorceless Relationships. Recordings of a live seminar Douglas did on Divorceless Relationships are also available. What if Being Ambiguous Were A Key to Consciousness? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on AUGUST 2, 2012

Ambiguity is not usually considered a strength, and it can even be considered a weakness or an insult. On the contrary, according to best selling author and Access Consciousness™ founderGary Douglas, it is an asset and a pathway to increasing your own consciousness. Yes, ambiguity does mean what you think it means: ―unclear, uncertain, or vague.‖ How is that a strength? As Douglas describes it, when you‘re being ambiguous, ―it means you haven‘t latched onto an answer or conclusion. You haven‘t defined things. You haven‘t made decisions or judgments. You haven‘t decided what can and cannot be done. You‘re alert and aware. You are in the question—and when you are in the question, you are open to everything that is possible.‖ Many of those characteristics that are impossible when you‘re being ambiguous create limitations for you. Answers, conclusions, definitions, judgments are all limitations. As

soon as you‘ve settled on even one of these, nothing that doesn‘t fit into that box you just adopted can show up in your universe. That includes all kinds of outcomes that are better than you ever imagined possible. Another source of ambiguity getting a bad rap is that many people confuse it with ambivalence. Ambivalence is ―where you see the difference between two things and you can‘t choose one or the other.‖ The limitation occurs because when you can only see two options, that locks you into the either/or universe, which is in itself a limitation. In the either/or universe, only two options are available. If you‘re willing to be ambiguous, the possibilities become infinite. Being ambiguous gives you infinite choices. When you‘re ambiguous, you haven‘t settled on anything and therefore you live in the question. Questions create possibilities and empowerment, whereas answers disempower and create limitations.

In the Question

So how would you live if you were willing to invite a little more ambiguity— and possibility—into your life? Douglas suggests living in the question when you perceive a feeling or sensation. ―Instead of calling it what you think it is, such as ‗oh, my back aches,‘ or ‗I feel tired,‘ remain in ambiguity.‖ Instead of naming what you‘re feeling, ask a question. A

good question to start with could be, ―What can I do with this?‖ Going into the question allows you to shift your perspective away from imposing judgments on your body, for example, says Douglas. When you define something as ―feeling bad‖ or ―I have a headache‖ you are defining what you are feeling which blocks your awareness. You destroy your possibility of discovering what else might be going on. ―What if it‘s a non-cognitive awareness you are having?‖ Douglas describes a non-cognitive awareness as those moments ―where you get a feeling about something or you sense that something is not quite right, but you don‘t know what it is.‖ If you‘re willing to acknowledge this awareness rather than labeling it as a pain in your body, you automatically become more questioning and hence more aware. ―When you function from non-cognitive awareness, everything gets so much easier.‖ Douglas acknowledges that this willingness to be ambiguous and aware runs counter to everything we‘re taught. ―You‘ve been taught your whole life that you‘re not supposed to have ambiguity. Ambiguity is considered wrong in this reality. You‘re supposed to have a fixed point of view. You‘re supposed to nail things down and define them.‖ He continues, ―You are taught to believe that if you have a sufficient number of fixed points of view, then you really have something. I‘m not sure what it is you‘re supposed to have with all those fixed points of view—but you‘re supposed to have something.‖ Contrary to what we‘ve been taught, ―It‘s in your best interest to be ambiguous‖ Douglas says. ―When you‘re being ambiguous, you‘re in the question. What if ambiguity is your primary way out of this reality? It is! It is the place

from which you ask questions—which gives you greater awareness— which then creates greater possibility.‖ So if you‘d like to create a world that works better for you, you might consider being more ambiguous. What would that be like? Ambiguity is just one of the counter-intuitive concepts included in Douglas’s new book,Right Body for You, available from and his website, Other tools to create ambiguity are included in his classes and teleclasses offered worldwide, as well as in the Access Consciousness™ Core Classes taught by facilitators he has certified worldwide. Would You Be Willing to Be Proud if It Allowed You to Be Happy? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on DECEMBER 29, 2012

No stranger to controversy, controversial points of view, or the completely counter-intuitive, Gary Douglas leveled another cannon blast at the walls of the castle of this reality during the recent Australian Access Consciousness® Facilitators‘ training. His target this time: Pride. ―Having pride opens the door to all possibilities,‖ say Douglas. ―Everything you‘ve been taught in life is that it‘s bad to be proud. But if you can‘t have pride, you can‘t have you.‖ ―If you can‘t be proud, if you can‘t have pride, then you can‘t do happiness, you can‘t do joy, you can‘t have possibility, and you can‘t have choice,‖ he continues.

―But wait,‖ you may be saying. ―Isn‘t that one of the 7 deadly sins?‖ Indeed! But have you noticed that the things that are frowned upon by this reality are actually potencies that are available to humanoids if they‘re willing to be controversial enough to have them? ―Pride goeth before a fall,‖ is a platitude. ―Every platitude is designed to eliminate gratitude. If you buy that point of view, you will never be grateful for you. If you cannot be grateful for you, you cannot have pride in what you do, you can only judge what you do.‖ Do you suspect Douglas may have a slightly different way of looking at pride than what you‘ve been taught? That would be surprising based on what? ―Pride is about having an awareness of yourself. It‘s having gratitude for yourself and being grateful for what you know.‖ What difference would having pride make in your life? It would eliminate the necessity and possibility of judging yourself. Judgment of any kind creates huge limitations. How many limitations in your life would you eliminate if you were to choose being proud of yourself rather than judging yourself?

Having pride could have a major effect on your relationships, for example. ―If you have pride you won‘t choose people that will make you less to have sex with. You will see the value of you in a relationship instead of trying to negate you in the relationship. Just because someone wants you won‘t be enough for you to choose to have sex with them. If you have pride, you will choose people who will be grateful to have you in their lives, not someone who would want you to do what they want you to do. Are you beating yourself up for mistakes you have made? Pride can enable you to give that up! ―Look at when you did something you knew you shouldn‘t do and you did it anyway,‖ suggests Douglas. ―It turned out exactly as you knew it would. That was your knowing! You should be proud that you can know that much. Instead, you go, ‗That was a stupid mistake!‘ No, it wasn‘t a stupid mistake; it just wasn‘t your best choice! Instead, you could look at it and go, ―I knew, so I must be a person who knows.‖ ―Proud is where you should live, not in judgment of what you didn‘t do and didn‘t accomplish. That‘s the thing about humanoids—you‘ll always look for what you didn‘t accomplish long before you look for what you did accomplish!‖

Having pride could give you a lot more confidence in your choices. ―If you had pride in you, you would trust you, because you‘d know that whatever you chose would always turn out greater than you thought it would.‖ ―If most of you look, you would find that most of what you chose turned out greater than you thought it would. Yet you don‘t trust you to choose something greater, you always look for the worst-case scenario. You always go to that first. It‘s not wanting to be as great as you are. If you were as great as you are, you‘d have no more justification for the failure you would rather have than the success you could have.‖ Being proud can create some choices you might not expect if you come from the points of view of this reality. ―A vulnerability comes with it,‖ Douglas observes, ―as in, how did I get so lucky?‘‖ Being proud does not imply superiority. On the contrary, Douglas wishes more people would be the pride of themselves so he would have more playmates. ―If everyone would be the proud-dom that they can be, then there would be people who would be fun to hang out with and were worth knowing because they would be willing to be greater than they think they can be.‖ Being proud also eliminates the need to defend yourself for or against anything. ―Most of us defend for the rightness of our point of view or against people that we think might hurt us. That‘s not having pride in yourself and being aware of what you‘re capable of. Proud-dom is that kingdom where you know what you‘re capable of and you will choose it because you can and for no other reason.‖

Giving up defense and its brother, justification, is in your best interest if freedom is your target. ―Any time you‘re justifying, you‘re defending for or against. Anything you defend for or against becomes the thing that owns you, not the place where you have choice.‖ When you defend or justify anything, you are subject to its rules, it is not subject to your rules. Anywhere you‘re defending for or against anything, you don‘t have all of you.‖ Would you be willing to grab back that pride that went before the falls you had in the past? It might be in your best interest. ―Happiness does not exist in someone who is not proud. Proud gives you the awareness of you which allows you to be happy?‖ When Disabled Hides Ability ~ A Teleseries with JillMcCormick and Gary Douglas by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JANUARY 1, 2012

In this reality OCD, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia and Autism are called disabilities, in Access we look at them as abilities. We ask you to consider; what if there is truly nothing wrong with them? We don‘t call them disabled at all, we call them highly able and we are the disabled ones. We call them ―X-Men,‖ like the movie, they have talents and abilities beyond our wildest imagining. These kids and adults are a lot more conscious than we give them credit for. They are different and they function differently. We are the ones who need to change to communicate in a way that is natural to them. Access gives you the awareness and tools to do that.

―These children are a gift, highly able and as I‘m sure you are quite aware, different. It is my perception that we can change those considered disabled into highly functional people who go beyond the norm in a very short period of time, probably a year to two, some even more quickly. What are the infinite possibilities?‖ ~ Gary Douglas. Founder of Access Consciousness™ Note from Jill McCormick: Hi! I am a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist and Local Assistive Technology Specialist that has been working in the public school system for over 15 years! I work with all ages and encounter a cornucopia of labels on a regular basis. It’s a good thing that I never buy a label or a diagnosis! Otherwise I might not have seen the magic that was right before my eyes! The one thing I do continually is… I keep asking questions. What’s right about Autism, Dyslexia, etc. that we are not getting? What have we misidentified as ADD, ADHD, OCD, etc? What if these are actually talents and abilities? Would it change the way kids view themselves if no one labeled them as disabled? What if these kids being labeled are simply getting information in a different way? The way they receive information is spherical. Where they access this information is way, way out. It is not linear! This is a fundamental difference and must be made clear, it is NOT a wrongness, disease, or disability! Children with ADD, ADHD, “On the spectrum” etc., don’t follow the lines. They create in a completely new way. Somersaulting and tumbling like butterflies they are able

to go from point a to point b, p back to c, up and down and back to z. There is an immense joy, a dancing joy, in how they create, moving constantly. In this spherical realm of accessing information they are as big as the ocean. When asked to focus or pay attention, so they can give the “right” answer, they are being asked to put themselves in this tiny little box. It is like asking the ocean to shrink itself into a thimble when what they perceive and are aware of are so many possibilities! How easy is it to create from this tiny little limited place that requires just one answer? Is it possible for them to create with ease in this environment? In essence this approach becomes the death of all their awareness and the creation of their reality, and destroys their ability to access the information they already know. I specialize in bridging these amazing beings’ realities and the realities of school and home that require them to be functional. I am able to translate and navigate their realities assisting parents, caregivers, and educators in connecting and understanding them. I empower kids to know that they know! Using easy tools, verbal processing, and bodywork I facilitate space for the “labeled” person and those people that interact with them decreasing outbursts, increasing communication, and creating more ease in everyone’s day to day life. I invite you to look from another place. I invite you to come and play as we explore greater possibilities.

What can we generate together? What can contribute to us? What do these children have for us? Gratitude, Jill McCormick Join Jill and Gary for 6 weeks that will completely change everything that you thought was possible with regards to abilities and disabilities! Science Now Explains How Our Thinking Limits Our Consciousness by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JANUARY 2, 2013

―If you‘re thinking, you‘re stinking!‖ is a favorite refrain of Access Consciousness®founder Gary Douglas and many other facilitators. Now evolutionary psychologists have come up with an explanation of how we can, in effect, think so stupidly. As usual with Access Consciousness®, consciousness creates an awareness and then science catches up.

Psychology believes that what it calls ―compartmentalized brain functions acting either in concert or in conflict‖ are the result of how the brain evolved. The brain evolved as a ―Swiss Army knife of practical tools or an app-loaded iPhone,‖ according to research psychologists quoted in the January, 2013, issue of Scientific American. According to this view of science, ―there is no unified ‗self‘ that generates internally consistent and seamlessly coherent beliefs devoid of conflict. Instead, we are a collection of distinct but interacting modules often at odds with one another.‖

This is evolutionary psychology explaining why it can be so hard for us to absorb certain concepts in Access Consciousness®, or why, as Gary says, ―You get it when you get it if you get it.‖ When you get it can often be after years of exposure to Access Consciousness®. Compartmentalized brain functions (otherwise known as ―logic-tight compartments) are a scientific way of explaining what we have already observed occurs. Consider using the words ―awareness beyond this reality‖ or ―consciousness‖ instead of ―new scientific theories‖ in the quotes below:

―Compartmentalization is also at work when new scientific theories/awareness beyond this reality conflict with older and more naive beliefs. Several psychologists found that ―subjects more quickly verified the validity of scientific statements when those statements agreed with their prior naive beliefs.‖ Couldn‘t ―prior naive beliefs‖ be another way of saying ―everything we‘ve been taught, believed, or were implanted with?‖ The article continues, ―Contradictory scientific statements were processed more slowly and less accurately, suggesting that ‗naive theories survive the acquisition of mutually

incompatible scientific theory, co-existing with that theory for many years to follow.‘‖ Have you ever sat in a class where someone in the front row argued forcefully for their own worldview? Check out what else psychologists have to say: ―Northwestern University researchers found that when subjects‘ closely held beliefs were shaken, they ‗engaged in more advocacy of their beliefs …than did people who‘s confidence was not undermined.‘‖ Do you remember hearing Gary say ―whatever people are trying to prove, they really believe the opposite?‖ Science is now figuring this out as well. ―Enthusiastic evangelists of a belief may in fact be ‗boiling over with doubt,‘ and thus their persistent proselytizing may be a signal that the belief warrants skepticism,‖ continues the article. Morality, another limitation that Gary speaks about, creates even more distortion, say these psychologists. ―Our moral emotions lead us to bend and distort data and evidence through a process called motivated reasoning. The module housing our religious preferences, for example, motivates believers to seek and find facts that support a biblical model of a young earth in which the overwhelming evidence of an old earth must be denied. The module containing our political predilections, if they are of a conservative bent, may motivate pro-capitalists to believe that any attempt to curtail industrial pollution by way of the threat of global warming must be a liberal hoax.‖

Interestingly, the article does ask, ―What can be done to break down the walls separating our logic-tight compartments?‖ Scientists from Western Australia had some suggestions, which just could apply to those attending and facilitating Access Consciousness® classes. ―Consider what gaps in people‘s mental event models are created by debunking, and fill them using an alternative explanation. To avoid making people more familiar with misinformation, emphasize the facts you wish to communicate rather than the myth.‖ ―Provide an explicit warning before mentioning a myth, to ensure that people are cognitively on guard and less likely to be influenced by the misinformation…‖ Isn‘t this another way of describing what Gary does when he tells people at the beginning of an advanced event, ―Welcome to the end of your life as you know it…‖ The article continues, ―Consider whether your content may be threatening to the world view and values of your audience. If so, you risk a worldview backfire event.‖ Is there anyone who has facilitated introductory classes who has not witnessed this happening? Perhaps like all of us, there is one logic-tight compartment that the writer of this article did not penetrate—and that is the dominance of truth and scientific thought as we know it. ―How (can) intelligent and educated people, in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence, believe that

evolution is a myth, that global warming is a hoax, that vaccines cause autism and asthma, that 9/11 was orchestrated by the Bush administration?‖ the article asked at the beginning. What might happen if these and other unquestionable scientific beliefs were subjected to some questions, Access Consciousness® style? Might some compartment walls break down and some other interesting points of view emerge? Access Consciousness® might just move ahead of science yet again. All of the quotes above were taken from the article, LogicTight Compartments, on p 77 of the January 2013 Scientific American. Many psychologists from all over the world were quoted in the article, written by Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine. You could comment on the article at Defrag Your Brain To Reach Your Optimim Potential by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on DECEMBER 5, 2012

By Guest Author Janice Jackson Really?? Absolutely! Why not? We can do it to our computers, why not our brain?

Our brains have been compared to computers, right? But what would it take? What would that look like exactly? Would it hurt? Is there a magic ―button‖ somewhere on my head that I can push? Well sort of. Actually there are 32 such places on the head and they are called ―Bars‖ – energy Bars that is, and when they are lightly touched, they re ease electromagnetic energy. This is where the defrag takes place. ―OK, I‘ll take some of that‖ you say. Great! Here‘s how it works. About 25 years ago a guy named Gary Douglas came up with these energy Bars that run through the head. Each Bar pertains to some aspect of our life that we deal with every day: joy, sadness, money, control, creativity, creating connections, peace, gratitude, and more. He found out that when we touch each of these Bars, the particular aspect of that Bar gets defragged. By defragged, I mean that old habits and patterns surrounding that Bar are released. Poof! Gone! How cool is that? So some of the things we learned from our parents, grandma and grandpa, teachers, TV, books, etc. that are stored in our brain (a lot of which is subconscious) and which inhibit us from performing at our optimum potential, or being the person we want to be, can be released. Have you ever wondered why you keep choosing the same things in your life that don‘t really work for you? Why would you choose a job that starts early in the morning when you are not a morning person? Or why choose a job that is 100% working inside when you love being outdoors? Why would you work for a male boss when you know you work better with a female boss? Why do certain attributes of your coworkers always get on your nerves? Does constructive criticism always leave you feeling ―less than‖? ―Getting your Bars run‖ describes a typical ―defragging‖ session. This can be done in a reclining chair or on a massage table. Almost everyone falls asleep – a deep theta sleep. And it‘s OK to snore. No one will care. This will be your time to totally receive, relax and renew. Sounds heavenly already doesn‘t it? When was the last time you had a good night‘s sleep? Restorative sleep is an absolute necessity to our well being. Or an hour to yourself with no interruptions? All this happens in an hour! No more long hours on the psychiatrist‘s couch (not that there‘s anything wrong with that) trying to figure things out. You can relax and change at the same time.

The session continues to work after getting your Bars run because more things continue releasing each day. What would it look like if you couldn‘t wait to get to work every day? Can you really wake up joyful each morning? What if you had so many new ideas to contribute to your job that you didn‘t know where to start? Is it possible to not take things personally? What if things were not right or wrong, or good or bad? What if they were just ideas with no judgment? Oh my! Can we really allow co-workers and bosses to be who they are without resisting and reacting, or aligning and agreeing (all that polarity)? What would it take for your life to be easier? I know, some of this sounds so ―outside the box‖ doesn‘t it? Well, it can actually happen by getting your Bars run. It‘s so easy. How does it get any better than that? What else is possible? Get your Bars run and put the ―joy‖ back in ―job‖. Or life. Or your family. Or whatever.

Tagged as: Access Consciousness, Bars, defrag, defragged, Gary Douglas, outside the box,release, Subconsciousness, Why

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one } sheila December 18, 2012 at 4:18 am Weird question regarding the bars. First, I really like having my bars run and the first couple of times were very intense and altering. I have been running bars on others and having my bars run for a couple of months now and I am noticing that I get kinda of ill the following two days after a session of giving. Dizzy, nauseous, headache. Does this happen to anyone else? Do we know what causes it? Should I stop giving bars?

Dorian December 24, 2012 at 7:14 am Hi Sheila, Definitely don‘t stop running Bars. As a Bar practitioner I hope you were taught that the symptoms you experienced are part of the clearing. Some people experience those symptoms and others don‘t. For some the clearings take longer and for others it can be immediate. I think it has to do with how open or resistant we are at the time. I am a Bars facilitator. I was running Bars for a woman and she had a full blown migraine at the end of the session. I felt terrible but she was smiling and assuring me that the session was

powerful and definitely clearing something. She called me the next day to tell me she felt fantastic and thanked me for running her Bars. Once I had my Bars run and felt nothing. For the next three days I felt ―Blah‖ – felt dead. When I woke up the next day I felt reborn – hadn‘t felt so alive in years. It is important to tell the person receiving the Bars to have no expectation but to be open and receive the energy. And tell them that if they have symptoms such as yours to know that it is not the usual but not uncommon and it will go away. They also need to know that they are in charge of the session and talk up if something doesn‘t feel right such as the pressure being used. Some people are so sensitive that they feel the energy outside of the body and even the slightest touch can be uncomfortable. Some people I have run Bars for have had unexpected and amazing experiences such a stressed woman experiencing three days of absolute bliss following the session: an 86 yr. old woman releasing a burden that she had carried since she was five years old and feeling such joy that now she had her childhood back; a woman after four sessions getting her voice back after years of not being able to talk above a scratchy whisper. Other people have less dramatic results but almost everyone relaxes. Some people will have results days or weeks later and never associate it with the Bars but the energy is running and clearing. Oops!Just reread what your wrote – that your symptoms come after running the bars rather than receiving the bars. You could be pulling the energy into you rather than letting it flow through you? and remember, if you have an issue that is being cleared in your client, it is being cleared in you as well even if you weren‘t thinking of it. Continue to give and receive and your symptoms will clear.

When It Comes to Consciousness, Is Visualization Really Your Friend? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on NOVEMBER 14, 2012

As a culture, we are very dependent on what we see with our physical eyes.

―I‘ll believe it when I see it,‖ and ―Seeing is believing‖ are things we hear and say every day. Our educational system is heavily biased to cater to those who process information visually. Science and medicine rely on what can be seen and therefore measured to the exclusion of any other form of awareness. But if our interest is consciousness, is it really in our best interest to put so much faith in what we see with our eyes? Does this cause us to exclude other forms of awareness? Dr. Dain Heer, co-developer of Access Consciousness™ and co-author of many books with founder Gary Douglas, observes that ―One of the greatest limitations we have is that we need to see something in order to change it, in order to fix it, in order to make it different, and if we don‘t see it, it doesn‘t exist. Your life gets a lot easier if you realize every time you do to say ‗I see this,‘ or ‗I don‘t see this,‘ you could ask, ‗What else can I be aware of that I‘ve misidentified as seeing?‘‖ Douglas states simply, ―Being clear is not seeing. Some of you have gotten to the point where only through seeing something can you create it. That‘s a vibrational virtual reality you‘re trying to create from, as though vision is creating and creating the vision and the vibration of the vision is the creation of reality.‖ Not true, he says. ―Demand and choice and choice to demand are the elements of creation, not visualization.‖ ―The biggest mistake you make is assuming visual is aware,‖ continues Douglas. ―Visual is not aware. Metaphysics always talks about visualizing. It never works but they always talk about it. You think if you can get the visual of it then you can actualize it. The only way you‘re going to actualize anything is from the energy of it. That‘s why the law of attraction doesn‘t work, because it‘s about visualizing

what you would like instead of being the energy of what you would like to create so you can actualize it into existence.‖ Energy itself cannot be seen, Heer has observed. Energy is the first language, the source of all other languages and the one language everyone speaks, whether they acknowledge it or not. It is also the source of creation of everything in the universe. This emphasis we put on the value and importance of visualizing and visual acuity can actually lead us away from consciousness and away from an awareness of energy. ―Beyond this reality cannot be visualized,‖ observes Douglas. ―The problem with visual acuity is you can only create based on what you can see, not what you can be. ―If you‘re functioning from visual acuity you‘re trying to get a vision of what consciousness is rather than a sense, an awareness of what consciousness is.‖ ―We have created visual acuity as a way to avoid creating a future,‖ says Douglas. ―If you cannot visualize what the future can be you cannot create that as a reality.‖ Even worse, ―your visual acuity is dedicated to the immutable laws of this reality and everything you cannot change, that you must abide, live with, and tolerate.‖

Our sense of visual acuity actually functions to limit what we can have because it works like a decision. ―When you‘re visually accurate you must eliminate everything that doesn‘t match that (picture) because it is not what you have defined as appropriate awareness. Visual acuity is not awareness. Often it‘s fantasy, often it‘s insanity, sometimes it‘s a memory of past lives, and sometimes it‘s an awareness of what you shouldn‘t have done that you did and things that you should have done that you didn‘t do.‖ Yet, brilliant beings that we are, ―You won‘t see visual acuity as a limitation. You think visual acuity is a superior capacity. You keep trying to make visual acuity the sum total of possibility.‖ Douglas discovered the limitation of this years ago, when participants in his early seminars put great emphasis on what they ―saw.‖ They would give him pictures that didn‘t match the energy he was perceiving. He found that following those pictures quickly became a wild goose chase, while clearing the energy he perceived with the clearing statement produced a quicker and lasting change. He discovered ―the picture was the one thing that would distract them from the energy that would allow something to change.‖

Have you been holding yourself back because you couldn‘t see what was possible or what you‘d like to create in your life? What if the vision you were longing for were not only unnecessary, but not in the best interest of you or your creation? What could you be aware of then? And what else would be possible for you to choose? The First Commandment and Your Body by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on NOVEMBER 5, 2012

Many years ago, Access Consciousness™ Founder and bestselling author Gary Douglasformulated the 10 Commandments of Access Consciousness™. No, it was not his way of starting another cult or religion— far from it. He subtitles his commandments ―the keys to your freedom,‖ as that is his target for those attending his classes (and everyone else in the world who desires it).

What would it be like if we applied the 10 Commandments of Access Consciousness™ to our bodies? The first commandment is, ―Would an infinite being truly choose this? And if they wouldn‘t, why are you?‖

Have you ever thought of your body as being infinite? It can be a stretch! It‘s not the way most of us usually think about our bodies—but how happy or unhappy are most people with their bodies? In truth, says Douglas, you created your body and you are an infinite being, so your body should be as infinite as you are. If you‘re having trouble with that concept, try this exercise: Close your eyes and look for the outside edges of you. Start at your skin, and keep going further and further beyond it, outside your body. If you contact something that seems like an edge of you, push on it and see if you can go further. So! Are you an infinite being or a finite one? Are you in your body, or is your body inside you? Most people find that they are much too big to fit into something as small as their little bodies. You and your body are both infinite beings! You may not have been acting like it or acknowledging it, however. Like all of the Ten Commandments of Access Consciousness™, this can be applied to any body situation you would like to change. As in all situations in life we‘d like to change, the answer is almost always that of course, an infinite being would not choose it. The reasons for our doing so usually boil down to just a couple: to prove what victims we are so someone will rescue us, or to create yet another disaster in our lives.

Have you ever known someone who did this to themselves, using their bodies to do so? Have you ever known anyone who did not? Most people don‘t like their bodies, don‘t enjoy being in them, and many use problems with their bodies as one of the ways they can sabotage themselves and keep themselves in the victim role. Not their best choice, but one that people often make! How many people have you known that created a mysterious and even life-threatening illness just when they were so close to breaking through the tape of the finish line of some target they had been working on for years? Sometimes people simply like their lives being disasters because for some reason they think it would not be interesting or exciting if it weren‘t. If they didn‘t have something painful or colorful or dramatic going wrong with their bodies, what would they talk about? If they didn‘t have 10 pounds to lose what excuse would they have for buying yet another trashy women‘s magazine with yet another miracle diet in it? Creating an undesirable condition in their bodies can be a way to focus the hate and judgment they have of their bodies, and their resistance to the greatness of being in one in the first place. If you followed this commandment, wouldn‘t you have to acknowledge that every single undesirable condition in your body was your creation? Would that extend the potency you have as an infinite being to a place you had never

considered before? If your body is one of the things you‘d like to change in your life, might applying this commandment allow you to change it, making it possible for you to have everything you‘ve been asking for and longing for your whole life? It may be painful to admit that even the things about your body that you don‘t like are your creations. It is in your best interest, however. Acknowledging that what‘s occurring in your life as your creation is the necessary first step to changing it. Would an infinite being judge their own creation? It‘s a lot easier if you don‘t judge your creation, but merely acknowledge your creation and all your points of view about it as merely interesting points of view. Then changing it can be as easy as asking your body, ―Body, what would it take for you to change this?‖ A Sneak Peak at What a 7-Day Offers: Seven Requirements to Generate Your Life from Gary Douglas by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on OCTOBER 26, 2012

The semi-annual 7-day advanced Access Consciousness classes are free-form events. While every Access class is different, even from those with the same name, these 7 days classes are more different than others! The uniqueness of each event is highlighted by each event having its own specific title and topic. ―You had to be there!‖ is as good a description as any of the life-changing nature of these events. Gary does such a great job of wiping out our limited thinking and over-analytical minds that most participants couldn‘t share if they wanted to.

This year‘s event starts on Saturday in Costa Rica and is booked to capacity. The next event, ―Going from Crazy Stupid to Crazy Possible‖ starts April 19th in New Zealand. These events are by invitation only, and having attended a recent Access Levels 2 & 3, live or online, is required. Sometimes some strangely relevant information from past events surfaces years later, such as these notes from a Mission Beach advanced event 4 years ago. So here you go! The seven requirements to generate your life are demand; aggression; being a leader of your own life; being persistent; being willing to never be seen, known or acknowledged; being willing to be obnoxious; and being willing to be avaricious. Not what you were expecting, eh? Do you find yourself having a reaction to some of the items on this list? What if that very reaction were keeping you from generating the very life you say you‘ve been wanting? When looking at these requirements, it pays to keep in mind that an infinite being can perceive, know, be and receive anything. Are you an infinite being? What if that very thing that you‘re unwilling to be, due to your judgments of it, is keeping you from having everything you‘ve been asking for? And just because you can be something doesn‘t mean you have to be it. If you‘re willing to be mean, for example, that doesn‘t mean you have to act mean. You do have to be willing to do so if it‘s called for. If you‘re not, then you will be dead meat for every mean person to take advantage of. What if there is another possibility that you can choose?

A tip that lots of people find very useful when getting clarity on what it is they have been creating in their lives is to look at what a word really means, not what you believe it means. Its dictionary or energetic meaning (available in a pre-1946 dictionary) may surprise you! And that is what the word has meant for thousands of years before the modern dictionaries that we use nowadays. One of the greatest limitations most of us suffer from is our unwillingness to receive the judgments of others. How much do we limit ourselves due to our reluctance in receiving others‘ judgments? Let‘s look at the items on this list one by one. Demand: The demand is of yourself, not of the universe. The universe contributes and manifests, but you must first make the demand of yourself. A demand is, ―Whatever it takes, this is changing!‖ Of course, the more brutally honest you are willing to be with yourself about your true willingness to do whatever it takes, the better this will work! It can also be useful to remember that there are others also inhabiting the planet, and it can take the universe a little while to arrange everything and everyone to bring you what you‘re asking for. You may be changing a pattern that‘s 4 trillion years old. If you conclude, ―It didn‘t work!‖ you will stop everything the universe has been arranging on your behalf. Better to say, ―What will it take for this to come to fruition?‖ and ―What else is possible?‖ Aggression: Aggression is definitely one of those characteristics that is necessary for success, yet heinously judged by this reality. This is particularly true for women. Humanoid women are best suited for going out to conquer the world; doesn‘t it make sense that this would require a bit of aggression to accomplish? Yet while men are

supposed to be aggressive in this reality, women are automatically judged to be a bitch when they are similarly aggressive. Each judgment you receive brings you $5000 in income every year. Would being willing to be judged for being aggressive be a good place to start? Leader of your own life: Being a leader of your own life is different than this reality‘s viewpoint of what being a leader is. In this reality, a leader gives orders and has followers. This kind of leader wants followers to validate that their point of view is right. When you are a leader of your own life, you know where you‘re going. Others are welcome to accompany you if you choose, and you‘re going whether anyone else chooses it or not. As a leader of your own life, you have the courage to be different.

Persistent: How often have you given up moments before you crossed the finish line of achieving what you‘d been asking for? That‘s how the majority of the world functions, but it‘s not the way to have what you really would like. An interesting phenomenon that affects our ability to be persistent is that very often the projects we‘re working on, which are entities in their own right, take on an energy of their own just as they‘re about to come to fruition. After weeks or months or years of working on the project,

suddenly it can feel to us like ―there‘s no energy in it.‖ That is a conclusion, not a question! Conclusions stop your creations in their tracks. When you feel your long-term project seems to have lost its energy, ask if it‘s taken on an energy of its own and ask how you can contribute to it. You can ask how to contribute to it on a daily basis. Being willing to never be seen known or acknowledged: The self-centeredness and lack of perception of many people on earth can hardly be underestimated. Most people live from ―It‘s all about me‖ and ―What‘s in it for me?‖ With that viewpoint, can they ever even see you, let alone acknowledge you? If you‘re looking for acknowledgement from others, how much power does that give others over your sense of accomplishment and achievement? If you‘re looking for validation, that‘s a further zinger. The only thing that others can validate is your limitations. How valuable is that? Is it really worth striving for? Or would you be better off without it? Obnoxious: Today even the dictionary tells us the word ―obnoxious‖ means highly disagreeable. Even from that definition, the willingness to be obnoxious is critical to your success because the unwillingness to be so and receive the judgments for being so means you will judge yourself and limit yourself hugely. Being unwilling to be obnoxious forces you to judge your every word and action to make sure it won‘t be judged as obnoxious by someone out there in the world. That very judgment limits your perceiving, knowing and being everything you can be. Is that in your best interest?

The older definition of obnoxious underscores the role of judgment in limiting us. The older definition of obnoxious is ―liable to censure or punishment.‖ Is that not what happens to everyone who steps out of this reality and its limitations, if they are stupid enough to let others see them? Avaricious: While the current definition of this is as simply greedy, the older definition includes being ―inordinately desirous of gaining and possessing wealth.‖ If you are not willing to be avaricious, don‘t you have to limit either the success you‘re willing to have or the financial gains that should accompany it? Gary discovered this himself when one of his clients pointed out to him that if he was satisfied with the money he was making in a year, he was creating a limitation on the growth that he desired Access to have. This awareness preceded the explosive growth Access is now having—but not by much. Apparently the truth that your point of view creates your reality applies even to Gary! Whatever you do, don‘t persist in going for the life you‘d really like! You might be judged as aggressive, obnoxious, or avaricious; you might get no one to acknowledge or validate you at all; you might end up going on your own with no one else willing to follow. But then, you might just get what you really want! What would that be like? Wouldn‘t you like to find out? What Could You Change that You‘ve Never Thought of Before? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on OCTOBER 9, 2012

Was it Mark Twain that said, ―Everyone complains about the weather but no one does anything about it?‖ What if you could?

Changing the weather, airline turbulence, prices of items in stores, availability of things that just were not possible can be everyday occurrences for those willing to consider that magic is possible, to refuse to believe ―it can‘t be done‖ and to ask questions that never occurred to most people.

One dramatic example of changing the weather occurred at the very first advanced seven-day event in Costa Rica. A spur of the moment horseback ride to some cascades occurred, and this included many people who were older and had not been on horses in years, if ever. The ride through the Costa Rican rainforest was spectacular, as were the waterfalls, which at that time were in their natural state, unspoiled by the over-development that has since been added. Gary guided participants in an exercise of experiencing communion as they sat in the water and watched the psychedelic blue butterflies above us, listening to the howler monkeys and crickets surrounding them. It was mesmerizing, and instructions to get out of the warm water to return to the hotel before it got dark at 5 p.m. were just way too easy to ignore. It was nearly dusk before participants even left the waterfalls, and dark had set in as they neared the lodge. Even more threatening, it had started to rain, making the tropical soils more slippery and nerve-wracking to inexperienced riders. One participant, already safely ensconced in her room, remembers looking out the window and seeing the last stragglers on their horses pass through the portico into the stables, just as the heavens opened up with thunder and lightening in full tropical force. ―Nice job with the weather, Gary,‖ she recalls thinking. The potency of Gary‘s intervention was obvious, even before such a subject as changing the weather had ever been discussed in class. Now, of course, the magic that is possible using the Access Consciousness™ tools is out of the closet. There‘s the book Magic, You Are It, Be It, and it is the subject of a global lecture Gary is presenting from Colorado Springs on October 5. Pods around the world are tuning in, and many facilitators and other lovers of Access Consciousness™ who have completed Levels 2 & 3 will be hosting events and continuing seminars on the subject. The Magic, You Are It, Be It book will be available for sale at many of these events.

What other magic might be possible, if we only asked? Asking, of course, is the key to magic. Not only do questions empower while answers disempower, but asking questions actually creates Demolecular Manifestation—the re-arranging of molecules to bring you what you have asked for. Demolecular Manifestation is a process that invites communion with the molecules and allows them to change at your invitation. Changing the turbulence while aboard an aircraft is another frequent magic trick used by accessories, many of whom are gypsies at heart. It‘s as easy as extending your awareness 600 miles or more outside the aircraft in all directions and asking the air to be smooth. Like all magic, this works much better if you are not vested in the outcome. Chances are you‘ll forget about the airline turbulence because it will have disappeared long before the pilot remembers to turn off the fasten seatbelt sign.

Many people who are familiar with the Access Consciousness™ tools routinely use them to create magic. Getting desired possessions at an ―unbelievably good‖ price, getting seats available when none were previously available in crowded restaurants and planes, and other ―impossibilities‖ are regular occurrences in the lives of people who are willing to ask questions like ―what would it take?‖ and ―what else is possible?‖ Do you notice a theme in these examples? They all involve asking the forces of nature or other objects to do as you ask. If you‘re used to ―setting an intention,‖ creating vision boards, or other such new age tricks, you may find this too easy to believe. What if the only thing keeping it from being easy were your belief that it had to be hard? Which feels lighter, setting an intention, or asking? The things that can be changed are limited only by your imagination. You can ask your body, your possessions, your house, your computer, and your car to contribute to the magic in your life. One obese woman who got smaller by two dress sizes in the three days between her first and second Levels 2 & 3 class simply asked her body what it would take for her arms to be firmer. Donnielle Carter‘s story that opens the latest Access Consciousness™ book,Right Body for You, is nothing short of magical.

One wine maker, whose job it was to be extremely aware of the taste of his own wine, was astonished when a wine which he knew to be a combination of only mediocre grapes suddenly tasted much better than he thought was possible. Later several of his employees confessed that they had been using Demolecular Manifestation and Molecular Demanifestation to improve the taste of the wine. This seriously shook the foundations of this vintner‘s universe! What‘s in your universe that you haven‘t even considered you could change? What if it could be much easier than you thought?

Tagged as: Access Consciousness, ask, change, Consciousness, De-Molecular manifestation,Earth, Environment, Planet, Environment, Magic, Molecular Demanifestation, planet

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one } nola October 17, 2012 at 5:54 pm i love the comment on air turbulence. last week i was on a flight on a small plane with extreme weather forcast. several passengers sitting around me said they had tried to cancel their tickets but could not. i simply had the mindset that we were being offered the possibility of some extra thrills and spills, a bit like a roller coaster ride for FREE. An added bonus, how cool, they are not charging us extra for this! When i said this out loud you could see it ticking over in their minds. another possibility! the trip was calmer than usual with nil turbulence. when we arrived the lady beside me actually turned to me and said ―thanks, i‘m so glad i was sitting next to you, i enjoyed the flight‖. How can it get even better than that!

Bret Rushia October 24, 2012 at 9:48 pm that is so cool, thank you for that!

Over 45 & Getting Younger by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on MARCH 19, 2012

Olympic sprinter Dara Torres did it at age 41 by winning 3 silver medals at the 2008 Olympics. Champion swimmer Janet Evans aims to do it this year at 40. Will you do it? And best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness™ Gary Douglas invites you to do it too. While participating in his new upcoming workshop ―Over 45 & Getting Younger‖ might not qualify you for this year‘s Olympic team, it might allow you to win a more valuable race—the quest to enjoy embodiment for all of your life. What‘s the dream you have that you have concluded is not possible this lifetime because you‘re just too old? Would you be willing to change that? That‘s what this class is about. Douglas, who has found that almost anything can be changed using the tools of consciousness, has noticed that ―once you‘re over 45, you assume your life is essentially over or it will be soon. You get to this point where you don‘t create and generate anymore because you have all these points of view about where you‘re over the hill. ‗I can‘t do that,‘ ‗I‘m too old to do that.‘ Is any of that true? No, but you will buy lies like crazy.‖ This class, as Douglas describes it, is ―for those of you who have decided perhaps you can‘t create everything you would like to have in your life and perhaps you have to be satisfied. I want you to be dissatisfied.‖ One example of how dramatically the tools can work is with a 60 year old woman who wished to be a jazz singer. Her voice was not outstanding, and becoming a jazz singer at age 60 is not supposed to be possible. After Douglas‘s work, by the time she was 64, she was singing in 7 different jazz clubs in NYC every week. Supposedly that doesn‘t happen when you‘re over the hill.‖ Douglas himself is a model of what he teaches. He‘ll turn 70 this year, and he still works 12 hours a day and has a great time living. He also looks younger than many people 10-20 years younger than he is. Geography is no obstacle to this ―Over 45 and Getting Younger,‖ which will be ―live-streamed‖ via the internet to locations worldwide from its location in Noosa, Queensland, Australia June 2224. Unlike many of Douglas‘ classes, this one requires no prior Access Consciousness™ experience and is open to anyone interested. As you might have gathered, Douglas has a different view of being in a body than most people walking around on planet earth, including most ―experts.‖ ―You are an infinite being, and your body is in you,‖ says Douglas. ―So your body should be as infinite as you are.‖

Your body is in you? Does that seem impossible to even imagine? Try this short exercise: Close your eyes, and find the outside edges of you. Wherever you find them, push on them and see what’s beyond them. Keep going. Don‘t read on till you‘ve done that much. Now, could you find any edges of you, or did you discover that wherever you go, there you are? If so, then ponder the question of whether you are in your body, or is your body in you? How could anything as small as your physical body hope to contain the huge infinite being that is you? If that twists your middle-aged mind, you might consider participating in Douglas‘s workshop. The greatness of embodiment is a cornerstone of Douglas‘s work. Douglas has an approach to being in bodies that differs from many spiritual practices which have the point of view you should leave your body on the curb while you journey to enlightenment, picking up your body on your way out. He and his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer, ask, ―If being in a body were not a greatness, why would we as infinite beings choose to come back in bodies again and again?‖ he asks. ―There must be a greatness in embodiment.‖ Douglas and Heer, the author of Embodiment, the Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born; and the newly released, Being You, Changing the World, have been working to unlock this greatness ever since. If reclaiming the greatness of your body, whatever its age, and reclaiming the greatness and possibility of your dreams appeals to you, Over 45 and Getting Younger might just be your ticket to where you‘ve been trying to go for years.

Find out more about Gary Douglas’ “Over 45 & Getting Younger” seminar, being held on the Sunshine Coast, Australian or viewed live Online. Ed. Tagged as: age, aging, old, retire

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one } Stephen Outram April 9, 2012 at 7:35 am Around about the age of 48, I went to live with my mother in her house. I stopped doing my business and decided to lay-back for a while. A year later I was still their, on unemployment benefits and living a frugal existence. I got really good at EBay, selling off

my stuff for money. Finally, one of the few things of value that I had left was my car; I knew if I sold that I wouldn‘t be able to maintain the pretense of having a great life. I managed to get the fee together and had a private session with Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness (it was the best money I ever spent). He assisted me in getting clear that I was waiting for my parents to die so that I could inherit their money. The insane thing was that they were both in really good health and could easily live for another 20 or more years. He also helped me with my unconscious–well, it was all unconscious–decision to retire from life and begin dying. It was a turning point and I was able to instantly begin living again. My life is very different today and I‘m excited about the future I‘m consciously creating. And… I‘m incredibly grateful. Retirement or getting older does not mean withdrawal from living and the beginning of dying, and it doesn‘t mean you stop creating a life even greater that what you have right now. Retirement is a decision we make rather that having the choice to live joyfully, abundantly and beyond what is considered normal. If you are seeking more for your life, where every moment is a choice, a beginning and an adventure, then consider Gary Douglas‘ upcoming seminar, ―Over 45 & Getting Younger.‖ It may be the turning point you‘re looking for. See you there!

Alana April 9, 2012 at 7:37 am One year ago, locked into the losses of what I saw as being another victim of the economic downturn, I remember hearing my sister saying, ―You just have no choice but to go on Social Security. It‘s all you have left, of value.‖ Wow! Enter Gary Douglas‘ and Access Consciousness‘ life-saving tools! ―Who does this belong to?‖ was the key tool in realizing I was buying into everyone else‘s version of what being over 60 was all about. ―Just an interesting point of view ―soon became my best friend as I stepped into the world of question, possibility, change and contribution (a far cry from being ‗old and useless). I just got back from Rome–Access Facilitators Class–and am ready to rock the world! What if You allowed yourself to ask ―What else is possible?‖ Have you always known‘

there was so much more to life and to You? What would it take for you to join us in Over 45 & Getting Younger?

Steven & Chutisa Bowman April 9, 2012 at 7:41 am As part of the baby boomer generation, we have found that many of our colleagues and friends are becoming more and more concerned about their health and the way they look and feel. Many of them are feeling angst and concern about aging. Recently, we had a reunion with old friends who we hadn‘t seen for a long time and many of them had aged so much that they didn‘t even recognize us. We became aware that there is a huge difference between our points of view regarding aging. Gary Douglas facilitates us to truly know that getting old is a choice. Access Consciousness tools and body processes allow us to experience a different approach to aging that is not based on dogma or collective unconsciousness. While most people of our age are contemplating retirement, our life and work is becoming even more generative, with a business that takes us around the world constantly and a lifestyle that energizes and rejuvenates. And it‘s just choice.

Can Consciousness Ease Your Holiday Travel? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on DECEMBER 11, 2011

What one-quarter of the public dreads most about the holidays is travel. Could consciousness make this easier? It may seem counterintuitive if you‘ve been a student of the metaphysical types who recommend such steps as ―closing down your crown chakra when you enter the subway so you won‘t absorb that bad energy.‖ However, Access Consciousness founder and best-selling author, Gary Douglas, advocates increasing your consciousness and awareness to ease your holiday travel and the rest of your life. ―Is there such a thing as ‗bad energy‘ and ‗good energy‘?‖ he asks. ―No, there‘s only energy!‖ Being as aware of it as possible can definitely ease your holiday travel blues. Judging which energy you wish to accept and not accept as good or bad locks you into judgment, which

diminishes your awareness. Being as aware as possible can actually contribute to creating the smoothest possible journey, Douglas has found If it‘s airline or travel industry employees you‘re dealing with, Douglas recommends pulling energy from them. You don‘t have to visualize, you just have to ask energy to flow from them towards you. It may surprise you, but the feeling of having your energy pulled is experienced as pleasurable by most people. Madonna and Angelina Jolie pull energy like crazy. We get the feeling of having our energy being pulled by watching them, and that‘s one of the reasons we enjoy being their audience. Airline and travel industry employees get plenty of angry energy pushed at them all day long, especially when there are travel delays and other complications. Douglas, who travels extensively teaching seminars worldwide, has found that pulling energy and being conversational, very polite, and asking questions can accomplish a lot. ―Everyone who approaches these people is angry, and none of them ask questions,‖ he has noticed. When he approaches their desks, he turns on a megawatt smile, says hello, and asks them how they are doing. He pulls energy from them, which gives them the feeling of being received rather than being battered. If you‘re willing to consider that you might really have magical powers, you could try your hand at calming air turbulence. This only works if you‘re not vested in the outcome, but it is amazingly easy to do. If the fasten seatbelt light comes on and the air gets choppy, just project a feeling of level calmness outside the plane in all directions. Chances are good that the ride will calm down and you‘ll soon forget it was ever turbulent. For all of these methods to work, it is most helpful if you are not vested in the outcome. Douglas and his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer, learned the importance of not being vested in the outcome the hard way on one trip home from Australia. They had been working flat out for 30 days and decided they deserved to fly home business class. They tried to upgrade their coach seats using miles on every airline where they were frequent flyers, all to no avail. Only by being a new ticket at the last minute full fare were they going to be upgraded. They noticed they were being vested in the outcome and changed what they were asking for. ―What if we asked for the greatest trip home we could possible have?‖ they asked instead. They did not get their upgrades, but they spent an enjoyable uninterrupted time together on the trip, and had the only empty seat in the whole plane between them.

What would it take for your holiday travels to be the greatest trip you ever had?

Tagged as: christmas, Ease, flight, flying, holiday, plane, travel, vacation

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one } Therase Burke February 13, 2012 at 5:43 pm After rading this artical I thought OK I have to ask the question that starts with WHAT IF and I love that question start. So I need to put in the energy to get the result I need like `the best possible trip home` and I had an instant feeling of `work` here, then I realized if I do that WHAT IF question and have the great trip home result I save myself so much low energy as in discomfort/stress at a bad trip home. So what I am saying is to stay aware and remember to put out the WHAT IF`S on a regular daily basis brings results and life is smoother and energy ready for the good stuff. ♥

Are You Eating To Live Or Living To Eat? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 19, 2011

By Marilyn Bradford I‘ve always loved to eat. I don‘t remember a time when I wasn‘t obsessed with food in one way or another. ―What‘s for dinner?‖ was one of my favorite questions, along with ―Can I have more of that?‖, and ―What‘s for dessert‖? Types of food and food portions were highly controlled by my mother. Each person got a ―portion‖ and that was all you could have. At 13 she put me on a diet and I began to learn about ―good‖ foods and ―bad‖ foods. I wasn‘t too successful on that first diet as my friends and I stopped for French fries and cokes every day after school. Even though that diet didn‘t work, what did stick with me was the idea that I needed to be on a diet and that there were ―good‖ foods and ―bad‖ foods. Everything around food and eating became judgeable. I would plan and debate with myself. Every time I ate a ―bad‖ food I berated myself. I got

into punishment and reward cycle with food and eating. I would diet like crazy, lose a bunch of weight, then binge. It never occurred to me that I didn‘t have to buy into any of the ―expert‘s‖ ideas about ―good‖ foods and ―bad‖ foods. The idea that I might know what was best for my body went against everything I had ever been told. What about you? Does any of this sound familiar? Have you bought into what the ―experts‖ have decided is true for you and your body? Here are just a few of the things I have been told were food ―truths‖ by experts and clients: -Sugar is bad for you. (Well that‘s interesting considering that glucose (pure sugar) is what you are given when you go to the hospital.) -Salt is bad for you. (I have low blood pressure and have found that one of the things that helps with that is to eat lots of salt. Interestingly, a doctor later confirmed that that was a good idea). -Eggs are bad for you. (Have you noticed that doctor‘s are now recommending that you eat a few eggs a week?) -You shouldn‘t eat after 6:00 PM. (So why isn‘t everyone in France and Spain dead or dying?) You get the idea. All of these ―truths‖ about ―good‖ foods and ―bad‖ foods are just someone‘s point of view. ―Well, what about all of the scientific research?‖ you might ask. Please, don‘t stop asking questions there. Ask: Who was in the study? What level of results were they making significant? And…why should what‘s true for someone else necessarily be true for me? What if your body required something different from what the studies tell us and what the ―experts‖ advise? What if your body is actually intelligent and capable of telling you what it requires if only you will learn to listen? Would that change things for you and your body? Would you be willing to consider beginning to listen to your body? Most

importantly: Would you be willing to begin to trust you? Would you be willing to become your own expert? Have you picked up some of this realities points of view about food and eating? Take a quiz for a quick-check of where you are with your points of view. ~Have you ever imposed a diet or an exercise regime on your body? ~Have you ever believed that what the ―experts‖ said about food or eating or your body had to be true? ~Do you ask your body what it would like to eat? ~Do you ever feel conflicted about food and/or eating? ~Do you believe that there are ―good‖ foods and ―bad‖ foods? ~Have you ever tried to control your food intake? ~Do you ever obsess about food? ~Do you judge yourself when you eat a ―bad‖ food or when you over eat? ~Do you feel disconnected from your body? ~Do you see your body as something you control through your food intake? Results. If you answered ―Yes‖ to any of the questions except Number 3, you may want consider a complete make over of your points of view about eating and food and your body! Free Gift! To find out more about you, your body and food, watch the FREE 1-Hour Video of Marilyn facilitating a class entitled, ―Are You Eating To Live Or Living To Eat?‖ New Way to Lose Weight and Create Your Ideal Body, Explored in Gary Douglas‘s New Book, Right Body for You by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JULY 24, 2012

From size 16 to size 6 in four months without changing her diet or exercise? How DID Donnielle Carter do it? And could it be possible for you too? It‘s true, she did do it, and you can too—if you‘re willing. The secrets are revealed in best selling author and Access Consciousness™ Founder Gary Douglas‘s newest book, Right Body for You. As you might suspect, the latest of Douglas‘s many books is NOT a diet book. It‘s more encompassing that that. It could be described as a manual on how to create communication with your most neglected best friend and lifelong companion—your body. In Douglas‘s Access Consciousness™ courses, which he has been offering worldwide for 25 years, he is fond of remarking, ―All sacred cows go to slaughter.‖ He has been ―slaughtering‖ the limiting, illogical beliefs of most religions and spirituality for years. This book can do the same for everything we believe is true about our bodies. Its essence is quite simple, and actually consistent with vitalistic approaches to health such as chiropractic, acupuncture, and other forms of natural healing. Your body is not an inanimate hunk of meat that‘s prone to breakdowns and malfunctions unless some technology

intervenes. Instead, your body is infinitely wise and knows all kinds of things about what‘s right for creating the most ease possible for you and for it. All you have to do is access that information. Right Body for You gives you a multitude of tools to do that. The first tool is to recognize the awareness your body has. Further tools include ways to access that wisdom and act on it to change whatever about your body isn‘t working for you.

Have you ever noticed that many ―natural‖ and ―alternative‖ approaches are quite rigid and formulaic in their recommendations? Nothing in Right Body for You is a formula. The only prescription is to ask your body what it knows and act on that. This tends to stand all formulas, prescriptions, and common knowledge on its head. The concept that once a prescription medication is required, it should be administered exactly the same way every day, is just one of the assumptions Douglas questions. Using muscle testing and the questions presented in the book, he has found that a body‘s requirements, even for a prescription medication, can vary greatly. Not being a medical doctor, he naturally does not prescribe. What he does recommend is asking your own body. Nor does he follow any common assumptions of the natural food advocates. Those that recommend only organic food be served as snacks in his classes are often the first people to

sneak a donut when they think he‘s not looking, he has noted. As Dr. Dain Heer, Douglas‘s business partner and frequent co-author has noted, ―If what your body requires is sugar, then isn‘t it just as cruel to deny it that sugar as it is to give it sugar that it doesn‘t require?‖ Heer also points out many of the things we think we do are actually done not by us the ‗Being‘, but by our bodies. ―You don‘t have sex, your body does; you don‘t eat, your body does; you don‘t get dressed, your body does,‖ Heer often reminds people. Doesn‘t it make sense to at least consult your body about what it‘s doing, rather than running roughshod over its preferences and requirements without consulting it? Including the body is an integral part of Douglas and Heer‘s approach to consciousness. While many spiritual and new age approaches ignore the body, Douglas and Heer, consider it an integral part of becoming conscious. You not only should take your body along for the ride on the road to enlightenment, you actually cannot become fully conscious without it, they have found. ―You are an infinite being,‖ they note. ―You choose to come back into a body again and again. There must be a greatness to embodiment or we wouldn‘t keep choosing it.‖

Embodiment, in their view , includes more than your physical body—it includes everything involved in operating that body in this reality. Right Body for You includes many tools alluded to in Douglas and Heer‘s many other books. It is the most complete compendium of exactly how to talk to your body (and hear what your body has to say back!) they have yet published. It‘s a collection of all the body-oriented tools (except for the hands on body processes, which are only taught in live classes) in one amazing book. Right Body for You also includes many topics which might not appear to be related to your body at all, such as money; aesthetics, decadence, hedonism and elegance; judging your body, what that creates, and how to stop it. There are also chapters on aging, food, and consciousness, all of which cover this information from a completely different perspective. Right Body for You is available from the Access Consciousness™ website,, as well as Donnielle Carter presentsworkshops on the topic worldwide, via teleseminars and in person. She can be contacted by email. DVD recordings of Douglas and Heer presenting much of the information in this book in live classes are also available from their website. Are You and Your Body Receiving Everything You Could Truly Receive? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 22, 2011

The addition of auditory recordings and now live-streaming of Access Founder Gary Douglas facilitating the Access ―core classes‖ of Foundation and Level One have made it possible for anyone with a computer anywhere in the world to have access to this phenomenal information. How does it get even better than that? There is one yummy aspect of Access that just doesn‘t transmit digitally, however, and that‘s the potency and nurturing that‘s possible with healing touch from human beings. All of the Access body processes are simply incomparable as in they really can only be known by experiencing them. If you are one of those who have taken the classes in digital form, you receive clear instructions on the body processes and can always ask anyone who has learned these in class or is a facilitator to show you how this is done. Experiencing these modalities is an energetic requirement to developing ease and competency with all the Access hands-on processes, including others that may be included in advanced classes, as well as the three-day Access body class. The recent advanced body class that Gary offered for the first time in Houston uncovered new territory where change in our beings and our world is inextricably linked to what‘s happening in our bodies. LOTS of this bodywork is REQUIRED if your target is consciousness. If symptom relief is your goal, these body processes are also amazing. One woman in the advanced body class was able to not require hospitalization for multiple kidney stones by using these body processes. Anyone who has taken the classes, used the modalities, and enjoys touching bodies can teach you these hands-on processes. This includes many licensed facilitators and

some bars facilitators, but it is by no means limited to them. Access has a different point of view on competency and certification: anything you learn in any class you are free to share with your clients. We just ask that you become a licensed facilitator if you wish to facilitate the Access core classes to others beyond private individual clients or introductory clearing evenings. Be prepared to spend 5-6 hours to fully experience the benefits of gifting and receiving these marvelous processes. Gary has recently opened up the facilitating of the body classes to additional facilitators because as he says ―the bodies of the planet were screaming at me that they needed this work.‖ Like the bars, gifting and receiving are not separate in these first steps to Access bodywork. In other words, when you gift a session, you also receive a session at the same time. As one facilitator noted after doing a session on a chiropractic client, I was so high after doing MTVSS on this client, I felt like asking, ‗Was it good for you? It was good for me!‘ AND I got paid!‖ Everyone can benefit from participating in classes where these processes are presented and taking them is often the biggest bargain in terms of amount of bodywork you get for the price. Even after you have done Foundation and Level 1, if you would like to experience more of the exquisite, joyful, and deeply nourishing aspects of these body processes, you might choose to explore body process ‗swaps‘ with other people or even attend the body classes. What would YOUR body like to receive?

Could Answers to our Health Care Challenges Come from an Unexpected Source? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 27, 2011

The naked man lies on a table surrounded by gloved surgeons‘ hands holding scalpels, ready to cut on the word ‗Go‘. ―ONE WORD THAT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE‖ screams the headline of that paragon of generic American thought, Newsweek magazine, dated August 22, 2011. Even more interesting is what that word is: ―NO!‖ The next line of the article continues, ―New research shows how some common tests and procedures aren‘t just expensive, but can do more harm than good.‖ The article opens with examples of medical doctors declining tests for themselves because they are aware of this. A later example in the article tells the story of a woman ―with chest pain (who) had so many interventions, she needed a heart transplant.‖ Though we decry its cost, Americans tend to believe that we still have the best health care in the world. We attribute this to our widely available tests, advanced imaging, and multiplying technologies that are available to us, at least to those of us who have good enough insurance or can afford it. But when life expectancy in America ranks among the lowest in developed nations, we could ask what our expenditures are actually giving us. Expenditures for health care are currently up to twice as large a percentage of our gross national product as they are in other developed nations such as Australia and Britain.

A University of Texas geriatrician at the University of Texas Medical Branch says, ―We‘re killing more people than we‘re saving with these procedures. It‘s as simple as that.‖ The procedures he refers to include PSA tests for prostate cancer, surgery for chronic back pain to simple antibiotics for sinus infection to what Newsweek calls ―a remarkable number and variety of tests and treatments that are no proving either harmful or only as helpful as a placebo.‖ If ever increasing tests and diagnostics are not predictive of the maintained and improving health we all seek, then what is? As Einstein is so often quoted as saying, ―We will never solve a problem from within the consciousness that created the problem.‖ Is it time to develop a new paradigm of health and health care? A study by Columbia University researchers published by the Commonwealth Fund suggests it is the American health care system itself that is damaging our health, rather than obesity, smoking, and other ―risk factors‖ usually assumed to decrease life expectancy. Of course at this point we‘re legally required to suggest you consult your medical doctor before making any changes in your health care practices or medications. The public is clearly weary of relentless news about newly discovered carcinogens, as well as miracle cures in the form of one supplement or another. What would a new approach to caring for our bodies really look like? Would we recognize it when we saw it? Gary Douglas, best-selling author and founder of Access Consciousness™, and his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer,

suggest a radically different approach: considering the greatness of embodiment. As they describe it, this includes a sense of oneness with one‘s body, a gratefulness for it, and a willingness to consult it about matters concerning it. In Douglas and Heer‘s view, we are infinite beings, and our bodies are in us. There is a difference between us and our bodies, though we the beings constantly over-ride the wisdom of the body. One of the effects of recognizing this difference would be to recognize what activities are actually in the realm of the body, rather than of us the beings. ―You don‘t eat, your body does,‖ says Heer. ―You don‘t exercise, your body does.‖ ―You don‘t have sex, your body does.‖ The opinion of your body on these activities could be very different from yours, they point out. The remedy for this is to consult your body on these issues. Clearly, this is something that most have not even considered. Yet Douglas and Heer can point to some stunning successes with those who have used this. This is not a totally novel approach, as those practicing muscle testing or applied kinesiology have been using it for years. This approach can certainly provide a way to get answers from your body. Muscle testing is also subject to influence by the pre-conceived notions of those performing the test and those upon whom the test is performed. The belief that sugar is harmful to all bodies, for example, is so prevalent among the naturally-inclined who perform and use muscle testing that finding refined sugar could make a body stronger under any circumstances is virtually inconceivable to most.

Douglas and Heer approach this process of asking the body with less pre-conceived notions. In their approach, asking the body is asking the body and listening to the answers it give, no matter what they are. These answers can change moment by moment, even in the case of remedies and prescriptions given on a standardized basis. ―If what your body really requires is sugar, isn‘t it just as cruel to deny your body sugar as it is to give it too much sugar when it doesn‘t require it?‖ asks Heer. Douglas underscores this lack of prejudice against this vilified (and surely often over-consumed) substance. He met with a biochemist who informed him that the body requires glucose, the majority of which is used by the brain. ―The body doesn‘t care what form that glucose comes in,‖ the biochemist told him. Never having mastered muscle testing himself, Douglas recommends methods of tapping into the body‘s wisdom that are even simpler. While they may seem strange or foreign at first, they are skills that can be developed. Your body is used to you ignoring it. It might take you both a little while to get back on the same page. When going into a restaurant, Douglas lets his body let him know what to eat by ordering whatever first pops out of the menu at him—whether he thinks it‘s what he would like to eat or not. He has had so many experiences when he noted his body‘s request, ordered something else because he thought he didn‘t like his body‘s choice, and had the server bring his body‘s original choice anyway that now he just goes along with his body‘s opinion. The result, he has

found, is usually delicious no matter what he the being might have thought of the choice. Your body will easily tell you when it‘s finished eating, too. Far from wishing to belong to the clean plate club, your body may require far less food than you‘re currently jamming into it. Douglas recommends chewing each bite slowly, circulating the food so it contacts every taste bud on your tongue. After less bites than you might suspect— usually 3 to 9—suddenly the food that was previously delicious will taste like cardboard. That is your body‘s message to stop eating. It may not be as ―scientific‖ as counting calories but it‘s a whole lot easier and doesn‘t require any charts to carry with you to count those calories. Another way to ask your body what it would like to eat is to put your feet together and stand holding the food you‘re asking about in front of you. Ask your body, ―Body, would you like to ingest this?‖ If your body leans towards the food, that‘s a yes. If it leans backwards, that‘s a no. If it leans backwards you need to ask a different or more precise question. One of Douglas and Heer‘s clients used this method for a medication he was given. When he asked his body if it wanted the medication, it leaned back so forcefully that he was practically thrown against the wall behind him. This 70-year-old called Douglas, asking what to do, and Douglas recommended getting a second opinion from another medical doctor. It turned out the man required an immediate coronary by-pass, and if he had taken the medication prescribed by the first doctor, it would have killed him.

Another thing Douglas and Heer have found in their years of listening to bodies, and teaching others worldwide to do the same, is that bodies hate to exercise. ―It sounds like you‘re saying ‗exorcise‘ to them,‖ notes Douglas. But bodies love to move, they have found. So selecting an exercise program that you might enjoy and stay with long enough to benefit from could be as easy as asking your body how it would like to move. Douglas and Heer have also developed a plethora of handson energy healing methods for the body. These can be used to multiply the effects of exercise, while lessening the amount of time required to get a similar result. These methods are taught by licensed facilitators worldwide in the basic core classes of their seminars in Access Consciousness, as well as in three-day classes specializing in hands-on work. One of Douglas‘s employees recently shared just one of these methods with her father, who was on a list to receive a heart transplant after his heart was determined to be working at only 30% of its capacity, despite the 49-yearold‘s dedication to healthy living and exercise. He used these techniques on himself for 6 weeks, to the amazement of his doctors who recently diagnosed his heart as now functioning at 100%. Controversial? Certainly. Recommended for everyone? Only if it feels right to you. But when the number of people killed by medical errors in the US alone surpasses the number killed in the entire history of the Vietnam war—the equivalent of two jumbo jets crashing every single day— mightn‘t it be time to start looking at keeping our bodies healthy from a different angle?

Dr. Dain Heer is the author of Embodiment, the Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born, as well as the recently released Being You, Changing the Worldwhich combines his unique approach to consciousness with physical and energetic work on bodies. He and Douglas facilitate classes worldwide. Their schedules can be found on What if Happiness Were A Choice YOU Could Make? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on NOVEMBER 25, 2012

Are you still waiting for your ship to come in? What‘s the cargo it‘s holding that will make your happiness possible? Is it all the money you want? All the sex? The relationship of your dreams? Your body finally looking like you want it to look, or healing what you haven‘t been able to change?

If the elusive bluebird of happiness managed to fly off that ship into your hand, how long would it rest there before you returned to that state of lack and unhappiness you‘ve defined as being you? What if happiness were your natural state, something that were available to you all the time, and dependent on only one factor—your choosing it? ―If you could see how amazing you are as a being, as a person, and as a contribution in life, then you would have no excuse for being unhappy,‖ says Gary Douglas, best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness™.

―Happiness is the natural state you choose when you are not choosing against you,‖ addsDr. Dain Heer, Access Consciousness™ co-developer and co-author with Douglas on many books about Access Consciousness™. If this is a different way of looking at life than you‘ve ever heard before—welcome to Access Consciousness™! If it shakes the foundations of everything you‘ve always believed, then welcome to Access Consciousness™! ―Everything I always believed was true has turned out to be a lie, an implant, or an invention,‖ Douglas said recently. ―It‘s your point of view that creates your reality, not the other way around,‖ observes Heer. Recognizing that, Douglas and Heer are willing to look at absolutely everything from a different point of view. This willingness to look at things from a different point of view—any point of view—and to question everything has led to some very different approaches to life. Theirs is not an academic exercise, but rather a pragmatic system developed through Douglas and Heer‘s life-long search for a way of living with this reality that actually works, and where happiness is actually a possibility. In fact, ―happy‖ was on the tip of Douglas‘s tongue since he was a child and asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. Of course, he was told he was wrong for this reply since the adults asking it were looking for answers more in the line of ―doctor, lawyer, Indian chief.‖ Never one to give up what he knew, he persisted and in the process developed the tools and processes of Access Consciousness™ over the last 25 years.

If hearing happiness is a choice available to you, and having that bluebird land on your hand is another still elusive target, you might want to take advantage of your chance to invite that bird into your reality and your life which is just a few days away. ―Happiness is Just a Choice‖ is a new workshop by Douglas and Heer that‘s coming soon to an internet connection near you—as well as live in Noosa, Queensland November 27 and Denver, Colorado, January 12 & 13. The introductory evening November 27 as well as the two-day weekend workshop in January will both be ―live-streamed‖ and available to everyone in the world with an internet connection. As with all streamed Access Consciousness™ events, you can watch them as they occur in ―real time,‖ later at any time convenient to you, and as often as you like since they reside in your own personal library in the Internet ―cloud.‖ When you watch the class live, you have the chance to submit your questions via the internet as well. For more information about both the introductory evening November 27 and the weekend workshop January 12 and 13, go to

Tagged as: Bluebird of Happiness, choice, choosing, Dr. Dain Heer, Gary Douglas, Happiness,Pragmatic System

What Would a Pragmatic Approach to Relationships Look Like? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on DECEMBER 11, 2012

Access Consciousness™ Founder and best-selling author Gary Douglas has a different way of looking at relationships, just as he has a different way of looking at just about everything.

The twice-divorced father of 4 and grandfather of 3 has worked with thousands of people on this challenging subject, individually and in his classes offered worldwide. He is the author of the newly released Divorceless Relationships, as well as co-author with Dr. Dain Heer of Sex Is Not A Four Letter Word But Relationship Often Times Is. A romantic at heart, Douglas persisted in his marriages, believing that if his now ex-wives could just believe that he loved them, so much more would be possible. He‘s now given up this fantasy in favor of a more pragmatic way of looking at relationships.

While some accuse him of being ―against relationships,‖ Douglas insists this is not the case. ―I am against bad relationships,‖ he states. ―Psychologists tell us that more than 90 per cent of people would prefer to be in a bad relationship to being in no relationship. I think that is insane.‖ In order to create something different, a relationship that might actually add to your life and be worth having, you have to first look at what is, at what is happening in relationships in this reality. In the reality that exists right now, men are always wrong. Douglas says, ―What happens in relationships now is that women expect the man to know what‘s in their mind without ever telling him. Women can‘t let men know what‘s in their minds cause then they might be right. In order to keep men in the wrong, women have got to not let men know about what‘s in their minds and then blame the men for the fact that he doesn‘t know.‖ To those who laugh at this scenario that Heer calls ―funny and sad and true at the same time, like a Woody Allen movie,‖ Douglas says, ―You think I‘m kidding but I‘m not.‖ Some of the factors that keep us from creating good relationships are mis-identifications and mis-applications of what‘s really so. These are lies that keep us locked up.

One of these mis-identifications is that copulation equals intimacy, as in, ―Now that we‘ve had sex, now we‘re intimate.‖ ―No, you‘ve just put the body parts together,‖ says Douglas. It‘s a ―pretense we create in this reality that copulation is about intimacy and it‘s about caring. Usually it‘s not.‖ You create intimacy by creating an intimate relationship with yourself, says Douglas. The components of this are honor, trust, vulnerability, gratitude, and allowance. You have to have these elements for yourself before you can have them for someone else. The main way to get the elements of intimacy into existence is to count the ways in which you are grateful for the person you are with. Another misconception is our use of the word love. ―How many definitions are there of the word love?‖ asks Douglas. ―If someone says they love you, what do they mean?‖ Since what we think and say is what shows up in our lives, being clear about what we say and ask for is a cornerstone of Douglas‘s work. How is clarity possible when using a word with as many differing definitions as the word love?

Douglas recommends using the word gratitude instead of love. In addition to being clearer, gratitude also excludes the judgment which so often corrupts our experience of love. So how do you identify a good relationship, from Douglas‘s point of view? His approach is pragmatic in the extreme. There are three elements to creating a good relationship, he says. They are: • The person is good in bed • They provide money • They allow you to do whatever you would like to do, and you allow them to do whatever they would like to do Everything else? That‘s just a bonus, in Douglas‘s book. Of course, more than that is possible—for those daring enough to choose it. Douglas calls that state ―communion,‖ and it‘s a lot harder to find than those little white wafers they pass out in church. Creating communion requires ―two people who are willing to be totally conscious, and most people aren‘t.‖ Is all hope for good relationships lost, then? No—the ideal remains. Even Douglas acknowledges that ―when you are willing to be with someone who is willing to be present, you can create a communion that can be extraordinary.‖ And be ready for surprises. ―It doesn‘t always look the way you think it‘s going to look.‖ Could Judgment Be Limiting YOUR Creativity? Scientific Research Backs up What Access Consciousness Founder, Gary Douglas, Has Been Saying for Years by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 3, 2011

Judgment is one of the greatest limitations to creativity, including creating your life, according to best selling author Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, a 20 year old self-awareness method offered in 25 countries world-wide. Whether you desire to be more creative you might consider changing the process of automatically judging that so many of us fall into. If you‘re not a writer or artist, you may be wondering what creativity has to do with your life. Isn‘t your life your own greatest creation, whatever your line of work? Would you like to make it a more beautiful creation? Then what‘s now known about creativity and the importance of getting out of judgment could be very valuable to you! Douglas has been pointing out for years that judgment stops all creativity, because nothing that doesn‘t match the judgment can enter your awareness. Judgments don‘t only include the most obvious such as, ―What an ugly dress!‖ Judgments can also be more subtle. In fact, every time we make a conclusion or arrive at what we think is an answer, a judgment is also required. Douglas has been teaching this to his seminar participants worldwide for 20 or more years. As often occurs, science is now catching up with what Douglas has discovered years earlier using his natural curiosity and his reliance on questions instead of answers. Charles Limb, a medical doctor who specializes in hearing problems and is a saxophone player, is studying jazz improvisation as a demonstration of creativity. Using the latest medical technology, he has tracked how the brain changes when musicians engage in this creative act. In short, the areas of the brain (specifically the pre-frontal cortex) engaged in judgment shut down, while areas of self-expression (isn‘t that creativity?) turn on. Limb used functional MRI imaging to discover that the lateral pre-frontal cortex is inhibited during creative improvisation. This is the area involved with ―conscious self-monitoring, selfinhibition, and evaluation of the rightness and wrongness of the actions you‘re about to implement.‖ Isn‘t that an accurate description of judgment? Improvising musicians increase the medial prefrontal cortex which is involved in ―self-expression and autobiographical narrative.‖ Couldn‘t that be another word for creativity?‖

In other words, the most creative musicians know how to turn the judging parts of their brain off and the creative parts on. Amateur musicians, presumably less successful, have not developed this capacity as fully. This study was reported in the May, 2011 issue of Scientific American. So how do you get out of judgment, anyway? One way Douglas recommends is to remind yourself vigorously and repeatedly that every point of view you have is not significant or true, but no more important than ―just an interesting point of view.‖ In case you are still interested in hanging onto those judgments you‘re firmly convinced are true, consider what else Douglas has learned. ―You cannot judge anything without having been it or done it at one time or another,‖ he says. Otherwise you would have no grounds to judge it or any opinion about it. So when you find yourself being repulsed by something, you might just humble yourself by reminding yourself that sometime, somewhere, you did that or were that, too. Perhaps then you would get motivated to destroy and uncreate those judgments you were so firmly convinced were right. If you‘re having trouble identifying when you are judging, here‘s another clue. What if nothing is right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative? Is judgment required to make something right or wrong, good or bad? If you‘re like most of us, then this could give you plenty of judgments to work on eliminating. These simple tools come from Access Consciousness, which offers pragmatic building blocks for creating whatever you would like in your life. The Access suggested way out of judgment includes those tools described above: 1. Remind yourself that even your strongest opinions are just interesting points of view. 2. Remind yourself everything you find yourself judging is something you did or were at some time or another 3. When you find yourself saying or thinking anything is right, wrong, good, bad, positive or negative—refer to the above. Simple? Now start putting it into practice. It will give you more freedom than you can imagine. It could be the hardest thing you‘ve ever done and you might just find that it is worth it. How much creativity, for your artwork or your life, could you free up by eliminating those judgments? How much more creative could you become then?

Tagged as: Access, Access Consciousness, addictions, allowance, alternative therapies,Australasia, Australia, Canada, change, choice, classes, Consciousness, Dain Heer, Dr. Dain Heer, Ease, Environment, Europe, financial, financial freedom, Financial tools, Gary Douglas,Gary M. Douglas, Happiness, Law of attraction, limits, Magic, Sweden, Tools, UK, United States, World Wide, Worldwide ~ Global

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one } Stephen Outram June 4, 2011 at 11:59 pm When I play my guitar and stop thinking, the music is so much better. Sometimes I surprise myself by peeling off this neat riff without having to think about it or figure it out beforehand. I like those kind of surprises

Joseann August 24, 2011 at 11:22 pm Somehow it feels to me that there is judgment in the text about people who are not creative or that ―being creative is positive, being not creative is negative or somehow wrong‖ and being more creative is better than being less creative. Is that so? I can understand how judgment prevents people from being creative. But I also feel pressure to ―be more creative‖, as not being creative seems to be somehow ―inferior‖ or a lack or deficiency of some kind. ? I would be cool to be able to switch into being creative at will though.

Is It Time To Give Up Our Addiction to Emotion? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on FEBRUARY 15, 2011

We have been using ―getting in touch with our feelings‖ as a way to attempt personal change for ourselves for more than a century now, but how well has it worked?

Not very well at all, according to Gary Douglas, best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness. And to be honest, I doubt he‘s the only one. Douglas takes issue with much of the commonly believed truths about emotions and feelings, primarily when they don‘t seem to change things for people whether in the short, mid or long-term. Is it time we started looking at things a little differently? One of the reasons we get locked into exploring our feelings is that entrapping belief that if we knew WHY we did something, then we could understand it and do something different. Not so, says Douglas. We chose whatever we chose because we could choose it, period. To do something differently, all we have to do is choose something different. This can be a little hard to swallow at first, however, what if knowing that you can now choose differently and that you have been choosing all of your life is actually more empowering than we have been taught to believe? Whenever we get into explaining why we did something, we are getting into reasons and justifications. These only obscure the potency of our choice. Any phrase that starts with ―because‖ is a dead giveaway that we‘re stepping right into reasons and justifications. ―Why?‖ Douglas points out, is not a useful question. Have you ever had a discussion with a 4 year old? It can go on forever and you eventually end up where you started. He suggests banishing ―why‖ from our vocabulary; it is a word that creates only continued limitation in our lives. Another misconception is the belief that this mythical understanding of the past that we chase like a unicorn will provide something useful for us in the future. All too often we use the past as the only basis we have upon which to build a future. How well has this been working for you? In reality, says Douglas, all we have to do is choose. If we were willing to be truly aware, to perceive know be and receive everything, then we would be able to change in a heartbeat. Instead, we tend to depend on the past and our experience. What if depending on the past for a basis to choose the future drastically limits the choices available to us, as well as our ability to create the life we would like to have? If we base all our choices on past experience, how can anything greater than that show up? Another factor leading to confusion about the importance of feelings and emotions is that we have tended to confuse our feelings and emotions with one of the capacities we all have on coming into the world: knowing. The basic element of being for any infinite being is indeed knowing. Knowing is instant and light, it has always been with us, and it doesn‘t require any proving or processing; it just is. Our knowing has always been available us, even as tiny children,

though we have seldom been taught to acknowledge it. We have often confused it with the feelings and emotions that were considered more valuable by the adults around us. Applying another Access Consciousness tool sheds a new light on emotions. The tool is that anything that feels light to you is true for you, while anything that feels heavy is a lie. Some emotions do feel light. These tend to be the emotions that an infinite being would feel such as joy, bliss and ecstasy. Think of the emotions you have felt today. Have any of them felt light? If not, they cannot be true. Yet we tend to let these emotions rule every part of our lives, even though they cannot be true. How much chaos does this create in our lives? We seem to love to buy the lie that these feelings are real. How often are we taught to use our feelings as the gauging system by which we determine whether we are on the right track of life or not? However, this purchase has a considerable cost to us, Douglas points out. ―Anywhere you buy a lie, you stick yourself,‖ he points out. ―You will never be able to create freedom and clarity for yourself around an issue where you‘re buying a lie.‖ It does not matter if the lie is spoken, like an untruth someone tells you, or unspoken, like the self-help community‘s allegiance to feelings and emotions. Some feelings are especially futile, their only purpose being to obscure the issues underneath them and to keep you from experiencing yourself as the infinite being you truly are. These feelings are also called distracter implants since they serve to distract us from what is really going on. Distracter implants include: anger, rage, fury, hate; blame, shame, regret, and guilt; obsessive, compulsive, addictive points of view and doubt and fear. Distracter implants are ―problems‖ that can never be solved. How well does anger management work, for example? The way to deal with distracter implants is to ask for everything underneath them that holds them in place and clear that. This can solve a situation of potential upset and conflict in mere minutes. For those of you that require more of a scientifically supported argument, Douglas is not alone in questioning the value of dwelling on those feelings. A recent Newsweek article (January 24, 2011) questioned the five stages of grief for which Elizabeth Kubler Ross is famous, as well as Freud‘s emphasis on ―the work of mourning.‖ A study done in 2007 showed that people who did not express their negative emotions after the loss of a spouse or a child were actually less depressed and anxious, as well as showing less health complaints 14 months and 25 months after the loss. Even talking or writing about the loss of a spouse does not appear to help people adjust to the loss any better, according to a number of studies cited by Newsweek.

In 20 years of conducting personal awareness seminars world wide, Douglas has discovered that laughter works much better than tears at clearing away old issues and limitations. ―The greatest amount of charge around an issue is released with laughter, not with tears. ―I have watched people cry all the time about issues,‖ recalls Douglas. After working with them, ―Five minutes later they‘d be talking about it again, and 10 minute later they‘d be crying about it again. ―I‘d ask if they wanted me to take it away and they would say, ‗You can‘t take it away! Then I wouldn‘t know how to be!‘‖ What makes us think we wouldn‘t know how to be without the trauma and drama of our emotions? The difficulty, says Douglas, is that we have defined ourselves by the way everyone else defines themselves. They think their sensitivity is based on how much emotional trauma they have. This very emotional trauma keeps people stuck in the very trauma they are complaining about. So how about it? Would you like to give up all that emotional baggage, without even stopping to ―work through it?‖ Would now be a good time?

Tagged as: Access Consciousness, addiction, choice, choosing, Chosing differently,Consciousness, distractors, Dr. Dain Heer, emotional trauma, Emotions, feelings, Gary M. Douglas, knowing, limits, problems, Questions, understanding

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one } Auriol Hutchins February 17, 2011 at 6:57 pm Thankyou Gary for this insight – a very real wake-up call!!! I fell into the Emotion Trap BIG time – thank you for such simple and wonderful tools to freedom.

Alan Campbell February 17, 2011 at 9:21 pm THANK YOU SIMONE , VERY ‗ GOOD ‗ .

Susiejo August 15, 2011 at 10:40 am

Totally awesome! This stuff is so cool.

Five Questions to Ask to Get More Money in Your Life by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 3, 2011

Warning: This is NOT your usual investment OR positive thinking article. Read it at the peril of your poverty! What if everything you‘d been taught or learned about money and wealth was out-of-date or incorrect? That has certainly been the experience of many people, even those who thought they were ―financially secure,‖ during these times of great financial change. How can you go about changing your money situation, today? Gary Douglas, bestselling author and founder of Access Consciousness, and his business partner and co-author Dr. Dain Heer, have come up with many tools that anyone can use to create a different reality. Douglas and Heer are authors of Money Isn‘t the Problem, You Are, and Right Riches for You, which was recently featured on ―The Balancing Act‖ on Lifetime TV in the USA. Both men started from nothing to create flourishing businesses and significant wealth, this occurred four times in Douglas‘s case. Yet their advice is different than anything else you‘ll read. This difference comes from the way they combine what they‘ve learned using consciousness to apply it to money and finances. One of the things they‘ve learned in their study in consciousness is that questions empower, while answers disempower. Do you wish to empower yourself with money? Then ask questions! When you make a statement, conclusion, or judgment, anything that ends with a period (full stop) you are basically telling the universe that you have got the answer. When you settle on that answer, nothing that disagrees with or doesn‘t match that answer can come into your universe. How often do you make statements about money? ―I don‘t have any.‖ ―I can‘t afford it!‖ ―I have too much month left at the end of my paycheck.‖ ―That‘s all the money I have.‖ ―I‘ve spent all my money.‖ Do any of these statements feel light to you at all? That‘s because they‘re conclusions, decisions and judgments. When the universe hands out money, it might just skip the bank accounts of the people saying these things. Why? Well for the

simple reason that they‘ve already announced their situation and what the Universe hears is that they are not interested in or open to the universe‘s infinite possibilities. Hint: it‘s a universal law that what is true feels light, while anything that feels heavy is not true for you. How do the above statements feel to you? If they feel heavy at all then it is because they‘re judgments, conclusions, decisions and lies! The way out of ―heavy‖ is to ask a question. A good question to ask is whether the thought that‘s making you heavy is actually yours in the first place. If feels light when you ask the question, a sense of lightening up anyplace in your universe indicates it wasn‘t your thought it the first place! Questions: 1. What can I add to my life today that will generate lots of money, now and in the future? This may seem counter-intuitive if you‘ve been religiously cutting back to accommodate a limited or reduced budget. How well has that strategy worked for you? The choice to cut back immediately introduces limitation and contraction into your universe, which is the opposite of what invites money into your life! It enforces a point of view that scarcity is real, which will be reflected in your bank account. The contraction that cutting back creates also invalidates your own greatest asset: the infinite creativity that you as an infinite being ARE. The more creative you are, the more you will use this creative capacity to create crap and disasters if you are not using your creative capacity to create something you‘d like to have, like money. Think about a time in your life when you didn‘t have enough going on in your life to keep you entertained and creating. Did you end up creating disasters you could solve just to keep yourself from being bored? Does that apply to your money situation now? This question and those that follow are about creating awareness. Walk around with the question and see what the universe shows you. You do not have to know an answer immediately. A question is about creating possibility and awareness, not answer. 2. How does it get even better than this? Try saying this every time you receive even a dime, and any other time it feels good.

One woman attending one of Douglas‘s seminars in New York found a dime when she walked out of the seminar room. She said, ―How does it get even better than this?‖ She took the elevator downstairs, stepped off the curb, looked down, and saw a $10 bill lying there. She said, ―How does it get even better than this?‖ She waved the ten-dollar bill in the air and hailed a taxi instead of taking the subway home. The taxi dropped her off at the front door of the apartment building, instead of the back where she would have entered if she‘d gone home by subway. As she got out of the taxi, she spotted something glittering in the gutter. She picked it up and it was a diamond bracelet. If she‘d said, ―How does it get even better than this?‖ this woman might have continued receiveing. No such luck! She said, ―It doesn‘t get any better than that!‖ and her ―luck‖ stopped right there. You never know what can happen and what the universe may have in store for you until you ask the question. 3. If I buy you, will you make me money? Every time you consider purchasing anything, ask it if it will make you money. This may seem strange if you‘re not used to recognizing the consciousness in all things, but consciousness does exist in all things and the tool does work. One way to teach yourself to use this is to imagine two little clouds in your head. One is ―yes‖ and the other is ―no.‖ Whichever is bigger and lighter when you ask the question is what‘s true for that item you‘re speaking to. Making you money is not a linear concept. Part of creating wealth is recognizing what has intrinsic value and what does not. Clothing and modern furniture and household goods, for example, rarely increase in value. Antiques, jewelry, some art, and other items with quality workmanship do. That dress you absolutely have to have will be worth about 10% of what you paid for it as soon as you bring it home. Shouldn‘t you be aware of that BEFORE you buy it? It is possible for clothing to make you money, however just be aware that it isn‘t linear. If that shirt or dress makes you feel like a million dollars, that sense of intrinsic wealth could easily create the impression in others that you have money. That in itself creates more willingness in other people to give you money. 4. Do you want to own me?

This question should be asked of everything around you. Did you realize your stuff owns you? Does it go to work to pay for you, or do you go to work to pay for it? Who owns who? This question can be asked of your possessions. If they don‘t wish to be owned by you anymore, they‘re creating dead space in your environment that could be filled with more profitable possessions and activities. If your item doesn‘t wish to own you any more, ask it to bring the person it wishes to own to you with money in his/her hand. If they don‘t appear, give it away. Craigslist has a ―free section‖ which allows people to find what they‘re looking for, and they‘ll even come to you to pick it up. Of course you can also do a yard sale if investing the time is worth it to you, or give it to Goodwill or other charity and save the receipt for a tax deduction. Consignment shops are springing up in many places. If your furniture interests them, all you have to do is drop it off and wait for a check. If you require furniture to fill the empty spaces left by the stuff that moves out of your life, these can be a great place to find some very nice contemporary and antique furniture at prices far below retail. 5. What else can I create from here? According to Douglas, the greatest adventure in life is starting from nothing and creating something. He should know, he‘s done it four times! Many people are at ―nothing‖-in terms of real assets and quality of life right now, he observes, but they are pretending to themselves that they actually have something. Douglas recommends starting with what you‘ve got and asking, ―What else can I create from here?‖ as a way of creating the adventure of having the possibility of millions. Most people settle for a mundane life, he observes, rather than going on that adventure, because they are unwilling to risk the possibility of having nothing. Even if the possibility of nothing comes to pass, this question still applies and the adventure is still available. Being without money just means you get to start the adventure of having more, says Douglas. What if you were to adopt that point of view, along with these 5 questions? How fast do you suppose your financial reality could change?

Tagged as: Access, Access Consciousness, Access Consciousness Body, allowance, Australasia,Australia, Canada, change, choice, classes, Dain Heer, Dr. Dain Heer, Ease, Europe, financial,financial freedom, Financial tools, Gary M. Douglas, Law of attraction, limits, Magic, Money,Sweden, Tools, UK, United States, World Wide, Worldwide ~ Global


kristine m March 10, 2012 at 10:53 pm I was reading this post and came across something that didnt quite sit well. Question number 4 ―Did you realize your stuff owns you? Does it go to work to pay for you, or do you go to work to pay for it? Who owns who?‖ What if the energy of the stuff I actualize actually is working for me before i buy it ? When I have intent to buy a new lounge for instance, it is within my desire and visualisation/consciousness before i physically choose it. What if that lounge supports my creation of the funds consciously and energetically before i secure it ? What if neither the lounge or I own each other but we choose to co exist or co habitate ? The concept of who ―owns‖ who actually feels limiting to me. That is my interesting point of view for the day

Elizabeth Zoetekouw March 11, 2012 at 8:14 am How did we get so lucky to have you Dr. Kaise in are life? what else is possible? how can this get any better? Thank you Dr. Dain, Gary, & Dr. Kaise for being and asking questions, get us to ask questions! how can it get any better?

alastair March 12, 2012 at 5:18 am HI, This is definately thw wierdist and wackiest site I have been to. I am buying Riht Riches for you.

Alexandra Barrett March 12, 2012 at 4:52 pm I have a number of great tools that I use with clients and they do not include these wonderful tips and processes. The more I allow this in, the more I am growing to love Access Consciousness. I am very thankful that I can learn to live in the questions and open the universe to pour unlimited blessings on my life. Please receive my gratitude.

LDP November 19, 2012 at 5:46 am Great questions. Thanks.

Right Riches for You: A Practical Approach to Turning Around Whatever‘s Ailing Your Finances by SI MONE MI LASAS on MAY 19, 2010

In these bizarre economic times when almost everything we believed about money and finances has turned out to be incorrect, how do we know where to turn and what to do next? A practical approach to turning around whatever challenges occur in your financial life has just been released by Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness seminars, and his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer. The newly released Right Riches for You is a combination of workbook with tools to uncover your irrational but limiting beliefs along with pragmatic information on how to look at and use the staples of everyday financial life such as insurance, credit cards, and assets. Douglas‘ experience in the real world is vast. A veteran of two marriages to women with incurable spendthrift tendencies, he has started over from nothing financially four times in his life. At one point, he was living in a closet with his young son and owned little more than his car. He lived on cornflakes and milk because that was what he could afford. He now runs a multimillion dollar international company, which offers classes and products throughout the world.

His business experience is also extensive. He has worked as a real estate broker, antiques dealer, restaurant manager, horse trainer, as well as run upholstery and landscaping businesses, among others. He currently owns 22 businesses through his 20 year old self-improvement business, Access Consciousness. His business partner Dr. Dain Heer is a living testament to the success of Douglas‘ methods. From crying every morning and setting a date for his own suicide 10 years ago, he has created his own reality regarding finances in which money is no longer the issue in any of his life choices. He travels the world, with Douglas and on his own, teaching seminars and individual sessions using the tools proposed by Douglas. According to Douglas and Heer, there are four keys to creating your financial freedom. They are 1) having money, 2) generating money, 3) educating yourself about money, and 4) generosity of spirit. ―Having money‖ might seem a strange first step to someone whose complaint with their life is the lack of money in it. Isn‘t the key to getting money having some? Exactly, but it‘s not what you think! Having money, according to Douglas and Heer, is a choice and demand of yourself which is required before the reality of actually having those numbers in your bank account with a string of zeroes after them, can actually show up. Both revision of your points of view on the issue of having money and the practical steps of actually having money, that anyone in any financial situation can apply are required to fulfill this first step. And Right Riches For You is filled with these practical steps. ―Most people complain about not having money do not actually wish to have money,‖ says Douglas. ―They wish to spend money, not have money. But you will never have money if the only thing you want money for is to spend it. The only way to have the money you would like to spend is to be willing to have money first.‖ Easier said than done, especially these days, you may be saying to yourself. Douglas and Heer have a couple of practical steps to get you started in the right direction. The first step is to tithe to what they call ―the Church of You.‖ In other words, for every dollar that comes in, take 10 per cent of that and never spend it. If the prospect of having money which you cannot spend seems pointless to you, then you fall squarely in that very large category of people who only value money as it flies out of their hands. Would you consider that you like spending money, not having money?

When your budget is stretched to the max, sparing that 10 per cent can seem quite difficult at first. But doing this religiously, no matter what, soon reaps its rewards. If you are chronically out of money, do you really think you would be more chronically out of money on a budget of 90% of what you are now spending? Or would you be able to create the same financial disease, while also accumulating a stash of cash—for perhaps the first time in your life? Douglas and Heer point out that it is a principle of the universe that what you honor expands. If you religiously pay your bills before honoring yourself, the universe rewards you with — guess what — more bills. Some of you may have noticed this! Hence the recommendation to honor yourself first. Those who have applied these methods often refer to this 10% as their ―honor money‖ or ―honor account.‖ Honor money can be saved wherever you like — in the bank, under your mattress, in hard assets such as gold, antiques, or jewelry, and other items that have intrinsic value and can be sold easily if required. Other benefits soon accrue if you are willing to apply this tool religiously. Obviously the amount in your do-not-spend account tends to grow and grow. (Think about it — it can only shrink if you spend it.) Before long, you will be looking at a substantial amount of money. Often without realizing it and before you know it, you will arrive at an amount of income you have created that you might never have noticed before, obsessed as you were with meeting the crisis of your daily bills. A second tool Douglas and Heer recommend to begin the process of having money, is to always carry in your wallet or your pocket the amount of money a wealthy person always have. This can vary from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on your point of view of what a rich person would carry. If you don‘t have this amount available on hand at the moment, you can use the 10 per cent you‘re putting away to build up these reserves. Again, for this to work, for you to get the change you are really asking for, you have to be demanding of yourself that you do not spent it, ever. Some people using this tool put the honor money in front of their regular spending money. (You have to have this regular spending money on hand at all times as well, because otherwise you will spend your honor money the minute the need for it arises.) Seeing this money every time you open your wallet will create a daily reminder that youhave money. It is truly astonishing the amount of peace you can start to have around money with this simple step. The second component to turning your financial life around, according to Douglas and Heer, is learning how to generate money. ―Exactly,‖ you may be saying, ―and isn‘t that easier said than done in these economic times?‖

To the contrary, according to Douglas and Heer. They point out that times of great economic change are also times of great financial economic opportunity, for those willing to live in the question and look for those opportunities. Despite the horror tales we have heard of ―The Great Depression,‖ not everyone lost money during that time, and many people made a lot of it— including some of the pillars of current society, such as the Kennedy family. Smuggling guns and bootleg liquor may not be the way you choose to make money today, but what else might be possible if you were to look for what opportunities were possible, instead of buying the gloom and doom forecasts so common in the media and the general public these days? The third element of creating and keeping wealth in these times is educating yourself about money. How many of our parents did that? Did you receive practical useful information about finances from your family, or did their guidance to you consist of clichés like ―Money doesn‘t grow on trees,‖ and ―You have to work hard for your money‖? Money is something most families teach you not to talk about, yet you are still somehow expected to ―use it wisely.‖ The first step in educating yourself about money involves taking a look at exactly what you spend your money on each month, as well as determining exactly what it costs you to run your life. This amount should include not only the necessities like food and rent, but it should also include entertainment, self-improvement seminars, and other necessities to have a life you consider worth having. Then add 10% to that, for your honoring account. In addition to getting crystal clear about your own personal expenses, educating yourself about money involves reading up and learning what our financial institutions are really about, how they work, and how they may or may not be useful to you. Insurance companies exist not to benefit you in any way (contrary to the advertisements), but to make money for their stockholders, Douglas and Heer point out. They do not advocate abandoning all insurance, but they do advocate being an educated consumer and purchasing only what you require, based on your own awareness and not on conventional wisdom (doing what everyone else does), industry claims, or your own unquestioned assumptions. Credit cards, according to Douglas and Heer, are the modern version of the ―company store,‖ that old-fashioned vehicle for keeping employees inescapably enslaved forever. Take stock of your debts, recommend Douglas and Heer, and determine how much additional income it would take to pay them off in a year—or two if it‘s more than $40,000. Then figure out what it would take to add that much income per month, and do it.

Far from being dull and dry reading, the process of educating yourself about money can actually be a lot of fun. They recommend investing not only in hard assets, but in things you know—so the logical result of this is to realize that you may need education in what those hard assets might be. For those starting on a shoestring, they recommend another book, ―The Penny Capitalist,‖ which shows how to build a fortune on next to nothing. ―Invest in what you know,‖ admonishes Douglas. As an antique dealer, antiques and antique jewelry are something he knows. This knowledge makes it easy for him to follow Rockefeller‘s recommendation to ―buy low and sell high.‖ If your life experience leans more towards trekking through Asia, what did you learn about art and culture and customs there that would allow you to recognize genuine antique art at a yard sale or street market? The fourth and final component of becoming wealthy is developing generosity of spirit. Generosity of spirit is the willingness to gift totally without obligation, to celebrate the good fortune of others as well as yourself, and to be willing to use your money for what Douglas calls ―the only reason to have money‖ which is ―to change other people‘s realities.‖ How often do people give ―gifts‖ which are actually thinly veiled attempts to create obligations? How often do people not do that? Gifts which create obligations are part of what Douglas and Heer call the ―give and take program‖ which governs most ―gifts‖ on planet earth. A gift which is truly ―gifted‖ carries no expectation of getting anything in return. It is given for the pure joy of giving it. Douglas and Heer, for example, annually give $500 to the sister of one of their former employees, whose husband was a Mexican truck driver killed by robbers on Christmas Eve. Their only stipulation for the gift is that half of it be used to provide Christmas for the woman‘s sons, while the other half can be used for whatever she chooses. Far from diminishing them, this act of generosity expands their whole universe. Another aspect of generosity of spirit is celebrating the good fortune of others. If your reaction to your friend‘s winning the lottery would be, ―How come they got it and I didn‘t,‖ you are NOT demonstrating generosity of spirit. Generosity of spirit is the willingness to celebrate whenever anyone receives or creates something. Having ―had it all‖ in this reality — the fancy expensive cars, the big house, the kids in private schools, socializing with wealthy friends — Douglas discovered that while it was fun, none of it meant anything to him. None of it made his life worth living. What he learned is his own true bottom line, which is that ―there is really only one reason to have money, and that‘s to change other people‘s realities.‖

The book abounds with examples of this, from giving a $10 tip to a baggage handler to gifting a $15,000 racehorse to a friend because the horse itself desired to belong to the friend. Generosity of spirit is one of the four keys to turning around your financial situation, any financial situation, according to Douglas and Heer‘s plan in Right Riches For You. In order to exercise this fourth tool, you must give without consideration for how or whether the favor, gift or money you give away is returned, if it ever is returned. ―None of this is linear,‖ Douglas points out, and Heer adds that the return is ―guaranteed to look nothing like you thought it would.‖ What is guaranteed is that if you will practice generosity of spirit, not only will your own bank account expand, but so will your deposits in your own personal bank of life satisfaction. And isn‘t that the million dollar deposit you would really like to make? More information about the seminars, teleclasses, and products which can remove obstacles to having not only the money you desire but everything else you would like using the tools of consciousness are available at Douglas and Heer’s website, Their books are also available at and By Dr. Kacie Crisp Tagged as: education, financial, Gary Douglas

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one } Delany Delaney May 26, 2010 at 4:10 am Kacie, this is a fantastic piece! thank you i am totally inspired and i will be purchasing that workbook! i have (admittedly sporadically up till recently)been doing the 10% and my financial life is turning around i‘m choosing to embrace the joy of money! how novel! again thank you Delany

Dr. Kacie Crisp July 6, 2010 at 2:47 pm Cool, Delaney I‘m glad you enjoyed it! And what else is possible? Kacie

Debbie July 10, 2010 at 12:12 am

I am willing to recieve way more. What‘s right about the bank dipping into my 10% account to take a credit card payment, the day before I planned to pay it?

Cee August 9, 2010 at 12:52 pm OMG! I just got the ―having money‖ part! Totally felt it vicerally in my heart. I got it in my head/left brain before but now I really GET it. How cool is that. How does it get any better than this? Thank you!

Five Practices to Change Your Financial Situation Today! by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 3, 2011

At a time when the vast majority of Americans, Europeans, and most people that live on this planet, are nervous about their retirement, upset about the rising price of gas and other commodities, and losing sleep because of anger over their financial situation, one man is working with a group of clients whose incomes have actually been rising. That man is Gary Douglas, best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness. Awareness is the key to knowing where to turn, even more so in difficult times than in easy ones, according to Douglas. One of the best ways to raise awareness is to ask questions. ―Don‘t just question authority—question everything!‖ Douglas says. Questions increase awareness, whereas conclusions, answers, and decisions about what‘s right limit awareness and therefor block the very success at surviving in challenging times that you‘re looking for. Answers about what‘s going to be profitable in the future also limit your ability to make choices that can change your financial situation. Douglas has been teaching seminars on awareness, including awareness about money, worldwide for more than 20 years. Seminar attendees and private clients who have followed his advice have seen their incomes increase, and even if some of their assets have fluctuated in value with the changing times, they tend to not experience losses like the rest of the world. Douglas has written two books on the subject with his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer, Money Isn‘t the Problem, You Are, and Right Riches for You. The steps Douglas recommends are deceptively simple. They can be implemented immediately by anyone in any financial situation.

The five practices Douglas recommends to change your financial situation are: 1. Save 10 % of every dollar you receive for you. While this may seem impossible to those suffering from financial stress, Douglas finds it imperative to change one‘s financial situation. ―If you‘re one of those people that pays your bills first, what you‘re telling the universe is that you like bills. It will honor you by sending you more!‖ he observes. Conversely, if you take the first 10 per cent and put it away, you are telling the universe that you honor yourself and you like money. The universe responds by sending money where it‘s welcome—to your savings account. For this to work as well as it can, you have to be putting the money away to honor you. It‘s less likely to work if you do it because you read it here or someone else told you to. Key to this working is the equal commitment NOT to spend it no matter what. Many of Douglas‘s clients have tested this, only to discover that their finances headed south when they tapped into their ―honor money.‖ ―Beg borrow or steal, go out and earn more, create some money some way, just don‘t spend your 10%!‖ admonishes Douglas. If you do fall into the trap of spending your 10%, don‘t worsen the situation by beating yourself up. All that judgment won‘t help. Just start again. One of Douglas‘s clients who struggled with money issues started doing this from her husband‘s paycheck. To her surprise, she found out it was no harder to make ends meet with 90% of the check than it was using all of it. The huge difference it created in her family‘s life was the financial peace of mind having that money accumulating in the bank created. If you‘re one of those folks that wonders why you would bother to save money you couldn‘t spend, you‘re exactly the kind of person who needs this practice the most. ―If the only reason you see to have money is to spend it, you will never have money,‖ states Douglas. The only way to have money is to be willing to have it, and this exercise creates this willingness to have money. 2. Carry the amount of money a rich person would have in your wallet or pocket at all times. How much money do you think a rich person would have on them at all times? Whatever that amount is, that‘s the amount you need to carry on you at all times. If you‘re wondering how to

build up this stash when a shortage of cash is your problem in the first place, you can use the 10% you‘re saving to build up this reserve. Again, the key is never to spend it. If you keep it in your wallet in front of your spending money, you will be reminded you have money every time you open your wallet. Make sure you have some spending money behind it so you don‘t have to spend your honor money. 3. Know exactly what it costs you to live each month. Calculate to the penny how much you spend on necessities, but also on things that make life worth living such as entertainment, self-improvement, and vacations, as well as the 10 % you‘re saving. You have to know how much you require in order to know what to request from the universe, and most of us underestimate our requirements. How can you ask the universe to send you what you really require if you don‘t know what that amount is? 4. Retire those past expenditures. Douglas refers to debt as past expenditures because of the similarity between debt and death. Whatever you call them, they are a form of enslavement you will rid yourself of if you‘re smart. Some people confuse the ability to borrow money with having wealth. While credit is certainly useful in certain situations, it is not the same as wealth—it is only the ability to create debt. Douglas recommends dividing the amount you owe by 12 to determine how much more money you would need to earn each month to pay these off. (If the total is more than $40,000, you could divide by 24 and pay them off in 2 years.) How much would you have to work? How many more hours, sessions, or jobs do you have to do to create that income? Then do it! 5. Diversify your assets by investing in things with intrinsic value. While having cash on hand provides you with choices that may not be available otherwise, Douglas also recommends diversifying your assets. When the dollar has decreased in value 50% against the euro in the past year, investing in tangible assets is a strategy worth considering.

Items with intrinsic value include not only precious metals, but also jewelry, antiques, and collectibles—the kinds of things that could quickly be sold for cash if required. Many of these items retain their value or even increase in value with inflation. Douglas has been recommending his clients invest in gold and silver since gold was at $150 an ounce. He doesn‘t recommend blindly following his advice, but instead relying on your own awareness. This involves asking questions. ―Ask a question about the gold,‖ he recommends, to find out what it will do. You can do this by asking, ―Will it go to $1500?‖ ―$1600?‖ ―$1700?‖ Whichever feels lightest to you is what the gold is telling you it will do. Being aware of the effect of earth changes can inform your awareness of what will be valuable in the future. One oil spill could wipe out oyster beds that pearls come from, for example, making them much more valuable. Political changes and economic changes overseas, ignored by most American press and the population, can have a big effect on the economy elsewhere. The world is changing, and what is considered real and valuable is changing. Only by keeping yourself informed will you know where you can put your money so that it will increase in the future. Ask questions! Most financial advisors of all kinds have their own interests at heart, not yours. Your own awareness is the key to your own financial survival and success.

Tagged as: Access, Access Consciousness, addictions, adviser, advisor, Australasia, Australia,Canada, change, choice, classes, Consciousness , Dain Heer, Debt, Dr. Dain Heer, Ease, Europe,financial, financial freedom, Financial tools, Gary Douglas, Gary M. Douglas, Law of attraction, limits, Magic, Money, saving, savings, Sweden, Tools, UK, United States, World Wide, Worldwide ~ Global

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one } Chris H June 8, 2011 at 7:00 am Love your whole approach…only one thing I take issue with, in the last paragraph ―most financial advisors of all kinds have their own interests at heart, not yours‖. Admittedly, I sometimes feel the same way. In fact, that‘s what led me from being a straight up CPA to being a financial planner. That being said, I happen to be one who

emailed this article to new client, and put a link to it on all my social media sites. I couldn‘t agree more with your approach, and I encourage all my clients to cultivate that kind of awareness, and take the kind of ultimate responsibility for their financial situations that you describe. Ok, you did say ―most‖ so I can‘t get too upset I just think it would serve your readers better to encourage them to find an advisor (if they choose to work with one) with whom they feel really philosophically aligned, and in whom they really trust, rather than to lump us all (ok, most) into one bucket. So, to your readers, I say: There are good and bad doctors, lawyers, etc. In every profession, you will find the best, the worst and everything in between. Good advisors do exist. If you need help, you CAN find an advisor that is right for you. Don‘t settle. Be clear about what your needs are and look for someone to meet them. I promise, you will find him/her. Good luck!

What else is possible when you put away 10 percent of your pay by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JULY 31, 2010

MUST READ ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GRATITUDE TO YOU!!!!!! Hello Gary and Dain I would love to share with you and everyone the AWESOME things I (yes me) have been generating over the last few weeks!!!

So… about 3 weeks ago I checked my bank account and there was approx $1450.00 that had shown up so I firstly put my 10% away then I paid some past expenditures (which made me very happy) and asked the usual questions like what else is possible? And how does it get any better than that? I also asked the money what would it take for it to come back to me tenfold??????? And then left it did not give it much if any thought… SO Here is where it gets totally cool!!! yesterday I checked my bank account (I have an extra little job Cause I‘m choosing Costa Rica in Oct) to see how much I got paid and ….wait for it …my bank balance was approx $14,500.00( not including my pay) hehehehehe Waaahooo!!!!(If my calculations are correct that‘s 10 fold) so I started asking the questions once again WEIP? HDIGABTT? And this time I asked the money to come back 20 fold heheheh!! I wonder how that‘s going to show up?!!!!! The first thing I did was put 10% away then I paid off ALL MY past expenditures and the house hold bills, BOOKED AND PAID FOR MY FLIGHT TO COSTA RICA!!! PAID SOME OF THE CLASS (Without using credit) and brought myself some clothes and some things for my kids and I still have some left over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DOES IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS??? I would also like to say that if anyone is serious about having a dramatically different financial reality they should buy the How to become money workbook as well as all the other access money books (Like me) and demand of yourself that this shit changes!!!! To be money to have peace with money is not as complicated as we make it out to be it just is…. I have been putting 10% away for less than 6 months…..while being a ―Single parent‖ if I can anyone can!!!(When I thought of this I said to myself I‘ve been putting it away religiously, there may be something in that for everyone?)

Thank you so much Gary and Dain the gift that you be for us is absolutely amazing thank you for choosing more for yourselves so that in turn we can choose more for us, I hope that I will be able to gift others the way you have gifted to me! GRATITUDE HUGS & KISSES!!!! Mel (from QLD) p.s.: See you in Costa Rica baby…….. all of life come to me with ease joy and glory!!!!!!

Tagged as: 10 percent, Seven Day Events

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one } Sandy July 31, 2010 at 8:55 am Wow wow wow thank you so much for sharing this Mel and wow what else is possible? !!!!!!!! Magical potent you!!! Stories like this are an amazing boost, thank you!!!


Court August 8, 2010 at 3:10 pm This is awesome and encouraging! While reading it I felt my left brain begin to argue ―What else did she DO?‖ I told it to shut up. WEIP? In gratitude!

John July 8, 2011 at 5:43 pm As someone who‘s just starting with Access and choosing to finally take control of my relationship with money, this story was very inspiring. Thank you for sharing and being the money!

Ursula December 23, 2012 at 1:41 pm Hi, now it‘s my turn to be in way more in debt than I‘ve allowed myself to be since borrowing for university, and yes, thank you for this empowering article. HDITABTT?!

Could Judgment Be Limiting YOUR Creativity? Scientific Research Backs up What Access Consciousness Founder, Gary Douglas, Has Been Saying for Years


Judgment is one of the greatest limitations to creativity, including creating your life, according to best selling author Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, a 20 year old self-awareness method offered in 25 countries world-wide. Whether you desire to be more creative you might consider changing the process of automatically judging that so many of us fall into. If you‘re not a writer or artist, you may be wondering what creativity has to do with your life. Isn‘t your life your own greatest creation, whatever your line of work? Would you like to make it a more beautiful creation? Then what‘s now known about creativity and the importance of getting out of judgment could be very valuable to you! Douglas has been pointing out for years that judgment stops all creativity, because nothing that doesn‘t match the judgment can enter your awareness. Judgments don‘t only include the most obvious such as, ―What an ugly dress!‖ Judgments can also be more subtle. In fact, every time we make a conclusion or arrive at what we think is an answer, a judgment is also required. Douglas has been teaching this to his seminar participants worldwide for 20 or more years. As often occurs, science is now catching up with what Douglas has discovered years earlier using his natural curiosity and his reliance on questions instead of answers. Charles Limb, a medical doctor who specializes in hearing problems and is a saxophone player, is studying jazz improvisation as a demonstration of creativity. Using the latest medical technology, he has tracked how the brain changes when musicians engage in this creative act. In short, the areas of the brain (specifically the pre-frontal cortex) engaged in judgment shut down, while areas of self-expression (isn‘t that creativity?) turn on. Limb used functional MRI imaging to discover that the lateral pre-frontal cortex is inhibited during creative improvisation. This is the area involved with ―conscious self-monitoring, selfinhibition, and evaluation of the rightness and wrongness of the actions you‘re about to implement.‖ Isn‘t that an accurate description of judgment? Improvising musicians increase the medial prefrontal cortex which is involved in ―self-expression and autobiographical narrative.‖ Couldn‘t that be another word for creativity?‖

In other words, the most creative musicians know how to turn the judging parts of their brain off and the creative parts on. Amateur musicians, presumably less successful, have not developed this capacity as fully. This study was reported in the May, 2011 issue of Scientific American. So how do you get out of judgment, anyway? One way Douglas recommends is to remind yourself vigorously and repeatedly that every point of view you have is not significant or true, but no more important than ―just an interesting point of view.‖ In case you are still interested in hanging onto those judgments you‘re firmly convinced are true, consider what else Douglas has learned. ―You cannot judge anything without having been it or done it at one time or another,‖ he says. Otherwise you would have no grounds to judge it or any opinion about it. So when you find yourself being repulsed by something, you might just humble yourself by reminding yourself that sometime, somewhere, you did that or were that, too. Perhaps then you would get motivated to destroy and uncreate those judgments you were so firmly convinced were right. If you‘re having trouble identifying when you are judging, here‘s another clue. What if nothing is right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative? Is judgment required to make something right or wrong, good or bad? If you‘re like most of us, then this could give you plenty of judgments to work on eliminating. These simple tools come from Access Consciousness, which offers pragmatic building blocks for creating whatever you would like in your life. The Access suggested way out of judgment includes those tools described above: 1. Remind yourself that even your strongest opinions are just interesting points of view. 2. Remind yourself everything you find yourself judging is something you did or were at some time or another 3. When you find yourself saying or thinking anything is right, wrong, good, bad, positive or negative—refer to the above. Simple? Now start putting it into practice. It will give you more freedom than you can imagine. It could be the hardest thing you‘ve ever done and you might just find that it is worth it. How much creativity, for your artwork or your life, could you free up by eliminating those judgments? How much more creative could you become then?

Tagged as: Access, Access Consciousness, addictions, allowance, alternative therapies,Australasia, Australia, Canada, change, choice, classes, Consciousness, Dain Heer, Dr. Dain Heer, Ease, Environment, Europe, financial, financial freedom, Financial tools, Gary Douglas,Gary M. Douglas, Happiness, Law of attraction, limits, Magic, Sweden, Tools, UK, United States, World Wide, Worldwide ~ Global

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one } Stephen Outram June 4, 2011 at 11:59 pm When I play my guitar and stop thinking, the music is so much better. Sometimes I surprise myself by peeling off this neat riff without having to think about it or figure it out beforehand. I like those kind of surprises

Joseann August 24, 2011 at 11:22 pm Somehow it feels to me that there is judgment in the text about people who are not creative or that ―being creative is positive, being not creative is negative or somehow wrong‖ and being more creative is better than being less creative. Is that so? I can understand how judgment prevents people from being creative. But I also feel pressure to ―be more creative‖, as not being creative seems to be somehow ―inferior‖ or a lack or deficiency of some kind. ? I would be cool to be able to switch into being creative at will though.

Could Your Body Be the Key to Getting Out of Your Relationship Rut? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on AUGUST 15, 2012

Do you feel like you date – or marry – the same man or woman again and again, only in a different body? Access Consciousness™ has some tools you may not have considered to get you out of this relationship rut. The key to this tool is your own sweet body. Access Consciousness™ founder and best-selling author Gary Douglas has discovered some hands-on body processes that anyone interested can learn, and have the potential to change ingrained patterns that you haven‘t been able to change otherwise. Like all Access Consciousness™ body processes, these processes involve light touch without pressure on specific locations while inviting the energy of the particular processes to run. One process, the Magnetic Attraction to the Repulsion of All Sexual Energies and the Restoration of All Generative Sexual Energies Embodied, was discovered when Douglas was working on his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer. When Douglas and Heer get time in their demanding schedules to run a body process, it can run for quite some time and they are in the habit of watching TV while doing so. This habit made a unique contribution in this case. While Douglas was working on Heer, a sexy blonde appeared on television. She embodied everything that is ―sexy‖ in this reality—which is to say she demonstrated all the judgments we call sexuality—without having any of the

nurturing, caring, healing sexual energy that actually nurtures our bodies and our beings. Sexuality, as the word is used in Access Consciousness™, refers to the judgments of this reality about who we will and will not receive the flow of sexual energy from. As infinite beings, we should be able to receive the caring, nurturing, expansive, healing energy of sexualness from anyone without the necessity to copulate with any of them. Very often those who appear to be sexy from the point of view of this reality are radiating sexuality without any sexualness available in their universe. Douglas watched in amazement, as Heer‘s body seemed to jump energetically towards the screen where Miss Sexuality-without-Any-Sexualness was appearing. ―Wow, is there something in our bodies that actually attracts us to someone who actually has nothing of what we‘re really looking for to offer?‖ Douglas wondered. The answer he got from the universe was a resounding yes, and this process was born. When Douglas or Heer recognize an energy that has the potential for others to use it in bringing more consciousness to bodies, they use it for a while to get familiar with it, and then they ask for its name so it can be taught to others. This particular process is actually two processes in one.

The first half describes what Heer‘s body did when it wanted to jump off the table towards the blonde demon from hell. His body was actually attracted to the energy that repulsed generative sexual energies. So the first half of the process was named after that energy that it will be releasing—that magnetic attraction to the repulsion of those generative sexual energies we should be looking for. The second energy included in the process, the Restoration of All Generative Sexual Energies Embodied, describes what the process returns to the body. Of course, we should embody all generative sexual energies, and we would if we were functioning as the infinite beings we really are. But sometimes we buy into a limitation or two when it comes to our bodies and we function as a bit more finite than we could be. Have you noticed? The processes are run concurrently. Douglas has noticed that many people enter into relationships that are destined to become disasters, and he has long been puzzled by his clients‘ inability to see the future disaster which was so clear to him. He was hoping that undoing this programming might also have the effect of unlocking our refusal to see the future. While this did not necessarily occur in all cases, it may occur for some people who are willing to have it.

A second relationships-related body process has just been added to the book of the 3 Day Access Consciousness™ Body Class (open to all who have completed through Level 1 of the core classes). It‘s called the Auto-responder Systems for Sex and Relationship. It‘s another ―real cooker,‖ meaning the light touch required to activate this energy can have a surprisingly intense and deep effect on your body and your being. Both of the hands-on processes described here are taught in full in the 3-Day Access Consciousness™ Body class, facilitated by 5 facilitators world-wide. In addition, they are also offered by Body Process Class Facilitators in half- or full-day classes in which one or two processes are presented. There are 200 of these Body Process Facilitators worldwide. More information about these classes can be found In addition, Douglas‘s latest book, Right Body for You, is a compilation of many techniques and clearing processes designed to connect you further with your body, including being able to hear what its wisdom is on matters concerning it. These include not only eating and exercise but also money and many other topics. Right Body for You is available from as well as from Tagged as: Body, changing your body, hands on body process, ingrained patterns, relationship rut, sexual energy

What Would Happen If You Began Creating The Right Relationship For You? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on OCTOBER 29, 2012

Have you ever been in a relationship that wasn‘t working? And how much time did you spend focusing on all the ways it didn‘t work? In the process of that analysis, did you make you wrong and your partner wrong because you couldn‘t get your relationship right? Focusing on what is wrong always necessitates you judging you, based on what is supposed to be right, good, perfect and correct. And who decided what is the right relationship for you? If your relationship could be different, would that create more possibilities for you and for those around you? Focusing on what doesn‘t work will not create the changes required for you to have a different possibility. Anger, hate, guilt and remorse will distract you from identifying what is working; it‘s like putting on blinkers to possibility. And what else could you add to the relationship that would give you more choice? When you are in a relationship that isn‘t working, don‘t be distracted by what isn‘t, ask questions about what IS working. Susan Lazar Hart of ‗The Right Relationship For You‘ says, ―Be grateful for the ‗not-working.‘ The notworking is simply the results you are getting based on the choices you have made. So, what else is possible?‖ Susan has four questions that you can use to get clearer on your relationship and begin to create greater possibilities

and choice. These questions will open you up to a greater level of awareness and from greater awareness you can choose differently. If you make different choices, will you get different results? 1. What awareness do I have? 2. What else can I add to this relationship? 3. How can I use this relationship to my advantage? 4. What contribution can I be that I haven‘t been willing to be?

When you begin to get clear on what works for you, you start to generate your life and living from a different space. The more you step into your awareness, the more choice you have, which allows you to contribute more and begin creating the relationship that you always knew should be possible. Susan Lazar Hart‘s The Right Relationship For You empowers people in changing relationships that don‘t work, into those that do. What would happen if you began creating the right relationship for you? Could Being Wrong Save Your Relationships? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on MARCH 22, 2012

One of the most amazing tools of Access Consciousness™ is the willingness and ability to be wrong. How can this be true, when most of us have spent our entire lives trying to escape being wrong? Some of us are so convinced we are truly and inescapably wrong that we‘re desperate to be right.

Sometimes that drive to be right can even express itself as a desperation to be wrong, because then at least we‘ll be right about the one thing we can be right about—that we‘re wrong. By being wrong we‘ll be right that we are wrong. We‘ll reach the safety of that impenetrable fortress of being absolutely totally irrevocably right and not have to risk any vulnerability ever again. As Access Founder and best selling author Gary Douglas puts it, ―The only time you know you‘re right is when you‘re wrong.‖ He calls it ―the rightness of the wrongness of you.‖ Crazy, eh? Without a doubt! But if the world functioned on thinking, logic, and figuring it out, would you still be looking to fix what you cannot make work in your life? Would you consider the possibility that the further reaches of your ―crazy mind‖ are a far more likely source of the limitations that bind? If you‘d be willing to be crazy enough to try a tool that is admittedly crazy according to this reality, but really works, here‘s how it goes. Whenever you have an upset in a relationship with someone (especially one caused by your insistence on being right about what you believe to be true), what you say is this: “You’re right. I’m wrong. I’m sorry.” Douglas gave this tool to a client who used it with great success. ―Help!‖ she called to him in desperation. ―My mother is driving me crazy and I‘m here for another week! What can I do?‖ The woman was visiting her mother on an isolated Caribbean island and had another week of living with a ―born-again born-again,‖ a fundamental Christian who had been saved not once, but twice. ―Tell her she‘s right, you‘re wrong,‖ advised Douglas. ―But I‘m not wrong!‖ wailed the woman. ―I didn‘t say you were wrong. I said to tell her that you‘re wrong. That is her point of view.‖ Once the woman realized she was just acknowledging the point of view her mother already had, she could do it, and she had the best visit with her mother she‘d ever had. Not only that, but when she left her mother gave her $5000.

Now, there‘s no guarantee you‘ll receive $5000 the first time you‘re willing to be wrong—but it is guaranteed that your insistence on being right has been costing you plenty. ―There is no freedom in being right,‖ observes Douglas. ―There is only freedom in being wrong.‖ Once you are willing to be wrong, you have no necessity of defending your point of view, and your ability to perceive, know, be, and receive becomes much greater. If you insist on being right, no information that doesn‘t match that point of view—the judgment, conclusion, or decision you have made—can come into your awareness. That awareness you block by insisting on being right keeps you from being able to receive everything you‘ve been asking for. Ooops! Are you still sure you want to be right? Another principle of Access Consciousness™ is the acknowledgement that what feels light to you is true, while what feels heavy is a lie. Sometimes Douglas has participants in his seminars repeat the magic sentences: ―You‘re right, I‘m wrong, I‘m sorry,‖ 10 times. At the end of the recitation when he asks the class if they feel heavy or light, the answer is always that they feel lighter. Crazy, perhaps, but true. There is a further application of this tool. If you‘ve really mucked up a relationship by your insistence on being right, you can add a question, ―What can I do to make up for the damage I‘ve done?‖ Most often very little is required. The recipient of the question may be so surprised at hearing someone actually admit to being wrong when everyone they‘ve ever met is insistent on being right that they may be stunned into silence. They may even try to make you, that wrong one, feel better. This occurred with the woman in the story above. ―You‘re not wrong, dear,‖ her mother told her. ―You‘re just mistaken.‖ Would you be willing to be wrong if it could make things go so much easier in your life?

Tagged as: Love, relationship, Relationships, right, save, wrong

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one } Lisa April 18, 2012 at 9:27 am

I had figured this out some time ago, saying simply, you‘re right, I understand what you are saying, I‘m wrong… (without out being sarcastic about it.) However, what can be done when the other person then begins to really feel that‘s an admission that they know best, so then they have the right to ignore perosnal boundaries? -Such as demanding that I answer for where I‘m at and what I‘m doing, how I choose to spend my own money (yes you‘re right I was wrong for getting my son new track shoes), and to tell me what to do because from their point of view, I just don‘t know how to make ―good decisions‖. And since I am not ―gifted with good intuition‖, I need ―someone else‖ (alpha male) to guide me? The point of the blog was about being able to be ‗wrong‘ in a relationship we want to keep. Hmm… I guess I‘m not in that catagory :p

Mary April 30, 2012 at 8:44 am I read the article above. My elder sister has some pretty strange views about God and religion and up until now I have not been willing to be wrong. After reading this, I can change how I respond to one of her statements. It IS her point of view and I can confirm that now.

What‘s a Salon de Femmes? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 3, 2012

What‘s a salon anyway? It‘s NOT a tavern in the wild west—that‘s a saloon. It can be a place where people get their hair done, but that‘s a modern use of the word. Historically, the dictionary says it‘s a regular social gathering of eminent people at the house of woman

prominent in high society. It can also be a meeting of intellectuals or other eminent people at the invitation of a celebrity or socialite. Wikipedia says a salon is ―a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine taste and increase their knowledge of the participants through conversation. Salons, commonly associated with French literary and philosophical movements of the 17th and 18th centuries, were carried on until quite recently, in urban settings, among like-minded people. Salon de Femmes in the Access Consciousness™ world is a world-wide gathering of women interested in creating a different possibility for relationships with men. As seminar leader Gary Douglas describes it, it will show women ―how to promise what you are not going to deliver, how to deliver what you are going to deliver, and how to make the man happy that you delivered.‖ Is that clear as mud? Then you might consider joining this salon! It‘s aimed at facilitating women to have a sense of themselves in relationships so that they do not divorce themselves to make the relationship work. It‘s also about educating women to be in allowance of men as men— something very different from the approach espoused by other ―relationship experts,‖ even the best-selling ones. Douglas has a goal as lofty as those historical French salons. He‘d only like to change the standard by which people choose their mates. ―I‘ve known too many really nice men who are interested in having a relationship and women wouldn‘t have anything to do with them because they‘re too nice. What? You wouldn‘t have a man who‘s too nice in your life? Why not?‖

Douglas admits that ―men tend to be seduced by bitchy women who promise a lot and deliver little. You can be a nice woman and promise a lot and deliver just enough and have a different result. That‘s the Salon de Femmes.” Douglas developed this class for women after watching the success of his Gentleman‘s Club class in Australia in January. When he saw the change it created for men and the ability it gave them to have a sense of themselves in relationships, he realized it was required for women as well. ―To have a sense of yourself and be present in relationship needs to be something that is a way one lives, not a way one acts. It‘s about being the invitation of the feminine and the invitation of the masculine.‖ ―I‘d like to get as many people as possible out of their fixed points of view about the other sex.‖ He does not use the word ―opposite‖ to describe the other sex, because the use of that word alone sets up opposition. There is a warning about participation in this salon, ladies. You might have to give up your judgment of men. He has been stunned by women‘s insistence on judging men in previous workshops. Douglas isn‘t necessarily optimistic about the prospects of this attempt actually succeeding, although he intends to give it his best shot. ―If you don‘t have someone who‘s fun to be with and who will bring a little joy into your life, why bother with a relationship?‖ Salon de Femmes starts July 4 and continues with 10 90-minute weekly calls that will change your life and all your relationships. Participation in Access Bars™ through Level 1 is required to participate. If you require these prerequisites you can find a class near you, or subscribe to the

download of Gary Douglas facilitating Foundation and Level One from Tagged as: Business, feminine, masculine, opposite sex, Salon de femme, woman

Is it the Law of Attraction or the Lie of Attraction? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JULY 30, 2012

The popular law of attraction is just one of the many sacred cows that Gary Douglas dissects in his recent book, Divorceless Relationships. If applying the law of attraction to get what you want isn‘t working for you, you might want to consider taking a different point of view. It‘s your points of view that create your reality, not the other way around, as Douglas‘s business partner and co-author Dr. Dain Heer points out. If you‘re using the law of attraction to try to get what you want, you might consider the point of view behind it. As Douglas tells us in Divorceless Relationships, ―If you‘re doing the law of attraction, what is your point of view? Your viewpoint is that you are not—or do not have—what you are asking for. It‘s that you need something brought in from outside of you because you are missing something. ―When you have the point of view that you have to attract something to you so you can be it or have it, it means that you have to make sure that you are not the thing you are

trying to attract. ―This is the chink in the armor of the law of attraction. This is why the law of attraction, instead of creating expansion, creates a contraction. Even when you attempt to create a large life, you will attract to you those things that create a smaller life.‖ In an understatement of magnitude, Douglas adds, ―Plus you already have all the underlying points of view that don‘t allow it.‖ The phenomenal effectiveness of the Access Consciousness™ tools at clearing those underlying points of view is one of the reasons that Access Consciousness™ works for many people where the law of attraction has not. For one thing, Access Consciousness™ focuses on questions, rather than answers. These questions, especially questions asked from no fixed point of view, can unravel those underlying points of view. Many of these underlying points of view are just plain crazy (from the point of view of our rational mind) but they create our reality nonetheless. Once those crazy mind answers are revealed, Access Consciousness™ has an energetic magic wand known as the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement that energetically erases the point of creation of that insanity. The clearing statement works no matter what or where the cause of the underlying limiting point of view is. Better yet, you do not have to know where or what that point of view is— the universe knows and will go there to clear it at your request. What is the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement? Be warned, it sounds like gibberish, but that doesn‘t stop it

from working like magic. Its origin and deeper meaning are explained in the beginning Access Consciousness™ Core Classes, but you can use it right away. Whenever you can unravel something that‘s bothering you, try saying this: right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds™ How does it get even better than that?

Another tool Access Consciousness™ uses to undo underlying points of view that are creating your reality not as you‘ve been telling yourself you‘d like it is to look at the words you use. One of the biggest offenders in your personal self-sabotage could be the very word want. The energetic meaning of the word want is ―to lack,‖ even though the dictionary defines it as ―to desire.‖ The dictionary was revised in 1946 to eliminate this meaning. Despite this, the energetic meaning of the word persists. So when you say, ―I want more money,‖ you are correct. You lack of more money and will continue to lack it as long as that‘s your point of view! Do you find this hard to believe? Try saying this 10 times. ―I don‘t want more money!‖ After saying it 10 times, do you feel lighter or heavier? One way to tell if something is actually true is to notice if it feels heavy or light. If it‘s right

or true, and if it‘s heavy, it‘s alie. You can apply this to anything said in any of your metaphysical or spiritual studies. But do beware! Some of your favorite sacred cows may go to slaughter! That might leave some room in your universe for actually receiving and having what you‘ve been asking for all this time. What are the infinite possibilities? If you find that these tools actually work for you—one of the criteria for their inclusion in Access Consciousness™ books and class is that the tools are pragmatic and actually work—you might wish to check out books or classes which are listed on the website, Magic, You Are It, Be It is a great introduction to the Access Consciousness™ tools, as is Heer’s Being You, Changing the World. Is a 56 Night Stand What Are You Really Looking for? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on MAY 11, 2012

Are you still looking for ―the one‖ that you can settle down and live happily ever after with? Is marriage or a non-formalized equivalent thereof part of that plan? It might not be your best choice, says Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness™ and best selling author. His latest book is Divorceless Relationship, which debunks this myth and many more. The ideal of marriage you have been dreaming about? It was a product of the church and it was originally designed to make sure your progeny would inherit your wealth. Of course, it means a lot more than that to most people right now, and therein lies the rub. ―When it becomes ‗meaningful,‘‖ says Douglas, ―then it becomes something that drives you crazy.‖ We desire marriage because we have been programmed to desire it. ―The whole thing of shooting for marriage or relationship is usually about programming,‖ says Douglas. ―You are programmed to go from childhood to getting a job to getting married, and that is not choice.‖ Douglas has a different idea. ―Would you really like to stay with the same person for long periods of time? Is there anybody you want to spend all your time with?‖ he asks. Because most of the creative people he works with cannot truthfully answer yes to those questions, he proposes relationship that you commit to for only 8 weeks. ―Here is another way

you could do relationship,‖ he says. ―You could go to the other person and say, ‗I‘d really like to have a relationship with you. Can I move in with you for 8 weeks and after that we‘ll know if we want to be together longer, but plan on me leaving in 8 weeks.‘‖ That 56 night stand (8 weeks times 7 days/week, get it?) is short enough that most people can maintain their gratitude for it. It‘s the business that sets in after that that doesn‘t interest them. ―You like the romance but you don‘t like the washing clothes and washing dishes part,‖ notes Douglas. Eight weeks is the length of time most people can maintain total presence, Douglas says. After that the pheromones stop and so does the sex. ―Don‘t stay after 8 weeks because you think you will get sex continuously,‖ he warns. ―After 8 weeks the sex will quit. That‘s just the way it works. An infinite being would have a long-term relationship for what reason?‖ A psychology professor once asked his classes to estimate how much of their time they would like to spend with someone they were madly in love with. The majority of answers were in the neighborhood of 75 per cent or more. ―Do you really want to spend 18 hours a day with anyone?‖ asks Douglas. ―How many of your work colleagues, who you spend most of your day with, do you see after work?‖ Douglas asks. ―In reality, 2 ½ hours a day is enough to spend with anybody.‖ Could it be the programming Douglas refers to that‘s creating this illusion of what we‘re really looking for? If you really wish to have a marriage that works, or a long-term partnership, Douglas recommends being willing to change every day. In most relationships, people try to stay in the box of what they think the other person wants.‖ This gets boring after about 2 days, Douglas observes. In contrast to that, ―Partners who are continuously willing to change have amazing communion together.‖ ―These are people who are always willing to change, always willing to see what else they can conquer, what else they can change, and what else they can be. These people are fun to be with because at the end of the day they are different people. Who you wake up with and who you go to bed with are two different people.‖

If you don‘t have a partnership with someone like this, Douglas warns, someone will be leaving. If you try to keep the person you‘re with from leaving you, then the person who will leave the relationship is you. The “eight week relationship” and many other unique approaches to successful relationships are featured in Gary Douglas’s latest book, The Divorceless Relationship, available from and the shop on his website, He will soon be offering teleclasses exclusively for both men and women on what you can do to create relationships that really work. Tagged as: commit, commitment, divorce, Divorceless Relationship, long term, Love, madly in love, marriage, one night stand, relationship, Relationships, Sex

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one } Karen May 26, 2012 at 11:16 am I‘ve just read this and also I have read the book. I do the clearing statements in the book as often as possible. I‘m trying not to say, but! I am still having trouble getting clear on whether or not I would like a long term relationship or to be married. I think I do want to be married, then I change my mind. When I see the control movements that go on in marriage I say no. When I see the shown ―stability‖ I say I want to be married. From experience from dating married men I can say the men got married for a total different reason then what their wife thinks they did. Is it possible to I clear the ―Knight on a white charger disney programming‖ from my body and being? Then will I be clear on what I want and choose clearly? There is one thing about traditional marriage I am clear on. There is nothing more unromantic than washing your husband‘s dirty underwear! And if I have to cook in exchange for my husband servicing me, he better be worth me cooking steak tenderloin or out he goes!

Would Sex By Any Other Name Smell Just As Sweet? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 23, 2011

Sex in our modern world has so many meanings shoveled onto one word that it‘s not exactly a rose, it‘s more like a whole flower garden, and the result isn‘t necessarily always a beautiful creation.

When the way we think about things creates our reality, how much confusion are we perpetuating in this area by being so unclear about language? Gary Douglas, best-selling author and founder of Access Consciousness, and Dr. Dain Heer, have a different way of looking at this that could create a lot more clarity. The authors of Sex Is Not A Four Letter Word But Relationships Often Times Is suggest using six different words to describe different aspects of sex. These words are sensuality, sex, sexuality, copulation, sexualness, and orgasm. Sensuality is what bodies like. Most of us don‘t get nearly enough of this nurturing touch, perhaps in part because of how much we confuse it with other components of sex, such as copulation. The necessity of the human need to be touched is demonstrated by the deaths of infants in orphanages who died when given adequate physical care but were deprived of touching and holding. Sex, as Douglas and Heer describe it, is that energy you emit when you are ―looking good, feeling good, and strutting your stuff.‖ You‘re likely to get whistles and flirtatious glances because your energy is inviting others to flow that sexual energy towards you. This can be fun for everyone and does NOT have to lead to copulation either! Interestingly, this energy of sex can be created without the need for another person present around you. Being dependent on that other person who is around or in relationship with you can actually distort and destroy your relationship by creating an unnatural dependence on that person to supply what could truly come from within you. Sexuality is a definition, and like all definitions, is a judgment. It defines whom you will and will not receive the flow of sexual energy from. ―I am a straight man,‖ ―I am a gay woman,‖ are examples of this definition. Are you one sex, or are you an infinite being? Couldn‘t an infinite being receive sexual energy from everyone? Again, receiving the energy does not mean you have to act on it! Copulation is the act of putting body parts together, any body parts, in any combination. Have you noticed how much reluctance we have to experience the aspects of sex described above, for fear they would lead to copulation? What if we were clear that copulation was a choice that could be chosen or not chosen at any point? Might that create more clarity and ease in this area?

Sexualness is the creative, caring, healing, and nurturing energy of life itself. Sexualness can occur not only during copulation but whenever any creative caring nurturing activity is entered into. You can be sexual eating a great meal, or a great person! Sexualness is receiving on this planet, and it exists in everything. Orgasm is the energy that creates the body, nurtures the body, and keeps the body young. If you‘d like a reminder of how nurturing and expansive this energy feels, try taking a few minutes to pull the energy of orgasm through your body from your feet all the way up. Now keep that energy flowing for a while, how does your body feel? This works even if the last orgasm you had was 100 years ago! If you nourished your body with that energy daily, would it have to show those signs of aging that we‘ve come to expect are ―unavoidable‖? Remember the last conversation you had about sex. What if instead of using the word sex, you began to explore using the words above to accurately describe the energy of what you were really talking about and what you meant? Would the conversations on this area be clearer? What if you were to use these words every time you thought about or discussed the subject? Might your sexual garden get a little less weedy? We‘re definitely willing to try and find out!

Tagged as: Access, Access Consciousness, Access Consciousness Body, ageing, bodies, caring,copulation, creative, dependance, deprived, flirt, flirtatious, garden, gay, healing, hol ding,Joy, joyful sex, language, lesbian, meaning, meanings, nurturing, orgasm, orgasmic, physical care, relationship, sensual, sensuality, sensualness, Sex, sex is not a four letter word, sexual energy, sexuality, sexualness, straight, strutting your stuff, tantra, tantric, touch, touching,what bodies like, young

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one } Victoria Cary July 24, 2011 at 9:33 am Thanks, The clearity of words on this wonderful subject has meant alot This has opened up a whole new world of happyness for me Every thing has more beauty, color, smell, life Freedom to enjoy Wow I like my life so much

Again thanks Victoria

Six Ways to Keep Your Relationship Easy and Fun by ACCESS ADMI NI STRA TOR on JANUARY 19, 2012

―Easy‖ and ―fun‖ are not the words that come to mind when most people are describing their relationship, but it doesn‘t have to be that way, says Access Consciousness™ facilitator Dr. Kacie Crisp. She is the author of The Little Black Book on Relationships, in which she shares what she‘s learned from 27 years with her husband David Caddy. The two were not necessarily even sitting together when they heard Access Consciousness founder and best-selling author Gary Douglas state, ―Relationships are a 24/7 job. It‘s a lot of work.‖ They simultaneously thought, ―Huh?‖ because it really is their point of view that relationships SHOULD be easy and fun. Alerted by Douglas that they did things in their relationship quite differently than others, Crisp and Caddy came up with a list of 6 ―dos,‖ things they do in their relationship that others often do not, as well as 6 ―don‘ts,‖ things that others do that they do not. The 6 dos listed by Crisp in her book are: 1.

Remember that everything your partner does is just an interesting point of view 2. Be grateful 3. Receive their helpfulness and contribution to your life 4. Live in the present 5. Choose someone you like 6. Look at who you‘re with, not who you wish you were with

These tips may sound simple, but they are important components to a successful relationship that many people overlook, says Crisp. Here‘s more information that could empower you to use these tools in your own relationships. Remember everything your partner does is just an interesting point of view. If you‘ve ever moaned, ―How could you do this to me?‖ you have forgotten the first do. What if everything your partner does and has done had nothing to do with you, but was merely an expression of who they are? This is a radically different way of looking at things for many people, but it is a point of view that actually allows each person in the relationship to be fully themselves. It allows each person to choose for themselves, without having to censor their choices to please the other person. If you don‘t function from this point of view, but instead take everything your partner says as a message about you and their feelings for you, then you force them to put you first in all of their decisions. While this may sound romantic, giving up yourself eventually wears your lover down, leading to the end of the relationship because they can no longer be themselves. ―Isn‘t a relationship where you‘re valued for exactly who you are, when you don‘t have to be anything else, where you don‘t have to impress anyone—isn‘t that what everyone longs to come home to?‖ asks Crisp. Be grateful. The biggest advantage of gratitude over love is that gratitude can only exist without judgment, whereas love usually includes judgment. Even ―unconditional love‖ is only unconditional until the other person does something you don‘t like, or doesn‘t do something you demand. Then ―love‖ tends to become very conditional indeed.

An additional advantage of not using the word love is the multitude of definitions of it. If each person is working from some 8 million definitions of the word love, for example, there is statistically only a 1 in 64 million chance that both of you mean the same thing when you exchange those precious words, ―I love you.‖ A classic example of this miscommunication that occurs with the word ―love‖ is the conversation that meets sex role stereotypes. ―I love you,‖ says the man, hoping to get sex. The woman hears that he loves her as she wants to be loved, which usually means a lasting relationship. Both parties think they‘re on the same page, when they‘re actually meaning something quite different. And the relationship usually goes downhill from there. In gratitude, on the other hand, you receive everything without judgment and maintain a gratefulness to the person for being in your life. Doesn‘t that feel lighter and more fun? Receive their helpfulness and contribution to your life. Men, in particular, have been trained to ―show their love‖ by doing things. They like to fix things. If a woman takes this as a judgment on their competence and refuses this contribution, it‘s energetically like cutting of his hand, or even more precious part. It doesn‘t leave him with anywhere to go in showing his caring for you. For both sexes, doesn‘t it feel good to be able to contribute something you‘re good at to your partner? Don‘t they give you a gift when they actually receive it? Live in the present. This recommendation is designed to remind members of both sexes to avoid the ―fast forward‖ into the future. A relationship is not a puzzle to be solved, a conclusion to be reached, or a package to be neatly tied up

in a bow. The best indicator of a relationship that can last is whether it‘s enjoyable in the present, says Crisp. All too often people plan everything about the relationship in advance before they can possibly know everything they need to know about the other person. ―He took me out to dinner, that means he wants to marry me,‖ is hardly an over-simplification of this way of thinking. This tendancy to fast forward leads to trying to force that person to fit into the role you have cast them into. How honoring of them is that? Sometimes people set an arbitrary deadline by which they expect things to magically change. They say things like, ―Once we‘re married this will work,‖ or, ―Once we have a child he‘ll settle down.‖ No piece of paper can guarantee a change of behavior—and no child ever made things easier for its parents! The best predictor of how the relationship will be is how the relationship is. Look at who you’re with, not who you wish you were with. The more you‘re willing to be honest with yourself and your partner about who they are and who you are, the better your chances of the relationship succeeding. This does NOT mean you have to share everything. (In fact, one of Crisp‘s don‘ts is ―Don‘t share your feelings!‖) What is necessary to be honest with yourself and with your partner about is who you are, what you find important in life over the long term, and values you are not willing to compromise. If one of you is desperate to have children and the other thinks they‘re monsters in disguise, you‘re headed for rough waters ahead unless one of you finds their point of view unimportant. The decision to have a child together especially requires this honesty if all your relationships—between you and your partner, and you and your child, and your child and your

partner–are to succeed. While most decisions can be undone or changed, the person you have a child with is with you forever—their personality, even if neglectful—will show up in your child, often in ways that are even more annoying than they were in your ex. This relationship do is also a reflection on the futility of holding onto old relationships. If that past, lost love was really so great, then why are they past and not present? If you‘re holding onto the illusion that any past or fantasized relationship is better than the one you have in the present, sooner or later the time will come that your living, breathing, present partner simply won‘t measure up to the fantasy man or woman. The guy or gal in front of you has one great advantage over everyone you could ever have fantasized about—they‘re present and willing to be so, at least until you drive them away with your comparing them to perfection. Give it up! Choose someone you like. This is an encouragement to look at the whole person—not just the hot body that attracted you in the first place. Marriage has many elements of a business relationship, and most of your time will NOT be spent in bed. Do you value the opinion of the person you‘re with? Do you enjoy their company? Their conversation? Their sense of humor? All of these will occupy much more of your time and attention than sex and can be deal breakers even when the sex is great. Do these six recommendations surprise you? That could be a good thing—it could be an indication that they‘re pointing to some ways you‘ve been destroying your relationships without realizing it. The gift of that awareness is that it allows you to change. After all, if you only do what you‘ve always done, you‘ll only have the results you‘ve got right now. What if looking at relationships differently could allow you to create what you‘ve been asking for for years?

Tagged as: Kaci Crisp, Kacie Crisp

What Would Your Life Be Like if You Had Clarity on Sex AND Relationships? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JANUARY 19, 2011

How much of your energy have you been spending to figure out how to make these vital but infinitely puzzling areas of life work for you? Would you be ready to consider a different way of looking at these subjects that would enable you to make them really work for you? Access Consciousness Founder and best selling author Gary Douglas is fond of reflecting, ―Everything I ever believed has turned out to be a lie or an implant.‖ You now have the opportunity to experience the wisdom, experience, and insights of Gary Douglas and his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer, in real time from wherever you are in the world. No pre-requisites are required; this class is designed for ―newbies‖ to Access. If that‘s you, then you are especially invited to participate! ―Sex Talk: Everything you ever wanted to know about sex and relationships but would never ask,‖ the next teleclass by this dynamic duo, starts February 2nd and is available worldwide. If you have never participated in an Access class or teleclass, you may be amazed at the difference between the Access way of handling these issues and any other approach you may have tried. Unlike other advice you may have received in the past, these courses include tools and

processes that actually change things. It‘s a gift you can give yourself that keeps on giving! Every time you replay the recordings of the class, the clearings continue to work at a deeper and deeper level. Enrollees can participate in two live 90-minute calls with Gary and two with Dain. On both calls, lines will be open for participants‘ questions. Whether you participate live or not, you also will receive downloadable recordings of each call. You can also ask questions anonymously by email, so make sure to bring your deepest, darkest secrets, and the most embarrassing things you ever wanted to find out about. In addition to these recordings, you will also receive written and audio versions of the clearings on these calls. An added bonus is a free download of Gary and Dain‘s amazing book on sex; Sex Is Not A Four Letter Word But Relationship Often Times Is. You can enroll in this class by clicking HERE! What if Sexuality Were Actually a Lie? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 3, 2011

How long have you been trying to get clear on your sexuality? How many years, how many seminars, how many heart to heart talks, how many agonizing arguments with how many lovers? What if the reason you haven‘t been able to get clear about it is that some part of what we know to be sexuality isn‘t entirely true, or at least a form of a lie called a misidentification or misapplication? This is exactly the case, say Gary Douglas, best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness, and his business partner and co-author Dr. Dain Heer. The duo has

led dozens of seminars worldwide on the topics of sex and relationships. They are authors of Sex Is Not A Four Letter Word But Relationships Often Times Is, as well as a soon to be released book, The Divorceless Relationship. From their work in all areas of consciousness, they have discovered that whenever something is a lie, it creates an area of your life that can be filled with confusion and lack of total clarity. An area of your life where you can‘t get clear, does that sound like sexuality to you? Misidentifications and misapplications are a form of lie in which you have confused something as being something other than it is. If you meet someone and you decide that person is wonderful, for example, and then he or she does something that is mean, you won‘t be able to see it because you have misidentified and misapplied that he or she is wonderful. If you love someone, you will have a hard time seeing they might hurt you, because you have misidentified and misapplied what love is. The word sexuality means so many things to different people that it‘s full of misidentifications and misapplications. It is commonly used to mean everything from sexual orientation to a motive for abuse to the intensity of joy that is possible in embodiment, and everything in between. To overcome this confusion, Douglas and Heer propose using six different words to describe the different components of sex, which are usually used to describe the word sexuality. Those six words are sensualness, sex, copulation, sexuality, sexualness, and orgasm.

Sensualness is the tactile experience of being touched. Bodies crave this and rarely get enough of it in most modern societies. It is a normal irrefutable human requirement. Babies who do not receive this die. Sex is when you‘re looking good, feeling good, and strutting your stuff. People turn around and look at you, and all of you enjoy it. A common misidentification and misapplication around sex is that it requires another person for it to exist. What if this sex or sexiness were within you, and not dependent on anyone else recognizing it, acknowledging it, or even seeing it? Could clearing up that misidentification and misapplication that you have to have another person around for your own sex or sexiness to exist create more clarity and freedom for you? Sexuality is the definition we put on who we will receive flows of sexual energy from. ―I am a gay woman‖, ―I am a straight man,‖ are a few examples. Sexuality is always a limitation. It‘s a judgment and a lie. Are you a straight man, or an infinite being? Copulation is putting the body parts together—any body parts, any form. Sexualness is the caring, healing, creative, nurturing, expansive, creative, joyful, orgasmic energy of life itself. Orgasm is the energy for the creation of life and the creation of your body. Intertwining these very different definitions can cause a lot of confusion and lack of clarity in an area that involves so

many different aspects that trying to group them all under one word rarely works. The police in the county seat of liberal Marin County, California, tend to confuse sensuality with copulation. Coming from this misidentification and misapplication, they raid therapeutic massage offices and even alternative doctors in the belief they are a front for prostitution. Anything that involves touching bodies must lead to copulation, in their points of view. How many misidentifications and misapplications did Bill Clinton show when he stated, ―I did not have sex with that woman!‖. He may not have done what he considered copulation with her (even though oral sex includes putting the body parts together), but he certainly had sex: the feeling good, looking good, and strutting your stuff. Isn‘t that what he risked his presidency for? As a society, we tend to misidentify and misapply that any sensuality, sexualness, or sex will lead to copulation, as if we as infinite beings do not have choice. All these misidentifications will create that sticky land of confusion that surrounds so many of us in all areas relating to sex. One way we can get clearer on our choices is to use words that correctly describe what we‘re talking about. Another tool is to recognize that any time you feel stuck in any area, there has to be a lie you‘ve bought somewhere. Misidentifications and misapplications are another form of lie. You can start to shift this muck by asking a question, ―Where is the lie here, spoken or unspoken?‖ The lie is unspoken, more often than not.

While this process works amazingly, don‘t be surprised if there are many layers of this. Sex and relationships are one of the areas of greatest insanity on the planet-is it any surprise it could take a while to achieve clarity here? And more importantly, how great is it that now you have language and tools to start to create clarity for yourself? How much more fun can you have? What if Sex Didn‘t Mean Anything More than a Game of Frisbee? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JANUARY 28, 2011

What if sex didn‘t mean anything? How could the subject that sets people a twittering and guffawing faster than any other not mean anything? It all depends on what you mean by meaning, according to Gary Douglas, best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness. ―Whenever something means something to us,‖ he observes, ―we give it significance. Whenever you give something significance, you will never be able to create clarity in that area.‖ Significance, as Douglas defines it, means making something greater and more important than the infiniteness and consciousness that we are. Lack of clarity on the subject of sex seems abundant, as does the significance, importance and meaning we place on the act of copulation and everything associated with it. Far from making sex less fun, taking the significance out of sex would actually mean putting a lot more joy and playfulness in it, say Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, his business partner and coauthor of Sex Is Not A Four Letter Word But Relationships Often Times Is. As sex is usually done here, Douglas and Heer say, it always means something. Douglas has distilled this meaning into something he calls the 1-2-3 rule. ―The first time you have sex, it‘s for fun; the second time, you‘re in relationship; the third time, it‘s for marriage.‖ Whether this rule surfaces into your consciousness for even a second, this rule governs your behavior and expectations. It‘s a succinct illustration of how we attribute meaning to sex.

What would sex look like if it had no meaning? For one thing, there would be no relationship expectations attached to it. Having sex could be as casual and non-entangling as a casual game of Frisbee-and with no greater expectations of a phone call in the morning. Sex without significance would be sex without trauma and drama. What if instead of being something meaningful, sex were like a game of Frisbee? How much anger from unmet expectations do you have in a game of Frisbee? Sex without significance would be sex without judgment. Do you care how well you perform in a game of Frisbee? If things go wildly differently than you expect, everyone laughs and it‘s part of the game. What would it be like if sex were like that? Sex without significance would be sex without caring if you played Frisbee with that particular person or group ever again. Don‘t you have full confidence that you could always find somebody to play Frisbee with if that‘s what you really most desired to do at any given time? And if the people you played Frisbee with yesterday play with someone else today, is that a problem for you? We can play Frisbee for the fun of it and for no other reason. When we can have sex for the fun of it and for no other reason, we may be getting close to a place where we place no significance on sex. If sex without significance is something you cannot imagine, you might wish to consider Gary and Dain‘s next Fun Sex! Fabulous Relationship, March 19th and 20th.

Tagged as: Access Consciousness, Access Consciousness Body, Australasia, Australia, Canada,change, choice, classes, Consciousness, Dr. Dain Heer, Europe, Gary M. Douglas, Relationships,Sex, Sex and relationships, Sex Talk, Sweden, Telecall, UK, United States, World Wide,Worldwide ~ Global

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one } Joy Lewell February 8, 2011 at 2:57 pm Loved the article and the sharing of this possibility, makes sense to me. I live in NZ, Auckland. - is there anyone here running these workshops, Fun Sex! fabulous relationships

Helena February 16, 2011 at 12:55 am Why would one want to have sex without significance? If sex is like frisbee, why not play frisbee instead? If sex has no meaning then why do it?

Eileen December 20, 2011 at 10:53 pm Sex is an energy exchange….I guess just like playing Frisbee is. Interesting analogy… Insignificant? I would consider healthy sex more a healthy unattachment to any outcome…just like life. I feel there‘s a difference. I would hardly call mindblowing, energetic orgasmic sex – insignificant…just like I wouldn‘t consider a sunrise or the stars at night insignificant! They all deeply stir the soul in a wonderful way…but not a codependant way! And yes, laughter, fun, chatting – all part of a great sexual experience! Healthy‘ sexercise‘ is a staple in a happy, joyful life! And no, it doesn‘t have to be as ‘serious‘ as most people make it out to be! In Joy and have FUN!

Alandra December 22, 2011 at 1:57 pm I can totally feel into what is being shared here & have to agree. Now having that resonate with me & practicing it, may take a little conscious effort, because I am human. An analogy that came to me was, when I get together with a girfriend or guy friend & we connect at heart level, I usually walk away feeling empowered, & I hope the same goes of the other person, so in my perspective sex would be the same, if we can connect at heart level it can be quite empowering, but do I expect to recreate it with that person all the time? No, just like sharing with a friend, I walk away with gratitude, but I don‘t expect to recreate that experience every time I connect with that person. I believe we‘re here to ENJOY life & that means sex as well, it‘s only the expectations we put on SEX that get in the way of enjoyment.

Eva-Lisa April 24, 2012 at 1:18 am Just talking for myself, but I don‘t orgasm a lot playing frisbee.

What If The Sex Roles We Were Ruled By Were A Lie All Along? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on FEBRUARY 24, 2011

Have you been fighting against stereotypical sex roles all your life? The one with the housewife who stays at home

with the children and the father who, as the breadwinner of the family, goes out to conquer the world? In these stories women are the natural nurturers and caretakers, while men get to go out and have the fun in the world. For years, No.1 best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness, Gary M. Douglas, has been looking at roles between the sexes both in relationships and marriage and observing that what we commonly assume to be true isn‘t always entirely so. A large study conducted by backs up what Douglas has been saying for years.

Those roles of the sexes only ever applied to half of the population in the first place, says Douglas. When it comes to relationships, he observes, the sex roles for ―the other half‖ of the population are exactly the opposite of what we have assumed. Douglas speaks mainly to and of the latter; he says it is 47% of the population, to be precise, that is interested in question, change, and consciousness. His term for this subset of the population is ―humanoids.‖ The word he uses for those more interested in preserving the status quo and not questioning is ―human.‖ For Douglas, the description of the differences between the groups is for the benefit of more clarity for all. Douglas makes no judgment about one being better than the other. He is merely noticing a difference that people working with clients on their behavior and studying the subject have not noticed before now. ―It‘s like horses and cows,‖ he says. ―They both live in the same pasture, eat the same grass, poop in the same place. But they are different.

If you want a steak, go find a cow. If you want to ride around and have fun, go get a horse.‖ Part of the reason this difference has been unnoticed up until now is the tendency of those in favor the status quo: the humans, to assume their point of view is the only correct one. While humanoids tend to question just about everything, the one thing they tend not to question is their own wrongness when they differ from the dominant way of thinking in the culture. Humanoids have assumed that the roles of the sexes that have been presented by the humans were correct, and even blamed themselves for not fitting into this model. ―In reality,‖ says Douglas, ―humanoid women want to go out and conquer the world, whereas humanoid men want to stay home and create a nice comfortable nest.‖ Newly released research is showing that in many ways, the majority of the population no longer fits into what we have assumed to be the dominant model, and that Douglas‘s observations are more correct than most of us have noticed. A wide study that was recently released and funded by has just discovered that in some age groups men are actually MORE desirous of marriage than women. They found that in many cases, men desire children more than women, and women are more interested in measures of independence than the men are! The study of 5200 people ages 21-65 was carried out by researchers from Rutgers and Brigham Young Universities and reported in Time magazine on February 14th 2011. Men in the age groups 21-24 and 50-54 are actually more interested in marriage than women in their same age group. According to the study, men in all age groups desire kids more than women. In the age group 21-35, more than

half the men desired children, while only 46% of the women did. Obviously the ticking of the biological clock plays a role in the desire for marriage; it‘s only when parenthood is a possibility that more women prefer marriage than men. Women of all ages are less inclined towards marriage than stereotypes might indicate. Having worked with thousands of individuals and couples throughout the world, Douglas is occasionally of being against relationships. ―Not so!‖ he says, ―I am against BAD relationships!‖ Unfortunately, in his experience and work, this is the vast majority of relationships. Only 1 in 10,0000 relationships allow both people in it to express themselves without giving themselves up, in whole or in part, for their partner, he says. For that reason, Douglas is a proponent of total choice, which includes seeing a single life being as valuable as married life. ―Acquiring a spouse is not the must-do item it once was on either sex‘s checklist,‖ says Time in its February 14th 2011 issue. Households headed by single people now number 100 million in the U.S. and households headed by married couples are the minority. Time even dares to posit that ―single people may like being single.‖ As one of the researchers said, ―We‘re still carting around the concept that they‘re workaholics or desperate or can‘t get on with anyone. The reality is that many of them may be choosing this lifestyle.‖ As for Douglas‘s assertions that humanoid women just want to go out and conquer the world, the measures of independence studied in the research tend to support them.

Significantly more women than men are invested in having their own interests even after marriage, having their own personal space, having their own bank accounts, regularly having a night out with the girls/guys, and being able to vacation on their own. More women than men were willing to say that they were definitely interested in skipping parenthood. Only 16% of women ages 35-44 still wanted kids, while 27% of the men still did. What difference does it make if the ―traditional‖ sex roles no longer apply? Whether the source of the information is the latest research, or discoveries such as Douglas‘s based on consciousness and question, the benefit for all of us is that it could create more freedom in choosing and creating a life that will really work for us, rather than one dictated by others‘ points of view of what we should be doing. What more joy and possibility would be possible in relationships then? Wouldn‘t it be fun to find out? Would You Like to Catch Some Happiness? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JULY 7, 2012

The pursuit of happiness is deemed an inalienable right according to the US Declaration of Independence; the document that launched the American Revolution and the reason July 4th is American Independence Day.

How is your pursuit going? Have you managed to catch that elusive butterfly of happiness, or does it remain a perpetual pursuit? Happiness is actually a choice, Access Consciousness™ has found. Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness™ and best selling author, defines happiness as ―the ability to live in the moment with a sense of ease and pleasure and possibility and no sense that something is impossible, everything is possible.‖ Most people do not have happiness as a 24/7 reality, Douglas has found. ―It‘s something else is going to make them happy. It‘s something they have to look for or something they have to find or something they have to buy that‘s going to make them happy, not just that they are happy, just for the sake of being happy. Happiness requires the sense of recognition that you always have a different choice. ―You‘re the only one that can make you happy,‖ he continues, stating the obvious. Lots of people have noticed this, but not many have much to offer that would facilitate you in making the choice. Even fewer have noted the consequences of not choosing happiness as thoroughly as Douglas and his business partner and co-author, Dr. Dain Heer. What‘s it costing you to be unhappy? Lots of money, for one thing. Expecting money to show up in your life without being happy in your life is like ―having a party with no music, no dancing, no food but expecting people to show up anyway. Money likes to come to the party of happiness,‖ observes Douglas. ―If you‘re not happy with the money you‘ve got, if you‘re not happy with what‘s going on in your life, then you cannot

have the generative creative energy that will create everything you desire in life.‖ Are you getting the picture? ―Happiness is the way out of every limitation you‘ve got. Every time you choose to be unhappy you contract yourself and your generative and creative capacity. Happiness is a choice—and no matter what your life situation, it‘s possible for you to choose it.‖ Unhappiness, on the other hand, is a constant state of the rejection of receiving.

Happines s is the natural state of all animals and human beings as well. ―Do you ever hear birds saying, ‗I‘m having a bad feather day today, I‘m not going to sing!‘‖ We actually have to be entrained to be unhappy. ―The first time your parents told you to stop being happy, you started instituting everything that would create unhappiness, and you maintain that level of unhappiness by aligning and agreeing with everyone that tells you can‘t be happy. ―Unhappiness is a manufactured reality, a manufactured emotional state,‖ says Douglas. ―You have to choose to be happy in order not to get caught in the manufactured reality

of unhappiness that everybody else makes more real than happiness. Ironically, Douglas observes, parents train their kids to be unhappy by training them to fit into society. ―They think their kids won‘t be happy unless they fit into society, so they train them to fit in.‖ Unfortunately for us, that fitting in requires us to be unhappy. Although unhappiness is not a natural state, it is the predominant emotional state on planet earth. That‘s why when you‘re sad everyone asks you ―What‘s wrong?‖ but when you‘re happy, they ask what drug you‘re on. In this reality it‘s considered wrong to be happy. If you choose to be the infinite being, the infinite perceiving, knowing, being, and receiving that you as a being are, you cannot choose unhappiness. So you‘re getting that happiness is cool, but how do you get there? Douglas and Heer have lots of information on how to do this, which they are introducing in their upcoming seminars, A Taste of Happiness, presented in two introductory evenings and one weekend long class. The first of the introductory evenings is August 9 in San Francisco, and the other is November 29 in Australia. You can attend live (it‘s the evening before the Levels 2 & 3 in San Francisco) or from your own home anywhere in the world, via live broadcasting on the Internet. The full two-day class is being held in Denver January 12-13. Would you like to pursue happiness with a chance to actually be it? Here are a few tips from Douglas and Heer. Start instituting the happiness you can have into your life. Here‘s a sneak preview of some of the tools that can make this real for you.

Smile every time you see people, even if it gives you hemorrhoids to have them in your life. Start making your face be happy whether you‘re happy inside or not. Live in the question; instead of concluding what‘s impossible, ask what is possible, for example. If you‘re not happy, ask ―What choices do I have here that would actually expand my agenda and make me happy?‖  Bipolar, It‘s Just a Choice© 


By Guest Author Rioha Fortner

What if everything you‘ve been told about you is a lie? What if Bipolar Disorder was a choice you made because dealing with this reality was too painful? If it were a choice you made to step out of the pain- could you choose something else now? If you knew it were possible would you choose it or is living as the victim of your ―mental health‖ dis-ease fun for you? If it is, stop reading now, you won‘t be able to understand or get anything out of the rest of this article.

Who am I to tell you it‘s just a choice? Who am I to say it‘s all a lie? I‘m someone who has been there, done that, bought the book, watched the movie, told the story and lived it. I know what it is like to think I can change jobs, go back to school for a new degree, become famous while writing a book and becoming the next Van Gogh! Everything you do is better, brighter, faster and amazing, telling anyone who will listen, your entire life story in rapid excitement. Until you get so high that you completely disconnect from yourself,

that you begin to watch yourself from outside your body, doing destructive things and not being able to do anything about it.

Only to be followed by a despair and pain so deep and profound that you want to curl up into a ball forever, not being able to get out of bed, to function in any capacity and wishing you had what it takes to just make it all end. Knowing that you are crazy, that you hurt everyone around you and that you would do anything, if you just had it in you, to take that forever escape, to finally end the constant pain, judgement, self loathing that your life has become.

Next you get on the medications and you are told that you will be on them for the rest of your life. You have found the answer. Now you can finally be happy and be functional in this world. You think you have the answer and for a while you do. For a while you finally feel connected to yourself. For the first time in your life you feel as if you are in control. It feels like freedom. Only you start to need more and more for the same effect, until you become so drugged out of your life that there are no highs, no lows, and no feelings.

So how is that a choice? Who would choose that? To become someone who has been torn into two parts just to survive in this world. ―As a child I often felt out of place, like I didn‘t fit in and as if I were born on the wrong planet. I was angry, frustrated and confused. The way people were with each other in this world didn‘t make sense to me and it hurt me in ways too hard to describe.‖ (From my blog Coming Home) That pain, that not knowing how to be the caring, gentle, loving, amazing being that I was, is where I made that first choice to escape.

For me, I innately knew that the drugs could give me a foundation so I could find other tools to get healthy. There had to be away to get healthy; I didn‘t buy the forever motto of the Doctors or others. I began to search out how to rechoose my life and choose something other than Bipolar. It took me over three years to find tools that worked and people willing to help me with them. It took me another five years of doing, utilizing these things to figure out how to be able to find those choice points, so I could begin to get healthy. For four years I rocked being mentally stable. I still identified with the lie of Bipolar. I knew there was more. I didn‘t know what that more was, I just knew it was there. When I discovered Access Consciousness, I realized I found something that would get me that ‗more‘. That more turned out to be more joy and more of me. With the Access Consciousness tools the Joy was almost instantaneous. I realized that with my knowledge on how to find those choice points combined with the Access tools, getting healthy and

joyful didn‘t have to take years. It could take months, if not sooner, if a person were willing to choose it. I know where the choice points are and I now know that anyone willing to be vulnerable enough can begin to rechoose their lives of bipolar, too. You will truly have to be as the open wound to do this and when you do, the joy and freedom in your life will amaze you as much as it has amazed me.

It starts with noticing what happened right before you had your episode. Recognizing all that was going on. As you practice it, you start to realize that certain kinds of events might trigger your mania. Then you start noticing, as it‘s happening, and realize that that is where the choice is. As you continue to practice you will begin noticing right before you are triggered. This is where you can start playing with choosing.

When I did this it was not easy. It was extremely painful to be that honest with myself. To know that I chose that was the hardest thing I have ever done. That millisecond of a choice, where it is easier to go into the mania or despair than choose to be present. When you can do that you can begin to rechoose your life.

It doesn‘t have to take you 5 years or even 2 years. You can do this as quickly as you like because it is a choice after all. With the tools of Access Consciousness, you can find the triggers, ask a question, do a clearing statement and make a new choice. You can be as Joyful and as happy as I am because after all it is all just a choice. What would it take for you to rechoose to have all of your life come to you with ease and joy and glory? You might just find yourself, but don‘t do that! Your life might just get better.

Being Joy, Rioha

Tagged as: Access Consciousness, Bipolar, choice, drugs, ease joy and glory, healthy, Honest with self, lie of Bipolar, Rioha Fortner, triggers, vulnerable

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one } yoyo December 3, 2012 at 10:04 am Wow!! As someone who battled with bi polar for years, this article resonates with me strongly – it hits the nail on the head. The current method of treating bipolar and other mental illnesses is fundamentally flawed. Thank you for shining the light toward a much easier ‗choice‘, Rioha!

EY December 3, 2012 at 9:38 pm

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You have put words to what I have experienced until being introduced to Access and choosing the tools and choosing awareness.

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This was a great post. Thank you! EJG

Liam December 6, 2012 at 11:33 pm And so much of it true for other chronic diseases too, not just mental ones either. Like the medication journey as an answer that is short lived. Thank you

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Jill Miller Woods December 10, 2012 at 11:22 am Thank you for sharing Rioha. having been married to a man for 15 years that was bipolar, I know the other side of the coin. We are now divorced and wish I had known about Access Consciousness back then so we could still be together and he could live a happy, healthy life within himself.

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Consciousness Surpasses Science at Clearing Past Traumas, Like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on AUGUST 29, 2012

Isn‘t it amazing how consciousness can surpass the frontiers of science? Or, as Access Consciousness™ founder Gary Douglas says, Access Consciousness™ discovers things, and then science catches up. July‘s Scientific American reports how neuroscientists are investigating painful memories and the chemistry and neuroscience of how they get locked into the body. More is now known about what happens to the brain, but science is no closer to being able to cure it, even with this additional knowledge of physiology.

The classic example of someone suffering from this is the veteran or someone suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The vet might drop to the floor whenever he heard a loud noise, for example, because it triggered his memory of a war zone attack. The behavior that was appropriate then, becomes dysfunctional at home in peacetime—or any other time thereafter. Access Consciousness™ has long had a process to deal with this. Anyone who gets locked into their story, who tells a story of past trauma again and again, can be questioned to find out if a process called ―Trifold Sequencing Systems‖ could clear this.

What Douglas observed is that people often cannot escape from the past trauma because they loop back to that time again and again. Not only are some of the behaviors dysfunctional, but it also prevents the person from being fully present in their life—an equal if not greater cost. Pavlov‘s famous studies of the dogs in Russia that salivated when they heard the bell ring indicating food was coming also showed that this same behavior was

erased quickly in dogs when the event associated with the precipitating stimulus was removed. 

―Why does PTSD not self-extinguish in the same way?‖ asks Scientific American. ―The world, after all, is full of sudden loud noises that do not signify a mortar attack, and yet some people never seem to unlearn the responses they learned in Afghanistan‖ (or Vietnam). Neurologically what happens is that each successive reexperiencing of the memory of the trauma keeps the response intact. The research described in more detail than has previously been known how the traumatic situation gets transferred into long-term memory. The ―looping back‖ to that past trauma that Douglas observed over 20 years ago is now described by science as ―long-term potentiation.‖ Two or more neurons (nerve cells in the brain or spinal cord) that fire simultaneously develop a synchronous bond that makes them more likely to fire together in the future. What‘s ironic is that the receptors on the receiving cell are incredibly unstable. This raises the question of exactly why the pattern that constantly recycles the stress gets so locked into the brain. Researchers are looking for a drug to destabilize the long-term dysfunctional memory, but success is a long way off. Getting memories to be erased selectively is a huge part of the challenge. ―The problem seems insoluble,‖ says Scientific American. There doesn‘t seem to be a way to differentiate between good memories and the ―bad‖ memories that could be erased. Even in the best of circumstances, all the drugs can do is bring the emotionally charged memories in line with

recollections of neutral events. Some drugs that have been used in rats are actually toxic in people. 

In the meantime, there‘s still the completely noninvasive, drug-free approach of Access Consciousness™. Any licensed facilitator (and there are some 250 in 46 countries world-wide) can perform the Trifold Sequencing Systems clearing. Like many of the tools of Access Consciousness™, it‘s easy, it‘s fast, and it‘s effective.

You can find licensed facilitators near you by searching website. The clearing can also be performed at a distance, via phone or skype. Can Consciousness Change Your Cash Flow? Pt V


Access Consciousness™ is often described as a set of tools and processes that can change anything in your life that isn‘t working. In the previous article, some ways that the ―Ten Commandments‖ of Access Consciousness™ can be used to change your money situation were discussed. This article is the fifth in a series that will explain more fully how every single one of them can apply to your financial life. This article focuses on the seventh commandment, No drugs of any kind. In case you‘ve forgotten, here‘s the full list of all Ten Commandments. 1. Would an infinite being really choose this? 2. Everything is just an interesting point of view. 3. Live in 10-second increments. 4. Live as the question, not as the answer.

5. No form, no structure, no significance. 6. No judgment, no discrimination, no discernment 7. No drugs of any kind 8. No competition. 9. Do not listen to, tell, or buy the story 10. No exclusion This article deals with the effect of drugs on your money flows. It‘s perhaps obvious that drugs are not the best investment if you‘d like to become wealthy, but their effect on money flows far surpasses their obvious drain on your finances, for a couple of reasons. When Access Consciousness™ says ―no drugs,‖ no one is recommending you stop taking your insulin if you‘re a diabetic or your thyroid medication if that‘s what your body requires. Drugs in this sense applies to all street drugs (including that ―natural herb‖ marijuana) as well as prescription drugs that keep you from showing up as you. Among these prescription drugs are those prescribed for ADD and ADHD (including Ritalin which is more hallucinogenic per weight than LSD), as well as the mind altering anti-depressant and antianxiety drugs.

The danger of these mind-altering drugs, even though they are legally prescribed, is that they alter who you are. One woman who had done cocaine and alcohol for 13 years before getting sober in a 12-step program actually stopped also taking her anti-anxiety and anti-ADD drugs when she became involved in Access Consciousness™. Her friends noticed a huge difference in her personality. It was as if the true person she was that had been hiding beneath all the chemicals showed up. ―When she was taking the drugs, there was more of an edge, a franticness to her, even though the drugs were supposed to take that edge off,‖ recalls one of her best friends. To their sadness, not long after that she returned to her psychiatrist and bought his point of view. ―You‘re right, I have a chemical imbalance in my brain, I can‘t go off these drugs,‖ she told him. Her friends found the real Lisa impossible to find or connect with on anything but a superficial basis after that. Marijuana has a particularly devastating effect on finances. While Access Consciousness™ founder and best-selling author is not sure HOW marijuana works to send the finances of all involved in a southerly

direction, he is certain that it does work that way. When his oldest son was doing drugs, he could never even get his checkbook to balance. When his son moved out, he could balance it without a problem. 

It doesn‘t have to be a relative involved for marijuana to zap your finances. One couple was living in an expensive condo in Silicon Valley. Directly below their apartment was a state-mandated affordable housing unit occupied by a single mother and her dopesmoking college student son. The man of the couple reached out to this young man, engaging him in occasional conversations in an attempt to make a contribution to his life. This minimal involvement with the dope-smoker was enough to destroy the couple‘s ―golden parachutes,‖ their substantial severance agreements they both received on leaving jobs in the tech sector. Douglas advised them to sell the apartment, which they did, and their finances worked much better once they were no longer living in such close proximity to a dope smoker.

One hypothesis of how this works is that somehow marijuana allows people to put something concerning money in some other dimension, one that cannot be located without going on another dope-smoking journey.

Another man who was quite gifted at finding work in his construction field, even during the current economic slowdown, found himself lacking work for a period of a month, which had never happened before. That personal slowdown coincided with the time when a friend of his son‘s was staying with him. When he heard that the boy smoked a lot of dope, all the pieces of the puzzle came together. When the boy moved out, the man‘s finances turned around. This strange ―coincidence‖ occurred even though the boy did not smoke in the house of his host, knowing that smoking dope there was strictly against the rules. As Douglas says, ―We don‘t know HOW it works, we just know that it does work.‖ Douglas has described what occurs with substance abuse as a chemical personality that imbibers create. Anyone who‘s tried to have a conversation with an addict of any kind and had the impression they‘re talking to the drugs not the person knows exactly what this is like. Among the many Access Consciousness™ tools that can change this are some body processes that can undo damage to the brain created by drugs, as well as others that remove those chemicals and toxicity, which are still stored in the body—no matter how long ago they were consumed. Another interesting consequence of using drugs is that it invites entities to come into the body. This doesn‘t occur with a glass or two of champagne, but it does occur with heavy alcohol use, as well as the use of other drugs. When an entity occupies the body, the body‘s ―owner‖ does not have full control or use of it. It is hard for those around him or her to know exactly who they‘re talking to, as the entities‘ personalities are

usually quite different from the original person‘s, and generally not an improvement upon it!

If you‘ve ever noticed the smoky feel to bars or pubs, even now that smoking in them is banned most places in the world, then you have been perceiving the entities that surround alcoholics. That smokiness is the alcoholics who no longer have physical bodies to drink the alcohol, trying to enroll others who do inhabit bodies to take a drink for them to satisfy the entity‘s craving. Street drugs all invite entities to come into the body, as do some of the ―mind-altering drugs‖ available with a prescription. These include the drugs that change your personality, such as anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, and anti-ADD drugs. The experience of being anesthetized for surgery can also invite entities into the body. As this is a rather finite incident, the problem of recurrence of entities that is the rule with regular users of drugs does not occur. Though some veterans of the 60s and their offspring may have bought the lie that drugs enhance consciousness. This is not actually the case, says Douglas. They do change consciousness; they do not enhance it. ―Drugs are always a choice for anti-consciousness,‖ says Douglas. ―You‘re sitting on a picket fence. Sooner or later you‘re going to end up with something up your butt!‖

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As with everything in Access Consciousness™ and consciousness itself, drugs are also a choice. Perhaps having this additional information will motivate you to make a different choice; perhaps not. Does Following Your Passion Really Work to Make Your Dreams Come True? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRAT OR on SEPTEMBER 27, 2011

Have you been diligently working to follow your passion? Following those who advocate that as the way to make your dreams come true? Gary Douglas, best-selling author and founder of Access Consciousness™ seminars, suggests that there might be another choice available. ―What you see is what you get,‖ he observes. If what is showing up in your life is not what you would really like, he continues, you might look at the words you say and think. By doing this, you will see how you‘re creating the results that aren‘t what you thought you wanted. Douglas‘s next recommendation is to look those words up in the dictionary. Many of his clients are surprised to find out what the most basic words they are using really mean. The energy of the word determines what the word creates, whether you know what it means or not. A further source of confusion between the real meaning of words and what we think they mean are due to the changes that were made in dictionaries in 1946. At that time governments got together and changed the written dictionary meaning of words.

The word ―want,‖ for example, has 27 definitions meaning ―to lack‖ in pre-1946 dictionaries and only one meaning ―to desire.‖ After 1946, those definitions meaning ―to lack‖ were erased and the single meaning ―to desire,‖ used to replace them, although the energetic meaning of want as ―to lack‖ remains. Failure to understand the importance of this remaining energetic meaning of the word ―want‖ is widespread, even among those teaching others to create their lives more successfully. For example, in the movie, ―The Secret‖, one of the interviewees looks straight into the camera and asks, ―What do you WANT?‖. Because of how definitions in post-1946 dictionaries were changed, Douglas recommends finding a copy of a dictionary published prior to 1946. These can easily be found online. The very word passion is one of the biggest areas of confusion in self-improvement circles. Douglas noticed its energy always felt a bit off to him when he heard it, so he looked it up in the dictionary. His perception was correct, as he learned when the dictionary revealed the definition of the word ―passion‖ is actually ―crucifixion.‖ Is hanging on a cross the energy of what you would truly like to follow en route to creating your life? What else is possible? And what could you start creating now with words and vocabulary that totally contribute to generating what you would like?

Access Consciousness™, the Anti-Cult


by Sara Adams In the beginning I tried to make Gary Douglas a guru. I was attracted to Access Consciousness by a simple phrase, ―All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.‖ I knew that for me, things weren‘t always easy, and sometimes I was even my own worst enemy. Of course, I usually figured that part out after the fact. Wouldn‘t it be nice to be aware of it ahead of time? Wouldn‘t it be nice to have ease and joy in my life? And as far as glory was concerned…well, that wasn‘t even on my radar. So I went to an introductory evening thinking I would find the answer and instead, I heard a lot of questions. You‘d think that might frustrate a girl, but instead it was very liberating. The funny thing is, they were never going to give me the answer. Instead, they explained that a question empowers and an answer disempowers. The ―answer‖ usually becomes a final destination for us. Once we have it, or once we find it, we quit looking for anything else. It‘s as if there is only one answer. That night I came away with two questions to ask in any situation, whether things were going great or going down the toilet; two questions that could help me look at things differently and allow for something else to show up. First, ―What else is possible?‖ and second, ―How does it get any better than this?‖

That‘s how my Access Consciousness journey started. Access Consciousness is not about giving people the answer, it is about empowering people to know that they know. Any class I‘ve taken with Access Consciousness founder, Gary Douglas, I‘ve watched as he‘s asked me and others multiple questions that allow us to have our own revelation and our own insight. It‘s not about what Gary knows, what do we know? The first time he asked me, ―What do you know?‖ I internally shook my head like a puppy at a water bowl. What do I know? Oh, I know something. Hmmm. He wants me to acknowledge that I know things. I can be my own guru. That‘s what the tools of Access Consciousness are for; they are designed to help you begin to know that you know. A cult leader (or guru), according to authors Dr. Michael Langone, Steve Hassan and Wayne Jackson is someone who wants his people to evolve an us-versusthem outlook. That‘s the opposite of Access Consciousness‘ target of oneness and consciousness. Everything in the universe can contribute to our lives. Consciousness includes everything without judgment. Gary doesn‘t encourage blind faith. As a matter of fact, he is the first person to say, ―Don‘t trust me, trust you. Access Consciousness is not about making you a follower. It is about making you a leader of your own life.‖ Access Consciousness gives you the tools to find out what that looks like for you. It is that constant reminder that I am enough, me, which makes me appreciate what I have gleaned from my association with Access Consciousness. ―Be You and Change the World,‖ is something I‘ve heard from the original classes I attended. Dr. Dain Heer has just written a book with that title. Access Consciousness

isn‘t a replacement to anything else in your life. It‘s not about giving up something in lieu of Access Consciousness, it‘s about acknowledging that you are an amazing creature. How much more expansive could your life be if you quit judging you, quit being effected by other peoples‘ judgments? 

Tagged as: answer, cu

Is Access Consciousness™ Really Weird? You Might Want to be Weird, Too! by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JULY 4, 2012

―It‘s weird, it‘s wild, it‘s wacky and it works!‖ has been Access Consciousness™ FounderGary Douglas‘s suggestion when new facilitators and practitioners ask him how to tell others about Access Consciousness™. But is Access Consciousness™ really so weird these days?

Consider this:  The popular TV series ―Medium‖ about an ―ordinary housewife‖ who was psychic including talking to ―dead‖ people ran for 7 seasons, ending just last year.  ―Matilda,‖ a new musical about a young girl with truly magical powers such as teleportation, is playing to sellout crowds on London‘s West End.  John Edward, another medium, has many best-selling books and has had TV shows on major networks and his appearances are promoted in Las Vegas through the same outlets as more ―normal‖ celebrities.

The ―X-men‖ movies portrayed children with weird abilities as talented and gifted, not disabled.  And then there‘s the success of the Harry Potter books and movies, making their author the second richest woman in England after the Queen. A recent survey by the Pew Trust found that 29% of Americans believe they have had contact with the dead, 18 % have had ghostly encounters, 26% believe there is spiritual energy in trees and nature, 24% believe in reincarnation, and 49% believe they have had a mystical or religious experience. The latter is twice as many as answered yes when the same question was asked 50 years ago. What if the tools and awarenesses of Access Consciousness™ were more mainstream than anyone supposed? If the tools of Access Consciousness™ could enable you to access these expanded abilities and anticipate more, would you be interested in finding out about them? ―Everything I ever believed was true has turned out to be a lie or an implant,‖ Douglas recalls, after 25 years of developing the tools he presents in his seminars world-wide and his books, including the best-selling The Place, a dramatization disguised as a novel of what would be possible if we lived based on consciousness. If what Douglas and Access Consciousness™ have been exploring for 25 years is now becoming mainstream, would you like to know how he did it? How about how you could do it too? Or what else might be possible if you were able to really live on the creative edge? 

What Douglas has known and been sharing with his workshop participants is not a completed body of work but rather, what he‘s learned so far by using his own tools. You too can learn these tools and learn even more about what lies ahead, what else might be possible, and how you can use it to your advantage.

What are the tools Douglas presents? Their simplicity belies their effectiveness and the profound changes and awarenesses they can create.

1. Live as the question.

Living as the question is the key to everything Douglas has discovered. ―I was the slowest person ever to come to Access,‖ Gary tells participants in a DVD played in the first Access Consciousness™ class. ―I couldn‘t tell the difference between energy and body heat.‖ This inability to sense the energy, a talent at which he is now brilliant, was actually a gift because it forced him to ask questions. All questions are not created equal. ―A question is more than a statement with a question mark attached,‖ he observes. If there‘s a judgment, decision, or conclusion underlying your question, that fixed point of view will keep your question from really being a question. For example, ―Why am I so f****d up?‖ is not a question, Douglas reminds us. It has a bit of a judgment underneath it. Similarly, ―What would it take for a BMW to show up in my driveway?‖ is also not a question because it has judgments about what car you are willing to receive underlying it.

Really living AS the question means never coming to conclusion about what anything is. Almost anything that ends in a period is a conclusion, decision or judgment. Conclusions, judgments, and decisions have one function in your life: to create limitation and keep you from creating what would otherwise be possible for you. When someone tells one of the most successful facilitators in Access Consciousness™ that they‘re coming to her class, she applies this tool and immediately goes into question. ―I wonder if they will come?‖ she asks, rather than going into conclusion. To stay in the question, you could try repeating some of these questions over and over on a daily basis: o How does it get even better than this? o What else is possible here? o How did I create this? o What are the infinite possibilities? Douglas has a set of four questions that can handle almost any situation: o What is this energy? o What do I do with it? o Can I change it? o If so, how can I change it? As you might expect, when you live in the question some interesting information can be revealed to you. How do you know what to believe? Douglas has another tool for that!

2. If it‘s heavy it‘s a lie, if it‘s true it‘s light.

When Douglas receives information from his living in the question, he can easily tell if it‘s true or not, using this tool. It‘s a law of the universe that whatever feels light is true in this 10 seconds, while anything that feels heavy is a lie. Tuning in to the sense of lightness or heaviness he experiences when asking a question or receiving information after he asks a question allows him to instantly know if the information he‘s receiving is correct or not. It also allows for a phenomenal ability to deal with change with ease and speed, another useful tool of consciousness for dealing with the rapidity and intensity of change occurring on the planet at the moment. There is no such thing as Truth with a capital ―T,‖ says Douglas. Fixing something as true indefinitely requires fixing your point of view and judgment, both of which limit the very awareness you are seeking.

3. Everything is just an interesting point of


Using the tools above, Douglas has received some pretty ―far out‖ information. He predicted the real estate crash of 2008, for example, and recommended for years prior to it that his clients who owned houses might consider selling them before the crash. He and his clients often know about natural disasters before they occur. Looking at every bit of information he receives that passes the ―light‖ test without judgment allows him to receive this information, much of which seems as unbelievable when he receives it as the real estate crash did prior to 2008. Through experience, he found that any time he took any kind of a position on anything he received, it locked up his life in undesirable ways. ―If you want to have any freedom, it is imperative that you be interesting point of view,‖ he tells his clients. ―No point of view means anything. No point of view is good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative. None of it is anything other than interesting point of view.‖ His clients who considered his real estate recommendations in 2006 as too awful to contemplate lost much of the value of their real estate, if not the property itself. Those who were willing to consider these and his other points of view

as just interesting points of view and live by the if-it‘s-lightit‘s-right, if-it‘s-heavy-it‘s-a-lie tool were often fortunate enough to sell with results more favorable to themselves. If you‘d like to move to a more pro-active position in your life, riding ahead of the curve instead of cleaning up after it, you could try using these tools in your own life. These and many, many more are presented in the Access Consciousness™ Core Classes, offered by some 200 facilitators in 25+ countries worldwide. You can find information about these classes as well as books and recorded products by Douglas, Heer, and other facilitators of consciousness at And there‘s one more thing about that ―weird‖ word. If anyone calls you weird, you can smile and say, ―Thank you very much!‖ The energetic meaning of weird is ―of spirit, fate or destiny.‖ So even your teenager is complementing you when he/she calls you that! What if You Could Create the Magical Land You Dreamt of as a Child? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JULY 4, 2012

Have you always longed to go through the looking glass? Was the Chronicles of Narniaone of your favorite books as a kid? Are you still longing to find that place, any place, where magic is possible and things work better than they do here on earth where you‘re living? Good news! You actually can find that place you‘re looking for. It‘s possible with the tools of Access Consciousness™.

As Dr. Dain Heer, author of many books on the subject, says, ―It looks nothing like you thought it would look.‖ Moving class participants from the limitations of this reality—what Access Consciousness™ founder and best selling author Gary Douglas calls ―the immutable laws of this reality‖—is the target of most basic Access Consciousness™ classes, offered in more than 25 countries throughout the world by some 200 licensed facilitators. After you start to shake the foundations of your personal version of this reality—to step out of your own version of the Matrix movie—then it‘s possible to step beyond it, into your own reality. That‘s what Douglas calls the mutable laws of creation. Those mutable laws of creation are introduced in the third of the five Access Consciousness™ core classes. The first Access Consciousness™ class is called Access Bars™. In Douglas‘s words, it ―opens the doors to receiving.‖ And receiving is the first step to having your own reality, because as Douglas points out, receiving is something that just isn‘t done or taught here. In fact, in many cases, it‘s actively discouraged by parents trying to teach us to not be ―selfish.‖ The experience of having your Access Bars™ run, which occurs twice in that first Access Bars™ class, is a different reality in itself for most people. First of all, it creates deep relaxation. That alone is a state most people on the planet at the moment never experience. Do you even know what it would feel like? The deep relaxation created by receiving Access Bars™ has been verified by several doctors who are experts on brain wave patterns.

The after-effects of the Access Bars™ experience are equally dramatic. As practitioners say, ―The WORST that can happen is you feel like you had a great massage. The BEST that can happen is your whole life can change.‖ And it has for many people, with one Access Bars™ session. Are you ready for that? Some of the results reported include better sleep, a sense of peace even when confronted by people that previously ―pushed your buttons,‖ a sense of ease in your life and gratitude to be alive. Dr. Dain Heer, now a leading Access Consciousness™ facilitator with a world-wide reputation, was considering suicide until his first Access Bars™ session. He giggled the whole way through the session and never considered suicide again. Access Bars™ is a one-day class that‘s available from more than 1000 ―Access Bars™facilitators‖ worldwide. And after that? It just gets better! The 10,000 years of fixed thought patterns that are erased by each Access Bars™ session make it possible for you to hear what your facilitator has to say in the two-day classes that follow. How different can this be from the standard selfimprovement fare, or the ―Law of Attraction‖ theories that are so popular today? Very, very different! After more than 25 years using his own tools to approach his target of total consciousness, ―Everything I believed to be true has turned out to be a lie or an implant,‖ observes Douglas. When our heads have been stuffed full of a lot of

lies, many of them from the people we loved most, erasing even a few of them can create a big difference in the reality we‘re able to create for ourselves. From the very first class, Access Consciousness™ has its own copyrighted magic wand, called the ―clearing statement.‖ One radio host has described the use of the clearing statement as being like gathering up all your limitations and thoughts on any subject that‘s holding you back into a giant pile on your living room rug, and then using the clearing statement as a gigantic vacuum cleaner to magically sweep it all away.

The clearing statement (right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds) is a set of phrases that ask the universe to go to wherever the thing you‘re trying to change originated. Access Consciousness™ calls that the point of creation, or POC for short. If you have ever done anything and everything you could think of or find to get rid of a certain issue without success, you might have noticed that the cause, or point of creation of that issue, might not be reachable by those means. Or as facilitators often ask, If you could have solved what‘s bothering you by thinking about it and figuring it out, wouldn‘t you have done so long ago? Access Consciousness™ tools including the clearing statement can get you to the cause so you can destroy it—even if you have no idea what or where the cause is! Logic and cause-and-

effect are some of the principles of this reality that Access Consciousness™ invites you to step away from. One of the beauties and magic of the Access Consciousness™ clearing statement is that you don‘t have to know where your problem comes from! The universe does. And if you ask the universe to find that POC and destroy it, guess what? It will. How does it get even simpler than that? Many of the topics covered in the next two Access Consciousness™ classes, Foundation and Level 1, deal with issues that most of us struggle to get to work for us, according to the rules of this reality. The difference in the Access Consciousness™ approach is that instead of trying more ways to fix this reality to get it to work for you, Access Consciousness™ offers a completely different approach. That different approach combines that magical clearing statement with a question designed to address your specific issues with new information on how to function completely differently. Douglas describes it as getting this reality to work for you, rather than being the employee of this reality. Wouldn‘t you rather be behind the magic wand than at the effect of it? Some of the topics addressed include money, emotions and the interpersonal upsets of daily life, body issues, communication, and how to create whatever you would truly desire in life (as well as how to figure out what that really is!). The format of the Foundation and Level 1 classes are quite similar. Foundation is aimed at allowing you to see the limitations of the immutable laws of this reality, while Level 1 creates the possibility of your creating your own reality, using the mutable laws of creation.

Magic is a common theme throughout. By the end of Foundation, participants are invited to look at how they‘ve been creating magic their whole lives—yes, that would even include you, believe it or not! If you have ever made a journey that took an hour and found yourself arriving in 30 minutes without knowing how, that‘s just one small example of how you create magic without even thinking about it. The stunning difficulty is that if we don‘t acknowledge how we create and use it, we still create it—but we use it against ourselves. Probably not our best choice! As always in Access Consciousness™, the course material gives you more ways to make different choices possible and even easy. Even the mantra of Access Consciousness™ —

–contains an element of magic. It‘s quite different than an affirmation because it does not include judgment of any kind. (Don‘t most affirmations judge what you want and don‘t want to receive? Have you ever noticed that refusal to receive anything ends up in its showing up in your face with gusto?) The Access Consciousness™ mantra, on the other hand, invites all of life, including the good, the bad, and the ugly, to show up. If everything did show up with ease joy and glory, as is possible while using the tools of Access Consciousness™, would that not be magic? What else could be included in your own personal Narnia? The basic core classes include ways you can learn to be

instead of just doing all the time, new perspectives on relationships and sex, ways you can get out of being used and abused by others into a reality where gifting and receiving is simultaneous, and some hands-on body processes that begin to invite you to the land where being in a body is a joy and a possibility rather than a burden and a limitation. If you‘d like to bring what you knew could be possible as a child into your reality as an adult, you might want to check out the Access Consciousness™ core classes. They could be what you‘ve been looking for, what you always knew was possible, and what you haven‘t yet been able to find. What are the infinite possibilities? Why Should You Consider Joining a Pod for Access Bars™ through Level 1? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on NOVEMBER 2, 2012

The broadcast of the Access Consciousness™ classes in real time to viewers throughout the world has opened a world of possibilities to people all over the world who wouldn‘t otherwise be able to make it to a live class. Even regulars at live classes may choose to attend if it‘s not convenient to jet over the Australia for the weekend, for example. Anyone can be a pod if you like. You can watch the class in the comfort of your own home at any time schedule that works for you.

Attending the same class in a Pod can offer your other advantages. There are people to trade Access Bars™ and body processes with, for a start. You can ask questions of Gary or Dain via the Internet if you‘re watching in real time. If you‘re attending a pod, as one host put it, you get two facilitators for the price of one. You have a live person so you can ask your extended questions of and get an answer in real time without even having to wait to have your raised hand called on. For Dain‘s Access Bars™ class specifically, in order to get credit for the class as well as just plain optimum benefit from the class, having a live person to gift and receive Access Bars™ with will multiply what you get out of the class. If your target is to become an Access Bars™ facilitator, taking three different classes from three different Access Bars™ facilitators is required. Taking the class in a POD will count as one of these classes, provided you have a live person with whom you can gift and receive. There are now more than 180 pods listed around the world for Global Bars, all of which are hosted by Access Bars™ facilitators. For Foundation and Level 1, there are 90 pods worldwide, hosted by certified facilitators and others experienced in the classes being presented. Chances are good you can find one near you by searching online for pods forGlobal Bars and Gary‘s Foundation and Level 1. Tagged as: Dain Heer, Gary Douglas, global bars, Live stream, pod, pod class

Dr. Dain Heer Spreads His Magic To a Time and Topic That‘s Near You by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on OCTOBER 12, 2012

Dr. Dain Heer is a magician. One of his most recent magic tricks is to condense all of Access Consciousness™ — everything contained in many books including 2 on money, 2 on sex and relationships, 1 on magic, and so many more — into one amazing readable book. That book, of course, isBeing You, Changing the World.

Now he‘s taking his act on the road, all over the world. Access Consciousness™ Founder and best-selling author Gary Douglas has added these live classes to the Access Consciousness™ menu as an introduction to new people. Access Bars™ remains the first required class and it does open doors to receiving in ways that have never been available to so many people before. It is not always possible to discuss the basic concepts of Access Consciousness™ in addition to teaching people to be comfortable gifting Access Bars™ to others in the course of one day‘s learning and practice. Dain‘s Being You, Changing the World classes, like his book, do seem to have the magical ability to convey the breadth of Access Consciousness™, even in the classes that last one day. Gary is now recommending them as an introduction to anyone, whether you have taken the Access Bars™ or not. People with a lot of experience in Access Consciousness™ love them also! Three-day and a half-day versions of the Being You, Changing the World class will be offered as well, without

pre-requisites. Some of the one-day classes focus on a particular theme, such as Being You with Money, offered in Dublin, Ireland, March 13; Being You with Relationships, offered in Oslo, Norway, March 31; and Being You with Your Body, scheduled for Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 29. Creating the Future is the subject of a one-day class in Stockholm April 3.These introductory classes focused on one area that so often gives people difficulty in their lives will be debuting in Europe, with American and Australian versions to follow if this is a format that appeals to people. The three and a half day versions of the classes are scheduled for different locations around the world, including Hawaii, February 8-11, 2013; Florida, February 21-24; and Stockholm June 6-9, 2013. A three and a half day seminar will also be offered in Noosa, Queensland, Australia May 3-6. Dain is also offering introductory evenings called Energetic Synthesis of Being—the Beginning. These are often available for online viewing. You can find all of these classes and a time and place near you by searching for Dr. Dain Heer‘s classes in the ―find a class‖ menu on the website. What Could You Change that You‘ve Never Thought of Before? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on OCTOBER 9, 2012

Was it Mark Twain that said, ―Everyone complains about the weather but no one does anything about it?‖ What if you could? Changing the weather, airline turbulence, prices of items in stores, availability of things that just were not possible can be everyday occurrences for those willing to consider that magic is possible, to refuse to believe ―it can‘t be done‖ and to ask questions that never occurred to most people.

One dramatic example of changing the weather occurred at the very first advanced seven-day event in Costa Rica. A spur of the moment horseback ride to some cascades occurred, and this included many people who were older and had not been on horses in years, if ever. The ride through the Costa Rican rainforest was spectacular, as were the waterfalls, which at that time were in their natural state, unspoiled by the over-development that has since been added. Gary guided participants in an exercise of experiencing communion as they sat in the water and watched the psychedelic blue butterflies above us, listening to the howler monkeys and crickets surrounding them. It was mesmerizing, and instructions to get out of the warm water to return to the hotel before it got dark at 5 p.m. were just way too easy to ignore. It was nearly dusk before participants even left the waterfalls, and dark had set in as they neared the lodge. Even more threatening, it had started to rain, making the tropical soils more slippery and nerve-wracking to inexperienced riders. One participant, already safely ensconced in her room, remembers looking out the window and seeing the last stragglers on their horses pass through the portico into the stables, just as the heavens opened up with thunder and lightening in full tropical force. ―Nice job with the weather, Gary,‖ she recalls thinking. The potency of Gary‘s intervention was obvious, even before such a subject as changing the weather had ever been discussed in class. Now, of course, the magic that is possible using the Access Consciousness™ tools is out of the closet. There‘s the book Magic, You Are It, Be It, and it is the subject of a global lecture Gary is presenting from Colorado Springs on October 5. Pods around the world are tuning in, and many facilitators and other lovers of Access Consciousness™ who have completed Levels 2 & 3 will be hosting events and continuing seminars on the subject. The Magic, You Are It, Be It book will be available for sale at many of these events. What other magic might be possible, if we only asked? Asking, of course, is the key to magic. Not only do questions empower while answers disempower, but asking questions actually creates Demolecular Manifestation—the re-arranging of molecules to bring you what you have asked for. Demolecular Manifestation is a process that invites communion with the molecules and allows them to change at your invitation.

Changing the turbulence while aboard an aircraft is another frequent magic trick used by accessories, many of whom are gypsies at heart. It‘s as easy as extending your awareness 600 miles or more outside the aircraft in all directions and asking the air to be smooth. Like all magic, this works much better if you are not vested in the outcome. Chances are you‘ll forget about the airline turbulence because it will have disappeared long before the pilot remembers to turn off the fasten seatbelt sign.

Many people who are familiar with the Access Consciousness™ tools routinely use them to create magic. Getting desired possessions at an ―unbelievably good‖ price, getting seats available when none were previously available in crowded restaurants and planes, and other ―impossibilities‖ are regular occurrences in the lives of people who are willing to ask questions like ―what would it take?‖ and ―what else is possible?‖ Do you notice a theme in these examples? They all involve asking the forces of nature or other objects to do as you ask. If you‘re used to ―setting an intention,‖ creating vision boards, or other such new age tricks, you may find this too easy to believe. What if the only thing keeping it from being easy were your belief that it had to be hard? Which feels lighter, setting an intention, or asking? The things that can be changed are limited only by your imagination. You can ask your body, your possessions, your house, your computer, and your car to contribute to the magic in your life. One obese woman who got smaller by two dress sizes in the three days between her first and second Levels 2 & 3 class simply asked her body what it would take for her arms to be firmer. Donnielle Carter‘s story that opens the latest Access Consciousness™ book,Right Body for You, is nothing short of magical. One wine maker, whose job it was to be extremely aware of the taste of his own wine, was astonished when a wine which he knew to be a combination of only mediocre grapes suddenly tasted much better than he thought was possible. Later several of his employees confessed that they had been using Demolecular Manifestation and Molecular Demanifestation to improve the taste of the wine. This seriously shook the foundations of this vintner‘s universe!

What‘s in your universe that you haven‘t even considered you could change? What if it could be much easier than you thought?

Tagged as: Access Consciousness, ask, change, Consciousness, De-Molecular manifestation,Earth, Environment, Planet, Environment, Magic, Molecular Demanifestation, planet

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one } nola October 17, 2012 at 5:54 pm i love the comment on air turbulence. last week i was on a flight on a small plane with extreme weather forcast. several passengers sitting around me said they had tried to cancel their tickets but could not. i simply had the mindset that we were being offered the possibility of some extra thrills and spills, a bit like a roller coaster ride for FREE. An added bonus, how cool, they are not charging us extra for this! When i said this out loud you could see it ticking over in their minds. another possibility! the trip was calmer than usual with nil turbulence. when we arrived the lady beside me actually turned to me and said ―thanks, i‘m so glad i was sitting next to you, i enjoyed the flight‖. How can it get even better than that!

Bret Rushia October 24, 2012 at 9:48 pm that is so cool, thank you for that!

Is Your Body an Ease or a Burden? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JANUARY 19, 2011

What if the areas of your life that are not ease joy and glory, are areas where you have a lack of consciousness or awareness?

A unique aspect of Access Consciousness is that Gary Douglas, founder, and his business partner, Dr. Dain Heer, extend this question to include your body. Indeed, they say, it is not possible to become fully conscious without bringing your body along for the ride. Douglas readily acknowledges that this inclusion of the body makes Access markedly different from many other approaches to spirituality and enlightenment. Access Consciousness is a 20-year-old pragmatic philosophy that has been taught worldwide to groups and individuals. Recorded seminars and books explaining its very unique tools are also available. Fortunately for those of us inhabiting bodies on planet earth, Access Consciousness has come up with a way to experience more consciousness in your body that‘s easily learned by anyone, even children; extremely effective; and feels great to give and receive. How could it get even better than that? No anatomy or physiology study is required for gifting these processes to others; all that is required is to ask their body to show your body where your light touch is required. Some of these processes are quite specific. The eyes process, for example, is useful for vision. Regular recipients have reported being able to go without reading glasses for an extended period of time. Cellular memory unlocks the polarity in scar tissue and injured tissue so that cells can function again normally; instead of in the polarized place cells tend to get stuck in when the trauma occurred.

The Access Energetic Facelift facilitates lifting of the entire body, with the result of not only looking younger but feeling younger as well. In contrast to Botox, which the latest scientific research is now showing actually inhibits the expression of joy and emotion, these energetic body processes enhance the body‘s joy and functioning. Many Access body processes address issues of sexuality, allowing for more freedom of expression of all kinds in our bodies. Psycho-emotional issues, such as a repeated tendency to choose relationships that are not nurturing or caring and that are sometimes abusive, can even be addressed through these body processes. Other processes work on the entire body, erasing damage and limiting programming that has been imposed upon it. This facilitation of increased consciousness in the body allows the body to choose to change. Bodies that have received these body processes tend to be more flexible, move more gracefully, and generally be more fun to inhabit. Consciousness is Douglas and Heer‘s target. Happily, they have found that it can often come with happiness and miracles attached to it. Just using the tools they present creates greater consciousness, which they define as being willing to perceive and receive everything just as it is without judgment. A side effect of consciousness can often be phenomenal healing. Users of the hands-on body processes have reported changing all kinds of aching backs, knees, and carpal tunnels, as well as life threatening diseases including cancer of the bladder, ovary, bone, blood, and prostate; HIV; and Guillian Barre, the intense muscle wasting disease for which there is no medical cure. These ―cures‖ can often seem miraculous to the health care providers witnessing them.

One woman whose jaw was eaten away by an abscess after a dental sponge was left inside her jaw was able to heal herself and regrow her jaw preventing drastic surgery to repair the hole in her jaw. ―I don‘t know what you‘re doing, but keep doing it!‖ her mystified dentist told her. Another woman had internal organs herniated into her vagina, for which medical doctors were recommending immediate emergency surgery. One 45-minute session of the Access bodywork (this one done by a health professional) healed this totally and surgery was avoided. What if merely curing diseases and getting rid of pain were not all that is possible with bodies? What if consciousness in bodies could include, say, joy? Radical concept! Not one that is medically diagnosable (joy, that is, or lack thereof)! What if joy in our bodies, such as that which babies and children naturally experience, were actually possible for adults? Now that would really be a reason to try out this consciousness stuff! What are you waiting for? Books, tools, recorded classes, and information about seminars on the Access Consciousness bodywork are available at the website, Classes facilitated by Douglas and Heer can also be located and booked at that site. More about bodywork is also available at If The Keys to Making Your Life Work Were Available, Would You Use Them? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on MAY 4, 2011

If there were a set of simple guidelines that could change your life and enable you to have everything you‘ve always asked for if you followed them, would you? Gary Douglas, best-selling author and founder of Access Consciousness has developed just this and jokingly calls them the ―Ten Commandments‖ of Access. Access is a pragmatic philosophy that Douglas has developed over a lifetime of searching for something to improve his life and make it more enjoyable and easy. In the process, he learned that everything he‘d been taught or learned as a child turned out to be a lie or an implant. Implants are the points of view of others that are impelled at us by them. These points of view can end up running our lives, even when we are not cognitively aware of it and even though they aren‘t ours. Douglas invites everyone who comes in contact with him to put an end to all that and to start living their lives from what they would truly like to create and have. ―In Access, all sacred cows go to slaughter!‖ he says. His presentation is irreverent always and often funny. Humor, he has learned, clears much more than tears. The 10 commandments, he says, are what he calls ―the keys to the kingdom.‖ The only kingdom Douglas is interested in is that of complete freedom: freedom from the limitations and expectations of others, freedom to create your own life and reality as you choose, freedom to be the infinite beings that all of us truly are (even if we rarely function from that place). Here‘s an example of just one of the commandments. For everything that happens in your life, especially things you

might label as negative, ask yourself, ―Would an infinite being truly choose this? If they wouldn‘t, then for what reason are you?‖ Applying this commandment neatly sidesteps our tendency to view ourselves as victims. We can and would only choose the disasters that show up in our lives if somewhere, somehow, we liked being less than the greatness we are. Continuous questioning tends to lead back to the realization that choosing anything that an infinite being would not choose gives us the effect of reinforcing our insane belief that we are victims or less than that which we truly are. The other nine commandments are similarly counterintuitive yet practical and life changing. The 10 commandments and how to use them are included in many Access classes, starting from the first class, Access: The Bars. To download a gift telecall on one of these Keys to Total Freedom, follow this link! Would an Infinite Being Truly Choose This? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JUNE 3, 2011

What if there were 10 incredibly simple techniques that could transform every single part of your life? Well now there are and you can find them at Access Consciousness, a 20-year-old self-improvement technique now available in 25 countries worldwide. The first of what are jokingly called the 10 commandments is, ―Would an infinite being truly choose this? And if they wouldn‘t, why are you?‖

How do you use this tool? Whenever anything you don‘t like comes up in your life, you ask yourself the question. What tends to occur is that very quickly you realize that you actually have no good reason for choosing the undesirable condition you believe you‘re suffering from. Douglas applied this himself when he noticed that recurring tiredness was coming up in his life. ―Could an infinite being be tired?‖ he asked himself. Naturally, the answer was ―Of course not!‖ Ninety per cent of his fatigue vanished in a couple of days. The bottom line that this tool quickly brings us to is that there is only one reason for us to choose these non-infinite choices, and that‘s to prove to ourselves and everyone else that we really truly are victims. By using this tool, Douglas observes, ―you get to the point where most of what is creating an upset goes away because you don‘t have to buy into it anymore.‖ You can try this for yourself. Think about something that‘s worried or upset you. Ask yourself the question, Would an infinite being truly choose this, and if they wouldn‘t, for what reason would you? Can you hang onto the upset? Or does it get less and less solid and substantial until it fades into a puff of air? Now that could be what an infinite being would really choose! Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, is conducting a teleclass on all 10 of his commandments, which he calls the keys to the kingdom of consciousness. No prior exposure to Access is required—these classes are open

to all. More information can be found at Excerpts from the Divorceless Relationship A Book By Gary M. Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer by ACCESS ADMI NI STRAT OR on JANUARY 27, 2011

Does The Law of Attraction Work? Is the law of attraction real? If you say ―I can‘t have this,‖ then what you attract is ―I can‘t have this‖ so does that work? People believe the law of attraction will generate an improvement in their lives but if you are doing the law of attraction, what is your point of view? That you are not, or do not have, what you are asking for; that you need something to be brought in from outside of you because you are missing something It is important that you realize that your point of view creates your reality; reality does not create your point of view. So when you have the point of view you that you have to attract something to you so you can be it or have it, you always have to make sure that you are not what you are trying to attract. This is the chink in the armor of the law of attraction. What you will do is you will attract to you those things that create a smaller life, rather than a larger life, even when you believe you are trying to attract a larger life. This is why the law of attraction, instead of creating expansion, creates a contraction. Isn‘t it amazing how brilliant we are at creating the most convoluted methods to control and diminish our lives? This is one of the ways you make sure you never get to be more than 10% of you.

Have you ever noticed that you are attracted to people that are usually less than you? Why is it that somebody who is less than you is attractive to you but somebody who is more than you is not attractive? You are trying to feel like you belong. You are trying to head towards the belonging of a small life that doesn‘t exceed anybody else‘s expectations or invoke their judgment. Probably not your best choice. So would give up longing to be in favor of being? Would you give up all the longing you have done? It means you would have to stop being a romantic and give up believing that everything will turn out fine.

Do Affirmations Work? What about affirmations? Have you noticed that the opposite side of what you are making affirmations about shows up when you do them? Why? Because as soon as you make the affirmation, you have decided the other side of it is where the power is. You are doing the affirmation to try and overcome the power source. What if there was no power source other than you? What if you are the only power source you cannot overcome?

Looking For Balance There is a point of view out there that there should be a balance of happiness and sadness and you will experience as much happiness and sadness to always have a balance between those two. Does that feel light to you? No. The truth is that the majority of life can be lived in happiness and joy. There doesn‘t have to be a positive and negative charge for everything. What if there was just generative energy? In order to have a positive and negative point of view then you have to have a judgment. So for there to be happiness or sadness you have to have a judgment about what it is. Generative energy does not require any judgment and therefore it doesn‘t have a positive or negative point of view. There does not have to be balance in anything, there‘s just choice.

What Would I Like To Choose For Me? When you take on fixed points of view about relationship, the real difficulty is that you don‘t function from choice anymore. You try to put relationship into the box of what it‘s supposed to be rather than asking what do I really want to choose for me?

If you did relationship from the question of ―Will this give me more of the joy and value of me?‖ that alone would change your life. Whether its copulation or relationship or both, if you were to look for it to create the joy and the value of you; how different would that be from what you have been looking for so far? People say they want a relationship that is x, y and z. Okay, does the person they are choosing fit that? No, but they believe if they change them enough they will fit. Sorry. That isn‘t going to work. Women think ‗Once they stop doing this, once they start doing this, once I get them to dress better, it will be great.‘ For men, it‘s usually, ‗Once I get them wanting to have sex more, everything will be great.‘ No. Look at what is. Ask yourself; ―Is who this person is – right now – increasing the joy and value of me?

Can You Be A Couple? This is the lie we start our relationships with. There is no such thing as a couple. That‘s the biggest lie we create; that we can be a couple. No. You are two individuals who have the capacity to live together. When you make yourself into a couple, you create a limitation because anything that doesn‘t fit your definition of ‗couple‘ has to go away. In order for somebody to be a couple, they have to be constantly in a state of judgment as to whether it‘s okay for them to be ‗this‘ because they are a couple, or its not okay for them to be ‗this‘ because they are a couple.

What Is The Answer? You keep looking for somebody who can give you an answer about what you need to be or do, and that‘s not really available. Do not ask about what you need to be and do, but what you need to choose. Ask the question and just sit with it. What do I need to choose that would allow me to be everything I would like to be? What do I need to choose that would allow me to be everything I desire to be? The biggest mistake I see people making is they look at each of the parts of relationship as though studying the parts will give us clarity. Parts can‘t give us clarity. Only the whole can give us clarity. So instead of trying to figure out which parts are missing or what pieces are missing or what you should add or could add or should do different or should have more clarity on, just allow the whole thing to be there and ask “What choice can I make?”

What if you could move beyond where anybody else was capable of living? Would that be of interest to you? Would that be more fun than what you are currently doing? Would that be more fun than anybody else is having? You would never know what was going to come next, which means you would never be bored again. Would that be exciting? Or have you bought the lie that that it would be fearful for you to not know what the next moment brings? What about the joy of living? What is more fun? Having sex with the same person over and over again in the same way, or trying new ways and new people? If you will embrace this idea of moving beyond where anybody else is capable of living, you become an invitation for other people to step up to more of what they can be too.

Tagged as: Access Consciousness, Access Tools, affirmations, Balance, choice, creating reality,Divorceless Relationship, Happy Marriage, Jan Silk, Law of attraction, Love

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one } Jane February 6, 2011 at 4:37 pm It all sounds interesting and helpful. I like the info about ‗choices‘ because that is what we consciously do to progress in life, i.e. make choices. Even if it is to have a cup of coffee or not, so choosing our thinking and mindsets is choosing to live with consciousness. I have a sticky point about fidelity (in all it forms). Choosing to be sexually faithful to one person is not a restriction or limitaiton but a choice. Similarly choosing to be emotionally or financially faithful is also a choice. I am reacting to the line above ―What is more fun? having sex with the same person over and over again in the same way, or trying new ways and new people?‖ This brings up ideas about fidelity and choosing to be with one person because you like it that way. I‘m not willing to break commitments and I don‘t feel it is a limitation to do so or to expect the same from a committed partner. Those who have not made commitments are free to do what they feel they want to do.

So now that brings up the word ‗free‘ and making commitments can be seen to limit free choice. I don‘t see it that way because chosing to be faithful is just a choice and not a limitaiton. Any comments? Cheers, Jane

Victtoria February 7, 2011 at 4:32 pm Wow where did this come from I like this I want more How

Kerrie April 21, 2011 at 10:31 pm Great post! Thanks!

Science Now Explains How Our Thinking Limits Our Consciousness by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JANUARY 2, 2013

―If you‘re thinking, you‘re stinking!‖ is a favorite refrain of Access Consciousness®founder Gary Douglas and many other facilitators. Now evolutionary psychologists have come up with an explanation of how we can, in effect, think so stupidly. As usual with Access Consciousness®, consciousness creates an awareness and then science catches up.

Psychology believes that what it calls ―compartmentalized brain functions acting either in concert or in conflict‖ are the result of how the brain evolved. The brain evolved as a ―Swiss Army knife of practical tools or an app-loaded iPhone,‖ according to research psychologists quoted in the January, 2013, issue of Scientific American. According to this view of science, ―there is no unified ‗self‘ that generates internally consistent and seamlessly coherent beliefs devoid of conflict. Instead, we are a collection of distinct but interacting modules often at odds with one another.‖ This is evolutionary psychology explaining why it can be so hard for us to absorb certain concepts in Access Consciousness®, or why, as Gary says, ―You get it when you get it if you get it.‖ When you get it can often be after years of exposure to Access Consciousness®. Compartmentalized brain functions (otherwise known as ―logic-tight compartments) are a scientific way of explaining what we have already observed occurs. Consider using the words ―awareness beyond this reality‖ or ―consciousness‖ instead of ―new scientific theories‖ in the quotes below:

―Compartmentalization is also at work when new scientific theories/awareness beyond this reality conflict with older and more naive beliefs. Several psychologists found that ―subjects more quickly verified the validity of scientific statements when those statements agreed with their prior naive beliefs.‖ Couldn‘t ―prior naive beliefs‖ be another way of saying ―everything we‘ve been taught, believed, or were implanted with?‖ The article continues, ―Contradictory scientific statements were processed more slowly and less accurately, suggesting that ‗naive theories survive the acquisition of mutually incompatible scientific theory, co-existing with that theory for many years to follow.‘‖ Have you ever sat in a class where someone in the front row argued forcefully for their own worldview? Check out what else psychologists have to say: ―Northwestern University researchers found that when subjects‘ closely held beliefs were shaken, they ‗engaged in more advocacy of their beliefs …than did people who‘s confidence was not undermined.‘‖ Do you remember hearing Gary say ―whatever people are trying to prove, they really believe the opposite?‖ Science is now figuring this out as well. ―Enthusiastic evangelists of a belief may in fact be ‗boiling over with doubt,‘ and thus their

persistent proselytizing may be a signal that the belief warrants skepticism,‖ continues the article. Morality, another limitation that Gary speaks about, creates even more distortion, say these psychologists. ―Our moral emotions lead us to bend and distort data and evidence through a process called motivated reasoning. The module housing our religious preferences, for example, motivates believers to seek and find facts that support a biblical model of a young earth in which the overwhelming evidence of an old earth must be denied. The module containing our political predilections, if they are of a conservative bent, may motivate pro-capitalists to believe that any attempt to curtail industrial pollution by way of the threat of global warming must be a liberal hoax.‖

Interestingly, the article does ask, ―What can be done to break down the walls separating our logic-tight compartments?‖ Scientists from Western Australia had some suggestions, which just could apply to those attending and facilitating Access Consciousness® classes. ―Consider what gaps in people‘s mental event models are created by debunking, and fill them using an alternative explanation. To avoid making people more familiar with misinformation, emphasize the facts you wish to communicate rather than the myth.‖ ―Provide an explicit warning before mentioning a myth, to ensure that people are cognitively on guard and less likely to

be influenced by the misinformation…‖ Isn‘t this another way of describing what Gary does when he tells people at the beginning of an advanced event, ―Welcome to the end of your life as you know it…‖ The article continues, ―Consider whether your content may be threatening to the world view and values of your audience. If so, you risk a worldview backfire event.‖ Is there anyone who has facilitated introductory classes who has not witnessed this happening? Perhaps like all of us, there is one logic-tight compartment that the writer of this article did not penetrate—and that is the dominance of truth and scientific thought as we know it. ―How (can) intelligent and educated people, in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence, believe that evolution is a myth, that global warming is a hoax, that vaccines cause autism and asthma, that 9/11 was orchestrated by the Bush administration?‖ the article asked at the beginning. What might happen if these and other unquestionable scientific beliefs were subjected to some questions, Access Consciousness® style? Might some compartment walls break down and some other interesting points of view emerge? Access Consciousness® might just move ahead of science yet again. All of the quotes above were taken from the article, LogicTight Compartments, on p 77 of the January 2013 Scientific American. Many psychologists from all over the world were quoted in the article, written by Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine. You could comment on the article at

Have You Left Your Body on the Side of the Road on Your Way to Enlightenment? by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on JANUARY 19, 2011

Have you been earnestly working on your self-development and spirituality and ignoring your body while doing it? Do the principles and practices you‘ve been working on have anything to do with your body, or are they all in your mind? If you reached enlightenment without taking your body with you, would it really be that much fun? If your body were telling you it would like to contribute to the process, would you hear what it was trying to tell you? What if your body were as conscious as you are and could be your partner in this journey? If your body were actually more conscious than you are, would you be willing to listen to it? What if the consciousness you are seeking were only possible by including your body in the process? What might that look like? Including our bodies in the process of becoming more conscious and aware is an essential part of Access Consciousness. Its founder, Gary Douglas, has stated repeatedly that until we get the greatness of embodiment,

we are destined to return to earth again and again until we get it. Once we can truly get the greatness of embodiment, then we have a choice about coming back here or not. Embodiment, in Douglas‘s definition, is not only being in a body (that‘s part of it), but also every aspect of being in that body in this entire reality. Wow! Is that a daunting enough concept for you? Embodiment itself is the subject of a book by Douglas‘s business partner, Dr. Dain Heer. Embodiment: The Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born is definitely an out of the box look at what it‘s like to be in a body. You will not have read anything like this

before! Fortunately, Access Consciousness offers a myriad of tools, which can make this process of embodiment easier, more ease-filled, and more fun. These energetic processes are easily learned, easy and fun to do, and can be done by anyone. There is no minimum education level—or even age level. Many children who are familiar with them can sometimes produce faster and more dramatic changes than their parents!

These processes look no more dramatic than what some may call ―laying on of hands.‖ They are as simple as putting your hands on the body and asking the particular energy that body requires to ―turn on.‖ Yet the simplicity of these body processes belies their effectiveness. One frail elderly woman who had survived multiple cancers and a host of other diseases and body breakdowns asked for a process called ―Restoration of Communion with Earth.‖ After receiving that process, she said she felt more at peace in her body and on the earth than she had in a long time. That night, she slipped into a coma and died peacefully. Those who knew her well were most grateful that the suffering of this brave woman had ended. Many other miracles have occurred for people using the Access body processes. One man, diagnosed with third stage bone cancer, had his wife do the processes on him in bed every night for six weeks. On his return visit to the doctors, they found him in remission. Remissions from cancer this advanced do not normally occur, and certainly are not explainable by ―evidence-based medicine,‖ which is all the rage in medical circles these days. This man‘s doctors were expecting him to be in stage four bone cancer when he returned to them. He remains in remission 6 years later. Two brief sessions using one of these techniques enabled a man with prostate cancer to shrink his prostate back to normal size—as reported by this medical doctor who examined him the day after he received these processes. Many others have used these body processes to heal themselves and their families and clients of other lifethreatening diseases, including uterine cancer, bladder

cancer, prostate cancer, fibroids, arthritis of various kinds, and more. Interestingly, although these results do border on the miraculous, these miracle cures are not the target of Access Consciousness. Access Founder Gary Douglas has changed his thinking on this. He used to think that by performing these healings, people would choose consciousness. That‘s putting the cart before the horse, he‘s discovered. What actually happens is that as people get more conscious, using all the processes of Access, their bodies naturally heal. What if consciousness were actually the most potent healing force on the planet? Would you be willing to use it to heal whatever ails you? Energetic Synthesis of Being Tasters ~ With Dr. Dain Heer by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on SEPTEMBER 22, 2010

What Are Energetic Synthesis of Being Tasters with Dr. Dain Heer? One of the most amazing things about Access Consciousness is that it changes the very energy of being. It is not about understanding anything – it is about the vibration of living! And this goes beyond any words of explanation… What if instead of talking to someone about Access, you could bring your friends along and introduce them to the acoustic vibration of infinite possibilities?

During an Energetic Synthesis of Being class, Dr Dain Heer is working with energy, groups of people and their bodies simultaneously, on and off stage. Together, the whole group begins to access and be energies they never knew were available before. Just by being in the room, everyone gets a taste of what it is like when you no longer have to hide you, divorce you or go against what you know is true for you. ―You are an infinite being – you can not NOT perceive it,‖ Dr Dain Heer says. One of the participants in the three day ESB class in Stockholm in September describes it like this: ―When I came, I had some idea of what space and being was – even though I cognitively didn‘t even know I had defined it. Now I perceive myself in a way I never have before … there is an ease and an energy that is vibrating in my whole body and being.‖ In an ESB class, all beings, bodies and the earth are invited to energetically synthesize in a way that creates a more conscious life and a more conscious planet.Would you be willing to contribute to that? And invite your friends along? Click here to see where and when the classes are being held! Business Whiz Tamara Younker Selects Choice Over Success As Usual and Discovers Her Life Can Be Joyful by ACCESS ADMI NI STRATOR on DECEMBER 20, 2012

―Just cause you‘re good at it doesn‘t mean you should do it,‖ says Tamara Younker, certified Access Consciousness™ facilitator and one of the Leaders for a Conscious World. She‘d been successful in the operations management aspect of ―bazillions‖ of different kinds of businesses, but when an unexpected divorce ―shattered my life into bits‖ she told herself, ―if I‘m going to put my life back together, I‘m going to do it in a way that‘s fun and satisfying and fulfilling.‖ She‘d been doing energy work for 8 years as a side activity. The divorce prompted her to choose to do that, which she had already enjoyed, professionally. She became certified as a coach, focusing on transformation through empowerment. Empowerment is dear to her heart because she noticed that when she empowered herself, her life changed in ways she couldn‘t have predicted. Prior to discovering the concept of empowerment, ―you name it, I was at the effect of it. I was a walking, talking Eeyore.‖

When she discovered Access Consciousness™ in 2010, her reaction was, ―Well, of course I‘m going to facilitate. She cornered her first Access Bars™ facilitator before lunch during her first class and asked him what it would take to become a facilitator herself. She was facilitating her first Foundation class 6 months later. ―My first Access Bars™ class felt like coming home.‖ As soon as I became certified, I facilitated my first class. I was so excited. I thought, ―This is yummy stuff, I want to incorporate the tools in what I‘m already doing. The tools of Access Consciousness™ changed things faster than any modality I‘d ever used before. I immediately dumped all the modalities I was using cause this stuff works. It worked for me and I was watching it work in the lives of people I facilitated. ―What is really exciting is watching people discover they‘re not pathetic, they don‘t have to live at the effect of other people, their thoughts, their emotions. They actually have a choice. ―I created a no-choice universe for myself. I was living as if I had no choice. When I was living at the effect of everything, there was no fun in my world. It felt like drudgery. I was pretty miserable most of the time, just surviving. I was so totally into controlling everything in order to avoid disaster. There‘s no creation in that—force effort and control to avoid whatever you‘ve decided is the bad thing that you don‘t want to have happen. It was killing me, it was exhausting, it was miserable. Now, knowing that you can create and having the tools to create, I‘m living, there‘s aliveness that never existed before in my life.

―Really becoming aware of my capacity for choice, my potency of choice, was the thing that changed everything. As soon as I started living that potency of choice, I discovered, ‗Holy sh**, now possibility exists!‖ Before I discovered choice, possibility was just a fancy word–it didn‘t have any meaning to me before I discovered choice. ―I would love to see people throw away the rule book of this reality and really choose for them, what works for them, what‘s fun for them, be the creative leader in their own life without worry and anxiety about what everybody else is thinking about it, without having to deal with, ‗if I choose this what ramifications do I have to deal with from everyone else? I would like to see people live in a way that‘s joyful for them.‖ The joy seems to be spreading as her classes are created by invitations that come about in magical ways. ―I love travelling the globe. I have travelled all my life and that‘s one of my greatest passions, the thing that creates joyful life, to combine facilitating and travel. Working with people is just the greatest joy for me, creating and being a space of intimacy with people that invites change and greater possibility.‖

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